Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, August 23, 1864, Image 1

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At I.-"M prr Year, Blnays la Advance.
riBii-HKu M-.si.Hir.iav I
Tiifsdav Morninj & Frilay Afternoon. '
- - -. - - !
ioir About forty recruit left tliis puce j
for Harrisburg yes'.crday mornitg. j
aaT"The mail from Lewitburg tD MifHio-,
burg, etc, now leaves this piace inioacdi-j
ately after the arrival of tbe express train '
from Harrisburg (about 7 o'clock A. M.), !
ad connects at Milliitilurg with a daily '
lioa west. Ud Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, a coach runs from the latter
place, when travelers can be carried thro'
without stopping,
alternate days.
A buggey ran on tbe
Eaao&s In middle of middle eolnmn
Of oar last paper, 1st page, "Sunbury"
ehould read somroW, and "Washington"
should read Lycummj county. ..These and !
other slips of pen or type are annoying, I
tat sometimes unavoidable woen me
. ... .
writer ot ao article Happens not to real j
lbs proof. (We do not notice all mit haps .
of tbe kind, but give this rcajuo why tLej 1
da occur.)
1 I
Oa last Tuesday moriiing, tbe mail j
train bound east came in collision with the ' jMf.t it Chicago, nenr'V ttcirc at much TbilJeas Stevens and Wo. F. Jobn
ctpress near Montoursville, injoring Rev. ; anj rora jl,,J) nor, as there iruf st0n aere among tho visiters here yc-ter-
Wauon, of Milton, aud a Mr. M'-Js t(jr j.0or people, who ara taxed day. Old legislators come thu-, year ly
Cormick, of Lxk IlaveD.prelty severely in tjgh prjces by speculators on these luxuries year, to view the scene of former labors,
the legs. Tbe train contained CSO armed . 0f iife ) tct tbat it is not "war," nor j triumphs, and defeats. ThaJ. lools-as
eoldiers en route for the new rebel base in
Columbia county. No others were irjurcd
to acy extent.
Republican Counties.
lv.r Curtla.
0, OS
1. C7d
f order
'J.- ;
T.,L.-, '
o o01 !
2,145 !
2,142 ,
1,914 .
1 812 ,
1 - ' n
i ' 1
tcg'Eixri conn'y thit tot(J fir Curtin,
toteiaho fur the SJJi'ert, with an increased
majority proportioned to the population.
ot one Republican county, or district,;or .
s.!ifi..l , W. in miT; ,
iu iui.iii eei itc
1CIUK ILaaJlt'4 J iUV HtLUh VI riiulJB I
. T . , ww- .
which Ibe Copperhead- deprived them of.
The addition of the Soldiers' votes thus
secured wul swell that of Abraham Lin
coln. K?uS"ioc out of ten Soldiers vote for
the Union party, and in return all the
Uoion party vote for tLa Soldiers. They
understand each other, and we hope will
.r,i,;r, ...k -ii,.. .-l ,v i j
sustain each other until the war is ended
ly tbe triumph of Freedom and Right'
over S.ver, and Wrong.
Banner" Copperhead Counties,Fenn. -
lln).(l!: for ajaj.iS4l Ain't
W'XHlvari &vtCirT9' otmg.
Eerks C 022 1,031
Monroe 2,025 1.1&0
Lehigh l,fo0 1.023
Colombia 1,541 1,020
Clearfield 952 755
Wayne 941 777
Northampton S.073 COS
Pike 914 74
Cambria 31 514 j
Fultoa 241 152
Centre 314 91
Janiata 2?l SO
Clinton S04 77
Sullivan 354 C5
Kik 386 2
Every ctmnty voting ojaintt tlie SJ-li r,
twe-j aim ajaitut Ooe. Crin, and wiU
(unless the Soldiers' vote is pretty large
and nnsnimons) vote against Pra-Lincoln.
THERE 13 THE RECORD. Every vota
known to be east in opposition to the 1st
Ameuoraent, was east by a Woodward j
man. Fifteen eonntiea nnt. ..i '
the Amendment and those eonnties all maea'te Christianity, humanity, philan
vote ("9 times ont of ten "Deinrw.;. Ihropy, benevolence, generosity, chivalry,
There are tbe figures soldiers, and sol-'
diers' friends I please look at them. Wood- i
a r. . . a - a . !
ward Democrats firat denied the const.tu- j
tional right of soldiers to vote aad then I
tbey voted against amending tbe consti- j
lution so that tbey could vote !
title, and. row 0B ih. ; .u-
" " ' retuit
fand wn thn n , -f r i
- -1 a m t3ue j
H i mvvi sviiiw io
-ea uavis wortnero ai- FP" pair of weIl-develoned U..;i.,.I tl. Lnrial of If? dead men.
