i - A Northern Song. BY JOll.N 0. WB1TTIEB. ''-'. ' Kw jov anil tbmks forercrroore ! 'I ! dreary ntulit lias well bifrh pasted ; or? of the North are o'er. 'i he gisnt Mauds troct at lust ' ore tlian we liopeJ iu ttiat dark time, lieu f.iiiit with wiitpliiiiir.fcw aiij worn, .JVciiJf uu welcome nlar-light i-liml Ihe col J grey jutLwity of the worn. Ofc.wearY hours ! Oh, merit of years ! What ftoinif our dartlmg" pathway SWCpt, here livatint: back our tlironIn fears, 1J" faith aloua our march we Lt-j.it! ; IJotv joercil the w!En crowd bohind. ' How ui'ickcd before the tyrant traiu, As o!u Ly one, the truo anil kind . Tell fainting iu our path of aio ! They JicJ their brave hearts breaking blow Lilt, S"ll'-I'retful to the last, In Words of cheer am! bule glow, Their breath upon the darkness passed. A n)"-hty host on fither hand S'o.i ) waiting fur the dawn of day, To c-ii-h like reeds utir feeble band '. The moru hi- cuiuu,aud where are they ? . Troop afi 'V troop its line forsake, , i.u peace white banners wavin:; free, , And from imr own the pad sliout break?, Of l rced"Ui and Fraternity I" Likes mi.-"t beflre the frrowing liirht, The hostile c-ilni1s- melt away : IIurr.di .' our fociueu of the uiht Arc bmihors at the dawn of day ! A unto these repentant ones Vi'e ii wide our toil-worn ranks, Aloii-' our line a iniirinur runs. Oi'i-ou.'.and praise,aud grateful thanks ! .irfouiid f ir the Onset ! llat on blast, i Till slavery-! minions cower and quail ! On cliar-e of lire shall drive them fast, 1 Like cha.T before cur Northern gale ! Oh, prisoners, in your house of pain, Junih, tuiliiiLT Ju'llini, bound aud sold. XookjstreichcJ iu Southern vale aud plain, . Tile Lord's delivering band behold I Above the traitor's pride of power, . J I; iron ates and jimrded wall, Iha bil (h it shatter! Sliiuar"s tower IJauy, SKiokitiL,', for a fiercer fall ! Awake! Aw.ike! my Falherland ! It is thy .Northern liht that shines ; This ftirrinir inarch of Freedom's baud. The storm song of thy mountain pines. il'ake. dwellers where the day expires ! Vour wiiids that stir the mighty lake, And fan v mr l.rairic runninc liren - ihry re 1 recdoui s signals, awake '. wake ' Hiking Fun of Peaple. . O .ee wben travelling on stage-coach, fs a writer in s contemporary, I met wiih a jounj! lady who se. uied to bo upon ; ihi! eoustant lo..l"Ut f .r sauithing lanjh able. Eerj old barn was luado the ! abj ul of a pa.-r.ing j k', while tl.o cows ami sUeep lo"k deiuuri ly at u, li t'-e dre- ' l.iu liiit fo.ko couU lit) luvrry at their . tsp'nsij. j All thfa wi, pcrbnri, larmlefls enough VjijiJis '''ii not scoii'ifo io tht respect. , 'i hoy are no !ikl? t have their fueling' , ii j ir i bt-ci istf ie pie nuke fun of tliem; '. 1 it vr'iien.wo Ciimc to buiuan beine, that ; lMjj.to another (Ling. j . t. it Hcemeii to me; fnr, aftor while, ; tin C 1 wooiso came runuii g across tLe ! fi 1', lifting up bur banil t J the coicbflian, b:.i iu a shrill voice Icpgiug him to slop. ! 'J'Ue "icjnaturtil Coachman drew up b's li i s, mil (be clJ lady, cuniing to the ! 1 i ct- ty tLs roadside, tquetz: Jt ta- ti iub Lelttn two posts which wore vt uiar tnge:hcr. 'i !ie joutig Ud in the stage-coach made some ludicrous remark, aod ibe pis$cnger l'iu"bed. It seemed vc-rj excusable, for, in getting through tbo fetiee; the pojr wamao made sad work with ber old black liounct.&bd now Ukiug a .-eat btside a wuil drcssid lad;, really loc ked as if she bad Leco blown tiers by a wbirlwiud. This was a oew piece of fuu, and the girl n a lu the tnot of it. Sbe caricatured t oil lad; u;i o a cud, pretended to tike a pattern of ber bonnet, and in va rious other was sought to taite a laugh t bir. At lei gb the poor womaQ lurLed a jale f.cr t. -mids ber and said : "My dear girl, jou are nowynungand biataj, and happy. 1 have been so too, Lut tbat time is past. I am cow old ind 1 .ilcro. The coach is taking me to tbo tlLa'h Led of my only child. And t! ea, my djar, I tbail ba a poor old woman, alone in Ibe world where merry girls will think luo a very sniUMug olj ct. Ibey will; laigb st my old fashioaed clothes aud sad : eppcarance, forgetting that tbe old wo i man has IotJ aLd suiTcrcd, will live fur ercr." The coach now stopped before a poor ljokiug house, aud the old lady feebly des cended the steps. " How is she ?" was the first trembling ii uiry of tbe mother. 'Just alive," said the man who was lea ling ber into the Louse. Tbe driver mounted bis bos, and we :re upon the road again. Oar rrjcrrj j lh,,,fore can fumjsh Treej by large qtianii Jiung friecil had 'heed tbe card in ber j lies to Dealers Ac at very low prices. .,,. ,. si,. loe.;n- t, .,e.