WT RTFHl 1 STAR AND liiialUtJIijOf M I iK J.-ii r I'I'I BY O. X. WOK DEN AND J. II. C011NEL1US. At M.30 per lar, nhvujH In Advsmre. rlV.LIMIKU MMI-ttlrkLY-- Tuesday Murium: & Friday Afternoon. A U UAH A M L I N CO L X run vii t PitvinnT. Anilrru Johnson. FOTTUBAL tll'Kfl. HOBTAV !"'Mt 'HILL 2 livor. M ' g llfur llumiu a. woliaui fl hum 6 Uarteu Jciik 6 Clu..' M IUejip 7 K'.h-o-l frki 8 William T.vl r.r 9 J'ltm A ll.-i.raii.1 M Hi hart II ilertrll 11 Kd.KrJ M.'ll'l.y 11 Cl.r.r. 1 K 1 Tl"--.i!- XXt-CGASi 1 1 K;-n. w il ,l. 14 t'ti.r. II sutliier li J;. hu Winter 10 i 1 o ntiliy 17 l tel w u .... 1 l-a.t- Ht-n. u W J-.lin Cat- i VI S.iim... I ' k 1 rv.-r.-r-; I.I. --r Jl.n ! I', t -t Kmh-'T -.1'Oo.l.ln J.l.u t lt..u,.liol District ani County .o,.iin itio:is. lasrmbtt-stlllr'l H. .ittviir.. of I nlnn roiiniy SAMIhl. AL It-A.. of Mi;d.T tolinly guerlir-THT.SIlS ( ill P.I U, f Hurtle) lot. n,ils (vmml.tvi-tr-U'illAF.l kit. kM K.ol Net. Urrlin AndHar-JUlr.S Alklt.of tail Klillalue Curoncr-Iir NJ1 BUs-rf Mlffllabur.. AMEM'.Mr.M'S TO Tilt C.lNSTn LUO.N. 'or the Firt A'nendm'tit. ytr the. S'omd Am' nJ.nrnt. Fjr the Ttind AnenJftitit. Election on Tu-'ii lay, A R S, lsr)! "For the Campjigii ! The Stam A CiiTii'S iri.fi vi I ( r the & 4nd ami wi-l be a.f.il n!; .Viv. Kl rl;im lot t'tliv CVnl Cih in a Ivance. can . be fiol up without a mitiirrift'.u'n paper only ictf'As ihin Aasiuibij disir.ei c ui pi s s tbrvo CouuHcs and electa tlire Members, we suppo-e each wi.l and fbouid uike ls own choice, aitbout tbe luitrviLlt u uf a Confereuce, uuicss in cane of a d.viMni. iu county, .ben it would be proper for ibe o'Der c 'unites to Ucieruiiue it. u have therefore put al our u.a-t brad the naint s of Meesr. A LI. EM AN and OnVlo, n-miD-eca cf their le.ipcciive cnuuiin, l-ir the Aisembiy. l.ach waa Humiliated, by die timet, gtcret ballot, cf th-jse most cji-c r Ced, without iipp'sititin. C'au a bitter cuuiuiriidaliuo tbau that be gtv. n? L t l.jcmii'g atlccl au iijually worihy aud popular caudidate, and toe electiou of the tbrce, by from cue to twj tbousiud u.i j i tiiy, may be cousidcred secured. The Confercbcii for Congrena and lhat for Si Dbt ir being jet to be bcld, we uoiit tbe names of candidates fir tbo time. "U il Hartley deserves a gnoj county office at prest Ut. MrCuiHCil peraouaily tiie.o fciave m-n, but 1 am srrry to imy is worthy and fit. Oae of tho earliest to . thai it wi.l be .ii.p-if-.ible. Basin M prei .,l...... ... i.;. .... v, l ' '" 'be '"i-'. b-Mdes, 1 b.vo a oones.cu i.j j i,:. ........ ... is an eloq'ioot tcasoo wny no one cunwota his cU-cliou as Sheriff. j We tbiuk none can doubt lhat New Kt-riio and its .icinity are entitled to the Commissioner ibis year. Mr.KLtCKNF.ti'a life-long familiarity with County busiucrs shows bim lo be amply (.'laliSed. Mr. AlKKN, all know, is noi an tfSee- erker, was t.keu up without his ku.wi-. edge, and desires us to siy that be is not a candidate. Gaod aril truj friends, w ho would be giad lo vote f.r him, have madj bim a caodidate oa tbe sine ticket with Lincoln, aud wo trust ho will permit the people lo booor him at tbe polls V, n.n . t.U nt " . , , . JLffl.nburg, also nominated without any Bohoitation on his part, and capable. Tbus wc have a ticket well divided over the county, fairly ia the field, ainl, i as far a-i we can see, bound to triumph 1J an unprecedeotrd niij riiy. Large Sales of Real Estate. The esta'e of tbe late J 'bu M'Oall, in Yoik valley, west end of Union county, .as bid off lo I', liilimcyer Si Co., lor tbe sum of 815.-05. Dr. S. L. Beck, also sold to the Fame parties, 1800 acres,' on Ibe bead waters of White Deer Creek, adj jibing Ihe M'Call property, f.r $10,000. Tbe6e salea, and tbe operations of lM'Clure, Frederick, Brown, aud others, t? r. i. i. ..k;ji .... On riirUCt) V.rcc, riiuw uuw iul.i.iv .mc ... j . timber lands of our mountains are ciuiing " into inaikcl, and how large an inherent Value they have. . , tOrW e Icaro ..a M1V..lur,j Tctyraph tuat toe tor.e.ian commission Daw asK another half million dollars for tbe aid of toldiers, aud lhat Ibe tuccessful effort in its behalf of the Lewisburg Presbyterians is to be followed by collections from other churches on Sunday next Mr. Aikea bas greatly interested tbe citii- bs by bis roetical readings at Wolf's Hall, M ffl n torg Peter Ilag. nbuch. of Kelly To l- ... ' J ft maseBine Urgest income return of unv larmer in Lnion county Lient. Jam