ft mm i II 1! "THE UNION"," established in lSHYY!u,le No 2,681. BY 0. N- WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO, PA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 18C4 CHROXirLE." esial.Hi.ieu in 13. .IWhole NX 1.060. At sJl-SO per Tear, alnayi In Adtnncc. mi Ml IMS MMlMln 1 rlRUMIKO M.MI- K:klT Tuesday Mornin k Friday Afternoon. tTl)0 Uui-.m Cuijnty Vut car-t hst fall fur Ourtiu 8i,4 W-i-,.3warJ fur llgwr nor. and (-4 Aiy.j Fur at:4 Aiiii.-t the FuLlicr' 'ullLit; aiiitnduit-it. it limy Li interotiiua to compare us follocs : Curtiu. tor Sml.tr. WxmIw. Aa.SoI.Y LewULurg 4M4 li22 177 11 Kellv I0S :h -JM 0 Buffil. 2i. l:)7 1H i Kast Hurrah 142 11") 4 2 WtKuffaloe 113 77 llf 41 Vbiui 1W 23 K.: l.N -i Uraly 113 f v.5 -V.) Hartley 13S t'3 111 !" llartl.tou SS 32 27 17 lwi h7 ' 41) 20 Lini.-tone 9 U H 4't .Vitilliil.iir-.r l"t 7! 1"4 43 NewRcriiu 7- C. 41 Union r-G Ml 7S 4'.t 2'2l 1V24 1250 4-1 1250 44 774 10 40... majorities. Tbe RfTiuMiran party and ortTtn t'.k arly, open, and earne-t grvuud Fur the Amendments. The K'ui.KTais made uu fair and abore-board a-saults a.- a party bnt failin; to advoeat. thov have shown irant of friendship f,.r tbom : and the r-te rat Aaint them in stronu LVnioTatio localities shows the secret undrrntandini:. M.t if tbe leaders circulated tbe fal-e- 1, m1 that tbe 1-t Aniriidnieut wnuld alLw ncrues, boys and foreigners t- vote and thir papers published everything th' y could find against Soldiers, t prejudice the people aaint them and their caii-. Tickets aoainft the Aiucudniontji Kire tued fru the "Arus"' and other I'cin- orntic ofnos, but none for them a we axe aware of. The llcrutliean jirintod and circulated only tickeu fob the Amend-' luenu. lleinoorau only electioneered ' eomeof them m"t recklessly a-ainst the Foldiers' riirbt to voto. Thus is our patry mst cdearly on tbo record, on the right , aide the Democrat have allowed tln-m-: elves to be pkeed on the wrong side. j The vote is a third under lui year's, j Lcwisbur;; and the three Tuwcships it ; adjoins voted as follows : j For the Soldiers to vote 7n2 ,y?aiut ; it e nope our bojs will be sati5ed with a comfortable little majority of C0 ! Jvcllt Township, in I uion cuntv. a "star ' district. When we last iu-iuircd she had neither pauper, tavern, physician or lawyer within her happy borders, uor did she return one voUs ajniu.t the right : of the soldior to a choice of rulers ! j e- 1 tr.wt. a Our mends in Hartley township were . - , v, rv,;i ii f certainly eaucht napping. hile 4o ol them remaind at home., thinking it ' all . richL" the Cops rallied most of their men . , ., . , ,.' ,, , ana semrea majority . j.ut as there trcru returned 5 more voU-s than voters, . we are inclined to credit tlie correct vote ..... . . . ..... . . Ol oia Hartley in tee foMura iavor. uch errors as that, however five more votes than rotors' cauies ', deserve scrutiny. Shall the Citizen Soldier vote? MAJ. FCR. rhilad!phLi 17.21 Chester CSOO Krie Jchuvlkill 205 against Bork, 1.045 Columbia 1,021 ayno NortlmUi ton w Cli- Jiair t etit.r J'auphia 1,7 t'lintoa l'ni.Hi 1.040 York Mifflin 72 liediord 2H JlontoYjmery lM.i North uiuberl'ud 170 Contour 155 1. Old Northumberland Redeemed.' j am-The following is Northumberland county's rote on restoring to oar citizen .tiiliiwra. fhA t.it'iwm fratnri Kitis nf war li n V, s,. . a ...a i .v. xv.j..a J r--"- J " ""-- " vi Copperhead Democracy : FOR. AGAIN! 210 28 49 12 36 30 103 82 141 179 70 153 63 104 77 67 104 75 S49 53 G T2 77 242 S3 113 132 20 292 CS 0 I S2 SG 41 Si 9 60 Si 104 25 isu 11 143 218 5 3 21 72 75 2346 2170 2178 170 Milton, M'Kweosvilla Turbutville Turbuf, Delaware Lewis Chillisqaaque, Point Nortbamberland fiunbnry I'pper Anjusta Lower Augusta Rush Shamokin Coal Nt Carmel Borough Mt Carmel Tp. Jackson Cameron Jordan Upper Mabaooy Washington Lower Mabanoy Little Mabaooy Zerba Totali Majority Lewie, Delaware, Chillisqnsqae, Kosh, Sbanokio, Lower Augusta, Cameron, Jor dan, Jackson, Upper Mabanoy and Wash ingtoa . the "Banner" Demoeratio dis- triets, and bar voted accordingly.. ... j "s carmel oorocgrj gave Woodward only ww ia ia ana me lellow is still 1 here to vols sgaiost the soldiers ! But! Aankanbcrlaod county is right thi lime, id f rooiEei to be right hereaftef. 