s T11K OltAVE. "Kanti to earth, aud dust to dust' llara the eTil and the just, nr tbe youthful and the old, Hero the fearful and the bold, llure the matron and tin; muid, lu ono silent bod arc laid ; litre iho viluI and the king tide tj side lie withering ; Her the sword and etvptre rust Sarth to sarth, aud dut to diut !. Aj on airo slnll roll along, O'er tliis jialo aud mighty throng, Those that wept then, those that weep, All shall with these sleepers sleep Brothers, sisters, of the worm, Summer's sun, or w inter's storm, Song of peace or battle's roar "Ne'er chall break their slumbers moro.' Death shall keep his sullen trust Earth to earth, ami dnt to dut '. Corr.iKisi1eiire of the Star ClironMe, From Co. D, 150th P. V. Foai Tiltos, Near Petersburg, Va. ) Aagust 2d, 1SG4. j Mbfsbs. Editors Wo bad qui d a tin. here on the 30ih of Jul;: 1, A. M., were swikencd and ordered to take dovn tents preparatory to siegn vlicb WM to commence by blnwiog op a fort in front of the Ninth Corps, at S, A. M. Sal by some reason it was pot eff until H A. M. Tbe first we besrd was a low, rambling sound, aod in looking up that raj We coa'.J see human bciog, timber, dirl, Ao., ascending into the air, tbe fort being only one-half mile from us and In plain eight. Immediately after tbe ex plosion, tbe artilk-ry from ono end of the lis io the other, began such cannonading J bas Dot been beard since tbe siege of Viokabnrg. The Rets to the left of tbe Jtrejalen Plank lload did not fire. To tbe right of it and near tbo fort that was blown op, they kept up a slow fire by barpsbootcra. Dot oar Rcgt's (12 1st M4 1421) were acting a sharpshooters, tod when on of them showed big bead several ballets were sent at him. Fort Titan's armament consists of six 32 poun ders, four 12 pounders, four 10 pound tlfla cannon. There are cmbrazares for BioeUen pans in all. Immediately after the explosion, it wa? followed by a charge ij the 9th eorps. Tbey carried tbe works, look lone prisoners, and some artillery. Tbe enemy made three charges on the 9th corps, and in tbe third succeeded in driving our boys back to where tbey star ted. Tbis took place about 3 P. M. - Tbe egroes were engaged in the fight. Our loss was considerable. That of the enemy Biore than oor.v The dead and wounded were left on tbe field. Sunday morning, Bornslde cent in a Osg of trueo asking Isate to remove the wounded and bury the And that lay between tbe lines. It was Bet granted until Monday morning. All Ibis time, our wounded lay in the seorch llg son, which was fo hot that we could erdly stand it without being wounded, la this lime the lids had given oar bite Ben water, bat none to the wounded Macks. Tbey maJc the black that they ld taken prisoner bnry onr whfte soldiers ballsy below their breistwciks, an J carry all (be blacks over in front of them aod kttveen the two lines and lay them all in tear, for oar boys to bary. It ha been very quiet here since tbe fight, (be Rebs not daring to open on us tot fear of our rifled 32 pounders. There WM not one man wounded in our Brigade at I oan learn. It is supposed that tbey fa undermining the fort that we are in, bat nseas ures are being taken to foil this attempt. Florida men continue to come ia whenever the are on picket. EucK sed An Bill find a DOlQ SCnt me bV OnO Of thi Florida boys. Ths paymaster is bere aod is pijiog eff tror Brigade to-day. It makes us feel good to see a gnculticl;, having seen Bathing bol gratLaclii fur some time. S.C. R. The following is a opy of tbe net, from Rebel to a Yankee : Ma. Ya : Dear Friend I wrisht -..a litis to let yu know that we have orrler- ; -blbiling onr trading or com nunicaliii in ay way with you, bni in this bundle yu will nod too pieces of Tobacco mat I wuh to ichange for a good canteen and haversack. If you wish to exchange jum brin: them hall way and leave ihem and I will gei ihem. Your Friend, l'i. A Wise Private. A toldier in ibeSOtb Maine had no tie allormesl roll $10 per month to bo depo sited io a Portland liatik, leaving S3 pi r nonlh for his personal use. At the enl a! twenty monibt, be bad in itank, aad has booottcs due amaun'ins; to &750. lly express, be sent home 200, and has also eipeodcd (40 or $50 iu presents. Of his S3 per month, all was not used, at.d By taking care of and nnl abusing clothes he drew money t-t clothing c. undrawn. At tbe close of serviec be will bave a good atari in life. We commend this example to all our soldier boys and men. Good babils and thoughtful management are the secrets of bis success. Tobacco nor liqaor nor any other useless or injurious kabit stole away all his income. Extortion tub Kruso I'assios of TUB HotH. I'liccs rule supremely high, wad are oa the ascending scale. Without basse, aoDscicnce or remorse, everybody (the r inter eieepied) asks three, tour lid ive j rices for overy article in the Market, with the sublimated assurance that tbey do not eare lo soil even at thai. We warn Ihe rx'orlioncr to desist. Safe ly, there is a day coiuine when you will ail wish that you Lad heeded the priotci'a frfcepts and fallowed his moat reasonable i ciaairjle. The Rea8o!. The Copperhead per auaama seem to bave a regard for li'n. a f thiags. Tbey have illustrated ibi, in spiking tnabner, by changing ihe lime (of holding thtir Naii'nal Oonvcu'ion rroga the 4tb of July, tbe birth day of American Independence, to the VQili of A.n th; btrdW' " BcnvVxt Ar t!J, lbs tiai'. j. STAR & CHRONICLE ALMANAC Jaa. ' 3 4 il ft " S 10 llll-Mt 14115 16 Kjis i:i3ia S4;-ii.2iih52iaSB Jnlj 1 T S U'14.15 I 'in 17 3)121 24 25 27 kteL-Ji 131 1 re. 3 4 11.! 