Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, May 13, 1864, Image 2

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    From tha Memphis BallstU of the 12th alt.
The Bloody Flag of Fort Pillow.
Oo Maj 2d, tba widow of Major Booth,
tli lata eommaoder at Fort Pillow.arrived
"at Fort Pickering below thu city. Col.
Jackson, of the 6th U, S. heavj artillery,
bad bia regiment formed ioto line for ber
reception. Id front of ita centre atood
fourteen men, aa fioe, brave fellows aa
treal the earth. The were tha remnant
of the lit battalion of the regiment now
drawn op all who bad escaped the fiend
ish ecenea of Fort 1'i'low, aeenea tbil
bare stamped jet deeper blackneae on
the infamous brow of treason.
Mr . Booth came forward. Id ber
band aha bore a flag, red and clotted with
human blood. She took position io
front of the fourteen beroos, to lately un
der her deceased husband's command.
The ranks before ber observed a silence
that waa full of solemnity. Many a
Lardy face showed by twitobiog Iipa and
humid eyes bow the sight of the bereaved
lady touched bosooie that could meet ateel,
nd drew on the foaotain of tears that bad
remained dry even after the piteous sights
witoescd on the battle-field after fierce
Turning to the mem before ber ahe
aid :
Boys, I bave just come from a visit to
the hospital at Mound City. There I saw
your comrade, wounded at the bloody
atruggle in Fort Pillow. There I found
this flag you recognize it ! One of
your comrades saved it from the insult
ing touch of traitors at Fort Pillow 1
1 have given to my country all I bad
to give my husband tueh i gift!
Yet I have freely given bim for freedom
aDd my country.
Kelt my husband's eold remains, the
dearest object left me ia the world, ia
this flig the flag that waved in proud
defiance over the works of Fort Pillow.
Soldiers I this flg I give to you, know
ing that you will ever remember the last
words of my noble husband ".Yew
Surrender the Flag to Traitor"'
Col. Jacksoo then received from ber
band on behalf of bis command the
blood-stained flag. lie called upon the
regiment to receive it as aucb a gift ought
to be received. At that oII he and every
man of the regiment fell upon their knees,
and solemnly appealing to the God of
battles, each one awore to avenge their
brave and fallen comrades, and never
never turreittler the fi.ig to traitort !
The acene waa one never surpassed fta
emotional incident Bjside the swift roll
ing waters of the Mississippi within the
enclosure that bristled with the death
dealing cannon, knelt these rough sol
diers, whose bosoms were heaving with
emotion, and on many of whose cheeks
quivered a tear tbey tried to hide, though
it did honor to their manly natures.
Beside tbem atood in ber grief, the
widow of the loved officer they bad lost
and above them was held, the bloody flig
That eloquent record of crime, which
tpped the climax of rebellion, and which
will bring a reckoning ao fearful.
In few but pointed and incisive words,
coi. fete, pudged bia,ae.f .Dd ;
eoromaDd, to dWbarge to the Dttermoat j
tba idle mD obligation of justice ihej bad
Cat. Kappao followed bim expressing
bimself ia favor of aucb retaliatory acta
at juktice and tbe laws of warfare require .
io a cuae of aucb fienJiah and wicked cru-!
Woe to the unlucky rtb wbo falls ioto
tbe bands of aoj of tbe oommaads repre
sented at tbis solemn declaration. Tbe
determination of tbe officers of tbe Otb
U. S. Heavy Artillery ia ioeooteatible,
tbeir bravery bas been tried, and tbey bave
never been found wanting.
A Fbiladelpbia paper, noticing tbe pro
ceedings of tbe General Conference of tbe
Metbodist Episcopal Church, now in aesa
ion io tbat city, givea tbe fullowinj; io con
nection witb tbe second day's report :
Quite an ezeitiog meeting was beld in
frout ef tbe church this morning, before
tbe opening session. According to tbe
request of tbe body, yesterday, tbe Stars
and Stripes were fluog oat to tbe breni!
aaiid tbe load burns of a vast multitude
of people both Clergy aod Laity. Tbe
Battle Song of Freedom was song, after ;
Wbicb Kev. Colonel Moody, ol Ubio, made
a rairiotio speech, io which he intend
sentiments that stirred every loyal heart.
Bis allusion to the ojribcll of Independence
and ita motto waa truly eloqnent. Said
the speaker, " If I am allowed to see tbat
Id bell, I shall pot my band upon it and
awear fidelity to the Union afresh."
lie contended tbat while the success of
onr old flag would secure the freedom from
bondage of nearly five millions of human
beings, it would also bring deliverance aod
equality to aiz millions of " poor white
trash" wbo are dowo-trudden in tba South,
nd who, to a large extent, make np tbeir
Tbe old battle ery waa, " Carry the
r.e- a ..: .lV i,
war into Ainca. xow is is, ti a it carry ;
Afnoa into tbe war. Fr,u oraaa.ratal Trem, Barak,
Tha President of the United 8teee ia jn oor ol(J Nurseries in Adams eountv, we
a much lbs aervant of Uod as ia Bishop have the largest stock of trees and largest
Morris. God rules the world by two arms : sized lor Fall of 16:1 and Spring of "64. We
the right arm ia tbe Church, tbe left ia therefore can furnish Tree, by large quanti
se eivil government. i "" 4r l ' .