roblican addreu AtmLtL.l'kMMmtbyM- bind'' lf' M'e'' ie'ichtt
vciivHucc Bit WUD Claim IQ IU ln,.l ntk.r fh.n rh.i. r.mn I... ... . . . . ... I- : ,L. J:...' . I . L - -. . .1 ..,.rr ik.... .nut erl lo lbe
. ,. . . , - j , " j neara tne explosion anu saw ioc smoke mw vm. .u w..,.v., v.. ..--.. t - - - l . . .
u abolmon trattors; bat tell them the, been discovered. Surving shooting.bang-1 0M fc f fc j there are Tennessee soldiers. Inasmuch I Ji 'XfVf Th. LewlAnrf Deposit Bank
" row number two U raised. , "8 bonor.bly-.arrendcred P ; 8 ! a. n yn. ba. been an exile from Tennessee , ZmwJU'c. A M, whe. T.nd I XT as .hi. d.v dec-red . D.vidend of fo.r
The CopperbcdLegisIainrTo Delaware S 2ZL li,7l!l ull f.l !-f .. r'V? " '1 ! H ' " i -
rpf...u j .1 - r . - , -irvtiwiMHijiT. ov cuiuiuiviiuie trrrj j , DiB lOUw od Hi Mil czoept ciuueiinwi T, . r !a;m or o aenarrea iroai cumiui I from ihe iipv-rnin-ti i if, parao' oa ae
-"rn tu UDIDTIDinrTn I II fli linlMVimv - I
Official Vote Amendments.
F t tbe 1st Amendment
109, 959
01 CUT
lib S3
hj. For
Gainst "
l:,j. For
For the 34
?!l7 f-
laj. For da
120 F92
Average uj Titles
Vote for Governor,
23 607
Vote on 1st Amood't, 1C1 1105,311
1604 Less vote by
Hoarding of Produce.
The VUicojo Tribune gives ttafollowing
lie shewing the amount of Sour and ,
glVn in fl0Te (jbiclg, lt lu0 j,j
j t r luj tll;g Jclr .
u;.. Flour
Is 03.
oj ".,53
g j (j'477
1,74?, 451
Buh. Wheat
hush. Corn
i i, . . . ....
num. v'
jboa it '
II be seea that there ic, at
'Lincoln," but beirties Shylocks, who j
grasp our grain by wholesale and compel
retailers to keep up and advaDce rates.
.The llloomsburg Dtmocral, (the I
bear these apostles of peace bowl for war,
these sheen in wolves' clothine," ie..
bowl to the Loyal Leagues." It might
be well Col. Tate to secure a few of I
these " sheep in wolves' clothing" to serve
k, chaplaics in the above army, before the
6tock is entirely nbau-teJ.
Relel "Peace" Terms.
! Col. Jacques, Methodist preacher
i th: ... J nrj.j tr.'.k. " ...
w.rr. voVv' organ of the rebel Army of Fiabinceretk,) tD"' pinure g.uer,. , r.c s ep ' , , f besn ,0j . heavy los, capturing a large number of ' tetweeo 3d and 4ih, Lewiaborr .) winch a
J7.303:i, inmohn. learned that the I'hilad. i na moncJ P,eD,T " ns"al- Plic- , , . k,,,-Be- . i prisoner, guns, io. In this en-ageiieat, perfect saceess-we bavin?, at cntiaMera'o;.
7 ; Uoi,fl Lcgoe bi, cpn)peted trra0ge. I '"ly struck with an original observation m tf cutrimant woolJ be lJied. Ud. j Col. J. I. Gregg . wonnded. eh T.u 'no. K rnrfor"'.! u
j 1 ments for buying up all the preachers in I cf 1'rr' ,be ,nct0D!- Some one asked i fortunately the bran, tho coarsest part, is Gen. Stedman was severely woanrled ia givilis l0 the Picture that deUcaw shaliof
' " ' ,i c... r r n i- if some soap (I think that was the artiele) ! thrown away the very part which gives , an engagement at Graysrillc, Teuo , on which ail admire.
:J:JZ n. ;e(decl,rsdit,a,-..see,her.: Roundness tthe teeth strength to the th. Ins, J-es taken cn Paper. Iron, Ota... Wd
Zlt:0 jorify to stumit ,J Jl, Lincofn, and "iomphsn,,, . r, , ,f Z b Bf TELECR.iPII. ftZS
S.127 i nred.ct. that "we shall therefore soon amP on ' beuroa the thing ;..,,, cf ,h. bonv elements : while nRtt.HnLaa. An. "2 Satnrdri. V..TJV, e.u"-' ,?,.r.;;..
1 l5C9 AllllaUir?, UM J.VU1IIUV AVUAC, . -
1442 ceBt!? B11 PaM 'rom tbe Loion author--l,'oS3
j itiei D(1 favored by the Rebel authorities
1,200 ' also, reached Richmond. They were in
1,144 1 trodoccd to tbe Rebel President and Eeo
'V j retary of War, and stated that tbey came
j not officially, bnt as peace men, individ-
ually to see if nothing conld be done to
93 s'cp this unhappy war. They were eor
S7 i diaily roccived. But those Rebels were
... :..
irjaiDOfreu w oeir to uiiuiu eittin
t j . . l . - i e : i
"The North was mid and Hind ; it I
would not let ns govern ourselves, and so j
the war came, and now t( mutt o om till
the lud.
r ,
nd Ciht our battles, vou aeine- !
o .
