Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 14, 1864, Image 1

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    IIII' llII SIA1 Ml Iff I1IM CM1III1I,
THE UM!JN," e.filKLd ir. 1-11 Whule Xu. 2,673.
"C!niOIi:LR,"ft.i';:i,;:t I in 1813 Whole X, 1.052.
At l- per I't-ar, always In Ailianre.
Tuesday .Momin; & Friday Aflemimn.
Union County Convention.
Tbo lleturo Judges met m the Court
Bouse, Monday, and orgati'Z'd by ap
pointing Geo. Outh.IL's, 'resident, and
K. V. It. LINCOLN and W'm L. IlAB.ai.1,
Secretaries. luturo Judges
Brady Uriah U-ed.
Uuffaloe John Heuoer.
East Uuffaloe Win. L Harris.
West Uuffaloe Uenrge K Sheary.
Hartley Ittchard V. Lmcolu.
Jiartletou Ilrnry 11. tpeiae.
Kelly James I'ross.
Lewis Solomon H Hoffman.
Lewisburg North Ward 1 Dreisbaeh
South Ward Jos. Musacr.
Limestone Henry tiauders.
M ifll'ubure ijeorge tiuteiiu".
IS'ew Berlin James Hamsun.
Union Geo. M. tiliier.
White Deer Klisba II. Woikel
On counting the votes, tbere appeared-
For Coogreas George F. Miller
l'or Senator Charles (). Shurklf-y
For Assembly Samuel 11 Oiwig
For i"heriff I hom:i Chureli
l'or Uonitnissiouer Mich Rlecbner
' Samuel llunkle
t; i s
Kle oil
l.radv :U 5
Jiuff.loe S-i SI
Kist Buffaloe '2 G7
West Buff.loe 1 :i
Hartley IS .T
Hartleton 5 11
Kelly G 1,4
Lewis 5 0
Lcwisburg N W. 64 32
. do tf.W. GL 19
Liniest "tie 1
Mfflobuig :;i io
New Berlin f4 0
Union H 2
White Deer 10 SS
34 I'lJo
Auditor James Aiken of Kast Buffalo
(Mr. AlKF.N a-ks tod.cliDe the bonor )
Coroner Bel jiniiu Il aus of M fll nlmr.
Voted ibal Messrs. Miller.St. nkley and
Orwig select their own Conferees.
Tbe following were appointed Standing
Committee for ihe coming year :
Lewisburg S.W. John B. l.lNXjChair'n.
I'raly Charles GuiUkuust.
liuffaloe Johu W. Sioi'inMn.
Kast Buffaloe John W. Brown.
West Itullaloe Win. OiapUain.
Hartley K.V. 11. Lincolu.
Hartleton Wuj.FWiIsuo.
Kelly Haul Gedd- s.
Jarwis i-ol. J. Hoffman.
Iewisburg North Ward James Hayes.
Limestone Johu Kiukert.
lMifflioburg Charles K. Hius.
J,'ew Berlin Sol K. Dreisbacb.
Union Juo. K. Krcamer.
While Deer Kobert Correy.
Messrs. Mosscr, Benner, Sanders, I'ross,
tnd Slifcr, (coiniuitlee,) reported the fol
lowing resolutions, whieb W 're read and
unanimously adopted :
Ketolved 1. That in the r--election i t
cor patriotic Governor Anon w G Cut tin.
and in all tbe general elections of lM'ei
and 18G4, tbe people of the loyal States :;. That Union couiity prorises ('apt.
have indicated their firm determination to Charles ('. h,,ilLy for Senator with llio
'stop tbe war" by rubduing the base, f t.,,uvii lion that his integrity, his in
barbarous conspirators agaiust the peace, tclligciico. his oiierLrv. an I his ability, well
the rights, atid tbe btbt lnteiesls of tbe ijualil'v him fir the station, and with a
human race. respectful claim that our county is entitled
2. That in Abraham Lincoln we heboid to namo.tl.e man.
"tbe noblest work ot God an honest 1 1. That tl;j iinaiiiinons rc-iioininatioii
ttan." Believing biui to have wisely douc ,f Siiiumd H Orwiv;. Ks.p. for the As-em-
tbe best that could be done iu preserving l,1y, is a suifficiciit endorsi nn nt of his past
cur country from the d-solatiou threatened courso mid p!od:o for the future,
by the Slaveholders' Rebellion, we hold I 7. That we ap prove the voles of Sena
it to be tbe highest policy lo ooutinue him ' tor Johnson and Assemt.lviin n ( and
t the helm of our ood Ship of State Balsl.ach a-ainst the hill for removiii the
Until sbe oatridi.8 the storm. m-at of Government lioin lianislmig to
ra . a. i i iTt ........ .
o. an-aiflnarcw jounsnn.oi icnuessee,
Has oeen "laiititul louna among tne laitu- tiun (as l.tr as v.e- have the record ) aL'amn
lesa" in the seceding portions of the Union, increased salaries ami compensation to
He is man of the people one who has public officers, as well as their uniform at
offered greatly for his devotion to the tention to l..u-incs and ihe wants of the-ir
gtod cause one to whoniwecau trust ibe constituent.
Executive chair in case of a vacancy there- i M. That Thomas Church for Sheriff,
In. Michael Klcckner for Commissioner, Jas.
4. That the warmest thanks of a numer- Aiken fur Auditor, and lo nj. Mans for
ens, free people; are due the hundreds of Coroner, arc gvnth men honest, capable,
officers and tens of thousands of piivate jmd lit" fur the positions indicated, and
oldiers and sailors who have so gallautly J that we louk for their triumphant election.
Stood by oar fathers' flag of Liberty and
Union, and borne it so far towards triumph ! 0.jr Senator J ohnson was one of a
in tbe insurrectionary districts. The dead committee to wait on tbe President and
ara sincerely mourned, and honored ; the inform him officially of bis rc-nomiuation.
ick and wounded should be tenderly m,i it, ,,i Pa. .ll;fI..j t,,. : i
cared lor. ana tbeir lami ies ah.iu d nut be
forgotten 1
5. That we call upon our PrcsiJent, our ,
Governor, and all others in places of p iwer,
carefully to guard against tbe evils and
extravagance so apt to creep into the ad-
ibiMi. r ..v.t:a, .tr.!M .: . t
....... . .v .u...o .o .noes o.
