Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 29, 1864, Image 1

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    Ml Sill
At l-3 per Tear, alwa,i In adiaart.
"XjIE l.NI'J.N," rMaWiJjrJ in 1:11 Whole Nik. 2.679.
"flll.OXICLE.-tiWi'W ia IS. 3 Wj,..r K 1,055.
riTT m
, , mi
riKLrsHKB Brl1l.ViM.kll
ricsJiT Mornlnj k Friday Afternoon.
Inltrrftlly at I.eialabur?, Vu.
The Examination in the I'tuial.- Insti
tute, closiutr Monday illmwii, were very
agreeably diverainud with instrumental
eud vocal Music, and reading of Essays
as follow :
Ftay yet awhile '. Hetty llennr,!latititi
doti .
All Tiling are Deautiful Mary Lea-,
iJcyond the Cloud llacltiu Haines, Marl
ton, X. J.
Jleverirs Klla Low, Salem, X. J.
Wayside Flowers Kiuiua I'eau, UailcJ'
The tiray Watcher Gertrude Hamilton,
One by die Sallie Taylor. Mar'ton. N.J.
Think uot to Kn-aj-t Muttie Aldeti,
Guardiau Angels arc ever Vatcbinir
Grace Slouch, WclNville. X. Y.
On Frit-dom's Altar flows' a Fire Fidelia
Teed, White I'cr Mill,.
The I'l-serted Hotut-steaJ Clara Hell,
Sabbath iie't.
How lived. how lovi-d. how dil They?
lora 1'uriuti-n. Philadelphia.
'Only Twelve l.-fl" Ella 1'atkor, East
Monday evening, the Eahi'-ition of the
Academy consisted of original or selected
iroductiotis, of tho uual variety as to sub
ject and perfunnauee, as follows :
The Christian Coitiiiiissi.i!i ("La's Marks.
A l'lta for Greece J. T. linker.
1 "oarer of C..u-ienc J. S. Wrihttier.
I 'audi dates f. irthe I 'risi J.noy H II. liliss.
Thel'seful'Youiig Man T Y.l't-iiniujrtou.
Tact and Talent W. S. Stanley.
The Sbrjiintr Sentinel F. S. 1 tick son.
Great Uli-ssiiit.'s niut be purchased at meat
Cost J. S. James.
The Future of America A. A. Leiser.
A Stuuiji Speech C. 15. Fink.
Saul. Wm. Harrow.
lavij and Goliah - (inliali. NHIli iardm-r.
( I 'avid. J. 1'. WHx.u.
JWfit-of Knov. II. F. A Uteri.
Marseilles Ifyinn C. J. J!rer-tei her.
The Platform of ll!e Constitution II. L.
Man's Individual Sphere II. L. Baker.
Mountebank Charles A. Garner.
Endurance Alfred S. Sheller.
The Soldiers Hi -lit of Suilra-e J. C.
The Study of the Classics-T.S M'MalwD.
I'am Slick' Solib.juy I. C. Harvcv.
l'nwerof Circunii-tanees I.erov Stephens.
Cur ti'ernutu Friend oo the War Marr i The fear of a ttm.liuy army vote, Ibere
T, ,vUMCDi-. c ri. t lfore' " grooodlees for the lav applies
j n ai .ikj ow ra nun!" j-.n iner, j r.
The liciiearsal Viu 1.. ntnn.K.C.Nojrel,
Solon French, C. S. Miriek, lieo. K.
IWer. J. F. Strode..!. C. Nesbit.
Universal Suffrage F. K. Fowler.
The nett rweipta for the Chri-tiau Cotn
ruiKkion we understand were about ?75.
Tuesday ulorning. IJ.ard ineetioiro.
Afternoon, the Pcnn. Hap. Ed. Society
leld it annual tneetin? Tho's WatLMi.
Ti, in the chair. The following were ,
viccieu mcers :
President John P. Crnzer
Cor. Sec. and (Jen. AL't Hov.G.M.Sr'ratt
Rec. Sec Rev. J. II. Castle
Treasurer Le vi Knowles.
Forty students had been aided, and the
receipts were larger than in any previous
year. Addresses by JVev Jn.K.Ches-hire
of Falls of Schuylkill. A .II .Lun- of Can
andaigna, and Bcnj. liridiih of Philad. i
Eveninp, the Alumni were most ably
entertained by Orator Lun on the har
juony between Science and Revelation,
aud Poet Rowland oo ' e'ojd old times."
Wednesday morning, five substantial
Addresses were delivered before tbe The
ological Impart mint, as follows : j
Scient a Wiuiesp for Christianity.
Tho's Miles Shanafelt, A B.Vlariuo.
Religion the Central Force (if Siciety.
TbVs KUwt Pbilir. '"hcaklevvillr. .
Abuses of Ri-li.oiHia f'ot.(rr.e-f..,- "
ouse. 01 iaiilmhus youtrovf rsy.
Henry Clay Muoro lPh Wk Haven
m j .luorti, i i n, ia.il llaven.
'S S'rr.S;;.'iif
n.. .r t . 1
Four of the above received MjU, j
for finishing tbe prescribed course ' !
Afternoon, tbe Female Institute grid-
a class, who read Essays as fol-
lows :
Only Waiting." Anna A. Taylor, Wil
mington, Iel.
i- - ...
. awntten History tlla Qutnby, Wi'm- J
njn, Iel.
Ku&s MfrSne '
The Build,ra i i t . .-, '
inSm, IM h6be J- QuUlb-V' W,lm- j
1 T,,-'? G,nrJ-Anna E. Lloyd
Hnw Old art Tl.,. -v.n:. c v.- .
