Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, February 19, 1864, Image 1

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    Ill Cliff
Mt per Year, always la Advance.
Taps-far Morntns & FrMay Afternoon.
An KA II A 31
arClubs for our paper for Feb. Court
elote to-morrow, (Saturday )
IttNaTiriMiree' from Wetbing-
t0, U.rri.burg, or our Armiet.
Jr Another very cold spell this week,
closing the river in a tingle night. At
St. Paul, Minnesota, thermometer iu 25
dog. below xero.
-Election for State Senator in
Indiana dielrict, to-day. In wee, we
kot. .h. Sn.te will be doing iia bnai-
-i, I 1 1- k
neae. tat tbe eeaaion win pivuwj
nro( raeted bv tbe contumacy of tba 16
minority Senator, who, like tbe dog in
tba mao.er. would do nothing, nor permit
otberi to proceed with their aworn duties.
Chronicle the Facts.
Ia A. D. 1864, the Grand Jury of
Union eouoty, Peumylvauia, at Feb. T.,
bad only ooe bill (wbioh they pronounced
'true") before it, and wa discharged tbe
firatdav. Put that duien.
: . :J T
-J Lu, one L.nd Sale, and bad non. at
II at Dee. T. preoedioi;. l'i
., . ,
Tbe Com. ease is postponed to May and
tbe Civil List is in progress.
SB, Writers in tbe Army say tbat the
men aire getting badly cheated by sending
to the Cities for Watches sod other Jewel
ry, for which (when ' fljih" with money)
they pay large prices for poor articles.
We have advertised Booki, but the Jew-
eiry swmaiers are noi ueipeo n, me eo,-
vmna oi toe -atar & unronicie. war
advice to our arm v readers it to ernd tbeir
money bonie, in Bank, or to the car. of
tome friend. Make a "nest-egg of it,
and it may prove yoor atartiog-point for
long aou oapsy me.
rKery Democrat in tbe Connection!
Legislature voted against allowing Soldier L
to -ote. In New Yotk State, however,
the Cons war. . littl. n,r. .hr..d ih..
yielded to tba plant which tbey last year
bad pswer to d feat, and a Special Election
io March will ensure tbe right.
Ooe of tbe first acts of the Peoo'a Leg
islature should be to order a Special
Klntinn for oar Constitutional Amend-
meats, to tbat men desiring to enlist may
know tbey will not again b. robbed of tba i
freeman a franchns as they were by !
Woodward & Co.
volunteer if tbey were
not fearful of .
Jeaviog tbe Stale iu tba power of the
Copperheads at the polls.
More Recruits'. Wednesday morn
ing last, Lieut. J. F. Beale acoompanied
to Harriaburg 31 new Volunteers, claimed
at follows :
8erg. Albert E. Barnes, David Hansel
Bian, MeLbCthoo Z-schmao, George P.
Smith, John T. C',x, Henry lieiiztnao,
Jacob Heinmeo, George Pursel, Daniel
B. Myers, Wm. 5. Meylert, and Wash
ington Cornelius (11) credited to lw-
David H. Getf, Henry Dersbam, Jaoob
Long, Peter G. Paul, Charles Loyd, Serg.
Isaac Treat, David Lenbart, Daniel Slut
man, Alfred Meekley, Kiias Heinbaeh,
Aleiander Dewirre, Charles G. Ztcbmsn,
John Hummel, William Sbrioer, John
Kliogler, (14 in all) wbo, we understand,
clear EaU Bufftht from tbe consolidated
Lemuel Mood, John Rsnck, Samuel
Ranak, George Wer'x. Joseph A. Logan,
and one io the East Buffaloe list (6 in all)
credited to AVy.
Of those taken to Harrisburg last week,
Lewitburg was credited with 18, aod
Kelly 1.
Lewisburg baa now (exclusive of those
t be reported of Veterane in aervice) 31
hi.m!li ant ntliAra in VMfiinAaa
Pat Pat I Io tba general abundance
of asooey io tba loyal Statet, many people
know not what lo do with it. There ia
no longer cbaooe for 5-20't except at a
premium. National Banks ore already
plentiful Speculation! are bsiardous, as
the oloee of tbe War may tumble down
many fabrics and articles and tbe sceoe
of land and business operations may luro
South instead or West.
aafBut one thing, every person ean
do pay up all debit, taxes, aod subscrip
tions and obligations whatever, due; pay
ments not due, may be anticipated ; need
ful purchases may be made ; aod donations
and gift contemplated, may be carried
into effect. Every dollar iu airaaUtinn
may pay dsn or a Hire of debts before I
it comet to o ttoD. And tbe lean a nr.n- I
owes, the belter ia be or the prepared for
any ebange, and the enj lymeol ia greater.
Abaolata aurnlussea should ba invested
Wisely aod safe!. M DOMible. not ao mnoh
auk a view to large returns as to sura
Beat and wholesome ote.
"Stak Journal" i. the name of a
Weekly Admioiatration i nnrnal in. .... '
. . ' j--
l at Harrubarg, by Dr. Brower 4 Son,
le of Danville. It ia large site, well '
fritted, ably edited, and aff rrdrd at 12 in
dvsnoe fa a ainoU in r . '
$15. " "r ,
Uoie bland has ber quota foil.
roa aa ST4B canancLM.
From Wisconsin Soldiers,
Chattanooga, Jo. 23.