1 21 3' e is ,10l 1-,13 l17lll 1 ieisaijaiiS T S Vi 10 14 li u 16 ir.i: 21 22 23124 2S JSlw 31 III If 1!20 24 2!27 21 Mar. .1 4.::SfpM I ! "I 2 1 9iinli12 l Kjlslllt 4 S 6 7 n;u 11 12'is M : 2i2ll22l2:t 2t 25;2 lSll!20;2H22i23 "I'-VP31! ; April 1 k Octo., I I I I I 2 31 4 5 ft' I VilOlll 12'!' !lli7ii i!an '2.-.2t 2j 2627 (30,31 S 4 miii i2;i3 i 14 1ft 17IISilu!2Y-l 22il Mar. 1 3 ! 4 S II 7 S !l;lo;ll!12li:! 14 l J.17 l;i'2o!2l t 24!252t;;27i2B Save.' 2 .11 41 S S 11 11112 i 17 ii il 24 25 2S 301 14 1ft 21 22 28l2d June Dece.l 2 3 4 9 10 ill 16.17 IS 111)2 13 14 15 1 1B:20 2112: il'J Jui: 20:2:1: I 23 W 24 25 252:27 2S StVI i I I I I llolielays Banks close on New Tear- 22 ib 4 July Thankgiru Cbriatnua Union County Official Record. Irtvift Juiiv Siw'L g. Wood, LwLtowa PoatOffleo Auuciate Judtit J"lit W. 8iMCro. MimiabDrg do do Johx Walu, LewiBburg ShfriJfLkFATmm Albuuht do Vo!AolWar.--JlMCS W. RiXDB do H'f J- R'C T.. U. Vmn do District AUmry ALTRU) UlTES do Trtantrrr Wl. Jogu, do do do da do do do do Cbntmitti'ttur Jmse M. WLTnt, Wlnfiald do KihiUit Rei, Lanrrltoo do do st'KL MarhouNw I'nlamMa do CbBmi'irr'0"ifc Asibev KEK!tcliT,LwiNburgfto do iunurl J. tux It. Loot do do da i'ripUen Woudci k Coksilics, do do do Jliysicia T.A.U.ruofcKTOx do do School SutrritiUmlrntJoHX A. Owiss do Afrcanrii Appraiur James Glotbb, Ilirtlaloa do Surrryor Conrad SHEt-Elca. Foreat IIU1 do Cvrontr EuatlA Strauh, Iwiaburif do Amiitor BMTHiERTnonaos, Miffliabnrg do do J V. lltocsBui'H, slifrr do do W. V. Seebuld, llartMoo do Atvitnr SUve Wnr Tax C-U Sni:iER.MIffllnborit do OiiUcUr do Tuo. Chlkch, Laurcltoo do rost-OiTiecs in Union county. .Ilrtroj ein Brady toaroahip) J StrobM-ker, P M Shf'-r rt'oiontown. llrailyTp) DaTld Arbnrklo liv.il wr .Wi.'tt (lllglilowo, H D U1 ) in a M ning .'U f rHHNM'l - - ir- Arilna ( Kelly Tp) -A.tly .1' KoaiU .... Iswitourg (l'onntySat) Hnrfal A' itnaiig Ki'mt ;. ttarnieraillle) MiiHmlotrp . H.irtlrtrm ijitTfii'm Iweat and Hartley Tp) ii'kiu SpriHgLim float Tp) -.Waj AWim -WhJUU-Ury V Alley, Union Tp) J K Corree Jobn IHteameD - AS lined Gen ' F'.rreat Leri llauek Martin Rudy Marie l ?tr - Ili.U'ti llarea Mark llalfM.onr J S lEau.lnl.Ufih - Mm Smith aml A Waiter Regular Union county Courts open Third Uoaxlay lb aVhmary May Septemh'r Daoemb'r Agricultural Implements. ACiRICl'I.Tt UL Iinplrmcnis. since the comnienceinenl of ihn War, hare been in tjreal demand, and good machines are val uable as lo iheir mfriis and worth only". In ihe year IMb2. Messrs. J. . MAKMH 4 t'O. sold one of ihnr Improved Reapers lo Henry Siuck for 1:1(1. Oa Ihe I8ih of Feb raarv. the nmt Ucaper wan pnH at a f'ri;r, We-, on thr f irm of Henri Stuck, near Carlulfr j fr 41 Sf), after being ued two teutons. I Messrs, J. a. Marsh & Co. are manalaetn rins a larse nuintirr of liif ir machines, wuh Improvements, Ihn season, for Ihe coinine Having and HarvrM ; and as lo the menu of iheir Combined MOWER AND REAPER, wonld refer those wishing to purchase the coming season to the following named per sons, who purchased of them last season t Joa. M.NHit, Joaeph fan-tor, Thomas Strawl.ri.tr, FrIrt-k l!r.a Hiram Dunkle, (barlea llotb.nauln. John llaase. liarid Suhlnerker. J.-m! Smith, Win. and Thomaa Neal.it. of Northamlirrland ronnty. Chr.elian StultifiiM, Jat.l. stoltafusa. Kobart Itarher, Frederick Pouliu. Ileo. K leckner. Martin Meixell, John Moyer. Samuel Pellman, S. d. Waiter, John U. Varger, of L'ni'.n ronnlT. Samuel Shaffer, Henry Vahm. John Weeber. 8amnel Nclf. K.iShunian. Martin Beat. Abraham Zierr, Alira bam Fetter. Amoa Milk-r. Jamea Bell, b. T. Sramhaurh, Alfred Moore. Jeaaa Kuhl, Ororca Kutz. I'hilip Kaker. IVter Albrinht, Henry Sla-ler. Howard Rupert, Hiilip Bentx, Samuel Goodyear, Joaeph J. Brahin, of Cnmtwr land eounty. John llold.man, llanlel Piehler, Vfm. Wart, Peter Ely. Jonathan Bonaajita. I'hilip Lebo, Jonathan Ki.-nK Oavi.1 W earer, K.M J. Borlinirton. 11. Lenkert, Willian Uets. Jaeob 8. Shade, of Dauphin eounty. Jolin Horer. David Lia. John alyer. Adam Snvder, Valentine Wagner. Kranalin Kptinir, Christopher Kliue, W m. K. Seaman. Jaeoh lliiyeat, of Lebanon count. iicor.. Straver. John &-rte.Saniuel oiliaOD.S.II.Barto, Jaroea riark. K. I. Kline, flenrire Skiealer, Andrew Ho- '"douM-r, Hubert llavea.rharlea Kawl.ltuhb Mill-r, , Jamea Warner. John smith. W m. II. remron, W.J. Aie- balT.-y. J- K Minnie, Jacob itoud,o( Lyooming and Clin ton enuntkra. We could refer lo hundreds of olhers in the above and adjoining counties, but think il unnecessary. Feb 23. '64 "irst of Jjie Season! NEW GOODS! FROM PTIILAD. AND N.Y. iXEW (iOODS XKW (100PS XKW t.OODS XEW GOODS For Spring and Summer Tor riu and Summer For Spring and Summer For Spring and Summer Cam. axp See. Cam. ano See. Call am See. Call and See. Jno.H (lOftilnian.Miirket St.,Lewis1iiirs Jno.H.Goo!nian,Market St.,Lewisburg Jno.II.