Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 16, 1864, Image 1

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3 1 r UW IP mm
"THE UXI'J.V," establbhel in Ibl 1 Whole .Nu.. -2,5.-6.
At MJP per Year, attvajN In Advance.
"nirwONICLE," etfaoifched ia IS t:?- V. h ! No., 1,005
Tuesday Morning & Friday Afternoon.
District and Coanty Nominations.
fonerrse-A.KIIRl.E F. MM 1'R. r I ' roiut.
firnalor-4'n lltLKS II. Klllilsir.. of Inlnn county.
Assembly-SAM I Ft, ll.tlltMlll. iil'iiii.n manly
MV.I KL ALli.MW.ot said. T i.oai.1)
r. mim.ii, ur LjcHuin.'.
Sherlff-TIlO IS III lit II. -if llarltrj loan-hip
loMiBl.sionrr-MK IIAKL kll.i fcM II. of Now Berlin
AadiW-jA'iiKs AikK.or ruiraine
toronrr-KI VJWI MAI, of UMi'.nbnrir.
Election I'll Tnesdav. Oct. 1 1, lff4
Abraham Lincoln
ion i h K i-kkmiikm.
Audi civ .loli 12 so 11.
Mirtot M'MieaiFj,
I K..h.rt P Kiia
. Ororce M r,,alai
S 11,-nrv l:.,m,a
4 William II k-ra
. barter, Jetike
. Churl VI Kuiap
V K .Url Parae
8 William Tavlor
D Jnlm ft II. i.tauA
1 hicl.ard II C'..r.ll
II hd.ar.l ll'.lltiti
12 Cli.rlrr r" K.-.a
Ch-TV. II slrrtner
J..hti w .-ter
lv, I M'i'.'n.iU'TlJ
ll.Ti.l VV W.H-ia
l.ii-.- H-n- n
Jr.toi l'a't"n
ivruu.'i 11 li'-k
r'-.-r;.rl lo. r-T
J .l.n I" IVint.-v
K'..ii-j!t M'.lunfcin
J.i.n V Itlnn.-lmtU
Election tin Tue-dav, .
lojT Union County Court, Mouday of
next week, a Suydcr couuty, the week
toThe Lewisburg Union Lea,;no Lad
full meeting last evening, ami were ably
addressed It R- v D C J ibn, Mr J Aiken,
ud Saml 11. Orwig E-q AHj .urned to
next Thursday evening, when Mij. Cha's
II. Sbriner is announced as speaker. Let
there be a general attendance.
BBruTbe Congressional Conferees from
this district met io Sunbury, Wednesday
last Jude Mrball, 1'resideiit, and .In
15. StoM and C.J Rrunor, Secretaries.' On
TbaUotirig f.ir a caudilat'S Diujihin e unty
Toted for A. Jaoknon 1 1 rr K-q , Juniata
for Col. Jnhn J letter--ou. Nurrliumhcrld
for J.ibo 15. I'icker K j . and Suv ler and
Uoinn for (Jeor(i V. Mill, r l'.-ij. On
the 120 b ball it, two of tin- C.i.f i-f
Nortfiuaib, rian 1 chan j' d tli- ir v t'8 to
Miller, and he win tli'i) unauiui'iuslt
twh PnMJ; TffKM e" 7,ir" Vt?- ! A Greenock well Invested.
with proper en irt nu tie part of friends .
hi triumphant el. e'in is conceded oo ,11 i A J'" aS". j '"rnals united in
hand. aWOur Tiekct is complete reeonimeuding their readers to invest a
and now for the work to elect every man dollar "Greenback" iu securing that very
Pon ,l excellent J lurnal for the HotsEiluLD
aterTbe Stauding Cmimitteo of l.'niiu (includine the Little Ones,) f..r the (;ar
county have uooinius!yaj-udoised the ,,KNi IJU" f"r thel'ARM, called the Ameri
nomination of ,M j ,v'ui;ivnt for 8ei,ator.
ITe baa acerpteJ Ifaa same, aud will bear
tbe Union banner through this Senatorial
District until the November eleo'ion.
ttirOa reading M'Clellan'a letter,Val
landigham revoked bis appnintmetits for
peakiDg in bis favor, and has subsided
into silence The Freeman s Jooroal,
Catholic Cod ) of New York renounces1
M'P Id n The Y Tril no- iZ i
M'Clellan The N. Y. Tribune has
come ou. Mj .are an., a.roog ,or i.mcoili, ;
1 -. -' L . . . 1 TS . i
auu it is ueiievtm rieniiiiii wn., soou.
StjrThe Union Staudirg Committee
net at tbe Kevicre House, Leaisburg,
JJonday, 12th inst., aud organized by the
election of James Uayes as permanent
RtuAved, That John Iliycs b substi
tuted as member of tbe Committee from
IMifilinburg, for Cbas. L Haus, now iu
the army of tbe United States: aud Jacob j
IMacbenier of East liuifaloe, in place of
John W. Lrowu, also iu tbe army.
2, That it be the duty of each Com
mitteeman to procure lists of our soldiers
uow iu me u.-iu, iroiu ineir respective ;
Cl, .- .
townships, with the letters of their coui- i
pany and number of their regiment, and j
forward tueui to the Lbairmau, tmmcdi-
'i Tk.f lt,A nnn.tn.ttn r.t t'l.--' TI I
a u. uu u "uii... v e.u.i .C9 tl . ,
Sbriner for Senator in this district, by the
Cobferees on Saturday last, be endorsed
by Ibis Committee; that we p.'edgo for,
him tbe hearty and undivided support of
the Union party of tbiscunty; and that
we cordially recommend him to our friends
in Lycoming and Snyder, as an unswerv
ing friend of Abraham Lincolu'a war pol
icy, and as an undaunted advocate uf civil
liberty and human tights.
Rights of Tioga County.
