Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 25, 1864, Image 2

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    Queer Things Done in Type.
The mistakes of printers ire often erj
funny to readers, and eiasperating to au
thors. A aiogle letter is often of the
greatest importance, aud a email mistake
frequently changes the whole effect of an
article. Some very fuony stories are told
of mishaps of this character, and we give
bclm? some of the Lest.
, An English paper once stated that the
Russian Gen. Backiooffkowsliy was found
dead with "a Iodc word in his month."
It should have been "bwurl" la ibis
ease, howefer, the priuter could not have
leen biased f.r Lariug out a letter after
setting up the Russian name correctly.
DuriDg the Mexican war one of the Eog
glish newspapers hurriedly announced an
important item uf news from Mexico
that Gen. Pillow and thirty seven of his
men had tern loot "in a bottle." It
6hoold have read "battle."
A U j in a printing office came npon the
came of Hecate, occurring iu a liue like
this :
'SLall It'-gn tho Iterate of th dcft 11.11."
The boy tuiukiog he bad discovered an
error, ran to the master printer aud itq.ii
red eagerly whether there was an e in cat.
"Why no, no, you blockhead," was the
reply. Away went the boy to the pre
room and txtracttd the ot jretionable let
ter. Jiut faDcy the horror of both poet
atd publisher when the poem appeared
with the line :
"thill n n Uw lie Cut ef the dvcjictt Hill."
A newspaper bouju time ago gravely
informed its readers that a rat descending
the river cauie in contact with a tteaoiboat
with such serious injury to tie boat that
great exertions were accessary to save it.
It was a- raft and not a rat, dcrendiug the
Bat let a form of type be ever so cor
rect aben sent to the pre?, errors not un
fr'quently happen from the liability of
letters to drop oat, when the form has not
been properly adjusted or locked sufficient
ly tijtht. A priuter putting to iron a
form of the Common I'raycr, the e in the
following pis-sago dropped out ui perceived
by him : "We shall all be rhanjel in the
twitiklirg of an eye." WLea the book
appeared, to the horror of the devout wor
shipper, the pautM read ." "We shall all
be MH'jed in the twinkling of an eye."
A newspaper recently stated, in a report
i.fahntHii tKat h. ."fc.fl i.t fl IVIIf 1 f ill.
; .... '., . .,, :.,.
auu iu-1 me cueiuy "I"""." "'
great langbtcr (slaughter) A man waj '
said once to have been lroue't up to an- I
swer the charge-of having eaten (beaten)
i stage driver fur deoiaading more tbau
his fro. The ubiie eie iuforuied, toma
time ago, that a oinn was committed for
having etolro a mhh'I ox (box) from a
lad' work bag. Toe stolen firoertj
was found in his vest p ic.et. Id au ac-
ocuut of a Fourth of July dinner it was .
Hated that dobs of the poultry wag eaten j
exoej.it the owls fowl)
A laughable mistake is thown io the
following mii'ure of two articles oue
Cutceroing a prencber, the other about the
frcaVa of a wad dog which occurred iu a
harried ' make up' iu a printing cilice :
"Rev. James Thnoiproo, rector of St.
Andrea's church, preached to a large con
course of people on auJay lust. This '
wis Lis hat scrtnoD. In a few weeks he '
ill bid fareweil to hi congregation, au
l. physician advii-es him to cross the
At'auiic. lie ixhortcd Lis brethren aod ,
titters, and after the conclusion of a short
prnyer, took a wLim to cut up some fran-.
tio freaks. He ran up Timothy street to
tLe college. At this stage of proceediugs
a couple of bcy-i sez d Lim aod tied a tio j
kettle to bis tail, si.il he again started.
A great crowd collected, and for a time ;
there w:s a grand sccoe of running and j
cnofusiou. After a loos race be was 1
iinalls (.hot hv a nr,li!-ii,an " 1
. .'i.i , ! f '''is Mock of tioodv a very lartre assort-
lt is not stated whether the following meni of DRY GOODS of every descrip
jttmi which is eaid to have beenirintpJ lion. Purchasers will fiud it their advantage
once upnn a tiaie, was the rcu!t of inebri-
oty on the part of tie priuter or reporter :
"ILrrMe ( 'ntnittmj.he. Yesterday
iBomiDg, at four o'clock 1'. M., a fmall
man dsdkiI Joues or Smith, with a Lccl io
tLe bole of Lis troufcrs, eoiuoiitted arseDic
Ij swallowing a dose of suicide. Tbo
verdict of tic inquest returned a jury that
tba deceased came to tbo faot in accor-
dance with Lis catb. lie left a child
aod tlx small wives to lament tbe end of
Lis unfortunate loss. Io death we are in
tbe niidbt of life."
In tbe Trior; of Ilammeesa there dwelt
a prior who was ry libera!, aid who
caused these lines tu be written over Lis
doer :
IV nprn v-rmnr, f, tVo nr d'snr,
To ni ne be rtiut, to botjt-rt or to iHr.M
IS at after bis death there succeeded Lim
another, whose came was ltavobard, as
Creed; and covetous as tie otber was
bountiful and liberal, who kept tbe same
lines there still, changing nothing therein
but one point, which mado them run aftei
this manner :
-JI. open Termor. A, thou my door,
To bu ; t phut, to houett or lo poor.
The following sentence from a recently
written novel thows tbe importance of
puoctoation :
"lie enters on bis brad, bis helmet on
lis feet, armed sandals npon bis brow ;
there wis a cloud in bis right hind, bis '
faithful sword iu bis eye, au aogrv glare !
he sat down.
. .. . , , , : .. . ! nave the largest storlt or trees and iarjest
A distinguished talifornta divine was sized-fcr Fall of 1863 and fprin- of61. We
asked, after a trip to silver land, what be therefore can furnish Trees by laree qnanti
tloinght of the ciutitry. 11a replied: ties to Dealers Ac at very low prices.
There are but three things at Washoe, i Tne attention of buyers and dealers is res-
sir, big mine, little mines, and wutske,
siiops ; in other words ophir boles, go-
lhr bjles, aud loafer boles.
Wholesale and Retail
for Cheap Goods I
Ilia Stock is complete, conMstinj; iu part of
Sugars, Coffees, Teas Spices, Coal Oil,
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish,
Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese,
Fruit, Glass and Q,ueensvare,
Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c.
Country Produce taken in exchange for
Goods. Cash paid Tor Butter and Eggs.
