Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, June 07, 1864, Image 2

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Oreat Mar was cheated,
ltellooa defeatoil,
"Mac" tlie "ltille" retreated,
Covered with duet;
Left with impunity.
Earned no immunity,
lt opportunity,
Lirod on rouimunity,
Anatomized unity
'iw let liiui rust !
Progress of oar Race.
Another Step ix Advanck The
Emperor, AlesanJer II., L'nr of Ku.sis,
having completed the liberatioo of thirty
million scrls in Knsia, bas recently per
formed auother act that will add ioeteas
iug lustre to tba glory of bis reign. He
baa issued a decree, that on April 15,
every serf in I'oliud should be set free
from boud,ge, allowing bioi to own the
cottage and plot of ground be hai been
occupy iug. to hive bis time and labor for
bit own, and to be liberated from all
claims to eervice and obligations to labor
which bi mutter way have posteesed over
him. The peasants are also at onee to
become golf governing citizens, beiog al
lowed to elect their own local authorities.
The l'olieh aristocracy, while agitating
Kurnpe for the purpose of securing liberty
for tbetuselvea, have never showed a dis
position to give freedom to their serf,
wbo have thus obtained it from the Auto
crat himself.
MnrtAMVF.nAN Toleration to Jiws.
Sir Moses Moutcfi ire, a wealthy and
benevolent ho-jltsh Jew, bas recently I
I...- nr. .n mr..u in thfl Sultan of Mn. i
fcM in behalf of (he Jes in that em
pire, wbo have suffered great grievances ;
on account of their religiou. He was '
moat cordially welcomed, and hospitably j
cotrrtaiocd in the Sultau'a palace. He
graciously received the petition of Sir ,
Mines, and four days after, on February :
5, itsiitid an ediot f jr equal and impartial j
j mice to his Jewish subject. In it be j
bjj9, "It is our command that all Jews j
residing within our dominions, be Ibe con- :
dnion in which the Almighty God has
placed them whatever it.msy, shall be
Untied by our governors, administrators,
and all other nutjec's iu a manner con.
fonuabla with tbe eveulv balanced scales
ot jastic; ...d .bat in tbe admiu.stration ,
of the courts of la the Jews shall occn- I
py a position of pcrKot rijuality with all ,
other people."
- , , ., a
0. Shimrfaf! fcile Emperors aod i
Kiit's. MahomuiejaDS and
aholi.bing Slaverv and acknowledging tbe !
rquu rights iod biotberbood 'f oiaokiua, j
we have in America profcttacJ Chriatians j
and Demoera-a wbo advocate Slavery, and
print articlei in i: favor 10 bulh Koglisb !
tid Iti'rmin !
. , , . , . j t if i
fflRfbe following bait j uuiaraoa oilt
ri.in--nnniA" we r.'ad viih in!erf?st when l
a lad, and parte of it remembered. 1 baMc .
v bovver "rearrected it. for njaoy wul
relUh tbe varitd pouJerlngs of a 'York
tate Yabkee ce.rlv firty years ajn:
Thoughts on TlrvrlD? the Fat It of laara.
r.l t buw luit j u t been a toariu
At rtii infernal rt
C uil be ckihrivU on a vlatr!
X w-i tUrhow urh thiinivrln'wuanrtf'i
lu alt Nw Y'-rit was wi-tJal
? tae:y Mai' lu-jutis hivv bi-fn druwadfJ
V brn riiu LaT rai J yur Sootto.
I wwlrr if wi!J t".if M)J roffa'opt
llirrn't Hood wl-rv 1 w.w vtaadf
Wrli 'fiMtf rri al flm, Uiej'd tb thir l0Mt
1 HUttdrr Wild tfafj ll IStidl
I von Ur if that rainbow baa Kcn a ftblttUl
Mtii-H un-rtp at !rcatKn,
AuS lhi wtrrfaM bwn uadmini,
WitL tvu.taot iatlerliou !
That Ma n niTrr mentioned y. I're won-red,
fail- othtT thinrf dfwrihiti';
Mf v.irii nr, how yv tnut hav fuamad and thandered
W hr it th IVlugc wa subKidio'!
"jjr th'-oMi ar trnev. tnafnilWnt, and dtp,
Hii-n I Im.h d.wa U ihtr!"
O. at a artoi M'ti plat-e for waiblog shrap
Nia.-aa arouitl be!
Aoi a!.: what a tr1in'nJoo watrr power
I aU-l o'mr it 4;v
Ob man mht turtiiah ail the Wrld wltb UuOr
W i:ti a ;Ltfle I'rtTilogr.
I wo- .1- r mtny titD thr Lakcf bave all
ffWv. tmtird ovr h rv!
M h' iififn uMa'i f-d thr arzud Canawl
l brrc 1 ibiuk if s,r-
Tlia thoorhtt at Tvry atrang which crowd mj hraln ;
Whit, look 01.UHl.ee;
Bnrh Uioutrhtit I n-r eiiaet to bare again.
1 ail Mernity!
Thrilling Incidents.
A correrpondent from Virginia writes
tba, during one of ibe recent battles, s
our troooa lay be bind (heir fortifications.
and the continuous crack of tbe enemy's!
rifles was heart! on our fr t,t, a soldier !
began tbe patriotic pong, 'Itally 'round i
tbe fli2, bejs." aud sliuo&t ioatantl? thou-1
Eiodn joined, and as
"The. rnhm foreer. hBrmh: dot. hnrrth!
Dvwa with the traiura. and up with the Stars,
rang out upu tbe night air, tbe wildest
enthusiasm was czcittd all along tbe line.
This rctnicds os Aat after tbe contest ,
t Sbiloh or I'ittsburg Landing, is acres !
of wounded la; among tbe killed, one of ;
the eoffirers struck op the old hymn t
U'hn marha'ad on the nifhtl, flats
Tba (UU rioj tiuat tnaluil tli, aka."
Tbe tune waa cajght aud echoed far a
great distance, by Unionists aod Rebels,
bj joung and by old. While tbe pitying
"Star" tb. shone on peaceful "Bethle
hem" looked down on this strange concert
of earnest, pleading singers, may we not
hope ibe Babe of Bethlehem bad compas
sion opin many a weary, sin-sick soul, in
that dread boar of piia and death 1 It
r. a mast touchinz aoi powerful illus
tration of tbe value of early religions
imptesMjes, enpecially of sacred songs.
