Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, February 26, 1864, Image 1

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"niROXICLE," etf.M.sl.fd in lSi3Wiole 1,036.
41 tiJH per Year, always In Advance.
fr himself. and the record that tbe Detu- I further reference to this eul jet. It is
Tucsfiy Mnrnin & Fri1ay Afternoon. Lye.
hot no the LGib irst., for desertion while
,'OU rnfcMU,AT, j on pukel duty. llis friends urn maklug
A n it a ii a 3i Lincoln h"e bis wnuncejuodinvd.
Cairo, Feb. I 4. Tl s'enmer Funny,
frm Vicketure on the 'ZO'b, reports that
Sberuiau's forces are iu possession of
. V . L . t I 1 1. - l
..mmi.. , annoru, ... - f . g fc
n..t,g Co.. i under sentence to ne -"-' , . ' . in Cd that
niruieu ii i. v. j- - -----
thev have adhered to those uleas, ana pur-
known that the gentlemen on the other
side of the House assumed that Ibis resn
lu'ion was a direct thrust at them. I cay
J. Plleegor's Vendue. i liouniien paid to tho fuliiiwiiiir Vul-
Wll.U he exposed to public sale, on me ulitt'ers wliu enlisted to till Up ul'J
e r a - '7 - .1 . . . , ' I ' 1
afWa learo that White Deer lowusbip '
las fi led her quota.
sued that course of conduct, from that dy j it wag nut intended for any such purpose ;
uiruuru mm a pe.ij
ill proolaim to the
Ittllli Ul r idii, ia brixi, nc .nil ICi.iriitn.nt
I Brown's mill. Turtle Creek, m East Bultaloc Jnhn Hrt
; township, on ; LSK.tue
to this. While the loyal Hearts or mis i witnu . a p"j , . , commencing at io u cioca, uie loiiuwing ar
." . ,i..t,i.; iih anxiety and I if they will proolaim to the world that noes:
f..r..ar,l in the. sneedv return of I 'bey will be deluded from the beu.'Ot of :
JbT-Forty-bve new recruits started for J Sclsua, Al-ham
Uarrieburg last night and tbia morning. .
Lieut. B.ale baa recruited one hundred , oblj d , f ,p .,. week for want of coal, published foilioie, iu his issue
and thirteen men sine the first of tebru- ...j lutour couipaur only had a 12 h day of this month .
One of the iron mil1 of Diuville was
some tit tue cou.neru iiaio- i '
(Juveriiiiient, and w hile the effort was pro
gressing rapidly and encouragingly io the
city of New Orleans, thia same editor
ibis ftpprupristinD. if the tegt is applied,
S! bi-ft'l of hor, & rr-wp. on r!r of twin eaWtii on
M al'Iltl
John I".nr4
Hrt"tt K-utieUy
Jm'Dkt St rn k
Imnmr H t (-
7f II for fbeAlr P V.
fbe nett proceetii of the Exhibi-
euttn atiTat. 2 bavrmwn.3 ulowa, 1 mro pin1
i , i . . , i r U-r. I cram rtr, 1 rm nior, t grmu cr-iif, 1 rmtiK iuk
let the cons, quet.ees rest witb themselves. . n ; ,., .;, ,'rk,, , r.,,,.,, i,,ir, (ry
1 tuill. 1 tlirft.liiiiE mai-hiDe nt pur. 1 Litviry. t" Jwt Karvtuo
liorM w.)(inp, z Mtt9 I ry U4dera. one a..urii. -tLnr aobiu uiw
h"vy hartl.l douktv rlt of plow turnt. 1 Jnuli Mnrlin Auluillvt
Kt-ti uf huftfy hariwn. UD ir nhrk ltti.. lot of J .bo iri
hriill ana noilnni. oiip ImhI mJ bl.llTiK. 1 lr (dt'-bi-n M.run i. Rd
tMlil.-, 'Mir tull cupboanl. ouw ftiriiifr'n bl'. bda vwri- Jho U nlk.r
wetk's upply ahead.
Remarks of Sam'l H. Orwlg,
I. ......r.,i in thai Siaie hv Mr. Line.olo. j
tiOJ of Tableaui, beld at Iiidepend- JIjuj, f Hjprts.ntaiivea, ou the These wre,ches. ihai i, the l.'nion men of :
... 11.11 T..... .....ht of Ibis week, ,,,;.. .he R, ...lulion of Mr. Kellv. ew Orleans asemoie io me ""-:..
...... . , ----- , -
I hope this House will adopt tbi resold
lion, and now and forever declare that no
uian who, by hia conduct, either as the
editor of a disloyal paper, or aa the adto-
--.l.-hj i. . . jv...l flTOf tiuolrflient. mnd artirla uw-tl nB farui. At tba V B. Aikry
Nobi.dv now appears at the so-ca.tra c.-o u, wic ouuiutro niwruj " Bn7 ,Pti,;.Mi1iifl leriiwf inbi la ikt pataid J-b Iwusiiwty
.-liner-: n new unmans, cirrui tue i Briaiffl tr lorai. on exrnLiipa nis svniDa- ih reu h.r w. iit?i
NorihTu disunion atiuhiionisis. h have tbie Witb t he KobellioD. shull ever rocetve
dollar from the booeht tax payers of
nnaylvani for prnprriy destroyed or
H il Uu tfalo
Lewi burg
Vt BulTwio
liarf tf
e.t BuffaUo
hi ta;
Trrms made known at sale.
t a
t fl H Wftaul
Km. I
- Ivi lrK
11 C M Curmtek
V u
6i w
..., WJ
f' UU
V 'Kl
b i
6j.oO 12 .'-0 00
Interest paid bj County.
Heal Estate.
Sheriff's Sales.
F") Y Tirtri of a writ of Vend. Z. anrt !.
Fa. fvsurdout of ikr Crart t l;iBim
i'teas f cotmfr aod to oie dim-civd-
wiil be eiposr-i to public aaie or ooicrj.c
nlurdaij, Marcb 19,
t thm Buffilo Ilouar, 10 thm Bwun. wl Uwtwwvrft,
cuutjr aforv.'!. at 1 oci-rk t M.,m rarrtaia 14 ft
1'irt aj of inuit. ilata iu Uf brmmih -l Itmwpbmt
tuii-o c .ml; V"'J bvi f Pvnn'a. t oh-rrtt' h Um
.IJ.TaU Xa-U Vu U.li(la-1 OU tb B' Wlh fcr fwt wf
a lot t-u-) t'f FVbuah Nirrly, rat by Parttt-w
W'Utb wy St -trt, nl OB th waT by triaa
Hrl. oufmiii.oai . k'-rt-w-n lrt ia wjdtb. and
Ha.)-r4 na tif-y-f ro iWt is iavbtji iw Jrt. b
tb mu. m r- r leaakrriiw ? arx-laVi ft iaT Thlw
florr Br--It liav-.ru AtaivJ.kDOwa m fb-buffato HQ
fmuif .-Tablw, and ftrWr laiprnv-Vrfnlf, (it Wtiag U
watu T--it. lr"Tit-( in Mrt.ft dat4 Jasry 18V
refor-W in Mttrtyaj fcout J. $9S ITttl. fataa
aurl inkn in -uti.u a frsftri' LD. Bfrwv
nil Klib kitts-nhDM.
