Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 04, 1864, Image 1

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    " ' ...-"
At H&9 pr Tear, alirari la Aavaace,
THE UNION," established ia 1S14 Whole Ko, 2.CS9.
MCHROXICLE,w established la lS43WiuIe No., 1,063.
res rusitMt,
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew JobHitM.
Election o Tuesday, Nov. 1, 1864
District tnl County Nominations.
CMfTCM-trailfaK r. KILLER, wf tataa CMtv.
Bewalar-tesRlRs aHRtMEB, ef lei tennis.
iirr"j l.l 8. en It, sf I ahw cewaiy
Statu llU . raii
b. R. tlUI I, f LjtMllK.
aaenr-THoms ratata.- Rariici mhUp
InlMcr-liHRlKL klktER,r Sea BctUb
Aawliar JIUM ilktX.sf Ka Batalae
Draw RKXJtMK RMS. wtaiasarf.
Election oo Tuesday, Oct. I 1, 1864
Tat ruloa fcr nrr-aafrah. Wr! .
tm wltk le Trailer aa up wish lb aiarr
Tues. Oct. 4 Laarelton :
S.H.Orwis-. C.Merrill. G.B. Miller
Wsna'a, Lists Shriner aod Aiken
Wed. Oct. 5 Wh. Peer Furnace :
Geo. F. Miller and Wordea
Meeting of L'mon League, l.ewi.bor;
Thar. Oct. . Spotts' S.H.. Kellv :
Marshall, Rodenbingh. G. Merrill
At Jefferson S H. East Bufftloe i
tenorkiey and G Barroa Miller
Friday, Oct. 7 :
Mass Meeting in Lcwisburg.
Saturday, Oct. 8 :
Forest Hill Vanseier.Porter.G.B.Miller
N.rolembia fi.F.Miller.Oriris.C.Merrill
M'.ffiiaburg Shriner and Aikea
Mondav, Oct. 10:
Lew'isburs Geo F.Miller and C.Mmll
Bed Bank : H.West Buf. Minner and Aiken.
At Black Ran S H. Buffalo Tp. )
Wordea. G H Miller, Shorkley )
At Lewiibnrg, Friday, Oct 7, 1864.
This meetiog is ealled at tbe request of
many, and we hope every reader will give
notice, and make tbe gathering a large
ad interesting as possible. Should tbe
Weather prove favorable, the stand will be
prepared in a grove at Linnville, between
me norooga and the 1-atr urouod. Ibe , country and "strnck ile." He turn np
foUowiof Speakers we le.rn are secured : j ricb, and was a much astonished a any
Hon. Henry Jolin?on, of Muney. bodr else was. to learn fas ba did while
Hon. John C. KuuLle.of Harritsbunr ,
Hon. P. Krazer miih. West Chester
R. B. Carpenter, Kentucky
Col. G. F. Sniiih.
Farther particulars ia handbills
THE PROSPECT. We dislike
a much to excite false hopes, as to
allow a fatal, unreasonable security,
among our friends. But we do say.
that all sifrns point to an overwhelm-
c I I
. . u r t - : i
Tennsyl vania provided they are ;
reasonably diligent, and TOLL THE ;
rUL.u uil. lue aauesioo io
1 '
B.F.Wade, II. Winter Davis, and all
other "soreheads," waa the result of
the Chicago Platform. Edward Ev
erett, amon-r the Bell men L. Cass, !
Tod, and Cc??na among the Doojrlas I
men and Dickinson aud Butler of!
the Breckinridge men are of the
250.000 voters w ho opposed Lincoln
ia 1860, but who support him in '64.
We know of no prominent advocate
of the President's election, who now
opposes him. The victories of Grant,
Sherman, Sheridan and Farrago t are
potential in stiffening op the Union,
nd depressing the Armistice-Peace-
Disunion spirit. e therefore, with
proper labor and vigilance, will gain
several Con-jres.men, Senators, As-
eemblymen and County Offices ia Oct. j
FALSE TICKETS !-W tba early
van oar friends to beware of epcriocs
tickets. Ia time past, men ia oar county
have voted for candidate tbey did not
desire to elect, because they took tickets !
. . . a a a . t
i traitors ta our ranks, wbo bad Ihe
lag u-iutnpu oi mis """".(""J 'irresponsible brass about tbe brave Army
Btme of opposition candidate mixed in , . 1 ' , - a.,
r , , , - eauae. Th reply waa a ataggermg blow
with ear, aad palmed tbea off a our;. UVM .. j . .
, . , .. ! to tba MnClellaaitea, thousands of whoa
fwrular ttekeL Now if a man waste to , . . . ... T ., ,
. , . , . . . - . . have renounced bia end his Platform, for
divide hi eh oae, he has a right to do so, , , . . n . , a
. . . . . , , . . 1 the reason that they favor the Rebel. 8o
bat 1st him do it openly, and let wane be , tT . .
