II DI1TI 8TA1 Ml HI Ifflie tI "CHRONICLE,' Kabllsbed la l$l3who Xa.. 1.038. BY 0. ' WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. 41 11.SO per Tear, alwaji In Advance. NKUaBKB Xf-Mt-WEKStt 1 OZ 4 t jWav Morning fit FrMav AfterrwoH. ! "w LEWISBUKG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1864. FOR rKESll'FT. AnitiHA-M Lincoln; aevPlease ounce that Hev. 0 K. ' D- iniogrr hi postponed hi. .ale of household good, to (be 30th ioat. BavTbe Veterar.. and new recruit of th three eotnranie. in tie 51st P. V FIRST PUN!! The Opening State Election. i - - i- n t j j r.. . fn rn nur rrm a n mrp won n niTPrin rra d.. d - ( . ID., spring, oere . .u, uf A, 6oi,bed it, riHE unrferasgned ,Jm h..rs-,f as . can-! ; the inferior order of dpliiDgboo9e hfre, lhtre no Icause f,r cur nuea)i,j d.daie lor in- .fiVe of Justice ot the ! which rent to much Pn fit. The business for ..4 unnecessary removal to .he Or.ue 06,a'M 00 109 8 h ,Brt- T.e Peace f..r the Borough of Lewisburg, at the . . llTirr.al a (liatrirt a Minu anltra'i. ivman a irp DP ll boiuiiueutliur IHU 4iuiiuuyjini- cuuioe ci'i'l a.-.-,.' I Hnmninnitf husi antf .-r,M A (Treat IDAS III - ....... j rT i - e- , 1B which lhe brethren well know I i,r j ril.trii . aiarco pa : tbe deals ct m. L'ock, f r, oi coosump- , jo nut excel, and having bat little aequato tli'D. PAML'EL ROl'SH Tteo I) (.art has rationed as tanee in said District, nut kn.. ir.g lis wants L.. year, 1S63. Mr. Gilmobb (Union; ; ' of ,b, Germ,n Rrfl)rmed cbarcb. ' "L""' " '..VV "1d':.'"f had miuority of tbe whole vote for Got- ; j, f gD1(jrlch preached last Sunday great measure would he list, which otherwise error r-there being three candidates) but ... .... u..,, .., which U might be usei to good account. Therefore. waseler-ed ty the Legislature. I destitute rf a pastor. Soldiers are lti!l Jca G. via. P E VI i.aamsport-Pi.e ; R LAIRD EsW A of . Street. W I Spot wed. Mulberry btreet ; If frien(1, ,nd Btlt.hr, a.,-, r.e . Ej.r-dJira-. M ont. urw, le.A .M l.rewhum. aJ ,,,, f,.r Jall:r, t.f MuBrjr... I Shannon, j ClarHaeey ... . lhpeJce comi t f,01. t"n. tirorse W. ;ovpr. Milton Circn l, J ; . t-u;a d.; for thee reasons, and niauv more that mi; t be futainted. were it eiped ant, mh the V Hjutihawout. F E Chorrh. Lew srior; Ia;tt; Jyhn. MiO nbu'E. Charles Cleater, Ei -hi Shi.emaWer. .Ncrinumbrrlind, Henrv To the Assessors for 1864. Heal Estate. Executor'! Sal. ll'ILI. h fipoaed to Pnblie ?a'e. e taaj rren-ise, in I inarille. East Baffals r vnship. I'D.on county, adikiiif Wa, Reed, on ;.e n-', tke larnnike tbe aetaj. 4r. a l.'-I" OF GliiilM', it aent a cnr I t, fu.l wiliS, in vh.ch are ereeieaaAek Fratt.e LWEI LIXU itOVSS. FraeiJl -ah!e. ic.. la e the property of tiou'icbj Stca 'if!'', dee'd. The saie wilt take aacf i i o dixit A. yi- on w,t;h Kelnno to thia wiiriit .t.rted fir ' : uy eoa"aS ,uu fc e ; ; ; ; jmi. khamokin and 'I reverU'O, J hn t rpil t Arj-tnent B..oa are raacy jur ! rr-a -y, im f.ni uny j .m irem, icin. b.ch belong to tb....m.t, . ar-ed fr D0roin,ledi on . pU,fjral f4furiD(? ABBA- , ml f tl,en fudi tteir m ooe, lifce PPen and ir.enda. frri,B, y,t e - f,DIiriutT Kite, J M. lion Alters. ! J d.h.ery hen r.Med i,t, when Terms will be made ltnc- r Ibt field yesterday morn.og. Tb.y de- President Tbe Cop. ' , , . t; , i.!rri.hnrff is a stir : V a" ' " "S " t' ' fvtawi. Franitlia Ge.rhan. E T Swart.. A. KENNEDY, rierk. I.S. HTEHNER, Bx. ratted q-iiet!y, altlough a few of the HAM L,NC0LS ,jr ' ! """P'- Truly, Ilarnsborg a stir- d.r. ,d h, p.... my succe.r n, be more w y h. waiter. Danville. A Mi Lew.stnrg. March 5, ISM. k . ,i,.m ..ikod f ru0 W a"n- ,nd D,eod"1 ,0 "rr j rinj- piece tbis .eason, and d M not seem ''. "ceess ul. and ne(ul. thsn your KirnvJ Blr,nnl.l.,ur2. KMibe E W.i.on. J. PfieCSOr'S Vendue. " tnnre boisterous amine tbem tai.ea ot . , t;,rrr to the ... . j himble servant, 1 aubacribe mveir fratcr- . , w . . Vk. , i-.... 5 ' fihrff' KalM . . , . . ... ... . ,hi, tbe State, and i-erd tr s"'01, frre 10 108 ! generally to know it ha pecuniary advao- fia,,v ,ourl s w and LishKtreei. 