Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, March 01, 1864, Image 1

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"THE UNION." foUbi&ed ia liUWhoIe Nu,
CIISOXICLE,-establhheJ la lS43WhrJe N., 1,037.
jkt per Tfr, alwati la Advance.
in Diiw sim hi isiiM mm
TttMy Morning & Friday Afternoon.
Km riiLMiiS'T,
Ah ii a ii am Lincoln
m.T. G Evaes has opened Harda-are
abd tjueenawsre more ia Obatuberitn's
building. (Adv'l in next psper.)
A.Tbe Hoote t.f Repreaentstivee has
pasted j -iot resolution ext.ndieg tba
payment of th. $3uO ted JM'"") b.onti..
' to volunteers and vat.raus, to tbe ltlof
April. This, we suppose, will postpone
tbe draft, end probably obviate tbe oee
tity of ii .Itngother.
nauFW Joba M Rranmal. of IV, I"
Introduced bill before G -ngreM recom
nienJin.r the location of the new Inn
Vita ' - -
i in
cur ciiw. w..-g 1 r -
Siau af the LVion, it would be emincnt-
ly .deantagoou. to ne t,0,erc,urUl ,
toe Mil as a mener m ccjujui wen ,
aaiury I. ommission
-Tba t". S
will h.. 1.1 in I'hi'adelbhia, a crvat Nation-
. T r......
01 t. .ip.ibJ uue.iur tbe ueneu. ui tuc .v4v ou.i
nunded solditrs. Tbe 1 hi'ad 1'nion
Lisgaaibvite others in tbe State te co-
cpiTate in recuring enntribation. for tbe
Fair, in any manner they deem proper,
Far further infiiruiation address C. J.
blillr, Cor. Sec, 1S07 Chestnut St.
Oar Quota of Hen.
On enquiry at tbe I'roTost Marshal's
pffoe in H.rrisburg, wa are informed of a
faat heretofore overlooked. Tba last fall1
draft ia included in the consolidated ca
600.000 man. Conseouentlv. all wbo en-
ter.1 servioe, furnished substitutes or paid
1 500 eommulation last fall, are crtili'eU oa ;
the 500,000 call. These give us the fol-
lowing figures for Union county, ts tbey
toed ou the first of Jamary iat-i:
So. .n.T.. Nftrlrl.
N.ofal. Wit tDr'l Uju. Pr.fi Vol. To:'
fO Hrady 1 13 SO 17 17
M Huffaloa 276 50 28 28
82 K. Buffalo. 157 28 8 6 14
S3 W. Burl 179 34 14 14
84 Hartley 159 24 19 19
R,f Lewie 80 14 13 18
03 Hartleton 30 5 2 1 3
86 Keily 1S5 24 15 1 19
87 Lewisburg 596 107 23 2 25
88 Limestone 114 20 13 13
K9 M flinb'g 122 22 9 9
m N Berho 82 14 U 5 1(3
til L'uioo 118 21 11 11 22
i)2 Wb. Deer 225 40 21 21
23S6 425 207 25 232 196
All .dded the first pf I.cnary,
are to be crrdi ed to tbe IMatncts where
.havehoaeto taM.aed. If w. ar. cor-
J -a
rcetly infer.. 1. White Deer, Kelly, Un-
ion, East Buffalo., New Berlin, and prob-
ably other district have s.nr, furnished
mora than enough ta fill their cjuo'a. '
New Senator Election Official.
St. Clair. Krp.
Ft. Cla-r'a 1994 msjerity.
the '0,e " 3 4 j3 ,L" D G,'er-
nor, and oar m.j rity only 181 less, there
is aprorfoBofe gain of about 4G0 voles
an emphatic- rebuke of the 16 faction-
ills, aod of tbe Copperhead
leaders wbo ;
loaded tkoir very respectable candidate .
down with M'OIeli.n for President !
oowo with ?l leilan tor I resident.
Pr. St. Clair's m.j is larger tb.n that
01 Jlaj. Lite, or ot any otter one aieo-
..i .t. n:...:.. n. .. '
te in lue i'ibwici. ne wa. eipccteu iu
L.rrisbnrg Sa'arday evening,, ready for
.. . .. . . . i
. . j . a...u .. au. a. .
a'i i "urueu in. iao duuiio aar now ex- i
pect business, for there is a majority anx
ious to proceed, and regardfal of the publio
r . , .
Another El'Olellan defeat
Last fall, just oo ibe eve of Election,
tba Copperhead managers, exultant io
prospect, coaxed Gen. M'Cleliao lo join ;
bis fate with that of Woodward, and fell. '
Again has ba suffered a rebake. Tba
etnie m.c.gert endeavored to make tbe
Unionists believe tbey would ool contest
the election for State Se&etor io the Indi-
... - - - " I
.na d.tri.t H, sk.. ..r t 1.. ;
-t popular, respectable man. wbo bad I
..... .w.. . v.. m.v..1-. r
' . . . w. J . . v.. .v.i'.
.fore earned Armstrong eountv and had i
boata nf fpi..J. j i ,- .L
-..-. .uui IV1I1IICI BUIUUfl IUD
Republican. pxretlu tbev sought tn r.llv
their foroe., aad twrrirue oor party on the
daje'tjf eleetioa. Three day. before tbe
eontcBtjthe leaden threw off their disgui.e,
nominated e DoLQi.Aa far Senator and
a V 13
jw vt(aaj jut jrestueac. Ilia refum.
show (while Douglas made gains, at eal-
eniated upon, among bit friends,) a yut :
1." m if . r . - . . ... 1
fur the hijiuUicant iu the proportion af
votes pellad.
Bore States speaklsff.
conbecticct, Iow a, aod Isdiaha, !
ave opealy proel.imed President Liaeela
their eboice for releetion. Indiana i
aamet Andrew Johnson for Vice Presi-;
fl'.nt, and presents Gev. Morton for re- j
election all by a eoaniaens vote.
Miflicbarg offtrt $200 boont, fer vol-!
ssiter. eaoogk to clear the borough of :
draft... Ucary TV. Stiixer, fonn.rly of
't pitc,, b.s beta td muted te f.tetiee f
" C"i" i
Hairisburc Correspondence.