War. By requiring strict attentiou aud
-.,..-.1 . .
personal accountability in every case.
lunch benefit may be derived. j
6. That while in special cases govern-
neata may relieve immediate necessities
.ii. of , oa,; ;;drnot ho; , hem I
entrusted with tbe power of making op
peeooiary losses occasioned by fires, floods,
la'r W-eVvr.e,hi,l,g d e,;,, ,,r
s dr..::dbarteDnu
priwd of their ease, of health, of estate,
or of friends, by tbo fortunes of our strug-
git im uie as a nation. Uut our State is
.7r.r6M C0,nPDy. 1 d
oa can not guarantee even its most meri-
prions citixens ,glillst tbe common adver- .
met or man either io times of quiet or of '
viMaMaruMuuB. 1D our county, and all over ecessi ooisis went out under Abraham 1
am U. t. , it: . . . I
.1, wrjr, 6e joit mon
oey ana time, to defending Cumber-
V 7, ,m""J ,D,D mS "I those in tbe
it wl0 re coulu'D'Dr, ' get from
vu.u.ou treasury too value of everv 1
lo., fencer.il and chicken missio "u !
'g (be Kebel raids. We denounce tbe
Jamtinn of an, equitable claim upon
"P0a..s at Wife l,,r the caiamitica of i
in. . . i
war in any purlieu ar H'in, and trust
' if y rr,," sectional " ring" i
- .
to that end, O'Jr liovenmr will veto l'.
T Ti.at ll.'a U'li.tip .meal lull i.f eouitien-
cation is one tor the National Cot'srcs. (if
am) to investigate that true Unionists
io the J-iave Stales are lar more euti'leJ
to remuneration (as ihey have been ui'ire
damagisl) than any iu ttio Tree S'ales '
that many dvtuaiidiuj! our mooey are meu
who have from the nut.-et jtuen "aid and
couifurt to the fiieniy'' aud the uifik-ulty '
of discriminating between the worthy und
the uuworthy makes it almost impositile
to attempt a wmk which wou.d add uutold I
inilli'ius to our debt. Further, that any
e , ,
meaus or measure of parnal or general
compensation should cine ti.roieh. the.
coi h-e.tion of Rebel property and not by
Ihe ir hi hniid of taxaitoti fr.nn Ihe liyal
LM ' Iile already Miiu.-ientlv burdened.
; 5. That ihe nationai, Male, bounty aud
, olbiT tax s caused by Ihe war with the
, ' . f ,, ... fc
increase 1 c l to everv iauiily ot the com-
. , - .
"-'toJ necessaries ol l.te arc lelt by
me mass "I .lie je"p.i:, even mo some
lirancli'-s ot trade and uiatitifacture are
11 iiin-hiog. And win
We giudie li-ith-
ing I t tbe support of a o.'bit' governnieiit
and 'he Care ul .' brav.j defenders lu til-;
Ii-i J or tbe h ispita!, we d protest atfnn.it
iner. a-t'd pay Io oSieets 10 civil or military
service, iociu-e lite ii-oieraiiiy id lax-payers
are not su'i-ti -1 wi'h s.i'.i a ei.urse or
pp p T' i ! f-niliu I. r t iial i nd. It is
the l'.l J i f . IS'.'I i Itll-tl ill 'he-; lini-s to
set g -: n'i exaoijiies aoi share buriens
t'..y wil'i tlnsJ uuo are io pay lie
c .t and it aov reiiP. think ili-y eat.
not st-rve ti'i the piy jri'ti.ied 'Io :u wtiin
th-v aec-pt-d IS , ti.ey can r b.iu-
. lO'v a.i.l Wl I U'l I ' V i f Mice ssirs
!'. Tll.lt till' I'. l''ls;ll nf tlld !!'hi::!1I''.1
' lb noieiota" ui' uur jii'e.-cijt ,ei;'i!.itiii';
to pass tin: bill to .-:iv linlf :i loiliiun d-d-la
rs id' Slate interest due last May tlo-ir
almost unanimous sidiciiics to detent llio
bill allowiiiL' ."uiillt'is tn vote and tlicir
iiuiiiiriii and numerous rU'oris tu iii.-rease
74II e-xiieiisi.-s, to rmbarrass the linaiiecs.
and to injure the imtioiml eurreiiev, stamp
them as enemies d' the eountrv in its time
"' ,r'"'
1 HI. 1 hat thiM oiinressi.iiiaM u.Ieirti land
irnint for iruiiiotiii:iL'iieiiluiral and joae
tieal seienees, :liuu!d be so distributed as
to aid s Vi-ral i.l' t!ie best e.-taVdished in
stitittiuiis in different .o:tiiiii.t'thu Slate.
11. That we are in i'.vnr !' the pm-
' posed Ameiiduieiits to the '..institution id'
JVnhsy lvania - n li ri 111 1 iir t '10 ri'ht id' sol
diers to vi'te and i:'U:illiiiir against uniiec-
essarv and injiiiinus leislatinn, and also
of the Ameudineiit to tli National l.on
flitiition for extirpating the root of l!ic
ivheliiuii ( laveiv).
1 12. '1 hat in (j'eoiL'e F. Mill-r, Ks.p, f..r
( 'oiiu'i'ess, we uifer t 1 the? district a niblie
hpiiited it ii 11, always riht in liis polil-
leal opinions, ul irri pro.u halile ebar.'ieler,
who bas l.,r tbiitv ye
siivics-fuViv jir.ieti'M'd
irs bunur.ibly nod
his pr I'.'essi.iii iu
the counties ! I 111011. r-nyk-r uml Nor
thumberland. His lite-Ion: iiei.libois.
tiie pc-ipli' of those tlin e counties, can
most eiiiphatieaiiv assure. I heir led low citi
zens of il.iuphin and .liininta. that, (if
nominated and elected ) t hoy will lin.l in
hi 111 an honest man. a faithful iViend, and
a true patriot.
J'hUailelpliia, and also thoir Koneral ae-
.... ...