7 7 .1 i . . ..js .... it I
. v . . r,,
are not fljUitnj for hlau.Tij.
filtSnt, JfoT lndrendeflce. 1.
We are
and that, or i
extermination, we will have.'
"We Kcitlrd to rid ourschri cf tJie rule
cf the m rjirity."
As they were leaving, Mr. Davis said
"Say to Mr. Lincoln from me, that I
shallatjaoy time be pleased to receive
f "Po1 for ''f. n to'4 'our -
dtitenihncc. It WILL HE UPELESS To AI-
Bcre js ino(hcr f cf ,he facl
,bat the RebeI lejders ha?e commiUeJ
themselves to the policy of "Rule or
Ruin." The common people and under
officers were earnest and anxious for peace
on any terms, bat few Lit like deserticg
their rulers.
Col. Jacques said the Government, be
believed, would grant the Rebels a uni
versal amnesty, stop tbe confiscation of
their property, and welcome tbcm back as
erring brothers, if tbey would cease their
warfare against the Old Flag. Bat no
they demand tbat we, and our posterity
shall surrender to them the mouths of tbe , tnis Dnmbcr 63me S0 wcro taken prison
Fuscjuebanna, tbe Potomac, tbe Ohio, and I cr, tai ui tbe otiiCt ,roCp9 st00li ,bcir
sue iuiasisaippi, aau us inuuianes, lor ail j
time to come, leaving an Imaginary bonn-
dlr, iiD9 0f thousands of miles to cuard,
with endless warfare like that which exis
ted between Scotland and England.
KsTIn gloating over the destruction of
Chamborsbarg, the Richmond Sentinel
erows peculiarly eloquent about the m-
forbeMcei tender-heartednert, charity4
,r Jl " ' ' "
the Rebel soldiers. Its pharisaical pra-
ting, are nauseating to those who have not
been taught to sing pccani to their own
i"ues. lu aelf-laudaiions might almost
persuade tbe reader into the belief that
v.tlJ .riuiw ia in Kebei service is
. " .uo ".eue', "c ucn. "8eous
neoDle. it is a little singular that on ...
crime aaown in DUCUil waiiare, oo not
1'Ji'e P"vt their nbsslute Cbristinoi:. j
Harrisburg Correspondence.
IiAKBi-uino, Friday, Aug. 13.
Tbe Senate reduced tbe appropriation
for Cbatubersburg to $ 100,010, and tbe
House concurred. The sum (ur such f r-
tioo of it as may be needed) is to be- tlis-
! tr.butcd, by five sworn resident, among
. .
those oniy who are
a actual ceeu.
7 1 mating 1 100 000 from other ourccs,
CUmbersturg will receive 8200,00") in
' all. If 2,000 yrsoos or 100 families, are
I homeless and needy, this woail afToid
! ?10O to eaeb person oi 52,003 taeaeh fami
ly certainly very liberal. Pittsburg re
ceived less frota the State, lut inure in
other ways (if my memory serves me)
but money, then, wss far more UjiI'jI tho
it now is in obtainitg what was consumed
itia Kill was agrcH to ty both
Houses, and gotn to the G jveruur.
Tbe revenue lliil rparted by Ir Keed
was ordered lobe printed, and lies ever
! to next sem-ion. '
I Amendments to the General llonnty
' j Dill, designed to cure all known dcilcien-
1 cics, are under cinderstiun.
barp dJ indtpendeut as ever.
Saturday, At:g. 0.
Visited tbe Market this morning worth
a dollar, every day, as an exhibition or I
"went off like hot cakes" to an admiring,
open-mouthed, loyal crowd ! Reminded
019 01 ,11C w-p cnampion, aown couta,
to iM itur'e-aioi that
his book was tbe true religion, and conld
not le spoken against, bocausa it was
"cntrre.l accorJinj to Act of O-riyrrai
therefore was national, and endorsed bj
the Government I)
Looking at a printed list of voters pnt
np in ooe of tbe Wards of llarriaburg, I
found tbat the proportion of owners of
real property ia very email indeed thus,
in one column, there appears as
Owners of real estate 19
Tenants 85
Siogle men 2'i
So that not cne-lhird of the resident
males owned tbe property they are on, and
iLcre are tail as many siogio men as ow-
,n BhJ inn..i.l 1 i : J .
ucn ituiun. mis unta qui iac dsb
,u. v.. . -..-.i ....... :..t--:.J
be raised bere of surplus or able-bodied
youth : and yet Ilarrisburg is buying cp ;
.,;i r,. .v. .. .. . I
aa.i.auiaa iiuui iud muss inn iin i'.iiiiii t irn. i
vr t j - - .
teml lhan of ,hcm
- . , ., i
I. leal h..nnu l.iMa ftrcnnml fnnc rf ,
a general apprehension that
the Rebels are trying to farce a march up
the Valley again, and that Gea. Sheridan
is cn tbe defensive, and wary. tv.
