Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, July 01, 1864, Image 1

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    IT! Ml Ml HflllK Cllfflll
Af f I..W per Tear, always In Atftnwe.
riiiUMiKU skhi-hk:kiv I
fjcsifav Murniii Jfc Friday Afirriiimn. !
km: riuiui-T,
Ahuaiiam Lincoln
ton ict mMm:r.
Aulrn Joluikou.
EI.FfTllB.AI. T1CK1:
MOKTOtt M Slli'HtU.
1 K-.L-rl I km;;
2 iwi- M fi..it.-a
X ll.-tin tluttim
4 William II ki-ra
k Brt...liiil.
ti 1'hnrli'. il liuinu
7 K.-h-rt lurk
WUImm Tuvlnr
i J..I.M A
1I Kulisril II C. r,. II
11 f .iMnnl Modi Ujr
12 Uharl t Ur.il
I:: Kl
I'hir!.- 11 .-litiiir
J. till M 11O1T
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I il VI V Hi.U
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K.-r;ir.l i:i,-rT
J. Jill I' I'.tin.-v
i-:i'.-iie.-r .UJiihIoii
J'll.tl VV l.i.tti. lild
District and (Vwly A'umiaitions.
astrmbly-MMI H H-OCHKi."' "'' rnunly
MMIIL UlhUtVol snjilir fonnty
bbcrln TIMIU IS III lil II. l ll.irl l inNiishlp
(ammlwluprr-lili II U.L hl.il kU ll.nl Nr Berlin
talllor-JtUrS Alkr, ul Knit liutraloe
l)uninrr-i;r.JMI IUIv.nl MilijniHur!:.
Vnr tht I'tryt Attt ntttnriit.
I'.ir the S mint Ann -intuit
J'ur Stic 'ihiiil Ainnt'tmitil.
IKlriliini m Tut'v'av, A -, I SHI
gejy.Maoy couutry editors ii-suo no pa
yers, Independence Week, but wc intend
to print a half facet, Fiidsy nutie mi
T uuiiy. Please do not "forget to remem
ber," uo Star ; Chronicle on Tuesday.
MAIL ClIAMiR. On and after today,
the Wot (Mdiliuburg) mail goes out iu
I lie evening instead of tic morning. (A
daily mail in hoped fur.) Messrs. I less of
Lewisburg have tbo new contract on this
route. The entire former stock of Maj.
Miriner will be told, at Millliuburg, ou
Thursday nczt.
(e8rWe ask our subscribers to show Ibc
following curious uutiee to those neighbors
Vho ituHl ttihe mi jiujifii ! It looks very
mournful to see people go to tuwus for
trade, and Cud the busiuei-s places closed
do tell the iu 4 til uf July is tbo National
t-uuday, and the stores keep (hat day!
W tit nil-riiliro--J -'rt Ia CMisk Mir pUre ol
vi- biimiM-NK wn Nii.i.l 1 . Jul. It 4. isol.
.rwi.-t'lirir. Jn
J Al.li A t il.
V'll.t K. f.MKL k CO.
fchtMKIl, l.o.li A rn.
T Ii l.V A S
!-Al I. IM h.-II
I'KTKK llt l'SU
J..S I.. II A U
(iKil Ii. fct hKKT
(NU'l otb T)
MirAlready, one very destructive con-
flagatiou bas been announced, caused by
4th of July fire-crackers ia the bauds of
oa picket, arar rn r-iburu, innt ii.
We were heavily engaged ou the 17th
and 18th, having marched on the Rebela
works, and carried them. We advanced
on one of tbeir railroads, tho track of
winch was in a cut 25 feet deep, and oa
tbe edge of tbe top of the bank they fized
wire to trip us up ; a good many went
down headlong, but I got over safe.
While we wore thus sheltered, tbe Itebs
thought to plaut a battery on our right,
and rake tbe road whero wc were ; but our
batteries did not let them get into position,
and our Cre -ksa so hot that they left.
Tbe afternoon of samo day, wo advanocd
under a tremendous storm of bullets, but
threw up some earthworks, where wo
stayed until oiglvt, when we were, relieved
by tbe 45th 1'. V.
Last night, tbo I'cbs were trying to ad
vance oa our left, but they could not come
it. There was a constant firing of muskets
nd cannon, all night.
Oar Jiucs are quite near each other, and
We can bear tbe trains run aud tbo dogs
lark in Petersburg.
I talked with a wouodid Rebel, who
told mc that tbcro was no uo of tbeir
fighting any more, for they were nearly
froue up that if tbey lost Petersburg,
they could bo compelled to Jcaro Kick
Wood. liNBv C. PiEiir., Co K, 51st P.V.
gyTbo Mifllinburg Telegraph Mates
that Martin L. Kieffur, Co. JS, Cth P. Ii.
C, and Charles W. Weisx, Co. V, 2d Pa.
