Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 20, 1864, Image 1

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ii mi m in
. Mlt V
jaesfoy Miirnini k FrMay Afternoon."
. - - - - - i
" '
F'r the Firtt Amenilmfnt.
h'.ir the Smuttl Awndinent.
I'ur Ihr Third Aiutndmitit.
(Election on Turk lay. A"g. 3. llj
Prinmy Elections,
One eand dite for Asembly,
One candidate for Sheriff,
One cod d.'e f r Coin.ui-sioner,
)oe caudidate f.r A llitor,
Ojeemlid'te frCr ner,
One per.oi f-r R turn Jdle of the dis
trict in wt.ieb the vot. r re.;.), s
The haliois to he upened as oon a the
h. ur fur cIomus has arri.e t, read a . md and
Itie iroe return cernlieil to hv 'he J.idve and
ClerUs and etven to itie Jude so rh .n.
The return Judses will toefi in the CYiut
II useai !.ewiborg, on M'lM) V. June i:t,
1S6I. at IUoVl..ck. A. then and thrre to
correctly leinrn. a id up and pi,blisb.lhr nnm
Ver of v.oe cai for eac h candidate f..rearh
lilliee ;aml ihi.se hni! ihe highest numt-.T
vf voir, l,r eaih ..llir.e, re-peeiively shi1' he
declared ihe iinnnnces nl ihe tarty. 'Itie
Judes are al. to provide f.-r the rhi.ice id
Conferees, aoo appoint a Xtandin? C
The members of the Committee in iheir re
spective districts are to arend to having the
tlee'tons .p.ned and clo-ed acroiditig to this
call. By irderof the Cominmee.
V. C. SHOIiKI.EV. Chairman.
riiMMintic Mts.
Joaeph Moure. Ad.m Get
BY 0 VUliLi!ii Aiu J.
41 $1.50 per tear, always
The Kepublic-an ao.l all mher lepal voters Hartloion 1.. Olover. I ,a?1j 0entT ,ukle ; Ujlby j ; l. ; fMor a0(j .he Ul,cr inteI11is , uke the 1 of whom however fouijht like veterans. h?r(bv thsr PROI'XAL wrll b V.w""rhJ Wn W.
io Lnion county who iusuin the Naiumal j Kellv l'"1 Gcddcs, David Urove. IW.Foote; Albert Fouler, face ; hlias , . f , Those who i Now Itegiioent are daily passing to I rereiveil. op ti Friday. Mav Kr-I.r y No. 10 Ki..i.itj timm, a.
Admiuisirali.nl to M riT.rta t.. aoppirs L . W. Benj Caley, P. N (.inter. Fuus, baud: Martin Keiff-r; Nevio ! V " ". ,. , Washington, enough to make up for all ,h, on,i,r,ited. lor tfcr Pa.iunne th Fa.r -J-'.
Tre..n and Kelwliioo and to u.a.nla.u .he; 6 g V.-C.C.Sh,..kley, T.G.Kvaus. Li,,t. Ja0,es Clearer; A. j k btm will certify to bis worth and , UMg. Urnond near l.ewbbor-. The rrc.-nt In I H. TOBIAS
Const tu.ui.1 and i he l-.m.... are '""' ' jimM, ,DeK.,l,ert Cb.niber. i I.eM ; Wm. lJjwer : Charlr. Kline, leg. j fitness, and must agree that men whose; Be0f Green. m (Clark's Ferry,) pa, aMi.llowa-r.De half on the f.r,t day f VKMTIAN LINIMENT.
".'m b xtCh'IaY after...... -he ... ; M m..bUrg-.!h. II Shr.ner rteo.Gutelius. KiedWm Du(jilch Lewi,ourgi patriotism baa been proved like bis ought tbe Ulver w otetfl ,.g into the C.o.l, , Ami. d the balance Vt" TV OP O-W"'' A TTT
day .'( June, l4. between ihr h..ori.f4 and xew Merlin .Micbai-1 Kleekner. j iud James Lucas, west end of county. to be thus honored and rewarded when it , and the mules, up to their knees iu , 1 Y) ni VL 'mote " ehwMth.
7 ,n .he bo,u u rJ d ,hlt AreblbaM!CMpropprI,bedllD, water, dr.goiB b The , Sa-q,.- K0TICE.
. J-dVe! t.';:. P...d a, ,.r : J'c lr-W j.L L..r,Ja . Marsha l. ; M.lWo ki!Bd( luJ Li, ,wo, ..J KV ,cft Hril(b t(H,a, ' baoo. dc,dll, oo . b,h.r. . hu ,n hwbr nntiM .. ' .k. car,. U.ed -f caoapf bo-
C.k if desired, proceed io voie, by aLtor, Praeeedi d to chooso tliree U.mlereeMO . br0lhl.4 .o,,,,,,.,. . ' . ing many fence, and the .Xortli lraucu meddle w.th a larze blark Horv an
sirante T when lr. Tobias eoiiia.lwoit.eat
for' ! met others from this Congressional Dist-; fbe 5Ut ll V had quite a number ' ',r ,D8 ,e1 ol wr- 1"'s 18 00 ' apparently above tbe West ranch. , i;Kuat (;HrrLi'i p,.vesion. as we have .'. , , ceriain cure, jf taken in ln ow.
One candidate for CoojjrefS, rict f.r the purp.se of appointing two; taken pnsoners-among tbem, it i. said , IWa Kegimeut of tbe season, and its At TreTPrt0B Junction. "Whlttnio- .ned hi.n io .he , aid Geo. Chappie dur.nj Mothers. appeal to ' 7 J
One candidate for Senator. ,. , u.i. :... , I'ant. U'm K.iaier acd V M. Ilann. orcaoiiitioo is a special and a marked ' J W4s bioa "obaerved" by a gay , cur pleasure. i yaHry ' f"'""": ,".i.
