Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, August 26, 1864, Image 1

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If I STA1 iiwiwie D
At fl-. per Year, ulnar
riBLiMim Mim.kKkLi j
JVsdav Morninz & Friday Aflernnon.
District and County Noniinitions.
Ajseaahlj StwrFL H.oltHir.. nflfclr.a ronaty
MUlK JLUMtV. ir .).nrniitur
U K Hi IL nill, ri)nalnc.
SUiiir-TnnMAs rni usi.or iianiri ioahiB
leKloDrr-!inilL kit. kM.IS.of Nr Btrlla
Aa1l.r-JaltLS Alkl ,of U-l ni.lt.ln.
Cwroacr-BLJlill IIAf. of XCUbr.
Election on Tuesday. Ort. 1 1, le64
fur rr.uiiiKUT,
f f 4 f yQQL
Andrew Johnson.
1 lUshtjrt KiC
f Gnr M U
t HDrj Hkiraat
4 ithtwn H Kern
4 Ctarl V Kamp
T RuWrt rrk
WiUism Tikvlir
9 John H-i9Ua4
1 Krbrl U t-rTl!
1J ChBTlar r Kd
hr II hriar
Joho iat
W Wood
rmof-l It iHrk
r wteTur-i B -ff
J hn I I'wwt
K.irDr M Jankfa
Elemon on Tofday. N.t. 8. !8fi4
State Representative Ticket
Tbeootuiottiuo of (Jtavis H. Man lit, t
Of Jersey Shore, fJr the Hou.e of Kepre -
cntatives in the General Assembly of our
State, completes tbat ticket for onr district.
As there is no opposition, in our ranks, to '
- . . i i . i - : . j
Cltner Oi .ue iaree gfuiiemea uoaiioa'eu ,
to '.he respective ciuoties, it is unnccessa
rf to have a Conference befjre putting ap ;
their name. j
i Mr. Manley is a plain, affible, intelli-
gent eifxen, past n.udie age, for many
Years nrouiiaent in the bj-iinesa eirolea of
Lycomiog "ounty. At tbe outbreak of
from whence bis devotion to the flag of
our father, expelled bin. wi.b the loss of
What property be possessed. A Whig of
Olden time-a ll.publ.can of t o d.y-bis .
r-r.nn.1 knowledge of and aurinV. from
I tr n
tbe Slave Aristocracy in Ibsurrcction,
taay insure him as a Unionist of tbe right
tamp, and as far as we know every way
Obwio, Allem at, and Mam.et ! Tbat j
ii Ihe trio for tbe first eooteet io our tew
district. Let os make it a sure, a tri
ttmpbant ticket.
07-Two years ago, (18 )2,) when Con-: jjere about fuur hundred sick and woun
gressional Conferee bad been appointed, j ded mr8 now receiving careful attention.
Uom Jaoiata and Snyder counties, in of late a large number of negro troops
favorof John J. Pattersos for Congress, j VOunded in the late charge on tbe rebel
iht Juniata Sentinel QKepubiicao) said :
"A Col. Patterson ha carried firo of
tht (ine counlirt composing tbe di.trict,
kit nomination may be $nely conceited."
Very well. In 161, George F. Mil- i
lee "has earried ftro of the jive countiet
..... . , , ;
WJDIDVIIIIe luc uiaiiiui. .uu i - , .ub i u . . .
r- .i- k fl i
f 1SG-) "Ail nomination may be safely
conceded." Union and Snyder counties
presented Uol. Wilier by a unammouti
vote, and all who are aware of tbe public
feeling in Northumberland know tbat he
is at least tbe second choice of that eounty,
of which be is a native, and where be is
4T ' ' r 1
aavaAfia riAnn aw ate in I ninn fir St.VilA i
Fnrrrair nr ia i nnnprnpan i
ibe uon. jouuoessna, oi ueouro, . a, ,
long and widely known as a leading nemo-.
crat, in a reeeot speech thus aesenbea a
kind of people whom be bad observed io
, -.
Southern Pennsylvania: :
Tbere are unfortunately those among os '
wbo can not discuss tbe question a single
moment without showing that they are at i
heart foe, of the Government and enemies
of their race. Tbe people soon learn to
. - '
tind ont aod know tbese men. Human I
.kill and ingenuity .nd all 1 of traitors' cun- j
Zi TJlZltrrZ ,
toeir real enimeots. Tbey bang back or
.knlk aws, from our public gathering, on
eor national holidays; thev disparage
.- - - , , , . wi.p 6' i
Lnion effieers and soldiers and eulogixe .
tbe Kebe Is. All Union victories are inei-
- O
ies are of incalculable value and impor i
tanee. Good news is never credited bad i
lew. is often originated, believed, and cir-
eulated long before verified. Taxes are
Obnoxiona and opnres.ive : draft are nn-
esnstitotional, and odious: war is bloodr 1
...il itfianl.tlnn w,A k. ..ii.. ..Li . '
r .
onee to stop iL
ui uc.iij iniii jciis
everything has been wrong ; nothing excel-1
lent, notbiog even praisewortb, or pass- j
able bas ever been done b, Ibeir govern-!
Eoent-onl, mistakes, wrongs, wick.d .ct.
ct tjranny; and earnest appeals are made :
to tbe people to arise in their might and
prevent tbe establishment of a militar,
despotism. During all tbis time, tbey
fcave never been known to utter a word of ,
-l-.-"":,m"ong'ost the Rebellion, or see I
an improper act south of the Rebel line.
These are tbeonmisukable ear-marks of.
tbe traitor. He may remonstrate ; he may ,
??r'"?lSih? ?'lexT? in lg
terv noisv and earnest wo'rrl. in..V": i
he is a "sound Democrat," and that every lb 9lb CrP "oalJ blowo &y high at j true popularity that is, profound coofi
xoan of his part, wbo sujtaios tbe war is si o'clock, and followed b, a charge of. dence in bis integrity, suavity, and ability
an "Abolitionist." Yet after all be is the 9ib. 10:h. and ISth coma. The 5th ' am on all elaei and narties wherever
neither a patriot nor a good Democrat.