Frieod at bona on cover know bow
"e re - heri nuti! 109 Bi,ro'1
I ... renaired. Before the battle of Miss-
jontrt Kidge, one third of ihe borset end
j muet ,.,. ,jetdf tud those alive were
i newly nerved, but oo them we were
dependent for appli.t, sixty mil" .bt
rt.srj 0r ,ne wurflt roads ever traveled by
I mio of DM6, ,D(i cuu,j Joa bl,8 ,cen
, btm ,riiliD efer ,be stones tod through
' mU(j of tboso mountaitis, you would
j BaTe relii -d something of the task to feed
j men and beam anuie .. """"-
wiA Thorn were
d.y.ot qu.rier r...., ou
bravely up t tbeir duty, mougo starvation
I ikin. in Ik. fni Without tpf.ta
! or traoportaiion for anything but ratiooa
, ana ammunition i no u.u ulua - u.u
a dot n knapsacks iu our brigade, or mei
many oi tue men naa a cuauge ui oiumnm
for a long tin,a.
r .. l j l .. - f i ..i.:
fi . , . i .1 l J . L
ine inn t.orp. iv now ocre, .u.j
re good fighting men, but they have j Kocb''er Esprcst, in which be eon
fared better at the Ent than they can here. : eludes that tbe Democratic party are in
Tbeir niea clothes aud paper collars made ' f-ct reFpou.iWe for (he rebellion, and tbat
! aome sport here, and it was a strange aight heJ tr-nebcroua, unpatriotic, cold
I . ' , . . . hearted afn, upon whom no reliance can
i " "e" 10 ,ce "'" w" ?"
j tbe "led ?Mrt b".ke"- 1 "
; leading a pack tram past Ibis camp, wneo
' ' a Lieutenant with a verv white collar
asked, "Wh.t are them big baskets for 7''
Said Pat, "Them are to carry paper Col
lars fur the llih Army Corps !"
G. N. D.
Salisbury, Teno., Jan. 22.
The tallest e.iuip'gn of the war will
j open next Spring. Tbe smallest amount
; 0f bagjge will be taken, and lhat pnoci-
j piUj f aiuiuuuitiou, with so entire uni-
j rurnil ,b0M ,nd ...ckg, f..r each eolilier.
i here are several expeditions aUoat. an ao
! not be aornri., ,1 at .naibino n-tt that
j pipped. Should tb... .1, be
.ucceasful, tbe ll.bciliou w.ll be confined
j iu very narrow limits by summer, leaving
Lui utile lor ins araitua men to an.
i care are, it is saia, many people at toe
North wba do not rea'ute that there it war '
i in tUs 0UM b,PP' Un'1- But in tbU
I reK,on Jou ,ee lne enea rematne
j of ,owoi' plb'''" e'. "PP of
I stock and nrgioes, fences burned, rank
weedt where luxuriant ootteo grew, women
and children houseless or living in rode
shanties of their own construction and
begging bread from tbeir enemiee. West
Tennessee is stripped of everything lo
tsXm,a Jif fur B"D or b',."1 befor
. . .
Blter'y re ,be people reaping the fruila
- if Saniuinn hut fhi find ia not vnt
1 n' .
j. u. v.
Umom Countt Court. Chat. Brou
dsge vt. J. aod A. Klote Kjeotmeot
verdict for Dift.
Michael Klcckner vi. Meneat and Pen
ny With notice to Arcb. Thomas, garni- '
ehee verdict, $21 for Plff.
Limestone townsbiD i. Georee Slear
Assumpsit verdiot for Deft.
Sbriner for use of Vance vs. Wm. Rule
Sci. Fa. verdiot for Deft. Reaaont !
for new trial filed, granted by Court, and
D-w trial ordered.
Eooch Kaufman et al. vt. George
Zeilers appeal by Deft. settled. I
On trial Sbriner for Alex. Young ts.
Wm. Rule Sci. Fa.
Well Expressed.
Tbe Saturday Evening Putt touches tbe
true point when it tayt tbat too many of
tbe Polish "patriots" only want liberty
for themselves and particular classes,
while other classei tbey would tread under
foot Tbere it far too much of the tame
"liberty" tougbt in Italy, France, Ireland,
England, io.
Nor is America free from tbe same
inconsistency, if not hypocrisy. Genera
tion after generation bave tbe slave
holder been fierce for tbeir own freedom,
but put otber human beinga in tbe
grossest, worst of boodsge. And tbous
anda of ao tailed ''Democrats" at tbe
North, bave either approved, or ailently
acquiesced in, wholesale oppression of
one race or casto by another raoe or eatte.
Poland, Italy, and Ireland, tan never be
truly free until tbey render freedom to all.
And the bloody btptitm of this Uoioo ia
to end in establishing Ibe priociples of
Equality of Rigbta for all Men. Aristoc
racy may bate it, bat to that it must and
will come at last.
Just so. In one of tba detected let
ter! of Mr. Lamar, Rebel emissary,
occurs the following prceiout revelation :
u Drive gold coin out of ikefnuntry, and
duc4 ""tu imPortlioH f fi'jn pro
" 10 ihe
system. You ean bave oo further brna
f . . -
or iureigu recognition. It la evident tbe
weight of arma ia against at ; aod it ia
elear that we ean nnly succeed by striking
down tbe financial system of tbe country."
