Ki ll A. Ward, Jr., oa the Presidency, cheef among 43 tboassn, q the 1 alto Eodj ohip wot possesses th most ob- 80,ber .,alJ- As Fres 1 ir boun(1 ,0 tooae intelleok ear. not tale to percei- that j dmlt lh,t he' Oorjeus. Other think rooculier portiun of the Hobs' Nuihero 80 lJe' bin runD,n ,ho mtshene 2 frcns ir io favor of Mr. Geo. li. Litiie-1 W1,b ,r,llcr!'. Copperbeda, an other macklellan fer the ceil Cheef Magistrait. 1 fil,hJ 'ermin Pu,tin 011 lhe Brke8- ,,ut I make no dowt bia fret tUiok. he would make a eweet Pres. Accordin to thre idee o tbingt, he wood - sweet. The; think J. Uavio makes a Tip-top l'res. At Preaideot, George wouliiu't irritaie bit Sutbrin brethreu niach. Skurcely But I don't bleetr fer ennj length o.e mooietita that Mack wood wake the best l'res. the world ever saw. Oa the con trary, I ibiuk be wiol make the wust tho' it would be putty difficult to make a truster than J. liucuanan. Uuo. li. woodo'tdo f.r a Union Pres. lie has bis faults. Ef be was nominated for a Grave Ditfgcr, or a boes io a Irou Oar oaarries, 1 wouldn't say Neigh t say iscicD.. as a digger, he's Urge. I mite say he's immense. As Cueef Magistrail of the U. ! 6. he'd be shaky. Katber. Afore hu'd j occupied the cheer lrug, he'd have j Washington dug up an located at Hobo- j ken, N. J. Maybe be'd send mittens to j tbe bare handed sbivalry, atore tbey battled with tbe mudsiij ov the North, l'raps I'm rather heavy on George. Ouct lendorstbim. I called hiui Pcnnsjlvauy's Son. 1 didu't stop to enkwire tt be was Abolishiooijt, Copperheriishioust, Gree lyisbioobt, or J. G. lii:nuetisbiouisi, Gooist or Jentilist, to be would ekrush tbe Kebs as be promist to do push 'em to tbe wall as he sed be'd do. When George bad command ov tbe J'otoumk Army, be used to make strateretic move minte toards Uichmond and imun j'tiy find kisselfn Washington. Now et be makes a stratergetie muvemeut toaids Washing ton be will find hisself sum uilnr place. I don't think Clement Valiaudigbam wood make a sootable Pres. for the North. Clem bat bis little faults, 2. lie's a forreoer. He's sumthiug else likewisely. I wou't ;ey what, but the fust letter ounds like Traitor. Au that's wot ails bim. He was elected to remain iu Can dy a few years. The few years is not up. Clem wood sot the Nuthera and Suthreo IUbs to a T, bu: ary a man Wat has a bunk of tatr.SLD in nis btzzm as big as a Copperbei's sole, wood prder be contin ued being a Fornoer. Peraps Mr. Tout lloortgard wod fill tbe Pear-at-aov-price pisity. 1 air tree to eonfess ti..l Tout wo .u till tbe Presiden- 1 . , . , , . tial cheer wi.h as much advantage to the North as enny other Coppeibed, but he 1 BOt the pippin or cquineb ov the uud-r- j tind's eye. Hardly. He has bis faults. I Like them fust Bamd, be sympathizes i ... s . ; Wltn me Ointn. ... I Ihere ar wber candidates named by tbe . Peas Tarty. l!ioodn't wonder ef th?y : bar a baakerin arter J. liukaoan agiu. j When J. ii. was President he uiixt things ) ooperbly. E( it badu't been fur Jecuj.- 0 bit festive ptrty, we coodu't oat of war; we coodu't bost or pajiu 75 centl lb. fir totter, ao other tbiugs io proportion ; we coodu'l bost we eoouVt we U e&jtlu't buit. Cecil we ? liu' Jecma woodu't be elected. I Urn be ruu fer oonttable lately, and was defeated. Fercbaua tbeN. V. t'cas men will bring oaf Mister Eaiaia Webb for tbo posisb. Sbe might nitke a luvlj 1'iea in 1 cent;, but oot in anetber. She luv tbe sbitalr Dottu wisely, bat tu we'l. Sbe has utber faults. Sue dou't Ware tbe rite kind of Cloee. E. Webb is out of bcr tpear. her epcar is io tie Suauy S iu'h. 1'er tbe benefit ot tiiose readers wtch harti't herd ov K.ntna, I will stait that she air a fttnail wb3 maki'ii Stump npeecbes occas iowally fer Jff. Davis. I bet if she ever get a I rstai d b 'll bve tt flj r lit '. The Union part; air also n tuai candidates. JuLn Charles Froemnnt i binted at. Jubu is a hutik; bo;, tut bas a couple of faults. Tbe furt i-, bis time baa oot cam ; tbe 2d, he woodu't be elected. This brst fault is bat ails me. I think your humble eerviut cood run for l'resident without gettio el.cti d, as eay as tbe oex man, or any other nun. Those hotheaded chaps all over tbe couetry wbo air ubid John's name bad better rrfrane. They shood taks li. Frank'io Sco'tt'c advice, and put "money in thar purs." Bat I think Jjbn is a sensible, morril nprite chap, ther4 I opiue he wou't leav bis Dime be n cd for those purpis. lie Bust bide bis time. Secretary Chase hag alrO bio ptisht forrard. Kalnioo wood make a Calousbus President, tbars oo 3 ways about it. liut be baa bis falls. One is, he won't accept. Another, be makes a gnod Secretary. Them's not tbe worst falls be can have. Not eoriy. As Stcky bas declined tbe rjomioabbe warntcd to be thrust onto bitn b com persons, I say bully fer him : Tbe CoPs beeiime Saioioo fer circooiaiio j greenbiix. I he but oae otj ciion to j bitn io those particular wieb i,ue la'.es to few of em in tbe immejite iciuity j of A. W .Jr's Ef tbe bogue demos j doo I tbiDk lueys luvJiy, let em emigrate I to tbe Sut brio Confederacy, and locate amongst thar frees, wbar cbinplastera