9f ' 1 The Seyuh Hai'i P.ujcr. St. John Ilonpjwt'll, Esq., (at oiia time Clerk of Washington Co., Pa.,) died in Sept. 1798, iu hi 34th year. A volume bf his poems was published in 18ul,and from it w take (with slight alteratiuns) the following picture of the penurious, avarivioun, soulless "peace" man of the War o! '76. Can the reader find anybody like him 7 Again the clouds of warfare lower, With terror and dismay ; Protect me, All-disposing Power, In this disastrous day ! As in the camp the soldiers leara To riot, curse and swear, 'Twould give my pious heart concern To have my boys go there. Then, while my neighbors and their sons Are called to war and arms, Grant that my boys, secure from guns, May cultivate their farms ! And while with taxes and expense My kindred are distressed, 0 grant that all my hard earned pence May slumber iu the chest ! And should th' enemy gain the day, And all their foes condemn, Then may 1 wash uiy hands aud say "I ne'er opposed them !" And should they disbeliovejpy word, May 1 upon Thco call To witness I ne'er drew my sword, Or fired a gun at all ! Yet, if, by Thy disposing will, Oar country guins the caase, O, mar I find a shelter, stilly In her iudulgcut laws ! Sat, since from frailty and mistake, No mortal man is free, 1 wish uo active part to take, Bat leave it all to Thee ! Should impious pirates in the seal Our merchants' ships despoil, Tet shall my spirit rest in ease They'll not invade my soil. Then lot the friends of slaughter rave, My peaceful vales shall sing ; And horses, corn, and all I have Full thrice their value bring. 0 may my lands yield twenty-fold, The army to supply, And fat contractors, sharp and bold, My copious harvests buy ! May govermental racs no more To stay our land combine, But crown my basket and my store With blessings from tho mine. Whattho' the meadows shall not bloom, Or ozeo seek tho stall, What though it be Thy righteous doom That half onr youth should fall : Tet, if Thou wilt thy servant bless, And bis posterity, I'll joy in my own righteousness, To all eternity. roa rut araa . cBsisina. A Pleasant Celebration. Tharsday last will long bo remembered y the Lutheran Sabbath School of Lew Isburg. At an early hour, they convened in the choreh, thence marched over tbc river to the etoal, lh oee by boat up to Oamersn's grove, whore some promenaded beneath tha 'towering oaks and lofty pioe, while others j lined the warblers of the weod in singing. The long dinner table re frond well filial, bat soon relieved it of the greater part of its burden. After the abundant repast, Mr.O. announce!! sn exhibition by way of change. Mr.fc". saij kc was not aware whether it wis a docile or feroeioas creature that wss to be seen, bat he wss sure the proceeds would be well applied. Mr. C. said, when we retrospect the dim vista of the past, we eao In imagination see our parents, while young, amusing thetcsolves in this boau tifol grove and now, in order to prevent joor ansnphiaticated yonng minds and hearts from groping in the labyrinths of woe and wickedness, we mast be provided with periodicals that will have a salutary effect open you sod in order to procure these.we mast have mmey money i ai - i a. a .A r the elose, a terrestrial beiog robed in tl-1 i- .lnr. .nnesred to oar Bller tston- iabBeoi almost like an sogelis isiL Oo eoaotinr; "Pi foond fl5 io hand. Tbe ground was well adapted for the occasion. Much credit is doe tbe ladies fat Ibeir ample preparations. Tbe School is io flourishing condition the devoted Superintendent is engaged in good tnd noble eause. Oft no. then, la tby noMe work I la faith and bof. pi on 1 Broad t the Seld, tha haraaat ripe, Tha labor but begun. Sboarb barrier and obatroctlou rlat, And leara beaet the way. If thoa he trua and brave of hear! gueeeftii arill crown thy day. Ia dark nam hie for t.reklna day, la cUwim. for dawnina lixht: Aad la Ui aiaht of error. ray tor power to ahteld tha right, Oo oa, then. In thy aoble arorkt j fa vorla aad daeda. so on I Tba aveat reward arill aurely coma . In haavealy wordi -well doDa.1 I Anf 3A, ih&i. 8. Ore or Ma. Lincoln's Best. One of tbe President's " illustrative stories" if tbas related by a New York correspon dent of another journal : A gentleman recently returned from Washington, relates tbe following incident erhir.h transpired at tbe White House, riiie gentlemen were present from the West, excited and troubled about the com missions or omissions of tbe Administra tiiufi. Ti t President hesrd them patiently aad then replied : -'Gentlemen, suppose all tbe property you are worth was in gold, and you bad put it in the hands of Biondin to carry across tbe Niagara river on a tope: would you shake the cable, or keep a.bouiog out lo bio, 'Blondia ! stsnd np little straigbter Bloodin, stoop a little saorc go a little faster lean a little more to tbe north lean a little bit to the south T No, yoo would bold your brea:h ss well as your tongue, and keep your hands off til be was safe over. The Government are carrying an immense weight. Untold treasures are in their bands. They are oiag tbe very best tbey can. Don't bad ge Ibem. Keep silent and we'll get you safe across." This simple illustration an swered tbe complains of half an hoar. gidnay 8mith defined Eoglish beoevo itaee to be a strong impulse ou the part f A, whew be sees B ia distress, to conv I aa . t i . ri v w aa-p Biaa. S1AR& CHRONICLE ALMANAC i 111: M.!!' -TTIl$i k ' i i i i 1 1 jiy.; I I I ills 3 4 e! 7 a !loii la uiu ts'it tu lolsoiiiiKia t4:s MfSlfSi'at'M 3 lill B"j i s 3I 4 si n 1 7 Hi jlu 11 li13 114 16li; IS ll 3 4 Si ! 