From the 9th Army Corps.
Extract from a private letter, dated
AUr- lvlll. iA. f
The result of the election pleases every
body here, and especially ns I'ennfjlva
nians. We have now cur rights given ns,
e can use them in the field as well
have no nrintins effioos hero.
v ... i .v.. i,.,.-. u i.. t.. '
M. ri;, vj iug viro.tiLiv, kuii luej hub
our (45tb) regiment takca prisoners at
tho latp fight. Please Lava them correct
tbat, as it is a mistake. We bad but 85
men in tbat charge; the rest of our men
were on picket line. We lost out of 5
in killed, wounded and prisoners CO : of
gronDa( wa wonlJ blTe It none.
A few days ago I visited City Tom',
just after the explosion of that ordinance
boat. The sight was a terrible one. Tbe
boat was blown to pieces, and another boat j
longside ot it
An immense amount of government pro
perty was also destroyed. Guns, sabres,
saddles, ammunition, commissary and
quarter master stores, lay around promis
cuously for over a quarter of a mile from
where tha explosion took place. The
most heart-rending account is tbe
great loss of life. There wera 40 men
killed and 100 wonnded; many whose
names are unknown, were blown into tbe I
river. One chaplain told me that ha su-1
picked np over a spaco ot grou
far as a half a mile from tbe wharf.
aigni. a oe cause oi tnis ternoie asciaeni
U jtl onknown, but tupposeii to fan. j
eighL The cause of this terrible ascident j
..ji n 1 1 - ... ni ona nouna oi Daicoer a roasb wwi i iui it , 1 o r uuairu ua iur c-uum w vi " - m
! at at home ; and I assure you we will , "e B"ca prompt tnes isn. ou ( he firi day of mher B, ly fhe
give a good account cf our stewarJ.hip. i cn, r" - V tk T " ' -'cr'her,'a' lbe . ' Gl',ri
if. . e . . ... r . fciel to rasi Unnoticed. TbS law mast ,.,r iheeicavationand er.nstroeiiun of a .irain : ,L1-i 1
Unly send ns plenty of tickets, as wo ; fc .indicated and enforced. It is iba de-. from the Marsh to the K.ver on ihe taria cf
been from feme of tbe fixed aaimuuilLn j Rev. James A. I'.rown, D. D. of York,
tbat was in tie boat. ' (who was driven out of the Sooth by tbe
We are still in front of retersbnrg, and Slavencraev ) has been appointed Profess
tbe uuil amount of connooadiog and : or of L'lJictio Theology in the Tbeologle
icusketry is our daily mutie. Krery now j tl Seminary ct Gettysburg. IItsuceed
and then a -0 lb. tbc'l comes rumblitg . tfce ven-rable Rev I'r. hmutker, bo
! along by our bead quarter ; letting ts
j I.... tl.A ... slr.tr. n. n U4-il tl pav.
know, as the z w strop nau ud to y,
"that tlere are a few mere left of ibe satte
sort." 1 have btcuice so naed to their
humming that I can tell exactly the course
they have selected for their jnumey. I
tru-l they will nit come cLse encugh to
bu.t I'uO 0.
Fles'a Oistructir.ns the Bolt
A French physician once ajsured ns
that bo believed the bolting cloth ,.ke.
. - ,. , .
away more lives than intoxicating liquor
does. Tbe theory was that tbe fijur tuat
t gets through the bolting cloth u so Cue
as to pas with tbe blood into every part
of the body, clogging up the pwes OLe ly
ooe, inducing inaction, constipation, and
Cnally so obstruct perspiration as to ' Sstown, ani on tnis nei me rumor
. - . , ... , 1.J...1. ? ted that our forces in fchenand.ah valley
bring on d.s?ase and ultimately death Ia M Jf 4 b
unison with bis theory another I renchman j nperior mJ of teb9i,.
ha. proposed eoma means to remove this r a b iD?cc,ol FoM
dead aui inert matter which clogs jjorglB ,Bd domanded its urreodtr,
fountains. But medicine to remove it is . icb waa refused. AH the enemy's com
oot so good a way as to prevent its ever manicatiuns are cut oJ from the fort,
coming. The theory is corroborated by ! Xho Indians are committing great dep.