1 IIOMK GUARDS. It bas been suggested that there should be formed, throughout tbe North, compa nie) of mounted noen nd of infantry, who should be ready at moments' warning to inset tbe invalitig foo. ,Capt. Moseby among tba Rebuts bis shewo bow uiucb a tmal! but active f rca may da among their own hills and tallica. A few companies alone ail our Southern borders, alive to IJ.-hfl rrovemeiit. eai-frontinff ihetn at everv advantage, ai.d warning tbe pco r ' ; .m t.. .,. r.,l F""J - - now, as well as woum targe armies to meet and drive back. Tbe burning of Charobenborg and tbe cencral ravapinc of tbe land, show bow : Sercc tba deurrtiination of tbe Uebels to i injure us if cat to benGt them. If p'uo ' der be their aim, these Home Guards j would be serviceable in aidiog tbe rem . val of valuable property. Should tbe ; Rebels cross tbe $uqichanna or Juniata, there are many points where small forces could keep them at bay for a time. It is best and eafct and cheapest to keep them , as far away as possible. But company . or'arjintioos, at central points in all onr ! conoties, seem very wise. They would answer until tbe militia are orcanired. and prepare for any universal rising of our' people that may soon be needed. We submit the proposition to all the earnest, : who would take timely action to forestall . danger cr be ready for if. There are returned soldiers who eonld ; drill until the regular orfioization of the militia is cff.cted. In Union county, there con'd be one or mere companies (without regard tD sire.) say at Alvira, Uoiontown, 1 White I'ecr Mills, N'ew Columbia, Kelly . X Koads, Lewisbure, Luffiloe X K?ad, ! Farmersville, M-fHmburg, Orwig's Mill,' Hartleton, Laurelton, White Spring, New ltt-rlin, Beibl's, and Winfield. Think of it, young aod old ! Revive tbe old mili-' tiry spirit of our fathers, and be ready, soon, to cbat:ze tbe raiders who have so abused aod insulted old Pennsylvania ! If our State had been organiid as it once was, no Rebel ig would ever Lave polluted our soil. Tbe sooner we " teach our bands to gbf," tbe soofcer and the longer we sbaU have teace Fame in the Cumberland valley. Tbe entire rolling stock of tbe Cumber- '"a t aney ranroaa was oecupieu in car- rjing passengers from the couutry through which thia road runs, to Harrisborg, beoce tbey ask passage to different parts of tbe State, or sacb as could g3 n9 fur- ther receive hwDitable shelter and enter- ... taioment in tbe homes of tbat city . Over ... , , ., , tatMtyjour UunUrca ana ehiunn , rrlTed there one evening, it was a pin- ful sight to behold, standing in groups, ', . . oilerima from ' itrtngeri in a stracge city, P"gm 'm tbeir once 6,PW coajes wnl0B cut JfS" I . a h-am Inrnal tn fiKa tin lha tr.Fih "'--J -vw -i - i Old women ; who bad never expected to be borne away until tbey were carried to their graves : . : .i. .i v.t. :.. ..:. - i noeop ,,n, aii in na nnrn, lais waiiuua lu me oiiuio ol iim, aim tucic .,. ... i fln"" f blf-grown ebudren Clustering, affrighted, around them and the young motner, wi.n tier lnlant at Ler trcast ' i i -. t i i i i i aua.one, wuu teariui eyes, ana niancnea cbeik made up a f idure of distress sucb as we do cot asain desire to eaza upon, ! From one of these fugitives we learn tbat ' i c i tbe foraging party cf Rebels issuing from , T u.6.,.o.u .....u o,uw.y.. , mat toe men on tnese iorag.bg expeuitiona are exceeding abusive and coarse in their language, swearing that they did not come to Maryland and Pennsylvania thia . time to thresh grain or steal horses, but , ihfif iJif.r r.nrnriCA Vata fn ftnrn ttnc nlnn. a. .. .I.,- ..4 .a a... I J 1 1 i lation wherever tbey could deliver a blov and make the C inj icilJcrntit. t i au rsaua uwonioki umce, in d mUg q he rtiwa, towards Ma-1 for a patriotio people to furnish tbe need Chamhersburg, was totally destroyed by 000 Tbey ,je, c,ptD,(i J snpp7 ,rjin ful supply. The brave menwboarefight tbe rebeU all tbe presses, books, type, 0f 500 wagons and their guard of 500 ioS ou' battles by laud and tea must be subscription list and accounts; nothing' men but our men, dritikicg too freely of aDi clothed, munitions of war of all beioe saved. We are informed by Messrs. D M'Clnre i Stocer. that as soon as material , ,. , ., ., 1 Some S00 of oar meu are missing ; the can be supplied, tbey will resume