ANt.t at tbe same t.m and ptet. aU thai
Pifwi-Un. trnafirtit aiiti Trart "1 i-a4 ntSalois Wblt
.............. fL . ... ; , . .i
1 msrZVlHJph P. of ciaiuunts for damages done by perform other similar fraud, and ah,.,ina. V NgTST& I 'cT V 'flflffIfi I H J tXTtfZTTSi
j asTOo Tuesday la -I, We. Joeep u. j 'u,berUn,I alle tions, as ihey are inirucled lroin Washing- )UMllVMal JL1I W W & ,S? ? i? ?? i i" i;5 ?H I V(tlM,rSnH,rnU,iwnrfib.rw,if .......i;,h,,.ii,in,-.,oan
i Tutio of Northumberland, ws ordained ; ue 14101 ' ,u vuioueriauii iiejr . , J . J s 1 j j ,-f r jll;; l u.n, i,.n t j Mii.mii n, j,r. ...ouu ..i t.. iM,i.r ..r , o i v tur.mk.: ibc
1 r.i i Mr Stteukrr 1 do not Drooose. on this n.i - .l . J iU mil. nnnn I it-ST ?riM a. h-i I iiil K&pt-D.ii:ar.ot tb Coui.lj for tin: lit wriirol r .jA turn.iarD"rib i..3.irKrailsp.faa
to the work of the ministry. The otdma lr- , ,f Pf "Vh ' ! 1 h.s is the position of the party upon Portland, Feb. 23. The steamship , t ?a if ri ri-ilz li-i" tru.. : k . .ton,: .oru, i issa-io
. , . i. . ii i occasion, to occupy the time ot the Home ,.; nu-ati.,n of Invi tv .in that section of . ' . , , , ; -3 5 I I '? x5ft t,i.m ounour u u i:omr..iii.t. m 1-1. . -1 ; ih.i.. wriii m dM i IU
tioo icriaoD was preached by He. U. ; ie,1L.-hv di.eu-.iou of this uues'iin . q , i. ! '"h"uln. "P'- Borland, from Liverpool, :2 ;,?s ; 3 fS 2, ?; to. borousL oru.i.i .rB. .1,. .1.. of J.nry. !.. p-m.r. t,y?...i. ti.....ir- wof ,.o.,-a,.
.... rI ' ' 'e," : U1,cu; "louot mi qms im. fa cuniry, so far as that party it repre- , k on A Id.o'a Kock four miles o.i'aido ' - ! b 5 i r- I l:Z- jmwaltlu,, . oaih iy, .i 111 (.h.. 1. t.. pi. .r
Minck, of Lewist,urrf. Theresoluuoo simply proposes to apply ,, b er,tl emanfrom Northum- "irucii on aiiii d uoeh, lour nities 0.t iia , .f. 5 iTjS-s, nm, lummu.iun.... H.-iifT.,......, i;:.M.i u: a-,M
. . . t 1 i, . ... , i ' ,f senteU by inn genuenian m in r u pf . Ui.ibelb, about 9 0 clock last ,i ; H ? 45S"S S ? f 1 A Kt.j,i.rrk s. maiibiialL.) I n,.r.h..uta ...J uk.c in -a-
1 jnesp.an ooc.eiy acquiuea 1 tieni,n oa ltle other aide of the House Z ...... .... T fr, m .....r l7nn,. tn fiuht lh , ' ".-' ' !i ?;...:s-s:L .t. 4 m oc, uun
... uiiuiB ilu ituu. 111m u..i.- - - ' hnnr.nrt na r .Imlil an nil n, rum h. .1 -. z . r 1 . n j - - T t (lion rauttlu. mmr. I B. nf ulnrH' .a I A
c..ut.,..y . -rr. , - ,t e8 ot our cuutry
with great credit, Thursday evening, meet
IDg with success which justifies a repeti
tion to-nigli'.
tfaal tjc frwvoai ..j.rsuai . ji cinmaiiis. 1 o s is a loot er oi scri-
direcied that men eulistrd for the 1' iist I ,.us : r.i.rtt'ioa to this Commnuweaitb.
Battalion companies of the Invalid Corps Iu coruj lence of the iuvat-ii us of our
Will be oredited to the quota to be furn- ' ! -J ' Kebcl armies, the people of
... , .jr. f .. i i MlieB rd'-re untie loat valuable property,
isbed under tho draft, of the ward, boro , , , '
' . . while, at the same time, the people of the
town or city aud feiate from which they ; j,idJ,e N ,lt0t.ri, cuties lost much
eclist. . . ' time, i xpi uded large sums of money, and
arTbeTeTiug of the Christian Com ! null-red many h-rJ.uips, pnwior.s, aud
. . .. j tons, to ill no these liiVadrs from our
tutssion, Wednesday eveuing, was attend- '
. ,. u 1 borders,
d by. jammed house, ibe speakers j lbe Btlemtn frf.m FranLlin, ly the
gave a very interesting aceount of the D1 wl,lK1 1B Uaa presented, proposed to
good work done io the army by the Com- ; pay 'be ci izennof tue hord-T counties f r
luission. j lossxs wlm-h they sunlainid. Write the
" rT 7. T" ' lull itself oomes lo he c msidered iu this
MTThe National Hepublieao Commit- , fhil e(1(Jcilvur IOoUre mj .
tee met io Washington ou Monday las', tj()D , j, ,uj. we (4e uulicr
and issued a call for a National Liiioti contideratinn ouly lb" resolution iui'ruct-
Conveutioo to meet in Kaitimore, on the . og the c m.iuittee ib.t has this bill iu
7.b day of June n.x-, to nominate I'mo i I c,,"re i0 dl1 'V' '" '"' "4
... . ,, . ... ,, ' rini: a proof of the U'li't'lu uf the c'-unittnti.