Such ia the foreign Rebel'a adviea to
bis brethren at home and tbe Copper
bead leaden art carrying out the aama
policy. Tbey have done ail tbey could to
l tt 1 , I, - . .
maae -gTcenoacst ooiont to drive out
gold to increase consumption of foreign
good and . to produce extravagance in
ba rDT' After all tbis.they try to tbake
'be people'a coofideoet io tbe government.
discourage then, about lb. War, to
tbat tba Rebel caa dioUta terse, and
rule again. i
Returning Reason of the Rebels,
The A'utlwille b'uioit, Feb. 4, sunouu-
eet the re'uru to loyally of three Rebels,
Alabama to return to the Lulou, giving
up slavery. Williams said, at a luuuliug
iu Nashville, tbat 1:00 of bis rcgimeut
were already in the Uuiied State service,
and more coining, lie deoiared bie rcadi-
. bU ome. be added,
j culled the Proclamation of Emancipation
. unconstitutional. He asked Ibeiu "if
.',,......,, .,. it
tney nautea me tjousiiiuiiun ,".-
- ,
, , , , f4
1 i. . - j .1 tl .... . .
ucnatty oj uenvm u ueam. vapi. o"i-
,. ou nM couiradcb to leuuuuca tbe
rebel ncrvice.
who, when Ihe rebel,-
K. V. Loveridtfe.
ion broke out, W4 i ublnbing a Seceseioo
paper at Iroy, Oi. .., wmcb waa broKen
up by the oitan, aud be compelled to
r J -
; fl l0 Canada wri'.ea a communication to
I r,n t,UA Hi,b,.r bv friend or nnnonent.
! denounce, that part, a. .be wor.t foe
: tbe bouih bus, fur having led tba way
: ioo tbia infernal rebellion.
Wa bave frequently declared, tbat, aa
I reason would ici.iunnoe tho minds of ibo
i traitors, and they could he induced to j
regard Ihcir treasonable tlt irt to destroy
! the Government in its Hue light, the,
j would expose the duplicity practiced upou
j D3lefal Dilerami.
fm )imocrtti uiet ,st
io of Sun-
jjck 0f SolinsProve, and Georgi
,1,. r,.. .
rank Coo. and tbe
atUII li V SIM llltl
i ...
j S8 Jark d tb, report about
the RebfU b,;ng mMng ,0 00Dl8 bltk if
; ,b8 lt,,,jt.r9 lre p,rjneii is true. Liocolo
ouebt to Dardon the leaders, if it will
. i,riflg tem back
Sayt Seorge, "It won't do to pardon
j the Rebel leaders it will eplit tbe Dem
, 0,r,,ie ,-.
i "How can you make tbat appear ?"' sks
,. n . :f
they are pardoued, ooe half of the Democ-
raey will want to nominate J-. Davis for
President, and tbe other half will want
V'PI.II.. -.1 .ll
... '--i -
bave a bigger muss than wa had at !
Charleston, iu 00. Il wou t do it will
eplit Ihe party." I
.... .1
Jack loo.ed serious, while tbe eyes of
George twinkled uiiochiovouslj. Sunlu-
ry American
Delivsran-cb ! Last week, over one
hundred union Umoers, confined in Lib by
Pri00 Richmond, afier working at it for
moaiat "cpea oy running a tunnel
nnder ,be J''' mMt toi ,he ,reeti "hcn
they entered tbe city and scattered for
freedom. Perhaps a aoore have been
retaken, but Ucn. Buller annouoeea tbat
-eB,J or ,bir,J reached the Union
lines. Among tbe fortunate ones ia the
gH Col. Streight, wbo it more tban a
n-,l- r the Kebol Morgao.
We regret to bear that Major IT any
While it suffering, at a hostage, io a
North Carolina dungeon. After tbe
election of bis successor, we trust tbat
noble man may bave an easier lot.
The Danish Dutch Question.
Bliwa Ho'.tHn'a rightful Kins, tbe Mata's aVfcadrrl
KltM (ttra' do barm in biiiUK) th Preloader I
Whirb lh I'rrteniier I,, and wbicU the King,
".if 1 know Ibsta quite another thing !
Tbe above revision of an old Epigram
expreesei just our opinion about the
"Scbleawig" muddle in Europe, of which
foreign papers bave to much to lay. We
hope (aod believe) there will be no fight
ing there until tbey know what it ia all
Amos Mters, of Pa., laid a good thing
in Congress tbt other day. Referring to
tbe eourte of tbe more rabid Copperhead
leaden, he remarked :
"After tbia war, tome men would give
fortuoei to bave tbeir words blotted out.
Two olasset will bave to leave tbe Nottb,
and go South ; ooe of tbem, tbe negro,
because it ia too cold ; and tbe other, tbe
Copperhead, because it is too hot.
Tbe Folly Island correspondent of the
Boiton Herald tayt tbat a rebel ram, io
company with a cigar-soaped torpedo boat,
came down tbe creek io tbe rear of Sulli
van'! Island to attempt to destroy tbe
gunboats Hootatonio and Nipsic, but tbe
infernal maobioo tunk, carrying down ten
of tbe crew. Ten Rebel soldiers bave
arrived within our lines aod report Charles
ton badly damaged by Gilmore'a shells.
aw9"By tbe new Draft law, tbote en
rolled before being 45 yeara of age, but
toning to tbat age before tba draft, may
have tbeir names atruck from tbt roll by
aatiafaetory proof of tbe fact to tbt Board.
Those coming to be 20 befort tbt, draft,
art to ba enrolled.
