Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, April 12, 1864, Image 2

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    HarylanJ Test of Loyalty.
The Baltimore A merica publishes the
following; re-pect.og tbe duties of the
ti e peril ia shilling t en. ' lodictinetit, j jM 1 1 j J j 1 1 -fiae
one buodred dollars penalty, 'mod ; lu'if iii?'i.!i4 1'
imprisonment:" Gov lira.) ford sajs :
"Ibe fast to be ascertained fbv tbo
Judges of Election') is whether the enter
las served ia (be Kehcl armies, or directly
or iBriire.lly tided, comforted or encnur
ged thosa euu,sgrd in 'he jrevoi lleb '
lino; and whilst its Judge is nqu.red,
Whenever voter is challenged uo such
ground, lo administer so oih, he tJvmhl '
. . . . . I - 1. . I . t . T f I
nor con rem nitnti iciih trie mtie itimi, iu
general terms, by tbe oue sj eta 1 'uged, j
that Le liu ever aid, d, eou.l.,r:ed or!
Ocnurigrd lbs Rebels', but would b '
ntiinrized kid I think mju'rrr', to tat
f'w lecuiintkn of tbe party ewearitijf, by
propouudiut! to biiu p f tku'ar intern i-
torirt, iiij'jestive if ,l jt rent n.Othi iff
tchich thit a ul, cum fui t vr tncua. tnj. incut
may hunt breit jUtn prtcisely when a J
Voter is challenged on the ground of a 1
rant of reaidenci, Ibe m-re general fr-;
taatioo upno oaib of tbe party chaliengtd I
Would not be considered sutTLient proof
of bis residence, but be would b.- r.q iired
. , 1
to s ate time, place and circumstance U(ou
Which a proper judgment as .0 the ,,ue,-.
tion of residence m.ght be formed. ,
Tbe following "particular intercgator- l
les" are tuWaulialiy tbo-e which were
, . , . , ,, .,
djptcd at a meeting or JuJg-.-s in Cecil
COUUtf. far lbe:r ceo rl isaidaue. aud :
ai nrutd useful tvervbere f r thaaima :
r - ;
purpose :
Have you ever served in too Rebel
Hue jcu ever given aid to tha itebcll
on ? !
IIS JOO neer pien m .ney to t'oose i coming season to the t'ulnwin named per
inteodiog to i .iu the K.belli.u ? sons' who f""" of '
H" ' .. . 1 Jo. M X...-!.it, Ji-efh Tunlnr, Thor.i;.. Stmwl.ri l.-e,
Be yOU tVtT given IttOat J tO tb;lr Frilm. k llr .... II: in Ilunkle. rlurl- ll. tL ii.tHn,
Have you never given mioey, c o bing j hr nn ..ni?ifii4,.i . .--list iiuiu..n..i.rt nrh.T.
or provts.oLa for the purpoa.-uf aidi0f!the : ZZ?.Z:r.i:
cnitfrtiion of pursuus (ruui liiis riutc to i m-n .umv
k J k f I ',U'U-t tiMiVr, lienrv VaTim. JfSn WbcT. Patnn!
IBO OOUiO I V..fT. K i r-liiinian. M-.rti:i 1l-st. ALnihism 7i.c!-r. Ahra.
Have you never sent miny, clothing
.r proviaius iu persons iu iiie ouutu eiocu .
the Uebelli, u 1
Nore Ooinfort or ercrurienipnt
means dvo city, advioe in favor ot. We
044 tbe lieoeiiiia by g vitu? money,
eljtbiugsud pr..viri m; '. give wcomf i.t
Ot encouraijtment by ..ur w nd,. A mil
b ) ba9 uc loate j lue i js : of tft3 lie jj:
lijo, wbj talked iu fav r of M.rjii1
goin with (he Sou'h, cj r j leni ov.r
tbe victories of the K 'tl aruiy. La. .i.-eti
romj'iit and uhC-iuraeiueut tj liie ii;0jl
liou. Have you ever given cmif ,rt or ct.cjur
gemelit to the iiebelhou ?
tiave you nevtr in einveriiatiin,
attempted to justify tbo Cuurea of the!
Kl.te. in H,.h n? I
Have you uev.r exrro.d a wi-h f .r 1
the success of the Itebviiion or i!s army '!
Have you never iu cnnvtr-atiiio disc. iur-;
g-d tbo cause of ibe Federal viov. rn.ueoi?
Va yon vjjice ut.r tte tljwulall ol
Vnrt Sll.l.ter. !
- - ,
i .t.. T. ...... .: fi 1 4i..
1 VII 1 I .14 4yu, I BI7 ?4,iU J
nan is disloyal to Hie L'uli.d Mates, it
ia their duty la refu-e bis vote, for stcU
person is not "leg! voter" of the Slate '
.1 r'.Da i
Are you a loyal citix.n of the Luited ,
Hv joa been loyal ever siucs tbe
bginiog of tbe u. beiii .n t
Have you never r-j .iced over ti e defeat ,
f ibs Union army ? ;
tl.ve you ever r.j uoea ov.r toe saeees. ;
oi ana ucuci 411 iu . 1
-a . u i .t. .1 ..... . v i
,, ... , 1 , 1
Wbeo the lunon army and the Rebel
rtny meet iu battle, wutcb d you wib
! ain the VlClorV ; I
c . I
-Alter inurogitin? the p"""" (
j VJte, the Judei uny hut j
09 Til. to
ether evidence to pr ive or dispr ive hi
tatemeuts, and must be govern J ty the
weight of ttiui.uiy.
Tbe above iutetogatories cut cliselv.and
tbey fully explain the im nense U ii ,n
majority cast at tha r e :ut elt ct 0 1
Tbey exhibit tha ioteose earoes'uess . f
tbe loyal misses of Maryl.nl to eu ta u
the Govcrcment, wbic'a tl , know to be
tbe best ia tbe world. Were tbe rame
questions to be instituted at the 1'etiii'a
polls, there would be squirming among
tbe Copperheads such as was never beard
of before.
Soil for FlOWerS. 1
The Gardeners' Monthly contains tbe'
followioe exeeilent advice in regard to tbe i
... . , I
test loll for flowers. It Will IJO doubt I
i.. ki. i - r.t . ... ,r. 1. 1
prove ver- ...uaui. . w
,r : , I
"Very ftw understand that an occasion-
ml change of toil is very benebVial lo flow- ;
ersin beds, though a!l know how impor- j
tant it la to fl.iwer in tots. There is ,
i.- .i.. . ..r :t t ;
tuning uciitT.uaa auna.s boh nuiu u
oldpastnre, taken off about two inches !
1 ' :
deep, and thrown iuto a heap witb about !
