-w w. I w turn " i."M!a niMiKiirwiu M.ii-iiii.n ilium i w THE UNION," etab!ieJ ia 1S14 Wkale No-2,667. - BY 0. N. WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 18G1 niROXIi'LE, e-laMisked la 1313 Whole No, 1,066 At 1.0 per Tear, alwajt la Art. mire. Miff AND tillifliii'Mo run. PiiiMunvr. Abraham Lincoln tB VHH PltlMUtf. AmlrcH J oli u so it. Election on Tup-, Jar. N-v. !, I c-64 District anl County Nominations. toaceevi I8R).E t. VlilrR,ef Inloi r.iunir. sitalar-H.ir.l.KS H. MUllSUl, r luios ctmali. bljr S4Xii:L H.U1I.. of (oinil roaalv MMtkl UUUtVoi nd.r rounl) . B. AHM-li. f LjroBiinc. ikefltT THOU IS I HTCI H.of tunlry luaa-ktp Urn at tasloarr- M M U t tt a U; k 1 B, of k,-a Uratia . r Aaallwr JAUr.S AlklVnf r-aM RaCali CaMer-CIAJtUlN Hl..r wtaiabar. rC'"""".C"' '"ji!:186 ataf-Rev. J Walker Jtcksjo, a?" llarria- burg, lec'urea on tbe L'uioo tb4s (Friday) evening, in Milton. VOTICK At the written rroueat of Mwii. Goodman, A'k-o.Ho.ard.tfeav.r, W.wh, Stra.brid- Forrest A. Mayes, !..; lrieaoacu, jrwi, i.'vit, u. Iiae;., aioi other, Rev A PoaTLft will bepeat. io the i fSk. . r,.l K.,. Ken, 24. .,Ti o'!k,the sermon preached by him the 1 lib io.t. ' A general invitation is extended. MASS MEETING in 5Ii j"J!ebunr, tiiakearraDomfRts lor L'uioa cveuin ineetin-i, as follow? t j Sat. Sept. 24 Rover" .U., Kelly t : Speaker CM errill.Shi.rk lev, U.d.M'ller ilon. Set.'2(5 liufflou X'ltjaJs : . orien. ffhjriiiey, u.u .ttuier : Tries. Sept. 27 lii.'hlowu ; ooua i. T.nor.ey. cvierr.i.. u.o.Mt.ier Wed. Seiit. 2S Winiield Furnai-e i.Merrili,shor.ier, BouuJ, ti.B Miller Thnr. Sp. 2i Kauitii tti'?, W.Uuf. : Rev Biichrr. " Mernl , rig,U.3.Mnler I5at. Oct. 1 FartuersviHe : Shriner aid A ken Mon. Oct. 3 Orwi's rUI., Iiuwi : 6 H.'lrwig, "O Mernii, ti.B.Milier Tucs. Oct. 4 Laurt-'iton : S.H.tJra i?, U.Mernil, G.BAfiller "Wed. Oct. 5 Wh. Deer Furnace : Geo F. Miller an l VVorJea Thar. Oct. C Spoils' S.H.. Kelly : Marsha.l, Rodeubaugh, O.Merrill iriday, Oct. i : 1 3 v c Uiiaflnn In T iiti'i.1i''t ..uui,5 iu LlMlMjlfj. Saturday, Oct. 8 : Fore"i Hill Vansez-r.Porter.tt.B. Miller .Vt'oiutEa ti.F.Miller.OrM-ia.C.Merr.11 Mitflioburg Sh-iner and .ikea ifondap, Oct. 1CT: ' Lew'iabarr eo F.Millerand C. Merrill Ked Bank S.H. shruier and Aiken. . , , . .,, At other points also, meeting w,U la arranired. All are lavueJ. to Lear tlio-n -olrea V1 vi".. w. - . JitHN B. LIXX, Ch'n Com JAMES HAitS.Secy j tn: r.,i.- 4i. n-i-i .j . t UlUJI t Ulim a IU tllC II UliV. Our friends ia other Courrties have generously awarded to us the Union 1 candidate for Congress, and also for Senate, this year, ln thus honoring rr!!!1 "! ! .otes to prove worthy it the great ; confidence reposed in the patriotic, ! long-tried, unfaltering masses of Old Union! Oar candidates themselves L aa u iia lln.l rA CnAn i1 nsn. t tliniaa 4imA w,-fj UUlItU W Pv, iiVat iJiUb Ui tUL.li l a lllJ ia the various Counties interested. A few ipeakers from abroad are expec ted. But our friend generally "seem to think that little Union can do her Own talking as well as her own vot ing. Accordingly, our Committee has arranged a series of meetings at points asked for, and will be clad to nnnnnnoi? ntlori f.ot ilno r.rpnun. : tions Ik? m.ids f.ir those, a to lie-hta : . , ind fire if needed, and b-Sin early so an a t.n t.-A.-.l1 rI'l. as to be througli in good season. 1 he sipeakers cngaeu mienu to ne mere, i BiUt flhoniil Onil Or tl I f.lll llrfllt O. ' a- i .' r-,.1 ic,urrcau!oiiie jiuo i cm jus. aO rrrt- ,1 v mi t r lir..t T 1 1 1- 4 1 5 r 1 xr I and freely with your neighbors, keep good humored, and honestly try to get thw-m rirrlit. t Two tncctin-3 were held this week in Lewitiburg- loth were crowded, ' . , it jT 1 , : J M . J 1 lenui to utxiicuk aiiuree8. , tftrvftna ancTtii-innTr. With lmrillv n a- - j . .1 . ' are more hopeful than the. were this 1 .- ... Soldiers, a full vote should add con Siderablv to that fifnrp. ft n all or trjand give George F.Miller and tho whole ticket, a thousand majority ! Tbe Campaign opens in Lycoming. fCwaTBapocdcaoa of tba ur A Chroalela. Mocr jtatios, Sept. 22. j There was a large, enthu5iastic, glorious . Uoioa meeting at Moocy, last evening. w. . . . . ... .. i aaon. uenry woboson presided, and bis, opening speech .as jut .hat you might next week ( Court wecli in Snvder.) J General G.org , Brinton M Clell.n," for ,J Cxr, tnd to CT tba, muel go. ,mmed:e!y Those obtained by tbe ,be w,f bf- . The llebel. left m..oB the tro.b 'fEB I rrmP tfBR, tolbrw. .hoi. all K,be!d .bout., anl at .hose ' "ar 5 ,hf " itt i hT cor v of our', kH 5'U kiU PW7 " j T h uTf"!