the ... n ,,,n . . ., ... , , ,. i others, with Gen. M Cook, cut tbeir way publication of tbe tfejxwfory.and also The throogll tbe 1ebel forM- They did g9od Out Flay a campaign paper tbat has at-, service, but lost their prisoners and piun tained a very large circulation. Tbe cub- der, and probably 500 men, through the seription list of both papers with tbeir j subscription accounts were destroyed. Subscribers should at once inform M'Clare i & Stonefof their address, and the state of tbeir accounts, and should promptly remit I arrearages aod advance subscriptions, to aid tbe publishers. In addition to tbeir offices, both of tbem bad tbeir residence burned, with all their furniture and per sonal effects tberebels not allowing them to save tbeir clothing. Mr. Stoner wa fired at in his own bouse for attempting to save the firm books, and tbe men who burned M'Clure's residence had speoial order that nothing belonging to bio should bs saved. Sergt James Gibso.v, of Lewis- burg, was among the lost at Petersburg, by the explosion of a shell, which killed bin instantly. Ilia tsrm bad nparlw at pired. Farewell, pleasant friend ! Adjt. Shorkley suffered th amputation of yr of bis right baud. A PROCLAflATIOW. Tbe advance of the Rebel Army has (gain crowed the 1'o'omas and this m im ing occupied llageritown. I call fr thirty tbU'and volunteer militia to bs muatir-d into the service of lbs fccaie to serve during tbe emergency t..r fhi .-l-lnnv, nr nip i- sin. t The men Kist of Johnstown will ren- dritous at Harris-burg aud those West of that place at Pittsburg. I can nat too earnej'iT nre upon tae reonle of tbe Slate ihe necessity fur tbe immediate presence of this force. i The General Orders which accompany th- r-r..ln,..inD. .-t forth tbe arrane- ments lor transportation, e., am tae mode ot organization. Xas 5, l-'Jl A. G. CUH1I.V, ls By tbe Governor : Lu iUi ttt, See. of the CooisioDw'b. II I-iPQUARTERS I'f.NNA. MlI.ITIA, i Ilarri.bnnr. Au'. 5. lMi4. i Gen. on rs, no. 53. la accordance with my proclamation, thia dav made, it is Ordered. r ,, . , r , , n I. That .11 ab.e bodied men of Penn- sylv.nia do immediately assemble in their respective boroughs, wards and tcwnsb.ps ana wgama compacts for tbe defence of IDi? t lilTd. '. II Companies as rapidly as organ ired, : will, on application to the diil rent rail- j TOti companies, be furnisjed wftb trans portation, by the L oited States, to tbe proper rend, irons those orgaaiied west of Johnstown, to t .mp Reynolds, at 1 itts bur! those organixed east of Johnstown, Uamp Luttin, at uarrisDurg, wnere they will be sub-isted by the U. S. Gov-; state, tor :a-e aeienoe aunng me penou of tbe existing emergency, and organized IUIU ttlUiCUtS. AJJ VIUll s A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A L RfSSELLjAHjt Gen.l'eun'a. H'D Qp.S VtVT. SLsyllcnASNA, ) PlTTMlCKd, Pa , Aug. 4, 104. j To the J'fiplr of the Southern tier j Coun ' vf InniK-itnii. 1 our situation is s nch tfcat a raul ty the enemy is not impo-aible at any time during the summer and coming fall. I, ..m.1ui..F.,....J.., and shot guns in good order ; also supply yourselves with plenty of ammunition. ' i'onr corn fields, mountains ' . ets, buildiDgs, , mrnisn tavorabie pia-1 Ci for cover, and at tbe same time enable yea to kill the marauders. Recollect ; that if tbey come, it is to plunder, destroy and barn your property. D. N. COUCH, Maj. General Commanding. T-Jjfr jEC2 jTa a-T3?y Q asaaaa da Is mp as l Java aaW War Ilarnsburs has C9 news this (Monday) n0f'. , . . It it alleged tbat Gen. Grant is intito- uS . iigoa iuTaii,ir mt ....ueiu. ,u weu-piannea assault upon i eierscurg. , is lnursuay, ine ueneis a'.taeea Gcn- KellJ l N Cretk, we:t of liar- P' le"! tut e repulsed with con- sjdcrable logs ,he Rebei ,eatiog thejr dead and wounded to tbe care of the : cnionisis. a nersnn from Charleatnn. V . aiva ' Imboden, Moseby and Early with 15,000 to 20,000 men, were guarding their trains no the Shenandoah Vallev. Thev bad i mh.. .n i ttcK - a.ih I 1111 1 r j secured 200.000 bushels of wheat, and . efta . of 13 iat:) ',heir , j t, assarted thai f!n ITnnVp baa s. I ! fonjed command of tbe Upper Potomac ' force, and tbat I.ee bas forwarded Norlb : part of Long?;reet s force c. . , . . , Saturday afternoon, news at Harrisbar? ! .L . .L ii e i l j i r. ii . as tbat tbe Rebels bad left Hagerstown : a-fiv..