11 .
ne-SlItb tart Of Old hot-bed duns. tO par- ,
, , ... - ,
ttailj decay. 10 addition lO tbW aiaplo
item, a smaller ri.uaa.tity of different mat-
tera should be gathered togetber for pecu-',
liar eases or peculiar plants. Peat, fjr
-..i.e.. -.11 h. r.unil i.n 11 si fnl for manv
tostaoe, will De luunu very ustiui ior mauy
aiatU of plants. This is not, as of ten sup-
posed, mete black sand, but a fpongy fi -
brnna cubstance frotn tbe surfice of bocs
0d b3gzy WSSteS Sial Sboutd bd O l-
leet.d abaro and clean : the washing) Irotu
turnpike dite-eaere as go. as anyiuin.
lnaf mould is best got already well de
cayed from the wJodi. A load r.r so f ,
.It deeaird cow masfite is a cood thir,2
for tbe gardener to have wiih him. ss a. I
those plsot that dislike our bot tuniiuere,
,0d -.01 . cool.0.1 to grow ,., prefer tt
le anj Other manure. A small pile of
hat-bed manure is almost iLdispcDsable to
A woman has been catrytog on a curi
oos cotifideioe game io Milwaukee, t. ret u
I$y, ie , Wis. tte dressed in n, le at
tire, married young ladies, and lu away
witb th. ir incoey.
i T?" "Wis ""i- g " ft j 15 3)?
g j j i -'; 4 jf;:f ; g fl .gjS-:f(f;f
' a i,
l 7 l
I'.'llS II IS IB
j il l" ;!'
I I I !
'-' -
:.i. 1 1 I
Feb. i 1! i! a! 4! si x
1 21 3
4! .! ,
: -! Miiih.'jis :
i if,:ii.ii:iiO..o i
,Slj.'2i-.-S;24:iS 2S 7
1 2! S I
. T HI linll'U'
;io!u;l..,i 17 lslIH
4 7 R f 1(1
II ! IJ'Il'-l t! la If. 17
ill-21 .'"'J
1 il Orto..
! i ( .;
it ;
i i 1 I I I"!1" j
51 71
1.' l:fl41S
if! jn; ji i j-
Si 41
1. IT; I
li .-.! .M .1 T Kn
I 1 2 a 4; 5
71 ! 9 lnlii 12
I s, a li Ul l-.'1!:! 14
1. 17 l l Jii -.1
il 24 2..i2i.2:i;ii
;9 - st.
"""."'i"'! I I j
! ! :-!'! I,
51 ll 7 ' yllnlll !
12li-:!uii;.!lt.'l7lS i
!?'2:'l-4 24 '
I ' 3 ;
4! 5!
II 12 I :ill IS'l
" Iv
Iv id 211 21 22 i:.-'4 j
2ii 27 s- V.r-.o SI i
! - I I I I
Agrifiillural Impltiiieuts.
'!f!"' l l TI R U' ' "'e.nts. since ihe
IX. ecin iien.-eii.er.t ol this War, have been i
in aiea,! demand, and j .od machines are val
-'j--. ZlXXkn !
ro snM ne of lhp,r ,,prov.ej Rt,tpr , ;
Henry stuck for l:ili. On the I8ih of Fehi J
r"y'-" '"V" a i-,itlir,
ulf,iin tlir firmi f lltnry b uck, near I'drliatc-
,r::. alter b-ine u,e,l two
Mesr, J. rt. I rh A Co. are inanufacm-
r,n" a lars numb""' hir machines, w.th
provenienis, this sca-on, for llie cumin"
Haying and Harvest ; and as to the merits of
their Combined
WihiIiI refer ihrse wishing to purchase the
anj Jj'
1 rVtftr. .Am. Mli!r. Join-'- It-1 1, I T Mnuhiurh,
,.Mn..r.. J.-. liulil. l....r Kntr.lhihp Il.k-r.
librinht. ll.orv Sil.r. l...,r.l II u rt, l-h.h,, .
Hen li, .-iitnufl Oiiodvoar, Jomi b J liraLm, uf CuinU?r-
I at id tn-utit.
.luha tlil.l-mn. Dao.. I Di.lilcr, W"m. VTmrt, IWr
El'T. J ftHtl- n K.-Mi.rri:. I'hi i( Lrb-t, J natlinu : i nlv.
. id U . ttv. r. i: A .1. I'liPin.-t'-n. II. I.-i.kr-rt. William
Jit-tn, J-)'r. s hn If. ii Uaui'h n nn'. I
J. M vr-. .lokn M' -r. A-ram rtirfr, '
V.ilfr':,i r, rr-tikKn r'tiui.rhriti.l.T Kljne,
W pi 1 n. .l-.ct II uT--t. nt I fl.itnmi t fi'lTiTT.
t, .r -. -i - ,v r. J- tin Z-r'w-."m,i'i liil-nn..H Hrtot
.lira.cti. . l. Ulin. Jtirjf rKi?'r-r, A ilr w !lo-(.-'
I. .ul. ii.iUrt ll.iv. ii ' h .rit-d -NwI.Kii 4A Miit.-r,
rrr. I.lm .nHh. Wm II. K-fn. W. J Ve-
'.. - v. it JlmkU', Jacob lijiij. uf LjoiQiu aud Cim
: . . . i .
Ws r..u'd rrTer to hnnt-rrds of rthfr in
thr ahnvt and h'ynn;u ci.un i's Imii ihinli
:i unnfcri-jir,-. Feb d. i4
irV53Ii,flCii I'll" tllA fi'lCfin ' '
. j
'VI7,W" ''liilaUf
11 1 T f 1 .fJ il .
SEW (lt)'.)l)r
I.' . . s!n,ne. ne, C.mmor
4 Ul . 1. 1 111 .111,1 . .1111111. 1 I
.' . " ... I
Vne i.t i.i r nr rl Sntii-nr
J Or . ptlllJ i'l 't Ultl.lKl ,
For Spfintr and Sumuicr .
l or spring anci ruinincr;
f 4, AXn ;KE
S'AI'.' XD a5 ,r , . . .,
Jno.ll GoiiJman,Mar'Pt St.,Lewiskr2:
Jiio. Il.iioi.!niati, Markel St., Lewisburj?
Jiio.l.iiii.i:lniiin, Market St., I.ewi.sliurs
, 1,...tm.in UtU St.. f.evi llir2 ;
..... .... . . .
I tr u Kiiois 01 .ra:n ooaant inr i-asn.
.. ..
'UITK and l.lue Flatter for Hale
- - " i
O.VLT, ia liarrels and wu-ks for s;i!c j
O 4 jnh. ii.iIu,ii,ma. i
J-t. II. till HIM a. ,
n.n ii i i . 4 i o
V I 4ii4"..i.i-wTei. -os i aim , .
'"nn TOSS if (;kmI TimoMiv Hay.
-J 't lis, ihh, ltn.1,. 1. nr tn Ibit-. for Hi. llnrern-
m nt. I will ..y .t.e 1.1. lie t pri.e f-r m.1, heavy
uat. it must meib o.r s iu. -er hiolel
CARil-'TS. All Wool, ll.-avy Itt-:
trrain !rp.-a. .truHa Cart. Ifar -trpetn, r .our f
Oil C'lotl.a. Jufit rrcri.fj, iid b r Ltlt bv
J.VI. 11. OlIOI'MAX. .
a aijrfiiouji'i.
tPIIE subscriber has opened a
rttmily tirorery Store
r" '
m Mrs. firicr's B nU nj. East end nf Market ;
sireei.South ide,where he has a good slock if ,
TL-ls,C0,F;,i ''L0Ahi ;
AJOI-iA OAo. d,C.
. vn n r n A I Q i
u I u a .1 j
Er8j &, &(;
Which are ollered CHEAH FOR CASH by
Joseph ECKBEUT, Agent
I.euisfcnrtr. 'uv. , ISB3
' j a
rrItfriem:.aii.HiniI t.i.tiTin.rrnm eoBntrr and trwa I
it Wr, Nt ,,,,, ,r S,B , ,iurr prlm, -re dlVUi
"7 ri" v'7r -;":"- " .