- MC U ' 1 4 ! Bu'rJle. Meade, H.oLr, H.ncockhe, ; he "Chronicle" Office or ! kiuld or .'ou" e" w h ' ' bir-i .ree.. J IIIT, . . ,i , ., ....... r ri.kti-n'ir.n and tbe laws. Ti Ualwa i 8 . Uenera.a weie Jtiilod or wouuaea, woi.e .eriburg, furmeriy occui.ei biJ-tl The Luiou County Committee ali , man. Sbni,0. tremble in their bt.! j Lubkti.u.ioD and laws. J U.s is all we v t j we lust Geo. llusell, killed, and three i7c H. Wacner. It .. . half lot. h.. t - r- . il,. il,., i i .. . , ., ........ ! a?k. and this we tnut and will have. I l order of fTnmmittee. I., - , . . ! . . : .. ;. u... ... u vi... ; W H!TE DEER MILLS, 15!05 CO, ?A l-ima-lrist rnir anil intomi f n Tn 'I thf IDA Atne ii their motto. Our opponents are th.i, .n.ele... .anion, -ieked -ar. i - he! -al tbe conseqaenees. ; t"" LL iiilki, Fa, uP less active and less nopelul man mey ; A mistake in electing a Proident, no., ! " 'ur" ' ut h, 07. VV J!T liVtvsk, &r r7 d haTe been for two vears past. nf ,l,ul,iul nrinanleM anii bad record hi" 0,8 le,t tbe foundation bi tOClet J CroKeD bie oi ,.,, tbe .p.o, of thnty dJ,. uiw u.,,,,, n,Viry A l--.i Benj Our mojority in Union county was ZJZtoX i J organized. Mea are w, aullen ! "iCrrr KwaLT.V A TOO, last Fall. With tbe aid of the le'Jer ' . , i and diss.ti.fied : their loTalt bas reiKd i ri,',r?J!;rJ! . '.-" "pm ttom such a noble man and patriot ! ajgy-Tbe Mifflinbur Telegraph says j State. I fear they are largely ia tbe ma for CowreMrmVd''S,B 0,-Ti10,, "'l'" JudB W1I, ow" l'!'"e of atxk ia ' jity, too. It is not from philanthropic Wj Shrink and VuTfriendManUy1'' ,bt n"De of e"1,n tai pktriotism, the j motives that I desire tbe abolition of sla od Mr. Aiken, followed. Old Lycoming' Le.ieburg "Argos" also, tbat his friends ' very, bat because I do not believe .e can - right f.jt all tbe Union candidates do re .illiog lo vota fir George F. Miller, ! ever have a peace or a found healthy gov orebeadi among the Administration men or tbe .hole Republican Ticket, to gain j eroment so long as tbat cuMd tbora is ia thu eotinty. j taThe Draft is in progress. As Union oaoty is last on the list io tbe distriot, it i Jet time for MOa 0wnah ip to oakej j ? their rjuoti. I ' Win Cheats ? i The Soldiers and the Presidency, i fijn. M'Cl. lUu' fstberwi!ttrab!nf T1IE AfinilsTrToi kidou-fii. j Oonorc'i at man, but ws, practicing in ; , . . , I ...... 7:Io answer to boa-is of c-rtain t'lrper- I c w ',. ,1 :i much pure !v-w Kiaflan blood would hare maio jtnUical JMJin i JiAee if be were the Union candidate ! Tue Saaburt Donxrat. of Sent. lG-b. lias up thi. flitf : 'For President Geo B. M'Cleilan, of 7 Vymi'." (That, you pee. ! to tick'e i'enuvlf auiaos to ote f-jr a fit fucccss .r to Jimea liuihacau not a ...... ... "butcu-r lo tnts aailitioo war, ob-serve, ii .;;..nf.., P '.,., I . i .. - t , ... , . r -b Tbe Villiaaiport Drm vril, loth inf., Geo- M'Olell.c, o.V- Jrry." (That, yoa eee, is a XilLli ARV man, out of tbi Ujioo, d )o io Jarat) '.) j Tbe Aaromburg ILrichler, 10 b last., ; baa I? ,r Preiln: ten. finnr H. ! M'CUlu'o." Of no noire irti,alir!u! Tbe L wi,b,jr, A 17lh jos. mi!:es Crlh"! thus : For IW ; , dcut of the Uuitel g:.ie.-Mj General i Geo. Ukjmos M'Ci.ELr.AV, of New Jer- KS." A very "long tailed puss" not a sneaking "Peace" man, mind ye! but one a "tiative deasiadant of out I Irclinl .'" Yet, when the? wint to Sid a " M.jir General George Hrititon M'ClelUn" at bis h -mr, they g i to a splendid mansi m on F.ftb A?rjU-, i i X-tc Yjrk c'i'3 said roao-'un. S.led with the richest furniture . ,. .,;. .n iv,,nU a free gift frjin "friends" wh oever give a 1 willing dollar tj aid tbe Uaioo cause ! ! However, OKio was Geirgj'e residence, wbeo be last entire 1 tbe army. lie and . ..... i Peni'etso are from tbe same ci'y! PJut (some one may ask) does not our . Cnijstitu'iiao forbid electing Presi lent and Vice President from tbe same Slate 7' : Yea. M'ClcIltD atld PenlietOO, if bjtb , from Oan, can not be elccre l but there : is orbing to prevent their running as , , , I ca'iiu'ifea, anj do law agaioai mrowing . .. .... . r.. . u . t mui. j Who