"Beast Butler" is doing something yet
ore awfol than before. He is establish
ing fraa schools io Eattern Virginia and
North Carolina, after tbe fashion of those
ia Maaaacbosetta. WhereiDon tba Reb-
sis and tbt Connerbeada via in beanioe
denunciation upon bis wicksd bead.
ibey.ro V. V. llumpureje a.ao-u... thl.y renounce their own bnma and all , att Th, ilDria aU j,oej up,,,,
M-j.T. H- Williaius of Tenneaeee, and . . fo(, M ,henSet or kj io0 eolljDi ,De remarkable
1:.,.t. J. M. .Stroeliuto of the OOib (jeor- ... r r . . ... .... .. .t.
! -: . famiiiea in ease or barm. J bat la aaia to : olaaitft, nt me ne oi i.ireo w an oe
a - I . 1 a kA null 1. 1 A ill I - J -
j asjPeri.uoa enlisting, going out of i
their die'riot for the take of few more
i dollars, mud remember tbat in doing
tbua far show Urge UuioQ gaiua over
those of lest year.
Lieut. T. 0. Brioe, formerly of North
utnbeilaud, has been appointed Assistant
Supsrin'.ebdeutin the House of Refuge at
Tbe first blue bird of the season made
it. .on-.raooe on Sunday morning, tbe
24,n 0, .,,,,
Tbe little fellow came
fe. moo,!,, t00 ,onn.
The Christian Commission at Philadel
phia, acknowledges tbe receipt of fife bus-
dred and eighty bve dnllais, cnniriKUieu
. , . .. f M,ton- -ho made
; j, at lbeir rtCenl Christmas Festival.
George M. Gearhart bus been circled
Teller cf the Bank of Dauville, io the
pi.ua of W. A. M. Grier, who has resign
ed to take the Cashier-hip uf tba I'irst
National Bauk of Danville.
We understand tbat lssac M.WPkerson,
former Iv of Suuburv,
member of the
IGiii Pa. Cavalry, recently died at War
roion, Vs., from wouud ia tba bead.
11 o leaves a family.
Tbe Natioual Bank of Seluis.rove is
established. The Tjiluwiog geutlemeu
have been elected Directors :
Qf0 gg Ueory C Eytr W F : MarTh 9-Fersaal rroseelJ. UvM leher. belly.
j w httVwt, A'. C. Simpson, Joseph I kTZ ?Lm toTmlEZ
j,v (,er . N. 1u.tl 80-.,!:.
Geo. C. iMoyer aiid M. B. Uolmao.
Isaac F.sbal, the mm win piloted Fits
Huib L'C ia his lata raid io Cumberland
I , L .
, alley, has been eonvlcted at a spy and a
! dusertar, by a Court .Martial at Chambers-
i bur. "d h" beeu --btcnced to be
I at Carlisle Barracks some time tbit mouth.
JJ' ?J
,,. 1(ld 0llli 00.ontr.uuU ,0 Lee',
invading army.
Leap Y-ak The ladies of the North
Baptist Cuurub, Hartford, Conn., recently
! invited tbe geutlemeu of tba choir to
leap y jar sleigh ride. Tbe latter accept- j
ing, the ladies hired a large eletgh, called
their guests hsndud tbem in, drove
:. " ""7 : . .r: :ir : z
' g'"1 U,UD P u ""8
Th" Copperhead papers atill eontt.ue
d GeD h y j
. ... ' . . I
these lellows bave uomiug io say sgaiuss ,
acse fellows bave uoibiug to say sgaiost ,
eTeD iuctt rc0cl guerrilias, as Morgan and I
Qi.autrell. lhty abuse Mr. Boecber a j
congregation for offering to increase bis '
C7 nail ki.? flflil I
"'"' " --.'.
tuejr auuso uiui ueciuis un latuscu to
..i l.l:.: l a -, uriil
... , 7 " " . i
-c uave ueeu inioriueu tuai tue miuers .
recently employed bv Major Harper at tbe !
Lancaster Colliery near abamokin, intend
going with bim to Chattanooga, where be j
I,.j . In t.Ir Mil naul ll.a1
Government. Tbe Sbamokio region can '
ill afford to lose so excellent aod honorable
a man as tbe Ij r; but since be is going j
to leave, we wisu bim success in tit new
The express train on tbe Baltimore &
Ohio railroad which left Baltimore on
Thursday night was captured by a compa
ny of disguised Rebels near Kearueysville
depot, about eight miles west of Harper's
Ferry. No prisoners were taken but tbe.
passencers were inaiserimtoaieiy
ssen.ers were indiscriminately robbed.
About $30,000 io money, and a consider
ab'e amount in jewelry, were taken.
Latest News;
T " " " " .
fcAK I-BANCISCO, reo. u. tne osr i on one open Buggy, one Carriage, one Two
Rogen, from Kanagawa, Japan, January Horse Sled, one Sleigh, one Combined
7, baa arrived at this port with important
Just before tbe Rogers left Kansgawa i
fit t.,f Mu,t n,n.n
en arrived from China, ;
..s 1 . r tx? ,t,. .
reporting tbe tte.mer Wyoming oo the
2d of January off Amoy. Uer oommao-1
der reported the Alabama in tbe port of ,
Amoy, going into doek.
The following letter waa received by a
mercantile firm of tbia city extenaivelw j
ueivau.il- uiui ui j. j - j
engages to ine wuiua iraue.