...... 1 '1. . say an offieer from Union eounty. Ano-
deceived ia tbe case. Therefore w say . . '
. . , , ' 1 ther tay th aast of th men are more
to all ia Kelly, Buffalo, aad every other . . . , . . . -
i- i- . . j ... ' , ; hearty thaa ever for squelching their foe,
elect ion diatriet read your Ttcltt before ,, . 1 , .. '
. .i i , J- .-.. and think it would be aa everlastiog dis-
l-m rmt it ta the box! There are SE EN : . . . ,, . . .
. . ,., . , ..,.. . . ' grace and shame to give ap all jajl when
effiae to be filled, aad NINE mea to be 6. . r . .
voted for. See that your tickets corres
pond with the following :
For Consress
George F. Miller
For Senator
Charles H. Shriner
For As?emMy
Samuel II. Orwig
Samuel Allcmau
G. B. 3Ianley
For Sheriff
Thomas Church
For Commissioner
Michael Kleckncr
For Auditor
James Aiken
n For Coroner
Bcnjamiu Haus
V,te the e' all lui Otber I
Monday aighfs aews confirm tbe
'"lligeoe of Grant's progree aad pise
Uij Btarer AtebaMi. Gold 191.
SEE HERE! Which Cheats
Tba followiag find ia lb Lycoming
Gazette, of Williamport, Pcaa'a, Uoaed
2Stb Sept., A D. 1861 1
With Cea. M'Clellan a President, and a
Coniress composed of nch men as Theodore
Wncht.the War M ill be conducted
W ith mere t'lKOT, belirr ja t;ment. at
vastly les cost, and to a speedy restoration
of the Union. Every man who has the welfare
of the nation al heart should vote fur M'O'H
lan for President and Wright for Congress."
Really, "we can't tea it thai."
Ia 1812, the Bloe Light Federalist
ad Tory Peace Mea aeed just such arga
Bent as the abcte to delude ibe people
into voting for Gen. De Witt Clinton for
President The hypocrite were atterly
opposed to tba War, hot tbey pretended
to favor it "vigorous prosecution" ia or
der to pain tbe office ! PeWitt Clinton
was indeed a giant, conspired with Ibe
pigmy M'Clellan. lint Ibe people knew
that Jamrs Madisox abased as much
j as Mr. Lift COLS ia to-day wai firm and
true, and ao (ia tbe darkest day of "Jim
Msdison'a War") they triumphantly re
elected bim, for tbey desired to ran bo
risk by a "change of bate" al aacb a
awTRut tike np other M'Clellaa paper,
and you will see they sk you to vote for
M'Clellan to STOP TBE WAR to close
it np give it no more men, have oa more
taxes for it, Ae.
Now, who of these try most (o cheat
tbe people 7 Tbey urge directly opposing
motive for Ibe came end ! It is a new
edition of Ibe "Polk and Tariff of '42"
And who is Ihi puissant "Tbodore
Wright," who, wilb M'Clellan, rVaelec-
ted, is to whip Ibe Rebels and restore the
Union so quickly? Who is ba that will
"drive on tbo work of blood, earnsge,
laughter, taxation," ie. (see tbe Copper -
bead papera and hear their orators) so
swiftly ? When, be run Ibe Gazette, it
was as drowsy and whtety as cow hut
be got tired of tbat, went to the Venango
i Kentucky that he was a ConoerheaJ
War candidate for Congress oa tbe "awful
- 1 1
ow" M'Clellaa Peace platform ! No-
body fears hi election but a rich man
for a candidate comes mighty handy for
poor printera, who Theodore we hope will
labrieat liberally for their wonderful puffs.
Bi.Tbe Xrgui boast of 2,000 majority
. . . . Sl I
ii ahnnt aji aillv mm m autirBiHii and
.MJll, v':iaBdiham'. rhnic for Pre.id.
, The foUoiJiDir .ho.. Ao Soldier
Rare. rs.
r-MTl.oi Ort 1S61
Bp. Caloa airttv 31. 1M
Abuat 4 tUp. Toioa I 1 Dem.
tfTbrf vl4 Wt. frttd tm ti e huii1Iu 1.
rry otar 9XMi. .4 WW Id thw .lr.llT)a-tiBtii.
OowMtii lor wboa, thw Uw an al t&ke.-
vinov. ao.
MiMH S.ln 7
Clora4 Ter. SCT 11
UjJornivJ mf) 1 14
t4 2S7
(atxat Faioa mta to 1 IVai.)
eiie-Ort, IMS Rrraik. Caina aua 4i.3'J
Vallaadlfhaa 21
aj. acalaM the rawerkeat tjru
They'll wo'e Juit that way again espec
ially ia Penn'a, where M'Clellan' friend
Woodward disfranchised the Soldiers, and
where over 100,000 "Democrat" voted to
continue the 6oldier oa the level of tbe
Negro, denying htm the right to vote !
