Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 19, 1864, Image 1

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It prr Year, always
rl!!L!MiHI M:i.I.IWt--
j.,':iy M'lrnim & Fii'Uv Afterso'in.
AniMiiA.M Lincoln
We undcrataud :b.t the recruiting
gSji'IS throughout the
called ia.
DThe rcmaine of
G . Truitt, who
Was drowci list we. k. wore sent tome
fr iottrment. Those of U.ub o M'liiu-
ty (colored) were properly crcd fur end
buiied ia ibe Lcwiebur;! ("enntery.
.fieu. lijru-iJe wants ti mount
regiment of Cavalry inimr Jiately, and lie
baa Dot bjrscs enough. l.rous who cm
spare suitable horses have uom aa oppor
tunity dispose of them at bib prict j
fur gJod cau?e. 5co adv't in this taper.
m . -iHrt
TWO Farmers ITOpUalUOns.
In the Senate of l'euojivuia, a p':tt-
tioo was
recently preseuted from the ;
Agrieuiioral Society of Adauia ejuuty.
Tbey argue that
Moat eeciioiis of our country are suffer
ing ia beauty, e. lout-, aul b-a!tb, from
the too great ilestrucaou of fjrest timber.
3'oe eril should be reached by the farmers
themselves, by plautio trees aion both
idea of their bigbways or pubiie roads.
This would cot ouiy beautify the laud-
(cape, but ju;J improve me ucauu,
tufigoiate thj aiuu.-pljtri;, ilJ add to the
eijoyuieot of lite hy jro'.eetiug man and
beaat from the wotehicg rays ot the euu '
iu manner aui iroai biiiOj.' winds iu win-!
Icr. Beit of timber Wouid prevent the
winds from removing the suows from
fiiu, aod thus protect winter crops, aud
Wjuld ais i, by eiccmcsl a-:iuu u;ua Ihc
cletu.bls, causo uure trciiieul sujwers iu
lummer. lucy would lutuisii a bacbir
for tnoee birds nuich devour insects, aud
thus protect our fruit and vegetahies from
tiumcrou enemier. Treut thould bo
plauted about a rod apart.
Aud in order to protect trees tlu
ID protect trees thus
bigUw.ys, the Society
, fc ' , . '
Lr adeejuato laws to
plauted aloog tha
earnestly petitiuus
secure iae trees irjui proanog catlic,
twine, ii., running at large. j
Harrisiurs Correspondence. :
FttlliAV, April 15. !
Col. Jnbn II. Sfover is the recipient of
.nlndid B.nnl nresented to him bv i
' i
.... . , .. . I
Capt. f. IJOl.'inson, Cy WOOm It WU t
,, i oit r, , ,
captured from the Rebels, near Richmond,
15th J uue, 18G . Capt. Tomliuson has ;
Hnoe enlisted under coi. siover.
The bill has pa?-ed both llooseg,
lteriog the Img nam! of the " Limes .
Bavina Institution of Lewisfcurp, ta that
f .
fj "Lewioburg Iepa.-lt IJitik, and to
.. . .
increase tbeir capital from thirty to uxty
, . ,, TL l
thousand dollars. Ibe Ooveruor Las
tigned the bill, and it is a law.
The House bas been licg passing the
Appropriation Bill. The Cops have been
systematically voting almost unanimous,
ly fir the very highest appropriations,
increasing salaries, S.: , and a few Phiia
deiphiatis of our own pirty helped tbem
turjugh in some c.sc, bat Dot iu all.
The Senate tock up the bill to extend
for five years the charter of the L!.ibk of
Montgomery county. The Gjvcrnnr
vetoed the 1'ank, last year; same say it
bas been badly, partially, unpatrioticaily
managed ; others say it is well, safely
managed, bat iu? personal cncoiii, like
Other Batiks, l'.sse J to third r ad.ng
cvt y D.aiocrat present, and a few of oar
pirty, votiog for it.
.. bill bas passed allowing the stock
t).i rs of the liar k f Xortbumbcr'aod
., J.,.-;.!. t.o .it. th ,t,-., ,.( r,n..
log it8 boa-J-qrtcw fur bu.QCs ta the
Barough of tuibary. w. j
. .' . . .
Finr DcLLAns Reward A little
con of Charle B. Davis, of William-nor'.
red about three vearc, wis drowned in
, , ... ' a ..'. . i -aimer, .'irs. jane .'l. v oruen, ,
Ibe river at that place, on Tuesday, the
12th nat.t and the reward will be given
for the recovery of the body. At the time
cf drowning he was dred&d ia a suit of
4ark plaid.
Tbnrsday night of last week, a yonng
man, whose name we understand was -
Wm. Corson.while attempting to get on a
train, at Northumberland, slipped and got
onder the cars, hiving both his legs cut'
cff. and his bodv otherwise. inineeH II.
lived several hours after receiving the in- uor' "Mi.ss ";lllie llM Miia -Mcuc1ij -Mrs-jury.
His age was about 23, and he had JaCub Sjiie'elmjc-r.
employed as a brakesman on the
loomsburg & Lackawanna railroad.
u x,l Aa Ta .n 1Pr,UnJ' happened on
the Philadelphia i Erie roai-WUry
Gazette. J
The stare of Wm. Young was broken cu" br0(1J- Responsible vintners de
iato, last night, by SDme unknown thie... elared that the pure article would cost
aodrobbidof a large amount of giods!
as forced at a seeond storey
the locks of the interior
:d oat. .V;,T. Td., UK ,
as entrance was
window, aod
doors aterA Knre.t
' - -" ' A 11 'ft. i
' :
Theodor. W. Overpeck, n Milton boy. I
baa been presented with a beautifullv 1
finished drum, b, ,fce members of Com-
psny D, 84-h RcioieB,, a a compliment
far faithful service a a drummer On
the front of the drum are inscribed the i
names of fourteen battles ia which this
drammnw Ka. ik L I
-wuibi vtni tug CUatrgf.
The .V.tioo.I TuionCiub cf Philadelphia !
r.t.1.1 lJ .1. t al .... . '
---..-uv;. uiiaaeipnia
ecxcluJed the Philadelphia lnouirer
"'ta rheirrioms, on the grotto 1 that it i(
lJ'7l ta "e Uuijo, and that us course
... '
W hcn
le b
. , ... " -wui .-a
''Ci,i'cl io L,, Nu'ii.r..,., . r .i . i . i tiati
tt a JltajA
, I had
t-'-iurta uf the CIUOU.
In Advance.
In lllctUlloa lit Ibe siiiaeiaeal Isr Ike past Wu
vl Ikr aiiun.
lu aid i l th I nit-1 Mt-tiAiiiUr iVintiii-'n.w.n be
AjirvcuLly t a rri- fruiu Alirvl L-K'.-uiicdy,
Chairman llie Cwmui.tU c ou
fuse hate been -n ,
; tee, wli..- names appealed m the 1 limn
' ,,f the Utli in-t., who have ;il'l"iu- ;
... . . .11 . i. ! .. i. u- 1
t i tuc i-.n.-iwu ' i.tuu-.i. .
ToWIISliILl I ILUl!I!tf. IO S.'Ileil ITHH.UI
..umbiitiolM !' tiu-i'ittii :tuJ the farmer
l..,n. in If.- exuilitol an 1 dls'i-wcd :
t j.-.,:r tl, j,,. l,t.;,J a.ire.-i.I. !
'Jl,e -rtt .-uff- riiiL-i u. har.J4.ip ,.1 '
our litlier., hulii.U. brutl.fr. a,..i so,.,
h arc now iu. i..,' :ui.i htmc the e-
...v. ia tnoit ai-l r.ar. l..r the wlvali.,..
