Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 04, 1864, Image 1

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mm ffliiiii
"THE UXI.JX," feliblioiied in 1SU Wlwle ;No. '2.658.
UHROXICLE," eotablheJ iu 18 .3-.Whiik Ka. 1.U37.
41 ..V per Year, ttlwaji In Advance.
1 s. t -
nkiisiiku NKMI-WKKkLI-
Ta?h M'trninii !fe Fr'nlay Afurnonn.
mi: riibiiuniT.
,.?iuiam Lincoln
arc W nr inforillt-d ihU liull tlui) I II.
has uiad up her tiuota,
JMrSee aderticmo
Mutual l'fc ltit-urauce Compauy, iu no
oilier 0'iluiiiii.
I. A. m-eting of the oi'ii-ii U an
il iuiiCcJ at Independent 1111, at 7 o'clock
tlit evening, to ii .tiire into some allogt'd
peculations respecting volunteer sud bouu- ;
ty business Let all atteud. .
W;t. Curtin received official infor- i
niailou from Washington, last est oilier, J
.. J l, e.,cnli.ti.ttl nnllll h 0 !
. .u ,.... r"
F -' . ,, .
erutueut bouutie to the soldiers ill rm
cuutiuued uutil further oruers.
gr-The last issua of the Wiiliamsport
JiuUctin Was hut half sheet. Cuu-tt
the printers were attacked by the cultet-
tueot fever, aud left tho "bon.tea iu tho pU, i,lo U be cautiouB iu sell o'lng llele
puils. The prmuut bounties aro connidir- j gates of every rank. Tru.-t uo ouo who is
cd irresiottble by prmlers, whu axu nut clippery, d. tijjuiijg, trading, olf-octkini'.
HCCUstnni-d tn tmeh "fai tak- 8.'
(a-Tbe prllig cauipaia is opening,
Bod if we aro to judgo by extracts from
Southern papers, the Confederacy i iu an
uproar from ceutrA to circumference.
Tliure will be terrible b-ibiing or a general
mash-up of 8rcc?nuiiiMu befure very long
ISherman is ackuowled,.ed to be a but cual
in their oiag ziue. Kilpatrick is reported
at Kicbujoud. liutlcr is, as usual, un
comfortably near them, and all they can
di) is to fall back, aud keep out of tbe way.
"For Abraham !
KllnliE IsLAXU echoes to Inihana in
an uuamuious Slate uodursemeut i f t'res
ideul Lincolo for re-electinn. As Ei
tjuv. prague I Sec. Chase's son-iu-law,
aud fin uu rly "coulrolled" Kfaode Island
more tban any other man ii flueuctd if,
this wouid itidicalo that lUc Chase uiuve
lueut ia not foruiioanie.
CaqVF.fli.nksh is required of military
men especially, "llade's Masitacre" in
Florid, by Indian, in the Florid. War, i
,.. been exceiled by the recent surprise j
and defeat of the luiou advance from I
, , nt . . , ,
Jacksonville, wbo were defeated with the'
Joes of a thousand oieo io all and driven
, .
back. Gen. t-evmour, in command, is
Feverrly censured, aud is deprived of Lis
Col. Cbarle Fribley of Muncy, I'a., in
inimaDd of a colored regiiueut, is among
tbe killed a tiue man, good ouiour, aud
bis men fought nobly.
A reverse of this sort may put onr
men elsewhere on the guard.
I'roceedings of tbe Ei an?. Omfe'rence. (
Tbe rueuiuers of the Central i'euniyl- j
vania Couleronoe of the Knang.-ltoal Asso- ;
nation cooveuca in tut 3t. raui a cnurcu,
at Lewishurg, yesterdty lu uruiug, March
i i, to bold their annual h-shhi. lietweea
fifty aud rix'v lnuiubers were present.
Uishop in the chair, opened Confer
enre, cooducliu tbn rlitfioUA exercises by
reading a po tion of fconpture, eingiug and ;
prayer, the bishop then .rose and de- j
livered an earnest address to the members
Betting forth tbe duties of tbe ministers at j
II tunes, and more particularly during '
tbe session nf Conference. j
log Jnoob ouog feuiot.ry; A llornbcr- j
ait.., M - a, i.e. u'. fa. iieanua assiniauLS.
',, , . .
IhaaiiUll filinimittei'il ni'rn then .lit.uin.
. rr..
On Public Worship The 1'residing
Elders and 0. F. I'eiuinger.
On Letters addressed lo Conference
1'. Wauer, A. Jiitiutrer, and J.W. Young.
Ou Boundaries the 1'rcsidiug Eiders
wilh tbe liisbop.
Forenoon session closed, witb prayer, by
6. W. Seibert.
Afternno Si-hivm. Bisbnp Lonj; in
chair. Keltirious exercises conducted by
1. Graham, after which tbe Bishop arose
nd announced tbe f jllowine committees : !
On Finances L. May, A. L. Kccscr
end Jacob llartxler.
On Statistics S. Smith, S. Auraod
ad J. ,M. M'Gaw
On fcducatiou E. Kohr, 8. Wolf, B.
The examination of tho moral and offi
cial cbaraoter of the members, whieh bad
been oommcoced, was ojuoludcd iu broth
erly love.
Session closed, with religious exorcises,
cotiduoted by Z. lluruberger.
The Committee on Fubliu Worship,
"J0" du,y " a to appoint the ministers
mho are to fill the pulpit, duriug the seas
loo, reported as follows :
8f. Paul's Church Fridaw
8. D. Beningtoo; Saturday evening, K '
knhr- Ruhh.ti. ...j:. 6' ,
, firg, vruiuaiioQ aer-
ffioD by Uishop Loug; etcuing, George
Country Churches, for next Sabbath
Falem, uoroine. C. Hammer and B.
Hengat ; evei.io Bishop E-her. Unim,
roornin., M it n r i
D. - let Ne! e'eU",g W
IJr.h. I Colombia, morumg, P.
Applicaiion Bil)(? bee0
aaatore Ol me several churches io this
piaoe, tne eommiitee aasigncd to each
espeetive pulp,, .be f0lul.1D(! Billiterl;
bvt """jt ana evening: yr.
j wu. A,j . varotnera ..a.
ami?. Jacob vuh. i....h... '. , -".-,D""J" I
(ienr.. tl . ,i '. '"'"fit . "aa ueeu carrieu on. 1 ins eorres- JH ed Apnles li lb Potatoes 60
mor 7gM vl e""ck-! P"nldeBoe b" T "fd " ' dccUr,i00 M SSK l? rwlIIP AUCTIOXKER. .
bib. I k It , 15 ' ,MhMe. ' "ioh it is asreed that all 1 Fresh Butter SO Kibs Sl Sidus 10 T"115 un,i'r-'P'""1 u,fe' hl rv.ces as
'"it. L. Horntej-fier:. eveninif A I. 1 'j.xtk . w i i i. ,o,auuo iiui '-1 need ibe.n, and rtspicilullv ask a shsie ot
i..wu. L. , Ju-xuary, lsl, U UuuuUul- B.ney DO tn 1 100 Country Soap 4 & ti tb.-r raironaae. t.EOKut iOafiB-
Be not Cheated I
The fr-'tate Convention of Connecticut
unanimously endorsed I'resideut Lincoln,
and advueat'd big re uoiuiuiiuoii aud re
e'eetion io fair and Bruuicuiaiive nsolu-
Nul a word was said about Mr.