Kasaoawa, Jan. 7.
To Messrs. Macomdray & Co., San
Francisco : Dear Sirs We are enabled
by tbe delay of tbe Rogera in tbe harbor,
owing to-calins, to give ynu good news
Deab SIRS We are enabled j
M'Dongal, standing tentry over ber. We
may bope ber career it ended. Tbe newt ,
eomee by tbe brig Mary Capen, five days
from Shaoghae, and ia authentic.
Tbe Rogen also repoits tbat tbe
Tycoon'a palace at Jeddo wat burned on
Christmaa. Tbe next day the Custom
House wat closed, tha offioiala deolaring
, I a . a rr I
tbemtelve. to grieved I at tbe Tycoon , . .
misionunes mat toey wera wnoiiy uoaoio i
to transact butioets. It ia reported that !
tbe fire originated io gunpowder plot to !
blow OD Ibe nalact for the purpose of
..... ... -.. ;
killing tbe Tycoon.
An escaped refugee report! tbat tbe
Rebels are preparing to make a raid into
Ohio. Tbey bave prepared pontoons, and
intend attempting to cross the river at two
points Guiandotta and Barboursville.
Tba iteamer Orient, containing Gov
ernment stores, bones, Ae., sunk '20 miles
above Cairo, on tbe Mississippi river, on
tbe 17th inst About 30 lives and nearly
eighty bone vera loot
Tbt Rebels bave Inat, by fire, a thous
and bales of eolton at Wilmington, N. 0.
FEB. 19, 1864.
The Directing Senile of Russia bat pat
flop to the long persecution of the Bap
tist!, in Polnud nod tbe Baltio provinces,
bv reversing- a lata decision of a diitriet
vory impnrtaot atrp
toward religioui toleration ; and Mr. Onck -
en, the fouuderof tba Bap'iet ebnroliea in
Germany, baa cone to St. Petersburg, in
nrder lo turn it to tba best account.-
Tableaux. An Entertainnipnl, consis
ting; of 'J ablrHiia, ace., will be given, under
ihe aospires of the Ladies' Si'liliera' Aid 8o
rity of I.ewihurg, at lnrlepnd-nt Hall, on
Tuesday Eveninar, reb. 23. There will be
Music and a Table or Refreshment. Doora
open ai 7 o'cloclc. Admittance, 25 cenis.
A Free Isctnre will be delivered in the
Lutheran Church on Monday eveuin, Feb.
?2l. bv Ihe Pattor Rev R A Finl. Subject
l.ouii .Vapulfau. A collec icn will be
UMrn tor the bench: of the Sjbbaih School.
0. S. Christian Commission
A meeting of ihe citizens of Lewishurg and
cimiy in behalf ol the L-.S. Christian Com -
mission, will
be held in rlt. I'aul s Church,
Kvaneelical Association. (Fourth street.) on
Wednesday evening. Feb 24. Rev B B
j Hotclikin and Rev U P Ly ford, who have
nrpn ,ne W0'K "t ine iommission in ine
Army, win aur.ress ine meeui g.
List of Vendues
Adnrtlst bf bill, at tbia offlea or ia U " Cbnllclt"
Feb. iO-fical Estate, Shea Hp'aelaijer, Bartletea
Sl.rrk l-P..Bl PmMrV UWHlliAnl .drrd W.IM
, jimts 3rer,.U rroaenr .Daalel KIsarLBaltaloe
j Mar.-h rer-eaal Prapeny, J.B)lfr.((r.i;.Biffle
Marrb 14 rrrsoaal Proaerly.T.H.faraellas.Bairalee
Mrrh 10-frr.oual Prouertr. Joke Wise, Baffalae
Marrb 17 Personal Pmsert) at U. Homier. Baffalse
Marrb t-iy Rev. s.Wotr.AtXSer Berlin.
' Jt-rti W-Proaa! Property, J. POeef jr. td
; Mjtttl .ueenoaill tnfnt1t h. u. tmi. 1
Mircll n-per. rrr. badaiue Home, Uwb
Hank Ji i:eal btaleaf M.W asarraer'a.lealsbarg
Correcleil Wy
Wheat, 1,40 Eggs $ 20
Rye 1,20 Tallow 10
Corn, old 1,00 Lard, fresb 12
Oats, pr 32 lb, 75 Clover teed 7,75
Flaxseed 2,25 Wool
Trripd Armies ft lb Potatoes:
FirkinKuUer 18 Shoulder
h Botter... 25 Ribt & Sidea
4, 5, and 6 Ham
90 to 41,00 Country Soap 4 & 6
By A S-ihtar, Il . SIM alt.. JEVVKrtSON SltAVVBR
of ..-linfm T,. a II ua RLlZABkTU KKASktt of
nrady Tp, t'piuo Co.
of -nra ,,,, ,ol Niu saaaii hvlkk of
of -,,, anli, . M, saaaii HVtaa of
"p'- u"?r- ' A'A".'!UI'H ' s'
Also ISAIAH vouan of Npruo Ulll,
Br k, s w s.iirt.isthio., J vknk nrnixa
and mi- tnuxs wou a. u,tb otcbinugu.q..
iaa aaaaaaaaaaaaBBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
tn D;lll .inon. lS'h Inrt.. SARAH AN ORORR
'..iaH,.t .s,ra. I rua.r.1 r.ie ai th
of tier nc4li.r at 11 A. St. Saturday inlcruteal in lb
L.isbu (Vmeb-rv.
in Burr.io. io..,hiP. ioih in.t, kmma CsRolim,
j aiob ibaisib mw, j.iiin uiLua.agi
.""" ;i.-; , -t, ,
BLIZahhTII wif. of Jama HOT
In M'ffllohurx, eth ;o.t, in bar 7th year, JEVSJItt M.