-a. , for SbepbcrdstowD, near one of the Poto- ms(j firJs u thour.ht ,h deem pcnn. i -au:. ., be a,5nmir l3J do,m-Bfld ,td bebeerect an attitute fortbeir safety, i but tbeir movements are mysterious, and ; our only security is an adequate force . eit" lUB """era aua give uraui lair I play. fiondaj afternoon, a rmill Rebel farce came to Ilagerstown again. From Atlanta. On tbe 2Sth n!t.. Gen. KJ. M'Cnnk. itb 3,200 cavalry, sent out from Sher- bid'i command, effectually destroyed the liquors they bad found, were assailed t r 1 .- W : DJ lQKB nnacr ueD- in- ,T1 b4t,lt drinking. Hobile attacked probably taken ! New Orleans, July 30. Information is received tbat on Thursday Admiral rarragut had passed Forts Morgan and Gaines, which it was supposed commanded tbe entrance to Mobile bay. Tbe bom bardment had continued three days suc cessfully, lie has six or eight iron elads between the forts and the city, and his j success seems certain. Uen. Granger commands the land forces, to ooeupy Mobile when taken. Tuesday Morning's Xevrs. It i reported tbat tbo whole rebel force crossed the Potomac into Virginia, on tbe 7tb in St., in great baste. The rebel exploded a mine near one of oar fort at Petersburg, last Friday. 1 An assault followed tbe explosion, and tbe Rebels were repulsed with considerable loss. Sixteen counterfeiters of U. S. note were confined in Old Capitol Prison, on the 7th iot. ftjrTbe Copperhead paper boast thai ' three RspuMican editors are ia Fort La fayette, for attempts to iojire tbe Govern meat and in tie next breath they cry out that tbe "tjraat Lincoln" only pun ; ishea Democrats ! Tbe truth is, tbe Ad ministration is as severe itb its professed Wend as foes, when found or su.-pected of wrong demaodiog summary restraint or ) punishment. It bas punished bnodrcda If cot thousands but it will nut Crop its least amount of u5oring or annoyance, to t rivkrnt and p'ct:i iliir c avu. c .t worlc of saving ihe Uoion to ferret oat n q'i;ros time a&d caution, and rut labor; wise iher will be ieba-rai ir. u cuaaicz m every petty rogue, any more than a sen.-i- i -i .i : i- uie mau wouu siop lornvio? waicr oo uia onrning noase to nuni ne mugs. SlijXOCAcy IUttll. Gen. Wallace's statd, with 5,000 men, against the Rebel 20,000, was a gallant aff-.ir, and enabled tbe Uoion cfficeri to secure tbe better safety of Washington and Haltimjre. , I ; ' . j to the i'loi'Le of the lmted STATES. . . I REASL Bv ULI'ARTM ENT, I j VVash.n.tcn, Jul, 25, ImJJ. f , py n ofc ..proved June ' g ,-. (Jl the of ,be Trelsur- is , ,UIn,.nz,d ,0 ii6ae ,n tmount DOt elceed. j - . knnrlra mt...1d txf .ViMara vn j Tre ot b(ari , jotrcsl , nte cot cieeedin? seven add three-tenths per I Mant.m r...J ...n.nt.ln . f . . ,),... r . . .1 d mi ,0 es:hi ,be MtBe (or iawfu, . moB The Sewe u (oilhf,r l0thrr. ije j ,0 eonttrt ,BeMOieinto bonds, bearing .. . ... b..m- ,.jio. lQ nM)ni, of the authority thus conferred, 1 now offer in i Via Mnr.l. nf tha TT ..i t oA Tpu.an. So, M de(Cribe(j in .dyertiscnjenl daed Jaj 5f 1S6, The circumstances nnder which thds : Inan ie afilril f mnA -nr invr.lrA.I !.i l. j:it.: :jif . l - - .: luougu uiucriug wiueij irom Tue caisilug , "uipio auu kcuib uaaia ioi iuo u,nuu,i ? : I state cf affairs three years ago, ate such a, credit. Only on such a basis, and in a esakea'on Paper, Iron, liiass. and : to afford eq'ial eno3uragemeut and seenn- steady and vigorous restraint upon curren- Lta,t,r. ty. Time, while proving tbat tbe straggle ey, can a remedy be f&nnd for existing . v have rn hand a very laree sssormieni ) for Datioiil caity was to exceed is dtra- evils. Such restraint can only be exercised of Frames, Fine Cae. and Phot graph Al ; tion and severity cur worst antioipatioDS, I trbea the government is famished with bums !1 of which we off'r a: ci:y prices. ,e, j ,be niltbuaI re.03rees;t3ail txtflcl !)ke unelpectt d and reIoarkable, exciting e,,uU ,atym5nnjcnt ho:nB ,ad ,br0lJ6 1 tree years of war have burdened yoa t uh , debt hicb but ..... . ,;Dce. would nave seemed beyond your anility to v - - meet, let tue accumulated wealth and rrodactive energies of the nation have proved to be so vast that it Las been borne wita comparative ease, ana a peacciui iu- country are