air aa pleaiy as bishop Pulkbcrries, and about as wuthlcas. Ia the South tbe Union men wants lo come North, and tbe Hebs wont let 'em. Io the North tbe Union nico want the Cop Itebj to go Bootb, aod they won't go. This shows tbat we air tbe mure Biagtianiaiouser ov tbe 2. Gen. Butler or, in tbe clusick terms T U Nuthren and utbreo tmitors, Becst Butler," is highly spokco or in canoexioo with tbe Lei i'recideocy. I must confess tb it ' btet Butler" is a ani siile tbat 1 buitelv admire. Kf he was io tbe Presidential ebecr now, iosted of the j ebivalry stirring op the animile with a I ling stick, the auicuile wood stir up tbe hiva ry with a lung stick. lie's doia it j now. Katber. Kf it wasn't f..r ole freod o mine, I wood endorse betijjmio. I But B. F. air verv well suited in his ; presebk loche, to tba ca8 wbo cMs him ast Butler is fit fer tressoo, BUrCjima j tod spiles. He woo-i swop ori his gran- BiOtoer J.r. j.ner aorg. -a r ! J Geo. Grant, air aoolber bonky youth. , Thare eod be worse meo tbao L'lvsrs brat forrard. Hut be bas bis little fait. A a I'resideot be might be bui.k, but as Georil he's buckler. Tbal's bit little fait. Limtly, there it nether man named fer tbe oex Presidency. An be'a goio to get it, 2. Praps you've herd ot bitn. His fast name is Mr. Honest Old Abe Liukoo. That's hit Urn Mine 2. A. L is the ! ,beJ ule ll'"ul uim. Me a brmgio bcr (bra ail O. K.,t-krusbio, Slavery, Seceshun, an goodly portion of the Confederacy uoder its wheel, in troo Juggernut stile. Give us Liukon or give us Old Abe. We air not particular. Either will do. ' 9 I'utehrneo will vote for Abe beeaws Libcriy, Lincoln, Lager Boer and Lim bnrgcr cheese begin with a L. The Inb will vote for him, tecawa Puraties and Itisb Whiskey don't begin with a L. 1 he Cops wont vote fer htm, becaws , '-'""'v., nd ''lnIt"n bpfi,D8 : Ty "U ! ' " "-. ; ----J6' "'. " . ... s . a M. Thine only, A. Ward. Jr. ST A Rfc I'll RON ICLE A iLM ANAl cn f ;,.!j,f ; ! CO a 5-.; is - mm Jan. r! ii 2' '"'J' ! 3 4 e' 71 HI lil II l.'l:i'14 IS'M '17 ii .i.iji!s:'3 i.i'r..i.'ii:i u imiii Kl"l!'!--i!.,:2--,i-il ! .24,3....r.Ti-;i'..- : I I Feb. li 2i :i 4i An;.. I SI 4 .'. 6 7! s 9 ltilll 1.1 WI1S K :i4 i;. irii?i vt -'o isiitljj. ,1 4! . Sept.. S. III. 11)12 At ,' K "I II Oh.l I.TU'U t I7lil I Ill2:i:ll4ili!lii17 llt!l.202l.22,sa24 2I i22I2.1 21 25.20 i :;(2s2-J,3U3lj j '. I I I 'I I l! April 2I al 4 .li fil 71 S I 3! 4 S c 7 s ! loll 121.:, 14 15 1.1 I l7'H.t:i .'2I 22 ,23 ' III I i I M j 9inMil.'1314)l5 lll)2ii 21 22 25.2.1,27 21.2K :23,24, I May. I 1.2 3I 4I s cl 5 , I Si 1 l,l-j. 1314 lSil:i7 li,l(l.2illJl I 22 2: 24:2-,2i27j2S I Now. si 7' ! pjiolivrj l:i!l4il.M- !17jlel :ta 1 las,!1 -J4i,26 Joue Deee. 4! si f.! 7 s in liria l:til4ll:.lm 17 .is it jtBiaiiiK!2 112 3 M til 6 HIIMI leiialti is!i(i;i:'ti! 19) JO il-iH24 4 ' ;'-,ir7i-''Y-8.:i,'r1 ii agricultural Implements. 1 GRICt'LTL'R f. Iniplements, since lhe X. commencement of litis War, have Leen "' real "e"'a"u- a W nhines are uatile as to iheir inerns ami wunn onlv. , lhe yfar Mt,ssr s MAKSH co. s.n.l one of ilie,r Improved Reapers 10 Henry Stuck for $130. Un the IMili of Peli rnsry. .i' -i'.ie R'nprr u-.i mJ at a Vitbk, ""';' ""-.v fuels, nrar (itt fur Ki;t!, after brintf wed Iwn na-viis. Mes-rs.l. S. Marh&C'o. are maiiufaetn- Tltt t lar, nuiI)beroi thtir uiachmet. w;ih Improvements, llus season, for the comins Haying auj Harvest ; and as to the merits 01 their Combined jMOWER AND KEAPER, would refer those wisliinj to purchase the cumins season to the following named per- sons - wn" rrcnasrU 01 tnem last season: joa. m .iiit, jwiid . an ir, i nomas rirawbrmre, Fri duri.-k lr. Ilirstu Dmifcle, Chftrlea llnttnstKin. tl.-uir. IWvid etahlnet-ker, J-imt Smith, Win. aud I b'.miut NeKMt. ul Awrtliumlierlanil rounty. Christian .-nlt.fusii, J:t-ili stultrfuw. Kon-rt Barber, Frederick r-Hiti'ln. l'i'. KirrVlivr. Martin Meixell, W-.rT. S:iinul tvllman, S. ri. Waiter, Jobu li. Yaig-r, of i'nii.n roniite. .smnii'l .bIKir. Henry Valim. .tetin, Rmnl NVIJ. fe..iShuman, Murrin lft. Ahrnhin telir. Ahra ham K'-ITT. Ami Mtlt-T. Jnma hVU. 1. T. .stxuibaurh, Alfred Mr.jre. Jcaae Kuhi. Ili-ome Kail. I'bilip Haaer. Pclr Albriwht, ll- nrv iad.-r. llmrnr-l Knp.-rt, I'hitip nntz. Saiuucl Uoodrar, Ji.ib J. nrahm, of Cumber land OMinty. John IIiiM msn. Daniel Dtebler. Wm. Wert, I'eter ll.,d Wrayer, K. J. Buffi n.lon, II. I.enkert, W.lli.m l''(x, Jn.b S hNfl, of t4unhin roanty. John Mover, lurid Li. .loltu Myr, A-iani Snr1r. V tlr-iit. i.e WantT. Franklin Ktins,C'liri-iofhfr Kiini, W rn. K-Senmin, -laroh Muyrt, f I.hanon monfr. tJHirtri' StrNVr. J' hu Z. rtn,Saniul ciil-Mn.S.H.Barto, Jftmrit Clark, K. 1. Klint. iArtt tki-inte-r, Auir w lln-itfndonhU-r. Hu)frt llKvt-N.Charl- IUwl,Bubb Milh r. Jam-1 Wrter, John a-mith, m H. (ft-nron, W.J. Me-hatfe-T. J. K I liu kit:, Jacob bond, or Lycoming aud Clio ton ounti. We could refer to handreds of oiher. in the above and adjoining counties, hut think it unneceisary. Feb 23. C4 gg"First of the Season! NEW GOODS! FROM MIL AD. AXD XV. NEW GOODS XKW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For Sprin;' and Pninraer For Spring and Summer For Spring and Summer For irpriug aud Suuiruer Cam. and Sek. Call ami Skb. Call and Skb. Call axi Sfe. Jno.II Gooilman, Market St.,Lewi.slnir.2; Jno.lI.