HEARER HOME. Filjrrim T 'mid your earthly toiling Over drear and sntiloss lain, Are tliy footsteps ever weary Seeking for that proiuiwd jrain? I thy tired heart worn with failueas As a!in the way you roam ? Yet dejir not, but renir iiiIrt That we're drawing uearcr hutue. If the way at times be hidden From our erring mortal oyoa, Tis but workings of Ilia wiwlom Through earth pains and penultic?; And though, oftentimes, mysterious Are the means which He einploy, Let us trust His loTe, believing Nearer home arc purer joys. Every day'ight brings us nearer, Every midnight speeds us on Nearer to tlio Idi.-sful morn, Nearer to life's Idefsings won ; Then repine not, though earth's crosses fiather 'round thy path in gloom, For thy life barque, speeding onward, lSears thee nearer, nearer home. A copperhead sorehead iu Augusta,Me., was dilating, a few days since, oa the strength of the rebels, declaring that they could never be subdued, and that he hoped tbey would annihilate the Union armies, when an old farmer pushed up to the dis loyalist and rematkei : "Sir, I've heard enough of this kind of talk. I've got two aons in Butler's army my only boys God bless 'em ! That is for one of 'cm (bitting the copperhead square in the face with bis fist,) aad that is for the other," (bitting him again and knocking him down.) A complimentary huzza erceted the patrintio yeoman from tha by landers, intermingled with storms of hisses for the copperhead, who got up ana clunk away like a d ig that bad been caugbt in the act uf stealing sbecp. He will hereafter keep bis treason to Jjims-elf while soldiers or solditrs' dads are about! We have an interesting letter from our special Washington correspondent, dated the 15th, giving an account of the rebel assault upon Washington, he having par ticipated iu its defence: but it was received loo late for insertion. He estimates the Rebel force at 30 000, and gives the num bers of twenty eiiht regiments from which our forces cap'ured prisoners. They left' over 400 killed and wounded in our bands when tbcv retreated. President Lincoln Was with our correspondent in the trenches, and an officer was wounded by his side while conversing with him. Chambers bury Rrpoiilory. Tbe Siamese twins bave each a bnuse a mile from tbe other. Tbey live iu each . three days alternately, and each twin is boss in bis own mansion, tbe other becom ing for the time merely a silent parrncr. I One has eight and the other nine children. The XaJteWt Ttl'jraj.h inquires what j Gen. Sherman would do if one wer dis- i loyal and hid tn be ser t tuth, while the ! other remaine 1 loyal ? and concludes with I leavine tins and otiitr odd difficulties to I be settled "by that ridiculous assembly, tbe Chicago Convention." While the Rtbil freebooters were in Ha- perstowo, during tbe mid, they mae bo : ... , ! distine'iou between Kei.e! sympa.ntzi.r8 acd Union tueu. Mr. 15 'II, druggist, who Tickets shall be, respectively, labeled, on tins, finished, and always ready on short no haa a brother in the 11. bel army and who the outside, 'First Amendment,' ' Second ( nee, and will sell twenty per cent, cheaper is said to !eD that av h.aist if, bad bis ' Mock coousca.eu n. ia .Vy, . . .. . tf .1 .. 4 irctDOoiero6ij ic ; aim won. a -."'P ' expoetuiated ith ihem t 'f robbing ibcir friend one wbo bad a bro'ber in tbeir service tbey politely answered that if Mr." Bell w Oieir frieud, he dwulJ be with hit brother in their army Under exisin? laws, Copperheads can Tote against t':e jJ'.Terniueiit, and against th-; causa of our c ddii rs. wlnls the tiiT'9 i of our Nationality are dilrai.c(.itd. Ou , . . ... .:ii ......J. I 3 uefd.y e. k, the P-P'f " rcu,e . Ihtsetll, and allow 8 lditr3 ballon to Su- j tain the i-aus f r which the eoldii-r a bul- let ia ppi-d. Li t tbe omj Ttty be over- I nbeimio' .:.J it will be the hrt sound ; of tbe d aib kouii of copperbcadiMti. Ad old baebelor io N'.-w Vork off.reJ a duplicate refurns thereof, expressed in n" , . c, ' words at length, and not in fijnres onlv, one young lady a pnoy for a kiss, bbe gave ( viwM rfmrns sg mi(( jhal, bf MgfA m :m ibe kiss. H refused her tbe pony. ( lne prothoniiary's oflice of the court of coin toe f u d him. He pleaded "no consider- m0n pitas of ihe proper county, and the other afion." Tbe court decided that a kiss scale! a:,J d, reeled lo the Secretary of the was a letal consideration. Certainly it Cuminonwealth, and by one of said judges baa often been matter of earnest enimd- ! d,p.0'.v " for,h"hh "e most convenient ". r.n ,h,h, : posi oth e, upon hich postage shall be pre- crauuu mm " ' -i j With t good many oiber young fellows. , I "I am delighted," said Secretary Cbase, ; 1 fAkn.. a . .Lt 1 u tklron Kim , WUCOWOUUB"iiuiPvui''.''j'w- Bland io tbe Senate ocaiust fc'ecession, "I j am delighted to learn tbat Andrew Jjho 0D ia only tbe modern way ; tpci! Au drew Jacktou." A wife's tears, i-htd too often, harden tbt basband instead of softening him. l bs eye-water becomes a petrifying water. FmeariBE limbs and Oesti of catcrpillers i . n.. . 