Call and examine
F URN1 T V It E !
Broke Oat in a New Plate !
B u n K a u
from ij t" ?...
diitVrrnt i-rK'.'i.
from S3 to $05 (.Li ti.iTerfiit tii a atl latft-t style.
KxtMMton, 11 ftw an 4 ii.wrli. Centre. PW, KnrJ.Oard,
DniinX lwi iz?tl, UrriLfilM.-t, in:ul- vi mvy kmti n
vuvhI Jfi-irt 1. hut VV.tlniit. MHli' ntiy ""i Koae
wviA alwa.F ltnl l.-r ttiw tra-le.
Twr, Wtai-w sarins. 4 c. 4e,
SOF.1S, LOUNGED, latest patterns,
Clf AlltS
UphoItepvl, LTe Arm. .-ev.nir, I'arl.T Chair atwaya
ou h:.ti'l: .ilM.Cane S-t. ur: Rneki-r nnd Ntirm,
Wadnr 'hairs lane and (rnull Rtvkers Tahie
and Lhidn nV haii -. a! w) a on bund.
TO W K r UA C K S. I to I ; ( J I T I A YS,
COOK and SHOW CA.-hS, Ac.
Furniture vf my oicn munuf jirture, insured
guc yir.
V- S. I intend, in a short time, as nnn as
I ran eet up a fine Harsp.) to atleu;! to the
i;.M)EiiT.Kixi; bi :si.essi iii ,?
some twenty-five or more durerent sizi-d Col
tinst finishe.j. anil always ready on short no
tice, and will sell twenty per cent, cheaper
than has ever b en dune in l.ewil.ur. Call
and see bt Cure puri'.liaing eUewhere.
KEI'.MIilNfi done immediately,
CII AS. S. JlKl A. .Chamberlin't Ul'ick
Llrtiturf. .!.. 'Ji, IM1;I.
SOME person, whose inierrst it wonU pro
battlv he ii I were to leave Kpwibur?.
has circuhite'1 the report that I h.itl sold out !
my itallery, au l left town, bo tar trom this
bem the case, I have just made a very im
portant improvement in iny lkyl ilit, and am
now taking betier l'lnmres than evrr, at my
usujiI ii'n'-. ever S'liiirc-' Slr Store, fw iiMTr wn.-t
.f Ifftz-'l -i H'-irrj Hi.ne, hre I am at nil limt"
frfjitif-i to wait on all tnyfM frjf tvlx ti-J nuv duqjIxt
of iivw out-1. InCAKI) l'lIoi';Ai'l) 1 hull, tiv the
ruiitry In .r'lu.'f, nt letter, bui k(t gwj, I can
furnish inr rutmera.
N. . Svtien I tio rwll out ami 1mt. I wtM 1t my
frienli. know. f;, L. MoKl.
V1TE have just received from I'liiladelphia
and .New Vork, a very large and well
selected stock of
which we oflrr at very reduced prices. We
" Pa J particular attention in itie selection
lo eive u a call as in prices we dely any 01
our neishhuring towns for competition. V e
h:ive also replenished our slock of l.roCC
rlos, IIardiare.tucciiKware,fcc.
White Mirth Lime, Cakitwl Plaster,
anil lfylrauUc Vcmr.nt,
always kept on hand.
nrcuUXTllY n:ODCCE taken in Ex-
change for Oouds as usual
Cash paid for all kinds of Ciritill.
We wonlJ inform the public lhai we have
for sale, ia our newly established Nurseries,
near the Lewishur; Station, a larger assort
ment than last year of
frail aid Ornamental Trees. Sbrnbs,
In onr old Nurseries in Adams county, we
j J"0,Ii." le'7 .;rvL"
, s, com.ne Spring '
I.ewisbnrg, Dec
w w
my stock, and satisfy
TPtllK tin'Wsisiu'd.hiivinj luancd hisfurni
1 tore, fixtures and inenols 10 Mr. II. I..
M M ui. ii fi.r the prriuluf one year, and is
abuiil tn rriuuve tniijiiirarily fmni l.ewislitirj,
takes litis iiieiliud it reiiinun? his thanks In
Hie pei,p!e of I.ewisbiirs and vicinity fur their
tinitorin kindncsv and llie literal suppurt tin y
have giveu him ilui itijr ins reidetire aii.nug
them. IilCIIAKU M. COUl'EIt.
Leaiaburg, April Sll, 1803
1HK un'Wiviied, having ohiainH the usp
it the furrnititr, in lures an-i utensils of
Mr. Ru hakii .M. t'oiipt.H, will coiiiiiiiie the
IJakorv, t fnlfrritiiifrv ani .ntit n laisiiiess,
at the oM .st.itnl. t ii Market stret i, fur the pe
riod of one year, lleimpes lvMii 'i attention
to buMiies. to merit the patronage heretofore
exlenJed to this esiabiishnvnt.
I.evvishtir?, April 2,
rfTrj- Tiit? uadrrsiniMl have as-
.'-tlj ocialrtl liietiiM-lves into cof-art-1T
1 1 ;ic h i p for the purpose ufcarry-
iti2 on Ihr IjumiitTinL?, f ianm:r,
an.U'arntiiuriii Luriiucsi mall liieirvariou
btancUes, al the
tcwiobnrj Gleam planing iYlte9
whtre thfy iiiIcim! to keep a sit ck of J'inr
Hemlock, Walnut, Ch'-rrv, l'oplar, ht Ma
ple, atiil all kind-; of Lumber, Kloonnff fhri-!
vini', ithnc. hinsles, Lath. .foists, SimMms,
Kfiicing, Pickets lo(r antl Window Fraiie, j
O ors, aShiittt'i. illin ts, Kash, Moiiliini., j
D . t-.. i . a - ii.. wt;.,: C....H w , ...
uiai-iiri,', wt, j i ailing, ii m Mi', i. i 1 1 --a - '
mi;, Ac. done at hori notice and all work
P3nll l LliLf.,!!,.,. in
and worktnauhip.
M A l!TI liRKISB At'll,
TwSt.tlrc Ptnnh-ir Miltit, Aj.rtl 1, lvi'l.
GKCiT Discover!