7 a Ml lllilSII4 1 IS ioiciiT a & ai rt. is Z 4 It 6 T S 14 14 l il 1 in II l P , lTIISilv iO . I sr. Sepl 2!s 3 3 4 l;li IS I'!7I1K:1 e 4 5 ! 7 a Kilo 1.VI4 Illi!l:il4ll41617 ilsiUV-JlMtlltt 124 Silil 2l2S'itfiae 201:1031 April J J. I 1 2 t S Qrtc. I 1 "I c W:I5 11.2a 2 S 4 s 1) !Cl!ll!l2!l3 M:";l19'Jui 11 a i.in.ia in IS lllii) 21 22l-l S4252i2: iiSiaillW "ay. 1 1 1 2 S 4! 5 6 7 8 10 Il.l2il.1l4 13IUUI7 lSllai'21 i 3 lollil l.'ilM lo'lf . 17 :: K!2!24l2i2ii7 2D 2(..;3i I j I 2l.l-.l22j-:l,24 i,2! Jaae Dere. 1 21 3 8 Hi! 4! 5 7 si v;io K 6 7 ! I!l II 11112 13 14116 10)17 :19l20 21i222:lH 24 111 It) 211 21.22!2.l!24 2i'2627i2s21l iX627i2Nj2VjiJI 1 till JJoliJay3 Banks close on New Tear'a 22 Feb 4 July Thanksgiving Chrbtmu Union County Official Record, FrtlvtrMt Jvdgt Sam'l 8. Wooii LwltowB PontOttlee AuKiat Jmdut Joms W. Siniwim, Mifllinbarg da do Jvusi Walu, Lewwburg S heriJT LAFArnrs Almiohv do rtothmotaryJkMis W. SascS do Brg 4 See.K. II. Wuill do District AUenuy Alprid HatiI do Trtaturer Wli. Johm, do Oymmurvacr Jmac M. W.tLTni, Wlnftuld do do do da da da do Koupjit Kgt.it, Lurt.ton do do S.mukl Mr.hiluNi.w rolnmMft do Omiiiiii'iirTi'fTI rtinpm KiNCDX.Lewihurtt 'lo do OwueJ Ji'HH B. do do do Vinrr Wimi A Onmucs, da do do IttyMieian T.A U.rnoRJTus do do tohnel SuprTintmdml Jon A.Otkm do Mercantile Ajfrraii'r Jam Ed Glotse, ItmrtletOA do Surveyor Coxlkl SairiLCR, FnrPRt IliU do Crrvntr Eufha Stradii. towtubunr m do Awiiuir litRTiiiER Tnonpoi. Miffiinbarg do go . r. II ir,n;i ii, piiifr uo do Vl. P. SilBous llArtletoa do Slave War Taxt O II SnnilR.MlfninbarR do Otiitttor do Tho. CHfRi-u, LRiirrltoo do Post-Offices in Union county. AMrm Tlo Brmd? townAhip) D Stmh.ikr. P M XifrriVt Bfnlown. Ilnuly Tpl TTitl Arl-iifklo ' Kifr lrr Mult (lllgntuvn, Wh D Tpl CH'a M King .Yw almmbui J K Correy West Mtftim (Kelly Tp) Jobn DAte.mAn . -AS llnrh . Geo W F'.rreet lTi llll-k Martin Rurly Mar M Steeg Helen r llye Mark Halfpenny J S Ran'lenhii-h . K'lwtl Pmith Saml A Walter rMl X Rovtt .... Lncuhurg fl'onoty St) ruTiiop X Jtttadt fhmt ill PArmerelll) MtfHmlmra ... Hnrtl'tn ... laurriom (wwtend Hartley Tp) Bit Spring (Ltmiistone Tp) A'eflerii WinMd (Dry Valley, I'nlonTp) Regular Union connty Courts open Third Monday la February May Septrmb'r De-e mb'r Agricultural Implements. AGRICL'LTTR.tl. Iir.plemeolt, unce the eommf neemrn! of '.hi War, hare tern n er? 1 1 demand, and good machines are ral- uablr ai to Ihetr merns and worth only. In the year 1863. Messrs. J. 8. MACK II A CO. sold one of their Improved fieaper to Henry Stuck for 1 30. On th IBth of FeS- raary. the tame Heoprr win tr.iit at a ruhlr, Sar.nn ttr farmnf lirnru Stuck, near CarliaU- for M39, aflrr brine u-cd two Mtwtmt. Messrs, J. s. Marina t o. are mannraetn. rin; a large number of thir auarhmes, with Improvements, this season, for the cnminpt Haying and Harvest ; and as lo the merits of ineir Combined MOWER AND REAPER, troultl refer Ihots wiIiint lo porehaa tht comine wson to Ihf following uninefl prr sons, who purchased cf them last season Jo. M.?fhW. .lWpa Cnntar, Thorn l"tnihf!.1,. Prxirrfk Hr., Hi rum Dunitle, OtirlM H ltntln, ,T.ho liMtt. DAwid PUhlnfkep, Jrnm .mltb, Km.srd Thomtv NraMt of NrtrthanihrUnrl mnnty. Oirtwtwn 0taltsfuw, Jb stukafn, Rnhrt RrlSr, Prwrrlk Pfvortrin, Go. LI4Br, Mrtl M1ti!1, Ji hn Mnf, iidI rlln,i. It. KmlUr, Jofao U.Tryr, of Crnlo evinntj. imnl chrrf nBry Ttim. John Wbt. Pmcn! Nff. Rli ithaaiftn. Mrt.a Brt. Ahrahsa 7A at, Ahr hftfn Fetr. Am- Mlltr, Jnw ft11, D. T. fahmfis., AIIVM Mrvr. Jeta RuM, (Iwortw Kate. Philip Itlttr. P?ir Albriibl, Hftiry llofd Rnpft, fhHif ItvnU, tmr.6l OoMjMr. JoMQh J. nrehm, of Ocmtwr Utnd fsruTity. Jofao llaiarn, DvnM DMr, Wm. Wtrt. ftr Khf. JonMhMi BonwU, PhiUp lbn, JonathftB ! Dmritl Whtot, K J. H ifllntrtn, II. Uokert. ttilham M'-ti. Jiwb 0 thdr, nfDtiphiJirrDntj. John Mnrt, David LiM, John Mtm AAnm PfiTicf , Tlentln Hfngntr, FrKOkiin Kptinv. Chrlfttofihrr Kltnt, Wn. K- Hnn)t.n, Jrtr.b flumt. of ltannn (sinntT. Jtm Ctnrk. K. D. Kline. Oofsj pttispir, An1r- FFo dTtloahivr, Rohvrt Ura.rhrlM Rl,liuhb Mllt-p, Jam jmT. John imtth, Wu. II. Pmpoh. W.J Mf-hrT-T, J R. liibkif, Jtv?ok Ben J. of Lyeomlnj ftl Clin lea vwaotrw. We could refer to hundred, of others In he above and adjomni; ccannrs. bat mini " unnecessary. Feb S3, f 1 E-FirsUf jhe Season! NEW GOODS! FROM PI11LAD. AND N.Y. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For Spring and Rammer For Spring and Summer For Spring and Summer For Spring and Summer Call asd See. Call asd See. Call axd See. Call and See. Jno.II.Goo(lman,Market St.,Lewisbnr? Jno. II.Goodman, Market St., Lewi jburg Jno.II.Goodman, Market St., Lewisburg Jno. ILGoodman, Market St., Lew isburg OTAII kinds of Grain boughl for Uash. WANTED. fSOn TONS of Good Timothy nay. v-"vk lno.ouo Bubol prion at. far tba Oarero ateot. I will par tha biilieet priea f r good, hrary Oata it suit weigh onr 2s lbs er honhel. JNO. U. linODMA.V. CARPETS. AlfWooI, Heavy In- HTftin Csrprta. Brnlla Cryl. Kg Carptft Floor Oil Cloths. Just me.ftd. ud tor imie hj JNa H.flOODMAX. 150, Kfl BBLS.lMackcrcl, Xoa. 1 and 2, in bftlfutl wbolt bearral. (or nm hr JNO. II. GOODMAX. SALT, in barrels and sacks for sale by JNO. H.OOODMAV. rpHE subscriber has opened a J- Famlljr Ciroccry Store in Mrs. Grier's Binldinj, East end of Market street, South side.where he has a good slock of TEAS.COFFEE, SriCES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, c TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Batter, Eggs, tie. be. Which are offered CHEAP FOR CASH by JOSEPH ECKBERT, Agent Lewisbnre;, Nov. 9, I8S3 JOHN H AWN, INI'FA;TURER of Improved Pr CvMtelm Natcbaaf, Lewisbars Pa UNION COUNTY STAB & LEWISBURG CHKONICLE. DYSPEPSIA AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM Disorders of the Liver AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, are cured by HOOFLAND'S GER'ilAH BITTERS, the great Strengthening Tonic. These Elitrn hate performed' issrt fain Have and do give more Satisfaction J Halt mire reipeciMe Vtrjut io miur.4 fur thnn! Than any other article in the roar'iet. We dafy any caa to contradict this assertion, .Hid Will pay $1000 to any one that will produce a Oeriifiiaie.pub lishci by u, thai is not asaoias. HOOFLAND'S GERHA17 BITTED WILL CUKE.EVERT CA8I 01 Chronic or Xervous nebi!itj.Dieascs of tlic Kidney;-, and Diseases aris ing from disordered t'toinach. Olierve the following Symptomn resulting from dhonft n of the D'jetive aryunt : Contfpmtinn, inwe.nl fnlntwi of Mwyj ft th hlt cMitv rf tli .toms.rh, no-j, hfxrrbtirn, dtrusC for too,), fuiiit!ae ur wfvt(tit io tit tnmr,H, ar cru-tt.tion, inkiatf r flutt-rtfisr at th pit Of thr ttt-rtuarb. liwirnoiliig rvf the hWf Jiurtie-J u4 lirRryli tvtvwthtBs. fluttfrititr at th tx-art, r4int or u(Tocttia tsrnXattKen wb'-n tn Ivif): pntur, dim DrtHH of T.wtotl. 1Ip of rtf tmrVir theftietit.ffTfran'i ilnll Kin inlhs bearl. dpfii'.vtirj' of etr"fiiratioi. rlo(iDw f t thn kln andfyos, psain tn thiltrH.'k,rhtjt.tmhst, 4 p.. PuJln ilnuhfenf h-t hiirnltttr In fh nh. !! eUiat iuij-riiuings of Mil, bd1 grvmi it)rMloa of ppirlu. That this ! not Alcohollr, CONTAINS NO RUM OH WHISKEY, and can't make Drunkards, BUT IS TUB BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. VtM rtel Flttrr fit !' n ti $Strrt rm'ft. A. , flrfevrljr 0 tha AutT ctiwrrh. t.iiT-. I iiMn UxQani'0rmiL r.Jttn fiwvrnty fhr joinr ft yr. J b?p lira I my Afrfi fWmllj. nt t b-B w fr1M .tth th'1r ?fTrf that I ii ,n1it-1 tn iwmaifr4 thzv fo mnv ntVfw. an1 knr that tyy ( f-i-rratr-4 to a atrf;ovr h"tlfftHl natnr. ! !: rt pvauf. a than rmMtfl? ftfofl mnrf 1U ai4 railing tha attrBtl'Mi of thr, mtfltrtd with th Hrsva f..f hih thty at reoatai'aD4s-t. to ttiM K ttra, stiKi:tij t m ir-r1rf?r- tliat bit rw-BBift4-it b wttt h piiatainH I tJ t'li wr Hrfullj i llrv. (." tfitt r ) tBtc?&dvd to beorflt :h affitrtd ami U moi a r prn drink. Yauwuuly, IB VI O. HICK. r Ir. Jrmrm, KMr-vr ff th rvycV AUhnnttn not rt1fnv(t to fffr or rrntnnRit Patrat MttrirrK in r'',il. thtTnjfii flwfru-t of ihe-tr r.ffT vnU anrl 1 rt tin,.-- ft t uffl-rfU rfna mhf biob nnf B"t t-tiff to th tn flt ! hlt-i httn-tf to d pio!H fum rnw mrl rrt-rarntton. In thf h'-p that h mT tbuerti.trul to th iwoe-flt of "thf I Jo tht ! mrrt rMtitf ia rsrsrd to afNif mi"i' tUrtnaa timer. rrr"'",,l T r. ('. M. Jr:m,t,t thH Ht, fTis I wj prw-iiff w-i acatB-t thrm for yam, ntHr thr Iinpre-pinn that th? wr rhifl an aforh it" m(xtnr. I m inJehVd to my trwrvi n,twr hnanir, ft-")., tr tha renioTai of tht . fju,lr-w hf pror tv-tn, and for atroonraBte'Ot tn irr th'ta, hB tirfTtnc from irrrataBd lone rretiaurd debility. The ua of thr- rot tlea of th h titers, at trie bftftRntnc of tr i-rraent tar. f41oed rf atiiieat reliC aad rei-t.ioa to a dCe oi tvdtl and atal tor vhbrh I had 1X4 Ml Ib ic BSBth bafre, and had airoatd-eired of reft Btof. I tbateirra tbBkU-l aad lay frtaudlnt AirartiBg BiM tat ill th-m J. MWTOS UftOW.H, PhUBalrlphltv From tt Ft'.nr nf le GMfttmrn Hiptoi ehurrh. Ir. O. M. Jak' b Pear tir : (Vrerincl eioertnce era Met Bvp to My that i retard theOfrmai. Bitter prparrd hy yo m B ahet eiellent mfdtrtne. Is rme of a peveremM anil (' neral dehiltlt;, 1 have b-en itreaTlr hearltxl hr the uwe of the hitters, au1 deubi sot that tbtt ttll prodare ataiilar r8n-1 fn.-'ber. TouMtruij, WAHKk.N KAN POLS-H. .'.V Potior nf TT'fid ng M. E. church, I'hiln.td. T)r. Jirk-ftn liear (ir: If Ice n-ed yotir flrmn Bitter in wf rAmity fVeitnllT. 1 an prrpsred to ny that K ha neer of r-at Twe. I fr -1h e th- In in-t earn oftneral defcilitt; of (he ey-trm, t m the art aad mt talnahre r nvdr t vhlrh I hare kn wl Tears Uully, J. li. TUit.N ill. Fr.rm lt rwT Pnr nf th CMvmf-u (.V. .) And Ntw RoflKEtt.lt, N T. Tr CM Ja-heta TVbt Hr: I f.