( :ti 800 "or Buy oiucr niun. i n m
Union-faced but copper-hearted L.ijuirer ;
i-scrttd that bull t lie
Delegates app.'iuted to the National Con
vention by that tame Convention-, lire
tri. lid of CuanC f r 'resident !
Liuc iu in r ii ! hero in ground for em
lion, if uot fur aiarui. Never wore the
untie! uiaf-scrt of a urty e united as are
tho Luiouixis for Ahialiaiu Lincoln.
J bey iu primary nierling-i and Cuveo
tiotis biiLently rxprebs ibat preleieiice, ami
. appoint men t.) curry out their views
1 I Km vita, if u cluimul, are una;
; .... .
I llvwrim It IT Uftlt .tit. lt,lWW tflMI
'.jhiriy just as Lie, Davis, Heaurigird
liri ekinrnlgo, SiO , botrayed Iheiroouutry !
l'lrhaLM tho Imi iirer elaudered tboco I Tn0 Jrov..9t Mar-bul General has deci
uiou, but in thi so days it is well fur tho I ded that all voluntei-rs who may cmitt
Select bouist, high-minded, utifelli-ib,
firm, watchful, iiitclii(."-ut tncn. lustruet
tbcui to go fur linNtr Auk, aud for hiui
only first, Utt, all the time 1
lu 1 14, Mr. Van Huron bad au honest
ninj tnty of his party duleuatvs, but the
Siavo l'oaer, to gain TcXas, seductd
j enough Northern men to turn traitors and
falaitiera to elect P-lk and bring on the
Mexican War aud thu licbcliiou iu lis
ultimate issue.
Friends of Lincoln, everywhere ! his
enemies aud your cuemie only bopa to
defeat bim by false delegates professedly
in hi favor, but really agaiuat Liui. lie-
J wate ! beware.
Uarrisburg Correspondence.
Alo.NUAV, teo. zO.
This has been a stirring session in rjea-
ale. Kscurted to the portico iu trout of
j the Capitol by music, baLUers, aud OUU or
', GOO men, lr. ?t. t LAitt, heuator elect iu
place of Maj. White, made au impressive,
B,",l" t'""''rJ. .""""
"" ' ' " , " "
... .t
tbe faeuata Cbamuer, was tbe next ujes-
uou. a waa aucauy aa "lull aa II COUIQ t t.
j slick," aud Ihe rotunda aud paa.ages lead-
! ing to tbe Hall were crammed to tbuir
i utmost by an eager, good humored crowd.
, , ... ., .
&o Ur. bt. Clair bad to get iu at tbe w.u- j
I dow from tbe portico, aud bis advent wan ,
hailed witb a burst ot popular applause :
j which only subsided at ibo earnest request
1 ot Speaker Fcuuey. The returns ul the
special Eiecliou were read, showing tbe
triuutphaut verdiot U'lll iu favor of
St. ciair; aud he was t.om in without
opposition. Ibat made the figures count
17 on tbe rivht side, aud 1G ou the wroutf.
inoiu .....eu .o e.ect new cpcaner, j
I..., ... IT .1.1 t A., .k. I
ii . i i i I
uu. .v u.M j urn ""J'"y
carried tbe day, there was no Dew speaker. '
lSut the other Oiiiccrs, Usually cbostn,
were elected so popular Were they, or
their principles ! unanimously ; the 17
B, .. bud he ,0 dl)Ji,
ll0,mu 1 . 0oIUS avt """'"ess was done. Fourteen regiments nf jour ftionds, aud
touliator btatk, (Cop.) of Luzerne, came more brought them ?''
over It) our side long enough to vote iu I ,, . T T - . i
Uvw ot ujorr"og praers- "vtt?e
bowcvtrr tho 16 said and sung ''No 1" I
. . ., , ,, ,
evurvthina except tbe "olc idei of a new
J & r
H . t ....: c , -,
kjjita..i. a ot vuc, a a ul Bableuuu WltU
tho old fcpuaktr, aud if be and tbe 1G wbo
thiuk like him ate satisfied with bim, why
i should the other 16 be like the old fogy
' described by some one at "puttiug ou
blind spectacles and sitting for ever ou tbe
eoat-tail of Progress and crjiug Wheal'
Whoa I"
Tuesday March 1.
A snow-storm on tho first day of Spring !
it iook8 M wiutci-Uko as any daw of
. , '
To-day Speaker Penney announced tbe
Standing Committees, aud some progress
was uiado iu bills, as far as 17 was a ma
jority over 1G. But when it come to
requiring a two-thirds vote, the Cups "bad
us" we could not pass bills there; and
so tbe stubborn 1G still clog business to a
degree Ibat ensures a pretty long session.
lo tbe arraogement of Senate Committ
ees, Mr. Joboton is Chairman of Judiciary,
and member of the Federal Halations,
Election Districts, and Militia. Mr.
Montgomery is on Cauals aod Ireland
Navigation, and on Uctreuchuent aud
Death of Hon. Geouo A. Coffey
Mr. Ooffay, United Slates Attorney for
the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, died
iu Philadelphia on Saturday last, of palsy,
. woubv was au active
P"'!"c:"' "d P"". Lwyer. Hi.
early death is mourned bv a lar,e circle
-ey- years. wr. tJ0HBy aj , Mnve
WASBIKOTOIf. March 2 Arr..-
menis for the exchange of prisoners have
,t leDgth been effeoted. For .0", li".
ptat an unofficial eorrespondeaee between
i.n. Itntlpr anil tho ec Kal M,.M.,.ea:n I
Gen. Sil'oI has .en si,jnerl to th-
naillian.1 of tllO Military DepttrlllieUt kf
Weel Virginia.
The Rebel Oongrrwi bm ia.sued on AJ
rirww to th"ir peopln, r-c 'uuting thfir
terrib'e Bofleriiiga pt and prvBeul. and
iiryin iheui to Btager up to tbe eoulidt
: again.