a it " " J CIeaer, wounded, and Hiram Smith, sick, re borne oo leave. Wm. F. CoWPEN was ordained to the Work of Ibe ministry, and recognited as pastor of Ibe Jersey Store Baptist church, mureday, 10th lost. .Mr.C. graduated in tbe United Presbyterian college io Law- rence county, and was reocntly from the -heological depart of the Uoiver-it, t Lewisbutg. .Honorably discharged from a iome-' hatoTtr. lo!.r.; : ...... j) ulrr:. n si rl u .e1' i.uu BerflCB in t iroima icsumea His practice in Uuffaloe Valley. Vailandigham has .lipped awa, from is .tain trvina ia ! Canada into Ohio, and v.i. v.. r. . j-o" . ..i t. !" -! geU,D "f ' C0BB,6r - tsltllion io tbe L"jil Sulci. j W'U iiVK illiMI ')i!T h- y" Imve ii "r hi ? . our --i tr- in ll.. l.attti- n'.ain6, ml U.v.l li h ' " a i Iconic li-.ui. '" tut "'T i. .i Ii-.w. Alt I . -II Ihe tnll- "I , A I (T fr i:i h t- f tt- ni inn.i-.J J, VUo l,i;n.J Hi- 8 n-r. O'.r h-HTt nr.- i'h f! rtdM An-1 1 u r it M-tl, .t.. ..Ij.it : Mffi-i iir-t i t .i r m,.iiij cuor, 1, i- b wr -ri. i'ir:.it !.. Tlv niiiil '-.il- r tl will. An i t t;1- "' i wih i'-. . l.r tl,- d - .I.-' itj-in buttle I'in htti ili. I.mu in u fl,. Y. t "li t-irii a w.irtiini In-art t- ..in i .i l ' !-' v. (..r i. in T ti'-- i f-i-.t.n J I'v the Unc: uJ bill, u riirt ur. h Hi:!, T luv. W i..t..l l t" i'" "'" At.-I ur i 1 1. t..ii in lh- l-"-t fli Aii'i tt.o rm, -( j i "i hui". Y Ti itii iu, lai l in alrifii'i f'.t-cp, Ut.hk t .M- ;(i 'i -' r -Im'i w ,n-. TtT- ' "" L-l till th. tni'i.jj Lll ncuni, Auj Hj J.-..-i I. ill n.tlii. Luw.ii.ui.JuiK' 1 . H U. U Alt Tilt. Return cf the "Sliier Guards." T'uii was the fiii t.'oi;i.uny wuieli left 1'iuoii county for "lliree years or during the W'iir." lloiior.-.bly di--fli:irj;cd1 thry reaehed ! in ri-lm: on the t;h in.-t , but. itotu uh.-'.ui lin- t!;o earnest rilorts ofuur lonni: i aa' ioni.e. aii i oi. , uit-r. ii'lion:.''.- and t ol. r-UiU', tin v did n.,t yet llirV the l.il.vrintliiaii .letai!s of red t:i: e u:u :-s !:iv I t, and Wed- nesday :il'iri'iio..:i thry rea 1'ej.ot. 'i'lieie tin y v-ei'i is.-ioU of citi.eiis aii-1 s . lied i.rwi.-bur ne t by a juv ! u Scuts, headed by the l.ctti.-l.iiri; i t!i. i:i iuio the li' ;m;i M.bi::trri' was presen h:::i.!s. c.itb a ;,:.! rcl l:"i:..r, hatdiv i i 'and, which escorted .-li. Kaeh Liotacd .e l. fro 111 the ladies' of i voiyreriis i.iu t richly wi n. Jiar- t'liono ,.n Market rjjii; . stlc, t. iiroi-jli t:in 'r arcl.rs at Wridrn.-aul's, W olfe's and Aiaiooiis' eoruri-, wi'li im l:irroil.5 .;; pleat mid slii:t!l. a'ld " wel comes" innumerable, thry tarried at oth Street, IVoui wiicre tin y started thn e years U'S't, then lclraet 'I tii' ii s:e;,s to tho front of the l'ie.-by terimi ilunch. Their pio neer l a. lain had been invited to address them, but ileeiiiicd for reasous stated in the follow int- letter : Ml Nrv, June 7, 1SCJ. C. C ?ll.n:KLt.V, l.ur'.s li.-ar "Sir: Y..ur fav r ol Hii- day Is j 1st lo hand, and 1 thank jou f r ihe kind iuviia:i,.u it COIiWH'S t- pat tie puto iu ihe rec.ptioii cf our liesirns N would Lire me jreatcr pi. a.ir-; ban to U with you on ,;,at lCe-l ui aud a.!drs a welcoOiO .to JKinc uui'i air. .-u-iif auAA hit puj-'i, 1 - 1 1 . I . ,H f,,rti,ll,u cv u readibg and c-.iinttfii; ai m I. I h..n-, however, thai ihe eoi-!e uf l. -wisburg wul da ail iu their power lo honor tue g.liaiit few" who return to i lieu, after three years ol battle utid storm. Vou say wed wh. n y .u siy il.it, however f iiall ibe.r iiber, they arc worthy our c u..-idera'i ui " My heart Warm when- m.i..,. ..-. w-.,-. w. Ll to the li.. 1 at a ti.i.,- w'.cu no boun- I L . . ). . f t .... ., k...., I...T.J 'I'K.it- tics were tiyeii, ai.l tliti unitea .itt.e, si nice u r. u me seamy (my o. cirv u d-l:ars per t.'li. I a.hlully they fob filled thLr contra with the oLroui-n.. re. u to it.c lift hour ate. ana auocj datsof trac-j" io'-iderlhat uostain might tach IJ the t.-itne of the "rctitisjlvania K. -serves. R-' Uruing now after f.uch b.ug and ard.i us service, hiving partici- pated in a sc-ira of battles a w its with JreJi, , ,0(.m,PTM . , ,heir S,ate- ,h,.y ate ja jcl.j dU,.-i bh we ..-..'J 'Melight t0 houor." Very truly jours, T. CiiAMti.iti.l. The Ctumiiitrea of Arrangements then invited lion, lili filler to make the for mal weleomini', which duty he jierforiued in the fi'llowiti; terms : Oillf'l-l'.S AM) Mk.V (iT CuMPANV 1' OF Til Z 5 111 I'.t. UesLllVKS : 1 have received many marks of honor from the rood peo ple of my town and county, but never one of which I have becu more prom tbau this conferred upon me today, by the gentlemen of the eoiniiiiitee appointed to receive you. .ui.