Knnki'I's IiitterWine of Iron,
For the cure of weak Mi-much, general debi
lity, indigestion, diseases cf nervous syietnt
constipation, acidity of the stomach, and for
all cases requiring a tonic
Thin Wjne iiirIu..- ti- tii'wt areeatiV niir-tftfient
cult u! iron ww yci-?, 1tr.1T.- i f Maueti xnl'. rum-hit.-ti
with tti uit-t en.-r-li' f VeUMe t un-. VH"W
IVnivi;tt Hirk. Tin riff t. in matiy of ilel iiiiv,
)(.-! '.f ai'iit'tit. nit'i lit iirrnl r. 1r:i'n. .f xn eliici- nt
fait ! in. it, rom'iin.- t with i-nr liilIe .-rve tonir.
PK-t )ii.;v. It ;nrntMit- tliw n tilc. i aife the
r.f tt.'
t'llitv, an-1 :t e r it ij.T ! ili- c.iiintuaiice.
! !! W.Olt iiillivtlllll'.' t: -ttr'-uglLQ juul
lln j-.iu uit a -h-I .-tlti'!
Ii i y.j w.nir l 1.-1 wt-ll ?
ym w;inl t L"t n 1 i.f ocrroii.-nufls?
I'o yon want fti.r 'V '
ho fit nt t- hl'-.-e w-'li?
bo you want a l.ri-k mi l viorou. f-lin?r
If voa un, try MNhKl'S ItlTTKI! WIM!'F IR' !
Tl.ls truly tkIuW tfnir lii. Wti " ilmrniiBlily f
t-l b all rln.sc.l ll,.T..inniiiiiitv lliat it """ VV"
.-.I Iniijp. nml.le o.i.k- ui-it -it..-. It nt "'
l.uroi - the blo.... aii'l '- " 'i" '"'' r'"'
T.W th v.l. in. mi l .r.ouss UN.. I o ly "
trial tit tins v.iiu.l le '.onio.
rot STh.lirHT.1-V wr.nrroiintrO-;t: A. KeM-
tri.-9 niTTi'i ivie ..t t "i i- in-only rM' r:''"1
r. iu.,lv iu Hi- known .rl.l f- r i.1-l.ia nn.i I hititv.
au.l a. tl.-r-.f a nui.0 r .1 imiuti..n . tf-r.-l to IU
..ut.lic. w w.uM i-.nlK.n til- .omuoiioty lo fiiLjiaw
turn- .ut tl. irn.iii r" in..""t'-ture.l liy .
Ki;Kr.l.. a.i l lit- .'np..n lh- t -p ..I llier tk ..f -n rj
h .lllr. Tin1 tTv fa-t tlit olhMH r att. ni.!in.' to Ini
io.tr thii tahMl.l.' rrwdy, vro' it worth, aud .peak
tolum"- in its favor.
Tin. lliTTiu V:v -r Tbi In rut up in .'i ri-nt and I
lrfttlr, aii.l by all r.-I tnhl. ilru.-tfistj throunll-
nut tin. rouiHry. it-p.rtii-ular tliaf -v-ry bottle huara
the far nni.U of lim (.ri-priitors Fiuimture.
lieneral Depot, 1 1 ri. Market t. Harrisbnrs, Pa
For nail-In UwM.nrKby O.W. (-AtFI.K, J. ItAKKU
t Co.,an.l all T-ptable J-h rt- throughout the country
Nor. IT .iu;-l
J.S.Ha sh. E.Shu kry. .t J-hnk e. P .Etavr
S. K.ARSH a 0,
(M-CCChSoRii TU OEItbE.-, M4fc.U CO.)
rru Uhurcr, Pa.
WE bT ooniUntlj on hand rift formal,
7Mir. SI-hp-'t nnif florr fl-irr;t'rs; firair and flrntt
&d-r; Hand and Hnrt frwr rn StUr; (intr.Vo
o n't Four Hi-rt frtad, titnrrp and J!tdt inwrt ; fUwrr
IfuJf.-i M, kWd tWtrrti Thrrthtrt J tvt Stimr, Mt. Jr'm
Fftmtt f-r tui'-hntMf Ir-u r'-n. ,'aihrif. MiU .Vririnyi,
Ac Jtcati'l hold fntr.iTf rtf,T at all time to do all
Klbttof FouMDRT Hi 'MLi wittith' itttitit'nrr-rtnftii
anil ,irnt-h. Work or Manafactnres invariirbly
warranted as rccommoiuied. -opI-w rf-tfulljr
oiiciLeii BoJiirr-uii'tli at'' IfU to. June 1. lbt 0
C. D. r.KEWEll,
Attorney ut Law,
u: tsrutfi. nun ro pa.
OFFICR (on Market St.) furmerly occupied
by Wm. Cameron. Jr.
Collections and other professional business
promptly attended to. Claims Icr Pensions,
Bounties and arrears of pay due from Gov't,
made out and collected June 1, 18fl3
MAY be speedily and permanently cured
b y the use of
Wolcott's Instant Pain Anniliilator.
The method of usin? this medicine is novel
but elective. It is not aken into the stom
ach nor applied externally as a liniment, but
in all cases, the liquid is to be miffed up tlte
Price Twenty-Five Cents per bottle.
C. M. K1NU, White Deer Mills,
General Asent for l.'nion county, to whom
all orders must be addressed.
Korsale by BENNETT BROS.. sole Aents
for Lewishurj. and by Storekeepers general
ly. Nov. 23, lHi.:tif
TT YMN BOOKS-I'reabyicrtan. Meihodt
J L 1 Lutheran, at J'OKRliST S.
TS the vital principle of the Pine Tree
obtained by a peculiar process in the
distillation of the Tar by winch us highest
medicinal properties are retained. It is the
...... I. tl, .1 iiif u-hrn all iiltirrs fait.
liiv y a awjiir unrt yi .im wn.ii h-
ttie iiri-iuouildry ;iujoiiib ui ma wish
rmilv thtuk lightly ol lh.-w unlit it t ti truiu
tl.it Vtt t, i":rh luoro tliuu any ih?r, ariHit the ii
in -ValeliiM fatality of dMM Wiiirh CWtl-B Ut liie
grnf e t vm tixtii ol iltalU'a vitUuis.