1 bouias M hrese. . -w-will beeipo'ed lo pnblie sale, on the fcaettB S aaies. k.ek.og op a dust before tl.ey left ;tb.s Senate iu p ce of JoiIN V. HaLI. f . ' 1 , y .a v T Jereytown, A.ert Harman Jea.sv.Ue. . fa-m of Fraaci Z-ii, itar M.ch"! T)Y irtoe of a wra if Vend. Ex. aad Lrw. Ibra.t, bo-eTer, was ail from the effect. THOt'AVD MAJ- 1 Dover again enjoy. J. Tmhj,,, elected I'resid.cg JomM Forresu NV.tsop fa.e. Bearer Mead- BVw-, ,u. Turtle Creek, m East BafT.ii.. ' 1 Fa. Usa-d ont of the Cart of Coma) of fiThtin whok-T which w. reeret to 1 " " 1 1 tkiPAV Kvt.MSO, Maxch 8. E.der. The P. h were then appointed, ( w. J.j K K nt;. White Hen, B FSievens. lown4h,p 1 Vm if (.'moo cr.oatv and to me dtreeted. . f t. L-,.' ; hr ,l,m OKITY FOR GILMOKE, and nearly Tbree SPf:ior 0f ,be Senate, to day ; and the following brethren bad Elder' Berw.cW. M P Cr.-Mhwa te. C Swallcw. ; fcaiurday, Siarrh 19. ! wU be eipo.-d iu puslie ae or ctery. ..,.. too freely tndu gel m by them. , odldl,e in B01BiMtioo 0n He bat 0Be of tbe Uuir,n Sl,nstor, beine ; order, toted then.: 5. T. Buck. A. li. " ."'""JV f (;asl-"n"- 0f-' eommeacinj at cluca.me f, wm? ar- Saturday. .Iarth 19, a wLo? U f' ! Me . f. t.e tV, (Ki. i f TT' - Pd'ent. W Dill, Professor. s OTt M!r tf t. ,w i lT.'t rT feotlemen and good .oldiers. : ltie 1 e P r iiinj e.tttrg id yrom t,tir tttt. thus preventing a quorum lmnd.-l, W . II Iai, J. T. Keed, T. M. I H Torr-nre. -cretarv Pennsj'vaia Bi- : ,r.j,r i.to.-.-.. : .,r.. 1 t..p(. I ki o.di it h.d.i. K- ,..t . j i--rt.i" . . 1 the r,unihineut (.f the Hebe's and in fayor . j ki-.i- el f ,k.' s.i: - f i..tf 1 b Hnri.tr. member, of Danvilie Uaarterly .!. 1 a.rtu ieLic. .i tun, .i : tr fx. Loo. .ttri.aiii oa th. m i.. .mat tVr.ference a wnole uav- Tkrjiftt h ack Jraitor. e be tad 0f tilIt staunch Luion representative, 6ef5iorj DCvperdte indeed must be tbe1 Arxmoun S iijnOa motino, Con- tunireds and tbousaudi of white men i're,,jPut Lincoln. Xew Uatnphirs i focdiiion of a rsrty wl.icb resorts to tuch fereuce dj r.ed, to meet at 9 o'clock, who have proved traitor, to the Lntoo, .he n,t doubtful of the New Edc- ' .-i. . .... .1. t-...u .1... a Btut-'iur:" iu L'lvicut 1 tiO it.i:iaiiuu uvy . . , . . . , , . , .er, the ke, note to the ' ... .. .. a j .. r. : ' " ,De -'i'.ry society to noia tneir " . I. , i 're "rc'a uu ""ru 1U UJ- JueJ W1"' annual meeting evening .Missionary ..r- E.ectioc. 0: liOi .wr. tnase, a rivai candidate f r Mr. Lincoln' place, is a native of New Hampshire, and a good mku, but bi. time actm. to be after and now a black one has appeared. A , part of tbe cavairy working towards Richmond, was mis-directed by a colored nan, who was ebjt dead for his offer.ee. 1 We hope that bis guilt wa. undoubted. The qiestioo Dow is, if a poor black man, ; heretofore a .lave, is killed for treachery, what should be done with a freeman atd cit ten guilty of such an a:t, and perhaps : of perjury with it T j twaAt ao election of the Lewisburg i 1 S oburg Turnpike Company, tbe fol. lowing officers Were cboseo fjr tbe ensuing jear: President, Geo. F. Miller. Mana gera, Mrtio Drwebach, Gideon Biefal, Adam Scheckler, J. Frederick Pontius. : Treasurer 4 Cletk, Jsme. F. Lion. E. B. Walter, of tbe east end, and Henry Hull of tbe west end were appointed Col lectors of Tolls, aud E. B. Waiter and Daniel D. Moyer Supervisor.. Good John L. Seoul 1, A. A. Geo'l, ba. dismissed from service a Dr. Waliacs M. Purcell, for trying to compel a woun ded offioer to pay bun (Purceli) for servi- wa. tbe mM doubtful of the New Edc- hm.. , ,.,.,. ,i.. l.....l..ir.n ,h. ; Monday, morning, in order to gtte way : are e.ecteo ana sworn to 00. iney win, aonua, m,e,iliaefenini. Missionary however, claim pty for diing nothing mon oy Ji. Kobr, and nearly themseives and preventing all others who : .Mh-i tiary oi-ney oontrituted. ! desire to work from djing anythios. I SiLltik M-miuj Urdmatioo Sermon Basil Dak, the notorious guerilla and horse thief of Morgan's band, bas been trat sferred to Fortw-Di Kware. Oo bi way thithfr, from the Ohio Penitentiary, he was tinted aud wiiied by the Cjpper beads as any other distinguished gutat would be. Ia Pniia. he wa. roomed at Abraham'.. Stand to tbe President ! sustain tbe Union party ! belp the Soldier. ! aud all ill be well. Thus, from day to day, do the Copper- bJ ,be 1J'n,P- uen tbn'9 candidate. ,he CoctineDtal in tbe best style, and a eected to i. dcr . and ileacuu a orders managers contrive to aeteat e , . . , . . General Bounty Bi'l, the Amendment, to : Htmi, Mr-h 7. l roceeaiags 01 aaturday read audadp- bead managers contrive to defeat tbe . tbe Constitution, and local and general ted. Harrlaburg Correspondence. '1 LLsiiAY, March 8. L : - . t 1 : ,: L , . u. .u uUJ,jCcuUU.u. U....C. Kevs C-H. Letnbach of the Reformed j Nor is our side wbo.ly l-atnelesa 10 churchi ,nd I(r imiU of ,he m. E. j another poiot they "pair off," and in o ; Churca, were introduced to Conference. treat many Demoera'. of Sects h crocliv- itles culled to see bim. Latest News '. L- ty LairD, Z d-.t :.r ftt of yt w br doutr ! ett of baezy bavrnta. tm t r ct-e-k hut, k of hriij -jai.arii, n tMM !'i.ioat. 1 iarv kiUtc-Q ImV. ; on oaii e'Btfcrd. en faru'wrr w & wri- f Of I K.ptr ! t a.1 ltlft- u-d o fern At XL Mies' titr-, cue hauf ot 21 avLrtM 4X grtua ia the fTCuwi w.ii ts? 