(.uoduian,Market St., Len isburg Jno.H.Gooiman,MarketSt.,Lev.isburg 13?"AII kinds of Orain bought for Cash. waxted! TOXS of Good Timothy ITay. -tJ ino nai Hnenola prima Oata. for tbe Ooaern m.nt. I will pay tn bhtheat priee for good, Deary Oat it muat weiab over 2S lbs per buahel. J.NOJI. UOOllM CARPETS. All Wool, Heavy In- rrnln f'rpvui, Uruwlln CmrpftK, Kw Carpetft. Floor Oil Cloth, tluxt reoritesj. and (or Mir by JSiJ. Il.t'.OObMAV. 1 fk BCLS.Mackercl, Xos. 1 aud 2, I Jlftu baif aud arhole barrel, for aale by JNO. HliOODMAX. SALT, ia barrels and sacks for sale .T JXO. ll.flOOOMAN. '1M1E subscriber has opened a 1 Family Grocery Store in Mrs. Orier's B'tilding, East end of Market street. South side.where he has a good slock of TEAS.COFFEE SPICES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, tf. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Butter, Eggs, be. be. Which are off-red CHEAP FOR CASH by JOSKI'H I'CKBERT, Ageot I.rwivbnrr;. Nov. 9, tK4 JOHN H AWN. MtM'KA' TrRER of Improved Per. lUMton MatCbe., Leviabuif , Pa UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG' CHRONICLB. DYSPEPSIA AND DISEASES EESULTIXO FROM Disorders of the Liver AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, are cured by HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, tbe great Strengthening Tonic. nest IIIt hare rrronard fares Have and do give more Satisfaction ! MAYS PSD21 TES'irSliKil.V? Have mart respectable PevpU to vmchfur them.' Than any other article in the market. Wa defy nT na to contradict this aasenion, and will pay $IOOO to any one thai will produce a Certificate, pub lished DJ OS, that 18 DOl QHUllffK. HOOFLalWD'S GERDIAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERT CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases aris ing from disordered Stomach. Observe the foilowlpg Symptomt resulting from duordcrt of the L)njeMive oryant: CoBntlptUtoo. In ward piloi, furnene of WorMl to the bJ, cttlity of th nUim-tcr.. niitjx, ha.rttur, tlLoicust far food, fulB&N ur weiftlit In th KUituavrh, aour cra-ttiont, tilnklnc or fluttrrifiC at thr pit of th Rtoinarh, wimtuing of tlt beatt, burrinl ni tiifticult brmthiDg, fluttehott tvt thr heart, choking or imiTocRtlns ttcoiMalAnii when In m lyti'K ponturt-, dim mm of Ttnlon. dou or wrb Iwfnr th0i;bt,ffVtr and dull pain In tht brail, dfttrkopy of prplrUon. fellow om of thn tkln and ryea. pain in tba ridr,bark,chrt,l.mbft, tc uddea dnthrf brat, burn ion in thv flmh,efn I taut Uuagliiini, of f Ut and great dt-pnuaioa of uplriti1. That tbls I not Alcoholic, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, and can't make Drunkards, BUT IS TflB BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. Fnm Uu Pattor nf IS HaptiH ehwrrh, iVmfri .V. jvrmrrif r-j uf avom nrrcA, tTutt x. I harr knnvn Ilooflaod'aOrraan BUtrrt famraMy ftir a nunilwr of jrt-ara, 1 bare uavd throa io ny nwu nuull. and ha b-ro o nlvaMHl with thrlr rlfrcte that I va ioduerd to rrccmnrnd tbrm to many uthvra, aod know that thy bave oitrratnl in a atrikinicly tvnrlVial manner. I taka -xTmi plturr In thua publKly prorlainttnc thia faet, aod callin the kttntlo of IbfaM, atnictrd with thr dlraja)i for wbirh thrjr ara rrtnriidrd. In lbv Uittrra. kanwtna; frnm r&rirnea that mf rreommrndaUnn will br PuMaint-d. 1 dn thla innrfl chrrrfully a Hoctlod'a ltittn ia intrndatl to beorQt th amict4 Mid u ttol a ram dnak. luura Uuly, LLXl ti. BECK. Frrm Rev. Dr. Brmm, Editor n f th Encydnpedit J Althoneh notdi-poard to fsror r nHMramwd Pstrnt Mrtlicinvj in srorral. throutlh Uitrust of their lni.rr.lH rnta and rflrrta. I yrt know of no nufllHent rraann why a nan may not trtlfy to thm hcorflt he bvliavpa bimxvlf to bafo raoiTrd irom any Aimif prrinratton, in tnr bopr that b may tbunsootribut to thr br Refit of otbrr. 1 do tbii tbr mora rtvadtly in rt-tard to "Iloorland'a Gvrman Bittrrn," preparrtl by iir. C. H. Jackmiu.of tbis eity, brcauaa I vaa prejudiced apalnat thrm for years. unarr ur irapmtKiun mi, .iinj wen cinmy mu ttici.ii'ii iu mixture, lam indebted U.mytrirnd ItolMTthortuakrr, Kri.. fur the rrtnoval of thia prrjudie by proprr Of la. and for rnrouratErmrnt to try tbrm, when rurTfring from treat and loripi rt.otinued drbility. The Bfta of three bot- lira or tbeae Bittern, at thm bKlDDinir or tne prraent er, wan frillowrd hy evident rrlii'tand riwtoratlon to a dricrer of bndily and mental vigor whirh I had not frit In ais mnina before, antt tiau ainniatiirfrpairrti or rrai nioc. I therefore tba ok. God and my fneud for directing at to the u of trw-m. J.MSWTUN UKUW; rbiUdelphia. Frrm the Ihrtor of th GrrmatUmtn Itiptut church. Dr. C. M. Jarkflm Pear Hir : IVraonal experience ena bles me to aay that I rrf anl tbrUrrraan fiittrra prepared by you an a mot excellent medirine. In cim-h of a eTereeold and general debility, I bav been erratly brnefltrd by the uar of the bittern, and doubt not that tbe produce aimilar effttt on other. lourstrutjs nAi.nn.i AAAvuLru tm tht rntUtrt) IMJinff M. B. church, n.rtada. Pr. Jnrkaon tiear Sir: llavtnir nwd your lirnnan Bitters In my family freOeatly. I am pr-parrti to cay that it has been of cfat ar?ire. I bflh-Tr tiiat in mo! cattrsof itenrral debility of the sytrm, K Is the safext and moet valuable iniedy of which J bare any knuwl edge. Vours rettpectrully, J. U.IL KNLK. From (ht Jtrrmrr Ti$ttr nf fh flumfnt (X .) afid Mite$tow (ill.) Itapfut church. NEW Ko'HELLE N.V. Ttr. C. M. Jarkfvon Dear Sir : T feci it a pluaurrthu. of my own armrd. to bear testimony to the exnrllenceof thr (jerraan Btttrra. some years since, tn-intc mucb alflii'ted with Dypepia, I umhI thm with 7ry b nrfi. ial rrtiulta. 