Foe . ,.,.arl, . .1,. ll.i
, , , i
county of Tioga has bad do representative ;
io Congress, although tho bas generally !
furnished tbe votes which elected Mem-
bers. This year, berConfere(SiA maH(ci:ct"1(litiou of the Government provided j day, the 19th, and will go on till comple
tbeir right to . Member without bein ! tbelu miib 7'cl,uWe un urc protection j ted. Volunteers and substitutes will be
gambled out of it by . ''Conference" i "V1 the, "PF'rel":nd.ed lhey Prc" received and credited to as late a period
a i .... . pared to seek security in the destruction ' . .;t,t. vi,,.i,.,ii, ;a ct.ll
nd she has gained ber just desire. Her U lbe Government which could protect ! P5S'Me'. lunt"r,D , Pro
ble .nd true State Senator, eTEPHE.s F. j them, aud in tbe use of force against na-, Crees'S ltu "6or 10 m08t of tbe Sl,es
Wilson, is recogniied as the Administra- 'odI troops holding . national fortress, j No rePort of ole operations bave been
ton candidate for Congress, and we trust
will be elected, aud the rights of olnrimn
little Tiog, cheerfully respected by tlj. ,
it - . . . . ' "soj,h,u uy 1U8
y FI'ectd by the
Ajnionistiotjhe Uistnet. I
Assess the Soldiers.
The friends of the Soldiers should be:
in mind that, in order to secure a vote
very non-commissioned ofiijer and soldier
wh is . legal yotrr, must be assessed with
county tax of ten cents, and ih n-.i-.l
" " assessed upon every Coiumis-
aionea ,tnCer. Colleoiors
aro ..,.,., A . '
. are it quired lo
luo ,.x ana g,ve 4 eornfie.ie of
fay ment, when the assessment is made,
If tbe ,.,-id.cr is already assessed no eertifi- i
cate is required.
assessors must a, I, I ...
a .
name, to tbeir li.is uuu lU .,," ,1"
of uy resident of h,p li-.,...,
penalty of not lee. th.n . , 1
20v 'ou ( ri uds in tnt ".
"rly.Uend Tit C"u"
i. . rtujuiiemi.ttU of the
- - -..-...,., uuuer a
tiercLre th ttht'
i . .
Gen. Hooker's Late Speech, at Va
ttrtown, W. Y.
Fi;i.uiw-Cn iztNs : Vuii havs conio
here to ni-jioe at tuo i-ui.-ci tu of ibe L'uion
arms, iu which 1 auj ruady to j iu you
heart and li inJ. My bu-jiiiCS!) ia lighting,
I not peecr.-uiaking, but let me tell you
J that the army of Iberia ti is invineihlr,
' and can not bu dlvhearlened. We tiiurt
In at iliin rehcliioa as a i-i' parent would
a Tieious child we must wnip hiui into
solj'Ciiou. So milder discip.iue will
answer the purpose. Some are crying
peace ; but tbure call be do peuce as lotig
as a Ki.b,-1 cau be fouud witb arms io bis
bauiis. Woe be to those who cry peace
when there ia no peace. This Union
must bo preserved, aud tbete is uo wiy of
piece rviu it but by tte power of our
I anus by fighting the conspiracy to the
dealu. Tbis reheiiiou is loitering while
I speak ; ii is going dowu, dowc, and will
so.in tumble iuto ruio. roliiieiaus may
i talk to you about the cause of the war,
I'Ul 1 say, put down the reheiiiou, and
then, if y,iu choose, inquire iuto the cau-e
nt it. liui first put dou the iniureuls:
first whip them, and theu laik about tuu
cause if you have nothing eUe to encao
. your attention. 7 l li re in trrtttin'j the. re
ifi'in ait (rt-n. Jivl.snn trniUti Iti'i'W
( whij ftwm jhitfftreiif with lltt'inu'lcrtruriU.
Tut Cih'dh cut N 't In lV,i:(, li t ji'liti-
i',is t'tlk os tlfy M"t p for if titvisi'tii
cttinmri'i-6t uhrre urr to rati ? First
tlo: V"'i would jo, tlx ii thr I'tnjv' St'tlm,
turn Xcio A'ohhi.', awl I lir'ir tint one
tm'n i'iUA p'litiriiui hrtu i:tlfrifttl tluil tt'iti
"''.' "J Y"rli tliDtilil mule from the
j I'liijiire Hiiite. in sueh esse ibere would
be no i ud to rebellion, (ienllumeu, every
' interest y u bave depends upuD the suc
cess of our cause ; eveiy dollar you possess
is at s'ako in the prusi rvaii iu of this
l'uion. It will better aceoid wiib my
fueiin!s to see the liuji's of our glorious
ouniry exteiiili d, rather than circuui
scribed, and we may feel it a national ne
c asiiy to enlarge our borders at no distant
day. This IJnmu, grntlcmen, can uot be
dissolved, as lout; as the army have uus
I 'o tiii li t with. 1'urnish tutu aud muskels,
! aud the Union is secured.
: run Ajrirulturiat. Many persons were
; tbus Jed to subscribe, aud we believe all
"li0 did so bavo been tuueh more than
, satibUea. 1 tiey nave received tne .jj
I Annual Volume ot the Ajrirulturitt, which
is full of good things, useful, practical,
and entertaining, and just bow the 1 ub-
lisher is scuding out to each of bis sub
scribers applying, a preent of a plant of
, e, o u
0"e f r,tu"klble Slrawberr.e. ,
that bave over been brougut out. i ncse
, fa ,j
i sold by the only other person
go readily at 75 ceo's each. :
having them
So the Greenback inverted last year has
certainly paid well. All we bave now lp
say is, let all others go and do likewise.
N jtaitbstandiug the present advancp in
cost, the Fublicher still oil rs to take sub-
senbers this mouth (c'eplember) at 1 a ;
, v ,,.,.!
year, or from tow to the end of lbU j
(fifteen month') for 1.15. And etill ;
further, he (ff.rs one of the remarkable
Strawberry l'lanls, scut free and post- ,
paid, to every new subscriber who enclose j
, 111 l 1
cnts extra for o.l cloth, packing, and
Our advice to all!
