HIBIillVfi mn mm) mnn im 'TilE UN'IO.N." e.JdiilisheJ in IS1 1 Yvhcle Xa.. 2.67S. "CHRONICLE," established ia 1313 Whole No., 1,JS7. BY O. ' WORDKN AND J. R. C011NELIUS. Al tH-SO per Tear, aUvajn In A.linticc. LEWISI5URG, UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, JULY 19, 18G-L infill mm lol Jl. Ml SjllflMUlili life BSD NIIIMIIII KKMIhKKLt Tuesday Morning & Fri.Iay Afternoon, AMEMIMUNTS TO TlIK fONsTITl HUN. Fur Fur Firtt A'urtitleti'iil. I l 'if .Vr-oof Ami wtttirtit. I'ur ttt Third Aimiiitiu'iil. .1 Vote far ALL the Amendments ! Election it Tues !ay, Any.. 3. lsfit Turn out ami Vote for the Amendments TnEi'.n is D.N(ii::'. ok losim; thf. proposed Amutioxs to on: iatk CoXKTITITIoX ! This danger arises mostly from apatuv, or ovKU-coxriiiuxcK. There is, no doubt, a very lame majority of the ijualified voters in favor of those ! Amendments, but of what uvail will ' that Ik: unless t lit votes are polled? Our people ure too sure of .success they are not alive to the canvas, they lire not making their arrangements to vote, they have no tickets, and very many know not when or how to vote tlie tieket they approve. llv Mich a lack of earnest, concentrated, intelli-; Kent action", the majority party i as well as the larger army ) has often lieeti surpri-ed iiml routed Jiut IMMTIVK (ll i-ilMTK'X i alriO too evident. Jn every State, a msijority of the so-called I einocratic party lia.s in one wuy or anoiher opposed tho riolicy of allow inir Soldiers to" vote. Not one modern Democratic paper in 1 eniisylvai.ia nor their State Con- eniiuii nor any ouiny l onveuiioil that we are aware of, has aitkoVKI of the measure. On the contrary, a number of the leading uien and news papers have (and do.) more or less openly or seiietlv, oitoskii it. Nor. C:iu tiiis opposition lie much wondered at lor xixk ult ok ti;x soldiers will vote Ait.MXsT tiiis fjle Iieinoeraey ; aud tlio-u wiio want the It .liellioii to fcu.-taiii itseH' until alter the Presiden tial Election, wouid naturally desire to reduce the Atiuiiitisli-iitii.il vote as much as pos.-ilile. The Soldier Vote of Oiiio was-lo.ooii Aiui-' liemo!:ratie" majority : in the same ratio. Pennsyl vania would t;ive fiO.Otif) or tjii.(HM ("in additio'i to Ciirtiu's l.'i.iiti(i) majority for crashing out the Kelielliou an 1 its cause utterly and speedily as possible. IVeed we wonder, then," that Uerks, Columbia, Northampton, Westmore land and other county leaders of the majority openly denounce the policy vf ."oltiiors voting in the field '! Thus much for plain facts and fair inferences. Consider llieta. It is, moreover, ai.i.k.;i:i that thore arc eoiiibi.tations-K'.C. Cs and other wcret cabals coti.-pirin to lull into 1 fai.-e security tlie soldiers' friends, at the same time they are rallying their forces to defeat the measure. They pay (with probable truth) that the wddicrs vote would kill their party: notice, nunc naturally, tney oppose eonuers voting, lliey also say vil- lamous and wiiliil lalsehooJ! that if : vry, black pnldicra : the amendments car cau vote : these men know that only whites are "NitialiiieJ electors" when ... . -ci nuun iiiut uuir tit home, and the amendments do but cotitinu the rioiit oi whites to vote ' in the held, without in any tray ex tending the right to colored soldiers. Preposterously false as this bugbear is, it is yet used to prejudice that class who" think that the only constitutional j and scriptural use of the African is to j Lclp the Rebellion ! '' Now, is it not obviously proper' tbat an alarm should be raised, and j the success of the Amendments made ; Enre ? It would be sad to lose them. I Think Low licndish would be the exultation of CopperhcncU and Rebels 1 if Pennsylvania should eonlirm Wood- j ward's decisiou against .Soldiers' votes! ! How unjust to our 100 days' men. who ' would thereby be deprived of their anticipated privilege of voting, next October ! What a bar to enlistments for the next tall, to know that a man who risks all that is dear iu life for liis couutry, will be punished by his deprivation of any voice in the elec tion of rulers! Think how it would unnerve tho arms and fadden aud sicken the hearts of our brothers, at the gates of Richmond and of Allan- ti In I no rn fli.it vliA i-isii-i i . In if 1. a sT a 1. 