cheats as to Mtc'a rtiijrncef i ti:, pHiNTtPir am entia'lc .....: 1 Pkikciples are eqja.ly uncertain land contradictory. Some good soldiers j and true patriols believe him to be wholly 1 wi,h the pjiple fjrcru-bioif out R-bcliioo i L u i, , I at once and by foree. lui tho Kebels in ,rmsoJ ,riilcr symp,lnil.?r. ,u lim; , . , , . ,. . ' U",,, ,Ui e'1,m "lnl 3 lT0rin2 armistices resultir in ultimite disuniin. One, at tbe hoal of oar armies, be wisted time and mea most fearfully, wbiie professing lDa meo ma to be deadly io earnest. He inflicted fe heavy blows suffered more and let tbs foe off wbeoever be bad him at advantage, Ha grst recommended the draft9, military arrests, sod emancipation, and now joins -tor, is eppositioa to wbt kt !?, 6',D "ei aD",e'1 uu " " " w"" tLe oorn'n.tioo io a arlikf letterT The J'ran men or the Wirmnmott nr 117. 1 yrrtt.J? ' vaac uttv. tiv". rtisit't irwuie.''. f M'Clellan for Peace? or War? or both? . n. ;a k. f. tt.;.,!, k. ;.i an undecided, feeble, hesitating mas a mere nose of .ax, to be twisted or turned ( . ma, anil th .1-aii.n. of thnaa wh.. for j , the time have e-ntrol of bim ? 1 Unstable as. ater.tboush.lt notexcel." ; Weak, irresolute, awlullv uafortuoate in tha nad his residence and his orincinles r in theat both doubted and dispated- , .. . , G.B.M'Clellan is no sure man far tbe crisis. ! : TT . rni r. nna (i.-iiittra- It,. .Mi.nM nf ,r " : tbe existing Chief Magistrate "honest ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Of Illinois.' . ? . r are bis principles questioned by any. Rebels ami loval tteonle. mf.nftpchiftt anil . reDubl!cans. at home and abroad, all know ', tht be is for the eternit? of our rfl;an ' OJ Q -VDt?0IU. IDJ riJlCH tlUrpitlOQ OI ; th. KebellblJi r00t ,nd braDcb iVO one need doubt that bie re-election would be tha short Pst ttv tn ft rf.ml npapt fnr it ; B "oa'd so deo.an.trat. tbe fixed purp09, of . . ........ riean people, that it cot I leaders ; "' ... ' . South America. M'Ciellao is, at best, ' f"i"g nd qtestionable. Bat in voting fjr Abraham Lincoln, ux run m ritlc of eommittinja,talerrur. Rail, all, then, j around tbe nndoubled, ondi.puted Union j Flag, borne by the much abased bat good old msn, .bo. -t.ik. anm. tall cl.ff. that lift. It stately fn I , Iroia In. . I. an .'. m i.l a a T e. the .lam. -BO- it, m. .ib-rioc eieui. Beipread, kraaj uiuua. mio ou u. kai'' votes for the Judge. ftaFThe Le.isburg University Schools never opened iib such a large number of 8tod-ns u tbi nkek aod "siill Ibey i oome.' J ; i il ll ,'lli,l.u, 7WC.I ill,, IC'tlC.UlO IB I " . IUCUCI..BWVIIUU.U. Wl ufl'l nbllf iwi- . . . . . - - - - I bead', tbat M"Clellea ia popular with the soldiers, at.d that tbe rack and file moid; ri..m-,... ,u f.ll,,.;., .. , ' . k i J J'150"'- reluLle "'0BJ- j Me, . . M.v.K.,f "ji-m-ii..id,mi.Is.i6!; wir. EJil-ruf Lrwitt)u:j Clm.nkle i i (In tin: eteniu of 17th inst .it wai ; decided to take" .te f..r President, in ... .... . . . it this i ompany. 1 be result was as loituwa i v i ;.u ? iu, .mv-,m .- Ueurge U. M'Ciciian 13 JI .jirity for Lineolti 69 This Cjuipany wai recruited io three dif- ferent counties Uuion, L)COiuiog, and HuLlingloD, nhero peace democrat are numerous, ahd cry out "settle tbe war on j any terms. ,.e of tbem tbiak bal ' ihe tMlcri "oali la W,lli8 ,0 "ek But l ?. 'P' - t is not so. but nne hononble J j w, of "curiD? pernuuens "d bon- . or.oie peace, ana tuat is oy ioe aroi.ra- ment of thesword. U he Uebeis "appealed Tbe vigorous protecQtun of tie war we believe to bo the shortest road to a glori ed and triumphant peace. And this is tbe reason we gi fur Lincolo and tbe ' Preenl Administration. he oolicv ia "oD, anl will sin the day. Jutl.V r PoTTER, Cap'ain C-).r. y h K t'.P.V. On the Chicago Sarrender. ST BA1 llu TllUia. vn-at: hi-t tbr whu fit; hen oar triom;h uniskt t UU'.! crourb Wfi.rr Treair a t Bfck tfml Bl Uo! Wl-at : . -kf .J our (rutin "b-n tt.e f- U l by i.r d n o.r nn.n, u th.: ..ur ns:i. B i.