Good Reason Why !
When tbe Rebel at Petersburg beard
?f M'CMta.. o-i..tioB, th,y gace three
: Jsius jA.aari ak laala awaaa aVaasl an I nn aw ftka
avasjaav vstria wuivh wuiw ! va aaawugc. waav
... .. . . . a .
for Liaeole, almost unanimously.
Negroes i Ricbmoso. Tbe Rich
mond Examiner complain that th ne
groes ar the most luxurious class in that
city, dressing better than tbe whites snd
mooopoiixing tb delicacies ia tba market.
Stranger arc (track with th leannes of
white men, and lb fatness or th black
mea ia Ricbmoad, and tba Examiner
says the negroes get their money by
tealing aad burglary, and are rich enough
to bribe lb police aod judge.
So it seems tb Rebels have beeome so
weak tbat the negroes are not only free,
bat lawless. Uaioa Republican rule puts
all hamaa beiags under both rcstriint,
and protection, of just aad equal laws.
jaarWatehes, fine Jewelry, solid Silver
Ware, Ac., of eoperior quality, are again
advertised ia oar paper by Henry Harper,
of 520, Arch 6t , Philad. Reader, give
bia a call.
Abo np at pablie sale Pardee's good
dwelling aad wagon making establishment
in Lewisbarg a fiae ebaaee for basin.
MASS MEETIXG in Williamsport
and Ia Beliefoate, TbuTfidsy. Oct. 6. ,
Two big Stories, Ventilated,
We art informed a report i circulated
that Mr. Oawru voted himself 8300 com
pensation for tea deye'.eervio al Ibe extra
eession of lb Legislature, or $30 per day.
Thi$ it tcholly t faltthoud.
1. Mr. Craig did not vol a dollar of
compensation, either to himself or to any
one else. Although, generally, most
punolual a a Membar, yet, tba day Ibe
bill pissed, it wsi generally suppose.
tber would bo a qaorom ia tba House,
and, having pressing busineat at home,
he wai aol ia Harritbarg to vota at all
Ha bad previously expressed himself
strongly against lb sum. Whca it was
accorded to bim, ba pat it iota iba milita
ry bounty fend. Oa every vol recorded
last wintejh aa far as w koow, bis is for
economy and against raising ealaries.
Eevery CyperheaJ in tack IloMte, joined
by a few Pbiladelpbian (who generally
believe in high living aod large eompen
aations) of our party, toted uniformly to
favor mraiuret to incrtam Stale trpttue,
while tlte Republican country memUrt as
invariably tuttd tolU OjixUtt (A. The
record shows ibis.
2. For year put, lb compensation of
Legislator ba been $700 for one hundred
days' services. Tbe Cop, by hindering
businen ia the Senate, increased Ihi
year' fret session tienty-one days but,
at that session, only Ibe usual $700 was
voted, tbe extra 21 day being carried
over to the special session, which lasted
tevrnlftn day, fur tho$e thirty-eight (not
ten) dayt, tbe sum of $300 was sppropri
ated beicg $3.03 per day. Those who
voted for this, claimed that "lb nnivcr-
sally advanced rate of food, clothing,
; and boarding, justified this advance of f 1
; per dy. That farmers who well butter
; far 40 to 50 cenis, merchants who sell
sugar at 55, aod muslin at 60 cents, have
raised their rale far higher than tb Leg
Ulaiors have. Any one who has not
doubled or trebled bis charges for produce,
goods, or labor, may complain of aa in
crease from 7 00 to S.03, bat Bone
These are tbe faefs, we believe, and the
reason alleged. Whea Ibe war i over,
aod our debts ascertained, the universal
tendency to extravagance and high rales
j most and will receive deserved attention.
Until then, we despair of reform.
Wilmington to bo Shot Up.
The harbor of Wileaiegtoa, ia North
Carolina, ia ao wide and opea tbal it re
qiires a very large flsel to guard It. Do
ing the Rebellion, it has afforded greater
1 ebanees forsmnegling ia valuable supplies,
I th." u iht. otber P0'" 00 b' -.B "
I of coast to be e'oeed. Mobile being bow
! Dnt P Charleston and Wilmington are
tbe only considerable porta where blosk-
adiog i a reasonable risk.
We see it announced lb harbor ef
Wilmington it no to he doted effectually.
Leaving Mob.le ia other tends, .be ;
APffJaflr ADD ir.PT (lTa aAmfflinil Afl
energetic Farragct takes commend of
an immense fleet to catch every boat or
ship coming in or out of Wilmington, and
ultimately to restore it to tbe Union arms.
By threatening Mobile, they cat off all
blockaders, and also keep there a garrison
wbica might otherwise reinforce Hood or
We hope this may prove true and a
SBceestful programme.
How to Help the Soldiers.