.-.n'.l pvrpetuit: of ti.o host s;uveriitt..-lit
in the w..rM, 1 Lav iri J .a'Jt, will be a ;
s'iSieieiit iiin'i!u- for t!u- cuiiuitict:. a.
well :i every citizeu !' I'hhui cuuutv, lo
u,u;e We tlK-ir r:u, in the Wurt
CJIUVUil'l.ll'- M HI liilj Ill-'VUlIiC'Iii,. ,
. . . - , lrm!l-- r ,, .
n.,,,.,,, lau ,u l,tuiU0J from t.;r...
cui;irs iu the ,M U of the ehairwaii of the ;
c-untv e,.n-.it,.,e. I WoM su,vest that j
the ctitnbutioiis be concentrated at thu
Kxt.ri-s ..liice iu l.ewislnirir, wbeiiev thev !
..f i.i' i
will be tran-ii.Tte l at the ijct.eiife ot the ,
ooinmitueiu I'lilbfleljihia. j
It ,,..1 ;tA...l. t, ,t tl,e cintrn.,,.;.. I
shmtSil be entitled exclusively to fanner's. I
The luerchant. manufacturer", mechanic. !
architec t, and ail other professions are ex
ported to mate rout n bullous.
I sios. I ha, luicy, lr. li.kp. I.
i:vcr, jr.,rha.. Slcar, llc.rv t.ib.v.n. .Mrs. 1
('. Cawl. v.Mrs. I. 1'er. ir.,.Mr. (.'. .lear.
r u. t,iU.,,i,, Mrs. J. K. K reamer,
Ntw Heri.in. Al'j. Swinef.irJ. John
Kes.-ler.Johti S. lieimbaeh. Ab"m Sclnn-li,
ir. has. ilnii. Jhcliael Kii ckiier. ilr.
Mart.'.ari.t Sn-fiLt-r. Mrs. t'h:!. Ufiti.li.Mrs
.Margaret .M Crei;ht, ML Annie Kleek-' P"'o of ' hundred n.eo, ouly two
U(.r " i hundred remained alive.
Limestoxe. f.eoreeW. rii.viil.i-rs. V. 1 Am.-ng our dead clBcers are Cspt.
Chambers, .lame l.asbells, Km l Walter, Urdfjrd, Licuts. Hsrr, Ackerstrom, Vi il
l! H l:.rl...r Mr t " ft.ri...r m r. 1 1 son and Major lijutb. all of the 13th
W. C'hambers, Mrs. S. S. UarbVr, Mi.-s
bailie Chambers. i
HART1.CY. It. V. til.iver, ?hem Pi'i"-
eliuver Win. V. Wil-i n, S (' Wilt I 'aii- i
icl L011-. K. V. B. Liiiclti. Mark Half '
i i... w'.. :.l i-i . l-. ti . 1
penny, joiiti .-ruutn, nas. r.uinry, lli-nry
Halfjnny, Mrs. J..hn l
liebl, Mrs. W. Hallpf uuv. Mrs. It. V. Ii. 1
, ; . M lieku C.'liayes, Mrs. It. 1
C'iiii, ,i ' 'u ;i . ii ; i ; ii . i oao. j.uii.irv, lli-nry
Hast Blffaloe. Jacob Gundy, Mi-!
1 ii t i a i 1. - I
U., MiiS il lw i
nv, Mr. Margaret (Juudv, Mrs. 1'. tjettz, j
Mi-s Clara li.Kid.
Wa-sT liurFALOR. Elias Kanp, Levi
CI.,nUr Win U'..t.,... i: f Sh...r.
- . V , 1, I
riniip .ii iov. .iiisa Mi.iev, ?irs. liartrler,
. ' , - - ,
rhinp K' v, .'Ii Mjiivv. ?Irs. liartzItT, :
i,w,.r,h M re. ,j ..I.',, it Ful- i
nier, C ha. Ou lykuiist, Jaeob Kreiuer,
Samu.l Oakes John JJ.,wr, Mrs. Mara-1
Sauiul t lakes, .John JKiWer, .Mrs. Alar-a-
rei r uimer. .nss jenuie i-muuiisi. .uih ;
t . m ait. i i i' 1 1... 11
.. ,
Mrs. llev. l!nyd. 1
u'rnv I'.nl tlfr.Lli-n Tor Ticnb i;.- '
rvrf.LV. J aul t-eddM, iicv. Jacob lio-
denbaucli, Havid irove. Laird Howard, i
, t , i ,. .
James Lawoii, Jubu latei-ui.ni, Ihouias ,
' CliuL'an.Mijs Amelia Clin'-an. Miss Lirzte
. . . I
Jloward, Ali-s Annie KodoubaUirh, Aliss I
jie oilier, .'ir. c. K,. luucr, .urs. lien-
rietta lieddc. !
l,,. cr T T : r -1 r '
LbFrAUiE ft . T. J.mn, Iau 1 Ren-- ,
Icr, A. J. Kishil. Jam. -s Mat her.', Andrew j
,,',,,.. , ,
liaut'k, John . Miuutitou, James Jrwm,
Cnra-l Sbt-.-kler. Hcurv Frv. CJ. V. Him-
Me, r,tl...el.w. 111... xt:.. I",.'
z;o Van Valzah. Mr. Ja:ie i'.. llimtin 1
M l..:ti'll.... Al-.
-n. xuuiei iicl-'loii, -uif. i 'uh i
MirfLiSBUBa. AVm. Fi-ster. C. II.
f-'hritier, J. J. It. Orwi,r. .1 . 1 . . liat,
1!. W. Thotiipsun. Henry Wolfe. Mrs. lir.
drier, Mrs. 11 l eCca M nteliui. Miss Lou-i-a
Fo-t-r. Miss Kate (ia't. Mrs. J. V.
ISsrbet, M:.-s Amelia F.ut'.r, Mr;. William
Voutiir, Miss Jeutiie Stces.
WldlE 1'tER James Marshall, J. L.
It mck, Aaron V. Smith, 'lias. M. Kin-,
Ambrose Henderson. John Oxr. "
I.EWtsDLRt; X-jrth ir,i 1.(. inter, '
t ,-...! u.ir.. r I-,..,! . ., i.- :
"'. .""""""""i -
jiionii, .j.iiiu iii.-i n.niin iiii-, ,-jiui
;c.Jdo, 1. Kirter, J. H. Ooruclius, .Miss
Harriet Marr. Mis Ikll Voio, Miss .Ma- '
Brown, John Hertz, James Havc-s. Sain'l
ry HuMtiin, .MwjU5-ie oife, Mise aue j
V V- V- , .1 ' '
rhas. C. Shorkk v, S. JK Hates, John '
WalU, A. M. Lawhe. Chas. S. James, F.
Bcerstecher, T. Ii. Kvaus. J. Ii. M'Lauh
lin, D. S. Kremer, Wm. C. uucao. Mrs. j
J. C. M Clure. Miss Jane M. Caldwell,
MM -Mli'Vie Voder, Mies Maltie Meiseil,
,ws 1J'ru' -U13S -nute j.mn,
)llss Jvuul Cameron, Mrs. Dr. lkkson, ,
- Irs - I'r. V iUon.
I.kwis. Jacob Knlil, Isaac Keish, EH-
as lrwi John pielmyer, (.eo. Kleek
Cbalnnaa of the Unira CnuDtj Umuaiitae.
Lcwirburr, April Iti, 104.
An unpleasant development was made
in Cincinnati the other day concerning
" t0 ei-ot gallon, adding
!blt ,De,e WM 110 genuine srticie of the
,? 10 the 'ne quality generally
f co04lit'1g of pomace, whisker, and !
, .
fuse nil.
. ' ;
re0Plet MJ LewUtown Jonrnal,
"e 68,tlDc? " b babit of using syrups
M iub,,,tu,e f b'er. It is found
el"er w MD,ret 60ch babit than to
form ,be hMt ot PmJint cflJ
t0,lai tot l,B"cr-
A woman ha been arrested at Wool-
wich' Eg'"J. marrying five husbands, j
ll'fi : 1 .1 aL.. -". .f L
iQCLcics, aha replied. 4tThat when
..I .1 k.. l: . 1. .