- The attention of buyers and dealers is res- j. svta v. v. uuv w i svtvaasMg tut. M-wa Uj-o" 1 cr hnd ; and jou may be sore that I W .s Lot sorry to see a tear upon ber fair 5 mng cheek. It was a good lesion, and oie wbicb wegrtail hoped would do her , fcOJil- - Chicig.i U a great place. They ar bo r'n an ariesioo well ihere and btva dia r .vorel, 1st, earth ; 2d, clay ; 3J, aand ; 4'h, fc'o"d; 5 h, grease; C'b, filib ; "th, tratii'e naar'i; 8tb, leal qnarif : 9th, j e r ileum ; lUth, indubitable iU ;" 11 b, i ,i . . ,. ' Atiiccs marble; 12lb, probable success IS h, water; 14'h, Cbincie CUtiositiei li b, lire Slid Ikll b,ck. CALL AT tfi. IB VANS' Wholesale and Retail GROCERY & PROVISION STORE for Cheap Goods! His Stock is complete, Sugars Codecs, louacco, u I gars, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fro it, Glass and Q,ucenswarc, Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Call and examine yourselves, FURNITURE! Broke Out in a New Place ! B U It K A U S, from SKI u i:S. FINE DRKSSIXt!- BUREAUS, froa f'Jii t SECRETARIES, HESKS, Jtc. Ac. different prir. BEDSTEADS, from $3 to (20 different pattrns nj latent tHrlen. TABLES, Jjiniuic vlw sizn, nrntltfai-t, Kiitdf of any kind ct Wjtil Jeairsl. hut Walnut. MhoeUT snl Utsft wouU always bnJ for the trade. STANDS, Tpor, fl hat Nut, dewing, Ac 1c, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest pattern?, CHAIRS, L''hr!rttnx), l.nrx Arm. Pi-wintr, Purlnr rhairn alwayc UD hand; Uo.Onc Sat, l.ar;f Kokr aud Nuriw, WindfMir ;tiuir. Isirp" od Pinntl KcchTpt, Tabie and t'liil JrvtiV 4 birs alT?i on bund. TOWEL RACKS.DOL'GII TR.VYS, BOOK, aud sLIOW CASES, Ac. Furniture of my own manufacture, insured one yar. V- S. I intend, in a short time, as soon a, 1 can ar up a fine Hearse.) In aoeud to ihe ir.NOEUTAKIXU HI'SINBSS I wilt keep ome twenty-five or more different sized Cof fins, finished, and alvavs ready on short no tice, and will sell liventy per cent, cheaper tlian has ever b' en done in l.earisbur;. Call and see bf.Te purchasing eKewhere. KEi'AIRIMJ done i-nmeiliately, CHAS. S. hr.U.,Chambertin' liUk I-wiituri5. Vb. 'Jl, 1 . DEST AND LAST NEWS! TiTE have just received from Philadelphia and New York, a very large and well selected stock of GOODS. which we ufler at very red need prices. We iiit- iiaiu imiivu'ai n , iv.-11 11 ii 111 mc ji-ih-u"" 1 ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip- j liTm. Purchasers will find il their advantage to give us a call as in prices we defy any 01 j our neighboring towns for competition. We have also replenished our stock of (rort? ; rlvN, llai'dM'are,luceumare,&c. j SALT, FI.-II, COAL, rLA.STEK, Sec. White Jiftrsh Lun Vafritttil lYdSter.': utn? Hj'haulic CtJncntj alwavs l,rp, on hand. l-?'fOtV77;r montCE taken in Ex charpe for (ioods a, usual. N. B. Cash p.iid for all kinds of Grain. J0 WALLS i CO I.ewisbur, Dec. Ififi3 We would inform Ihe pnblic that we have for sate, in our newly established Nurseries, near the Lewisburg Sialion, a larger assort ment than last year of fruit and Oraameatal Trees, Mrabs, In onr old Nurseries in Adams countv, we hive the largest siock of trees and largest i ...... .1 r.. FaII r.f luC't anil Hnos. UL : pectlullv solicited lo an examination of onr stock. We also desire a di-zen good AGENTS to sell f te coming Spring. SHELLER & HUMMER GREAT FIRE AND SMOKE ! At Hamman'i Tobacco Shop. 'IHE undersigned has opened a Tobar 1 co and Ciarar Shop in ihe rooms recently occupied by N. K. Zimmerman, in i Heaver s building Market St. (adjoining the j Te.egraph and -Chronicle" offices) where he . is ready to wait on all who may wish to j Vlfnn of lh"e b(, smoke or chew. '! -'frs ot the best qna!ily. and the Lest, ; ; brands of Chewing Tobacco alavson hand. ; E. H. 11 A MM AN. Lewisburj, Jan. I, 1668. mSpd 4 qna!iiy. and the lest 1Z ' B S UNION COUNTY STAR &" LEWISBURG CHRONICLE. consisting in part of rlrt.-,a Wlti0 frtll Oil 1 Ltl'l C5IIH..j VUll 1 t 1 1 m-m I r iiiui , r ecu, v imi, Butter and Egg;s. my stock, and satisfy t,02i CARD. TflHE uniiersisned, bavin;; loaned his furni J ture, fixlures and uiriisils lo Mr. H- I: M'Mahu tur ihe prriu I of one year, and is about to remove temporarily f rom Leis-hur?, lakri ihis rneihod of returning his lhatiks 10 the people of l.ewisluire and vicinity for tneir ' iinit'.tra.k Liniln.bi ami ih I Kra I vn n nnrl ih.v have given ill in during his residence among ihem. HIOIiAKU M. CUOl'EK. Lewisburg, April in, isti:) NOTICE. riHIE undersijned, havin; ektained the use I c ihe furniture, futures and uienil of Mr. KicHtan M. Cuortu, will continue the iiakery, Cuiu'ectionerv and Notirn buines.s. ai ihe old Maud, on Market streti, for the pe riod of one year. He hopes bystiict attention In business lo merit the patronage heretofore extended lo this establishment. H I.. M'MAHO.V I.ewisbur?, April 20, lsr.:i CO-rARTNEKSIllT The undersigned have as- sociated themselves into copart nership for ihe purpose of carry ing on ihe l.umbeniic, Planin?, andCarpenlerin; busiuess in all their various branches, al the Ccmisbnrg Steam pinning illills, where they intend to keep a