An officer ia Sberidan'a army writes
home to his friends : "Fight sgainst the
Copperheads crush them and by so
doing you tciU greatly encourage the army
and make us perfectly sure of tucoes, and
Ibst a speedy one." Ho is not tbe only
one wbo has that feeling. Said Gea.
Hooker, in bis speesh before a Union
ueetig in Brooklyn, hl week, "Your,
victorie ar as dear to as in the front, as
tbe victories at tbe front are dear to yoa.
Tb victories of last fall were bailed with
as much joy and as much enthusiasm in
the army as though they had been achieved
by other armies"
HfBocareoj "Last Cardr' So near
Election, in the feverish (tat of th pob-
lio mind, Stockjobber! and Copperheads
will start all sorts of stories to raise or to
depress the patriotic, honest people. Ooe
will report loo great success, aod tbe oth
er will represent too great lo. Tbe tide
doe not always set one way, and oar
people may expect tome reverse mixed
with general success, for sack is all war-
fre.-W. .ball try ta give only that we j
suppose to be reliable.
mTLut autbeotio news show that,
having ased np Euly's force, Grant is
making another point on Ricbmoad. He
advance slow but sure, as he did at Fort
Donaldson, and at Vickiburg. He does
not brag, as M'Clellaa did, bat drive
jttt and kefpt.
Jeff. Davis ia in Georgia, aad may lev
er get baek to Riebmocd again.
svafA preacher addressed tbo Lewiab'g
Copperhead Club, last Saterday eveaiog.
The Apostolical ratio still hold good
about one oat of twelve oa that aidebat
the Argut will aot dsnouaoe aad traduce
Aim aa a "political preacher !"
StaT-Mr. Randolph will offer tbe ansold
portioa of hi household good, at Do
bower' aaetioa tooa, Satarday Ue 8th
iot , at 5, P.M.
A trno Soldier Opposed to B'CloOaa.
Maj Ceo. M'Call, a iteady Democrat f
atoy years' ataading, (Demoerati candi
date for Coogreas ia lb Chatter district,
la 1862,) is aow opposed to th election
of George B. M'Clellan ta ths Presidency.
It will be remembered Ibst Gea. M'Call
organised lbs Pennsylvania Reserve Corps,
a bidy of mea whose reputation gave
honor and credit lo th Keystone Stale
on both ihore of the Atlantic This vet
eran now take ground against the nomi
nee of tbe Chicago Convention, for reason
of M'Clellan' personal anfitness, and bis
otter perfi ly ia aeeepting a aooiinetioa at
tba bands of meo.who igoore lb justice of
th straggle to crash treason, aad treat
the valor of oar brava defeadera aa a mere
exhibitioa of th brut foroa of ruthless
invader. The are argument sufficient
to lure aver soldier ia disgust from
Strong Language.
A eorreapoadeat of oae of the leading
religious paper ia th lsod (th Adtoeate
and Journal) "ipsaks oat ia etiog" aa
follow :
"The Chicago Uttorm u of the DetU;
it it a spate of hell iltdf. Il would, if
sustained al ibe polls, be th ruin of all
moral aad noble aims of oar aationel
straggle. Il is saturated with Iniquity,
from lb firtt lo tb last lenience. West,
then, ought we to do with it in our denoa
inattonal press f I belisve tbe Methodist
press, can, alone, defeat it, if vigorously
plied againai it. Ia God's asms, then,
lead the way, aad eumtnoa all our papers
lo follow. Som Methodist politicians
will denoonoe yon, hot regard them not ;
a thousaod will appro where one dis
sents. Treason is a crime which the
Church oust oppose ; da yoa hold that
tbe Chicago Platfora i treason, and,
therefore, from tb Hand-point of lb
Church, fire incessant blasts against it
down ic the November election. Depend
upon it, tbe pivotal fast of tbe destiny of
all Ibis new world is Ibe November elec
tion. Yoa are providentially in a mighty
relative position to it, I look with inex
pressible interest to sea how yoa will con
duct yourself there. Acquit yourself like
a man a man of courage and of God."
Stats Guard. Gov. Curtia has i.
saed an order for th organisatioa of lb
Pennsylvania Stat Guard. Fiv regi
ment of infantry, two squadrons of caval
ry and four batteries of field artillery will
be reoruited and organised without delay,
to ba composed ef veteran soldier aad
able bodied persons between 18 and 50,
aivinc nreferenea to those who are not
subject to draft aoder lb law of the
United Bute. They will be officered by
mea elected by th recruits who have
been io service and honorably discharged.
The term of tenice ttill be tued only for
the drftnte of the State. It lha aembr is
not raised by volunteering ia thirty day,
a draft will be mad to sapplj ths defi
JaTThe above is th law as voted for
by Mr. Orwig. Tbe attempt of aa anon
ymous assailant to misrepresent bim in
lhe T Q Urmlesnol worth
' D
the room it would lake to expose it.
wTWe bear that Buffalo, Cbillisqu
que, and otber township aod boroughs
are making np their qouts independent
of lha draft. Grant and Sherman say
now is lb time to secure their advaotage.
afsVOver four hundred Unioo eouniy
soldiers are ased. As many as eaa
get home froa th hospital, will have a
40 days' furlough, loulo vote at home
io Oct and in Nov. Right I
TWO Sides.