. , .. ,, . ,, ,.. ,
,8' 6CD'J ,ho ullar (or ,he Ua- and
the extra5cct8atoDcetoOit.ANUEJi;iin,
Fublisher of the AjrkullurUt, at 41 l'ark
l 1 . . I
i,UW, .HW lUla VI I V, HUU ITei, IUO natiiT.
ctc. You will get . most beautiful, well '
illustrated, practical paper, and the cheap-!
est one in tbe country, to cay botbing of;
the extra Strawberry l'lant.eto. Tar it. '
Ces. M'Clei.la.n delivered the oration
at tbe dedication of tho Hattlo Monument, I Uw wi;1 """"ifest . power in our Govcrp
....... . . . menf. though a llemoeraev should in
AE V pat I nine rpr.ni.tlv nra !r in rt nl ;
. , I
tue war, be said :
"Certain Slates, or rather . portion of
the iiih'iliitunU of certain States, feared, or
'ne ln'"'
professed to fear, that ii jury would result
tu ,hcir ri!,htsand nronertv from tho ale.
vatiou of a particular party to power, j
Although the Constitution and the actual 1
Jo fflace the msult offered to our flag; to :
slve our,,clvel' totn ,he fa,e "f 'be divided j
M I.es of Italy and South America ;
nr. ..rvoiir lliiverninnnlfronideatpiietii
r,r,M:rVH,,r liovernmontfromdestruetio..: I
. auJ )awa
j maiutaiu eur.Tcry existence as a nation, ,
I tl.rse Kere the rnitsfs ichirh comix!!, J ut to I
i i.i. n: ;
t urua, trie lirvru. lirutinuu agaiupi a jur-
. en,,.,-,., i.ira. ,..a ni.i..i n.,rir,a ifl,in
iiself the monoa of seif adjuslmcct and .
p iritie rmdy fr evils, should never bo !
c infouuued with r. v,.l..iin or,,.inat d. !
spotio power, wbioh refuse redess of
u-rr.noa K,,n, . ...L.n- . . . .. .
. o
b ...v. . icuciuuD C1H lltll DC JUS- ;
,llit.d u etuic , d , , ' ,
u'lmmtimi fi.r our ch.ice r ,v. .......L i
tion ur the Jixtructiun of our iiu.wt,ut "!
Av-Comoara th ul.,... .i,h .1.. r-.T;.
..!... .... I u . -
luo V"3 VJ
Ti . i.. .t. i..i i
"" " oens
src"w tbM fi"J 3U-" uJ ,bu on'
'bat cau give them a particle of !
bone will be to defeat tbe war Dartv at .
'j" inoo,Bil, o.mp.igo. Utn. John A.
L o.jun, hte Itou. M:U .(ton Iilinoia. J
St?ff Cfi'icers, 202d Ri?g. P. V.
Culnhel ( HAHl.K.S Al.IIKtliUT.
l.iuif.l.'ol. Jnlni A. JIaus.
l.ij,r V.'iilter S;l.
A'ljt. William l.uki;nli:ini:h.
IJii.ir!,:r-.M.i.-!ir l.u,-i:in W. Ilium.
Surgeon -S. t'arsnii Jl'Cormiek.
A-st. Surgeon Win. Campbell.
The t'ollowiu- is the Hull of Co. I, OL'd
r. V. :
1st. l.i.ut. Jacuu 11. liitow.N.
lid Lieut. i Ik,). V. .M Lauoiimn.
Old. Stream J- H. liitnur.
2.1 Win. I'. Allen 4ih luin l S-lliink
J as. 1. (.Mindy f.th t.J. Oleainger
1st 1-J. Zeutineyer ijtli (i.llcnierdiner
J.i .l,,s. .i J;iil"l Cth li. S. 1'ewey
o.l Ji.hu W.liri'Wii Tlh J. M. I!ri'n
dth aiii'l ?. lie-s Sth Z's. Couieliiui
Cameron M ri j'or.
iitz?n1tuff C W
T'Ceher Amos ti
lioHi r rr.ineiri
iinithy J.ihn
I!rown Win W
liechcr 'illi;im
Jirol.st J,.lm
t 'oi ni iiiis A M
Cornelius J 31
t leaver Jo-si;
Cliapplu .lieller
i 'liapple liarieS
Chappie C V
IViliiiiileii'i r l':in'l
Hummel Frederick
lluir Jnll'l S
Jamison A lit: 15
Jamisou John, J r
Keyser Jacob
Kupp John S
Kiiit lic.n i:e W
Keincr John
Leonard Will'uim
Leonard I'. nj
Lynn t.'harlts
LanJaw William
Loni; Ti'tcr
Miller J.wph l
Matltias John A
Newman llaniel
M;ii;1.j Andrew R
J'icict; Amariiili
I'owers IJdwaiJ
i'latter Lemuel J
K ink Martin J
lieiiiiicver ( ten E
lii itmeyer lUvid )l
Hcichlcy Williaui
Kalircr John
lianck David
Leiclihy iier.j F
ialiicrs Henry W"
Candors lliraiu
Sanders Charles
Mianuoli James
Sliannoli William
Search John li
Hear I'aviJ (
Spoirse David
Smith Jeremiah
Sanders I icorgu L
Trcstcr 31artiu
Taylor Henry
AVcrtz Henry
Yoiine; James A
Youny Abraham
Ih iiiiis Levi
Hi! key Lester 1'
Llse .li.ii ithau
llnule Jacob
Lnleiii.in Klias
; i;ii;s James S
l'ishrr .iared
I'isio r I'aul
1 isln r Joliu II
1'liek i'has W
IVtt. r Cyrus
l'e--ler .i .iiu
; r..li,ilst.., k 11 31
J ii-sl. i- l-aiah
(luiitir Wiiliam
I ioviit r J..s W
tio.i.l lliraiu
I I luff lljvid
: llaviies .) 'nil
lloveinan .) a;nC3
I le-s .lusopli
lllllMIIiel li.'Ilj
Huir Haiiicl
Ilnli' James
li'ann James 11
Jlaiilienheiy J I)
1 ley -or Ja.:..b
llelin David
4jJ I"aTHl t. MIlll SllCrilltlll
limit begins oil .Monday uc&t.
Lieut. Geu Grant telegraphs to this Do-
partment m respect to the draft, s follows:
y 1 ' ' '- ,j:- ' A M
;,. ; J. Slutt f ,1W-U'.
ougnt io have me wnoio uumoor or men
cal.cu lor oy ine rresiueui, in ine snnri-
' P"'b!e time. Frompt action in filling
our armies will have more fflvet upon tho
enemy than a victory over them. Tbey
profess to believe, and make their men
believe, there is such a rartv North in
favor of recogniziog Southern iudepen-
dence, that the dratt can not be cnlurced.