U 80 mDC" regard it a personal
c"uP!'nlcl,, n evidence of the people's
concurrence in his measures Jo preserve
the nation's life, and he presumed they
feJt as the man did who was upset wheu
. . . . .
crosslHg , r,scr . bo seiz -d the tail of ono
. .- . , . , ,
horse, which bore him aloDg, when some
one soore dvised him to let go and take
'dd of tbe other animal, but be said it
trm no dim f-ir a man in d-iwjer nf drvw-
8a ,b,,ugbt ,be people wben-in ,he w"
oM81 - . ,bey re elected James Madison :
r an abler and better msu-DB WlTT ;
r,'STON f Ne" Yrk- 1
, ; ,h.vwrr iar n: fi!te; r ;
! rus"" than Mr. Lincoln, who has
, ttxci mho understands all sides
-ouipncaieo enigma better than any
""""r01"1 lDt,u!ive,y. bs 6eelns ,0 1
know just tcAca and lwu tn mo Wo
Relieve it to be tbe determination of the ! ,D
PeoP'e nd tbe will of God, that, as the 1
jaincom, so mey must como back under
Abraham Liooolu !
JtirThe Primary Election last Satur-
a ... . .
' ' t"f a n-
e9' pt upon one county office, and
the farmer, are very busy. Tbe contest- j
ed enjidate. were well sustained at home
.1,- k. .
nil ayaa lnrff mtmr thapa hainn n n .nn
nn vol. CUUllJllUlsaii 1033 C13 OSVO. I
The Difference !
hill rff ,rl., ,., ,,,, 0J.th and save
.hi. aover.,m..nt from ruin, our atnuble
and kind-hearted 1'residi-ot had been
ofteo obliged to d that Gi ist troublesome
and delicate thing (urn mr.n uiit -Ji
or reduce their rank. It is stern test
of uiinhood tu inflict the blow, as well an
to receive it. Let us show bow recijiiouts
of the iroi-favors, receive ihem.
Fur premature or unauthorized acts, or
fir want of success L) arm, this Commao-
Jer-in chief has fell c wislrsiued to rem vo,
np , . ,, : rriIlll. or r.ei.an? service.
oi wenerais ,u i"iwen, v.iimer'iii, nu'-ii,
of Generals i'lowe!l, Cameron, liuell,
.u ctciitn.acuurs. v rem ont, i p -., i .rier,
Stone, Sigd, Butler, B-inlc, uui probably
others we dj uot now recall.
Of these wo rero.nic Camarnn Siirol
p SA j.u, fls
, , . , , , . , ,
heart workiuc for the Ealvanon of the
l i.l.i:..n !-...;. I .t'
" ""6 ul'
uau'ia . emu- ui m.ui, ik ! ll u'., mc all
subordinate po-iiieus, or have no office
but they all se"in to want the Rebels first
whipped, and if they have any fault with
the ('resident, or any personal grievance,
they will attend lo them uh,u ,c,r i
. . , , , ,
over. They would not revenge themselves
J r
by d'sT.ciing the c mntry wnb divisions
in s'i"h a d.y nf peril as this.
Very d;f! rem ia the spirit manifested
by M t'leiian, Porter, Fremont, Iiii, an.l
s inia of their frieuds. Grievous under
real or im.ginary wrongs, ,h,.y prac.icallv
refuse to aid further .1. nation s work,
hu- seek to revenge themselves by trying
to excite the people against tbe Kccutive,
and in si d ioif must discourage the SoU
db rs and encourage the Ilebels !
Which c'a-s are the moat reasonable as
meu an! reliable as patriots?
Union National Organization. !
A National K' cutive Committeo was
selected at Baliimore, as follows:
Maine Samuel F. Ilersey.
New Hampshire John B. Cluk.
Vermout Abraham I Gardner.
M assachuetis. Win. M. ('bafin.
Hhode Island Thomas G. Turner.
Co!iii"c!ieut X 1). Sperry.
New York II nry J. Itaymond.
New rscy Marcus L. Ward.
Pennsylvania Samuel A. Purviacce.
Delaware X G. Smithers.
Maryland H. W. Iloifuan.
Florida Ca'viu L. Bobinson.
Louisiana Cuihbert Bullitt.
Arkansas .1 unrs L. Johuston.
Missouri S. II. Bod
Ten nesaee Joseph S Fowler.
Keuiuekv It. K Williams.
Oliio Ii. Y. Senior.
Indiana J bn I). Dt frees.
Illinois Burt C Conk.
Michigan K Gildings.
Wisconsin S Judd.
Iowa I). B Stubbs.
California James O ia.
Miuncsota Thomas Simpson.
Oregon Kra-ni'ls D. Shattu -k.
West Virginia A. W. Campbell.
Kiiisas J imes 11 ljine.
Colorado Jerome P. Taylor.
Nebraska '.I'm. H 11. Waters.
Nevada II. D. M irgin.
Duntah G. M. liinupy.
New M' lico J ibn W. Kerr.
Washington A. A. Devin.
Idaho VYm. 11. Wailace.
Arizina James S. Turner.
M jutano N. P. Lmgferl.
Those Western Territories, prnhably,
will be Stales bef r' au ithcr Presidjutial
election after the present.
Ratified. In Nashville, June 10th,
ithe nominations at Baltimore were ree'd
with enthusiasm, and s.lu'cs fired. Andy
Johnson made an eloquent speech at the
St Cloud hotel and was loudly applauded."
Friday ffvening, at San Francisco, a 1
nia-s meeting was convened to give voice
to the popular feeling for the nomination,
of Lincoln and Johnson.
lejjf Aiuon tha ki.led in Ibe ilderncs
we learn is Maj. Henry Truefit ( 1 19th I'.
V. ) of l'hiladelphia.rccently of University
ul T.eun.biir,.
Capt.Sjm D.trawhridge, Co. I. 2d Pa.
art nil m.iil i.ili-il in a ronant .niinn in
which tne regiment won much praise.
James Gihsou, was wounded, in 5lat.
P. r.
The'vote for Vioo President oa tbe
e , , t ., .
hrst ballot was as follows :
Andrew Johnson
Ilanuihal INmlin
1'anicl S. Uiekinsnn
Seven "scatterings"
All but 2G iben changed their votes to 1
Johnson, and bis Domination was declared
Fir8t Eiection Congressman,
0 ,eaj3 off ad ,cleols , Kepubi.
can for the National Councils. We.resorr,
that the K
shotli(1 D8 a nalive of Ke,y towoship, in
Tjoion Co pa- (though a good mart,
wbo Darj fJUQt for bisj country,) if bis :
obstinate old party convictions misled him !
