Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, September 09, 1864, Image 1

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At $1.50 per Yrar, HltiajM In Advance.
Itcpulillran or I'nloii I'lnlform
adopU-tl at Italliiuoio.
Refolee-I, 1. That it is Ibe highest duty
of evcrv American ct'iz-u lo maintain, I
Sgairist all their enemies, tbe integrity of !
the Uuion, and the pcruiaocnt authority'of i
. . . i 1 . f . I I ' l . 1
tne constitution ani ias n iuo i mroi
R..tM .mi ih.t. lavinir aside all dilferen i
es : and that, laying aside all dilferen t
tod political opiuions, w pledge our-I
s as Union men, animated by a com- j
' sentiment, and aiming at a c -mmon j
ces and
object, to do every thing
; iu our power to
qa dlio, by force
now raaiuit ag.inst
id the Government lu qti
01 arms, tue iieoemon now h('"s (
Its authority, aud in bringing to the pun- :
ishnient due to their crimes, the Kebclo
and traitors arrayed against it
2, That we approve the determination j
of tbe Government of the United States ;
Dot to compromise with Rebels, or to off "t !
any terms of peace, except sucti as may be j
based upon an unconditional nurrend r of '.
their hostility, and a return to their ju-l ,
allegiance to the Constitution and laws of
the United States; aud that we oU upon
the Govirnoicut to maiutain this positiou, ;
and to Lros 'cute the war with the utmost
possible vi'ir to the complete suppression '
of tbe rebellion, iu full reiiuneo npou the
reil-Satl pmun.-.u, uulu.u - j
undying devotion of the American p-iople
to their country and its free institutions, j
3, That, as Slavery was the ciuse and t
now constitutes the strength of this rebel- j
lion, aud as it must be always and every-
where hostile to the principles of republi- :
can government, justice au i the national i
Safety demand its utter aud cjuiplete ex- ',
tirpatiou from tbe soil of tho Republic; :
and that we uphold aud maintain the acts
od proclamation by which the Govern- j
nient, in its own defence, has aimed a death j
How at tbis gig .ntic evil. We are in favor, :
furthermore, rf rucb an amend tueut to the :
Constitution, to bo made by tuo people in j
conformity with its provision-, as shall ter-
Diinatc and lor ever prohibit I lie existence ;
of slavery within the iiinils or j in. die- j
tion of the United States. !
4, That the thanks of tho American '
people are due to the soldiers and sailors j
of tbe army and navy, who have periled
their lives in defence uf their country, and ;
in vindication of tho honor of the dig; !
that the nation owes to them some perma- j
Dent recognition of their patriotism and '
their valor, aud ample aud perm incut pro- ;
vision lor tbOse ot tlieir survivors wno
Lave received disabling and honorable
wounds in the service of their country;
and that tbe mem. ry of those who have
Ilea ia its defence shall be held in grate-
ful aod everlasting memory.
5, That we approve and applaud the ;
practical wisdom, tba uose.n-U patriotism,
and the unswerving fidelity to ihe Consti
tution and the principles of American lib
erty, with which Abraham Lincoln has
discharged, under circumstances of un par
ailed difficulty, the great duties and respon
sibilities of the Presidential office. That we
approve and endorse, as demanded by tbe
emergency, and essential to tbe preserva
tion of the nation, and as within tbe pro
visions of the Constitution, the measures
and acts which ha has adopted to defend
tbe nation against its open aod secret foes;
that we approve, especially, tho Proclama
tion of Emancipation and tbe employment
a ITninn fioMinra rtf men heretofore held
in slavery ; and that we have full cocfi- j
denco in bis determination to carry these,
and all other constitutional measures essen
tial to tbe salvation of the country, into
full and complete effect.
6, That we deem it essential to our
general welfare, that birmotiy should pre
vail in the national councils, and we re
gard as worthy of public cjbuienca and
of official trust those ooly who cordially
endorse the principles proclaimed iu these :
resolutions, and which should charactcriza j
tbe administration of tbe government.
7, That tho Government owes to all
bcd employed in its armies, without re
card to tho distinction of color, the full j
e . ... . . . :
protection Of the laws of war; and that
anv violation of these laws or tbe usages
of civilized nations, in time of war by the
llebels now in arms, should be made tbe
subject of prompt and full redress.
8, That foreign immigration, which in
the past bas added so much to the wealth,
development of tbe resources aod increase
of power to tbis nation, the asylum of tbe
oppressed of all nation should be fostered
and encouraged by a liberal aod j tist policy.
9, That we are in favor of tho speedy
construction of the Pacific Railroad.
10, That tbe cational faith, pledged
for the redemtion of tho public debt, must
be kept inviolate : and that, for this pur
pose, wo recommend economy and rigid
responsibility io the publio expenditures, '
na a vigorous and just system of taxation.
That it is tbe duty of every loyal State to
sustain the credit, and promote the use, of
the National currency.
11, That we approve the position taken
by the Government, that the people of
the Lnitcd States can never regard with
indifference tbe attempt of any European
power to overthrow b, frce, or to sup
plant by fraud, the institutions of any re-
p.ouuii.111 ou mc .vcsiern con
tincnt; and that thev view with extreme
jealousy, as mecaciog to the peace and in
dependence of this our country, tbe tffirts
of any such power to obtaia new foot
holds for monaronical governments, sus
tained by foreign military force, in near
proxiuiitj to tbe United States.
t t!Al,ovc wc Hairlj present si!c by siJc each in their own word3
the Declaration of Principles by which the Administration and tho Opposi
tion parties propose to conduct the Government.