- 7 tiiiv; C.U1C
Valedictory Ell. Quinl.y. j
Evening, Ir. Mackcntie addressed the 1
Literary Societies on tbe ubjvct of Na
tional Characteristics, with some amusing
anecdote, of his brother Irish men.
Thursday morning, the graduating Col- j
lege Class pronouueed their Oration.,
(Mr. Vaoaant excused on account of ill
health) as follows :
latin Salutatory C. A Stone.
Ihe (nstitution-Jobn Lowen Uutton,
Milesburc i
LaW-Shaw Loo, Maulinain, Rurmah.
Tbe EmotionJ iQ 3Ian Hubert A Town
end. Christi.ni
JRo.-sr.r-f, Y?k
I ted
Fiehte'e Ph;i.opi-,v, its influence on Ger-
The Effect of Teinpersnieut on Character
Cha's Albert Stoue, Phelps' Mills.
. .. 1 , . .
1 be linnet .,t mmonality- W m.Oul.cK
an.ant, Paxmos.
"I dread the'war." ( P.H-mWewet Gil-
berl Hornet, Monrocton.
'Batterbe Hiiiht tliaiil'resideut" Chaun
' cey lL.livar llijdey, llot kville, Coun.
i Valedicl'ry Il.A.Tunnscnd.
I The iiettree of B. A. was coul'erreJ on
these nine in cnurse.
The decree of M. A. was conferred, in
1 course, upon I 'avid Huth, Es-p, of West
Cluster ; ThoV M. Shanafult, of Clariou ;
1 and llev.Jowph Smith of FayetU? county.
The honorary M.A. cn Rev. Wui.Shadraeh
Wood of Hatboro", and Rey. Wiu. Forbes
Cowden, of Jersey Shore, from Jefferson
College ; Rev. J -liu Chester Hyde, of
Philadelphia, from Waterville College ;
Rev. I'hilip Lewis I'aviei, of Camden, X.
J.; and Win. Hodetihaiuer, M.l., of Xew
York city. That of I. 1. ou Rev. Heuj.
i riffitli, of Philadelphia.
Eveninir, levee afPrcs. Looiuis'.
' The trajuatin cla-es aipearej very
resectable in their attainments, and the
public exercises .-eueral!y were of the
most iuU-re.-tin;; character. An unusual
number of visitor-" from a distance were
in attendance, (anion:; tliem.JuJge Strong
of the Supreme Court.) most or all of
whom expressed eipial surprise and grati
fication as to the hih standing attained
by our comparatively youthful University.
The report of the Publication Committee,
to aj pear hereafter, will exhibit officially
the results ol the past year, and the pro
jected advancement in the future.
Not the Standing or Regular Arm;
Are to be allowed" to vote under the pro
posed 1st Amendment, a some ;uppne
but otly euch a are already "tjifiltjial
tlrctort of this CummouKtulih" who may
be "in actual luiiitarv eerviee I'K-nru a
rUQUlsmo.N fr.m the l'ret!J(nt of Me
L'uiu,l is aUt rT Ij, r.e auth ority if thW
CommontrroVA" These terms, it will be
seen, confine the tritileca to volunteer.
or drafted men, already voters, called out
! for special occasions. It docs not aod can
not apply lo men who voluntarily enter
the regular army as a business or profes-
sioo for lii'e,and,thua isolated, become illy
quaiiSiid for tbe proper use of tbe ballot.
only to our "qiahfi d" sooa, brothers,
fathers, friends, neighbors, and fellow
cit:v.-n. who pa forth, femitnrari'u. ta
subdue a f ei - or a domestic enemy. I
c '
s-Col. Bomford has been removed as
Provost Marsha! at H.rri.burg, and M.j
Doiue aroointed. It would be a ereat :
benefit to Government aod gratification to 1
the perple if manv Pomoous. heartless,
di-obliging officials could be changed
rnfnrllii..l r noo.lment. (i.e. ri.m.n.
the Uoion cause very greatly men who '
seem to have oo interest in the real welfare
of the country, but bold pl.ee. to make
money from the ptcessitic. tf tbe D.tion. ;
Ia the multiplici-y of Kxecutive cares,
many mistakes, ouce made, may be hard j
to rectify.
, : , .
Vh- Ofy alter d W-to. . and
tre trill nil tut tr.r the .lirrl iw.fillij "
- J J -' ... j , -" h
the cry, hitherto. Weil, now there in a
chance to alter the Constitution. Dou't
forget to vote for it, on Tuesday next. 1
TttBT!ari ' tha man 1 1 -1 f iltcf..ti. !
-- - "-- .a. w,a .v 'iibii.ii' i
r..,n ...,a;. s. l: '
and bis countrt'. ruin, plants a thorn in
hi. own pillow that will rankle there nntil !
bis dying day !
arLy man's fruit jar. ("advertised in
.nntlier nglm.nl fc,.a .i. .r,r. r
,:-- ii . j .. ,
being an excellent and conveniect article.
i. i j v , . . :
Jt IS bf , cip cn , fctD(j f j j
- r - -r, ...- ;
pbcre pressure that it can not be removed j
Uh0Ot ht'' in ,ba ' -tich "
b" WZ!JE
We are indebted to Co.. J.tne. I
Chambcrlin I
i for a full list of the nick and j
wounded Pennsylvania soldiers in the hos
pital, at Nashville, Teno. Tbe list con
tains 411 Dames, and may be teen at oar
fjti.KiV. Edwin II. Ranney, late of
Leisburg, has accepted a call to tbe pis-
toni Mre f ,be B-p'ist chnreb'
(Clio' P ) Co Rev.Ang-
SrThe 195th P. V., (Ool. Fisher.,)
e" ""r.sourg .or n aaoiugion, ennuay
it ' t r iiv t-,
ciihf. The Uoion eoantf hundred davi
v- - a
mca (Capt. Potter,) are in this regiment
Demoerats! Tbe Tote, of jour
counties will be noted by tbe Soldier, and
the Soldiers' friends, both now and for
lime to come !
and a laUut jar the Sol
U "giving one, two, and three
J7"'9' 'k'Dg life for yoo.