solemnly pieajeu. Aaucoees tare would hardly fuel its weight As a ful issue to ibis ooute.t, now believtd to price paid for national existence, and tbe be near at band, will largely enhance their preservatioo of free institutions, it docs i value to tbe bolder ; and peace once re nal deserve a moment's consideration. stored, all burdens can be lightly borne. Thus far the war baa been supported ' c,rI'" " 00 'J eou'd have been, by a people resolved, at whatever eost of , paired ,0 p0jterjt.f U tJattm'o free i government bequeathed to them by the greil, men who framed it This deliberate M(, p,tn0t,3 resolve bas developed a power gurprisiog even Is themselves. It hu shown tnat in less tban a century a nation : baa arisen, unsurpassed in vigor, and ex- ! baustle.s in resources, able to conduct, (wjej of IMM wlf cn it8 mof. . gigantic scale, and Coding itself, when , .."...'...1 near us close, almost unimpairea in ail tbe material elsments of cower. It has. at the present moment, great armies in the field, facing an enemy apparently approa- china a period of utter exhaustion, but ma. nrpsainc mnmpnr srpii armire in ira ... ,- .. . . . iU struggling with a force tbe greater aod more de!per,t9 as it sees, and because it gee. tbe neir approach of a final and fatal ! consummation. Jucn, in my deliberate ;J a : aL , j..: .r.t- jS"h " p.-eseui nonunion i 6,c" oou.e.. ior c1T uotnj ia wuiau ,uu are uuw enBageu. 1 I 1 . . L. k . 1 ju w ,u a oieaeua uijiuiiii .uu uaio , , . r . , , ' reaunj anu CJeeriuny anorjea me means , . . - S7.T a. r - .1 .M. . .J:"-"..A. a -i oro.i.evcu .y-gg.c. ia jUur w.r. p....uic .., .uu j-uu u... .u.i..ueu , " .?.M",I ,r,tors "Je' IV , hi.fnr ? The aecuritiee off-red are snoh as shou'd command your ready confidence. Much i effort has been made to .bake public faith j in our national credit, bath at home and abroad. As yet we bare asked co foreign aid. Cairn aod self-reliant, oar own means bare thus far proved adequate to our wants. They are yet ample to meet those of the present and tbe luture. It still remains 1Dda a" 66 larnienea, or tne war must aa.nrl l Jrln.a 4 Tkl. Z - a "u ' "S'. . ' me time tor any lover ot nis country to , inquire as to the slate of the money mar- t kef, or ask whether he can so invest his j surplus capital as to yield him a larger re-; tarn. No return, and do profit, can be j desirable, if followed by national dissolu-; tion, or national disgrace. Present profit, ! mas ecqairea, 1 oat tne precursor 01 iu-, tare and speedy destruction. No invest ment can be so surely profitable a tbat which tends to insure the national exis tence. I am encouraged in the belief that by tbe recent legislation of Congress oar nnanee may soon be placed upon a soon- der and more stable footing. Tbe present 1 deraaged condition of tbe ourreocy is im putable, in a great degree, to disturbance arising from tne withdrawal of necessary checks, often inevitable in time of war, when expenditure most largely exceed any possible snpply of coin. Tbe oppor tunities tbna presented to acquire sudden raw a) at 1 f K li a ar sa oA t r wini nn a snatitn 1 i rtn a ,0, A .-,il, i consequent increase in prices, and rtolent fluctuaiion. The remedy is to be found omy id controlling me necessity wnica kaosta iha ! Ililhirtn a liava fl the need of more extensive and rigorous c . . . i taxation. Severe comment has been made upon what seemed to many an uodoe tin- i idity aod tarditvass of action, on tbe part I of Ooogretf, ia thi regard. I deep, it but just to ay thai very great mUappre benaion ha Hinted, aod p-rhaps still ei-i?t-, upon this P' int. Leislatcru, like a'l o'hers, have much to learn in a Lew Co d.titn of aSaira. Ao entirely new sjs'erc Was to be devised, and thai s)tem niuat necessarily be the growth of time aod ex nenence. It is not a'racse that srat ef- torta sdouIO nave jraveq itnperteet aaa inad ojate. Ta lav beavv burdens on a . j i. : w - fr i a . , Lt-r as to ba wQ-iil. nd & to oeosioo the "J, !" all these, eipeneoce is needful to test tne lalue of Ihe evstem. and correct ' .. , , , - , . . . I nnn , n,f..,m Congress was called upon to perform. I am bappy to say tbat daily results are proving tbe Internal Revenue Act to ex ceed in cQcieccy tbe most sanguine expec tations of its authors. In the month of