J'eter Mill. r. Mar'iu Drieabscu. iu our ustion's history. And thai our Con
Samuel Dunkte. H. j Chambers. fare, a be instructed to Vute for delegates
l'mii l Shafrr. Kooch Piluier. i p e lg.;d to tbe rc-ootiiiiiatioo of Abraham
Tlionins Church. Mieh'i K'eckucr. ' Lincoln ami uone other.
Wm F. Wilson. Levi Kooke. 4. That Governor Andrew G. Cortin
I)avid (Imve. E O-bnrn. ,
s---- --- i
Stan. Io eoniircttno with the call tor the
Primary Eieolion, we understand the ;
Union County Counuillee adopted Ihe ,
following :
. ,
"That we spprnve
. ... .1
.dinted by the Union ('nioty (; inveo-
'P" VJ . 7 . ;
.UO ir-i'.U'' "
t on, Angii.t 5. 1801. wb.eb is a. follow,:
- . n t . . i
That wa d.prco.i .ue praonoo ... ;
dates for nomioaiiou cnvass.ojj no ,
uaie. ". 11
emntv and petsooaliy solicittnt? votea, i
0 ' . , , u .
and recommend that bereaf-er those who ;
,eek positions shou'dbe willing to tu0 !
on th'tr own merits. ;
This is not to bo unotersiona as onjeci
Jpg to candidates carrying their tickets
into every district, speaking to all they
may meet on that rrranS, and securing
one or more men in every district to see
that their li.keta are at baud tl.e day cf
e'retion and receive fair play. Nor is it
against candidates, wbeo nominate,
working to secure the triumph of the 1
i.-.: :..,t ,1,,... .i,n '
nominees, on. n .it - -
spend th.ir lime poit.j from bou-e to ,
i: r .- .
bouse to teg VO'-ea treating iu mj'ioi ii
. . . .. i. i
popul.nty or annoying men ai aora iu j
ineirneiasneeuu.....r. 'ir7.-l,
. . ... i II ... I.
Harm v in
oor small county,
most or all of the can-
didatc. are generally known to the peo
ple, who can make an unbiased choice on
.peine their name, lu tbe pupirs, and I
tbu. avoid excitements and bickerings.
Tbe time ia short, and the ticket can:
bood bo determined aud elected io due !
tim. i
- " ? -
CanUItlAlCS COlUfllll. I
onrt (th. (JF.OROE F. Mil I.ER Esq- j
of L nion r. iui.lv is recinn.ended for mis post j
in the Mifllniburg and Middleburg papers, j
Slate Senate,
Messrs. E dtors Permii me to suggest'
Capt CHARLKsC.IIOKKI.EV...f Lewis - -
burg, a a candidate for Sruator. He is well ,
and lavorahly known to the people ol iheuew
Sen.iori.l U'-""-" "P"1,?" I
ana aoiiuy eiuimuoj ... ;
named. Jc.Tica. j
Messrs. Editors Knowing that the inter-j
ests of Union county have been pioperly.
attended lo and cared for in the Legislature, ,
by SAMUEL H. ORW1U, E-q , our present i
Member in the Houe, during Ihe session
recently cloaed, and believing Irom past er
perieute thai be is worthy of Ihe conlidence
and support of onr people, we recommend him i
for reflection. Msi CiTiitsa. I
Sheriff. I
At the last trial.THOMAS CHURCH wax j
the second highest candidate for Sheriff, ajid i
nearly two years aro, a hile commanding his I
Company of Volunteers in action near Fair
...... inncq wonna lroin which he has
barely recovered. H,a good character. hs
fitness, and ihe claims of his locality, are '
him the unanimous support of Unionists for
nomination and for election aa Sheriff?
Uaios ana Haaao.v. ;
roBlirlNloncr. 1
to fcd.tor, istar taron,cie-.ew H.rl.n
share of ihe County Offices, and in view of
said claim I would recommend MICHAEL I
KLECK.NER as a suitahle nerson lor Hie
trice of County Commissioner for ihe ensu-
ing term. Hia eatensive erperience and bis
ouau joagment render him in every respect
justly (it for said office. LawiasiTaa.
GEORGE CL'TELIl'8, of MifHinburg. is a
candidate for County Commisoner. He is
a good man in a good location and should
have a good vole. We recnramea4 him as
"k right moo oi a man, to all of th
Wsst Burriboa.
nrTbe Snyder County Primary
Election, are called for Saturday, .b ! ,i1 tMitn oi ,Dir lamilie. gratui
Jose Convention tb. Monday following i tooaly io getting back pay, or enquiring
Hint j u) candidal...
n. uuiw riijiuo,
In Advance.
Union County Convention.
' ........ i a.II P..nptitiiin nipt, on 1(1
... , 17 Wrtt .t the I
n ... ,, . . ..j.-., (.,, o C. I
i;,l..f .ml!
. - 11 on IV I. r. i . . - "it - - '
,, o ti.. :
! 11 i.lSCaW, ivq-, o.crr a y. ,
j fallowing Dolegates were enrolled :
! lir:idy Jon It Filltner.Tl.vidW.M'Carty. I
! hufiMoe 1't.ilip Uuhl. Wu.T.Lmo. j
! Km Huff Micb-I lirou, Tbo. Penny. !
v.ai Hull Jn 0 Obeidorf. Kich.Struble. I
Hartley Tho Church, K. . U. liucoiu. !
alien the following were cboseu :
Paul Gedd.s of Kelly.
Charles (judykuust of Brady.