ZEl' -
the pure waters of America and you can
Bake oorbiog out of him but a poor mis- i
erable traitor just snch a ooe as Gen. !
. nrtnr m ia-
Jackson wonld have strung np for treason, !
Ifter'war.7! lh' M,fco"7 j
"Tha Christian Conference, now in '
osion in Lewisbarg, we suppose will i
fotinue DBtil Snoda, Ths Lewiaburc I
Ulheran Sonda, School had aa cxeursion
Jt-s CaaaJ, Bud a celebittioa. rhurs Ja,
In Advance.
Aaotlier Punishment
Pr. 11 ammood, Surgeon General of the
U. S., bas been tried on charg of de-
fraudiog Government in matters of Sionel,
medical and bo?cital sarpliea, &a. He
ia ' di-m;eJ from the service, and dis-
oialifird from buldine any tB;e of honor
or trust
The President Bonroves the
. j j ., .l. k..i t
I down pies the bead of bis
r u ' ----- r
department. Not satictied with hoonr ni
fair pay, bis greediness has sunk bim imo
6bmo dj roiempi.
Si) be it to all who
aid in ueh robbery. The authoritiea are
i alter dm accurp icff, ana u ia nopea may
be able to cODviet them.
Eacoorace borne iodu.rrt bv rat-
rouiitngU x .No.b.Ilartleton. (5eead
Correfponltn' of tht !tr A (Tironitit.
Frcra 1424 P. V.
Near I'tTEiisisiHO, Va., Aug. 4, 'Gl.
.i c...-. tl . i r
some time bag been Ttrv Wirai. SO Warm,
Tery waroi, so warm,
when no breega U etirrieg, as lo be almost!
Yesterday, early in tbe morning, Corp. !
rir.ii.ii Fulimsr and mvsolf. ln,.k .!k
t0 Ci, 1"'oio, distoce ot nine
" .rou., prea .omo money lor
r . l e . . t
memoers oi me v.mpaoy wno naj just
been paid off tbe nitrbt before. Our way
a vtry duty main roal, running
through pine fre.ts, and wide oncnci..sed
fields. On the fkirt of a wood where
. f ,u. v.. .v,.. n . i
...us ui iU uuj.uin v,iF) .ivwiu,
piles of gabions stood in long rows, awa
ting transportation to tbe front. (A ga-
bion is
a round wooden ta?ket, hke a
eS'ioi':r' maJe of ";KS nJ nPtn " fco!h
;eoJ''- Ttey are filled with earth and ueej
10 0Dstru"'o ethwotkS.) On one of
j tb9 "' t'"g tigb
' 6IIawi 00 wi"ch' le9 meei e
buo ,wo 'P 'ang9
00 ,tt b,n??9 iM " " fcU fter 1TP
its two victims into tbe grave.
Tbe first otj-ct ibat calls tbe attention
on nearicg City Point is significant of tbe
presence of death; on a Urge cnvats is
expanse oi guuer ana gleaming on
e- v- j ,
we distinctly see the thousand and one
tents of tbe City Point General Hospital.
works bave been added.
Tbe situation of Ibe hospital is tbe very
best. A strong, cool brecxe continually
' comes from tbe river. The land is Ligb
and weil policed. Two steam fire engines
, , T ,
force water from tbe James river when i
. . , . , .
necessary, to epnnklethe streets and lay
the dust, adding thereby much to tbe
I comiori ana weuare oi iae paueot?.
Stasdicg in one row are tbe large tents
of tbe Pa. Kelicf, Christian CouitiiUsion,
Maine, New York, and other State Relief
. Associations, tbe Gtrman Relief, io front
of which was sitting aregu!ar"Tycbman."
Tha V.nilaPB I n m m icj.,mi f r. is oars
... .... . .
incrt-tu: v trimmAii at ine entr.iieA with ;
! ' )
.e. -e .ppr.acu ,0B vjiartermaster a ,
M ..r.L- . . r . i i.
!" i me aimy oi me rotomac
0ue t'- ' the road a large corral is
most filled with horses in various condi-
lions ; it might be called a horse hospital,
Oa tbe other sile of tbe road are large;
machine shops for repairing. j
A feW dli,pldited fr4me hon3e8 lnd two
, . . . .
nr thru. rninfn rvrir-lr ruiiiiiinn. r.nr.cnt
f J
'e town of Ct, Point. These, deserted j
' ""Te T 0W Z A' AG" i
emment and Sutlers. By descending
,teep b.ok we stand on tbe Landing.
. . -. ir .
Here a busy scene presents itself: steam-1
. r . ' ,
mff 6 ""J"'
tbe long frame depot, and cars running
m nl fm miih .nnnli.. f.-.. tk. fmnt
To.diy bejides theif nsM, th, roof
- . . . ,,. . . . "
from Washington
. . , i
The Adams Le-
rmll Ofri.'.A ernvile.-l vith r.fne.r. an1
... i
iucu, clu w.iiiu .if raprcBs uiuucv lor
regiments and sompanies, and themselves,
Th9 futlerj (extortioners) are receiving i
. . ,. v , . . . . 6 i
suPP""'"d J 10 " 0 '"P
100 "s V& J- -among
other tbiogs the, bring peaches and apples. !
A small water-melon costs onl, $1.50. I
0n S.tnrd.v Urn. imnori.m em. ii.
. . ,,, . ,, lK. !
. 7 . , . 1 . ,. TV
Bl8bt before' 8un be"' tri ,1bt wre
p'seed in tbe forts along tbe line, and in
tbe morning abont 2 o'clock onr regiment
was roused from its sleep, with tbe an-
nouncement that a Rebel fort in front of j
corps was to be read? for anv emersencr.