The West Branch Democrat say tbat
Charles H. Sbriner, tb Union candidate
for tbe Slate Senate ia this district, "is
holdiog office under Abraham Lincoln al
tbe present lime." This is false. 51 r.
Shriner resigned bis office as soon as be
! received tbe nomination far Senator. But
how is it with John Walls, the copperhead
candidate f Ha he resigned Ibe pettv
office of Associate J udge of Uoioa eounty f
We are informed that he ha not, and will
not unless be is elected Senator.
Besides this, if it is so disreputable to
hold one office, under Abraham Lincoln,
while running for another, why i it tbat
your own "Little Mao" hold on to bit
commission of Manr General under Abra-
t h.m l.in.-ln 9 l..lij,nl.1a . . 1, t.!L.
wbh. u. u w . m . a ..,. s. mm a. i . .
about an economical administratioa of the
Government, bad'nt be better practice
what he preaches, by resigning a position
which he has not filled for two years, but
for which he has received $6000 per annum?
Mr. iemoerat, we would suggest to
yoa in Ibis connexion that it may be of
,he ? ,hu m ..
glass bouse should not throw tons"
Muniy Luminary.
A letter from a aoldier ia 8th Maine,
addressed from Bermuda Hundred, ssys :
"Although bat a handful of a are left,
we are determined to stand or fall with
the Government. I aever saw tb soldiers
in better spirit than now. Mr. Lincoln
growc in popularity with th army daily.
He would gel two votea ia this command
now, to one thirty dayt ago."
Aa army correspondent of the Tribune
write :
"It i ia proof, doeamentary and oral,
ie Washington city, tbat Slidell in Prance,
sad Maaoa ia England, are aow selling to
French aad English adventurers, who will
joia tbo Confederal cause, tb widow
and plantation of deceased Southern sol
diers !"
awT-Hoo. Saa'l Calvia, Hollidsysburg,
speak ia Lewisbarg, Monday eve , Oct 3. 1
Thad. Stevens' Views.
The oldest mea ia Congress, Is th
Representative from Lancaster, wbo is
nnstiimonsly nonnested for a third term,
lie il among others falsely reported aa
"opposed to Lioeola." Here is what he
said when be cj&seoted to become sgaio
s candidate :
'Elect M'Clellan, and the Republic
has ceased to exist On it ruins, will
spring up numerous petty empires, whose
future conditio will be one of perpeiaal
wars, and of grinding slavery. He-elect
the calm statesman who now preaideaover
Ibe nation, aod be will lead you to an
uuwauto pcaco ran w permanent uiiij.
"If Ibis goal is lo be reached through
suffering and blood, remember that before
the Lord permitted bis cboeea people to
- . k. K. . l i,i i, 1 ii j
eater th. promised land, he ompel led
Ihem, lor their bids, to pas through Ibe
Red sea, and wander forty years ia Ibe
wilderness. Whea we shall have expia -
ted our preal National sin. and Burified
the eublio heart, we alto shall enter into
ihe las J, which, politically sad materially,
' ' :
Bowa aitb milk and hooey.
"When that day will arriv, il is aol
for m to predict It is ia lbs keeping of
aa All-wis Power.
"At tb last sessioa of Congress, a pro
poaitioa to amend lb Constitution to as
to abolish Savery, waa acted oa. It failed
because lb mtjirity required bytheCo
stita'ioa could cot be bad. Every Repub
lieaa voted ia favor of that measure ; eve
ry vote agtinst it earn from tb Paao
M'Clellan Copperheads. Tbey are respon
sible fjr the continued misery aod blood
shed whiah this nstioa shall endure. Ev
ery dollar of debt which must be laid
upon tb people, every life which shall be
-st in battle, most rest beavy oa ths seuls
of tbat cruel minority tbat prevented tbe
breaking of Ibe chains of Slavery. I regret
thai Mr.Pend'eton was one of Ibat number.
Tbey are guilty cf tbe crime, bat all mast
shsre ia tbe punishment.
"Tbey who advise negotiations for peace
oa tbe basis of tbe re-enlavement of a
people, effend all good beings saong men
and an eels."
Before Georgia seceded, non. A. IL
Stephens said, in her Convention,
lliil right hat the Xurtk tusaiUd 1 Wtat
juttut hat hctn denied 7 And what claim. fuu
Can cither of yju to-day name me nngUact of,
torvg. dtiaxndtlt and purp,,ly done ly the
Government at Wathingtm of wkiek the .Sou.'
hat a right to complain I thalltnge tie
From Hon.S. A.DocGLA9'Iastspeecli
at Chicago, April 11, l6l :
Tie conspiracy it now known. Armiet hate
teen raited. War u Itwied to aecumpkth ii. There
mre only two tidet to the question. Every mtam
mutt Ce fir the L'aiicd &taiet, or aiintt U.