One of Hen. Ieo'n orderlies, named
Taylor, reeotly denerted and reachod our
lines. Ho n-p'trts Is a'a army in Virgin
ia ai nnlv ia.UuO otroug, aud very much
ditaatitlie 1.
Ii-aao l'ittiel, the L'ofiperheaJ whn pi
ht d Km Huh l.ee in his lata riiil id
(lunibrriaiid v'ley, ara.-i shot at Cu 1 a.e
Karra'-ks ou tho Is h uit., aa a ayy aud
deeeiti r.
Arohhiahop I'ureel, ol Omoinoati, Bayp,
in Bii ael.lre-H (j'lil publihd) to the uler
gy and laity ot bis dioceae : "We go, w th
our wtiolu In art ant cm I, tor the inaiue
nance of tho L'uiou uud tbe ahoilllou tit
fit-fore the drall Is actua llv mniie will be
J .1 r. ... . 1. 1... .1... U....,.l ..
u-uuciru Hum .11 ti'... 1...-. uy mil ir'ja,ti
Kuro lmeiit, in accordance witb orders to
. ' . , A
UK ivt.u IU Itttu uaat., ty t us . . .u-
voal Maraliala (iem-ral of the Mate.
Wm. ( lines,
. ,- . . .
of K.-utiiig townsbip,
Clinton Co.. who bus been on trial tor tbe
i, . .
murder of bis brother It ibert, was couvic-
ted of murder in tbe brst dereu, alter a
lilteeu h-.urs delitieratiuu by tho jury,
tiding .an 0 uud ay morning ut y o'clock
On Monday iUOruiuK bis c uiii-el moved
t r " uew 'f''i uci "' tBl" KiaB0 ou
; luo oln VT
j ;. K. L iVendge, who, alter the dgtruo
' tnm uf his paper, iu Troy, for its ecseiuuou
! l'roc" Ut.d to Canada, now oomes out
iu a luttor declaring tbat the Ileni icratio
party ongiuated tbe war, and is solely
responsible lor it. Hope 11 ou. Copper
bead Ij Vallatidigbatu may remain iu
Canada until he repents of bis course and
the climate freezes the truth into hiui as
it has tuto tbe above leaser "eaanjue."
On Kriday evening of last we-k, a man
by tbe name ot boyder, reported to be of
Crawford county, In a state of intnxica
Hun, applied at the saloon of Jacob Lusbt
fot a ui,i. He was refused and ordered
j e, io doing which, he fell
indT tu, It Tho pM5
I throui;b bis clothes and entered big body
. . 6 . .
just under the arm, severing an artery.
from wl.ioh be bled to death iu a very fei
miuuies. jCo Uuien I'ret.
G;tTet lU ?f Kentneky, occupied
the laruest part of a recoQI sessioD ot the
v y j, in provio(? tu,t M,SM00U.
gtts WM ,,9 bud two buudred vears ago
as Keutunky is to-day. If 1'avis cun
prove tbat Keuincky will be bs groat
u ,wo hundred years hence, aa
.tl assacousetis is tu-uay, in an mat reiaies
to the iutellii-ence aud the diumty of a :
nation's greatness, Ut industry, be will be j
aocouutcd the greatest log.ci.u of the age. i
Io a speech io the Houe of Kcprpfteo-
. A.na x.;nA lttiar.rlr. Wftrtrl
tvivci. it-w uio oiuvu, a t """hi .
ith ljUm9 aBeurBliee dot.arf.d : ..(,
. .. . - . i
UVetP lurk sent fourteen regiments into i
1'cntisylvania when she was invaded.
" JloAVw York!" A witty I'CDnsyl
vauia member replied suttu voce. "Yes
you did, Fernando the n.uskeis that you
sent tn Gcnrifta when ihe war broke oat
j came back to t'ennsylvaoia at Gettysburg
Latest News
Fort Hudson, Feb. 28. the Louisiana
election, yesterday, resulted in the triumph
of the Straight Free State ticket, lion.
Miobael HabD being etcoted Governor by
about 3,000 maj iritv. out of a vote of over
8 000. There is great rej lioing by tbe
Free State party. There were illumina
tions and cannon firing last night.
Memi'HIs, Feb. '2'J. A private letter
from au officer at Vickshurg dated tbe V.'M
uit., says : "We bear nothing of a defi
nite character from Sherman, but no doubt
be has taken possession of Selms, Ala.
It is said Sherman captured five guubools
at Scluia."
Tbe Washington Star of yesterday has
the following : Kilpatrick bas been heard
from ; be is within a few miles of Kioh
uiood bas formed a juoolioo witb a por
tion of Gen. Butler's forces aud they are
marching oo Richmond, with, ibe inten
tion jf sotting the pridouors free, aud
sacking tbe Capitol.
Gen. Brafrsr bas been placed in enm
tnand of all the Rebel armies. Conse
quently, Geo. Lee is bis subordinate. The
liicbmond papers are sorely vexed at the
An entire company of eolored U. 8.
soldiers were murdered or mortally woun
ded by a band of guerrillas dressed in U.
S. uuilorms, in Mississippi on tbe 14th
H.tXDi0Uttrs IHamct.
Corrected Weekly
Wheat, 1,40 Eggs I 15
Kye 1.20 Tallow 10
Corn, 1,1)0 Lard, fresh....
Oats, pr 32 lb, 75 Clover seed...
Flaxseed 2.25 Wool.
I 1.181 oi vendues in murm too,
J-rtll bj, till, sttlil- enWorln the Chronicle."
S rirninal Prertfj. J.rylrr.dr. K.fulTiloe
fr-l'erionnl I WPiy.lmU lil-er. Krlly.
V rYr. rrvp. ul Jamb . Ilniwn, Kat K-T.
in -IVwmal Hmiirrir. Wen. Waltrr.ll- Taloi
H-IVr rroaerljr. W. h'trham. K. Ranaloe
li-Kral T. tale. It. M. llinter.drr-d.l.rS,!C
II rmnsl Prop rtm P HnlTrrl. Hurrnlue.
H-l'rrsol l,r"p.HI"tpiml( Sirw rli
IS-Per. Property, T. H. t'ornrlln'.Buffaloe
in-Pron:i! Prrrrty, Jnhn Hlr, liuDiiloe
17 llou-rh'Idnooili.KtTT.r h lli-liilnerr.fi '
IT Karm Mi-rk, tm It hlefkncr, I Rliin
IT Pew inn' l'r;iprr'y of II. lt'ral'-r.l!nflraloe
l-HatlBlavl!a.Ul. liunimrr. (iitlllianij
In Personal P'bj k. Iloraiiarli, hrlly.
ID-tiy Kev. slmun "iir. Arnl, New Berlin.