Fbidat, Fab. 26
M.... l..t T ........ li.tL T.rk"
borough, wb:e Congress w.s u
ttoul 177. being driteo on! of
L.nes.-er by tbe prexmUynf lb. British
Th. Kr.ii.k r..ver reached York, bat tbe
Rebel, d.d iu 15-33 : it wa. their furtbe.l
pwibt, North, la force, eJihougb daiaek-
nunta wenl from there en. J nej cams in
. n "Suedav be'ped ihemaele.. on Mcudav,
.. ,l"h..,riVj backoo TueaT. to rtcMve a
bin ire at Gettysburg ibe town is ;
Tbe town is
veil laid out to lie au uoiit t.f till; ia
. . . . .1 1 . 1 . A i.I
videoily weaiiby ; aod Lee mors grog
chops in the share of lager beer tsloocs,
a.d f-.er gaod b'aula,' tbs. ty other
p.ac. a it. ait-, I bel.eee. A t.ir f.,r
. tbe S'l-iieM was to jroroo, tbd wit t-
cedirjiy well atteodrd.
I ii:ci tbe blues in cunracT
. hg q or
,. . , J.tl
wounded soldiers tbev baa tiarsed at Hat-
J rlstnrg. Of these, they ound 12 or lo ,
. jn ihe very extensive Hospital, which:
! served for Harraeks for the Unirn troop',
' , . , .. ...v.. .
aoa also X.T ice iveueia. aoiuuit mew a
found J.mes A. Ball of Lewisburg. They
, ere a Sue sctl of men, some of them at.
identiy young men of educatiou aod re-
fjoeuient, ooe of bom was keepmg school
; f,,r tbnes of lees advantages in early life,
1 Thare was one old man, awaiting discharge,
' wbo bad served io tbe War of 1612.
' lo tbe town, I met witb tbrea other
prominent Lewipburger. Henry Bray,
recently chosen pastor of the York Bap -
II tisl cborcb ; Capt. Chas. W. Piven, (for-
! ' DD'el Sebrack.) now a le.d-
'" recruit officer; and Hunter B. Barton,
with his Iriend Uapt. 1'iven.
Lsyulatiom ibis week ha. been mostly
of a loci eh.racter, but tbe House epeiii
until nearly aiidoiiihtof Tbor.d.v in get -
ttno- ihrnnrrh rriR.inltlee rif the whole a
. a..." .. khi r... v..,.. ti..
, . , . . ., . ,,
gtriiUlue lyuuiivcius uivi ail uvj tuuiv iv
injure tbe bill, but failed of everything
except c.iosumiog time.
The Yfurani. Oa eismioicg tt tbe
Adjutant General's iffiie, I God that our
three Companies in tbe Slst P. V , our
one Company in tbe 52J P. V., and ours
io tbs 5th P. it. L., are nof credited to any
particular place. At tba same time, I was
shown a Circular by Col. Blair, Lep. Pro.
Mar. it Willi. ensport, saying that the
Captains commanding may make tupple-
trf-nto! rrje.ru, sod include and add to
Districts such re-eblisiibg mea as cbooee
tnera io oe creu.u. .
i -,.7"r7 p'" u
I 1 - 1 ...
j o(ber
, offered fjf b abbornoe.f 0, lb,
j . ... . . ,
j of legislation io tba S.nata of tbit State
; for tbe last six weeks, at a ooel to lb e tax
: payers of four hundred dollars per day far
! that branch of tbe legtsia'ore. It was
1,;.. niiu f th Rpnuhlixan S.nainra
jthts. 'One ef the Republican Senttors,
I wbo bld m,Jr,,T of ,he P,0P,C D1
soldiers' vote in 1861, lives io a district
-luii-u ,r.. J
I . IWi 7 . ke..fr.H ka rknnlAl
. I J IU ICUW f lUt'.lil U6 IUUUIU IB1U
" w bkle in Democrscv that a person '
' wawney tnat s .person (
dul7 e'eed .ball not serve out tbe tsrm
,ur mbea was s'mp'y oecaue .
oe peopie oi ni. oisinot nappenea, un
ber ie, atterw.rds, to vote tg.inst
a candidate of hii party I I
j .
Suppose we adopt the principle. The ,
- i
HeriBral nf IVnnftv v.nia had 3 500 ma. :
------- j ,
J7 recoras a ver-:
j;.. . in Ami . au .i i
ami all 1.1 I M , f hi un in cm 111 CI C 1UI t. .
- .. Kara atTd Sr.r.M.r.R. with .1 i
k:. ,!.rl. mn.t r.ein Will tli.v A '
b ., . ,
it r Our L moo Senator will resign if they
:l . ...1.
will, wa reckon.
Again, Charles R. IIickalxw is
' sopvinirafl fnit.il tatn. K.n.tnf.. h.aino. 1
. . .... ...
' nf .h la in 19(54 s ht ,h. ip...
. . . . l i
,' lirillBl.l.l. IB KIT. .KIIHII tlllUa BUU IUI
. . - . . .
....I. 1 ilAil II I . ..... . L - ...
is tauca for tbe gander' we call ea Mr.
Buckalew te resign.
A large Dumber of couwtt officebs,
, , - .... a .... , ...
leled ,B 1801 "4 1862' ,rS 1wl
8trUCtea 0,1 " . '""C" ' ,Be 1
. ..... .... I
. ........ .... I
T0 ' 18M: " th"W BP
II Wl oa ion liaa lor ear cauaior te ao
what net ooe ef then will de.