-j on. , ftnk ""'" b'ri """ ' ! n,'i .oo.ra ho.hr-.ntifr. m th. lift of ta-i.wonli lie trit"r wiiQ In .i t th rrifl- jourrtj ; .s-.ai,., i,a hone:- ti,. a - m tb.t-hDuidbi.t TB" tu"" h ,'nJ 'J1- tiiirnl p Eut hs why .t.bmiu wbiB l!i lhuodr bavs bant and .ict-ry d..n,, u cfou.irJ. ifc.wor.t! l3 th. oI1 ,. irjt Amwebrokraanlireak, j Th.tcr.icm m .timntwiT thhiu cna , T.. cenrt th-in.uit, n. r Muh .t th kl- w. Jhe t0, of tneTMM0, ,ri,D4.of to. ,.. ! s-t Anambj iirt t tbe Prm hkh tb- ak. i th. rj of KUuok,. iub out thr..h ta. k I 0l. tkaak y. tamva aoya. wko bv val. an by era, Mr "1. nufBlttring. our m.b o)J In. , eos .m. t o.r bror. botb ii.imuj jm4. , b. ta u-.i7 a., Nouir-. frn iur-i i. Pr.ii jm, Btl lu, mbi ngo! sym,uhy- uftl Iti.ll clxwl Anl yen, ye war martyr, who rrearh from y?mr graTes i'r rptiM an, ori.d ty tt mtnmoi PuJot th. mBK. , th. ,.in,,.Mlhf And .bout, ti u thoi i w.rd. rjoioe at ln cry : " y tbe bandf of the Vnlon vc fought f t we dl I By th Ood of one father.! lhl ahais. we nuft thara. Hat it rov lou debamaf ! freemen tc bear. And vt fhinct-'O, Ja--kn, will turn lo their trraTea, n bm the Uuiao .bail reit on two rare, of eiaeea, Or, .f-umins the .prit wbKb br.und it of jore, And. aund-re-t. eai't aa a nation Do more! LETTER FROCI KEUTUCKY. A firmer student at Lewisburg, no. : .. i, .. .) in tbe Army, cays (iini&ei! and two crotn - era, all originally lUisVicrats, do. go for ii kak liak n.iri ! frtA ffitJrB f flO f , l ! ila. VW ftUQ 1 f X,'m . ia . a . . - in as bis vie. of tbe situation of that State 1 ' . . . ... . . .' i e nave qaite an interesting case no. bcf.,re us. A citizen of Louisville atabbed soldier, 0U duty at ueauquariers, ...x. . . , . . , .. louiafi.ie; ior woica ne was arresieu anu t00S'" - ns for trial. Ilis counsel strove aard to take it irom os to tne Commoa Courts, .here he .ell klie. He : .: eaM e e" ,be prisoner on two points, vu . Ihd nrot,tii:a otutinn in ihia Stlt xrftltit IBe Plaice exiiiiog in mis atate agaiusi negro souiers, ana iao iacs iubi uu ouo c.a tha BtaKhiniT reoeit tha naffrn fitabberi ' L. ... and another negro. 1 bey, Dy tne laws 01 t ..ii ii... ; Kpninfiv. aranma iiBea mien ii7.in J I J O ! a .bite man, and a tbe prisoner .ould ll'l L t A? 1 Ia, I e -"e. v oea 100 coudbci iuuuu idi me considered sacb cases .ithin our ja risdictioQ Proceedei e ( nesses, mil mere tne case resis ior luo ; v... r : I PrescD,i 001 108 memoeia uva in , 1 nnrr.ruiphvA HAtrnnnPii Ihil if thfVm I 09 " Ja' 1DS "f" " t"e"" ! m ennh pupi it ia hiffh tima there .aa . aeoied. rb.t wbit. wwiameiakia nnti .. k.. k. I ..I ..I...I.I.J nni,a ' J I - " v..v-. -p tboasandi of instances it vanished before this touchstone of interest like mist before 'b eUD- Man, Kentnckians, no. that ,ueJ mu" ,u" lUK,t '"" " i discovered that the Rebels are not such bad fellows after all, and no. tbiuk tbat perhaps they .ere right ia seceding. It is 6uch and original Secessionists .ho compose the M'Clellaa party io this festering ia tbe Nation's beart. So I thro, op my eap for "Honest Old Abe.' aTRiebard EJ.ards, Co. K , 51st P. V., .as recently killed, while on picket duty, befai FeUrsburg. Assess the scldiehs. It baa been made the duty of the Com mittef man if each lhsinet to I ae tbe , Kildirra aesei. tbeir tai of 10 ceo's paid, and lbs proper certificate and receipt J forwarded to me immediately. In ord-r, buwefer, to make the matter alo, ery , father, brother or friend of a soldier thouid we th b U ttfMed .mi tbat bi la. H 1 natii i ar a a Heaanra an w niia m at nai w ieernSeatea ai.d the Oullectora a tnaor re- , . .L-f, .hnn mrliino (hem '-Ju- j i... ...k . ...j ; ,he,r cartiflsates and r-ceiptp to tbe ..... . ii- it .i proper atrectioo M toe soldier, uy mi ior.caution the racial of .ue c.rlific.re ... . , (itl be injured. CiiPV OP CFRTIFICATtl. I, , AeMjor of (t n5n,P "r borough) I uion (or other) couuiy. ( Siaie til iVtmylvauia. do certify that - ' hm ben assessed a ronnty tai of lenrems. auduiathe uaijuaiified voiennaid diMncL 111 f n nrlr nf Ir.ia rKair.t anrl rpat t ri f ,, , . , CaAt,.0T ! aio it $ 1 r-t f Received pf- the aani of tn eent. ! lhe withio county tax asseed upca - ' f.ir tKa I'.ir laaf.l . '.lt.a j " It will be understood that tbe certificates d obuioed b ,he Comnilee. . meo Vln he forwardud to tbe Chairman Oar Congressman. Ttv.m Kl.aa Jiiaaiavto aatilit.ol &r. 91 Geokoe F. .Vll.LER, Eq.. of Unicn csuuty, has received the Loaiinatiou for Congress io tbe 14th I'trie.. While we are sorry that tbe choice did not fall upon Col. P.ttersoa, jet we are gratified tbat 1 one . en.ineni;v nnallfid rei.od the nomination. Mr. Miller is entirely a self- made mao. Helving upon nothing but I bis own indomitable mdu.trv. be bas