" -It. might
'l'9 .' P'ck ff ,he 6nnBer- -t 5
O'clock ('i of 3, o'clock,) the heav,
boom ot lbs xplon g.Ta tbe sunal,
- .'vi.l .uo UVITI
which was at once answered along tbe j
-! line hJ " t'en
mouths. Then ihe thnoder of artillerv
erowlcd and t roaned, terrifying the John-
nies at their morning meal of hoe cake
and skipper, bacon, and making tbe Rebel
pickets lie ver, cdosc in their pita. Abont
boob the fixe slackened. Ia the afternoon
reprts and ramcri ia cmuiIcm suubeis
n - l.i : .
were ujng bdoui anu rootling un euipiy
head. We received oo reports signed
Offi-iel," M Corp. Gelhnger says. The
gratiu cuaigc iniir'i. t.t.iij mi u. tun-
day was emi-iinieJ by the obsiioacy ol
Gen. Lee in refusing to accept our fhgof
'ruce to bury the deal.
This was doubt-
Ksj n rela.lattou for
.n.M;,rin nra
V iL.I... U...:.A.l V.nlr.. anfi'l
.ititriuticB',iuc'jiiinin.iis -
le disheartened ; tbe work of digging x:g-
uc " " b 6
' 1 r
m . I . cttl I iirva nn 'I hfl Iri.nri4 It r A i
10 Due spirit, ido supptiee irom iqb
bauitarj Lomaiiaioo bJ ibe Ii&t-r-ti
Dumber of ot.i"oa leaued b? the Coioinis-
. . . .. . . ...
in SUvDje 0d htarlf
i Everything bohind the
j isL-i to make our line look like one long
regular camp. Shelter tents are up, bunks
made, kLd m tbe rear of our reg.uient is
. . . . i,
: . .cu u. r"u - " - eUJU "
i f.hinnoil .ween I-'p.linrr writinir !a!tr
I fashioned sweep. Heading, writiog i!tere.
talking, and cooking, occupy tbe time.
A few weeks since rebel battery hat -
ing airect r.nge on our afreet sent us a
: J.. t;j
: with a low bow of the bead, thus avoiding
n a i
.... . mm ...
1DJ eoliwoo or injured leelmgs. Since
the gbelliug they no longer give salutes.
j r.r,. K.. whr, h. hefin nn-ell. i,
Capt. Kvans, who bas been unwell, is
now last improving, l be war seems to
have a bealtby effect on our Teteran sol-
d;eri Geo. Keicbley, who, though 45 years
, . .
0 Bge.ls as sirocCBUil nveiy as iae
jounjest. Billie Shields, Serg. Maj .r, is
D0W io the DivUion hospital, sick, but is
fl!, reco,erine.
' Company K has now 4 sergeaata, 5
CPrpor,K j diummer and 12 men for
du-y; 1 sjrgeaot and 3 men on "extra"
dutJ) ,od 2 on t.dMj duty.
Sometime-., e, . coriosity, we get that
or-j (Aryu,,) and after counting op
th u ii nirrn I trnrt va A httVA a RPartV
l.-k .k. ..... t t ... ..-...V..
c o '
matter. 1 m very sorry to see tbat tbe
vrijinal is so very poor, and the senti-
ments scarcely worth tbe paper they are
priced on-a good deal like the Uebel
currency. OUld It not lOoK DCtter lor
ine euttors tnereoi io nave a train oi re-
spect for the country tbat nourishes tbem,
even if tbat grain was as small as a mus-
tard sed, and not use tbe term "Coufed-
erate" quite ao much T
Co. E, 1121 P. V.
Corr.pocde. of th. Hut A Chmnl-I..
CMr Naxa Joaxs Lasdis.. Ta.
Aug. U, IS'A.
This camp is on tbe James river, four
miles above Bermuda Hundred, on the
south side.
Oa Saturday and yesterday (Sunday)
there was heavy firing from our gunboats
ia the river, anl the Itabels on tbe North
Bide of it, concealed in the woods. Ibe
.... .... .
Rebels were trying to atop tbe men em-
ployed in digging tbe canal lo eat off
Fort Darling. Tbe gunboats lay about
two miles up the river. Yesterday, mus-
c . ... j:..:-..,-!
tet firing was very rapid and distinctly
bsard at camp: our icfantry flicked the!
i . , . . ... .
liebels, yesterday, captures over a lao-;
I, r.nsoners and took a few pieces of
I conversed with the prisoners
. j.. . .. f .k ... r.m :
,! ..k... r c..k .'..,N. Tk.w !
vmn. iwm ..
were iod
tr . t i. i . i ; . i :
aiiifreui.y ciaj, mostly in cue gray .
uniform, dusty and ragged. Tbe, ap- j tonna aefotion to ne country. Some or
peared pretty well informed. They told ; ,h9 bosmess establishments of the city,
. J 'I.... - . .
me tbey bad not been paid for twelve !
months: tbe, ea, their money is so worth-;
lfcSj that they could eat twelve months'
b5 could Ii,. better on -bat tbe Yankee
, f. . ...
ld,e" lb"V,"iy n"
from the Confederate Commissary. Tbey
, . , , , , ;
gay tbey are tired of the war, and think
I the Confederacy abont nsed np. I con-
I versed with several
Rebel cause. Tbey
deserters from the
deserted while on
picket yesterday. Tbe, .., there 4s a
large number that woold like to desert.
Tbey have seen several of their men shot
.... . ........
who had deserted and j)ined the Union
armv anrl ViApn rptaten
While writing, I
there is heavy firing np the river. There
m be Mme J ialPorU,,t n 00
hind. Artillery and troops are on the
constant move for a da, or two back.
.:..... k. , r;t. Pn.nt
V er' 1,ttle ,e C.t, Point
,l Preseot- eatber ." WUnl M d'h
hd no r,n UtelJ M'n w n,0it ,0
la, tbe dast. C.R , 5tb Pa.Car.
Harrisbnrg Correspondence.
Mondav, Aug. 22.