W ht are it tymjA-ntF
It uxuativ Uriua Willi aahort.dry pou-Ti, whlt-h otn
Ucoiuck bbitui, but f-r iMiue tnu n-nhiu i" raiHl
rse. pt a Jrutuy mitciu. 1Ua breatUiu( il Butuehal Ut
. ami ujoD Mi-;Ut f xen-ifHt wucli nirritL A ovum
".! tfjlitmt ttuil ''riio al Hi" i'het is .fl-D felt. Ad
th- (JiM-o--f ailtaut-ii, tbe fiatieut btctiaert linn 10 tlesli,
Ik alilu-ted with liu-xul aileUU. gret tmit:r, inJ truce,
mud dijf-rtion of ?i.-iriU; may continue io ttiii t:tte fur
a muftideralile length ot time: aud in very readily ahVc
ted ly flL-lit eii.wiir or ungate. If tbite ocrur, th
CoU(ih betoiaf iitAre trr ubkw.ine, atid ia attended witu
xt:ci.urjit)uuf wiui-li ih ftit V"tit'Ur. and !re ewly in
tlie tii'.riiliirf. It in ftoiue liuit-it xtreitked wilb blood- AC
till sUtjfe, uifftit -jwenUt uniMlly eel iu and in uiue ca
ett (jniluws ble.-Jnm bt ttie luujs may a lo recur.
J'ain tu ut 'Die rt of lbt e)ie-t felt aud ott.u a dilli
culty of lyiiit; uftm one or tliu other ride ailliout i-evi-re
tt : i4 of e'Uiiittt or a nenw (!' 1 11 1 1 it milfitealbiu.
The u!m beciurs full, hard, ami fn i'leut, tlm m-ctis
tlui-U tiu-s tl.e clunks, abd tUo duv lua.iaJj ia JaJit bu
twuing to it cilice.
You ow aik, Isthrre a cure?
L'uumi.tvm tfts t-n n tin t cm be curtd by tho onf of
luv TAlt CoKDI At., -ven in af iarently lif.lef rf.
llii awriK-u I ui:tk with the abiiiiy t' jn!etit tlio
iuo-l et.ui-li-teeiJeu;eol the truth. frf will li ft ad
nit ol uiy ;ivinj thf cnuteiiOi l the umny thou Ami
ot t -litiinoiiial. to itn value, aliib I have Ifvu and am
reveiTiujf ffiu men atid woineu of uii'juej.ticnid wurtli
r.d reputati'iii. i have liad a hiiihInt vl tliee renin- ,
itef inut i iu rinular frui whirh 1 will wnd yu j
fr,-e(.o fipTlit-tii. W tiether you m w d.-t-;rnnneto try I
the nirdiciue or not. eud mr the nn-ular. Atier yers I
ot niudy atiifAperiun lit. 1 oiler tliis lu.Hiitibe. Uli.-virnf
it t. If Uu- hi-fi remedy fr all !. ry and brun'-'ii-tl I
iii.atr. If yiu rau not be betietiU-d py llie ui" "f the
1 A U O li IU A Lf 1 believe u are bey oud a 1 1 earthly aid.
el ii iin-re nre r tter curare a:eu;j. i , arueBiiy a-iif
tlieir B. Til"! lit remedies, the beet rare, are llei'ded
l'T th'-ne affii. ted with this diea-e. L'eeaut I believe
tiu tu W the beet, I akyou to try it.
Minv. not ontv ot the n onle. but nliv.it-ian of every
Kehixd uhd ra"Uce, are dily a?kin me. What i- the'
prin. ij.t. or nun cf lour fUt-rircn in ttie trealioentof
I'ulmi.itai ' (' 'tirtiittt'lK n t My aiwr in thtf:
The tiirt:r-rti!i ot t. the tli'tive orjaun the ttrmnfh- 1
rttitift ot tin- ib-t'ilitatei itvlein the jttri.'- -i(i"l and "t-
rijfH'Ht ol tliK bloi-d. niunt exoel Ir- tu the ttvO ui tlte :
ecrruptiun whieh frndula hreedn. While K in inetfecti-d
l-y the ioweiiul alteratitt lehalizin from uiit t'
hralili) prt-pertiea of the Tar i ordial, it ln-aiin and
rt-iivatiii prin.-ipln in alro aeimi; uj.-.o tho irritated
urfai'e uf the luutcn and throat, penetrating rwh dit
eaed part, n li.-f iiiif min, fuhJnit:L' intlanuitioti. and
n "loriuir a healthful b mlenev. t tlii f wefold power,
the heaiint; and the KtreutheDiiu, eittinue to a t iu
ei.njum ti.,ii with Nature' constant reruperatite- tn-dfio-y,
and Hi.- p;tli-ot in tmved. if he La6 not loo lung
delaed a r .)it to me Uifatif of . ure.
The I'iXKTRKK TAR Cot:I!AI. will run Couch,
Sure Throat and llr-a-t, llr"neh:ti., AfthniA, Croup,
hooping Coujb. l;ii'Theria. And i al o ail wxeelb-lit
j teiuedy furdiscAfteoi the kidn.-, aud female couiplaiuti.
m:vAni: of couxtekfeits.
The genuine has the name of the Proprie
tor and a pine tree blown in the Lottie. All
others are spurious imitations.
Pun: i Fifty ("tut and une Do'.Iar per
liottle . I'r part d .mil. v ill Proprietor,
lr . .il C VVI IHIII'.
r. 1. rr'h Ser.on St. Philadelphia, Pa
Kit Sale by all lriiz;tMs litSTyl
i'iiMj:it, uoss & c o.,
) .1 1 mm 0 (LtTK L. FALSI EB Ann CO.)
Lewisbnrs Planing Mill,
aVluaei-vjuiiieep constantly on hand and
iiianiilai'iiire to order I'lOOI'illST. Mtlill,
Iim, Sali. Si9tiittr. KUikIk,
.lloullill ot all patterns.
, . . . .
an ,al "iherdesenplious ot
IU llllll.
Wood Vt ork use J
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
tilled. All work waminie.l to :ve lislaetion
t t 'An extensive lot i f I.limtxT of alt
li".enptions on hand for -ale.
r'actnri mi XnrlU Stcund tntt,l-tuiiltrg,l'
April Ti, 1S.-.9.
( O II. C O II. CO II..
HH snb'-rriher keeps constantly on hand
a lare a-ortniPnt ol lite very rest
mokin and Wilkes. Itarre COAL, for lime anil
siove purposes, which lie will sell at the very
lowest prices for ('ash.
Also, lilucktmith Cm,, 1' hater and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
he undersold ly any num. Having good
weii;h-sral-s, full wcisht will l.e given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
f.ewistoira:. Mav 7,T.