1 witb coal oil la given as a sure way lo kill th vermio. lot !ie TuktU on paje ojtpotUe.t T. Wholesale and Retail GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, for Cheap Goods! His Stock is complete, consisting in part of Sugars, Collccs, Teas, Spices, Coal Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Class and Q,uecnsvarc, Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Call and examine yourselves. Special Election Proclamation. THEREAS, in and by an Act of the Oeneral Assembly of this Slate, emi- - tint "An act Drescribins ihe lime and manner ol submitting io the people, fur their approval and ratification, or rejection, the proposed Amendments to the Constitution," approved ou the 33d day of April, IHGt. it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of sur.h election, therelore I, I.. F. Al BlilUHT. Hgh Sheriff of the county of Luton, do hereby make known to the qualified electors of said county that a Special fciectinn will be held on ihe first Tuesday of August next, (being ihe 2d day of said month.) in and tor the several ejection Districts of said county, to wit : I district at the late Commissioners office in and for .New Ilcrlin boroush. II district at the house of Thomas Pursel in ami for I'nion township. 111 district at the house ol Theobald Sanders ' fur ime ura town.snip. IV district at the house of James Lawson in and Tor Kelly township. V district at the house of fieorge Wolfe in and for East liulV.iIne township. VI district at the house of Jas S. M'Creight in and for Uullaloe township. VII district at the house of Jacob TJeckard, in Mililinbtirg, for West Ruft'aloe township. VIII district at the public School house in and for North Ward in Lewisburg borouch. I.V district at the Hutfiloe House in and for South Ward in Lewisburg borough, X district at the house now occupied by Win. Inhort in and for MilHinhurg borough. XI ch-trtct at the Laurelton School house in and for Hartley township. XII district al the house of reter wchr in "i f()r i :mestone townsliin. XIII district at the Election house near John Reishsin and tor Lewis township. XIV district at the house of Henry R.Bpeeie in and for Hartleton borough. -V district al Ihe house or j. r. Hasenbiicn i .1 Luiontnwn in and tor Uraity township. wnicn lime aioi uidors uiirc ri'ij- u , Ameilllinenls ,0 theCouMituiion maybe voted ! Upn jn inP )aanr.er followtz : Amendment, ana i niru .tmrir.iiiirui . i n.isr ()f bem TOay elpress their approval there,.! Wnil aie aVOI iruir lUSrtHlH.Iirtl.oin:...,"! ? I by vonni.each, as many separa'e, written or printed, or partly written or partly pnn'ed ballots, or tickets, as there are amendments approved by them, con'ainin;, on ihe inside tii-reot, the words 'For the Amendment'. And those who are opposed to such amendments, or any of them, may express their opposition by votin;, each, as many separate, written or printed, or partly writien and partly primed, ballots.ortickels.as there are amendments not approved by them, containing, on the inside thereof the words -Aaamst the Amendment . "The election on the said proposed amend- menlj s1m1. , all respPCls be cHnducled as (he gent.ra elections of this commonwealth are D0W conducted." lt shall be the duty of the return judges, first having caretully ascertained the nuinoer I of votes givpn for or azainst each of said 1 auienil nf Tit ,:n the manner aforesaid,tomake pau at e expense of the proper county." several dunes required to be perfor- med by ihe sherifls,cnmirmsioners.ciins!ables, j judges, inspectors and all other officers what-, ever in and ahont the 7ener.1l elecnons ol Ihis I commonwealth, shall be performed by such vided for; and all persons, whether officers or others, shall be liable to the same punishment for the neqlect of any duty or the commission of any offence at in oraboui ihe said election as ihey would for the neglect of like duty or the commission of like olfence at in or about the general elections of this commonwealth." Said election to be opened between the hours of eirlit and ten in the forenoon and continue unlit i.-1-..n i.'i.l.iflr in thi ovenincr. when the until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. ! The reti:rn judges of the several districts of I tT,n .....!. ikuhi al lin nVtiii-b. fornnoli. in the Court house at Lewisburg.on the third day after the election, (being r ridny, the n:h day of August.) to do and perforin those duties enjoined upon them by law. Dated at the Sheriffs OlHee. I,ewishurg,Pa., the 27ih day of June, A.l. I04. L F ALBRIGHT. Sheriff CO-PARTNEIiSIlIP. JJi The umlersined have as- ssjaJociaied themselves into copart Vn'iyi"'j'iership for the purpose nf carry isajnR 0tt lhe Lumbering, Planing, and Carpentering business in all their various branches, at the Lcroiobnrg Steam planing IHiUs, a'here they intend to keep a stock of Pine Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and ail kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding. Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, shutters, illinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, aboth in rice and workmanship. J. 1J. DIEFFENDERFEtt, MARTIN DREtSBACH, HIRAM DREISBACH Jvibnr PUnli. Milla. April I. 1S0. ALBRIGHT & BREWER, TTORXEVS at Law. Office corner of XV Market and F..unh et. I.ewisburg I nion Co, Pa. Also claim Aent for ihe procure ment of Pensions. Back Pav. and Bounties, and all iher claims apainst ih Coiled aim. Lewistarg. April 7, ISOly Ipd UNION COUNTY -STAR & LEWISBURG CHKONICLE. CALL AT E. EVANS' Butter and Lggs. my stock, and satisfy 1024 F U II N ITU RE! Broke Out in a New Place! BUR K A U S, rr.imflutollS. FIXE DUKSSLNG UUREAUS, frtttn to -5. SECRETARIES, DESKS, fcc. &c. dirtt-rr-nt iric-. BEDSTEADS, from ?3 to ti ititlii!Vrt)nt attornf aod latent ftjlett. TADLES, Kxtcnion, IT fevl bd! upwarJ. Ontre. M-r. Enfl. Curd, i;intt:( (two suwi). lirfuRtimt, miul- of any kind cl Wtxxl Jlml.but Wnlnut. Mttli-ifNny and Kob wom! always on hand fur Uie trade. STANDS. Tcpoy, What-Not, IVwlnn, e. tef SOFAS, LOUXGES, latest patterns, CHAIRS, CithfNtvrl, Iaree Aroi. Swiiinf Parlor Ohaitu always on hnnrl; MliM.Caott :VaU Larttr Kofkfr and Nurse, Winder haim. Irnv u l amall Ktirkrr!, Tabia und ChiMrni t 'huirx. alanra on band. TOWEL-UACKS.POUGH-TRAYS, ROOK and SHOW CASES, Ac. urndure of tnu oirn manufacture, insured one yea p. int,nd, in a short time, as soon as i cut! ri no t imp niiisr.i 10 orilll u l.WUEKTAKIXli BL'SIXEss I will kep some iweniy-five or more dill'crent sized Cof- man nas ever ocrn uonc in i.rwisuuri;. sau OU 'rc ur.'-ir y .1 1 ( IK13I 3 cisirwiiic. liD 1 l ll s iff none laimeniaieiy, CH AS. S. BF.I.L,CAai4eri'n' Blnck Ix-wMiuru, Ph. Si, BEST ANDLAST NEWS! TE have just received from Philadelphia and New York, a very large and well selected stock of WINTER GOODS, which we ofler at very reduced prices. We have paid particular a!tentnn in ihe selection of this stork of Good a very large assort ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip tion. Purchasers will lind it their advantage our neirthnrin. .owns for romne.i.ion. We hive also replenished our stock of (roCC rle, llardvare,(iiceuittrare,Ac. SALT, FISH, COAL, PLASTER, &c. Vhite Jfirnh Lime, Calrineif Flatter, and Iiilraulic Ccmcnt always kept on hand. HTCOCSTKY rilOnVCE taken in Ex change lor Goods as usual. N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of fa rain. JNO WALLS A CO Lewishur?, Oec. 1S"3 We wonld inform the pnhlic lhat we have for sale, in our newlv established Nurseries, near the Lewisburg Siation, a larger assort ment than last year of Fruit and Ornamrnlal Trees, Shrubs, In our old Nurseries in Adams countv, we have the largest stork of trees and largest sized for Fall of and Spring ol "64. We therefore can furnish Trees by large quanti ties to Dealers Ac. at very low prices. The attention of buyers and dealers is res pectfntlv solicited to an examination of onr stock. We also desire a dozen good AGENTS to sell f- 4ie coming spring. SHEl.I.EIt A HUMMER GREAT FITtE AND SMOKE ! At Hamman's Tobacco Shop. THE undersigned has opened a Tobac co and CiRlir Shop in the rooms recenilv occupied hv N. K. Zimmerman, in B'aver's building Market Si. (adjoining the Telegraph and "Chronicle" offices) where he is ready lo wait on all who may wish to smoke or chew. vicars ot ine test qna.'ity. ano ine l brands of Chewing Tobacco ilwav. on hand. ! E. H. HAMMAN. i Lewiibtirj. Jan. 13, 18C3 m3rj J Jtfz. Vm J - "Kf II 19 S- S J3e i T.3J? I DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS the vital prinriple of the l ine Tree obtained by a peculiar process in ihe di&lillaiion of the Tar by which us highest medicioal prnjwriies are retained. It is the - ib.i wtitl nil l.lher fail. nam . a touh f aw V Thrmatr iuw you nj l me retuiuiiurj mjivvwam v J'aVtBl tilaWM txmiUtMfl Urti f Thom- wbo rimatt, W wrnl by thvm fymr,OHil rally Kbiuk hbtly of ihm until it i too Uta. m tl.ii fart, iwrbapn mow than muf other, riiw-n i iui irtwl-nof mui UUlity of dimm winch awm-jr to the gravr t leant un suth o( death' I icti.ua. W hat i it tjtmptns t It unua.ly bffiuh ilh nhort,lry conirh. whirl) won become habitual, but for tine time nlhon in rmiml xt-pt nJAy Mxcul. The breathing i aooivwhat dJ jfiewt, and uponnliicht eserclne much hurrvd. A eii.-e ol UghttulS and oi-prtuum t the rhettt lit t.ft-D felt. As the tlieaae xlvauira, the patient beeotnf ihm In nVb, 1 attlieted with lowtof appetite, great langor, luih-lcuce, and di'jertioo f KpiriU; may eoutmue iu thi- utate fur a hod-i Jem Mr Wnlh of time: and ii ery readily aff'-e-ted by lucht ejiptmura or fatinue. If these orrur, the eouyh becomes more troublesome, and i attended with xperUrtr-ti, which ia moot copioui nd Irw early in the UMiruitiic- It ie Mtmetime streaked with blood. At thi ulaue, niht-owrats usually et in and in eoine ca e a prnruMi hlmttnir of the luue may alo oreur. 