iieo in bis profc.iMOQ to a place eecotd to none : in Central ftnntjivania. He will receive, pbe unanimous support of tbe Republicans; in this county. Although, two years ags, Col. rattersoo was opposed by bis oppo- nents io toe Uoblere&oe, be realises too forcibly tbe importance of this campaign, and tbe binding force of party obligations, to oppose Dominations after made. Let others imitate bit worthy example. Al though Miller, be has do relationship, or political affinity or resemblance, to that Dotorious Bill -niikr, of black beiter fame, .bo bai been dingracing us ia Con- greas for a year past. Mr. George F. Miller is a msn of age and ezperiecce one who nas long vioou at me neaa oi me car io Union county, lie is plaio, honest, socia ble just such a man aa we all cao ap I proacb without beiog afraid of being on- j welcome. He is immensely popular wber- ; eter kfiOWC, and .ill be triumphantly elected over Black Co. Miller, or any other man tbe Cops may trot out. Three cheers for our Miller 1 From the aarriabnrg Telefrar h, ipt. IS. Four caodidates were before tbe Con ference, and .ben it is remembered that each of these .as topported with great xeal by their friends, and bad sound claims to tbe nomination, tbe preference of a majority of tbe conferees for Mr. Miller, must be regarded by bim as a mark of high disiinctioo, and .ill be accepted ! a . . ..i ; Dy tbe people ot tbe LUMrict as tbe evi- i deoce auke of bis fitness for tbe itation I ttnH htB takititV l"i swrtrt rliint a KamtMli Mini, j wuw . aauii w buuuui,.. vaiUIIU Cil.4 i j as is involved in a Congressional coolest . . .. .. Li:,:. .i a.i, .. .. 1 .Villi ...I ..... l.:l . k . . ........ . .. , "f"""! jioiesjiou as , ; 009 tbf most encceskful practitioners at tbe bar of bis district. TI;. -e j ... ,. .A,h.k!. "v'- ' i...,i,..u..is. nu-.u .uwm . who kaol, bim pergoo.u ne ia oelti in j grert esteem for bi. integrity and personal i viriues.aDa we minx mat, aitogetaer, .'ir. .'liner cumume. iue qualities ana lue rep- utaiion oi oniy i rukxe a popular canai- gf f . ' - .... , . i,.-....:.! ,,,...,.,:. ,h. eonniie. i eonoposing tbe District ever b ait in Tnn 1(1 ,n L- oneeoociu- i Hi. .U.iin. 1. . ,,. , , -------. ; sioo ; ana mm mi lttn tongressionmi .!Iliatrif.K avill ha r.d..mAii af.ii raliowarl ' T . . a. : 1 1 a. . I al- v. - " - 1 - iL. J . - :. l. i. l : 1 "uu "u u ftjjjrTb DdFrr(rDFtI Oosimitt, points it. draw up uiubl ramlotton rsprcuirr of tbm of Uii Aaguit, l&bi, t-f lckT to raport lhe MIowiok turtai, n naj iiiowed tb srear Archiut of the ralvrraa, id bie iBKrutable iirooil. wee. lo r.Bii,e from th. en-. of labor in-r. taio., ou,n0rh .,u,.d and , . iwvir-nv, Kex.i.rd. lhat ui Luoa u. iiwo,. Mo.it i. of tba I . - inwrnuj. , v loMitba.injsiMoediB thedekiotbrjih.it.iiaoB.wbB lerofour; nntiieIy,4-Bta. ; aaole b. subUM.nl in ibe pawn of ibl. l-rcs iu.octik.., ..omiiuj, t h n.MikR. MILLIAM NootL. To Winfietd. Sl.t Iot. of Memerliof rroup, M4R7 ANNA. (Uujthter of Suaao Bod Bamuiil A. H A U lb Ha, asa yeara, . bwuu Bod a days. Cbe iw a purer, fairer bui Than aumoier'a bob uoeioa.; Sprinz brottfcht ber with lb TioUtf cue Ball OB with tb. roars. A littl. pillow wber. the print of ber aiaail beawl yet tia.ere, A Bilnr eoraJ, Urulxhed o'er It ttb daeB ot uay aa.era. A rouoA. th iosekuh at the baai Were all too li-nr tu nraaure. And tbia ia all tbat Ui-aiwn baa loft Of her, our littl. Uwaaara. 0, boaiaa pearlt pale Stul pnra. O lilti. hlly blowwo); Tbe axMreia loot a lityle rpaoa To f rao. a aMrlalXiaioia. Tbe aaar beavBa4ead above t anil. in. aad sVoal. . A eaaael sU low QS.d and vasV Tv abriaa oar lilUe j.w.1. Vf . eaa aot piotora bar to mtad Ao boc.1 croojoad aad kolr. A fair aad kelp tea. hanualbiac Oar heart auil kwrp ker asatiy. aUaB, Awoat eolaaly ia tky i abim taw tadiat aowara, ta wfcil we to i.. to iwarw Tfc word M iu WsVawf ast caia J. ti. LI. s.N, tbairmtB. ikininm,. .and Wnt Sne.l, anl om Fran, ksor 1 Latest News CHEAT U!.IQM VICTORY Shriiandoub Vallty J Tbe burning of Cnambtsraburg waa part . of a .Uo, cnnieoipUting tbe dts'rue'.i 'O of Carlisle, Yurk, (ieltjsburg, Uaerirburg, ! Ltneaeter, As, desiued to raise tee aeige I of K'hmund, to fop tbe e'ecioLi in Pennsylvania, and riti a counter-re? jIu- ' lion bcre. 1 be oU.WJ arms ordered by 1 ,ne rPerbead 10 tl.a .ir.iul n,it,kMriie Kill Ilia ni.ri.inif I!A lfdlld , " . . ,r, i. ... -,, " i "f ,be l"r11 "f lb9."V",h. ud ""j arms. dr arm?, Jrn?e back hark incendiaries to tbe protection of the Potomac, and our forces bae fur over iixti daTS saved our 1 i,.. . , .h- f.,. ,1 fk.lv.,.. bord burg t ... i n rt... yotlll harper' Tsfrj ia bii i ... ! t 1.1 . 