I veeallect wbsu a boy attending a eel-
ebration of the anniversary of the Kattle
CUI.iiuu va ov - .
of Ueooitigton, on the old battle-ground,
aod Howie Dutchman offered a tcait
that seems peculiarly appropriate to the
vreacbt time. It was this :
"Domestie traitors may da bang by ! t
de edge of de moon wid dare Sogers
greased !
Tit'ei ti A ia'm. Not satisfied with bit
otervheltniog defeat in bis straggle for j
th. --,.r I at ths New York fair, eeruio
friads of M'Cleli-o made another eff.irt
f r ward at tbe St. fwouie fair but tbe
frieodd of Geo. tlaoeock rallied mod gave
bita "that ewnrd" hy eral thousands
of a, oiajoritj just as easy 1
The news in Europe of the progress
of Grant, caused the Rebel loans to
ieT..tc 6 a pf r coat.
II 3 4 51
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IToliJays Ranks close on
Nw Tcri Day lib July ThackrgiviatfhrWni
Union County Official Record.
ltviHt Jttdgt Pasi'l S.tWt-, Lrwistnwn l'otOfllf
AtfidaU Wj JfMt U'. fim f rn. MillltoLurg Jo
do Jous Walls, LewUburg do
SttertJT LPTtRl Aukioht do do
ywh.ivx.iry Jaku w. Sasds
do do
do do
do do
' Kk.e. It mtieil
Kutrict Atfnvy-Amtli Una
Trtatu rrr W . JoyzA, do do
l,mmu;mtr Je M. Waiter. Winfild do
ilo HmiKRT Kr.Kn, laurvtt4o do
do iMItTfcL MiRH lLL,NtWl"oIllTnil do
OimmusiontrkAyvutm Ki.NLUl,Lwii-(urg do
do 'nnn$rl J hk H. l.lMi do do
do IVimVn WiiRiirn AConxiucs, do do
do I ytctonT A H Tu ihmob do do
frhiitl 8fTintndnthn A. Owms do
M'rcxnliU Appraiier Jaxu (tiAVSR, Ilnrtletoo do
.rrwr ToNRn tfHECKLTR, F(rBt Hill do
CrnrY.v.n. 9tracu, LewiDburs do
Auditor BrTnR TnMPsnV, Miffliubarg do
H m. V. SctiMjiff, lUriletoa
A txtftr Sure liar TaxC tl SiiBiK,Miftliiiarp do
iWUtt'tr do Thj. Cut ecu, Laurcltun do
Post-OlTices in Union county.
Alrirn ,'in Bra It tnwnnhirii - t fitmbker. P M
.77r Vntotitown. Krxrfy Tp !viti Arlnkle M
t Whit' fr Mi!ls (tIIigntoiilVh.PTp. L'h'pt M King "
Xw IhiHMl.ia .... J K (.'wrPfy
mv'SU'. "
UnfaUr a kmu
'SSi a. H.rtWTp)
"if Spring I.tmeptoneTp)
v -,rwm- . - -
John THtftnmn
. Je W K.ri-e ft w
lri lUurk
- Marlin Kudy
- !M-nC HaTM "
Mark lUlfpiiDT
J & H.ni. nhu-h w
- fcdwd Smith
t'Cga'ar L nion county courts open
Tbird Monday in February May tferteinb'r IVcMnVr
1 (rnVnlf lir.'l I ImnlpmPnfc
-O1 a UUUI ll1 HHl'llllItlllN
4 UBICL'LTI'RAl. Implements, atnee the !
X. commencement of this War, have been
i i i I . u . . .. .. i ! n
m great demand, and Rood machines are val-
! ...ki- . .l.-.r-' .',.k
uniiuMiv. j
n xhe year l--, Messrs. J. . MARSH & j
i: on? of (heir Improved Reapers to j
rfJary ihr 8ame H,npfr u.a9 wrf at a pubht .
Salr. nn the farm of Henrti Stuck, near Carlisle-
S1U9, after b'ingu-ed iwt seasons.
Messrs, J. b. Marsh & Co. are manulactn-r-n
a lare number of their machines, with j
Improvements, this season, for the enming
Haying and HarvrM ; and as lo the menu of
their Combined
wnntd refer those wishing to purchase the
comine season to the foltowin? named per
nuns, who purchased of them last reason :
Jr. M Nrshit, .Trwrph Oao-lnr, Thotnaa Ptrawbridea, I
Fndrnrk ltr. IlirNta liunkle, Cliarifi llittnittviu, j
John !iaj. lvid Stattlnarkcr. Jrw .niith, W ia. aod !
Tb-mn Nrit. t,f Norihiih-rUnd rounty.
hr wHan nil fnw, Jtich tulTXiun. Krhrt RartVr. '
trrdt-rjrh 4Jnntiu. hlckncr. Martin Mfifll, J.hn
Mover .Samuel 1'eIltiiia.U. S. S. utter. Jnhu II. VuJ-l(r. .
, b. natter, Jubu 11. larjr,
....... . . . - . i
O t',.,oor,un,y. a .
famun Pnahtw, timrj i anio. .ifno weewsamuei
V..fT V. I -h.,.- l-rt. It, li.r.h.rv. Vi..lr 1 he.. !
' i' ' " 7 vi.ii , ,. ,. ,. - u7 "i u '
i Alfred Mo-ire.Ji- It ulil . liforjf Kutx. Philip haker,
i Pftr alhriirht, II -nr Sladi r. Hnwartl Hitp-rt. Philip
j Rent!, samuel tioodyear, Jonepb J. Urahm, of Cumber
land n.untr.
John llnldrinan. Paniel DiehtVr, Wtn. Wert. Peter
VWy, Jonathan B-'iiawir?.. Phi'ip Lern. Jotiaflian RUrl".
David Wearer, K A J. liMlluiirtnn. II. leenkert, H illiaut
Mtx. Jaeoh S hwd, if I'au.diiti county.
John Mnr. !w.d John Myer. Adam ?nrd-T,
Tale-ritin Wanrner. Franklia K.tlnff. Chriwtoi her Klin.
W m. K. Iranian, Jaenh Mure"t, of Lebanon rounty.
tirorpe Straver. John Z"rr.Snniel ijlbmn.S.II Harto,
Jcme Clark. K. V K iine.. flenr tfci-ler. Atidn w llo
aentlouhler. RnUrt ll.tve.rharle Kawl.BuSbA Mi tier,
Jimei Warner. John Smith. Mm. II. few too. W.J. M-
hfl.y. J. K tli okle, Jacob Bond, of Lycoming and Cliu
ton oountiea.