- awl
do luar of uot retliL? another fans. ' tr
Lanl ut two tu cuikfirft her "
1 xxu
Massacre at Fort Pillow ! ;
C airo, April U (h iu.-i-d.iy nnrn-
ii g rorrvst, wtta siac ti tl'Jt.i iu.n , attack
ed tr: l'i:!.w. S a after the tta.-k
K rrert soi t fla' of truce, dcaiaolirg
t.'io -urrrudcr of iuo f rt aini parrifiu, m
ibi incaiiwli.!; J -pjriug lii fjii'aOao lo
gjin an alvautj'O.
M -j r Ji. oiU, -f the 1:) h Touncs'ee
U. S. lu-ay artiil' ry. I'jrnnriy ti"" AU
baui cavairy CjIdihI. t fun J to rei ive
tlic fl.g of true" a-i ! Ii ytt'.nt fri!aJi'J.
AlUwaf'lt a ,-ccji.J flt' tatuj if, L:cb
mij 1-1 r faM.il.
-. !,;
"f P' P"--'- .
J o battle . . k;-. up ' o o doc..
l J " "!h V" -r .
J '""t uan.l. 1 he retra
c"ue 10 " detour treop,con.pll,iog j
f their B'jrrciiiier.
i ImuiKii.t ! nntii tbt nrromler. thre '
i euxued a cc ne wtii'-i ut'.eily d tiei d '
tc.-,,e wufru ut.eiiy u ue ,-
ser'.ptluu. C p ti that uiup e niipariuvely
few of rur ir.eo w. re ki.ltd, but m-a-
liate as fijud and blo-.d-tbirsiy l.ei!t, ;
"ie ( hu,U, couituet.ced an ,
a.ser,u.ma,e ou euery o, toe wo ie, a
blacks including thoo of b.tb c lors -bo .
li bi;t'n. ai'J woanded. lhe ,
1.1. .ti..rrf l.ui. .ii. i n.t A ..innrul Trf.l i
-""i "'i .
rushed to the rear, their white officers
bavine thrown down their arms, lijth
"hiteand black wore bayatetteJ, shit or ' I
"bred, and even d.aa bodies were born
(1 v uuutiiirtd. Children of seven or eight
years of aa, and several negri women,
were killed in c i!d blood. S ilJier, una-
bie ,0 ePcak Sram ,bf,ir ""UfJ. " shot
dead, and tlteir bodic roiled djuu the
bank into the river.
The dead and wounded negroes were
pned on heaps and Lurned, and several
citiz-'cs wh:i j lined our force for protee-
tion were killed or wounded. Out of a
Tenncaseo cavalry. Capt. l'aston, Lieut,
1-5PD l3:n Tennessee, and Capt. Young,
-l''1 Mi-ouri, acting 1'rovnst Marshal,
"ere iiea prisoners. Msjtr Bradford
was al.-o taken, but is said to bavc escaped.
Ii i f..Mi-1'il h.iLn-ei r. that hn hua boen i
- . . - j i j
kil'f i-
J he atca
out 3 o'
earner Piatta Valley came np j
o'clock. She was bailed by the J
rebels uuder a tli2 of truce, and ber men
fen hnre to bury the dead and take i
ahnafil itinh i.f tha annniluil a lha raha j
ken aboard, inciudiDg seven or eight
colored men. K jjht uf them died on (be
J P-
St IiiH Anrilll isnrepinoniUn t
, "'.'": ' 7 .
Oi toe Lit ion t cl tbi cllj, woo was iDOira
oi tne cviion, oi mis city, wno was aooara
y.," Pur. ,,illow. i
civea an even more aooailing description i
uf the fieDiiisbaeca of iuo rebels tbau our .
C.iro dispatch. j
uaira aiepaicu. I
.'i.ujr wuuuucm, uo rj, "cic(
oL L -...!.. . J 1 1. . 1 .. t
, ' -...-
were driven out tf the buildings, which !
mtern Lurned i
were turned.
After the battle, the rebels went ocr I
. i e .i t t. l '
the beid and shot Ite negroes who bad
not died from their previous woonds.
. . ' . I
?Jaoy 01 these wuo deserved to be trea-
iea as prisoner oi war, as toe rebels saiu,
were ordered to fall into line, when they
l.k A .
were inhumanly shot down.
Of the 2jJ colored troops, D3t mjre !
. ,. , . r . . I
than 00 escaped the massacre, and not.
one effieer that commanded tbem survives. I
I.n!. f ,Kn T
Only four (fa.-cis of the liith Teuties
seo escaped death. I be loss of the lllth
T . w.o.l. :n-l i.i :
i ecuessee was cyy biiicu, aua lae remaiu-
Use wounaca or captured.
UcLciai c.oa.mirs i Jld toe corrcspon-
dent cf the liiiut that although it was
against ihc policy of b'u ''ijovcrnaiciit"
to spare ihe ncro soldiers and th'-ir fli
cers, be had done a l in bis power to stop
the carnage. Al the saiuj time be Lelisv
td it wis rioht.
Another cSc:r pii l onr white troocs
would bate been protected bad they uot
bee.n fannd on da-.v with the ncrnes. i
(JjI. Reed Amv, of the Teubossca rejl
. l! 1.1
men, was luoriany wouu jea.
Two ticcro aoldiers. who were wonnded
i wo brpro aoiuicrs, wuo wr.ro wonuded
at Fort Vuiuw and buried by I ho rebels,
afterwards worked tbeineiw-ea out of their
graves,- and are among ihosa brought up
T"Y .U. "e'Ts ,"8 broag0' upl
ou as x iae yaiiey. iney are uow in ,
the nosrotal at Mound Litv
The officers of the Plane Vr alley deserve
great credit from the military authorities
for landing Fort Pillow at imminent :
V - J . i j j i. ,
risK and taking OUr WOUndcd aboard.
The steamer arrived here this evening, !
and was immediately pent to the Mound
City hospital to discbargs her uffering
passengers. Among tae wounaea ot toe
passengers. Amonc the wounded of the
colored troops are Captain Porter, Lieut,
Libberts and Adjutant Lunning.
Six gnn were captured by the rebels
and carried off including two 10 poand
parrot and two 12 pound howitzer. A
large amount of store were destroyed and
carried away. The intention of the reb
els seemed to be to evacuate the place and
move on toward Memphis.
Ut wisuurfl iHaract.
Corrected Semi-Weekly
Wheat, 1,50 Barley 90 td 81,00 !
Rje 1,20 Eggs 15
Corn, 1,0
Oats, pr 32 tb, 7
Flaxseed 2,2
,)5 Taiiow io ,
- - , , ,
IO Lard, iresn l-t
5 " 00 1 CO
rbiml Innlna Si Ih Pnt.tnoa fD
MSI t m . v r t
r irtiuouuer 10 oioesatouuuiaer ni"-- r
Fresh Butter... 40 Ham 15 i t,.,ahl J"'?0' . h,ldr' i. ' .i,ur2 Stukf' lat'
T, , r 1 n ... u. a ,
IUgs......4, 5, and 6 Country feoap 4 A 6 .
Sides & Shoulders with Ribs 10
la Uiltoa, 11th imt., Mrs. 8C;1S MATDIAS, id
60 Tram.
i'TJ? iMt ' E"BETU "" '
In U.h,. i ei, :.e u a t r L. I a tA
iu .Nw'urhu. cm uuL.TuojiAa frT.LNCK.iahb
"'1 ys-Mr.
I l ; . . ... , , , , . ,
a-a.-i.ii, j im i.r.t, niy,BUI oi rw
wi LbUM taitaKu, in w hid r.
WU )vai.