But lal as take aootbar view :
VOTES or THE B01.DIER8 I.t 1863
Rep. Union. Dan. Opp. Maj,
' California,
140 4,0U3 ,
8,004 14,027 I
Ohio, '
. .,
i0' 1 o.uiju
42,315 2,391 39,924
9,257 747 8,510 j
1 ' ,
61,588 7,059 74,514;
If we figure right, here ia 92 per cent, '
Republican te 8 per cent. Democrat j
New, Ohio gave 432,468 votes at home
ed 44,700 ia the army
home vote wet 523.667.
prepertioa ee Ohio, Pennsylvania weald
have 53,627 vote froa tbe soldiers,
The Senate ef Pennsylvania eoapritee
bere. Divide 83 iote
63'627 C .62 eoldier TOtee to eaek
Senatorial dialriet. Dividiag Ibete votes
tbey were divided ia ether Statet, aad
l,i22 Eepubiieii to JOS fW ,
district. Now,
, their Senator.!
I dieirir'., nd dd these soldiers' wlti, ;
" Juu I" j--
iter. De.ot.n. nf 1 biladelpbi. ; K.
1 -f lWk, M'Sb.rry, of Adam. ; Bu
. of Cutnt.erlena j tlopiaiov't n '('
I a ... . ..I if II T1. -
at i - ? t,a i ...
j and Wallace, if tloargeld. i,n
( - -
: m.j-r.i) f. r mith, of MotgodierT, aed
' LatnbvrteuV CUriou" a n..j .my wbii-b
IVaid.-ot Lmcola s popu.arity win sweep
J from under aoy opponent.
iM( a. . I Mir.n jt ip would hsee
T ... ...
j fruin one to fire (boueaod mijoruy. nl
iba ebeve named geatlamen resign in
ie of tbi. disoiosnre of ib.ir actual or
1219 to eaeb
: uko the tote for Curii :i
f.r .;..! r.r.t.Hi.1 hw hi pnr ia'
1'ir'firtual repuaiatioa py .neir resptc.ivs .
,ir,u.l repudiate, b, ihe.r retptctif.
j dtsinottf ' cr wul Ihfj at,pr to
j . ID UD ruil III U-41Ug iiiiuic u.'ian j uuiu
I seat, with the tenni'y of the King of j Da itistanee eh. 11 tbe exemption of ny
tb la J Terrors to t dcfuoc'J America of Afrioao j person on account of bia payment of old
ick or! eomdaxipn? We don't expeet to see j wu'aiiou money f.jr the procuration of a
, eomplt(xipn ?
e don t expeet to sea
. t .1 . c . :il L.. I 1
1 them nor that oor enaior will DO fool
enough ,0 re.ynuntil .be, do.
Take we next eur tventy-tuur tonyreas-
! men. dividing the soldiers' vole among
.: v. o.o...l.,:...
toeui, Kitrv 0.1.11 t ivtuhuhkiu,
1 1 955 ; Deroneratie, 79Bepublican
i majority, 1,076. Now, let us eeo tbe
I vote under wbirb st'ti Detnnerat. mitrep-
rernt their co&alitaeDtt ia tba National
Cobgret-s :
Dm. '' M-tj.
Randall, 7,720 Webb, 6,273 1,447
; guo
trouse. 9.239 Campbell, 8.51S 721
Item. A'ei). Mil
. Miller, 10,630 PatUrsen, 10,109 521
I em. lltp. Mij.
.' Coffroih.lO 963 M'Pbanen.10 426 537
: sevkntr Entii di
strict blair, A?
hep. .1 'J -
! r
M-Allisi.r, 8,328
B.air, 7,556 77.
.'.n v..;
p,w,on 10 53 4 8urt, 10.009 225
Vem Krp. JLf.l.
; mea. Some of tbese gentlemen are
"csaoted out on tba last canvass for
Curtia. But, leevinf that
average roaj .rity of 1,675 for
, licans would "out" all tbe
aeven men aod leave tbem in ao unerase
minority of SOi eeeb. Add ( urtm a vale,
1 . 1 ... 1 nilA I. 1 tlia L -1. J
ana ,orj .r. ,vw . a,v usdiuu.
' .l.rtrf i.
i and tbey ra
' th. .mall vole and disheartening lima afi
. , . . r . .
IQA'I .nil ... I.ipI. In.tpnar.il k. ak.
large direct vata aod canvass of 1S63.
Of tbe fourteen Iemocratie Congress
tnaa from Ohio, only one (Finck) is sus
tained by tbe popalar vote of 1863. Tbe
liert not veiing
ia 1802, and Ibe!
; mtk. , pr,y eoBtei, ,blt ,e.f, ibt Oppo-
; gition Hole a march ao nt ; tbey rallied
,ai eIectei lh:rtMB men wha aoloriouslv
iricnaa bi idb iiaieraueni aiaiDBiioaa is
,,V,p,,.r iha nrHir. n af Oh a on th.
. A. J
In N" iork' I.ana.Illmo.s, and half
thw guteij CoBgTeM-i wtr9
wcr(j el.cttd irj the Cilm snd ta)M f ote of
j - wb(j m pilliilta(j disowned
, . .. , .... of ic, y t
, . . v.,:on.. Councils
. , .. . A .t '
dufy the wul of tbe people, and throw
iwj obstif)e , ,he -f ,he Go,crn.
meat ia iu eSjlta ,0 put dju th, rebell-
. .......... . .
,on D(j tj,eir Irieod. in 1 ennvl9kni.
fc, kj . ht whce,9 of j j.,.; bl the
" v a
... . a. ...
nn. nf Ski fairlv elpAlaJ lininn Senatara
shall give up bis seat to giva tbem
candid inioeen,,t ehance , fiu
: it I "When tba sky falls, we'll all catch
larks." But until sixty or eighty "Dem
s, (..Jtni--repre.en.ingtnep8op1e,.ei
, ... .. . .
9Ve ,h, 00 rM,"-!
xatnpie, tney wi.i nave no "reeigna- j
tl0D 10 tbem io carrying eat their 1
infamous designs.
i B
Tbe New Enrollment B1IL
The amendatory enrollment, which bat
received tbe President's signature, and is
Hi.nl nf ,h. ri,.l S,.. .hall b. ..hnr. I
" - . u . . . .