candidate for rresident and io rreat- i . B '. J .,
j Sir, it is aa unai-c ruuwule thing to me,
dent. A res ilutton was adopted r. quest- . Mud i( h b , ()f gurDti.9 t0
ing the D:strict of Columbia and the Ter- i ibis side of the House generally, that our
fitorUa to send delegates. ! Irmndi on the oiher side of the Hall ex-
ud, a a e.iiiMii'ieiiee, they propose to pay ,,,1, f hi. ,,i,i,r inn can not 6ud
rut millions cl pubho money, without ou(j Wi(r1 of ,oe.,ur,!fHmeI,t to the brave
I discrimination, aa well to disloyal as to ... ....jfioinf their livea and
their famili' a in their desolate
in MoKiOjt over . . f ii(.hlBnllj.. .uj. havir.a atovn '
, r
a hole in hr engine compartment. I 'art
of the steerage passengers are suppns-d to
men WHO are saerinoiog nieir inn uu , . s, ... . nf ,. .
their all, nor tine word cf cheer and com- j 0,her ' j ww 00 Clt),di,0 ,
tort to tneir lamm.-s ... .c.r pr,,,lrj, ,e0(,Uot, valued at 51,000,000. ,
homes ; but you will Bod that the Siutb-, llg M a9 )j( a, h((lf d ,
ern ohtraroby, this d spotio government: r Z I
(if it can be clhd a govern men t) that e- CAIRO. Feb. 22. Twelve thousand !
his in the Sou'hi-rn States of ibis Union, , bales of hay were burned at Memphis on
has received his sole and absorbing atten- the evening of the liOt h. Tbe bay was '
tion. Why, sir, when he makes any valued at 8'JO0,0OO, and belongs to G'.ff,
reference at ail, eveu at this dav, to the Cochrane i Co. A u other account sajg it
Chief Magistrate of our own country if ( had been delivered to the Government. !
the name of the I'rrsideut appears at ; The guuboat Conestoga, ten miles be- ;
all in hs columns, or if the so s cf the iw tLe niou'h of Ht-d river, recently oip
fi.iverninent unJer whieh we live are at- tured four rebel effieers, two of them
all referred to it is iu language some , CoIobpIs, while attenipting to rroaa the ,
thing like this, which is also taken from ' river with a Urge rebel mail, S.00,0U0 in
Aew Orleans money, thirty bales of sot
ton and Lumber cf mules, horses and
300 rebels have been captured in the
neighborhood of Helena and sent to Nash-
i 31 C ,
; s :
: -2. -
c; I 2k
S ta c tl - 5 & t? S ic S ,j 3
s' W
S2 A si
2 a
" r .
at a. :
? aT 3 -
; T. 3
B s am
3- 7 -
g J S - -.-3
- o
K aa
O aw
A Bounty Tax Bill.
A general bill ia pending io the Houi-e
of Representatives of Pennsylvania which
will undoubtedly, in tbe course of teo
days, become a law, ! gaining the action
of Boards of School Directors, Township
Bupervia rs aud Township Commissioners,
levying, assessing and collecting tax for
tbe payment of bounties to volunteers, for
the purpose of filling their re-pective quo
tas under the call of the 1'resiiienl for live
fcoodred thousand men.
Loeal legislation in tbe matter is no
necessary, aa the general act, wbieb is
broad aud eomprebeosive, will meet tbe
rtquiremeuu of tbe community in tbia
When tbe eitiz?ni of townbip or
borough desire a tax to be levied for this
purpose, tbe proper way for them to pro
ceed io tbe matter will be to have the
board of School Directors past a resolution
levying a tax for tbe (aid purpose, before
tbe second of March, or aa early as possi
ble. Tbe passage of the general act will
then legalise their actions.
If section were inserted lo exempt
(ran taxation all who have paid commuta
tien, lent substitutes or gooe into service,
e think it would be a fair law.
that paper :
Lincoln has,ro.t this conntrv three thou,
sand million of dollars and a million of lives;
and Ihe enrt is not yet. W hat a scourge to
h'loianity that h"" was ever born !"
'i...... tahih I have refer-
rel, contains an extr.et f-om some Dem- ! J uf-rJ, "H P.t
ecra'io paoer in s me unrthrn county or , month.
State referred to approvingly by Ihe j Accounts from General Sherman's ex-
" V Ltll" UlnK CIVra aa'.9V
gntlemnn fiom No'tbutu ciana to j peditino reports that be bas destroyed A a.euoiy, Awi'ng Proth. d Ke. oae io 3100
- j c-. r S 1; M
v -1 4x1: C -4 v
Paid tn part in xttlm-at
A. avDD-ly in full
IteiuM of Kxpeadltur
FormakioKOOUotj SeiUmat for 1663 lorla-
Jlh Jatiuarr. :;
livwilot l..f .Aitriacht Sh!T Jn'v finei i
A. hji.n;J), txiTn, Thit-a 1 HI
front oflir wourft-a 2H ..t
t't luplirata fr'ifji I'ullfrti.n for 1C3 i 6
t uut .ii'lif.a War uf r K' .17
Tait tT 't'i a fT"f k'tui yn li-i.;l
Military fiusw ajvi I'r
trutntaDiJiDtc Miiittwy buaa lur '62 abd
rvtlt.U jnsirs 2fj.?.b
i;tiiduf i.VaAttrrtr'y Jury fl.iei
By rnmBitwatnii attowr-4 clctorp fur
I-'-a ndJ ,rvf iiU(i jMra 4"1 1.1
T mmhion allowed collt(r for .CI l?.uj
atkune-rati n to euliarcu-r.t tot luaiid
(.r-vioiirt vs-mrs 21 63
Or.it r retir'tud it'Ot-U !n '2 I1l4
R-IWf OrJen 44 ''3 t4.t.i
Hr.unty - ' VI y.i, r
ituutarttlVtiti1 f r'Vlana raiHrr y.,4.4
iWnrj.'rati'mn t n Mi l arj Onet fat 'uj
ana prTi- us )t-ati. llH0
C' mniirfn t mHcrmra. M.Iit' 1-4 ,rj
Out'taoimn; MmUrj Uuvfur '03 a Oil
r.irv,t.ii 2,N "1
Trt-a-urT'B ''0"ini.!-if a on lj,-t0 -I1.. :'.?
B bUirf J.e .flinty T 2
We, ti e un If rui.nvl. Au'IitT of fh? mur.ty of
I ni-ri. bairK rrlully rutin. nl anJ au'litl tb
f-.-gmux iwud" r.f th i.VmfuikiDrri t nil Trrwurcr
f oanj i v-untr. lx On i and report th ai-i a. rMunt of
KVr-,.tn aud l'i,tR iiture-. an 1 Trsur-r arrunl
frr I nion cuiiu'.j, lVr Ua year lv&, true and o rrect aa
In witnet:! whereof. w. the nil auditor. hf h-r-Utito
Mt rur bard at lh lommiFvf-inaril cf&r In tho
ikiruub of avwlpburg.tlii' th da of Junanry, A.D lti4.