It 18 I llC SCriotl3 duttf nf crnrr rntur
find glory of his country to closely scan the wordd and the spirit of both 1
1 latiorms, and see not only what thov mv lmt nlsn what tlmv rln sm aw I
It will Le oliervprl tlmt th nr......n. it ii.r....- i ...i.:.u
C .. ----- - ... inuicuir iruiiiuiiauu i lauinui iuu wiiiuu
.On. M'PIisIIot, vnnoA l..n j: ....: . .. ..,. .. .1
are ckjiw .nri Z,SZZ
rnnf f i i) i """"""'I,
'"vwi .IIU XLUUC111UU
fire Etruggling to preserve the Union of our fathers !
1't eoti c this fur future n-rrencel
Oeinocrsttlr r Copiwr. Plat far ni
uiiuU'd at i lil ago.
Rit Jtv.f, That in tbe future, as in tbe
put, we will adhere with unswerving fiJel-
it to (ho Union under the Constitution
a-tbe only solid foundation of our streugib,
. . . . . -,..1 li.nniniua . n.ntil. . 11 1 '
mcuuiji, ""i t""1-"' - v"y-t '
as a Irauiework of jroverunient equally eon-
as a tratneworK ot government equally eon-
ducivc to the welfare and prosperity of all
the States, both Northern and Southern,
2d, That this Convention does explicit-
- - 7M" .
peopla, that, after four years of failure to
restora the Union by tbe eiperimcnt of
war, during which, under the pretense of
a military necessity or war power higher
than the Cuustiiution, the Constitution
itself has been disregarded in every part,
aud public liberty and private right alike
troddeu dowu, and tbe material prosperity
of tbe country essentially impaired, jus
tice, buuiauity, liberty, aud tbe pubtio
w-jltare, demand that immediate efforts be
made for a cessation of hostilities, with a
view to au ultimate convention of all the
States, or other peaceable means to the
cud that at the earliest practicable mo-
ment peace may be restored on the basis '
uf the Federal Uuion of the States. i now occupy, aoout lour mi US west ol town.
3d, Thai the direct interference of this Wo drill six hours per day, beside dross
military authority of tbe United States in parade, aud are getting aluug Guely. We
the recent elections held in Kentucky, j U!lV0 g00(i omi)cr3, and tbe Itegimont nuui
Marjland, Missouri and Delaware, was a ! b()r3 lout , thou,1D(, men. Mj CipU!n
6hameful violation of the Constitution, ... ,, . . , '
and the repetition of such acts in tbe ap! (- fi" m 89 J "
proaching electiou will be held as rcvolu-; " be is a brother Typo, and is much
tiooary, aud resisted with all the means , liked by bis tueo. W.F.R.
and power under our cootrol. j r We rcaa ,bat tbe 201st has since been
4;n, That the aim and object of the ' r... ., , ,. ....1.-
n " . . i
uriiiif..uf ic n-irrtf la 111 rri..rrt IhA t0tl,r-
al L'uiuu and the rights of tbe States un
impaired ; and they hereby declare that
they coo-idtr tbe Administrative usurpa
tion of extraordinary aud dangerous powers
nut grauled by tbe Constitution, the sub
version of the civil by military law iu
Slates not in iusurrtctioo, the arbitrary
military arrest, imprisonment, trial and
seutence of American citizins in States
where civil law exists iu full force, the
buppression of freedom of speech aud of
the press, the denial of tbe right of asy-
lum. the oncn and avowed disregard of
State rights, the employment of unusual
... ' :..t.5 .i i i
test-oaths, aud the interference with and
denial of the right of tho people to bear
arms, as calculated to prevent a restoration
of tho Union and tbe perpetuation of a
1 government deriving its just powers from
J the consent of the governed,
j &th, That the shameful disregard of
( "e Administration to its duty io respect
i to our fellow citizens who now and long
nave ueen prisoners or war in a sunering
oonditioo. deserves tho severest reproba-
' lion, on the eeure alike of publio interest
and common humanity.
i G'b, That the sympathy of the Demo
cratic party is heartily and earnestly cx
i tended to the soldiery of our army, who
j are and have been in tbe field under tbe
Sag of of our country, and, in the event
j of our attaining power, tbey will receive
! all tbe care aod protection, regard and
: kindness, that tbe brave soldiers of the
' Republic have so nobly earned.
1. "Ia tbe past," your party started all
i our Rebellions. Rebels now claim, that,
"under me Constitution, mcy nave tub
BiutlT to set up independence as tbey
piease ! So that this resolution is only
an inoperative expression of an abstraot
npiniou. Compare it with tbe Republican
Union plank, on tbe same point.
2. lo tbe eyes of tbe M'Cicllanites, it
is of no account that our brave men have
woa a hundred glorious victories have
recovered half the territory the Rebels
urst held t&at tbe UcDel toarbors are
closed, except Charleston and Umi
; ton aim mai uraut auo ouermau seem
about to throttle the monster ! We must
. i.i . - . -1
! yield all theeo advantages forego our
present chances give the llebels timo to
- .i ...
ga men auo means ai u.iui auu aoruau...
'or wbatf lo have a talk, at some an-
To have
' known futuro time, with Jeff. Davis &
Co. 2 liut Davis explicitly says (with all
! his leading men) it will be useless to talk
! except on a basis of eternal disunion !
3. Tbis means that Rebels in the
j States named must be allowed to vote
' freely, or tbo Democrats will create riots
t and a counter-revolution.
4. Just that way talk Secessionists
everywhere. No true Union man is or
; need be afraid of the exercise of tbe pow
! crs usual to war times, lint is it not
j strange that these people find so long an
i array of faults with the administration of
j Mr. Lincoln, and have not ona word to
J g'nt tho Davis dynasty ?
5. Your sympathizers in rebellion are
those wbo abuse our prisoners and binder
their exchange. Sustain tbe Government
like honest men, and tho war must eud.