Court Week
I'r.lfin 'iiirtt) Com I I'nx tamallitii
r if ui:i:.s.hp h .n.AM i,s. (i.
i'rt-n!. m iu .r Hie -'l-th J i f
I'lrirt i.l" P'-riti ) .ui;.'l, c mipo -r ! il
foiniiif of l'ui.'i, M llliii an! siuyir, a:. 1
J mi VV St iitok anJ J.iii x Wall-; K .;., A "m
ciaTi' J i.i Iri'i l'ui..n county, huvr isuim! il.eir
rn r";i, i ca: in; .!aie tin' S -1 il.'iy m li' i 'r.
l'i'f, anl to me iliiccie-t, fi-r ih': h'-lmp f t an
I Ji"4.iiaii' I 'i nit, I 'i.nri i l t.'i'inmi ii l'ira. i 'yr
a-ii! T.-r-Tiir.T. aifl ti.-ni-ial i'Mr'.cr i-mi..i.s
at l.Krt s!;i;i;i;. f. r Hie i- emw o! t'.NIo.N.
ii tin? 'llnfl M.in !av i.l VAV. (I'cini ui
IG'S !.iy) !'. an t hi r.ii:it.ue one ucrk,
. itirc i t!ic ret'.. re heref.v si vn h lli' I'ot-
inrr. Jii-iti-s i'f i!ie !' ir.' an. I Ci iital !-. ia
an. I ir liie C'u::ty ot I'uu.n, lo ar-j-i-r in ih r
ii .v ii pr-'inT .i.miis wiih their rt'ei.i iiiiiiu--nii.iiv,e.amriii'..riN
ai:-l .-Ui.-r r.'m--nil-rai!.:ei
In .lo thuve thru?, uiiieh ul their ..liiei'S an.i m
their behalf at'peria.n he il inej ami ail Wii-
ner.; an I I'thrr p.! "ti iir.i.eruting in !. half
!' th Cunnnnnvrnlth arair.t anv p-r.-n t
;,.,,,',.. ailJ .!,,,,., u,,h,.UI k .P a, ttlP,r
ni.r.nK. Ari rnniKri.il In lie Ihi-n ai.il lniri
TTli. Jllff UIP rr"tJU fJ H ' (Mint .'J.tJ in
.i.e.rauru.laace at ih'e appointed Umeaereea-
b e m nmiee.
C.iven ua4er hnd and seal M iM Mrr
- . -7,'h vr 7f ,he
,'., .,,eliee uf the ,-nlIcd nf Ameri.
ca.tj0j save ihe t.Vnnn.inwea'ili!
1 L- . t iiH2tJ'P wUn.:A
r. iu..i..n , u.nu
Issue List fur May 16.
Hani Kcnsli-r vs J 4 V Ani!rson
2 J & i Vi.iin? vs Jos M '1 hmaj
3 Jim II (tjo tinao vs Wm Young
4 Snyder & (Irutb vs J &c C Kiecknerwi no
5 tn II I other parties vs same
ii Hani Handler vs Jere Anderson
I t J..hti Uilser vs llanl heber
I I David T Ilavis rs eddes Marsh A t'o
IS Charlotte Long vs Jere K rckner t al
li B Feller & wife vs S Wilt el al
17 flivni Uauchtnan vs Pavid Kessler
IS Hives tt Meylert vs Wm Kitter
lt francts Jndnn vs 1.1, ,vd CSmwr
20 Peter Hummel fur use vs J Hartnisn
SI Wolfe. Heiz-I A. Co vs Ed Fririr wi no
Brnbsl A Clark vs WRAP sirchl-r.wi no
S I Uank of Morib'd fcr J Bower vs WLlinter
SI Rarh-I H ih vs J.mn Y liicbard
Sj C llassenpiug Ir Kitckner vlMovrrel al
j GRAND JITiOllS, May T. I j
j Huff'J.Vttr Slear, M LCJlirk.Wm Ren-
' ner, Adam Hnmler. J Mathers Fred Renner
A Hrrlin Uid Cornelrus Jos Kltckner, J
M i I in..ki
jj y ail s
Hurt ,u i over
White Iher Jacob Eosleaian.Israe! Guye j
Jacob Troxril
i.wiiir-jjci.a utrr, jcoo oPangirr
A'e Harrison Reiser
( moft Thomas Parsel, John Moser
Hrndu John Grail Jr
Mijjhnliurg IS Gctgen
W.BufT G Hanclf
TiV 4 VFkSh Jl'ftftH t
jj -! cnc 1 " '
Jnoishure C F He J" Eckbrt. W Pi
Rirlly, Uittrr.CC Dunkle,Peier Bearer.
...... . .
... ' .u t- I ... i ,,:
!. n imimtll,
Krown, Jr, Jee ccbreyrr, v b Urrmer, u
Brown, jr, je:
y M l.aoghlin
A'-Flavel Clincan, J H Criswell
v,rar.J m
r(iH,nry CiM, Jacob Stetler. Mm
rin Henry G.bson, Jacob Stetler, Wm
iieicniev. jonatnan tl nmmei
v u - - u i' ci.iil i o f t .
- " '"-'
jrfy John ifiebl, Levi Mercer, James
Antile. Iiatah Corl
,,j.,hns;,n..i i..H k--,K..
H, rA , Reriht., K"h,rm?n.
' "VM" nerthter Thompson, J. hn
Hildebrand. J M Harbesou, Daniel Fisher
Eu-t HJaU John Wenz. W I Linn Mi-
. M ' ,uui 1'i
chart iirowu
.....y, .- .. ....,-.
)"' r-t.eo Brown.Jr Wm , Brownjr
llnrri-lia James l.epiey, m Moyer
HufuU-iimtt Maiheis, Adam Grove W
T Lut0. Elias Kicr '
. . , . ' . , . .
Lim.tum John M:tcnell, Jr, Jonas H. v
-T. .
O 11 "II is bTchy piven, lo ail conrcrnel,
mm the lo'lowm; named persons have
1 their accounts in Ihe Kc-i.-tc r's fl.'ce
at Lea-i-i-tir?. I mon county, and that the
aaui accounts win t.e prceuteti lor contirtn
atii-ii an I lluuar.ce at the Orphan" CVuit
I i he hel I at LE A ISUl KU. fur ihe countv . f
I ntun, rn the third .MuN'DAi' o! May
n-xt, bein; ihe IGth day of sai i mcnth. viz :
1. The a'-c iuiit of Jaccb F:i?ck, Survi
vin; Everun.r oi the las: will and les.aiii.-nt
of fm-y J'ru.k, late of Limestone Tp., dee d.
2. Thir account of Juhn Gundy, Evi..
1 r"slre of " -iher Christ named in the
'a,.s w,i'and !e.v.taE,ei".t,f -'Jr Sterner,
fa'htr of said E-.iber Christ.
3. Tne tirt and final account of John L.
Eoaver one if the Eircators of J.Jn suvtlg,
late ol H.rt ey (uou- Le a-is) Tp , dee'd.
4. The lint and final accoui.t rf William
Fees, Executor ef the lat will and lestament
of I'nWiaia AtiAarr.lalr .f Hartley J'n, dee'd.
5- cnnt of J F VanValxah and
Karatnl S. Barber, administrators ot Surah
L. Van VuiaA, late uf burial, c Tp., dee'd.
c 'he account uf Andrew CHageobuch
aD'1 Samncl Haeenbueh Eiecutor ot ihe
ZlVnTi? A',d. "'S1'"
f . . tt...i . I J . . I "
wit vi uoi uuudiuc i P, uec U.
7. The account of Michael Schnure Ft. '
ecutor of the last will ao.t tr-Mament of Aki-
cfti"r Smith, !aie of Hartley Tp. dee'd.
I c. j ne account ot Samuel F-chteUdmin- ;
: ,y " v ,juw
9. The
account of Isaac H Warner.
administrator of Micharl Wagner, late of the
uoi oat n oi i.ewisbar!, dec d.