1 have often reeowmendrd Utrm to prnutnt rnl-blrd by tbat trm uliuie Uist-ae, and bav beard from tbem the must (Uttering Oft i moo fain as to Its (treat value, in raaea of aynerai drbility, 1 believe it ia ft tonic that can not bo surpaswd. JoIl.N M. LVONd. From Itrv. Dr. Winf'r, Fatfrr ef Rtaehwovnh Btptist Chunk. Vt. Jackson Dear ttr : I feel It doe to your excellent preparation, lloofland's Herman Kilt to abl my te-.ti-mony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. 1 have for years, at timrs, brn troubled with great dis ordrr in my head and nrrvous sytrm. I was advised, by a friend, to try a bottle otyour Uerman bitters, I did so. and have expert-need gn at and unexprrted relief; my health has hren materially benefitrd. I eooAJrntly rtommrnd tlte artiele where 1 mret with eases aimilar to mr own, aud have bem assured by many of their good effects. Bespectiully your. From Rer. J. 5- TT'rman, f the fTtrmtm Rtfrrmfd churchy KuttUimn Berks auuiiig. Dr. O. af . Jackson Kespeeted Sir : I bave been troub led with Dyapepsia nearly twenty yara, and never used any medicine that drl me as much goou as notti land's Bitters. I am very mucti Unproved in beaitb. after having Uken flvo bottles. tUaTpeouuiiy yours, o. ukajiaa. PfltCES, Bottle. Large size (holding nearly double quantity) $1.00 Small size 75 XDoa. 5.00 4.00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the signature "CM. JACK SOX" is on tho WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your nearest drugsisl Dot bave the article, do nol be put oft' by any or the intoxi cating preparation thai may be offered in iu place, but send lo us, and we vnf ' rward, securely packed, by express. ic'ial Office and Minva.jry, .lo. 631, .1 ICC II STKF.r.T, PHILADELPHIA. JONES & EVANS. Succcaon lo V. il. Jaclton if- Co., Proprietors. for sale by BE.VNETT BHD'S, I.ewisburg, and by Urugsisu and lxaleri in every town lo Ihe I'nueJ Wasri llyliee.l G3 Borough Stetement, 18C3,'4 David Rcbcr, to School Board, 1SC3 & 18Gt. DR. ISta, Jul; la To balanea el per Aud. Report ;.na cv l04,Apr.a K- J tn.niA Ikennnlj.Ovl. An luU Z7I0 44 tlo Tu rent kir rhoot Hooma. laua 7U Ml do To SUU af.pro.natk.., law 1IG1, Ma; 0 Iv niuuej botruawi Iruaa ttu 3CT7 na SOW) 85 ll ng IHi Uil Co 00 CB. By ordara. naU Tnchara aaiulaf Jantuira Meut for SchrnJ Coal, llol.u id a fetrlej four new .-'tii.na uil pip. mr " balulag r'uur new KeataUira anil V.utilaUara New Lleak a.W.Mbool lloua. iltalrtel superintendent and Secretary, Stay lio.arv. liirht anil fuel 141 sa 75 uu st ; 73 S3 Tueaaurere Cola, on em'l paid at iir-i eiean n'a h'aejiirV walla bait h s. 19 Work and wood material rnry llrirk for prlry llal.no due C S Toder, carpenter V.l.noa due 9 Sl.lloud. pillaring Ual.niw due 8 U.Muniwn. paintiu( Kxom ration allowed t'ollector Ineidentaleapenaea, eurh a liroema.erarnn clialk, paint'v Maek lioanl. coal buekfta, extra key., pavinie icutter a mat ltregc Balance iu treaaurera nauda U 41 19 till 7 uu loo 00 lOU 01 18 08 114 Ml aoM en I . May -To balane. In D. RabeHa band Clia?.S.Yodcr,Ovcr.mor,'G2, DR. 1-SJIulj 21 To nal.due.per art mtJuirzi.ai lutereat to June 21f't4,elef .0 Bios. 8 M 47 Dae Oreraeera June 21,'ft. S vu J..lT.Brown,Col.poortax,'fil, DR. IHiiaune 6 To balance aa per Aud. Kep. 173 l lsoaeluues To lut. oa ual. 1101 01 lor on, year ti tu I B. I J lS6l.Mar.30 Br order! and caah paid Troaa, 73 ou Hal. due (leer. June ft,'fl4 Uee'd ainca audit on wee's And. Kennedy, Col. poor tax, 1SC2,':., S. Ward DR. IStS.Jul- 10 To amount duplicate, 8. Ward I K. 1 kf. I l . . -II n. eaah nald 1're.anrer lo7 ia ixi Ja 7 tut a ' am i of n.Mir orderaand ronehera fl Viae Ber eaiit eovinila. allowed Col. SS W Uj exoneration allowed t'ol. U " 193 Vi Wm. C. Painter, Col. poor tax, 1802,';, X. Ward, DR. lW3,opU Io am't ol duplicate . W. 731 IK. By am't of poor ordera and ronehera X5 i rive per eeut eom on ain't eollactod J.1 UJ Kaoueratiooa al owed Collector n no I'aeh paid Treasurer 2M 83 berrke aa Overaear and oaab p'd oat 20 7& 7aj M l4,June 80 Bal. due Oreraeera from OoU Andrew Kennedy, Col. School tax. 1302 & 'fi4. DR. 11 4- 1SC3. Jul, to To am't of duplicate 2Ua 79 IK. jbpt. IS By eaab paid Treasurer, D. Be oar Too no OcU 2, do do ii liee. 7, do do VI 01) lao4.Mar.Hjlo do . oo do do do 4' do lly eannaratinna allowed 4a OS Apr.30 Cash paid Trea.urrr, U. el Sso 62 do a per eentuoniuiaaioa oa ain't eolleetetl 1 .i3 2si6 ; Allen Shoemaker, Street Com and Col. or 15or. tax, C3, DR. lSCd. SepL 1 Toam'tofdnplieate IH'3 tV.'S 7a do Tm rvr'd (r w uieh Col.had ree'd ed't 2 h l)ol,Uar2a OrLXo.li-errtela full aaStCom lul TS f R. May 23 Be am't if B"f. ordera p'd Tree. do Jt n't of et. order. d4 do 'a.h pai'l Treaaurer do Kionerati ina allowed rolleetot do 4.1 entered re. peopeity do 4 per cent enmmiaet.n allowed C7iL do 8exrleeaaei.Com.lasi Balance due Col. by tb. Boroagh Al'n Shocmaker.Col. of special tax for relief of certain fam ilies. 