1 Keystone had, by a deliberate vote at ' their quiet homes, decided to ostraci.se Irotu the ballot-box the very men bv ' vhosc valor aud suffering aud hazard they have a country ' ! , -To avert such a'fatal mistake.wo ' have l.nt -pwrw . i ' stimub.iP i . J rr . T bumuutc to proper efforts the houcst inasscs who favor the Amendment. uycau uc carried by a majority perfectly overw heltniug-or they u.ay be lost by a trilling vote. Awake'' arouse! ensure their success I 0,,e vote, now, in ly be worth two in Oct. or Nov. Remember Tuesday, Aug", k'd, is the day for tlie election. ftirTbe Wheat harvest is protty much fiuibhed m this region. It has beeo very AT "voratle weather fur tho work : and. aver- 6 auu iuc pan vieius. we fair. 'W'o!lDdruttif,err V"0"" l00k H S-Th8 le'lin Copperhead lots of good butter for Commencement!) ; psper ia Cork, county .tylcs the recent trS-Tbe lSCI Graduating Clase of the I llel)e' robber raid, "Confederite expe J uiversity at Lewisbnrg have their Tree dition." And tbe German Copperhead tWS!!Z?l??Itoy "e-! rg.n, speaking cf tb. proposed Amend j W hive Lwirburglt iro'Settlemeot , feot restoring to soldiers the right to vote, 'th';3,'I to put in typo is tooo we says, "What tbe Lincolnites desire, mast - eomm.ud time. ' 'way, br r-g.rded with ea.pioiw." , Commknokment W tKK is lit hand, and I Carefulness as to Facts. promises to he of unusual interest, j The fjllowing paragraph we believe ia I Rev. Dr. Eldy, preacher of the Sunday ' as near tho truib as can be uow asoer I afternoon discourse, was receutly Speaker taiticd, and ia view of tlie vaettiess-of tlie of tbc M..cbtl.e... Assembly, and uow : (as also i. Mr.Castlo, evening preacher) t I successful lasiur in Phtladel. Monday evening, tho Academy give an entertainment, the proceed.! for tbo use of the Christian Commission. I Tuesday, at 3, 1. M , public addresses i froiu able uii(iir.r. rs aud iu the evening, from two accomplished graduates. The speak, r before the S icieties is ao educated Irish gentleman of acknowledged talent, now entraged as literary editor of the Philad. J'reu. Public Examinations as usual. The graduating claM g are respectable iu u a to her and in attaiumrtita. Toe UufTiloe lju-e being closed, our citiuus may bn called upon for special etideavors to accoinuiodate fricuds from a distance. Only $30 Bounty to 103 Days' men. Iu our Ut, we stated the fut thai eaob of tbe ComiuisMiincr9 of I'ni n county agreed (as such) to pay 100 to tbe per- ' sous niuired tofid tbsoallafor Volunteers from our county as 100 diys' men. Since theu, they have rttluad the bounty to j;.)0. W e have uotbioK to oUer as to the first or last sum named but we must say tbe public mind with a monstrous false it is a very unfortunate thiiic to tntle hood ! with tbe public in this tnauncr. Officers! composing a board should do and promise uoihing as individuals : all should be d unc together, at tbeir proper office, aft r due consultation aud examination : and when they bave arrived at a decision, stand to ''ks men, regardless of outside pressure prior to or after tho conclusion. It will be seen that it is not the fault of either recruiting officers or editors that tbe bouu- ty promised aud expected is reduced oaa Uilf j TKr c I Tb8 True Spirit. j Mortimer KaEss,of Lycoming county, in the fo'lowing letter to . H.Kress, gives ' a practical illustration of the spirit which .1 1,1 Jl k .),..! peace may be conquered. Long may bo live aud ctjiy tbe full fruition of the well founded free government which be is striving to re ca'aliiish ! Tl'rneu's Lank Hospital, 1 Philadelphia, J oly 10, 18Ct. j Pear Fa'h'ir! Tbe rural life with mo is at an end for tbe present. All those (bat are willing lo do anything for tbeir ay, bave a chance to do so now. I ; am not the one to stand back idle in such a time as this so I will leave the hospital, in tho morning, for Ibe scene of strife. lVrhapq you may think I bad better s'ay where I am but I oao not do it any lon ger, tor when I cnlUtcd I did it with an infontinn rif tlninii till that 1 ir .,'. tn , for my county, which I shall adhero to. "' " . "-Wednesday last, at Harrisburg, the i;iiiOwiDa aatidiouai uraitri were ini i.U'i c to fill the place of thoie exempted, and half to cover probable exempts in this liraily. Chmrl.u Wftlt Anlr-w rtuiMll Diijjjlor. AMm K.b t'harln. M rll Shuiiil-I Hurmt VVm ll:.k"r Oeuru Kcuglr Situurl Mathers 7'Jf TiiiJI 'iAB. Atrhm AurD4 AnJrew S'-chler ll iiijft'X! .1-1. KUno Uaui.