(loo(!nian,JlarketM.,Levisbur5 Jnn.II.GiHiiIman. Market St.. Lewisburg jnn.n.nofl(!nian,Markct St., Lewisburg AII kinds of (irain bnusht tor Cash, . . . O ALT, in barrels and sacks for sale O.bjr JN'- Mwitj!. 150, r4A CliLS.Mackcrel.Xos. 1 and 2, in half au'l whole barrel, for aala by JNll. II. (I'KIIIMAI. WANTED. '"SOD TON'S of Good Timothy flay. -J" s kki.oimi llithol4 j.rime Oatr. for the flnreru meut. Itwill pay the t,i?heU prira fir icimhI, beary Oata it mant weigh over "46 lb p-r bushel. J0. H.Ui)OIMAS. CARl'HTS. All Wool, Ilea vy In- prain farfiebi. ItrueU Carpetn, Carpots, Flour Oil Clullia. Just teofirt-d, and for nt,le hr JNO. irOtJOCMAN. 'PIIE subscriber has opened a Family Grocery Store in Mrs. Grier's Baildin?. East enj of .Market street. South siile.where be has a good sioctr of TEAS,COFFFi:t SrrLS, SUGARS, MOLASSES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Butter, Eggs, &c. fee. Which areoifered CHEAP FOit rA$H by JOSEPH ECKBEttr, Ayeot Levisbnrg, Xur. 9, 1 863 Administrator's Notice. Al TH EP.EAS. Letters of Adininistratina lo the estate of JOHN P. DBIBEII I'.de- eeasert, late of W hite Deer township. Union county, hare been granted lo Ihe subscriber, by ihe Register of ald county, in tine form ; all persons indebted to said estate are reques ed to make payment, and those having claiais against the same will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. In JAMES M RSH ALL, Administrator White Deer, Feb. 17, 1MU4 JOHN HAWN, tNlFAoTt RER of Improved Per. cutslon Malclaca, Libuit,la UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE. DYSPEPSIA AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM Disorders of the Liver AXD DIGESTIVE OltGAXS, are cured by HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, the great Strengthening Tonic. Tbrse Blllrn have prrrurmrd wore mm Ilavo and do give more Satisfaction ! Have more respectable People to rouch fur them! Than any other aritcte in the market. We defy any on to contradict this assert ion, and will pay SIOOO to any one ihnt will produce a Certificate, pub lished by us, that is not vtaiixa. HOCFLAND'S GERI3APJ BITTERS WILL CURE EVCBY CASE of Chronic orXervous Delility,DiHcasc3 of the Kidneys, and Diseases aris ing from disordered Stomach. Observe the. fulfaicing Symptom resulting from dtsortier of the Uiyrntive vryann: Contipmtin, in ward pll-, ftilnt nf MoM to tli head, ariilitv of tlm Htnmarh, imo , lifitrtburn, tiifcut fur, fulne.i or wt-ipht in t)ir Mouini'h, -ur eructation, pinking r t1titt rintr nt th pit of ttif timarb. wimuiiK of tin n-lt iurrttl Mini littrit'ult hrrathiui;. flutterin? at the hfrt. rtioking or nurTtrntiD(f M-n-talidiiit w1i-d in m lying nurture . dim npn Tifon. tloiii or wt bo rwfor thtiiutit-f-Teraotlull pninin tin brHi, wy of impirtitn. yi-ltiii".M f tli tkia udjri.. pio hi the piJr.Karii.rlifnt.Jiinbn, kr cudd-n flui.h')t i-f bent, buriiinc in th fli-b.c m BtDt ituAiaingD of eTil, and great dvnreiuD of irits. That Ilils In not AUoliollr, COXTAIXS KO RUM Oli WHISKEY, and can't make Drunkards, 1"T IS THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. Vow the lti'nrnf th &i)tit rhwh, ArnVrfrm,, X.J Jw nrrly o .WW chun: i'hiUiti'a. I hai known lnofliin-1 (tmiHn itittnr favnrahly for a numbf r of vau. I hart um-J iht-ni in my uu tanaily. aud bavr b--n a-n pl-a(-J with lh-ir tjfM.1 that 1 wm intU(i to n-r-iimn-iii tht-m t uiatny olhern, and kimw that tt.ty have nij-eraOtl in a xrikirftly bt-m-firial maimer. I take icivat (ilr-aMire io thun jubiiflv (irteclaiiuint; thif tact, calliuc the attnti'-D of th-M-e. atllirtrti with tli ditwai-Hfi t-r which tl ar avcoainivmlfd, U the' id iters, kDuwin rum exiH-iif uch that my rec"mtiicii4litiin will hi xiiettaiticd I do this rti'tre chferfully aj UtHiiUoa' Ititte-r m lulcbtlvd to beDftit thr afflicted aud i Dot a ruui itriokr. Voure Util, LLVI U. IUX'K. From J?ey. Dr. Prmm. FAitm nf ih. Lncdttptdia of ai.lvi.iirl, nnt,B.l In bmr . wwhmhJ Patent Mnlicine- in tr.-nerai. thmunh d Mr oat f tbWr inttrrtli- I enla and flTfctii. I yet knw of n wtiihirm rrn why m man nty nt tetf1y to tb lxnrtit b- t'rl ! Iiimif to li-t mvivfd trnm i ny i-ri'n ration, in the hoirf- that ht? m;.y thunotiitrilmtfi t" ti- tiirtit .f niht-ri.. I do thin tbt mr iadily in r'-etrd to HooriitrKi lirrniiia llittt-rs." prrparnl hy Or. t. l. Jafkt.n, of lit in rity, Itcrnuw I waa urcjudi't'd n;.iit th-m tor yt-nrn. that the, rr. el.ley.- all ihMiir mixture 1 mil .uJ.-l.ti-d tuiy trivnd K t- rt Shi-niMkor, K.-n-, ftir tbe renifiTe.1 nf thin ptfjudiie by pro-r tf-t, aud h.r nrourainnifnt t trv ihin,whc dutf-imtf fi"in (treat and lone mntiuuKi tUbility. Th line of three ilea ot theae llittera, at tha neiiinuinie of the present dt'ureo of bdUy and" tneutal vijror whirh I had nut ff U in six uvinthn before, and bud alimw"tde(.