MjnJay morning. Attended tbe Dau
phin county court
jonst J. rARSO, i
tbe President Judge, bas no superior in
known. Judee Woods would, perhaps,
have given the Isgging juror,
bles (especiall, of Hrribar
strong hint to be more punol
i ana eonsta-
Harnsburg) a pretty
....1 . .kA.
Btrunir U1UI SO VO IUUIO uuugv.M uiu-
wise, Judge Pearson's court is a model.
The charge to
,n boor, and e
the a rand Jur, occupied
embraced most of tbe crimes
usually tried in onr court, HarrUburg
fnroubing a full share and considerabl,
over, as usual ; and also suggested several j
aaja ka va V v utiu IsJlcrCBa HUi lOCaHUcU 111 w as
District Attorney's brief. Tbe Judge eao
tioned paxiicularl, against obstructing the
Government ia f roseeuting the draft and
tnalAra rifnnV l. a" !HJ.J.lk
I . L. .. J .,.ir..t ti.ttiniT and
iuc wn, . ..... - o
' undue excitement at the poll, during the
! i . t !,;. . ..rlmin.l.
om.ng elections. Locking up criminal,
..,... -r c
disoraeny persons wuuoui jum ciu?e ur
saWqaent prosecution
be expisea a
o5:ial wrong', and hinted a suspicion that
m, -i-rr.tp! t.. cirmtables cotomittci men
i , i . .l i
. ! for tbe f,-ei d J ct-, io-l wore tbein.Cive
, 10 danger ot tne iioos oi iuo law. ia
I gtort ,ne juj,e'g charge was an adajira-
. .... r . I 1 I
8bor!' ,ae Jue " "r9 w" Jiu'r-
i Lie fcuitia over -ao jf jjr iuj inruin,
vLilaeic.n' no criarur to tae cuitable
; 1Dl crja jua
1 T.eo olck. 1 M.
0 1
Ibe renate baa,
' rtrwii a rratraatel aession. aftor Plflf
i I r " ' . .
I fioall tbe bill regulating tbe toting of
' nullified electors in mili'ar aorvice.
juhnson fought tip the bill, (as he did the
i Amcndment'embodyine the principle from
, th , Dersis,entlv ,nd weil. The
. tjops oppoica it by all manner ol uoneees- :
' l- i r-.i i .. I
' hindering ''amendmenrs." some
I 0f them perhaps not so otjeetionable as
' (0peraious, but generally designed to
i binder the dl), f xecati,a 0f tb9 M da-
. . ..
minded by a hundred thousand mtj irity
' of the peopie. Afler exhautiog their in
genoit, ia tbil manner, it pe l-UI
,ba Rccal,licans and Mr. Kinsey of Bj:ks
r.. i .11 .ul
! 00unty voting for it, and all tbe other so-
called "Democrats" against it. So the
Democracy have tut themselves on tbe
rec0rd a 'int soldiers from the day fbev
" . ' ' . '
dixfranchined them down to the hour thev
TOted azainst tbe bill rculating the man -
oer cf ,he vote tbe People bad restored lo
; h ,
r-ur o'cUk.r.Jl -Proceeded to count
the votes on the Soldiers' Emancipation
from Woodwardism. It was a one-sided
concern the Cops naluraiiy thought it
nt -... Ill ..Lrclir n" V,. t r n .
War-.om boys and men, fighting our bat -
I mi 1an.)j ff.-m T r. wm.',r
a-:.t .i.:-t. x
-" r n I - - -
tdem. It promotes enlistments alreadv.
nd gives new heart and stronger arms to position cn ibe Weldon Railroad. Tbe
1 00r representative, in tbe front The j p-aond pper ickoowledge tbat their
, offisill ocUmation of Speaker lASl
that th Vmendmenta are adnr.ted. and
1 1
i have beooma cart of tbe Uonstitution. is
i , nt,i ;n (ae como ef Copperbcadisra in
! jeveral counties.
j Cos.NEcncur and Rhodi Islasd have
joined PasssvLVASUA, ia adopting Ibia
Evening. Both Houses had protracted
easiona, tbe II. K. oo the bill regulating
Soldiers' f otiog, (where proxy voting and
other hindrances were interposed by tbe
Cops,) and tbe Senate mostly on local
i bounty bills, not adjourning until after 10
. o
j Among the Senate bills pissed, was one
; bj Mr. Johnson, designed lo punish those
! -t.. .I... .t. - .L
" 'uo vu.uuieers -ui oi aceir
! Douoties. n is so eminently timely and
js, that it passed unanimously, and at
i oo:e. I hope it may pss the House, and
lve to be efficient.
Tl-er,.v An, Ol
This city is fairly crowded with recruits
mua., uu u epiruea
it-Uox of men for tbe war seems equal to
,blt ' 61. Tbis morning, I mot a num-
bcr of the substantial men of I.-wishnrtr.
" wH
who have left all the tndearmenta of
- -
hnmA anrl f.imilii in tttnnf rf t V n i nA
- --- - r
,Dd goaie 10 otDf!r plees( I m told, are I
kbout to be closed, to give men for tbe
emergency, sinoe all can vote, there is
more confidence in fighting both foes "in
tbe front" and "enemies in the rear."
Wedsesdat, Aog. 21.
Fair and warm. Tbe Cops in tbe Sen
ate delayed adjournment one day, and the
same sort in the Uoofa have delayed it!
. . ... ... I
another day, b, factions opposition to Ihe '
Soldiers' Voting Bill. Last nigbt, how.
ever, "onr folks" told them we would bald ,
tbem here all tbe week, and not let them
go to Chicago, unless tbey behaved I "Tbe j
medicine has bad some effect," and we J
hops to get adjournment to-night or to
morrow morning.
TncRSDAT, Aog. 25,
Last nieht. after three sessions, both
branches of tbe Legislature agreed upon
ktll. in.k:.. ik- I .Li..i.
win. luuuuitig iug fjiiucipai uojecia lor
which it wis specially convened this hot
season a State Military bill, sod additions
to tha General Itnnntv Rill ih . f.