?. Tbe "soldiery" know how you denied
tbcm the right to vote, when you could
tbey know bow you denounce and binder
the prosecution of tbe war they kuow
bow your Vallandtgham, your Pendleton,
your Powell, and other leaders, refused to
vote tbcm "another man or a dollar"
aod they know yon aro co-operating with
and encouraging tbe Rebels to continue
this wicked strife to destroy tbe Republic
which our brave boys are risking life to
sustain ! Iu due time, the Soldiers' votes
will tell just bow much "sympathy" they
have for you aud for jour platform 1
na ho vnlnna flm fntiien nencno.t.-
conae.nnat.on oi mo iteoein w ,o :
ajui - iauu iu uiouu.iiur oi oiisvury iuo
!eThe First Stat Eli'dion since
the Chicaso platform was laid,
was in VERMONT, on Wednesday last.
Tbe result is tbe Union Ticket sustained
5,000 Gain!
iT.- II I... J : .1.. ,.., .n.lo.,1
, , , . c . 1 i
Niry Copperhead ID the Senate, and only
"J FPt,utu ,u " '
: 20 ia the House, and 22,000 uiaj. fur
j Smith for Governor !
j uyZZZ! 1
Chambersburg, rept.
Oo the 30tb nit , Col. Awl's 20 1st P.V.
crossed the llarrisburg bridge, aud took
,he ears. Passed through Mechauicsburg,
CarislCi ghippensburg, and other towus,
where we were welcomed by the waviug of
fligs aud handkerchiefs by tbe fair as well
as tbe ftcroor sat. We reached Cbani-
bersburg about four o'clock, aud lojked at
the ruius of that late happy aud tbriviug
placo, now made desolate by the bands of
traitors. Then started for the camp we
1 UlUUIOl UU llkUHIU U.Ulua, mim-l OTua.
In Capt. Ftuu's Company (C) are tbe
f ollowiojj from Lewisburg : Wilbur F.
Flair (7ih Corp.,) Jaines Maokey, David I dangenug bis health, ncgleotiug his fami
Martiu, Tilbmau F. Stadtler, Cassius 0. j ly, and votiug fur Copperhead U. 5. Son-
Wirtz, aud Wm. K. Rossell Rev. Mr.
Rakestraw, of tho 51. K. Churob, Harris-
; . ... -. ....... ... , . ...1
' uur6 19 uspiaiu u luo "eg.mem, .uu
j Dr. Wagousellor, ijelinsgrovc, oblut 6ur -
I geon In Co. I, (Capt Miles) we notice
S.O.M'Curdy, 2d Lieut., and A.H.Rauui,
! -th ,. i)iekB. .ad ia 0thet4
...r " . .. . .
I Tom Hatsoutown are orediied to aonnyl-
. ... ...
kill county, t m. u. Kennedy to Adams,
Wm. M'AIarney to Montgomery.
Prices of Flour.
A subscriber bauds ns a table showing
tho variations in tbe cost of flour, since
1.96. We copy a tew ot tne bigbest and
tbe lowest :
$12 00 to 515 00
1 1 1:
1 1 oo
13 50
3 75
4 87
3 64
4 75
13 00
12 00
5 00
11 00
1850 (Peace)
1855 " Wheaf, 82.50 to $3 per bash.
18G4(War) " 2 25
So it secerns (hit oar people have paid
higher prices for flour, ia times of Peace,
than in time of War. "Old Aba" was not
born in 179G, sod in 1817 he was but
about ten years old so that attributing
the rise or decline in floor to ''Lincoln's
war" is all "bosh." It is a false cry, in
tended to deceive those who do not think,
or who have not such facts as the above
to show that prices vary according as crops
are large or small.
Three Soldiers' Elections.
On the 2d inst , at tbe Offisors' Hospi
tal, Annapolis, a ballot for President was
taken, which resulted as follows :
Lincoln received 237 votes
M'ClellaD 32
Fremont 1
At tbe Medical Purveying Department,
in Baltimore, tbe Soldiers voted
Lincoln snd Jobnson 23
M'Clellan and Pendleton 1
At the Armory Hospital, Camden St.,
Baltimore, the vote stood :
Abraham Lincoln 250
Goo. B. M'Olcllan 78
All the above are given, on the au
thority of responsible persons, in tbe llar
risburg Telegraph of the tub. inst. They j
ahow the decided preponderance of the -
earnest men ia tho service for the Preei-
dent who is in earnest in putting down tbe !
HaJ-Wo learn by Mtflinburg Tdrgraph
t,n c rt... i:., u'. m ii..o. I
Irwin and O Lasbells join Cap.Irwin,12th
' . I
Ca?., and Cb.E.llaus, Joe.Bowcs, Jno L.
Strong, Jas Loos and Jos Boob, join Col
Stover's 184th P. V
Bern M.OrWlg I
is 1st Lieut, in 1st Pa. Bat George :
Aurand. of Foster's Co.. olst I. V.. was '
- . .-
killed at the Weldon railroad.
lefifThe church bells in Lcwisburg were
rung oo Wednesday, in honor of tbe re-1
cent vioiories. au over tne iree lanu, ,
joyful publio demonstrations of the OTOOts j
were made.
Col. Ai
. . . .
rf. uerr is reoommenaeu
for Congress by tbe Union party io Dan
phio, and Col. J. J. Patterson io Juniata.
The Conference will be held earl next
Valuable Town & Country Property,
Good Town property, Timber land and
other Heal Estate are advertised for Mia
in to-day'i paper. ,
UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1864.
Ve-ry 'Un-cou-stt-tu-tion-al."