-ii a scene, ami such nn occasion as this, coti.es not in every ' life-tin. not oner in r vcty century. How deeply moved are the hearts of this pcoidc : Collie throbbinc with iov -- j j uu-peakable, because their Ion-' al.s.-nt , ' , , " , loved ones h ive n toi-oe, to th... i..r. burthciicd with a trrief far too ,lc, i, ll,r utterance, beciu-e their near ,ncs :.re not here, an. 1 never will return to tb.em. i cau II(it ,,,lk ,., yml ,,ravo a that iny own heart let-Is, much lc,s fall 1 hope to rive exprcs.-ioii to the warm out- flushing afl. ctiou with which each man, "o.naii and chil l in this romm unity re- cri.es joo. i otu i c.at ivcs ..no personal friends are here lo erect you. T he rela tives of those you left behind vou ill hoii- ored "raves are also lieie. to take yuu by iiieuauu: wihim iiiev sorrow lor innr ,ea,i tiu-' rejoiee tlirou-h their very tears at.... I- 'It ...) , 1. 11 'rv 1 "V "' -v,u' UMl you ine will ever cherish you as the c paniotis inarms last with those they so sincerely mourn, in i lie name in all ttiese people, and in their behalf, I Lid you welcome ! I lleem It ti or.'-.t 1.1-1 v 1 1...... to er.et.b i'.r the people of this vicinity dicse words of earnest wcleouie ; but in doing this, my i.iou0uis instinctively turn to the day wn.-u, some three years n-o, you, with ll'JD-r cJ,"I'''-iotis, h it thecc iui"et scenes, a,'u,Jo"t',i 7 "vocations, t-evered your- V.ur uZlT, j tie, and if need be to die. You were in- FI,.ireJ t0 f1,is no.t llJ tbo "''rn love .fj military Utilav. for you had always shown ' . . .. . ... . ' " r .... . - vain pursuit of military-glory, for all your, icauiings na.1 ever been tuat peace with-1 h"nor. was .tLf !'i-?hcs' . buoa f. .0uM.erV0 ' -b.ut " ? becau,e y.u ieit mat the Ue ot tho nation was attacked. nd s the duty of her sons to defend her; that tie inititu'iou? your ancestors ' yourselves superior to this; not in tho',lne ot battle, while our siirmtsDcrs, LEWISBORO, UNION CO.,' PA, FRIDAY, i had left vou wire threaten. I, and it be- I came you tu .loeivo tliem t'T fiiliiru I j j;ciiiTjiiiiis. In a word, it was under the ! liif)lost mid .ui'est eii;e of j.ati iutic oldi- : tinu tliLit vuu voliinUi.ii'd to j'liu t!ie .iriiiv uf the Hetiublic. Vou went away! 1 i . .... I... .. , ... ,...t.w,;,.iw i,r tl.,- i perils that would bcU y..ur patl, Vou. 1 i- .t rit-ii in i riii inti iitist ffiMU's, iilu icii- - . U, ret tuong-ts, nay, you nau wuu wx. l...tt.. t!... ;i.i...r. iir.iver of liei'dlljor i i i-'- .i .i. . .. .. ,i, ok.). .....I -.11 I aiKl liieoua ! 1 i I ion i.nn... i .. , . " l ............I i nturii .vilely Mil only as yu cum: u us ! ... .1... ;.l honor. Th. v leared tliat some of Jour number would m'Vcr return, but tleni-ht not that so ma- ny would tall. .Uw . your thinned ranks r ...1,u rc:;t.,hf.! . y;:"' . 1 lie many iryes niai neeji 101 iniisu iii"sv Tesniee" here to-day Would have filled i them with ;ladues. and rejoieiiiL', .(test now reai u;u ueeu uiti saeimee. .is oiild all have nhared iu the happiness of tl.eMi. so do we join t.ieiu iu thru tears ; 1 and whiU we n...ura for the loss of the liow "real h.u been tilu .su-lltlee. ,S wo bravje youtln who, living, would have bnii a toy to their friends and ornaments to society, e bid th. ir u.oiirnin;; friemU liud eo.nfort as lliey lelleel upon tl' ir uiniiories that they iuililled their ubh- I L-atioiis to tu. ir countiy ana their ..od, mid lhat their lives, however bnei". were brijhter, worthirr, more useful far in their pelleet UJOIIIV ill UII-illl-Il UeVotloll to tiie ri 'lit. than if lengthened out in the i,ui -uit of lileasure and ciiiovincnt of lux - pillsUil ll pie.nuiL autl enjoy me ill Ol lUi. liriull o:,y,. -.1 Htlllll This (.oi.ipai.y, as it met its share of the losses ol the I'dina Keservcs, parti- ipates, too. in the name that has been won by that c.ri;ai:iia;io:i. liaised at a time when -popular fx lint; was at the hi-he.-t, its r.iuks were filled with the choicest of our youn uicii. 