Attxtt : BKRTHIKKTH -MI'sO.S. I Aa 11-
A Ksut.Crk. J.T. UAiiKNbtCU, Ion
birh th writer xprewe a regret tbat ,he brida on tbe Mobile and Ohio Rail- j
Assessors' Fay.
MI')UU1 UU U'UCI Flirj llC '11 t WIIIITIIiiitt w 1.1 i j,. - - - r- Hwwavpb-auaaiHa.k-auvaavwiutaiu(iaiiai-. w.T;vn.-ino
bibit so much sensi'iseness, aud fly into John C. Breckinridge, the rebel and tbe mdf hereby severing the eoonectioo ' A"'"cr fcr th.irs.r.k.i io lies
such a passion, at tba bare proposition ritor. was not ette'ed President of these between Geo . I'olk's forces. He bad ad-! Election Expe.
tbat disloyal men should not be paid out United States, instead of Abraham Lin-. ,aOCS1 t0 , pflil)t between folk and fjj " ii7t?"io M??t.ff a
133 lt
'History of the American Conflict,"
nf 1I1A trpaHiirD of lha (!niiini.iiiafHulih f.ir rnln !
losses which tbey sustained iu consequence 1 The gentleman charges npnn tbe Re- , hgt'.le at Enterprise, Miss., witb un
of their own ace. 1 cao oot think, that publican party nf this Sta'e, and says it is known results.
the gsotlemco fairly represent tbe great a shame that will forever blister upon nor .
body of ibe Uemoc.atro party of Peuusyl- faces, that we recognize mb la nd vio- Geo. Longstreet reported to be 10
J . ' ... a. .a.- . .alM.am PAtruwt haatifaSArl It Mnrh l.rr.arl K araaw tn
vauia. I believe Ibat this occasion has lence. 1 say, air, mat .no K.-n...... --y--
been seix d upon for the purpose of build- from Northumberland has himselt, in o s u 1 our wrce..
151 ta
notirra 71 Q
Montgomery. Mobile rebel pipers report uearai fciectiun hui la oetuta-r iksod 421 "8
i - 1. - - . ' C. 1 I ' . TT
;cruuuiii'r vuur. uuuso.
Win. Eetchcm's Vendue.
"TT1I,L be sold, al public sale, at the resi-
dence of ihe undersigned, on Cham-, Naucy W allace, and now occupied by Mr,
'PHE subscriber, Eierutor of Hash Bellas,
1 ilrcM. oilers at i'nvaie Sale a tiOUU
FARM siiuattd on IVnr.s rieeii In Limestone
township, I'uioii ci umv Dan'l Kalierd iv
on Ihe prniisr. Ihe Improvemea'a ,
are a - t iwo-atorey r rame House and
a good Barn
yaa. He alo offers the j
T t SAW M1I.1. io said
ypWr?l6 premises. and a traet of
iSBjaW TIMlJrJKl.aQd nearby..
Ii aaul property be not suld by the nrl of
March next, it will then be ottered al Public
Salt. AJdreia
i:Accutoror lli'iH BuLaa,a'4
Iec 2. Mf.i Conbary. Pa
I hereby otfer lor sale mv House aadj
, . L. TL... u .... I
. 3 a-Oi on 1 unu oocti, w "
huii. II not sold at private sale before thai
Ifith day of March next, it will be offered at
publi. salen that day, at the Riviere House,
Lewisbnr;. For paruculars inquire of
James F. Linn.
Feb. 9, Ishl JOHN BILGER.
House and Lot for Sale.
The House and Lot on Fifth St, half
i square from Market, owned by Mrs.
AnoM'0re..r 22.00
Attorney's Fees.
W Joms, Eaq, AUoroay for Coaunlanionars 26.00
District Attorney Fees.
Alfrad Ilayrs, Lf'l 4'.'(X
l'rothoiiuturr nd Rearister's Office.
. . .1 .i.i . i I.' 1 1 i i
log up or uphiiiLliiig a tottering and cruin- publication, counsonea vimeaiv - " : " ; ' J w aanj. vrothonotary-a Um for laoj
bling orgaoita.iuu. 1 do nol think tbat , law of the moat atrocious cnarac.er. ... , . " ' j Court ExpeDSCS.
tbe tons i-u u.s of these gei.tlcn ea who o .unselled Ihe taking of the life nf a ! Jrds at Loudon, which will bo repaired in ' 0nfI Jnro tor r.btamrj a.K 43
nere declare, or openly boast that the, ! member of this House, if he should see fi, a few d.js f ,T,rra . MTWrn "
a,,uM heemented fr.un the hfnifitaof this In separate him-elf from the party of Jeff. r . . I Tramm. - !Bs.4
-- , . '. . , ,. . . r. . . u. .k. l..,l...t. . a-wBinto jni.imir., reo. 2-t. rive uraud Jurors for Srft SVsnioaa 7.47
appropriallou Dy tue application 01 tnis i;avis, ami reiu- . Federal effiPr. whn .....n.J f.m 1 " " T" :..7
UramlJurori for Pw. is.,noaa h? 41
appropriation by the application of this Davis, and refuse to ebey the bohests of m(
rule, fairly represent the Democratic party, bis lead. M. I refer to the gentleman's , .
. . , .. . t .: i L r rn V,... 10 lSrt'l This inn.
berlin's Farm, in East Buffaloe luwnship, ad'
joining Lewisnurj, on
Saturday, March 1'JJ,
the fullowing properly, to wit :
6 h-a of hon, 2 of thm HaiDa'oar yars .Id, and 1
rvuig tbrM y.ara. 7 row.. 1 yearling liaiSr.a l-t of
a'toti,. 2 ".It of watfOn barnraa. Im4 Mra. 2 a-ttn aio
glr barnaaa. plouao -ara, i patni of rbk linaa, bora,
rollarf, bridia. sa Ml. aDd bndk, on. 2-hor-. a.rinr
wagon. I 4-liorae waaoa. a 1 bora, airing wucti. too
baity. I Co tutu. D 2 bM Strd. 1 lifht -bora. alfsl aritb
a aoo'l bd in. two '1 bona plowa. 1 oar bora blow, u
b.rrow., 1 2-h"r rtiltirator, two 1-horaa rulti,atra.
cirn plow, riod rollar. sr.in drill, a ro. J ihra.lora
maobiaa with a atraw carrier, wiO'lmill. rakra. f.rka,
dinner bail. a-riiilu.oi. irraln rradi. nx-aiua se,tLcs
a lanr- mal b,rrrl and a lt of oth-r b4Mv!,, wbe. -barrow,
bay lad'lara, and a larga lot of cow-cbaina, and
OChrr articlra nut mt'Dllooed-
Sale to commence at precisely 10 o'clock
I bad tbe eaiistactton mysell ot hearing, paper oi uec-moer ia, .o... . u.- p-- , , . oD h(, Yr)lktown steamer.