-el tta 1 Un-ttr ttui. of nij own aeettrd. to bt-ar u-atimonj- to the ejEffllenreof th (irrman Mlttera. ,"nie ytw H'tt. t-ing irrjrh BtHfrted wtth I)yn(-rfttla, I ni th-ra Hh 't t-t orfl. roeult. I hae of'.n rerimoeiti.d tlifBJ trt pfrmw eiifs-hlfd h tht travn tart dtfae. and hte harJ from them the not ftatttrintttwitraoniaia a-1" tt- pr-at value. In ra nf gn-rai 4"ti!lt, I hlv re it U a tooic tliat fan not be u-eJ. JOHN U. LV0N3. From ftm. Dr. Tftnlr, roi'r cf Rsb-:rcu-j Biftitt ch urrk. tir. Jekin l"r fir: I fl It dne to yor excellent firej aratti-n. HrK.fl.'trd'a i'-rojn ItlUVr, tc aid nt tejdl i.iinj; t-i the Jfrred ivrUMif.n H ha ot.tntred. J have forvnarf. at tltnra. heen tmriVed with ffra ordt-t In my heid and fteTtoij tntirn. 1 wm alTiM. t y a ?ri-nd. to try a battle otour (irman Mttfre, I lid en, ani hae -apertanrd rrt aid un -ijfrted rnlicf; my h'-alth haa ht-eii matertalta henctl'ed. 1 eirifi.l ntly rr-comnnd th article a'.er I m et mUto f-e in.11er to my own, an 4 ha t-e -o a aure'l by many of ih ir cood iflVcl-u fteeirectfuliy your. xaouASwiMrsA. Prom Rcr. . S. Herman, rt thr C- rmnn Kforw.d chvrrH, Afc'-'iefi, rlt wn-'y. Pr. C M. Jakaon ReapeetfJ Sir: I hare been tronl led with Iiieta nearly twenty yara. and ner uaed any tneitirin that did nr in much ffood aft Uo:f land's Hittera. I am very much improved in health, after having taken five bottles. fiespecUully yours, J. B. HERMAN. PfUCES. Rottl. JiDoa. Large size (boldins nearlv double duautity) S1.00 5.00 Small sizo 75 4.00 j BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Pee that tho pijrnatnre "C. M.JACK-' SOX" is on tho WRAPPER of each bottle. tihonld your nearest drncgict not have the article, do not be pat olThy any of ihe intoxi raiin; preparations that may be offered in ils place, bin send to us and we yii ' ward, securely packed, by express. Principal OJJice and Miniifh..ary, .to. C.11, .tttCII STill.LT, PHILADELPHIA. JONES & EVMS. Succeuon to CSM. Jachton rf- Co., Proprietors. For sate by BENNETT BRO'S, Lewisbnrg, and by Druggist" and DaaJers in every Iowa la tba Daisad Biaies try0ee.lW New Hardware Store In Lewi-burs;, Chamberlin's Block, 5th & Market Sts. 7"HEKE can be found a general assort- meniof Hardware which will be sold ai a small advance on Manufacturers prices. I ('all and examine goods and prices, bi-f. re purchasing. UEUBUE W. PKOCf'EK. Aug. 11, I84. - IMU CARPENTER TOOI.S.a full assortment for sale by UEORGK W.PROCTER. BL'Il.m.VO ITMtllW ARE alarje stock for sale byiJOKtiE W.PKOCTEK. IINE TABLE and POCKET ULTLERY, the largest stock in Union cnuniv for sale by 15EORUB W. PROCTER. A GENERAL assortment of Shoemaker's Kit aud FcrfltWi, for sale hv UEORUB W.PROCTER. WINDOW"t;LA8fl and PUTTY forstle by OEOKliE W. PROCTER. CARPENTER'S CHALK and SCHOOL CRAYON-, for -ale by ;eori;e w. Procter. C HOICE TEA TltAYM.a larsre variety cf patterns in 1 '?-a. Tor sale ny tlEOKtiE W. PROCTER. To the Public. TWII.L GUARANTEE to send, upon the receipt of One Dollar, by return mail, a ftThizhiy colored Photograph of ANY ONE FAVORITE GEN EKAI. of ihe United Slates Army or Or'PK.'KR of the Navy. Direct to CHARLES R. BRATTON A CO. lOSRwl biation K, Philadelphia PoilOiRse HAWLEY'S Solidified DENTAL .CflEAM, for CUnng, WhUtnwg and Prttcrring Vu TEKTtlt MMIIH Article ii prrpared with the cr?atet 1 cart upon srteniitic principl?! ant) war rantr?!! not m contain anything id the slightest decree fJeleiermu. to the teeth or noms. Some of our mNt emmeni Denial Waretn3 have rivti thlr fatnetion to and rhtrfuJIj rvnmniii1rd it a- a prr liars. t ion ut ip'iir 'junittiffi ft-r elt-anKlnic. hi tvniaanl .r-wTin (h Tf.Kill. It rlwuiin rea-lilTs rio-leriincthfiu beautifully whitfunl parly without tl RiighU-Ht jujury lu tKo .... ir.i.. It i hfalnitf t thr kuuio rbr they arr utrvratvrl and avirr, aitd i an iorileut diointiw-tor lc oli r d-rart-d tre-th, whtrb ar otun (.Jlll'f onVt.aifo. It triTM a rirh an l rrHamr Uata tn the- m-uh, ilranainr t thoroughly, sod ioifiaxLio a dellgailful fragraDre to th brralb. Prepared only by A. II AW LEY, 1. W. corner 10th and Lombard KM. PatladelBtiia, and $ofd ly all DrwjyUts. PRICE 2; CEXTS. TNf Imoillal. Thefullowint-opinion of Ur. White a to the high e&teem in which he hold the Dentril Crraio, musi be iuflicieut evidence o( i value. To quote others in detail is needles, contenting ourselves by simply pivine the names and addresses of persons who speak of its excellence for Ihe teeth. PnOAPixpiTM, April 15, !!. Havlna- me-rally eminlnrd A HA WLF.i"8 $tUItI rit.O IHKTAt.fkXAJt. 1 chv-rrfully ivrvvoimen-l it to th fM(r i-a-iir-rsiliy. It t aa drelknt traration for rlvftniDC aad ftrwrrtnsj th trlh. and ran be uel by ii xTnm with th aitowt mnfl'lDor, an im prnpvrtiv Bfs fe-rf-rtly harml-. Hc-ltlfti prva.rTlnir tha t-fth. I rfvrn -, a halthy rt!in to the gums and Imparu a FitaMioea to tbe bratb. lm 17. R.WKITB, 11TI3 Arch St. TnVa Tikah, M n. rWitu.,,91 X fourth Bt J ftmiKT. H Hn'h it . Tr.siML.ra fart-on Dntl-t.42 Arrh fit ( A Kii.jhi kt iMnil-r, lim Ualnut Ct 1 iMLli ih. Ii i j. 71 Arch M F M I'imi. i7 Ar-h ft KDtn r-Bn-Eitn. Iotlrrt. fW V Fnnrth St I.. II. OtamiKV. iVDii.t, o: N TVnth St M. L. to.lt. bntlt. fi.'tf rith Ht IVlO.'M) i( flS JW DR. I. BRUGGER, noiti:orAiui(; riii$ii(i4iv. OFFICE in his new Orick Ulock, Market iiei,aoiith snle, between 4ih and ftth Cup itair.) htwisbarr DISSOLUTION. ri"HE firm dealing tinder the name of John J Walls & Co. has been dis-olvej this day by mutual consent. William M.Vanval zah having withdrawn from said firm, has sold tn John Walts and John '. Smith (re main; nr. partners of said firm) his entire in-te.