slock of Pine Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, I'oplar, Ash, Ma ple, anu all kinds ol Lumber, flooring Miel ving, Siding. Shingles, I.ath, Joists, Studding, ; Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, j Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, I Rrackels. Ar Pianino- s.littir.0 cr.tll Sau-. Ac. done at short notice and all work ' anted to give satisfaction, both in jrice j warranted aod workmanship J. U. DIEFFEXUERFER, MARTIN DRETSRArH, HIRAM DREISH.UH !1aMiri PUnlnK Milln, April I. Ikoo. G1 It EAT lllHCOVtry! r Rankers BitierWine of Iron, For the cure of weak stomachs, general debi lity, indieeslion, diseases vf nervous system, constipation, acidity or the stomach, and lor ail ras.es requinn? a tonic Thin Wine iacludM th- mtut trrmbl antl ffllfient itlt uf iron wm itoMfM, Citrt r f Mw-v'ti-'tir tixtit, t-rim-binfil with tit naot flnfriftic of fi-ti.k tniiir-i.Vlliw iVruritto Brk. Tli ett t, in wny ct of d-t-Hity, lo!. f pjetite-f nl enfml r.trmion, .if n riftritint nit of iron, cumMot-d with our Tluble nerve tonir. i m-f-t liippv. It auitnifntu the appittte, raiMtli pulruw, tnkta itif uiusca!.r tlaltbin!. avinowvii th jm'"r of de bility, aud ni tlond vtitr to tti mnl-nooc. llo nu want HiiUv'thinx to etr'DtbeD iut Io you want a f-xxt uppftitcT ha y .u wmit to ttl wttll 1 V yU want to K-t rii of oervoufQeas! ir you want enerny ? ho you want to nip wII lio yoo want a ortk nml t iirorom fppUntf ? If you do, try kl.NKH'S ftlTTKR W IK DP IIt ! Ttit-t truly TaluHblf tonic haa hern thoromthlr t." ted bv ail clefstwuut the (in muni tv that it 1 oow Jrm (Hi iti'iUp-n!iil.lf an a tonir njf.Ii' iiK. It co-l t.ut Htt!, purifi.-si the blood, and tiivri t'n to the ftoniach. reuo Tntfn the nyittftn. and pmioDta ilJe. I bow oulj a trial of Ihia raiual'lt tonic. f'Or'XTKKFF.irS He-watvof runt-rMtpr A Kri XKL'it ItiTTiii Wine sp 1i:om in th only furn and flXi-tual remfdy in the known wurl-i for )ifj.-i an! U-tdlity, and i.i tlif n art a nurat-T of Imitatlotia lf-rHl to th public, we w-.nld r-iution the c uimuntty to purha(tf nonc hot the sft-Dtuni- artifl-. ninnurtrturc.1 t.y A. h..ul. Tliftrv fat-t th.it oth-ra ar- acte-mi-lititf to ini- ictif 1111.4 raiuHui" rerot-ay, TUTeB m woiin, nun rpvaaii nliinv. in itn furor. Th. It itt k k Wink op Trow in pat an in 7 cent and ?i l-nttlfi, and Wild brail rp ctahlv drujai-tsi thrnutih out th country. It particular that eivry bottle hears Uirac rimiU of thw propri'-Uirs tlf nature. General Depot, 1 1 ft, Market St. Harrist tirsr. Pa For Male in Uwlsburgby CM'. SCII AFPI.E, J. BAKER at Co., and all rf pe ctable dealer thlubQUt tbe country Not. 17 fniail tl.S.M th. E.Sho bry, r.r.Skok ey. P. Crave J. S. MARSH & CO, (SVOCfSllOkS To OEDDEt, .HBH CO.) LEWISliUKG FOUNDIIY AGRICULTURAL WORKS I.etf isiliurg, Pa. TklTK have eonstantly on hand and for sale, ' VUIDLKSALB OR bktaii, AVrtpsr, Jfiieer unrf Clotrr ltarv9Ur; rram anil Grain Rriitrri! Haml ami llrtrar M.ieer flien .S7j.er- ttm T... nl Fr Hirrr Trratf. Xwp and Unit merf .. CYisser i IfaUrrt, rW.t 1ttttrrt, Thrraltrrt, t'limi. Xt"rr$. Itrltt, trim ! FnmUftir luililinut, trim fesjis. Uatlmgi. MM Urviringf, kc. we., ami hold ourselves ready at all time, to no all I ctsna or turalKT huslNBSS with th. ntmnateorreetnesa and disrateh. Work or Mannfactorea invariablr i warranted as recommsaded. Orders respeetfu.il solicited awdronitl at ' led to. Juoel.lbou ALBRIGHT & BREWER, VTTORNEYS at Law. OiHce corner of Market and Fourth St. Lewisburg I nion Co , Pa. Also claim Agents for the procure ment oX Pensions, Back Pay, and Bounties, and an other claims against ihe United Slates. Lewisburg, April 7, lBCIylpd Important to Tobacco Growers ! JONSULT your own interests and use Bangh's Raw-Bone Superphosphate of Lime. A MANURE OF UXEQTJALED STRENGTH, AND A rERtET mruovER OF toe mil. For sale in sacks of ISO lbs each, bv CHAS. M. klN'O. White Deer Mills, Union Co., Pa. A descriptive pamphlet of 50 pages, giving full particulars, sent by mail, post paid, on application as above. Call or send and get one before purchas ing elsewhere. March 31). 1864. Andrew Kennedy, otary Publlr. Coaiialatloaera omre, Lewltbarf, ltf V anstrai iB reii ILL lake tlie acknowledgeiuent of I Deeds. Mortgages and other legal instrameais, adminisier oalhs, take affidavit in relation tc the income lax, ic, Ac, ' 'Mb dr. wishart'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS the vital principle of the Pine Tree obiaiued by a peculiar process in ihe d.Mil.aiion cf the Tar by which us hij;hrsl medicinal properties are riained. Il i the nn.Atn.nm that riii-t-c whpn all others tail Ilawe jfu a Cnuyhr Have &,r Throat f you any ui in jirf inonnorj Bjiuywuim va - IHom; bo fhouid br wartwtl by th-M tymamt g tv ' rally tli id It lightly uf th-ta uutll it is too lata, rroin ttiii fw:tf prhHM uior lhn uy utl.fr, mi ine Ui cI pr. U noj