bby Prison two weeks since, arrived here lrairrs." Trm I3l.ia 130S.8 A M. when due attention will be given by the
Court Crier 8 Wafes. I onilersisneil. ilkvis: All amounts on.ier
D.,id81lfer.ndUao.gohoeb M rasa' a"u uv" "ll r SI2
liumberland, (Mr. Purdy ) mob law and violence. He has told ns yesterday, aud succeeded in driving him lo Constables' mileage & makiDg Itet'ns. i I !.., I I.,. ,,(,.. xni
it not in hia seat to-nigbt ; that the destruction of his paper (and the, Tonuel Hill, Georgia. I M.W j alnritllUUllll IlilPIuIlClilSs
full two vears arfo. the a. et xh. or at least tleman stands up here io his plaee
part of ihe speech which was delivered io ' arraigns tbe Republican party of this Stale , CnATTAMOOdA, Feb. 24. Gen. Pel-' Tjiwtaves or Constables at Conrt ' monlhi w'11 e giv,0 wi.f01? s',arl",
Ibe House a few days sgo by the gentle-1 and of this nation ss tbe party encouracing mer skirmished with tba enemy all day . b.dJ Sb.il, Jobn N.b,t and oth.r. 7s.:i Feb 29 rd W M. KETCH KM
man from North
That o-eulleman is
hut I hona he will have an orii.orliiinn. triflinrr damnee which was done to his!
l.f .I..- j.k.ia r..nlo in ...o. ,M i.h mm t at that time. I in informed I.ltlt. ftf Vsnrlnaa Prtrr Mrrti, L.wibrg 8 W
u. .... ....... . v..v i. v j ' ., . " Ja.-ob iislrr
thing I may say. I by a credible authority, wools have been , Admrtlstd by una at this ov.oria Uie"Cbronirl." I i-a.Hisb.oip
The gentleman from Northumberland ! covered perhaps by thirty 6ve or forty tarrk l-Prrwaal Pmprnr.F.lirrhasa..erw.ir.liefr ' iinVohn Vails -has
charged tbe Republican prty witb ! dollars) he says tbat the destruction of MarrhS-rrpwaal Property, Daniel Kisbel.Ruiraioe S 1 h?,', " ...
. .. r i.- it' 4 r J.J i. u . . i .... o. ..-.. ' Allan, Brady
oeing tne uisioyai party, tne cause or tuis nts omee was appruvwu u. a.i.oi . ....j.,i.r. r. n.iiaiuc ciin.iuo uo-n "
unholy and unrighteous war snd of .1. ,be ; by the Republican party in that section of JJ-J .ICK j ElS&SSbm
bloodabed and suffenog and sorrow that , tbe country. I say, sir, that he misrepre- MuTk 10Prrw,. rmpertr. tieo. H sltrr. ButTaloe ! tate Costs,
bave re ulted from It. lie boasted that : sents Ihe leelings ana tne opinions oi me Marfkl-l-PrrsnnalProprrty.W.Ketrhani.K.Knfraloe CmmOBwealth Cbarba steward
for heirs
4a IK)
CRICT'LTrR AI. Implements, since the
commencement of this War, have been
be, sod those who aot with him politically, ; Republioao party in bis neighborhood, Marra -i-KralEstaie.lt.M.Hnntrr..er-..Ualsk's;
represent .he on., true and lo,.l par,, ,u when he makes that assertion Mob ... rS:
Ibis Commonwealth. Tbe gentleman bas ; and violence are condemned by all law- ,. .,.,i,n,i PnlM,ni n.iiwii.r Huir.i.
further iuformed us thai he is tbe editor of ' abiding citixeos ; and I do not know of a Marrk i-bj Krr. s. Wolf. Ac't. New Berlin,
a democratic paper iu tbe dis'rict which single instance in which an individual, or Marrfi i-Prrvai Pnipertj.j. ptieeeor. K.Bnfralo
i he represents I desire sir to refer to bis an, part of the eommuni.y. spproved in fCrTXZ .JMa'rT
issue oi April isftn, tout, in mat paper, tne least aegree oi sucu oouuuc,, ur uiu narrk is Heal KstaieofM.Waxerrwrr'w.Uaisburs:
Tbe publishers bave favored ns with ! o refers approvingly to tbe resolutions of , any one act, or uttered any one word, from Marts 2t-miiss;tois.w.ll.taaai,iin.Aai,r, ivsj.
144 specimen pages of the above work, ' wbat ba lles " 6re,t nd entbusiastio ; which such an inferenoe could be drawn, j vendue mitks for sale at tb. -sur t rbronw.-ottis..
u -.1. i I Democratio meeting," at wl iub tbey I Instead of it being tbe fact that tbe party nvs .
ptmtea on noe, nesv, paper, witn large, 4.Wp,rf Tna, ,7
rapid developments of which is sustaining the Government in -BLfVPf ffftf VQ 2CT3ITlltta
Iear type, embellished wilb two groups of j the last five months have rendered the ens- j ,h.8e perilous times instead of it being C&rreterf HeeU
4.1l:. l:u ....l ... n nf Ihe Snulhrrn CnnfrJrraru n Ifra, frf . .... . w c" neeirijf
aucuaiiiuu iia.euc.wea ou eioci one, r ree. , - - ; v j -- j -. , tne ,Mt mat tne union party oi mis ie.. . . ,n c.
T. , ... ..... . . or i and that we are upposrd lo nrry Jnrm nf cuer- ' . , . ! U neat, J,4U rigga ,
Lincoln and bis eabiaet, tbo other, Jeff : cutn under wha,r prrtrxt. f r,,frr,g law, country encourages mob law and violence Rje j 20 TUow
Davis and some of bis chiefs. Tbe book ' eotfrdinff rerenue.or re Ming prf,riv. which 1 such proceedings are the neeesssry re- Qornf j oq Lar(ji freeb
Will eoctaio a large nomber of similar il- i m0J'. kad to a c""'c' "'M ,tc"ud '""" j uU tbe legitimate fruit of tbe teachings ( Qat 32 j,, '-5 cose. geed
.... ,. . . .., - ,, , I Ibis was the position, at that time, of I and tbe doctrines of tbe Democratic parly. di...j o; i
lustrations, aiserama o. uame uetas. ana .Li. . l- t . . . . .1 - , . . : .-laaoo...... .a..j ,.uu
'M r ' ' 16 , . , '"""Ithe Uemocratio party, which now prides I do not desire, at this late hour, U tu.al.. ik i.,,.,
t large copper-plato nap of tho seat of j it5ef M beillgi it c.iDJ, ,w.,. t0 b.,e j protract my remarks. If gentlemen will FirkBtitter IS Shoulder""
W9X. I WCGUf IU. g.Q., liU.OIUIVU Ul IUC VOllBlliU'
Speaking of tbe aatbor, tbe publishers' i "0 nd of the Loioo of these Slates
Drosoectus trulv savs that "no livinv I there, sir, by "a great and enthusiast
Am.rlo ..it., nnM mor. ,l . I meeting," Ihcy declared tbe establisbmeu
.,, . , . ' of tbe Southern Confederacy a fiiei fact.