JNew rk OO.odv.jori,,
for .oldier. f otifi. Pcnn.ylv aoia .honld
do no less.
I A. C. Simpson, of Seliosgrove,ba. been
j appointed lo recruit for Snyder county, at
I Newbern and Roanoke Island. Keodex
vous at Newbern. L. U. CaM ia anrjoin.
f'.i 'oithumberland eouo'j.
I of
Union County and the draft.
j I tecordince wb tbe r.queat of the
ComniUainueri of Usioo County, t eon-
. , , , . , ,i -
yention was held in the Ourt Hnue at
00 Xu.id Ju! 26 2 p.
, f " ' . '
M- t0 e"DMT " ' fTy f ,h
CjU)ojninuers scasiiig a lax to pay
bounties to volunteers under the call of
the President of the United States for
500 000 men.
The meeting Mng called to order, oo
motion Absalom Strioeford was electtd
Chairman, and Alfred Hajfi Secretary.
The follawiuir delegates then presented ,
Itteir etcucnuain :
fSM-if Jacob Kremer, Friah Reed
Hufulne Ltyi Hautk, E 1. Woite.
Uuffaloe-WiUon 1. Liuo, David
W. Huff Divid Shafcr, Ben. Reich
Ilarley I) H. Ktrst, Chris Schnure.
iiarueioo i . v oi'mer, iv . uiovtr.
Kelly K. Meixel, Jas. L.ksod.
Limestone John Seebold, Geo. .
Lewis J. C. Mnore, Jtcnb Ruhl.
Lewi.burg, X. W. E. 0. Wolfe, W.
P. Keily.
Lewisborg, S. W. A. M. Lawsbe,
Alfred Hayes.
Miffl uburg-Jno. V. Barber, B. B.
Xew Bultn C. D. Ronah, A. Swine-
Union C. Cawley,Cba Slear.
White Dr-Hobert Correy, Josi.h
On motion the Convention proceeded ;
to vote upon tbe q-ieation of tax, as to
Twn seta nf rlr-levatea havm? been re- .
turned from West Bjffalae after bearine ' ""'"" " wi:n evident aeiignt, snowea us me pno-1 s. B BOVER. Ufpnty. will c i, :tc: at b
, , m ihe praitus that there baa been no wbeat toeraph of her boy, now a Bible loosing office in tiantinrr cn the i- n of Aueasi,
.ne statements oi toe parue, cs.. , fcu oaJ of ,b. ife. Weaver's b, tel in town cf SHamcki..-a
Sh.ff.r and Reiah were admitted; e - , meats of their son, and admitted that be ; ,6-. " ' ' f'
. , . , . . ,.,1J ueeu cuuoiuciiuiw buaui n"" ui
. ,
'ava East Buflalne. Hanler, Lime.tonr,
ewis -"iminburg ana -ew orriin.
and Xew Berlin.
11 Wi lne0 0D n"i resoivea ma.
, the Cjun!J Commissioners be instructed,
' " ,odn " the cour,,J 1aoU is "S"'4'061.
,0 leT tix 10 ecb Toian,ecr UD(Jer
,&e rresiaenti "ii a county, tne amount
of which, within the limit, of the law,
soaii De in in aiscreiion oi me saia uom
missiooers, aod in case any person fur
nishes a substitute or representative ro-
Mnil at,n ah. II Mnnnl aa a f . il 1 1 anw
, tie ., ,- .l-j1
...h di.triat in a.id countv. tha ..id Com-
missioned are to oav said nerson Drocur
""8 sach 'ubstitu,e or rP'e,ent.tive re-
crui, toe niount of said bounty, also, in
case a sufficient number of volunteers or
substitutes are not procured, tbe said Com- j
missioncra are to oav to the f.mii;ei. ,
legal beirs or representatives of tbe per- i
sons drafted the amount of said bouutv. :
Resolved that if any money is now re-
m.lni.i, in ih. T.oint. ls..,.r .Kih ...
collected to pay bountie to volunteers, '
anch amount shall now be arnroDriatcd to
pay bounties, nnder the Preent call.
On motion the convention adjourned ,
sine te.
Xote There is oo law for paying a '
1 Bounty to araitea men, lor it is a scneme
'to check volunteering, and as such was;
repeatedly defeated ,n tbe Legislature-
!., f. mill.. r.f 4.. flA wn af ..a a.lilU 1
uui eu i.ujintD vi j i . i iucu aie buiiiiL. ,
to the same aid as those of volunteers no
Say, next Tuesday!
V.. f k . '. - . L. - C...
jut uub isc iu ucrauc li.Licr iu mo oia'.e
k.. .J.,.., .ha ;,. t, .i. I
uwo e,.uvw.vs wuv aiuw va vua viwv aji- ,
dier8 ,0 fote L1 not iDgle leading
pcmocr.tio pol.ticiwa has uttered a
j in their behalf; but wait till tbe People
tbunder on luesday next, aod then look
out f"r IDf ecno r3m the army in October
od Xovember, wben soldier', ballot.
come back to plague tbe Copperheads who
r- b . r f .t.
gbt in vain to disfranchise them.
p.,?.... ntlemen of tha rentila atrin
r.n A .T Smit.. . ll..t P.....I...
, be Rebel !
whether tbe Commissioners sbouia assess; ---r- ijunj.mn cou,j.