Art., and Robert llickcroel, have been
killed io battle ; Solomon Dorr bad a flesh
wosnd in bis thigh; P. Pontius Irvine,
prostrated by a sun stroke
Flavd Jhrler, a native of Buffaloo Val
lej, fighting as a Major against his fath
ers' flag, was killed in a skirmish with the
Union soldiers in Georgia.
H7Tbc Richmond papers aro exceed
ingly sore at the nomination of Andrew
Johnson of Tennessee fir Vice -President.
They call it "the Rail Splitter and Tailors'
ticket." They can not bear the idea that
a poor man, mechanic, should bo eleva
ted to a high office, no matter how well
qualified. Yet men in tho Nortb.who call
themselves Democrats, join in abuse of '
these mcn.on party grouuds. For the very
reason the Ikbels hate Jobnson.he should
be supported by ail loyal citizen.
IS" While our great armies are so ex
posed, and farmers go engaged, there is
little heart for celebrations uf the jib of
Jut this year. Tho 2J of Auirust will
Ih remembered in its atead, generally, by
the loyal peoplo of Penn'a.
fqTTbe Lyoomiog County .Mutual lo
uranoe Company paid $101,011,80, for.
damages by fire, tbeir last fiscal year.
Maj. Thomas Cbambcrlin is elected Trcas-
Uier of the Company for the year ensuing.
Tbe Mupey Crcik Kailwjy onjpany u
otiisniieJ, ag,J cue tLi;- f
'he sti' k
jf -
Dire Democratic Dissensions.
Tho 'Democratic" party io the loyal
j States wan no thoroughly muted at all the
' recent Klocti:r., that ono would have eup-
poBed the remaind. r of it might be hurmo
nious. Jl.it not so. They are Dow moro
dicor laiit aud belligerent than ever. Iu
t'hicijro, they tad erected a board den,
uppunfd to bo lurgn enough to hold all
who could get together, and next Monday
July 1 - they were to meet uud nomi
nal') a candidate for President and Vice
President. To postpone a National Oou
veutiou, advertiied, wurld wide, an long,
wan a dangerou stop : and yet Iho Nation
ul (Jommittoo bavo felt oompclled to
adjourn it until the laKt of August.
Ihnifttic qiinrnh it the enure. They
were no far divided, that, if ibey Lad met,
tho remnant of tbo cuueura would hive
fall' U auudtr.
27k; II ir I'xmncral were determined on
M'CIcllan, who has fought tho Kabul io
his way, aud who Laid, iu Iih late Hpccch at
West l'oint, tho Rebellion uiui-t La tup
prcMied. True, bis warfare is not hurtful
to tho.e in mutiny, aul he U very gingerly
iu bis remarks e iiic riiiiig tlieiu but be
U a nort of "war man," uud ao
The lacr l m vriiU denounce him, and
demand tiouio " l!arahbas" like Vallan
dihaui, who has come just in good time
to atir up aud distract tlio alroajy divij'id
The llellcfonfo ll'inVinwn ia for Wood-
j fflrj or some other l'eaco man, and in its
iuc f Friday last give Gen. M'CIcllan,
i ttuj bis frj,ml a statin this wise:
ll'ir JenMrrurv semis determined to forco
I its measures mi to iis, ii
oMleiene- at what
I, ana to coniorl Hie good nlil Iii'tnuriaiic
i.iny to yjilit or ignore, lor llie lune,
i!i prinriplc.-."
T'other sort of Democrats more gener
ally known as Ctniervative Copperheads
denounce Woodward, Yaliaudigham,
and ail tbeir followers, as tbo death of
their dearly beloved idol, tie Into great
and glorious Democratic party !
Tbe l."ck Haven Ihinncrat, moreover,
seeing as sagacious politicians must
that the people, right or wrung, will re
elect Pre?, l.inoolu folds its hands, aud
very sooxihly says, it is uo matter, anyhow
that Old Abe is bound to work bis way
in and that, perhaps, upon, tho whole,
considering, taking all things into account,
and io view of tbe trouble of paying up
tbe debt and setting all tbe unfixed affairs
of tho nation, i"t is wd Lett fur the Ihmuc
rucy Income into jmwer, jutt now, at all at
all '. (Therein, the people agree with tbe
editor of tbe Democrat.)
The Norristown Ri jhtrr is tho organ of
Montgomery county, aud very innocently
confesses, that
At a later period, it will he hetter known,
mriii tm the ctuiiiiii cirrumttintr' of the
tiiiuit, what it will tie lnii lur the Democratic
party tu do."
There it is, cxaotly. Tho leaders have
no fixed principles, or polioy. If Grant
and Sherman appear prosperous, and tho
Rebellion doomed, then the Democracy
will go in for tbe War and Abolition.
l!ut if tbo tide be against the Union arms,
aud tho result doubtful, they will just is
oasily shout fur I'caoe and Slavery !
Aud so they watch aad wait ready to
bo "pig or puppy," to cry "good Lord or
good Dcril," as "changing oircumstances"
may dictato to unprincipled) gambling
tricksters ! "SVc transit."