'ffrrt-tl f&r Tfims mule known at sa Feb 26 J PFLEEGOR Wm. Ketchem's Vendue. "I ""ILL be sold. i f ub'ic -a , at ih resi- dece of the o'i'Vrsjcne'i, on Cham- beriin'ft Farm, ia Eat BulTlue tovbib.p, a Saturday. March 12, th folio-rine property, to wii : 5 bfa4 "f bor. 2 rf tha iinr. fear Trt oil. tanj 1 ' -ry of L CIr L)t. tlir a,2l ie r or ir. l--r. b af- fr-rlaMl a larfw ThTsw ?!rr-a H'irK ?k-r ttOl.kr, a tb SufftatO RtsMsw, ; JriQeui.i. ft&J oti r lbprotwjnta. (u kxiac ' . roLwrtv devrr.t-'i w ort;a la.Usd Jiaetry ltk, , 1n r.riwJ iB McrWif' hx . C. aValw, J w.c1 taR-S Itl tXrnt)B ka tb ia-Uprt L. i. ftlVWsjaf TMi t.iAU hiiua.'- ust ASo, at ihr satrif? t mi ani p!ac, all tkal ' m'ur t'-oa-mecr wed T-rt of Lai ntutf ia VbrM j bevr v wu.tiK . euttj asd ?tatt -tYMKl. boa4at a4 tt-criu-ti f .ow -: of kftod a Iw. iJmaasaajaw- '.hwv evuttl OBs- iiBlf le-fTT VwX J BBrcbM BaBfl uft BOt ilD ; 'h"BC. w Btfc j: 1 !S-rWw tcavt42 . j U- the -oter -f lhsD4T turnpik; tfaaB . Jea tb ofitr of eawJ ranirjiKr aortb s; j it rrmm u 1 to b tTcD-; cbsTBor. north 1 '4 d-sr arM 1 (VIA I p-r'h W a B-it ; f b-Bfw. Berth tvi dtrawa BBBt 0 p-r-Lw V- a ;ct: thener. !oor aad (rf w) toBBBy, eoaTfe l. Oncrrct can 114 fsareb?. to tavar Bla tw-nDtiibf. c BtaiBicc 1 Brrtr ana I-v; ltrrai ut s:i'-l B(J takB ia vBrratroai a tba BrnB (v r. ALtllilbUT, U K theru? s jftra, Lrwbarj. f e 1, 144, Coming oer fr ni Lewisburg to the R. doiog emble tbe eneniy to triuapb. Ia j Committee ou Fibtcce reptr:ed, report R. Drp-jt jesterti.y maroiog, I was forci. ' cb House, tbe AmendmeDts -viiowing - P. . r ' ' . .- ... -ii final tapasinn at i iiimanrirt. Pi 1 SALE OF RE AX ESTATE. Baltimore, March 1J. MJ Harry 2 -.t of t. iJ s ' ... t - 1 , r e t.rcp. plvuf li rnr i (pirs 'r rhrrs lift, LorM I White 18 among tbe released prisoners tell,Iiui. m bdiM uim r.i K,,.ij .. iu , , t, returnea ry tne reueis ia ueti. uuuiii - . Z , r 1 nerery crer lor sate rr.r House ana e'SOlvea to UOld Our bcXl U- , J t ba.-T. 1 eoniai4Bbrid. 1 lif til h-r w4 ita 7 , ., , ' . . .. ii- m: i. Deoarrment. i . .ki ti m -i di.. l en. hor 2 , Jil " oa onn intra street, Lewia. Llv impressed with the rronrictv cf filline d'ers to vote would bave carried ere - - , i tir i h-e .umtor t l-h-ir. cuit:Tor dji. i: not soia at private sale before tke unthe.k of the Turrit ike 1 Lad Cm- if il "ur men bad been in their ' ---Ir.et cause was, I be exchange ot pri.ocer, ,s going cn -r;c, np the a. oti, oi tne lurcpue luao. utii ,! taken up ; rolls called and members came satis faetorily under the superintendence of brtuni-.frMii eri.. -..n. ei,i ! public sa:en taat aaw.at the Riviere Hoaat. rany between those points. I wa. told sel'9- require, a mij Tity of each ind r.i(1 nn lh.jr da., O.n. Katler. Over 600 cr-vates and 4i '"-" " 0'.".'l7 "r";.b-: ' ,'w t,ur- "or par.iculara inqaira of , , t . i o . ji r i - r Mm w. nay laxi jtp. aoa b abtbTv oi 02 cc.v-cna.a, tsa , I a m K Ii--. that hau.ing loads has been impns.ible at ; bnacb to carry, and once in Senate and j Ke.olved, that all the preachers are re- officer, were delivared to bim from Rich- j ou..rartKi x u.ucocd. Feb ' iN6t time .od .11 ir.uelino and walking have ' once in 11. H.. we lacked that one.fhe quired to make extra tffirts to raise funds mon J. bv a fits of truce boat. Sale to commence at precisely 18 o'clock J ' e . . . . t -l t i j 1. 