. . . . .. . . i.., j. given orders for no gram to leave tbe , plied with the papers of the day, aod are ; Attendance will be eisfa ia person cr l v
a tax to p , b"on,,e. to volunteer under J 8 PfeB jn he of fha D,pa,r Le! ,n Ber
ths call for 500 000 men. W bich was ,,e; , m.nv ofS-e-huntioa politi- rv.t uri or, the s.i of Aagust. a; tr.e A.e-
decided in the affirmativc-lS voting io ; b lL wb.S v'e Z'uln- MH i!"'bu 5 'I'S
favor of tax." and 12 against. i ?cr' ' 00 f d chise the intelligent soldier in the army, I U KVX,
yeas-Braiy. Buffooe. WeM Bnffaloe.Har- atber tbe fore part ot tbe season, ana (J tbl, ,ney mi; rn tway wjtn the iown cn tne 8th. at Baom s hotel in Hoiu
tlrion. Keller, (oa conditien ihat iheirricrs our straw is of not much account all : offices during their abseuca S'uniury tr.'iitoxa rn tht S;h, Harn-tors and ire
"d f"T ViTj nZf:7 S
. 5 i of be benefit, Government nndefwhic"
of sufcW 1 Answer on Tuesday. I
firage? Answer on Tuesday
Fall in, Democrat.! If M'Clellan i.
to be yonr candidate for President, why
. i ... ,.- . . . ..'
i not let tbe soldiers vote Z If be is tbe
I , , ... I a at
! Shall tbey not vote? Answer on Tues
Jr. . - , , .. t . .
Tbe heroic Army of the Potomac has
ee. jo,,, e ,
fonght aod Hanked Lee back over sixty
16 . . c, ,, , :
mile, inln iririnia. Shnu'd ttonnprhead. .
r . . 2 r . rf,. . 1
be allowed to flank onr brave soldiers at,
. it. ,
too pons i answer on iuesuay.
Hooker's brave corps bave jast buried I
400 Rebel, and has 4,000 of their wounded
prisoner, before Atlanta. Might not.ucb
men be allowed to vote for rulers 1 An- .
wer on Tuesday.
Would yon encourage volunteering In
ease we .honld bave another brush with
Eoglaod, or with France, to establish the
Monroe doctrine t Say, next Tuesday.
Three thousand martyr, to Liberty and
oar common safety deep in Getty.bnrg.
Shall their comrade, tote T Answer on
Think of the Wilderneci and the Po,
and vote for ibe cause of the soldier, on
Taesday neit
Remember Antietam! Vote for the
oldier. on Taesday next
The M'Krao Miner announce, that
Geo. Thomas L. Kane, formerly an ardent
Damoerat, baa expressed himself in favor
tbe re-election of Mr. Lincoln. j
Vnm Soulbcra RUosla aa4 tvrlkcra
CuTttiftzdutm of Ui sur S Chroui.-l. ,
We Western folks ar beinuing to ee
nrce pre"y Serious tinj'i in regard to
crops. The ehin'i bog has and is still
tjiiitig great diaiijc to erupt. The Fprtog
i Wheat is .a entire f.ilnre. The, are
also taking the corn and oat. The; hue
taken an entire field of corn of eighteen
acres for ine and all oer the country are
fields that wou't be of much acouut.
They don't sppetr to bare reipect cr pity
on any one, hetber Union men or Cop
pcrbcad. ; they just wa-k into the fields,
as they see proper, aod gala the
i victory everywhere, without much loss on
: their side. Tbev appear to be a bard eo-
mJ 10 ciiquer more aotbaoonr South
i . .... i -- -i-
era bugi. The general opiuion is btre
that there ill be grain enough fjr borne
.- fL . : e.
' eoB mptioo. What winter wheat there
i. i. .,r, nood. I helcd to harvest fields
ii o- . on w k . iue. are allowed to exeiciae that privi
t that iil go from 2a ta iiO bushe.s Ptr je e ;
acre. Toe winter wheat is mostly r.iaed , e'b. fact 5 oor gr, M , b,dy, pa-
on limbir laud. There is also cou.idera- P9 more iDtelig( oce than the masses of .
tie old wheat in the country, but at the many districs, that we could name wi'h- :
; ..me me -ill mma hard times here
ug Wnei u tr; jg go o0 per
j , , -Wlll . ., o
-"b1 04, 80 oU ' coru l 0' buU" blJ
; ' egs 11 cl eerjthing eise in
proportion. Pork is high, aud it U ex -
peeled to be much higher: buyers are
! p.ving M bigb as hi 00 per hundred, live
, crops on timber land will
, ,
De gooc, as .ne Bugs uou appear .o g
kn. i, H -.11 I have nnder -
" ' ' -. k
. arnna inn ma ivaveruur ui ii ibcousiu um
killed by tha bogs. Tbere is one tbmg
that pays the f.rmer well, now, those that
: B. had tha luck of raisiai sbeeD. Wool
: have bad the luck of raisii sheep. Wool
j, biinema as biirh as one dollar per lb.
, Jbet9 u 0De of mj neighbors that bas
'. told wool li tbe amount of one thousand
j dollars. The bugs wont have much effect
. j,lnl I d3n-t exp.or, without tbey
i .t.nnA ,t hi flock of ehees.
1 . .
Lacrelto.h, July 25.