P.S. Tom Florence, of another Demo
cratic National Committee, sijb they'd no
business to postpone tbo Cuuvontion, aud
he threatens to call another. Propel !
Tbe Great Contest.
Wasiiincton, Jane 27.
Mr. Dana, Assistant Secretary of War,
has answered the questions of anxious
inquirers hero about tho situation at
Petersburg, to the effect that Leo's furco
is not more than two-thirds of Grants;
that our lossos last week in tho movement
toward tho Wcldon road were militarily
unimportant, and that Grant had his hand
on Lee's throat,
Ho gives to all the assurance of our
Goal and conclusive success. Among tho
striking facts which Mr. Dana has men
tioned is that we have at this moment 51,
000 of the Rebel soldiers, prisoners in our
bands. The publio feolicg tcro to-night
is ape of confidence in the future, in Giant,
ana ove.r aud above all in Grant's army.
JaTTuirty -four vears ago, Ym. Lloyd
Garrison was tried, oonvictcd, and put in
prison in Baltimore, for denouncing sla
very, lluury Clay released biio. Rut
Garrison dared not visit in Raltimore until
tbe Convention met to nouinato Lincoln
nd Johnson, when he was ohecred as be
sat in the gallery. Ho called upon Jodgo
Iiond, io whoso court be was convicted,
and fouud tho Judgo a full blooded Abol
itiouist. The Judge banted up the old
papers on which Garrison was convicted.
He said that there were eight of the Jurv
living: he would bring them into Court to
let Garrison forgivo thorn. Slavery bas
its death-wound, in Raltimore in Mary
land : but Garrison "still lives !"
The women have gone into the fields io
many parts of the country, to attend crops
mirunimi thilif, in I'AnnHnlv&iiiii Kiit
fciuifctbiug new in sowo parts, whcie tbe
alsnc3 of f'jljibia makes handa ton few
'r f fiici woik th couutry o4
r)1.Th A' I' InJqKH'loil is represented
aa oppoaed to 1'ronideut Linoolo. Tbo
following-, from a luto oumber of that
juurual, ii certainly friendly rnoujjh :
K I'tHI'Ati. MKIf.
All iiur li....ft
Oiitir iiuw l-ut lli kre na trq.
1-t uk ti-li liiui W CHU
MiV IU- Bin. . ... ,
H .ni-st lur lliu cuiitrj tliruuuli ni ttirounn
Ulln-ri cm
llnvn f. in
!lih.mU) lit wnx tiini'' fluJnf
w it ttii-y mil ftbn,
liu hi kn
El-kin, l.ir Ui-- ri.-lil iu Il-:.?u'4 nauMt
Lvl tin NiiUon a-.k Llm, tbun,
liif- i-in
To lu-lil l In- ru l.li r in IIiIm iWui i
Till liiin lil i:i.- all il.-ti lli;jlil
irk In lu'l.t.
t'.'Uer in a ui"rtuu fur Hi frio.
Lit ua nr.t fr--vt our ruJtj
Hut IfUil mir -ur-mnt III po.ir li-l) may I
(livv bun f.iur ui-ir-i yvi-i ul li-il,
Tn-k. ml ui.nl,
Kuimlu ii".l -ti-ll nr., mil Mill la tll'itii-rt
Eloquence of Andrew Jjtuison,
The following is una of the most truly
clofjuont passage over spoken. It is from
a speeeh delivered by Am-RKV Jiiii.nsoS,
in April Unt, to a mass meeting of tho
people of Kuoxvillo and viciuity :
My countrymen ! my heart yearns to
ward you ; I love you ; I am ono t jdu.
I have climbed youder uyjuiitoins that you
have climbed, mountains rock-ribbed aud
glowing in siju ahine, iu whose gorges, iu
whose caverns, your sous, huuted like
wild boasts, have fallen to rise no more.
I do Dot speak of these things to draw
your tears. It is cot the timo for tears,
but for blows. I speak of them that 1
may Ore your heart with holy indignation,
aud uervc your aims fr unconquerable
fiht. And I speak of them becauso tbo
mountains seem to talk to uie. My home
is among tho woqutuiiis, and, though it is
not far away, I can not go to it. It is the
place where I met aud loved anikmarried
her who is the mother uf my children. Do
I not love tho mountains, then ? And if
:i...rl in l,.il, ,1.
liberty is to expire., if freedom is to be
destroyed, if my country, iu all its length
aud breadth, is to trciuMo beneath the
oppressor's tread, let the flag, tho dear old
fl i'', the last flag, be planted on yon rocky
heie-hts, and upon it let bo there this
inscription : "Here is tbe end of all that
is denr to tho heart uud sacred to tbo mem
ory of inau!"
"The Rebel GeDcral,JohnsoD, lately had
twonty.fire of bis men, in Georgia, tied
to a stake and shot, for trying to desert."