1. . i . .l . ! A M. when due aitennoa will be riven bv the t ..... ... The d.f- , "e,tlg cseDl J cul l " c'etce5 01 10,5 . ,.oelr r'P;c' " ' 01 "ujr ,ur los , Col Dahlirreen. one of tbe brate.t of nndersned. TERMS: All amcVt, nn-ier ! UniNP. fillll .Ot IP S3 P. aavi.. . v. . w , y a f -m aw. JOHN BILGEK. been d;f ult and troublesome. ferenee iu tbe turn total per trip of goods : character, b""ns might have been much , furtherance ot the cause. and produce carried, in "wear and tear," further advanced. Surely, the Member. ! R"'J. bt 100,000 tr.ct. be pab- j i a a. and in cleaning persons, horses and carri- ! ire Pala "ougu, ana nave prm.ege. .iinuoh to sue. all nth.r. fitlsioesa mr.ii aces used, would soon nay tne expense and e-i tolls of such ao improvement. TcraatT, March S. was Killed in a fiirmisn at lung and Proceeding, of treceding dy read and Q jeen Court House, last rnday. He was , . . r a j : T r b. 1 1 . If i, h- Pleasure and devote themselves uorcserv-; aopted. j .,. aujtp edly to the great measure, before tbem. --.... -v-wV- ..... , An cgcla dispatch from Col. .Mulligao, A M, when due aitennoa will be riven by the t Col Dahlgreen, one of tbe brateit of andersieoed. TERMS: All amxur.ts onier! the late excursion to Richmond, it ie sta- , cash; and all over thai, a credit of :x t i f.rl r.h.hi. .ntknriir I mur.t hs will be given, wnh rood seeontv. : ilTlITORX VftTIPP. TS the Orrhana' Court" for the eoon-.v of purchaser. Inquire of 1 I'mon E-a:e of ELittasTa Yocxs. late I of I'oiod township in sa d eoun'y, dee'd. The House and Lot cn Fifth St. half a square from Market, owned by Mra Naacy Wallace, and now ocrnpied by Mr. John Burd is orTered for sale. Term, to .ail A. H DILL Lewisburg, Feb 5. 1C4 To IliulneM 31eav w tkuwi. uiai-n s -a aa utrw ii'iuijbii t I rtTinri i . 1 1 1 1 1 w ' ... -.r ee.for which Ih. Government . then let .he h,id !'..... o, the V, ' " ",ln he remark of tba fcen-, Baltimore O.fr.rf-E Koaa. P E.-Ba!t aate3 V.. , a, The Audaor appointed by the Court to m.V e paying him (Purcell).. alary. By order Turnpike wun wb.b V, communicates,;-- Su,4ueha0n. (Mr. Turre.i) S,,on Bng, BaM.on. A Krouse. 7 STORE KOOMS FOR RENT, OI Ueo. touch. Department of tbe Su-q ie- take tbe stock, truing siLgle or -Loaal ,u-w iUC F1"" uo p Rlih(r, Shrewsbury Cir. Aarand. W borbood of &tiuntoo. Tbey report tbat I ot ia deceaenu wm meet an pan e , ctuabclla'. Blrk. Hakft tav. v ai a. aj.L i . . - , rue o rttk ere that mi'uht at this in nature : u h., 7. Ur.rnh.r.av p .. .... oa.u .... --..1, lift UA.w.. ; iniereaied for the purpose of hiappoirtmnt UWiMJIRt, fA. iBuuB, ivitiBiuurBrurg, -'urea i. i?oi i leavers mat eoaii pay lor past-age oer ; . " ; LIBU3 tUC OCUtt tO Ul IUI3 C-A1C IU UCUIIII J " " - W3 - - w. . I a. V t K.a.. n 4 af1.. II c ailtvil, wflCI'V M I'll 11 K . VUUIUrilBHU V lit II R Price, H W Buck. Leesburg Cir. A Longsdi'rf. Haserstown Ctr, 8 V Bennington- Washington City Mission, Jacob Hern. Hartford Cir, v m Keaser. Pooisbmeot and exposure of Ihi. sort cao Bridge and Turnpike, to avoid the tronble he none too frrqu-nt Officer, .re paid of making change frequently. enough, and should do full duty, cheer-; fully . fayln 16S0, Wm. Lloyd Garrison wa. imprisoned in Baltimore, f ur publishing It it understood that the Kai'roai Com pany in'end to erect a permanent passen ger Depot w. rtby of and suited to this best Way Station on their line at a point traight froi tbe Uiver to tbe Road, thus or hostile altitude towards the Govern ment. TncRsiiAT, March 10. Tbe Constitutional Amendments passed in Senate to-day, after a recapitulation of tbe history of the movement by Senator on tbe 20h of last month 110 deserters and conscript, left Mr. Soleg, in Augusta county, armed and resolved to gat l&eir way through to our line. on Saturday, the S6;h dav of March. I Ci.scissATi, March 9. Paweneer. by Centrr OtMtrict1 M Vortvo. P E. Perry ,b steamer Luminary, from icksburg A Want Supplied! j ryiHE subscriber has jost opened, in Cham- itr, a i duck, v d Lie-.Kiier. i.ivtrp"oi on me aa insi., eay teat coermao ana nis ; ber'tn-. Building.corner of Mifaei and Cir, P Graham, J M M'Uaw. Port Trever- army are there. He has destroyed forage ' Fif.b streets, a tA, T,HEsE Roms are better situated, mora at 1 o'clock, P M, at hs Offic- in Lewisburg. 1 tbor ogh v finished and .'arnnbed.convr. March 4 WM. JONES. Auditor ', men:, and deirab.e in every respect, lhaa. anr others ia the p!ace. Une is especially adapted for tbe sale of Drv Goods, or seneial Merchandize. Tbe othr for the Grocery or Hard war tosness. or bold combined. The town has a nopulatioa of 3000 rersoaa and is surrounded sy a neb and very extensive t l n .L.i, i , r- t". i'iii.'..i'iiii. .iiuutc virri vyir. and nrovisiona enough to anhsist tna rebel : tt i ti rvtr . n ts i -aa-rv -vT-r-Ts-.--TT- itir iu .1 j i .... ...... .,l..