MIC I'ennsylvanta liiilroad Company
haviii2 this dav taken po
ension Ot the I
l'tiilitdelplii i .V Erie Itaiiroad. under the con
ditions agreed on wilh the I'hiladelphia V
Kiie R,iilroa.!'ompanv, thev have appointed
JOSKI'li 11. I'll ITS, tJeneral M.maer there
of, to whom all diliceis and Employees will
report for iiisttuctions.
President I'enn'a ICatiroad Company.
Otlice of th.- Penu'a Kailruad Co.,
Philadelphia, Jan. :!, 5
General Order, No. 1.
To tike E(h --t on ami altr Jnn. GO, 1SC2.
I. The IVt-Ntcrn Itiiltion, from
Warren to Erie, will be muter the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Olliee will be at Erie. Employees on Ibis
Division will be under his charge, and will
mke all communications respecting their
duties or the bus.ness of the road, to hiiu,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The rasttrn iMilsloii, from
Sunhttrv lo Whethain. will be under the sup
erintendence of SAMUEL A. 1JLACK. whose
title will be Superintendent of the Eastern
Division. Employees on this Division wiil be
under bis charge, and will make all commu
nications respecting Iheir duties or the busi
ness of the road, to him, except as otherwise
provided in this Order.
III. The A(Ollllt4 of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western Divis.
ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
ROGGS. whose title will tie Assistant Audit
or. His OHice will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Divisirn they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose Mile will be As
sistant Auditor. His OHice will be in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
tor thereof, and respecting supplies of Tickets
to Tas M. Davis.
JOS. D. PO ITS. General Manages!
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,")
Lessee Philad. & Erie K. R. f
General Manager's Office, f
Williamsport. Jan. 30, 1863.
tu on Market Sijaare Lewisburg. u
A good supply of linirK, Tables,
IIiircauN, SlandN. A c.. on hand or made
irder. DAVID tilMEK- f826
THE undersigned intends supplying the
citizens of Lewisburg with Pure Milk,
commencing about the loth inst. Persons
wishing lo be supplied, will please send in
their names to him, at the Lewisburg Bridge.
I The Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun-
nays; morning or evening, as preierren ny a
majority of customers. SAM'L SLIFER.
Lewisburg, April 10, 186a
for Justice and
Constables, for sale
or p. iultd U crier. at tbe Chronicle OQice
Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at
i JJest qtmlity linine-made K.iJ and
Morocco Uoots at
A lurjrc as.sortiiicnt of ahnoral
liooti and (Jailers
nt cftiully low prices.
Opposite the Bank, lewlsburg.
CUnllcinen'H riirnlsriln? Slore,
vii Market Sl.,jitxt uliovt the Hank,
J'lie subscriber ha removed into the new
fund and couiinndioirs M rerootn of 'I'liomas
Keber.where he has just received a large aud
well selected slock of
Cloths, Ciisimerrs, Kilks, tiiirt s, Urawers, Ac.
I also CUT ANO M AKE TO tKDKRin the
best style and inosl reasonable terms, ileing
a practical Tailor, and employing the best
woikinen, I can coiilidently invite both Old
mid Xew Vuxtoutrf do u't forget the Sign
The lied Door!
May 2, 1 Sfi 1 J II UEAI.E
VT an Kliction held by the Stockholders
of the l.ewisluir; Omelery.the under
siued was elected Treasurer, and all moneys
lor lots, Rrave-disihg, Ac, tiiiisl be paid to
hiiu. Persous interested will please uole the
Those now indebted to ihe Oinefry Asso
ciation are requested to make imini-diatr pay
ment. .SOLOMON KIT T Eli.
L-wii.ltiirK. Jnn. 'Ifi, lJiuli
r1- t
7'KEKE k will liud a Urge assortment
t - lalrst styles
such as French an I English all wool :ioili,
trom yi.Sti up to $10.00. Knoity Bos' (,'as-
a.i.fsl.ilf f.ir.iil l''iLLi.i.uia( si,
Ac. C'ltf hillK "t all descripiion-i ; .Mru
and Itovs' Wrar Wlm!i snii tnr S;iy?;il
that is, t-loih cuai, satin vest, ca.ssiincre pants.
Summer Sony f.irf.iSO. Also, a lare 'as- '.
sortment of H.ils, faps, Ac, such a .MClel
lan, (i.iril.aldi. Opera, hi-ii and low crnwnrd
Hals, H..-e, Handkerchiefs, f.dlar-i. Mnris. j
fuspeuderi. I'mlirrllas, Neck Tie. &c. j
to save fn-in SS to oil per cent., an t pet the ;
l.atesi Styles. '
Ato, (Jitiuls (l and tnadi lo on!er. and in
tne latest .iyie. .Always iroin live to len
hands at work.
Call epp.isit- John Walls & Co.'s Store,
Market street, Lewisbnrg.
taj of Knion (Cannlij.
MOLN 1 KD on rollers, varnishe I, engrgved !
and lnhograt bed in Philad. in the best i
style of the art :!0 by 10 inches in size on '
a scale of Ii inches to the mile. Tins Map
was carefully surveyed in IH.iti, and is reas
onably correct. Each Township is colored,
and there are ilieTown Plots ami No.s of Lots
in Lrwisbur?. M;t)!:til)Mrg, New Berlin. H.ir
lleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and
streams are traced ihe Public R ia ls, wuh
Ihe distance in perches between roads which
intersect also am of Pirm.iUn.,, ext
-rallv. Church an. I S.-hool U.. f.ll'. A
The Court H"u-e, two of ihe Lewisburg I 'Di
versity ISnililings, the Lewisburg Beat Yard,
the Lnion 'Furnace at Wmlield. and I'nion
Seminary at New Berlin are repre.enied in a
separate engraving each.
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price was S3,50,
now reduced to ji only. f"tf" For sale at
the Star d) Vhruniclr Olliee. and by
Dr. ts. L. BECK, Lewisburg
An aporit'tit ami Ptrmarhlr pr"patationof I RON port
Fnnc(ionel !. thf hiehi M..iit-i 4Htht..i K..ti. I
..i .imlth aim cariMin i.y romDUflllnn in nrtlrogen.
Vnrrs.,-. I .. .. . " " - "
. vtwrtnn r.rtl.A,,..n.i. .i-;i v.
Vi.n.,r,r,,r,,-,,mp.,....hl,. ,mpri,o,
t)i I'l K.I. ,l..rMsi,ia ni unl riienry. p:il ami .lh. rwi
ai aiy rnmiiifstf.tih, indicate it m-cvarily in almoataverv
court-iraM- ea.e.