1803 fc 'CI. DR. 1SC3, Dec lo To am't of dnpllcate,'o3 4 'oi IK. 1K64, May 25 Ry eaab paid Trwrwrer 7(2 16 673 72 S j 2S aa m a &4 no r.aoner.unn .uowiai ,oi wo . or oa.t Hiaa. do Jaw. 0 C'a.tt Ui lull 111 la Christopher Gcmberling, Col. Road tax, 1801, DR. Ib63, Jaly 2o To bal. due aa per And. Kep. lnUireet on eain, one year ra. 14, May 12 By eaah paid Treaaurer balance due the Borough July 20, lsol William Jones.Tr.in acc't with the Bor., Epecial tax for re lief certain families, DR. laaa il To hal. in Treia.aa per Aod. Ken. la (i lit 14 ion oo 222 14 Is84. April ft Am't from A.Shoemaker on Bop.'rSI 21 3i 1864, June II do do 67 J 72 1G4 00 do do other ftoarcea Hub ol 120 (al 72 oo i tm luu oo ail no Co oo 4s 00 tit 111 ra. ISM, Jan. By m't paid John Kaler Am L pBIU 7Blu n.i.wim Am t paid O. L. Murray Am't paid Jt.hu . Ilinl Am't paid t'al. Wirth Am't paid t'haa. Buoy Am't paid Aaron Amnflnl Am't paid Vim Umiarhr Am I paid Samuel orown 4 OH lnc'Ul'a mak f dup a,bl'a bo"k,e. 40 3S 4S1 OS Balance In banda of Treaaurer, June 9,ln64 44 23 William Joncs.Tr.in acc't witU Over. roor,lSCa,it'C'l, DR. 1KW, July 2i Toam tinhaodi.Tr. ier Aud lp. 211 .VI 1m4, Nor. 2 Cach paid auit with Buffalo, twp. 7 3i do Ciuihiroiu J ll.llrownondup'a Y.l oi to Caahand roach", fn.m Vi'.C.I'aiuter,CuL r"i 7 jo do from A.Kenutsljr.Col. -r4 14 June u Cubfrom Belief fund :0 Ou 17oo 74 fit. lSKJjAog.S faah p'd J.n lioolman old Trior ord. CI 52 a no 4 52 11 40 d on 3 07 la uo io oo HO 1MB .wa-e-i-"-. w" Aug IS :aah paid Ilurah do do Caah paidCHenberling do A. lit 17 Caah paid Wm r'.Kley do do Caub paid Brown a Hro. do IMS. V Cah paid C C Uuukl. I. 1T. ..I, ,.,.l Wolfe. Wetael A Co. 1MI, Jan. Cnafc p d BVarer.Kremer A Jl'CIur, J go do ca-n paiu lor at.... i" . boar Jin(, alao to .Urnmlejnil A t J fee toll K. Miller, in ault with BulTeloe twp , Ao 81 M Bee. Prof aerr.in remoral of Aaklna.An, " no Jan. 11 Ceb paid S.Sllfer, bal due him 86 W do 1'oor otdeta paid per Treaaurer IK 2 do Am tpoorord.ArohVW.C.Painter 87i P3 j0 do do A. Kenndy 67 61 do erriee aa Treaaurer, Ac, one year 20 00 Ao Am't poorOlderr. Ac, J.II.Bri wn 12 60 Julr 7-Makiiif imp. hiank bookte,'64 Am't paid A.M Coy 12 6l S'l 16 17r,u os Balaao, In han.la of Treaaurer. July 7, 1464 20 6o Wui. JoneB,Tr .in acc't with tho Uorouh, DR. lSrkVlul24 ll.l.lnTr'ahandeaaperAud.Rep. M 90 July 27 Caehlrom J r.Miller,llooael pavm't 41 61 flept- H Caeh fireua Lieenaa A OO Uet. 30 Caah from B. Straub, bal. dun. ta 40 32 Dec. 8 Caen aiworuew nam anoeuiaaer ' " iaAl.Jan.1 do do 44 oa 2-u s.i 414 M isV .0 109 1.1 146 10 10 (.7 41 .It 17 34 OO 100 no 2 Ml do 7 do do do Id do do Marb7 do do do 12 do do May a do do do 23 do do J.n. Oaab Jnn.Wallapeementw April 4 Caj-h II. Maeona lavament do Caah h.U.Chappele pavement May 12 Oah from C.temlierlina,dup.,6l do 24 Caah baL Jao. Luck a paraneat 2728 ill rs. 1864, May tS raah paid on Court ITonee elaiat 14 V 60 do Bnrnneb ordere redeemed 673 22 do Street do 333 ii in Caeh.R.O.IIetlel.rceeptinnenld'e 66 40 do Eerrioa aa Clerk A Tr. one year 76 00 do Caah paid rent, .mine houee.2 yr'a 24 00 do Caah p d R.AlWrt,attend' elorh 26 00 no Caah paid W.I.Unn A othera, incl. dental espenaea SA 2A do Caab p d U. bower, eerri CouUh'e lo 00 Balaaoa in baada Treaaurer, June ft, 1864 4a b We, the nndertlaned, Auditor of tbeRoroafrfc of lw lahurg, do eertify that w. h.r. eiamined. aualitwl, and allowed th. foreffnio, aeeount of lb. different Offirwr of aaid Boroncb. and find balance, aeaordtng to th. fure roine Keport, whleh w bar. Ihia 7tb daj of July, A.D. 1A4, lleil in tbe of the Town Clerk of th. HornaKb of lnbur-of whieh all ioteraaud .ill pleaae take notice, Vti'.uMour ban.la.tbi.;ih d.T of Julj.A O.ltml. Tlln HOWAKU. .-ji, A Meat : . A.DON KUUW IF, J Aadltora. WILLIAM J0Nt., Town Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE Biwlta of KVANS 4 COOPER are in mf bands fur collection. All peranna desiring to aeiile their aeco.ni. i find lh Brxiki al my OlHe. V. D- BREWER, Lewisbu';, Inly 13. Allcrney at !. W. R. CORNELIUS, (.(.eminent I'mlorlaker KAsimi.i.t-:. ti:n .! 1, ana Ocaln In all klnaa of Mrlaillt llurlal t'aara, ZINO COFFINS, I7ILI. alienil priimplly lo Ihe tranpnrta- j W liuu of Uniliea, or giving iiiruruintion i respocling deceased SoMiers. :.-. 5 :S?-.-'.'-8'-)Z'f. ": secuied Ihe aerv.crs of llr. K. ll. I.EVN IS, of Near York, (more recently from the Army of the l'otoniac.1 for binhalmina of ihe 1) an ny ; iir. HnLiu "American I'locrss, aci knowl , 1 1 , k ik. t.j.Li an.l nnlv lrn nrnrr III I cue,eu iu i"- uu; .i , ' the L'niied Siaie,will have bodies embalmed j I wn, desired. IVincipa! Office and W arerooms So. 4'J, Church St.. Nashville, Tenn. Branch Oilices at Murl'reevboroVrnllahoma, , Warirare.Sihelbvville Chailanoosaand Dech- ; ard (Tenn ) Stevenmn am! Urnl;;epori, (Ala.) (rj l'oiiiiuunicalions promptly answered. Mr.Wn.R.Co?in.ips la aulhoHeil to refer to ma. He Is. aentknian of inUirrity, antl .ill perlnrm all that b tl.MSj Doctor S. TTArt locatrd hi X hcre he will atteud ty ihe practice of mcilicine. Market St, nearly opposite Amraons'block TESTIMONIALS. II ARTLKTOTf, irolnp Co NoT.St, !Vr ?ir: My livr -.ntl umwh mm so h'lly iimsr4 throtta'.l who M-t-n mvj(tfn dim up. DoTtori ami ait ; but I coDt.iiutJ lo t.ir'.v your mtxllrtne anJ it curA utc, mni I now ain well. I know a nuuiWr in my DfiL'titu rhor-il that bit-l lunicsDil lifr-r rontp.riiiit?, thnt wen- ruivil l.y y.tur nndliii. A life In cw-t, 1 would ativi-al. wlm an afliii-ta wilh diia.'M to iti't von a rtalt. auJ lilt iDilmouiy. Yourj truly, JO!tN (JOubLAiViJU.. HiTLrn T. 11.1' n Co , Not. C", IRf.l. Dear Pir: T wnn nillii tJ with Kheunatir in 1tr a num ber of yrarit, and wan ri.r-J by ynur m' i.rin". I w.in Dt able- to Iwitp my hfl wht-n I c mm fi . takinz y nr valualilej meilitm. arni I lial ti tttni.