"Irrr-gardtesa" of the Chicago Copper
head Platform, Suermas whipped the
lie be Is at Atlanta, aui FaBRAGLT abuts
them up at Mobile 1
P.8. Instead of an "armistice," tyrant
Lincolo'i men just killed John Morgan
the freebooter, and "arbitrarily arrested''
tbe pirate Georgia!
P. S. 2d. The people of Vermont as
if Ibey bad no retrd for the sensibilities
of M'Ciehan, YalUudigharo, J.ff Davis k
Cj. have voted iu the Od Abu. candid
ates by an iucrcaiud iutj irlty 1
l'.i. Cd. liubuid thu Sjldijr,' votes 1
r.The Opposition in Lycoming county
has a qutrrck about Seuatur. Mr. Humes,
their Uouiiu-e, is opposed by those who
oamc all the way to Uuiou county to per
i eudo use of our c.ttzjus to tuu, promL-iug
biui a thumping unjmty !
,, , ,.
L.gbt years ago, this county gave Gen.
Fremont, fir I'roaidtut, 3U0 or 4')0 uiijor -
ity but, (uudur other auspices) wo do
! not kuow tho Sr3t voto be is sure of, now
Four years ago (in a state of affairs now
inoperative) Uuion county gave Jshn
Walls, 200 or uOO majority for Associate
Judge but, should bo run as the choiuo
of the poliiioiaus of the -l-'yui and 'i tints
stripe, tbe figures would be widely differ
ent. Many of bis political oppoueuts,
respecting him aa a good citizen, compli
mented him with votes for a non political
position. Rut that honor, they argue,
squared tee aooiunt : tbey would much
rather see his pleasant faco ou the bench,
or trade with biui in tho store, than havj
him away off in wicked llarrisburg, cu-
j aiors aud all that girt o thing !
P. S. The JuJe bag uf rusignel bis
... .... S ..f . .1 ...l..f..l V,n,...
p... . . v. - -
i lot auomerj
fe.We are iufurmed that several niol-
j anoholr looking individuals came to Lew-
. , . " . ... .,..., .,
I """"8 UIUUSU "'"f J "i
.r,,,P . Dr... j0.t Df oaxin and caueus-
" o
ing mads out a Chicago .Platform tioket,
as follows :
Congress W. II. Miller. Senate John
Wails. Assembly Cbas.Wilson. Sber-
iff C. D. Cox. Commissioner Adam
; Young.
Auditor Jas.Crossgrove. Cor
oner .
In Snyder county, they nominated W.
H. Miller for Congress; Thomas Bower
for Seoato; Daniel 8. 11 oyer for Assem
bly; Andrew Keller for Prothonotary;
Jaoob S.Smith for Register; J.W.Kuigbt
for Attorney ; Wm. Garmon for Commis-
eionor; Philip 31. leats for Purveyor;
and William Boyer for Auditor. Tbe
"M 'J'"'. Abe Lincoln," got all ,h,
nuse uou. jencrson Ltavu noue oi
the performance.
Wm. Burgess, tho Qaaker editor of
the Wyoming Republican, Tankhanoock,
has buckled oo his armor as a soldier in
this most righteous of defensive wars,
lie retains his opinion of the heinous
wrong of offensive wars.
Capt. Jaoob Ncyhart, Co. I, 202d
P. V., bas reoeived a splendid sword, sash
and bolt, present from his Company of
Union county men. We expcot a list of
tbe Company, shortly.
vList week, near Watsontown, that
hale old Englishman, Dca. Rest Fenner,
and his wife, had their golden wedding
tbo fiftioth anniversary of their marriago.
Every Loyal Slate Elrrtloa In HI
Has pronounced in favor of Abraham
Linooln's administration and agtinst Jeff.
Davis and his Northern co-operators.
ieB-Capt. J. P. Shindol Gobin, Co. C,
47th P. V., is promoted to be Major. E.
C. Gobin has opened a Law office io llar
risburg.. .both, late of Sunbury.
Atlanta was the manufacturing and rail- j
way center of ueorgia, and its capture is
as important as that of Richmond.
Pror. SIhbel, or New Tork City, would
inform the citizens of Lewitburz and its vi-
cinil lhal he ha" pp"cd reception rooms at
at.-. r-: , r . . . .
1ULC n",ere 1 ""e- Ior lew 6?9 !
I DhsTA haw txrnl.l ka s1a.-A.l .
Z" V.X i V ' " " y
be in any manner diseased. The study of
years devoted to the various diseases of the
scalp and hair, has forced me to Ihe conclu-
o - , j
ftlnn. Ihnf hair Inni.t ....! . . .. .r
erenC(. lo ie ,ond:.:' ,h, aln "
0 but little or no service. Individual cases
tin cortrinsi I n .1 i e. I I
u a-. . uut itiudl t.it3
there may be, unere.lhe party usine a tonic
tor the lia.r may be benefitted hereby, because
' '
" be j"sl adapted to the condition of the '
C..1I. Km in it,. I.... r - ;
11. I 1 1 1 in I 11 0 I,.. mn.f.-.lM ..I . . I
r .-.-.. ...ojo..,j, u. t,,
"l " ucu.oi.Mrau-,..,ey ;
nave not only received no benrfit, but rather I
.k. ..n.ei..r ... j .1
injury from the use of many of the Hair Ton-!
ics of the day. claim to have been success
ful in restoring the hair, when the germ is
,eU. 0(;calJse jrj a cases , COD,pouod lne
remedy to suit what may be the peculiar
condition of the scalp at the lime of the ap-
plication. My examinations are free, and I
-.u.. . , '..
wbo may be unprejudiced, that in Ihe lanre I
majority of cases the hair can be restored, ''
anutnaiwnen ii lansonanu becomes prema-
. j.i a .
turely gray, thin, and bald, that these are only ! Academy or Female Insmute, will board with
etfecis proceeding from some diseased Condi- ' iheir Teachers iu lhe Schools. Those atten
tion ol Ihe scalp. Persons wishing lo Consult , ding College, can secure good boarding pla-
., ,, . ,, ,, i im in ihe Village. For particulars, address
with me will do well to callearly.as engage- , ' ,.X.U: President, or Kev.
ments elsewhere will prevent my staying but , v kllv .Gen. agent, Lewisburg Union Co.
for a short time. J r4. Catalojuea sent on application.