-1.uiu- v Stambangh. Lnion Cir Geo Hon'er. t . t v iiauvh anij .s u ui L.L..y.i if ant, Ar;caiiurai ana macutaciomg coUDtrr. wrote ,0. friend in Baltimore, directing -ng f-rth or a third of a m.le and f b,, fote(1 ye. B. BeM(iiI Centre C,?, M Waiters. D M Miller CWon fc?de.7roveV0 TORE estahMshment ereai.v needed ,n ' At presenu there is no Hardware StTr. bim to pay tbe fine and co . and liberate btlc6 dlrect ID, Le"lfburg D.novan, Latt. M'Sherry Montgomery C.r. P Wagner. Lock Havco Cir. M J Cir- P'fe 08 de'troyed over ?.,U00,000 ' , ,hl, TlclniITwncre De Bli an tx:enslve e p ace, or county, tboujh greatly aeeded. Oarri.0-. Thia fact is recently made The new Depot is to be on tbe side of the , . ' . ""0B,erJj others, J Bo.ersox. BoaUbu.g Cir, M Za- froperty and at another place immense ; ,orln)enl of Terms reaocab.e. Arhr to R H Chambcfa UARRIBOM. iota ract is recently male f .smith, and Wallace toted No. And iiUf. ; uores and thousands of bushels of wheat TT , r tt v -tj i hn- CHAMBERLIN BR0VS known by J.bn G. Wbi.tier. There are road next to the Borough, and to be fitted B w, Su.ehanna D:rlrUts Wolr, P e. .ere consumed. He brought in large i Hardware for nopseboilders ! ' .W in B-lli-;'Q f" "-'"J " barton, ReU.y, Stark, and Stein, did not . "' drove, of caa.e, .everal thousand head of "JfSS Fb , ctnvemecce. Now, good folks all around .tlX.L: mule, eight thousand negroe. and over utrdlJZ Tor Ad era inquire of them. '.Lewisbur,, J 1SJ p.,,-., A,r.rv-rJri,a a ! m.c.aam,i that road, plant trees, and; ,.,,. s. p... ' ler. Buffiioe Cir. s W tfeibert, F C Hjrf- four thousand prisoners, with ttifl.ng loss " rV0"?!!'. ri ' . " long 6tLoe, we were tuld, a man on tbe Railway between Lewieburg and Nor thumberland, attempted lo pass from ooe car ts another ; tbe wind was blowing tery strong, and started bi. bat from hi. bead; be raised bia band lo cateh the hat, when tbe wind blew him over, and ba .truok upon racks, which killed bim in.taoily. Ooe day last week, Depnty Marshal, M. W. Alarney, from Potter county, wa. pasting down with a hundred volunteers, among whom were . few suspicious-looking "bounty-hunters," whom b eharged his "veteran" guard lo take special charge of. Between Lewisburg berland, two of those u.en ether, jumped out if the water-clotet window, while tbe train wa. in full .peed, sordid Marshal or Conductor think it worth while to go back after the traveling ecsmpa. We doubt whether the amount cf premium received would pay doctor bill or make amend for neck, liable to be broken in such leap.. Harris. Luzerne Cir, T M dition to thi., by the destruction of every I Cir, Pines. Wyoming Mission. H A Dennett Cherry Cir. 8 H Irvine, J G M Swengle. J H Leaae. Hardware for every bodj ! important railroad line, Gen. Sherman bas "f h Tery best kind. Also, a large and se- reieased Gen. M'Pherson'a corp. from : le" sGrtment ci guard duty .long the Mississippi, and China, Glass and Queensware, Table restored bim to active service. Gen. j Cutlery, &c. Ac. etc Grant, when on his way east, expressed j Persons wanting any articles in the above . irrefutable argument in favnr of the nn&i soon tqaahxe the expen-e and greatly ' . , , . , , i ' e j tion he baa assumed of continuing as Spea. betu'ify and "ameliorate tbi. important :. , , , J , hli-hwav from ood old KorTalos Valiev to ' . . . . .. s u h E Davis, Missionary at large c ' ' ' takeaway tbe last pretence ot the faelion-sts; t Prof of Agricultural College, the Ironhorse-W orld. i resigoed b;s p0fi,iorji lnd W4S at one re-1 -rlfri Sesatun. Committee oi Ed At Sehosgrove and Treverlon Junction, I , . .- ... . , . .. j ncation renorted : some refletinna were quite, nnmber of Snyder and Union T . . . . ,,,, : ' cast on tbe Trustees for .uspending tbe 1 himself entirely satisfied with tbe situation ; nne w,ti nad it to tne.r a3vanaje to can at H . . Last night, aoout 10 0 clock, there was ... . o-. f mii.., anil .Boke ; ,he bih. ' ths store where they can have a larse stock county volunteers, nnuer uapuin. UeD -. c .. t i-. u . i l v-ouu vu.ou uimiuaij,, wuicu were: r , ,. . from wh'ch to elect. T. G EVANS hart and Mitchell came aboard and were ' q'te fi" ' f k'eCkDer ' 1 rk" ! resisted. I ' of General Sherman', expedition, , 'T. M.rrh hart and i.cbell, came aboard, and were , ,JousP( burDing h, tMet rfl()fg nf i(e ; iagtitation , which bad given Ibe rebellion the .everest - -- ---.,..,,,. . n thejolliest humor, singing song, n . nQtDber of cbeap dwelIlD? houses, but , lost. Revs. Lipe .nd La.ber deleg.t.d bij 'he fall of V.cksburg. Rebel GUNS.P1ST0LS.FISHING TACKlE, honor of Snyder county, Beavertowc, etc. ,l. k .i.i .. .u.. a,... from th. Past IVnna tnfar.n,. .,. rumor, say that Col. Forrest was killed in i rnito nrrvv wow The patriotic fever is rising in the loyal ! , bnrned , . ; resent their Conference in ibe interest of " "P'Sement with this expedition. districts of tbat county, which is mostly j ,. , revelatioa of ih. .n..lii Uoion Selnio7' le ... . . I - -V.