Joseph It. Orw'g of M a oburg.
Slestrs. Shriner, Giuler, Kleckuvr, Mar
shall, aud llubl, tbe Committee, reported
Resolutions which were read uud adopted, !
uuanimousiy, as f illows : i
J-,h;,l, 1. That tbe Ad uinistrstion
of oor nati mat affiTs by l're-idcut Liu-
coin, bas cxtiimtea tucti siatrbiiianaiiip, ;
nmici..). uu i ik-.i;..v m. .,i..c,.,U1., ,
and eueh as the loyal people appro... .
2. lint it is tl.e duty of the people.
' . . ..' . :
livn.i: under tbe gnverume
ol ot the bsiH ;
State,, aud r oeiviug its proteciiou, to aid
in tue bUj.preS'.l.in
is entitled to the thanks of the freemen ,
uf (j,;. Commonwealth fur the able aud ;
energetic maimer iu wbtoh he baa di.-cbarg
ed bis official duties. He has beeu weiith
ed by tbe peoplo and not found wantin
i they have said at the laid election, "well
, dooe, good and faithful uervant."
, c .v... n 1 v..-- .t .U .
iua iuu aim. iuu ..avy ui me ;
.. ,
eiuntrv are worlhv ut our eoi.fiJenea and
I country are
' . Mre ' . our fcj . j
Bui.iiuii, aim ai irunucu am uu. uii;i.c..
fof the dceuke (b ujj9
. ., .. . i
u(T:.i,.at thA allninta nf n.ir o..Atia trt I
overthrow this .Jovernment.
(J iu j,,,,,, 0ener, u p
(jraut, me ncogum the military chieftain '
we nilVB , uked f..r, and that io bis
n ...nrlfi oi.r.ili.nt in Vir.i.ita Iim la uivlnr.
the rui .n c.u,e a double service. While
l i i. i ..!..- L i.. : l.
i ue is ueauug ut-am iu ieueis iu anus, ue
ia at tbe eauie time dealing death to tbe
Copperheads in tbe North. Aud for bis
treat nervier, to tbe c.ur.try, we lender
i Ii i ui and bis army tbe thanks of all loyal
Tbe Convention then a 'j turned.
. ... ...
IflrT'Court adioorned this moruing, for
- ,
"f Wl,,lt. Lut having struck qi.te a (
number of suits from tbe Trial List. I
T. G. Evans was Foreman of the Grand !
- - - i
'uuiii nuiuu uiuii vu a urijai, ,
. ..,-:..,:
.....ai.1. uu iuif .., ,
u""g re.urueu turee iruo nine, two oi
j which were adjudged without trial, and :
; tbe other continued.
No C 'tiimnnwealth (rials and But two
0D lbc Clvil Lis'. " 1 Mo" :
Rffg'er s. Anderson-verdict for Deft.
J kJ.loung vs Ihoma. SZiO for P.U.
Tbe following young gentlemen were .
admitted to the praotice of the Law :
Orlando Wellington Spratt, Lewisburg. '
uaniei isnnt .inner, tin mil. service ) .
T.n.. ',l.l. l..b... l!...l,
s . ,.i i a vbuuuB kinuaiij ..en i. . IIU. I
Snyder county court, next week
jf following are the CoLi.Edoas
. D. , ....
of 8tate and County Taxes, in Loiou
County, for 1SG4 :
lJr,,J,Samuel Oberdorf.
Buff.loe-Willi.m Ruhl.
F.Bt Buffaloe Joho Machamer.
West Duff, loe Edward Miller.
Hartley Joseph Role.
Hartleton David Fillman.
Kelly Daniel Null.
Ijcwis Isaac Reisb.
Lewisburg Andrew Kennedy.
Limestone Robert Chambers.
M Qmburg George Ysrger.
New Berlin Christian Winter.
Uoion Samuel Ritter.
White Deer Charles A. Dieffenderfer.
t3.Thtre is not a man, or wom.n, or j
child, who would not sorrow to bear that
e o ir r
"J of " Soldier, were suffering for any
necessary or delicacy that a grateful and
asoount, a tpecinl collection ia aid of the
Sanitary and Christian Commission, is
urged to be taken op by all congregations
eber next Sabbath or Sabbath after next
s 109 church authorities may deem best.
ORGANIZE ! Qov. Cnrtin nrirea an
immediate organisation of tbe Militia of
,.,.. .r ,t:1:. .
; " "'.ry LAW, 10
j be ready for any emergency. Tbey may
possibly be needed, but their formation
; migbt'be aseful in preventing tbem from
.. . 6
i be,Di W,ntcd-
Col. Francis Jordan i. Ibe Penn
sylvania Agent, at Washington City, to
after uy affaii cjneuoing tA&im.
rendering eueb assistance as is r.qrred by . ,ht) Utter cln clloos9 groun(l every , pretending to be opposed to Slavery i double tracking oi the Northero Central ft'Soi'jHM."' ; l00 ,efl Volf.-t mi mM be saiiably
.be Executive to uuk, its tcrm.u.tiou as , jucl uf wbjch u f,mjliar l0 Grant ; , anybody." is under progress. Tbe receipts of the ffiZtZ " , M rewarded b, tbe -nber.
speed as p.s,ible. , . , fa ' ' jonipiny Justify its advauoes. But there , , J -.oi.ti... e..-nrtr.i. lea,- itead- May 13 liUAnmun.
3. That tie have entire conGJence in ! ,u'1 15u,ler n,i the torP lt-a"n n The papers bore the written name of Ik. - P J J ' , ,,,, 1.1 ..;.ii, a .. m.,.. b H.b., . i j m.