Aud .ee uur Ory teoods ud other 6oe ware. I
. , . ,..v
W. e I:rew an 1 rba.l..-.. and p.on l.uehenea, I
tl l"l,.u.i.rv. an t il ih-m..nn.I On.- Wool MalM
P..1..1... and Mahal... . I 1'ntit. for vou all
Sodt aa ainacaa'a ami -.Vh. .Vajottt 0411.
We Mnlna and Pbf-tiriTw frnrn tut to Twr-trr cents
, '-'r--.hinsrt,,.6u.ke..
' vre-tCaw lliyp.n.l Cor.etM,nilCrinnllnerlklrt,
Ari Wn.m, ,lli(.l.,nflTdrarlni,hir
. wl, rrr, tomJM, ,r
v...'.. shiet,r.i.irwiii.inw. na ke r.rymudoer,
, VI vr Iluraet. ai.a .-ei. an.l m.i.irs ol alne.
' Vfe'.eSuTursaniti oltra tot I'
dUDl'La or CU14.K.
, u.-r.r i-,-. K.tti... n kind, of Qneraawu
s.i ell ; : ii in. ere nimue eluewnere;
Yo.rtl -ii, 1 ... .n M.irset "treet, .--.nter of town
AisilK.i : .s .ii-i.nd- K.r.tmBROWX.
l.e.. ir .. Apnl S, isi.x
AdmiDistrator's Notice.
rIIEi:E-S. Leliern of AilminiMration to
.1.. ..te ..f JOHN P. IlblltEKr.de- I
' ceased, late of White Deer township, I'nion
XVe-.Mer J ?.."d conniy:,; de flVm ;
, , pfrspns lndebied to saidestate are reques-
ed to make payment, and those havineclaitnn
! aiain.t the same will present them duly
i authenttcaied f. r seiilement, to
l.MKs MKSH K.., Administrator
While lleer. Feb. t7.
! - r NCFAi TL'RER of Improved Per.
AL wuealao natchca.itTrisburtr.Paj
CUSsloo natClKe.l'Tri.buftr. Pa
nTr 4 CM13 Divi'tTivi rnmt
' I'ICCi.l. UUIill.I l'HUJl
- 1 r . . w.
are cured by
me great Mrenstuening ionic.
Tbrke niltrn hitve n..tnpnif.tl nnn rnm
. IT . 1 1- e -r t 1
iiiiu' aim no give more .-au.-IUCUOn : .
Than any oilier article in the market.
t7. d.fr ht nni tn MntM.liM tlii .c.i,.
... ' j
Vl!l pay !! OOO i
tc anyone th.t will rroduee a Certificate, oub-
' 1 . . . I
lulled by u. that is not titmi.
c or Nervous Debility, DtVcascs
0f ihe Ki.inL-vs, and Diseases aris-
: from Jk01.i.,,, Stoui icli
in from Uir-oi JcieJ Stomach.
Glferve the following Symptom resulting
rum tt isorurr$ (J tin' l)tyetwc enan';
p;ion, inwar.l tii!.-i, fu1ntsi ct Mnml to th- h.H(i.
m-i'iin in in tui.itiiii ii. ;ni-4 nf .no'irn, nifj:ul
lor f'M"1 1, f Jnt-f- i-r wfijri' in tin t"in.-ti, n'.ur
eru t:ttirni, t-itiHio,- ir flutt- riitif ht tin pa
tl tljt rtoiuH'ri. piM'iratu:!).! of tin liraU,
mrr.-tl nni .liHi-iilt breathing,
fluttt-rtnj t tb Itti t, choking
(r ptilF 't-jitiu F n"i ioiift
w.i-n in h lyinttT i-oMutv. liiui
nffs of Tisiu, .Int. f-r wi'iti iNi'.ir
ih" si.ht,fivr n I I;i!l -ti -i in ltn be--!,
tl' f:ti-in i'pcriip;rli'n. i lioMnsi .f tV
fliiii aud t-v-n, (mm in til iJr.barH rhfUlJiuiTisj,
kr . -ui Lit-n tlu-lWot bt-al. t'lirniiitt 111 1 tie- tt-sl. .n
stut tuiaiiaugw ol uvil, mu1 gr. it dt'pxittbwu ul ymu.
That litis i not AUoIioIir,
1 V' 1 a U "'l 111.1Al.l,
and can't mako Drunkards,
j-ruttrij IW M,.rt.'t WtK..t. t'r.u-.d'-t.
I li-c knot ll..rtari V (.crmin
Itit'er f:iorrb!y f -r nuuit.-r n! ,ris I iav, u d
Ibfiii in ti.v rti Uitii'y an I ti..t- b--n n t lfnl iMi
lll ir ;! (i.a: I yi in lin rj Im r- i UilUe-tid tht-m t-
III4HV t'ttn f!, mp.1 kunw Ibat thv !..' it-tratt-d iu a
ptrikinrly inntitirr. I ts(r! ;rrt iib-n-ur-- ii
"u "''1 i'n""""" ,!' :" I"' 1. i.-l ei:i tl,-
tl.ef are r -i.,.ni'.n.le.i. t . th e II Oi r. kn. wov tr.-tii
t-Ajw-t-it i.e.- ttiAL my rvitiimfii'i tti io wi.l if ".it-inni-d I t
J..tl.i- ui' rr i. e-r t i:ty II.!Irtui"s it.tt rs : iut-u Jt-d !
to LvD'-l-I til HlU.cte-d UJ lit s rum .1r..,ei. i
Wiurs iruljr, Lic i li. UKCK. !
fVm Ifrr. Pr. r.r vn. Ft '
r-f t''f F.lWl p-'t'3 rf t
-i"i ,f.. i
A!thoori no iixi t .i f..-,ir -r f-ffltnm-iiil lutnt
Vvlii-iitM- tn i'liTsI, tlirt.uult ui.-liu-.! ui ti.. ir ln,;t"i- ,
r.ita mo. I II tf. I kU'. if if. n.li it'tit r.'f. it tiv .
Ii.vk r-tvfd fi. ui i tty sit.i, :. ji, .i: m. in the.
!h' m:'5 thi.c"iitrii ut.- ! the !-i,e:n ..f..th.r.
, ,h.. , r,l-j in r.ar.l n. Il,.r..f
t. - r..o ....Miei iT iir ..vi j...i.u.,.iti,,3
UliXtdre I .t.i iiiOe'itea tntriy trieiKl H'.l-Tt stirvninSer.
K- i . I r th- rem. v;,l ,.f thla inv.n.1. - hy -r..r t-t. I
M",."J! 1
tie. i.t tl.,.. I'lller. ai II I.-' iniilit.' ,1 i:i- .re-eiii ;
t-r. wi tolnrtl bv rvi b ut rli.-t ami rtoraUt'O t
d.n- nf tuMiilv tid uif-ntal vikfor w i i-b I bad rt'it ft ,
in mi u-tnb- liftnrv.and bad almost il-rr.d f rrvrai- i
I thvr-liif (btbk in d ucd ai iMi'tid furairei t.u
tue to tbe uc ot th ra
J. .NEWTON liKOWN, Pbiladvlcbia.
Frm th Piti-r J Vit Gtrvarlwn Ittj-t.'A fnrr'H.