Last night (Sooday.) the public house
of Mr. D.v.d 8.i..?r, above ibis plaoe,
entered, after tbe family bad retired
i ai robbed of ,be 'ollowiog articles
ra.gnt square oca Doots, Poce
bandkerchief, pocket Bible, pair ot
:'g, P'' : ,ne
burglars must have been frightened and J
retired suddenly, as they left behind them ;
8ood Pir cf boes Dl1 b-ndkerchief
aaa k kiaL ii anteaasa lLaa IiaI'1 ilia a.ll Jta 1
"" " "i r"""' 7 '
,heJ ns"1 10 "fi0 tbem ,n Ueir epreda-
I'OUt. ilt.SWHt CCerS . reward OI vlU
f"r ,he rP"be"sion of ifce thief and the
recovery cf tbe .tolen property. ;
A bur8UrJ bti bceo committed in tbe
wme xy supposed to be by thc.s.me
gang, the 21st nit stealing from widow
Laird fish Ac, and from other neighbor, j
various articiea. j
rVe are infortnoed that the bouse of:
g , f Le.u T eoUrsd
O ' r
. a . c . i , . , t -
and 20 cr thereabouts taken from bis
pocket also that Shoemaker in tbe
neighborhood was robbed of his all
these fact, sbow that there are thieves pen-
, . . , ji
etrating tb. interior perh.p. pedier.,
. , i. ;
Persons running away from tbe arait, e. :
Keep a good rye on loafers or suspicious
characters, anyhow
From the Illifilinburg Telegraph.
"I would ask Mr. B to fill my pul-
pit to-morrow evening, if be were Dot
a rr t r . j
such a Mack Abolutonut," said one of
our preachers on fcatnrday evening. ,
Who is this Mr. B. ? A Presbyterian j
minister; some time since a chaplain in !
'he "d f" T
"e ,Te Da .l."e.r,.?a. '"f;10"? enemy j
Of that "eum of til villainies, elaverv
It ill becomes a mere babe in knowledge
'a . i:: , i.i.kK.. ..u . ii
and religion, to blabber forth bis feebl
'T ., . - . . ,
OppOSltlOO. J. M. A BJIght .8 WCl
opposition. J. M. A might a. well
attempt to torn tbe resistless current of
tbe Missitippi with bis foot, a. to stem tbe
advancing tide of Libert; aod the equal
me. . . 1 ,
rights of man. Ibe preacher or tbe rul-
,e,., i.m. i..
pit tnat now clings to and upholds slavery,
. . . . . . . . '
wnen tbe wnoie worm bas condemned it,
.,. .e. r.,m , i.t,.j
will .bare tne fata of those wicked men.
. -d . e, , . , .
Mcred charter of onr liberties Let every '
tru, ci,ixefJ m gncB me tnd nwJ '
bmttlt with gre,ter Mre .hfiB iaEloeir j
eomp.ny and .object to their poisonous :
vaporing, than be would wben treadio e 1
! upon a nest of real, live, crawling copper
Repudiated. A Dcmocratio State
Convention was held in Montpelier, Ver
mont, on Tuesday last, at which n resolu
tion endorsing Vallaodighem, and pledg
ing the Democracy of Vermont to ttand
by him, wax voted down amid muoh con
fusion. Geo. A. Crawford, Esq , late of Lock
Haven a leading, influential Democrat
now of Kansas ie out for Lincoln and
tfGooe all oor Turnip seed.
Gold ie down to 218.
Fnr fhf Firtt Amrwfinrnt.
t''ir thf X'ritnii Amftliftifnt.
Fur the Third Aiwndinent.
Vote for ALL tha Amendments!
Election on Tuesday, Aug. 4. 161)
Shall the gqldier Vote ?
Tbeelec'ioo, to deside, will he held on
Tu-sdy, 2d of August. We hear but
little dieusioa cn the subject, simply
b-ou-e there are but few oi have the
hardihood to deny, openly, tbst privilege,
to ihoe who enter the armv auJ peril
their lives io d-fence of Ihe.r eouutry.
The ease nf a f oMier is not to be compared
with aD individual, who voluntarily goes
out of the State oo business or f ir plea
sure. The fact, that be is E.;htio for the
Uoion, and io driense of ita iosiitutioDS,
should rather oouf-r privileges instead of
restricting them. There ia no reason why
' soldiers in the army should be deprived
f .kit. himrlr.!. at h,im
of their vote while hundreds at home,
intelligence, ana pernsps ie.a
out trouble. A few days since, an indi-
vidual in Liwer Mahanoy, banded to o.
f r perus.l a letter from his son in
, Grant, army, a lad of 17, whom he .nf.
fcred , tnVltt ye 1(?n tecao.e be i
1 threattued to run away if he did not eon- I
' sent. The letter was well written, ibaogh
be spelliog was ineorreet. It was with
00 deree .of ,Priie 'V ,be ,b'
stated bis mn hid learneil to re id ana
; . h, M, arm wbi!st ti. mother ,
. , , - 1... t
, l?"0ta V "m
j "0u'a "ve jearoea at Lome.
i I I.,. Br. .-i.a.b ..a i,,i p.i(1afi apt inn.
" -
j From vjppe, Potomac.
xear Winchester, the Rebel, nnder Gen. j
E.riy turned npon their Union pursaera.
and appear to have driven onr lorce. CacX
towards the Potomac, with considerable
loss to our side. The Government baa
j mads no publication as yet, bat rumor
place, the brave Gen. Averill among our
1 oere Das Mn grea. "ouemeni
uu u., vu, wv luiut lu, uohci. ai o
held at bay by our forces along tbe river.
Xotbicgspecial from Grant or Sherman,
ho mii ,b,ir pMition..g.i.i ever,
assault, if they seem not to have made
P 5 ,n ,ew 0,T P"'-
&m. e(U j j y,-aUt & Co
1 60
Lard, fresh
11 :
Oats, 32 lb.