. . . . . . . :
lbw tr,'DS h0Ur' b 81091 000
JtayAt the collection on Sunday, the
Lcwisburg Presbyterian congregation
raised $136.70 for the Christian Commis
, , ... ...
Lad7La!,i !-More very va.uable
TJnpvrtS " 10 be founJ "U,00S our Rm1
f"U" .!l!0;day'
r-rt ...
sr-a iSUIVIIMl'Uieilllt
I Who First Urged the Draft ?
; We fiud a letter which we commend to
' the adherents of i.'n. .HCIeUao wno
have so violeutly opposed drafting to nil
the arnii"?. It was written to the 1 resi-
dent of the United Stales about a uimjlh
utter the bailie of Hull uuo,aoiata time
when eitii'ns wire rubbing to anna all
over the country, and wheu voiuuleers
w -re pouring into Washington from every
State. Here is the letter:
j Wa.sHINHTiiX, August CO, 1803.
I "Pm: 1 have just received the enclosed
' despatch in cipher. Colonel M.rcy knows
what he says, aud is of Ihe coolest j ide-
, , , . , t
mout. 1 ree .iuiu ini that tue Secretary ot
v,r ascertain at ot.ee by tcleisrapb bow tbe
euroliueut proc eds in New York andeUe-
where, and that, ll it is not proceeding wr.h
', reat rapidity, iliafls b; undi at ouce.
W e must have men i hout delay,
"ltcspeoifjily your obedient retvant,
Geohub B MVj.m.i.an,
'M.j Geuual U.S.A."
The following is the despatch of Col.
Marcy alluded to :
New Y'iiik, An-nst 20, 1S03.
"I uri?e upon you to make a yeuiViVeaod
' uncinnliiumul demand for au immediate
dralt ol tt.e adlit.oual tnops you may re-
(pure. Meu will not volunteer uow, and
J . . . , , , , ,
dralung la the only successful plan. i.e
j,,,,, irii ,l,,J,,lll.l iu, t ,.lUre, rely upju
lt W1J bu lu Wael.ington to morrow. .
"K. B. MakcV."
We do not fi id these despatches iu the
rcpurt of Gen. M'Clelian. m
; victory 'in'oregon.
, A .. illf,rm, u of ie
COIUf,lc,e ,r1Umpl, of the Union ticket iu
Oiegon. Tbe Union candidate for Gm-
press, J 51 D. Henderson, is elected over
James K. Kelly, Orpositiou I II. I). Pit
t ck, of .Mu'tnoiiia, is chosen State Prin
ter; and K V. Sirattoo, 11. P. Boise and
Jiisejit. G. Wilson, Judges iu ill) Second,
Thiid and Fifth Districis. Tbe Legisla
ture is Union, and will have a Uuited
States Senator io elect, Mr. Harding's term j
expiring iu Match lblio. j
in. and Amly rhyme very well, and
the came of that staunch, long suffering
Unionist, of Last Teuuesee Andrew ,
Johns, ,u will add th"U-itnis of voles to
Lincoln's, Kiat and West, North and
South. In tha South, he is bel ived.
Latest Hews
(ion. Hunter's victory at Staunton
is dimple'to. lie captured cannons,
and iruiueil important ailvitntauv.s'
Grant's movements mystify
the Itubols. They think he is trans
ferring part of his force from the
White House tirouml . to the south
siik of (lie James river. This seems 1
pmlialily true. i
TiCVDtSl'UVG liel.ivUtt.
Corrected &rni- Weekly
Wheat, 1,73 Barley DO to 81,0f
Rye Kirsrs -D
Corn, 1.5J Tallow M
fjats, pr 3J th, 7i Lard, fresh 15
Flaxseed 2,'25 Wool ' till
Dried Apples 8 1b potatoes f0
Butler 0 Hides at Shoulder 12
Bags 1, 5, and 0 Ham Id
Country Soap 4 it 6
Nnb-a ,V Shoulders with Ribs 10 ,
BTRi'T.wr.r'r.nier..Mh irt. Tllt'oIMFE CHEPTEtl, I
Lei. i.lmr.'. an-1 .Mis.. Lol'lsA W OI.K, laiw.-r Auu.la. !
lit U-t.A H ltli"..lh lnt. 0. IIIIMIIT M 1 1. 1.K . H,ij. ;
Ia-wialiilrif. an-1 M.. MAILa' J. dialll.lvr of JeLu ii. (
Fllll.l.ll'S. I'.niliintnnTiae. ;
In Ta.wUft.7. 11th in at M 4 K V wifn r.r V.'iHtiUIl COV-
KKit.mi J it y.rs.
In llrly Tp.. l.'th In.t . Ki 1 A. dsni:lir er
Wlitinai 0 soil Snri.ii E. MiKIUfcUagrU t yean, mouth.,
an l Is ilnra.
- -
Ihe Pott
up lo
1ST ol IiMfrH remaining in
Olliee ai LLWISliLlili, Fa.
June I, 1K6 :
Arhn. kle, Vr. Jnha
Klymvr, An.lrew
H-rk."Mr. Isiinc
faaa, Mia. Oarolin
SI'iwry. Mi-a Kat E.
Mulliiier Mis. .lane
Murray, Pr J It. .
l'.ul, Mr. Jarnb
rattrrwin. C.t. W. II.
,.- Portr, K'. Ar..n
Null, lr lti.nji.mia S.
Noll. Sraiirl
ll,ii Ioiirt.,n. Mr. Thnrnal
strahn. Mra Sarah A.
Ftnhl, Mrs. Ilarrirt
Shaw, Mra. Marina
Sraith. il.o. I.
5-.tt. Mr .1.
r-'h'!l!iy. Mis. Hannah
Turner. Mia S.rati
Walk-. Ilia Marv A.
n iHnla, llou stuiQUfl 3.
tu., sn.. si
jaS11urF' K'
' H m- '
Koltv. Mr. I.
". w..
r nuriiian. V0a.s ea annah
Fry. Mr K J. J
ni. r.im
IliQ.halt. Mia. foaan A.
Kintnun. Mr. l"thauce
l.n li.'. Ilr. C. A.
Mann. H P.
Maun, Wiillg
Persons calling for the above .ellers will
please say they are "advertised."