A copy of the Richmond M'hij oontains
tbe following affecting paragraph :
" The UritmM are the Temlrrat. The
Crst tears shed by Gen. John O. Rrcokin-
rid;o since the war, wore shed ou Friday
night, 3d instant, on account of the death
of bis fii'orite hum:, that had borue him
since tbo battlo of Shilob."
"Tho tender meroics of tho wicked are
cruel." A dog or a horse is of more eon
ecq'icnoo to Rebel leaders than a man or
a woman so degrading is the effect of
Slavery upon tbe Gncr feelings. Treating
blacks worse than tbey do their brutes,
they soon become callous to all human
suffering, but weep for the less of a "favor
ite" animal !
Wii.MAMsi'out, June 27 A meeting
to ratify tbo nomination of Linculn aid
Jobuaou was held in the eourt-bouse here
on Saturday evening. It was largely at
tended. I'.xcollcnt niusio was discoursed
by tho Williamsport Cornet Rand. Spir
itcd and telling speeches were made by
lion. J. II. Campbell, U- S. Minister to
Sweden, lion. IIcDry Johnson and lion
Win, II. Armstrong. Lyoomiog is alt
Tbe man who don't take tbe papers was
in town this week, and said bo "lamed
that Leo bad taken Richmond, and that
eleven thousand out of one regiment bad
been blowed up." Ho expressed great
fears that Graut would yet capturo Wash
iiigton. Ho was on bis way to tbo circus,
with all bis intelligent, interesting family,
who thought it a "big moral show 1
A Chicago Copperhead, John O'Connel,
tried fur writing a lotter to a private in
Rosocrans' army, was found guilty of ao
attempt to creato uisaffection in tho mind
of a U. S. soldier, and givo aid and comfort
to tbo enemy, and was sontsuccd to bo
hung. Tbo President has" commuted tho
sentence to five years hard labor at Coluo,
The "Mack Warrior" is tbe title of I
newspaper started by colored soldiers at
Fort Parapet, Louisiana. An editorial
treats upon tbo Furt Pillow massacre;
"They havo flung down tbe gauntlet, aud
o accept it," is the language.
Gen. Grant is tho owner of ton thousand
dollars' worth of stocks in tho Western
Division Railway of Chicago not par
chased by him, but subscribed privately
by friends, and presented to him as ao evi-
uouoo of good will.
A terrible explosion took place at the
Washington Arsenal, on Friday week,
resulting in the loss of the lives of 17
youug women, who were employed there.
Miss Anna llaoho, of Lock Uaveo, was
ono of the victims,
The total indebtedness of tbe South to
Northern merchants is estimated at $100,
000,00(1, of which New York holds S159,
800,000: Philadelphia, $ .f.00,000 ; Ral-
Itimore, $.19,000,000; aud Roston, 57,000,-
000. .
Major A. Downing, First New York
Mounted Rifios, tried for accepting horses
unsouud and unfit for service, which be
knew bad been rrjeotcd by an inspection
board the day beforo, bas been cashiered-
Fercifcr Lemon, born in Northumber
land couuty, io I7.II, removed to Luzerne
(now in Wyoming) enuuty in 1826, and
died June, DC4 II was at.cne tiin
Aesootete Judg-j of Vyming.
AthellUne the Unready.
Tbe London tjuurlerfji, in an article on
the propects of the Confederates, shows
ita appreciation ol luo geucraisuip ui
M'Clellao, than :
"Tbe Federals, after snstaining defeat
at LSull Run, unconsciously frittered away
immense superiority of strength which
still n tnaiue.l to I hem, by selecting Gen.
M'CIcllan as their new Couiinaodor-in-chief.
For moll' In and months Ibis Athel
stauo the uurea'lj' a sensible and worthy
man, but slow aud cautious in tho extreme
set to work to oranix and disoipline
the army, nearly J00,(Mi0 strong, with a
view to tilting it for a campaign in which
there should be uo "liull Runs." A fow
miles off, in his front, lay Ueuerals John -
son ana licaurcaru, wuu u uuruij "
.1 anil
riotous arniv. little mora than oil, null
strong, intoxicated with their recent victo
ry, which was loudly celebrated in beakers
of whisky, by dauco and by soug."
Rasir.g its estimates of Northern cap
taius on suoh achievements, the (Jwirti-ry
can do nothing but prophesy viotory and
independence for the Confederates. Tbo
ghost uf tbe Great Unready still haunts
the memory of Europo, and even now de
prives our heroic armies and commanders
of that generous sympathy wbioh sjuper
or later is won by genius aud valor.