Ir C M .lnrkr n lit- ir rir : IVr. !! fxps-rifriff na-
i,., t sy u,t 1 i.,.ri in. 1. mini ,i--r .re..r.-a
i,,. ,.u , ,.... lent n..:.. .u-. it. r.,.. .t
TJVSH u'itZU i
tuts llll .r..)emio.H4lC . e. ,..tlr
luur. uuiy. t.iui.r..t k..siui.eii.
I Front thr rutorr.f UniUv M E e'-urrh, l"iil,"l-l.
i,. i... I...., s... ii....... ..... ..
---:"" :
and must .i,..iai.,e r-u.r l, . i -.hitb I l.e .-v kn..wl.
eJ-e. lours rr rttullv. J. 11. ILK.V Kit.
.i.r rt . .... r ... , ... . i
"m j"z;:,:.z.i":z -' i
Nkw Ito iirtl.E.N.Y. I
Tir r. M Jt- k- -n Iar Sir : I f.t! it a .b-tur. tiui". '
an.nt-4 witfi l' -ft , I u-fil llnui -.Kb vt'iy l-n.ti ml j
n-uh-. I I.t.- fftvu rrixuuifint-d tin m i.. p. :ta.tia
ei.lel le.l l.v th il t..rnieiitit.i .Iim a-e .ti.l ha.- h.ar-1 I
.. .... . .
I I. " . ..J . a.i V - . '.
fn-iu iiim tin un t rUtl-T'tur t-.ttm. nial1
tv. 1
, t-.iuic tliitt cuu nut bUTyatvd. JolI.N il. LioNi. j
ItT. Dr. Ttwt'r. liiitnr nf Itezbonifjh ?ij.lu( .
lie J.ek.on IV.r Sir. I feel if flu. tn innr.i eellent
rr-i areti..n, ii..tiiidMi. nu.n iiitt. r.. tu .i i t, teeti- j
J.'.t.e'ye.M.at t'mK. i-.e'r.'.ui.iej',i,h'.'re." '.ii- ;
ai", atnl ha.e en peri.neeu irnntntirl utiex;ei-e,l relief; I
"- h h b"'n m.t.n.iiy Woent..! I .-.nri-nt:, j
r-rnmmeii'l in. ai tiele wnrre 1 cn-ei Wl-n rs.e. .imn.i ,
to inv n.o, aui ha.a le-n a..ure.l by man. i.f their
guc'i eilecta. ltespeeUully Jubr4.
Frvm Her. 1. S. IT'rmri, nj fir C'rmnTi ttif,.rmnl church,
A" ej .-..'', I'rrl I romiy.
tt. f V. JaeXnon Kese trj fir: 1 have been tmub-
I ted with IlT.tepjia oearlf twentj yen. an n.r
u-4 any m. Juin. that .lid me a. oiurh ..ou a. n..i-
land s Hilter.. I ra ..ry mutn iuii.i...eu
h..i.,c t.k.o bouiea.
kicuuiij jours,
. a nmtMAN.
Bottle. i Dot.
Largo Ftze (lioldinp; nearly
double quanlitjj $1.0(1 5.00
Small sizo 3 4-00
Sec that tlie Fifrnature "C. M. JACK
SOX" is on the WIlAlTEl. of each
Should your nearest druisl not have the
article, do nut be put off by any of the inioxi
eaiing preparations that may be olfered in
its plaee.bui send to ns, and we will forward,
securely packed, by express.
Principal Ojji e and Minvfttctory,
, Jo. Ctll, IltCSI S TICKET,
j -rr.-Vr-r, p rTr . VCI
j JIlXI'S Sj. S
tlVHAitJ Ai Aliiiia-,
, r.
, succctsors to c. M. jaeuton or 10.,
Proprlctom. ,
For aale hw RENNETT BRO'S. Lewisburw.
' and by Dru?ista and Dealers in eveiy town
I in the United States lyDeci 63
ereaiCNt iii,ii-vemeii( yrt in
2 Machine an. A curiuuiv worm ;
I e,li2.
i I'.ease send for circular wiih Mmplt f,
' !
, Ttiee Improved Mschinc jave nil Bin
mm r.ii -4.t. ol thread and .silk, and make
1 ihf i.ih k iirir. 11 i.L:e 1111 hulh hiip.
1 liry r-quiie 110 ii.siruiiii.n n t.peraie
nrlMj.ilt- ivi.i uih. nriiiiM.I .1 1 wen i. .1. t.
N i rliane in sewiug Irum one kiud of ,
, ,
' gn..d Ui am.lher.
j Ami n.i taking apirt to clean or oil.
i . V M I . '
OurAi w .Mini Firriim i now complete, :
wnti all us machinery ami tools entirely new, j
....I .ira..... r.n.i ...k i
o.i tnu, . .. i , i. ........ ai.n.. t
h hit h lor a kl"i r and ri.iiFii' rniM or 4-111111 t
are not smpaed by any mai.ulaciuiy 111 Ihe
w";', '
A. II SK.,11,.1 etni, ml.inii rr-,M4A nno.li...
-.,wi.,u a..ji .......nitiL i...,:i.Uo.1i9-
i factory, 11 cau be reiurned and mouey relun-
I dei1' I
by our own asen-s.
1 ,,
Asenls wanted in counties not canvassed ;
t ,
April S, I Mm, yl
- - 1
Clothing Mamil.icturer,
.4.N! DK.M-Klt IN
Opposite Jli'tzcfs Hotel,
I.ouiNliur, I'nion '., Ia.
T'LEW constantly on hand a large stock
t'l'TIV'.'TJ fl'2TIVI' ' P
.V1 IJ.Nl-. J-..-?! IMjJ, fcC.
;arment :t,t by a skilful Cutter.
anil Boys ( loihin made In nnlei.
1022 j
rPHB D,.k, ..f EVANS & COOI'BR are in
1 my han.N f..r colleci.iin. All persons !
t doirinjr t.i senlp iheir accounts will find the ',
liooKs ut my (iihee. J. I) RKKWEK. '
..ewisbur, July IJ.
Aiion ey at Law .
Estate cf Frederick Dersham, dee'd.
'IIKI!HAS, l.t'lters Testamentary upon
ihe estate ol Frederick Ii-rham.d.-c'd.
! have lu-i-ii "rallied tn ihe j:ibc.riocr, in due
I form of law, n uire is hereby xivento all per
I sons kiioivinj Ihemselvrs to he inilebled lo
: sai.l esUti', tn iniiWe unuirdiate payment;
. an 1 those havinw claims against ihe saint,
! will pif.eni iheoi duly au'heniica'ed for set
j lieuiein. lo I'ETKK tiL'YEK, of Kelly town-
1 sbip.uhre all papers and accouni are lell. I
; IMM'Eli (.1 VI K. Adin'is'rainrs ..t F j
; NA.NtJY liFUMilAM, Dersham, dee'd.
! Fs is !
tatfsi JashiflnsJ
W w '
1 cir; i
M JJ 'Jr a . rii;.H. ; snhif. on al e l elwe.n ..nih
.lust received the latest j i.ird and S. ..till K .urih s'.iens.hrtif a ,1'ian
styles of t'aris and A.neri.'dn below lies. I.iverv mv r-M iri.r.e on same
Fa!liflIl3 for
1 ;
and Milliliter ol lMi ,:
and will continue tf IT T I
A it M A l iu II' r I timing 111 111? innM SUS-
iaciory manner shop on .North Thud St.