I here eon be no ncutmil t thtt w only
fuiriott or traiiort.
jEFP.DATis'Jast words to thoTJnion
Peace men, Jaques and Gilmore, '64:
We are not J&hling fr SJarcrv. We are
Jlhting for lndr pendente, and that, or czter
minatwn, tee trui nave.
" W tteulcd to rid ourtchet ff the rule of the
"Say to Mr. Lincoln from me, that I thaU at
any time be pleated to reeeite propotalt far peace
on the latit of our Independence. It tcid te
unlets to approach me with any other.''
aaShow th above to all Pea's men.
Latest News
Thursday, Sep, 29-Gen.Shenda, was
at Harrisonburg, near Staunton He bad
inflicted great injury on the Rebel rail-1
waye and supplies, as far as Waynesboro':
oa the S. E. Part of Early's force bad
escaped towards Charlottesville, but many
fled to tbe mountains, broken as ao army
and utterly discouraged.
Tbe Rebel forces in Missouri and in
Tennessee are harassing the people, but
ftiAn, an .tijnT n, i 1 . , . . . I
Sept. 9 Gen. Sherman from Atlanta '
announces an eznhaoirs of 2.000 erisonera
with Il.vnit. tin. Ikan h!f K nonnla I
of Atlanta prefer to go North.
Another Move of Grant.
He Is within or 5 Hiles of Richmond.
Early Tborsday morning last, parts of
tb 10th and 18th Corps, having crossed
lames river during the night previous,
advanced towards Richmond. At Cba
pins iiinnT or tarm, they came upon!
I I. . a ! a - a I
oeavy worxs, cxieoaing tor mnes, wniea
they assaulted and carried. They cap
tured 16 guns and 500 prisoners. W
lost Gen. Burnbam killed, and several
otber officers wounded the enemy' be
unknown, but must be great Tbe col
ored troop engaged behaved admirably :
they fought a well, and suffered a much,
at Ibe whites.
Fortress Monroi, Sept 30.
The latest reports from tbe front, of
that part of our army oa tb north side
of the lame river, represents evervthia
as highly encouraging. Oar forces were 1
mile Of Richmond this 1
miiei oi Ricnmonauis
ruan the enemy before ,
within four or nv
morning, hiving driv
them in confusion.
Tbe works taken were tbe strongest
wbieh have o far been seen aiouod Rich
mond, nod the same which M'Clellaa
tried in vain to take.
Some deserters came ia to-day, wbo say
tbe defeat of Early in tbe Valley has
caused a great depression Ihroaghout their
ranks, and thousand were ready to desert
oa the first opportunity, having lost all
faith in final success,
Baltimorr, Oct. I.
Major Gen. Ord, wounded in tbe recent
movement of lb army on tbe aorth side
of James river, arrived here ibi morning
froa lb front. H has a flesh woaad of
th right leg, but is doiog welL n is
full of hope of glorious result of our
present movement sad expects to be np
and at it agaia ia a few weekj. i
Uncle Sam's Camp Meeting np Fi.hing
ererk, has been qnte successful. All the
Rebels have been captured er ckejiM.'ed
lo parts unkoown, and a Urc-r somber r.f
volunteers tbsn ever bt( rc ia:htrgi o
has entered ttJ army. It . i t:meiy
show of law that prevented many ign t.it,
misguided men from takicg f.iai eteps.
day to Saturday of this v:ck.
A vaaituit owiriujiih
. y. 1 1 o... .
You can procure of any drJsvitl in ihis "
place aad vicinity, Lir. Tobias' Venetian Lin-
i throat, headache, toothache, chrome rhenrn
' anim, colic, croups and paus in the limM.
j We advise every one to gie u a trial. The
! "P" nten trifle tS cents and we
' are confident no person ever will be wiihvml
. jery UmiltlMnltl he , iB lBe
' hcole jn case of M,ilita aceidenis. och as
j cuts, burns, scalds, Ac. lis pa:o-rrlievm;
1 qualities are miraculiius. As for croup, n
' has ssved hundred, : we have the certiucaiei
! w 'roe
7 llrtif. SA I
0cr, 56 Corilanlt street, ew York, bold
uy isrugaiftxs. j
Corrected &mtr WVcAjr ty Wallt Jc Smith. '
Wheat $2.00
Butter, prime t 30
do common 25
Ecg 20
Lard, fresh 20
Talbw 15
Potatoes 75
1 Cora 1.50
Ky 150
Oats, 32 lb. 75
Barley 90(,1 00
Flaxseed 250
Ilea 20
Side 4 Shoulder 12
do with Ribs 10
Rig 6
Dried Apples,lb. 1U
Wool 75
Cjuntry Sosp (lQ
AO. S'iO, ArcU SI,
Hai large stock of
fanerior Phied TEA SETTS, SPOOAd,
F0KK9, Set Oct. 1, 164 4tj
BT virtne of aa order of the Orphans'Coun
cf I nion eouniy, will be exposed to
public sale, cn the premises, oa
Monday, 24th Oct. kext,
gioa,h:r0nnh street,Lewi6bnrx,bonaded north
b- p.-e lUeT.eMl bT Blaekberrv allev.somh
by Lot No. 161, and west by FoarJt street.