. ... I
scores of special bounty bills to satisfv tbe i
whims cr supposed "emergencies" of va-1
rious localities. Amonir otters, the one'
ksltea tor cy the Council and many cm-
g3D, of Mifflmburg, became a law. Whe
ther these bills will prove effective on trial,
tbe future must determine.
Tbe Amendments being deolired slop-
ted, tbe law toearr, out tbe Iirst of tbem
Was transcribed after midnight, and tbis .
morning bas gone to the Governor for bis !
spproval It comrrises 41 sections and
XSL .0 giveirth, eo forV
. . 1 . i
ified voters in onr armies, to have their
sa, about rulers as well as those at home.
At noon, to-day, tbe Legislature bas i
resolved to adjourn tbe Unionists home
ward, tbe Opposition to Chicago, where
superhuman efforts are being made to
draw aa immense crowd. Tbe leaders are
' nngaged in shaping the course of
for President will be a War man like
M'Clellao, or a Peaee man like Vallan
digbam or a two-faoed candidate on a
manj-iidedplitform time will tell. Qiite
AUGUST 2G, 15G4.
rrnhmhv it will be, a. Union mill 1Q favnr
t ,
; of giving Seees.ion its '-J' J "
1 athao Peabody was 'id favor of the Maine
j but .Bainst it. execution,"
;wb;.Ub3rU luf Constable BOA got IOC
?(jtes f neither party.
; ji.it .I..V. "pe.ker Penney, baring re-
signed the ebair, expressed lis mna in
; o ppropr:ate maoner, 10 wh
nico ce gtaiei
that oat ooe member of tb leoite ts
; .1 ! . u Ko i..t
uim uric, mu un n " ' uevu.wkh.-,
six years a?o. The Senate Ioei an ex-
tpe.xer, and an DarPMd .Mem-
ucr, wao ido cunueiictf ui m ru
tawe woo oppoei nia c orse ine open-
i hi i
. ,.f V .11 I-ica art.l r.T.Ail
fur hi in.
,.....,... tt- t t
1 ' j i '
OI Tlcu"T,J, .w"""u
ir.uulrli. td. n. a! lh llnnrMttinn kpiniY
'east f-r Wm. A. Wallace of Clearfield.
i . - . v. -r r "
i Mr- Turrell is a gentleman of fioe aJdres,
' ff!e ai P.',u!ir io lii ' ',n
' ?!' B'iT' 7 . !f. .
. uta ouarauicr sua mo y.muiiaui. a
bffiiete he has not been abjeot from bis
' r,r nna daw darino his two Tears' term
j of offiae. One of the first School Teachers
, of the State under tbe new system, be
j D0W stst" f ?"u,0 "here,,1ne ,de,b
or remofal of the Governor WOUii elefate
j lm ,a ,he j;;lecotiT(1 cn,ir.
I . . . . i r
A lew nays .go m woman arrive in
j ""i"' ","u5 "e'S" -'. ' "" .
I olerljr ' Georgia, with four children, in
' ,lrifiaed n a nrUonc-r at Camo Doua'.as.
i aod bersuade him to take tbe oath of air
i gianoe. She arrived only to find Lis
1 r ,l. o .t .k... .1.. ;.i;....
uauia oa iue us. u m'a "v " "c
' Two citixens of 1'inegrove town.bip,
" "en counrj, were killed by lightning
oa .ujnday last, iney oaa eougui cue.ier
Wm of Uno, Tp. p10pbin j
county, (aged 8 years) trod upon a snake
; while crosiog a field ; tbe snake bit him, I
and in six bours tbe boy was dead. ;
! !
! T.atfiS JLUeWS
n. m mmi
' wiwaw wm W kw1 "w V
I . ... ... i.
, ju 4lllllOI UB - - - ' - - .
On TV. ... 1 -
lick to a new lint io front of tbe L oion
' h-i.". .i :n .1. i.i;..l .1,.;. ... i;n.
j ii out iuci aui au wcuiuu .uu iow mmw. .
i . m h. seen
The siege of Mobile is being poshed.
It already stops all running of tbe blockade.
The Kebel sympathizers near Ishmael
Day are to be assessed to make np the
damages be sustained.
From tbe Northern Potomac, we have
nothing certain of moment. Sheridan
bold hi liae firmly, occupying SheppardS
town in Virginia.
Cov. Diven's 200th Reg. is filling np at
narrisburg also tbe 201st and 202d. It
U reported that 20,000 men are already
enlisted. There are 31,000 wanted for
National and 15,000 for State service.
He made a few desultory reroarks,'said the
l . w - i : ... ...,--.) . .. 1
' ' "
I scauuiiuasirr. irs r.rnugiuu ioi'c-u .uu-
i (jrnly id the haatle she waa makini; aroand
: ibe table for tea, and gaxed over her specs
i thoughtfully at him. Leaaing on a plate
. tdwite. a. if to enforce her views by the
j saPpon it gave ber.M suppose it wa, because
! n? " "10 ine "Da run
hirn. , knew m t0 fill.
They are very solitary in such eases." 'Re-
aiiyi ma iam," replied he.-l can not guess
vour meaning." -You said dTien:air," sad
she, laying down the plate
! in the preserves. "I said
smiling, "quite a differen
...... :1 . x. 1..: :
, who wa tj & thechim.
- r -r
nry of the kerosene lamp. -The P.iia are
, rod for both, I dare say. for thev curt almost
. a I the Hi.eate. in lh. rnrnneonm.
' fS.Union Coanty Agricultural Fair-r-
Thurt.T io htiiHii, Oct. .., and s.fnk if).z day) Ht,4. and to eontinne one week.