sue reepoosiuie tasa, or proaoce a more i i j . .n .i t i . . y -t . ,
v ... ' 7 ud deprecated all efforts on tbe part of common school system; and if they will
booest, truthful History of the Rebellion the Natital Goveroment to suppress it!l0 .k at the eeeiino returns of last fall the,
and its incitements, or one calculated to This same paper issued on ibe 19th of j will find that tbe vole ibe gentleman reeei- ! of Hriy to.o.hip. and Mi eatk van pykk, o'r
inan ra mora oen.ral i nt.ro. t amnn. lh. ADri . lSbl ihe first Issue, after the i ..J in iho.. a.r.n .llairiola a r than "Pe-'r " J'. t-yc. r. -in. pnnura war.
r r i - - - ' j ' -" o vnunuaiiy wen provided Tor D
great msss of tbe American people, and riociainatiou ot i resioeni laincoin caning , bis majority in Ibe whole county. Dot,
also throughout tbe European nations, I fr 'enJ.6ve thousand men to suppress j tir, I bave the gratification tn know man,
at... .v. . ... ... . ! the retallion doet not contain that I'coc- of Ihe people of that county disapprove as
than the aminent author of this work. ; i,mation . bile at tbe s.o time ,ou will moch, and regret as much, the course that
Tba first volume of 600 psges will bo tad, in almost every column of tbat paper, is pursued and the ideas that are express
ready aboot the first of May. Price, from j displayed io capitals, the name of W- ed, and tbe policy that is advocated by
$3 50 to f 6, according to the style of bin-1 l' " aOueis snd Ae icWe of hit 1'rociuma- j these gentlemen, ss any of as een do.
J A Marts laq.
A Berber A J N tl.il Una 4 .11
44 Jobn Batier 2.U0
" AnioalMier.RSyoltaA
bal Slialer ICS
Amos Berber 4 47
" Cbarlea SUward S i
M Joa A Ann Umler 4 67
' Mag Ponacby 23 o7
u vanuua persona 2i.HO
Jobn No-namo 14 et
. Jobn Lelchty Su.01 131.76
in great demand, and good machines are val
uable as to their merns and worth onlv.
In ihe year l6t, Messrs. J. 8. MARSH &
CO sol, one of iheir Improved Reapers to
Henry Siuck for I30. On the 18ih of Feb
ruary, tht fimt Htnprr wan mid at a Public
John Buni is orlered fur sale. Terms to aait
I in. nnrrhsor Innmr. r.l A U nil.f.
Lewishurg. Feb 5. 186i
To llusiaietM 9Ien.
laambrrllB's Blnrk. rnrner "tk sail Market lav.
UnLllilaM.. P t.
fPHESE Rs-oms are better situated, mora
1 thoroughly finished aud furnished, eonve,
menu and desirabie ia every respect, ihajl
anv others in the place.
One is especially adapted for the sale of
lrv Hoods, or seceial Merchandize.
The other fi.r the Grocery or Hardware)
business, or both combined.
'I be town has a population of 3000 persona
and is surrounded bra rich and very enensiva
agricultural and manufacturing country.
At present, there is no Hardware Store it.
the place, or county, though rreatly needed.
Terms reasonable. Apply to R H Chamber,
TOR RENT Two ROOMS above Bennett
Bro's Drug Store. For funber parties,
lars inquire of them. Lewisburg, Jan. IS
.The residence of ihe late Mrs. MARIA
Fox Scalps.
;. a M. URAHAM, situated on South Front
Salt, on the farm nf Hinru Stuck, near Carlul- , Lewishurg, nearly opposite Indeptud.
fir a139, after being used Iwa seasons. en. Hall. Fur terms, apply to
Messrs, J. S. Marsh & Co. are manufactii-1 Vec- 1 A- H- DH--
ring a large number of their machines, with j
Improvements, this season, for the coming HOUSO and Lot far Sale !
in , . .. -i
naying anu narvrsi ; auu as io tne merits of rpHE subscr.ber offers, at private sale, his
their Combined I House and Lot, situate in I'nion town-
ship. I'nion county, three quarters of a mile
from Ihe I'nion 1'urnace. i;n ihe road leading
lo linsgrove, adjoining lands of Aaron V,
misa'tric ana 1'avio ueiyion. I he loioootains
Turtlerill. MO
Wolf. mill. 6 40
"While p'r mill.7 ' 5
" " BurTaloo
J A.M-rtsTr'rforsupporlof conrletala PnitenV bi.M
l.ao. M'Collum
P Uemberlius "
A C lliitb
Sho'alterAt'hurch M
Adam Youua;
..12 i
7 ,m ftuad Vtwwa
-"-,,! Public Buildings.
. Rami MaaP kvpairioK orII io jail 331
50 Jtt rick and wheeliog cual 1 CO
s i in t (! iir eoai
: ti rn rn inmr Rfimmnn Mr? it mil rnniiria. inr . . .... .
, . ----- - - I i HMah KnriA.t. ) ii 17 Ksi X- SiH..a U llti bill IU lull till Jlart
!, tbia year, they will God by the report of j , fi John ito., tabi-for r
i : . I- - tj r Jaw.ww...M.kA.1...a , ' nniiin-i.awio '-v-
iv rue OULPtliuiBnuoH vt ivvtiiiuiawciiiuu u..l. nrv o n g-t o a. li n,.t, Jk rtti.ainn
t ! count, that there are in tb.t count, sere ! " 'e ,0 voumr' i J-uii a..k,ng ,i
i .. .... .... & via tnuio.nu lt. atn- in. jo no.
I disfneB whioo have not yet svinnted th ' houfand Bu
I would refer those wishing to purchase the
25.R0 COIIIHIX trdt'H iu me imiuwiiiif named Der-. a , t
Nt.w aw w . . r .i . 111 nvus. j we nn .nuvriiir arc on
ew Bridrres and repair of old OIICS. sons- who purchased of them last season : , ,wo.slor.y Frame House, wi h Out Kit
' " i'rawrw wS ff. aw "' ;i. .",.- v. ''""" ?wa0rhKt4, : then, ami enod never.la.lmo Wilar. Al
risilerl -k or""., niram ironm, ( liarlea llnttenatem. . . , , 7 . , , "
John iiaair. ii.xid iabinerker. Jeae Smith, v, ni. sod Pd Mab.e, and about one hundred Apnlw
Th'ima, N-at it. of Northumlieilaiol eouory. j afand Peach Trees.
t'brial-an S'ullifos Jso-h Stultifuiia. Robert RapTiee I rr-i... j Li -. , . .