-til. real and personal, including; all book accounts, notes, or claims otherwise due sail firm cf John Wall A- Co. JOHN WALLS & CO. The business will he carried on as hereto fore by John Walls & John C. 8mith nn.ler Ihe firm of Walls & Smith. All claims against the firm of John Walls A Co. will be settled bvns. WALLS Sc SMITH. July IS, 18G1. NOTICE. LL persons havmz unsettled sernnnts on the Bonks of IIKUltA 4. IlltO. will please attend to their accounts, as the booka will soon be left in the hand of some one for collection. We have ;iven more lhan a reasonable time for every one lo ettf his account. U.iod promises and pleasant lares will not buy goods to keep up onr stock. UHOWN Sc llRO Lewisburs, July 7, I86l 3w Seven Octave 230 I.KOlMFItX CO., u. Rmadway, Vw Tark. IkJEW enlarsed scale PIANO FORTES with j all Inlest improvements. Thirty years' experience, with greatly in crease I facili'ies for manufaciurme, enable us lo sell lor CASH at the abfrve unusually low price. Our Instruments received the highest award at the World's Fair, and lor five successive years al Ihe Ameriean Insti tute. 'arranied live years. Ttawa ustt Cisa. Call or send for descriptive circular, j 3m 10.ijj.in51 Xatlo'ial Claim Agency, conducted nr liARVr.r t flllUXs, ffasklnstnn, D. T. IS order to facilitate the prompt adjustment nf Bounty, arrears of pay, pensions, and other claims due Soldiers and other persons from the Government of ihe L'nited Staie,ihe undersigned has made arrangements wilh the above Firm, whose experience and close proiimiiy to and daily intercourse with the Departments, as well as early knowledge acquired by them of ihe decisions frequently made, enable them to prosecute claims more efficiently lhan Attorneys at a distance can possibly dn. All person's entitled in claims of the above description, can hive them properly attended lo by calling on me and entrusting ihem to my care. JOHN A. MERTZ. Ag't for liiavtr & Colli Lewisburi?, Aus. 2. 1861 Andrew Kennedy, .lolary rnkllr, roanalaslearrs' OfTier, Uwlsbirc;, WILL lake the acknowled;ement of Ueeds. Mortgages and other legal instmmcms.administer oaths, take affidavits in relation lo ihe income tax, Ac. &c Estate of James Keefer, dee'd. VDMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate of James Keefer. deceased, late of While Deer Tws, having been granted to the subscribers by the Register of L'nion countyin due form of law, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified tn make immediate payment, and all having any just claims against the same nay present them duly authenticated for selUemant to WM. t. KEtntR, Staahea On., New Tort. HI MARTWKSUaBunalMxVliaaMiCssra aValiVaaasvV LV..J i ' I - - 1 1 1 " W. B. CORNELIUS, (.oterrimvnt I nderlaker, SASHYU.1.E, TENS. Healer la all klaas af Mitalllr Kurlal rases aai ZING COITINH, 1TILL aiiend promptly to the iranspona V liou of Uudies. or giving inforuiation respfclin? deceased Si.ldiers. 'g r--,.r T iiT), Having si-cured Hie aerv.tr. ul Dr. t.. 11. LEW IS, ot New York, (more recently from the Array of the Potomac) for Embalming of Ihe D-ad by Dr. lliiKu' "Amcriean Piocess," acknowl edged to be Toe best and only irue process in the Uniied Siaies.will have bodies embalmed when desired. Principal Office and Warerooms No. 49, Church St.. Nashville. Tenn. Branch Olliccsat Murfreesboro'.TulUhnma, Wanrar e.Shelbyville.Chaiianoogaand Dech ard (Tenn ) Stevenson and Bridgeport, (Ala.) Qfj-Coinmuuications promp'.ly answered. Mr Wli.R CoawitltS la autlinrlliNl tn rfi-r to ale. IT. laanll.'Wian of ll.t.-rfrity, aad .ill lrtorm all that he BuJ.Tt.k. ur pruoilMia. ASltK KW J.lMNSON. biiuj Military litt.rrnor Doctor S. II. KNIGHT nH located himself in LEWHBTRO, where he will attend to the practice of medicine. Market St. nearly opposite Amnions block TESTIMONIALS. II .ktlbto. Union Co., Not. 24, Dar Pir: My )iv?r and Ktonarb w so badly Iikvri1 that all h Man mo in "p. ttortntn and all ; tnt I it.ntinut-d tn ta. your mMtriia. and it rur-d Ity. and mwmm H. knoa nurnlrr in oiy n?iirhhrjrbor,d that ial Imuran Iitt romplatuti, that ws-iv eurj by ynnr ms-diritiv. A HI- in mrt, I would adviwall bA arr tt li tf-l with tt !! tn hit- vnu a full, mi Tf lift) BpduuCfiy. Yuut-n truly. JmIIN UtX 'ILAMrU. llaRTl.RTo!. I'olna Co., No. 20, lH'i.1. Ik-ar Hfr: I w afiii-t-d wit is KhfumfttiMii fur inum br of fri, and wan rurvd bv your rnvMliiMn. I wu Dot alii to lav my b-d wb-n I rcmtutn takinn: your Talustbl mvdiriaa, atid I hl bsn atten'fvd hv twu other biL.iaua. Yout.lrulv, JiKfH MILL Kit. LtrmtToi. L'tiion Co., Not. 17. Dr. 8. II. Rain hi: Ivar Htr I m afflirtrd with Hhfunialihin ; I mul-l di1 walk on- ftvp. uni two hottlif ot your Taluablc mritfin cured me m a btrt tim. I a'tvi all who at altiiclt-d with this) (li-tra- to ,'! to you aud get cured. Your truly, J. lKot!K. HikTi tT, L'nit.a Co, Nov. 1H, lM:t. Dr. S. IT. Knitrht: l).