- ' i .Notice is thereiore herebv :;ven to the Ccr
HCtDlSlJUrU; IHit tfcttfl s of ihe Peace and Constables in
I ani for ihe county cf I nion.to appear in their
CorrtcUd &rui. Vfetkh Ijf Wall & Smith. 1 n Pr"'er f"""15 wi' lh .'q,a
J iitions.eianiinaiioni aadoiher rememl rances
Wheat $225
I-srd, fresh
u.. i r
"J A '"J
(j,t9, S2 lb. 75
Barley 90Q.I CO
Flaxseed 3 .00
"am 5
Sid A Shoulder 15
- -
Dried Apples,lb. 8
Countrv Soap 8ft 0
R,g 4cr Q
By Rt.K. A Vink. ts. inirt..CTm: FETTER nf Snfia
Co.anJ Mm MAR i.MlET M NEWMAN i f K.llj Tp.
Qj Hn. 1. S. W.iaa. l9tb ln.. Corp GB . M. RI PP,
! umbp. v,ojmiuslsax KsuiBK.or uurriua.
Bt John Ri.h.l. Kc 21rt lout . CHAKLfc ? 7'U
itm. and Mm uatilda l. snrzkn.au oi Miflia-
I bor.
Dtf U,
Int.lnirtni..T1.,Sl.ln.t, AXOELrXE.d.ujhtwtif
Cbrlitiao sUlVKLV.ag aat i;i r..
In Levin Tp,ril In-C, CAKOLlNk,
eliil 3s yu. ao. aDj d.,
,ild.f Grj, a
s.. Philadelphia ithiBi5iiir.rjAWES,
u u.uniih. i iithii ii I'nto Jm.
llntDcrsitg at ffiDisbnrg.
. . . . . ..... -W ,k Tl
rX'IIC rail Term in all the Depart-
menis-rheolog.eal. Collegiate. Acad-
fj""1' tai F'm' ,i.0lWlU Cmm"Ce
,? y; 7. ,,l i . u j
I k .
"".hom. s
Siudents from a aistance aitending the
Academy or Female Iaatiiute. will board with
their Teachers in the Schools. Those alien-
ding College, can secure pod boardiBe pla -
ces in ihe Village. For particular, address
Rev. J. R. l.M.ia I..ID. President, or Kev.
j-a. ivBuv.uen.Bgeni, iwisoarg cuius
Pa. Catalogues sent oa spplieaitoa-
Republicans ! Show yoar Colors !"
Anew style Campalm Meda! ofMLIX
COLN AND JOHNSOM," sent free
anywhere for S5 cents.
tjr'Address Box No. . Hartleton.
Caiea coanty, Pa.
"THE U.XIO.V," e..ta!.!ihL'J in IS 14 Whole No-2,6cl
"CHRONICLE," establMwJ h 1313 W.e Nr. 1.0CJ.
IVf l I.rtlT remaining io the P.
. oiiVe at
LLWUULKti, i'A.. up
II ( Mr
liu y Jan'-
V t.t-r i: B
Urri i Co
I- n t-r Mrs Fmiua M
Ka'hr(DU Alf
K.nu.r Jaa.
H-.w-T ?tr.u -I
Br o Vim JrfktiM ft
Hurn Jm- J
1 fcibfrmts Mr Slvrct
'H-D-1-rfvr Mii IUt: K3 xVnjxm:
.i-K Mr. I-t M 3
WmiiT Horr
Il t-hl M- .rn"lisl
If Mif A K
irm.- n J W B
rrv M'M Ann
-.t.r tTivAtc A.twrt
V .rL -r J
lu i-r Ki- rt- l
Min tjbrift!
-m.wr tir A U
W :i 1
T-l-T ho !
le. Levi
i'iD.T Mrfch
Her mrtT lUurf
' ivr.n citin? for the aSove l.etim w
plas ay tber axe -adcrr.-i
oc; w rornTjPM
' f. n
ci 10
; f
rHE obrrib?r w je j r-r-t''
lh public I -il he ia now ei ;
tuc inauuiaciure of
Where he will keep einjtantly on haad,
cr make to ordrr. all kir.d? of
Wooiea, Cotton and L tea
JTuary TTWea iSVAs, d"'., if ?:.
Particular atieniion paid to the mor.ofa
tare cf
Vara Wirtrarl rn for Fsrcili'S on
yarn wjm Mr anuu-s on
rvei33na31i 1 eras.
Havicx the most l.-nproved maca nery anl
eiDerieBced workmen. 1 caarantee
wjrlt to be equal to hand-male eoris, and
respecifuiir suiicit shire of public paTuuaje.
Aae. 25. W hite Deer Jlii;, I nioa Lo. ra.
KM IU vair mil i, iiw wit" " '"
rpHE ondersignei bavins been appointed
: . 1 ... ,, r-i uurr
Kerruilina AlfDH of uic m-n.
, ... r..- . o-c Annlr
' immerl.a-.i. WM.E.SVITH.Eiq.,
New Hardware Store
In LfHKborr.
Chamberlln's Block, 5th & Harket Sts.
' men, of Hardware which will be Sold
at a small advance on Mannlactorers prices.
. .. i
Call and examine toodi and pricea, belore
purehaaiag. UEOBGE W. TKOU TER.
Aug. 11, 1861. 1060
n.RPEVTER TOOLS. a foil avortmant
J for sale by GEORGE W.PROCTER.
Bl'ILLI.NG HARDWARE a larre jr.-e
for sale by GEOKGE VV.PKOCTER.
IILLI.NG HARDWARE a larre sr.-ck
the largest atnek in I'nion eoamv for
GENERAL asenmen: of Shoemaker's
Kit and Findings, for sa!e bv
DOW GLASS and PLTTV for a!e
II 1 t-.. I l-i.o a.-n
j fR.WOX. for a!e bv
HOICE TEA TRAYd.a larste
j j patterns and siz-, for sale b,
' - -
variety of
mkm . SBBBBrjJB .
ffk-B-l Ufa AAljF
1 nlon County Court Proclamation
' prerepi, bfann- dale the ma day of May,
Ul. aud io me'd.recied. for the holding of aa
urphans' Court. Coon of CommonPieas, Over
.... ... i., w . -
arm i erminer, ana uer.rrai tuancr ct.-il-ui. i
' ! at LEWISUI'RG, for the coontv of I'XIOX,
; on the Third Mondav cf SEPT, (bein; the
to do ihose thm?s whica of their ctiices and in
their behalf appertain to be done ; an 1 all U it-
nesses and other persons prosecaunj ;n behalf
of the Commonwealth a;a:ns: any person ct
persons, are requires lo oe turn anj w.ere
I aitendm?. and not depart arr.hput leave at their
' ... 1 !.... .... .. 1 tr. k. n...r.-.: ,
rh,jr atlf ndance at a.,pomied uir.e a;re-a-
. k to notice.