-l Uillr Jcha Luclity Irsl BaTer J hn Kliu Ilirtlry. Henry Dorman li ir it. Ira Ctbrmma Is:iciihury. Rolrt W-nJI. Jopb M ll.iusttL K. U. Nr.!,.!, V. m. r.ramtrr, llnry ll.trtua.i, AImui llH,lal.a,Th, J..,h Mi.-r, Cb. (. I'unkln, Anil. O.flU'lprfr, ttf..iri.i l;ma, Jr.. J'i.ph Sheperd, llrttrr (luiih, V. ilin S. kvut, A. lK.narhr, Krsnlllio SlMrliMQler, Ii.nlel Newman. m. Nap. I. W.C. Mendel, Win. M Reber, I'et-r Xenlae, ThM.4or C. Taj lor, h.ibert Chatuoerltn. Ijimettonr. Benjamin Chamtr. Daniel Shradar Mijtftinhury. Jam LAvres John V Barher fiolouoo Engle Uenry O Uogenrair Union. Ii.no eteUar Sen Harmindlnc White Deer. John Camptiell Hahlou tilrket To report, at Sunbary, Thursday next, 21st July. 8 ""lury Tdyraph h.s ,n eaterlilaiDB "tio about "The hTe Dmhcr o mei coming from the, c,,nb-rl,nd llcy Wlll & t0 an 0 g"'"''- ' teems to us here that "hir1 ot ,he ''e f"' men from th . "h" rB ble to ride a horse or a mole - om bere "ith 9nni extravagant nnrh.n. . .t 6 stories perhaps a week old.' We suppose those chaps will all want pay for their time aod horse feed ! WThe leading Democratic paper of New York, thus speaks of the Slavehold ers' Robellion : " No sensible man ean dnnv tbat the cause of tbe Confederate States, in tbe : Preeot contest, is much stronger, and j thcir T'ht qiestionable, than were : those of tbe thirteen colonies in their oon- i test with tbeir mother fan n ta-n it? ar n i. . ' ootest waged is ccor.gi..g . to our future power to ci.tnj Icte our nationality : 'Il';v. Dr. Foster, of Springfield, MaiiS., in a review of tho war, stated thrat one bad ml r.ou citrlit nniioroo winu.n.i u.".i beeu c ,t'..l i,,K,h- n-' l uwltl"m Hti,4 hitl'jt tiinl fliii mi'i n i't 1'ii. tn jinK-r ; !,ou kuutlml it a I li-a tkituminil turn huj ,(,1 kiu.J, w..uudeJ, or made pri.ooera. Mi.ce iLe war be.-an ; and et, such was, our recuperative power, that, in tbe m"an- time, four hundred and eighty-seven tinu- chimI youug weii bad LuCuiuo of military 8e- Thaf is. wo have not l -.t ba'f ao many men bs Lave Lee ine of age in all thia time, (to say tolling of gains by iuimi graiiun.) aetfVet, (who Vfould believe?) one half mir papprs publish the above emit tiny nil the ic ii Ji in italic and brackets That is, they fay "ono million eight huudred thousand bavo bteu J.il't'l, iciuivUJ or mihV pritunem," when Dr. Foster mis tbe liuiuher of sued wad but two hundred and ton ilnusand ! ' Wha' uros-carelessness in loyal editors! what wicked sc.iuodreiisui ia those who tbug intentionally mutilated and falsiS-'d the recur J, m orj. r to toi ture ana uara-s '7V M' ' Vie'lun lLtpital liwlyrt" is ' 6!nan s,ee', ''published once in i tbile from a I'bilad. soldiers' retreat. T.il.li. Lewis Esq. we recognizj among tbe Clerks and Dr. S.C.MTorinick iu care of Wards 31 and 32. Tbe followioa is a capital testimonial from a "M'Clellau" paper: u j;, ul Li.,m!n.C,r3Vpng with a imiuistraiive rpiesiious more d'tHcuIt and d. licate than ever before tried tho sagacity and murage of one s'atestnen, be has su borne hiinelf that every loyal heart c- 'a','!ei-?(-"' ,uo ft''T, ability, and taet which si(;nalizj the character of our first maistraio. That history will assign him a conspicuous rank amjug great rulers, is no longer doubtml. Th fill.iaiiij renort for .Tun sbowa a hospital's magnitude and changes : Patients at lust report Since admitted Patients transferred returned to duty discharged deserted died 1,493 512-2,010 33 5 31 4 287 1,7J3 j Remaining on hand Tho "deserters" bavo mostly taken "French leave" to se their frieuds. itr. Cinoinniti j iirnil misos a per tineiit cjmmeut upoo VallauJihain aad his martyrdom : ch least 'him .l. . i .1 - t . -.: . e .1 . . loai Ufl was (ue " oii'v va-'im ui ueuaiiu pwer iu ,ho country." Nov., according ! 