An ot'XRAiK of a most diabolical char
acter was perpretated a few days ago upon
a soldier's widow ic New York C"J
Drcssod in deep mourning, and (as auy
observer might see) weak, she was dragged
by two men, a policeman and tho conduc
tor, out of oue of ibe 8ih Avenue ears, into
tho street, and there left. She was clean,
orderly, in every way decent. Rut she
was Lhuk that was her offense. She
was tbe wifo, but is now tbe widow, of
Serg. William Audcrsoo, of Com. F,
Twetity sixth U.S. colored troops a man
who bad given his life for those who
showed that tbey were unworthy to have
a couutry. Rut this U the teaching of
John A. Iliestaod, of the Lancaster
F.xaininer, bas been awarded the great
overland daily tuail contraot, for $700,000
per annum. Ibe Cbambersuurg Keposi
tory says, there's no telling what a man
may ooma to. From tbe rcspeotable posi
tion of Kditor, to come down to the Leg
islature, now to stao running, and we
shouldn't wonder if be keeps going down
hill -to find him iu Congress ons of these
days 1
Io Ciuoinnati, last Wednesday, one of
Morgan's staff officers, who was in tbo city
on parole, was recognised by one of the
members of tbe 171st regiment io front of
tbe Dennison House, who baited tbe Reb
el with ao oath, and said : "xoa took my
gun from me At Cynthiaoa, and abused
me; it is now my turn," tbeo knocked
him down, kicked him into the gutter and
walked oo.
A Riobmond paper states that Gen,
Grant bas been dead drunk ever since tbe
Haltinioro Convootion met, andthat be is
SO mortified bcoause he did not receive tbe
Presidential nomination that ho is about
to turn his army against Washington !
Such stuff is crammed down tbe poor Robs,
to keep them in fighting order.
A dead mule, belonging Io Memphis
oitiien, was being hauled out of tbe lines
tbe otbor day, when a bayonet-thrust re-
vcalod tbe fact that the carcass contained
00,000 peroussioo caps, a quantity of am
munition, and other contraband articles,
wbioh some Rebel sympathizer had taken
this means of smuggling.
Tho Grand Jury of New York, refused
to find an indictment against the Govern
ment, for the suppression of the Journal
of Commerce,. This negative action is
tantamount to saying that that sheet bas
not been patriotic, or that it bas furnished
aid and oomfort to the rebels.
Dreadful accidents aro not peculiar to
our day. Io I7GG, there were stored in a
chapel in RreBoia, Daly, over two hundred
thousands pounds of powder, which was
exploded by a stroke of lightning, killing
three thousand people and laying one-sixth
of tbo city in ruins.
Bread baked in an oven until it Is very
brown, aod not blaek, and then pounded
to the fiuencss of ground coflco, is a safer,
cheaper, and quite as agrooable and health
ful a substitute for coffce,as any other mix
ture now in uso.
Henderson, tho N. Y. Navy Aeent, has
been arrested and removed from office for
frauds upon tho Government. Good.
Every scoundrel who cheats the Govern
ment in this its hour of trial, is not fit to
The Ten-Forty Ronus. The subsorip-
tion to the Teu-vorty bonds is still before
the publio, and over sevonty millions have
been already taken.
Live piokerel or tront are recommended
as good for keeping cisterns (and wells)
free from worms, dirt, aud other catties u(
bad smell and taste.
In Sweden, a man who ia seen four
times drunk is deprived of a vote at elec
tions. That law wouldn't suit tome of
our sovrcigns !
Samuol Keplor and other Copperheads,
of Rodford, have martcd a new denomina
tion, calling it tho "Church of our Provi
A sail-boat was npset in the Delaware
river, at Philadelphia, by tbe storm, on
Sunday, and three persons were drowned.
Tbonsands of fish were killed at Dayton,
Obio, by Ihe throwing of barrels of burn
iug whiskey into tbe Miami river.
One M'Allister, a native of Juniata Co.,
Pa , was lately killed, wearing tbe uniform
ol t Kebel Colonel, in Virginia,
JULY 1, 1801.
j "UxsULTS." Since Gen. Grant crowed
the Kapidan, be bas dritjou Lee and bis
i famous Army aeveuty wiles, out of
dozen strongholds, into, bis Capitol, and
captured 17,000 prisoners, while Graut
bas not had one thiid of that number cap
tured. (And yet Rebels aud Copperheads
say "Grant has accomplished nothing.")
Latest News
FkuH Gkn. Ifu.NTEtt Reports deem
ed autheutic 8,ay that this ofCuer has been
ii'iito successful iu cutting riff railways
, leading towards Richmond, and thus aid
! iui: the geueral plao. He did not succeed
1 ju tuktog Lynchburg, but retired West
. jonl i0 safutv
Gen. SllhRMAX bas met with some
lo-sts, in action, and'by guerilla depreda
tions in bis rear.
Cavalry expeditions against the Rebel
railways have been kept up with much
Tbe operations around Petersburg
which is now regarded an "the key to
Richmond" com in ue.
Gen. Joseph V. Taylor, brother of Old
Ziob. died in Washiogtuu, yesterday.
Ue was in tbe Union scivice.
Hon. Salmon P- Cham bas resigned as
Secretary of tbe Treasury, aud Ex-Gov.
Todd, of Ohio, ruecceds dim.
Among tho Robel prisoners are boys of
sixteen and old men of sixty, who say
they were foped into the ranks.
There is great indignation against Gen.