I Given under mv hand an t jeal at the her
' iff Oilire ia Lewislor the lftth day of
I An?. A D lfi4, ant the 7th year ol the
Independence of the tnited fr'aies rf Ameri
ca. God save the Commnnwea'th!
L. F. ALBRIGHT. Sheri3
V70TICE is hereby given, to all concerned,
l thai the followinz earned perns hare
1 seuled their accoonti ia tne e?t,r s ..ace
j at Lewisbors, I n,n county and that the
! 'd accounts will be presend for connrm-
anon a.io .an. : . .uc M,.a v
, iBioa. on the third MONDAY of rP -
next, being the 9th day of said month, viz :
, TVeoontof Isaac H.W,er. Admr.
lo De nem ai isdl., ioi uic eouniy ui
of Mlehnrl Wagner, dee'd, late of the borough
! . The first
2 Tbe first and final arennnt cf Samuel!
hireman, Adair, of Jjeob WuUer, deed, lilt I
of Bradv townshin.
3 Tbe account rf Charles .tiencn, tx-
... - I . i . 1 1 ..1 i.i i 0 n l nf Mtria
rctlll'l VI inr I. SI l .
. . ... , .... t, ,-1... .,-hr
eoB of Pel BelTer, A(iair.
with the will annexed, of 7. Hubert Bwver,
dee'd. late of ihe brmnth rf l.ewibon.
5 The final accoont of Samuel It. Orwig,
-r..f AVVre. n.decd, late of the
, ..vif,barsT.
j a he finl ,(.cr,uotof Joseph Winter,
etn E.ptpf 0f Uatid Winter, dee d, laic
: of ,b; boroo.B pf Sem Berlin.
I 7 Tk,.cl,olU f Levi Hauck. Admr. ot
! ,. J. ' , ... &lddl. d,c-d. of Buffa -
, . L u. '
and fiaal acconn, f Hugh R -
t iiivDniu.
.... .... .....
leaiamenl of Ann Mt, dec d late of lnion
eou"ik a , e t k
The first aad partial aceonnlnfJoba
Y'errer, surviving Liecutor ff Jm ierger,
dee'd, late of ihe bornu'ti of Hartleton.
Register s Office, Lrwuburg. Aug. U.ISS
-iTTurpru u-r, s:imiftnns i nntil the 1st dav of S'ept. IsM. All Beriona
and pultinx a spoon j IV President Judge for ihe Stnh Judicial desirous of aecnrini a h. ae, rr seeing tha
desultory," said be. District of Pennsylvania, composed of the : premises, wi.l Had me wirre resmin.
tthin." "Xomat- counties of L'niou. M.tBin and Suvder, and j 1'A.Mt.i. si m.c a.
- " . ........ j, i- p :.. ki'nrnev in tart for lh. Hem of
. ;m. tnKn.l'...'. so usTin aDJon ii lit. b4i..-wy . . . . .
n time to box Ue s ,,....,,: i-, ,, h. ,h.,r vi FcmitTa Bat, dec d.
' j aa , .1. www..... . , t
Heal Estate.
1Y vintr .f a writ cf Vend. Ex.. usawl
out if ,hr Coon cf Common Pieaa of
J'nir-n enu- TT, and to me directed, wni b ei
f ttel ti pabl.c a!e or ooxry. a
Satnrday, Sept. 17, 1E6I,
at the Riviere il ue. id ihe bori Leh rf tw
isour; cautiiv if I mou.ai 10 b'etuck. A. M.
A frin lit if G.'oucl, situate io til
b i r uo of Hir;leu.o aoJ c z,n j a reaaid,
i bun Jrl 'n li.e ea.i by f ' L leading
: (r n. orwig'a mi:i t li.r: -.&. the aoil
b lh- 'U'npiite. i. tv- ;,y Widow Lo
as. ar I n :b? n -r b ty an aiier.coBtaiaiif
O te Kourih of ao erc. more or e. where
a are erreie.1 a lw-j-s'.orey frame Dwelliaf
Uutr, fraifk- Pirn, Wood Hnuae, Well
j vi b a pnenp. at. t oiuer OuOaiaiLbgs, with taa
; ap-'jr.erancir, etc.
: A! si., a eerain tract nf Unimprov.
lei T Tier I an, utoate part in Hartley
'.w. p. I'mori Co, ao L pin in UaiBca
t-'WRsVp, '"-aire Uu, boua-led on teeabw
. San Is of lavi i Sii r, nni.ie south by Pad-
I rtv TPouMjin, oa tie trit if land of Mr.
Vari 'U. i'ti va ue a,nrBi by lano cf Taowv
la- Arta!3ie, tnnnni
J hre Hon'trea aal
wn'.y r ive rrea. m we cr .ess. wun war
, piirienaqc', ac.
j:. 3. .V.i. a cetaia Vt or trartf T.aat.
i si'.uaie -a Hartley t-Eln.r, ant e r- ct
; I'nino. b lUc.led on ihe fauti laad -4 V.e:rf
Kuth-rnao, oi the norih by Uod rf B V. B.
j Lir.rt ln. ca tii' west by land ot Ehaa Orwif
i and ( then, and vt ihe aciih b lard of Jso.
I F.Kaiherrrian.f x:aininf Taenif or Acrea,
more or le, witj ihe appcrieaa-ic; c
I N... 4. ;. . a ceram lot of t.rkiBd.iita.