-f hv two oilier .LyiciuaV Yours truly, J .'. KPH I I I.LKK. LrKii.TC!f, Union Va , ;,'(.t 17. Pr. 9. II- Knlji.t: I.r Hir I r.l('-l) with Rhvumali-m : I rul-l not wnlk on tr-p. anI two f.aUlt ol your Tlnatilif m"it'-iu- cnrr-ii di Id a short tin.-. I alvi all whuare fllu t-'i with t!ui aLfa-e to apply to you aod BHcu.t4. Vour truly, J. Iil.Olit II.BTLEr. L'nir.n Co Not. 1H, Pr. 8. II. Knf'ht: Uar fir I wn-l you tiiin utate- mtin nrla-r to t-t'ti-'l.t r-ulfe-rinfl bmnanity. My l.j a i.mir time with conaimiMiou.. ml her life or reror- cry via" i,itD up it alii, i m iviraii ui irj "iin'i jr-ii- irtn.or ijrlirp. I mn tin ne wtth yur tramin t . your nilirinf rtirtMi h-r: nhc in now I would vlTinw all who ar- atliirt d with luoa, and liir tliti- to ci to yi.n. or (-tTi.il fur T"U, yi't vour m'lti-ine, ami mvn lift and money, i It'iT-iJ Your. rt'y, JmHM jALKR. GOOD NEW GOODS! xctr aotipst xk f;oort - XKU-GOOD.il xtwvooosi ton fail axb msTrni roH I ALL AXD lil.Tt:ltt 11R FALL AXP WI.Tl.HI toil FALL AXD niXTlKI CALL AXt SKKl CALL AXD tr.KI IALL AXD ."HF.t CALL AXti St.Kt KKF.MF.K, I.OXO a CO AKFMtM, Lo.: w? ro KRKMM, l.cxi; 4 ro AI.IMIK, LOXH al CO Lewlahnre, Nat. lfip.1 lt l et all lake a Rltlc ! UHSR9 AND UIGOIES TO LET. to responsible persons, at reaMnnt.!e rates. I Mahlrs on alfey letW4?en Snath Third and St.uih Knarth streets, half a square below lies Liwffv my rt?jailenc5 on tame lot, fronting on Suuih Third rrt. rHAKLEo . VODER Lewishnrp, Sept. 11, 1M.;3 T.G. EVANS, FAMILY OKOCEUY AND Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4th, LEWISBURG. Call axd Satisfy Yourselves. OUR STOCK is larse and well selected em'orarins erervihini iiMiallv k'pl in a firsl-clasi. UKOCCKV STOKE including an assortment of Q L" E EN'S - WA TJ E, U A T.D-WA V, E, CEDAU and WILLOW-WAliE. I take this onnorliinilv to return mv ihanks to Ihe public fur a liberal palrnnaie.an.l hope by iio.lyinw ihe wants of my Irienns and en deavorini lo supply ihetn lo merit iheir patronage in Ihe future. T. (J. EVANS. Lrwit.bur, March i, i:;;. J. k. Dif.rrESDrrrra sl:l arHnirx Sew rwrniliirc EataMlMlimrnl. 1 'HE subscribers have opened a Furniture esiablishinf nl, on Market js ,ewihure. (opposite Chamberlin's buildings) where they manofacture loonier and keep on hand ail varieties of CAHIXKT IVAKE nsnallvkrpt in snch establishments Bureaus, Betlsieads, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Siaiid.Whal-XoU dec. of all patterns and prices. tT'lUraiRifta in ibe best and most exped itions manner. UNDERTAKING inall its branches attended lo at very low rates. Keady-inade Collins alwavs on hand. J K DIEFFENUERFEK & CO Lewisborg, April 16, 1XM James F. Linn. J. Merrill Lina. T F. & J. M. LINN, t) i Attornejd at Law, LEWISBLKli, 674 Union County, Peaa'a. J. MKRRIIL ll'l Coasnssiosra ft.r th. State of Iowa with power to take Depositions, arknowtede Deeda ,Ae Anrtlon aai ( onntl.vslua Beise la If alsburg. tgi Lc-al Auctioneer! F. t.nonehower having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor I.ewisbi.rg, is prepared to attend to all calli ia his line ia lowa and country. commission sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke tlreet a Room for the reception, and the sale at slated times, of all kinds of (roods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to dispose of any arti cle can drposilil with me and I will sell it at ihe beat advantage I can and charge a per ceniage for the same Feb. SH, iR59 T A DONEHOWER Central Foundry and Max-nine Shop Blifrr. Walla, Shrlarr A (a. Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron Mower and Kraper, Darling' EnaMrst Chain Horse Pawer Willsou'a Telegraph Fodder Cut ter, Kiches' Iron Plows, Witherow's bell-Shai-pening Plow, and Michigan Double Plow. Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip ion. AU kinds nf Agricultural Implements kepi oa hand for sale. Jobbing work in Wrtmjhl aod Cast Iron and Brass done lo order. Country produce takea ia eirhaaie. Ow. ot siitk A Mark.t a-ra hbara", f stat. a. aawia. air a an aavss oitwm & HAYES, AttoiMys at Law. Mil taryliorernor IIKAB-KJunJ llh rauai ai.n..n , Ir . ,, nn, Ti and OJt'MMI ..four own maiiuMeluiealwayaonhan-l, 1 JlHl'It JfJ( Af'UC I lfTVflt ..v.p.in, ,.r.r...latanTt.m..witl.ia an honr a not,-., to. IUA1VIJ UUU. iUIIJ UILHJU II. KlNlUUl wall unon any anil all who ma) f.rr.r ua with a i.ll. ' r. .u p .nhsrr.ber L-.ee.. V ' ,Se.f in LEWI$sBLR(S. "one b, ,he be;, wrkm.r,..7 f b " ''"J 0' mi'E ra f'Uih Kecoad near Market Si April j, 'oil Lev, labui , la. UX10X COOT AND SHOE . I af- mm iflf all t iTII I aa M W. If I, I (HIT O and examine for yourselves the lariea t-r-iu.t rereivtd a KliK.-M rilpn.V c lw nriCFl Hy itiUUC wora at '"; ----- 'yuick Su!c3 and .mall IVofits' : iu. ,,! f ihe dav al MM I "' llppoaite the Uauk, Lewisourg D WID GIWTER fc SOW HK remove.l iheir ( Iialr and ". hlnet Wn re-room to il.e lar-er ami more commoiliou. moms, late ihe resid- ..t Wm Frii lf. on the . ornrrnf Third and llitrkrl Ma. leaNhnrr. i.. .k.. i,... ,.n haml ihf LAIllihM anil ol-hT AviOli TMENT of Wor. ever ollerrd ,,he puMic in thia. vicin.