,be President of the L'n.ted State,, and done extremely well, and have demoo.tr.. U, MilUr .V. C. Tbe recipient of this " ? ,'it,iD;',r:rre,,Ui'0,l4b TeT as JJlT XcaflV COHl plctC !
believe bin, to be . man q .al.lied for the ted that "iu union there l. strength. , Trojan-horse gift stated that M.Per was ,he, dld lbii d,y, ming from Harris-j p - '
(loM.ioi. un "ttuiMc iu men j'"B i.uiub : v e may yet, u is irue, suuur uiaan.er m crculatinff lust such documents as. in knra. a, th unusual uneed. Dassins Borne ) - rwi .. a. . ....-. .-. t-ntri0 v. xiivcn r inp AH OH CIT
fct-We see ia print or hear of tbe fol-1
.in additi n.l casualties in the late !
battles in Viruiuie, from Union sua the ;
adjoining counties : .
Woundei Wm. Dreeher, lee; Johu i
Johu i
...... . .1 i
Mill bouse, shoulder : Harlon
Keunedy, !
th uj btM . 1)ich hee, .
, .boulder: C- Edlemati,
0(.ck ,.m . CJenrge Klioe, both leg;
Corp. II. 0. MeCormick, hip; Corp. K.
,,. aniDtitated: I'otar Smith.
,.t . ii.rriin,. H,,, r. foot: Johnlmilitarvdutv.bat be has declined the
i,-aIli;0.1IIr , knee; Albert Shilling, arm ;
Capt. Koland Stoughton had his right j
leg amputated above the knee. E L j
- o .
of the others.
Lieut. Campbell's death is disputed.
t..r.r a otmimi la miiiiie. as aisn are uiaiiv
Benefits Of Harmony,
The history of the past weeks' military
operations IU irgims, shows bow sue
oes.ful our forces may Lj, io aggressive
union, when tbe leader are in earnttt.
and tn concert' llilherta, our strength '
bi (00 i f(.u bcen waglej by jealousies
d ba,f.heiirejnes. 4IUI)I1 our Oeoer.ls.
ti.:. i. lii- i.rath.
- J. "7 - "
ren, in unity, with a sincere desire to
nu a iiuscio uk...
Uehkls. Considering that
this bold, baztrdouK, wasting catiipaigu ;
but let us at least hope it will not be from
,be,imid,t, or the wiekednes, ,of those in
COmiuail'i ui our ujuio iucu, iu ai ui.
risking their life's blood for a good gov-
We take special pleasure io recommend-
ing Capt. Thomas Church for the numina-
tion of Sheriff by the Uuiou men of
t r J .
,- i
no more worthy candidate can be named
. . ' .
by the Uuiou men M.i,nburg lelc.
Ditto to that. Lcwiibunj t'irun.
........ ...
$S"l)r. h. I). Crawford, late Senator, ;
... , - T . j I
died recently in Juniata oouoty ; and Kev.
P- Foit, of the Lutheran church,!
Bloomfijld, Perry county, 13th inst. Mr. !
. It .. .1 I nV......
..a a.a : .u. - i.r. 6
aula uicu . u .uo i'iiiuc ut u.g .nr.
Hirriiburg C9rres?ond8nca.
Satuboat, May 11.
A blinding, driving rain-storm tbii
morc'intr. made tbe "diversion" of mark
etiog not very pleasant. Of eourse, the
market men and market women, country-
ward, were fewer than common, for Ber.
. .
80D8 receiving such prices they do for
r.rmt.v Mn affurtl tn atav at hum with
, " I
, -- j
.i,;. i,r.,..lr " .hnn it i. nnnln.ini
" .. . r ,
raveilDC uui lueu tue coueumera weru
rro oitlinr
. . . . . . .
n0 fewer, and tbeir appetites no less keen,
,han if it had been the most delightful
morn since Elen was created. And
.r. . knnrnila nf "fnllra " kil, .n.l lit.
tie, black and white, awaking esrly, .nd
hearing the rain pounding down, righ'.ly
judged tbey must be "early at market :"
tbey donned all their old "duds" suitable
to tbe state of mnisture, armed themselves
wita "amberels," hung their basket, to the
, K.n(1 n, in.f,j hndi
b -I
aud rushed to the encounter. "When
Greek mod. Greek, then come, the tug
of war." Early, and mud-and-rain- be
draggled, the fearful-of-famishing citizens
charged in, upon all sides, at tbe old mar-
L.i .hail taklaa lilao.p ami aknrt anil I
BC'DUbU " - - - - (, - J hhw hhv.. "
decided, were the collisions : the country j
.ellars found the city buyer hungry, and I
desperate for chance. : and price, "soared
high," for tbe sellers had the buyers "on
the flank," and the latter surrendered
tbeir purses at once to all demands. And
what with punching numerous rib. and
eyes with each others' umbrellas, and the
dripping of the aforesaid umbrellas into
some-body-else', baskets, and diver,
scoldings, and .ad sighing., and tome
laughter, the hasty comings and the
djgcoIBfortable returniogs like a flock
of chicken, caught in a rain it wa. a
dismal market morning lo all except
disinterested spectator, like yonr servant,
who i. only a boarder, and not a provider,
bere. There being no other market notil
next Wednesday, such a famine (at snob
prices) is a.erious deprivation to improvi
dent liver. Another market house i. in
prooes. of completion, in Verbeketown, or
West Harrisburg, bat I venture to repeat
tbe opinion Ibat three market day. a week
say Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
would be much better for both produ
cers and cousumers, on the average.