1 ou joined the national ariuies al a time' of dcjiressinj; defeat, and as your beaiin-r and soldierly appearance at that tryina' juncture helped to le-llispire coiilidriiee an-l to turn tliu ' t. b: cf disaster, so 'have you since, thro' j nil colli hattl.'S. neiilitaioi'd vtilir rrlillta- : t ion for liuliinchin-valor, and earned a r. iiiovii of which every lVnusylvaniau will be proud, the j;lorics of which belong to the living and the dead ol your orioiu- i ii li . a - liii:nds, as your battles have bceu more numerous and bloody, and as your cause vvj.-, loore in. t. so u tu liisrorc nuartl lo .. - -7 -j Tl. -.de,.. u I,,,.!, .,w in .!. ,... ti.e citi-iens of I.ewisbur" mid of I n- ion county, 1 extend to you, is tdiiecre, is earnest. Welcome home! Conic into our families come to our firesides re- eount. to us iu the hcariiic; of our children your trials and your triumphs, that even our little ones may catch the inspiratiou of your valor, anil live to eiui.lato your patriotism. Vou have fullered and bled, and your comrades have laid down their lives for us an 1 for our country. ( lur debt of ''latitude to vou is irrcat. ami as tlis eommuiiity shall hope for tho blcss- ; ., ,,f the Al"mi"hlv. so will it be true . t . .7 .it- to me .merits ol tlie leturne.l foldier ; allj will I1(.v,.rn IK.vcrf,.r,.et the wullts ol t!ll. w;,IllW al,j orphan of i,.,,. .-, jrll hattl n-' lor J.ibcrlv lor ,,, IMjlv ,-,. (mnl" U iiud ',..lin ?T t'.l i, ,.... !,.,, . ,, r..,..i ;,. ....),....,, ,.,. ...... . ,.. .., : .. i ... . . ... .. i .. i hrobbiie- heart- -ili.co.me home: i he ( ompany was then dismissed to discuss a most elegant supper at Woideii saul's, after w Iiicli they returncil to their different lioiiics...aud the " ."-'lifer Guards'' live in hi.-tory only. (ieo. W. S hoch, o-iptain's clerk, furn ishes us with the following memoranda ; RKTUKNF.D ItoMK. Card. in. II. II. .M'Call, 1st Lirtlt. T. li. Recti, "d " J. li. liaytoti, 1st Isergeaut Wui. t-'eaiios, -d " James Doran, iitl " (.eorge C. Kelly, 1st Corporal Amos Ditsworth, L'd .lohn V. Ilafcr, ad " ieo. W. ."'flinch, 4th " George Kicholu. rillVATKS. William Hockley, Charles Moody, Thomas Crawford, Lawrence .Monroe, H ilii.tiu I ravcl, haiuuel A. Heed, , . . 1 lioiuas I . .skins 1 1. I i ' dl...rt I '.unci I . .Inert, I harles . I'eeder, Charles E. Stivder. l- 'is Jems, Josei.h Stroiip, Joseph Joll, Henry I'lrieh, Thomas Kennedy, Robert Walsh, John Kuoll, Luther Wheeler. liuua(leil in tt.e lfR t7 a i.iecfl of li-ll. RE -ENI.ISTF.D MKN. Per-. R. II. Walk, StTg, Jas. Ficlit li'irn. .""ere;. Wm. II. f'chwriik, Con.. J.v eob ISeese, .Mus. John Clymur, Privates Albert (iilman, Isaac Harper, Levi Mar- ! k el. Jas. A. Morrison. Klias I'aL-e. lieu. ! JS. .Saylor, Levi Smith. Peter Smith, Win. - I . S iv,.rw J:il.L,.n -rt Thm.-i V WiI.ou. I VET. RES. rORPfl. Privntp-i .l,,h.. i:,.,,r..ll Ch:i Penlin-r VETEilANS KIU.ED WWB E.EsL1STINO. A. G. Sticker, William Myers. ('apt. John A. Maus t.f Xorth iitnhcr- ly J-icut Jo!l" 1'ott,'r of Clearfield, Win. II. Snyder of Bloomsburg company, and perhaps others Irom our county, have also returned. From Co. E, 142d F. V. Mav 26, 18G4. We are now about three miles north east of Hanover Junction, Va. Since Jeruay morning, we nave oceu lying iu i i i i. 1 ... ... .... short distanec in our advance, are keeping op a steady fire upoo the enemy' akir- mishers and adv.noed line, which is lying behind .ood n.;. k-n.,! - - - - - e. iu"" mh,Me 0?er ni"ther unpleuaotlj, but do t-rm- uauon.ai.a wu. nexer oe lorgouen. ... u ( bul e(utta. I ibiuk Some of .Nai.olcoiis old liuard, the men ot the! , . , , Keservcs died but never surrendered. As our frlnJs Hra fu'c,,B ,0 wrlte 10 us vou have been as brave as were the 'If they knew bow much we value . letter Oo the evening of the 113 i inst., wo cru89p(l ihe North Ain riti-r, ibreo or ftur in Ilea above Ibid. We baltJ, oii'l were making preparations for s night 'a ; rcat, wbeu we were ordcrt'd to ''fall iu" I nitwit nn mils short distance, and. :uiJ(t heU. the ,io. co!d U li.h-l, t i r. . !itti .'jruica. were iuiv uiii - were driven burt lo cur I. . i'S. tut wub their .ssUuuce thu iei 5.3 ; wfU... .....n auiil l....lr ... iah..FA tlll-V f'lltl. . -. vm. ; from. Th. found it .r. unbeahhv to ' advance through the btorin of grapj and Kuiltttt hllt ll)!lt ,., Xapaleuns tuot gm h(,m eut J,J uot l.t .I,, hnt I, ... . .b.,o c.. - -ri Tbi make tb twenty-.ccoDd day since corauiin.