CI.K11KNS. Ol.-e of Mim KaU Kami. On tha lota,
lufsut child of Joseph aad Mary Boob.
In Kvll-fiinta. 2 tb nit. ia hia 46th yaar, SAMCEL
DAt'Pr, Jr, formerly of Union connty.
In Kfllr tnn.hip, Hth lu.t, GKollOlt, and about 2
In K..t Buffalo, 180. in.!., J0I1.N 8. DUSK. LB, need
09 Tssrt.
of Valuable Personal Property.
riHHE subscriber will otter the following
described valuable personal property at
poblic sale at his residence in bast Buffaloe i
township, one mile southwest of Lewisburg, j
On Wedneiufatf, March 9, 1964.
( uiiic wcikiiie nurses, iwo .'real wm iuiis.
! J ....
t : . it . -
two I vear old Co is. two Cows, two blooded
Calves, one Faur Horse Wagon, one Two-
Horse Wagon, one Two-Horse Spring Wag.
Reaper av Mtwcr,
one Grain Drill, one Threshing Machine and
Power, one Field Roller, one Fanning Mill, j
Roughs, Harrows and Cultivators, ooe Lorn j
Ploujh, one Hay Haok with the necessary
; Palfirs, H La,1(,er$. on, htm
h.avy sr, of Harne ,or follr horses, one
pair of Brrechbands, one pair of Yankee
.Harness, one double sat of Carnage Harness,
one set of Buggy Harness, four sets or fly
K,?!s- Saddles, J3rMi. lot of Cow- Cha.n,.
and a creat variety of other articles used on
great variety
a farm.
Sale lo commence at 10 o'clock, A M. of
said day, when conditions will be made known
-"d sitendance given by the ohiber
.aUSl DUiailOfl. rro. IW. af.wWaw JS t-SMftf.w
Tea Company,
Slaea Its organisation, h enatad a aaw ara ia tba
bialory of
Selltag TEAS la Ibis fraatry.
ALL our Teas are selected by a
rrofrMioaal Tea-tauter, eaprvisly and .Irlu.ire
ly fjr u,ami wa n.,,r vharav or TmoCutM(0'i Canta)
pr pouod aliove eont ftr ortitinal paekacas.
We haa bat On. Prio, to overy on for each 4 oat ity,
and tbat priea la always marked on each sample paes
ace at our store in plain flituive.
e uwne . ti uu iu 1 y rre. tu.. i uut m, . n u .111
a - Stint revav wu aa ssu w,uvi - J
"X.?" i
j;,',,,, loiirt u ,bi,iW -a kind iadi.s.
im into roar ciane, w qualities aaasaiy: Cargo,
"' l'.lZ'IAZrjlZ
Company an delenaiu4 Is aademU Usa whoia tea
trade. I
We rotarantea tn sell all anr teaa in nriKinai paeaatea -
at aot orer Ts Cents pee pound ahosa eoat, bela-iac i
Una to b attract!,, to tbe aaany wbo ban harekdvra
barn pains Snormoaa Protta.
gLTSJXtii rZZ-Za. Zy'Z !
guaranteeing every tbins; anr raapoasibiUty enabling
ua to do all wa promle,. Xvery aValar aaa arder hia
leas direst from tha Company, and parties doln a n-
aeea within fit Haadred (MHI1 aulas or new Bora aaa
Retnni Tea bought f n If they ara not aheaper than
they ean bayetMbara,aad
foarteea daya (l) and base lb. j
"blrwr,." XWZZZ
with his Sarisln.wiunn i
.niw, Mfuitiled to thai
llandrad asiles eaa ha?e thirty daya (30)
nrivilegea eltended la them.
Beudea tbeaa adaaatagee the Oosipaay wm say All
Rsas-aea, both waya. tt tba Te.e ara r "-
I av. 1051 at TMSST ST. A-W TOIL.
"THE UNION," established in 1814 Wbufc Nik. Sofi.
-CHRONICLE," established in 1543 Whole No., J.0S5.
Real Estate.
WILL he ottered at Public Sa'e. at the
Public H .os ,.f Win Wolfe, ia the
Broub nf HAKI'i.CTOV, on
SuturUau, Feb. 20, lSOl.
at I o'clock, P M,
mnrt Arm.
1 orlhe Tr3Ct in r,.Ty CRB L0TS
lo .uj, porchaser.
Tbe Tnci i three miles west of Hartleion.
near Ihe Turnpike. B''joinm lands of I
Hayes' heirs on ihe uonh. w Hanman on
the east, and 8 llariuiaa and U Kleckuar on
the aouib, Also,
1000 Acres
on the same day. adjoining !be above Tract,
whereon are erected a
and SHINGLE MILL, cross-cut and circular
Possession given on the day of Sale, and
Terms made known hv
Hartlelon, Feb. 1, lf-64.