coniaiBing one-ton rta of aa acre, oa which
are erected a double two-storey Brick House
suitable for the oecapatioa of two families,
(liable. Wifnimlttr Salop, Blacksmith Shop
aad other Oaitaildjogt la;e the estate of
m ixta Paaaoa, Esq., deceased.
8ale lo eomaseaee at 10 o'clocaA M, when
aad where t.rms of sale will be made kaowa
by HA.WAH PAKDUE. Executrix,
Lawitbarg, Sept. 30, let
Jony Fjretra3i
l E.takllkea
Fnr Msnnfaitnrv
. IS, Arch .M.,
I b4Ve now ia
., , . -
store ol my owa im-
, vmi i.ul1. .ud mana-
.Ii i.iaic, use u, llir (
'Largest, ani mstf
I Beautiful seieeiions
es-joi t uner run.
for Ladies" and Chil- !
ten's Wear, is Ihe Citv. Also, a fine as-
bnnat of Cenia' Fnr finwm ,J fnllar.
. . , ,
w;? '
ent. I . e.ab.ed to f pose of them at'very !
reasonab e prices, and I would therefore so-
' !! from my friends of Laioa eounty j
,i. '""J- , ... .!
UT Remember the Naue. Nu inker audi
75 SRC U Stnet, atc Tth. a :
1ST I have no panner. nor con-.c:o 3 wiih '
any other store in Philadelphia lnMaij ;
iJCOClillU sttlOU
faan t, no
1 CJab
UT the latest ot all is thai of
who, bavin; retnrned from New York and
Philadelphia, is prepared lo sell Goods
Cheap for Cash.
Ur' wor,m" f nrnes.Chemieais.Oils,
F"' rnLta"- De Stulf,. Oia. Pertum-
lr$iCM, o, ,,mps Brashes.Toys. Fancy
Nwioas, Sioaps, Conteetioaertes, Sots, Pipes,
Tobacco, Clears, Cutlery,
Ac Ac Ac
Physicians' prescriptions carefully
Wines and Liqaor3 for Medicinal
purposes, warranted geatuae aad of the beat
The Eye and tbe Ear.
TR. 8. H. KNK.HT, of Lewi.bnrt. having
had tweatv ive vears' practice. oOYrt ;
B a services io inose wno are asatciea wna .
diaeaied Eyes or Ears. The following is ea
of a a.mb-r of Tesnmoaial. i I
ud mml, a. -4 th otW I lual -Katui -lta
hiai.uw.awaM. er lrttiubnaHi.aa.arf
ewra aim nat . . law.iea. 1 ve.tt aa.iaa ii : a
f . V Si - tfci. saxi'U. WvU 1
. a .
T " REMER, lAiU Sv to. have ja
l rrcM
A sreii variety f description' ai-d "ic -call
aad see. '-y M
1T receued a fine a"rtiaent L;iiiU
UrrM f.oodx. Err.Lr. i 'er
iJii-veN. Trimmin;'-. Ac. nr. .ntTa",- 'i
eaoii also a tee l. of lii.int ar
Cl.iltl'trrS jnsi ree d (Jun -'t') b
t j
, 1
ftT ty
KREMEK. I.iiM; i 1"
Administrator's Notice.
' 11 ""HEI-'EAS, tetters, f s.lmir,. . :-,
ihe e.u.e i. ELU .H iL r K . r.
laie of W hut Urer ur,r. ! m. a i.i
have bee. granied l. .he 0
form cf law, nonce is berebj n ,e
son knowin; thrmwelvei io be
said euie, to iiiake immediate
ant th.se havm claims a;a nt u.:
Wl" Prr" them "'. ''""
i --ii
J"HX Gl'VER. A r.
cr hn A t y, J. M. U. K .
Bed Ilug, Anli &c.