June, liCJ, it tieidtd aboutfouiand one- h&lf mii.ii.r.a nf i?n!iar. uhilA fhA rnrrpfc. I n,j;n. mnnlh f thi. .rr.tnrn.4 .htnt :s:,s,taMi. Under the new law, which went into op- I .l. c . j . .i.. tranon on me urra uajr m iuo present ' month, tbe Treasury not unfr.quently re- ! ecives oce million in a day. As timean 1 elptrince enable tbe offers employed ic ; 0ylee,iDg the revenue to enforce the atrinapflt T.T AtWl fir.al Ctf thft tlW mW I , ,ruj, ,blt , million per be (oncd the rale and not the exception. Still, 1 r '1 o Vl ...injl ia n T A rtll ktf4 1 loft flP ,m provemeot in tie law, and ia its admicis- lr,tio0f t3 , grclter ,aoaDt of necessary information is acquired. The proper sonr- ..! ,, .. u,, 0f obtainioe it. are best developed in the execution of existiog laws. And I , Iiiva naTikAt mpiEurpa In hf initialed which will, it is believed, enable Congress so to. iajpr0Te ,nd en,ge ,h(J ,Jstem lt) when taken in connection with tbe revenue from : iutnm4. ind r.lher anurnefi. in a&ird an 1 - ... 1 I - ,L. n.,:ni.l . , j:boat tbe aid of a patriotio people, any 1 government is pctrerlcsi, far thU or any . othcr desirable end. Tbe denomination of the notes proposed be issued, raoeioe from ftv to five ' - ; thousand dollars, place these securities : within tbe reach of all who are disposed to : aid their eniotry. For their redemption ; tbe faith and honor and property of tbat , He who selfishly withholds bis aid in tbe , hope of turning bis available means to ! greater immediate profit, is (peculating1 ! nd ,hat ,bal effla , fcs prMent gain , leads only to future loss. I appeal, there- ' fore, with confidence toaloyal aod patriotic i people, and invoke tbe efiirts of all who j love tbeir country, and desire for it a glo- nous future, to aid their government m sustaining its credit, and plajing tbat credit npon a stable foundation, w p ftssmt, S-retarV of the Treasury. J J J ! KCBBEBY We learn tbat the cEce of ( Messrs L. Balliet i Co., was broken into n(1 robbed of about J150 worth ! of e'olb, which was in tbe office at tbe .. r t f. n i " Messrs. B. Co., offer a reward cl $50 for tbe detection of the thief and tbe recovery of tbe clotb. Mlltonian. Jobn D. Petrikin, former ly a promi- n of Center' ..,1. u , y . i sufferer from .,., lnd we,i v-ow .;,;. cnoo,- died ; jjuncy, on Satord The deoeased bas loce be60 a sufferer from a. . eaaccr in the face. . absauam is toe ime jni a near, spicy campaign paper startea in tie a,ng oy .r. caucn CI toe iserts fount j ""V- One of the acknowledged "hard cases" of Milton was arrested at Williamsport, lisl weeg, tor passing oonoterieit money. SeTei boys we ,ayioj? io ,h, Cant, jcr,eT sbor, t,si weev. -hen a lad of 7. i (son of Rev. Jos Stevens) was drowned. v I I LOST. Oa Monday, 8th inau between Miiton and Lewibure, a BEAD EMBKOID- EBED Bl'CKSKI.' PI RSE. The Bnder will renter a favor on ihe owner by leaving it at this office, or at ihe Millonian, Milton, ra. Corrected Semi- lT'et i-fy Ig J. WaUt Co. wbext $2 20 Q0Ta 50 u.. j go Qatg .- jb -5 Bi gQfJi-l 00 piIX5ged 2 50 jtra "20 Butter 30 Eggs Lard, fresh Tallow Potatoes 15 15 14 45 Dried Apple,lb. C Wool 1 03 Country Soap 4VrO Rags 46(6 Sides 4 Shoulder 15 do with Ribs 10 T trhbafr. sih inn. afw a of leeliM. I JAKKU uas., ai 31 jrara. Ia Blaoaubarg. JACOB ETKRLT. a4 TS nan-tor rer 30 yaara rrotbonotary tf Colombia eooatr. of th. bamxm. Id Lnea UaTao, Mrs. MAST Witt of li. U DarOabacb, Sodnlr. whlla m a visit la Saabarr, HUa LUCT, danshlar of Oao SoTder, of Willlaakapnrt, InLimcatoaaTpath luat, SISSSX. acl 5B rr'a, S aMothaaaa 11 daya, wiSr of Or. W.SUIVSLI AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN the Orphans' Court of Union county in the matter cf Ihe first and final account of Charles Moll, Administrator of Krsaavaa Moii, late of West Buffaloe lowaahip, dee'd. The An(lllor , ,,, IO makf dl51rlb..io. of ,he basoce , lbe hld, 0f ihe Adiais- traior atoresaid among tnosa enuuru .o u. lama, will mri-l for lhal DUrDOSe at blS OttCe Lew.sborg. on Tuesday th. aoih , day of Aa7uL 1864, at tea o clock, A M, when ana 2?! ... ' .....MinamHiiiiNr , L debarred from coming IQ for 4 ! of the fund- JOHN B. LINN, Aadito Auditor's JJotice. 