Le! 'hem ho ""'"ived.
Deserters como into our lines daily, who
te us hl. he weD , Dearly UDist.rs.nT
tired of the war, and that dosertious would
be much mnro frrrjuent, but tbey believe
peace will be negotiated after tbe fa'l cloc-
T.''f. fohteeacat of the draft and
I'rOUJLM Uttilll' ULI Mi I'Ul ill III I U9 Will BO wO
siedJi hof lblooil , irnmeB.e dc.
orr it s C.IttVT. I.icnt lien.
j The following telegram haa been recei
ved from Mj. Geo. Sherman cn the same
. . . c . IO t Ort
i,n. 'r m s ' ',.v 1. ..V. 1 ,
hear the dr ift will bo enforced. First, we
Deed tbo men ; and seoondly, they como as
ftiv-Ucs to Gil up our old and tried regi-
me'its with their cxperiecced offieors ; and
thirdly, because the enforcement of the
' p J
times of
trouble and danger bo bble to !
wield Ihe power of a creat nation.
All is well. W. T. SIIEK3IAN,
Major General.
Tbe draft is ordered to commence in
all the States and districts wbere tbe
laota 18 eot nllcd Dy "'onteers on Won-
received irom otber commands.
E. M. STANTON, Sec. of War.
Ihere are not ten Gencrah in the ar-
mle, uf thc j;rj,a!Mc uho tfmpn,hizc ,i,h
lie Clucajo Iradrrt or tieir candidatei.
Tois does not grow out of .dislike to Geo.
M (jlellan. for manv of these men bave
been among bis friends, but tbey realize
tl)at be occupies most anomalous and
consistent fiesition as tbe candidate of
such . party, or lueh . platform, .nd in
association wnu eucu puimciau
.nti.anr leadpr. tha Coftncrhoad chief.
- -. L i . I : . : . : ,L -
.. -rr - .
icU,ileton of Ohio. Averse as many of
these officers, and the men who folio-
them, are to taking part in party strife,
"" - 7 woU " tun wen if ,be7 do
not resent and oppose such an example.
Thn Ila.nilrnn fOhinl T.lr.imiA savs
. " . V ' .. ..'
that many of tbo Copperheads ol uuuer
count, who have beei positive in the .s-
6Crlion tuat lbe Sovernment would not
.t - ,m m nr... .k. .1 aaaa a. A M nta. TlJn .
ring substitutes, .nd that there will be DO
reaiatanoe to the draft io that county. I
Cit grwnii oil (ciccium!
was HEi.n is
Monday last.
IJjth parlies made great-
eff iris. Oor. Cony, Union, is re elected
. . ,
,,j.,.ty. very county,
lor, every Congressman,
by au increased tn
every State tienat
is for tho Administration and a-:iust the
liebtllion. VU THUS GAIN ONK'
So rises Ihe tide which will wipe cat j
'ornrhea.lisin in everv lovil Slate !
opp'.ruia.usin in eLry n.y ii nia.e .
iiie Ulgni ilina OI lUS.
OL'huvler Cuilua, oeak.T of the IlotlSd
of Kepreseu-utives, iu a recent fpeeth ut
I...,. - . tii
i tered too iu lewinir auuiiuieuts. iuuv
I, 3
i have tue tiuo neo :
I "The laws put upon the Matute book
. ,ir,r... th.k I..., fl.r..A ii.tj l.llr
the lart tliree jesrs, must be
obeytd. Tbo law which c.tQ cates the
idaves of every Kcbel, is ouo of them.
Congress also pissed another law, deciar
itii that tbe slave ut every Utiiou man, as
well as of every lUbel, who tights iu this
.... ti... I ' . 1... 1 1 f... f . ! t
, - .
too, must be obeyed, it passed another
law repeailbg tbe Fugitive slave law, so
that it Ibey have any slave buuttng to do
hereafter they cau do it themselves. It
r,Ss,.,l T.tl,. r law. that nu man whose
hands ate rod with the blaud of your
brothers, aud father?, aud husbands, and
cbildreu, shall occupy a scat iu the Coul
ciis of the naiiuu ; aud that, before tiny
man comes as a meuihtr of Congress, ne
shall swear that ho has not voluntarily
home arms against tbe Union, or aided
and abrttcd the cause of the rebeliiou.
If wheu they come Lack lacy have uo
men there who can take that oath, I'l
ftcm wattjoranutheriftncrati'in ouo that
will uot be responsible Kr tbe griet and
mouroiug nbich desolate Northern homes,
aud lor the death which fills so many
grave.-yar.l-i with your frieuds aud brothers."
Fierce, Buchanan and the Rebels.
"Her wick,
tbe correspuuueot ol tbe
Dostuu Journal gives l.hu followiug tth
slract of a recent iutervicw be Lad with
Gen. Geary at bis headquarters :
Gen. Geary told me that, when acting;
as Governor of Kansas, he discovered the
uature, character, uud extent of the secret
t cumbiuatiou which has resulted in the
overthrow of the Uuiou. These revela -
tiaus were uude to Liui by Southern tueu,
members of it. who otLreJ biui every
temptation to join them, aud help to make
Kauaa. . .1..". State. Gov. uJ.r, com-
' .. .1.1 a" I .
luuuioated these facta to Fierce, then l'res-
i ideut, and to liuabauan, then l'reaideot j
I eleot. liuihnf thi-nr weai men, or traitor; '
tnhmiitrd Hue. Ciary't ilittl'isures to tUe
Hufhrm roii'jjiratori kiuhi thrij iiyi'iu
' tril ! luslead of being warueJ by them'
I against the stealthy criminals, Fierce cob
tluue(1 4nJ ,jJ:Qanan aJu.U(1 tbeai, as
biseoiistitutional audcoulidLUtial aivi-era '.
Finding that he had no power to avert the
plot, aud not regarding himself as powcr-
iuleoough tu hbt the l'rcsideut, l'resident
; elect, aud bis party, Gov. Geary rotired to
bis farm to await tho duvclopmeut of
j events, determined, when the lime for
j action came, to he fouud ia the tanks uf
th., naii,.,.'. H. f. n.l..,.
Tire-proof Yash for Shingles.