--..W tree irom dratt, it wou.d .eem. Lven tbe of m boosthl)ida 1. ..--- , e l -el" - euitor oi toe ' limes irom pruaentiai li equal VY. . , , . I TODS. Lines, Keels. Baskets List of Vendues in Harch. 1864, t Hoo, Nets. Fo.is. gi, FINE 0UTLER7, .ai Sawnlag ifparairs graeraltj. Bait. Flies. oves. Masks. FOR SALE The residence of the late Mrs. MaHia M. GRAHAM, situated on South Frost siieei Lewisr.org. nearly opposite Independ en. Hall. For terms, apply to D'C. 1 A. H. DILL FOR SALE. V DESIRABLE BuiIJir.j Lot. situated ia a p'easan: part or Le'wisbnrj;. Term, to not tlie purchaser. For further in for na nus, loqaire of 10JJ C. D. BREWER institution go down it would retard tl.a cause of education in tbe East nd Cen- i Ai"'UKi b bi" " "a" M the-Chrooki..' . bii.es. Corkscrews. Dg Cellars. 4c. cm-' and a DWELLING accent to Store. m urn n mi, 4 TAVERN" STAND a STORE ROOM t. and all lhe fixtures ready for Oae and xlrlZ! ! - f-war-.oving motives-comributod j EvangeUcal Conference-concluded. Z 2 j , ooe after the 10 ,he BouD,y laDi & 'bus bas done Bishop E-her having arrived 6. W. 1 'qa nnmbers from both Conferences, lomeibtDg (with buLdreas of others of his ' Seibt-n firnidiiT iQtroduccd him to Coo- comoiiUea to report at cur next; dlu- party) to eounVract their former evil fcrtuce, wbtreopoQ all tbe members rose 1 6essioo. ' In IhaiBi ff .a aa - trtlon a.-...-. . I nmmiltt APJ (hi AT this f Tfn ft a -J iut.il aCB was SB ivakEU Ul SJUUI VlJ BUU j v aa suw fm v' '"1 V1U1IH.I j respect, heartily welcoming bim, tbe bon-1 enee re M. J. Carotbers, 8. Wolf, J. or cf which be acknowledged by a short Zonrg, E. Kohr, and F. C- Hofm.n. ana appropriate audret.3. ibe proceed- .oening yutin. .VI. J. Larimers ana ings of previous day were read, corrected ! L- May of the clergy, and A. Eyer of tbe and adopted. j laity, elected trustee, of Union Seminary.. Afternoon Saion. C. F. Deininger lo- I Resolted, That tbis committee meet an j cated for the purpose of moving west. Sub-' rqial nnmber tbat may be appointed by I influence. Al Milkrsburg, and all along tbe route, we received constant accessions uf blue coats. The Senate bad an afternoon session, Mouday the Cops, under the lead of Clymer and Lamberton, doing everything Looking over the Report, of the Rail. tbeJ eott!d bJ "orthy and wntemptible way Compaoie. of Pennsylvania, it seems strange ibat there are oo more death, or accident, among passengers in their plaot., considering bow many million, pass npoo tbem. B9Tbe S.rantoo Republican .ays tbat .a aged German named Kniping, dilatory motions, to prevent tbe accom plishment of business. Tbe house was in session until ten in the evening. ! Saturday, Geo. Crawford w.s here, j consulting with the Governor, it ii said, J lo prevent rumored division and separa : tion of the Reserve Corps. As their time will expire in . few months, they natu- DieaO-lunar fell fmm th. r,;i,,.J kairlaa at that ul.. i..t r i i rally desire to remain together, and we P'e. last rnday evening, end; . ,. . . ? . ' WM ao verel, iniud ,h., k- .u. i 800oId hoPe B,J be g""fied. at a V WIV.U IUC I MB. night He w..homeles..od friend-' D'g ,ea " tIj"!M S" leaf, and it wa. difficult to find . house to GrM"' trm ,b' Wm'' Urried 0,er D'ght belter bis mangled body iu. We sap-' " the U' S" ,,0tel Hrrisbnrgi D(1 ,hi pose he i. tbe man who .ojonrned in ! n",rBin8 weDt 00 ,0 wliogton. lie is Lewisbnrg some year, ago, and was well sbort toick "et mD D1 declined .ny known by the ntuical portion of tbis Pr,de- eommunity. I Mt Satnrday, a horseman came into ,a.7rT il . i ' ,his ci,J Dd b'ched bi. nag to the rear a rA aloable .oriel mare was stolen . ,,.,,:. 6 fro. the .table cf Isaac Walker, a mile , ""f 9on- The aer of he nd a half wm of this town, on last Wed- t "t,er Ut,e, off bf'-'k rate, not noti- Beeday night. j cing tbe "incumbrance" io bis wake, on- TK. rZXZTi lil fce htd one ,0B" lare when the Tbe Lopperheed. have written aa artiel. ' i .v .? . .squeotly voluuteered as missionary for . ,b Presidiog Eider, of the Esst Penn.. California. W. W. Orwig, editor of tbe ' Conference', who shall form a joiot eom ChritilitcAe BoUchnier, and C. Hammer, ' mirtee to devise plans for raising ao en- li fer Property. W. krlrhom, E. BatTalae U-Real Estate, B. a. Banier..re'4.LeKb'g 11- rersaal Prop Hat T Bairert. BufTaloe. IS Perseaai Prp. BKkepOratg Sf Berlla l-1 Per. rropertj, I. B. trarllus.Btttraioe IA-Personal Properly. Ji.kn rtl-r. BafTaloe K-Farai Moek, Hn g Ktrrka-r. !. 