13 the way bis friends nave talked tor soiuo timo past, there should be a large -vaiiunuignain seem, ..so ... ua.e ocriltg wfao hay9 B j (0 craw, - dom" are doolainilDg agiiast Federal usur-j -JAR. 8. II. KXIUHT. of Lewisburs. hirin? ' It ""' '-,ne1. ,u:c1!; Uait, FH. scged bis uiiul on ao other subject; al H..hill . ..H .., s .k 1 nation, it is refreshinu to find such heartv Ii had twenty-five vears' nract.ee. oilVr. 4V. Hk' tf,s- oils, lnoves. Masks. , there is a wide difference between ,m f6,. .,- . :,....: ! ibniM to thn nlflmennc r.f mir fiovem. i h.s services to li.ose who are a:lictcd w.ih ". '-nrkscrews. U..g Collars, Ac, coo. f tit t "iiuvj vi iui.il pi-viii ticiiiiui a uuu-usl j - - . .,, . s ia til v on uana aud ii;r sale w ha pkh And and "bis friend," concerning it. In A ;., .i ' mens a. thi. from aa old fashionod Ilema. i d'eased Lyes or Lars. Toe foU-wing u cb , "B,K"a"r .i?? ! . M, M sneech at .la.n.i.nn. the exile declared " V". . " VZ . , " , .... itv. T.maa T .. Mt, 7. ' "l TratiocBi.l. : i ' :nZT2mnu number of such viciims. What brconi-s Uranch lUHrlin, that the route contem of tbe rest of tho "lou-, blessed company . pafe fjr tnja roa(l Las been surveyed by of martyrs r ( Wiio U tbo "gonuino original Dr.Jaoob , Townscnd's Sarsapirilla t" I SX-.V soldier in Crooks' command of r ii - tv i-'t,-lAO i ton, West Virginia, says : "The impression on my mind about tbe ' rebellion is that tbe It ibds are now using! their last man, last dollar and last loaf of : bread. There is absolutely nothing in re-1 serve. ll oeaien now, mey Eoupsuuueu- t r i . .i ii ly aod" surely. We oouid see this every- ! where. Tbc iat card is now being played, i and. if lost, all is lost for them. 1 do I knnJ. .., n-nnl. .ill h.M o. nn rn.,.., I r..t,. , .... wna nappens ro ran. or anyuo.y c se. , 7'" ' Z 17. ,: ;nj i i " : 7. ". , ; uo-, .Uc, preiw Duojugauuu 10 auoiuer ' ' " w parli'ist Saturday, at Ilarrisburg,Camp Curtin, fifteen hundred men for the 100 days' service were reported for duty, and others were arriving. Tbe fifth Uuioo League Regiment is forming in Philad. under Col. Neff. (No Democratic Regiment, yet.) IcSrTbo Miners' Journal states that Rev. J e, .- elected pastor of the Qer. Ref. church, Pottsvillo. True Union Harylander, 70 years old. Rebels under (iilmore, visited Isbmacl Day's residence durinz their raid. lie had erected a Union fl.g over bis gate. They ordered him to take it down. He ZffJZ" .t T 7, I - i . "i T " i Y"ur Vcn",an H"rse Umm"it s,iu" onr"r said : "Gentlemen, you may take my f""' "hclL b"rl',h ,M'0,- 1' a.ed a, a horse medicine amongst farrier. orscs and my cattle, or burn my house to tbe rrouod, but I will shoot any man tbat touches that fl.g." When tbe rebel, approachod, Mr. Day fired, and wounded one, aod then made his escape, three shots being fired after. Ihey burned nis Dam aud bouse. On Tuesday last tbe Reading Railroad was formally taken possession of by the United Stales Government for military purposes. The engineers aod others of the employees of tbe Road being on a strike for highor wsges, tbe Government this week brought on from Washington a sufficient force to insure its management, o tbat i'.e supply of coal should not ma short. From a Democratic Soldier of Erady Township. I aru iu better health siuce I have been in tbo arm, lb... cv.r bef-re. Siiioe we left Columbia, Teuo , we bave neen baid times ia the way of ti .hting. We are oo the left flitik of filierinin's army, bicb J bas drivu the enemy from Kmei-aw 1 . niountujaj 0!, f the stroogest p sitioim i ho bad. Jobuaon now has to come out ; J ana ou "Tel DU PeD c,"lulrJ- i uc "uuu uog nnermau is joDuson j calls biui) is holding Johnson to prevent ; big reinforcing Lee at Kiehmon'i. r'fty I tl 0I10 huujr..j Jcaertera cnue in to us J Jiily ; they say they do oot believe Jobu- . . . . . . GeatA. hhi ; they think tbe Rebellion is hopeless, j Jolioson has lost oue-tbird of bis army, ' while Sbtrmau's luss is comparatively small. Yesterday, twa companies of our divi sion went down to the river, to a Jjrge woolen factory, and a Urge cotton factory, over which the II- In had displayed a French and au Kngli.