(,airwl tf r-ai-oinr I therefore thank liud aud my friuud twr directing lue io Um ue ol tht-m- J. NKWTON BROWN', PbiUttcli-liia. tear, wa followed hy eri'ieiil relfl. antf retrn'lon io From Vie. Putnr r,f tvV frrmatvn ttiftUft chttrc. Dr. CM. Jarkm.n Dear Srr IVrnonal experi-nw ena ble me to nay that 1 regard the(i.-rinaii Hitler (.reparrd hy you a moft excellent roedirine. In ra.e of a peeereeold and general debility, 1 hare been greatly benefited by the u-e if the hi I lent, ant doubt not that they will nrJueeaimjUl,r eDe.-ta oniyr.ere. lours iruiy, H AUKKN KA.VDOLPH. Frtm the rnstnr of Jhdding M F. rhvrch, Phil.ida. Xt. Jarknon hear Sir: H.-iftntr ud your itprman BtltrM id my f:iuily frcqUfDlly, 1 aai prvpary-d to nay ttiat it hat tj-rD ot nrt rwvire. I tx-lit-r- llutt tu mont ra-e-ii of )t oral dftiiity of the pytt m, it in the patent and moi Tlab) rrmrdT ahieti 1 hv ny knnwl- Frw the former Putnr ttf th Ci4uM'u (-V J.) and MUrttQKH litpOit cJiU' ftKS. New V.o HRLLltyN.V. Ir C. M. Jacksnn IVar Pir: I f.-.-f it a -I-ai.urt thu(. (ifmf own acvnrd. to lifar tt'sttmynv t tire fit'i-Mfncvof tht ifrtnao titur. Some yxra aime. .win it Diurb attiir-tfd with Ittyfitif.ia.l uifd tht-m aitlt r.-ry im-u. tv ittl rnlrti. I ha often nrimmeii'(t-d tlim to fM-rMma cnfrfMtwl hy that trnif ntimr dtiwaor. and ht hfard from tbem tha moHt tlatteriujr t-tiniuia)K a ti ite- crat value. In cam of Kt-uritl dniiiliiv, I IwiifVi it U a toDic that can not b urpaujed. JOHN 51. LYijNd. From Jtrv. Dr. TTiir, Fntir nf Rexborough Rtptut cliun-h. ttr. Jarkaon IVar Sir: ! fil it dne to yniirtrllpnt prparatmn. Ilf-oflauti'it (ertuan Bitta Tr, to ald mv tsU- tuouy to th dMrvid rpuiatmu it ban oi-tj-innL I liae f"r years, at liiws, bi-ro tnutl-d with grt-al dia nrJfr io my hfad and n-rrrjii yt-m. ws advia. l-y a friftid. to try a tX'ttlc of your irrrmin l(iitrp, I did an, aud liaT cxperit-ncrd ftrrat and unexprr-ird rtli-f; Day health ho tr?fn matt-rially bf u-t-ti d. I cuutili-ritly r'-mmmnd th article where I tui-ft wish fa rtiuiilar to bit own. aud barn ben -a.urr-J by many ol Ihtir good ellf r.a. Kepoctfullj your. XUOMAS WINTER. From Rev. J. S. ITrmnn, nj tht Or man B'formed church, Aut:V'trn, lierks orHf(y. Dr. C. M. Jarkano Kcipe-t-d Sir : I haTe ben tronb witb I-yapepffja nearly twenty yara, and nver ned any ttiHdiciun that did iut aa uiu.-h ihm1 tltM.f. land's Bitter. I am very much UupruTd in baUbt alVr ha rin taken fl boitlea. iiueoaulIy youra. J.& lit I. MAN'. PRICES, Bottle. HVot. Largo size (lioldina; noarlv double quantity $1.00 5.00 Small size 73 4.00 BEWARE OF C0UX1ERFEITS! ?co that the signature "C. M.JACK- ;OX" iy)n the WHAPPEU of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do nut be put olTby any of ihe intoii cating preparations thai may be offered in its place, out send to us, and we rward securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manvajry, C:tl, ,RCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JONES & EVANS, Suceettort to C. M. Jaclton & Co., Proprietor!. For sale by BENNETT EHO'S, Lewisburg. and by Druggists and Dealers in every town in tht United Slates lyDec.1'63 rpilE greaiesl iiupruvenieiil yet io tbe X Seat ig Machine aru A curiosity worth sieiiij;. Hiease senJ for circular with sample ul sewing. These Improved Machine save o huh kiii m cut. ol thread and silk, and make the lock utiti h alike oa buih siues. '1 hey require no insirucuon to operate perfecllv. excrrl "-lhe primed diteciions." IS". 1 chanse in sewiiig from one kind of' gonds 10 another. And no taking apart to clean or oil. OurXaw MfrcTr is now complete, wiili all iu machinery aud t.ioU entirely new, and is already rapidly turninzout Machines which (or BiiAiii and hhfixtiok of hhish are not surpassed by any manufactury in lhe world. X. B. Should any machine prove unsatis factory, it can be returned and money refun ded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own agents. FINKLE & LYON, S. IS. CO. N.i. 5:J8 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Jt;ir!l 1, 1MB. jl j A Joint Resolution proposing certain ; Amen'..:. cuts to the Constitution T)H it resolved by lhe Senaie an ) Huuse of 1) Kfprfsei.tatives ot the Comujnn wealth ol l,eriQyl vania in (jeueral Aembly met. That the iuliou'iug aaiemlments be proposed to the Conslit'ilioD of the Commonwealth, in anroruam-e wuu tne provistous oi tne tentn a .i article tnereol. There shall be an additional section to the the third article of the Cunstnution, tu be des ignated as section four, as follows: MStc non4. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this (.'ominonwealih shall be in any actual military service, under a requisi tion frnin the President of Ihe United Slates, or by the authority of this fjiunmnnwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suf frage in all elections by the citizens, under such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law, as fully and eilVctually as it they were present at their usual places of election." There shall be two ad liiional sections the eleventh article of the Constitution. Io b. designated as sections eight aud tune, as follows : "Sr.cTio-1 8. No biH shall be passed bvtre Lejislature containing more than one silt ject, which shiill be clearly expressed in the mle, except appropriation bills." "."rr-rinx a. No bill shall be passed by ihe l.esislamre gramme any powers or privileges in any case where the authority to pram sut h powers or privileges has been or may here after le conferred upon the Courts of tins Common wealth." HENRY C. JOHNSON. Speaker of the Hunse of Representatives JOHN P.PKNNEV, Speaker of the Senate OITice of the Secretary of the Common wenlth. Harrisbnrg, July 1, 1863. PKNINS. LVAM A, to: I do herehy certify that Ihe foregoing La and annexed js a full, true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the tieneral Assembly, entiiled A Joint Kes- nilltion pruposm ceriain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused lhe seal of the Secreta tary's to be ailixed, the day and vear above wruien. KLI M.IKKR. Mecretary of the Commonwealth The above Resolution havini been agreed to bv a majority of the members of each Jlouse, at iwo successive sessions ot the tieneral Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submiited lo the pecple, for iheir adaption or rejection, on the rmsT Trrsnar or Acr.rsT, in lhe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, in accordance wtih the provis ions of lhe tenth article ot the Constitution, and the act, entitled, -An Ac: prescribing the lime and manner of submitiinz to the people, for their approval and ratification or rejec tion, lhe proposed amendments to the Consti tution," approved the Iweniy third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-lour. EI.I SLIFF.R. loll Secretary of the Commonwealth. SPECIAL NOTICE. fPHE Hunks of EVANS & COOPER are in 1 my hands fur collection. All persons desiring to settle their accounts, will find the Books at my Office. C. I) BREWER, I.euiaburg, July 13. Attorney at Law fatcst flsljions.! 1864. Just received the latest; stylesof Parts and American j Fashions for Spring and Summer of lSfii, and will continue tf. CIT MAKE LP clothing in the most satis factory manner shop on .North Third Si. ' JOHN IS. MILLER Lewisburg, Aog. 21. 163 Daily Horning News. SAM'L SLIFER has commenced furnishing he Han lliirs Teletraili mornings.a t. c'f per copy the very latest News, at cheapest rates June 84 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. THE undersigned, having removed her Watch and Jewelry establishment to Criswell's New Uuilrling, Markei St., between Front and Second, she is prepared to Repair Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, &c, in the most approved and satisfactory manner. She keeps on hand an assortment nf choice JEWELRV, for Ladiesand Gentlemen, which she n tiers at prices to suit lhe times. Alto. CLOCKS and WATCHES. All wotk and wates warranted as represen ted. MAKIA S. ZUBER. L. winbare. May 3i, 1SS2. DANIEL BROWN, Manufacturer cf A.S.Brown's celebrated , KNUCKLER WASHING MACHINE, iro(ILD call Ihe attention of every V citizen lo his machine, being the Only perfect Washing machine yet brought before the public. Ita durability, simplicity, ease of working, saving of clothes, and qnickness of washing recommend it to everyone; and it is war ranted lo excel all other machines. Also, Sole Agent, for Lewisburg, Milton, and .Northumberland, for K. C. Browning's Universal Clothes Wringer, with patent Cog Wheel Regulator, which is the best, most durable, and only reliable wringer ye intrudui ed. Lewisburg, Feb. U, '64 EM W. B. CORNELIUS, Government I'ndertaker, KASIIVIU.E, TA'.V. Dealer la alt kinds f Mrlalllr Burial t'anea, aat ZIXC COFFINS, "IT7"ILI. aiiend promptly to the iransporta W lion of Bodies, or sivins iuloriuation ' respecting deceased Soldiers. esd:! w5m- Ha seruir l tne serv.ces ul Or. h. H. LEWIS, of New York, (more recently from the Army of the Potomac.) for Embalming of the U-ad by Dr. Hotnaa' "American 1'iocess, arknowl cdxrrl 10 be the best and only Hue process in the United Slates, will have bodiet embalmed when desired. I Principal Office and Warerooms No. 49, ! Church St.. Nashville, Tepn. j Branch Olfices at Murfreesboro'.Tullahoma, ! Wanrace, Shrlbyville.ChattannoKa and Dech j ard (Tenn ) Stevenson and Bridgeport, (Ala ) (jjl oininunications promptly answerea. Mr-Wx.R CoRMKirrs 1 authorized to reffr to ni. H It a ernt Wrnin of iM critj, and will i-rfirm all that b DU'lrTUkM or prusiUva. AMHKW JiMN?oN, umii; M ili tar jr (ivr nor Doctor S. II. KNIGHT nAS located himself in LEWISBURG, where he will alteud to the practice of medicine. Market St. nearly opposite Ammons'block TESTIMONIALS. lUTim,., Uni'D Co., Nov.2l. 11H3. Pear Sir : Mf liTrr kud miimarb wuh mi badly dl-ietuieil thntall who afD matt me up. DiK-tora and all ; hut 1 nintinurd In taFrnur oieiliiue aod it rnn-d Die. and I urn iu wmII. I know a number in my neighborhood that bad lunicand lircr eumplaioti.. tbi.1 wre cured by yiitlr mMiriue. An lilti isnwi-ft. I wr.uld adrlw all who r llii.'tvtl with i.iv; ti nit i vou m call. an.l lift) "' vur.truiy, joiisgu.jila.nieil Dear Sir: I wits Hltlu-wi with Hbi-utDali-m for num- br vf yvnr. and wi rurv. l-y vour u-ilirm-. I Dtitab.fto liravr my Ixd mht-n I cuim-ni twi taking your Taiunhlt miiciito, ami 1 hud Wen nttt-n-Jvtt hy two other phyttKUuis. Vuur truly. Jofcl'H MILL Eft. LimrLTcs, Union Co , Xi- tT. Ihfrl. Dr. 8. II. Kntuht: lvar Sir I iu afflrtt-d wHh antiiiiiiMn ; rftuxi ntti vaairt on- nwu.imi iwii nciaiea of ,..ur ..In.i.le mti. ii.e mr-d me in a .h..rt tlnm. I ! sJ v im all wh are ahiirti-d with tiii tijav tr aj-plr to j . you aud gut cuted. Youri truly, J. llItoOK. IH artlkt. Union Co.. Not. 18, 181a. tr. 8. It. Knight: lii'ar Sir I rend ynu thin atata ( ainntin order to lienefit aufferlna bumanite. My nite I lay a lunir time witb eouauuiti.m. anil her life or reror j ery waa airen up by all. I was a.iid l try other med ! d.rf-tfira. 