1 ' L . 1 : t , ,.?,. .;. UUUt OU.Uuau aoc aaa . w aau w PJ . w ! of defences thrown np by tbe HeUii tbia : uiA f Winoheatr. and bv nii-r.t had run- , . , ' j ..j ... . leu ioeoi irom e.ery ueica,.uu tbem panic-struck through W inebester. The plans were well laid, and barmubi- ouslv carried out. resultina io tbe greatest T.,s gallant exploit may teol to rein - , , - . , ..... force Lee with tbe remuant tf fcarly e , ... . V I " "ce. but 11 re',eT.e' our Dora.r, ana en-: BUIts a pcaueiui eicviiuu in ituusjiiaui. , FQR TEXAS ouuu iv luan ' , ,Th Mexicans under Lortinat iBen.y til "PU the Uebeli 10 UrOWUsVlile, and j tDe t oioni.U aided io driving then, oat completely. 1 be friends of the U.oo la intl -eXieo, appear ia barmoFtr- Vjihiim tiouortaDt from Petersbara ex- cep, tD1 jjberidao's victt-ry makes tbe ' War and Lincoln naitv stronger and the' j MX'ielian and Peace men weaker rromnnt Unrl Pnrr-rann withdraw rremont una cocwane witnaraw In favjr of Lincoln and Johnsoo for Pre- aideat and Vice President. Tbeir letters are published ia full ia the New York papers. Earneot are tbey to rat down tbe u . ir j, ' ... .1... .k.i Kcbellioo and Slavery so that they ibail "stay pat, division io tbe Uubn ranks,. hich.united, : most succeed. Tbas is there becoming j unity of aetion all along oar line. Gov. Browa of Georgia, and Viee Prea- ident tslcpheos have aought a friendly in- i.,.l.. ..k r... ilk..... kl.k v. . I gran s. ZLtXoi.oUurs IH.iilutg Corrected Semi- TTerij ly Walk t- Smith. Wheat Cora $240 1.60 160 Batter, prime 8 do common Fgg Lard, fresh Tallo. 50 40 0 5 Kye Oats, 32 lb. ISO ' Parley VUf-l 00 i Flaxseed 3.00 ' Htm 25 15 Potatoei 1.00 Dried Afples.lb. 10 Wool 1 00 Sides Shoulder 15 , l . r. oo .unikios tu C'jBOtrySoap S(,.l 1 tirs MARRIED, . ' Q. and h WART N 1FK of Wert Buff.:... t Of Well KuCb:,. Dim. . In Wi-hnrr. on the mb met . rittiurxB r... t. - D-r -ia .ear. uaucnt-r r of Jameaaod rab HAKKIS. ; , ,,.tan, tM ;,,. s.!brorrhiB,-.eoa Xmt 1 ared:7 y.ra. xissoiuuun. , I rartn.r,h jn the .ercanti!et;)5in,t 1 I . v r . .. , . Dissolution. 1 between iVaubscKbers at KellvXKoads i ' dissolved by'k? otoil cnoeol on ibe itd nil. The Book, a.d Accounts are in lhe handsel Mr.Kl.ne to" VtHemenuand buine nandsol .Mr.Mtne lor Vtilemenuand fcuine continued bv hiai ai tbeJormer stand. l , V A S HOCH. I A KLI.NE pd Kelly Tp. -Sept. !S, im What most b retained. mnp ..Kn.Vi,. .nr,.A ,k. ui.:.,,.. : 1 tor". KeoDktXfirt. Ennkle.dec'd. out of lhe Kestster's oOCw.ii requested to return . it immed,..e',y. O ! Also tbe person who borrowed the inventory ; and vendue list of David Steefliaiec'd. I Also the person bo sot the w iffvf I bariea Ginter.aiec'd. E H WEIKEL", Kes'r i Lewisburg. BfpLSiJ. l6t 1 " ' ' s, ! Brob-t Willlsia klhldak JeeTrsoB j krown Martia V i kroa Mis. oarak l Carr tl ' Cbeeter Theodora Child, ar 8 D IH'.rcBn uo It H n.. Mi- Mary ft Sloore Sti.. u.an Mnyer Sir. Julian Orwi( IIHB Xa mia O'llarra Mr. J II 1'bb liar Char lea fh Hit K T Pott. Mia. ABuia Pnet Mr Joseik auk J H tlaok Miiv Julian -elT Jeremiah , K'l.k A Br Maarrs C -ultrr sir. UU Collin, l-ii aba . Coa k w tiaab.r S IVBtler Sirs Wary laeai Iia. Minbul IiJrrd J- ho W KtMirbart J ib f'teber Mia. faaaj tMUt Mr J V Fry Mr K 1 Grant Auru.ta a Grae.ler Sir. Mary bra..ii-r N r Ornrorc Mra i Guletl tleo a klUBJe Km Xasik Kubel an k ia R- o.h Benj P Rothamal Mia. MssUa kUkl Mr J Ftiraek Jam". Flanbauro J kbafb-r Uanlel Mahl Jao ftroaT J uruLO a. h.ki amnw 'J .h. ... .Ma Hars-r r H Th .ma. Mia. Marnrea BaBiBiond Mrs Walter Tkoiaas Walter. Meaare Groas S Wrurbtoour Mra Jetnuaa Whitiajklr. Mary it Toaat Si ua Blia Toder David Xaoflar kdwia llerr A ef -Hraiperly Wai D HiBe. Mward Iia-keraeiWae A Job Joo P Kins J P ajo Jaatas Persons calling for the above Letters .ill fleas aay they are "adverti.ad " 00 W NSUl,S tt i Estate cf Joseph Y. Derr, dee'd. , " 'HIViJCAS. I.etter TmijbwmT npoa ; turvFtaie of J?E'H V. liKHil, der'ake l. tat of l.e!ar b.Tiaa. I'ni-k eoaiiiv. have bti-n e'zn'll ! the nurn--:i t. ' br the KiiMrr iH m con'y. in doe torn: ; all rron in:-;s-? o ' estate art reouet- ..I ... m.l.