-h flip, to try aud save ibeui : we took five bales of uiushu and a lot of woolen goods, aud Luruei thu fa(;t ones Well, Mr. S., bow arc the Copp-rbeada getiiuj; along 7 Do tbey still think their Suu,heru friends will train their iudepen deuce, or do tbey think tbeir cause is op the snout? Wo would sooner shoot tbein tban Rebels: for there ia a little man!i. ----- face, aad you kuow what to do bat there is no telling wbtt Copperheads will do t I have not teen a Union county paper . since I left Lome. Seud me the Star & ! Chronicle, and I will remit as soon as we : gi fa'J "ff- Writo soou excuse basta yours truly. Samuel W. IIaoEXHCCH. , iVr, A'-. j ' ! lloituiiii.K DkaTII. John Morgan, a j boy about lelve years of age, son of j David M rgao, of this borough, came to Lis doutb cn Saturday last. Ue was s-anding upon the bridge which crosses ao caunl opposite the Pennsylvania Iron works, whites so arranged ,Lt tbe force of tbe boat against it pushes it around upon a pivot, and allows the bout to pass Ibroagh. A boat was about to pass tbe bridgo, threw him from his footing, and be fell between the boat and tbe brido which crushed him to death. This fear ful accident should be a warning to pa rents. Diinville Ih.mitcrat. Th. .i;.nf tl. V r.7. tf.,;r The editor of tbe aVw 1 jrk VorU, wl.i s artetl in lite a poor boy, and aided by a euaruaoie tain 10 goi an euucanon in me I expectation, ifjaot under the promise, that be would devote himself to preaouiug the fi ispel, rails at Mr.L:ucla as 'Ja rail split-j tin u buff ion." and at Mr. Johnson ss "a boorish tailor." It takes the sort of dem- r- -,,, k ,l, .. 1.. .. f j . , ."!?'- " 'a- Jersey Shore & Pine Creek Rail- ROAli Wa understand, eavs the Wo,t tu Euglinfa company interested iu counec- ting roads, and tbat tbey propose t enter upon tbe construction of the road without materiai wi,i nofpnva , barrier, as the. delay, l be hign price or labor aud - . -n at t .,u .1 tbe increase in the prices, and thus really j 8ve instead of loss by the operation. We sho'ild like to Bee the work pushed through. The editor nf th t.m.nmn T..1. . nrnh a thn cnhrlnlinn nr ! pap,.,, shoald one and all be advanced to ' three dollars With paper at twenty-two ! , '-.i ..nL,j. , 7 V ?. .'.. . ,rjul ev,aT , Qjne anil a Dai! Cents as II w( Moi ,u prinling ma,eriaJ ,ad ; r.aeS fif" . P-"- u.e lor a newspaper to exist at loss rang aniess the publisher is able and willing to i stana a loss ot from two to live thousand i dollars a year. And we suppose there are not many sucb. The Rebels know well who tbeir friends ' are in tbe North. For instanee. the Atlan. ! ta Appeal openly and above board declares i tbat tbe Northern Copperheads, are work ing for the benefit of the South, remark ing : "Every successful blow we atrike is so much bone and muc!e to the arm iuorltf.et T- I ,r t, .. . . . i : ... t'i'rrj.uruiy ; .vrin. Tbe Richmond Ecaminer calls Abra ham Lincoln "the Illinois rail-splitter," and Andrew Johnson "the Tennessee tailor." Tho New York Horu? has ex-' ,." .u vu.garuy, nu I u. n . . -. Tbe Democracy of Wisconsin bag con cluded to wait until "something turns up." It has no opinions to express, until tbe Convention in Chicago meets I Instead of taking one side or the other, this Micaw ber skulks around tbe baggage wagons, waiting until tbe battle is over, that it may plunder tbe dead. A State Militia Company having been called for to sarrisoo Fort M'Clary, at liangor, Me., Vice President Hamlin ap peared in tbe company armed and equipped aa a private soldier. Now, will not some Copperhead hasten ti) accuse Mr. Hamlin, of mean motives? Ooniiuess has declared that none of ibe '-. States wliicli have been formally declared till re-admittd ii.t the ITniun. Tbc State, thus excluded from P.tiipti0g ia ; the approaching I'rcaidculial coutcat are aa follows : irginta, IVorib Oarolin, Koutti Caruliua, (ieoroia, TenDeaee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Arliau.al, Tflas. Oar next President and Vice IVsidcct are therefore to be chosen by the following SUUa hl.jly.r. Stta Uoctora Maiuo 7 Otiio it New Hampshire 5 Indian 13 Masaachuieta 4 lllinoia 10 i lihodo Island 4 Michigan 8 Connecticut 6 'icruin 8 Veiiuont 5 Minnesota 4 . New York S3 I iwa, . 