-nut.iil uf '.bis campaign, dur- : , i,:-h h.va h. f,.w ;jie , , wlli,h ,jI)e we i , , . ' ' , . ; uf ,u Cive as but littlo rot. in the first did Cht, i bfw ty our knapacka, eo:he, biabk- ' eta, aud Diuoy of us our touts. At almost efir r,ia0a that we atopp'd, .a built j . . . ,n,l uem louce bad ihe chauos of fi'litiui iu ihem. !.... , 3 i Uuntl. tUC Urst ItfD UiVS, W8 weru inuer : fitting or under Are ot artillery every d ij. Tho total los, of our regiment is ab.ut ' aa foil. mar Killed. 1(1; wounded. 80: i . . . : : , Q . t ttrcsent W8 Lava out 150 men iu the regiuicnt , of Ui. E, thus fir is : The lcS Wjumlal Win. I.. Aaammj, and S Bover, slightly in hand; J ho Klin- severely; Jjiob llinkei, arm amputated I. S. Iv rsteUdr, slightly, iu hand ; Win- II. Sccbler, slightly, in shoulder ; (jcorge fiakcr, severely, in thigh ; Sanmed Sti z.r, BeVprely, iu chiu aud shoulder. Mining Joha A. Minium. Several others bava been hit by min- -id picoes of shells, but ara (till with tbe coinpiuy. Capt. Evans and Lieut, Iveritclter are btill with us, unhurt. We now put our miild nearly evi-rv dav. r. from them, I am eura they would write oftenrr. Wll.LIAM Sllltl.ps. . r.. . . -. . ...l -i . , i-japr. dva-is writes, June otD, inai 11 -e. wout.uca, was icit vu -e fiilJ hM bJ he Lebels, and he fears he is doad. Corp. Bankes died from Lis wounds, and from fever, June 1st.' ' i:.i, Moarr waa killed. Jnna Ila ! was one of tbe bravest so'diers, and having voluu'eereJ to join in tba rk.ruiisbers' line, was killed instantly by a ball through his neck. Capt. Kvaos coccludes tbus : "Wo are all almost worn out, but we have coi.fi lenc ia our loaders, ani ft el coLfil.nt of success. But we da but look ! fr a cumpUfe tuaru quite as eoon as some I v .-.i ..J 'I'l. ; oi our .-.onucru menus aeem to. reason is, we know better wbat we Lave tj cuutl.nd a(!8iu9r. We fully expect to .- . . . oUr ,ucbB"",d but "P'ct ,0 ba,e eua eaa oe accoiuMistica. we need the : r.ravers and thn fvmnathv of all ITnin. ! loviue dbodIo at this lime. CHARLES R. EvASS. I Latest Nevs - The 875,000 000 uational loan has been , ' ' , -ton s ii laKcn at au average of 1U1J. Uold, lor speculation, has reached New Yoik from s i i in-i irt i Lurcpe. Gold was 19. 1 on Thursday. FrcsiJcQtLioeola is received with great eDthusiasm on his visit to the Central Fair io 1'hilad. Grant on James River. The stirring Lieutenant General has! made another movotneot, successfully. ; Commencing Sunday last, be bas traDS-1 f. rred bis main force from Yoik lo James ! i l.ivcr, partly by water, and several of the corns forcinc their wav over tho Chicka-1 t. : , r . ... ... r. ; uum.u, anu .orm.ng a juoouou wi.u oen. ou.ier at ucrmuua iiuntireu. i ontoons wore laid, and our army is probably now j I. ... i . ... . . od ihe south side, designing to cut off and take Petersburg, reduce Fort Darling, and ; reach Richmond by the river and oo its j southerly banks, which arc less defensible than thn It. colna I Sheridan, with a cavnlri f,.rea hatnn : -- - uui eu au eaucuitiou, it is Diiposeu tu meet Generals Hunter, Crook and Aveti'l, who aro advancing east from Staunton. I :.. u... :. : .t... , . 1 1 An expedition to cut off the Danville' a w .1 ii- l i i - i railroad, S. . of Richmond, is also eon-1 jectured All these movements look like surround ing Lee io or near Richmond, and prevent ing his escape.. The destruction of his army is death to the rebellion. From the South West. Gen. Shermau's gain is gradual and j .nl....,nMj Th. nr..l n.nr.,.1 ... 1 -.u....-r.v.. ........ v.- Bishop) Polk, Was killed in recent en-1 eounter. Geo. Storgis, at a point eastwird from Memphis, was surprised by a superior r . f t .1kt .l ,ir-..i :.u .i. -. - r lorsoui ai-uti.)uu-o.M.-u w..u .utj.uos ui luuir mea ana several cinuou. oiurgis rnn . . o is relieved of bis command The Rebel Morgan made a raid into Ken lock; but was at last defeated, and retreated. KsVUnion Count Agricultural Fair Iturtiay to SataMax. Oct ,'. aai Mi JUNE 17, 1SGL ofV:r.rrnviiAlM)VARE STORE i LEWISBUUG. Fnunisin, the nci'ne of the li'e Ctt te- i iwi-en Cnv uil J 'likinii, ei-ure.l i f ir j ....... " uf robel elmc. The ! dJ bmU r r fX iTirS H.1 out lif nifbimrv. The uppi'ri., which .r. of .enr be.vy. i"-"'t v, -r ... nu with jr.m lafflt BU'l wei'n. 1 n eoucs oid eicjedmely eliirnv nd beiv. Th nit b tu tutftties of Ku.lnd do tbo j . . ,, ,1; . , h, .,, .1 ,,. '"- f " S"J "'' "f b',ScS auJ fuU' . . i r ... ' hundred millions ff men. , I)r. TuU.lV Veilili'm Liaillient. ' A rERT AIX :I.KE for IW .u l.-nhv . Tbri.a...Cr..U?. Kh....