-. rarmnit am.! k.-.t fct,Ht ll asainst the fame wni ii-ent lieui duly auibenticate I r sen'emenS o M K V J .Mi li:bit, FiecnTiX i I.ewiabury, Ppt. 19. 11 OBI - aaca MVa4wf , rinM rn PIIC FARM FOl SALE. -r OKFEK at rn'a'e ' the Farm tin- I which t res de. in Vime l-r town-.h r. tt contains C At rea more or less c.i-ari-'l ; ' and in a tii.l s.ai-i co'ttvatinn a 4 Hi,oie. Panic B.irn.j:njTwiVue'. eaod wa:er. 1 I ... n..n,rl !... i.,a . ...9 T. It " i . AIo ti Acre of WonnLANH near the ao-ve Iran. I' .ir.i. ri...v''u Whiie Ueer Tp. Sept. 22. ISM wff d HJuse and S.niII Farm for Sal9, r I J m.'e, lt;i Lew.r.re,a!n!nj lY lan-ls of Je.Cor-l!iis, ra-Hennm i j . enrrir,rjs:w 9 (rrtl more or . lM we;, ln,rrVej Ah Ban jloa.-e and j . fhr.p anj other outbuiU sVw oo.1 Fruit and' well of never-faiitnz Waier. PV-ar.i desirn ,g ' Lr?1'" VJl' TJ r. ur can ou iuoui n ui - .j , bur FO SAI.U A TAVEKAi STA-Ml in V.ark-et St in the bornotb of LeTiib'T' is oflerei for sale on rea..naMe terms 1 Se hrc-e is aouo e, j and wou;d c Jover..en!iy accoam.idaT two larnilies if Dot dei red tor Hie pablic. If cot ,olj ln Any pe a reasonable time, will oe niortitigej. Any person Bavin? rocivtr io loan, can n.--: ii wtrii secure j. in irtcsi viu c t-i . p.v lo i . N "T'OI sa'e situated ra X. !.h S;. oae tq r tr-.m Market ft. L.-r:-ojr-a foi !nare on which are erected a ! ,.M.,rer hrtfk A ret Drica wtable.jLlla. darelhna- hoae and ki.chen.new Slab.e.JLHa. ' two-torev Irame w eaver ?nop. iye oousr.a Uel uf u.lai:in2 wa!(.f. aal 5ume eooi fr0!t tree.. To suit purchasers, tue Lot may te divriei Vhop and Dye t..iue on oae su't ' and Dwelln.? ard aiat-ie m the other. It is I property of Hew. A-.vvit. dee'd. Ea- quire oa toe premise-! or of , " lllfi. rrvRl ts rkowv Eieeotor ... .... ' BUt ALOt ttUUSb ' tor SaiO. THE Trustees of the Universitv at Lew:- emitanons w.!l not be E:r-n .xeep' by direc 1 tnrr. offer for sale tha l'ar; three Hon of the rea, -ruj iltl -r-, and m eaw I storev hoae. known it the Hw, bl ncesitj. Be ponenal, 9 o ek-ck is Iks ! snuaied in Lewisbarj. ct-rner of secan t and Loois streew. opposite lhe Conn Hons. 1 Be entire baiidics is t-1 brick. 4-1 feet on , SeconJ fcL and feel on St:. Look L. anj , f Divhei with a.l the conveniences an. I modern I improvements frr a first cla-.s Hotel. The statliD?. sheds, Ac, are ample to accommo da'e a large business. Tbe aoove property will be disposed of at a moderate price and on easy terms. Tcr tnriher information, inquire of G.F..MILLEH, Esq. or J.A.KELLY, General Ajrnt, Lewis bur;. Union Co. Pa . loet TinBEft LAND FOR SALE ! ; rTHE subscribers offer at Private 8ale five ' X tracts cl J imscr Land, ot asoal 2,U5 ACHES, in tracts of aoout eonal s,t. si'uate J in lhe ."Wiheast part of West Buffiloe township. j I'mon county. It will be sold in a bod v. or i sinsle tracts, to suit purchasers. It i we.l ! timbered principally wuh White and Yellow ina iciov or iur.ner i P.n. U'k.,. II. L- . i snn.. r , nut, ...i v... . . .vi i, . Jaii.v.aiaia, iaij airr i i OE-iRGG VKIXVLt, Kelly. JlC.iB HI 11 ML-, Uw-burj. fTj-i ne oniterstrnea orrers lor sale a tract ofjViJ Arrow if Land, in White Deer towviship. all well Tjreiered. except a hoc, is acres which are cleared aad cultivated. Tbe , improvements are a eool iwo-storey Los: Hoase, Mable, and Outbuildings, a I ?od Orchard, and an excellent Well of Water a: i the house. liubsj OLU. MLIALI.L. FARM FOR SALFL .. . , - . , . rT,H'' subscribers offer for sale their Farm I J- the t orest Iron Works ccDlaiuin2 about lto Acres, with ood Honse and Barn, and other neces sary Buildings, an excellent prinz of Water between Ibe bouse 'and barn. AH cleared, and in a tjo-i state of cu.uvation, an a 2 od neizhborhood, acd convenient to market, mill, school, Ac. ; DMde:.VelVV, A!F.! ?'5M; , SH EJ.LLR & &Lhnb EK. 'l'ba Aa" -14- w r T V V SS ! ?!S T1HE south-west anarter of secima 17. I town 7. north rar.se 8. east c f the t.a principal meridian. The said Farm lies nlinnt fvfft miloa Vnrt'i cf t'in oifr of - . T av aJ.V T'l I i9 ahrnt For!r Arrp nnil-r rnliivat i.in iviih ' Lof House and other Lku'.buildinss; is watered K. rn. . r .v.. m..., v.. . ...... i w .i . by tne of lhe most beautiful formes in -tbe coanty.and tbe balance of the tract is covered by a ihriliy growth of timber. Every acre of the farm is susceptible cf cultivation, and when suitably improved would make one of the most inviting resi. dences m Illinois. Fur particolarsec-inTe of Francis Wilrn, of Lewisburr. Fa.;Sam'l B. Harrn, of Free port, l.L, or tbe subscriber, at Savanna. I I. E. CHWKCRL1X, Xov. .9. 