SEALED Proposals for ihe building of a
C'lilvort afro .M;i rkft nlrrct
ai the Central foundry, will be received at
lhe ",nre of the Town Clerk until Saturday.
olliee. By order of the Town Council t
WM. JOXEts, Clerk
Lewisbur", June 8, IHfil
Estate of Samuei Spotts, dee'd.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to
. l. e a i aii'L-f wmi'r..a.
If ll.c csid.c tu I.U Ol u I I i,
deceased, lale of Kelly township. I'nion
countj', have been granted to the subscriber, j
by the Register of said county, in due form ;
all persons indebted to said estate are reqnes-
ed to make payment, and ihose having claims
a?'nst. ' P" "
authenlicated for settlement, to
Kelly Tp, May 31, 1861
Estate cf Lt. Col John D. Husser.
WHEREAS, letters of administration 10
the estate of John D. Musser, dee'd,
late of Lewisburg. have been (ranted to Ihe
subscriber by the Register of Union county,
all persons indebted 10 said estate are reques-
ted to make payment and those having claims :
asainst the same will present ihem without ;
delay to
Or tn hit Katti.t, OR 111 UAYKS
la-abburg, Jnna S, lsfl
j suijert to License, within the Cumny
,t L.Mll.N, Ha , lor ihe year ltil.
. . . uua
runs. LIVLMC
r Bfflin. i
i: nni.i.. it
J Uld .-miiU 14 Ti
W t t;.amr
i; .o
w.fi1 iNoa 1 1
.I'.lin II U'-n.K
C M- ie-l.
,l..j..ii i.rkKrt
III lv
i..-nr"- lrlHti.tl
Jt lL 11 U"UU!U
V':rJ.4 lj le Ki
Ktli..;lif W IU!hf"T U T ni
ii niiitr .r.i.e.
'.. J S Kau'i-iilei-li 14 T UO
t.,'iii !h.
o m K Moth 14 T.eo
il.irlli Ion.
n .hwn S(iunuiyr 13 1"
1- 1.
U 1.
li. Co !' S11 m V till.ia
i a . o
14 1 111 K V ui..i.r 14 7 J
11 Alnllcld.
h 1 Cn 14 Tn-tni'l'la 11 IS mi
N i. ..i;ei. i in .11 14 u i iiari1'." i'n.1,. 1 7 in
!; II il..:iimu .V llrii 1 I t e .-!ttiuuel a WnU.T 14 Ta--'
.1 1. Haw ii 11 Tim li:i;hluWB.
hr m-r u 1 Co 11 I...- M Kii.ii H ' "
I. l,ii.M .n 11 Mi'ia.- i " l-r 14 MW
V. Ilut.-binsr.n 14 T 'iii e till Itmbla.
la. iii llnu'ltucli 1 a 1' Mie J K torrry l.t" 14 7 0"
lln i ri.n r 14 Ii" kill) Tap.
l irv llouicliti.D 14 7 'a i .l-.hn liaii ii.au 12 l'i.'l
hitmiil llur.U la In :m Ucti k Klii.a 14 7.jo
r II ll-r 14 7 0.i liuir.ilot I Kliada.
A Ai.mi.il.a 14 7 co l. at U 11 k U WHO
H..trllur.b 14 7.i u huflaler TAJ.
O W I I -r 14 7.UI Kuly A. II-iii :r-i"i: l V"Xi
ililr.aii.v-:trlii.r llir. 1 U.
I (In
' I'-t.-r Ni-viua
1: ! .N. -i'iti
J. I,ii V, ,11a t Co
T ii om
C 11 ll.utia
.1 llaki-r .V Oo
J e n ll'illiiian
o VV Krrri-at
: J .v On II.-u Icrrcr
14 7 on ilnra ll ui,..-in.y i i wv
14 7.IKI taurebun.
14 MoUBKuol H '
11 1. .i J Uaa .ei.il -ll 11 7.U0
1-i la-i'ii braily Tp.
14 7 i 1IP4C .Ml-" 11 ;"
14 7 i"aU.LjamiR llr- nn 14 7.WJ
H 7 en nlle llwr.
14 7.U0 0 II Ka.illuiat., ASI ' T ' 0
.llarr t .ol ' '4 7 .u
11 7 iio tiast Hurialiir Tup.
14 7ej Jerwmiali i)..'iiir la I UO
Charlra s 11.11
S F Mj-n
VV...1,- .1 lisrlwr
J .hu M Taylor
J 11 S Onat
Miiiailnrs Swart)
H it lla.a
: i-o EATr.i: .sur.oo.v.
11 l.i u'l t. w t!lU! K
IS l"ij Isaac W .io.. r Hi -'0
la I'i mi rw lU-rlla.
14 7 "ii Isaac Km-r iC
l.i I ..) wonioliurif.
It 7 li Win liana lu 'Jd
.1 .- i Munrio 14 7 i 'i
J.ihi. On !-r 14 7n! Hit. t.lA .' TM:t.fS
H . ...inj A- llro la I--. I.EMl-i.l K'; It ' m " l.t'i
lira M M Sle. a 14 ; iw UL i i ' '
AX AIM'KAIi will be held ai the .otire of
lb- ; mniy Treasurer, in Lewisburg, mi
Friday ihe I ih day of June next, between the
h. uis of Hi A M. and :t P. M , of which all
persons interested will pleae tak nonce.
M.u-21 Mercantile Appraiser
fame to niv premises aboat the
Ifi'h inst, 'I HIiKC oH.;l, AMI
Will. The owner is reipiesied n
prove properly, pay charges, ami iae them
Near I.aureli.m. May 30, !.
fr L'Uantittj. H'titfui'if unit iVmiai. Vtt TtF.lll '
'I'HIS article is prepared with the createst
1 rare upon scientific principles and war-
ranted not io c-ntaiiii anvthn.1? in the slightest
decree deleterious lo ihe'ierih or sums. Some
ot our m
i,t e ninenl Uen'al "iurseons have
piTen it.-ir t.nc'i'iti t'
us a prel'aratii.u '? sd
siicl d--rfu!!)" rvrorrimntli it
i i ir .iti.lit;.- f. -r Ki.-mi-lu. i.t.t-
taniD.--.Hi lir.iii-l.il!.: tJ.e fi-.l.lll. ll ri:.ii- jk mm..
r-n lrinn tlim bwautitiely whit iidJ r.arly without tha
.'.ltfhuri.t n.ju.y Ui ll.u .sawFL It is IivkOuk t. tli. ir.-.ma
wlirfra tl.-y ar" uli-.rat. J nnil w.re. .nd .n exis-l.-i.t
dt-inr..fti,r r-- ..tit or ili-SHTe,l tth. wl . li uie ott-n
rxc uii y'y ott. nire. It cit..- a rn'ti ro.-l t-riiiiiy I..e
t, ll.u hi ,irh. ,-trMi..ir.i? it tleir'iual.1 V. m.a lia. artiliz a
aei.nuuui rtra tu n.a- b.-uan..