Executor' Male
iur '"tUABLt OLHt lJ I I C.
rpHE subscriber, Executor of Hugh Bellas,
1 dee'd. niters ar Privaie Sale a tiOOU
FARM situated on Penes rreelc In Lime;toi,e
township. Union coontv Dan'l Kakerd lives
on Ihe premises. The Improvements -4
are a froxd Iwo-storey Frame House audJujL
a good Barn.
. aajm. He a' so offers the
f'lprvmises.and a tract of
l.MUERLand near by.
If said property be not sold by the nrM of
March next, it arill then be offered at Public
Sale. Address
Kiacutorof Urea B-UAa, aVe'd
Dee. 2, 1383 Sunbury. Pa
I hereby offer for sale my House and
Lot on North Third Street, wis-
but x. If not sold ai prieate sale before tbe
16'h day of March next, it will be offered at
public sale.on that day, at the Riviere Huose.
I.ewisborf. For particulars inquire of
James F. Linn.
Feb. 9. 1861 JOHN BILOER.
House and Lot Tor Sale.
-a4 The House an i Lot on Fifth St. half
xIaJL a square from Market, owned by Mrs
Nancy Wallace, and now ocropied by Mr.
John Burd is offered for sale. Terms to sun
tbe purchaser. Inquire oi A. H DILL
Lewisburg, Feb 5. 1864
To Baalaesna Men.
CaamberilB'a Block, earner Jib aai Market Sle
THESE Rooms are belter situated, more
thoroughly finished and furnished.conve
ment. aod desirable in every respect, tbaa
any others in Ihe place.
One is especially adapted for the sale of
Drv Uoods, or ceneial Merchandize.
The other for the Grocery or Hardware
business, or both combined. j
the place, or coontv, though greatly needed.
Terms reasonable. Apply to R H Chamber
Taro ROOMS above Bennett
I Bro's Drug Store. For further partiru-
lars inquire of them. Lewisburg, Jan. 15
-The residence of Ihe laie Mrs. MARIA
it-i?- GRAHAM, situated on South Front
,.""S "" opposite Iodepend-
en. Hall.
For terms, apply 10
Dec. t
House and Lot'for Sale !
THE subscriber offers, at private sale, his
House and Lot, situate in I'nion town
ship. Union connty, three quarters of a mile
from ihe Lnion r'urnace.on ih rnaH I..H,..
lo Selinsgrove. adjoining lands of Aaron T.
Buskirk and David Betylon. The lot contains
iiiacirs, j d jmDrovemenis are new
l.,.l,,rW r,,Mi Unn.. w.,1. t... IT..
. ' nl,.,
h.n -.1 snnH ........ t . . I . 1
' " """'" C ,
guvu "auic, aim IWUL due U UUUI CU ApPlf
.! l -
ani reaco i rees.
This is a desirable home, suitable for a
For further particulars call on or address
the subscriber at Ihe Winheld P. O . Union
Dec 7, '63 tf
A DESIRABLE Building Lot, silnat'd in
a pleasant pari of Lewisburg. Terms
to suit ihe purchaser. For further informa
tion inquire of 1032 CD. BREWER
and all ihe fixtures ready for use
and a DWELLING adjacent lo Store.
Possession of Tavern, 1st of April next of
Store and Dwelling, on two days' notice.
rjnlontown, Brady Tp, Lama Co, Pa, Dec 21, 186J
Farm for Sale.
THE sonth-west quarter of section 17,
town 27, north range 8, east of tha 4ia
principal meridian. The said Farm lias
about two miles north of the city of
Freeport, In Stephenson Co., Illinois,
has about Forty Acres under eultivalioa.wiih
ai'a auwo swisu wimvti v H I UU I ill It W aivrf U
T one of the m..s, beautiful Spring, , .he
eoumy.and Ihe balance of tbe tract ia covered
by a ihnfiy growth of timber.
E'T acre of the farm i. susceptible of
cultivation, and when amiably improeed
would make one of Ihe moat inviting real.
"encrs in mini i.
For psrticularsenquire or Francis Wilson,
of Lewisburg. Pa.; bam'l B. Harris, of Free.
P. U .ub.cr.bers. a , Sav anna I.L
.... f aiwLI!,
Nov. SO, 1863
m WO TORET Brick gOL'SC andataaaV
I LQT o0 jur,B S-nr,l, sreet. till
March '6S. H. P. HHELLEK.
FOR ItLC-A good new Frame fmm
HousCeind foN Corner Lot TeraaaJbaJL
..i. Annla.ro H. GEJtHAU T.
I Jaw. 223(4 Uaubars
I he town has a population of 3000 rersons .... ,.
and ia inrrnnnrfrd h. rs .r.J ......... lt. HI
B.I .... " il T nril. ,n
. asncuiturai ana manutactorins country. ,
iFor cntt
trTvo Slore Rooms. 22 by S2 feet, an4
one larre Room on second storey, ia tbe naf
of Kremer, Lon; A Co'a Store, on Third Sa.
Apply lo V, BBAVEK '
Administrator ' Notice.
T7HEREAS, Letters of Admiau.irlia a
V Ihe estate of iOHN P. lBIBEKT.4a.
eeaseJ. late of White Deer lowaskip. Ur.uMk
county, have been granted to the sahseriber.
by the Register of said county, ia dae form i
all persona indibied to saideauta are reaaes.
ed to make payment, aad those haviagelaiaae
azainst ihe same will present theus dml
authenticated fir selilemeat, ao
JAMES MARSH ALL, Aden inistratow
W bile lleer. Feb. 17. 1864
I";Rt)M 8,00 to 10,000 Kits or Boat-Tin.