Sturgis, whu lost so heavily, east of Mem
phis. He is a M'Clellao man, of the
Copperhead style, ant some denounce
bim as a traitor.
A bridge, on wbioh railway traio was
goiug too fast, near Montreal, broke down,
and about 200 passengers, chiefly emi
grants, were killed or wounded,
Tho gold speculators nearly all Cop
perheads are having high times in their
efforts to depreciate the currency. Tbey
"quote" gold at 225 and upwards, bat
many of them refuse to pay it when it is
brought to them. Let loyal persons stop
buying foreign gqoda of any kind, and
gold would soon be no. better than green
backs, and all neoessarioa would come
A ma Rascal, convictei. Solomon
Kohnstamn, of New York, was convieted
in tbe Circuit Court of tbe United States,
last week, upon charges of defrauding tbe
Government. For more than twenty years
a merehanl in possession of ample means,
the business companion and aoeial equal
of our wealthiest eilizeos, the prisoner
stooped to tbe commission of the meanest
crimes, and baa reaped the bitter fruits oi
his folly.
The Rebels know well who tbeir frionds
are iu tbe North. For instance, the Atlan
ta Appeal openly and above board dcolarea
that tbe Northern Copperheads, are work
ing for the benefit of tbe boutb, remark
ing : "Every successful blow we strike
is so much bone and muscle to the arm
whiob, fancier the training of Lung, llarrit,
Voorheet and VuHamlijhatn, it preparing
tu ttrike at the Xorth."
The Rebel General, Jenkins, recently
killed, had a fine estate in West Virginia,
worth $300,000, wbich he left to win tbe
miserable fate of a traitor I
A vile woman in Chioago stole and told
another womao's child for $100.
tTx?Rv J.C.Bucher is to preach for the Ger.
Ret. Church, l.ewishurg, Sunday next, when a
collection lor the Christian Commission will
be made
Corrected Semi- ttuk'y ly J. WalU A Co.
Wheat 22.00 Ruttcr 25
Corn 1.50
Rye 1 CO
Oats, 32 lb. 75
Rarlcy COfel.OO
Flaxseed 2.50
Ham 20
Sides & Shoulder 15
do with Ribs 10
Eggs 25
Lard, fresh 15
Tallow 10
Potatoes 45
Dried Apples.lb. 8
Wool 75(rr,1.00
Country Soap 4f.0 j
Rasa 4fii.6 '
0 I
ffyr-lM Auction !
H-Vw Auction lESm
JIA, be exposed to l'ublic Hale, al ihe
Y hole! of Jacob Deckard, MilHinburg,
L'nion county, at 111 o'cl'k iu Ihe forenoon of
Thursday, July 7, 1864,
I.ewisburg and Spruce Creek, recently rua
by Maj. Wm. B. ihriDer, dee'd, comprising
4 Coaclies, 3 Coach Slelglis,
5 Setts of Doable Harness,
Whip,&e.cc. The slock embraces several
good Horses and Coaches worthy the attention
of Ktage proprietors and others.
Terms Four mouths' credit (if desired) on
approved security.
Admtnlrtratnr of Wn. B. linuu
'15 REWARD t
STOLEN from a stable near ISainnridpe on
the night of the iS7tb ull. a LARGE BAY
MA RE, about 13 years old. She is very hol
low backed, up headed, and long twitch tail
which she earrica off lo one tide when the
travels. A reward of tiS will be paid for Ihe
mare and apprehension of Ihe thief, or f 15
lor information wbich may lead to the recov
ery of Ihe mare. Inquire, al Lewisbnrg, of
Glass Jar and Cilxtim Cover
iV)R preserving FRCIT8 in a psrfecily
' fresh sine. They require no Wax. Sol
der.'or Cemenn seal instantly, and are more
easily sealed and opened than any other arti
cle for Ihe purpose ever invented. All kinds
of wax aad cement arVvniially disagreeable,
and uncertain in searing, mt-z made entirely
of glass, these avoid the objePMons to other
iara where tin other metal is used in th
rovers. fr s!" Lewisburg. only by
"THE UNION," wtatoLilR-i In lSUWMe N. 2,674
-CHRONICLE," etaMiM .9 l8l51TbfeIffl., I.OW.
Wil.l. lie sold at puhlie sale it But ;o!J
before at private sale oa
at 10 o'clock, A M, all Ojat messuage an t t..l
rf Kroiiml situate no Water bi, .e.stnr,
lai the estate of Mam and Hmtii Biavk
ueiea.t.l. It will I "M in two parts, ur
altngeitier, to soil pnrchasers il fcein? sml
Hlil lur iircup.iiu.il by TWO FAMILIES.
The tioililin?s arr ceoi. ai'l the l.oi cove
re.l with rhoiee t'rml Trees. The point
comiaaiids a beam. lot new of the fcuvjue
liaana. For lenus apply to
Attorney ia fad for llie heirs.