LaSssi Hews
Another Flrata taken !
London, Au 'Jli.Tbe U. S frgite
AViyuru beiz:d tbe Rebel pirate Gfinjit,
twmty unies iiff Lisbon, put a pr z - erew
nn board, aud seut ber to New York
The Niagara Ian-Jed the csp'ain and crew
at Dover. The Georgia whoo seii .d, was
under the IS.it.sh flig. ihera n much
the capture, but general talisfaotun ia ci-
Wasiumiton, Sept. 7.
The I'rovost Mar.-bl Goueral's olli.-e is
busily cng.g -1 iu arranging the credits of
tbe several districts, and is ordered to
draft without dulay tor the deficiencies in
tho districts that have not hi led their
''tola, beginuing with thoso most iu ar
rears. Credits for volunteers will be al
lowed as long as possible, but tho advan
tage uf filling the armies immediately
t- tiuires iuo urait to oe epeeui
I d(,fi4llItin, ,iis,rict9.
1 Kuvi. M. St.'
r ijuires tli.j draft to be epccdily mado iu
Secretary of War.
End of Mnsaa the Brigand!
Knoxville, Spt. 5 The ioiluwiog
official telegram from Gen. Giliein was
taal early tins evening :
Ui i.l'a Gap, Teno., Sept. 5.
Ges. TtLLt.-;o.N I surprised, defeated
and killed Jouu MjrgmatGroeuvilie this
Tbe killed are scatterel for miles and
have not yet boen ountcJ. lh';y proba
bly number 50 or D'O. Abiut 7i pris
! oners were captured, aol am oog tUem
were olirgaa s statr, also une puce oi ar-
1 tiilery aui a oatsson,
The enemy's f irs') ou'.aatnborel ruiue,
but the surprise was omptete.
Signed, Ali.es 0. GlLLEM.
A l.ln.l. t Jinjnn M.kAhn I
held at New Orleans un tbe lUsb. it was
held iu a public square, which was crow
ded with nojnle. and haelv iiiumiuatcl
I ... 1 ' ' ...... .
witn lamps, trausparaueus, aua aroues ui
gasligtit. lbo cuttusisiu was luteusa.
1Qe Falmotto Herald of tho 1st, is rc-
ooi,cJ' b' 0luUiQ uo news exoept that
I ho KebeJ officers will soon Bo placed
under Gre. Three have attempted to cs
oape, but were recaptured.
WiLMi.NoroN, Del , Sept. 6. At the
municipal elections, to-day, tbe Union par
ty had elected ectry candidate in tcery
Secretary Seward publicly expresses the
opinion that volunteering will supercede
toe necessity of a draft, (except in soma
dark Copperhead dens.)
tiThe Union County Committee will meet
at tbe Riviere House, Lewisbunr. al I P M of
Monday, Sept. IHih. As iinportartt business
will be brought forward, a full attendance is
desired. Tne following compose Ihe Cum-
u r . . u . . . . . j.
; kunst.Jn W ttimonton. John W Brown. W.a
! t:iapharn. K V ti Lincoln, W F Wilson, Paul
j JjJ " i'K'
Kobert Correy.
UorrukJ &mi- Weck'y ljf Wallt Smith.
Oats, 32 lb.
Lard, fresh
Harley O0(l.OO
Flaxseed 3.00
ii o -.
1 .00
Pried Apples.lb. 10
,i, , ' , cn
0ol 1 00
,, c
&idcs& Shoulder la Country Soap H.0
ao wnniunsiv nags unto
In Twi-Imrg, oo tbe ICOi lu.-t , TH0MA3 WATBR3,
- tj wimruuio oi ntaie ana vonnty
I Taw In as rlemanl nf M nlntillt I ,-v In
w are t a r sun -v n r i e .
100 days men who vo'usieered from ihis
County, and other expenditures, have exhaus
ted the Treasury. It 4s vherefore expected
that Collectors will lie able" lo seitle up their
Duplicates by the. drat day ot next Court, ao
that the Jurors crfn be paid, As.
WM. JO.S, Treas.
fPHE following Teachers have been selected
X fur the Public Schorls of Lewisburg,
which are in be kept fr six manihs, com
mencing on Thursday, 15th Sept. ISfil
Mr. 51. W. Cramer, Vir&iuiuar School, ?i,W. ieconit
itiort'y, rtruth rroui.
Miss ft. A. Klli. t'vtuale Grammar, S. W-Kcond storoj,
north ttxm.
Mr. J. II. llcnani, MIeiuttrmoIUtN.W.frytatore,
ftoutb rtyki. v
MisM. K. V.I'uHloFemaUinteriiiediatv'.S.yr.srcoDi
tort), imuis. rtvm.
Miii A K. Ilu.St-cfli.larT.8.W.flrittori'T, nfrth Tm.
Mi.' M K. Slilt.r, focuiJurjt N. VV. eicontiutcrfy, noriu
ML. ll.mnah rarJ, rrimary,Northn Liberties School
Ml.s A. K. Ki ich, Primary, Vftn. FrirX ii VniiJin;.