1 eootinu Willi your trratnn.ut -. your j nidlrine rnn-d her: ahe la now well. I would adrim. all who are afflirtt-u witb tunic and tiler diaeuaetoicu to you. or renij lor vu, g.-l .our me inc. an.i Have in ana j motiay. LIUlj lourareapj. rfi.ii.a ualiil GOOD NEW GOODS! XK IT f. OOD.V jx'Eir :oo.; HEW iioooxt ton mi avd wixtfri ?OK I ALL AXD WIXTKHI FOR FALL AXD Wl.rmt FOR FALL AXD niSrtKI CALL AXD CALL A.D A'f.i' IALL AXD SF.K1 CALL AXD Sf F! KKKMER. WXfi rn KHF.HKlt, LOXH at CO KhFMHH, L".i; t CO EKLiltK, LOXU it CO lewlabure, !v"ee. 1SK3 Let I'm all take a Kide ! I HOKSES AN I) UltiUIES TO LET, to: responsible persons, at reasonable ' rates. IVfinliles on alley between South ; Third and Si.uth Fourth streets, half a square j below Hess' Liyerv my resilience on same lot, fronting on boulh Thirit street. CHAKLL'S S. VODER I.ewisbtir, Sept. II, .sti:t T.G.EVAS, FAMILY GKOCEIU' AMU Provision Store, nn Uoal-A. .I..l l,..t,.-nnn O.I ill. I uu iiiainci .-iui i, unnrru ju duu -tu, . LCWtSSliRG. Call and Satisfy Yourselves. rvl'R STOCK is lare and well selected- winui.Kl DlUHb incmatDg an ; assorltnent of c . . . . . i QUEEN'S-. VARE. 17ARD-WARE, ! CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE. I lake this opportunity to return my thanks to the public for a liberal patronage, ami hope by studying ihe wants ol my friend and en deavoring to supply them to meril iheir patronase in Ihe future. T. O. EVANS. Lrwiatmrff, March 2, 'tis. Xew Furniture T.i abllKhiiirnt. I T ,11E subscribers have opened a Furniture I establishment, on Market St. Lrwishurg, (opposite Chamberlins buildings) where they , manufacture to order and keep on hand all i varieties ol CAHIET WAKE usually kepi ! in such establishments Uuteaus, Bedtteads, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, stands, What-Nots Vc of all patterns and prices. nrReriiRtf in the best and most eiped i itious manner. jj s o E RT A K I N G in all itsbranches attended to at very low rates. Ready-made Collins alwars on hand. J K DIEFFEXDERFER& CO Lewisburg, April 16, 1wij3 James F. Linn. J. Merrill Linn. T F. & J. M. LIXN, J t Attorneys at Law, LEWlSBL'KG, 674 Union County, Penn'a. J. MERRILL ll Con.iwiosiia tor the State or low. with power to take Depoaitiona ,aeknowledre Dee4a,ae A art Ion and rommlaaloa Hoase II lewisburg. tiWMJrk Lenal Auctioneer! F.A.Uonehott er havingbeen appointed ! sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbi.rg, is prepared lo attend to all calls in his line in town and country. Commission Sales. In April next, I intend to open on Marke ttreet a Room for the reception, and Ihe sale atslated times, ofall kinds of Goods at Auc- i lion. Any one wishing to dispose of anv arti-l cie can wnn me ana 1 will sell It at 1 ' '.. . ' t V. o hest nilvnntatre I qn an.l .1.,... . 7. - vnu mui .liaise CI centage for the same Feb. 2. -.85H F A DONEHOWER Central Foundry and Machine Shop Mlfer, Walls, Shrlner t fo. Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron Vowrr and Reaper, Darling' Endless Chain Horse Pawer Willson's Telegraph Fodder Cut- ler, Riches' Iron Plows.Whherow's Self-Sharpening Plow, and Michigan Double Plow. Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip ion. All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept on hand for sale. Jobbing work in Wrought and Cast Iron and Brass done to order. Country produce taken ia exchange. One. eSjila A Market 81- Talsharg. P. aw'l ..wi.. aLratn aitta OltWIO & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. OFFICE i a Mouth Second near Martrei St April i, '61 Lewisburg, ra. UNION liUUl AM) SllUE and eaamiae for yourselves the lareea and cheapest stock of Home made Buo and Khi.en in Union county ! nrJii.ii iwrived a KJtKsH SUPPLY r City made work at uaanoally low prices 7 . , , , 1. 11 n r, ii ' Quick Sales and bmall Profits' is the order of the day at SIJI IRKS', Opposite the Bai.k, Lewishurg ,, .. ; 1116 i llllliy Urn" Store j Always V4 ;l Ready: Jtil ifyouwantpureDruzs.soioSCHAFmrS: Vt::s & iJhpnueal trnp'rium, wnrrr is mcpi a larze and crucial assi rtturnt always. 