Innoxii.a in alt malatliea in wbirh It haa Wn tried
it has pn.ie I absolutely euratirtt in each or the fi.llnw
ir. cociplninla. Ttz :
In Ii.Uhtu, S'rrt ut A.'Tctimt. F.macvitifm. Pytprpria,
CiTHfip.tti,.it. Iri.iv tiir i,;iyt. n.Vrv. Ina'pi'it t mniintH"nf
yrrnul-ui Titlsrrvhxit. s.,1: hl.mm. -f.titr(f(lrtn,
ll'.'oO-J. t'tltirnris, Lir.r Ontiplniiitt. Vhn.Hir. Ilraikchrs,
AVtoKdfeort, InUrmitt.nt trvrrt, Pimpltt on tfie Fact, Jr..
Tut up in neat flat metal ttoxearontaininir Mipilta,
priee AO rent per box : for ante by druroiata anil dealer.
Will h.. rnt free to any a'Ure.-a on receipt of the nrice.
All leltera, order. etr-.,nhotild he aiitre-e4 le.
It. II. LUCkH a Co , lieneral Asnt,
IjWl 20CHiT.,N. Y.
Soil in LrteisLurg hy
afc r 4 to T W tsrhafflr F S fadw t
Snuff ami Tobacco Mannfacturer,
16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
(FormarlT i i hamkera street. New Virk,)
T7"0!-'LD call the attention of Dealers to
If to the articles of his manufacture. viz t
MariSoy. lkmisrna,
tine Rappee, ,.on, yiin,
Coarn. Rapne. Narhit-he,
American ilentlewtan, Copeabagtn.
mum smfp.
- . . Honey Dew Seoteh.
High Toa-t Scotch, p re, lon,, iVotch,
Irl.b Iti.'h Toaator Landyfoot, Freb Scotch.
mt-Attrntivn ii otfW tii Ut lam- vlurtian in print f
Wf.w Uwin,,a,t Smnking lobaccot, wludl wilt U
fvUHdnJu Aufrnor v'uy.
Tint tri o.
sKOKisa. visa rvr i iikwiso.
Lon, P. A. I... or plain,
r- !, OaTen.lt.h. or .Sweet,
5"'.. et Scente.1 Oronoeo,
ollmi, Tm foil Uaeodih,
P. Jairo,
TV Ia .... .
.! . pnreswiu he sen too
pnckri)f Iloiocr lUaprr,
.-X.'r-asp-ff )
ijf ? i -V ' ' v.
For the Harvest of 1SC1 !
Thirty-Four dMiict I'dlents!
rpHH unparalled succes.s of the ISurkeye
is the sipniscsl proof iu uperior mer
its. 4nd us ri-putation is so well established :
that since its Introduction life nianmarlurrrs j
have been eutirely unable lo supply the
demand. ,
We will call altention to a few of in poinU
of excellence an ! the farmer to give it a i
perso'ual ejtaniiuaiii-ii. I
The Two Drivins-Wheels, &c.
l'awls and Springs, hy which the inai hti e
mav be iliriiwn out of ear, or be tiacked
wuhout vitiraints the knives liie Sie-I t'uller
Itar the Wrou-ht Jrontfuard, with Hardened
Ste"l Kace or Culling E !e the D.mble
H:n;ed Juint. by winch ihe Cutler Uar may
be folded the nu Crank fhaft the Sieel
Spring and Wheel, by which Ihe Culler Bar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cut a
low to the ground as may he de.-ired the
Sieel Pitman and lira -. It. x its Lijjht Hiaft
(no Side bran) no wt ishl on the horses"
necks barks as easily as a cart alt of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on llie Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing Oiitl lbs. each,
will cut an acre of trrass at, hour with ease.
The machine is furnished wilh two Cuiter
Bar one f.,rcui:ih srays, and the other lor
culling grain (-ach expressly adapted to the
use intended).
No ellort will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being the
Best nachine in the World !
Dunne last harvest hundreds rT Farmers.
iu conseijueuce of our inability In supply th j
deinand were unable 'o ob'ain Ihe lintkryr, j
and were forced to purchase an interior
machine. The continued scarcity of laborers
and the nrw calls from the government for
troops, will take many more lab-Ti-rs from
Ihe country, and the larmer will have to r"!r
entirely up 'ii machinery in gathering Ins
hav and srain crops.
Far.ners who wouli! avoid ''isappointmeni
in procuring a Bucneje can send in iheir
orders now.
e ari niir prepared to fill orders for ihe
comine H'lrv.t. Ad'lri'ss,
SL.t EK WAI.I.s. vliKINEIi A CO.
Manulaettirers i.: Keystone tlover liul.ers,
Ac, l.e bsburj:, I' i Co., Fa.
t.:t Fitliii fMnl-IIsliiiiriit.
' j
i '
)OUM.st in Fhm k's Idi ck, Market St.. rear
Uower's Jeu'elrv shop.
: srrve I a ren'ar ap .renticeshin in
cm el ill' bet Mlrps
ren It a r : r.n-t i--n.
in nsiaa., 1 nnne u
BI RM.Ks rim) n'liT FiT'iirp always on
hand tr Uirtiiht"J ;.t h-ri inif-p.
JM)SKVS Iinnr'tif l
Li llil.OOl) i:tiu IICR,T
For tbr.iM-vtly.TR.hralnixl-fTrtual mr. r,f A I.T .!i..-9
ari-in tr iu IJII'l tlx r of TIIK HLooli: "
rpills mr'ticin haa wrought the moat miraeulraacuraa
rn-rnn formation.,
Krj.ipelaa, l'Kila,
s..r .yi-. Srald HeaU,
hhiimatir .liaordvra,
S lit Kli.um.
Ilti'-ral 'trltlity,
I..'., of App-lit.,
(.'utnneona dl.Mfft
I'nitpti-. on Ihf.,
Old. tuM"rn I'lcer,
T.-tOT afTrlionf.
Ivsp-ia. Janndire,
Mammal .ii'mat-..,
I.i.r r. uii iatnt,
l.nw pir:t
F' ill ..Ii.nn'li.
F.-mal-Corot taints ar-lat) lifa' Latin thrirorlic:D
in an imj-urif siatt- ot ll. lod.