40- S57.S0 ; Frederii k Pontin.. W. Klerko.r. l.rt:n Meix.ll. j,.hn 1 U 'S " u"lrd,,'e nome, auiiaDlS Ior
I Mi yer. Samuel lellman, s1. !. Kalter, John U. larger, teamster.
. ,..,. ....... r or lunner particulars ran on or annresa
r.mii.1 Shaffer. Henry Tahm. John weeher. amnel ' ,u. , ..l,. ,.i, ' ,l. . u -
NeO. K.iShum.n. Marti. B-.f. Ahr.ham Zl-ler ahra- S"bSCnt"r ' he inlield P O.. I OIO
bam retter. Amoa Miller. J.me- Bell. I). T Stamhaorh, t-- a- I EL A. WALTERS, P. M.
Alfred MiH-re. Je.ee Huhl. Ueorira Kutx. I'hihp Baker! 1 Dec 7, '63 if
Peter Albright. Ilenrv Siadar. ll'warii Bnp-rt. I'hilip !
Bantl. Samuel oodyaar, Joaepb J. Brabn, of Cuuibaa- ' " '
lao I s.nntT. rnn CS A I P-
Jobn Hald-man, Panlel OI.M-r. Wm. Wert. Peter rVJlrk OnUr..
ding. Traveling agents wanted. Pub- ' '''"overv word, ever, syllable, ever,
liabed bv O. D. Case A P n.-. .j letter.
e - 1 u.iuuig
Conn., and Geo. Sbsrwood & Co., Chica
go, HI-
Now, air, I would ask Ibe gentleman
fio:n Northumberland, where did he give
tbe influence of bis publication T W here
Gen. Sherman's boldness is creating ' be give the aid and enc iuraj.0 nent aud
consternation in Rebeldom. Tbe Rich- j -"'"'auce tbat be, as a private individual
tnood Examiner says that on the 10th I""' 11 ,De publisher of a newspaper, was
inst., tsherman, with 25,000 or 30,000 i P,ewi,:1 o render npoo tbat trying and
tneo, provided with 20 days' eooked ra- I '""Por'ant occasion io the history of our
lions, left Vicksburg, and took up the line ! euu,rj Is not tbe fact staring us all io
of march eastward, tearing up tbe railroads! ,he f"M ,fc,t he 8,B oi assistance and
nd bridgas in bis rear, clearlv meditating i "flueBcei whatever these may have been,
a. . .... Ik -U J Jsra . J . I SA Ik. m..4. r.t k. (a? ... L A1 A .
DO step backward. This advance, contin
ues the Examiner, is beyond comparison,
lbs boldest movement of the war.
Forty-eigbl of tbe escaped Union pris
oners were re-csplured b, tba Rebels.
Eleven are Still unaccounted for .nil a...
to ibe side of ibe Southern Confederacy J
ii wouia ne tedious, sod would occupy
ibe time of ibis House at too great length,
la follow np tbe record tbat this gentle
man bas made for bimself during these
troublesome years which bavs followed tbe
date of bis newspaper lo which I bave
On tnltb int .by Rrv.J H Qri-r. Jim B. MrtORR,
tfatt iartT,
mi wuninita oi anif.ttD ao
Fnrnaka thm nar;
And ba they era on earth to lovay
May wavier, bA)ir joy attova
Batbfirt tatrevar.
On tha JBth init . hf Rv D Ktrwa. JACOB BOWER
and Mlaa fiaKAtl ANN BKOUB, both of Union Twp.
iHi tha 21t intt, hj tht namf, TIIKODOKK MYKKS
and Mian 8AKAH ANN UoWKK, both of UerardTilla,
he b ml-1 II Co.
Tbe people of that sent ion are, as a gener
al thing, law-abiding, Union loving people.
T ..w trial lh. nr.. ( m ... nf tka Damn.
.; n riw in tK i ,... i. .. ini.na.lw ' barljor or trust my wife Sarah on my
" r j - " j . account, as I wil rav no dehis of her con-
A M. persons are hereby cautioned nol to
loyal as sny gentleman on tnis poor ; ana iracnng. Febl4,'64
doctrines announoed on the other side of; OTOLEN, or exchanged, at ihe Hotel of the
hi. Ilnna. ... emmmnn tn ik. n.mnnr.iio : ij ondcrsigned, on ihe I7ih inst, a seamless
. B. t .;. .i,., I Buffalo- h'Jie, distinctly marked PETER J,n
party of this State. I say, sir, that tbe.. . uyfYf.R T)e p,rson had beM rc.
genueuieu ut.a ioi.ru upuu mi? iipn.iu-
nity for the purpose (I do not desire to
impugn their motives, I will not say they
have wrong motives io tbe matter) but
for tbe purpose of repeating o'd oampiiga
speechea and sending them abroad again
tbroughjh s Commonwealth
turn it, and thereby save trouble.
Lewisburg, Feb. 23.
Administrator's Notice.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to
tbe estate of JOHN P. DBIBERT.de
ceased, late of White Deer township, I'nion
Now. sir. mailers do not seem to bear ; county, have been granted to ihe subscriber.
directly upon tbe question before this j by the Register of said couniy, in due form :
ww . . ' . , i all nartnns i nrlawhtawt In ca iri a fats a ra rain rial-
House, and as it baa already been stated I "'' persons .naeoieo to saia estate are raqoea-
-P. some of ihem will reach o-V hoe. ! , d. sJm7 " Z," it K 'ZT r l"" --
- - - - c - - v auiuru'iiri i' r -t'irm'iii, it.
JAMES HARSHALL.Adiniaistraior
M lute Deer, Feb. 17, 1S64
a'.,. 11. ... I .al.. . . I . 7 . -r - S ""-"
--. iihi iar ui.w ua.ii ail tea .n.i w.111 .... .h. ...i....... ik.i ...... i ii i : . . . i
. - v .- i ..iw...u. o. iu,. p.i, rsivs,; now idis oiseusaion sssnmeo tnis :
mii tue .i.c:t(l: .atd c.nif.re tic iccoid tLal Ls la luadsJ tLife, it is hatdij nuessai, to aiak anjr 1
21 2.S
J.M'lAusbliD building itablr.hog peOetc 2.' O
10 t ys
rothonotary'a oflle. 4.we
from pavement. 1 oO
ump 2 Ml
atork 250
on Court
ffalo bhdit. 80 00
D. Sbrlnrr.patulin Court nouee iitaps 10 S'i
Allan Shoemaker pavement in poruco 7.00
John Huntingdon, ord of wood 2.S0
II Kifhunyer xawmi wood A wheeling- coal uO
Jobn V auael Jr, pilia for stovas in jail b 0b fttl.Ol
Commissioners' Office.