7 Jl the Orphn' C or. uf l.'nion c .k.tv 1 ia the miner if in heca 1 iui tiia I account fcf Chaiiea M.jft. tx'cin. r nl in las! an1 tr'an.nt ii u. la - of Wet Bii4ale ti-Mh-p. Jrrea-e-1. The AnJ. or aro-'iB"'. up'n eicepiiun fed to ihe afMtve acft.jnt. a:. 1 lu J':ri:,,j' lh Qm a Iiu.iiM tty artf.tin an; t- t ,! le an't t n mm. was rtinrni 1" "ie aa.e. will men fi r a J ( aT finice in irffiFiar. a t uc iav in- o n - &- of An2oi, at one t cVr k, r V.."?t. ...j u n : . n. . f- . "r a snare c. ut n". Ji.HN li. MSN. AoHitnr ll I ulieu SlSIci Llil!!! AZPiui, A' LICENSE baviLM trrn erai.ted to u. uii'lers.cned lo carry on t.e bu-ir.e,a f I nited Maie Claim A?"o'. in I'ni- n CfJt,:y. thy will a'tfr. 1 prompi y lo ihe eoi'ecir a i f bacir pay aiiJ bouutiea aad the pr''rur,r.2 of peoiions li.r .! i.er or irieir lezai rep rest nve, aod ihe pr, aeraiica of cinais a.'i.u' the Lnuei a'. P A JOHX B. LI.V. J:!T' Levisburg, March i'i. I-M pn T T7 I. OS 'i.-j.iA... , .... T VHE cnderisnrd. having chteir.vd the os f-l the furnitare, Citares and urtnsiis of Mr. Hicaian M. I'witii, wiil Continue tae Uakerr, Ci.nieel.onerv and Mi !i n hDj.neis. ai ihe old naod. on Var.ei trett. for tr.a pe riod cf one year. He hopes t y i. in aiienuon to business mrit ihe pa'.rnase bcrtiofore eaienJed lo ihii cuiUshment. H L. M'MAHOM Lewiiborr, April 10, ln3 Success! Success! C'l H'CCESS has every whdre arterial our Armies an 1 so it may be sa.J of lisle I S.a' Jew Fa .loji-iplilc (allerv. I'"" jetw (situated on the too ri side of Market straea. between Ja and 4'.n. Lew-sbarc.) wincn x a neelect success we havener at conaiderabie riaenae, fined op a nea combination L ab'. utiick can not be surcassJ for fine c:Tect in tLi-in. fn the PiClurp that dflical fchalift H-S.jn of ihe STAB. ! 3IlNcr WaHltCtl. ! . A S't M.ller can aecore a eood M'.aaioa- ,UJUOCV'l JOHN WALLS &. CO ! ( Lewubure. May ss, 18-I . COClAHtUt (Oil AFTER B L"T lbs latest of ail ia lhat of C. W. SCHAFFLK, who, having returned from Sew Yora ara? . Philadelphia, is prepared to aeil tiooua j Cheap for Cash, j A large assorfr.ent of PrnsvChemica's.Oi'.s, Paints. Yarnuhes. Uve Stiiil. G!a, Perfum- ries. Coal Oil, Lamps, Brohes.Try. Fancy Xn'"'ns, Soaps, C..ntec:ionenes,Nu;,Piea, Tobacco, Cigars, Ca-lery, Ac Ac Ac Ao. Thysicians' prescriptions carcftillj compounded Wines and Liqnors for Medicinal ; i ; rorPoses. warranted genuine and cf the best i qoahiy. LEWI?BL'RQ - Mar M, 1S"U ; (jlNS.FlMOLNIIMllAU 1AIALL, FINE CUTLERY, ' portiaa .tpparaias grrrai!y. Tf 0DHS- a"- Kt2l;i "'t"' BJlT' Hook, Ncis, roils. Gloves. Masks, Billies. Corkscrews, Dog Collars. Ac, con- stantly on hand and for sale Wholesale and Retail at the Sporisatan Uepor. JOHN KRIDER'8, ! N.E. corner Ji and Walnut Sis Philadsl phia. March 4. 18fi 6m. TAKE NOTICE. j LL PERSONS are hereby notified not) j il 'o ride on horseback or drive wild 1 ' team on or across my Lois, which I intend 10 c-eeunv as a Coal Y ard, without my consent. '. Boatmen are notified not 10 lie np at lr.y j Wharf, without first consulting me. Anyrne violating the above nnuce will be considered a trespasser, and prosecuted as sorh. Lewisbure, April 8, lft T.T"RE.tlER, LOW & CO. hats jtMt JV. reea A great yahety of deacription and prices- ription 1 May 6 call and see. JUST received a fine assortment Ladle' Dreaa Goods, Embroidery, Veils. Gloves, Trimmings. Ac Ac suitable for (he seaon also a fine lol nf Domencs at JuneXO KKEVER, LONG & CO's iLASTEB, Salt and Fish for sale by ' KREMER.LONO A CO r-penae Hook. A blank book, thus , b,en fmind, and is left at ibis offlee for Ihe ewn The Lewisbarg Deposit Bank TT AS this day declared a Dividend of four J per rent, for lb last six month, frs from the Government Tat, Pvabi o d- ln"d ' iaal H F 8nfc'i.t.ii, 1 1 r, Administrator' Natlce. , "HEBE S,lfPtr i.f a.tn..ir'K! mpnm , rlaie of ti l VII Ut ER. rtM l !a,r r.f W ni'e Dm towfavhip. tow U . h-vf Urn eran.el t it a.ibriber. ia da form i'f lavr. rn.nre i brrev rivralo allm. l r- k;. p; thrnis'tv It if imJeblri la aij e:at-, to rrta'ce imm'iflte payment ill lb -e riv,' g o,i-ns acamsl the iinu, a i.l j-r-.tai iiirus rfu'v n hniiratcd for tu ;;efr,-aL JOHN Ot'YER. Mm'r. ct h.s A.t'j, J. M. C. B.atsj IS. SCHOOL K0TICE. I) li r-ua i.f Lwi-bure. the fl'BLiq h 'HO'iLs of it..s Uorourh w-U open o Thar.Uv ihs li'a dav of tM-p:nibr. anl aiu.