-tr Pir I wnd you thi ittats-nn-ut to or-lv-r to lM-nifit Ktiirrrinjf huiutii;v. ly wife lay a lunar tim with -ii4tiinUin and hrr life rr r-rvT-rry wax u, by all. I wax .ft; '. ,. lr; other tnel- ii-inf,nr dfx-tnre. 1 routinue wilu .uur treatment ; your Dit-difine rurvd her: he i- now I woul-i tvUipe all who are Attlift4ii with luntf and lit.-r -liat- lofo to you. or een.i for wu. get viir uiedirioe, an l - lire and tvoiiey. lo Your reep'y, JOHN OALKH. IqODTsW GOODir .vir ir anopsi .VAir r.ooDsi sew ;imisi st ' boons FOR FAIT. ASD WJSTEtlt FOH tAI.L AXl VnSTHRI FOR FALL ASD KISTESl tOU FALL ASH WISTKKI VAl.t. A D HFEI CALL ASD til.F.I CALL ASD SF.Et CALL ASD sr.r.t KREXKR, MSG CO ARE VI R. LUS'i J CO JiREMER, I.OSG t '() KtttiIEK, LOSU it CO Lwlalinrc, Tffftv. lfi3 11 l a all take a Ride ! HORSES AMI UIJIKJIES TO LET, to responsible persons, at reasonable rales. ft'Siables on aify between Sown Third and S unn Fourth streets, half a square below Hess' Livery my residence on same lot, fronlins on South Third street. CHARLES S. VODER Lewisbnrs. Sept. 11, IH63 t.gTeva?.s, FAMIL.Y GKOCEltY AND Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4tb, lev; ISBURG. Call asd Satisft Yourselves. OCR STOCK is larse and well selected embracing everything usually kept in a first-class UROCERV STORE including an assortment of Q L P. E - W A R E. IT A V. D - W A TJ E, CEDAR and WILLOW-WAKE. I take this opportunity to return my thanks to the public for a liberal patronage.and hope by studying ihe wanls rf my friends and en deavoring lo supply them lo merit their patronase in the future. T. G. EVANS. Le.isbiire, Marrh 2, 'I'J. 1. 1, nirr rrsntarra tsi'.i nicl Furnlliire i:Malllxiimnt. THE subscribers have opened a Furniture ' X establishment, on Market Si. Lewtsburs, (opposite Chamhcrlin's buildincs) where thev I manufacture to order and keep on hand all t varieties of CAHtsET WAKE usually kept in such establishments bureaus. Bedsteads, Vables, ("hairs. Solas, Siands, Whal-Nols &c. ' of all patterns and prices. IT Kirjimsu in the best and most exped itious manner. U N D E RT A K I N G in all its branches enenuea to at very low rales. Kea.Jy-niade Collins always on hand. J K UIEFFEXDERFER & CO Lewisbur?, April 16, lSr.:i James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LLNX, O t Attoruera at Law, LEWISbUIili, 671 Lnion County, Penn'a. r i. MKRIIIIL LIM CoMMisatosii for the State of Iowa with power to take Drpo5ition,arkno. ift Dela,ae Acrtloa and t'ommlssloa House la Iralsburg. ggZeVs&tB Legal Auctioneer! F. t.lOIICllOsVer havingbeen appointed sole Auctioneer for Lewisbr.rg, is prepared to attend lo all calls in his line in ion and country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at stated times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc tion. Any one wishingtodisposeof any arti cle can depnsitit with me and I will sell it at the best advantage I can and charge a per centage for the same Feb. 2. ;859 F A DONEHOWER Central Foundry and Machine Shop surer. Walls, Shrlner k t o. , I m . i Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron SjHWJower and Reaper, Darling'. VJfSTHBjEnaless Chain H-r.e Pawer Uwaaaawas VVillson's Telegraph Fodder Cul ler, Riches' Iron Plows. Witherow's Self-Sharpening Plow, and Michigan Double Plow. Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip ion. All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept on hand for sale. s Jobbing work in Wrought and Cast Iron and Brass done to order. Country produce taken exchange. Cor. sfSiith a Markat M- whbarr. fa. sai'l a. oawis. iirain aatia ORWIO & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. OFTICE on Souih Second near Market 6t tAi-nl Ts'Sl Lewlabuiv, V. UNION BOOT AND SHOE m il Sb 1TILL AHEAD! Come e! t""' " kj gnd eiaminr ivr - - :f. E St'r rtf-Jusi rrceivnl a FKEfH Kl.PPLi ' and eiamine fur thuni'" ' City iuade work at uoosoally low pneea "Quick Sales and Small Profits" is Ihe order of ihe day al Sql'IBES', Oj.pt sue ihe Bank, Lewiauurg D.WID GLNTER b SOM HAVB removed iheir a. liair aan a a- , blnet Hare-raom loihe larver and mure comniixlmas rooms, late ihe resid- I eoce of Wm. Krick, oo ibe f araer r Thlra aai Market Ms. InUiri, j where ihey have oa hand ihe LARfiEST and BKMT ASSORTMENT of Work ever offered j loihe public in thisTlcini!y,eomprisins; Ureas ; Huraau ani Fan'V WihaUn.Ia th. Ul""t tii, J Mnfaa. llalr!.t t.'haira, tnaira, nuraina vaair.. twm. Hat Kra.To.fl Rra. J.aoy Und aa.1 ot- act- B-.lt.a.l. fanr lA.na-. Kaar. TabUja. 