Dr. Hail, (in Journal of l'ulth,) who J redations in tho west, murdering indis
arues for doing away Ibe bohinj cloth as ! criminatsly, turning houses, io. The
a matter of economy, and say. : ""Untl nl'J U M!f taiei 10 "n;--
' A pound of fine floor or indian (corn) The 2 1 corps mads to assault cn tbe
meal contains three times as much meat as t ferny on last Tuesday, aol carried the
, r. . l . r .i..r..i:r I:..- mnrnm. nnviritr ana enemv wiin ' , . .i. . u .u .; i- ..r u.-l.. -r
the same quantity of bran gives one ban-'
dred and twenty-live pounds. This bone crossed the Weldon railroad, southward,
is "lime," the pbospate lime, the iodis- j and our foroes still held their position oa
pensable element of health to the whole ; the north side of James river making con
human body, from tbe want of the natural , sidorable gains, with the greater loss of
supply of which multitudes of persons go j men to the enemy. Lotcst intelligence
into a general "decline." Bat swallow- j from Gen. Sherman was deemed satufao
ing "phosphates," ia the shape of pow- j lory at tbe War Department Tho Rebels
dors or in simps, lo core these "doclines," j oocapy Martinibnrg with small fores,
has liltlo or no virtue. The articles ton-; Gen. bberidaa, with good forow is wide
tained in these "phosphates" oast pass
through nature's laboratory, must be sub
ject to her manipulations, in alembics es
pecially prepared by Almighty power and
skill, ia order to impart their peculiar
virtue to the human frame ; in plainer
phrase, iba shortest, aafeat, aid moat 10-
fallible method of giving strength to body, I
l 1 I..-:. V. .... arM.lin. rti..... '
UOUB U1 U(B1U UtieWJ llbsiiujj VlstKB
and baiHing op the constitution, is to eat
and digest more bread made oat of the
whole grain, whether of wheat, coin, rje
or oats."
catiTaay even og last tors, oi
mounted iniantrj ana ertmory, arrived at
this r'sce and eoeampei on the Fair
Grounds. Oa Tuesday their number was
iocrfased by three companies of infantry,
Their arrival caused a little fullering io
.n ftrmpri mi itarT Inr?fl has Lppti nt in to :
th"i3 county ? Not to interfere with th
loyal and law abiding, f?r not a man c
, . - ....
1..-1 .. l- .k l.nr. ft. . it . m.... rf
i this class will ba disturbed. Tbe oHict
enforce tae iaw law maae necess-
ary m ausiaiu, uiaiuisiu iu'i ucieua iuc
Government. For some time there has
; been trouble in whit is called the " back
townships" diaffoctinn fomented and in
creased by tho Copperhead loaders until
hundreds of the people there hava armed
! themselves lo resist the draft and the au-
thorities in enforcing it. These raeo have
banded together, kept np a r";ilar drill, j
have established a "reign cf terror in
j that neighborhood, and finally Lavs red
the fmt vim, thus declaring war npon the
. rr't -1 . 1.
trir.inii;n n( thn anthriritiss that thev i
.r. .u i. t . ,i .;i;.s. .t.. l in
wmh, tc. iai uu g'ot. vi.i.-u u -. ww ,
way. Ulvmuburj tCejinuuan 15IA if.
Fisoular Anecdote. There was a
young woman left in the cara of a bouse,
ber master and mistress being in the
country. One night cn going to bed,
when she was undressing herself, she
looked into the glass and said: " How
handsome I losk in my night-cap!"
When she arose in tbe morning she found
the bou;e robbed. She was taken into
custody on suspicion of being concerned in
tbe robbery, was tried and acquitted. Some
time afterwards, as she was walking in
compaoy W;to a female friend, a man pass-
iog hcr) Mid . ,. Hop b4aa5ome I look
in my night-cap. ile expression so
forcibly struck ber mind tbat be was tbe
man who robbed tho bouse, she eeixed
hold of him with tha utmost intrepidity,
and held him fast, assisted by ber cotopan-
lon, till be was taken into custody, at I
l J.. .L. I
wnico lime ne coniessea ne was uuaer iuo
bed. lie heard hr use the expression
previously to bis robbing tbe bouse, and
he suffered acordingly.
A Governor Without a State. One
of tha most curious documents that we
have seen lately is "A Proclamation by
isnam U. tl arris, liovernor oi iennesaee,
f printed in lbs Atlanta (Ga.) Appeal, sp- j
i pointing an election ia the Eleventh Con-
r i j- . . . - . c:i . I
i gressional district of aennessee, to fill a
vacancy caused by tbe deato. OI Uon. j
Uavia 31. currio. roils are to oa opeoea,
this proclamation may be styled Jtb
this proclamation may
brtjhl of tbe ridipulous.".
icis conauioa 'ciogs .
held the Nation ebvini forty JMI
' .
j Comm,n bcr i? ja day in the
S u:b, aijd a day s wctk will jut buy a
P'noa ct r.nttcr; JV moniu a nara aig-
giiiZ willjii-t pay for a p
a r'j.r ot laaita
!ne' "I
b I wis ia liii !'
licitezl Hews
. Gen. Grant telegraphed oo the IG'b
te Sbtirg co the James river that
i day resulted favorably to ns, tLe enemy
; been d.iTen V-mhat from ti.
, rrls:.:in Tbe Eobel 'Jenls. Cimblio and
, (jterrard were killed, and 400 or 5'JO
; prisoners taken.