We could refer lo hundreds of olher in
; thr above and adjoining counties but ihinli
' t-. Ol
Feb 23. '64
11 uiiurtrvxiiy.
fflyFirsljf tjie Season!
For Spring and Summer
For Siirin and Summer
For Spring and Summer;
For Spring and Summer j
Cam. axi See.
Cam. and See.
Cam. and See.
j Cam. and See.
. Jno.II Goodman.Market StLewisbur?
I Jno.II.(;oodmaD,SIarket St.,Lewisburg
Jno.H.GoodmaMIarket St., Lewisburg
i Jno.H.fioodman,Market St.,Lewisburg
r?AII kiods of Grain bnnghl for Cah.
SALT, ia barrels and sacks for pale
by JNO. II. 0IKDM4!I.
1 "fi BKLS.Maekercl. Xos. 1 and 2,
1 UUio ball ana ahol. lurr.:. r ante hr
500 T0XS of fiod Timothy nay.
V,V-' luo 000 Hpbntfi t-nme Oat, far tba Oorrn
Bient. 1 will aay the hi.het prlef for good, btt&ty
UaL it Biunt Weigh of er iS Iba per bivhrl.
CARPETS. All Wool. Heavv In
itn r.rp. Br.-n. crrt tt o.rp.ta, floor
inl i:ii.ll... Ju. MealtrJ. aad lb. aalr
Oil Clotha. Juit recsmed, aawl r aale hw
MIE subscriber has opened a
Family Groccrj Store
in Mrs. Griefs Building, East end of Market
street, Soaib sjtie.where he has a good sloe of
Butter, Eggs, fcc. fee.
Which are offered CHEAP FOR CASH by
Lewisbnrs;, Nor. 9, 1863
IMTAi THRER of Improved PC
CltflflOB MatCltrM, Uwiahar,Fa
I 7 s M'lii 1 1:11' i
Disorders of the Liver
are cured by
the great Strengthening Tonic.
TacM Bitten aarr pcrformf more fnm
JJave and Jo give more Satisfaction ! I
Have mitre respectable Veople to vouch fur them.'
Than any other article in the market.
Wo defy any one to contradict this assertion,
and will pay $1000
to any one that will produce a Cernfic.aie, pub
lished by us, that is nut oehuisk.
Chronic orXcrvou9 Debility, Diseases
of the Kidneys and Diseases aris
ing from disoislerod Stomach.
Obterve tlie fallowing Symptom resulting
from duorten of the Dtgentivc enjatn;
Ontlrttfon. inwiH fa!nes ot Mood to th hd,
sridtlv of tlif nUui4rh, iwu-fi, heartburn, tiiMtruitt
lor f(Nd, fulueMti ir wvigtit in ttit t'inrti, miu(
ractiitiftn, ciiikinir or tltittvrin t thv pit
of tli Ptiimv-b. fwimtuiog f tlie ht-aj,
liurrl-tl mn'l iJittirult bmttlting,
t)utbrinz t the heart, chok iug
or ru(Tortitiff nfiimi
when in s lyiup: poxturr, dim
bm of vihioii. dnUi or wt-t)K (-f-r
thfpiebt.r'Trii'l)ull pain in tlir ba1,
dftirifiiry of pnti ration, yfllotrncan nf tha
kio tiid pain in tbe Kule.lmr k.rhjrt.limla,
Ar .audiivn fluhtfidl heat, burning in the Qepih.nm
itsot inisiuiiiKd ul kH, sod great dtrprewKtu of pirit.
it lliH l not Alcoholic,
and can't make Drunkards,
F m the FOttor ttf Vt tltptiit fhvrrh, I1rmrt"n, '. J.,
I hafr known llootlaiiiil'ii (iorm.n
t Bittern fitTnrablT for a uumhi-r of fcan. I n-,i
ehfin in my own tomily, o4 h! bvn i iilrd with
mi,. (.ffectn ttist 1 w injured to riiiaivotl tiiem to
mwht ..thm, ni hnow that timy twv t.-d . a
n.iy brBMal i manner I uhe pr.at pi.a,Uiv in
uy mn rw11B1, t,, th. Ultu.ru knttWin
"I"0 tn".1 m ""N?w" V" aiiti !
do thi tDrf ehvrfuliy a Ho.tlabil'x Uitt-m ia iabioded
to bebfbt th anhcted aiiii i not a ruui triok.
loura truly, i,bVl i. UtCK.
From Her. Dr. Brmrn, Edittr nf the Enryrlnprdia of
Although not H"potd to fitror or rrominiid Tatvnt
Mrdicinft in enoral, through i Intrust nf il,,-tr iiiKtxl.
uu and "tfti-U. I yt knw of nn nuffir-jttitt rvawon why
a man may not tratify to tb bnrflt h lclivvii hioiMlf
tt h rwftHHi from toy pimple preparation, in th
hoftbat hrmay thufortnthhutr to thr httat-fit of otiirra.
I do thin thn Binrtt rradily in rt'Kard to "llootlaniiV
3ruiMU BittrrN," prepared hy Dr. C. M. JHckn, of this
ritv, brcauw 1 waa pn judfvd atfaint th tn for y.tra,
uri'irr tbe lmprenion tht they wera cltHly an almholir
Diii tar 1 aui inirhb d tntny trind lUhvrt hnrinakr,
furth removal of thin prejuli-e by pmper testa,
and for enrxuramat to try tbein, wlieti fufl-rlnir from
great and lone ruuinued debility. The uae of three ht
tie of these bittern, at the bt;tniiiiiit of the prefwat
I year. followed hy evident relit-tand renter it ion to a
. ' ..... ...
a - fn 01 nnnny ana memai vior wnit-n i nun not iii
in i month Lfn
. . th.r,k 11.1 amlmv frie.ut for .lire-rtinir
' " "J uinn. .v..w
mt to uja ue 01 them.
From thf. Pastor nf th. &rmantitm Riptitt rhurrh.
Dr. C. M. Jarkaon Der .'ir: Puronal eximrie-nw rna
ble.a me te aay that I re&Mrd tlielirtuau Bitt-r n-pared
by you aa a tnor-t eseelltint TJietliriDtt. In ca-ee of a
Pterrld at.i Reneml debiiitv, I have been prely
I o tl til by tha ue nf tb hi l tern, an. I doubt uol tht
they will i-roduca.milar;ii.-ta nnoti.wrii.
loura aruiyt
From thf ri'itorof lhMi9 -V. E. church, rhitoda.