- w-
'"d. "bene.er be shall deem il necessary
dnr,D ,h! Pre,!nt w,r-t0. M" fur.eaco
numoer oi meu icr tue military oor ice as
tbe public exigencies may require. Tb
quota of each ward of a eity, town, town
ship, precinct, or eleetioo di.tricl of a
county, where the county is not thus divi-1
ded. shall ba aa naarlv aa nossible in
nrnnnrtinn tn the nnmher nf bias reaidnnt
tbereio liable to render militarv tervice.
taking into account, aa far aa practicable,
(b( number which bat beeo previously
furnished. In aaeertainiog tnd filling tbe
nn.,. thnra ia In ha lakan intn aeAtint AHa
number of men who have heretofore en-
tered tbe naval service of tba United
States, aod whose names are already
returned to tbe office of ibe Provott M.r- j
fi;e(1 wjbio (bA time designtted bj tbe ,
a t CD I UvU if IUS m lirvw aa aa. ma mv woaww ;
a draft for tbe number defioisnt, bet all
volunteers who may enlist afier tbe draft
tball have been ordered, and before it
shall be actually made, shall bt dedooted
from tbe somber ordered to be drafted in
any ward, town, township, precinct, or
eleetion district or eonnty. If tbe quota
of any district shall not be filled by the
draft aide in tccutdaitoe with the jtqtu- 1
Latcar 9 94 W aiiact 9 547 437 ' ,n" Hu"krI arr.ico wi 101 uucu ...icr, Bet, buu iui ui .oii ui iui .imuuii luicea , t 1 11.1. ur nucrti at auu.ic
' , 1 p., A' ' who shall furnish talisfactory proof that and when the alave of a loyal master shall ! rrem,,cs cl
uitray, u. u..j..v w ... K0n..o- se...B mt eni,6f ,D0 ibe navy noder of tbe United Stales, bis master shall 1S6. at lOo'clock A. M.. a la
ion of Ibis aot and tba law to whicb tbis
' amecdiaanl, further drafts shall bo
I n,ld "d. 1 ke, P"g 0,'1,h'
qu'iia bl sueo aiairiot auau ue uum
1'cMons enrulled roaf furui.'b at ao? fiuie
prueioua to tbe draft an arcpiabie aub.ii-
tuts wbo i ool liable la drft, so? such
person thus furni.btnjf a iub-tituio sh:l
bi ei"nipt from diaft not cxiite.ling the
tin.- f... Ktti..it ..11.1. .i.h.iilntM hk.ll
! been accepted. Acy per.on dr.f'ed nny,
, ociore lue uina uica m o.a apptaiao.a i
j tbe draft reni.z.ous, furuisb ao aee-pta-
' ble suh.tituie, su' jc; lo such lules aud
, -j I
: If km Armftpii rwettnti .tiall bnreafler
1 - -1 . r . ..:
1 r
! iu:e, fuch pijm Lt oh ill ip-rte only to
tenere tbe pcrs.n from dratt 00 hi call,
""j k ..t-U be retaiued on the roll,
,, ,. nH ;,m(: iU be re,necl
j - - -
. ,. , ,. . .
t oo tL roll io filiDiT future quotas : but ia
""'lluu '"""v ' Jt ,u" r" "t"""""
.. I. ........ ...... 4 k-..n.l - 1.... .
. '
Mni of ,ny ga flemrteJ sb. te
eDro;e(l Bi:aio, if not before returned to
! ibe enrollment list under the provisions of
i.k; ;..
IUO UIMIUI VI CUIUllultui rijail-u
to eiroll all persons liable to draft who.e
, ,
names may have been omitted by the
anrnl'i'.tr iifuKPr all rersnca wbo
proper eoroi.i-g ouicer, an persons wbo
guail arrive at the age of twebty viars
L.f,,r th draft all aliens who shall
fcetore toe orau, an a.ieoa woo snau
declare their ibtentioc. to bcoooie citizens,
.11 ...c... rl..K.r..Pfl fmni Iha milil.r.
... FC.0 - -j
service of tbe Lnited states wbo nave not
Ik Itmn vdin ituriiirt ilia
WCU IU OKI .ivw .wv I J uw
, . .. .. . . . "
j present war, auu an ptrauua inn uae
been exempted auder tbe provi,ion of
tne aecoua seciioa ot toe eurjnut-ui act,
but who are not exempted by tbe pro vis-
ions of tbe present act; and the said
bcardt of enrollment shall re!aee and
diiehariie froai dratt all
persons w bo,
Between ma time oi nrui.maoi aouoe
1 a? i, . j
draft, shall base arrived at Ibe age of
i fertv fi vears. and shall strike tbe
. .1 11
1 names of such person, from the eorjll-
meat. Any marine, or able or ordinary
eamto, who shall be drafts1!, shall have
tbe riuht, within eight dats after ibe
notifij.tioo uf such draft, to eolist in the
naval service as a seamau. and ba exemp-
ted from iba draft. Any person now in
eUPb rules and regulations as may be
I prescribed by the President of the United
j murinsr or seaman enlisting from Ihe army
into the navy may have teo.-ived from tbe
: I .....I Sl.laa n. fpntn ttl. t . 1 1. In Khtoh
, T : ,ul .VrTo .Kll ril riolTt r ii
I br
"am ,uo """"V ' "u,uu " lumJ
become entitled during tba time required
I ... -. a
to eoniblete bia military service: and
provided further, that tbe whole number
if such tranafer-eotiatment. .ball not
in.Aiirt v ii..; .v.. i
caoeau iu,uu. uui u.iuicuk. iu iu u.r.i
service art ta be credited to tbe draft.
Tba following persona tra exempted
from tba enrollment and draft, namely :
l .. L.: n i
cue0 " ,re Jt:o,1 " pujoioanjr uu
..ent.lly unfit for tbe eerviee; all persons
' actually io tba military or naval eerv.ee
i of the United States al tba time of tbe
i uu r"3 "
idq miiUBijr ui u-i cika jf3is
. bl dlscttrgtJ, and no persons but suuh
. M r. ber.,0 XerjjpU(i sbail be exempt,
gj of ,be enrollment act aa pro-
: idt fot lm0 c,MseB of nro!im"nt it
repealed, tnd ttiey are now coosoimaiea.