10. The first and final account of Daniel
t Lone. administrator de bonis non cum testa-
memo anneio nf the estate of TAoroai MUier,
late of Hartley Tp, dee'd.
11. The first and fioa! account of Matthew
Morion, administrator de bonis on of J F
Muntgamery fatter, late of Hartley Tp, dee'd.
12. The account of Charles Moll, admn-
bXto ,a,e r We4t
13. The second and final aeeonnt of
Charles Moll, Exeeumr of the last will and
'estament of CmraJ ilvii, late ef West Buff. I
- '.v.::,- ... , I
.hi- uin uu uoai account ot j .n ;
Rancir, administrator of the estate of Adam
Hande, late of White Deer To. dee'd.
15. Tbr laOlnJ final ll..1i
- . - mmmm a aaxwM si a svi aoi v 114 i
'nary oecniei, lair 01 uuuaioe J p. and prand
chlldren o Peter Beche o '
Tp. dee'd. :
10. i ae account 01 Kobert Reed, Executor 1
of ihe last will and lesiament of Benjamin j
uiniuiuiiiiii, iit, u, iic 111 tiAruew 1 p.
11. J ne nrst and onal account of J p
Starr. admir..s,rau.r .of John Harr, late of
hite lieer 1 p, dec d.
1. The account of Joseph Boob, one of
Ihe Eiecumrs ot the last will and testament !
of 7ox fi.ioo, late of ihe Uorough of MitfLn-
lure, dee d. I
1!. Toe tin.1 and partial account of John
V Udriier, liJiuiuuLraUr cuui tri'ameuiu i
APRIL 1!) , 18C4.
arnei . . f l-nnc l.ll.tk.lut of the Borough
i f Miiilinburj:. itee'd.
so. I he -gcc. iiiit nf J. hnson Walls, finar
d an of T !),:! Kiuk, a minor of the' IS t
uuii i l la';-nr.
Si. Tfic :rsf and partial account f C'nn
rad She.-kn r and I'atnel R'Lier, a.in.iniMia
lor Jo.'.'i lUbcr. d. c"H.
E. H. WCIKr;!.. He-i.ter
PejiNtcr's dlfice, I.twt"b'jig. Af ril IKiHt
"V virtue of a writ nf Fi. Fa. an;! Tend.
F.t. isud i u; oi il e Couri id IVmci. n
.i - i f !'n:oii r, un;v, i ol t.. u.e iieeli-1,
Le irpuv. lo p-;: lie snie or ouscry on
rrily, .''v 13, 11,
: at lli Public H .use ul Henry siie.-e. in Ihe
U 'lou'iol tlatileii n, aud vuvo'.f aloieaaid.
, al 10 oVli-L. A. al.,
A crria.u ii.t tl Uronnd silaate in ihe
P.ir. ugii of llarttcton, c. usiv a(..(faio,
bi'Uiuil nu ihe eat Ly public ruaJ ieadinj;
Iri in H;'rt!eton to (Irwig's .Mill, on the sou'ti
by ihe 'J'urtiniie. on the went 4by Widnw
J.ucs, and the north by an alley, Coniaiuii.
tirje-KiUTth oi an acre, inure cr lcs, whereon
are erected a .Tn-Mi r-v Frame Onelunj!
House, a Frat.te bam. Wo. J House, Weil
with a pomp, at I o her outbuildings wuh
1 the appurii-nancer, Ac.
Also. No. 3. A certain tract of onim
pri vrd Timber I.aD i. situaie m Hartley Tp.,
coon'y atorevai J, tound-d on Ihe. east by l.
titz-r.jon the south ty Paddy's Mountain,
aa ! on the ti by Jae. b Vara la, and on ihe
nonh tv Thomas ArsAi'a?e.eoniainingThree
Hundred and Twenty Five Acres, more or
less, wuh the Appurtenances, Ac, as Ihe
propeny of Stinwi'Utntt.
Also, on Saturday 3tV.ji M, l6t, at the
Riviere Koose, inthe iJosooch nf Lewisbure,
, connty aforesaid, at t o'cVek. P. M
A ceitain vacant Let of Airound. it bein?
I.ot nom'ier five (5). situate ia the Univarsnv
. addtiton to the U.-routh of l.ewisfcor?, boon
tcd on the eal ly Sii'h slrerf.on the south
1 by M. (Jeore street, on ihe west by lot No.
! 4. and on the north by James alley, cnni?:n-
uz one-fi arth of an acre, more or les, with
i the appunensnces. Ac, as the property of
: Evhraim L, Aou-ry.
: L. F. ALBRIGHT. Sh'fT.
' SheriiTs Oifice, l.ewisbutg, April 16, l6t.
Great Central Fair
foc tVaC CuMu. op L-i'jot, Jnewe onW A'wT'ittKJ
ln.i nr.ni a-swis, Ai l lL i,
Th Commit tee rn Likoe, Itio'MXs dJ iUrciLars,"
inwiU- n-oi-riunu,w .mi lurut iu ixie? ymrmuimi nun ix
Dirn nl 10" urtry. It i out jure uu f riyei tbt. iZfj
rt.out 1 aiikr bii t.-p Ttuutij tr c&trru u: u tfect
L- t Fair. The iuot ouib: vu fr atceotxi
i j.-tii r e tbii. u1, at tti ..c:e lim tb- -F.ejt rD, u- to
k-k t.i tb- rtr.tnd titf-n .! & ciOLt pa'$ lajj from
ail clac-i In Ih- rt iLtautlty. Mir y pjil s aitril.ut ft
siny r-t Hi-ir mr iit;DgIj', who would not ubvrib
liinr rjcD' jr. To rttavh rirrj Jc-;artuirLt ut iD-Jutrj
uJ rt will he- rtt of gret l&bor, Lut, U aOaUIianl,
wil! b? rn-JuiiTr of immaM l-tull?.
Th.- u.-.fie- (A tL clan will J-r-o-1 nnnn tha htwrt
oj--rati',n of ? t-ry lnat of bi:a-Dr itbi our
- halt, aud ioiit all Ui ptiartliana f ttV iDtluotnal
itit.Ti, aud li tXln-ra, to taa sWi wiia ua in Iaxia
enii, UiU wort of patrivAi-ni and aum.aity.
L To obtaly tiw twDtribuiMof-c-o. daypia-
. nor. ' or rarnin. rntm pTen nrtinan anrl larairvr thr.
, Vor.-1 or earoinp, from everjr artwaa aad Imhoree,
bud, oi-rtie .nil emp1o.ee; rrr-ri-nl, rutier.
j fi"r ry tnroFvorata aoi naiticorpormud
era. baDk, niBDa'avtcry, iron work, oil work, nil,
fill DP aJtvl littMic ciflrr : from tturv ttrivaCa Unl.r stn.1
; utxmn . df.9iertrTt fiBi,her and arn.tt ruWi'tH-r.
i-:r.b rtiruttiJrit aod t ruJu.fr; truu Tcry icaa"
tu mavks-r. milliner and I-THaUt; uw relive: rtcn :nJi :J.
: uJ nm turnioi.h.-1i. iheiim...r ia
; nin,-. ln.iihmjii.rrb.iKiiiij. fonanewiai-
, io the suir.o(rrDni.yi..Di...wjer.. anil btim.r
tceoni. roobutnHj-t.intnbuuBo2one j.j s--rv-
1 ! the ,r..t ,mn..ri ..t.bii.-t.ia,
firm.. er.rtirjtlnf. ecip.nl... railm-J. anil worn.