Hr jMtkiwm Dear Sir: Ilavintf uwl your Uertuan
Bitter In mf family Ireciueotly. I am prepared U fay
that It haa been of treat M-rile. I beliee tlrt iu mmt
caaea of c-neral debi.it? or th Fyt-m. it in the aalvat
and tnoal rluahle ivniedv of which 1 hae any knowl
edge. Voura rt-pectlully, J. U TUUNEH.
from the formrr totVir of th Wb'' (V ) and
MiietiowM (i'U.) llif'Ut ciiurcit.
New Ro-'iiELiit,N.T.
Tr c. M Jarkaon TVar Sir: I iWl ita (deauretho.
of my own arrord. to bear tetttiuiony to the exr-ilenretf
the i.erman ItilUra. Mni yeara aina, beta mueh
alh ud with Dyrepaia, 1 uMd Lhent with very henefi-ial
result . I hare often re mm end d them tn pT!tD
nN liM by that tortnentinic diwaiae. and hare heard
from then) th nnat flattering testimonial n to it- ftret
iue. In earn of general debility. I teli-ve it ia a
tonic that c.n sot he aurfaeed. JuUN M. LYud.
From Mev. Dr. Wtntrr, Partnr of Bvrhorowjh Riptut
Vr. Jacknon Dear Sir: I feel ft dtia to yourexcellent
preparation. llooHaod'a Uenuan Ritterts to atid my tenti
incxiy to tha defcerted reputation it haa ohuine.1. I
have for yaari, at timec, been troubled with great dirt
order in my baad and nerroua ayiitem. 1 waji aJtinvd,
by a friend, to try a bottle ofynur German Ititter, I did
ao, and har experienced area t and unexpected relief;
my hearth baa been materially benehtetl. 1 rnnhdentif
reminwiend tli artiele whvre I meet wii h ranes aimilar
to bit own, and baa hea a-aared by many of their
itood aJccta. idvpectfully yuura.
From Ret. J. S. IJ'rmnn, n f th form tin Utfamvd church,
AmUb-ttm, Urrka coHud.
Dr. C. M. Jackaon Reaneeted Sir: I have been troub
led with Uyaiiepnia nearly twenty yeara, and rwMr
aed any wedicin that did me aa much rood aa llonf.
land 'a Hitter. 1 am very much improved in health,
aitrr bavin taken fire bottle.
Kccpt.uliy joura. J.& HERMAN.
Bottla. iilkn.
Large size (holding nearly
double quantity) 1.00 5.00
Small size 75 4.00
See that the signature "C. M. JACK
SOX" is on the WRAPPER of each
Should your nrarrtt druggist not have thr
article, do not be pot oil by aay ot the inton
eatiog prrparationa that may be offered io
us place, but aend to us, and we w ' Hward,
securely packed, by eipress.
Principal Offut and Manvatny,
.o. est, .incu sTitzr.T,
Successors to C. 2f. Jacktnn & Co.,
For sale by BENNETT BRO'S, Lewisbnrg,
and by Druggists aod Dealers in every (ayra
Is the Catted Htaica (lyOec.1'03
C earu.ivPRov0ifES.;J
1HE sreaieM iiiiiir..vement yn in Ihr
8ei ig Machine art. A cunoiiiy wunb
Hirase send 'for circular with sample of
These Improved Machines save ot hu
hif.d rn cisr. of thread and silk, and make
ihe un a TiTrn alike on both sides.
They reauire no insiruction to operate
perfectly, except "ihe printed directions.'"
! N,i change in setriug from one kind of
i goods to aniither.
Ami nn laking apart to clean or on.
OtirNiv Mmcnir is now complete,
with all its machinery and tools entirely nevr,
and is already rapiil:y turninz out Machines
which lor Kurri and ri.mii riii'i or vinmh
9 m nnl &n rnav.il hv ahv maiilllarllirv in ihp
" r j J J - i
world. !
N. B. Shouid any machine prove nnsatis-1
factory, it can be returned and money refun
ded. Asenls wanted in counties not canvassed
by our own agents.
April 8. lsct. jl
A Joint Resolution proposing certain
Amendment;! to tin) Constitution.
BE it resolved by the Senaie and llune of
Representatives ot the Common wealth
ol Pennsylvania in (ieneral Assembly met.
That the lollowing amendments he propose
to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in
accordance with the provisions of Ihe tenth
article thereof.
There shall be an additional section to the
the third anicle of the Constitution, to be des
ignated as section four, as follows:
"SerTios 4. W henever any of the qualified
eleciors of ihis Commonwealth shall l.e in
any actual military service, under a requisi
tion from the President of the I 'lined Males,
or by the authority of this Commonwealth,
such electors may exercise the right of suf
frage in all elections by the citizens, under
such regulations as are or shall be prescribed
by law. as fully and ell'ccliially as it they were
present at tnetr usual piac.es ol electmn.
I'h... .-kll t I . a i 1
the eleventh article of ibe tYnstituliou, to b.
designated as sections eight and nine, as
follows ;
"SKrrio fi. No bill snail be passed by tre
Legislature conlaitints amre than one Mil jeM,
which sbiilt he clearly eipreed iq the uile,
eicept appropriation bills "
this y. No bill shall be passed by the
Iaegislaiure gratitins anyfwers or privities
in anycte where the authority to grant sorh
powers or privileges has been or may here
after te conferred upoa the Courts o( this
HENRY JOtl?().
Speaker of the H iuse of Representatives
jt)H. v. Pr:..b:v,
Speaker of the Senaie
Oflirc of the Spcretary of the Common- )
weilth. Ma Tisburg, July I, Ihtij. i ;
I do hereby certify :hai the f.tresoinc
t J-and anneied is a full, true and correct
vv-.-. copy of the original Joint Itesiiti n of
ihe (Seneral Assembly, etiiitled A Joint Res- j
olaiion propi'Mn certain Amendments to the 1
Con-fi:ution," as the same remains va tile in '
this i.tHce.
In 'J'eiimony Whereof I have hrenntc set '
iry hand, and caused ihe seal of ihe Seereta- '
tary's oflhe lo be ailixetl, the dav an1 vear
above written. KM iSLIFKR.
Merrelary of the Commonwealih
The above Resolution having been agreed
to by a majtiniy of the members t f each
House, at to successive j-essions of the
(.eneral Assembly of this Commonwealth,
. , ,ii i . ...t,..,,,.!
amendmen s will be -ub.(lle.