Have tbi. week met, for the first time
in some year., George F. M'Farland, for
merly Prineipal of the Academy at Free
burg, Soyder county. He bad .inco
married, and removed to M'Allisterville,
in Juniata eounty, where be wwteaobing
wbeo the war broke oat. ' He entered tbe
tttfiocj and became Lieutenant Colonel of
tbe 15bl P.V., in which he wa. honored
with especial duties which were well pr-
tormed. v nue leaning urn ..cg.ui.u.,
under brave (Jen. Reynolds, at Gettysburg,
be was wonoded in both legs-one was ;
be fu wonoded
lnlputated. and from the wound io tho
other be was confined to hi. beJ 4i long
weeks. He is no. just able to get about.
A vacancy io the School Department bad
been promised to a civilian uofitted for
1000 Clerkship in Col. M'farland a
ootnpliuieot to its Colonel. They left io
goe atJi aud bgd x erowJ to see them
John II. Stover is tbe Colonel ; Charles
Kleekner, Lieut. Col.; M. B. Munsoo, 1st
Lieut. Co. A ; II. K. Hitter, Capt. Co. h.
Pharlea Crotavr. John W. Youne. Fred'k
Smith ira amnnff thoa. from our section '
...... . i
reportea iu tuis regimen,.
. John C- M Alarney, formerly or Union ;
i t j l ... l. :
oiunij, i;as lormeu a uw i.i.uui!!u. ,
wi,b Wm.U. Miller E-a
Happening at tbe office of an old-time
. X l.r.'.ti,.niut " lh nthnp rlav
I found
. ...... . ,
" W "oo.uog me election o.
lien. Kremont nr. rather venamentiv
Qeo. Fremont or, rather vehemently
fa0 ,be Copnerheads eeoerallv iost now
j ,re doin ,0 tr, t0 cree , gpit jQ the
r ks, Tb, g.me doe.
M rar s KDOWlt-atfe ffaetl. It 13 8ia(
bere, that Vim. II. Miller is viltimj io
run for Congress again, 1'iovided be can
hive bis former opponent to run against,
J j,J3t beard of tbe death of two of my
eonains, one a veteran who had been
and on sea, and whose nerves were so
shocked by the eououssioo of eauooo
while serving on shipbjard oil the North
Carolina oast, that be reached borne only
to die. Tbe other a lad io bis teens, who
died while drilling in camp at Roohester.
Tbe older and the younger of a large
family I never .aw either, but .acred be
lhe,r """"O "ho WI ,n h9 be8t of
causes ;
Mr Coburn (Sapt. of Common Schools,)
Kev. .nr. Kobinson, two rbysic.ans, auu
. . n r L l . r.
n .. , . . ,
otuers oi narrisourg, nave ien lor gra.ui-
tous service, as curses of our wounded :
neroe8 of th Arm' of the 1'
And e"ng I complete my
daties fdr th9 .cioD, nd have closed
t ...,t,..
vioter in Harrisburg. "The
i .td
afford, delightful walks for the
official, and tbo citix.ms. With the
I k.ti. f tk. l..-i.l.tne.. hAav..r.
j "'"-'"a "f - .
j ,D0 -epariura
I therewith close the benefit, of the asso-
. ! oiitions formed during the season, and
: I feel "mewhat lonely-anxious for
I The resident, known to the
mere casual sojourners, are generally lew,
and some of them not the most desirable
Persons oft judge hrshly of Harrisburg
becatise they happen to como in contact
ith o many of ber vilest, most repulsive,
exorbitant, unprincipled men and women.
But outside of that class (who, the ciiix.-ns
..v. subsist Drincioallv uDon tbe necessi -
ti. flli.. .nJ .iee. nf th LisIators
... . 0 -
, and their visitors,) are a larger class of as
I- J - , . , w
relioed and virtuous people as in any
eople as in any I
... . - .
P,Mes 01 it. size. i. uo3 .re
If these are .low
" ra"8 108 "quaint." " r -u8-
ers woo oniy come lor a lew weexs .
t a 1 a.
lime, it is because too many or the latter ,
in times past have proved to be unworthy 1
of tbe best society and of .ooial confidence j
and attention. My observation is that
there i. an improvement iu tbe moral
landing of men sent to Harrisburg by I
,k -r .l. a.... w... ,k.-.k.r..i I
auu toufMu ui mo u.a.guj uuu'.iiui,
reputable, private eitixen. ean not know
bow to discriminate at ooce, and thus they
beeome necessarily somewhat cautious of
extending extra eivilitie. It has always
been my good lot to find a few of the
excellent of the earth, whose attention. I
have enjoyed, whose oonfil.noe I b.ve
i .h.red, and in whose welfare I bave a
sincere interest. Some are young, other.
more aged ; aome are old friends, other. (
new ; but, somehow, tbe bamaa heart ba.
a wonderful faculty for enlarging ber
treasure corner of cherished memories,
even thongh the band, be not filled with
mean, to carry oat all good wishes, and
there be not power or opportunity always
to put in words wbat the mind feels.
"Time but th. io.prwM.irt a deeper makM,
Aa KLreama Uiair channels toper waar.M
So, farewell to all dear one. in private
life .11 booored ones in pnblio ! May
we soon meet agaio, ia health, with fami
ly tie. unbroken, and with onr country's
Flag waving io Peace o'er oar Father'.
Heritage and not a Rebel arm upraised
against tbt Coantri Lift and the World's
Hof8 V. J
nnnnaln, Ih, p. p!finnn nr ,'rea. Lincoln i 1 II ...iBi,,,pi nii .Hiintmrv I lie Tr.ln. b., I uraliuin lur rin.Ml.iLnia. w . 'a. i . - . . a ..i. ;nr.,rm..