17 Prrsiinal rropertj at D. Beat ler.RasTalne I-Su1HI:Ums.L. e. Banner, rkllllsaaq I Pepsoaal Pre;eHy S. tin rah ark. krllj. Is-H.nvean. Lot. Jnha ?. m:W, leal.k'c IV-k) Iter, staiiia Wulf. IceaU r Berlin. I Prrseaal Pmperiy J, PReeenr.lMlaRalM 12- Prrvoaal Pmaerty. . D. Keea. Buffi toe 24 -Per. Pro. BulTalwe Bouse, teabhart: li-Real Estairef M. Wararrre-..l-t. g 1-floasea Ut.Oaiaiurrldarr'. llamllle 7A-Ralldlng lots.w.B.hialla.tarr.la'g. J(-Hiasrk l.t4..ErU F.Ut ial:rr.l k g Possession of Tavern. I si of Annl aertof Store and DweHir,g. on two davs' nonce. THO. AKBl'CKLE. S'tfer P.O. Taiactown, Brady Ip, l axa Co. Pm. Oac IL ISt. Farm for Sale. s-antlyon hand, and for sale W holesale and Retail, at JOHN KRIDER S. Sportsman's Depot. N. E. corner Jnd and Walnut 8ts. PhilaJ'a- Marrb 4mS (Jl OI.EN, or eicharged. at the Hotel of the j ! O undersigned, on the I7'.h inst. a seamless J H-iftltr Ai, distinctly marked FE'i ER rTyHE south-west quarter of section IT. Il i ER. The pron bavin; it had best re- . town 7. north ranee 8. east of the 4th turn it. and thereby save trouole. principal mend;an. The said Farm Ilea i.ewisbur- reb is.' J' WEIUE-X5ACL- J about two miles north of the city of Freeoort. in Stephenson Co.. Ulinofs. AZriHlltlirill IllinleniPnl. ! h" ,boaX For,T Acr" nderenlnvaii0,wiih - o 1 r na Ur ca a n A .th., O., Kni : A . . i . auv.Mti .u.u.iiiiza.i waiorwta 1 L . , 1 1 . , AGRICULTI RAL Implements, since the "J rn commencement of this War. have been """"-."d the ba.ance of the tract iseov.rwd i m great demand, and good machines are val- bV ,hr'',-, ?wth of timber. . .. , lh.1P .. ,j rlh Every acre of tha farm is soseeptiblt of chief Book Steward, were introduced aud . dowment of at least $50,000 for the ; xVtJnBjS.' In the year 162. Messrs- J. S. MARSH A ' en'l,"l,n and when suitably improve. by tote made advisory member.. j fonnding of a college within lbs booods ; E.er Aaron Porter will prelch in the CO sold one of their Improved Reaper to "e io'iniJo" f B" iB"UBt " Applicants for Miuisters' License were I of tbe two conferenrs. Said committee 1 Christian Chorch. Lewisburg, at half past Henry Stock for 130. On the ISth of Feb- j - . P w , taken np; close examination elicited . o receive bid. for such . location as may j ockSunday i ZrYkJfliZTnetl Bt Le-isburg! Pa. Jwi B HUrr, of Free, spirited debate. be convenient .nd ..tieficlory to the con-j t.i-.tv P. Z. C.v.c. (Chamberlm'. fu'r f.19 after Lnguldtwa 'aeo. 'j port. IlL. or ihaMbacnbers. at Savanna. Ilk , Missionary cause was taken np. The ferenee. 1 Bmldm?) service next Sunday (March f Messrs. J 8. Marsh A Co. are manufaftn- f" "H Jiff LI'' BishoD asked if thpn mv imkn Resolved. That a vnta of iti.nt. ha i 13tM i 3; in the afieraoon and 7 in the ,a. a l.r.a nnmhar of ih.,. a...v,... ...li ftot. JO, 1S63 L. H. BOW til. f.tor of Ge.. M'Cl.n.n, .nd bat. iiog the im ni . pUjctr.-, o.med Webb, to tr, wJtoon mogt4 MMUnilj. W" .. . '"i0 b0nt .tl" ,Dlr' 10 1 Cfeeron, Edy, and Colder, are tbe ;;d'7k 0r,g,"' heMt-Pkib. looaicdn, Locbiel, ja.t below .hi livT a ?0r!.rreetob,e "M,n i J. . gre.t basioee. it eooten.pl '"J. Mise A.n. E- Dickinson, fwho. we i.a n l.. v l. ... , y to w i0 w ,o.W. to rMpoeti to H.rri. n th. Ritar b.nb. ... present who would tolunteer to go to j tendered to the eitixens of Lewisbnrg, for . cJ.,."il California or Uregoo, in order tbat their j lnelr smanessand hospitality to lhe mem names might be presented before the bers of the Confereaee. Unanimously "Board at their next meeting. A voice, ! adopted with a ruing tote. Closed with "are there any bounties given, and if so, j Pr die. how much?" Bv tbe Bishoc "Yes. enough to take them there and pay tbe first night's lodging." - A motion to locate a Missionary ia tbe city of Washington was carried. EarcaDsr, March 5. Proceedings of preceding day read, with some corrections, and adopted. Committee on Boundary reported ; re port accepted. Ret. S. W. Seibert offered hi resigna tion a. Presiding Elder; after eonsidera- itttDtflUuca i&ariut. Corrcetril Weekly prayer by the Bishop. Adjourned, sine I wb 1.40 Eggs- J- - - ID Improvement , this aeason, for the coming 1 1 J U . . J . I ,1 . nay lag suu usifrsi , auu aa to mc merits 01 their Comblacd Rye 1,20 Tallow Porn 1 tin I.sril fresh. Hon. Salmon r. Chase ba address- o.t9, pr 32 ft, 75 Clover seed. iFor iUfirt, r a"" .'wrst Ainr 12 .