Th above l ortrait 1 DniJ MTwupt r v.P,t..a
I Twp.nhn.pa thv -t ia of AufUt.lv'.is. rnnj-fsffi in tit '
bt-l-ri .tii'st:-f ;ntl y tlial bo wan tri-;.!t lor lit t-nn t,
j Nw ten t-l" thf Kitfttc Collrir", Cin inimti. tor a "noj i
ol" tirlv .-klit DK'Uthji. nit iiliianilinir whirh htm t,
w. ih-.f a f rii. n Uft rhk vtre entirely ratu
atvxti! II hal jvn up sti I bnpM.vhvn hf h.n(..f the t
littrtI S.rr-hT.' nl in.tu---l tntr it. '..nr bot-
tlfft ran-1 liim. ao-t t aith'ucti p-n.v difigurit rhr i
Oil (IllfOti- n (Ut tl.15 lIITItlUMtilf lI)t.i'-TM, Priv-,, hi fit.. !
f Tbe full (Mrrii-uiurr oft liirfmn.khf cawr ma; Wfi-n 1
i iu a I'lrcuiar to U li l f an t the ....eot. I
f l-n rt-ttr tr. a nr r.r .Nrcy .-aj.iit-v. pf KMr-rtn. !
Armtrpntr.. I'a .rnwiff Sr.rt la iflf r bt-itajt uoable '
tr itft out of tvij f.r H.rfv rHir.
To tlie pf In Ir in Vma-milV .n,irV, . Co., mho I
WH9 ftlso iifKirtfl with N' f. in it wor-t f"rtn. !
To the pje of ti.-orit- M. i-t, r.-i.lin in Carrt.tltown, !
nmnaio.. yi., Bo 'r t-a-lltr atTiirtrJ wilh Cancrr
that it at h IkT-1
ntir n...t oB, ai. 1 bia ca waa worse, if
rne arllrn lar of thi-a ra pvprreeeof wnirh wna
Zf:.?!? W
I.KO. II. kl isli;. rniDrtrt.tr. Plllsburr. Ti. I
?.t.ah.irs!..ry f.r Ihe n.Nntifa'-ere an. I aale.near the
Penn'a I ailmad Ilepet. Ilollt.lay-tiurr. I'a. rv-l.l t.y f. .
Vi. PchatTle. bewi.lurit. SITprjht A llanek. IttifTaloe X :
Rca.U; Kudya H'.ramlrei -h. KnrtnerTiOe ; Cuntniini; .
a itmr. Ilartleosn: l. II lli.vll. MifHinliur :
Statntn, Winfietd; shmdle a; Waemteller, slingroae;
A Salve for rilett.
THAVE on hand for sale, at 25 cents per
pot, a CERTAIN CURE for that distres
sing disease. It is an old preparation, long
tested, which I never knew io fail, and I can
give names of persons cured to those asking
River Road, Lewishnrg. Sept. 3
For sale also at Goodman's Store
Science still ou the Advance !
CURfiEON and Mccliani-
O eal Uentitt. Otlice in Ihe
Dr. Brugger's new building. Market street
(western entrance, np Mairs) LEVVISBI'Rt;.
Dr.BEKLAN is now constructing the Non- '
sectional Block work, baked on Platina base, j
which for cleanliness, beauty and strengih '
has no eqnal also teeth mounted on the var- j
ions Bases in nse and having bad a long j
and eitensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar wilh .tr.rv ft.n.pim.nt r n -..r I
lion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please call and examine specimens. The
superior qualities of the Non-seeiional work
will he eviilent in all who will sire it an im
partial rxan.ina.ion. Dr. Burlan is the only
perHrij who constructs this excellent work in
in.N action ni conniry. .
nrCharces shi.ll rnrrrspoui with the
Provision Store!
'j'HE subscriber ha just openm a Pmi'i
I tirncrry and Hrovmon ol.,re, m H,
baugb's bull. !me (late K reamer' Tioship)
est cml ol .Market uare
: where he has jusl received it well aclrctcl
asseriiiieni .l ln-sh
where he has jusl received a well iclrei.a
sueli a l.-llrr, Ira. I h
M(dase-. Fih, Sa if Spiers,',
' eai. Kjilt
Liri.e-iiis, i.iu.iir, i ai... ri.r , ;
h'-rr, I'e'-i. Fiui'. Kru t C
l. in. oi-., t.'rarlier, l-ln't,., p.-
yum ma
Fliwr am! I-VfJ, l urn, faille PffJer
nr.U evei vtbit." -l
f 'a r..
'rocerj ln.ta
lowest pnets tvf
of which be i lb rs :
Cash or Country l'n. 'o.
Lewisburg. May 7. -',
Watrhes, Jewelry aal Silver Wart.
:Vo. fc-.'U Market St. ritil.AI.KLI'HIA
.fJVffm THC u'"1"l'--ned ,,U
i- Z.SF-'-t-"" yut a
fa K ilst "ninn to h.s u. il s,!,,,,
o.. a ol n.re'ioid ai d Snyer WATCHES
Fine Go! I JEWEI.RV, of every v ar ctv ot
styles comprising all of th- nru.-t.il and aoat
btintt-Jul d- 'n.t.
A so, SUi.lU SILVER WAKE, tunl in
C',I and the test make of .virrr i'Mifcrf
Ware Karb artic.e i tvarrtnted to bt as
I?Watrhrs and J-'we-lry carefullv r
faired and satisfaction pnaranteed.
(Surmnr Id Stuujfrr 4 llu,itt I
Fehrnarv 27, lf:t
r 'H E unilersigned has opened a New
in the rooms recently orrnpiedby VV.M. Eilla,
near th id.! Hav s stand. Market ;reet, l.c.
tsrurg. uh-re he is always prepared r
luinish :be pub'ic wuh the bt s: of
oCce, l ea. Siisar. Sii n. .nit,
iilidi-. I f I'ioh, Flour
I'cvtl, lit -f, Kv.. &.C.,
logcih-r wuh all oibrr aniens naaally ktpi
in such an esiablishnini at ihe lowest now
'Jail and five him a triAl.
lrkes I'laiititii n Bitirrs for sale.
Jan ::o.-o;i. THAN MITCIIEI.L.Ajl
! Y
EST tliA.NTH Insurance Company.
ol LikU Haven. Pa.
Insnrs froprrn i-i t- it, Town and Coun
try in i r-.i i,e Terms as any otber
c ' C lopafi y.