The following simple application will no
doubt provo of great value. We q-iote
from tbe Albany Knkhcrlorkcr : "A
wasu uouipoeeu 01 itiur, Bin auu uue sau'j,
or wood ashes, put on in tbe ordinary way
of white washing, renders the roof fifty-.
fold more safe against taking fire from
falling cinders or otherwise, in cases of!
fires in the vicioity. It pays the expenses '
hundred fold in its preserving influence j
gainst tbe effect of the weather. The j
older and more weather-beaten the shin
gles, the more benefit derived. Such
I shingles generally becime more or less
warped, rough and crooked ; the spplioa-
tinn nt thn ...h. . ta-nllin,, lh nnn.r '
. .. , j ...a -I r-- ,
surrace, restores tbcm at once to tueir
original or first form, thereby closing the
spaoe between tbe shingles ; and the lime j
aud sand, by filling up all tho cracks and
pnre9 in ,he fbioS'f it3elf. prevent it frora
warping tor years, ii not i..rever.
Natural Allies.
A late Rebel paper, tbo ltiobmond Ex
aminer of August 8ib, cries out for inva
sion of the North, tbe pillaging and burn
ing cities, Sio , that the Democrats may bo
enabled to carry the eleotion. It says :
"Tbe peace party at the North needs
help from us, to enablo them to gst rid of ;
tbe present reyimc and the war. The on-
ly rational and effectual aid we can render I Teachers Wanted,
them will be carrying fire and sword into .. Ti n..u T.
.k.. ,r.A I . ir i rpiIE Sehoo ftireciors of White lire r Inwn-
tncir cities and arms, if anv one knows I . ,, L.u.f .
.... , . - . . """" I ahip will meet ihe LonnirSiinerintendrni
more jodicloos method of assisting theat ,he same time, and p!ace appointed for
peace party for tho pending I'rcsidcuUal ; examining Teachens (Ved. Sepi. 38.) for the
campaign, let him divulge it."
Jeff Davis' Terms.
The New York Eoeniixj Post says :
"We chance to know from the best au
thority, that Jeffjrsoo Davis but . few
weeks ago absolutely and finally refused
to listen to any proposals of peace except
on tbe grouud of Southeru-indepeodence ;
'and when I say Southern, independence,'
be remarked, "I mean to iuclude io our
Confederacy, Maryland, all of Virginia,
Teuuessee, Kentucky, Arkansas aud Mis
souri nothing leas ' "
The createst Haiifica'tiou Jleetioe ever!
held io 1'uiladelphia, was in and around I Ploughs, and ix variety of other arti
Independence square, Saturday evening ! cles too numerous tj mention ; o!so, a
last. Auaoug the speakers was liou.Jobu t
Cessna, late Speaker II. li. of Fa , who
poured hot shot into the Chicago platform
.nd candidate witb good effect. Phil.
deiphin is good foe 15,000 to 20,000 majority.
Latest NewslHeal
The Kebetsin Alabama are cnoscitpiioe
all the bt-yroes fur service io their army.
The Kleetiuo in Louisiaui drew out
ll.iM-v votes, ana Daa goue lavonuia io
the Union ticket.
j (Jen. ISberuian interds to occupy Allan -
I f aud ,0
, rp(e ft fl)rri(.h, ,0 tako their goods
j el,n,.r South or Norlu.
No great toilimry movements are r"crr
ded, huti'iiieaDumbrrof Uu'onsueceseea,
of some importauoe, are recorded.
The Kicbmiad Emtmrtr -atinat that
... , , 1 ..... . ,. .
The Kichm'iad LiHjumr citimatcs that
numucris onc-sixia of lb whole ntta
p.-nulaiion, aro depeudeot on nubile cbr-
i i'J. In Richmond al one there aro forty-
. iin nunnr.'fi aiffn. rt fimrii. u an i a ueiiui-
- . - 0 --t -
1 lure of iiOUU.OUO per annum,
j nnineMnwM.
I I.C1A11, COTH. i.-
ft otpparcn irorn lauianipous iu .u
!tte .ODOUI.ee. the Capture there of
tjiautrell, the Missouri puern.la Ha
Wt reot guiz.-d on tbe street by a Kfajec
It is reported at Little Roek that tho
I - l. ti... fi.:. .l ...1 A
.reoei u en. 1 rite receuuy uica, ut - a -
' dciphia , of dysentery.
; r
Orders nave been isuea troro tne .iivy
Department precluding any more euliat-
! niouta in the United ij'.tes Bat d Mrue
j lar any term less than two years
New Democratic National t'onventiun.
New York, Sept. 13.
The D iiti Xert rt to-day 6ys :
"We are happy in being able to fta'c
that preliminary steps are being taken by
tho frieuds of i'eaen M call . Na'ioual
Convention of the Democracy, to place iu
l n0UJju-.itiuu candidates for I'rcsidtut aud
'lce i'jeajJtut."
r?The Cninn County Committee will meei
al the Riviere House, LewisUur;. at 1 V M of
Tuesday, Sep. xilih. As important business
will he brought forward, a lull attemlanre is
desired. The following compos ihe Coiu-
m.tlppf .!.hr. K I. inn chairman ; I! tiilHv.
iiunsl J y sjmnton, Jacob Maehimer.Wm
i;ia'hairt. K V U Lincoln, W r t ilscn, I'aul
li.'.Ues, S U Hotl'uan, Jas Have-. Jn Ku.kert.
John Hi yes. So K Ureisbach, Jn K Kreamer,
lttibert cv.rrpv.
rJ I? a tr Mr nil.,, ni.li,. alvl. !w In nn.arh
' r lne rierman Reformed church. Lewi .btiia.
commencing at 10, A M, rt Sunday next
! " '
j fl'rof. Slbbct has been intlocej to
' remain in our plAce until Monday morning
cl neit week, lie has been very success. ui
lliai Iax disposing of hia Keitoraiive.
, be consuhed uP.u, Saturday ening of
ttaiaa,aa.ale ftl aa atnau trnan haw ram tn W en nnrt
this week,
He goes from here to YVmsport.