"'"' I
, ,
Tk!T T J TT...B
111117 UOriUBg WCWSi
C AWL SLIKEtt ha, commenced fnrnishin:;!
t .1 the lalinr!r 'ivlosrsil-ll !
i f nic 11.11 I lii.llln ...,.-.-
m, .rn i n.a m ". nrr r.tittV ihf vrrv lalPNt
v u, , Inns !
Rl rheaPr-s' ril'es J"ne W
TH K UndrTMned, having rfmrved
(Wkr Wan h and Jewe.rv e.iarlishn.eni ,
V(T io i r is wen s i' w t.i i ,i in., .'11 e.e.
biiween t r.nl anil Rrci rui.sne is pre paten . :
j . . ;
. - .. ... . . . . . .
llti,m a!t'Ilts' iMUMidt
Instruments, &c,
in the most approved an.l saiis'aciorv manner.
irrl"- " " " -
J ; 1.1. ;i . ..r l..iliesaiiin.enliem-n, n: n
... ..... ... k. ai..
All wotk and waies warramed as- represen
led MAMA S. ZI'lIER.
i.ewi.vnrT. v., c.tsi;;.
daniel brown,
M,....i i.ni.rr .rAW Uri.u.Mi re I v Itr at fd
' .. , ,
KXUlrKLEf. WASHINb MACH!Nfc.;.ar.e,,es..t r.l.VKT WAUE usnailykep,
j ,( I.U CI IT Ulf a'lnllii'i tI everv
' .. .nrlll. KeiiiT ihe ;
- . nr, -.:- TVTse.K:eo tto. !
- " 1
UUy ueue-i na.a? I-'""
eroUjJUL o.wi. mo i"u4... !
I; ditrabiliiy, simplicity, ease ot work-ins,
savin-; ol clmhes, ann qnicKness oi oasiiinx
recommend it lo every onei and il is war-
1 ... .....I .11 ,.lh.r mni-hine.
' . ent ,,,r l.ewibiirs. Milt
an'd .Norihuml.erlan,l,for K. V. Browning'!
Universal ('lollies Wringer,
, , . . , .
with patent Cos heel Uesilalnr. which is
(ie D,.;,( must fliirauie, auu UUiy reiiauie
u-rinser vet inlroduc.ed.
I I .....tl,.,r IVh. 12. 'fit
rPHE subscriber respectfully informs her
X friends and paimns that she has moved
to R M Cooper's late stand, corner of Third
and ..larh-ei isn, wncre sne win Keep on nana
a pond assi
0rtme.,t of LADIES TRIMMING, '
KIBUONS and NOTIONS of all kinds also
Gallaher's celebrated SOAP. Motto
"Small Prtjili ami Qui'tk Kile"
K. .ir.Mauon.
.t... v..,
X WOULD respect fully announce
ing taken Mr. t'onper's establishment 1
shall keep on hand l'l eMll Urratl. Cakes,
also Bran, Wheat and Indian and Rye when
ordered. ICE CREAM and Cnnfecitnntry
in everv variety. II. L. M'MAHON
Le.i-l.ur-, May 11, lSlst
The Dimes Saving Institution of Le-
IS ready to receive anv amount on Peposile
fr.i.n T..n IT.nlc an.l nnvseele Vn... nue
cent, per annum Interest will be paid on all
tpeeial deposiles cf Two Dollars and upwards
il deposited two mom hi and longer. Ollice
in James Ueddes brick block. Market Pi
H. P. SUEI.I.EB, Treasurer
I.ewisborw, Oct. 10. I860
rglllE under-isned offers his services as
1 Vendue C rier, i those who may
need them, and respectlnllv ask a share of
their patronae-. (iEORfiE MOVER.
White Deer Tp. Feb 12. '
, Tl-Sl'i
LSI' receive ! 1500 VitnlM Iteml Pa-
' fj CI.1
llC UeLlr.illt?!, in Ends from one
j ln vard, for sale at from -ll 58 cents per
I J " RitcMtn, H'M, & CO.
trSir-r- -r"1 : ' T..i.. -'
- nnnnftf TTTO
W. J liUfttl ii.4Vi.ua,
j Govei niiienl I nneriuKer,
I fiASHVII.I.E.lf:
Btalcr la air klnth or MrUMIr Burial fa,
to .be .ransnor..
! lu'U ol Bd.IiCS. or giving inlonuaiiuu
resprc!ii:j dcceaeil Ni llirrs. j
s..t.rt".ie Ur.'c7T Ur.'fc.' il. LEWIS, ,.f
New Vork. (tn..re rwfnliy iron, me Arw ,
'iheri. iiiac.)t.rK1imalM.1s..fiheDcadby
I., II ...Wnran Pite0 ae.knuwl- .
. ' , i .,u i,. nr,,.. i
... ...... II h. bodies emlliliiieJ I
Pll2ni lU IT tHr nr.. .'.-J - v.-w ...
;n';;e,;r;, '
i.ril.r.a- HiVir ami Warernnms-No. 49.
t;h,iri.h v., Nav,,ie. Trim. .
h.irn' Tnlljnnma.
Warirai e. Mielhy ville Chatianimga and lech- (.
.. ... . gn,j Un.lKpr.r;. t Via )
' ..
r-rj'.,1,uiiiclii.ns priimiiuy answered.
Mr an R r.iBfi.T5 U auth..rlri.(i to pfrr to m. IU i
t' i:-nii-iu... riij.w.d .:i J"'"' !'"''' L
liii.i-itlii;oriruuiir. AMU. J' HI N.-liS,
ims Miutrijurur
i. r vir I f 'II
tlil'Tnt? ." II K.liill I
" .
TTAS lli",s"11 in '-hW SUI R '
U'h""re he '"' ne'"i ' '''' praC'Ce !
- , , .
Ill f . 1 I C I li P.
Marital si. Drany opponr Ammuu uiul.
iimitiki.k, Uimod Co.. o 21. isi'3. !
but :
l IhiilaJ mUn xcn tiif l'i- ln- ul. l'.M-ir.' mt A mi
' 1 cn'iliiiu- 1 in t.ik-- tr mititi:tiri tJ Tt riirt-il ni. ntvi
;,":r.. Z::.J i.r
yt ur (nul.i-j,,. A- .iff 1 wixilii ailvtrall li
ar- Httlii-rffJ wtlb dtw.w- lit mvt- yftn a mil. uiil -- iilc
utiuil'u'!J' Vouri" truly, J-U tOf 'OLANtil-.it.
IVnr Sir : 1 W'i aJ-'i- t-d witli KhfuuuttiBni f-j anum-hf-r
of vi-tr-. ir. l w; ruwl b itr iii- i;r n- J
ti-t ! tn lftti my t ii wl.cn I n miiifinrtl t.tKln your
TntfiMl.V m.-lTifitj, an 1 I ha-1 W.-n atfcnl-t by twj
olLer pli.MrUi.ai. Your truly. .lOLl'lI M I LLKK.
ru'BELTV I'll i ill o, Not 17.