1'ain in nutate part of the jheitt i tf It. and oft'-u a diffi culty oflyineupon nne or the other Mde without eTere fit nf euuKtuuic or a ene of tullnenn or Futfoeatinn. The pulne limitafu full, hard, and trecUn the h- rtic tluhh tin-H the cheeky aud the dire malady u huit baa Untu to it chute. Tou now ask. th're. a euref Conmnt4wn has W and can b eurrd by the o" of my T.4KCOKD1AL, even in apparently hnpe.les rae Thi avertion I make with the ability to pieent the mont complete evidence of the truth. Apiice will nt al luit of my giTing theenntent of the utauy tliouMud nf teMtiuK'iiial to it .alue, which I have, been and am receiving- from men and women of un'juetiuable worth ai.d reputation. I have had a number of theee eertiti eate printed in cin ularform whieh I will end yow ireeoo npvlicanon. w nattier you now ueirrauui-ij the medicine or not. fteud fir tbe rircuhir. After yearf iimi.n. h... r....ivf.,r.n,i....r.itr..ii.'..a di tease t. It you ran not br bfOrit-d r-T tl m- of Ihr TR COJthlAL. 1 lMlifTeyouttntwyond all earthly aid. Yft if tbTr are t-tlr rural a2ntn. 1 farm-Hy advif" ttir uw The twat rrtndtPai. th bei't-rc an- nwdttt by ttiniM aHtii-lfHl with tliia ditwaMt. Bccmumj I b-lifv Uiif to bf tbe bnt, I ack you to try it Many, nut only of tbe iv-oilt, ut (thvIcUn of wery ffcbool anil pra.-tire. ara d tily axkiu in, W hat Is the prinrit.le or caue of our nuro-fa in ih traiiuntof - i'titmiinnry O-mnumptum t My aucwt-r io tbia : I 1 be ittrigirrntfitt il the ditre-tiTe orwanii the ttrntfjfh fttirtu ol the d'-bilittttinl f-htrni tbe iiirf.ru,Un and - Tirhmmt of thv bboit. mut eifwl trom the ayftrm th rorru)ftion birharrfula breanla. V hile tbia i-etiot-d by the piertul alterative (chanjini from dUt-awe to bf-alih) (impertM-a of tbe Tar t'onlial. it ht-alinir and r-novatnie prtn'-tfjls it lo artiuff uHn the irrilt-d aurfarea ot the lun.'ii and throat. au'tratliiff rarh din eaiied art. rehvinir pain. FiibduinK ioflamatiun. and r-Ptiriniz a healthful t.-ndency ! t tbif two-fold iKwer, tbe hfilttin ml the atrvnethenim:. rontinue to act in I conjunction with Naturtt'a coi;ttnnt reruoTatie to- d ii.-y. and the 'Mtifiit iit aafed. if be batf uot too ioni? dflaed a resort to the means r.f crura. Tlte 11 H TltKK TR COKUIAL wilt enre Couicha, Stire Tbro.it and llra.t. Itronrbitiw, Axtboia. Croup. Uvopinir C'ouifb, I'iptheria, and ia ulno an r-lliit renieJy iurdiatraMuf tbe kid nea,and female comlaiuU- BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine has ihf name of the Proprie tor and a pine irre blown in the bottle. All others are spurious imitations. I'mc Fifty Cent ami ne Dollar per Bottle. Prepared oulby th Prttpneior, Dr . W H Wl H A RT, o. 1 0t North Secon Su Philadelphia, Pa For Sale by all Druggists 1027) I PALMER, ROSS K C O., , J (late l. palwkh isn ro. Lewisburg Plining Mill, keep constantly on hand and manufacture to order Flooring Mdfng, Doors, Sa.li, SliulterH. III1u2h, itluiildinM of all patifrus, and all other descriptions of Wood Work used in Building. Orders respectfully solicted and promptly filled. All work warranted to eive satisfaction If An extensive lot ol IUIIIbcr ol al' de.e.riplions no hand for sale. t'aelnry an iir(i Heciindnirut,Leuiiburg,l'a April 22, 1859. 0 4L- - Oil rriHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a lar?e assortment of ihe very best Sha mokin and Wilkes-Harre COAL, for linieand stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash. Also, ISItirktmUfts' Coat, Fhftrr and Halt. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man. Having good weish-scales, full weight will be given. Coal Vard near Weidensaul's hotel. GEORGE HOLSTEIN. Lewisbnxg, May 27,'S9. GENERAL ORDER, PHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company 1 having this day taken possession of the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, under the con ditions agreed on wilh the Philadelphia A trie Railroad Company, they have appointed JOSEPH I). PO ri'S, (ieneral Manager there- of, tn whom all Officers aud Employees will report lor instiuctions. J. EDGAR THOMSON", President Penn'a Railroad Company. Office of the Penn a Railroad I Co., 62. $ Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1862. General Order, No. I. To take Ef:cl on ami after Jm. 30, I. The WeNtern Il vision, from Warren lo Erie, will be under the Superin tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will be Superintendent of Ihe Western Division. His Olfiee will be at Erie. Employees on this Division will be under his" charge, and will make all communications respecting their duties or the business of the road, to hlra, except as otherwise provided in this Order. II. The KaNtern Division, from Sunbury to Wheiham. will be under the sup erintendence of SAMUEL A. ULACK. whose ttlle will he Superintendent of ihe Eastern Division. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will make all commu nications respecting their dnties or the busi ness of the mad, lo him, except as otherwise provided in this Order. III. The Account of Freight and Pas senger Business will, on the Western Divis ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C. HOfitJS, whose title will be Assistant Audit or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern Division they will he in immediate charge of THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As. sisiant Auditor. His Olfiee will be in Will, iamsport. He will also have charge of the distribution 'of Passenger Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees on eilhei Division. will be made lo the Assistant Audi tor ihereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets lo Thoxk M. Dvt. JOS. D. POTTS. Oeneral Manageiu Pennsylvania Railroad Company,") Lessee Philad. A Erie R. R, I General Manager's Office, f Williamsport, Jan. 311, 18f3. B FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, M ui on Market Square, Lewiaburp. IS A good supply of dial r ft, Table, Bureau. MantlN. Ac, on hand or made rder. DAVID INTER. f8S6 BULK FOR THE BULLION! THE undersigned intends supplying the citizens of Lewisburg wilh Pure Milk, commencing about the 15th inst. Persons wishing lo be supplied, will please pend in their names tn him, at the Lewisburg Bridie. I he Milk will be delivered (daily except Wun. days) mornine or eveninr. as preferred by a I maiorit, of customers. HAM L SLIFER i majority of customers. HA MX SLIFER. Lewisburg, April 10, 1863 tt 1 TTT. i r. i.,:. i W T . X N K S n V, r . .UiT.Ll IvO Conslablos.for sale "finied U fjder, at the Chronicle O&Sa- mi icmv m NEW GOODS! CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TOWN. " At JOII. Sql IRES'. Fine qualities Ladies Gaiter? at ?2. ' Best quality liomc-made Kid aud Mnrncrii Hoots at lare assortment of Balmoral lloots aud (i a iters at equally low prices. Opposite the Bank, Lewisliurg. 4jW' mm -sf ""una lor fZf rrirtB. 'iciinans l SZ CLOTHlhlti : .... ( "T7"HEUE w e will fiud a Urge assortment latest styles FALL AND WINTER GOODS! such s Trench an l English all wool I'lolh, from yi.MI up to $IO.ll. Knnny Boy' t;as- j sunere.an I Silk Mixed Cassimeres. Salinetts, Ac. ( lolllillK of all descriptions ; Men't ! BndBoys Wear V hole Suits for .ISjO that is, cloth coat, satin vest, cassimere pants. Hummer Suits fur $.1 50. A!m, a larze as sortment of Hats, Cap, Ac, Mtrh a. M'CJe! !an, (irihalili. Opera, hi?li and low crowned Hats. Hise, Handkerrhiels. Collars, Shiri, Suspenders, CmbreMas, erk Ties, &c. K0W IS TEE TIME ! to save from "5 to all per ceul., and get ihe l,afst Sivle. AIo, (inn.ts Cut and made to order, and in the lateit sivle. Always from five to ten haffrts al work. Call opposite J..hn Walls i Co.'s Sinre, Market street, Lewi!rnw. llec. I0I N. K. ZIMMERMAN For Rats, llre, Ronr-hrx. ints, l('l itiiux, .tlollisi in R'ur. TOool- 4'ii,&.'..liii'l loii riuuth,roM In. ! .iuimalM, &.(, Put up in -"c aihl $!.0 R. !o-s. B'-ttlnc and Flaskf. lana ' sic.-i f.ir llolfcLs, 1'1'lil lt' ISriTtllTUiMS, ac. oiil? iufullil.il. ivmiliif.. known." I ivr ir.'iu I'mai'Ds " .itt duuri.ii- ti tin- tliilnHn 'lml!y.,, KI ri.n,.- uut of thi ir u-i- tn dir."' T"Sold Whidesale in all large cities. Cirsoid bv all Druggists and Retailers everywhere tlf"'.'. '. Iti.WARK !!!of al', wcrthless imitations Irf that ost,h name is on each Box, Botile. and Flask, briore von buy. rA hires. IlilXUI K. C tTK. I ?-Pniiirii. Dipiir 12 ll iiovu. .. 1". Iff Hold by all VVIo.lesa.e and fteiail Driig gisis in Lewistmrg, Pa. Hi:i7inKJ JOHN II. BEALE, MEItCIIANT TAILOH AMI Gentlemen' I'lirnlNhln? Store. 1 Mirki t St.. just , ,te the lUinii, LEWISBl K(i. PA. t ne subscriber has removed into the new I fittid an t rmnmodious St .reronm of Thomas Keher.where he has jusi received a large and well seierteii io k ol MEN'S CLOTHING, Cloths. Casimeres. Silks. Whirls. Drawers, Ac. I also CI T A.M M AKE TO ORDER in the 1 best sivle and most reasonable term. Being j a praciical Tailor, and employing the best j workmen, I can conlii'eiilly invite boih ! and Ar Vwtumria do n't forget the siigu The-lied Door! May 2, lHfil J H BEALE Advantages of the KNTCKLKR WA8IIIX1; MACniXK. IjlOI! Ihe purpose of convincing the com tnunnv that ihe Knuckler Washing .Machine can not be snrpassed for ease and apidiiyin washing cloihes, I lake pleasure n referring to Miss Ma rah (iibhony. (laugh er of John Otbbony of this place.) who is eleven years old. weighs .15 pounds, an I does the week s washing lor the family 111 three nour), ami consolers it a very Itghi lob, with the assisiance of the -Knuckler." ' Machines and Browning's celebrated Wrin gers always on hand. DANIEL BROWN. Lewisburg, March 2, Idflt. THE: CallEtT American Tea Company, 51 VESEY STREET, NEW YORK, Since Us oraD, ration, ha crtttl new er in tb hie I fry of KrllinTKiS In this Conn try. ALL our Teas are Pelrtol hv a ly f-r qs. iii wm ttt'Te'r rhiir tTrr T.