On Friday miming portion cf Gen
J Sheridan' wagon train appeared at 11a-
idvices are tbat Geo. Warren's foroes bad
awakt for any movement.
Cvrrvted Semt-TTeeMf ty Wa!l$& Smih.
Tl-l .
Butter 9 40
Eggs 0
Lard, fresh 20
Tallow 15
Potatoes 75
Dried App!es,lb. 8
Wool 1.00
Country Soap K.;0
Bags 4f.;6
Kye 160
Oats, S3 lb. 75
Barley 90(fl00
Flaxseed 3.00
Ham 25
Sides i Shoulder 15
do with Ribs 10
In l.ha?r. til AXXIK K., iatlit. r if C.
C t,1 K M. rll 'Hl.1,1 i. .-l 1 ;-r ul S iBualaa.
- wiJi,iBujtirilBuBuiii-i
Seventy-Five Dollars
TOLEN, on IU Saturday nish'. from the
pasture field f the subscriber, near
-ew Columbia, l.niow coaotr, a
metiam :z, heavy set, rue white hind hwf,
with a mark: i the left hip oansed by a kick
received last winter.
A reward of Heventr-Fire UAllars will be
1 pai i for the mare and thief, or Fifty Iol!ars
for the mare alrne.
Ad;, I-, lst.
VVm. Cameron in Chillisonaqae.
The drain will be about HuO feet bn and
will require about 3UOO cub. vaJs. of excava
The trunk of the drain wiU be constructed
as follows i
lt- A bottom of boar !s will be laid down
exactly to a grade to be fixed by the aubscn
bers. 2J. Two parillel conrses of brick, each 1
bricks hich will be placed on the bottom,
with a space of 13 or 15 inches on ihe clear
between the courses. The distance between
the courses to be fixed by the subscribers.
The drain cr trunk will be covered
putting in the truox mni ail be rep
in the channel from which it was taken so as
to leave the surface of the ground as uniform
as posaible.
5:h. The materials for the trunk will be
delivered to the contractor on the ground.
Proposal will stale a price per cubic yard
for the excavation, an I this price will include
or cover the cost of puttinz in the irunkcoin-
plete, and fillin; np the trench as above sta-
i.J X ..... ,11,.,.-. will K. marl. f.r
i anv of these items. 1'ronosa la mav state a
gross sum for the whole job complete. I
The worlf to be commenced immediately. :
and to be finished by the Si.tth of .November
next- Fur any lurther minrmation eno,nire
Aoe.tSft, JOS.ME?BIT.
TX the Orphana' Court of Cnion eoqniy
i n ,h first ai "j"11 ccoun'
of Charles Moll, Administrator of frcaw
Mniu of w,st ButTaioe township, dee'd.
The Auditor appointed to make ditnbation
of ihe balance ia the hands of ibe Adminia-
share of the fund
JOHS B. LIS.N, AuCitor
a? rT'r - I
i . m . . . i
wuh fla5 stones, carefnlly laid, so a lo ex- . occupy as a toai aaru, wuaou. myrnwuu n,E undersiane.l r-.pectrul!y ofTfrv bi-n-cludethesandorcravel.
Biatmen are nottbed not to tie op at my , ,.;f the Rct iMican-rf tt. Fourteenth
4th. The earth removed for th? purpose Wharf, without first consulting me Any enr ; Cuneresaional District o! Peonst Irama (com
of potting in the trunir muM ail be replaced vioiaun; tbe al-ove nonce wi.l be consiueredi A lhe ,.,:,, .' lui.rn.n. Jon a-a.
niROXICLE," ertaMIaheJ in 1S13 Whola No, 1,064.
Auditor's Notice.
IN th I
in iba
Orphan. C-mrt of I'nion ' nmr
riatirr of the teeonu an I Ima!
account of Char cs M !!. Exeronr it lbs
!at Till an1 te'amr'nl of Coirip MuLi la
ul V" BotTiioe imrnshin. deecar-l.
The Aoii'or app.iintej np' n eiceptiona
f ul to the aove account, ani t iliviritu'e
thfum aimilll T aceooniaM t and
in his ham!t am":.? ihc- lria! n:.tir I lo
the same, will men for nii purp-f ai h:
ptSre in Vrwbars. a TuJaT the .h 'lav
of Auqusl, lft, at ooe o'clt-ck, l if, whea
ani whrre all prrsoca utrrrvird are n. I fori i
to be prtseat ana prreul their e'.a ni. v'n-r-wit
ihy will be i.'oarretl from ci oiii.? ia
for a .nare cf tiie f tr. 1.
JOII.N B.LINN. A uiitor
t'nitpd States Claim Agents.
V LICENCE havir.; bera rranrci to lha
niliritjnr'd 10 carry o tne buiiie- cf
loited ftaiei t'la;m Asents ia T'oi' n 0 untr.
th'y amnd prompilv to tho etriitriion uf
l.ar-lr ntf ami h.-unTi Bft.t thr rT. if 'If: L -7 cf
pr-iniKi,. fi t sul iit-rsur their l-jral ri pr. enia.
lives, aad me prosecaUi a tf c!aic tiraiait
the Loited riiaif.