I Ta.as.-ii)oMaiueBtnbuuio-ii.Jajrienaa
'h;I1"Tr ""f pd 01 t,r""w,!,,r'
. him utKD Ihtnr d-iu td from all cleretmeD.i.w-
j,rr. nruui, eaiur, iimtuce. mui. m .uj prob.
j .
inSj.nce and -Sni ; ol llirj mJientm-n-ocial-it. I
' ' k t aMocuirdvutbiu. tvauuiiw u. cmrrjia eut ;
"' ''" ... ......
Himmitt feel the npriMiNlitT ef U erk I
t it.) hv nutmu-a. bb.i.. n. ni,o.fui, wm n-
I rrft '' - -1 tan. a. tbe
r ! -rr rail 'ij.H-n ail ainet pt'iii w .-iiitit Li. - lu-
' r Tannti. -m of iai-- and fti- tu-o t eo- j
('Ifrat- wiiu in-ai m shtph jr ao'i taixroi kwv. i
In ihf msouf.ciario j r- u'-tt', U- rxal anri c il rt-.-- -c, '
and id til ai.TKUituil diitr.cw: jriairy U-t tb. r-
u'g tiliattwa :a tU lars- ti wni ro that th- yi-uiial j
I- i't.- tany Lat- o oj t-imtf it. a t. nrder Btlr j
UC't to iu- ir rlkiiv- ktul ::u d.j u.-:.:idc tii I'tUlUi i
ut tUiir r...ut,Tr iu tiiv sr:uti -f '.hv e iti n.
lit wor c tbii t nmra t''-r may t iTpvutr1 W
lift fthff filoit mn mate 1 rtii- K;r ic iLe mm i
t,r -t,.- tv.tai i'SKn. A a. uil,:, nf L Liii.rr.-,
i 1 a day's f.redU't of tie EtBr. on t ft'iatud, !
l)ftr bu J.oTLtt.l.- r: : ;.-aid U- procirrd Ur trails
pr:tlipn. luiif. .1 ttia-t-j Linuf-aitt-r cti a cf in
ihr uy Ulvr su-j not Ins vtLkuoM.it '.
t :,'iii:fal fr-.n t 'rTTH-i to ivm t llavm.
-.tf i m ; I- ran n z rl. wit Vm ur -IsJ Dp-n I1
F. r-"T-K9 OP KaTAiat.l!HJjL?(1, tllv tjjtjr (.1 tkin
Tr-fU-C t. fi-i ru-rtiC act, n In n-curr U. iCciUt oJf
; ai uy LiboLiruia all aitiun ti-.r otiiilruL
Tu t laLiiUtf d't m it untlC4.Aarp to tu larp, than
tl.u-' 10 ; r r-nt thf fuj-.-t tc the T ,'! bl Ui lirt
ei'-t auawd. lu ur c miiij eSLt u of our anm ,
litv Ulsfs ol llif "f isliASi ct'via-i " will bt r:iy
':in-oW4. lha trM f Juliv 7jv.wj tu n t ir ' f
ttie iar-f f. aruutw t f HiLwlrrti timf9 ul cpf niibj
iti tii- t-li- lTf m I irr, wratte-n-j v.ter rrii iti i
wrii' L Ut Bun axe unatx-aiaaU-i. iiaut uv--vzuj
r&rry it-ug ith it lure amr aulot tclo-e. nulDTiuji
ani tlrttb. te bay iuUuuej til lite Wrum ot
tl;? balti-U.
TSv urJriTte. it ic cor bonoJn doty, aj tno and
Chr;tiu. Ut Tt-lj-. A gruat aci rl.lU'H- i;t-d D.ti,a,
ava.inc, Ca V axTisi afuuQcr u. mtn voff-riot u
yifcg lilt bieM:n9 td & icrnm-nt of tb-ix uwu
iraiDt-ain i auiu'iritj, inu vw in u- a i-v.n r
th- HiKfAT CfMKAL lAlh.-.rawi;.- its rnxiurtJ
Ii -au aa. aa.-. . - - -
j!aiin, ! alUrriit in a.i o:nirai, ajncOitural, and
indunil wJUi.aba fail U-L.tJ any aimiiar t-ff. rt
as it i dv-irar.ie tvt to mDiHpy rJrruJart : rrra-
T:i1 iTH(,ITT TB" TU r,l"i Raxtaatar
11 tiik w as or y nij c-kmittu: aod It fat faopd that
! BndT it. orFrnizati'nw wilt tTine in all lis t wn
and luy it;ioD of tt.a eta tew cf fennylTauia, Aew 1
j Jrrvy and lviwn,re. '
Subfv-rif.iiunii will bo thankfully arknnwlirwj ia
tha n wtt apTp of Pbiladflplna; and it i frydrirabl ,
liit iry Oiuiinvri'v toon. ai uaoh fn-h acfcuowltMrarnt 1
i wiil atiDttlata rUm-tin oibar loralilta. j
Ail utrii'iioo abousal ba Mdrrawad to JOHS W.
I CLAtiUitKS. Trewurr. ofli-e "f th "rHnmms? on
; Lta-sa. Mcvmcs akd Kktuh,'' Nu. lis tenth th
birrt. ftilad Ipbia. .
il ttcwwiful hvip in Cirra'ar and PnWrw will ba
fr-rwanis-d to itrtifw api'lyinj t r tbvia. IfUtct to Uv
Luairtaan m ira- I'lOiDi.Tf a ariT.
L MtNTii(MCKV t'M, Cbatbw4S.
J'MIX W. t'LA'-IIOKN, Ti-rrtia. !
Kttv. K. w. nun kk. c-aBurusum Km tit. 1
Mcuhlt'-.oK J. MITCIIK.V'N, sh-aaTaar. t
His Fxatuici, A. U RTIX. o. prnr of Prac'a.
Un Kii. ullkx T, J 'fc L PARKKK.rtKof VJ. J
Ilia Kxcjxlkxot. WM CANViN. (Joiartar of iJwl- ,
Hon. Al.KADKR HH HY, Maor tf Philatl-IfiUa. ;
H!. J 'MtlMI K. INGtrKSoL. reonltU4.
H js. JL'lHsK CaKpKNTER. Nrw Jrrarf.
H-JT. Jt lniK llAKKl.VuT'.t.N. tlawar.
alAj.Gta-uaUuli Q. MKADK. Army -f tha Potomae.
Biht Rv Bi.hoP Pott-r
? - R. w.ho, wi
lira. R.T. Jt. W. Batter
Mn. Rkts M tlmllu.
Mr, ii. S.r.aat.
Mrs Judo M. SMI
Mrs. O.nerml MmiI
airs J. atdrar Tkoaiwa.
Stra J.Hib Hu-nsiia. it.
w. nmnp nia
" isaae Lei.r
Mr UoU-rt w. Leamloa.
C uto-u ir. K f SluuUca Hra. L UiQtgnan-rj Bami,
Kn. w e.ta.Mi. P. t).
'",i--r H.arj 'iTpwi
Vi?."w7i!eVV "mi!a
11 o imu ti .iii
H... J. n. tulluw
!l. iT!" .rt.
lra.iirc V. r-
31 ne liirc. W. lima.
Mn I. A lim'l
Sits. SI. K. kellej.
Mr. JoLb W ..rnef.
Hi, Sniuel A C"rer.
tl r tiK'h Turl.J .
Mi- A.tmt.
Sti. ru-il O'N-ttt.
M iw !-llt- Siott.
Stiu Luuua Chrknra.
anil m ithcrs. !
'THE UNION," esublixlm.! ia lSHWkuie N.. 2,6i5.
"1'HROXH'LE," estaWUW ia IMS---Whole No, 1,041.
within Tive Days 1
Cool Mires v. ill be Aocffff.!!