-ay lae jJ i f bep.rmocr is till lor ihe E'nination of A;pti'-an!s for thw Ti: Si'H'itllS. ('f te h-id in ihe Sows) Vrd rsehcot bjild.n;.) r'.mmBcior at t o'cloctA.M. JUHX B. LINN. acrrurv of ibe Boardi JJOn TO DKSTUOY ROACHES, RATS, HICB, Uuzt, Anti A.C. 3 l.'se E'drt's Vermin Extenalnator TT IS ISFAI.IIBLE-Is lFAl.LIBLB I 1 I- pot up in l.arse (xea for 35 cia. It a i r--; ar;ir e- it uet w.'n n mizic w'3 oor l'i e- ut spoil. drv or worhleaw l.i k-.:rtr. t"lp. 1- b. ali -" c i: w.ro lbtr j'l--T ;xty-aa. Vara,! afw . .! K.;. al MlorJiarin it tb fciir -ii V. u-. t.t,a Mllfai-ttA 14, all t a:i iru.l,ta aal DaaAars ti-r'-uaL- -t r'.. rf'.w S:,m l at-ri-a Ua aau aa a't Sr llil H,Ll;illTllU.in Utct bwaHa rol at-l.r!li -i.a 1., tL kp-Kiv. Da K. law s I'h l.Llii .tr-t aiWaO.ol. Mau(aeUry l.;' jur.s: tr-t. kini WaiBKt, ltvaaw TcaU& a4 aV.ll In Uwl.urr. RFVXKTT BRrt J. Wbotaaala) ar.i l:.I-.0-.', b BiKtH a I T.W. aCUAf fLaV-t ul I' I! tilliil 4miuli-;-il Ci:iFFL'S FA TEXT f.la Jari anil Glaa lavera, I'OH preserrine; FKl ITS in a perfvcilj frh jaie. They reyaire no W ax, 8at-Ot-r. or CrmaL seal maiam'j. aal are mora ei-17 ea'ed ac 1 cpeaed loan aey ciher arft cie lor ihe purpue aver inemei. All kinds cl wax and cement are eooally d;ajtreeabl. aod ancenaia 11; st-aiir.?. b??nr maue eQiiralr nf j!ass. Ihee av-'id l--.e objecuens lo olhar jars, where tin or otner ceial is used in th 1 covers. For aa'e rh l.ewisbore;. only bv i 1054 KKEMEat. I.O.NG &. UO wmiamsport Oil Work. ON ES PLOp! VE Purt Cryatal Carbon Oil IV TloHT rttUCM. Orders "prctnptlj a'landad to. U, I., noldeav. 1053 Wliamaport, Pa I Doctor II. C. STEUWA.tr, nAVIJiU returned from the Ariav, i now located ai UorTiloe X P. aJs sad offers : his professional services to Ihe pahiic May ' be f.'und at V. oi. T. 1. inn's Burlaloe Tp, Jose 16. ISOi pdSra SUiSAC WANTED. I WIT. I. par the higheat markst prlow la C'ApH for ftO Ton of Samar, delivered at my Tan yard in Lewisburg. Psa sons w ho intend gathering, should coalman tT'i nmediateiy, as the atatk will socn coat mence to eel woody a&d hard. E. J- HI LU Lewisburg, June 13, UC4 Estate of Jonathan Koser, dee'd. IETTERS Te-ianentary oa ihe estats of j Jonathan Koser. dee'd. late of Buffalo lown-hip. I'cton cooniy, hare beeo granisdl to ihs scrserto'rs in due form of law. All persons inj-?ted to said estate are outioea 10 mate immediate pavment, aod ihoe having caiias a;a.r.st the same wi!l presroi lhn prcperiy aj;henticited f. r seitiemeni lo i jons K.-ra.BSain ( ix r.iu;Mo.. koikk. hhj,j km The Eye and the Ear. TR--H. KMt.nr.or Lew,sonr, a.yi., If a, 1 ir.n'v.Rr, rears practice, onsrs h s services to those who are afflicted wiii diseased Eyes or Ears. Tbe following is oa cf a cumber of Testimonials: t ana bad eataract of V:h w-aai Win af awav ana Darij ao ofw oili.r. I hail phrtaa atlaadlaa him. lo ao ert- Pr. kaichl anacrtook hia eaaa. an4 curt4 his viili'-u: au op-rati-4. 1 would arrtr all ara aFln 14 to c' b:m a call. f AMTKL WoLT. Uartiila. an. Ilotij &tate.of John DieffenJerfer.Sen.,dec'J. 1 ETTERS of Administration cn the esiatv of John Dieffenderfer, Sr. dee d. late of While Deer township, Lmcn cr-nnty, having beea rranied to the underaisned, ail persons indebted ihere'o are teqoeited to irtake ina mediate pavmcnuand tbrse having claims or demands acamsi the same will present Ihem duly aatheniicated for seitlemeni 10 JOHN H. CAMPBELL, Adm'r White L?er Mills, June 14. isr.4 pd C andidate for ConsTess. rnav j r.. n.r,fn!i nnVra him I , ,h. i,nK,ran r.f ih FoaneeDtbj sell Congressional District ol rennsyivauiia (cum posed ol the conmies of Danphin. Juniaia, Northamberland. KnTder and I men) for no. minatioa bv the aeneral conmy cnnveancaa of ihe said district. JOSlAH ESPT Harri.sburg. June 9, 14 IIENRV HARPER, Ho 620, Arch St PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer and KtallB ia WATCHES, FUVE JEWELRY, SOLID SLLVER-WABJa, aod ROGERS' superior PLATED WARE. C?"A1I kinds of SILVER WARE wade the prenuaes. M ATC it-ncinnr rarefally done !U4in:J J Estate of Lt. Col. John D. BnaeF. HERE.!. letters of aJministratioa ihe estate e-f Joha v. muaarr. laie of Lewiaonrg. have been rran. . ... subscriber bv tbe Keg aier cf I nion eaty. all peraons indebted 10 said estate ererwee " . r ,r.A ibnme baring e'aiass ted to male paymenl ana uor nbiul atamsi the ame win VT. delay to V I