IO IhP DPon t. ftif IheiT adJDUon r rtfCtlOn,
fn ihf iHii TiraRtiavT or AnirsT. in the
year of our Lord one thousand e ght hundred
and sixty four, in accordance with the provis- ;
ions of Ihe tenth article ot ihe Constitution,
and the act, entitled. "An Ac: prescribing the
time and manner of submitting to ihe people,!
for their approval and ratification or rejec- j
lion, the proposed amendments to the Consti-'
tution," approved the twenty-third day of j
April, one thousand eight hundred and i
sixty-lour. ELI ssLIFEIt. I
Itl4. Secretary nf the Commonwealih.
rTMIE Books of EVANS &. COOI'ER are in :
J. my hands for colleciion. AH persons j
desiring to settle their accounts, will find the I
Books at my Office. C. I) HKEWER,
Lewisburg, July 13. Attorney at Law
llfflltf 411 lit fit! (!
UlOl UJljllilU. I
loll-. I
Jnst received the latest
styles ofl'ans and American
Fashions for Spring
and Summer of lSlil,
and will continue u, Cl.'l'
AND MAKE Lr clothin? in the most satis
factory manner shop on Nortii Third St.
Lewisbnrg. Aug. 21, I
Dally Slorning News.
OAML SLIFER has commenced ftirnishins
O the llarrlbir Trlctzrapii
mornings,a fitsi t in per copy ine very laiest
Aews, at cheapest raies June .t
THE undersigned, having removed;
her Watch and Jewelry ettablishmem !
to Criswell's New Building, Market sst., ;
between Front and oecontl.she is prepared to ,
Watches, Jewelry, Musical
Tnvtriimpntii (
in the most approved and satisfactory manner.
She keeps on hand an assortment of choice
JEWELRY, for Ladies and Gentlemen, which
she oilers at prices to suit the times. AlaC
All work and wares warranted as represen
Lewi.bnrg, May 26, 1862.
Manufacturer cfA.S. Brown's celebrated
WOULD call tbe attention of every
citizen to his in ar lime, being the
Only perfect Washing machine yet
brought before the public.
Its dnrability, simplicity, ease of working,
saving of clothes, andjnickness of washing
recommend it lo everyone; and it is war
ranted to excel all other machines.
Also, Sole Agent, for lwishurg, Milton,
and Northumberland, for R. C Browning's
Universal Clothes Wringer,
with patent Cog Wheel Regulator, which is
'the best, most durable, and only reliable
i wringer vet introduced.
1 Lewisbnrg, Fab. 13, '61
. at l , .rn
m if?
, - J m m.
CiottriiMipnt I'Ddcrtaker,
Dealer la all klads or Hrlalllc Burial Cases, aai '
7II.I. r.irnd promptly to the transporta-1
lion of Bodies, or giving inloriuatiou
resoeciim deceased Soldiers. I
secured ine services of Ir. K. It. LEWIS, of.
New York, (more recently from the Armv of:
the Potomac.) for Embalming of the U"ad by
lr. lloints' "American Piocess," arknowl
eded to be Ihe best and onty Hue process in
the United Staies.will have bodies eiubalined
when desired. '
Principal OiTire and Warerooms No. 49,
Church St.. Nashville, Tenn.
Branch Olficesat Murfree horo'.Tnllahoma,
Wartrai e. Shelbyville.Chailanoosa and Dech
ard (Tenn ) Stevenson and Bridgeport. (Ala )
Qj('oinmunications promptly answered.
Mr Wm. R roiin-irs In uiliort-l te rfr to me. Il
is c-lH-njin rtt irt.-tl rity, muil will rrrUmn nil Mil h
auilrrtnko or prunibu. AXIKfc .HillXsoN,
uisin;l Military ioroor
Doctor S. II. KNIGHT !
AS located himself in I.EWI.-tBI'RO.
where he will attend to the pract.ee of j
Market St, neatly opposite Amnions block ,
!lttr.KTi. l'ni-.n To., Xot.24,
IearHir: Mr liver -od nt irn.-h waf an badly tli-eaeil 1
thnt all ahi Heeu me nave me up, Doa-t. H and all ; but I
1 eootinu -d to t tf- yur tiie-Jirine and it eur-d ma, and ,
I now am well, t know a number in my Dei-xbh.trl.nod
that hal itiiiicand livr eomplstnts that werecur'd j
your nieif ietiK-. A life i.vret, I woul'l ad vim all hn '
are :ifili-t,-d wtth diea to sire von a chH. and rare hie .
and inooey. Your truly, JoilN 01LAMKU. j
II tnTt.irrns. I'dI' D Co.. Xaw. J'., isi,;. I
Perrir: t wn attliet-d with HhrviiruatiMn for a num-
h-r of year-, ami win etirej by y'ir uieiliein'. 1 wm
not able to le:ne my bed when I Ciuuieiiee.l litkins your .
taluabi inedtriue, and 1 bad be-n atteoled by two ;
. other jliy.nci.uia. kour truly. Ji'.-Mn ill.l.KK. (
f.mfLTnx. L'lti'iti To, Nov 17. 1 M-l. j
Dr. 9. II. Knight: I'-ar hir I waa aTM-d w th ;
' Idieiiinali-m : I n.uM nrt wala one etep. ani twtt hot t leu '
' ot yn-ir valuable tD -)i-iiiH cured me in a abort time. I
I auii-e all wtio are ilBif t d with this dL-ea-e 'o apiilv to ,
you aud get cured. Your truly, J. ItHt tl .K.
j HtbTirT. Union r.. Xov Is. nt.r..
I Dr. P.M. Kniitht: ier Jtr I eend you thta -ttt'e- !
! mentin or l"r (o U-netit KutTerim; hmnaiiiiv. ly wife
1 lay a I' iitr time with ron"nmpti'ii. and her lif.- or reeov
i ery wa itiven up hv all. I w.w alvifeti u try other m-.l-
h-ine.or d-K-tur.. 1 continue with yur tratm'iit : your '
I RH-dteine enred her: She i now well. I rnu 1.1 ml te nl 1
! ah" are afl!irt, il with lunc mid liver diw to co t--. ymi.
orkenllur wo, ((et vnur meHi-iue, nl mve lire atid
i money. iIoiMj Vturareau. JolI.N tiALKK. '
j e ir nooD.ii
j .v ip noonxr
j .VA - flOHDSl
.Vi'lf UOOD.il
fns rxi.t j.vn wisrr.m
t on f AI.L A Xli U lXTf KI
CAL. A XI) s f K.'