-.u...; Colic, Ac a pertVrl family meilieiua, aoit never lui!.. Kfad ! Real!! Read!!! Lit..?. Wtm Co, Mich . Juw 1". tai'i. Till. ! ti. c.riil) Hi al !EJ U i. Ik-n will. ti .li-. !..r Tiiro.t: it eumani-vl Ic .well, anj Km II. l .li c.ulU B'.t .tl". .nJ eiiujitiwl n.nllT I UfN-d yimr Liniment, suj mn-lf prf-t i:ure lofine Ww-ll. I llriiilv lb.l L-al Iwr U. l.itomDt h wrmj lu.tb.r I.(J. JOHN II. IIA.ll.AN. I'riceM !!i and SO cenK. Sul 1 by all Drui; gi.U. Oiiice 5H Cunlandt St. New Vol. jjoyt's Hiawath Eaii Restorative, u,..-. yuir ;f,r,re. ! The Mandard nanle preparation for ihr hair uwrro-if'- in all i-a.e u, rsiore faded jr . w,i.k,.r. , ,h,.ir riuin.Uoi..r. It I. XlV.'i""'. ilV".v." ?;;XZn"X::"llZ ' ill. fr'.m lapunti-.n.l l,ui..r. .n.l.iiif-t'rr.. ; t""i '"iot !... u i.r i.r.-i..rt..,i.. r. ui.,. . ,a.1.l.ar..tt,tr..n..-l..c. It r-.iui-v.av .! '" . i i . ... .,..!i. f ..,r. n ,r l It -atuin ll ; kill, tmt t r'H-aiiV .(f. Ifli Mfld WI(HHl f-om UlM fkin j mt hir ir.-ifio - "it Tht9 tli ntufl ml.mlinx -f cn- hair with n-.tt.r. whirb '-s H iily pjri.o itwdUavJ ut t-e U-iil uuifuini bica of twrrs imverhl coiorisg crsa t:.. n.ir i m. 1-". im'i ii.hi auj ti tir s-'i-i ...rj.h.m. jostrir lion . co. 1. l No in I uot-rciv 11..-. Nw i.irt i.. . I...... H..1 hr.,. ur biuek. ILtts-sUttrs ixTar&ct. Currtdtil Semi- WteUy Wheat, 1,75 Barley 90 to 51,00 Rye l.'O E-s Corn, 1.50 Tallow Oats, pr 32 lb, 75 Lard, fresh Klaxtced 2 J5 Wool lo! 10 I 15 CO ! Dried Apples 8 lb Potatoes ' t.'. d Siili $: Shoultitr 1-1 . Uags I, 5, and 6 UaQi... .. . u i t- ft . T J t lh Riba , hwll'-M J.bK' iiuuvi - sq ftlftttrtt-.O, ... t. tr n n. t... ieh iu't.. RCi'REN ll n !-.AIl-.ofLn..nc.uo.y.auaSlli;ail-.,.lauiu..ro, L..nc..uo..auaui.iAia-,.i.uii.i.ror Mi. of Tur. ul Tp. in th- 14:h iu-t.rofRTI.AND FOYER i.cmaii - ;hLIiiA,;1.K.otiari)ui,.l.-. OtlTJ, ia whit.c.T.4miMi,J0USDlEF?ENDERFER .ni..r. vnits jra.1 n.". . .'..i'.!l!AS i0fiERUci"", -"' J - J . .. In Iwirbure. lLth itirtt., cluld cf Uarj SP.ANT, anl a.miit 4 y.HTic Mot lur II. C. STEIMI l, I nAVI.N'U relumed Irom the Army, is now located at UcrTiloe -V K-.ads and ohVis Ins professional servire lo Ihe public. May be (onnd at Woi. T. Linn's'- Butfaloe Tp, June 16, IKCt "- pa3ai SU!AC WAKTED. T WII f n-iv the hir-hesl market prce in T V xJrL S P Tom of Sunnr . my Tanya in Lewisbur-. Per- rUlZ ... ... ... i....n,.i ' E. J. HtLL, ..r.is.iu.. Estate of Jonatliaa Koser, dee'd. I It UTTERS Te.tainfntary pr ihe estate cf Jonaihan Koser, dec d. late of But!aloe n--hip. Uuion county, have been eran'td - to ihe sut.scribrts in due foriu of law All persons indebted itfaput estate ate net neu io : make immediate payment, and those having cam)S a2ai ihe samevwul present them properly authentic- I fertileinnt io ' JOIlK KOSI--R, RufS., . llirfa- soloMj-n kuskh. Ktir,; tor. ! June It, 18Ct $..0 Seven Octave 150 ; tr.OVI.STKtV 10., iW, Broadwaj, Ntw Vork. "V'EVV enlarge j scale PIAXO FORTES with i an laiest imprvveanenis. Thirty years' exnerince, with greatly in- creased facilities locWnufacturinp. enahle lie call fnr I & o I ilia nltilVf- II n fl II 2 1 1 tf ai -w price. Our .strnmerV received ihe hyrhesi award aithe World's '4ir, and frr niftiest award aiine it oriu s ri.r, a..u ir. f.ye successive ears at the American lasti- five successive Warranted five vears. Ts.ms -ft isa. Call or send for descriptive circular 3:n 1052 jj ail Estate of John jjieffenderfer Sr. dee'd. ETTERS of Adminisiatinn on Ihe estate J j of Jo hn HielTendcrr, Sr. dee'd, late of White fleet Two, L'uiini Co.. having been t ranted lo the un.lt r-iahed, all persons intleb - . . i . I . .. , . n. . L. . i mn..l .it. " , ., . -....l , M.L.. imn.,li.t.a le t iiicieiu ate r.umwi w " " payment, and those baviltvclaims ordeinanda me.,t iu Huaiust luc same win .c.cu. LUriU IU1 aCltlC JOHN A. CAMPBELL. Admin'r White Deer Mills, June 11, 18BI pd Candidate for Congress. mHE ondersisned respectfully offers him- 1 self 10 the Republicans of the Fourteenth Ajoncre-sionai liisivict oi i cmu-ji. .--"- posf"d o lne CPanlles Dauphin, Jumaia. Northumberland, Union,-, and Snyder, for nomination by the several county conven tions of ihe said Uistricl. JOSIAII ESPV. Harrisbur-r, Pa, June 9, I8'V PUBLIC LETTING. QEALED Proposals for the building of n kl Culvert across market atrect l A-emrai rounury. ... uc - ik. ir.cp nf the Town U erk until Sattirdav. ia,h inst. Specifications to be teen at said office. By order of the I own l.onncil : WM. JONES, Clerk Lewisborg. June 8, 1864 To Carpenters and Bricklayers. CARPENTERS and Br.rklayera will find steady employment and ca-h wases on Ihe new building, lor Hailread Machine Shops. Foundry, &c, al r.enovrr. 