Ta a At cat art aa or Ta mm Alessrs. A ver V
Co. have received from Alexaodna a cargo
of rags lo pay for their medicines, which r
largely sold in Esypt. They are evidently
gathered from all clashes and quarters of the
Pacha's dominions ihe cast-off garments of
ii.. i ii - i ,
Hadjis and Howadiis while lmea turbans,
close breeches and flowing robes. Not the
leal part uf their bulk is cloih id which tiod
les were embalmed and wound lor preserva
tion three thousand jears ago. They are now
In lit inaiU inti naitr fur Avar's rtlmamcc
and thus, after havins wrapped the dead for
thirty centuries, are used to warn ihe living
,r"'n ,he narrow h"ue which they bave so
i inhabited, and to which, in spite of all oar
ptiar.ls and cautions, we must so surely
Jitttlt t.renmz J'umnl.
CorreckJ Srmi- Wtek'y ly llcirTZs & Smith.
; yg
$2.40 Unttcr
1.60 Eggs
1 CO Lard, fresh
75 Tailow
8 40
1 (IO
Oats, 32 lb.
'"''''J JOft.l CO
j'ffl,ee(' ''
sj shnnWr 15
ia with Kins 10
Dried AppIo?,Ib. 10
Wool 1 00
Country Sosp $(i 0
Hags (J('t!j
In IlnMHay-tmrr. Pa , on Ihe liah in't.. .y Itpr T.
raiiCliprlr. AKTIRC JOV Is. fri,.-rljr of I arnaung
aua Mima buMnrau v ll CbLbll. or lllair u.
'! fi"nrp: f"'". N- Y- h in . b tl,. K.T. P. P.
BIhoi or Auburo, H1ARI.ES
D KI,INK..Ir.f..rm-rl
nr Lratifbur.;, i'a aua Uiaa all..ial . WALltK, of
tli. former (ilarw.
At hr mti. John Ftn..lrO,'i.. in lrlmre. Mtti !it..
Wi.lnwSAKAIt KANDoU'U, in her ilth year, luner
al SaturJar, at 2, P. M.
In Lpwtibnrg. 14th lnt .SAMt'KL PMITrt PATtTrtT,
ai(ud ei vuaraforuierl from tbv Juniata region.
In Mifflinbarj. t"th int, JDIIM KAV.in his s:th
ear. riils venerable citla-n van the firat SbrrilT of
i:nion county, aoj aerved alao ia both brwnehes of the
MRS. M. M. SAYRt! hwtrjust commencrd
. Sele.t SchnoKor.boyi and girls, in
tne basement oftie B.nlisl Church room
formerly occupied by Mns. Kanney. Tuuion,
purpose of employ seven Male Teachers
to lake charge of ine everal Schools in said
school district,, also ne (either male or
female) teacher lo take charge of the Primary
School in New Colombia1.
White Deer, Sept. 12, 1361
"T7ll.L be offered at Pohiic Sale, on Friday,
the md d,ii of September, 1064, at the
house of Josiah Kanck, in While Dear town
ship, L'uion county, ihe lullowiujvpropcriy,
2 Workinr Ilorlcs. 2 Wvo vonr old
Colts, 2 Steers 1 iWiggoy, 1 four
horso Wason, 1 Clover lluller,
lot ot tobacco on lttle.-
Mr. Ranck has enlisiell, and is oblijed to
sell hit ttoclr oa account uf having no one
lo attend ft it. I
(Sale will commence a 1 o'clock A.M.,
when terms will be made known by
Sept. 19 JACOB LEWER, Ant
l.swi-'.iiri, f,.rw,eriv r.copipd h
- ir vi' .
r ha t lot li.Tiii!
(l a t,,ai br,rl ,vtUxn- ,,,, s
i and Va-n nr.l. ?' s" ine C a t.
' Ternn, ad ires llfNKY W A ITS.
; r. ).. or c.tl oyusEni .V.KI.Vi:... 1
rth'J 1
) towj: lot & iiousa
I IOR sa'e situate I on N.-lih S'.nnf
t Ir.on MarUri St, J.e ai-rvir-; i i
! ou whieh ai- erecie,1. a tw i-muimv i r ,1
1 dwelling bouse an.' Kiichq,new Ma ble
I,.. i,
'" -
, two -torey Irame V eaver .nop. I've n -,
Fruit tres. To sun purer, -ser-, li e l.oi way
divi Irl Shi.n an I !y- ii..u-s i,.- one m,1
an.l l) ve!ii,n a, A "iab.e on the other. Ij is
. i i
., in ,h,
qoirs oa Ine prpms.es or o;
loiit CilJl'S BIIOW.V. TxTOMr
,.BtJFPALC3 nO'JSE" for Sale, i
i ; .
; A bar,, offer l..r aa.e th- lar.,e three
; ),.,,..., , Lewi.boreornerol eco:cl and j
n,, i.n s siren-, opposite the Court J,.tise. I
1 he etit.re b'Jiotina is ol brick, TS leel im j
Secon 1 St and 'i let on tt. Loots an !
. mihe.t with a)l the conveniences an I ino.lera
I improvements lor a first cla-s Hotel. 'Ine
j siablms, sne Is, ve., an
ample to acc .uiroo-
ja,e a larte business. j
i The ahetrc prep-riy will be ilispse.1 of at
m.''dT.-e price and on easv terms.
' lunlipr uit-irrnatTeii, ttiqiure of ti.t'.MII.LLK, :
Ks.i.or J. A. KKI.r.Y. General Aent. Lewis -
burif. L'nio.1 Co. Pa inf.!
rpHK subscribers rll-r at Private ia!e five
J. - iracs of Timber LanJ. of about
in tracts of ai, ut p.inal size, snuated in the
.Norihea-i pari i'f esl boti'i.oe town-h.p,
Cnioti rtojnry. I: will be sold in a bodv, ur
smule trac'.s. io stt.i purchasers. It is well
ttmoere 1 pro.eipatty with White and Yel.uw j
fine, Whoe Oak, ami I'uplar. For luriher j
parl.culars, iaquire of
. JaOoK Ut.U.t.kL, kauuur.