AD3 per80D 101 1 r",B""S 'u D6
" ''i" or oppose tue tbrui.Luem, tiio ,
.btll npon cunct on tbortof, in any
ojur' efflpeI.nt w UJ tb. off;n88)
punished by a Hue not exceeding live
i .u. A J.'i.. .. K. ;m...,...i.ni
; "-"' '
exceeding nve years, or po.o o. tue.e puu-
isuments, Bb tue uiecrcuuu ui mo .umi
I And io ease, where ass.nlting.obstructing,
' . : .ri.lt nprutm.. rh.
I """"Si r
1 death of tba officers or other persons, tbe
i offeDd,r shall be deemed guilty of murder,
,a -. i. :.i. .J :.a.
and, oa oonvietion, be punished with
death. j
Th. RMrala. nf Vt.. .ntKnriAi1 tri !
;detaiUJ(ll.iona .orgeon8 for temporary
W.M.C..I . VI .. -a
.a.. .v.c...j v. .... a- ,
dutyiDtheexaminatioo of
duty in theexamin.tioo of drafted persons,
and be is autbont-d to permit or require
j ha i. a mariner by vocation, or an able be drafted aod mustered into the aerviea Friday, the ISA of
aaiu., ,oar-- , r-"7. -r;.. .". " , , .rr.J " Ti . ""- for Public basinesa or Private re.id
- i . . 1 ui.iui nrnn.,1 init BtmB nilMt mon t fit V 1 1 1 1 1 nr.iv n.c.t, la nv im r.i. .niar. .
tbe Repub- " " u , feu au... . j-.m . a.o pcrauo btiEe lpr,oandea bf , farmine tod g
h... n.m.rl I ' ' .. . 1 ------ - - - - --'"5 growing country, iu tne neifnooring nins
nw hi. Ma. nr. p. i.riir. niir i:ir i.h in.n in mnnm anah nraii.n narui. a... nam. . .. .. . ..
. 0Ba .esr; aDd ma bouoty wnien any .erviea or labor at tba lima of bit auatei fouod iron ore of a auncnor aaalitv in
i, , . ... . l.i i ,v.:. . , troops on ooaru, irum aacasouviiia, r iuri
i boards of examination to bold their eiain- , . ' , . 'r,;
. j it . ,i
inafinna at HifT.pnnt nointa Wltbm their
nations at diff-rent poiots within their
ii .-v. j.,..m:.j k.
nrollmsol distnois, to be determined by
Utt. I
Provost Marshals, boards of earol'ment, ;
.nmn,; -i.r..... , h.h.lf nf th. Un.. i
u . wa.aa... " " ' '
, r . . j
' ...
Members of religious denominations,
. . ., a .l ic , rt.i
bo shall, by oath or affirmation, declare
ikll 1 1, . n ... rtn.a.aa la.aadt . t f
.aa.. "J nil VUUO.IGU.IUI1IIJ i I ;
the bearing of arms, aod wbo are prohibi- i
ted from doing to by tbe rules and articles
of faith and practice of tocb religious 1
deoomioatioo, shall, when drafted into
toe military eerviee, do eoosiaerea non- lbe rebe torpedo Davie, tbe New Iron
combatants, and aball be assigned by tbe ' (ideg' 0ld friend."
Secretary of War to doty io the hospitals
or to tbe care of freedmeo or shall pay j Rowlesbcrg, Wist VjV, Feb. 26
Ibe sum of f 300, to ba applied to tbe ben-.
afit of Ike aiek aod wounded aoldiera : Fro- ;
vided. Tbat no nersoB ab"ll be entitled to '
toe oeueoi oi mis secnoo uoies oi. aecia-,
ration of eoascieotiooa aeroples against ,
bearing armt shall ba supported by satis-,
beeo noiformlj eoosuteQt witb each dec-
JNe person or foreigo bir'b shall, en as-
count of alienage, be exempted irom ,
enrollment or draft who fast at any time, I
assumed tbe rights or a citizon Dy voting
al any eleetion beld noder the authority
of the laws of any State or Territory, or of
tbe United Statet, or wbo baa beld any
office noder aueh laws, or aoy of the
bat tbe fact tfaet inch person of foreign
lirib has toled or beld, or .ball vote or
bold otfiie, shall be lakeo at eouelosive
evidence lhat be is oat entitled lo exemp-
' liun from military tertioe oa account of
Auy person drifted aod liable to render
tti i rj nix.-, wboahaii pr ocure ez-mp
udu tj Inul r iala repr n:i '0. it to
i fieruiea a drat-r'er, to im puuioheJ aa
.U1.I. Mt.il Llti Ii. ru.ri f.ir I t.j full t.irm
f .r wLitb be was d.afied, reck .ning from
ue umr ui im. ire.-i ; jru.iuea mat toe
Scirsurj of War ua rJer toed ssbarge
of ail p. r..i,a in lii. u.i.iiary srrvice eho:
: f - - ' . "
1 wheD it ahitll m mir urmn dm. nrn.-.f thai
... .l. . . ... . i . -. ...
ibo consent, either ezpresa or implied, of
their parema or gurdiana, aoJ provided
, ib.i sucu persons, ibe.r pare... cr guar
- j--
. ... ,.,., ....;.;... .11
.nJ ,,, he State aid local authorities, .11
bouuties iud idvaoce pj nhiob il.v li.fe
been paid to 1 tit id
Aoy person who .hall
.ticmut to procure, a fil-e
procure, or
'""t" ,w t . .t-
t ..rnr. t A ,KrA r t .. .. . ..I
luc B'llituu Mh fcMO UUftl. UI CU1UUUICU',
0 . '
drlfe(1 pe0B or a decUion io flT,r of
eueh person by tbe board of enrollment,
upon a claim to exemption, knowing the
a.... In ha f.lw. .ball, unon r,nn.ie.i,,n i
1 r
"UJ Ul.lliu.w.1. VI Vllwill 1.111. VII mo.