Ki. t. vkh. ro.vc rn
AKKVKlt, LnX'i d C.)
KUKMKlt, Loxi; 4 ((
lwll.iin. Not. lf.3
Let I s ull lake a
title !
TO LKT, to
I I OHSKS AM) lil t;tilES
A L responsible prr-ons,
al rtaunab!e
rates. "Sidhles on al ey between South
Third and Sr.mii Fourth streets, half a sq tare
below Hess' I.ivetv 111 v residence on mue
lot, fronlins on Suuih Th r t street.
I 11 W.'I.KS 5. VOMER
f.ewisbtire, Sept. 1 1. IMA
Provision Store,
on Market street, telween 3d and 4th,
Call and Satisfv Yuikselvks. !
OTI? STOCK is larae and well selected '
embracing everything nxiially kept in a I
lirst-class (iHOCEKY STOKE including an !
assortment of
I take this opportunity to return ray thanks
to the public far a liberal patr.na?e,aml hope I
1V studying the wants of my Irieuiis and en- !
deavoring to supply ihein to merit their ;
pairnnage in the future. T. O. EV.'S.
Lewiitbura-, Marrh 2, 'ca. i
j. I. nrrrrmmrrii ,iri jnicrit
Xrw Furniture' Eslabll.shment.-
tPHE subscribers' have opeced a Furniture
1 establihment, rn .Market Hi. I.ewist urg.
(opposite Chamberlin's buildings) where they I
manufacture to order and keep on hand all I
varieties of CAHIS'ET WAKE usually kent :
SUl'n estahlishnieuts liuienus, Bedstea Is, I
Table,. Chairs. tofas. Stands, Whal-Xots &c.
f a'' raiterns and prices.
t'Kieaiai.io iu the best and most efed-'
iiiohs manner. '
UNDERTAKING in all its branches ,
attended lo at very low rates. Keadr-uiade ;
Cotfins always on hand.
I.ewisburg, April 16, IHi,3
James F. Linn. J, Herrill Linn.
T F. & J. M. IIXX,
J t Al.orncyg at Law,
54 Union County, Penn'a.
1 J. MERRILL II XN Coxaimtosta for th, State of To.
- - e - ien.r
Auction and Commission House In Ira Is burg. I
Hsi LeKal Auctioneer ! !
F.A.Doncllower having been appointed
siaie Auf.tioneerlor Lewisbt.rg, is prepared to i
attend lo all calls in his line in tmun ami;
Commission Sales.
In Apnl 1 il"end ,00Pen on M"Ve
at stated times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc
tion. Any one wishing todisposeof any arti-i
cle can deposit it wiih me and I will sell it at '
ihe best advantage 1 can and charge a per!
centage for the same
Feb.2fi, ,8S FADONEHOWER i
Central Foundry and Machine Shop
Mlfer, Walls, Shrlner A fa.
i I fimim Manufacturers of Bollock's Iron
ftig!! Mower and Reaper, Darling',
i25eJ Endless Chain Horse Pawer
iaV.i , ) 'i'iiii WiIIsoh's Telegraph Fodder Cut
ler, Riches' Iron Plows.Witherow's Self-Shat-pening
Plow, and Michigan Double Plow.
Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip
All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept
on hand for sale.
Johhing work in Wrought and Cast Iron
and Brass done to order.
Country produce taken ia exchange.
Oar. of filth a Market S- Tkbrg. Pa.
ain't, h. oawis. airaitD asiss
Atttrnys at Law.
FfICE en Mouth Second near Market St
J lApnl l,'6ij LcwiswnrK, Pa. I
STILL AHEAD! Come one! come all
anil f iaininr fr vnurrlire the larr
and rhraprM stork i.l Home III Side Buo'
an.l Shnes in Union county !
trj,i lecriv,.! a KKESII M PI'I.Y r
t'Hy made work at unuoally low price
' Quick Sal.-s iintl Small Profits"
is ihe or.ler of the dav at ftO.IIlli:S,
Opposite the bank, Lewi.nburx
T T AVI) removed iheir lialr and ( a-
J 1 blnet Ware-room t "he lar?'r
and ini're coiniiH"!i.u ro.nis, late tbe reaid
euce of W in. Kriclc, on the !
inrnrr nf Third and Market V. lrlkar.
where they have on hand ihe LARfJEMT and
UK.-sT ASSOK I'M KN T of Work everohVred
loihe putihe in !h vicinity.compriMiig llrs
Riirrnu. nil rnry V....l..nil nl ll." latr-t 'ttlM,
P-tl"". Hair-.! i:biur..ru."t.t rhair. Itofctns Thalr.,
rrrfr. II. I K.'-i... Urii.. J-nt I inrt "a i rt.
mxr Hd.li"Ml.. V.iiifT l.ctiniff r jd'T T tlj't... Ac nil
, 2-ii-rl .ttin.ut.f fO.VVoX WUIIK ! on
bun I li.rtoolu ml Ollt fhir VI it Knail.
We also attend to Ihe l.'MJEIfTA k'IMi
kwtnrw I" "II i" hrnrh. V t r'.T il".! with !"-,
II i a u KSi.nl Y-V Palral Mrtalllr Knrlal Uses.
ul rtpKI'IV i.f i.iir nvn ni"iuli'l uir lway. !"..
Wf af railT at nr ton- within an hnur a Dntli-i.. to .
ait uoen ant aO'i all vlto Diay lar ua "lib a call.
Havtr.- none hut Ihe he-t workmen. k?" ,
ttAiiKANTall KtirnitHr. mantrrlnr.-l b-u4tBui
tlvty cvuji titi .n tbr in ;ni i-r .1? !a.
Jf'iHufitrf'iri on V In Strf-'t,
where Calonei and House Turning. Scroll and ,
kti Sa iug dona on .Itort mitir anil r.aa"Baiie term..
A yond assortment of LI'MIIKR ahvavs on
baoil flr NVwel Ponln. Rauniti.r. and Hand Hailing. !
tVltiriais of all kind done as oual. j
N II. Anv worj not on hand will be made
an 1..1I1 a. piolile. :
Thankful for pa't favors, we still eipecl a
rODtinuanre ot Ihi a:n-.
JJoots and Shoes.
The suri-cr.ber has just received
at his .""torr (next' dour to ihe Post
Ofiire) a full .supply of I ton Is S.
Shorn of evry .style and variety stntHhle 10
the s-ason. The stock hs been elected with
parlicuiar care, an I will he alF rded at
ikkt KKiii 1 i:ir Piiit ts 1011 i:rtui i ah.