IH-Pi-nona! p-imrty.J. PMmtor.K.l'urTal'H
Tl-V -p-oiial Pnmrrt, M. II. Heed, BntTuloc '
SI Per. Prop. WuTaltte lloiiie, UHl-thar
t Krai K.ttaforM. Wa-jn-rrfil.lrwlttti'tr
Hituse J tiii,l.m.illrrli1!i-r'd Unnvlllc
?-Bll4l!ig loit.W.H.i h im'llnni-r.l'li'ir.
In rn!ltf. rn th fth alt., by K- t. M. ItinkM.
pi.mm uct i,'l Mi- VMiV ANN UAUKNiiACli.
both of Miw ri-k irir. M'Hitoar f'n.
In Dan.iii.. 4i li uit.t.y Ii-T.J II.C.IWi, I.EVfKt
JHH.il. a J Mian AN.A JIOitU,ltUul .V toluail.la,
In llarrll'nre,en tt.o TOI lnt . kj Hrr. T II kuliln-
en iiiM v hi t."AN. i'l laj tv.n i.. iii.an.i
Mi".'AHAll sl'l.lKI.MVKK.uf llartli-y Ti.. tHli'D r.
Csvpn Coixty-oo K-k -. HKI. flMKKti K
... .11. r k I'll III VI. Ai;rKKR. l-'th nt lrrv. 21 -t.
j oin n niki. if Liviiri,-!. nl Mr hi'iMNNA
flKAHKlt. .it I1 ri'i.t'tirt. -ia .lit v.t.r.' .i.nr. i-n r.,i
n, Mjal Ki , iK h IH.1J, ..f IVr.y sm .lay,
: mihiai i. HatiEu aui him bauau uui.nuiu
iini. rtyua.
5TJf Jj
- w .
i m l,nirt.mir, .i init . r.uiiE..t,c;, lunui a'iu ui
i ci.orioj.oJ Vary cviiinn.
Hfil. la Litnrty Tp., Mi-ntour Co., on tlio !
th ulk.
' l'AMKI. HtllllNS. aii'il I-!! J"r.. Till il.T''it"l wan
.,,,,.,, s ,.,, ,.. ti,i,it of bm. i.; .rfc
ll hal::- i,-ri.iiil cbi' lr.iith'.i'i.lt'i-t"l wlii'iu iiii- yiiri..
VP'I H1 a''tt' trriiu 1 rliil.lri-ii the nl.lvt if whntu la 19
ywitrit. liltnn and lnoirillf r-p-rit fla-ti ft.-y 1 .
Ntar Hilti.n. li'th lost. DAMkL t.XYIiKn, rwl SO I
yonra, ' ntnnthM and la tlaya. j
In VllfliMown.on tho 'i-'l nlt.naNILL MOVKR, In
bin & u yar fi'ral.rly ofpnydtr
UronCirJt! In Pm.lnire.14th uit , Apt fiRACt--,
dan.-htrrnf II. nj.mln MII.HI-'II I y. I m. nn l2d.
In UafhutLTtiin ln t,- i j. . t -t alt, AKV VLKUILLA,
d.at'htrr.s.mai'l II'.IT. atrial 1 y. 3o,.
A Want Supplied!
rriHR subscriber has just opened, in Cham-
berlin's II uildiug, corner of Market aud
Fifth atreets, a
f TOME aa ettahlithmenl ereatlv neeiled in
this vicinity where be has au exleusive aa
MTtiient of
Lliinlwaro for IIonclinilflprB !
liardvt'iire for Iiociii;ikerr !
llardvrnro lor Mai-hinist I
ilardwaro lor Suddlort)!
Hardware for Furmorst
llardworc for everybody !
' A"' ' ""e d -
lert assortment f
China, OIbps nnd Qacensworc, Table
Cutlery, &c. &c. &c.
Persons wanting any articles in the shore
line will find it to their advantage lo call at
this store where they can have a large stock
from which to select. T. U. EVANS.
AU 111 OK 3 NO HUE,
-Vltf . V. . Ornh.n.' I'. n rl .... ,k - - -
I " s-l - y "I
union i.eiair 01 K.L1Z.S
ktb Vocn. late
of Union township in said county, dee'd.
The Auditor appointed by theCoort
ands of
r nf -he
distribution of the balance in the h
Charles Cawley, EsuM Administrator
estate of said decedent, will meet all parties
mteresieo tor tne popo" w nis appointment
nn Kaiiiritnv. tnp !rith Hiiv rtf Uir.li Itim
at I o'clock, 1 M, at his Office in I.ewiburg.
March 4
WM. JONEa, Audiior
ptttor wtn of iron.
liittt-r Villi of Iron.
Ihtior lut) of Iron.
Thf firrrtt To to
Th. 'JrfPit T-nts
The tin at luulo
For Dywotvp " Tndl?tion.
For Ivmp-ia and Indltfon,
f'r I'vn,.'ia and lndur-tkii,
Hot Hyp psta aod lti'iiit-firtn.
For AViH Sf"rnaf n and .'nrat P-MT,ty.
For UValc tomachi and tin. ral iVMIity.
F'r W.-hk Stora-irhrtand inrrfil lttl it v.
Kr IWak Stnmarhrt and Jt)Ural iivblill.
pollHTilf and !nT tn d Jnnl,
K-liish " Sure to do Hoot,
Ki'lla)l' nnd 'ir to do UoiS9
iivlliibltv uttl cure to do 0vl,
And Tan not do TTarm.
An-M'an not do Unrm.
And Can not do Harm.
And Can not do Harm.
Jf Out hat llttl and Pnrifitli the lOoml.
It Cnntf- but tittle nnd Vur U- sthe Kltrr-J.
It rnl l.-it little and PntHi' thf !iWd.
It Costa butlittieand furitift tbe Blood.
Wt only art a Trial,
V only aok a Trial,
W nnlv aak a Trial,
M e only ark a Tin...
Of thU VtloaMo T"nlr.
tf (bin Val.taMw T-mto.
Of th,- VitlntMoTonlc.
Of tli in VahinMt Tvn.r.
Only rtn. and One TV.Har fwr Potlt.
Ontv T rt. and ttnt iKillarpt r H-ttl.
t nly 7'. t'ti and On Hollar p- r Hottlw
(.nly 76 Tt-. and lxlhr fn-r Bottle.
MannfarfiirrdfoVlyhy f A. KrKtrA UaVo.,Gioral
lJiKtt, lift Market Htrtt, harrifhurg. Fa.
Advantages of the
TTlOU ihe purpose of convincinc the com
. niunity that the Knuckler Wanning
Machine can not be surpassed fur eae and
rapidity in wahing clothes, I take pleanre
in referring to Miss Harah Gibbony, ( laugh
ter of John Gibbony of this place,) who is
eleven yars old. weighs 55 pounds, and docs
the week washing for the family in tlireo
liolll'N, and consider it a very ti?htjob,
WUh the assistance vf the "Knuckler."