Lbitei States, be puuiabed by imprisoo-i
1 . f . - , . r 1
uient for the period for which tbe party I
(u drafted
wasaranea. 1
The fee of tgenti tnd attorneys, for
maktu ' out and eausiDif Id be exeuteJ i
. maniu0 out, sua causing to oe ex.euieu, .
papers id support of a claim lor exemption :
frnin rlr.fl. i.r int Irniru rpn,lr.i In I
. , -
tbe claimant, .ball not 10 aoy case exceed
fi.k ilnll.r. mil i.htiinnni ml anm.a
Miuu.....y - J l'.lt.Ul.J,
, 1. ' . j.-.i.:,:. . i
juruisuiug sci iiiicatca ut uwaoiutj, aba,
any efficer, akrk, or deputy, aonneeted
; wiiu tue uuaru ut curuuuicui, woo o.u ,
receive compensation from any drafted j
man for aoy services, or obtaining the.
performance of such service required from
auy member of tbe board by tba provis-
. . Ilk. I. t a S
ions 01 turn id, .u.u oe guuty oi a mgo
misdemeanor, and on eonvitlioo .hall ba
Sued S5U0, and shall alto ba subject to
t . . ..
iinprisoument f r a term not exceeding
oue year at tbe discretion of tbt court,
! All able-bodied male colored persons
between the ages of 20 and 45 years,
resident ia tbe United States, .ball be j
euroiled according io tbe provisions of tbe !
enrollment act, and to this amendatory
a certificate thereof. Thereupon
slave aball ba free, and tbe bonntv
- .
into lbs aervioa of tbe United States.
Tba Seeretary of War shall appoint l
. . n. ,.... n ... ... k r.f iL. W -1
-t " - p"u-
iojbi pereou to wuuui mo coiureu voiuo-
taer may owe a service, a just oompeosa.
' . r
lion not exceedins J300 to each eolor.d
volunteer, payable out of Iba fund
derived from commutatioo, and .very
...... ..i.... .i
; buhu suioreu vuiuuiacr uu uoiog musiereu
j into tbe service shall ba free ; aod io all
c&set wbera men of olor have been
heretofore enlisted, ar bava volunteered ;
- .. ....
10 me auiiary servioo, an me provisions
: of this act, lo f.r as the payment of
j bounty and compensation ara provided,
j shall be equally applied lo those wbo
may ne uereauer recruitea, DUI men 01
cd-or araiieu or eaiiaiea. or woo mty
tbe, sbaii be .redited on th. quota, of
i lhe several States or subdivisions of States
; uereiu they are respectively drafted, ;
( enlisted, or shall veluuieer, shall not be
aslgued as Slate troops, but shall be
, mustered into regiments or companies as ,
, tBlted States colored volunteers,
Tbe words orecinets and election
iZ J!. not 2 be
: C0B.troed , M.,Jlr9 a0, guadivi.ion for
, ' ,, ' . ....
Ine purpose ot enrollment aod dratt l.ss
,bsn the wwdf ,Dt9 wbich iD, citJ or
; ,,ii
village nay be divided, or tbe townt or
townships into whiob. ny country mty
. .
L6 UlVlUea.
Latest News
New York, Feb. 27. Lettert from
Hilton Head state that the steamer Cos
mopolitan bad arrived there witb wounded :
. - i. i t r..i :ii. ri : I
u., auu oriuv. iruun mil iub tiuiuu
' b r ...
. , C, , f ,
troops, which advanced toward Lake City,
, ' , , . . . . , '
bad been repulsed and driven back oo
..l -II- Tk a. J J J.J
Jacksonville. Tbrae hundred wounded
men were oo board.
It was reported that
.'11 . , a . , . 1
" 11 0D8 b0OSSnd IO killed,
. , .
wounded .nd miumg. The enemy ont-
ll'.C. . L'1
. ,. m V.. fa1 t.an K.ivmnnp . fPAnn. hpaailv
H.U.V...II ...... . - j ... . . . . . r
wioer reporui savs iuai tun .cuma vcr.
,.... ' .. j.j h. c..n Jl.,. '
The United States corvette Hausatonie.
niDtaio Pickering, wst destroyed io
Charleston btrbor, oo tbe 18ih, by tba
Capt. Harper, aommanding a company of :
a.... ir0ons. whom Iha rebels atvlad !
nr...... k.rl . fii,h .-.1.
wjtb t99 buodred of Imboden t men nesr
tht mo ,f Seoaea river, in South
Brgnrt, Valley, Pendleton county
Two Union soldiers, wbe ware esptarsd
at Moscow. TeoD.. last Dee., arrived at
ew Orleans lately. Tbey report tba j
woods of Louisiana foil of refugees from
(beoooscriDtofficerssndthsir bloodhounds,
whioh infest all Ihe roads.
. , . -i Jkarmir.'. '
The rebel naoert report G en. Sberatn e ,
iguJ.beretertbejitteBrtedJoiUld. 1
ILftSlBbtlrtt THaltfett.
, c.mrmrti w,,tu,
: y..,g j,)
u. ,'. i..n "
f 20
7 Oy '
....t '
7 t
Lorn, 1.00 Lard, fresh..
'lata, pr 61 In, ij
Flaxseed ixh
Iried Applts B !b
Firkinliatter 1"
t'resu Kutter... 25
(Muter seed...
l'.tat ws
ShooM r
K.bs i iidt.a
l t 4, 5, and 6
r'ry aUloflOO Coantrj S.iap 4 A 6
J rjt8
i tisi oi BHQues
Warrkl-reraairra9eiif..erkamA-ra.W lieer
.wt. . irnnai inprnj, PW in mr.. nmn nimr
it s-rrraaai rt.trt). j.K)irr. k kuBi
rr rrrmi rrrri,.ia.t ur keiu.
wsiraij rrroiiairrer).i.aricaam.r..Kanairir
u t .. T. . . ...
5 ..fc-'";
aarrfc ll-rruaal Fresf rlj. J ba alr. Ruraloe
nr. Ti. i. . . .nij.
V.Prt Ifc . Ik. It III f. tv'f. U.llll-
Harrktu-Pirsuaal Pmarrit.J. Pllreanr. f.Batraloe
Marrk .it-Ural istaieaf M.WaKarrSrr-s.LrwMiBrc
Jtarek K-Hnaw u:.b.aaiirriasec s uaatiiie
Marrk -l-Balldlax Ul...H.( kaafllajat r. IVS.