His old friends and riiti.tiir and the public
eeiifrally are invi'ed to call and examine his
stork and ju.'e'- lot lhem"!ves. lt"MA.
I FAtri'I lil.M. and kiWAUCIMi as hereto
fore wiil be attended to with proutpinesa and
at reasonable rates.
j:i f i.'oti.nTov, Asi.
l.wi.lar.0.-t 1. lS'fl
U;..' V- i ' Ii- ..r rf ,,
.iv.-VI.:'s-. w. Hanu'arltirrr of
VS.yV. J- 'i II:ifti-i P.riil
S II MI 111-.-.. 1.1 IU
In.. W...I.II..U
. iv-. iHI 1 1 ll
rnmiiKirtutiil the
ewsalenl HIIKSKCHI It ft1., warranted to hurtnoWM-
llralrr In j
JtW puJ r'ber 5Hinp.-t :(iJ Wpiji ,lla?k'?, ;
l;IHALtll:ill rs. ULlVM fvMKK.II RILLS.
Fancy Satldiery, Harness IIarlvare,&c. i
r!'l!E :t!ii't ilitT, lmviii'v furrii'd on
I fcu-iii... f .r t-tral .,r. an'l sa incl a r.iutTi ii
1' r Drtkinir a.2-l H;-rri... .tr a" ;tiy .t.l.li-hn.i l n '
: tlii. rrl'll lit I Tl'- In! n ui.llr A .T ;rit il U r A nft i
' Umittti ..art- 'I llll, I K IKI U.I I r ,tfr . ..f l,i.
1 aoraBiar.-l ii--. rt.i:() x(.re. t . .-ralil -i-l. f r faT r I
, tin- IrmluiK J. u al.i a.ty r-r. ..- ai.J ji.H. tli.-rr i-i-uli ,
uiir.l atp-ii.t- at l.i. Nl.Vt r wfi. (
I Th. l.i'atli.T u.- I i in i- t i T-r, 1 f.t. ranr.'t In :
th ..i.l a at .1 ai. i.i.t fr w.;.. I.H1I..1 li.U.l!
V nrkmii- i.nTit- my i . n l-ii-ii;t.... j Hm f u. . tn ,
m at a:l .-iiKkI I. I i-ir:. Ml I. an I IV -r'i nr 1
irn.nir.t. an I it n. t a- r.-: 1 r.t- 1 u. 1 n t iriml or .
t li.n.il. t .i! m.'l .-r l.i-. ..nl if I '.-i rr.t Kif
tl-r wi-rtti i I i;ur m. o.y I ai l n..t aaio aak Tlt jour '
fi ilri'ii.iri'.
i I.KI'.WKi.Vi; jiroi!i;it! attended tn. .
: of t;0'.' V 'I"'"" " l-AT In met kiuO. '
ot ( iiuitr Pri .iiiev. i
L. wi-buiv . April 1, I O P. SII1VKI.T. I
It. d. HETZEL. Pao'a.
TI IHE undersigned remrns his sincere thanks
1 fur ihe patronatre exien.led towards him
I v tHe citizens of I'niini an I ihe
ci unties, he would nn.si respectful' solicit a 1
continuation of the sa.ne.
Lewisbnrg. March 1.1. m3
Irom :il cl..
April 10, '61
a Urge and choice vari
upwaiils. for sale hy
Are m:io;i!aciiinng and have
0' 1-s-Jccnsianuy on hand a larffennan.
i'y of 4 teet I'altnss and 3 nrt a
i.a, .ia.a
leei Laih at the following prices: 1
V!?,,,,,S h,a,led " new "Tie, from $S
' l"'r :
l.utll 3 and 4 feet long, f I to J? 1.62 J pr ja.
Million's at i to .i7 per thuusand.
Falings and Lath made to order, any length
parties may desire
Lewiat'iir su-.a Sawmill. IVe. Clt. fsfio
NOTICE (ienllfmen ! i
(CITIZENS of Lewisbnrg and vicinity are
J respectfully inlormed lhat the subscriber 1
. nas Dougnt out tne interest of E. L. Hi. us m '.
Ihe business of Shnrmg and llmr Cuttins.nni
j ecratiniiei.tr..- mme al the oM -land haa-mrnt of wiilrw ;
j Amuimi.' blurk. Iwtwi'n C.l'euny .nil J. Untight,. n'. '
irr.: airin i'niin 111 Hu-m-.. he hora. u ....
Tuweta el..D. ruon ..harp anil ariaair" kevn.
Al.ni S, A. Vf. MI.I.IN, Prof B rn.
1 AMEKIL'APhiladelphia. I
(Incorporate!, j
Capital "i00.000.00 j
Assets, Jan. lfifil. . - l.Tl'.l.Sl ,
ARTHI'R u. COFFIN, Ptesident I
CH ARLES J'LATT. ecrelarv !
ISBuildings annually or perpetually. Mer- '
chandize, (irain. Furniture, Ac, insured, at ;
cm ram rates of Premium, i
931m3 Agent for T'liinn r-unty. Pa-
rilUE subscribers have opened a Provision !
I Store in the rooms recently occupied by .
Cnarles Roland, in Rndenbauh's' building.
Market M, near 4ih, where they pay the ,
highest prices in cash ! r
Butter, Eggs, Calves,
and all kinds of Countrv Prcdtire. I
March SS mfipd (i.R.M I'PI.EE A CO :
(dralnl'tlralor'si Notice-. I
"eOTICK i, herehv given, that Letters
of Administration upon the F.Ms :e of
Ht'N'l Elt PARDOE dee'd, late of Lewisbnrg,
Union county, have been granted lo the
undersigned, by the Register ol Union county, j
in due form of law. Therefore, all persons!
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment; and those having any j
just claims are also requested to present theru
legally authenticated fur settlement lo j
1045 KAMI EL PARDOE, Admin r
Attorney at Law.
.FFICE in Amtnons' Block,
1048 Lewisbur;, Union Co- Fa
; anti.faetion 10 ,!i ho ma. rarer him aith thru patron- ' at TolJl Abstinence rates Ihe lowest ia iba
! 'Z?.tl, TT , t rk'- A. VVKILLDIN, President
Jn.i e.11 on Iiilik hi. I I.-.. " 1 '"il CEO. F. MILLER. -e. I.ewishnr
r.urnawH, ; -
.1 ,ew M'hoionrrtiphtr in
M,eteiburg !
fTlHE nberiber ha, parehae4 ihe M
X I'hoii graphic Oallery.oa Mariiet irtaL
o,ipnsne ihe l.ewisbttra: Bank, where he is
all tune i rrpircd lo lake
I'LoloritjihyjAnibrot 3pes,MclaInolpes
AVc.. ul all .-ize. on Ihe ahorieM aniiee ac(
a manner not lu be aurpasard by nj aruu
the Mate.