-v.compnsimr lire-, Korean. ..d F.nerW u..o of th. i.w .ti e,. f. (aa lUirwn: chir'. 1'an.a. at I baira. Koekmrt tiir.. Ki:.ri-..ii.tK...T..weii;v..J-n..r i h,jn '.t- .T.?a7i.Vt hmn.lllarro..ui aiidiMHeeCh.ira-V.I.-1'aal.or ll.lail. We aKo aiiend 10 ihe I'MlEltTA KI.MJ dtly eomi-ti.l'D cithrr iu j.rici or tU. Mtnkij.irtory on Ar. t Srrft, j where C'ahinM and Ifno- rurnin?rnll anl Rip .awiiic Jodv on chort notir and iwsav.nablr term. A 5001I assortment of I.r.MBKK alray od bao'l fr NVwel For-tei, UDniitrre and Hand RailiDjr. r'Iat.a'Aiiiio of all kitvls itone as usual. N il. Anv work Dot oa hand will be made an HOOD potiMt. Thankful fr pai favors, we still expect a eootiuuancv of tht mm. 13oots and Shoes. The sabrriber hat just receive.) afaaVaa his .str,re (urn rluor In ihe Pl- PU. inn.f)a full aupply of lioofa &. SIIOC4 of every style ami vaneijr saiiahle in the seamn. 'I he atock ha been selecie.l v,iih particular care, ami will be alfur.led al -UM lit III! IU I'KIIKS ((lit ;HD1 ( ISH. ii ! His ol.l fnendi and cu'-tomer and ihe public j generally are m viied to call and eiamne hit , 1 " 1 f ' .v. I t " t"'r I FAC'TI lil.Mi and r.Kli.ll;i.i aa hereto fore will be aiiemlrd lo with promplnraa and at reaaonable rales. join urn bnTo. .i:t. Lewi.l.ur. (Vt M, !rJ. ... 0. IT. P. Silii'f !V " " e. weef . - f-.y 1S A.'.ca-a.V.. Vaaurarlarrr of e1 IIariic. J.riJ Idles comtnon and the new patrnt Ut;i.M.tol.(. t,w.r.--iLUrJ to Lurtnai.rx' IXitlrr ia iti rr uo i;m:ix bi i.nkkth, Mtit.n mu. Fancy Sadillf ry, Harness Hardware,. rriIK pub?crilcrt Laving carried on 1 Itu-tin f(r rT-rj.l yam. anJ rintt a r-patafi'-n f r iii4kiiiw: ildrn-n Ar. a any --ieit'itiiLni"n: m tht Tt-air.n ami I i.umi 'ountv Aktrirutiurai por'tn havine warlt-i IHKKK iA'. VCMS t mtla-lp of hi ' .orku.eii.MiiL wouiii eiiireaa uie ratitU'li fi-r ltTir- f j th trmJmir I'uKlic !r-e It rif iti- 1, anil uk their coDti- I nut-J iatr'E.a't at hi Sr.W TAND. T.h leather u--'l by mf is fif iht Trry tet. taTifi"i in ; tlt old way. atii will Iat fur -arei. I rt!t'i 5 Htv ln--t , Worenni-n iiTt-r-- bit "' n lui!it-a ui am f--ur. in j my Mr j at all mitaf ir hour. t . li 'ttia uu i W-ir ar arrDi-J. an-l il not ax r'rvr"nf-J may In return d or ' rx'-hainiEi-tl. tall ui n-aj, tij if 1 ajn not Ki T" ! tbe worth of jour iii. c j I will not eain aa l.-r your pttrniijje. KEl'AIHIXO promptly nttcndod to. a.rtli!P UtTASII or KKADY PAT In moet klmla of l oonlrv Hroiloee. Lewiebu'rw. April 1, HR1. O. II. P. SIIIVELT. kiviimh: iioL'si: It. G. I1ETZEL, Pao'a. 'piHEaniiersisne l returns his sincere thanks I fur the paironatre extended towards him by the citizens of I'nion and Ihe adjoinins ccuniies. he wnulj most respectfully aoiicit a continuation of the same. R. C. HETZEL Lewisburs, March 1:1. mJ FRICE, BILLEEYER & CO. w i Are nianufartnrinw an har. ""'lronsianilv on hand a lar.e nnnn. 't&!t?Z!'' ' f 4 vl'n nd 3 fcwr-i-Js:i'et I.ath at Ihe billowing prices: I'stliiizai headed in a new aiyle, from jN to ?.iu ptr .i I.:if II 3 and feet long, $1 to f 1.62J pr M. Ml ill It's at 3 lo $7 per thousand. Palings aud I.ath made to order, any lengih parties mav de.ire Lewint.urx .-ti-aa s'awraHI. Dep. C6. lafiO XOTICE Gentlemen ! C1ITIZENS of Lewibtug and vicinity are; ; ropectfully informed lhai ihe subscriber j has boucnt out Ihe inirrest ot E. I.. IIisfs in I ihe business of Marmg and iimr cu.Jf.and eimtinue. the aame at ihe old atanil baaentent or willow A tninotiV t'-k, twlwffn I'.IVmn'.in,! J, litui:htn' wheTtj tiT iitrirt a(tutna t bu.-in- h faotirR to h.t MUfrtin to all bo amy fair him with th-u fatxuD- i- . an iiuia firpfn runuBYf, To all who tarrT hr till their Varrin rmw lonf To t a iIvNaut tiha, -tiuhJ m tiartwr vimr ifr.. Just call on I'lLLix at hii Saloon, tunorn.TefirnvX)lt Tow t In rlaan, rajori nharp anti arifnaory krrn. . April 8, lStil X. W. U1LL1N, rxof. RurK NEW ESTABLISHMENT. TITHE subscribers have opened a Provision J Store in llie rooms recently ocenpied by I'narles Roland, in Rudenbaugh's building. Market Si, near 4ih, where they pay Ihe highest prices ia cash lor Butter, Eggs, Calves, and nil kinds of Country Produce. .March iti mfipd i.Rl l'PI.EB CP J.S.Marsb. t.Sborkliy. (XJihorklry. P.Bratrr S. MARSH & CO, (3LCCd3URS TO iiKt'TJES, H KtaUl 00.) LEWISUURO FOUNDItY asu AGRICULTURAL WORKS I.etvlsibure;, Pa. WB have eonatantlr cn band aril tor aale, WIluLK.-Al.. OK KKTAIb, ff'iiwer. Mower pnd Maeee ItarvUrt: Praia anJ liratM S'nt.rr; uailffn.1 if-rf IVw-e rl.n Sh'tleri: ime.Tw. mni r'.ur liorte Freait. .Swvw uaj fi'oit fTe.r fjuUrrs. F.e-I liters, Tkr.-k.rs, i .v.av.. lulls. Inn Fronts f'tr llitil.'twjs, lr.n .... A'iimail. Si'.l oeartN.'.., Ae. Ae..an.l hnld ouraelrea read, atalltimae to w LL sisnaor yot ava H. .sisa-a with the attnoet eorre.-l.ea. a.J di.pateb - Work or Manataetvrea Inrariably warranted aa recommeoded. OrJ.ra rr.prrltul!r eulieit.1 ana proml.tly atu ojid to. June 1. laial CHARLES A- GEORGE MERRILL, Attorni'iii at I.au'. 