- " "
awe a. r f 1 r
TnTortlarllle. iiitl ln.t ,br Chw. I It. EVi., AL.
(A,SlliR j.M cuu.LiioJJitoAWLKAALVoi.r,
both ot ut pif
0n t!- sl '' r R'T ' s wrf, Ll-at. M. t.
inJ Ml ANNil K. j, of Mi.ha.1
a.t. kuer, botbut N.w B.r:io.
"hi th. .th tu.t.. b lb- C. Clow, TO KK STRA-
UAMaaaMwAMliUAM . lOalt. botb of W..t BurJtUf
tb. ru it. V R"- R A Fink. (.K iai.a w
OiKN k Li Vi nd U iu'aL'f A N ALllAllr.ru Hi.iM.lt:a.
. .. . ' '
a.i of u... bunt
r.n th. .th eit.br th. otrji., SBRAHAH WOWRT,
.a m ama.nda g. jakhat. ii .t u.-turr
jjitO. j
InM.ainbnra. Jixhioitjosnpn. aon ef Jwiband'
rr.''""- ,
4.Z t fi a nlocu i
i.i . 1 ...... .... u 1 1. v in.
aa.a.i 1 nwOtk
MMm- .B.d.rC. uthiJACOBSRVER.
r-J 51 jn, 1 month, .uj'ii i.i.
,B i-'mowoo. tn-a.h, MoonmCo, Christiana
Real Estate.
Sale, on the
rge Bomber of
' Town Lou sitaated at the Lewisburg Uepot,
Chilliaquaqoe township. North-dCoPenn-a.
1 Tk. Ia.t...am a a. I I kt .o.lil
all that coald be desired
dance, thua givinff it adraetages lhat few of
oor neighboring towns pone.j, and ere long
it is destined to become one of the mo.i
fiouruhing villages in the West Branch Val-
ilje lots are "0 feet in front bv 17 feet
deep, a space of 10 feet wide wiil be reserved
in front for pavements and aide walks. If
-'d previnos at private sa, will be j
ion- Terms easr, for fur.her mformauon i
call oi address ihe subscriber,
, L. O. HI'MMER,
' Cameronia P. North'd Co Pa. Feb. 16.
I)T virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of I'nion county, will be exposed
ai Public Sale, on the premises, on
Friday, the 25A 'i of Mirch, 1864,
at 10 o'clock A. M., a'l that certain H'lt'SE
mand LOT of eround siinate in Lewis
tinr. Union Co., on south we-l corner
of r'ctirth and ft. Catharine streets, late the
estate of Michael Wasner, deceased.
Term Cab for payment rf the debts of
dee d, and balance io su.t purcha
! " " .nm
Y virtue cf an order of Sale issued
UUI I'l IUC ' ' I L'lldlil V. 1 U 1 1 ui II 1 1 II
... -a- l l.L i ' . . r
cuntv. will be exposed to Public Sale, ai the
u e h ouse m Lewubur
, mviere nousr, m i.rwtour,
Saturday, March 12, 1S61,
- 1 .-!..!. d af .11 .u n 1 ....... I . ' I I..
of orouud.' situate on Seventh street, in
Pmilh's addition lo lhe B"ro'i.f Lewisburg,
bounded on the nonh by half of same lot.on
the eat by ao alley, on ihe south by a vacant
lot, and on the west by Seventh street, ou
which aie ereeieJ a two-storey Brtck ?r
Dtrellmg Hou-ie. Outbuildings, Ac, laieixA
the esiate of R. M. Hunter, dee'd.
Terms SO per cent. caL ; balance to be
paid ai Mar Term of Court next.
Feb 19 ' JOHN HIWTER. A iminist'r
Select School for Girls.
' I
ISS M. M. METZUER will open a select I
school for.girls, in the new South Ward 1
oi Uuillinz. oa Monuay, tne .in oi
March. Terms, from $3 lo $1 for the sea-
sion, acccordins to ihe studies pursued.
' .fiAME to the premises of lhe subscriber,
a J aoout tne tain oi January last, a t?ir v
7h,,e w.ih some black .ml wei.hm. about
i aou los. gross. iae owner ia requestaa u
gross. 1 be owner la requested
prove property, pay charges and take her
away, or she will be disposed of aeecrdtog
to law. MARTIN D. REED.
Duffaloe Tp. Feb SO, 1364
$75 TO $150 FER OONTO.
CHINE COM PAX Y wanl aa Agent ia
each county, to solicit orders for their new
$15 Machine,
xtra needles.
iih gaoce, screw anvrr ..a
We will par a liberal salary .
"d eipenses, or fire large eomm.ss.oa. For
nirtii-ni.r. tarms. Jte. enclose a stamp, and
addreaa T. S. PA ti E. Toledo.
al,,.-" O..T Aot Ihr tb. fniua st.tw ;
Ml .
The Eye and the Ear. j
DR. 8. H. KXHiH T.of Lewisburg, having j
had tweniy-fiva years' practice, offers 1
hi. semce, io '.hose wh are atBiced with
diseased Eyes or Ears. Tbe following is one
0f a number of 1 estimoniais ;
n.ebadeatarefBort .Tea: aa kiini f .
bad eatarart or aotn yes: vaa anna i ana,
aati Bparivao, io. duw. , mm pa,iw;i... .imgini .
bin to ao CVrt Dr. Sntrht o4rrl.. hi. ...
mm. btai Bitboutaaoporata.
1 whqU db- a I wbe 1
arr.tBirSrJ to aira blw a call. SAMUEL WOLF. I
..tutor, i. iu i imi r
M'HE anderigrd wit aen ivkuVki
' 1 ,h Boy a' (praieatar ISrWol
iria Ward. Lcwbr. ahnax ihr trs r
rc ai trrrk ia Atii. TerRKoae g-iattn;
ru.t:cn. H U.
ii!. (jr a limned somber f aaitaMr grtSt)
'I be amme l.