' " . v . "--e -r ' . , s LM,iBair. in tl.Aw lufb bxtirew Craltu, UUVK. a.o-,.1. v i. w
M AY 20, 1864.
feiT In Harrisburg. Monday las', we
saw quite nu.uher of eoldiers, wounded
!n ika Uia Piitnmao aethD. frmne
borne I
on furlough
We lok wpon Ibis grate-;
ful and humane meagre a an inuioawon ,
that the Government hopes Ibat they
n,a, not be need,:d a2.in. " The hoj., j
.hough rough .ud -oru tu thetr appear- j
aow, wcio in ..r .t
were in excellent temper, anu
while ackoowleiliog many lon.-es, were .
. . .
sure of ultimate triumph, i bey were!
not commendatory to the new levies or j
hat t hoy called " the 8. 00 men," sonic I
..... . Ann nnnlA in their heat1.
cue...- u. ..8 k-.-i-, :
attire ana wotsi oenavior. xw
horse" was iu all his glory io this para-;
dise of "no free schools.
Oae German 03 tte ears made bimself j
p.iofuily conspicuous by bis distortions
aud erimaces at bis boy baby, who be fed
with brandy, to tbe evident delight
tbe child, and the mother not ohj.tottog.
Wb.t .re you thinking of, m.Ser.ble
, wh, re (Join mad m.bl.r ;
. ... , i . i :
wben ,0U put tnat cutiU 01 ue uevu, iu-
toxicating drtnk, under tbe unstainea
i snow of aa mUnt s bosom? tuoiis&j
! lather: your cuiu ia in siuuuioua u.ugu.
ol beoouiiue a druusara
itbout mixing
; q - uh itg malhet.a miik ;
. . :. i . k
A morning Irani is saiu m wo ....
d . . .
, depots without stopptog ana reaching
I Lewisburg nearly an hour earlier than
"J lTi db.VtTotS.
, ...tmna th ripp
lost tbeir Stab & Cuo.nicl. th.t day.
fnt-Surgeon. and supplies (and w.
suppose ourses) are hastening forward
for ihe relief of our suffering .oldiers.
All that a pratcful oeoole oao do for those !
fighting for them, is being done and
aboulJ be done to the last. "Do aa you
would be done by," io tbi. emergency.
Ia all our lives, we may never know
j such an opportunity to test our beat
feelings and principles.
Rev. J. A. Kirkpatrick. late from Lock
Haven, has accepted a pastoral call from
.. a. I . II 1 l
iue .uu.ou x.o.i.. vuu.u.
A German Princess, Maria Dorthes, ,
. 1. n... nt m l.li.iail.n mlu.i.ln.ro aitil !
lUlia I' ju..i.i.uu " i . 1 . M " . , w..h
j fa motif) ChriglilDa neTer pt fjr
i ,b8 8, time Adieu. "
Th. Suquebanna Telegraph Comp.ny
have devoted one day's proceed, of tbeir
line to tbe Great Ceutral Sanitary Fair,
tSL,Men growl about ibe w
ar and the
taxes. How much would tbeir property
j PJ "ilbMt,gwl1 Government?
Tbe American Traot Society at Baton,
.til ..t.Mt. it. Kflth r inhilc. anniver.
sary on May 25th.
Union County Agricultural Fair
Thursday to Sat.rdaT. Ov-t. 8,7 aoil S, 1961
Latest News
Grant and Lee have both receiveil
! roinforccrannts.
n tl.n ISth tl nrn
, was heavy firing hoard, and it is not
j improbable there has been an action.
On the 17th, tho Rebels came out ;
j of Fort Darling, and attacked Con. :
I Sutlers force with great fury, but,
! rcpuUei with much loss 0U both
. , i,...i . ,. r.
V Lll.l.uU li 1I.SIUIS KKJ 11. k V U.HIHi,cy
I , T-..
inu raiiroau soutu irom ivitiniiunu iu
, )anviUe and dl60 ,Le Canal leadiug
, iu,0 Kicljraonj
The y)rk Co crhcad jonr.
naj3 pubijej a fase Proclamation,
10 which the President's name was
signed, statin j that Grant's army is
destroyed, and culling for 400,000
men. Government is tryiu"; to find
tho author of this base forgery. As
a vessel was itist scttinsr sail for Eu-
rope, this trick was to aid tho Rebel
cause auroau.
attDisUurtj iHarUct.
Corrected Semi' Weekly
Wheat, 1,75 Barley 90 to 81,00
Rye 1,20 Eggs
Corn, 1,25 Tallow
Oats, pr 32 tb, 75 Lard, fresh
Flaxseed 2.25 Wool 60
Dried Annies
Fresh Butter.
Rags 4,5, and 6 Country Soap 4 k 6
Sides Si Shoulder, wilb Rib. 10
Ky kv. John BVaver. lttth ln, crtRtSTTAM
of MilUinbarg.
' By Rn.n.Clnnr. 19thinit. WJI.UAM CHAMBERS ,'
ana Mia, ELVA C MENSCH. UMh of Liun-ntuna Tp.
In Sallamrrov Stb iut, Hnl CATQARISE COCL
DRON, I. bar SOth year.
In Rally Tp , letb Init., LETT A. daughter of Oaonj.
WALTEK, I. bar itist yaar.
! East Sultaloe. 17tb In.t., ELIZABETU, ii at
Abraham BAT, ad atawt SO years.