I.ewiibur?, March 2i. lt
7 f ?
"?7 f
J U f .1
THE undrrsiftird, havinr obiaiord the Bia
of tae luraiiure, fialure and clfnsiljif
ilr. Ricaaa M. Cuoraa, ;ll ccalioae lie
Hake ry, t'onieeui.arry and N iti a bnnuf,
Lt iheold a'.ar.i, on Market a:refl. fur the pe
riod of ooe year. He h .pes tya.iii t a'trnt:a
to buines to merit the patr"Bage herrirfor
tiieaJeJ to this ei:a'jlubn,-nt.
Lewlbunr, April SO, 163
Success! Success!
SUCCESS his everywhere att0'ij oar
Armies anj so it may b sail uf m
tasle i Uina'a Sew pamorra'hte Callerj,
'Sign ot the STAR.
Miller wanted.
A eoni Miller can secoro a good attoatfaa
lajaire cf JOHN WALLS 4c CO
Lewisburr, May ! lSbt
fr iE3Cl..Sa"iT!
JJLT ths iattst of all la lha o!(
who, hating returned from Yorkvaui
rhi'.alelphia, la prepared to sell Goods
Cheap for Cash.
A Iar?e assortment of Dnir,Chemica'j.O;ls,
Paint. Varnishes, Dye Stutfs. Glass, Perfom-1
eries, Coal Oil, Lamps, Bruhe,Toys, Fancy
Notions -""aps. I'onleciioDeries, MuU.Pifea,
Tobacco, L'ijars, Cutlery,
4c etc. &c &o.
rrcscrirtioc3 carefully
Vines and Liqaora for McJIcInal
pnrroses, warranted genuine ana ot the ten
V .
- Mav isci
IMlt.MJ lAliVLI.,
and vportlne A pparat crnrratly,
-jjops. Line.. KeeK Basket.. Ban. f!--.
It Hwlis Nets, Foils, tiloves, Maks,
Uiliii-a, tVrkffrews. l. g Collars. Ac, ccn-
1 iant'y on hand and for sale Wholesale and
I?-!,! ai in, tir...ninan, lleor.l.
NX. corner SI and Walnut Sis-Phiij.de'-!
rhia. .March Oia .
T T-r' VTiTTr'lT' !
LL rERSOXS are hereby n. tified net !
to ride oa horseback cr drive with a ,
tea oa or across my Lots, which I in'.en I
a uesoasaer. and prosecuted a. such.
Lewisburs, April IeSl
"BEIILB, LOG & CO. have just
IV reed
a, r.rPat variety of descriptions and prices
'. , , ...
can ana see. i way oj
rfST received a fine assortment Ladle'
fres, VoodM, Embroiderv, Veils,
jov Trimminrs, Ac. Ac. suitable for the
ceaon albo a tine lot of Ilotnesiica at
lARI'ITTS jus' ree'd (June 10) by
i iv I. r. i r. n. i..vi c v..
L ASTER, Salt and Fi.h for 'e by
I t7wpene Book. A blank book, thus
latxlied. ha beea tound, and is left at ibis
omce fr the owner
I md.
1 MafffvL
Admlnistiatot's Kotice,
A " 7 ll E RAjl!f r rf aHiDiai-ira'ina a pan
ih ea.f of ELIJAH ,: I' V t . dec i.
Ia:e pf V. hite Irr towns')''!, In-a Co,
have hrea granted to the .nbie.it'. ia daw
for a f law, nuiice ia bertkr xiealu all per.
inns knowuit; the mif!;e to t-e indeMra to
ai-1 riar, to maire immediate pavmeat
an.i tli.r-e haior ciaitsa aeaiaat tho liar,
. il prr-cn Uuiu duly auihniicaf"J for act
JOHN Ul : i t.K. AiHa'r.
or bia An y, J. U. U. Raats
Juiy 18, IfiH
school woncE.
1")Y nr-W cf the School Dirretors of lha
) B Touch of Lewitor-. the fl"SUU
sCHOkLS tf ibis Dorcnjh wilt cpea oa
Tbur.iav ihe lVh itay ff iep'eaiber. 1M
ani fatorriav the 34 of iHepietnoer i altd
i"r ihe Enaiaination of Applicant fur IB
TEN rCiiil.!. On be beld in ibe 8oa,h
V art lrhMil Buildiiig,) er.fnmnetn7 at 9
o'clock, A.M. JOH B.LINN.