-Viuti LVnu) pvrptitind h(,T rOHt for onjinl piirkiatiiM. We bnvt txit tn Trio t -Trr onrdr mrh jnifclitT. nd tint prict i ih mnrk on av-b Muilr cfc &; l "ur fttter in plttin flurr. Wf w-u- aMfimhtv Prir. ,tt of nnrTw, whieh will b rnt rtfi to nil wbo t.r.-r it kOtuv t?fry T- Heller to r it. It comprint a full atmrtiuinl tu-lwt- d iirlmto 7wrtr!Bji,"B" U thm wH V"" S dif" ' tit. into tour ( lnfi or .Daliti. njuty : Car. , lliirh Cnrn. Kin, Kintt, that fTrj bi mi? unlr i aum.l irom uVsoriptinn ami the firing anni.xisl that tha ! ('nnipaoy ara ileWrmiueti to uauVraell Uie bola tva i tra.l-. W cuarantiss tn rell all our ti'3 in original pnekaei-p I at not orer Tn ivnt.s ,.1-r pound alor roiit. bi'lirTinn : this to bi- attrati tn thi- many who hare barrtiifiira tern pnlnir Kiiormoun I'rohta. ' Our l.uin"P in larei-l; iliui. on onlrra. whirh ve at. j wayp axm-uteaa wi-ll ami prumiilly as liioUL-h thi- l.nri-r j 11M111..11 ti, lnlc (nir vii;ntp ami lan-a. ami alwuya rimrantrrincrtrrrlliinir; our rrpponnihilira anahlii( us to ilo all aa pronoao. K-r dalrr ran nr.l.-r hia traiillrrrt from Iha.Oompanr. and partim d Inn hn.i nraa within r'lrr HundriMl .stiih mil, of Nrw York ran Ri-turn TVa bouelit of up if thi-T an- not . li-yp.r thnn thi-r ran huy rlsrwhrrr. ami tha purrha r iaili.-atistid with hia ha rcaln. within hiurti-n dar ( U , anil har- tin-Doni-T rrfumlrd to them. Thoae who arr ii-r lire Hundred ini lea ran har. Ihirty daytlSOland UiePame lirlvilraa rxtrmird tn thm. Ilraidi-p th adTButai.- thr Oo-npanr will par All fcinrnpea. both wayp. If hi- Tra ara returned. GREAT AMERIfAN TEA COMPANY, IJIMKTKlfit AND JOBBKRs. 1M M 'i'e r ST. , A" K IP TO ft K. New Stand---New Goods! JOSEPH L. IIAWN bavins taken tie J rooms under the Telegraph and Chronicle orTiccs.rerliied tbem.and tilled in aa extensive variety ol Ilitt, Ctipi, Gentlemen' $ Clothimi, ifr. Also a large and splendid stork of CLOTHS I a si f"b Psi a.- u l'l n '"',a !1'B:C'. whlch hf ' P ' orrfer.as he still continues the Tailoring Busi ness. He is prepared to execute all work entrusted to his care.to the aalislaction of ihe cuaUmier. N. B, Cuitin and Repairing- done I. order. Le wi&luig. f jrii io, i8Ci r hc'TfXi ! doom- , Fh... P"L? ei,.i3S1ff.ii"ir-JT iiiivina wvra a rrju ar a..fr-niiren.p in fetliij.f,-' y -me ..I the beM vh,.,. lU HluU.1, I h,.e t iiJVSSwys- j.--s&jS BI'RNKK- and i.;h'r Firures I rays on Barkcijc Jllntucr lUap.cr, For the Harvest of 18G4! tKCt,'KKD. BT Thirty-Four distinct Patents! - 1HK ,hl1,r... i i.ro..f iu Uperi..r mer An.t us rrnuiaiii.n is .i well e-wblched llii mrf ns iiiiroiluniinn ihr mjinulariurer have hero eulirrly unable to supply ihe (temaiiil. We will call attention If. a few of it poinls of excellenre and ihe larmrr to give It persoual examination. The Two Driving-Wheels, &c. fi... Ttvii !! IVIi; MHKK1.M the Pawls and Springs, by which the machine may be thrown oul of pear, or be backed wnhnul vibraiinz the knives ihe S'eHCoiler ' liar-tl.e Wrought Iron t;Uar.i, w.lh Hardened : Mieel Face or Cuiunz Ude I he Uooble- H,ne,i !"n. by which the ..n.ter Bar may j be Folded ihe Ion- Crank fhalt ihe S'eel Spring and Wheel, by which Ihe Culler Bar j may be'rasrd and lowered so as lo cut a : low to Ihe ground as inay be de-ired-the j Steel Pitman and Brass II. xim I.ighi Draft (no Mde l),al!)-..o we.-ht on the horses' . n,-cks harks as easily as a cart all f which form a cniiinaiii.a of advantages ! which no other machine possesses. - j No (learinK m the Driving Wheels. I A learn of horses weighms 9 bs. each.! lie"" ........... - will cut an acie ol srass an nour wun rase, J he tnacnme is mrnisnru wi.ii io i.unn liars one for cutting era, and the oilier lor cuittnj erain (each eiprekly adapted to the use intended). No et!. ui will be wanting to maintain the It'ii keve in theenviable position U duw occu pies, thai id' hem? ihe Best Ilichine in the World! Dunn;; laM harvest hundreds of Farmers, iu consequence (if -ur iiiatitity to supply the demand Mere unaMe H rLidin .the liurk'tr. and were l.-reed tn purrhase an ini'eunr marlime. 'I'he continued srai'dty of laborers and the new rails from ine mvenimeni fur irot.ps, ui!l taKe many more lih.-rers from Ihe c i.itm v. and Ihe lar.ner will have lo relr et.tireiy up:-n machinery jn gathering his hav an l cram cri ps. Farmers who wi.ti! ! avi id di-appointment in pr(euru;v a Luche)e ran &end iu their iT'lers liou-. W e are n w preparej to CI orders for the comin' HJtrvp.i. V.Ve. .l.iKi:R WAM.-. SliUINEK A CO. MaMttacturrrs or K'-v-o.re Clover Hul.ers. Ac., i.ewisi-tir'j, I'ihoo Ci.., Pa. i;t:i lilll;iiient. k b ijri.rii, .'t.iiket St., rear lud at shoil uuiire. O li. EVANS ii-l-urs', rs'pt. 14, lsi'3 I IXDSEY'S hrTiw Li itfMJH! Mituc ni:R,vrr A ST A OA HI y.Fttlt lF For tlir pj-itf.rmlii-n) nl -ff.