FUl4ed 2 50
Him 0
Sides Shoulder 15
do with KbslO
I'ried Apples,lb. 8
Wool 100
Country Soap 4f6
Rags 4fw.tj
IVt AftRttiO
-TL Thom f
, Lr.uhurf.
ta M fl'ntnrt. Kth Inst. ISAAC H El M BACH, agsd
S7 ;par 7 Mi'llUla auJ ZZ d.es.
la ." B-Tlln. Il.t In.e, WILLIAM FRF.DIRlrK,
ann of fc.
ann of fcUwalU .ud Xmn. a. f mith, anl a munUi. and
... ... . awa ,
rr, 11 icnttii tni 4 dv.
CAME upon the premises of ihe Subscri
ber about the Hid lost., a lightish Bay
Horse, about f J ream old, in good order, had
DO e0n' "ne 'oe no parucoiar ,
roams oosrrrta. ejcrpi idc t.o. pt-du un
,eft ihon!d.r. The JVB is matuti 10 1
fro,e proPerty, pay charges aad take him
away, or be will be disposed of according to
law. BK.NJ. Ht'MMEL,
.r&r rarmersTiitr, Duaa.oe if, u j an.
T . '
Jf nythiog of ,he kind in the market. An
eiatmnation of the Jar will convince anr in-
tfiii-t-nt ner&on uf a merits. Iihas no wax .
to melt, acrewt to corrode, or springs io Drear,
bai is made on stnctlr pbilosopbical princi
ples. Call and examine it.
for sale wholesale and retail by
TG EV AM, Agent.
Lewiiburf , July 49, 1B64.
Union Cofktv, as.
J. Tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia to Jacob Enriemen, Administrator of
Michael Engleman, deceaaed, and tbe heirs
f , Arcts.sri
w conrmand you and every and all of yoo
that laying ?ide all bo.inesa and excuses,
hoiden at Le,sbrg. on the third Monday of ,
September next. u answer a certain bill or j
petition exhibited ia our said Court on the
xoth day of Ftbmary'.vA D lset. aad to show
cause, if any yon have, why a decree should
ot be made for the spetHfie performance of
me cuuuaci in saiu peinie's; uicbiiuucu e.eii-
ding to ibe trae interest aa A meaning thereof.
and a deed of conveyance be made by tbe !
Administrator to said !nsephXog!eman in ;
I f ...U J . JA f.k..U.J .......
in aiuiuic kuu iwuv muun k a u , i-k-, i -
what our said Court shall bave covaidered in :
that behalf. Hereof mil not at rouftxnl and
ihe penalty that may ensue.
Witness tbe Honorable 8.8 .Woods, Presi
dent of onr said Conn at Lewiawurg. this 3d
day of Jane, A D, in.
Deputy Clerk O.C.
a mn
OVpjar vil
m UriSMUMCtb.
lU firm eaJUarotvyroyrm, ?',
tad Mai Xiat a-..
W a wav aa
Adminiatratoi'B Hatice.
"HEKt:..S, l.rttrrs Tsi!!H-i.'ry ur;.a
ike esia e HI.IJVH Ol VKH.Cf'i.
laie 01 YVni'e b-rr t--w asii.fi. l'u a I
have bet-o uraii.e! to ih" iit'i-r;r rr. t -'re
torm of la. iro,r i liersV-y eivrt :i a': pr
a ns knorinz thc.nelti to L- net tr t 10
saij estate, Io ir.ake imuri.-flte r-y:nent;
ant ih-e ba?:rc claims aca:f.i tr.e .nc,
will pfeeDl thrm iSr v attb"i.T.catr J t. r r
tlement. Ji'HN lii.'VKS. A Wr,
cr tot A::y J..M.C Hai;ca
July iS. lA4.
Unite! States Tax-Payars
'AKE .NO t li t:. The Annual List of Cn-
lird sjutta Taxes is sov n;ale up on a't
Licences, laeutne, -arnajrs. auJ a'o utipAift
mobiniy l.sU now due ana pajaVie a. tuhews.
J'jnii1l county.
JO!!N M I.AI .'tiilLtVlVi'Otv. w I e, :'c:i
at M fl n-.own n trie 1st day of Auso.u a:
M ' A Ii 'er- vil e c. D the 2d. at R chS (i i n the
UJ. at ferryv.lle on ilie 5ih. at Vfi.cc on the
h, at Hxwi:'s h tf I i a ih- ih. a; .M'Crya
viue is l r e f:n, at Ea-t Wi'.nUii cn the
lo b. and f- r fire iii. thervalier atbiaOiiice
for tne county at Urge,
S'ly'cr coun.
IIE.fRY SMITH, Dfoaiy. wi l c.'iect a:
Braver Kpnn; i a ;n" 1st auJ ii oi Auut.
at T. sixineror j'l M;d i!eburff the Hi. at
Kredencu Moytr's io Fr'ebiir c n the 4 h. at
c-Darf bcrri id s.iiisr ie cn ih f'tb. and
at Beaver apnea 6 inog five days iht reader.
I nfn cnun'.y.
JEsSK HEAVE It. l'-ro'. t 1! c-I'eet at
lh l.'mt H- ise, in l.i-tc;j. n -he 1st
and I I of Aaaut, at .f t'oluint ia en the
3d, at L mono-la n m tfce 4th. at .S-w br io
cn the 5 b. at M iflinbiirz cn tbe 6.b, at Har
ueioo en the Nth, S-th and 10,b.
or'hum'xrlntiJ roun'y.
tuwn ca ;ne ita. ai me dju-c io j si. nun
Ll . iT
the borcnehof M.lten ,n the lj h and 5C:n.
and at his ofice durtn five dayi thereafier.
ri t
cocniv at targe at my otiice irom toe isi w
ike S'jta.
to a!l who neelect to pay at the titn'e and
places specified above, ten per centum nrio-t
be aided and paid on Lirantes Tat. and five
per centum on Income fax. Ail Taxes luusl
be paid in Ucveromer.t funds.