Alms K. Uaruuan, luueiu.tori.nri.tiiini'hur7h.
The e-hotar. whow-rt to Me. Ii.-r ljt wint-r will
rennrLLi .Mr. CranitT. tiuwewlio wnt tn Mis. .Mvtc.r
to Mi... Kili. in Hie ssrni. ronm, lr. AV. Kna-ily. fM-hol-
nr. to .Mr. Iletinina in ..ni r?:i. li.i Kojeaiiaugii.'to
I Mim B. fsriliw iu the rams room, .Hi... lsli-'..b'l.tr. to
i lirselt in her own room, !i. It. Panto otl li.'lr.r
n MLaslifw in Mi K. TurJon S il nxiin. M i Knln
"r - " . . ... .. . . .. . .. T I
i a.-h, ll,.ll..lih.-r.ftil.ulMtoll..
........ .. ...
m.-nt.oa Miweniiuen.ui ar.i it.i.-n -iioijriii i
liW in ull BUWt U U wU 11m ItpMcntl lifUl.
Tk. hol. .,n.t.,l to h mhAi I
,t ,,rB 5 , p. j,; i 4 r. M. ' ' 'j
til teaih r. r ill .iaw mwt tt. iTetsrr at '
.T,"ZmtJrCbaii't '
ifaiofKiu) at fcmtSiiari.
llC Tall Term in all the Depart
uients Theological, Collegiate, Arad
. i i..:
?. "- 'm ,,r"'u"; w ""-
Every facility wi'll be offered lo each stud- !
,nl in' either Department lo acquire a thoro
from . distance attending Ihe
"THE UNION," eilallblid
(:iIRONICLE,w estiMisheJ ia 1313 Whole No., 1,064.
Heal Estate.
for salt:.
VTAVCK.X nl ANU ..r Market St. In h
borough of Lei'jor i i.tii-re t iur ale
on rainao!e wnn. 'J'he huur is rtunble.
anJ weuid convrnir nil accumtniKla' !
lainiliea if oul liesttnl Inr the pubii;. If not
s U1 in a rea'oiialilc-jicnc. will be nmri;ag 1.
' pr.n navm muney u, cu mrr
j q r 1 j. wol.KE
TOWN LOr k E0U52
110R sa'e situated on N'.tili S', one square
' irom Market Si, I.ewisbur; a lull !.-t,
on which are erected a tw-j-siorev 1 rcW t-
Jellmi house and kitrhen,new sit4bie,iUil.
iwn storey frame Weaver ?"hop. L';.e huue, a
Well uj n?ver-fain:is water, an l oaie e7od
Kroit trees. To sun purchaser, the Lot may
be divided Shop and Dye hou.se ou oue side
and Utrelliri; ai d stable on ihe other. It li
the propertv of Hitsj. Asnsraur, dec'tl. Ko
ojnre u the premises tr of
lUSt CYKI.i EROW.V, Kx-cuior
BUFFALO!: HOUSE" fjr Sale.
HE Trustees of the University at Lewis-
burs, oiler fur sa'e the large lUree
siorey l insP knmrn as !n liujtlie irij
sltit.te t in Lewisbur, c-rner of ."Second and
t. l.uuis street-, opujsit the I'ouri H'uie.
Tne enl.re buildntj u t rick. -H feel on
."Seeoud !st. and 7 leet on Hi. I,ouij ML, and
finished wilb all the coavenienttes at;d modem
improvements for a tirsl ciasi Hotel. The
stabhiiL'. she Is, Ac., are ample lo acc.-niir.o-date
a l.ir,'e busim,s.
The above properly will be ii.no.ei of at
a moderate pries and on easy tenus. For
further information, inquire of G.K.MII.I.CK,
Esq. or J.A. KtLI.V, lieueral Agent, Lewia
borj. Union t'o. l'a Uibt
MIE snb.cribers offer at Private Sale tve
tracts of Timber Land, ol" aoout
2,tt3 ACfS,
in tracts of annul equal size, situated in the
.Nor.heast part of West lltilliloe township.
Union rouniy. It will be sold in a body, or
single traeis, to suit purcnastfs. It is well
timbered principally wnh White and Yellow
Fine, hue Oak, aud 1'opiar. 1'or further
particulars, imjuire of
IE )K'--E MK1TELL. K.'.I.
JACoU 11151-Utu, Lewutmrf-.
dj-The undersigned t Iters for sale a tract
of ft"i5 Acre "f Laud, in While Deer
township, ail well Timbejed, except about IU
i acre which are cleared and cultivated- The
improvements are a good iwo-storey Losr
House, Stable, and ()j:build!ns, a eood
Orchard, aud an excellent Well of Water at
the house. 1061 (JKO. MKIXLI.L
rilllE subscribers offer for ale their Farm
I near the Forest Iron Works, coaiainiug
about 130 Acres,
with good House and Barn, and other neces
sary Buildings, an excellent Spring of Water
between ihe house and barn. AU cleared,
aud in a -ocd stale of cultivation, in a good
neighborhood, and convenient to market,
milt, school, &c.
We consider it cheap at $fi.00 will take
L-wibar7, Aetiaat 'J7, lvi4.
i BV
virtue of a writ of Vend. Ei, issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of
L nion county, and to me directed, will be ex
posed to public sale or outcry, on
Saturday, Sept. 17, 1864,
at the Riviere House, in the borough of Lew,
isuurg, county of Union, at 10 o'clock, A.M.
A certain Lot of jrou.n l, situate in the
borouzh of Hartleion and county af -resaid,
bounded on the east by public road leading
from Drwig's mill to Hartleion, on the south
by the turnpike, on the west by Widow Lu-
i cas, and on the north by an alley, containing
1 One-Fourth of an Acre, more or less, where
pn are erectei1 Iwo-siorey frame Dwellin?