Prepared nnlv or
A . ii A vl j: y,
. W. conit-r unit nnil Loniiurd .Ms ruiladr.phla,
aud o (tj nil Ih-wjjisU.
rmcr: 2" cexts.
Tcs1 ImoiiaUils. Thf fu!lowin?opinion
o( D..W lute as io ihe hih esteem in which he
hot ts (lie Hent;il Tram, mut be su.rineiu
evuiftice ul its value. iu quote rther.s in
ilciail is needless, cuntentitie mirselves by
simply sivin? ihe names am! a'l'lrevps ol
pt iMHis who &peali uf ils excellence Kr liitf
lee; ii.
pHiUT-tirpn. Arr.I I-, lt..
H:tii.i "-nr. fullr f-rnmin. .1 A Ji t Wl.t. ' S SvI.l.'H
F'Kl I'f- VT 1 . ' h'KJ V. I fhoi-i fully r.-.-'r:?mrTi i it t-
th.- Mihiir .'.'n-'Mli. It 1 li fX'-Cih-i.l irt-,.jiration
cl'HtiiQt; !.-t i.rtti-TTtnit ltTb.
Hll pi-r-ai1' tlit utiii t ntnli.lrnc.-, as i' (T'j rti-i
r- j'crf--tlv linrnilfti. IU j.Tt-KfrTtUii t f tt-fl.i. i
(r"'ii..t-i' "itc.tithy mtl.n to the gum-s acel .o.ptirU
nutates t- tlie iTnaltl.
Ur W. K.WHITB. i:03 Arch St.
T."'! I-iiHM,M 0, lvntift,4yl X Fourth tt
J. lHKi.-:i. ffixttt at
fc. ADS-if-i icH. .urir.in tViitit. 4-S Arrh St
C. A. Kin .j'ttK7. !'euti-t. I W aluutt
8 Iii!!iv;n.M. l l 731 Arch st
F M.rivii, Ar h.-t tf
K-iwnr. T w-. ;-. l-nrir. h';( Fourth Stw
,. H l.Ri',; u. I'. ' N r-nthtt
ly lO-t it ! jw
Estate of James Keeftr, dee'd.
of administration on the estate of James
Keefer, deceased, late of While Deer Twp,
havins been srauted lothe subscribers by the
Register of Union county in due form ol law,
all persons indebted to said estate are hereby
notified lo make immediate payment, and a'l
bavins any 1'ist claims aiainst the same may
1 present them duly authenticated lor ser.lement
! lo
i WM. L. KKRFKR. Pti-ilts-n Cn,N-w YorH.
i lO.'.O MAI1TIN KEKtKlt, IlnffiloeTii.lninne-... Pa
Administrator's Ilotice.
THEItKAS, Leuers Testameniarv npon
.. r till llltl AiriW'HF'I.I
me rsiaie oi a. .......a ...... .........
lale of Lime.ione township. Union Co .dee'd,
have been eranied lo Ihe subscribers, in due
I form of law, noiice is hereby given to all per
i sons know-in; themselves to be indebted to
! said estate, to make immediate payment;
land those havinq claims against the same
' will present Ihem duly authenticated for set
tlement. G BO HUE E. SEEBOLD, Adtn'r
! Limestone Tp. 1017
rpHE accounis of HUXTEIt PARDOE Esq
deceased, have been lelt tor collection
al Ihe olfice of JAMES F. L1.V Esq, where
also claims against the estate miv he pres-
enied. t.t.ci, nuts
The Lewisblirg Deposit Bank :
TTAS this day declared a Dividend of four
nor cent, for the last six monins, iree
from ihe Government Tax, payable on de
-- av. I ui- I..
mand. II. P. SHhLLtiK, I re as r.
May 4, lSfd.
Estate of Godfrey DieffeDderfer.tlec d.
2x. Letters of Administration on Ihe estate
of Godfrey DielTenderler, dee'd, lale of hiie
Deer Tp, have been granted to the subscriber
by ihe Register of Lnion county in due lorm
of law, therefore all persons indebted lo said
estjte are requested to make immediate pay-
nn.1 .u..a t.A..ir. in.l atainiu neainsl
uieui, auu 11111.C .... . 1 .1 a -r- --
the same mav present them duly authenticated
' J
for settlement, tn 1
White Deer, May 30, 181.4 pd
T nrrnc
Tinil sal.R A fine lot of HEALTHl
V Tobarcn Plants) for sale by the ,
subscriber, residing on South 1 bird street,
June 10, 164 pd:
IlAIlSnVA!!!: STn: in faEWISBURG,
LATii of PilllaArm'IIIA, L-ia e,:eoo.I a LVil iH aad COMI'LEIB M.of
in Cham!crliif s Clock, 5tli and 3Iarkct Sts,
and respe.etful'v annotmces to the edauiis of Union and nciatiberiag cciuntical tdlaU hm
is prepai d h'.vin,' j.urclias.-.l a ml - art of h Guudj Via 3IiuuiiaiWtn 4 tknif
aguiiu to edloa aisclt iu-iucciucuU t" I uicUuaui.,
n.a to inaku it to their int. rct to pi:rch ;-. of him. KS-'-'ALL J&D SlaUfBUI.
SI i K AND 1'Kli'tS bi.-t'orc puniia.-jii, eijuLcr.
Country Storekeepers .supplied at bettor
than v cut) t.urchaao iu 1 t.il-'jeipl.;a.
Heal Estate.
KXlaCL I Ola b.Vlala.
tHG subscriber w
1 eiTi-r si i'oMic !s3!e.
at me t;onr! lloiiie, 1:1 ihe b
uga ei
l.ewisliurii, on
VednesdaTria 23th cf Jnne inst.,
a good F.liMrH JIMEKR LAM),
a ., a la'cr MV-'ITVI , Miua'f;' mi
1't nt.s creel., ;a Li"iellie li.y:i-li:. i Run
c, iniiv. about lour miles Irntn Mi4.':nbiir?