Collector U h District, Petii.'a.
To the Public.
TWII.l. GCARANTEE to send, npon the
receipt of One Dollar, by retnrn tnjtl. a
I "htzhi colored Photo-raph of ANY ONE
FAVORITE (iENERAL of lb- United itarea
Army or OFFICER of Ihe .Navv. I'irept to
10363 station K. Philadelphia Post 0:5c
: Parau D. Smith,
by her next friend,
. Joseph Reed,
I Wiiliam !?milh.
la ihe Coon cfComrnoa
Pleas of Cnioo conn- j
ty. al as atp tna io :
J To Wi'Oam Smith. Defendant: Take notice
that ihe Commissioner appointed tu take dep
ositions to be read in ihe above case, will s
t.ons to be read in the above case will .it
thai purpose ai the office of Orw.e A
ves, in Lewisborr , en Sainrdav, ihe 6th
day of Aurjst. 1M. at a o'clock. P M
JOHN B. 1.INN. Commissioner
LL person, bavin; onse 't'ed arcennts on
i the Boedis cf III(Ut . &. BHO.
will please attend to their accoonis. as tbe
book, will soon be left ia the hands of some
one for collection. We have uvea more than
a reasonable time for ever one to settle hia -account.
Good promises and pleasant fares j
will not Dov goods, io keep op our .toe. 4
LewMrnr;. July 7, 1964 3
Estate of James Eeefer, dee'd.
pf e Jmintstratioa on the estale of James
Keefer. deceased, iate nf White Deer Twp,
having been granted to the subscribers by the
Krg ster of I Con coon y in due form of law,
ali persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and ail
havmz any just claims azainst the same may
present tbem duly authenticated for settlement j
WV. L, KFtffR. 5o, Co .N.wTnr. 1
1050 martin Kf.ntK. huiTs. Isko o r 1
THE uodersigneL Aaiitnr. appointed by ,
the Orphans' Court of L'num county to ,
aadit the account ot Matthew Morton, Admi- t
nistra'.or de bonis non of the estate of J. F. j
M. Fostes, deceased, and to ma-e dtstnbu- i
tion of the balance in the hands of the !
acconntan', will meet the parties interested j
for tbe purpose of hi appointment cn Sat- ;
nmt the 3oth day of Jaly,ix6t.ai lUo'cleick, j
A M. at the office of Orwig & Hayes ia the :
buf oash of Lewisburs.
filO Seven Octave
'2"tO I
tut. Xroaaa.j, tw J.rk. ,
I VEW enlarged scale HAXO FORTES
ith ;
' all latest improvements.
Thirty years' experience, with greatly in
creased facilities lor manufacturing, enable
. ua to sell for CAH at the above unusually
low price. Our Instroments received the
highest award at the World's Fair, and for
. five successive years at the Americas Insu
late. Warranted five years. T.ans tt
, Casa. Call or send for descriptive circa. ar
SmIOjJ jj.M
, , , , j.j
Estate of Godfrey Dieffenderfer.dec d. ,
Letters of Admimstranon on ihe e-tate t
0j uoOlrey jienenarrtrr. ucc u, iaic urc i
Deer Tp, have been granted lo the subscriber
by the Register of Union county in due form
of law. therefore all persons indebted to said
pi i p air iruueiira u.... ,..,... i k,-
u.M.tul n m.L-a imai.Hill. Mav-
ment, and thoi. having just claims against ,
the same may present mem cu;y autnenucaiea i
for settlement, to
White Deer, May 30. 1864 pd
OFFICE in hi new Brick Block, Market
street, sooth side, between 4th and'Sta
(,up staiis.) Lewtsborg 18W H
Heal Estate.
''" te ilTVred br aacis-n. un ike prtiaisia,
X at 2 t'coca rn the a :t rv. oc of
SiTiKr'AV. At-;. 1;C4.
a ra u.t'e KM .iin:e m S.-sJi Tn,t"nioa
lo. -f ia? R r ri-ad. i.cir S'mfosi. adp i
ri:. Ui r Jos A h: v. Ju K.LYi f'la
E-.f t: and U.a'i R-eer,le,n? s I tt KCt
in. re i r I, rx-y ?v iinr.'jv-.i. Tb-re is a
frame H a-e. l-r Ba-T aa Ofcr.ard of g-x.dl
l":u i. and Wed of W ;r hi ihr door Ttraa
sale kuoiau by inqoirme on lb pmnrse of
Bra'y Tp, lo'y 7, l0t pi
r RM of lltJJ or 1-JSi ttm B'l
,' frDCed. cf wnich too acres is cleared,
wiih access to wood and catar frt tn every
field, tt is 7 mi!es west of 1-edi.hur;. 3 E-
.' M::H n' nrp. and tj norti f Ac Uetria,
ci J .nuiL 2 Jcob Kieckacr. Imriroaewien Is
ft' r. Kink Ban and other IsrKj.nzs in pro.
fn.ii d. It i!i tr asotked ai puoiic
cu ery at 3 o'clock, P M.ca Tueaiay.J of
Au?ast r.xu The propne or has d;ded t
c. tc the neighborhood of Uoiaha, Xebraika.
theiefcre el! for wha-rver ll may briraj.
Any pcrsf.n wuhio; tu e the pr. -r . can
doo.:ar.yt!me. J H SKEBULl.
L rrie-:. at Tp. lh Jtt'y l-4
art ail ihe fixtures read? for us
atui a bWEi.LItj aljceni t '. rs-
P sess,..n ot Tavern. 1st i f April ceil 4
8wre aad I-l!:nr. on iwo iia,s at lice.
Cb'-m?l. ki7 Tp. Co sa Co, Pa. Dae. 51, IK.
Farm for Sale.