a i ,.u?. t i. . , 1 I he attenthrn of buyers and dealers is res-
Abraham Lioeolo, as tba aervant of , pret(aUv ,0lpd to ,n examination of onr
Uod, ia a terror to evil doers, bat praise ,toei,. w ai,0 desire a dozen good AGENTS
to those who da well. Ileooe Vallandig- , to sell rr- the coming Spring,
nam went to Canada to Sod protection 1 SHEIXEK fc HUMMER
laser tuo uriuso isino. A meaa man in
mean place; tbe right maa iu tbe right
Tba speaker closed bj expressing tba
wish tbat for tha Dext four jeara, at leaat,
the nation might find peace aod quietness j
in Abraham.' botont. :
Tba Star Spangled Beooer waa then I
. iiK , lk. .j: . j i
euag wit a will, and tba aaduuee ad-
journed into lha church. J
. . . . . ,;
Ohio baa prohibited tbe marriage of j
Eret eouaioi. I
Wholesale and Retail
for Cheap Goods!
Ilia Stock ia complete,
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Coal
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish,
Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese,
Fruit, Glass and Q,ueensvare, t
Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c.
Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.
. Call and examine
yourselves, "
Broke Out in a New Place!
from S10 to SIS.
from 2u to tn.
difft-reat prietfs.
from $3 to 94$ (10 Jiff-trent attTD. and latest styles.
Exrftaion, 1 1 IVt and upwards. Ootrs. Ptttr, End. Card,
Inning twn siz., Krrakfaft, Hindi of id kind cf
wood deifft..biit Walout, Vahitttan aod Kuaa
Wood slwas od haod for tire trad
Tfpoy, Wbat-N't, Sewing, kc. ate,
SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns,
tpholrttdt Lrr Arm, St win;:, Tsrlor Chsim always
oo baud; aieVk.Oaue Seat, Lr- KoHier and N'yi-taa,
Wiudrmr ('hair', larc and small Kockers, Tablo
and ChildivD's (,'hairs. always on band.
Furniture of my otcn mttnufucturt, iiuariJ
one gear.
9 S. I intend, in a short time, a sonn n
I ean eel tip a fine Hearse-,) tn aliend to the
UNDERTAKING Bl.'SlXEtS8 I will keisp
some iweoty.fi ve or more different sized Cof
fins, finished, and always ready on short no
tice, and will sell twenty per cent cheaper
than has ever been done in I.rwisburg. Call
inn rc isii'ir purcuasing ci&ewncrc.
KEPMKINfi dune immediately,
CHAS. S. BKI.L.CAunio-rfVn't Block
LewUhurg. Feb. St. 186.-;.
WTE bave i"1' rearived from Philadelphia
and New York, a very large and well
selected slock of
ktk nfla M -, I
nav, pai particular aitention in the selection
of ,n's 5,'lt of Goodo a very large assort
ment 01 DRY GOODS ' every descrip
tion. Purchasers will find it their advantage
to give o a call as in prices we dely any ol
onr neighboring towns for competition. We
bave alQ replenished nor stock of Groce
rica, llardivars?,QiieeugwTitre,&c.
I'L ASTER, &e.
i riAiVe Jfirh Lime, Calcined Flatter,
anil lltihaulic Cement,
I always kepi on band.
i tT"COfTI!Y PKOPICE taken in Ex
change for (ioods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisbnrg, Oee. 183
ff i
We would inform the pnblic that we have
for sale, in our newly established Nurseries,
I near the I.rwisburg Siation, a larger assort-
,,, lh, ,,f
At Hamman's Tobacco Shop.
'pHK nndersicnrd hat opened a Tobac
I co and Clear fthan ia the rooms
rrceutly occopied by N. K. Zimmerman, in
Paver's builrlina Market St. (adjoining the
T'L?? ,n'' ."-'h"'el" he
i ready to wail on all who may wi-,h to
,mii. or Chtw.
Cigars of the bt quality, and the best
brands of Chewiiie Tobacco alwavaan hand.
e. h.jiamman"
Lewuburg, Jan. 13, IsWa. ' B3pj
lis ta
consisting in part of
my stock, and satisfy
rptHE undersigned, having loaned hisfurni
I Hire, Allures and utensils In Mr. H. I..
M'Mahu for the period of one year, and is
about to remove temporarily from Lewiburg
lakes this method of returning his thanks io
the peuple of Lewisbur; and vicinity for their
uniform kindness and Ihe liberal support they
have given bim during his residence among
them. RICH AK1) M. COOl'EK.
Lewisbnrg, April 20, IS03
rflHG nndenigner), having obtained the use
I of the furniture, fixtures and utensils of
Mr. Richibd M. Cooraa, will continue Ihe
lldkery. Confectionery and Notion business,
at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe
riod of one year. He hopes by li ict atlenlion
to business 10 merit the patronage heretofore
extended r4 this establishment.
Lewisbnrg, April 20, 1HG3
The unilersixned have as
sociated themselves into copart-
nerihip for the purpose of carry
ing ou the I.umbeinj, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Cecuiobnrg Steam Planing ill ills,
whre they intend to keep a slock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, sh. Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw.
ing, Sic, done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in trice
I and workmanship.
J. U. 1'lLr r n. IIEKrr.lt,
Lewiakwra; Planing Mills, April I, ISM.
flitter Win. of Iron.'
Hitter Wine of Iron,
fituer Wine of Iron.
Bitter A inc ot Iroa.