I'se Cart's Vermin
put np in Lrse Pi ses f. r -A ' 5. '
all really lor use. stua 'Ot .,,t'; "n.
anicles. Dues not tpoil. et -tri cr rh
, l.y k-apir. lik. -m. rtbrr t-r-ftij,.. -. -- u -
' ltri.ily fctii of iL K.'- 1.,-:;. '
tot. 1, w ilajifmai. to ut. . -
j .11 v! It. e--i mi lr-l - .: i - - -
Uif-a.'h1"' 1' ti. Cnlh-t rut-. T avTi. . ( .Ta
a 11 mnl al1. KHIS.lTnR.ia urer t ..-.;iS
ixl labrl.ral MCBW S Lke en-snrb-r ivr-K i.
atb Trbilt irwt .!., Sait Kauf.rtori
1.IW Juaebft! Krv-t, Sn. aaia.t, laMaB TB-b 9Mm
hj- i.:h. I'airAifcaiA
SolJ is Lii!'f. br HTXXFTT r.tf. VVIa
.at fc-tail ; ht BAKtk a to T H HUll'ta
a..d 1'. U. I t.tltit .ml
C.la4 Jan and C!a l ours,
FR preserving FKL1TS in a per;et
freh state. They require no
dec, or Cement, seal instantly, ani tre mra
easily ."eaiei and pened than any oilacr
ele for the purpose ever inveoir t. All sir 1
of wax and cemeoi are rqna'ly disaireeabc
and onrertain in tealT. Ueme .at sH'
of rla.s. these avoid Ihe oLjecuocs to 1 ';
jars where tin or other metal is nr4 ia t-t
covers. Fur sale in l.ewiborff. i-r. Kv
Williamsport 0J Works.
O.VEXPLOSIVE PursCiyjta! Carboa O J
it ridiT rsm.L-.
Orders promptly attended lo.
L. Iloldea.
Williamsport, Ta
United States Uain .ents.
I LICENSE harinc been rranted to lh
-ix- n-eraisiied locarry cn ihe bntinon f
1 ,hey will attend rrou.ptlv 10 ihe eollectmn bf
an t"'u,,u', Dd loe ri",e. of
pen.ioos lor aoldierv or their le;al rcvreseaiae
. . ,
. ..."
li.r. acj inc pTietoilou VI ciims agauiss
toe t-uited i a:es.
Lewisbnr;. March S2, lt
I ,'
1 J ' KI 1 T JA
H. warrented K be rper;ur
anrtnio; oi me ami in me mariitt. Ar.
buI maie oa tltlclI pipB,, prBC,
pl fail aad examine ii.
tor saie aholeiale ani retail by
y j; KV'i 4ent
Lewisbnr?, Jdv
. l
p t y
i it
E nnderiied, havin; ob iw: -.
the loraiiare, tin are ani n:-..:.,
Mr. Kica.an M. Lvorsn, will ccnnioe i
Bakery, Cmfeetionere an 1 Not', a ho- 5--i-,
at tbe old stand, cn Hartei trei. for tr.e
I nod of one year, lie hopes by si net i.-i.n.
lo business to roern the r.a;r.-uae h-ir:. i"7
exiended to this estabiubment.
H L. M M AHO.v
Lewisbnr., April 50. 13
ON the premises of ihe softer 'er. -.h- a
the Sia ibsuTWO HElt'Liw - c:N
hTEER, each about iwo years i-!.
steer is a li;ht don. One he :r iv r
while, acd has a bell on without a e a?
ihe Giber is red, with white hia!
flanks. The owner is vquesic ' ;.
property, pa? ehanres. and lake htm aa -or
itey will be di'-puaei of accuru.a: u, u .
W M. WOl.ri.Nu'u
Kelly Tp. Bept 23. It pd.iw
V"OTICE is hereby riven that ihe n'teT
1 Signed has been appointed Andutj, by
ihe Orphans' Court of l'mon cnur'y. o mike
diatribotion cf the balance ia tbe bscla cf
Janes F. Linn, Esj-, Executor cf .'.iras'-T E
i l.aaa.w. deceased, and that he '! n-eer a-.
I parties inierestej. at the otfict ct A- !"
i E-q in Lewisbur. oa V.'elnesdnr. ' -
lav of November, lr4, lo aitcuu io u
dllll,s ol hi, appointment,
h ?WEFtnT)
UaiDfrsiti) at feoiiDsri.
I'lIE Fall Term in all iX ! - -niem
Theological, Collegia. e, A.d
eaiic, and Female losiuoie will c i-.ne - e
Thursday. bept. 3K. li-L
j Every facility will be oiTered m ea.-h s'aj
ent io either liepaxtoient to ac ;j.re a ia "
Mndents from a distance a"e!iir "
Academy ot Female Iasiitme. w:M ! ard wi.u
their Teachers io the feavwls. Th"e a"ti
diag Collese. can secwre j.njd boar.line pla
cet la Ihe Villa:e. foe panarnlars. atre
a a m a I I II ..r L
"'V ',T-,.'."'t
i .mi i. m '-
Rjasrfwr II. C. STFD11
.(. nfmn, . y.iB. lh, ,t : ,
11 u,il,i K.I.t.1 f l' "
II I' caleu at itttJalt v
aiprpf-i'-ai ter.iee. ' It? f aSlaC.
f ,f j a i Vs na. T. Linn .
v J I. In,. M p
1 OntV V P GO