Tne Farm and I'tnl er contain annul 3M)
Ants. li.eSaa-M.1 is .oed w;ta a t..r-
ruiar saw. an i riven in me nne waier n-m- ,
er of l'e'ina rref If- f-af tli fsia'f of H ista
Delias, Uci-M. til A it I C3 FLEAS X i,
S'.ii.bury. June lo, ! s- . 1 Kiecumr.
. . .. .. ,. ...r;.".
Ui.rilA.N.-) iuui.i Aiaiu
) virtue ol iti ordar ei Orphana' Coon ..f
Norihmnt erbmd county, the suhs'-rher will
expose 1 1 sale on the premiss on MONK V
the .."iih ef J i . y , l-rll, th Jjllewiuj,' iiescri-
tied real estate
.situate I it. t'iioisijin.-:'ie it-wnship. North-
umberlandcountv.lri nun: i n'lieU'esibraneh
of ihe Sois ruehanna river.atK'Ut one nine Iron
I.ewi-Luig aia loree ir. n .union, a :j hmiii;
Ian Is of tne helviof Fiaaaliti a Candor, .ltc'.t.
on ihe south, W iTKarv inelei sieien o . Ihe
east. Joseph Mciiel. u lat norm, and 'a,.!
W eat Uranb id f-e outejenauua uvrr on
the west, ciinta.iitt.g
mere or 1c-,. all rle.reJ and in a ,-,t.
ef cultivation. The Imrr.,vem-t, tVr.cn
i;Jjt.Hrii-e rcnl ; fitted np. I bit Kil"hn. a
VelL,f ejeidlen; ster 'a't'h a pum;. a'"' ad
necaiv con veeienees lo mitke H a 'lesira
b f resi !f ace. also a tratnr .M.Va" H.lttX. a
Vavtoa house, f.r.,1 Tenani beii.e, sre onjej
said prerniaes r. r.-.l a uuuiber of eicelie n ZZZ
bearing Frtiil Trees.
Sale lo C' mmeiu e ai 10 o'clock in the for'
noon of .said day, when terms will be mo!
known by JACOB ROlllLVBIl.tlli.
Adl.il r witll the will nuuexial 01 tAJUH. l.AseM, Jac J
Jane i:s, lKfi-t
Valuable Timber Lands.
TN pursuance nf oiI
rs issneJ oni of ihe .
Orphans' t'ourt ol l iiton and Centre
coifnlies, will be sold, on ihe premises, on I
Tni'MlllV- tilt! 14 111 UdV Hi J UlV. 1!?(4. 1
bi dv i f about I'io Ti:oiis:uici l our
f3u:ilrrl ami itj -:nir ',-' -ttii)
AtlfS, .1 valuable 'I'lMBEK l.AM, in
Cootienuns tracts, ol whieh Jehu M't'all died
seized, situate on ih- bead waters of While
; Deer Creek, in Hatlley township. I'ninn Co.,
j and in Miles township. Centra Co., (uear ihe
line between said eoiiulies).
I On ihe pari in I'nir.n eounlyare erected
j a laursjo i itt-t natu saw -uni, t
' with splendid Watt r Power, two liwliing'
: V.iiw'a,an.t roher improvrmeiils. aboul TE.
AI'KKS tl.i:.Ktll, and t!ie Mljiice well ;
limbered with Urse Whae and Yellow Pin.;
H.-inlucli, While ttalf. and other irres suita
ble lor sawing; and by cleartn; out said'
stream, Ihe iaw los can be ll .oiled from said
lands to ihe Weil Branch of ihe Susquehan-j
na river. i
Tt.e !rarl; and parts of tracts of said lands :
situate in Hartley township, I'nten county.
, are, 407 aeres, Irurt laken up in the name i!
j Charles Hall ; 4:1S) ceres tract taken up m
' ihe name ol Jasper Hiring: i:;il acre iraci ta-;
ken np in the n nne of J.ts eedoian; about i ne-
I half 4 10 acres tract taken up in the name ol W. ;
o'ceuinau ilium ... - ;
up ill ui iiniue .. ........ . ...
hail tbe -Lis acres tract taken up.in lie name
of I'.oberi Ta;;ar:. And the '.rai ls art t parts !
of tracts of said lanus sin a'e in Mtles lawn
ship, t'emre Co., are, pari i f IT ) acres tract
laken np iu Ihe name of Tho.s. Grant ; part
of 4.' acres iraet laken up in the name o! ;
Samuel Hcoit ; 41.0 acres irae laken up in:
Ihe name of Alexander Humer; i-ta acres:
i Iracl taken np in ihe riaineol Abraham ?cotl ;
- ' aboul Ihree-bnirlhs of ihe 4:ill acres Iraet la-,
ken np in Ihe name id Jer. Jackson ; 4 15 acre
tract taken up in the name of Aar. Levy ; aboui
one.third of the 410 ac res Iracl laken up m
lne name of m. tsteedman
135 acres tract
,ai4en up j j,e name ol 1'hon.as Sinnri ;
at)0,,i thire-fourths of the 4:.S acres Iracl ia
ken up in Ihe name cf Robert Tausarl ; aboul
fine-third of the 4.15 acres iraet taken no in
the name of Wm. tlook, and also pari o! the
acres tract taken up in the name of Wm.
Sale lo commence at 11 o'clock in Ihe
forenoon of said dav. when Terms will be .
made known by JOHN CR'.S"GROVE.
Aitnintstrator of JauM M'Cali., dec'J.,
May 16, U61
, . ., ,.. ,, c,.t,r
V v .- " . . ' ..P.,. ..lZ!.m
i r
oetore a; P...-.c - ,
WkDXESDAY", JULY (, 1M1. j ,he undersi-ned. by the Kegister of Cnioa
at 10 o'clock, A M, all that messujoe and lot county, in due form of law; therefore all per
of "round siluale on Water St. Lewihuiz, sons knowing themselvra indebted lo ail
. . ol'
lhe f"1?':,0'.
deceased. lt w i
Mam and Hiisih Hears.,
.1 ...1 li n-Ml so'il in two oarts. or
.i...,h., i um nnrrhit.ra-.il hkn: .nil
able for occupation by 1 il rAMll.lt.:.