4r alao ...ralaawrtiarBtnr VO VMoS WitK K al.ay. a hand Barrowa and OIHc. ChairWbolrtle or Kll We also attend lo Ihe CSDEKTAKINH bHHiwaaln .11 II traiii-hM. H(nermWad with V'mnry IIK.Ut-K...l rsk'a fslrat Hrtalllr Biirlal Isx. and toa KINC i'ror ft. a aianuliwlur. .aya hand, wr ara rrmdr at any tiinr. within an bnnr'a aotlra. to wait unaa any and all g at.y favnr a with aeall. llavinj none but the bet workmen, efj W A It KANT all r'nrnltura manufaeturnl b u, anJ f?J dafy cjtniirtlth'n Wthrria prie. nr atyla. Miuufnctnrfi on N- Isf Street, where Cabinet and KnoseTornine.Scroll and Rip awina lrn on ahort aociw and manaabl. Uraaa. A (nod assorlment of l.l.'MUER always on band Sir Nwel foau, BanaiaUra and Hand Kailioe;. rtTKeenaisu of all kinds done as ov.'il. n.u. Any work not on nana win le u.a as artoa aa poaathla. Thankrul f..r pal favors, we still expect a utinn.ni-.oi the ...n.. 14.. CU.,, J)UU15 illlU OIIUO. The subscriber hai ios. r ai his Store (next c "-r I' Office) a full supply if fiwii Mioea ol every style and variety su. ...e to ihe season. The stock has been selected with j particular care, and will be afforded at I u:i:v iikiikkb ruim for kk.idi tH. His old friends and customers and the public J K 'j t iii,i'iu ... tn a ii u cAaiiiii.r in. slork and jmlie fin themselves. r?"M . I'FACTI Itl.Nt. and REPAIRING as h' eto lure will be attended lo wilh prrir'r.'. aud at reasonable rates. JOB H0tt.HliO.Att. Lwiphorir.0rt.l,is0. n n Ti ct.;...i.. v. ji. r..?uivn, mm M'trlrt Situarr nert donr to li-iier 4 H'o.y j ij?'&t fi wanafaelnrrr or fxs;.-' .'-.lr-' . ... MaBufaclarrr of f irii'tion or i! tin- afwpalratH'llisr.(tLlw:i-. - imk l lra:er Jiatn 9J oiiKr 3Wps .';'ip HI mill KIIIIKS, BinbKT'.. sitil.H Bi.LUi, Fancy Saddlery, Harness Hardware.ic. rJ,IIE saliHCriticr, Iiavinp: carried on I bu.ini.aa for arveral yeara, and xalnnl a raputatioa f..r maklnff aa llarnana Sc. aa any e.tahliabnirnt in thia rKi.11 an-l th. I'nion jantr Snrultur.1 oeirty baatns ..anM IHKr.E IK r Mir MS f.r artid. of bia aoraman. hip .nutil .x.rr.a hi. gratitude fnr f.vnra nf t& tra tinie puMir aln-ady rrrr.i. .ad aja thfir contl nu.d i-atmoarfr at bla .S li.W MAND. Tbe 1-atb.r u...t t.y m. ia of tbe vrrr best, tanned in th. old aajr. and will laat fvir yeara. I cnink.y th. bmit Wnramn fa.rn- mv fwn huln.i and am fland la Bi ehi' at all .uilahi. howra. I v liood. and Work ra warraonsl, and il nrt a. rr.wntd may hr retornad or .a'-bBirMl. Tail and m.. and If I do not air. you th. worth of joar mon.y 1 will not aga aak for jout atronaat. KETAIRIXG promptly attended to. C11K4P rCA8ll or ktSADY FAT iaa smw4 hlaMt of I out. try Prnsjurs. Lew in burn. April 1. 1BC1. C H. F. 811 IT ELY. 1UVIEKE HOUSE LewMitiri:, I'a. R. U. HETZEL, Pan-.. TIHE nndersiened returns his sincere thanks I lor the patronaie extentlrd towards htm bv Ih citizens or I nion and th adii.imns I counties, he would most respectfully solicit a continuation of the same. R. G. HETZEL Lewisbnrr. ?- ; iP2 m3 FRICK, BILLHEYER & CO, jj . m Are manufacmring and have I fiT2l-,jeonManily on hand a laree quan- ; 'fif,rS:'"y of 4 iret Fahnss and 3 and 4 1 maKyK-iaaifei Lath at ihe following prices: . I'alin&tt headed in a new sivle. from is . lo $io per M Lath 3 and A feet Ion?;, $1 to f 1.62 pr M. Shlnicle at $5 to $7 per thousand. Palinjrs and Laih made to order, anv lenirth parties may desire L-.l.tmr St. an Sawmill. Dee. SR. ISSO NOTICE fientlemen I CITIZENS of Lewtsburt; and vicinity are respectfully informed that the subscriber nas oout'ni out ine mieresi ol u. i,. mats in Ihe business ol ' Sharim anil Har Cuttine.ntd liuiiuiire niv eauie m '! -uidu- OSaFW-rneDl OI WIlJOW I Aniiiions' blfrk, iVtwftJB Ci?"DnTiil J. Iloatthton'sv "bfrv l.w triot ttvoti"H to bu,nv h bop to ni) j tiffactioo to (! who mm tmvnr him with tbtrit pairosV- ' To ttll who Urry hvrt till their brdi) jrrov long- To tft plMnt whuTt. ftnoil st brbrTer bTv) JuRt call on biLLiM at hi nalooii. boy morii.eTeoreor , Tow flu rlrmo, ruors hjrp mad ncittmr krn. April S, ItitJl A. W. DILLIN, Prof. BrK NEW ESTABLISHMENT, t rriHE subscribers have opened a Pn J Store in the rooms recently occut . Cnarles Roland, in Rodenbaugh's bui! I ' hv ! !:!,'. I Market 8t, near 4th, where they pay liv nignest prices in cash lor Batter, Eggs, Calves, and all kinds of Country Produce. March 25 ni6pd U.R.is! PI'I.F.E i CO J.S. Marsh. E.Skorkley. f T.Skorkley. T. Rearer v. S. MARSH & CO, (SCCCsTSSOBS TO GIMB8( HAsUB CO.) LEWISBUKG FOUNDRY AKD AGRICULTURAL WORKS Le.iNbur, Pa. WE hT eoniUnUj on hm.4 bI for pala, u iiii v.ti v itu vrriTT. ' aa-a.wa.-aa s-a. a Fwpsr, X"itvr and flam HarvrUrt: Gratn and Qrau Srdr ; thtnd and Hutu Itnetr t hrw Sh'Usrr On. Ar- cjt-i fnur Hort 7Ve-a,7. Smwp amd nuiirri, rl iwvri, I .trrwr-frs. Frmttfur Huulw.'jc. -un Frnc, me. c.,anl holj otirlvfi ivatiy at 'lui' KlXlm op roL!fDKT Bt l-ls with t -if -I - rr ; .t. nti rli-ipatcb -Work op Mam -:trv ii -a-iahlv warranted a recommn'lfd. t.m:- r t!ul j Mliciltl and promptly attrtvid f .T u. i' i. . CHARLES tfr GEORGt. MERLiLL, Atlorneya at Lnw, OFFICE in Amnions' Block, 1046 Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa VT an Election held by the Slockholdera of the Lewisbnra Cemetery, Ihe under- il of signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys ... . . - for lots, (rrave-diptint, Ac , most be paid lo him. Persons interested will please note the chance. Those indebted to ihe Cemetery Association are requested to make immediate parmenl. fOIXMON UTTER Lewisburg, Jan. tS, 1MB 1 J ,ew rkMograpker fat L.etcinbMrs I TH B sobscribrr baa