and ittmlitr f U wbtoh we lo Uj t(rav t ifaai vtu uttt ul detls'a victim. Wbt mrr it tymj&mst It u-uklly Imiuh with nhort, dry couch, which mnn bMrauifx liabituiil, b it for mi time nuthing rtii rxcryi m InAhj mitci. The brffttliioK ii Miuvwht df Jiru't, o.l upoundcbt rr.ji mucU iiurruU. A :Uf? I i. ullliptrd with liNff Miftiu, iftl lannr. inilolD''it i d.j.ti.jD vl pint: wy contmui- m llii. .tti- t:t J Biti.flernlils l.iiKth of nmv: aai if very readily Mll'-c- trtl l.v nlijhtiLSUOMin or intiirue. II tlieiw ucrur, tli. ftiusli tM'a.mt-a tuniv tniublrM.iur, and i atlrn.ltsl with icitir.aion, wlneh ia moil d-pioua anl Irt ran iu tlif ntonituff. It m M.unftiiui-K trcak4 with bl-Ki-1. At ttliit UK, Ui(lit-itwt'l. ukumII l in aod 10 itoni ca ei'a a ).rnfue hiei-iliiiff uf in luus tuny a! creur. I'aio In 4m art of Lha cb'-ht in t.ll, ami oll-n a slirlt rultv of iytni: uion oav or tii oth.r iM without jifr fit, of evUKliing or a ndm of fullnwM or uu Illation. Tli pulm tirlu.- full, hanl. alul lr-.Um, tlif iicutic : flu.-h liuic. tliecliaekES L1 lb, diro ualadv is fast lias- . tauitia to 'I14 -lohe. a I Vou uow ark, hthrrt a turrt I Ctm.umi'tmn has btrn anil can I curtd by tbe u. of J niT l'AKOi;lilAl..ivt'n in aitrfnlly bojVfc nt-. Tlii aaxi-rli-m I uiake with the aluilty lo it.'iriit tri, nto-t isiuiuli.tr vviliiiOKof the truth. io-ewill D"ta. mit of oiy icivio Ihe routenti of lh many thoueati'li. ; ol letiiuouial to tti. value, wbicb I have been anl miu rereiyinir fri.ia luru aod womeuof uoiiue.tii.li.l.le worth ; aud repuUll'in. t hare bad a number of th.f oerlift- ; mtee prtuted iu circular form ahii h I will wild yuu t free ou urnllcatlon. W hetber you now determine lo try i tl.o medicine or hot. Mind for the circular. After yen of dludy and experiment, I olb-rthi-i medicine. Iiellevlnir it to 1 the beet remedy fr all itiryoiff hn.m'-huil ttitfW'M. If vill ran Dot be benefited py the u-e id the TAIl I OKblAL, 1 believe you are beyond all earthly aid. Yet if there (lie better curate ancuU, 1 eameHtly adi!e their use. The tient rem-die. the beet care, are needed ly those aftiieted with ttiis disca-. because I believe liiia to be the best, 1 ask you to try it. Many, nut only ol the people, bet physician of every j echool and prat-lire, are daily asking nie, What is lb , priut-iple or cau-e of your success in the treallueutof j VM"Mr-v r'-i.uM;ifnn I My answer is this: . 1 he inrnyorofion ol the d)2eslive ori:ansthe itTrngtlr ........ n. tl.u .ll.;ii ........ !.. ......lTA,l..d. ....I .n. i ri'hmrtit ot the blood, niut expel from the sy.-t.-m the corruption which scrofula breeds. W title- thisieelfeci. d by the powerlul alterative (changing from disease to healllil properties of the Tar Cordial, its ha!iOir and reuovatiuir principle ia also actinic upon the Irritated surfaces of the lun-js and throat, penetrating each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduing intlanmtion, and restoring a bt-althful teudenry. l-t this two-told power, the bealingand the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative ten dency, aud the patient is saved, if he ha. not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. The l-INKTHKK TAR CORDIAL will rura Cooghs, Sore Throat and llreast, llronchitis. Asthma. Croup, Hooping Cough, liiptheria, anj is also an excellent remedy tor disease of tbe kiineyj.and female complaiuts. BE WAKE OF COl'yTEKFElTS. The genuine has the name of the Proprie lor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious imitations. Pkic Fifty Cent and flic Dollar per Bottle. I'repared onlby ih Proprietor. Dr . .it C Wl HART, r. 10, Xonh Seccn SSi. Philadelphia, Pa For Sale by all Druggists H)J7y I 1'iL.llliR, ROSS & C O., (LiTt l. ritati sn rn.) Lewisbnrs; PiJtning Will, feltwiceriawikeep consianlly on hand and Uianuiacture lo order Floor I MC, Milling, Woiii , Ssisb, SIlUllrrM. lllintlM, Ivliisilfll itffa of all natterns. and all other descriptions ol Wood ork used in Building. "raers respecuuiiy soiiciea anu prnmpuy filled. All work warranted in give satisfaction IT An extensive lot of Lumber of al! descriptions on hand for sale. Factory mi Aorfi Second nirttt,Lewitlmrg, Fa April ii, 18.'. X4 Is C O I. C O l TIIE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of the very best Sha m.ikin and Wilkes- Barre COAL, for lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash. Also, Blacksmiths' Coal, Platter and Salt. Wish it disiinctly understood, that I will not be undersold bv any man. Having good weigh-se.ales, full weight will be given. Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel. iEOK(iE H0I.STEI.N'. I.ewisbnrg, May 27,'58. GENERAL ORDER I rpiIE Pennsylvania Railroad Company ; jter,ect al-o Names of Farm-Owners gen 1 having this day taken possession ol the ; Pralv, Church and sthool Houses, Mills. Ac j Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, under ihe con- j yne Court House, two of the I.e.visbur I ni- j ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia &. ' versily Buildings, the I.ewisbnrg Boat Yard I r.ne naitruan t.ompanv, iney nave appointeu , JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager there of, to whom all Omcers aud Employees will report for insliuctions. J. EDO AR THOMSON. President Peun'a Railroad Company. OlFire of the Penn'a Ratlrnad Co., i Philadelphia, Jan. 3d, 1862. $ General Order, No. 1. To tnlce Kffn t on ami after Jan. SO, 18G2. I. The Wrmleria ltlillon, from Warren to Erie, will be under the Superin tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will be Superintendent of ihe Weslern Division. His Oliiee will be at Erie. Employees on this Division will be nnder his charse, and will make all communications respecting their duties or the business of Ihe road, m him, except as otherwise provided in ihis Order. II. The I'atterii IMvl.lon, from stunbnry to Whetham. will be under the sup erintendence cf SAMI EI. A. BLACK, whose title will be Superintendent of ihe Eastern Division. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will make al commu-1 nications respecting their dulies or ihe busi- ness of ihe road, lo him, except as Otherwise j provided in ihis Order. III. The Account of Freight and Pas- U II .lll... siengrr iiusiueas win, uu nic vvcsiein irivis- inn, he in Ihe immediate charge of JOHN C. BOtHSS, whose title will be Assistant Andit-- ui. nin. u.111 hm Pel. n- ,k. r..i..n Division they will be in immediate charge of! THOMAS M. DA Via. whose litle will be As- j sistant Auditor. His Odice will be in W . . amsport. He will also have charge of the distribution of Passenger Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees on either Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi tor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets to Taowa M. Datis. JOS. D. POTTS, General Manage! Pennsylvania Railroad Company,") Lessee Philad. & Erie R. R. f General Manager's Office, f Williamspnn, Jan. 30, 186J. J S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 3 u3 on Market Square, I.ewisbnrg. S A pood supply of rUirlrn, TahlOM, Bureaus), sitandw. Ac, on hand or made vrder. DAVID (-INTER. 826 BULK FOR THE MILLI01V! rrHE undersigned intends snpplying the X citizens of Lewisburg with Pore Milk. commencing about the 15th inst. Persons wishing tn be supplied, will please send in their names to him, at ihe Lewisburg Bridge. The Milk will be delivered fdailv except Sun days) morning or evening. a preferred by a 1 majority ol customers. SAM L SLIFER. Lewisbnrg, April 10, 1863 BLANKS for Juaiicea and Constables, Tor aale or f nuiasi tc ckr, at the Chronicle 04ke GOODS ! CHEAPEST AND BEST IX TOWN. At joii.v sqriRES'. Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at Ueot quality hOHie-madC Kid and Morocco Hoots at A lariro assortment of Halmoral DooU and (Jailers at equally low prices. Opposite the Bank, Lewisbnrg. JOHN H. BEALE, ! MERCHANT TAII.OH AND (.cntlt'iiif n'N 1'urnlMlilnt; Store, 1 Murkil St., just uhuce the Lank, i I.E WISBL'Kti, PA. i j sunscrit'fr nas r-nii.v-u im new j fitud and commcdmus Morfronin rf Thtmid ; Kehr r.whrre he has just received a large and . welt &elect?1 bliK:k tjf j MKN'S CLOTHING, Cloths, Castmeres, Silks. Shirts, Drawers, Ac. I alsoCl.T A.U MAKE Til OKDER in the ' best style and most reasonable terms. Being a practical Tailor, and employins the besi workmen, I can confidently invue boih (lid unit Arte Vuttunura do u': forget the Sign Tlic ttcd Door f Mav 2, IHfil 1 II BEAI.E CEMETERY NOTICE. VT an Election held by ihe Stockholders ! of the I.eu7ishurg Cemeierv.the under- signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys j for lots, grave-digging, &c, musl be paid to him. Tersons interested will please note ihe , Chance. Those now indebted lo ihe Cemetery Asso- ciaiiou are requested to make immrdiate pay - ment. SOLOMON K1TTEK. Lewisburg-, Jan. SC., lto&no iZfmmermaiiS I M'u. 1 ms... , m III MlUII'n ' "ITfHEKE we will find a large assorlmem Vf latest styles FALL AND WINTER GOODS! such as French and English all wool Cloih. trom :.')( up to filli.ini. Knoiiy Boys' Cas simere.nn I Silk Mixed Cassimeres.Saiineits, Ac. 4 lotliin? "f all d-scriptions ; Men's and Buys' Wear Whole Suits lor 5il that is, cloih coal, saiin vest, cassimere pants. Summer Suits fur "S5.50. Also, a .large as sortment of Hats. Caps, Ac such as M"C!el lan, Uaribaldi. Opera, high and low crowned iidnnkercnteis. i .onars. sums Suspenders, I'mbrellas. Xeck Ties. Ac. KO v7 IS TIIE TIKE ! to save from S.i to SO per cent., and get the Latest Mtvles. Also, lioixls Cut nnd made lo order, and in the latest style. Always from five to ten hands al work. -atl opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store, Market stre-et, Lewiaburg. Itee. IMIl.l N. K. ZIMMERMAN illa of Union (Connti). MOUNTED on rollers. varnished, engraved and lithographed in Philad. iu the best j siy.r 01 nie art ju oy 40 incnes in size on a scale ol 14 inches 10 the mile. This Map was carefnhy surveyed in IS.ili, and is reas onably correct. Each Township is colored, and there are iheTt wn Plots and .N'o.s of I.