Cinzens of I.rwisburg and vicinity
vne. I in come ibemieivra and bung all t
children al' n;. '
All neaiivea prrviouslv taken ia ihia Ctk
lery are ''lesrrvcd, aud will be rrmitd u
ahori nonce. J.NO. F. Mtg
LrltU'r. .SL.it I. 1S'1.
1 1 ET your Proper, ins.. red in the teal
I ,alr. roinpany.
I hr o!d Linmi..
lusnranre Company
' - - a
Ol inr mil r'liame arn jrsl I in pia ,,
insure m in Pennsylvania. Ii hai bera a
op r.itii n 2:1 year, and ra, a rapnal of 51
million dollrri. Prrsons wishir.a to itBJ
111 ih aboye Company ran do ml.nu;,..
to ftOi.OMAN KITTKK. hr. i ihe a. .
ar.iing aeetn inr i.ei-rur anrl ri,. f0
Variety and .Vevs LVpot.
ri'HE nbsenbrr keep, rm siai.ti, (. .
I at th. 1'Of.T OKHt fc Oiow ite R.,lt
House) a well aelrcte't sli c ol
Family (Iroi-erie, (.'oiifi-ctionarj ant
Fniit.-" Faney Xo- fl?,?Vi
tious, IVrfitmery & &xp.
Siitip. Wall ra.erS3J3
nnd Oil .liitde?, Traeiii,i Bng
Iliank. Si lioul and Llymn KijijVa.fc.
1'npfr siimI .llafrarinr a , t,aa,
or to oii'er. In ui Hilton. eur i rk cr i 4,
itelph.a such as ti e Trirnie, Time,. H'nlt,
Ledger. Weekly Clipper. I'olice Gazeo v.r
cun .V.averly, Literary fonipamcn. Hart',
at d Leslie's liln.-traird Weekly,, tit iltt'mi
Harper's Magazines, Vai.kre Molitns mi
.Nic iara. Ac. Ac.
Hi. Of Willi II ACT. sliB IHEir FOE Ctl
l.ewishnr- liKO. W. KlKREST
TAIHB J. Bl'OWX, having asaii-
vl ted in Idling ihe hnngrv of Lew-"
isuuri ann viriMty. lor nearly thrae year
past, with the bes' i f
Beef, Fork, Veal, &c,
wou'f return ht grateful ih.n.kst h nm
n us cusiniiirra fi r their patronage ard aa
iiijiiit-es iba:
he intencS 10 coofnu. the b..'
in ltieMeat .Market H
and baker A C'o.'i
re. Mara-et mji
M..,,a(i. r.
CAslI is the
sr'rtfuilv s.lieii-i
:'iie-riiv and Satrrr!:tt
f"AS!I is ihe stom. Fuhlic patronage r.
spectfu'ly s. licii- i. and san.laciion msnre4
March 15. fif. I S M ER.VER. Af t.
j. m. mmwf
Fashionable Boot and Shoe EIaktj
S-nth fi'h St., LrvciJiurg,
KEEPS consiantlv on hand. and naaafa
lures to order, all descriptions of
j Bettig an eipTienced hoemaMrr, anaaaa
I ti ns to ineni a share of the putdic patrtaiie,
he will warra.nl all work h;ch may put
j thrnngh his hands.
1 Faincular atieution wilte tuen 10 I.adiea
' W. rk.
(Its Trices are a, low as those of any other
dealer in the yicin'ty. He solicit, a iair ttial
S01. Client '"at he can satisfy every persoa.
..ewisourp, sus. Jl. innv.j
Aenr llarllrlon, C'mort Co., fa.
THE subscriber, thankful
tor past patronage, would inforat
r his mends and the public in gena
ral, that he continue, en m.nnfaai
Hire all kinos of oolen (.uodft, such a
riuths, I assimeres. Tweeu. riaitmeita. Jaaal
B ankets and Flannels 1 also. Carpet aa.
Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of tha
best kind in use, and bavin; employed Ik
best of workmen, he feels sa.'e in saying
that his Wi-irtr vlinll n.,t k. ... J 1.
anyestaHishmentm the country. A good sap
ply of the above goods kept cons. ar.tiy on hand
for sale or to exchange for wool, at prieea
that can not latl to please. WOOL will bt
Carded in the best mannerand on the shot test
notice. Terms for carding, cash on th de
livery of ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY.
WmSeld Mills, March 30, 1857.
American Life Insurance & Trust f,
(Capi'al flock $500,000)
COMPANY'S BuildingsWalnut street, 8 I
corner of fourth 1'hiludrlpkiQ.
CfLires insured al the usual Mutual rata
or at Joint Sli ck rates about 20 per cent, le
let Claa,
2d 4u
St (lo
4th iln
4s ri'Qll far loo powttd
4 dA a.
3 d a
d. d
11 do d.
Wheat. R;e ai.d Corn, 13 eutrpw aabM.
Philad. Depot with
J-'reer, Ward Frerd, 811 Market Bt
Thankful for the liberal patronage gives a
we hope by strict attention to business
merit a continuance of the same.
For further information apply to
jy79ft C R M'OINLY, Agent, Lewishtrg
FFICE in his new Brick Bh ck. Mark"
street, south side, between 4th a tit!
I (up iair.) Lewishury
i - - .
John it.
4 TTilK.M-V".4T
J. I.E I?BL hU. Pf. ;
Alao t'ammlsalnaer ar Birds xr ,h. Sun. a'
NOta aod lAl.lH'KMA .uthmiaad t.
"'ib-,0.'1. "!- '!. , it. w",.
iwi-iuent.r iriofoiaD Drrdor.Ui.riii.traai.iiiiM
reroute lu aith.t m aani u'- at.jt. t4'
$5,000 wanted!
NY person having from One to Fiva
Thousand Dollars, ran have the sf
saiely invested in Judgments up n vain'1
real estate in this couu r. npon applicatiea ta
J. F. A JOilN B. Ll-
Lewishnrg, rtly l, Itii9
U. (al'.K (I 4 BT, VL .
bas removed to Sooth 3d ireei.roT
doors fruua the Town Cltwa, -