The Great Tenle
The (Ireat Tonie
Thedreat Tnnie
The Ureal Took)
For prspepaia and TndtevStion,
For !)vsiepsia and indisestioo.
For Dyef-epsia and In.liaestiont
for Dyspepsia and todlgrstion.
F.-r Weak Stomarha and General Denllltf .
Fur Weak tftomaehs and fleneral Deoilitr.
For Weak Stomachs and General Deeility.
For Weak Stomsrbs aod Uanaral bebllilj.
RelUMe and ?nre to do liood,
Kelisble and iure to do liood,
Reliable and fair to do Ootid,
keliaklo and B ur. to do Good,
And Tan not do narm.
And I'an n"t do Harm.
And fan not do Harm.
And Can not do Harm.
Tt Coats hot tittle and Purines the Wood.
It Costs but little and Parities th. Hlood.
It Costa but little and Paiitlee the Hlood.
ItCuala but little and Purities the Klood.
We only ask a Trial,
We only ask a Trial,
We only ask a Trial,
We only ask a Tiiai,
Of this Valuable Tonie.
Of this Valuable Tonie.
Of this Valuable Tonic
Of thia Valuable Tonie.
Only 75 Cta. and One Tbillar par Bottle.
Onlv 76 CIs. and One Hollar per Bottle.
C.nlv 7A Cts and One Dollar per Itottle
Only 7i Cts. and One INllar per bottle.
Manufaetnred anlely by S . A . Krslu A BlUK, Geaaral
Depot, 11S Market Street, llai rieburs:. I'a.
For sale in Lewlsburgby C.W. SCHAFFLE, J.BAKKR
A Co and all respectable dealers throughout the country
Nov. 17 mf
J.a.alak. E.!tha krj, f.ljshok ry. r. Crate
Lewlitburg, Pa.
WB ha.? constantly on hnt and frr
FiftpT, Mtwrr and flnrtr HarvrUrn: Grain ami tVrojt
&ed'r$; Hand and Hot$ laorr CWm .SAr; One, Two
and Ftwr Ifartst Trmd. Xvwp and h'til l,"tavr$ ; Cttrtwr
HhUti. Hd ttUr$, Thrfttrn, Firms, .Sfrrrv, fUlts. Iran
Prnntt far Htilihn. Iran iYnce, Natling. Mill &artg,
r. kc.,mnl hold oitrwlvefi riy at mil time to do all
KID r Wavn DKT KiHtSatsu with tb utmont rwtrrrtWfim
n dlPtah. Work or Manufacture inTariablr
warranted aa recommended. (jrtlr rtnai-M-tmllj
MiiciiaMi and promptly r led to. June l. iw
VTTORNEVS at Law. OlHce corner of
Market and Fourth St. Lewisbur; tnion
Co , Pa. Also claim Aients for the procure
ment of Pensions, Eack Pay, and Bounties,
and all other claims a:ain-l the L'mieJ
States. Lewisburg, April 7, 1861ylpd
Important to Tobacco Growers !
JO.NSULT your own interests and use
Bangh's Raw-Bone Superphosphate
of Lime.
a rEntiaSFAT iufbotfr or the soil
For sale in sacks of 160 lbs each, hy
White Deer Mills, Union Co., Pa.
A descriptive pamphlet of AO pases, giving
full .'particulars, sent by mail, post paid, on
application as above.
Call or send and get one before purchas
ing elsewhere.
March 30. Iftfit.
Andrew Kennedy,
.farj Fakilc rataaihialoaera' Olflre. Uwlskara;,
WILL take tbe acknowledgement of
Dreds. Monraces and other legal
insiromenia, administer oaths, take affidavta
ia relation to the income tax,e&c, Ac.,
HTMN BOOKS Presbyterian. Methodist
and Lutheran, at OKREb T S, .
IS the vital prinriple of the Pine Tree
obtained by a peculiar process in ihe
distillation of the Tar by which its highest
medicinal ptoperties are reiained. It lathe
medicine that cures when all others fail.
uk y a Oauihl Have Son Throat' Umn
job nnj of the premonitory ayniytoma ol that must
fatal dieeaee ' trnwamptwrn ' .
Tboee who should be warned hy these jrsiTvwe rew
rail; thiuk lisbllj or them until it ia too Lie. rrunt
thin feet, oerhape mora the. any other, arises the sad
prevalence nl taUllty of disease which aweea to mo
greet at leut out tilth ot dentha efctilaa.
Whet are IU If
It auallv beams with aehort,dryeoo!h, which aooo
Income habitual, hut for eomo time nothing ia raised
. leeut mratha mucus. The breathing ia eomewhat -Jira't.
and upon Mieht esereiee much humrd. A eensa
of t.o.iwl aud OTrrio at Ihe chut ta often fell. Aa
the disease advaueea, the patient become thin In tlesti,
ia allln'ted with loesof appetite, grant laogor, indoleoee,
and d-jertion of spirits; mey eoutlntie in this state fur
eoneiderable lenatu of lime: and ia eery readily ellee
ted by slight eiKure or fatigue. If tboee occur, ties
rough beeoniee more troublesome, and ia attended with
expectoration, which ia most eopioue and free early in
the moruiug. It ta eomelitnt-s elreaked with blood. At
this stage, night-sweats usually set in and in MOr ea
ses a proluse bleeding of the luuga may also occur.
I'ain In some part of tha chest ia felt, and often a dillt
cultr of lying upon one or the other aide without severe
Sia of coughing or a sense of fullness or suffocation.