Tl'.C sru:h-wei quarifr t seetira 11,
l wi i7, corh ran?e ea t of ta 4Ua
f.-.acipal n-eridiaa. Tbe i d Farm lwa
a!) jit twa miles north of the city of
Freeporf. in Stephenson Co., Illinois,
has ab tit Frr'j Acre an Jit cultivation, with
L ; H u-f and c'.hrr On.baii'linss; is waversat
by ir.e of the nv-st beautiful Xpriajs in lb
county, and the ta ar.ee of tbe trad is covered
Lr a ihr.iiy growth of ureter.
Every afie cf tbe farai i. srwteep'.iM of
cnlt.vanet., and when soiiadv im.rov.sl
wu'i! i mase ctisof tae mual iuviune reat
if.cn :n l.l.n ;s.
F t parica'arsenqa-re of Francis WHsob,
cf LfWisburz. Pa.; S3 ml B. H-rria, of Frew
port, Zil., tr tb: sulacri'ers. at iva".a. liL ,
Kcr. 20. 143 L. H. BoWE.V
VEESIRABI.C Building Lot. aitusted Lvt
a pleasant pan of Lewifnr;. Terma
lu suit tne purchaser. For forther informa.
lion inquire r-f :U32 CD BREWER
LOT en -North Fvanh street. l
.March 11. '63. H. P. "SHELLER.
for Cleanng. rVtiuwg 2nd Prttemng V TZMTBt
ryH 8rllcS. i$ pr,plre(, Wlth iht ,
j rarf lefpfie l(j j d .
,,-,.,-. -.,L i.e. , . "'
ramed not io contain aarthtct in tbe slicbtest
Ceree de'f.enoa 10 he iceth or sums. Sa
! i cr moc eminenl Dena! sfureerns have
th-ir qct KB to aud rbf-rfu:y rrromavBdW
pfr ration cf ; rn-r qaa!itt t r rtrmttfiBc vhl-b-e.n:
ni FTr:ii4T tb IfeKltl. It . tAiij,
Tricaribi'iii brutifai: l.iteacd I-rftri ttlwau Uh.
btl irjjo'y tc tt KIL It )b?ft.mr; tc U rbm
brrr tiij are ii.rrUl aid voi-r. anil ia an atciiwft
JisioT-rtr tVr o!'i or dsareJ ti fa. vbK-h arv lta
ricv-rcir g t oC wit. It nim m nrh aoa cr? tsat
tix rn U.I., et-ftCioE it thort o&u;, &4 uwATtaiaf
tlci.aaUai trarac u lb trca:h.
Prepared only bv
W, ner.fr intk as. Uakar. sis. Fallaalclslda.
and told by all LiUjjitUr
Tcf Imonlal. The followrnfi-pinio
of Dr. White as to ihe bish esteem in !.:rh ba
hul !s ihe Dental Cream, must be snilicient
evidence ol its value. To quote other, id.
detail is necl f j.. contenitc: oorselves br
stmpiy givin; ibe saaes and addresses cf
persons who speak of its eicelience for tka
PsnaaaTsm. Arril 15, 1M3.
TITior rserafatlT .Tain(m-J A IJAHLI S
Fitit i'tXTAL I'htAM. 1 rherrlully rrroaBaad it U
tti surlic pvcrraliT. It i. a. ..criieot pr.sarati'i. tat
cl-an-iD - an'l sn-rrivc tb tath. an-i !tn t Md ?
ail p r- n a lib eh? mne-t ronfri... i aropartla.
art p-rf.-rtl, banmlae Brtiov. yriHir.ci? lb lareb.1.
pr'm.jt. a L-j ! h, lo tLe guau, a&4 ispajrat a
I-lvaMa&laea. SO the brrath.
I'a. W. B. WnTTS. li3 Artk St.
Ths' Tnt. W I. rsttrt, iSl S f5ort St
1 Biii-i. it S S'leb St
K V 4McuiiK-. rtfD IVntftt. 42S Arch 9t
C A K-i.sKir. rvau.t.1 !9 H'nai st
S lHLLisoi.M. V D s 7 3 arck St
F I II s-7 Arrb st
toa. T .ssiss. U titwt. . !t r-mrth H
L It P-fiiT. IVBtlar. s4i- T.cLh tit
al.L.lajs, LiaBtot, oai Sll'.b St
lyl050 if sji5 ,w
Dr. Tobits' Venitian LinimenL
"IT CI'RES CHOLERA when tr.i liken, in
1 a few hour ; Dysentary in half aa h"t n
i ooitiache in five minutes. II is penecily
innoceM to take in'.eraa'ly eti-f is recommen
ded br the m l eminent I'huirnns ia lha
i-mleil siale. Pr.-e, Si and 0 c.a.
1 -r - . r. Ana- ' iaa
Vt.S I.Tobias. .V York Dear S.r: I Bar
used your Veniuan Limited with great soe
ces. toth as an internal aad as an external
medicine. In caes of bilious coiic and cho.
lera morbus. I regard it as a sovreizn remedy.
Yonr Venman Horse Liniment stands onnv
a'ed a a horse medicine aoioog-t farnere
and boatmea oa this canal.
Sup'i North Branch Caaal
Sold by all Drajjis's. Office 56, Ccnlaadl
street, Xew York
r .-v ss. p, -. TP XT W VTrD
ou -'-- bU AltN A aA-
A '
CafMuff r.l&atbnildr' fS iti Iab0TfI5,
rriO WHOM constant emr'ovment and good
J. wages will be given. ' CASH PAID
Lewisbarr. Pa . December 14. ll3
ONE Hl'.NURED hands wanted toeal w.-od
at Beaver Furnace. Snyder eoonty. Oo. d
wages will be paid asoatblv i" tt