'or any article usually kept in a brst class call at ihe FAMILY DKU(i STORE OF u'1 DIVID GIHTER & SCH HAVK rrmoved iheir hair ami Ca binet M are-room to the larger and more commt!iuus rtunas, late the resid ence of Wm. Frick, on the fornrrof Thlrtl u4 Uarfcri NK, LrwKbnrr, where thev have on hatif1 ihe LARGEST and BEdT ASSOKTM EN V of Worn eer .itfered 1 to i he public in this vicinity.comprising Dress j Burr a ni and PancT Wajhstitml rf the IhUwt tv), : F'aa. llairiMttt Chaim. Can Mat rbar. i-Of ltiti)C Cbaira. j KtMif-rfo. Hat Ksk. T"W-I Krk. Jeimy I iud and ' ot 'i Bd"td. fatn-y l.''iintri t4nry TbU.4c alo ft jfa-tirral afxrln.Mit -f fOMMX iff. A' always on ! Land Harroou and Offle Chaira W &traal or hrtail. j We also attend to the I'NUEUTAKINti , iStiwinrtiw r all iT hr itn-h. B'-inr proTiiis-ft fh Vnrr HKAU-K.-and l-'t-K' Pti-nl Motalllr Burial trct ami 'ifK f- IN "f ..ur rwu matiuliti-turc nlw.iy rin hn l. j wtt are ready at ao tiro. within an hur DCti-, to l wait ubou any at.J all who ut i fiver us with a tall. navin? none Dut ine op-I Wdrrimen.we W A Kit ANT all Fornitnre Bmntiftrt tired by , auJ 5 dty either tu print or tt le. M'tniijuctifry on X. Is Street I where Cabinet and House Tiirntne. Scroll and kip Sawing dona on ahort notire and reaaonabia terms. A sood assortment of I. L' MISER always on band fir Newel foat., Bnnni.tera and Hand kaiiina. rftKrAiaixe of ail kinds done as usual. N.B. Any work nol on hand will be made aa aoon aa,le. Thankful for pat favors, we still eipect a eoDtinnanca ol the aame. Uoots anil Shoes. The subscriber has just received ai his More (uext dimr lo the Post OmVe) a full siiroly of lloolN ii. nllOfW ol every style and variety suitable m , the season. The stuck has been .elected with ; particular care, aud will be aif-rd'-d at j VEIIT r.FDI I KB Plitl KS HIK Kf till I tIf. His old friends and customers and the puMic ; geiieraNy are invi'ed to call an.l eiamme his ' stork and jiidi;e fot themselves. l"".MAi j I FACTI KIMi and Rf.l'AIRINtt as hereto ; fore will be attended to with promptness and j at reasonable rates. j JOU Hill (.HTO. Ari. Leiahure,Ort IS, ISnO. O.P.SHtVELY.: 31 '.t- t S.u-irnrt W.mufnclarer of Ilrid '"' common and the ew pateat HllLEf(lLl ns.warr.D'.el to hurt no linn Dealer la Jeqh) i)3 oiiici' iJnips anD iiliiip, Rill ALU KOIIa-S, KLAXkKTS. SIMM! BKLU, Fantj Saddlery, Harnet Hard ware,&o. rj'HK sjhficrilier. havinir enrried on X bu.inerw f.r fc'i.n! reara. anil raine! a reputati.n ti.r niaKlne as liansn ar. a. any eiitahlinhnient in . reion-tt-l th-1'nlon agricultural nam ae.Mt iiirei-. rut itir.v f .r anietf. ef hi. aoramanrlup anu:U eai.reiis nia zralltuUe ler faaira ..f the traitini; puMii a!r.-a.y riviv i. aou aak their cuDti nueil patronage at hi NtUV ?IAND. The Leather uil l.y ia of the Yry bet. tannad in theolj nay. aril ill laat fr reiin. 1 em.l'y the M Workmrn eaeri my nao l.u?inea au-1 acj f ui.i id ; any rhrip at all auital'le hour-. Mv llo,.. an.1 Work are ' warranted, aD.I it Dt ae rei reeentrtl may he return. or .irnineni. I an ana aee (tie. ana ir i ao hoe tfi.e too the worth vf your mon.y i wilt ..u uUm your rtrnoM. REPAIRING promptly attomled to. tVCHKAl' for fASIl or KEADY TAY in mo.t kind of t'outitry 1'ro.liiev. leni-hunj. April l.lssl. O P. SIIIVKLT. lllVIEliElToUSir jLeaVlNburs. R. G. HETZEL, Pbo'b. rp'HE undersigned returns his sincere tlianks for the patronage extendrd Inwards him hy lhe citizen of Union and tbe adj..ining counties, he would most respectfully solicit a continuation of the same. R. G. HETZEL Lewisbnrg, March 13. lHfiS m3 PARPI'TS-l Urge and choice vari- J ety, trom :il cts. upwards. f,,r sale by April 10, '61 brown & bro. i JFor Jnlr. FRICK, BILLKEYER & CO. jj i"i Are manufacturing and have f52MJnstanily on hand a large qnan 'tfffiv?' ''? of 4 f"' Palmes and 3 and 4 mmmamiaafrtl Lath at the following prices: PallnpH headed in a new style, from S to -jiUI per M Lath 3 and 4 feet long. $1 to $ l.f.2 pr M. Sllingleii at $5 n J7 per thousand. Palings and Laih made to order, any length parties mav desire iwiabura sterna Sawmill, Dee. ?6, lon0 NOTICEGentlemen ! I I,V , ' s YICI""'r ar r.v....T me Buuscnuer has bought out lhe interest of E. L. Hisis in lhe business of Shoeing anil Hmr l uttmr and eontinue. the aame at the ol.l stand t.aaement of wi.low i Aoitnona' blork. hetwaao C Pentiv'amml J. HoutcbUiti'M i where by atriet attestion to boineaa be hopra k iiae ! - -j mia wuu uieu paarou- age ml all time eiorpc SuDdava. l I who tarry here till their beards (rrow long- . . 7. p""' ,m"' r barhereyer a... sail on lillLlS at llle falvOn.huav morn. aaan. on 1'itLis at hie saloon, huay morn.eyaoraooa, April", lSGl A. W. IlILLIN, Prot Uo-K FIRE ITJS0HAWCE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF N0TRH AMERICA Philadelphia. (Incorporated, 1704.) Capital 8500.000.00 Assets, Jan. 1SC1, - - 1234.719.81 ARTHI'R (J. COFFIN, President CHARLES PLATT, Xecreiary LVBuildings annuallv or iiernetnallv. Mer chandize, Grain, Furniture. 4c. insured, at currai.1 ml.. ..f P ' 'JOHN B.LINN. 934m 3 Agent for tJnion enunty. Pa. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. riIHE subscribers have opened a Provision I Store in lhe rooms recently occupied by Charles Roland in Rodenhaugh's building. Market St. near 4ih. where lliey pay the highest price in cash for Butter, Eggs, Calves, 1 nd all kinds of Country Pndore. ML March 15 mpd G.K &I.PPLEE 4 CO . .eir I'hotogropher 1.1 I.t icinburg ! rn If E sthsrnber hi puiehae4 the ( I Phiiiotraghic liallrry.a Marliri nnM niipnsiir thr l.evrisrfciirir Bank, where he i l iiiurs prepared wut yho!