The pulse becomes full, hard, aud frequent, the beetle
Bush tiui. s ties cheeks, and tha dire malady ia SMI baa
teuiug to its close.
You now ask, Ft ihtrt a cure, t
Cuatumi tion hat berm and can bs enrrd by the nee of
mylAltCilltlilAI.. even in apparently hopeless ease.
This assertion I make with the ability to plesent the
most complete evidence of the truth. Space will not ad
mit ol my giving the contents ol the maoy thousands
ol testimonials to ita value, which 1 have been and am
receiving from men aud women of unquestionable worth
and reputation. 1 have had a number of these certio
rates printed in circular form which 1 will aend you
reeou application. tt hether you nowdeUnaanetu try
ti.e medicine or not. aend for the circular. After yeara
or study and experiment, I otter this medicine. Isplieving
it to lie the best remedy for all ntteveiare ami onrmrhuU
ditt.atrt. If you can not he benefited py the use of the
TAK CORDIAL, t believe you are heyondwll enrlblyeid.
Yet if there art belter curate agents, 1 earnestly advise
their use. The test remedies, the best care, are needed
! bv those afflicted with this disease, because I believ.
; this tu be the le-t, i aV jou u try it.
Slanv. mit onlv ot the neonle. but obvsiciaus of every
school and prai-tire. are daily asking me, W hat Is the
prinriple or esusa of your surecss in the tfeatmentof
JWimtnant Omtumpti'm t My answer Is this :
The iitetjrnrafi"!! ol the digestive orifans the strength
tnina of tbe'detolitated system tbe jmn"sti"l and raj
riKhmtnt of the blood, must eapel lnm the system the
corruption which scrofula breeds. While thia is effected
by the powerful alterative (changing from disease to
h.-althl properties of the Tar Cordial, ita healing and
n-uovatnig principle is also acting npon the irritated
surfaces of the luns and throat, penetrating each die
eased part, relievinjr pain, subduing inttamatioa, and
restorinjr a healthful teiidency. Let this twn-tuld power,
the healing and the atrengtbening. c4,ntinue to act in
conjunction with Naturc'a constant recoperativ. ten
dency, and the patient is saved, if be has not too long
delayed a resort to the means of cure.
The l-INKTKKK TAR CORDIAL will cure Coughs,
Sore Throat and llreest. Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup.
Hooping Cough, Diptheria. and ia also an eacelleiit
remedy for disease of the kidneys, and female ooinplainta.
J"he genuine has the name of the Proprie
tor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. All
others are spurious imitations.
' Pate a Fifiy Cent and ne Dollar per
Bottle. Prepared onl by th Proprietor,
Dr..Q. C Wl HART,
r. 10, North Ser.on St. Philadelphia, Pa
For Sale by all Druggists U)27yt
i j ! , i n a (iits 1- riiata ass cn.)
p5S Lewisburg Pl.ning Mill,
(jtaaaWttaaissieep constantly on hand and
luanuUciure to order Floor inxf, Siding,
VoorN.Saab.Sbuller. KllnsJo,
iMouldiDCN of all patterns.
and alloiherdescnpiions of Wood Word used
in Unildine;.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
nlleit. All work warranted to eive satisfaction
t ?""An extensive lot of Lumber of all
descriptions on hand for sale.
Faetury on Knrth Second street, Lewisburg, Pa
April 22, 1859.
-CO A Is.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of the very best Sha
tnok in and Wilkes-Ham COAL, for lime and
siove purposes, which he will sell at the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also. Blacksmiths' Coal, Platter and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
he undersold by any man Having good
weish-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisbnrg, May S7,'5.
'PHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia & F.ne Railroad, under the eon
diiions agreed on wiih tbe Philadelphia &
Eric Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSKPH U. PUTTS, Ueneral Manager there
of, to whom all Ollicers and Employees will
report for insliuclions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co, i
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1862. $
General Order, No. 1.
To like Effect on ami oerait.30, 1862.
I. The WCNfern Ilvlnlon, from
Warren to Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Olfiee will be at Erie. Employees on this
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or the business of the road, to him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The t:atern Olvlxlon, from
Sunbury to Wheiham. will be under the sip-
erintendence of MAMCEL A. BLACK, whose'
title will be Superintendent of ihe Eastern
Division. Employees on this Division will be
under his charge, and will make all commu
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of the road, to him. except as otherwise
provided in ibis Order.
III. The Accounts of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis
ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOIiGA, whose title will be Assistant Audit,
nr. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will be in WiM
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees oa either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi,
tor thereof.and respecting sopplies of Tickets
to TuoNie, M. Davis.
JOS. D. POTTS, General Managed
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,)
leessee Philad. Sc. Erie R. R. L
General Manager's Office,
Williamspori, Jan. 30, 1861.
Sj on Market Square, Lewisbnrg. SS
A good supply of Chalri, Tabled,
If Hrcaua, Stands, Ac, on hand or made
.rcler. DAVID tilNTER. f8S6
rpHE undersigned intenda anpplying the
X eilizensof Lewisbnrg with Pure Milk,
commencing about the ISih inst. Persons
wishing to be supplied, will please send in
their names to him, at the Lewisburg Bridge.
1'be Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun
days) morning or evening, aa preferred by i
majority of customers. 8AM'L SLIFER.