163 L. H. BOW EX. A TAVERN" STAND a STORE ROOM and all lhe fixtures readv fi.r use and a l)VEi,LlNU adjaceni to Ptrre. Possession of Tavern, 1st of April next o Store and lla-eliiog. on two da' nonce. 1 HO. AKBl"CbLE, Sulrr P.O. Coloatown, Bialy Tp. Cai.a to, ta, Imc. L, lv FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE Buildia' Lot, sitnatej io a pleasant part of Lewisbura;. Terras lo uil lhe parchaser. For fortler informa tion inquire of flfWSl rPBVWER FOR RENT. TWO STOREY Brick HOfPE and f ' LOT ca North Feunh street. JKiti j March IS, 6J. Id. F. M1ELLLK. I Teachers Wlnted T.T. -fiM.! P:rert.-T of White D'r !(7- 1 h hi) 1 1 oxet lb: Ceuaif Supenaie aJent at the ta-ae time and pute fnirieit ii-r eiaminu.e Teachers Spi ) for tha pn'o ue of erp;oTii f leree Male Teaehera 14. tane thrse of the several Srlroela ia aau4 tctlool 0 'riC'. a.IU one itiinrr male of : female) tea-her to !tli eha. of the Phqjar School fo le ' CtttirTihia. White Deer. Sept. 12, 1M rKi-ECT .SOD 001 , J I a eetect Sch.iol. fcr boya aad eirla, in I ihe basemen: of iSe Baplit Chore b fm.aa I firinerlv otccpied by Mrs. Haaaey. Tnitiow, I '.hie dolara per leroj. p a fatcst asljwai iuat received (ha taunt at) iei f l'aris and Aaiericaa Fa-LIoriS fur Fall and Wir.;ori f ISC I, '5, ; and ktII ro.i:ince to CCT lliui;,' 1 1 rtthnp in lhe Sllifl ISUV ad.!" ...... ..,I.TkJSli . jaciury manner mvw i-o ...... -- t JOH-N B. MILLER . Lewi-iri. Sept. 13, 164 Where be will keep onMaitly oa haad. or make to oruer. all kwss ol WOOLK.V lAULU CLOTUISO, Woolen, Cotton and Linen . HOSE, t ii-.-.cj lIV,. .S ic, Are. Fartieu!? atter.t'-.n psil to the munnfad' !r?re cf 1 HOSIERY FOE FACTOpiEa: Yara Worked far Families oa ReaSOnacie Terms. - I eipeneart -.J m v:ujeij, I cbarp.Biee ail ttif i 1 rerec:fi?!.v soln.it sbare ( ratlte pairoaac- ! ' n. BL KING. . . . White 1)eer J!:.;s. I djob Co. Fa. t-. r T . . I. . . i f'im,ni Ti.ni,i I rai riv " v " " r;u: aTtustfn.'rr,i of the county .m , meet lhe l. rectors of lhe hjkowiag ; Listric;- at ih; tiire and p ace xesuoned, fer : me pnr"cre of exaainiRX applicants for . aehoo.s the re.prtt ' r,cv,. Ajp& canu wi.i turnih ib-fiseiVtL wr pens aaa ,n,i u .h ,.:re 13 trh will bo : rrrset.t that the lirecti-j rr.av have the priv- t ileee of jaie n- ot in-ir stents. Frivaie rav : bour. ' tl"m TL'Ct. TT.I. H . V Pcv. Tai 4 .-t-TT tr. I'uaibn Uun a.y.Sr-t 9 t.ioatowa Tiiafawy.pwBkk. JO:l.A. ) r. .Co. Sept. Int. rr Eew Stand---K Goods! JOSEPH L. IIAWN ta-.-Ing lakf n tU ej rue ui s ncder the Teievraph and Cbroatclat o!Ticej-eS ied thfiE.and tMei ia an eiteaatvw variety cf Hats, Crj3, Genllrmai't Cl'4liinfftSr., Alio a 'arse aroJ 'plendid stock of CLOTHS' cam;vi;k:;h, dir. ahich b? w.!i mkcu.ta "--k' be t:ll continnes the Tailorag Bass. ness. He is prepared lo esetmte all venrw eniru-.ted to t. care, to the aui: actio, of to. customer. X. 3. C:tiin; and Kepa.T'aaw doM ar order. fLfwumr;, .prii it, ieii . Jhe Election LaWS of PenB!TlT3aia. KE E,ef.jlia Lawsof Peon.vlvania.aeris; a; wniCB are cf a pBWie aB(1 gttleni caiore, (wi h thvse relative lo rhiiadelpbia city end county 0 d:!;e;e3 aniarraered wiih rtotes of lnd.c.al decisions. Bv M. M KiwarkT. A new eJuuai, eniarsed and lmproveet, ewav- taiaiat ail the laws, opto the year liM. fn- elastve. .:h tbe Amendment to ibe Cotito lion and the law prow.dici for votiatr by Sl diers ia actual service. To be ii-sard lmrae- d;ate!y after the ad;:urnment of the present session cf the I.eztsiatare ; in soiiaMe.srrosaj paper coTer. frice 0 cent. Discoant ai- I lowed on a la'ce number sold. For sal bv M M'Kirnev.at Hrrisbar, P Union Ticket plcdsed to nustaln Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. l.cknS 10T LEICH COUSn", leDDSJIVI, E'cction, Ttuxliy, 0:L 11, lSGi. Congress QEOR.GE F. MILLER ?ecate CHASLE3 U. SHRINE I. Assemlly SAMUEL II. ORTVIO, SAMUEL AT.r.EMAN. G. B. MAN LEYT. 5'ucriT THOMAS CHURCH Commtsicnrr SIICHAEL KLECKNEI ' Auditor -JAMES AIKE.V Cororer LENJAMIS UAU3. TTiki'TI ' 1) AAAAyaAAelrVr)AAJVVVVw i i in 7 'r