Vt;ii .M i rr" " imtv I t larn.rts i-t
ITi.i to eli r ..! h'jtlnl firttt, - in T-i
: r: ii.ee their p i r.. ' . !' i'i t vern-
' men1, and th-rchy n.-' lul l ai-n-it- trie gtf nt
liciki i oo.:t.r.(T t jt h.. iiiioi.a i! '- . n.
j fuiena-a Wi.l le nu'ti' ti'if r;i li:s a'i I
s-au'rov m x', tnc !..oo 2 na -d '.i.'s,
and by the loilnwitg tiaitiC J men, of a h-r- a
i.aksii'J m'-pect'oi. :
; i twjs.rz-u.!. r. u. EccLEaroyj::-
tTr il itur.
.Nijniuej,.4,uf. Af M' tih'A Y.
; .tifiiiii.urj-f.iar I'lKWi:.
A u- Verba-f. .1. H M il.
! !i.irlhumber!jnilV. II HILL.
I l:b,;mbHri;e. ALLES.
j af .Ific Photographer in
I Lttrisburs !
rTvHE subsertber has rofcha-e l the fins
i photographic liai'erv, on Mamet street,
opposite the Lewisturif baLk, here he is at
all limes prepsrei lo lake
Ac, tf all sizes.on Ihe sbertest ai ure and in
a manner not lo Le surpassed by aL arusl in
the Mate.
I t.V.ijens of Lewisbnr? and vicinity are in
vited to come themselves and bring all lhir
children along.
I All nesaiives previously taken in this Gal
' lerv are preserved, and will he crmtel at
i short notice. J.0. F. NICE.
Lrwi.l.uri(. Afirit 1, 1ST4.
Advantages of the
IHR ihe porpoe nf conviiicintr (he com
maniiy that ?he Knurk'rr Waitm
: Machine en uoi he uipaseil C r rae sTtiJ
: apfJity in washing c'uih', I take p eaare
; in relrrrm? v Miss farab GaLboby. ( lai'gh-
ler of John Hi1 bny vi iht piar-,j wnu is
: f iet f n yrar oM. uetehs 65 ponnd. an i liVea
The wftk'fc iainrf fir ihe Umry iu three
i hoiir, and eon!iter u a very lisui j, o,
i wuh ihe aMMance cf (he Knoriilrr.'
Machine and BrowOii:ga cciebrated Wria
eers aiav on han i.
-Jaewisbcre, March a, l?6I.
1 r-t;Niit:L!i-tu-tlll"lfcl1
ptttrr Win of Iron.
Diior iz of Iron.
bitter Urn of Ir o.
fciUal W i&eef lio.
Tliiat Tcttso
Til tii-vat Toiala
Ttja Orvai Taje
Tt TTwTrt' wli-1 Tn-.1ct-oaf
Far rv r;f rla and I rvliarftioo,
Vor Uwfia and In han-wHOD,
f UyftpriMia and lnsliat'atioo,
F t Wak trmavht and 'oTml TWMrtlf.
V -r Weak tniuarht) and tnral lVMMtv.
Fr WaK 7tiBay-haod ti-nral l-t-fttl it.
Ftr Vtvak S'toaiarbo aod Ucoarai Wbliltj.
RTimlla aod ?nrr to d - 'vodt
H-iiahl aad ?orw to do tJood,
haM ax J Surr to d Grx-dt
KcUatU aikd &ur to lo GooJ,
Aci rn nut do liars.
AndCao Dwt J' Hrm
Atd fao -tdu lUrm.
And Can not do liaria.
It CoU hot lift la and Partfr ih BioJ.
It Costs but til. It od fanlf the Bl-cd.
It iV fcut litflo and Puiifia tha IH-od.
ItCoaU tuiliulvBBd Panflws the kiood
Wfcolya a Trial,
V &p:r as a Tnai,
(acif ak a Trial,
Vm aaA a Tl4
Of Ihl Vwln.l. T .alr. j
ff tbtt ValuaKl, T ow. j
Of tbii YaliiaMe Tonic j
Ui tti aluabls TiBtr.
Only Ti rti. an 1 o iVHar vr Hatt.
in! Tf. Tl. an t '!- N:rprMiin.
Only TS CU- ai1 lK'Itar vr Ifc-Utw.
ioiy Ti CU and Oa iiar t fr-ttia-MatJBa.'tnr
aol ! y l. A. KrsA Bw tiftsfTal
Kp-.t. lis .Vark-l rUr-C liairif ur. I "a.
For Rati. Mice, loav?h?s, int.
Iti ilACuis. .Mutlisi iit I lira, vvoul-
n. ..t.,luri is ou l"laiils.l'o l,
Auimalx, kl.
I'm up in r 1 jt rl Ptxn, T .tttin ni n.saa.
.uu ,ui.. t liuru.-. 1-itue liTn.Iioe. an.
"iialT intallil'le B-ll:e ini.wn.'
rrr lr. u ei-.ft. e,
-N..t limL.'-Ti'ii- t" ti.- lumn F.mMt
1UU cm-1 ul 1 1 til- ir Iftulu tu Uii-.'
r?"'Svld Wholesale in a.l large cities.
LtTSoid bv all lrujiM and Retailers
iT?"!!! Bkwas !!'of al'. werthless imitationa.
tirsee that -CosTa"a" name is on each
B..I. Boitle. and I'laik. belnre vnu buy.
r?"Address IILMIY R. COST R.
IVPaiscirsL Lrrox4-Bs.unwii, N. V.
Ce1 "Sold ly ail Wholesale and Ketail Druy.
gits in Lewisburg, Pa. lojlms
American Tea Company,
ino IU ttTfjaaiaatioii. ha rraVd a new era is iLa
history of
Vlllaa T:a la this foaalry.
ALL our Teas are selected hx a
Pr"fwwvna! T ta tr. ripTViawty aad ?l?tttiTa
ly tvr bo. aud DcVv-reharv orrTwtCBU ;r iiaat)
rr ifual Vw eot 5r ordinal Baraacva.
He bat lHt o I'raO t vwtrj uo tVr aarh taaltty,
arid that pner i aiaai BiarkvU oa aaB Nb i pac
a at our fHTv) ir fla.n fi.'urva.
Ww itnr a lic:b;y I'ric Lit ftf ourTaa, wfaifh will
b arnt Frtw to al! who ord-r it we adTav Men Tea
air tu arc it. It wutai nt- a full ajMtr:mai ariwrte!
fnrrTrrj locality in tb Mats-, Prt TiiKa. SIh Abmt
tra and tba Vet Indira. Id thin ltt act kicd i divi
dwJ into Four l lafaw or qualiti. Baaky : Carpo,
Uich Cmrgst, fio. fin't. that -T-ry on mv id
Land trim d-rri)'U'D ani tt f-ricv-P anon! tliat La
lowipany axe iVui mined ta uu4-rell U. wi. ta
wi guaraato in au.ll all out tea la oriir.DaJ rariiTwa
at a it oitr Tu C-Bt ;r ps-ond aMr li-iiviSai
tht to bt- attract iw to th- loany hu lVaia tr,tJui
Bo isatioc Kooraou Kn PU.
otir bBiDa largely b ordr. wbiVta wa afV
rifu' a wril and j.r-aitiy a tbt-wrb th Mirn
oats tiwiavlf ptmj trw icht and Ur. and a-aT
i(i.araBtiDtf rvarythiuc: oar rwwfvUWjr aaau m
ua to do all w praiuw. Kwry iVa.art caa or-le-r tt
tVaadtrwrt frotn tha t'-oipanw. .ad arn-a dviac biav
Ba wilhio I'i llwBdred tii uu ol Mr ay iork caa
ktura Trwa Ua;.( d il thy vrr not ttafH r wbaa
thrr eaa buy ri-r .-, nJ th .urrhaaT ia iiiatijBal
iLB baf bargain. vHhm fcmrt-wa day f HI auJ Ba tba
buv arraaOrd to tbeai. Tho who at or ti
Hsudraw nii caa La tbirty da I jc aad Uir aajjBB
prtiler riUrnuead lu ti.wai.