Lewisbnrg, April 10, 1863
TJT A MVVn! for "'km "d
D 1 J il 1 JVO Conatablea. for sale
or trusted It tidor.at tbeChtooicIeOjoj
At joiix sqriKEs'.
Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at
Best quality home made Kid and
Morocco LI oo t s at
A large assortment of Balmoral
Boots and Gaiters
at equally low prices.
Opposite Ihe Bank, lewisburg.
Gentlemen) Fiirnlalilne; Slore,
Market St.,jw,t ahnve the. Lank,
The subscriber has removed into Ihe new
filled and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Keber.where he has just received a large and
well selected stock of
Cloths, Casimeres, Silks, Shirts, Drawers, c.
I also Cirr AND MAKE TO ORDER in the
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing the besl
workmen, 1 can confidently invite both t'Ai
and Arte Customers do n't forget the Sign
The Red Door !
May 2, IHK1 J H liEAI.E
AT an Eleclion held by the Stockholders
of Ihe I.ewishur Cemetery.ihe under
sized was elected Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, Rfave-disin, &e. must be paid to
him. Persons interested will please note the
t'i - .. I i. .1. r.
S UHW IllllCWieu .W II, C vniiviri, .t nr-
ciation are requested to make immediate pay
le-wisburjt. Jan. 20. l'f.:m
jry r.V
( t
WHEKE we will find a large assortment
latest styles
such as French and English all wool Cloih,
Irom 2.50 np tn !il0.tlll. Knoiiy Boys' Cas
simere.an 1 Silk Mixed Cassimeres.Satinetts,
&C. C'lOtllillZ of all descriolions : Men'a
and Boys' Wear Whole Suns lor 12 511
that is.cloihcoat, salin vest, cassimere pants,
Summer Sinn for ' 50. Also, a large as
sortment of Hats, Caps, 4c, such as .M'Clel
!an. Garibaldi. Opera, high and low crowned
Hats. Hose, Handkerchiefs. Collars. Shins,
Suspenders. Umbrellas, Neck Ties. Ac.
to save from 25 to 50 per cent., and get the
Latest Stvles.
Also, (ioods Cut and made to order, and in
the latest slyle. Always from five to ten
hands at work.
Call opposite John Walls tic Co.'s Slore,
Market street, Lewisbnrg.
Dee. 1863 N. R. ZIMMERMAN
For Rain, Mire, Roarliett, 4nt,
lied ltURH, Molbs) in furs, Wool
enN,Jk.c.,liisiecta ou l'laiata,i'oit la,
AnliualM, &c.
Pol no in I .. ,V)c and St. TO titles. Betttes and Flasks.
Slana $' sises Fr ItuiaLs, Fuauc lssTirvriuas, Ao.
Hlnly infaTliMe remedies known."
"Vrvr fretn rnianns "
Net Janireruus u the Human Famltr.
Kate come out ol tbeir holes Ui die."
rvTSold Wholesale in all large cities,
tysold bv all Druggists and Retailers
ny Uivin !I!of all worthless imitations.
CiTSee that "Coaraa'a" name is on ach
Box, Boille. and Flask, belore vou buy.
rw-Address IIK.MtY K. C'WMTAR.
IVPaiicieL D.roT4S3 Baoattwav, X. V.
fVSold by ail Wholesale aod Retail Drug
gists in Lewisburg, Pa. I03im8
Advantages of tbe
I"OR the purpose of convincing the com-'
4 . . . . , .
1 mun.ty that the haiuckler Washing
Machine can not be surpassea tor ease aiiu
iapidiiy in washing clothes, I take pleasure
in referring tn Miss Sarah Gibbony, ((laugh
er of John (iibhony of this place,) who is
eleven years old. weighs 55 pounds, and does
the week's washing for the family in three
llOlirti, and considers it a very lieht job,
wuh the assistance of the "Knuckler."
Machines and Browning's celebrated Wrin
gers always on hand.
Lewisburg, March 2, I Ho I.
American Tea Company,
Slooa) iu organiution, bw errmtanl new era in tb
bitur" of
ftflllnc TEAS la IhU fo!rj.
ALL our Teas are selected by a
Pnft'5(Tional T.-t"ter, Mprrtwly n1 ftxelu-iive-I
j lar avntl we Dvr eh vtgt over Two CroU (oi CKt
tMtr nrtunii airmTti ent for oriifiuttl DUkaflM.
and that price ia always marked on each eample pack-
w c UIIS aaiaa. vjivw- a ive wvxij van ava vaHas ( UBI 1 1 y, ,
..1 Ik.. al-awa anaabajAii k u.el. . k.
atre at our store in pisin nicurea.
We issue a Monthly Price List of oarTeaa. whieb will
be sent Free to all wbo order tt we advise wvery Tea
Seller to see it. It eoaaprhtea a full aasortment selected
tor every locality in the fta tea. Provinces, South Amer.
lea and the West Iodiea. In tbis list each kind ia divi
ded into Four Classes or qualities, aaajely: Carfro.
High Carer,. Fine, Fineat, that every noa may under
state from description and tha prices anaeaed that tba
Companv are determiuad to uuderaell the whola tea
We guarantee tn sell all onr teas inortftinal pack sees
at aot oeer Two Cents per pound above eoet. believing
thia tn be attractive tn the many who have heretofore
bean paying Knormooa fret, la.