C-The underaae l oilers for sale a trael
of ,VJS 4l- "I Land, in While beer
towusii'p. Rll well Tinmered, exrepi ahoul IS
acres winch are cleared and cultivate. k The
improvements are a fpcd iwo-slorey Los
It.'iisp, b'aole, and Uu:b:iiu!ini;s, a ftoua
Irchard, aud aa exceiieol W eil of Water at
ihe house. loiil liE". M LI.VLLL
HE subscribers cfler for sa'e iheir Farm
near ihe Fore-t Iron Works, containing
ubuut i:iO AcrrM,
ilh soo-1 House and llarn.and other neces-
1 aary UuthLus, an cxcelkeni &prinz of Waler
, cion in a "oi
between ihe nnu-e an.l Darn. All cieareo.
r."-;nborntjoi. and cunvcineut lo market.:
mill, school". Ac. j
V'e counter it cheap at .$6.000 will take ;
ys,Sti(i. SHKI.LLR &. SL'UKI-VLK.
Lrwj.hur, Anunt 7, 1..1. I
virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex., issued
..." ,k. i ..... . at 111 r
mm I'm t'l ine v-uuit vi vimiujuu i ird" in
x. . . i . i . n i
' l fiion CDLtlitV. atKi III RIP illfprlf if. Will ti e V.
Pl ied lo public sale or ouicrv. on
Saturday, Sept. 17, 1C64,
at the Riviere II jnse, in the her- ogh of Lew
isaurj, county of I mot., at 10 o'clock, A. M.
A cerain Let of Ground, situate in ihe
borough i f Harileton and couaty aforesaid,
boun :ed on toe ea-i by puioic roa 1 leadin ,
from (Irwin's null to Hartie'on, on the Soimi :
by the turnpike, on ihe west by. Wubw Ln-j
cas, act i n ihe norih by ati ai'ey, Coniainmg j
Oue-Fourih i f an Acre, more or les. where
on are erected a two-Ftorey frame Ltweilin '
House, frame Earn, Woe,i H 'use, a Wet!
widiapatnp, and otaer Ouibuiidings, with the
appurtenances, &c- J
No. 2. Also, a certain tract of Cnimpror- !
Ptl Timber I. an, I. siloar nart in tl .rt'ev I
township, l'uion (,'o., and part in Haines '
; township, Cenire Co., bjunJed ea thecast by
I lands of liavii Miuer, on the aooth by l'a-J j
I ''v' monntain. on ihe west by land of Mr.
. vanriita, ana on in n..rtn tty lan.i ot i n m-
a Armatae, c,.n'.iiriiii2 rhree ilundred and '
Twenty-Five Acres, more or less, with tiieap-:
purienanccs, Ac. j
Jlo. J. Also, a certain lot or tract of Land, ;
situate in Hartley town-htn, and county of i
Cnion. t,iunucd vn the east t-v land v' lienrv
Katherman, on, tho north bv land of R. V. B. i
Lincoln, on the west by land of Elias Orwij j
and ethers, and on the south t-v land ot Jn.i.
F.Kathrrnian,contair.in Tweu'y-Four Acres,
more or less, with ihe appurtenances &c. j
No. 4. Aln, a cpriain lot of (.'round, sitn-'
ate in Hartley township, and connly of I n
ion, bounded east by land of l.'aniei Kal'ier
man, north bv Tand of K. V. B. Lincoln, west
bv land of Henry Katherman, and on ihe
south by land of John F. Katherman. contain
ing Five Acres, more or less, with the appur
tenances.,.. c,
As the properly of Srmtirl Ilrupl.
h. F. ALllRMillT, Sheriff.
SherifTs Office, Lewisburg, Ang. S4, 1H1.
"MY virtue of an onicrofthe Orphans" Court
I) of l'uion cuntv, will be sold at the
Court House, in Lewisburg, on
WcJncsJay, the 2 1st day of Septem
ber nexl,
the following. Real Hsiate i
Lots No. U and 10 iu Hartlelnn.
17 Acres in H.irlleton, adioiuing lands of
Jacob Yar-ger and others. j
23 Acres and 17 perches of Land in Hnrf-
ley township, ailjominj lauds of John Fil- i
man and others. I
200 Acres and 7:t perches of Land in Hart
ley township, adjoining Books and Anderson. ,
75 Acres and 9i perches of Land in Hart-!
ley township, adjoining Rebecca Leach and '
Also, the following tracts of Pnsea:ed I
Lands in Hartley township. Warrauiers' ,
names, John Me-er. 115 acres; Jacob I'nn-
a . 4ii .-. . Si..nh Sp.itr . 4 :i arrfi:
Phihii fsei.iel. 415 acre; Pelcr Seidel, 415 '
acres; Vmdle (.rove, 115 acres: Daniel
Khoads,415 acres. Also a tract of 12 acres
on 1'enns rreelr, John Seidcl,-warraulee.
Terms of Sale will he ma.le known on day
of sale by HELKN C.HAYES,
A-lmlDtatratrti of Dat.b llaica, Oee'J.
llartletco, Aag. 5, lhoA.
Also.as tbe property of Jobs Htis heirs
A tract of land in Union township, contain
ing 110 acres, called lbe JenLins' tract, and
one in Lewis township.eoota'.nnr isn acres,
in the warrantee name ol f. J. hmou.
H0US8 ana Lt f)T 53-e,
J'Oll NAI.H.
TAVKK.H KI'AMl on lrrt St. in
b,.; . osii of !.:: :r- i-. cfi-rea lorsa'e
. n re-,i-na",e term-. ' n nooo'ra
ar.d -rin'-t r..nrf..vr7 rti.inmti(lai two
fa. mil's if n.o fles:re,l nr the p ibiir.. If ami
sold in a rp..'. ui'.h'e !"i-. ,'l ' morlyn(l.
An- person h'.v;.,-; iii-oi-tf n .. an. can bave
n ri !: secure .!. I o-.tl f-ai I t rmnptlT Af
,,i, ;,. -tiilj - 1 WfM.rB
II I ju'i-cnl-r i '! rt a' I'oohc nale lhal
I I 'yiz in Eal
c'.irnif. a -!pimnjj
lat..'- r.r the heirs of AMm.i Uri-'v, in Bjrler,
Maroo.: ei.er-, an ! Jetin fir.uh. r.ooiaiata
AO 411'H -"a tli r"C!ie, neat measure.