25 miles above Lock Haven, on ihe Philadelphia and Erie Ra.lioad. Wages of Carpenters, J.J5 per day; of Bricklayers. S-.50 per day. Boarding. $4 0 per week., CAMpBElt " prd 18M. Juj.iolta.wvik "THE I'MOA," estaMisheJ "niKONU'LC," e. - taMbh. - r JMM -0r W www ; - C., J , .1 m f 1 1" Tl ! S IjlOCK.iJUl HUH MHVt.Cl and reicetfully uunou.uv, U t' e rir. is i.rel.aieo ,d hai:i' 'ureh.ise'.l a ...r. ' J'.irt k.UU tu 2'r fcUch ludutfUieUU to a-ca.u.-eia, ! WHOLES A OR RETAIL, ,9 , mute it to l,eir i:.t,rest to rurel., of liliu. KSWCALL ESiHSS ii'i'UiJK A.il 1'iUCEa before -urch-i.Bir -.' -ef. CounUy Storekeepers supplied at better . .riw tLau tlty cu purchase ia l'hil-lclphia. jvoclamr.t(on AFTER PA' A A''AJi 1 1)UT tba latest of all ii that of ) . c.w.sciiafi li:, who, havin-r returned fr-.m ' Y. rk ar.d I'h.ladelphia, is prepared to s.i Uoed Clicap for Cash. A largo a?iOrtnicnt of Dm?3, Ch-.-r.- j icals, UiIh, i'iiii.U. Vunii?!:e-, lye; ' tllUs' U!aii-' 1 "Iural.,e"' ' - ""' Luiiids. liruslu'i. 1 os. 1 aniV J otiohs, .... . . i , , t s ( .infeCLiOLlUrlL-i. Uii. i ll-'C;, ConfcciioLiurics, Nuti, ril-'e;, 1 ' ,. ., , loUUCCO, ClafS, CUtlOr, u.C. cle. ruijA1 ! rv-j'hvsiciani' prescription .arafully cuulp0uiided. . rrints ,,.1 flnftrs f, ValUJ-,1 ' i Itie.i A.iv.aw-j iv.. purposes, warranied genuine aad ot the besi .ualuy. LGWfSDl.'KU - - H.r 2S. II . - I IXate uf Samuel L. -1U 1C'1. j --rO I'lt'E. Whereas, letter tes a neiitary J i I to the e.tale of Samuel I.. J,".'!!. larel , v( -.;a5l Uullaloe townaiup. decM. have teen 1 granted lo the subscriber Ad p--rsens int!?'.'t- : ed to the said estate are repi'Sled io make immediate payment, and these hav.nr cla, m. , or dema, .is a-a.asi ihe ct the saol decedent, will make known ihe am-. wiihoui ueiay, io s.' .s i.i., i.-i x , MllsEs NOLL, L'lT I "TZ Zu .... , . - - . mantis aitainsi aid eia;e, ami .r...sr kncwiiiz j themselves iiidebit.t, will p eae call ani : settle iheir accounts imine tba.civ w.ih U'iu. ! L. Harris. E.-.J. ANNA NUM., fi i I M'i:s Mil, l.. l'x'r , " ... i t, :uj,ui laui. ttn laA-iajcis. TfHE STATE T W must be paid before or I on the I V I5tb ol July neit in order j m enable the luumy Ireasnrr to pay ibe amount rn-uired by ihe s.tate ireavuicr. I Accord.i.-r to ihe Act i.f As.emb'y passed last session. n ubninnrnl will be allowed as ; heretofore, but il roil pa; I fir' per cent, u-ill be . addrd. WM. JOSE, Co. Trea. j I Lewisbur;. May SU, l5t j , .NOTICE. I t LL persons are hereby notified not to; j i meddle with a iar-e biatk lK.re nee : 1 in titoKoa CarpLi' possession, as we have , loaned him to the said lio. Chappie durii.j cur ptaasure. BEAVCK. MAR-II Jt CO j Union Turnace, May 1-. lCt I HEADING KAIL ROAD. Hammer Arrangement. REAT Trunk Line from the Xortli T an i v-rth wvt t r .-b.i ..'pi be,. N.-w v. r.. ii, m- ! tloiff. Fi)t'.-oltr. L tr-in -o, AO-oo-.o. Le.t n.ic. ! 1 raint. l.a.a llrn.!'uri f ir Chtir.l. Ipii:.. i Vork. j ' am',7-. Ki-aiitu,:. FottTii.tf, ar.J all lutrmliau feUtibi., at nj 1 r l Vork Fii-n-wi l.-a..-. Hurri.t-tiTg at C.r-e A M. arri.ir. at Srw Vnrfe 1 4,.llie ..o..a.t. i';'"' Ar.-orao.ti.-n Faar traia i '-"."- ; t.,.L ii'u,M,uR-Ta v'..rk :. l: to rk 1 adv-pM .t a-.. au.i -" so. Hnxxag tii-n.d n.r. n;h. Kturutlta !i-ii?- w ork at i A M. li ii-'on. antl ,, ,, llUHira Fpra arn.ins at llarri.btira at 2 A l.ta-w rii1!-a.lt-,i.hiia. f h.lS A M.mii l3.U) P M J S-iew-J linmr-. its n.v- -T-- a a n . , a r nau-., aa v uaku a. .".9'' a 'i, sail iu i. m. ivt x uiiattitiaiisv. and ail war Foinu. ..k '.T 'v',""tt'T "-''.5 . "-apM' 1'hi.a.ili'lii M-.r:ist'iirj and N-w -..irk. ll Jtrmafl.lD l'a..w.tiitrr train k-arra Ri-aili-i-sal s.uo A M. ana r.turn it. ra fhca-i.ipto at ...iio I m. as-All ..'ir ath.rrtr.irurun d-illj, s,m.tj v-i t-.l. A San.l.r train l-aTe. l-ot'..iil. at 7 30 A M, aud Phlla-lelphta at -CIS f tl. OimmuLti.tn, tltinttra, sv-won an I Fn-urfl n Tick.U at Td.ir-d raU-a tr and trora all point. So i-ouuds liagi'a.a alluwad to ea-n rat---Ti7ftr. U a. Mi oc: s. Msy J, flnfral Sa-Tiijt.a t.ua JREMER, LO.NG 6c CO. have jusl reo d j. ViV- in e.reat variety of deschpiionj and prices. ' Call and see- Slay B - ILASTLK, oa!tandrisnior a er,v KKEMEK. I.O.M. & CO , , " i i