(KTapli?,ADibroipes,Melainmjf w Ac. of all sizi-s.on the hirie nniK-e and a maniifr not to be surpassed by aty artist 1 ,hf Sljtl,. 1 ' ' '"' I Oitizrn nf Lewishor and vicinity art u. , vurd 10 co ue ttieuisc.vea aud Umj ill cnuiiira ai..ii. j All npsaiin-i previoosty fatten in this : lery are preserved, aud will be "nmtd k n,,"cr- J ,u- Aite ' 1 ..... 1 . LrmL-uri(, April.!, tV-4. n.tuHattui;. j f ' ET Pr"p-nv insured in the If. ,rt VI .,,.pa.... i Hid iM'.tiilrg idsnranrr Ctmpdi y m w ct i(i.f, ; . tat 01 in? ntM rrudu.r aiit tatt! 1,1 4 injure iu ju iHuoslvMa. It itro , bprTettii O 2-1 years and ta a casual vf ': iiiilitr.n djilars. lr-t i.v wohiiip m it,0t in ih- above Com pan ran Ho o by apritm to SOiaDMAN KIITKR. who it 1a acime acui lor lrivLure and I bwu (;c. VarittV and News Depot. T HE MitcnfiT krrps coiij-'aniw for 41u at the I'UST OKr ll E (lel '.ot R:ttert Htiue) a weli-aeitcted sioca of Family Groceries, fotifcctiorary n4 I'ruitd. Fancy To- JJeTeT tiotj, JV-i Turnery & tfrX&s? aoai, Wull ruptrdrfflSiJJf and Oil Shades, 'I'raveiii u Jiiunk, School and llvmn Docks.&t I'ajMTai and rn kaM or lo oidrr. In iu DuMi ii. ew vrk or Phi a dei.hia such a lhe 'I'rii.imr, Times, Herjj), Ledger. Weekly. Clipper. Police Gazrl'e. .Ver curv.V.'avei lv, I.nerarv Cump-nion, Harper'i ard I,elir' Illustrated Weeklys. t( dey's lad Harper's Veazines, Yankee NLticns aid .ic .Nars. Ac. Ac. ALL Or Willi U ABE MHO I DEiP PAR CiH l.ewiburs ii KO. . POKBEsT 5IKAT AND UNION! , TA OB . BKOWX, having auii- ted in feeding ihe hungry of Lew ishurg and virinnv. for nearly thrta ; past, with the best of Beef; Fork, Teal, fee, would return his grateful thanks to his nam rous customers for ilieir patronage ard aa . he intends to eontinDe the bssi ! ness as heretofore iu the Meat Market H ! between Srhaffle s and Baker Co.1 I)r i Stores, .Market ."qua re. Mims'ians Mrilnesdavs and Satoravi CASII is the svstem. Public patronage r . sp'-eifui'r solicited, and satistaettiin iaianrea .March 1ft, fil. . 8 .STERNER, Af'u J. M. BOWERY ; Fashionable Boot and Shoe Hake; Smith Fifth St., Lftcitlurg, KEEP3cousianily on hand. and otaaafae. lures lo oider, all descriptions of l ltetng an experienced hoeuioUer, and ao I ious lo merit a share ol Ihepitltc patrcnapfl, : he will warrant all work which mar can through his hands. ! Particular attention will be siren to Ladiea ; Work. His Prices are as low as those of any othef dealer in lhe vicinity, fie solicits a tair tnai coiifMent that he can satisfy every person. Lewisburg, Aug. 31, 18'iO.y WINFIELD FACTORY! i Aeur liar I Id Oil, L'nion Co., Pa. ! fr. THE subscriber, thankful -"M;y f"r V1 Paironage, would infora his tr,eaii aid lhe public in gent , ra!, that he continues lo mann a j mre all kinds of Woolen fotxKi, such a ; Cloths, Cassuneres. T weeua. Saumeits, Jeans : Bankeis and Flannels; also. Carpel ant 1 Slocking Yarns. His machinery bems of lhe ; best kind in use, and having employed th I best of workmen, he feels sate in saving i that his work shall nol be surpassed by any establishment in the eonntry. A good an? ply of lhe above eoods kept constantly oa ban) for sale or to exchange for wool, at price that ran not fail u. please. WOOL will ba Carded in the best manner and on lhe shoitm notice. Terms for carding, cash on the da liverv of therol.'s. MARK HALFPENNY. Winheld Mills, March 30, 1857. American Life Insurance & Trust Co, (Capital Stock $500,000) COMPASY-S Building.W,lnuistreet, t corner of Fourth Philadelphia. rrLives tnsnred ai the usual Mutual rata or at Joint Slock rales about So per cent. Ie or at ToiaJ Absitnenee rates the lowest in the -orM. a. WH1LI.D1N, President Joint C. Siwa. See. . 7 GEO. F. .MILLER, Agent, Lewisbarf PEIPHEFVS LINE AND FROM PH1LADELPH'.. RIDlfTlOt ttr FKCIt.ltT. T lat Claaa 4S renu par 100 pound 2i do 40 do da Id do SS d d. 4th do 27 do d Spaeinl 2J do do U beat. Rye and Cora, 1 cai. U oar boa baa. Philad. Depot with Freed, Ward d freeo, Sll Market 9t Thankful for the liberal patronage ,tri "t we hope by strict attention to business a merit a continuance of the same. THO'8 PEIPHS For further information apply to iy795 C K M ULNLY, t-erir, Lewifbarg DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOMIXOPATIIIC Pill Sit Iff OFFICE ia his new Brick Block. Vr" street, south side, betveen 4th anMj"" (up stairs.) Lewisburg l6i 'm .TOllX li. I.IXN, ATTOK.MIY AT LaU, LEWlBLhU. rE Alao fommlssloner of Deri's fcr th. fui"' n! JlOtS and CALIiUKMA autbonaad to "''"Vi, Oatha, and Uaa DrvHHina and to b either ur the al-oae Ma,, a. aod alao to taae tbe ae xieenj" " ' T t"1 "" 'tT,T.i i recurd-1 in a.tber V K Stal- May .. $5,000 Maiitcil! NY person having from One to F' Thousand Dollars, can have ihe s saiely invested in Ju.ismrnts upon '" real estate in this eonniv. upon applieatipa J. K. JOJN B. LINN Lewisbarg. July U. I6J II. SERH iBT, PTT' 555B ha' '"""e.l i South Jd irei.rf L" doors rpni tuc Town C'lck, Lc V e. -C- A' . ye3"wlaitir!e 1 IBI KG FA