... I . .. Ll . . n . .1 K
j wro-rs,.!. ar- .r4 ai.. ' - -
, , ,, . a In' bim. aMi"P. iW.I
,rrh ,T, a,t Kurt Trt-ea ar on lh
, rr,m,,.,. i m Thirty .Aere- ol ihe tract is
; re,re !, atl the p ma-.o!
u weii woo Jed
i ' - -
The .. ve tre.t wot hp r i.erfd for sale
. ti it-p Ucii o! Sept., at - r. V- .VI peraon.
!--ir,.os of spr.ir.n.' ? i, t, , , r seem; Ibe
preirnes, will Hod me ihrr" r- 'il:ss.
ham: Lstroib.
Aiurnev in la -i lor the Hears of
t'Lii.inii Uav, deed.
I1!iK -tvith-wps! quarter of Si-ction 'Tf
I I,,wn 7. m.rih ranse K. rat of lae 4th
principal u.eriiltar. 'l'.ie sa.d har.n lies :
: jxjOtit two lililrj North of the City Ol
Ftvcjiort, Sro;i!ii'ti!":j Co., III.,
h-s about Fcnr .rrr- nnder en!tivation,with
Li 2 H. nsr and utiirr o hu:l.'tni is waterrdl
: by tnr i I the m-l neao-iiiii jsppni in in.
! county, and the balance ol iheuacl i covered
j ty a ihr.Iiy ar,.v.'ii .
Everv acre of ', fartr. is snsceptible of
I .nl.;,);..n nn.l n hrn ll.inl.lv ITTIPrOVCd
j wonH ,.,-, ,., 0I ,ne niost inviiiaa reai.
denees in Li n. rs.
K. r par-'cnarspnti'iire of Francis WilsnB.
of Le.sbun, I'... sia o'i B. Hirris, of Frce
pjrt, lii., it lite surr.'-er-, at Savanna. IIU j
! F.. I H WiBt-KblJII,
I N. 7. n . J L. H. BHWES.
and alt ;h- tixmre readv lor ase -tla
l a UWKi.I.IM! a:; ,cet!t tc titcre..
li.sses-ii a e : Tavern. 1st of April next
Str.r? and Itxetl;nr. on tw davs' notice.
THi. Altltl'l'KLE, H'ofer P.O.
Uni ntown, bnet; Tn. l. tcfi Co, Pa. Dae 2L, US.
APEslRAhi.E Euililin; Lot, silnated ia
a plea-ant ran of Lrwiburg. Term,
j suit tne purrha.-er. Kcr fnrthpr tnforma
limi i nqnire of flivc:i C P DHEWF.R
falcst a5tt0iis.
f '' Just r?c?ived the latest
j.S yi styiesoi Fans and American
Va Fashions for Fall and
J Witt,T()flSC4,'3
ffi l w " continue lo C
AND MAKK I P eloih az in ihe most sahs-
factory uanrtcr sht-p on ortti I ntrd rt.
Lewishor?, Sept. 1:1, IT.4
rriHK subscriber would respeeiftilly inform
the pohiic thai he is now eugaged in
Ihe matiUiaciare ot"
'.SL'ii i
Where he will kep cnn-tintlv on hand,
orma'ae to rrikr. all kinds of
lTOOLi: I VDCK i.4rui.G.
Woolen, C, tfn and Linen
ITrtr-j 1?'W--J $', .f fr.
Particular atttciinn rai l to the iuunufao
Yarn Worked cp for Families on
Fisaonable Terms.
Havinr the in i.jt imr-roved maehinpry and
czpprieneed uerktneii. I a :.:atiiee all m
w,.rk to be f(tial to h.iti.l-,ori,!e go.-ds, .ad
respectfutiy solicit share , i pjblie patronage.
c. n EIJIG,
Atts. 55. Wh le P -r M IN, C. .. Co. Ta. .
Examloi'i'in of Teucliers.
rpHC f operinten 'et.- of the C"' . will
nieet i'o'i .-.s ol' the i.o.tiwing
I'lstrin at the tine and plce m-n-. ned, for
Ine purpose ol e.am:n,nf: appli.'.mts for
schools ia lbe r,'-pect:ve 1 -rricts. Appli
cants will t'urni.-1 la-ui-c: ve with pens and
paper, and all who desire to teac'i will be
pre-em !h.t the LMrectors may have ..ie priv
tlejte of jsdg.n; i f Iheir merits. Prive ex
atntaations will not t c civen excpp by direc
tion ol ihe majority ot a b ar,l, and in case
of necessity. Be pnuciual, a o'clock is lb.
T'-TKTrT. Tir-. si-:r.
V.rtiml.nr ai:thinl.rj Pstupl y.pt. IT
K:,.l iluiialoo .lui,a -c llona. MtMla, Sf-pt. 14
ItuTUe. Ii ;'Uf..e K- a-l. TMf- i.f . S, L S
W . -t B,HT:itfM. K-dlianh S- llousa - ln'Uar. pt -'t
li- k Uartlelcu ll.iTti. tjti Tl.arMlaT.s.1. mI
H.,rtlej lau-elfn Vri.!-y.s-pf. 13
K-ily he.r a Se. Hbm Tir-.f. S-pt.aT
HtitieOtfef ...:!,:!,! :a W - ia.Sept.J
BrauT l'.ir,:.iwn Thnr-Ja'. Septa
JiVIN A. tWENs.:o. Sipi.
New Mtanil---r'cw Goods!
TOSEFII LJIliYN Laviii? taken
.) rooms under the i'eieir ipii and Cnrt.nicle
oilices.reliued ihriu.and lilicd iu an exiensiv
variety of
11. iU, Caps, Grnthnun'tClothimjfiix,
Also a laree a,id splendid stock of CLOTHS
"..'-IMKRt"., Ac. which he will muktupta
or'r,as he s'ill continues the Tailonny Busi
ness. He is prepared lo execute all work
entrusted lo bis cate.lo the sa I u faction of the
N. B. Cuttin; and Eepairtn? .r done tr
order. Lewisnurs;. .J pnl to. I Ho I
The Election Laws uf Pennsylvania.
fVtiE Election Law s of IVnn-ylvania. beiC
I all winch are of a uonlic and eeneral
uattire, (wnh ihose relative lo I'hilad'll'hi
my and rnnnty:) iliijpsted and an noted wi h
notes ol jiidiciai uris-on. Ly Kl)v.
A new edition, enlarged and improved, eoa
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