Machines and Browning's celebrated Wrin
gers always on hand.
I.ewwnrir, March 2, IBM.
An4 Kpartlnx Apparatus grarrally.
RODS. Line. Keels, liaskel. Hail, Flies,
Honks, Nets, Koils, Gloves, Masks,
billies. Corkscrews, Dog Collars, etc. con
stantly oo band, and for sale Wholesale aud
Retail, at JOH.N KKlUBK Is.
Mportsinan's Depot,
N. E. corner tnd and Walnut His. Thilad'a.
slareh 4mA
STOLEN, or exchanged, al the Hotel of the
undersigned, on the I7ih inst, a seamless
UuffJ k-be, distinctly marked PETER
(LiVER. The person having it had best re
turn il, and thereby save trnuhle.
I.ewisbnrs. Feb. S3.
I ranee tympany of New Yrrk for th
fi.cal year eniline 81st uit.. ha h'en puhli.-h
e.l. The cah rernr-ls "f Ihi mammoth in
litiiti ,n tor the year exeeeilfil two mittioM.
of liollara. over ix hnn-tred lhuuan.l of j
whieh were li.r inti rut al-.ne.
It is ihenpi-unn ! nue that an insurance
on iht-ir lives wonlrl b aft urf rnfit.-itile ei-j
pendnurc. h'-ulil they liveto pT nianv pre-:
iniuois. oeh is nm tha raw in ihi 1,'nmiia-
nv, as ell the profits are equitably divuli-rt .
ami-nz tne assured, ami are so large that)
many ure takinB' out policiea a au invesi
A prominent citizen of Philad
elphia invured Ins life iu tbis
t.onipany in f-r
There n att a-Mt-il to his pnliey,
by dikideada to l eo. 1st, 1803
8,03 S
This amnnnt may be increased
bv future dividi'Oda
"TheTn-i-mv Ann-inl Preminmsof IiS 0
, raeh (in all S3.M0) paul on im pmicy, in
j , mrn r xrrr the rtividen ls elone.
n,..her ventirinan in ilnr.itv. in'nred in
-J11 ,npr gent r-inan III ll e ty. i i
l-4. nniler I'.'liev r. 2 1'"". 'or
BelllR unnble 1.1 pav the pfBJlllUin due last
i ,, ha? R;ip!iel Ins divulenns nat
he ha nothing more to py on his policy "t
f lu.noM, bui will annual v receive from the
Company 1 V ,e cah. nnd his poUcy ot
9I0.INIU will anil parucip.ite in future divi-
1 " u . I u,. i,r
"i"s .- .:.-..... .
"In other words, the Company rou'mnes
; the imlicv. free of expuse In hnn, and cuniri
bun s to thesiippnrt of himself and familv."
! JOHN HEUIZ.rf Lewishur? is Aei-nt fur
Ihe ahove t'ompiny tor tnmn county.
of Valuable Personal Property.
fJIHB subscriber will offer the t'ollowme
I described valuable. personal property at
public sale at his resilience in East Buffnlne
lowuahip, one mile southwest of Eewisburg,
On Wnlnnihiy, March 9, 1SI)4.
ninr wr.rkiii Hirca, two 1 year old Colls,
two I year old I'liUs, two Cows, two blooded
t'alve. one Four-Horse Waeon. one Two
Morse Wagon, one Two-Hnre Xprin; Wan
on, one open litiffsv, one Carriaee, one Two
Horse Sled, one Sleigh, one Combined
Reaper & .Mower,
one Crain Drill, one Threshing Machine and
Power, one Field Roller, one Fanning Mill,
Ploughs, Harrows and Cultivators, one t'orn
Plough, one Hay Honlf with Ihe necessary
Rope? and Pallie, Hay t .adders, one new
heavy set of Harness for four horses, one
pair of Breechbanda, one pair of Yankee
Harness, one double set of Carriage Harness,
cne set of Buksv Harness, four set of Fly
Net. Saddles, Bridles, a lot of Cow Chain,
and a great variety ol other articles used on
a farm.
Male to commence at 10 o'clock, A M. o
said dav.wben conditions will be marie know
and Hfnilaiier given by the subscriber.
tu Snlalr. Feb. IS. i U'OB 6. ItKtlWI.
Wm. Ketchem's Vendue.
"XXTIt.I. be anld. at public sale, at the resi-
tl rience of the un1erigne.l. on Cham
hfrlin's Farm, in East Butfaloe townshin. mi.
I iuiamg Lewisbnrg, on
I Sf.lilr.lliv Naerh fl
I the following property, to wit t
ri :n Oiree yesre. I rt'we, 1 yeaning Oeut, a l3t or
: cte bameea. plourh icars. i pair, of eberk Ws, ht-ae
! el'Otee, -ett. r
.l.n, , u.111 nl ..mn h.rtiMi 1m. 1 ,u - al.
n liare. bridles, -aJ ile and bn lie, one tkhone aprini
' lZylX
K.-Pd W! on, two 2hn vifwt.l n bor plow, i
rwwl 2horruiti
C'.rn 1'low. elod roller, erain tlrill, a sooil tLra.hina
nwmne aim a timt. citrrier. winamill, rHKea, STBS.
e.eheii.erin,ti.tone.in er.di-.. m.,in.
a law meat tmrrei and a in oi otnt-r Oarrt'le, wbe.1- I
Iiarrw. hsr li'l'ltin, and a lara lot of cow-ollains, and
oth-r artirle. not mentioned.
Sale to commence at precisely lOo'elnrk
A M, when due attention will be given by the
nndersiened. TERM8: All amounts under
$, cash: and all over thai, a credit of six
mouths will be given, wnh cood seeuritv.
J. Ffleegor's Vendue.
WILL be exposed lo puhlic sale, on the
farm of Krancis Zellers, near Micb'l
Brown's mill, Turtle Creek, iu Kaat Burialoe
township, on
saturclny, march 19,
rnmmeociug at 10 o'clock, the following ar
ticles: S head of hormts, ft cows, one fair of twin ralres one
Tear old, 4 cheep, S .honf , 1 lare lreelini; S"w, 1 .Ifd,
i enltiTatom, 'i barrowii.S plow.. 1 cm plow. 1 field
roller. I (train reaper. I mm. mower, 2 trmin era-tie.. 1
.mall el.irer cr.tlla. a Intof rake, and forks, 1 fanning
mill, t thra.lting machtDo and power. 1 r.u?cy, two'i
tiorsa waeon.. 2 tt. ot bar ladder., one dnsie sett of
hn.r hnrne... 1 doubto sett of plow htrne... 1 donblo
.tt of biiitrY harne... oaa pair ebei-k line., a lot of
bridle, and -olliir.. one bedand bed tine. 1 litree tiitrheQ
titlile, one .mall cupboard, one farmer, bell, and a r.ri
etr of iDipH-ojeiit. aod article, uoed on a farm. At tlio
.nine time, nne half of oi acres of grain lu tiia i;rvuDd
Will be tillered for .ale.