House, frame Barn, Wood House, a Well
I ,. ,J ,H,S.,,K,I.I -l.fc.h.
with a pump, and other Outbuildings, with the
! appurtenances. &c.
No. 8. Also, a certain tract of Unimprov
ed Timber Land, situate part in Hartley
township, t'nion Co- and part in Haines
township, Centre t'o., honnded on iheeast by
lands ot David fiitaer, on the south by Pad
dy's mountain, on the west by land of Mr.
Vaneida, and on the north by land of Thom
as Armataje, containing Three Hundred and
I .iiiiimn,'
, Tw,niy.Flve Acres.more or less.wilh theap.
I J . ' 1
pnrtenances, Ac
No. 3. .!o, a certain lot or tract of Land'
situate in Hartley township, and corn'y of
I'nion, bounded on the east by land of Henry
Katherman, on ihe north hy land of R. V. B.
L.ncoln, on the west by land of Elias Orwig
an.t others, and on tnsjfsotiin oy land oi Jno.
r.Kitnerman.coniainirg iwenty-ronr Acres,
more or less, with the appurtenances ic.
No. 4. Also, a certain lot of (.round, situ-
ate in Hartley township, and ronmy of I'n- j
ion, bounded east by land of Daniel Kather- ;
man, norm rv lanu oi n. i. i. iiincoin. west :
by Ian I of Henry Katherman, and on Ihe
south by land of John F. Katherman, contain
ing Five Acres, more or less, uuh thcappur
tenances.,Acc As the -property of S imwl Iliupt.
L. F. AI.HUUiHT. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Ollice, Lewiburg, A'tg. 23, IfifiL
1") Y virtue of an or.lerof the Orphans" Court
) of Tr.ion county, will be sold at the
Conn House, in Lcwisburg, on
Wednesday, the 21st d;iy of Sfptcni
Icr next,
the following. Real Estate
Lots No. 9 and 10 in Hartteinn.
17 Acres in Hartleion, adjoining lands of
( I ..
. p . . . ....
. A amc n .f IT nare K m nt J trt 1 in M 1 rt.
. ' ". , . " u T j..i F.l-!
. ,..
20(1 Acres and 7:1 ncrrhc of Land in Hart- i
. . . . ' ,. ...... .... . '
"T. "J'"'" lw"0,,
in trm n.l nerrhes of Lanl in Hart-
l'.V township, adjoining liebecca Leach aud !
Also, llie following tracts pr Lnsested
T.!itnti in Hartley township. Warrantees'
names. John Metzger. 4I acres ; Jacob Pnn-
. 1 celon, 4 1 1 acres ; Olopnei renin, iu ii.m.
Philip Seidel, 4li acres; I'tter ClUel, i.t
acres :
Vindle drove, 415 acres t Daniel
u .,.r-s. Also a tract of is acres
on Penns cretk. John Sridel warraniee.
of sale bv HELEN C II YE-t I
f SSle "y M.JfcrZ&"Z. I
Uartletoa, Aug. a, Iso.
Alsn,as the properly of Jobs H.iis heirs 1
A tract of land in Knion township, contain-'
ing 140 acres, called lhe Jenkms' iract, and.
, .. , ,. i. I .
one ia Lewis township, containing
: acre?, I
in the warrantee name ol S. Ji.hn.wjfl
in 1SH Whole No.. 2,6c5.
'HE subscriber offers at Public Pale thai
ne&suae r tract ol land iy.nt; in hast
llotfa oe lowi.sh;p, I'n'Oti rouuiy, a ll oniur
Ian. -f the heirs of Ahltoi (Jreeii, Jn Byler.
Saomt l Z. llers. and John Siroob, containing
50 tn cs and Mi perches, r.eil measure,
wiier.-on are eiecl d a L: H 'Ue out and s
hai! i..reys bifh. a Log llarn, a .-shop. Well
f t-i l waier and a po np near the door, an
Urcbar l and other Fruit Trees ar oo lb
prtinises. Abom Thirty A.-ies it tne Iracl n
c.earel, and ihe remainder is well wooded
wi'h ch?.tnt:t oali timber.
TI.e are vc tract ol be offered for !
on Ihe Sinn of -"ept., zX 'I P. M. Ad person
desnous i.f securing a home, or seeing the
premises, will hud me there residm.
Aitorner in laci for ihe Heirs of
pi KLia.siiH Bv, dee'd.
Notice to Trespassers,
Vl.l. p rsons are h-rehv cautioned against
irrspasin.t npon ihe premises of the
urnierMittteti, Htu:ttel in liurial.'e township,
for ihe purp..se niint i,; f.rtridjea tI
v.tlPT 'IIU.i
aCi-ordim f.
tby vt:i. be rtculi Willi
I. t l.KV.
P'.NTKL St M:,
a to ':' liai . R,
i;K ill .K Si KAK,
l.l.'ttOit. HAOH Sf
J.I I. K ;.
M l. k" l.s,
n t u ki.k' kxlU,
uf. tiuKisinin,
kl II K0 Ji.Klsj.V,
tl STkX.
j. r. rrii's.
i .-isirr.
r':rL'fcl;I s hV ,
rA L 11. I. V K Ml,
AHAM Sill.' KI.Ktt,
SAM I. K. -llOirj.V,
U. C. TI-r-S.
Jolts ,'. ilM'iMT-iN.
J VMIS W. MM l.Mo.V,
h.:li l.i.stttiA
Vli . i H. I.I ii.tlt,
bA 10 K i KM.
AIM: ll M Ksll.
.-l"-..l stl 'MttKEK,
P '!. 'li"? Ut- K".