I.ewishiirp, May Si, i
M'lH: premises known, aA the Session H nse
al llie torurr of Front and .-! Lcois Si,
will be oifereit io ihe hiahrst am' lm fauUrr
pn Siturduy, llm Uib, day of July, Ilk", al -o'clock,
KM. The pnrrha-er, as pari of llie
j cotiMtlrration.to era.te Ihe sole hill, ftmoviiit;
llie ruMosh aqJ repairing an 1 roaUii: a lenre
j similar lo ihe oue around the eM f the lot.
aiun; ihe spare vatai'i ty iie Duiwing me
premises to he removed wiihm ten ilavv alter
the ale. Terms cab. JOilM B '...V.
tirtreUrj ui ttw L. win Stir tati-ntry Aannciali'jn
Williamsport Oil Work3.
V Q-VEX PLOSIVE fare Cry sla! Carbon Oil
I TltillT l-AtaUES.
Orders promptly attended lo.
II. I. Holders.
Williamsport, Pa
Doctor II. V. STKmill,
U.VVI.j returned trout ihe Arinr, is now
located al Dot! tine X K" 1- and otters
his professional serf ires lo lle public. May
be found at Wm.T. Linn's
Burt aloe Tp, June 1. IH6i pJ3ra
I WILL pay Ihe highest market price in
CASH for
641 Ton of Sumaf,
delivered at myTanyard in Lewiibure. Per
sons who intend gathcrtn;rshoiill commence
I ?'iioinediaiely, as the stalk will soon cum
uibucc to eel woujy aud bard.
Lewisbarg, June 13,186-1
Estate of Johathan Eoser, dee'd.
LETTERS Trslaineolary on the estate uf
Jonathan Koicr, dae'd, late of Bulfalue
township, I nion county, have been granted
to the subscribers io due form of law. All
persons iadablsd 13 asid estate are notified lo
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against Ihe tame will present iheio
properly authenticated for settlement lo
JOHN KQSER, Buffalo, lbK
SOLOMON IsOsXK, Kll, J ton
June 14. IR6t pd
$'MO) Seven Octave 10
vB0nTKE.V C0, un,. inUtftj, t Tork.
TW ealarged scafe I'lANO FORTES with
J.V all latest improvements.
Thirty years' experience, with greatly in
creased facilities for manufacturing, enable
us to tell for CASH al the above unusually
low price. Our Instruments received the
highest award al Ihe World's Fair, and for
five successive years at the American Insti
4 ml lUm IV.. .1.1'. t' . - .1 .,
tute. Warranted fire years. Tiaxc itt
Cash. Call or tend for descriptive Circular
Estate of John Dieffendprfer,Sen.,des'iJ.
IETTEKS of Administration on the estate
J of John pielTenderfrT, !r, dee'd, late rf
While Deer township, L'pioo county, having
been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons
indebted thereto are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims or
demands againsi the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
White Deer Mills, June U, 1861 pd
Candidate for Congress.
THE undersigned respectfully offers him
self to Ihe Republicans of ibe Fourteenth
Congressional District ot Pennsylvania (com
posed of ihe counties of l'anpbin. Juniata,
Northumberland, Snyder and Union) for no
mination by the several county conventions
of Ihe said district. JOMA11 ESPY
Jiarrisburg, June 9, 1864
Tbe Eye and the Ear.
TAR. S. It. KNIGHT, of Lewisbnrg, having
J7 had twenty-five years' practice, oflera
his services to those who are atUicied with
diseased Eyes or Ears. The folluwinj is one
r 1 .' "1 . .
01 a nuuiurr iu 1 rsuinouiais ;
My nn kail Mtara.-l of tmlh tp wa Mind of on.
11 nf ly an of tu ihr. I b.l tiy--in atIt-oiliB-4
kin, to Bo lleet. Pr. kuiubt iliiiifS hiti. nl
rurl nltn without an operation. I vimM .tbw sit wh
sr aniirkMl to ( Mm call. r.( Wl kL VloLr'.
ciiLca is
and R3GERS superior PLATED WARE.
riTAl! kinds of SILVER WARE made on
Ihe premises. WATVil Krpmrint; carefully
done IH45m3 aw
Estate of LL Col. John D. Husser
WHEREAH, letters cf administration lo
the estate of John D. Musser, dee'd.
late or Lewisburg. have been granted to the
subscriber by the Register of I'uiob euniy,
all persons indebted 10 sa-.d estate are reques
ted lo make payment and those having claims
against the same will present them without
delay to JOSEril Ml'sER,
Or to bis AltnriMys, OK WW a tUU
LiaburK, June 3, sgj
Andrew Kennedy,
Rotary ruklle. ieataibsliMers' OMee, ttsrc.
WILL take ihe acknowledgement of
Deeds. Mortgages and other 'legal
instroment.s.admimster oaths, lake atBdaviis
in relation 10 the income lax, Ac. Ao
United Statrs fUlui Agents.