Terms made known at sale.
Feb 36 J rFLEEOO lt
Asricultural Implements.
Aiiuiitia t u i, implements, since ine
,,n,nM.ieu,ienl ul' ihi, Wn, Itntro I ...
iu treat demand, and good machines are val-
uable as to their merns and worth onlv. I
In ihe year liCi, Messrs. J. S. MAU.-sU & j
CO sold one of iheir Improved Reapers lo
Henry .stuck for l:J. lii ihe iih of Feb-
ruary. the fame Henprr tea. W.f ut a Vul'de
S.tlr,nn the furntof Htnry Stuck, nctr Carluk, i
fur i:i!r, after lieing veil turn season. j
Messrs, J. o. Marsn at Uo. are mantilactti- ,
ring a large number ol trie ir iu.tcn:nes, wuh
Improvements, ibis season, for the coming
Haying aud Harvest ; and as to the merits of
Iheir CUIItblUCll
would refer those wishing to purchase the
coining: season lo the following named per
sons, who purchased of them last season t
Joa. M . rVennit, Joapph fandof, Thnmas Ftrawt.rittiTa,
Frdetirk Uroa Hiram ban It I e, i'harlea !lr-ttf nitein.
John UanfT,. tid friabluet-ker, Jrtjat nitb, H m. aiut
lliomai NVardt. f NnrthnmhrrUnd roouty.
Chnatian Stultifuca, Jartd HtiiltifuM. Kortert flarrvr,
Fredrrirk fontiu. 4J-e. Kleknt r. Martin Ma-Uell, Jofaa
MnTiir, 8amel 1'ullinaa, 8. B. WolWr. John U. Yarjor,
of Union county.
Hatnuel ih nirer, Henry Yahm. John Wee her. flamuel
Nff. Kiidhuman, Martia It... Abrahaaa Kletrier, A bra
hum Fetter. Aran Miller, 1amr Bell, D. T. Htanhaurh,
Alfred Moore. JeN Hub), si.otva Kuta. Ptiltip ttaker,
Frter Albriuht, Ueory tlajVr, Howard Rupert, Philip
Rent, bamiial Uoodyaar, Joaoph J. Itrahn, of Cumber
land county.
John lUldema, Daniel THehler, Wm. Wert, Feter
Shy, Jonathan tVtnawiti. Fhilip Who, Jonathan H it-da.
Pa id Wearer, K. 4 J. rtufftaiztoD, II. Lenkvrt. V lit taut
Ui-ts. Jacob 8- fhade. of laorbinnnanty.
Valentin. Waanar, frank lis Kptins. Christopher Kline) i
Wm. K.Seanian.Jaeob llo,.l,..fl..l..B..nooynty. i
jnn mower, uii w-a. joha Myer, Adam inyder,
We could refer to hundreds of others in
the above and adjoining counties, hut think
it unnecessary. Feb S3. 'M
To the Assessors for 1864.
HE Assissuieut Books are ready lor
p-ij - cAlltd lor.
leoritestrarer. John Zerlte.Sauiuel IlibiWB.f .11 Harto, , wi.i..ni. , - - ..,;.
jameaHark, K. D. Kiioe.n.rr. iki..ier. Andn w Mo. ed to make payment, and those havingelaims , Captain John A- Morns, A 4 .
rendoubier, K..bertUan.a.rharleaKawl,Bubb Miiier. ' ga,nst ihe same will present tha iu dulv ' d Chief of the Eecruinng service ol
I zzriiT
Mu vti'um vrww. . w-j- aa aaa,s -a
Heal Estate.
txecuf or'8
1'ILI. b aipord to
llhlir SaV. nn t!ir
V pren.ise. in I innville, E;ist ButT
! ,'vrsslnp. I innn e
untv, Bi'i'-iriMie yviri.
H'ed, on the east, the turnpike m 'he -oih.
a l.oT OK ilH'Nll, it beini a rorner
b I, fu'l i-!'h. i n r hirh are rri"-teii a M
Frame lWKI.LIMi Hi;SE, FramrJL-
Siahle. Ac, la'e the pmpert? ol linttheh
S-na!nri ', rterM. The aale will take piace
at 1 1 I 'ctocW A. M.. on
Viiy. thr 'lUth irn n; M'irrh lHtil,
, viMeii 1 eruis will be msnle kn'"rn by
Lewiihurg, MareU , IBM.
Sheriff 's Siles.
T IV virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. aoj Lev.
lira. lssuei out oi the court ol I 'iin -nnn
i'lrim i'l I'ninn conntv antt to roe directed.
will be eipeai- l to pubiie sale or n'Hcry.on
Salnrtliiy, .March
at tlit Pn.;.i!t ll-'titta. iu th- Barmi-h of L..wi,hnr
et'UDlr aior- ai-l. ai 1 a'flnck P Ma cirtiim Ut
lt'.if if litn mi. fit mti-1', tit.- I&"uh"f l..jwi.; a-j
Li;', u tintv ar-l air f I'.'iiii'a, liirtuWtutl in to
y ii -ri'l t v n j'i '. 1. uiidtd on 'b. annb by prl of
a In' tii.itt'1 1';. llMintli - ly.' ii-l i.j IVjtrtr' i- ailfy.
j UU. I U Ixum nrt,..l B Ike '-t by S. cr.D.1
. ! 1 - . . " .. . . " . .V r
j ,(lt. KRf:i m, P(. ,,r lVf..whnl.er.t..lll inr 1 hnv-
, tM.. Bn. k lavru; muk 1,1 o"
ni:i,L.ai1u ar tfc- nun.io klvu.
(trui"jieiiT.. (H B-'iiiK Uie
rropt'rty uesc;iw 'J in M-rti;aiL antfa Jni.ury 1
ls-, rtsr'lu in MiTtagw U&uk C. ITsi. ?i. b.. d
ai'-l taK- o in -xwutitn as ll. ru'it) ot L. U. Uruwar
auJ KJt-ha Kittenhi'U-..