Is th baaplul at Aa..poUs, IU, JACOB la KUM.
f Wast aSalo beaaship.
g p )5 atSl UUUAIDC IUWUIIIJ', Urv II, ii.'r, IiVj'jrU O aJUpCf M't 4 AatA t A IS WW At AaH
m 5i,i. 1-ssk.iJ . io' I1 " ,nf "o"orr. is.. ,.r.a,., ...... .... kinds of SILVER. WASS. maceoa
US aide. iSbOUldur I. tlt to lne sad estate are requested lo make ! .. u-jtvvr v ...n
... aw - l , KIC PICUI waaa vj w uisywarvwa v. Ml I w
... ol) Uarjj la , imrnfdiaie Davme nt. nd lhokeharinelimj .', r itlA- '
"THE UNION," esiablisleJ in 1S1 4 Waute 1S 2,669.
"CHRONICLE," estabjishetl ia 1S13 TVMeNo, 1,0 IS
yRf. Mr. Lettiharft" sennnn on th 5'h
M:iy will be at the Dm.baeb, fhurcS, in the
Imponam id idi-raycrs.
.,n . . 'P-n T' a " Ka anil hfi.Fa
- u( Ji(,f , ol(frr
rnable ihr f..iiniy Treasurer i pty the
, r.o red by the 1,n,;r;ed
- XJ
m.,..r. K..i if i,M nai.f rf in rent. Will It
.err i
f rf W 1. Ji.N.-, Co. Trea.
i,evrijborr. May 20, 1861
i-ni0I1 Furnace. May 12. 1N61
j, & (-oss Roadd Tumpike
HE Corporators named in the Act for the
incorporation of the above natnd Com-
panr.are requested to meet at the S;orcnone
uf L. B. Hauck. at ButTaloe X R..ads, Pa.,
on Monday. 30ih May, l64, at 2 o'clock in ine
;f,nooo;f;,r ,he p
Company, receivin
purpose of organising aau
i Sunseripuon. Vr.
DA.MtL. KAN Jl.tK,
and others, corporators same I.
amnef ArranyemtMi.
H RE.VT Trunk Line from the North
T aud .Nt.rth tor PhiUdiihi uNVw York.Keft- :
dintc. Pottmillr. IVbrtiaOD, Atlrntowii, tvav-too.
TrMiD lt4 iKrrutburn fur fLiltiflbw, N York,
M.nD.iiar. in .!... aw , un .iiiipm .
! to ,Dd ,rum pittiburtf. .uhoutciianira.
I Jttttl?"&wxtt
i ' '"
e.oo M.and mural ft. m Philadelphia at s.oo F M.
A Sand, train laarra PotUtllla at J JO A M, anl
tuuaiui.U.1.. Mib-wta, 8.aann and Eicunloa Ttekats
a. mu.n w . i -
... I. I . 1. .llni.H.1 In ...I-1, 1-..MT1 .r. I
DV I immm - --
G. A. Ml oLLS,
Qewr S.itK.rinu-B'i.nt.
Orrica PaovoaT MABsaaa,
14tm District, Piss a.
Haaaisauao, May 7. 1461.
THE time for Ihe assignment and correc
tion of credits by enrolling boards.under
the provisions of circular -No- 45, curreot
series, from this office is exiended to .May 16,
1864. All claims relative to credits which
may be presented to District Provofi Mar
shals, on and alter that date will be referred
to the office of ihe A. A. Pro Mar Gen. lor
' decision.
, -I'.. . I) n . n . Una.... a. . , ,..I1..I I
. I'
v estera livision, ri, arc iruurmru .u im-
mediately proceed to execute the said section , ol Imten states claim a?ents in him
of the act of Congress, entitled -An act to ; county, they will attend promptly to the eol
amend an act for enrollms and callio? out lectioa of back pay and b.wjoty and the pro-
; the national forces, and for other purposes,"
I anoroved February 25, 1861.
I II. They will at once appoint the necess -
I .ry enrui,llg officers for their respective
' districts, with instruciions,
j 1st. To enroll an persons wtiose names
officers, previous enrollment.
2d. All persons who shall arrive at tne
age of 20 vears before ihe draft.
3d. All" aliens who have declared their
intentions to become ciiiaens.
4th. All persons discharged from Ihe
military or naval service of the United Slates
who have not been in such for two years
during the present war.
5ih.' And all persons exempted under the
provisions of the second section of the enrol-
Iieo an. annroved March 3d. 1863. but not
exempted under the provisions of the act
approved February 21, 1861.
III. The Board of Enrollment will also at
1 once proceed to strike from the enrollment,
upon satisfactory proof:
It. I he names oi ail persons wno uavc
"".'."Vhe lLs of persons manifestly
physically or mentally unfit fer the service.
3d. The names of such persons as are at
The names of such persons as have
served in the military or naval service of
Ihe U. 8. two years or more, during the. pres
ent war, and have been honorably discharged
therefrom. JNO. KAV CI.EME.NT,
Capt. and Pro. Mar., 14th Disk, Penn' a.
May II.
JREMER, LONG 4 CO. have just ree'd
in great variety of descriptions and prices.
Call and see. May 6
f "JLASTER, Salt and Fish for sa'e by
; i lus. re.d by kreme'r, lo.ng & co
T-.HPOII 1 .. U.i. rin...n. inlnad
TUST received I5UO Yard Hot Pa
cific UeLalnCii, in Ends from one
to ten yards, for sale at from 20 28 rents per
yard, by KREMEK. LONG &. CO.
Ja.. 13, 18S4.
r.ntate of Samuel Ia. oll, deed.
"laTO'l'ICE. Whereas, letters testamentary
' 1 lo the estate of Samuel L. Noll, late
1 or dematds against the estate rd ihe said
' decedent, will make known the ame. w.ihoul
I delay, to A.N.Vt iii.i.,t.u
J . . . ... .. .'A, ( I' '
East Buffaloe. May 18. !!"!.