8 New Jersey 7 Kansai it rennsylvaui t Keotueky 11 Delaware 3 Missouri 11 Maryland 7 I'aliforuia 6 : West Viraini 5 Orogon 3 : Total, '1 1 States. Electors 241 j al.NVoessary to a choice 121erf i West Virjjini tgi jgfy g Guam and ulkman are both "on the move," slow but satisfactorily. Tbo Uebel invadiug army mado pretty cleau work of tbe stock ond provisions in !' hecesu county of Montgomery, nortu )f Washington city, and are burrying! O -... t. ) UR..;.1.r... Il..n.'aa 1.'.,va-r .,,.4 tuliiu tbe lower gaps f r Charlottesville Tbej'are reported to bave repaired some I 1 of their rai:road9. Our forces are after ' tbeui, of course but bow many, and wi'.b , U4t success, is noi yei maue puonc. Six steamboats were burned at St. Lnc- is, last Fiiday fired, il is supposed, by Rebel sympathizers. Same day, a train loaded with Rebel prisoners, bound from New York for El mira, bad a collision with a coal train near Sbohala, and a hundred men were killed or wounded. Tuesday .Morulng'a ."tcwiu Yesterday tbe President issued call, I f c fjf Five .. . .. . . 6 ' ! "o4 Thousand volunteers, to serve one, two or three years as they may eleor, (bounties S100 per year ) A draft to be made on tbe 5th Sept. for quotas unfilled. Ex-SKCUKTAay Chase. We hear that Salmon P. Chase has determined to visit Europe during this season, aud report has I it (bat be is now in communication with I ' -" ! ref(,renoa t0 the subject of nc20liatinif a f,cjsa ldl0. It js to be hoped that ths disiiu"uis'm.'d financial abilities of Mr. ! chas may be made available abroad in j fcba(CTcr Btep4 n, be adopted to sustain lua Latijuai crejlt. U hile bypocritteal rnenrja ol J-rse- J " been said, ton, about usurpation of power ; I.... l- .,. :n I, ,;ll fln.l - na ' J " jo" - 3;.;aiuat Kebellioa conducted wttU fuoa moderation ?" Tho Copperheads seem to neglect a great argument which might be used against Mr. Lincoln. It is from a recent 1 sneech of Hon. J. L. M. Hurrv. the Seeea- 1 siou leader of Alabama. "Should Lincoln '"'"'S W Curr ru) torn uc muaeu iu the (jrouna. iuis 14 "a Tgument the Copperheads ac8lect. Mrs. Magdaline Gregor, who recently died in Frauklin Co. Pa. was one hundred years and ono mouth old. She counted uiBe children, thirty-ooe grandchildren, . . i ' i j j . r si -o-u K.ca.E.auueuiiureu, iia . u. : tia fi!l 8eoeration one hundred and ,Hree 'n o" . : . l t,.. .J .r' WD WBHDBOOIIlg SU. .si.o. nr(ef.ral Musnnri. haa organized, under KoseerMi.(J reoent or(ler 6i000 citi M protection ...iD.i Ku.rriIlM and pmwliDs bands of robbers. The inds of robbers, ibe same tbine doubtless be done ia other districts. Col. John B. Parker was elected Couo- I eilman in the West Ward of Carlisle, bv ?5 majority. He is a decided Union man, ! and the defeat of the Democrats is the t"01 decisivo tbey have iuffcred there for years. Dr. Tobias' Venitian liniment. T CURES CHOLERA when first taken, in a few hours ; Dysentary in half'an hoi r, , I'ooihache in live minutes. It is perfectly , innce, to laUe imeraally and is recommeo-; ,.,,1 hV ti,. most eminent rnvsicians in ine .led by the most eminent Physicians in the I'niied states. Price, 25 and 50 cts. j Towaunt, Pa, Aug. 6. 18S9. I nr.S.l.Tobias. Xew York Dear Sin I have 1 used your Veniuan Liniment with great sue- Doln a an ""ernal a"d " an ""ernat medicine. In cases oi onions cone aim cuo- ra m,irtosl resard it as a sovreign remedy. WM. LEWIS. I tsup't North Branch Canal 8old by all Drneeists. Office 56, Cortland! street. New York 5lciJUt.oUurfl IHarluts Corrected Semi- Weekly ly J. Walk & Co, Wheat $2.10 Corn 150 Rye 1 60 Oats, 32 lb. 75 Harlcy 901.00 Flaxseed 2 50 Batter Kgge Lard, fresh Tallow Potatoes $ 25 Pried Applcf,lb. 8 Wool 100 Ham 20 Sides Shoulder 15 Country Soap 4( dt withRibelO R6s 4fc I STRAYED AkVAV ! ' the l'J h h:v, & Jja V.AAI-: :iH.T,n yurH oM !