Our business is largely done oa orders, which wo al
ways execute as well and promptly aa though the buyer
eanse himself giving true weignte and tares, and always
guaranteeing everything; our responsibility enabling
ns to do all wa promise. Kvery dealer can order hia
teas direct from tha Company, aod partiea doing busi
ness within Five Uuadred (AM0 miles of Mew York can
Beturo Tea bought of ns If they are not cheaper than
they eaa buy elsewhere, and tha porcha-er la disss tis tied
witb hie bargain, within hurt sen daye(U) and bave the
Boner refunded to them. Those who are over Ive
Hundred miles ean have thirty daya (30) aad tba same
prieilegea extended tn them.
Besides these advantagva the Conpany will pay All
Kgneasefl, both wava. if the Tasa are returned.
aa. low si r.v;r5r., xew vorjc.
lOUND-A lady's Mian I. which the
P owner caa have by calling at thia office,
pioviuaj riorevrv. sns pana wr mis adver-
tiaemaab Mareb 17
pnckc,t JHotDtr a Wttftt,
:K" 'Y& ft I
For the Harvest of lSGl'.
, . , T, , . t . . I '
Tliirty-IOUr diStlllCt PatCntS!
IHE onparalled success of the Uuckeye
is the sironzest proot us superior mer-
tis. And lis repulaiion is so veil esiannsnf o
that ai lire its Inirniluction Hie manuiariurers
have teen entirely unable to supply the
We will call attention to a few of if points
of excellence an I the fanner to
give u a
persoual eiaminaiion.
I The Two Driving-Whfels, &c
j The TWO DKIVINU t HEKI.S the '
: Pawls and Springs, hy uhich ihe machine'
I mav be thrown out of pear, or be hacked
without viliraiine the knives ihe Srrei;uiler '
Bar Ihe Wrought Iron Unarii, with Hardened
; Sieel Face or Cu:tini; Kde Ihe Double
Hine;eil Joint, by which the Culler liar may
! be Folded Ihe Ion; Crank Shaft the Steel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Culler Bar
may be raised and lowertd so as to cut as j
; low to the pronnd as mav be desired the
Steel Pitman and Bras Hnx us Lisbl Draft i
(no Side Drali) no weight on ihe horses'
'necks backs as ea-ily as a cart all of.
which form a combination of advantages '
i which no iiiher machine possesses. j
! Ko Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
I A learn of hnre weiqhinz iloo Ihs. each, j
: will cut an acre of gras an hour with ease. :
The machine is furmshei) wuh two Cutler
Bars one furcuttins gras, and ihe other for
j culling grain (each exprea.MV adapted to tbe
; 1 II It' n ! rii .
No effort will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in theenviaide poMUou it now occu-1
pies, that of being ihe
Best Ilichine ia the World !
Dunns last harvest hundreds of Farmers, ;
in consequence ot our inability to supply the I
demand were unable io obiain the IStsekrye, j
.nl ,rm t,,ree.t tn n.iirka.s an inferior
machine. The coniinuej scarcity of laborers
and ihe new calls from the govereanent for I
troops, will take many more laborers from'
ihe country, and the tanner will have to rely I
entirety upon niacninery iu garnering nis
hav and gram crops.
Farmers who would avoid disappointment
in procuring a Buckeye can send in their
orders now.
We are now prepared to fill orders for the
Comins Harvest. Address,
Manufacturers of Keystone Clover Hul'.ers,
Ac, Lewisburg, In urn Co., Pa.
Gait lilting KsithbltNiiment.
! )
i --V
OOMS in Faira'a Block. Market Si rear
f Bower's Jewelrv Shtp.
Harinz served a regular apprenticeship in
one of the best shops in Philad., I hope to
render satisfaction.
BI'RNERM and oiher Fix'ores always ou
hand or furnished at short notire.
rewilburg. Sept. U, lSs3
LIXDSEY'S Improve!
Wot thp4dv.rsi.ra. and rtTrtul cur rf A 1,1 tiiwMaa
ftrittiiiaf from IMfCKI'lV Uk' Hit hLouDI
ryilT? mflirinv hut wmnghihe moajt mirseulovtcnrrt '
ill r1eflpeiraat CaUtVS vt
Srmful CTicrorjf formtionp. j
I'lmjileS f.n thefsfe.
Old, stubborn I'leers.
Tetter affections.
Pyspep.ia. Jaiiatlu-e,
e'eri-tirial ditses.
Li.er Ti'mt-laint,
Lost Si.irite.
nrv t"f-. Pratld HeaU,
H)inmtir tlinortirra.
('r.t ITe-tlf ,
Kilt Ttlictim.
tie-tieT-l biittT,
L.iat nf Appft:l,
female Cetnplsints and -si! iliit-asesbavilig thelrorigin
in an uajiurv stale ol tlie f : l . ..a .
The above Is a potirsit of David srCrearv of xr-i..
r. ' - - uisj.eaui,iavll
l-elwre Justice tlorlev 'hat he IimihI tn. ih.
Csscaa hy three pbvsieiAn..ef Kedtnrd ounty.and hv Or.
Newton of the Kclectic College, t'iocinnati. fi.r a Orriod'
of nearlv eiirht months, notwithstanding which Air Hp,
"' "" " "''" '-' 'hn
'aevte tie had itiveu up all hope.
,.B, .'...d , lnduV
nrtx wrc -nrttvty tatrn.
pe. a hen he heard of the
ueed to trv it- Vnn. h.
tlea cured him, and althi'tnth sadly di.tifrured) there is
no question out tins invaluable medicine saved hia tile.