'1 be I in-.- inrreaerf Tremium Notes makei
it a reli nie Corrrnnv to insure in.
Aiauuti: i.ri'.ioili ni le. 'liforri-. t:e.iK.
J W C.nma.s, sec ti.CHaiiri i. frrs
LAKi.sO.s Pl;s Arent.
P 'a,il l.-wisbnr?
rilHE subscribers haveforsaie
(in Has n bim pDrcbavr& mt"
i "tk ii
I t.r.r. ... . I
i i.ii. liit. itil l'i,el Stufij
Plank. Ac. A So .').) i'Ni. frAILS.
I SH inch Si-.v-d Siimgvs superior quality,
j A'so square T:mber for Buildings :
' Whu h arer;. red low u rcash. at our Mills
1 i n s .uih Br ini Ii of n.e W b :e Deer Creek ia
1 HtrtVy t.wnshi or ,'f'iiT'.! i n the Brush
; Vai v Narrow, r. ad at the end of ..nr Rnad.
, T t"A Dipo na for a superior sample el
Planks, an l a Premium for Rails and Shing
I les.xere aitardrd ns ;he iast t'nion Co.Ag.
. lv'- -orr,t HHP O, ;niun ,-p p.
New btand---ri:ew Goorls!
JOSEPH L. HAWX having taken 'ie
J rooms ijn-lei tiic IV ezr.i; r; n'..' Chr' niele
olVices.rcfiite I ih-m.and lilted in an riieisui
variety of
Ill's, Ciff.s, C, ,i tlcm fit's C!' thint!t rfr.
Also a !rs an.l snienni.i -?,,- i i Cl.dTHS
C'AIM!:!a:s.sr. wh ch he will mnkenplo
ordrr.a he sti!: conmsni-s iheTailirinz Busi
ness. He is prepared lo eiernie all worlt
en'rusied to his care,!.) ihe satisfaction of the
N. B. Culling and Repairing-, rlont tr
order. Lewishnrg. A pril 10, 161
KbV. M A Q r. M X. r e-a B WVLtO
" ' s-' a I Mr W J
SOt Chestnut Si. PhilcrfrhMn.
r..-. .imsiaij.ni tl, nw-t -1. 1- , i.ii:rc anj
Bu-inr. Car.1-. .rttn.l an , ,,nt. t af lh- -hortrat
J""- "". fl' asi.rtu.rM if HSf. SutiOMrr
atwsT.An han.l. Initiai. in l'i-!nr, n.l T.-r artTof
tnibi-iiii. art:ticadj ,.-uIe.l. Aaj alvl. of Fapar
Jun, Uu. 1S60
HE subsiriber con-
nues to rarrv on the j
l ivery Untitles
tne Man.t on Siu:hi
Thirl street, near Market, ami respectful!
solicits the patronage ot his friends and t .
public generally. CHAK1.ES F.UEjjjj.
Lewisburg, Mav 22, msu
ACCKIOI .s and entenairng Utile Book
(all about .latrimouy, Monty, and oth
er matters.) fi-r the amusement of every bod?
(aito 'he yi tng folks, a'so,) on long irinttr
evenings, rainy days, nc. Price. SO cents.
W holesaie, I i Cents, ent by mail for seve
3 cent stamps. K, r sale at the Start Chran
iclt" cilice. WOKDENA- CORNEL Us,
1 " 6n'r. Lea i.-l urn. Pa
, ryr
' Attention, Musicians'.
. , ...
I V?
wvpe .a iar?e assortment pi
V lolms. Imitars. Ac- of ail
f kinds also Violin, tiuitar.
and Banjo Strings, Brl tres, Pees. Ac. and tha
best Violin Rosin call at ihe IVst Office and
examine. FORREST
"Well jump into th Ua, and ail take a rid
I.AKf.E, handsome i
i an.! verv romlorta
nma up irr tne rsprciai arcoininodahnn o
Fic-Nic and mhpr similar excarMnns. Term
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOI SEL.
I.ewibur. June 3. 1S."9.
as jypxrrxpEXT fj vv.r jowyM
Imard Fritl:i)s ( LnKborx.I bUb ntuci). rci'
TEK.V. $'i 50 p.rypar.To r.t niT is urns and
t thr Bam i4 If fi-r a ioitprTnr-TtOT arrd- Tb.W
ft H1 par f r ft ur m n tj ". 7 rt. li.r bim mrDtf. 1
forrtiht ti;'nth. -J Jt I t. r itn mfnthe, 3 Jtl. for
jf am, for tear rfj..:, on- j ar. o frr tin r" nr
)r. f. inele v.' 5 rt. I'ani nt fcy mail (I-1
r?.t1 in pM. r'tcr ntBip. nr iSsuk ot at tfc'
Taliif hr. !-t kitfl "f I'roditr rfcrivru n pay.
4 bn th tttn t-xi in for ?.irh a pni r trlt'd
(onl w ai a runnmz t-rounP it n Tol'rH'-
AivtTiiil!?iT(t haiJifnelr puh.Mhwsl, at 4"
juan iht- Wf-k, J.' rtn rarl nftt-r lim, rtk-n.
mrstith, Ji rtnl. pr ?ar. II m if a r?r;ur lis ru, IS
dnl. cl I. Twn Miuart 1 .Sit.4 oi'.OO. SlrrrbaDK
ft oTrr rne-fcurth of a mlunn, 10 iol. pr jaT. slh''
Piaen. e. a mry aarr?l up n. A ihiwarr im lUlii
pmlt tv(, r li ot tifitUrccr. A lrti et
d?PTal.Tire. iiiei.nrwii.ilir.e tn-tny tft a.lmi'tJ
Uommnnicaticna rltr-s! nn Ui? irnot g?tiral intfi
an1 arrntinni-'i hv rMrrV t-hI utd and tlir?"
Thf V i!(mT:l.:..!:.PH in ?r!d ,,PrJ
f th sVr.ir d-tJtramu-U.br w!-.ih wrclVo inrt iiport
Nrw in a.iT-n-'- cf tl't f'hit. li..
f tnit frh.ttn&. hirhiti nrratdw
- mi iriatb iva-rnw? r?rni.
. ,: V' , .", j;;I',rfaarW'"
J. h W..ra al.cn.t.-li
A. .
1 '
J afihcaiioD. March I6t '63 IJ
Lewisburg, Sept. 2, '331
. 1
as i. l.-v