0' FFICE in Amnions' Block. iniH l.ewisburg, I'nion Co. Ta i CEt.1ETt.nY NOTICE. c A1 T an Election helj hy the Stockholders of Ihe Lrwisburg Ceineiery, the nnder- a....:... In .1 h-.Tirlie. i;. ptf '.r..T.ne.i j : A ILKA .M mil r lirillTUr mni-et- inn. uj -, -aaavi A., . ami i signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys for lots, grave-digging, A , must be paid lo him. Persons interest! .1 u ill pleast Bole the change. Those indebted to ihe Cen etery Association aia rennesledio make immediat pavinent. Solomon lurrt'K Ltarifburg, Jan. ti, ISG3 .1 ,fir i'hotoffr mphtr (4 JLiribttrs I rpHK aubscsBer baa pnrcha-ed ia I'liutoaraf Tiie lialleiy, oa Market air,,, 1 ii, p-.siie ilie l.e nsourR ran, arorre ki h sj ail nine prepaid a w ol all iZ,od ;he ahorle nonce asd a . ....... .m m l nnnauil hau. " --'J J -J WlllltlQ Ihe M.ile. ;.i ai-usof l.ewistrjeg and vieinuy it.jfc viie.l io comi ihemelei and bring ail .Jti children along. A il nraaiivea previoiyH lakea ia ihit f.. lery are prrarrved, and iM be nnnied shori n. iire. 0. r. Xll;g e-.i.l.ulic. April I. IM. FIRE Ii.SUBAJ.CE. ( ET y-ar Properly in..re,l i, , he trj, tlj VI any. The old tyrornln. li.Miranre t.( mpany la now c.n.,:fr,, ' ol the moat reM.oie a.,a .aieai i.a,,M .nsore in in fennayUan.a. It ha, peratli n 2:1 years and has a cap. ,,, 0.,,4r,. rons wia.hir.ar lo -"n.ran, r, ,l kP', , , Mli.dMAN KI'I 'I'EK. who !n ei . a. nng ateni for Lewi-,torj ai.d I'mt, Ce. r.oue) a weile!rc!t(t suca of Family Groceries CorerfFonary tnd f T. - r runs, i aiii y .y. tions, IVrfiinir-rv t Soair', Wall l'a'ri i i:i ;i..i.., ..." .. uuu n .iiain;.", ii.it;iine i;a IJlaiik.cliool and Hymn Lor.ki.At, I'aiKrs anal .Maazinra iua4 or to outer. In in liosii n. New i r , tr ptl ! delphia aurh a ihe Trit une.Tiicfa, Ht'iiJ, I Lei!s-er. We'itlv. Ciipper, Police liazeo, Met ! curv.Wavetlv, Literary f'ompanii . Har-n'i ! ar.d Leslie's l:lnslra'ed W ek!v,.ti.iitr'tai Harper'a Vaire, Yankee N'oiuaa aU ic Suet. Ac. Ae. ah uf nttiiu Ak mils rBEtr mi Leaiebnri CEO. V. FihKEST .MEAT AND UNION! TA OIJ IJKilW.N. having a., iff ted in Ire. ling the hungry of La -4 ibur; an.l vicinity, for nearly past, with the best of Beef, Fork, Veal, Sc., would murn his ;rairful thanks to hit rous customers for their iimironage aed aa . ,,,, fht he intends to comma, is, teat ' s heretofore in the Meat Marke; H'.a.a briween Srhatile a and Baker & Co.' Vlrta fti res. Ma-kei Mijoare. Miivsiaaii W'rdnesdars and Saturdara CAH is ihe system, j'ublic pairona; r, speniullv si. Iicned, and tansfariii.n ins.rH March 15. '61. I. K STERNER, A.u J. Fashionable Soot and Shoe Hakj S'"Hh F'f;h St., IticisLurg, KEEPS constantly on hand, and manala. tures to order, all descriptions of Being an eiperienced s-hi cuuarr, aadaat ions to mem a share of ihe r.tibie ain aaea, he will warrant all airkah.ch may paa through his hands. Parucular aitenhon will be g'.veaiaLaJitr Work. His Prices are as low as those of ar.v a-iiat draler in ihe vicinity. He soliciia a la.r trial I ci.fiii.li rii lhat he can raiisi'v every persoa. Leaisburg, Aug. 31, ISfiU.y WINFIELD FACTORY 1 Sear Ifarlleton, I'mvn Co., Ft. TUP c.,K.,.e;Koe f!,,el-fnl uiii ouuiLiiotri. iij.inami y fur past pa ronare, wnul I m:orw bis lnends and the public ia ;rr.a ra!, thai he continues to maauiaa inre all kinda of Woolen f.'ooda. sacs a ! Clotht.Ci$imeits.Twe-ttaiimeit.Jtaat lllanket and Flanuel.i also. Carpet aa. Mocking Varus. His machinery le.n r: J i best kind in oe, and harms; ernpiovri A j lesl of workmen, he feela aale in m' . lhai bis wort shall nol be aurpased :j ' anyesiatli hmentin ihe country. Atoi! ; p!y of the above eoods kept constantly in bao j for aale or to en hange for wool, at pncea lhai can not fail to please. Wool, will 1 , Carded in the best mannerand on the shi r:I j notice. Terms for carbine- rash on ili & liverv of ihe rolls. .MARK H Al.FPE.NS Wiuheld Mills, March 30, 1857. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. i (r api'al Stock T500,000) COMPANY'S Buildings. Walnut street, ciuer of rourih PhtLuirlnni f?" Lives insured at Ihe nsaal Mi.i.'.al ratal or at J. ini Sii rk rales about 2(1 per cent. ! or at Total Abstinence ratea Ihe lowest in -orld. A. W HiLLDl.N, PresiuVat J.mu C. Hiws, Sec. . H UEO. F. MILLER. Aent. .ewfabarg JOHN 31. L1NX, ATTOnXCV AT I.4W, LE IUlKli, PE.W- Alao ( nmmNsloner r Ure4S lor the atar-rf "l NOIS an.l l U.ll.lKMJ-aulb..riaeJ lo acia' Oalha, and take IVpo. ilium aail AIS.la.il. te Dr al ... l..r ... ,.M .1,.,. . -. . . I I... A ,.k. itlr VSB.. j le.lir.m-nf ..r vrra.iol au.t Oee.1 or ulber in..trrtmeol la rvoritit in eiUar of lat- Ma- 1 A. ELTON &. Co., wDMjss'jojli mww a. Uralt ra la Leather, Sumac, Sheep and I'alf Skins. Nt. 4ul North Third flrnt, l'lill:iIrlliid. IE ATI! Kit. Sumac and Mioa, b.msHt.ft J sold on Coiuinissiuo. A lwnrrs m.i' on Cousigninenis. f ov. SS. -'ibjj 5,000 wanted! I Y n- r . . . n Li.... f r.. n no tine r ti ... i i.--. i. ... ihe .4, a I iu'w.ami i'iiaiN lau u... Klm sali'ly invested in Judgments in". 5 lJ real estate in Ibis conni v, opo" a :,,'fl!' J. K. A JOU.N .U-N-I.ewisfvurg. July Id, l6 J WANTED, ROM B.imo lo lO.POO Ribs or n. a' 1 bei ilelirered ihrouch tbe s"" Wm. Moore, oa ihe bank ,t tba !'' ' M Tiaib" "' niuuih of butfaloe Creek. three leel long and four inches hck. ran " .i.uiiifi tv iaiui..i ..H..-- ...a. panerna al Brei' wagon shop. ' ' Plica ol umbers 65 Cla. rleli,ered a aK Feb. Idol WM. Fi:lf'l ... elff ll. ;i:kiiRT. 'l "Z baa removed 10 Souih M "'V'.-j, a...... ... .. .k. Tn.i L'iuwa. UCLTiU 1'A ey . uj'-k-:; ? mr