. The full particulars of this remarkable case may be seen
in a Circular to he had of any of the Airenta.
We also refer to a case of Nancy ttleakney.of Elderton.
Armstrong Co- Fa., en red of cacri'lA alter being anable
to ftet out of bed for three years.
To Ihe case of a lady in A'nsonvilte.CteartleldCoviho
was also slflirted with tierolula in itsworst form.
; To the ease of uVorire M--isel. residing in Carrolltown,
i Camhria Co.. Pa., wbo was so badly arnicted with Cancer
' that it eat his entire nose off, and his case waa worae, if
possible, than M'Orenrv'e.
I rha particulars of these eases everroneof which waa
. enrcl by the use of the"Klod Searcher- may also he
found in a t'ircnlar to he had ef snv of the Airents.
;H. H. Kf.lSKR. Fro-irletnr. Pttishar-;, Pa.
j ta-Labortory for the ntsnufacturr aud sale, near the
I Penn'a t'ailrosd Pepot. lo.llidavsbur. I'a. i by C.
; W. Sehaltle. Lewishurc: M'l reiiht llsuck. PolTstoe X
, Kosds; KudvA llimtnelreich. f'armersville; Cummiues
k Witmer. Hartletnn: D II.Klsscll. 'wifflinbnra;
ctamni, nitiDeid; &lndle a V) as-enseiler, belinaurove:
tllau i'ile Stitvc!
THAVE on hand for sale, at 25 cents per
pot, a CERTAIN CI RE for that distres
sing disease. It is an old preparation, long
tested, which I never knew to tail, and I can
w VI IfCl.lcU) GUITIi IIP 1 1 1 II C sS It. I II Z
. ...... a
3d street, opposite C. F. Hess, Lewisburg, !
Sept. 3. For sale also at (ioodman's Siore. j
Science still on the Advance !
CURGEON and Jlecliani-
O cal la?nliat, UHice iu the
Dr. Brusger's new buildine. Market
street, I
(wesiern entrance, up stairs) LE W ISBCKG.
Dr.BURLAN is now constructing the Non-
...I. I 11 I . I . 1. L. 1 .. .
""""si uiuce. ipi, uaaru tm riaiina base,
-uit.il tor cleanliness, oeauiy and strength
ie. Re see 1- ... .... ,
-vr auu ua v in? nan a onr
nd exiensive nrarlirr. mnA hfaintv nrfilar
a- -a- '
ami, ar w, ft every depar.meni of his profev
ne leeis sale in warranting entire sans-
faction in alt his operations, which shall be
carefully .nd skilfully performed.
Please call and
examine specimens. Tbe
superior qualities of the Non-sectional
will be evident to all who will ;
partial examination. Dr. Buo
person who constructs this e
this seenoa ot country.
rvWefThaeeee .k.ll . ..r.cnn.w . . . U ,L.
times. Lewisburg, Srj-i. 3, ldi I
Provision Store!
rpHB subscriber has just i jien,,, , r
1 tirocety aod Provision Blnre, )a Kij, '
baugh'a building (late Kreanier', Tinshijjj6'
West etui of Market Square
where he bas just received a weU iw .
astrriinent if Iresh
such as l' IW, Tea. tbocoia .-. .-..tir j, r
.ilolasses. rish, Ba', pice, :neji
uroou,s, DlU-mri, i uus, rjucaeisfi
ther'e. Keas. Kiuii. Fruit fans, li
Lemons, Ciarkers, Clnihes Pin-,
it lPf
ur and i-vci, com, cauie vmt,
j Wtado. H,rfM. y '
Move Polish. ,uli ruir. Tobacco, t;
j and everything el- , .hefir.erer, 1,,
.f which he ( If' f :h
Cash of Cfuniry Vto'iuc,
I.ewiibur". May '. I efi I
f 'attLPS, JeUel.'V 3!)J SillrT Vi
-.,..,,.. 1,, .... -
",u- - ' " 1 I'r.i.i-iii.i
THE un4e
(.1. w.v
f -mi rTr" " IO h,S veil ,,,4
! siof.k ol Fine o!d and Silver BATCHES,
Fine Isold JEWLLiiV, ,it every vjr eia t;
sivlrs compri-inj ; ii of the nru tst aud sial,
beautiful dmittn
Coin and Ihe I.eM make of S,lTrr
Vtnre Each article is witrr'jiileU to let ai
I'm? Walches and Jewelry carefuii'v r
putrca auu sansiacuon gnaraniee :.
(Sttrretter to Stuu'r s tiarltt)
February 27. IKfia.
rjHE undersigned has opened a New
in the rooms recently oecunied by W. M.
near the old Harts sland. Market street. Lev
ishorg. where he is alwats prepared is
furnish ihe public with Ihe best of
i(I- . "I t a. Snsar. Spit en, uu,
Ctfiiliei, l'riii;a. Fili. Kloar
As. I'ct'd, a: Iirvhe, Xc. aVc,
together with ail oiher articles ueuallr tept
in such an establishment at ihe loweu r.taa
'Jail and give hnn a trial.
Drake's Plantation Kinere for sa.
EST BRANCH Insurance Companv.
of Lo k Isaten. Pa.
Insures Prooeriv n both Town and Coun
try rn a r- MinMe Terms aa an; oAet
g ori C -rTipany.