N. B. All persons having claims or de
mands against said estate, aud those knowing
themselves indebted, will please call and.
settle their accounts immeiti.ieiy who vt m
L. Harris. Esq.
MOSES .OI.I.. Ex'r
justice of tbe Peace,
-FFICE in Frick's Building, 3d .treat,
II doors North of Market. ,
April 22, 1S61.
n . . . i- ii i nAiiit.-i C lit I TUIA Ttf ion
Hoyt's Hiawatha Halt Raitorativ
ILift't lliiimithm Ihir tbihntiwt.
The stotiitxrA aplr rwprai ft-r lb
haT. tmrrantrd f M eae t'ir (ad4
mi blr. awl hiw. tutVk) Mictaal Ur. aa
a.-. n..i rUirn Io " k" " "
fcll-o . mt: ...tbratt .)l -W
l.rili to v. rf"1 . Inm
f.illu, ... m.' i "" " IW
W.:, f m imaritiraa4 a M.M rtrW.i HM
KimI .It rf .f prnion. u "f fwMiw it.iHy
i.i h.. .r ,.nliaw al jtol.l.
.kii. b..t v uiy .i-ij "i-1 wrr?T.
b..,a " '
mm bnr r.h an'.lhr. .bK-k r'" a ll9 'H"""l
iuleii ot th. .lull moilurn black uf dja
H'tiTS ijinwiAL toiomsa ctrjM.
8i.n-r1or u H.lr Drailc i "" mm4
lb ll .lr at lb. a. tinw t aa.g oa. m a
a- m .r vnilf
ins at your feet. Croup is a dans;erie 4
eastv but ue Dr Tubias" Venitiau LinimeM
in mr.e.and it isrohbeiof its terrors. Alway
keep it n the bouse; yoa aaay aoi want it
to-nizht. r to-morrow, n arOraf when bat
armed wi'.'a tin? Itn.mrirt yoe are prepared,
let it come when it will. Price only Sacral
a bottle. Olf.ce 56 Cortlandl Street. We
York. Sold by all Drujistsw
Attorney, at Law.
TFICEin Ammons' Blocr.
111 LI II S ui.n.B. r
tewisbure;, Unioa Co. rfc
FROM the premises of the subsorr
L br at Wulie s Mill, near Lewisburx.
u.e 6ih niM,a Cow, about six year.
iTnw raoidlv aDoroachinr eompletiew.
1 and will be open for ihe recePt of
I "S"- "??"?!?iSM.?
tne proprietors, from ihetr lone, experience ia
J r, , conft1n ,hat their WOrtt Will
the art, icci t pnK'L.
! meet the approbation of loe rub.ic
j MaT i3wapJ
ia. taenia A pa rata gterrallr.
f OPS. Lines. Reals, Baskets, Bait, FHaw,
X, Hooks. Nets. Foils, Uteres. Masks,
Billies. Corkscrews. log Collars. Aa., aoav
stantlv on hand, and for sale W Wolle aad
Retail, at JH-"v K RIDER'S.
riportsoian'a Depot.
S. E. corner Snd and l alnut Sis. Philad'a.
March 4a
United Slates Claim Agent
A LICENSE, bavin; been granted to lb.
At ....l,r.i,sl to c.rrv a Ihe baaiaea.
,a.-m . j . .
curing of penaiuus lor aciaiers or tneir wgat
i repreeniauves, and ihe prpsecuuo of
; claims against the tnited 8t.
i March 23, 64. J.r.A JOH. I.I..-v
a u o aa i t lj
i urt. OUoInn ami in,
I share of the public" patronage. Resl-
dertce and Office on Market St, nearly oppo
j Sne the Riviere House.
i uubun. March j. iia. ;
I Admlnlslralor'S -OllCe.
: "VTOTICE is hereby given, thai Lltr
I J. of Administration opon the Estate of
H L'NTER PARDOE dee'd. laie of Lrwisbarg,
Union county, have been granted to Ihe
rfhdersisned, by ihe Register ol I nion county.
! in doe form of law. Therefore, all persona
' indebted lo said estate are requested io make
immediate payment; and those having any
just claims are alto requested to present theaa
legally authenticated tor settlement to
i Ha.nxah P.akdoe, Admin's
imj oi m. i. . .-...v.., . .
! BOO!i-IiIXnER,
i New Berlin, Pa.
r ARTICULAR attention given lo work
from abroad. 4tpd
A Physician Wanted,
rpO TAKE charge nf a village and country
g practice a good location. For parti,
uiars address U. R-, M. D.
April 20 31 81ifer, Union Co, Pa
Estate of George Hauck, dee'd.
TETTERS Testamentary o. the Estate of
j GEORGE HAUCK. dee'd. late of West
Buffaloe townsGip, Union Co., having bee
grantedlo tbe oodersigned, all persons iodb
ted thereto are requested lo make immediate
payment, and those having claims or demands
against the same will present them for settle,
menu MARY HAUCK. )
West BarTalu. April 21. 1S64.
Xo. .ViO ARCH St..
ALL persons are hereby notified sot ta
ride on horse back, or drive wish a uaoa
on or across my Lots, which I laimd lo
cupy as a coal yard, without ay eaa...
Boat me. ar. notified not to lie np at mv
k.rl allknai Aral ennsulllBC - ABV
... ,k. ah..ae noun will
-iw... . w
enns.dereil iresoassers. aou
ill Ihertfora
be proseculed aa tre.pasaers.
April . 184. W M. TEOLKlt.
v;ood choppers.
nE Hu.dred Wood Choppers warned to
. t .. Haavrr Furoacv. for whi.a.
j p.od prices will be paid i C f "n?'
i.i h.. ana rair. rine is wnite wiua
UI'IIC . twwf Miaw w