(,s in I.ewisburg, M.lllmb'ji", .New Berlin. Har lleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and reams are ,r3cr,s the rublic Koails, wuh j ,he i uwa Furnace at Wintield. and l.'nmn Seminary al New Berlin are represented in a i separate engraving each. j Every Farmer and person of business sh'd i have one of these Maps for ornament or for j reference and information. The original subscription price was $3,50, now reituerii in .js oniv. I T f or sale al ihe War V Chnmiele (Wire, and by Da. 8. I,. BECK. I.ewisbnrg An anortent and if...!:. .. . . . . a..i i,.ixup ni i oi'is pun "f osyiren andrarbon 1,. sk..il.. i- : ?u,r,"D'Ja'? lh." h,z,,'t Authorities. both in , f'rytie,,. ,h Lmt"i l"""ibed in their Th'"P"'nre of thousands daily proves that nnpro-i thMd.!od''dIn,B.?n '""""V"' Impuritissu ; wjlww'j ! Itnpuntiraul coneeie.l.u ' conceiTahle ram. v -r.j I innniioun in all maladirt In whirh It htm iWn trl.-d t bu protd mbaoluteWcurativV b. iM,t3,t Xrrrmt A fiction, F.maci,itirm, IHwtia. 'yTrkln'inirrr,.imapirni'MHmi'iim. .. 1? r h',nmi. inUrmwt nmpirt m the fucr, d. Put UD in neat fla, m.r.l i ; 1 1 . nrle.soo.nt.per boa; for sale by drniists and dealers. " ill be sent free to any address oa receipt of th. iirtat. ll letters,orders.etr.. should ho addressed to B.B. LOCKK.Co, (leneral Aesnts. 20ClDaBlST.,N.T. Sotl in Ijevishurg hy ake Ato r W arhante rsfadw e ESTABLISHED, 17G0. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff ami Tobacco Mannfactnrer, IS t 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formarly 42 Chambers street, New Tort,) WOULD ca'l ihe attention of Dealers lo to the articles of hismatiufacture,viz s BlleVl SMTF. Mseahoy, Demiiros, fine Rappee. .ur, Vletrinta. Uoars. Kappoe, Narhitorhea, Amerirao flentteanan, Copeuhagsn. TKLLIIW SM FP. ootett, Uon.y Dew Sooteh. Illjri Toast .eoleh. Fresh Honey Hew SVoteh I -I . Vl II I .1. I' 1 I 1. . . . . . ' .... -wwskv. uihjsvi, eresn POOtert. tmfATfnlifm is tatted to the liTtje r.tHrtrm in pnVes rme-Vrnt (hrmrnmnU Smoking ' JokacCM, which mil found of a Hupxrtor tunlily. TOBircu. woiiso. pissetireHcwixa. lsnT, p. A. L.. or plain, o. 1, Cavendish, or k.m1 P. Jmro, Ppanih. rnaittT. Turk in t. No i 5 wort Seente.1 llrssna. No. 1 A3 old, Orx!iter!. Tin Soil Cavendish, N. B A circular of prices will be sen ton application. March l, 'BSyi NEW V t v .-. ... 'A 2ufkci)f lloajcr Ucajjcr, -.? .-Vr"v.-vy. For tllC lllirVC?t Of 18(11! t-KCUKKD liT Tbirtv-Foar distinct Patents! fllHE unparalled Nuccess of the Buckeye J is the s:n-n2-t proof its superior mer its. .nd n ri'puuiion is so well r-inbli-hed thai aince us iiitioi1u":iioii the nianufarturers have been entirely unable lo supply the demand. We will call attention lo a few of its points of excellence and the lariuer lo give it a peroual exdinitiaut li. The Two Driving-Vhfeb, lie. The T W.I DKIV I.M. HKKI.M the Pawls and Springs, bv which the machine may be Ihrown out of .ear, or be backed u nhoul vibrating lite knives ihe S'eel t;uiler liar the Wrotii'bl In-n Uuird, with Hardened ftiel Face or Cutting E i-.'e ihe Iouh tltnged Joit't. by h hich the C-uiter Bar mav he Folded ihe long Crank Mial! ihe S eel Spring and Wheel, bv which the Cutler Bar may tie raised and lowered so as to cnt as lour to ihe priiun l as may be desired th" f-teel Piiman and Itra-s lSi-x its I.isht liralt (no Mde 1 halt) no weishl on Ihe horses" necks backs a easily as a cart all i f which form a combination of advantases wmch no oiher machine possesses. No (Jearin;' on the Im'vins Vt'heels. A team of horses weiirhing 900 lis. earh. will cm an arte of erass an hour wuh ease. The ui--tt:h;ne is furnished u-ilh Iwu Culler Bars one for culling irra-s, and the other fur culling grain (each expressly adapted lo ihe I use lutelidee!). ' .o erlort will be warning to maintain ihe 1 Burkrve in theenvialile posuion il nowoccu- ' pies, that of being ihe Rost Marhinn In tho Wnrlrl ! During lasi harv irvesl hundreds of Farmers, ln sucn a" "'ablishment al the lowest f r est of . ur inability to supplv the ; a"!!'f h,m 'r''-lal-le to ..biam the Uuck.ye. I ,1'rrtkr ? ,':a"'a""11 Bmer, for sale. in consequence demand were una! and were forced in purchase an inferior ' machine. The coiilinued .scarcity of Idbtif.rs j and the new cails trmn the government for 1 troops, will take mini more laborers from ' the country, and the tanner will have to relv ' entirely up -ii machinery in gathering his hav and gram rn ps. Farmers uno u.'ild avoid li-'aripoinimeni in rerTcuring a Buckeye can seud in iheir orders now. We are now prepared to fid orders for the comin H.irvei. A-lifress, SL1FER WAr.l.st, SHIil.E!