-! t-ttnnjf, a sml! s;ar in i her UrvurAi'. cup h;tU ft .a wh'i-. td.ioa ..JsWl. vi- will r'tiru h' t it m'. (abut a milr -.'t tVi'tn the t. iiu.st :;.'Jt1i tr giv inf riDH'ion Witere hj ui,t; Lr lku:il, halt Li properly rewnlr-.L Turnip Kccil. Ery U'hUr V'l Uuirli S'rap l.e.it, &,tirvinc Inipr-'ved Ku a B.ua, t.rlv rrp e Tup rUi .vrap Leaf, ru'pl- I' p liura Jirta, Lun Vfl'nw Sf!e, H.i'iuti Kn.a, r l'u(a bag l,i'pS Hvl'TiJ. Thp Mubscriter will frarl, by ma. I. one puu ik) of eithr of the above nnmf.. varpiir i f Turnip St'pd. (poiaa pai; ffcr.f t uf 75 ctruU ia pUi;e 4ta:i:ii. ij. kWtr.uv 8efd Ac Aerie. St. re, U.I Market Si PiiitAU. k what. and deaier in Super rhonphdte of Liiiie, u jaiitt at.ii ii.:ie lj-t ;!asM Jar uixl (;ian C'uterit, "lOlt preering FKLI'frt in a perfectly J Ireiti slate. They require r. ) Wax S l der, or CeeiTi:. iral ins:.imly, ar.i are n.ore rai!y sea.aii an I opened than any other arti cle tor the purpite ever invented. Ail kind of was asd cement are cuial'V di-aireeatile, and uncertain ic ealtn?. beio maie entirely of las, thee avoij the ob;ecti.'U to other jars where tin or oiher nital i ueJ in the covers. Tor sale in l.cwisburz. only tv UlSt KliEMKR l.DMi at CO WiHiaaisport 011 Worki. yO.V-EXI'LOSI VE -ur.Cry.ta! Carton Uil ! IS Til. Ill r'.tl IbLS. Orders promptly a;teui.'-J to. II. V. Ilolden. WiUiimsport. T'' 1US3 Uoclor II. V. SIXD.M l, TTAVlNtj retiiriieil from the Arinv. i now 11 I'.cate i al Uoiriloe .V It 'a Is and oili-i. hi professional service, to the puilic. May be f.iunJ a' W in. T. Linn's Builaloe Tp, Jone t, Ist'l p:'3m SUZIAC WANTED. T WILL pay the highest market price in j i : x cash lor 50 Todh of Sumac, ; de.,v;rcd r-unmediaiely. as the stalk will soon cum- , meuce to get woody and hard. E. J. HILL. Lewisburg, June 13,1364 Estate of Jonathan Riser, dee'd T ETfEKfJ Testamentary on lie estate of Jonathan Kaer. tlec'd, lau of Buffalue ... u. I . jr . .. j to me uosr.nbrr in due lorm o! law. A l persons indebted lo as id c.iare are notified n. .' make iramediaie payment. au Uhose having. claims aami ihe same wnl present them : t'T"'1! authenticated for seti'emeni to j rolios tEu!. l June 14. lSOl p! The Eye and tbe Ear. u n ... . .... . e , ... ... k,;. i . , ant neartj ,.r e.e ah.r. i ha i ,!ic-.. Mn att. ni.04 lim. to Boettei-t. Ilr.Kniht unJertrM.k l,i. eaae. au'l ; tunel hia. without an o,r.ti..u- I won! J alri. all who are alt',i.-ted (., jiite inm a call. c.!l EL V.eLr. 1 flartlet 'D. Jan. 7, .-ti .' Ii-. Estate OfJohll Dit,Ol'Cicrfl,r,Sen.,deJ. I ETTEKS of Administratioairn the estate h f U.etleodener. sr. dee'd. late of w Uett township, l nion county, bavins; been graded lo the undersigned, all persons indebied thereto are requeued to make im- t WM.Ju.VEB. Co. Treai. demauds against the same will present them iluiy authenticated tor enlement lo JOHN H.CAV.HI1ELL, Addi'r White Deer Mills, June li, lSf.-i pd CandMate fur C'ourens), rPHE uiidersicned repeciful!y otters him- sell to the tiepahlicans ot the ronneenth .N,vl.,r, , P,..cl.iran r.0,ei the coutuies of Datinhin. Juniaia. nhumberland. tsnvJer aad Union) for no- j mmation by the several c..-iniv conventions ! ol RalJ dlslrirt. JOSIAH ESPa" Hamburg. June 0, 1361 I1C.R1 II tHPI'Il, Wo 620, Arch St. PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturer and lltaLKB l .lwRF 1 fUUiU JJUWJcnx, enrm CTT TJtf n ITT fl t? If , 50UD , rr,i superior 1 LAI Ll) V A li L. and ROGERS' superior I t?All kinds of SILVER WARE made on the premises, done H'.t7"C7 Hrpairinz carefully loi.lint it Estate of Lt. Col John D. IHusser. TT'HEnEAS, letters of administration to t) the estate of John I). Mus.rr, dee'd. aIe 0f Lewisburg, have been (ranted to the subscriber by ihe Register of Union eounly, all persons Indebied to said estate are reques- v ted to make payment and those having claims asainst the same will present them without ueiay iu JUSJ tl ii sbi, A,lm!n.l..rr, Or tn hit Attsrnrrt, lVwieburg, June 3, ltl! ORW1U A UAVtS Andrew Kennedy, Solary Pnbllr. lenjmKsloBers Offlre. Lrvbttunc. ! WILL take the acknowledsement of feed. Mortices and other -legal instroments,admini.;er oaths, take affidavits in relation to the income tax, Ac. Ac United States Claim Agents. V LICENCE having; been nrramed to the undersigned to carry on the business cf United -states Claim A (tents in Union county. ; ihey will attend promptly to the collection of . back pay and bounties and the procuring of 15 penaions for soldiers or their legal represenia 14 lives, and the prosecution of claims against 45 ! the Un'ted Kiaies. JAMES F. & JOHN B.LIXN I.ewishnr?. March 25. 