The bnildtnss are ttood and lhe Lot cove-
reu wnn riiuitr nun i (.'on
com,nanas a beautiful view of the Susque-
1 . 1- L. - L' '1' Tk.
hanna. For lerais snpiv lo
Attorney in fact lor inn heirs.
i;Rl.r", Building hut. llatd
ea ani pan of I.ewisburg. Tama
u l inr pmcliaser. For torthrr larornak
! Her, inqr.rH r, t !:
t. i) OKB vv Kat
, . i.-i'aii
tl.t TU h'H
and ail ihe Snores readv for use
a.el a ll W Ei. LINO adjacent m tiinre.
I'. ssese n of Taveru,lst of April ntit o
S'.ore aud ll eellmi?. en iw days' nutica.
9(1 MO. ARMCt'KLK, Siifer P.O.
rtl.ntotril, lira ty Tv. I nieo Cft Pa, tW- IU lSef)
; ""
, f.,,. nC.
'ItHE south-west quarter of section l
i J town 7. nr.rih Tame 8, eait of lb 4th
i principal merobon. The said Farm 1mm
abr.it two mtles north of the city of
; preeport, ia Stephenson Co., IUtnola,
; his about Fcrtv Acre- nnder cultivation. with
f l,,u anii o.r.er OtKimiidiogs; is wa4r4
br Lve ( the in .si t'a'inful ttpnaf ta lb
oooui.'.ao.J ibe balance vf tbe tract isauvt4
, tv ihnf.y growtli of timber,
I Every acre of the faitn i sascsptibla Otf
' cultivation, and when - suitably improcaat
1 mai. one of tne mot inviting faaSa
i dencea in l i n .i.
j-,,r part cu:ar-.en.;'jire ot r ranci wiihi
f,f l.ewiburs. Pa. , Raru'l B. Ha,rns, of Fr
pur,. Hi., or the iobicril-ers. at Savanna. IIU t
. E. Vil sVBERI.IS.
. .s,ry. go. ti,i iv n. pwt t,..
J pvrrT-p
, TV'Vf J-l d
. 1 Un e Nor.h Four h s.reeu 1-J.
Taa Great Central Fair.
J)M:!.si" wife noiirp. The price of !a
eic aiJ'ii's-ion FirTT C"it. I'hildrea
nnHe-r th:riL-e,T hatf rrtre. This a-Jmiis lo
!;i. Hi-.;K t of th NfNKTV Dt-irmr.tii of th
K ,.r, 1 1. nvr- :!iu ti.rwiuttiT -f cbowhni
f.iit-w I' lft rT-" hy tt. Iui iin. rt:n dcpartaonUf,
ntn- in nu:uir, ..iiraiii;ni; itrcict- hi-tiy ft.r xh)b
ri"ii. in 1 nt I r .n-, hnv rn p-rittl to ihsrf )
-ti-aW.tt- ; r-- t r nlia.-s'iQD, u fjlivw;
Art 25 rtti.
Inlin li'i-wrtnent, 2i
Am- nn l liphi-ti, 20
i.t-li.v an t i. tri.-it.M, UU
11 .rti.'nltijrHl LMj.artTjwct, 'Mt m
Ciclilrvn'' AtfjuM-mi utaS k5
W iiiiitm P'tin Parlor,
lV-Di..atj:i. KitCaUtu, lU M
tiwutiL,; K!. " l' "
Tb Ex-'iuTiF-C'3iTnift-p Tr th Fohlir tht, V
though !. 'a'i rr rirv't ..rlh will b ohUt'OtMl from
Ti-it ia. tLifi-;t.:-ftii-. .jt .artni.-tnto wtiuh thowntrmoe
f- jv.iuiit-. jet ii ,11 h (buni t bar th awithrdtprv
l...'.nl onr: All miHt b-r in biIM tht. by ih
.Mr.a t.arzea. th t.tal rli.ts an. in.is-aM-a ata u
j i ... i v Cauar i- as muh aai-l a it would oa, wrfs. that
, jriui.- aum ..it-s-nilr I oy visilora ia tb purchaae of aVtaV
: .1-a .puM- l r r.-ii.
I The ra.r wi...tec on Tl'ESDAT. tb. Tth inat, at 4
I f. M.
On w.anr-f.T. sth inst . th Fair w. lib. opened rroal
9 A. 31. Ui iu V M.
31 i Her wanted.
A g'.it Mdler can sernre a ?ood situaiioaw
Inquire of JOHN WALLS & CO
l.ewisbnr;. May 2"), tetlt
Agent3 Wantstl Evwrywhera
10 SSL, THK St.S69T
Full LeDgth Steel Plate EnsTarlng
f V
Siinin. t!if Er.iaai;ipationProclamatIoi.
riHE best and only correct likeness of Ihi
J ereat man in enstence l or particular
Jllll.a uai.ll l.iuiiniuri,
IT S.i'lh St . Phlladelphlav.
Xlny I m-
A. ELTON &'Co.,
ani Dealers la
Leather, Samac, Sheep and Calf Skim,
:Va. 4ol X'rth Third tlrett,
EATHE15. Sumac and Miins, boaght, or
sold on Commission. Advances mad
on Consignments. lov. . BjmJj
mttTT r,snn-shin hpretoi'ore elistin b-
I ' " C. . .1 .11
I uveen I'eier Ueaver. Samuel Geddn,
Jjines S. Mar.h. Levi Konle aud Joseph W.
shrinpr. doin bu-mess under the name and
nrm cf Bklvi. (Iie, Vim i Co., was
h mutual consent on the Jd dav of
a.pril, lli by Samuel Ueddes. and Jo- W.
shnner sellm; out their interests aad with.
The business of the late firm will be setw
up i,v the new firm of Bunt. Maavti 4
tu. Maavti d
SH ft CO.
a,.rii js.ism.
.Estata cf Daniel EIugaTnan, dec'4.
YOTICE is hersby jrir.n. that Letiara ef
, AJminitration upen Ihe Estate ef
Blo.-.m. late of Hanl.y to-nsk.p.
.Ucra.ed. hare been rrant.d to
estaie are requested 10 make imm. r 1
m.at. and ihose havicr in- cia.u.. - .
jll-I Claiu.. w - a
tn! to present them
properly authenlicated Irr '''ie" to
Hartley Twp. Annl
Tr VIN5 lncaied in I rwish'iri-
I i n-re of me rb .c i """'""; "
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