1 LICENSE, having been granted lo the
undersigned lo carry on the bnsne?t of
United Males Claim Azrnts in I umn ronnty.
lhv will attend promptly in the cnllrclion of
hark pay and bounties aad ihe procuring uf
pensions for toldiersor their legal representa
tives, and the prosecution of damn against
lb United States.
JAMES f. lOHr P tlx
Ie"tV'irz. ftarch ft ,
rpilE nnderiignej, bariva; obtamri Ike
I uf the furniture, finsm am4 wikiI, ef
Mr. lirB M. I.'wtraa. will enannae (h
U.ikery, tionfeelionerv and Nnhwa kwiiawas.
at ih .M sl.-t:d, on Market Href I, for she pe
riod of one year. Je hope by Miiei auenema)
to to.wnes5 lo roefil tLe patronage hrelfor
extended to th.'j rstaMisnnieot. .
l.ewir, April 2f, 1963
Success: Success!
SI'ffKS bas everywhere aitended owr
Armies and o il may be a; of
I nklc A faas V ffcotograiihlc Gallery.
(Mtuatrd ua the Sopib sole of Market srml,
lieiwctn Zd umi 4il, Lewukir;.) which is
perleei success we bavm. al coatidrraM
ejpeue, nilnt up a new combination Ligbr,
which can not be surpassed for to effect ia
tm; lo ihe Fu ture lhat delicate shading
whirii all admire.
Pictures taken o Taper, Iron, tlasa, aad
We have rn hand a very large assorwan
of Fran.'s, Fine Case, and I'notvgrapw AW
Luidj &II t which we oth-r at crty price.
nrPijn of Ihe 8TAIC.
ONE HIMjUEU hands warned lo cm
al Ueavrr Furnace, Snyder coaofy. Jvoo)
w jccs will be paid monthly in caws.
1HT the latrst of a?l is thai of.
ho. haying retorneil from New York I
Philadelphia, ia preparsd ui sell Quods
Cheap for Cash.
A large assortment of pruga,CbrmieaIx.Oits).
Paints. Varni.hes, trye Smffv Ulai, Parfoaa
erics. Coal Oil. Lamp. Br.shea.Toye. Faaew
.Nniions,"Soaps. Uonleciioaeriet, Wta.fifae,
Tobacco, Cigars, Cutlery,
Ac c 4s. etc.
rhygician3' prescriptions -tuttullj
Wines and Liqnora for Sfedicinwl
purposes, warranted genuine aad of the keel
quality. ,.,
May M. Itti
- -
sai SpMllag Apnaratwt generally,
RODS. Lines, Reels, Baskets. Bail, flit.
Hooks, Nets, Foils. Gloves, Masks,
liillies. Corkscrews, Dog Collar. Ac. cow
stanily on hand and for tale Wholesale aad
Retail at Ihe Sportsman's Depot,
N.E. corner 3d and Walnut 8ts Philadel
phia. March 4, 1864 6nt
Important to Tax-Payers.
THE STATE TAX must be paid before or
on the rVlSih of July ncxtj ia order
to enable Ihe County Treasurer to pay th
amount required by the State Treasurer.
According to Ihe Act of Assembly passed)
last session, no abatement will be allowed aa
heretofore, but if not paid fire per ant. unit tm
added. WM. J NE8, Co. Treat.
Lewisbnrg. May 20, 1861
rPHE subscriber would respectfully lateral
X hit old customer, and ihe pabllc gene
rally, thai be will have constantly on haad
and for sale a full supply of his superior
Hydraulic Cement, Persons at a distance ae)
ihe line of Canal 01 Railroad can have theuT
orders filled al short notice.
We do certify thai we have used the above
Cement in the erection of the Bellefonte Water
Works, and lake pleasure in recommending
it lo all persons in need of a good article.
mfiJanS: Wilms Tarn.
4 LL PERSONS are hereby notified net
l to ride on horseback or drive with a
team on or across my Lois, which 1 intend yt
occupy as a Coal Yard, without my eontcau
Boatmen gre notified not lo tie np at say
Wharf, withcul first consulting me. Any eaa
violating the above notice will be considered
a trespasser, and prosecuted as snrh. .
Lewisbnrg, April I, I SRI
VT an Election helJ by the Stockholders
of the Lewisbnrg Cemetery, the aadef.
signed was elected Treasnrer.and all money a
for lots, grave-digging, eke, mutt be paxl to
him. Persont interested will pleas Bote low
Those indebted to ihe Ceatatery Association
are requested to make immediate payment.
Lewisbnrg, Jan. S3, laM fm
KREMER, LOSC A. CO. have jutt
A great variety of descriptions aod prices
call and see. May 6
I'ST received a fine assortment tndlea
Gloves, Trimmings, 4c. 4c tuitawe lot tha
season alto a fine lot of Doeiies at
June 20 KREMER. LONG t CO'
JP1ARPETS "c'd (June by "
L STER, Salt and Fish for sal hf
HYMN BOOKS Frefbj'eJi". Mthr!j
and Luth-rsn.al fORHiSfi