J.e. u IHV, LI It
. p I. 1-'. .;..!
r"HE subscri'.'er aonlil respee.tfi l!y inform
the public that he is now i ngiged la
the mttuuiacture of
K.33!!sii if,
Where h.' will keep con not.y on hand,
or maKe lu order, all kinds of
nooLi: i os;u cxotuixg,
Woolen, Cotton and Linen
Jl.tirj V, .'(. $icl;, d",
Particular alttulion paid to the luonufac
ttire of
Yarn Worked u? for Families 00
Reasonable Terms.
Havin: the most improved machinery and
experienced workmen, I guarantee all my
work lo be e'tual io hand-nia le goods, audi
respectfully solicit share of public patronage.
0. 11 KING,
Aug. 25. White Deer Mills, I uioo Co. Pa.
Examiaatioa uf Teachers for Winter
rriHE Paferint'n lent of the county will
I meet Ihe Directors of the following
Districts al the time and place mentioned, fir
tne purpo.-e cf examining applicants for
schools in the repective districts. Appli
cants will furnish ihem.elves vMih pens and
paper, and all v. ho desire lo leach will be
present that tbe Directors may have ihepriv
ilege of judging of their merits. Private ex
aminations will ncl be given except by direc
tion of the majority of a board, and in ease
of necessity, lie punctual, 9 o'clock is the
w-teict. n.rt. vtna.
Militit,or JlilflinSnre Pxtuntuy.Set. IT
Ku.t tlttflaloi. lluiKij. ec Hones MonOnj, S-pt. 19
bu:f.l. Biiir.ii".. X K aa.. Tiiea.T, S L 'JO
rt Butl.l.n. Kr.bink Se.ilutue WlB O...S-i t ill
lwinA Utaton lUrtlvton ' Tttirwl.Tiept. 4
IMrlitfj Lsur-ltnn I rttlAy.Sepc ja
Kelly l:,er Ilnase Tilw. S-pt.2T
AVhllDtr Nfi.lilTMB We,ln"ilay,!lvp( J8
llrajj 1'rioDtoi.a ThurMsv, Sxp(.J9
JOHN A. OWE.No.Co. apu
a nion Cotinly Court i'roc lamatloai
1 7"HEKCA,the Hon. KAMI S.WOODS,
y President Judge for the Smb. Judicial
District of Pennsylvania, com posed of Ihe
counties of I'dipii, .Minlin anJ Snyder, and
J WSistosTo andJoes Walls EsqsAsso--Ciate
Judges in Tnion county, have issued their
precept, bearing dale the ltlth day of May,
ls6 1, and to me directed, for ihe holding of a a
Orphans' Court, Court of Common Pleas, Oyer
and Terminer, and tieneral Quarter Mes-sions.
at LEW l-sULT.ti, for ihe cnuntv of UIO.N,
on the Third .Monday of SEPT., (being the
lJr'h day) l?6l,atid to continue one week.
Notice is theretore hereby given to Ihe Cor
oner. Justices oi the P. . ice and Constables ia
and for the enemy of I n ion. to appear in their
own proper persons with their records, inqni
sitions, examinations and other remembrances
to do those things which of their r'oces and in
their behalf appertain to te done: a'd all Wit-
Besei ar.d other persons prosecuting in behalf
of lhe Commonwealth against anv person or
perioriS, are re.itired lo he then and there
attending, and ncl depart without leave at iheir
peril. Jun rs are reiiti-sted to be punctual in
iheir attendance a! '.he appointed t.me agreea-
bie to notice.
(Jtven under mv hand and ral at ;!e Sher-
ill 's Ollice in Len-ishurg the lfita day of
Aug. A D 1VI, an t ih- "7th rear oi the
Independence of the I'uiied States of Ameri
ca. tiod save the t'oinmonwealih !
L. F. Ai.CKiCHT, Kherifl
OTICU is hereby aiven, tr ali coiiccrne'f.
that the following named persons have
settled tnfir arronnts in the Register's O.dce
at Lewibiirg. I'nion eoumv, and that ihe
said accounts will be presented lot confirm
ation anil allowance at tlie Orphans Conrt
In be held at LEVUSIU'lifS. for the connlv of
I'nion, on ill-' thud MONDAY of rrp.
next, being lhe l!;h day of said month, viz:
! The account oi"Iaac H.Wagr er, Admr.
of Mi.'h'ii! Itgrr, dee'd, late of ihe borough
i of Lcwisburg.
i S The hrst and final account of Samuel
fireman. Ato. ,f a ur, dee'd, la..
of Brady township.
-rv ,, T I'l., -i c At ..... I. r.
c ... .... . . , .. .
ei-mor oi me ia.. m .iu imaniesiw .wwra
Mmch. dee'd, late olihe bonuH of Lewisburg.
The account of Peier Beaver. Admr.
wjh lhe will annexed.
of J, tiillrrt Bturrr,
dec M. late of the borough ol" Lewisburg.
5 The final account ol Samuel II. Orwig.
dinc. of litlrcca 'awson, dee'd, late of lhe
borough of Lewisburg.
6 The final account of Joseph Winter,
acting Executor of llunj '. dec d, laie
of the borough of New lierlia.
, 7 The account of Levi H iura. Aomr. or
i the estate of X BiJJU. dec d, laic ot lluda-
I.,e li.wn.hm.
- The rV, and final. ceonn. of Hngb K
Mon.goerv. Execuior of .he I... will ,nj
lesiainenl of Ann M. yr, dec J late ol I uioo
eouatv. , ,
, ;j'he first and partial accoont ol John
Yereer, surviving Executor ! Jnt
deed, lale of the r"0"'
Kesisters OnSee, Lwl5burg, Aug- la.iy