( & CO. Mai.uiactiirers of Keystone C'luver Hullers, ; Ac, i.evtisburg, t'liion l't.. Pa. 1 ;as lillUi-' ISIablUh ment. ir OOMS in F uu lJit ck, Vtarkft rear of Bower's Jevveirv Sr.tip, Having serveit a regular ajv renticeship in one ol the best shi ps in Philad., I hope lo render snti-facti-in. Bl UN KK.s and o'hrr Fixtures alwavs on hand or furutshed at short nun e. O li. EVAN'S I.ewist-urc, Sept. 11. ITS I lXDSKY'S I;npnn-eJ Li tiriii.ooit M:4uciiru,rr For the p'v"Ii .ri.lirJ ai d flfrtoTil pur r f A). I riiu from IMl'l kllY ul? THE liLuoi: rpIIlS mrdi'Hnr haa wroutat tb mout mlraealowttcarst i wuarskls c Vrrc.ru la rntawiifou diprafOfi, I'lmplfi I'D the fif. Cunrna formation, I fcrvKUiaH. hoi la. tore ktet, feald Utd. Khfumatic ditoniera, id. Hubrv. ro 1 It:crv Tftrrr affictifnii, l.vwpt-p-ia. tlaiiB-licc, Mi-rt-ur:al di-i-jiin-s, l.i-r r tY hi pi, ut, imivfni', U-mTn) drtilttT. Lo "f Appt-tito, I" ul Str-niT-h. ! l,ow !ptrit. tfinal'CoQilaiiitc: andall disvai-e LaTifift tiwlroriktin t Id an impure ttate vt tli hM 1. i ms. i Tha abovp i-s a portr-.it t l:iid MTn-arr of nft j Twp.who.oo tli.' .11 fit ilav of .AiWH-.t.l'.". mat-fi.lH.ia it t't- tor .tu-iif i'.r!-y that hf was tirMted lor the i-t-., ; r.'iCr.a t y thre- hy ci in- of Kt Jt'ord n-unty. and K I'r. i Newton of thr Eclfrtir- C I !-:- t'iin'itinati, fir a (.tr:fj ! o! nrarU i-i-ht nioiilli. i:oi ith-taii.iiuc a hirh'.t ,(., n..'-, timi n y.nvn Au t-ft cMerk rrt entirely nt.n j uiciy! lit liad v:iTtu up all hf,ahrn hf ht art! .-f thr i itL.od S:,rrUvr, and w indue d (, tr it. Four bt t j t.i-aourt-d r.i:n, and ; although padlv iii-ti.:ir-d trit-r i , no tjus-wtion ut llii? in.aluahic ntt dirme d hut Jif. Th full iartirulMr of i hi rcmarkahlf .-a-.- a Ic-im-d ' in tir uijr t.. U-h I i f u t thv ut al.-nivfpr to a e l .ny Itif ..kne-v. of f'MTrn, Armtroniit'o . '., rurtit . f Ntnort LAai:. r bt-nij? uli.!i to eft out of t-l f. r thrw yftar. To the ra- of a lady in An.nvilV. C'lfarfl-tl Co., who wa tio Mfflictn! with S-roiuia in n. wi-rt rrm. T- tht ea? ff (Ji-orpf .Mfif l.rftii Iir- in rirrotHMrTt. ramhriai'o.. Pa., who wi.m hadly att'vtfd with Tnuo-r that it cat hi rntirt DeolT, and hi camj wa i'rw, if Kr!a.bltj, than N'f'rfarw'it. th articular or l ), rr pTfi-r oat-of whlb was , f0Undin,'ir1MiK1r,h.l,.,.-.r--..r,i,- hVM. H. KKISFK. PnHeip. rill-hurtr. Pa. t-Itl-rt.ry for th- tnai.i.ta. tur.. and aalf. nrar tht 1 llrn'l Vpt. Hnliday.i.nnr Pa. isdd b i?. I ' l-wlahnrg: M-nhl A llauck. Kuffal X I 1 -'. "l't. Ri-wvll, Mifflinburp: I.. . ; ltamni, Wintield; A Saltc lor I'ilr). THAVE on hand for sale, at 25 cents per pot. a CERTAIN CI RE for that distres sing disease. Il is an old preparation, long tesied, which I never knew to lail, and I can give names of persons cured to those asking it. CHARLES MAUS River Road, Lewisburg. Sept. 3 For sale also at (ioodmans Store Science still on tho Advance ! CUKGEOX and Methiini- O cat OenliNl. Ollice iu ihe Dr. Brugger's new building. Market street. (western entrance, up stairs) LE ISUl'Kt; Dr.llCRLAN is now constructing the Non sectional Block work, baked on Planna base which for cleanliness, beauty and strength has no equal also teeth mounted on th. JLr. ious Bases in nse ami h.ul. t- I - I usgi long ... ....u,,.w i-iaetier, ana oeing perfectly 1 ''y uri.rtineni ol his proles- Please call antl examine niimvt Tli. ' superior qualities of the Non-sectional work will be evident in all who will 2?ivt it an i m- partial examination. Dr. Burlan is ihe not. . , - I persbn who consiructa this excellent work in I Ihis section of COUUtry. I Charges sha., eorrespoiu wiih ,he Jliuies. Lewisburg Sept. 2, 'JJ1 p t '3 faction in all Kil """ InZt ZlnoZ,,.,. nf, lacnon in all his operations, which shall be iemraiiii1.r.iiiesl.orsindh.iende.eyn.iaw-p t , carefully and skilfully performed. Commnnieationa desired on toptcsoi '''Vra XI. .n U C I . - r a;.si A hi .mn I mi n A feints If a t WEW GROCERY AND Provision Store! I 1 Jrocry and PrroriMon Mfirr, in u.a ' ' i. . w . , . Went end of Market Square I whrre he ha jui received a wrll stlecitj arrinnt of Irrsh ' GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, i u-li a.-. Vi llf", Tra, Chucclair. Mn... B P.S ,it ...... tr ""'"". tir-.-u.-., Brusl.f,Tdln. Bockn,l,n p 1 I.nni.rii, ;ri krrs, tli.ihes Pm Flour an.1 IVe.!, I orn, fai-ie rBrf.r yfKESsWARE. W,ni!r. " Move Polish. Aula '"i-ufT. T.il,acen anil .vrivining ets ii, i iie r;r 'igara 'eery lin.,u i f tnhti h he oilers a! the lo t.'ast or Country Pn-ttire, ' putts for H A S ROLAND. 7. ItSOJ Lewuburg. May Waichrs, Jewelry ami Silver Fare. Nt.fivJ Market St. PHILADELPHIA .rt 'ff,, TiiE uni!prsi!r,er ,,, . .if.STefva-ciiiioii lo his wr,i irif-etotl sum k "I t i .e1i.ilil and Silver V VITHE. Fine (. .II JEWELRV. of every,r,,., sules-c. mpri'ing all of Ihe ut teat and raLti btnuttfiil (l'iun$ ANi., Slli.ID SILVER WARE, tquat . roi'i and the best make of filter tlmtti Ware Each article is KarmnUi lo y at rrjrrrK'tttftt. 