Th .ie vhr. dttire to anead win )eaat
inf t a me souo a cuoenrrat.
f-h. 1. HM. J. A.Om
At Himmia'i Tobacco Shop.
'I'HC nnJrrs:ned baa opened iTabat
1 ro and Clgiar Shop ia the ruuma
rcaiii'v occupied ty i. K. romeroiaD. ua
Beaver's tjiMine Maiket Si. (adiuiaias Ihe
Te esraph and -throDieia" office?) where hw
a'y K Wait
: .,e"or chew.
ail wsn aaay wua l
. Vwt n, ,be fc, qtitT. ni ,h. Uft
brania uf Cheweg Tobaoco .i.av.o. h.
, , . y
I Lewnbor?. ian. 13. 1C3. m3Dd
1 r r. , .. " '
rVO all whom it may concern : lht
1 . 'Mn
1 . m.in:--r r th. rmnT itir-f th. k&twu-j of
I .r,.t u.,n. ....Iliu-L .lh.ftrf II. W.. .
I - .
. " i"1 -iB'j.aud at rn.i. h. i:i o:b...
; tiM o.-r u tb. hmKot! uaaricmau aa ar ta
m cur tvt'irn to rfrrlst.arr. pT..W. to tkaaoaapar
D b.inij diKbarl. L tarti ovrr tataCstaIB of
QB. CWl! O. X. tJonhl.. tllrtWrll, ar , fctbB0
" " ,"" ":'',I r .v
..mi h-. 1 .f .. u. Umi cu b c&.rra u i:m, it.
w. art.t..4Hi hi.4ut; hooijt.i.4 uthmiy.
An. rvponlo nrtol.tioa uid b, la eoaBMtioB wfek
; hi4uii.i.ii.r,j.troirfcriBtajiorr.4
1 i.o..nioi.nt. i-i..t.6 uur. wiiamtH
j ae.a4ij.u injur. hcb.rrrtWa.l; aid iekaMa.
CUAS c einiRKLi!T,Car.Co.Co.la Jotta Jalf-c
( s i bitk?. u-ot. -
I ? f V i- Irt rXt- " "
I " '.
I ID. RtASe.tl. H, Mth Rt, 4tk RrkiaaV, H. V. K.
Estate of Lewis D. larger, dee's.
oy ,Vn,B1,r,.0,n t!,.t7of Te."
i a nil f-t(!-PD TAD'U a'MTIKP ..
u. ya.re.er. deceaaed, lale of fjartieioa Bore.
hannK been framed 10 ihe aubacriber by taa
Kefiaier of I'nloa cuodijio due furm of law.
1 all r-rsons indebted lo sua eaute are herebw
- , . ...
noI!tiea " m" "n.neniaie paymeat. aa a
, UiTlUK HI IUi la'UI CIUt. lalC MUIC Htal
' nresiitbemdulauihei.t.catedforeiileniaB
Estate of William Cutter, dee'd.
Letters of Administration on the estate
ut William Cutler, late of Brady townahip
deceased, have been granted lo the subscriber
by Hie Register vl Union county ia due form
of law, therefore all persona indebted to aaid
estate are requested lo make immediate pay,
menu and those havinc jual claima agaiaat
ihe same may preent tbem do!y aulhenuealecj
for se.'.irment. In the aubacriber.
1032 JOHN MEEK. Admioi.tratef.
TWO TERMS of Xmeteea Wecka, aoa.
mencing Maaca 7ih and HsrrsaatB Atl,
ForCataloiue and Circular addreaa
JOEL PARKER, HnyaU Pntt$m.
Camhndire, Mas.,. Jan. SO, 1884
A YOKE of fimrate.ieavj. well-brokea
working OXES.
A. ELTON & Co.,
aa. Dealer, la
Leather, Sumac, Sheep tnd Calf SUM,
So. 434 Xarth Third street,
LEATHER, Sumac aad Skine, Bought, ae
sold on Commission. Advance, mad
un Consignments. Nov. 25, (3nl
S2500 Wanted.
V' V person or persons having the above
amount to Invest can da ao upoa a first
ciaas ju lament, and a first Bortgage,jby ap.
plvins immediaiely to
Dec 31, -63. J. T. A. JOHX B. LUf!t
NE Hundred ANood Choppers wauled te
eul wood at Deaver Furnace, for arhtc
. . , , , . ,
, ; - f aV s Wa WrTT
Cash paid for Bark.
TWI3H to parchase a large qoaalilr of
HOCK Oik II4RK, dalivered at
my Tannery Yard in l.ewisburfr. for wjiieh J
will par ihe highest price ta rash.
May 14, 163 E. J. HULL.
Carpenters, Boatbaiiilers anJ Laboreni,
rTU) WHOM eoastant employment and food)
1 waes will be given. CAEI1 PAU)
Lewisburg. Pa.. December 14, 1863
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
hi. old euammer. and ibe public gene
ral I v that he wiil have constantly oa bead
and for sale a full supply of nts superior
nvorauuc rrvem. i .mc. .a
the line nf Canal or Railroad can have tbeil
, orarn .nr. tn.-u
ueiieroote, ra,
We do certify thai we have ssd the abova
cement in the erection of the BtllefaalewabSf
worka. and take pleasure in reeommeadiaj
it io all persons in need of a food article.
JanM.B WIL80.H is TAT.
A TTORXEY AT LAW. 0ca near the
J Lourt tHouse.in iihe room lately oeea,
rted bv L. B. Christ, Esq,
l ay aa4 boiiat.. aa4 tWa proearai fcr v4r
or tir Ucal r.pw.u.-: alaa. !' M
subMltaW papprs MBanA tor aSoa. Iiablo w erad. a
... .,.
TI15 r' "'faI fil
deairea hit fneods to call wuhia 30 dar,
h. arronnta will be in Use 'Hfimre's hands,
--, u:ll aV r'a.
.i. .. ..- -.- -rr"' . ntuumUaV
J. Jl. 'IU N. R. ZIMfcBWAW.
AXtTAirrrRER "f Improved VWm
flMfa Bfaicaee, re