Mraidra th a.i tH O'-xranv will Bay aU
Kkoaaa, butfi vaya. il ;b Tra arw rrlurna-i.
a. 1035 ai TKerxr yew jr.ee
VMN BtH-KK I're.tyttfin, MeiH.-l:at
ana i-uiaciaji, it roMKLai 9.
;E3tate of Lewis D, Yvgn, dee'd.
i riM'M-TflATtlR'M S'JTtCB. Iiir
2 ot a iiii.nisir:iii'ri no lite f-ate ol Ltvif
l. Var:.T. ).'CeaeJ. la'e of tlr.lrun Rorti',
havini' li'eii rinttd to ihe sntisniner hv tha
- li'-ji-o-r nt C n..n c oo' vin due fort ut law,
at1 person- indi hie;i In said estate aie heiet'f
iioiitli-d lu male iimediate pavimnl, and a I
' hvnf any nst eiaitus eam-t ihe s"" may
pieseui uieiu iiiitv aih nt e ale I Ii r iuriiic(jt
lo JiiH.N ARGFR. A.: mil r
Estate of William Cutter, d c'd.
L-,'.:siji oi A iiiimistraiion on iheesiai
i.l Wilt. am tuttir. late ol lirady lonb'
-!eci. !.!. ha .'e brea granted to ihe sbbcril r
t. me l:ii '.i-r i f mon roui'ty in due form
ui law, ihemTore ad ptrM-ns indetiied o sa4
e a.e are rruur.u-d in rjike immtcta r pay.
tiiruu aul th..e having jusi claims aeainkt
fie sam? may pre-etii them du y aa'henuca;t4
f.r eiiieuieoi, t.. tl e snhscr:tr
, Itm JOHN MEKK. Administrator.
j A. ELTON & Co., "
' aa bralcrs ia '
' Leather, Sumac, iSberp anil Calf Skins,
! A'o. 43 i Xsrfh ThtrJ itrett,
EATHEK. 8umac aud Skins, bought, o
on Coia:nissitn. Advances made
i n Consignments. Nov. 2o, eiinl
Cash paid far EdrK.
IWfSff io pnrrhase a tara qnaatitr o
KOCH Oik IIIHk, drhrere'd ai
uiv Tanticr ard m I.rwarii. Ur which
vi!l pav the h prir-i rr.ee in r h.
May U. E. J. HULL.
Carpfii'er.s.Boat'tuilJfrs an1 Laborer?,
fill) WHoM oosiani einpl. ymeni and ;oct
1 wafs will be :en. CAill f.WQ
Lexisbur;, Pa. D-cemoer 11. IB63
IHE snrscrib
r wi-u'd resp'cttu iv ir.lornv
h-a i'l i cn-f rrrrs and the pab'ic ftenr.
ti y thai he wi I have cunstanlty on haaa
and fur sa e a lull supply t f bis aaperior
hvdraulic remeni. Fames al a diatanc en
the iioe -t Canal or Rdi'rta l can have tbtn
i orders fii ed at h..rt nonce.
, Beltel ..He, Pa.
We do cemfy iht we hare n-ed the abovw
cement in ihe erection of the Ueilefontewater
works, and lake pleasure in recommending
it ir ail prrsnnsia need or a cmii article.
rTMlE snbscriber wishes to aetti hit el 4
I B.K.ks from Htil io Jan. 1. lt, and
drsires h Inends to call within SO days, of
' me aceoonts will be in the Squire r hands
, Call at his store oppes.te Walls tt Vo't.
Jan 21. 64, fl,. K. ZI WMLKMA.-V.
$75 TO $150 PER BOOTH.
J CHINE COMPANV want aa Aent ia
ei h rnuuty. to s.ilicii orders fur the-r new
.$15 Machine, with eaee', screw driver aad
extra ueedies. Me will pay a liberal salary
and espenses, or jive large commission. For
particular, term. Ac, enclose a stamp, and
addre.a T. S. PACE. Tolc'o.
ttnVJi Co l it ,r th- rM Swtaa
Tbe Eye and Ota Ear.
DR. y. H. KMtiH r.of LewburP, havioff
had twen-.y-five years' practice, effcra
his services to tho-e who are afHiried with,
diseased Eyes r Ear. The following is ona
of a num '-.-.. I Tesiinmnials :
W.ii. n
O-l D-l.'
hiui u. n
I -.ir.-i ..f tvth rfri ; M'n rf nn,
f tin ti:r -r. I h.l t'l'.-l-'.u .llec
0-t. br Knight un'l-iliw k ai ease, fui
are .
. eill "Ut .d otr:i a. 1 .nui.l fttvi .,1 mLQ
t mi him a r'l ' r Al El W
i.fc-n. J.a T. 1- IKi--.';
Jahn Faireira,
71 KrHTRrrrr,Wlow
Inp'Ttar. VanufartareV
oi, an I llvalcr in
T'. Al! kiad-tof
'A2 e. I .,K.'
I v1h torvt-rw bt taaka to air tWaJa f t raJB,
ai.l ttvs anrnunilioc outr., it iLt.i ary ajWral
i;rna4r i l'- l led l" an- juna Ibr lat kw !, an4
wu;d aay to tbra I it I Bow W- ia t rc of ay cwa
iBirtalir-B aad siaDtilnrtBT a nUcWww ".
Wor rf a.l th- (lirrivnt Lmlt ani ;oa!.li ol fJtf
t'l JVX tVr IWiw-a and t hiidraii. U-a-t ani bt? otn dsilic
the- h int-r u.
Jwinst tbr dtrtart laif- rtr f all Bt-r rursfrat Karoaw,
aad bainT tbsta MuiIttir 1 ikv.fr a y ' u :'
nt-o nar;rs tr i-tt-r my ruatcuv-ra ao l tba pabuc a
Biur-b atBiwwir t ft Kun f- r the fas Bvaay.
Ladir: atr-vN gir tu- a rail brl r- -ur(l;aaiiiar. ptaBB
rcoriaLrx th aiAe, auiabcr bt i ifrtt
5m!011 No 71. Arrh I. reel. Pm'aJalphla,
Geo. W. Carpenter, Ilenszey i IVs.
Wholesale Drug and Comical
Io, rr, Karkrl Vreet. Pklhaelaala,
, f fHE Subscribers keep consianilv nanl
: I a large sloe- nf 1KI Ii". MEDICINES.
rauoDS and every nher article which app.r.
tains lo the buiiness. emt-raemg the meat
eitcnsive variety ; also. PAINTS, OILS api
. UL.rt of every desrripne.
I Aii articles porcha-d iron, bs ra
' relied on a taing of the most superior qoI.
itv and at as low prices a ihey ran It bad.
We ran oiir snch indocemeois aa wiil make
ii ihe latere st of purchasers lo lay in ihett
supplies from ns aad a.v us their fu ura,
patronage, aod invite a I vtji:i,l lbcc.fyt
lo call at our estab'i,hmenl.
All order addressed In as by mail ef
'otherwise meet wuh pruewnt aneminn,
. i 3ml03i 117 Market Sireat, Philad.
THE anderi:ned, appointed Auditor tf
ihe Urpbaua' Coad ol ("man c-.un't lit
. audit ihe accounts of Gearc l)f.-taeh. E-J ,
, late euardian of Henry L-.nd Ca.tartne A"B
Beck, children of l-aac I.. Beea. latv nf ihe
Uorough of M jEiBhur$. deceased, sod a so
ihe account of said tieor-e Preinbach. Esq ,
truie tf Manr Berk, deceased, cpoa rscep.
' Uona died, will meel for ihai purpoa o f n.
dav. Ihe h oi Apil. atl. il B.V uiBee.
the Boroosh ef Lewishur. ai !0 o'cleea A.
M. of saul day. to au.l.l ami 3.-u.l toe mm
April II- J AWES F. LLW. Aad'h.
Lf)T of Iriui0 CIaverwr.1 fuf
1 iVWi