1 bers, delivered thMugh ihe l a miner, sa
Wm. Moore, on the bank of tiae river at ta
mouib nf Buffalo Creek. Timbers aa k
inree (eel lone; and four inches thick. Pet ,
sons wishics to faroih limbers caa tea
patterns at Byeis' wagon shop. Lewisbarg
Priee of limbers 65 eta. delivered as abvv.
Feb 4, 18(it WM. FR1CK CO
VTOTICE is hereby given that a eetiaff
of stockholders and an elcciioaof eaV
cers of the Lewisburg A Miffliabarg Tara
pibe Company, will be held at tbe boast of
Gideon Biehl in East Buffaloe iowosbvbvow
Mooday ihe 7ih day of March, 1884, a 10)
o'clock AM. G F MILLER. Preside
J F LINN. Treas'r Clerk. Feb 5,
VfOTICE is hereby eiven to ihe SiockhoV
X ders uf ihe Bellefonte. Aanmsbnrg a
Voungmanst vg Turnpike Road Co. that a
Electiuo will be held at ibe House of Hear
B Mosioe in the lown of Aaronaboig sa
Tuesday ihe eighth day of March next.
elect five Directors io manage tbe concern,
of the Co. for the ensuing year.
Spring Mills. Feb 3. 1864 P
rpHE Subscriber is prepared to aiwad ta
all calls in C'rylo; Sales. o
at'le Terms. and warrants satisfaction.
idence ibree miles north of Buffaloe SKoada)
near L'nton Church.
IS hereby given to all persons reaving, Deeds.
Mortjaes, Releases or other Papevaia
ihe Register and Recorder's office, unpaid br.
that said papers may be had by applying
my residence, on West Market sireev, aaad)
hat all sneh papers remaining snH for, b
Feb. 1. 1)64, the amounts dae on Uvaat will
be sued for according to law in soa-h ease;
made and provided. GEO. MERRILL.
Lewisburg. Dec 1, 1863
Notice to Drafted Men and Soldiers.
TiAPERS to procure Exemptiona from law
J Draft, aad applications for bounty, back
pay,and pensions, can be procured bf caltiag
$150 County from Lewisburg Boro' ! (
RNSIDE hasamh.
recruit the 9ih
to 50.000 forg
another expedition, which, it is uauevaiuod.
will be by sea. Here will be a gionoua
opportunity for those who love adventure lo
gratify their desire and serve their enuutrr
at the same time. The Companies of Cap's,
Linn, Hassenplu; and Carman will be bera
for the next 30 days, and thus aa opportu
nity will be afforded for enlisting aader
experienced officers in Vitero- Cumpmiet,
A committee of citizens nf the Borough of
Lewisburg has authorized me to offer
8150 BOUNTY!
lo thoe who will credit themselves to thle
Borough. So the Bnuntie will be $400 U.
S Bounty and $150 Local Bounty, making
$300 U S Bounty and 150 Local Bounty,
An additional draft of 200,000 Aoa erw
ordered, and the quota of tack Tuamtkif and
Borough miW be roired aetord.'nlg, and the
only honorable way of avoiding th draft
now with ihe premium offered to yoong men,
Confederacy in breaking How a.
and cue War will noon be I
I bave been detailed by Gen. Buraside aaa
Recruiting Oficrr for the 9th Arm Corf at
Lewitburg aud have opened an office in tbt
rear ol Esq. Mertx' office, oa Market 8l near
the Bank, whete I will be glad to give aay
information desired.
Lieut. J. F. BEALE,
Recruiting Officer lor the th Army Corpa,
Lewisburg. Feb S, 1864
Ninth Army Corps.
AUTHORITY having been given to tha
undersigned to recruit the Ninth Army
Corps to fifty thousand men for special ser
vice, io be hereafter designated by Ihe War
Department, he earnestly appeals lo tha
ciiieenc of Pennsylvania to assist ia filling
np the following veteran regiments of ihia
Corps, belonging to their State
The 4oth. 4Sin, 50tb, 51st and 100th, also;
Durell's Baitrry.
He calls upon all having tbe good of tha
country and ihe triomph of our arms at
heart, to ne every effori lo help on this work
by voting large bounties from ihe respective
towns and couniias, by procuring recruits,
assisting recruiting officers, and by such
otber means as aa anient patriotism may
su-gest. lo ao place can volunteer tx so
useful to the cause and so soon become good,
...i.i..... ,n ihe ranks of veteran organ iaa
lions under experienced officers. The nadcr,
signed has every hone that lhe loyal y-plt
of Pennsylvania will send those regiraeulv,
back to ibe field wnb full yaaka to hear a
proud pan ia the closing aceoea of Ihia
glorious war.
Capiaia John A. Morns. A Q M. is appolei,
ed Chief of the Recruiting erice of tbe
Nimb Army Corps for Pennsylvania, wirh
headquarters at Harrisburg. All communis
eations relative to lhat servioe will be ad,
dresaed to him. Recruiting slaiiooa have
been established in thevariooa seou'
Ihe Slate. Secruila will be revivl bv an v
of the reeruitin officers of the Nmin Army
Corp or by any Provo "Bh,N.SIpRi
,01.3 Mai Oe-
TUST received ."M)irard SStal faw
eiae ea.lae. E-ds
"en ..rda. tor -le frw ' ? '' "
aaa ia, isov.