. Wnded east by laid rf DameKainer.
man. n rihlr!an'!f R. V. B. Lincoln-west
bv Ub1 of K?nry Kaxhmm ,nd
fa,h ly ci J (bll r Kaiherman.cowia.B-
1 ... 17 . 1 . n . V. n . n I .m. Iv j.f f
Jn? i,,, erev more or ieaawuh tbeakjul
. i. .t, rrprertT rf Swr
. i,. y. Al.BfilGHT, Soer:T.
I fb-r;ra OrTiee, Lew:,bnre, Auj. St. 1864.
7iv rnniifn or Jer cf '.Ba Orakana Lrart
I") c.f Cnicn conn:v. will b sold ai
Court H juae. in I.ewisburg, on
. . .. . . . r '
H n nuirtir t io ! ! sr fiAT fl ntprfl-
, ' f '
' . '
: the fc.fawiti;. Real Eta.e
Lois 5o. 9 and 10 in Hariletgrh.
i 17 Acre ia Hartietoa, aJi
ai'Liamf la
af Land in
lands of
Jacob Yar-f7 and o'.bers.
j 45 Acrei anll7 perchesof Land in Hal.
j ley town-hip, alining yaLli ol Jona fit
man as J cthen.
200 Acres anl 73 Vh of Land in Hat
i 1T township, afjo.B! Books and Anderson.
) 75 Acres and 91 ptrcbBS ol fcanu in narv-
: ley towasnip, aojoiaiBg nacecca wa mjhm
! Also, the inflowing traeof Uaseattd
i Lani in Hartley lowaanip. warraBteee
i rei.in. 411 acre.: StoDhel Seidel. 4 15 acreti
; pn:;;, .,;,!. as acres; Peter I3eidl. 415
aereai Vmdle tirove, 415 acres; Daniel
Rhcad?, 415 acres.
Terms of Sale will he made known on day
cf sale by HELEX CHAVES.
A.)tn!TiLtrtrix of Diris Uiiu, e 4.
Rartleti n. Ail. 6, 1m..
THE sab.cribfr odcrs at Private Sale that
meooae or tract 1 1 land lyine; in East
lluS'iloe township, I'nion county, a!jnininj
lands cf the heirs of Abbot Green, Jn Byler.
j Hamuli Zellers. and John Sircob. contaiains;
" i.rir (".1.
wnereon are rrrcico ili; rtoase wt ana a
j bail storeys b sn, a Lost uatn, a saop. well
of cor.t water anJ a fainp near me door, aa
fWhar.l .nrl M'i.r Frn I Ti.m ir. lh.
premises. About Tbiny Acres cf ihe tract i.
cleared, and ti.e rrma.natr is wen woocca
with chestnut oak lirab'r.
The above tract wi'l be rSered for sal
FuEicatioa of Teate for Wiater
; c,.nnt .
( LllUUl-
'HE Sopennten V,t rf the conty will
meet the Diieiiors ol ine ! .lowmaj
tr:cts at the time aci pare n-r :, for
lf purpoe cl eia-n.n.n; r7,:..-ar.t$ for
schools in the re-pci.. . i it its. Appli
cants will fornih thefiveircs wiih pens and
piper, and all h- rVvre to trath will b
pre er: tha' the I'irec'i rs may hare the prir
lles of jadf oi ih'4r merits. Private ex
auima.ions w:ii not t- zivea except by direc.
tirn 1 1 ihe ca; ri'y tl a board, and in ce
t f necessity
Ue punctual, 9 o'clock is tha
!..-; ur; S.tarl... 9LM
ftli-ri-:l JB-y..-. 14
. rft.r?ili ThirlT.3.ft.lS
. . sc H-iUM IrM. srt 1
.''iriaMi-s .ti.TJ.i.it. 17
lincii'i s tIfo Mnr J. pVpt. IB
lia '.r. X R is T-i-j.T. t. SJ
K.-.!.nk Sr U.-Mie. Wrdi. l..9Vu .1
it.. :j.
Levi. A Uart'ctCB llutkt
Th.!.i..-t ."1
li.rti.y L.iirvium
ti.T.r . s !tflnj Taeio... "
M-w Colnmtm UM. da..-- .
TolocU aa hurJa.. .
JOUX A. OWTSl.ro. ?npt.
Wbit. Deu
, nr,;, An ..,rr. by
I ,h. Orphans' Court ,.f Vn,,n e....n.y.-io'
: b th'e bl!,r(.f , ,he hand- of Danwl
Lon. ad.Tinis:ran-r..ie bonis non rf Thrma
, ... , .it lnr.s,-d .. K,.
' c;Sce in LewisLunr. rn Saturrfav, the 3d
' r.. . ri ;r.i ar 10 r'rlrek K M
' c - D' L"1- DILL, Auditr
I yf An?. 1 1.
rpHE undervgnel. Aad trr. appoicied by
xhe Orphans I oort or 1 nion county io
' . . 1. .. . . . '. f I k.. lt .. D K.-f CMJi
UIMIIUUiI luc muvi iu u.u. v. - ... . .
r- D . j-i i
H t, n,hiP. w. I attend to ihe .itiesof
his ,rpolrilmeBt l the rffire of Orwig
'Have., ia Ihe Borrn;h of Lewi-horz. oa
r,iatsAav. ,he 7th fav rf SepiemSer.
io o'clock. A M when
li. mt.r.kled will all.nd if ihee see proper.
J C B' CHER.AaJiior.
VTr."" p1TrvT ELF-ELI0
' T AM .P.TENT 1 ....
Ii FKt I T J AK. warrrn.r. .u
i . .
1 ZZ2 Z
. of ,t, ng,, n.
jewstocorrnde.rr ;'" "bfra.
1 hut is made oa smelly philosophical priaei.
call aad eiam.u. ii-
Y- .aoleaale and retail ev
j t n. EYAXS, Agent.