1.5" Watches and Jewelry cartfuily ra, 'Hired and anafacticu goaranieed. JACOB HARI ET. ( Sucrrtr to Utauffer jtarltt ) I February i7. Ie3. I FAMILY GROCERY! rjMIE nndersigned has opened a Sew FAJIILI (1K0CERY STORE in the rooms recently occupied by W. M. near the ol ! Hoyes stand. Market street. Lew. ist urg. wh-re he is always prepared it furnish the public with ihe best of i oflcr. Tra. Sutrar. Splrra. Xnf. (aiMlieo, I'ruilN, f'iab, flour i I't-cil. t licrNf, 4Vc. fcc, logeiher with all o her articles usually " "J- .-I i n.. .til i (.BLLI.,A.I XI TEST BRANCH Insurance Companv. W or Lock llaren, Pa Insures Property in boih Town and Coai trv cn a reasonable 'J'rrras as any oiha: gi od C tiipanv. 'J he large increase of Premium Notts maktt it a reliaiiie Company to insure to, Amoiitii (,r Prrrnlt at . its now la force, t3M.O0g.M J.W.C'aar.viAW, gee U.'JJIaariw, Prei LAKISO.s PKOSi. Actst, Dee 16, isl l.ewubjrj L UM H K II ! LUMBEkI?" 1 IHE iiubcribers haveft.r sale ini una in purcna&ers tjBtV-sH large slock of F1E BOAKD.tPtnt Stufl Plank. &c. Also 5,000 Fl!t. HAILS. '2H inch Sawed Shingles superior quality. Also Square Timber for Buildings : Which are odered low for cash, aionr Mi'li on South Branch of the White Deer Creel :n Hart'ey township or delivered on the Brmk Va'Vv Narrows read al the end of our Read. rirA Dipioma for a superior sampl t Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shiar les.were awarded us at the last I'moa Co.Aj Fair. JOHN M'UALL sir. HONS. ir'1 worest Hill P O. f nion Co, P New btand New Goods' JOSEPH L.HAWN bavin? Mm ; -' r""us "'ler h Telet rarh and Chrt.iii.1, ens rvniiicii lueui.auu uueu iti an exientiv vanity oi ff, Capt, Geritlrmen't Cfotivn fa. ! Also a large and splendid stork of CLOTHS j CASMM KRLS, Ac which he will makruil ' nnrr.as he stili continues ihe Tailoring ti. ! ness. He is prepared to execute all wrrl J cuirastej lo his care.io the sausfaciion of tht customer. B. Cutting and Repairing? dent If j order. Lewisburg. . pril Hi. ISfil XI.W...SOS MASON &. CO. INORAYEl-S and STATIONERS. 1 J !M? Chestnut St. PMiMpiia. Wst.We-lditifl'arl. of the newest .tries- TisitTrfaed Fa-lness I'snts. er.raved and jirtntsO at th. srierteal notiee. A very full assortment rf UNll ftstiesarr ai.ays on han-i. Initials in .oI.ir)ana evrrv varsity at kmbo.-inz. arli-lieally exeented. Any slyif ef fasac and Kuvelor.es made to oruer June 2U. lsit MIE subscriber con tinues to rarrv on the j Liters; ltiisii?..i at the Old S:and on Senthl Tnird street, near Market, and respecrfallt solicits the patronage ol his friends and t pulmc generally. CHARLES r.HESS. Lewisburg. Mav 82, 1850 HYHENOLOGY! VCUKIulS and enienainng little Beck (all about Matrimony, Money, and olb er mailers. 1 for the amusement of ever, Yoij (atio tbe yi ong folks, also,) on long irinttf evening., rainy days, etc. Price, 20 emit. Wholesale, li Crt.ts. Senlby mail for serea 3 rent stamps. For sale at the -Sari Chro kL" ollice. W DKDEN A CORN EL I IS, PiiMtafissr.. Itw.alvtiw Pan wIvVW,, A large assonmenl c ' iS'.6r. 1 Violins. Guilars. -c. rf tl 2-V'" kinds also Vinlin. ''tr. and Banjo Sirings. Friuges, Pegs.&c and ihe best Violin Rosin call al ihe Posl rff.ee and examine. J W FOKKEST r p C - N I C "We'll jnmp Into the Wagon, and nil taa rl I.ARfiE, handsome 5a5 ' V anil verv comloria ble M.O has been, ; fitted op lor Ihe especial accommoct'' ; I'ic-.Nic and other similar excursions. Term j moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOl'fi1" Lewisburg. June 3, 1859. Ulc eoniity it& LjtpIjSqi-g tW' a tyPEPExpty r fa mil r jomyi lsar. Frlvais, at Lrwlsbanr.taloi oualJ.'',, TFRS f" .50 tier year. To an pain IS DT1 vrt-" nt the same rate for a lon,rerorehorter peried- J i rt will pay r feur nn-niha. it rtsfor sis lor eleht months. dot. for stitewn months. 3 - years, so for ft ar copies on year. 1 1, for let p 1 year. ke. ttinnle No.'s a rts. I'anienu fr.'"lil.a reeeivetl in pi-Id, postssr stsaipa. or hank ni'f v vain. here. Sinai kinds of lr.tae reeei'e. is alja, srWhen the time expiresfor whirh a P'.Tep (unless wo have a running aeeountl it is Sforr . Dt r.MTl! ST. aandaomety f ul ilS J- vm : ..oareone roonl h.. i del. Per year. Half eea. - ru .aen a-ier icsei ne- .ii N,Uai- a 4 0u.cslM. .MrtrC- doi.adol. Twoannares 1.4u..ou.o. B t ov-r on fourth of a rcluma, lOdol f.',))tW Toropaote-I ov tneweiiers re.i , . .-r Th. SI AIINKTIfTK-l KORAI'll is loest '- , of the Mar d I l.nmirU.hw whirl weoften insert r News in advance of the I'htlad M.ila. ...., ..rr'l'Jir'rlZrts,..-' We, are ample - I siniiseijL.H I it. i. 1 1 1' v.. ........ - i e.tn.. and de.v.teh and e ia-on.ii. ! Wtfa-ual alv.elisemenis to re ; 5i J.to OfcTt.N lOSM- tUaMM