S'ci'Ui; of th Boari
ltd Uu;, Ants Ar,
L'j Cart's Yfrmiii Exterminator!!
la pm Dp it Larre Holes fur ii civ Ls
aii t-f'.f for use, cobo'U mixing wiih o'.hef
an;rK-. an ipcil. get dry or wonhiraa
J ti-T'tTTe, Uk .IB- U.rT rTl-rrmtK.B. VTT4i IM
.xlrf,.-r.l:T J h4 L.t li. l:t. aiij S'.:cm t n.l -A UaV
aal-i. la uut to 'li '-- 3 W
J ho u tL S-rU L-T mA lirc.at. IwwUf
liiTO, -hot t- rrli-i -t-.-. eti ur b-t nn w4
... t r tli.i1 ItlLkMilllUIUiD ir2. b uai
i t-1 l.ai i .i.n.a ly iur rr"iti?T. Orpct TSika
t.t'k . t -'...-11. n..t aA-
fcl-VrMlh, knirmu KiA
M4 to UvW ar. T PKfTETT Whr!al
n4 !-t.t a:. !. . 1 o. 1W CMAi--
Class Jan and C.lax Cwyerw,
1VJH preaervisf FkUITe) la a perfectiy
frr.h stale. They reia re au V, ax, timU
der, cr C'emeat. seal ioatantly, ae.i are aaorw
eaily aaled and cper.ed ihaa any oiber axU
cle L t the purpose ever loveotri. AU kind
of wax aad cemeai are equally duagrreabla,
and nacertaia Insealias. Heme; mailocnurely
of pla.a. ibeae avutd tbe otjecliuaa to olbo
jars ber ua wr other meiat is used 1st iba
covers. TJ sale io Lewi-ture. otly by
ic; KKLMER.L02JfcCr
WlUlamsport OU WorU
-OK-El PLOeIB WaCrye'i Carbon Oik
Order promfdy atteoded to.
n. l. notdetv
Wtlllamaport, V
Doctor n. r. stedji tar,
HAVING returael frosa the Army, la aur
lrf.ri et Buffalo? X Eoa la and offera
hia prnfesaiunal services to tti public May
be found et Wm-T. Linn's
Daifaloe Tp, Jnae IS, Ist piaa
WILL pay the h'ghest auiiii p rtca a
CASH fcr
r0 Tons of Sumar,
delivered at myTanyarJ ia Lewisbnrr. Per
ns mho intenl ea'heriDf .hooMeomnenc
immediately, a the alalk will aoca cem
mecce lo get wuoJy aol hard.
t. J. HLLU
Lewisburp, Juno 13, 1?64
Estate of Jonathan Koser, dec'sL
TETTEK8 Testaaicntary on the eatato of
j Jonathan Kesrr, dee'd. late of BorTalx
township, l aioa coanir. have been granted
to the subscribers ia Joe form of law. AU
perwns ia '.ebted to it :J estate are noti6eJ to
make immediate pavment, and those baviaf
claims against the same will present then
properly authenticated for settlement to
JOHM KOr.R. Bnlt. IBzeeW
K'LuOlel.N 1, IB- k-olj.i Uf
June II, lCt pi
The Eye and the Ear.
8. H. KMOHT, of LewisLnre, having
I TY1-
hal tweutv-five Tears' rrae'ica. offers
' '
his services to thnse who are afflicted with.
diseased ETes or Ear:. Tbe following ia en
if a number uf Testimonials :
Vy - bt'cr&rart bctb "f w. Kind et
,nl a-tf.f ao r.f 11 r-thrt. I baj thTrkin ?lra4tM
i him. to ni f t. Ir. koibt Dfrlrrtoh l.i re. bJ
, rax.1 hiu w,Ot"at n ntKL I won 1 iu .11 a
ar- .rl.l'-t- friv Lis a r..l- Wt CL WOLF.
Uutlrton. Oaa. , 1-I i'IuXII
' Estate of Jota Pie&nJprfer,Scn.eo'i.
, . , .u
1 ETTERS of Administratis on the et
" "lit Ueer .ownvnip, n c. an.T. lma
been cmnted lo the ucieisinej, all persona
indebted therclo are rec.nestrd to make im-
but painKiu.a.u i-w uui cainiKr
demands acainsi the sanie will present tbesa
inly authenticated for arf lement to
White Ueer Mills, June 1 1. tt4 p4
Candidate for (oniireas.
Sorlhumbc rland. Snvder ni 1'n'onl Ur -mination
bv ihe several conntv eoaventiois
of the aid di.tnet. JOIAU ESl'V
liarrisburg. June 9. laM
Ho 620, Arch St
VVALim i
and R'HJERS' superior PLATED WABE.
r'AU kinds of SILVER WARE .!
Ihe premiata. KATCH K'penr rarataiiy
0tni3 sw
Estate of LL Col John D. Hosier.
WHEREAS, letters of aJminisiratioa H
ihe estate ot Joha l. Musaer. dec i,
late of Lewisburr. have beea framed M tha
aobseriber by the Re si'r cf las a ooamir.
all oeraoas indebtea io aaiu
led ake pavmeai aad hoe kav.av faaaa
,b. a. eY.
dei ay lo
Or M 1 1 .
caw io a ata