--t uaJ rurt rf A I.I !ajt krtririi tri-ni l.ilL n 1 1 V ur 111 t LLooI i 'Pill? nn-llfii.f hnn wroijm tlif m't m raculoD-cur in 'iVf-iteratr 1 I i UlHDfUU" ll!-liff!f rittn;''? II t'.r .'. . J. -tir 1 rn l .- t-rr, Ti f.T T:. iv- i -j .'-.'iniice, !..;-. KrP. SltHlrl Hiit hhr-no ;itir !i(Krdrr.-", .It ilfO'ti. !.(v,-r C. uM-i.mit, I l' A;ptttf, "I F-til St, .mir-h. Kfni!.r. tin :i-iit ir, J-U -li-ufiliaf 111 thriroriio iu tu iiufurt ttf of the f-U.fi i Tli nhnri- i. jortrail f'f Oavi.l MTri-arv or Vnri. i Twp-wlK'.outh-.ii.tda, of Au;u-t Is.-.s.b,,,!.,,., . i-i-l-ri .l..-t:-.. (i..-.r, :l.,,T 1. W. tn.Htr.l In.tl, . I V !..ii cf It.- l.. :.-. l rCoM.-e. Ciiirir.Tinti. ft,, r."r J i ot ni-rl Mtl.t kii.ntlis. m m itl.stmnoiii l,irh Sii i,u i 0..1 o p., , i,.. ..I Ult !': ,.i't s-r t:,.:t ,' uir.iV.' Ill- hu tnirt, , ,1! ,..p,...h.D I.. hi.Mntlhr "I11I..1.I ser.li--r."inj wa iT.itiii-. to:r it. K'.itr bi.t : tlr. ur..l tin. i. I iltm-u.-li .J1 ,:i.6i:arl i th.r. is no iu.nnon km tl,i iiiTsluiii.l.' iin jiinr fnT.d Mp lite Tll mil .srirulrp ! Iii-rrmrk.hl. r,r ma, b,m.D in t'in ulr to lie lip.l i f ,r.r i.f Ih-A'T-otp. j we l.i. ivfr-r t" r.s.-of iri'- lllkiM-T.or KlilfrlfB. , ArBiiron,.. I's . rurt l ot ri.iiL.,IVr beiuu uuM tt g.-t out of hwi f,.r ,1 rfs. y,,,r, I To 111- rw of. t., l in l'inr.rUV.risr(t-ldr'o.,who ' w alo sl!iii-ti..l mrh s. -olul in ;ts oriii form. . i it i in re- i'n "-ci ill - ir i; lo me c-a-e of IJ. orL'e M.-i.... r...i.lm in r...oton ' """" i e. hD .. i tit aSiiotii with t'snn-r , , off, anj bison- ww if mr i nrifoUrtvof t hftf ruae-pTurr nnp cf wMfh tm cnrwl ( y u'.f th-Hlm. arrlior" bmt nlo b fcund in n rin-n)-r t" h h-d hit uf the tfrent. I-K. H. KHSFK. rntprltMor. PIKvhurr, P. t.Faffi"intt.r tr flit- miiurnr-ttirf ati.l ,. tifr thm P'-nn'.' r:ailril Dfpot. Ii'ii.jiT-biir(r- P. M-l hy Ci. '": liud a iiimm-ir-h-b. Fsrm.iriit.: Curamlnrt tt tmr. Ilartlaton: D. II. Klwll. Mifflinhura: I.. S. .mm. Hinarld; .-hin.il, a Vt (.o.ll.r, llnna-roar: A SUmm 14 .lla us mr Sal re! THAVE on hand for sa'e. at 25 cents per pot. a CERTAIN CI'RE for that distres sing disease. Il is an old preparation, lone tested, which I never knew lo fail, and I ran eve ndmes of P"'M l. those a-king 7 ' . t. , e l ' HAKLr.! WAI ? 3d street, opposite C. F. Hess, Lewisburg, Sept. 3. For sale also at Goodman's Store. . Science still on the Advance! ' ITidEoX aid it-t-hani- cal Urillinl. Oilier in lhe Dr. Brueser's new building.. Market street, (western entrance, up siairs) LKYMMUt'KU. Or.BlUI.A.N is now constructing the Non sectional Itlurk work, baked on I'laiina base, which for cleanliness, beauty and strensth nas no ecnai a so tee'n mounted on lhe yar- X . . . , , ious liasea in use and having had a long and extensive rraclice. and hems rerfectly i familiar with every department of his proles j Hon. he feels safe in warranting entire saiia faction in all his oper.ninnn, which shall he I carefully and skilfully performed." Please call and examine specimen. The , superior qualities of the Non-sectional work will he evident io all who wtl' . ii an im partial examination. I'r. HuT .a the only person who constructs this e j.ienl work in this section ofrotintrv. rCharcrs. shall t .rrespom' with the i limes.. Lf uist'.u,-, bt-pi. 1, ' JJ1 i ft 1 . 'v 'i-'' s - s ; .:' ,: I I U. S. 10-40 BONDS. rnHESB Bon are ioJJanrfr ib, 4e, I (lf Uonrf i of March iia, lufij, wiljf prtiTiitn that a!l BibJ ivmfd oari,r ih Act shall be KXFMPT TROM TAXATlOw bj or un-lrr any kiale or muaicipal aat - j l-nited Maira note, or not of i al Bank. They are Tl BE KDEEVtEft , . i;ti, al Ihe pleasure ol lheG..trnn,,(I ; ( iy p,nj ,, than Urn wre 1 friu utnrt from lhir date, and onnl vm J " r-i-i-r ivTt,; ' rr'iriirjirii.ii w n '- ' - ... a&ai W Il.l. BE r.ll IX t'JI.H, oa Muodk 6f over one humtied dollart annually and ;tl , o'her BouJ aemi-annually. The iniertx . , - . . . payaoie on ihe tirsi oay ol March aad a, irml.rr in each year. Bub.cribers will receive either Rrri,.lnl Bijn., ,D , ( r . , " ,.., of the V. M. Trea-iurer, and can be iran.l.r, only on ihe owner's order, Cnnpoa R-i, are pilvi,ule ti bearer, and are more c0L fr commercie.1 oses. hubscr.bers to th loan .! have .heopuo, "f hav,n their Bonds draw intereji fri), March 1st. by paying the acrrurd lattrisi ia c,,,n(,.r in I.'nited Mtaie. noielir thtB0,H of National Bank., addmg m, PrCti,L premium.) or receive ih"m drawing ,artt, i irom mr ui uu.iiiii(n ln,j dvpotii. At these IJonds are Ktraipt rrem Hualrlpal mr lut Taiatlaa iheir value is increased ttum n to tht cent per annum, according tu the tai ot tag levies in various pans of the country. Al the preseul rate uf premium en joLJ Ihey pay Over Ei?ht Per Cent Interest in currency, and are of equal cooveoiBfi a permanent or teinpmary investniiut. It is believed thai no securities offer great inducements to lenders as the vanou l descriptions of I'. S. Bunds, lo all oik , forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of ; private paries or su ck companies or tpa. rate coimnuntties only is pledged for par. ' merit, while for the debts of lhe I'nitrdfe in ; the whole property of the conniry is hr.;n : to secure Ihe payment of both principal aad interest in coin i The.e Biids may ba subs-ribej for ia sums from np to any magm:iue, oa the same terms, and are thus made equally avaik able to ihe smallest lender and ihe largttt rapi'aiist. Theycan be converted iiiUn)t,oey at any moment, and the holder will uarc laa benefit of ihe interest, ii may he nefnl to state in this eonttion I that Hie total Funded Debt of the railed 1 Siates on which interest is payable in tolj, I on the 31 day uf March Iflfii, was $;6.1 ' lioo. The interest on ihis debt for thecori ij fiscal yi-ar will be 15,u:IT,l Jfi, while tb customs revenne in Rold lor theeurrrai fxal : year, ending June ;ioih, lM. has bera so far ; at :'ne rale of over $ I UU.iliiu,oi0 per annua. It will be seen that even ihe present gold revenues of the Uovernmeni are largely ia : ftrf. of the wants of the Treasury 'or the 1 payment of gold interest, while lhe rcceol meiease ol ihe tariff will doubtless raise lhe , annual receipts Irorn customs ia the sam a, n Hint of iniportatiobs, to $160,000,000 per aniiiim. Instructions i,i the .National Banks elni( I as loan aenis were nol issued from the t'nited Stales Tresaury until March 2ff, bai in the first three weeks of April iheschsenn tions averaged more than TE. MILLIONS A WEEK. ."'inscriptions will be received bv the ; tlltsl ITIOVL BOX OF D Willi!, mri. I and hv all A wTMiVtl, lttHS j which are deposnar.es of Public money, and ial I REiPECTA RLE BANKS AND BA.VKRR8 j throughout the country, (acting as agents of 1 the National Deposit Banks.) will furnish) further information on application and .mono FUKT ruuiTi TO HI Kills. Mj e. lsMmlrieo cnw. M,so MASON & CO. T VNtiRAVFLS and STATION FR3. 1 J SOT Chesmnt St. PtiUutkiim. .WisIJiiic isCrl nt the n-we.t ,til.-p Tiptin isi hu.inr. I aria, ri,rrj am prioiod at th. slMirtaM miitc. A vr. finl .rtatrBt of HNB SUlKiMTT lwav nn hn.. Initial, i fclor.alKl .Ttr T.rielvaf Koib..-iiiir. artuttrm'ls riorutad. An. pitpp of ruaj ail Knai.oM mail, to oriiir Juna 20. 1SSS rrilE subscriber con- a- tinues io carry on tnej l.lvrrjr KiiNln?tt!i ai the Old Maud nn Southl Third street, near Market, and respectfall solicits ihe patronage nt his friends and t public generally. CHARLES F. HES8. Lewisbure, May SS, 1H.MI HTOC0I0L0QI! ACl RIOlSand entenainnp little Bock (all about .Matrimony. Money, and ath : er mailers.) for the amusement of every lad ,1,, ,.,, fiL. ...s ' , a ",e J"-, n f?lk' al) OD lon '"'' rveinng.i, rainy oays, etc rnee, 30 cents. Wholesale, IS Cents, fenl by mail for se 3 cent stamps. For sale at lhe - Star 4 CAron icW office. WOKDEN CORN EL I I S. Pahliphera, Lawlakwrg, Fa musicians ! assortment ol a. Gui'tt, and Banio firings. Briitges. Pecs. Ac. and th best Vtoltu Rosin call al the Post Office ant examine. W FORREST wrPIC-NlC.-w " Wrtl Jump lato the W.Roa, and all tak a rije i I.AKfiE. handsome i i'V and yerv coinl'oria i ble U iwOf has been a hited up lor the especial aruommodalion a Pic-a lie and other similar excursion. Teraj moderate. Appiy lo JOS. M". HOLgEL. Lewisburg. June 3. 1S59. " 1 Ji tywi j $Uf & JLtiburg i)tw. lyfiKPExi'K.xr family jorsyjl lae Krldas al Ualsharx.lalaa raaat. mat TFR.VS- ft Ml par yrar. to pi para m apvasn aaj at thr eamr rai- lor h narror.bortar erwsa. Tfcoa, rtp will pav t-r t ui pieatha. TS rta fur mix apr.nlba. I1 hireifhl moiitha. 2 so), for aiitera winntha, S Ji-tlrr yrwra. $6 h.r ft.nr iipr-a onr jaar. ale lor tea f ''T? rar. me. fiurlr No p rtp. Pajaarata If w'1' ,rJ Twiml In gold, J-o-lapr ataaopa. or bank neOP yalur hrre. aloat kind of I'rcdaca n-orirm ia Pf'j M4r H hrn thr tiaie rspirea air whieh a paprr i (unlraa wr barr a running afrowal it ia rTOI'l'K". , - M aqoara oar werk. Ibala aark aftrr laarrtfc. add awaaj month., s,ioi. Pnm. ii.it a ar,uar rta. i doi.adol. Twoniaarri.u..ii.a.oo. MrrrhaBt; adtkptisi arvrp nandaoanrtj pahltabrj. at ' n.'t orrr one-lonrih of a roluntn, JO del. per yrar. -jflj pi7i-a. r. pp mar he aprmt npoa. a pauarr " j a amallaat liar, or 1 r( raat largrr. Arrtiaraawa ' drnoralirioa. illraal.oi awindlina trwdrrry art adalt rra. I Communiranona aVairrd on . pira of pro-ral irt"--nd sr-mpanird h thr writrr'a rral aaparpnd Tha MAIiNKTK'TKI.Kl.kaell la loratrd ia ,K 1, oth Sur J rlr.i. J..tiy wj irb wrefli- iaarrt IPP,' Nwa in adaanrr rf Ihr 1 hllad. Xatla. fc.pKwt Trprrrt. .1 wilh rh. .fPrr arr aaiplr matrnpl tnr a Una, of JCB PKlNTIHO.whk-bwni a)""" Dratnra ai.il itraiiati-b aril en reaaowabla Irrasa l . j W Carnal adrrrtja-wrala to h- a r "" "ZZ b,-.l..l.Workwhrn.wli.rml. A!'M'"'r"rt WHI'kx Nlkc"r'"'"',"l'-7?w-IJI, i jLir wukcwjia-wt-1 : Attention, i SLTVjrV A larse ; S-a.f-& Violins. Ouilars. -.1-- kinds also Violtt