j -w-ani-ou S!..ilc IVninna inclinlM-l a j - Tl ST received 1500 Vnrilt Ufl Pa cific UeLalnCH. in Ends IVo.tim lo ten yards, for sale at froui so 29 cents rer yar.l.bv KKEVEIi, Lti.Vli &. CO. J.n 1-k l?'4 A Plivslciaa Wanted, ; T ular O TAKE charge o. a rilia,. ad ccuntry practice a good location. For panic-' lars address v. R. M. d. i April SO.Jt Safer, fnion Co, fa ' i;i lill WUe N- 2,671. tl in lSJ3ThoteX, 1.032. V ft LARGE .al COMPLETE .twi J .rf i;..in nJ neigh iorior ecutLv M I Ln'juua. ittm jiiuu,nvwi w -- Success! Success I Sacoesal SL'('Ci;.s8 hKS every wbera alttnded oJ Armies and io it may be aaid of KaKlr 1 Bana-a 5c Pkat-graaite Sallcry, : 's.itaaie 1 on ihe South side of Market atrtat, ' b--leen 3d and -1th, l.ewisburg.) which ia m perfect Mirers having, at considerable p;,itaie. El'.ei u? a ce combination Light, 1 sL ch can not be tarpaistd for fine effeci ia ! civinE to the picture trial dclicata snaaiBg j wh-.cn a'd a i li l e. 1'icuirrs tatco on Papar, Iron, Glais, and I I.ftiihfr. j We have r.n ban ! a vary laite auortmer.l of Kranici, fire fanes, and Photo-rraph Al. bunia .i cf wbich we rffir al City prices. i T E.ULE DAWN. I rSSign of the i cesspit : CEHEHT 1 1 rjlUE aubscribT wenid rtapeclfolly laCsram . I hn i ! I cutiomera and the publia ( ra .y mat he . I bava constantly on aaad a.ei'for sa.a a lull aupply of bia saparlaa) . i.v,!rau!ic ceu.enu Panics at disiaoM ' i'ie hue -f ;anai or lU;:.-otd can bava lkat 1 urdera f.i ed at aru n Bot.re. Ai.ies EOiiEUJ- V AI.B7lTl.-i w. Bellefonia, Pa CEKHF1CATE. Wi o certify that we hava nwd lha av I . r.ment in tee erection Ol ine ociititJawa.wa i work., and take pleaaure m rteomaBdat ., . . . o crrauijs iu need of a food articla. JiliWj.8 V. ILSU.ll 1 Al a JiuWa.8 ; . CAUTION. I t. nniMi are warna l not to enraajsa, i. or hold ir.y note for amy Dollars, pay ' thrae monihs, dataj about the 6h r ; Afrii. sulfa to Andrew Hafer, or Kelly ' Taah:P. as I am determined not lo p., mj , r. ... ...t--. rr.f.i o-l hff lav ABRAHAM LEIB. ' Kfllv Tp. May 27. 18" tdSw K. H. LAIIaD, Justice of tha P6SC9, LEWlSbCR'J, PA. . t f FP1CE in Pncit'i UciJiDf, Id etrsaia t doors .ort6 ol Market. April ia, 1":64. '- United Slates Claim AgenL A' LICENSE havin? been fraoted Is t-ka underpinned to carry on ibe ba.'DwM ot I niied Mates claim agents in l Biota couniy, thry will attend promptly lo ihe aoU leri.ru of b.ick pay and bounty and tba pro. cur:r.g of pensions for soldier, or their Ufa! re ptr.-ctativts, and ihe prosecution as ci.ions acainst the lotted Stales. .March IJ. 'St J. F Sl .OU.N B.UNN llC.Xni HARPER, o. .v9 Aitni st, PHILADELPHIA. nannfactarer DEALER IM WATCHB3, FUVE JEWELRY, ! SOLID SILVER-WARE, St ROGER'S Superior PLATED-WAUH. . -r K.nus ot m i, v l.k- Aitc, mati.ow the premises. WA.7CU Xrpamne carafallf done ! lMSmSrw GUMS.PiSTOLS.FISHING TACKLE, J FINE CUTLERY, Ana Spor.lii-i A;aa.-atas fir ami ty. ! T)OD. Lines. Keels, Haskell, Bail, I1U I I a. II. ...L-. V.: l-'oi.a fSlrtva. Ullka. ;li.!,,cs. Corkscrews, Do(f Collar. ., acav- stantly on hand, and for sale W aolaaalt aai Kclaii, al JOHM KIUUEK 8. sportsman s Depot, E. rcrner 2nd and Walnut l?t. PhilaiTs. Slart-b loil , " 1 , M i;l pj III If" II M 1 1 I V R j ....... ! JJUUlVlH.MJtn, Xew Rertia, Pa. I 1 l. I U-l l.-A It attention (.yen 10 WOI i 1 f'rmn ihr.ti-i 4ipd Tha Eye and tie Ear. ; TK. S. H. KMf.HT.of Lewishorf, aavinf ! f had twenty-live years praei.ee. offera a ' j m , his SPrvlces t-.l lho? Who are anueieU W1BS diseased Eves cr Ears. The following is eaw . r . nti n.Vr of Teslimonials U lul"'V l ... . . Mr a-o tiJ mtirct tit both T I " l an 1 narlit so .-i :n ota.-r. . .... rj'f ' . him t--. no rn,-t. Ir knlLt UDJttrttMk bl. I . rurt-.t him wiU-ut an nprrali.-w. A vou!4 adrlaa ail vai . nr. a-r.. til i- aiTi- hii-i a rail. BAMUiL WuLa, - Ilarli.u.n. Jan. 7, ISO 1103: TAKE NOTICE. A LL persons are hereby aottSe't M la 2, ride on horse back, or drive with a-ieaaa ou r across my Lots, which I intend io ca mpy as a coal yard, without my cooaaai. 'ri.iAtman ara nr.l.rtpil ant tn ti. nn at m9 !hart wtthoot first consulting me. Anw person violaun? ihe abova notice will b. considered trespassers, and wul lhr.for 1 April t, lanl. WM. FEfiLET. a "i - HOPPERS. OM-; irundretl Wood Cuorper wao.ed cm wood at Beaver Furnace, lor whiefc good price, wiii.be .paid i? !J J" 6t- 1 t LOT of prima inirn,Tu . . j a.. ii sowtt. f att H e'EJJ . iar it - ia