Also, at ihe same t me ami place, all that
ttiasnUdirP. trai-nient antt Tra-t .if Land 'ituatt in IVhiW
lfrr towntliii'. county ntl Statf af -raid. boanded an-t
dt crilied ap inllowt: On !n rf lna r.f Or. Uanoa.Sy.
tt. -nee -"titlin" ba!f drirrv wtwt'.tci prrbtts to a ft"l
. n .tm, liDts; tbttn-f. utli SI 1-2'iVnWii wri,t 42 p.rsb'
l Uji crater of 'k W ll s V turni'ike: thei"-. al"nr
the eectrr of i,id luriil',lt- nt-rth ssid,.ffnwa-lpvrob.
to a atonr; tti-ctsi, nortb 1 dt-ifm.. wat ls ft-lo
js'r h t" a p.'"t; lliDCO, artb S'5il.;rii .att 100
"rkt toa (ct; thence. nIohi; lambt'of -aid lanw-l,y.
atb 17 dfn-e oust 114 ,'reliea, to tbe plaea of
brrfinnln':. cootniniDL' If'.l acts-, and 137 perrtH-ii, or
thraubti'ita siim,! and taken in r xeenrnn o th- j r a.
j rty ot I. cis-i ;
j ouerH a oeica,
Htii. L t. AI.'JKlOUT.bbIL
U-vlrkarg, Feb.'J2, 1S.4.
K I hereby otter for sale mv House and
j Lot on North Third Street, Iwia
bura. If not sold at private saTe before the
1 fit h day of March next, it will be ottered at
puhlic sale.on that dav,at the Riviere House.
I.ewtsbur?. For paruculats inquire ul
James F. l.inn.
Feb. 9, 1H64 JOHN BIHER.
House and Lot lor Sale.
The House and Lot on Fifth St. half
ilia snnare from Market, owned bv Mr
S wv Wallace, and now occupied by Mr.
J .hn Kurd is offered for sale. Terms to suit
the pnrrhaser. Inquire of A. H 1)11. L
Lewishurg, Feb 6, M6I
To Iluflnetis 3Ien.
I bam Delia's mark, eone-sth an Xaltel Hnu,
Ltje Ibllt Ko, pi.
nHESE Room are better situated, more
X thoroughly finished and furnished, conve
nient, and desirable in every respect, than
anv others in the place.
Oue is especially adapted for the sal of
Dry l.ood., or genrtal Merchandize.
The other for the Orocery er Hardware
business, or both combined.
The town has a population of 3iM) reroons
and is surrounded by a rich and very extensive
agricultural and manufacturing country.
I AI present, mere is no Hardware tStore Id
i he Place, or c,onty. thoUeh ere3tv j reedH.
1 erms reasouab.e. AppI? r(. K U( him"i-
-ar-rtD DPVr Tar.-. Dooud . k,. o. ...
l?OK KhM Two KOtlVSabove Bennett
Bro's Lr
Jk oru, uiug ?iorc.
t" t I
ror .unner ramrn-
Lewisburg, Jan. 16
lara impure of them.
ron sale
jKwTiie residence of the late Mrs. MARIA
jVxi.M. liR X H A M, situated oo South Ffont
street Lewisbur--;. nearly op.osne IudeptnoV
en. Hall. For terms, apply to
lec. I A. H. DILL
A DESIRABLE Building Lot, situated in
a pleasant part of l.ewishur;. Terms
to suit Ihe purchaser. Fur further informa
tion inquire of lo.rsj C L). BREWER
and all ihe t'utnres ready for use
and a DWEi.LINU adjareni le Store.
Possession of Tavern, 1st of April next of
Store and Dwelline. on two davs' notice.
Unlontown, lirady Tp. Laion Co, Pa, Dec. 21, lsi3
Farm for Sale.
THE suuth-weM quarter of section Wt
tiibvri 1:7. nurth r-nup nvt nf fh JtK
nrif.-inal nmruli-in I'Ko t,t rPm 1 . :
principal meridian. The s.int Farm liiu
about tWO mllSS north Of the CH7 Of
Fieepori, lu Stephenson Co., IUIaoiS, j
has about Forty Acres under cultivation, with
Lop House and utherOuihnildinss; is watersd !
by tne of the most beautiful Sprintrs in the I
couniv.and llie balanceof the tract iseovered
by a ihriliv crowth of timber.
Every acre of the farm is susceptible of ,
cultivation, and when suitably improved!
wuoi.l make one ot the most inviting rest.
ilencrs in Illinois.
For parucularsennuire of Francis Wilson,
of lifwbure-, Pa.i Saml B. Harris, of Frea
port, lil or the subacrihers, at Savanna. TlU
Nov. 20, 1863 L. II. UOWEN.
JFov JXtnt,
rir"Twn 8lor tiuims. hv 9 r.et ..J
one large Room on second storey, in the rear
of Kreiner, Long 6t Co's kjtore. on Third Su
Apply lo p. BEAVEtt
rriWOSTOREY Brick HOl'SK and
I LOT oa North Fourth street.
March IH.'m. . H. P . "HEI.I.KB.
Administrator's Notice.
THEREAS, Lellers of AdininisiratioB to ;
,h. estate of JOHN P. DEIBEKT.de- i
eea-sed. late of While Deer township. In ion i
........ k... k. o ran ie,l to ih .il,-rnl.r .
i n, Keisler of said county, iu tlue lorin ;
' ' :j.M...t , .,.
White Deer, Fab. 17. lHdl
I.!, persons are hneby r.auiioned not to
bai.ior "f trust my woe feavian ou mv
I .u.i U.ii. ao I will p.v Uu U' Ota ol hrl
e. 6-,
. lii-WS. '.llt.w.ti; laLUVlti
For Rats), Mice, Ronrhea, Ant;
Red lltis, Hol!i in Fur. M ayol-.
ru,Jkr.,Inectsi on riauls.FtBWlai,
AulmalN, A.C.
Put up in -IV: Ane. and f Btaea. Bnttle. an4 VkwkB,
f laud 4V' tiutifor Uotils, PculK la9viTblasj,aab
"Only Infallible reateiliM kaown."
'tree fr"iii IVson. "
-N.rt tanrerrtu. to tke Tluaa Pamllr."
uK.a cma out of tb-i. bl 10 die.-
rVSoM Wholesale in all Urge riues.
IVfol) by all brugguia and Ueiaileva
I"?''! BrwiBa f!!of at! trcfthiem imitalloa.
tit See that "t'oar.a's" rani. oa each)
B !. Bottle, and Flask, before Too bay.
rVAdlress IIK.RV R.drkTAR.
r?'Patciri lr.rr4i Ba itn, -N. V.
fyfuH by all Wholesale and Retail Drag
gist in Lwisburg, Pb. li'S'm)
American Tea Company,
(Hoc H Orguimtion. hr rYMttxl ft new an 1 Ut
bi-fory of
iKllitM lm tab routi?.