1B4 HYMN BOOKS Presbyterian. Methost and Luth-ran,at FORREST'S t I ( the tarnitti'tf, tii'.ur a'.-i a: nit f li -liHi v, (i.n"h. r.or y u:J 1 n n hu-n,r, a tli- u'.A tdlnl, i.7i MuiUrl !fr . ft r ti. p. t i f one yar. lie h -pes y l-ict auctic i t ul.r'l. o mr.t il.p paif'-nage brriufor ei leaded iu thifc emLIislinirnt. H 1. M MAHO I.earib'irjf, A pri! J0, lbj Success! Success! a 'I'('f:i:.S.- hti everywhere ai:anile4 u Armies an 1 so u may be said of knelt X U.iar.'s Mrw faqluurauUli baMerv. siiua'e'l on tiie Keu'ti i.!'- T Market sVceW Letwerii 3i and tih. LenriT.nr.) which i a perfect sucrev e hav;:.?, ai roDiderti rxpor. ti lert up a ne c.-iironntioa Ligbt, Huh can not te crpdseu f.r doe neei ia civiox to tlie I'ulu.-c toal tieUcaia aUadmg ivhica all a lin.re. I't'irti ui.u on Pa;?r, Uca, Ulan, lad Leather. Wo have rn hun a vry !a-?e aasortmenl M.f Pf.n... '... , 1 rank IL buiiis-a.l ul wtitcit we Ul r al cut price. i:.m;:.e kavv.n WOOD CHOICES. 0 al lieaVT r' arnace.SJ lydi-r county. Uoo4 .tes will be paio mon.rjy in can. Jdii.sCi. FR'S WALTER & CO Droclamatfan AFTER r rz , n it v Li tti : Wl 1LT the iaten of all is that of ) C. W. SCIIAFFL.E. who. having returned from New York I Pbilaielpaia, is prepaiad lo aril Good Cheap for Cash. . A W .-ort, 1 a'nu- v rni,i nent of Dnies.Chemia's.Olli. hrs. Dye Slutf. 'la-s, Perfum eries. Coal O l, Lamp. Urnshrs.Trys, Faaay Millions. Soaps, Contecioneties, S" uta, PifMa Tutacco, Cigars, Cutlery. &c. etc. rhysieinns' prescriptioas carefull compounded. Wines nnJ Liquors for Meiicinal purposes, warranted genuine and of lh beat (lua'1, i LEvTISBUKfi - Mtt !, 18S4 GUNS, PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE, FINE CUTLERY, aad sporitnu Apparatus a-raerally. X.E. corner 2d and Walnut (:s t'hiladel. phia. .March t. 181 Cm I Important to Tax-Payers. mitR SiiTK T.Y mnct , noil K.fn.. A ! J. on the ti" 1.1th of Ju'y nextaj in order '" eni,u'e cjeuniy Treasurer :o pay laa , -131"1" "1mrei br " "'-" Treasurer. . -iccora.ng 10 u.e a:i oi Assrmwy passes last session, n abatemtal will be allowed aa heretotore, but if not paid y?r per entt unllbt CEHErJT ! CEHEKT.M rPHE subscriber would respectfully infona X his old customers, and the public gene rally, thai he will have constantly on hand and for sale a t.i'l supply of his superior Hydraulic Cement. IVr. os at a distance on the Iibc of Canal oi Railroad can bave ttiaif orders filled at shhri notice. Addresa KUBCitT VALENTINE, UeJcfonte.P We di certify that we have used the abov. t'etrrnt iu the erection of the Beilefonte Water Works, and lake p'easure in recomtnendiog it to all persons in need of a food article. rnhJan'-'i Uiuoi dr Tat. TAKE NOTICE. VLI. PERSONS are hereby notified not to rule on horseback or drive with team on or across my Lots, which I inlead lo i: occupy as a Coal sard, without my conical u atmen are notified not to lie op at my Wharf, wi.hoat first consutting me. Any-.. wintalin lh ahn notice will hr ronaidaraal a trespasser, and prosecuted as such. WM. .'EULET Lewisburj, April 8. It4 CEMETEnV TsJOTICe. VT an Election he!d by the Siockboldera of the l.ewishtirs Cemetery, the under signed was eircred Treasurer.and all m.meya for lots, grave-dijemc, Ac, man be paid lo htm. Person, .utemsted will please note tho chlmr. Those indebted to the Cemetery AssociatietJ are requested to make immediate payment. SOLOMON KITTEB Lewisburir, Jan. 22. 1SC3 m KREMEK, I.OG & CO. have Jott reed A creat variety of descriptions and pnees--call and see. May 6 JUST received a fine assortment lattl0 Ilrt CiOUdM, Embn idery, Veils. Gloves. Trimmings, ic. Ac suitable for no season also a fine lot of June 20 KREW ER. LO.NO St CO S C arpETS is r'c''1 (Jan ,0) bf TLASTER,Sj1! and Kish for ale by If KPMF.K. l.OMe CO -4V . a.i, blank hovi. 'hut labelled, has been f.und, aad is ifl ' Wl effic tot ths ewner