Fraderlek R. .lender, late Cotumiasioner l'Jo 00
JM. Wa ter, 14000
Hobert Itred 140 00
S.muel Marahall, lo.
A. Kennedv, Clark 4UO.UO f 20 00
CommUaiooera' and Treaanrer'i Doe tag. bja
Printinfe. ,
Worden A Cornelias, as per contract 64 Or)
Frederirk Smith. 2o.U)
li.ua A Orvi., Db'tfi Proclamation 1..UO 1104.00
Pr l.e!er,medtral attandanee Mr. Beotley S 50
M.Brown.Col. K. Buff error in Suhla taaaa.S.43
Two Seal preaaea for Heit- A Bee office ls.S
II K- Sillier, Hrof. aarvieea at Sup. Court S0.U0
WJooea.eoina to Uarrieb'g .udcpyin.
Mil. Holla IS 00
C 8.8t.bl.bindtn..nd atltrbinr AwHswai'to 2.2S
A.Ke.nedy.wear 'f She ACom'ra. A'3,e. I.S7
Kalb rmpaon.st.bl. reoi till April I. "o3 15 09
W .Coriielio.,iukiog II n noaea Brady) S SO
Noah Young. don brooms 3 25
eyiua, SUtmnary 26. IV
lleonre Beriroer. eleetion laws S7
U.Srhorb.aar,'ra'p'n.on M.Fbhar Aotbrs 1.60
T. Neatiit and Sona, Ire bill 27
W. JooeaSeq.per ct-eoll.rtine$i4 3.7a
Coatl, County vs Ankioa A Bail 4.o 1S7.04
For support of families of Volunteers.
Paid the families of Volnnlwers bow tn
eerviee of lb. V. I. an k January 1M lao4
intall 4S08
ShflrilTs Fees.
L. F. Albright flbarlff aoaveying- fowr of
Donwrhy ''lldrea to the h".aof Kef.
OS1, eloib'te : tor raid rhil4r.n; board-
ins priaunera, anmiaoiuas Jurors Ao..
Ae-.lHsa 7S
ConveyinalTiaa. Stew.rt'toPanltnM.rT. ..,,
boardmaoriMa,aom-oi Juron,Ac. 310 J.os.ai
j Agricultural.
, .H Uird Trwasaiwi ArKuJtarel icdrty I '''',
rny . J. ;n.th.n B;oa-" Philip L.bo . jon.tb., iRiei. . a JJEMRABLE Building Lot. situated in
alntme itnvr. Franklin EpCine,OIniitcriitr Klme.
km. K. !kTStnan. Ja-S H nyr-st, of Lr-harjon ernntr.
Tavid Vipr, K i J. Hatflnuron, H. L-nk;rt, Wiiliatn '
tx. Jarob 9 l-hade-. oi taur bin vunty
John Mower, Dnid !., John ytr. Adam FttTrfs-r
tteiirtf'' MrnTt-r. J"hn rb,8arniis'l t.it .ton.S It Rarto.
Jam- nark. K. I K'in. (lore Skiaatwr, Abdrvw llo
BTtd' iir'tT. R'-hert Ha-a ' bartv'i Rawl.Kubb A Miils-r,
Jamea Wrntr. J-'hn Smith, Wm II. fvamn. W. J M
hanv?. J H lliokta, Jacob Hond.of Ljouming and Clin
ton eounti.
We could refer lo handreds of others in
pleaani ran of LewisS-ars. Terma
10 ioit the purchaser. For further inform,
tion inquire of 1032 C. D. BREWER
and all ihe in lures ready for use
... v.-w... ..... ... v. ir.uc-. II, . ,,.,e, , ..... ,-
the above and adjoining counties, but think an ' l)VV.E'',,'r;(' a 'J1ce, 10 tlore-
it unneeessary.
Feb 13. 'M
Possession of Tavern, I u of April next of
Store and Dwelling, on two davs' nonce.
THO. ARB! CKLE, Wifer P.O.
Cnlontcwn. K.-aJy Tp, I Dion Co, Pa, Oat. 21, ISI
of Valuable Personal Property.
rilHE subscriber will offer the following
described valuable personal property al
public sale at his residence io East Butfaloe !
township, one m le southwest of Lewisburg. I
On Heinesfciy, March 9, 164. j
nine working Horses, two t-year old Colts.
iwir i year uiu mil, two i-lws, two Dtnnueo i '
l.'alves, one Four Horse Wagon, one Two-1 has about Forty Aries under rnltiiatioB. with
Horse Wagon, one Two-Horse fprin? Wag. Log House and oiherOii:hoildings; is watered
on, one open Buggy, one Carriage, one Two- by one of the most beautiful Springs ia tha
Horse Sled, one sleigh, one Combined couniv.and the balance of the tract iscovere4
Reaper k. Mower, r lhr'"y Srowln uf ibr.
one Grain Drill, one Throning Machine and Evr7 cre ' ,neu ("a ,s uscepl,hl. of
Power, one Field Roller, one Fanning Mill, """. ""'an y improvrg,
"t'uiii suaic vac V (UvS usual lUTlung (aa.
dences la lU.rioii.
Farm for Sale.
THE south-wesi quarter of section 17,
town 27, north range 8, rait of the 4ih
principal meridian. Tbe said Farm lias
I abunt two miles north of the city of
i Freenort. in SteDhenson Co.. IlIinaiL
Ploughs, Harrows and Uu.'uvaiors, one Corn
Plough, one Hay H hiW vrnh the necessary
Ropes and Pullies. Hay Ladders, one new
heavy set of Harness lor four horses, one
pair of Breechbands, one pair of Yankee
Harness, one double sal of Carriage Harness,
one set of Buggy Harness four sets of Fly
Nets, Sadds. Bridles, a lot of Cow Chains,
and a great variety of other articles used on
a farm.
Hale to commence at in o'clock. A M of
aid Jay.when eond-tinni will be mate knows
and e'ie.nd
A al oOalo.,
For particulars enquire of Franei Wilaoa,
of lewisburg. Pa.; .m'l B. Hirri, of Pre,
port, UU or Ihe subscribers, at tiavanna. Hi.
Nov. SO, 16S3 L. II. BOW EN.
jfov Hirnf,
riTTiro Siore K .m. ii by 32 f-t. "nd
one Mr;" R.iom on serosit sioicw in tbe re.r
nu- f"n by the .r,t,-rr.r.-r. I " Krsmer. Lonj A. Co'. "J'y, u
io.,reis. Jiiaw.w. I A1-p!ytu t.ttA.t.a