-wm S. M Kv M fixvt- Bftrfl ' 1 A11TD 1 VTi DT" I Tir-n ...i n .h ........ ,k. ,f iiiiurii a ii ii nr..ii h . a u jiu tiuii iini iiu.ii iii, Qf Diarrial nf Pannaolvavkia in tha nlaaa nf hlaakala w.a .ee.rlal ( Tha fnll.i.ir.s . ' - - f - . l " a : ueorge uoney, deceased. are bis reasons for rsignog : I ed a letter to Senator Jas. C. Ball, Col- j Flaxseed 2,25 Wool ombui, O., io which be positively declines j Dried Apples 6 lb Potatoes 50 bcioe a candidate for tbe Presidency, aod I FirkinButter 13 Sidr 4 Shoulder 10 k. tbat no further consideration b. ! 0rk tnd" ... .u . . i RlR 4, 5, aod 6 Bam 12 g.ten tohi.n.m. ,n tb.t connection. j Bslej 9Q 0 f . 00 Conn,rj gMp . 4 g Bon. Chrle Gilpin ba. been .ppointed ! Side k 8lmnldor with Rih 9 IT. S. District Attorney for the Eastern 10 , would refer those wishing 10 pat-chase the ...12$ ; coming season to tbe following named per- ..6,00 awons. woo purchased 01 tbem last season 65 Jm. M StettsL Jnaeoh Caarfar. Tboaiaa StraatrMn. rrd-nek Bmt, Hiraa) Dvofela, Cbarlfa Hftt-aaMa. Joha Hue. David Scabloaeter. Ji'm SaiilA, Kas.aaA TVau Ht. of Narthaalwrlaa. eoaacy. Ckrwtiaa Sialtifasa. Jan-bstalufnav Rebart RarVr. Vwdarlek Paaums. taf. Kleekaar. Martio Mi.lt. Joba Knm. gawaai Ptilawa. S. 8. Waller, Job li. Tarfer, of C'BiooeaaQtT. Sawaal Shahar, Waory Taksv. Jafo Weaker. Sawoal Seff. k. I taaai.a. Mania rl c. Abrahsw Zl-clr. Abra. turn Settaa. twa Millar, Jaaw S.I1. I T tuwtaiack. Kremer, Long A Co', fciore. oo Third Sw Apply in r. BEA vEK FOR RENT. TWO STOREY Bnck HOUSE aad. LOT on North Feurth airect. Jbwal March l 6t. H. P. Htn.LER. AdmlDislrator's Notice. "ITTHEREAS, Leitera of Admiaiatratio. as i the estate of JOH.f P. DEIBEST.de- Whereas. This Conference, without prop er ca.se, decided by a small majority to re On th tk Invt.hy Rer R. a. risk. JOH IBVBAJtT Joha Haloewaa. Paaiel MtkVi. Wa. WaH, Petar oa Hit AKI WgNTXKL, All af Uawaarg- f RW. aaatbao Bonawita. Pl:i Uka, Jeaalhaa a.-tK Cm tbe Mb ia-t-bT Rea J P Skisdla. ngNKTGClilS. I "eae. r mj. nima. " L.nacri, a ij.i.a Aienw Mnnta. iaaaa Raki. iaorc Rata. Pkiiiy Batar. I ceased, late of W bite Deer township. I BIO. eonniv. havw boon aranu-d to tha anbaeriber. . -. a;ap,abt. Il-aav Slaarr. i Baata. Sawaal Qmtijmr, Joak J. Brakaw of Caasbar- ww.a ,c anurrsigDca irom me ausqaenaana - . , a, . - r. . . . . . . iltea. And laft tn mm tha arm An Man. ... , . t J - aa- Mai. GB. Meade Wa IO W ashlOgfO CD ' of liui oooatr, aad atua JIIUass HOC U. of SnyOar. Jaee Sbaa.af Daaaktaoiaaty S.tnrd.y ia consultation with tbe author-! ."r? w iMHJ w. spau. .m m sarab thi w.,. peaokit. aonay'carvb District to the llitra fltclri., i.iih.i In. expeciauona. desire and will of said District. ! BiJ Aa effort ba beeo mad. to deprive and, having served these kind friends for bim of his command, bat it it not likely inrrn- years, who wnai soccess our record 1 to soccswd. will show, on every ald of labor eomnosina ! . . : the Diairict 8 and if not too extistieal how- I -JOW WoHOB ai. Vlcks- CYaTKH, boib of rraoklia Ip, ba.d.r Co. .MttteltetBre.caaooctotof ilj health i ,. on ' V"' woM r""P"ity and p.ace bav. borg, sad tbe foldian flay 00 tb grata - ' w -r ".. miaoucw t cvvr. cur censtatu corcpaniecs. According cran. Ia Pottapovo, Barth'. Ca , tb tott THOU AS CDS-; JasoA '" l.VwoTlsU bou reAia- I . ' avlaaJo, Jaw 1. a.., a.a rt,i jfirfw VisVC. and 1 aa nmawaa abuit A raara. la Pooaa fa, BayOar Oa, llrb aH..b- ( We COUilf fe'ef to ba4ptW S.tiWt. Wacaar. Praoklta Sam-.CartovbaT koaa. WW. K. saaoiia. aaraa nwanw, ov Hoaoaw aaota. OceeaaStrayae. Jaha 1 ibi lia. ntbua S H Barwt, JawaaCiaak, K Dl Klma. Diiui akawlni. Aooi-w lit taaoaublnr. Rokart avo.rbarkw aaal.BaaO . Millar. wavaer. jea ewtie. war if snama. w. j sa awaa.a Wwaa la. aa. Qua. by the Register of said coonty. m da forav ; all persona indebted to said estate are raqaea ed lo malt payment, and taose naving eiaiaia against th same will present them duly aaih.nncaied for seitleaient. to JAMES MARSH ALL, Adminiatrator White Deer. Feb. IT. 18S4 NOTICE. iu Ci. m ear ra er s.ue-a Ml aiavira aa. i it uceee.asiry. I a r V. ..eaaai ara Arebv eauroned rot Of 'hers is A M ?t ' reb S3, et ' 'i' - i