Dr. P. II. Km . l.t: U-ar ir I was aWi'-t.-d with
Ktirumati-m : I o-ul'l n"t walk utj- t(i,in- twt tottl-
vl v'ttr .(iii.tbtr ijifii iut rur-J mi in a Klrnrt tiin. I
alTi".' .ill liinrf iiitlKtfii With iuis JiM-a- to icly to
""''' ,-'"-,'t ""-rini l,,ieii.n My Im 1
lJ liiue tiair with ci.imiimi.tt..n.ii.l her lifror
rrt W. l.-n U(. hvnll. I-l..l.i-.f..lt..itl;.TB.-..
..ii- ,.r .1...-., .. i..,othiui. will. ..ur tr. m-nt. ..nr i
in.-di. in.-r.ir.'.l h. r. Kl.f n. w il. I i n .1 ...I. i.r all i
i.fci - - w.ii. lu.,.- I... r.ii- ...... I
j n.ciiy. 1U24J V..ura rtp'y, J.illX lilLtb.
Rt" UWlJw.
XF.w fimiliM
.v n i;nns!
.Viic U'j'Jiiyr
ton Al.l. AMI VI.7mt
tun fai.i. asp wi.rt:m
CAt.l. AMI Sf.Kt
IAI.L AM' Stri
t'hl mfif. 10.V7 rr,
K i: Fir it. i.n.si; r n,
KKl MElt. l o.r; 4 in
kUFMLll, LU.'i J ft-
IrfwwVtirir, Jf -v. I!
"l. t I s ull IsiUr a Uit!r !
.1l..O.' AVI. I'l OOlPS Til I I.' 1 i
: x L ri'sp. nsil.ii
1UI, IIOOIHI I'll cou: .ir.L
l.ewisbi.r?. s..pt. 1 1, issii.t
T. 6. EVANS,
Provision Store,
0 Market Stri'Ct, tflWffD 3(1 ailll 4tll,
. eiltl.e rvf 1' is
Call axp Satiskv Yourselves
I . IR STOrK is lar?p am wr vflerfpd
I tmhrrtli f vef VlhltlS IIMial.V U'pl Ml a
f,rv,.c.ilsv UiJilCEKY Sl'tiKE
uiti nutij, mu
assortment ol
, ... trT. ttti t'irr
Ql KIA AiiL. II A li I - A 1. 1.
KDAU find W i LI.O W-WA Kh
I lake Ihis opporniniiv to reiurn mv thanks
1 1 ihe pu'ilic f..r a I'd. r.il pair ..nase.a.id h..pe
bv siti It in? ihe warns ol mv Iriends and en
ileavorin lo supply litem to menl iheir ;
puir-.nae ii ihe loinre. T. ti. EVANS.
l-wi-hiir,:. Mnr.'t, j
I j. s. mi rriispi.tiriit t,iMi.s,!ir.o-a
i v I'm iilti:re i:ilalillsliin nl.
riMIE Mihseribers have i,per.eit a Forniinre
esiabl!hineiii. i n M.irket St. I.ewisburj.
(opposite i;hamier!i,i s DMitiiit..;-; wnere itiev :
matiii.at'turt in "ritt r ?.n i kt f n cn ha nil all
hi m m rs,n,n.r,i,,s t .
Tah'rS. I'hairs S.-Ia, Siaiid What-Nota AiC
r -1. I a...
ol an pa
Ill nil i'rt'"-i" nun (Hurt,
rr U.r. huso in the best and most exred-l
iiious man it r. ,
U N D E R.T A K I N G " all its branches,
aiien.teii to at very low rates, i.eauy-inaue
Collins alwavs on hand.
J K bll.r t KMIKIit fiR & CO
I.ewishur", April 111. Ih3
James F. Linn. J. derrill Linn.
T R & J. M. LINN.
J s Attorney!, at Law,
671 Tnion County. Tenn'a.
J. MFItnill UNI Cowjumiosm for the State or Iowa
with power to take leposition.,a.-knowtedice ms.da,Ae
Aurilnn anS rnnmlsslon House to Iralshnrg.
Qg3g&g& L"sal Auctioneer!
, . ,,,, . ....
- "" V V " " 1 . "
soie auu onm nr Lewnui.rc. is nrenarcti to
coumry. 8UU
. c .
COmmiSSlOn SaleS.
. .1 .. 1 1 - i ; . i. . .
In April next. I intend to open on Marfee
ttreet a Kooin lor tne reception, and the sale
at slated times ofall kinds of tioods at AUC-
'in- Anv onewtshinatodisposeof anv arti-
. . . .. . -.. .
cle can depostiil with me and I will sell it at
the best advantage I can and charge a per
centaie for ihe same
Central Foundry ami oTai-hine Sliop
Mirer, Walls Shrlnrr A t o.
-Tewrr-l-iniifaciiirers of Bullock's Iron
;..w t.. .iiiwer anil i.eaoer. iiarnne a
rsVitai:,,wess Chain Horse I'.wer
Visas W.Mson's Telejraph Fodder Cut-
i ter. liiche,' Iron Plows.Wiihemw's Seif.Shai-
niniiiw Plow, and Michigan Ilonhle I'ii.u-
Also.Sioves and Castings of every descrip
w ' r
All kinds of Agricnltural Implements kept
on hand for sale.
Jobbing work in Wrought and Cast Iron
and Brass done lo order.
Country produce taken in exchange,
Cor orsiitht Markatst- 'wW. art. Pa.
aia l h. oawin. airarn mi.i
. . .... . n ..... .
AHnrnnxra at !.-..
VFriCE rn foutb Second near Ma
J (April 1. 61 idburf;,
V" mtm
I L' '
rilil.l. hmu:-ti'iiw one: comr all
and fiamioe for ti-urelM th larf
nH rbap,., kh-i, d Home mads Boy
: an'! fh.?. in I im'n ct.uniy :
jyjusi lecrivfil a FKEfH W.'FPLY c
1 "Qek Sul-s and frm.ll I rofits
is Ibe urilrr of Ibr Any at IKI',
; unirr of Ibr day at Mlllf..',
Oppnslhe Bank. Lwburt
9tJlTu2a - n
'InC 1 am.IV .7V I'HIg MOre
v -i'a . .
I m-tll 11. ' 1 M 0 1 O '
1"""aJ, 1
If too want pore I'ru.-s. to to St'H.AFFI.K'S
ling & fhe.niial Kmprium. where i kept '
l,o, i,i oi ial av-. rininl alwav. '
raraoyartineusoailykep, in . 6ral !...
.'!. if fi IV!. ?. '
JHUii US UliJa !
c.w.sciiAFi 1.1:,
TTAVH removed the.r l.alr and Ca-
Ill . H- . ....I... 1
I I liint'I IliUr'nflMII HI Mir tUTrf
, tum( 1((JS r,om. ,he resid.
ece f Wm. Kru k. .n ihe
,. ..1 ..irfii. iu.
furnfr of Third and M;irLr! Hi. IruMturr, j
whrrr have ou haii-' ihr LARdES T and
UKrtT ASOiv I'M K.N I oi Work ever rifrrfd ;
IoiIip puhhi in 'r,.v vicinilv.roniprtMii Urvs '
rlnrfAii' aii'l Fnrr !b-tnl -f tbe latr-wt tl,
ji..:;4. I1.H---H'' I'hwir-. raiiitjt ' l;lr llfji-kiatf "halri,
tt:i-rt. Hal K:iVa. Triwol lt.irka. Ja-nUT I.IM an-t ( ol- :
t.e ll-.tt.l. r.n .-. 1.. nnir... oi'. luhii....- al.o
a iMiernl ..'.rtmiot f ' V V".V HritK alwa.a i.n
hmi-liJr.u.,ui ai,.i.iiKr. ii.4ir,-nii..l..ai.or Kei,i.