1 he l ime inrreasr t f Premium Notes mallei
it a reliable Company to insure in.
Amnani f l'rraili S. tes now la rurce. :0.nea f
J. W.C'aarjaae, See ts.tJ.Haavsr, Prca
Dec 18. 1881 Lewisiurj
HE subscribers havefor sale - .
I (m lots to suit purchasers mamu
;ars sir r k i I 3e9
rlSE HOARDS Par.el "" aSa!'!
riank. Ac. Also .WOO PIAl. KMLi.
S" inch Sawed Shingles superior quaiitj.
Also Square Timber fur liuiidin;s:
Which are orfered low for cash, a: our Mi It
on South Branch of the While Deer Lire in
Hartley township or ifelivered t n the Brash
Valley Narrows road ihe en-f of ,nr Roa;
lr A Diploma tor a superior samp'e si
Planks, anj a Premium for Kails and Shis;,
les.were awarded ns at the last tnion C Aj
Iv s forest Hill P O. Union Ce. Pa
New Stand---jVew Goods.'
JOSEPH L. IIA W. havin? taken ?i
fj rooms under the I'eieeraph an'l Chrceieis
otTices.refilted thtm.and filled in an enrnaivs
variety of
Ilttt, Cap, Gentlemen' t Clothing,.
Also a lar?e and splendid tork of CI OTHI
CASlMERES.Ac, which h u-.ll makeup It
order, n he still continues ti c Tailoring Busi
ness. He is prepared Io eieru'e all word
eniruied to hiscare.lo the aaualac. on of its
N.B. Cutlins and Repainngj- t'pnf a
order. Lewisburg. A pril 10. 1S61
i J.07 Chesinui s,. fkilndrlpJt-
t-sj.w,!dtnzCar'l m the newest stvles. Visions and
Ru.inesa Cants, ee.-raved and printed at the shortest
notice. A verv full a..rtir.-nt ef KINK elatieaarv
alwavsea hand. Initials in tv.lnr. and eveev vsTistvof
fcuibosMnc-. artistiralv ex-euted. Any slyle of Fau
and Envelopes made to onler Jono 20. IS 60
TMIE sabscrilier con-
J tinnes to carry on the
I-lirrj- RiiKlneNS a'
the Old Stand on South
Third street, near Market, and respecifuils
solicits the patrona:
e of his friends and t :
public generally.
Lewisburg, Alay
!3. 1850
CfRIOl's and entertainne; little Bock
JL (H about Matrimony. Money, and oth
er matters.) frr ihe amusernenl of cverv body
(anu the ycung folks. alo,) on long winul
evenings rainy days, etc. Price. 20 cema.
W holesaie. IS Cents. Sent by mail for seven
3 centstamps. For sale at the-.Sora) Cinm
Ulc" ollice. W ORDENA COR.NELll",
Publisher. Lawiaksjn.
Attention, Hiuiciav'
' aviaw r 'arse assortment d
C-SstS ) " ,0,'ns. Guitars, Ac, cf s'l
ce2t.V'' kinds also Violin, t.i- tar,
and Banjo Strings, Brioges, Pers. Ac and tha
best Violin Rosin call at the Post t rTice sr,4
examine. 'i U FORktST
W P I C - N I C
" Well jump into tha Was- n, and all take arlaa
A LARGE, handsome
Ix. and verv coml'orta ,
ble t .4.OV basbeen.
fined np for the especial acconimoiUni-o
Pic-Nic and other similar excursions. Term
I moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOt'SEU
Lewisburg. June 3, 1S59.
i).ei Cotifliy i5tqp& JLiirlfrg TmUit
j tsnerFypEsr FAvnr jorsyji
Issnra Frtdajs, at Lewtsbars.l'nian feuatj. rasa's
r"Alr.-f-; SO per year, to aa rtta t ipvtscr aa
at the same rate fc.e a ioeierorh'-rler netted. Tbas.se
fU wilt pny fc.r I. nr nrntk. Tieto tor is
forvlrht motithe., dni tor Mt-mm monthsv-"'
jrMnt. $6 for ft.r-i on jt. l frr "J
r. arc aMni; la . a eia. ra!!?!! ' immj
rritvH in fild, pos-tniiv ntumpn. or lunh prtf "
iln br. Mont klni of 1'ftHlsr rKfiin 18 ' ija-L
olrit w hnva a runnmr Bcrocnt) if it
ATstnt.Jls!T8 hnlMr phlub?X
ur on wirk. 4 rt wh after tnaarrth.a. 3 ".TL 1
rnth, 6 dol. pT y--r. lUif -quarv 'i rt, IJV
' "I
. tmnm:
' d1.3dr1. Ttwu
law.lk a. ta.aa.a llletail avatr aBr.
iV. "V. f.t"U. Jw
i.. a oa tU.llsaaiaVa
ma.iit tTi. rlf -tUrter. i.irrtitv-w, -
I .J.-,
lit tat"
Tha mai.nktic t i.n.i.At'H . iocid m l:t.fli
tha Star mt hrt'L.hw htrnwrt ma in''r--
3.. i. ik ' rbais "'-
o nro.-r . - i v., .u.T..e-o t rj -
tt an Itn- 0 ., th. OfSre are ami le restevtalsfcr
-S the onlyl airsefJOBPRT"TlMi.wh-rhwttlrea-elea
n.ient work in .' ti ssi "Xs -v"
e.r..nsl adverti. mls re h. ".e-e