parchasa . Phol. rapbic tJaiivry, na MjrU-i opposite ihe l.ewiaburg Baak, where at (, Z i ail uuri prrpaiu w I motograph.,Ambrot 3peS,MeIainotJpe , cYe., of all' urs,oo Ihe bonr.i Qoiie, a maoner ooi lo oe surpaaaea oy at, t Ihe Male. n Cinzens of Lewisbor; and vieiou. Vt . viled lo come themselves and bring t i children ali.ng. Ail lie; amrea previoosljr takes ia .j,- reserved, ai.d will be ins( Irry are I ahorl nonce. UwUbvra. aaril 1, 1V4. .'ii, FIRE IKSURANCE. CI ET your Properly insured in the rat! a I safel company. The old a-Jtoim,. usnrance Company is now ci.nMOer. " ol ihe most reliabie and safest Cisioaa !.... ,n i P.nni.l I. L. 1 I a operation zj years ana ni. a camtai j .. , ., ; in I llion dollars. Persons wishin? n, .... ! in ihe above Company ran do so by a-... io eiOI-OMA.N KiriER. who is ill acling aeeni for Lrwisburg and l'aicaU ' Variety and Xews Depot ri'Ht snoscntier keep, eonstantlv for 1 at Ihe 1'OST Or'Ml'E (below the 'I'M nouse a wrii-neiecien roci( of Family Groceries, Coiiftctionar- aad Fruits. Fancr o- Ba""ljtgss- tions, rerriiint ry A- Soaps, Wall l'a t". n.l It! l.,l T uuu uii . iittui.', liaVlinjr I. ; . Blank, School and Hymn Booki.ia, -J IM. -M saaaaB Sliiaaalna. . , i nr to ordrri ttom ,; Ntw urk "JJ j ,,.,,,. the Tribuiie,Timrs, H ,bio!erer,,y,tMPp-r..rtaa,,. ; cory.Waverlv, Literary Cutripann n. Hsrpsr's 1 and Le-lie's lliustr-ted Weeklys.(jcief'iu harpers Magazines, i ankre .i'in u ia - JVacs, Ac. Ac. 'lit Y WHICH ARK MILD fBFlP f D ut Le - inrg GEO. W.F0KRE8T MEAT AND UNION? JACOB C. BROWN, having ar i N ted in feeding the honary of L? ijZ? sbnrjr and vii-in. for nearly tatttj5. past, with the lr! of Beef, Fork, Veal, &c, woo Id relnrn his z'lffnl thanks to h.s naaa rons cnslomers fi r ihnr t a'.ronage ae.d u nonnres that he intend to continue th baa ness as heretofore in the Meal Market Hcaat between Kchaffte's and Baker &. Cn.'s Dra Stores, Market Square. Mnnwj.6 Wednesdays and Saioriars , CASH is tbe srsiem. rublie pairomra ra Hirrh V'fi t H STERNER i CASH is the srsiem. Public patronare ra J. M. f:)CYJuV Fashionable Boot and Shoe South F!lh St., Lewitlurff, KEEPS constantly on hand, and r.-;ia, tare, to order, all descriptions of Beint an eipertenceu .horujak'rr. aad tat ious to merit a share of tbe public patrvaaga, he wil warrant all wcrk ah.cb may past throoch his hands. Particular attention will be given to Ladies1 Work. His Prices are as low as those of any otkti dealer in ihe vicinity. He solicits a lair trial i nb'1"1' lh be can satisfy every person. Lewisburi. Aue. 31, l6u.y WIN FIELD FACTORY! Aecir II;jr?l lou, t'nioii Co., fa. i-. Hi L uhscriber, thankful fe&grfV lr past patronase. would infora bis friends and the public in gem ral, that he eoniinnes to mannfac ture all kinds of Woolen C.oo4l, suchi (,'lolhs, Cassimeres. Tweeii., Samnetta, JeaH Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet tut Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of, best kind in use, and having employed t best of workmen, he feels sale in saint thai his work shall not be surpassed by any estaensnment in the country. A footfssa ' ply of ihe above eoods kern constantly on bud j for tale or lo exchange for wool, at pneea that Can not fail l nln,a WlsTII. arill bS Carded in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for carding, cash on ihe d livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. ! American Life Insnranpf! & Trust ffl- (Capi'al Stock $5(10,041(1) COMPANY'S Baildin-s.Walnul street, B corner of Fourth Philadelphia. IV Lives insured at the usual Mutual rates i r ut Joint Stock rates about SO per cent, leas oi r.. i otai Abstinence rates the lowest in .lis ; - rid. A. WHILLDI.N, President t Jumw C. 8tw, See. 17 GEO. F. MILLER, Jgrnt, Lewisbnrf -TOHX Tt. LINN. VTTORXEV T I.4W, LEMBI MS. PE.VNJ. i CiimaiKalaaer af DrraS S r the Siw' Ts j CAI.IHIRMA .ulh-riint to alat'.' . it.I Uk, PenoitKna and AttVlavtle Ii ta a ;l .' . ' ahoy. Matf. and alo to tall. lb. s110 ' La.1, iu- ; i.." rror.f nf any IKt-1 or other ia.lr.airot W B raoonjru ir of aaiii SU- May 7, 1S.1 A. ELTON &. Co., HDUiiJ33JDa MJlll'M at 9 Sealers la Leather. Sumac, Slieep and Calf Skins, Vu. 434 North Third street, Philadelphia. T EATHER, Sumac and Skins, bought, or I a sold on t-'Otntnission Advances mids on Consignments. INov. 5, K3mS WANTED, mrf Roll itnurri; over1 Tj'ROM S.000 to 111.000 Ribs or Bnat-Tii-i -- heri- "elirerml ihroneh Ihe summer. 10 .. ui. r. ,,H mr i a i, a oi ine nan mouib of Hiiti.ll. e Creek. Timbers f i i.o? leet Ion? an.) four inches ihirk- r t s. ts v'shine to furnish timbers ca" l" M i- ri.s al Byeis' wason shop, Leinr?' l'ncejif limbers 65 civ delivered a aln"4 Feb 4, I8l WM. FRICK J TlflM' Pile Suite ! THAVE ot hand for sale, at IS eents (' nol a rERTl I'I'RF! for thatdlSlf'- amc disease. It is an old preparalio". I"1 I lesied. which I never knew to (ail. and I c : names of persons enred to ihos t- I ' CH A KLL I .1 . . n (1 . I : . ..I rS. Sept. 3. For sale also at (Soodman's !ti. U. CCR II ART. Hbf baa removed lo Soaib 3d siree' flivin rVi-vrtai Iks. TotfB Clock, l1. MBUIG PA "A 9 i 1 a. '4 V P.. J 1 1 in