We also alter., I m Ihe I'MlG'tTA KIMi
hu.!n.-.i.iii all it. hr.r.rh... p. hn.r...iii-i with laory
III Ai'. f - .ul rk". Pilial wei.illlr Builal t.if,
an.ii . HUNS ,.f.,r..wu ..,.w...i..vn
we r,n ra'lv 4t uv tnn. wiilim an hour . notKe, to
wa.t m...n an. an.i ii whf. mjror d with ataii.
Ifavinj none but Die he-t workmen. v3
WAtiK KST aM Ftirititnri- m-iiiuf trtiir! by UJ.aMnJ
dv-ly compt'liticn vitb-riu pnr r ntvit.
where Cahmel
HiD ( J
P j
it tnry on Y ! Sfwtf
ft and ifMie Turnins.Scmll and
A eonii asuortment 01 i.t 11111.l1 aiwavs on
h.n-1 for NVwel P. ... Ilanni.tvr anil ll&ati ttailinff.
,-y ih ri,R,u ofa km,ls done as uual.
N II. Anv work not on band will he made
a. imn. n at. ins.it.le.
Tnankinl for pa-t favors, we still expect a
eontinu.Q- ..t tl..' ..m-.
' "
Unfit MTU. S!mts:
i'""ls' UIU S.'11V.4.S
11 The siih-enher has just receive
wiaai his Mloie fiixl door ' Ihe Pi"
Ka. Iii.'e)a fnii Minpiy of Knot I
e) a fi;!i simply of I'oolw &
SlioN of everv jivie and vane'y .suitable lo
the se,,s,.n. Toe Murk h-i- been sf'erled wnh j
particular cre. and will ( irf r.b'd at I
t.!:i i:nii!t.u m::im i r.miT rtn. j
llt ol I ti o'li is :in I ctit.-mers and ihe public '
genfrr.Hv ae invi ed l. ra;l anil examine his ;
s'oi k and j.iift' fot thTn.elres lMAN !
I r" M i'l lilMiand KKI'AIIM.XO as hereto ',
f.,re wiil In aiieniied tu with pronipines and .
at reasonable rales.
jiiu non.tiTo, isi. :
1.. ..-l l.rc. rtet IS. l'r'O '
rt rt rintiri w
A4.vC Xlibulaftiinr r
.:Aj'i Harness, Ciitl
j&i ' !, Saddle?,
""-' '; rommon and tlie
i nra patrnl HiiliSi.i oI.lfns.warmntautohnrtiiobi.rH.
Iitalir la
; Jl'.-i 3iiJ i?ii);i" :lii!jis :iii3 Ittiup JLajltc?,
I Fam v Sailtllerv. Ilarms Hard ware,S.e.
J r j " 1 1 I-j pjliseril'er. liavins rorrirtl on
1 i.
ar-.an i sainrj ivruutb-B
t- r uih' ittc a r"... lln
tbi- r jit n ai.-i tt - 1
A'", a mil est biiah rr'vt ; t 'B
i "iiiirf Ait-icuttur.il fruv
h4Uns a.ardrtl Ittf.r r 'A V:i Vs f r Hr o bi
i nrhr. n -b ii- on m r- - in irradt ude r fa. r t f
tr trinln mbiif .tt jv r. " :) atui ak th-ir ucU
uvd n.riMt; ht tir.W M'AMl,
Tf. l.iMtti-r ii-i-i by V '- i f tf:- Try -vt. tnntiH in
lb- old way. and Iat b r iit I n;.loy t b-t
.v s. t ,i ..iv-n-t Me ..i iUoA ....
.rr:nii--t.an I it n-I r. - nt.l may V r-turn.d nr
( w( ftt tf Jour uiou.y i ili b 't e.aili ak l,r jour
IiKl'AiniN'fl promptly attended to.
aw.filr.W frr TASH or KEAOY TAT in most kinda
f I V.in. I r v I'r- .l.ie.
le-wi-burir. Ai-. il I. lT.il.
O P SlliVEl.Y.
Is.iT,,,,.,. V. . . ...
M . , 1 If )T sl'
llVililllJ llUUkJlj
I.eti lInir?r. Pa..
IS. li. HETZEL, Pan'a.
rj'HE undersisned returns his sincere ihanks
I for ihe paironaqe extended Inwards him
by the citizen, of I nion an I the a ij. inina
counties, he would must respeciiully solicit a
continuation ot tnesaiiie.
1 Lewishurj. March 1.1, ISOa mil
PAIM'KTS-I l-reand choice vari-
eiv, Irom HI cts. upwards, for sale bv
April 10, ;! BROWN &. I1RO.
Are mantiliclnrin: and
fcici.nsnnilv on hand a larae quan
"J iiy of 4 leet Pal'tiis and 3 and 1
a-ir'?5Rt-leel l.aiii at the ..l owing prices
l;ilinssi headed in a new siyle, from $
lo tsll) per M
I.iltll 3 and 4 feet lone. Jl to JI.62J pr M.
Mlill'-le, at lo 'JT per thousand.
1'alins and I.alh made to order, any lengih
. parties may desire
Lewi.buric Mean li.wmill. Pee. ln. l.oO
NOTICE Gentlemen !
rilTIZENS of LewiTbnr:: and vicinttv are
I 1 re,neoiA.!lv inf..ne.l ,hi.t ,he subscriber
v ' J. ' -
nas no ti n i 1.111 ine iiirrrfT.r m r.. ia. 11 1
the hostess id .SA0r.s d ,-r fu,nir.,nd
j P'.titinue. tt.e .ame at tbe o!. i .tan. i i i..-nient o: widow
I Ammi...'l...ell,WtweenrlVnn-.ali.lJ llU(ht..a
; utMm. i ,u .h. m., f.r' ,'a with th. It aatroa
. ane ai an i,u,ee.ee;.t .-umiiji.
. To all who Inrrr here till their beard, w long.
'" ' h- p-l t.rb. re.er ..-.
Ju.trall on iilii at hi. on. l.n m.-rn.eTror
Tt-wflscipan, razora hbarp and ariaflorn h.-t-o.
April 1S01 A. W. 1HLL1N. Trof. Brb.
AMEKICA Philadelphia.
(Incorporated, UyL)
Capital 8.')00.00n.00
! AS?0t3, Jim. 1 1. 1
. , . .-.a.
134.7 lll.Sl
ARTIH'R ti. COFFIN, riesideut
j r.H'B,''?!H ,',,A',"r -"''re'arv
t tr Hull, lines annually or perpetna llv. Mer-
j ehaudize. tirain, Fuinimre, &c, insured,
. I.
cutianl rales ol Premium.
93lm3 Aent for I'mnn C'tiniy, Pa.
! rpilE subscribers have opened a Provision
t OR
oio re in llie rooms f'cenllv occupied
1 naries Koland. in Rodenbaushs buii.linz.