ALL our Teas ore pelected by a
I'r if--i-.'tl Tf-t)tr, exrs'Kf iy ot riel
lv f.,r an 1 w ns-T'-r fhitrrr- ot T-jo Votli CvQtr'
pr tK"inil aran eost fir Orticir.kl parkxrc.
Wtj Lut '' Hricw ti- r-TwTt one for rmrh guilty.
And tl ut pri? ff alwvi marketl on turb MB(il pack
avtt mt '-ur itttfiii pUin fl:ur.
H r iv n- lontiiiy vrur- i.ui o rr wnwn wu
1 inl Frtv to alt who orrjVr w !. wmry
irflitrr lv Mf It. It tnmpnwa full avortint kfivr-cjl
I .r ttJ IrwttlitT id thr dtavtrfl. V tt't,fir-, JnTb, Aua.
rn Au J tbe Wrt lrxif-l Id tia ikt rwh kiiul p tbl-C'-l
int v,ur c:i- or qnal w. ';; Cr(r,
lliaTh i'trtro, V n, Fintrtt, thai ry nm mmj Bor
t iti'l h'in tlfH-Tipt-n nJ the prWn bciJ th th
rnmpao ftre tie term lued to anj?rpl. ihm lVei Um
W (rnnrnritr tn all oar t msaiaui ptekir
t notoTwT Two (dj t-r pfnad mnu WliarvitkBt
thifl to lv attrw:if to the? man wbo ba,T neftutof
Our bvlnM in Ury d-ae on ortWr. whlrb U
wnyn fii-ut aft well and jrnmt.tly a thnnb th t.y
r-in, himrv-tf j1iiiif trut Wftirbtf and ttrra, aasj always
puarabliwinic tTrrth it:; our tfBt.tlity MtaMio
to lift all we promitM. Kpry ti-".f orvW kta
la iH--eft frr-M th O bpmt, and partia deng burU
d-w within l':e lluodiv milawj of Nrw Trk na
K-tarn Trs bought ot or ii lh-y r- aot iwj r thOi
thfy can huy -l'1whTf. and thr porha"-r ,rdi--.l?n-Jl
with tin Harvaio.withiotourtn day,U andhmveUW
nn y rt f'indd ti thra Thoo h' arr or m
H undifd mi! -aa ka thirty day (30) aad lb rmmm
priiic iteniiv'd to tbBa.
HPidt th-- avantott Out Onuraoy will pay AU
BxpcnaM, l-otb wavp. If tke To an ivtui-w4.
iMfoaiKaa and jobbkrt
s . luij i rzstrsr., sew touk.
JLST recnvH 1&00 Tard Bt Pttwj
OifiC Ie IaUien, in Eud from
tn ifQ vrU. fur air at from to M rtou pwf
IJIROM 8,000 lo 10,000 Ribs or Boat-Tim
ben, deliverer) (hrotigh th sammrr, to
Wm. Moore, on the bank of the river at ib
mouth of Utitfaloe Creek. Timbers lo bm
three feet fun? and four inches th;k. Pais -sons
wuhtnp to furnish timheM can t
patterns at Dyers' wagon shop. Letvisborg,
Prire of t-mher 65 cis, rfeliverefl n a(v.
Feb 4, 164 WM. FKIi'K ft VO
j r0 TICK i. hereby pivn that a meet!n,
y stkholders and an teciin of offi.
cers of the Lewiabnr- ft M-tflmbnr; Tor.
pike Company, will be held at the house of
1 " " ' ' ' " ''"- lU.II.HIU,
dl..a.,n fk.kl In I.., I... ''t I h.
, Mnday the daT of March, 164. at It)
, 0-c!o).k A . U F MILLER. President
J F LI.N N, Treaa'r 4 Clerk. Feb 5, 'H
-TOTK'E is hereby given lo Ihe Slnckhol.
ders of the Bellefonte. Aaronsbarg rk
Younm.inyt. wn Turnpike R . ad Co, tbat aa
Election will be held at Ihe House of Henry
! B Mussine in the town of Aaronsbura; on
tuestiay me e-gmn uay it marcn nrxi, io
elect live Directors tn manaze the concerns
of ihe Co. for the ensnirc year.
Spring Mills, Feb 3. tSfit pd
rr'HE Subscriber is prepared to attend lo
all calls in t'rylne; $ale,on reason
aole Terms, and warranis sausiariion. Re
idence three tniies uouh oi BulIaloeX Ruada
near L"uion Chnrcb.
Notice to Crafted Men ana Soldiers,
1)APER8 to procure Exemptions from the
Draft, and applications for bounty, back;
pay, and pensions, can be procured bv calling
on JAMES F. Si. JOU.N B. LI.N.N.
3 hereby riven lo all rersonsleavinj Deeds,
I HI , ir trr l iraac IJ. ! - . air nlhfa Pann ita
ine kegistetand Recorder's orTire. unpaid for.
that said papers may be had by applying al
my residence, on vt est .-naraet a.reei, ana
Ihal all such papers remainin-; unpaid for. by
Feb- IS(i4' th amounts due on thero will
be suei fuf aceordiug to law in sm case)
made and provided. UEO. MERU1LL.
Lewisburg, Dec 1, I8b3
m-e. a 4
11 111111 ii my urs.
AUTHOIUTV having been ffiven to tha
undersigned to recruit ihe Ninth Army
Corps lo fifty thousaad men lor special arr.
vice, to be hereafter designated by the War
Department, he earnestly appeals 10 lh
ciuzens of Pennsylvania to asit ia tillina;
up the following veteran regiments of lba
Corps, belonging to iheir Stale :
I he 4.th, 4Mih, ouih, 01st ana tovio, aistt
I are"'s Battery,
He calls upon all having the good of the
country and the triumph ot' our arms at
heart, lo use every f ff.irt io help on this woid
by voting large bounties from th resprsuva
towns and counties, by procuring recruits,
assisting recruiting officers, and by such
other means as au ardent patriotism may
suggest, in no place can volunteers be so
useful to ihe cause and so soon become rood
soldiers as in the rank of veteran organ'.
'" under eiperiencenomcayaa.
Thr unu. r-
signed ha. every hope that the loyal propl-
'f Pennsylvania will send those rrg.mtBl
back lo the field with full ranks lu bear a
Pruu part in the closing scenes of ihia
elnnous war.
rations relative lu thai service will be ail.
dressed lo him- Recruiting sianons hae
been established iu ih various rcm- f
the Sr.ua. K.'.-rillt Will be fece.aej b n
ol'ibe recruiiine .rTierifl tne Jumn Ami
, or L.J j
j.,.1 Mji.'-O''
j,. t'.. bl KNif C
t. Vtia
- 4
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