Mi. L.i Si i a. t. .. i .k... .... . t
.k I 7 ' r l
.B . ,.. ,.., .r
T44. tr- t-4. It...
St' 4-.uiic4, jig6a, uaivca,
I w,i mnifl oi 4 ounirv I ronure.
4 M .... v, . .. .. i i- n ci-1,1.1 ri
Jlaich..". mfipd G.R SI.Pri.EE CO
Insmancr t mpit.j is i tci.Ktt.1 ,
a. I Ika l.,4... ..J ... . . '
inNu-r ia in PrantjrFiaiua. It ka, (
trTjiti a j year n aai a capital of j
mill.. n dollar. Teri-cn-j wi.hine ic. iaigr!
Hi (! abi.Tt- t'.ioipa? ran t oo aaWt i
aciina aerni fur l.tiirg and faj0, p0
I'.,:.4.. I
V iM 1 t WS Dl'DOt,
' M'HE sinMrriLr, kc, riMr,,,,.,.
1 ar .h, POST OFM.E
H.,Be. a wrllirri.rf ,
. .
' III 1 1 V rOf lies. . 0I: fl.f,Vn. a
it.i V;.n-- v. '.' "n
. .,(,. t -S
f. .. O'O'H
' V ' ..; ,, , -
. ' "''f'."'..'' "11 '
furl Oil .!ia.'c.s Traveiini; Bart
.. aMjl jlaf.a;.Il,rf';''
07 ,n l's"" -Nr rk or P?S!
c'-lpha-Mirh a .he T,.l ...Be,T.M Ht' t
Lrdarr, Weekly Clipper. PoLce Gaje'ne MeT
curv W.verlv, L.ierary ..0,pan. Hi'rp.,-,
ai.u L'ue iiiMsiraieo eeMiy&, viedt'g aatf
if (. . ,
jc .ac. &e. 4e.
; m uf nuim ici mud rHE.tr fo nti
j Lewivbnrj i EO. W . KOkKEST
Warhiti. .
".V j ir.!'' C"IWr
I 3.. ..i.ri.r.
Having opriifd a hhna ), w
nrfnarfii lt all biaaa nf .i
T. l n s n ia viae warked .
4aaS rS M his inn. t m
.n-u r.r Jwelr. a.l to dn Eniii.,.. r.
.... i . .
tins. It'ldiiip t,r i.aivanmnf in the ten atvla
ul the ar. All work warramed to , i, ,",
s4iifactii.n. and done at i very leweai eaik
nrtce. A!-o Accordeons and Melcainaa
r,pa,re.l in ihe i,est manner,
, '
'all in hioie yn ii to elsewhere. Set for
yourself a d save year money. Oct. 5, !t
I'OB BKOW'.N, harinr agis
ted in frd.r.ff ihe hunarr of Lew.
; i-unrg inn viriuiiv. iur ocarij inrrv jti
past, wi'h in trs (jt
Seef, Fork, Veal, Sc.,
would return his raieful thanks to his arise
rous customer for tbir patronage aad aa
; nonni es thai he intends to continue the buai
. ness a& heretofore in the Meat .Market Heat.
between fchatn' and Baker 4. Co.'a l)io
Mi.rr. Varku Squstf.
M.w...M '.rfn.w. .ne .,.e4...
f'A.sll is the M-srem. Pnhl e patronace re
spertin'lv solicited, and sai.sfaetion iiiaare.
.March IS. 61. I. S SItK.MIIJfL
-j- s evBuns
Fashionable Boot and Shoe UTaket)
.S-'Hth Fifth St-, I.riruuurp,
T ' EE PS coi.aiantly n hand, and maBBfao
turea to i.nier, an oescripnons 01
SlUi'fS ji.l Blit523.
BruifE an rip-Tiriiced Shoemf.krr, and BD
i " m"u h''f c' rf1'6 pair.af
he will warrant all Work which iniy raal
i ihrnuEh hrs hands.
' Particular aittntion wi Ucsirpn to N,b..
( ... .
111 Trier? arf as low as itn e uf anr ibM
deaV r m b vinniiv. lit? m i.e. is a Uir trials
Ct-ntidfr-t thai hr can a!ifv rvrr; pcr&ca.
,rwt!.l)ur2, Aus. 31. .StM.y
Hear Ilartlrlotl, Vnmn Co., '.
THE subseriber.-thank.'Dj
for past paironaie. wnul l ii.ioria
hi Iriends and ihe public in eena
ral, that he continues to manniaa
.tire all kinds of H ooit li t.ooiN. sura as
t.'loths, t-a.sMmeres.Twce,i...i:t ni-its. Jeans,
' Uikels nt Flannels; aisn. Ctrret and
Siockinst Yarns. His machinri he n? cf ihe
best kind in use, and hav:n emp.oyed th.
best ot worKmen, he fee's sale in savmf
ihat his work shall not be surpassed by
any enaMihment in iheronniry. A toed sup
ply of ihe above eoods kept cnnstani'y on hanI
fur sale or to exchanre for wool, at prices
that can not fail to please. WOOL will be
t'arded in the best mannerand on the shortest
notice. Terms for rarc'iny, cash on th oV
iivery of iher. l s. MARK MAITPESST.
Winfield Mills. Varrh .'10, 1857.
American life Insurance & Trust Co.,
, (Capral Slock 5H0,tW0)
; pilMr.t.M' s Bjildins. Walnut street,? t
' comer of Fourth rhiludtlphia.
Lives insured at the nsual Mutnal raws
or ' rlf ahoul SO per cent. Ies
Ol ai 1 oiai .si'stinrii, r !.- uir iii.fu in inw
wirlii. A. W I1ILI.UIN, President
Ji.HW C. Sista. See.
. n UEt F. MILLER. Agent, Lewisbnrf
KtDtnio ot mit.nT.
l.tCtaat 4 nt par l pewaafc
Jul du 4H do
M ilo 1
4th do r. do
F,reil . .
hel. rty. mn.l Torn, 13 eaata par bust
Philad. Pepot with
Freed, Ward Freed, 81 1 Market S.
Thankful fur the liberal patronage girei
: we hope bv sine, attention .o busin...
; rjjerit a continuance of the same.
- ' For further informarion apply lo
,y79. C R M'tilN LY, Agent, Lew jMt"!
noMtrof atiiic rmsMit.
. f ...M
; FFIl;E in his new Brick Block. ' -
) ureet.sonth side, between 4ih ai. -.'"
, f-P '') Iewisburr W
i JOHN li. L.INN,
aIto roBmlwIoaer af UrrSs ,.r the '
I Mils and 4.AI.1.HHMA author, ar.1 le a
iratl... an.l lae l4epo.ii4i.ii. ana ..ni':..'.e
either at th. afcn.. M.i.a. a. d .Im. t. t,kr th. 4 w
at i-i""-"! ... iro..t ot .ry n.e.1 or ot.r..'r""i
. reennaril lo ail .rr of .aid !ta4- las ..
85,000 wanted!
, . , rr,a m T
, A VhVnd
aely invested in J,id-me..is upo" ,
by , reai esiuie in tnis roup y..n i
Lewishairr. Joly in.
ii. .i:riikt. pew
has removed I" S-rh '
i-.or, fiow the Tta Ch'-a. v"