Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, February 16, 1864, Image 1

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    HI IP (H
-Oea, I
. i.e P"- aay
Mi-ma Mii-Ktihu
Tac5..'ir JI'Tnini It F.May AHenioon.
" run rnEJi'KT.
21 Abraham mncoln
9& Tts L'oi. 0 Counts Court i in sess-
a11 the Judizn present ; Schell, ery
fr ; Nesbit, Schecb, ard CI rift, tip staves.
Jacob Hummel, Foremen of tbe Grind
Jery, for which tie District Attorney bid
let one ease, Saturday evening Dot even
contraband ' Jap'oet io search of a f. fa-
bat tbe C"ttib'e rrpir'ed cni-
Mondy tunrticg- TLe ea.e of
Briodtge ts Kloss was on for trial at Boon.
Mr. Basseer tug is aePo I'roiboQoiery.
Betrayed Again!
TJefire tint day, ibe I'mu iff M)'a'
kite taken Kicbioond, er,d U fur P"-1"-
.rubers oa':d b.e t o ieien-a. but
for the Ut.-'ival f the rzif'lit.'u ly out j
wUiett KichojoLO pipr fiyttm
"e Yiokeo drwrrier'' ee tfem timely
notice of tie idvitce of our f. rct: fo tbit
they were bie to U trcr. n.d in other
wiys step our ijsiLce sud r';ly :n tbeir
men I
Thus," sgam, hive our irais been de
feited, sod cur bopr. t;fd, by tbe
treachery of rrbl -tni-.rie ka king io
cur lir.es to betriy t-'. i-Uvh ;'ruaJre:
l,ve from ilie fiit been worse lba our
cjen foe.
e"Tl.e Ci-f prbebJj ein bfor md love
tbe treisuiible icf in.1 pecbcs of Ftr
tando Wood, lut tiifT Dje grot id
leciuse Mrs. L'rcu'n wbl tbe wife rf
Wood nme Comers, f r in evening p-rty.
"with Mr L's e'lmplimcbts " Mrs. i
Lirirg s;-ked it, tbe l'reiJ ot's wife cm
plied. TU-e Ci'pperbrai waulj bare
women uccnil tneach othrron acevunt of
their bulnd! Mrs. WnH miy be a
poad 1'oiot.i-t fa auhl we knr w r care,
f .r thii colcitls not lie pot!ic but
Wood's "iid and eomf ri" to the tnei.y
are notdiious aud di ennee'u the (ubiic.
f.Tbe Kebe's haJ printed in Lntd0,
a lot wf I'rsyer Haoks, aJaped ts tbe
1 ineridiin" of their t!ieriog depotifai.
Vbereer ''Unitei S'es ueJ, tbey '
bid it altered to 'C.fe1rte" Slates,
rr. i ' 1 : r I ' I - -
i be D.uLueriu it...?, t '.r.n, " i
lookeJ the wrj in pins of the botk. (nf
which they re:'y kuow ai little is tber
dj abfut the IJibleJ so that about bi!f
their etereotyped praters ire for the
I'uijA, atd bif for the CZez-ury uka
the ins'rumenl of the bis which
"wbit'les" at one end and "toots" at tbe
other !
A.I1jb. Anns Myers, of CUrioo eiuo-
ty, (who many of our ciiixms dii ' bear
ia Independent II ill, Ut D-eemberJ u
commencing an iciire atid acful eirT
(e trut) ia Cogres. I a one of bis
fpeecbee, be Slid, truly, "the people bad
l.keo up aid determined that Mr. Lin-.
r'L!f, who bid tbas fir held tbe helm of
Slate so steadily, ebill run tbe gdoi Ship
into port, wbne-er poiiiiciaos siay do.
G"d and the pylc art fur Abraham Lin
ed:" !
Good Agats A eotnpiny of preach-!
(rs recactly caiiei on President Lit coin, i
one ef whom citually said be "iraxed
file Lird U on our n'U " Tbe President
give bin in important leeen in theology .
by remarking thit be "hoped ire trere on
t'e Iftrdt tile." There ia considerable
d-ptb of meaning ia tbe difference '
between tbe two pbrie. We are on
01 Alt' i tlU as to that dictrioe, and ,
-.fce eiargy" bid the g)od sense to
acknowled-e bis error. 1
r.Thaddeus Steven recently very
truly remarked, respecting Pres. Lin:oIa's
views cf Confiscation of Rebel property,
'The President may aot etrtka as direct
1 blow with a battering ram against this
liabel as some impetuous gentlemen would
tarre, bat, with bis usual shrewdness and
cautioo, he is pickiog out the mortar from
tbe joints aatil eventually the whole
will fall."
aafVVe shall probably have tbe com-
p.ete Amended Lralt Law for our next
ha. passed both House w. '
stijeritatid, auJ only needs tbe consider
atiaa aad approval of the President.
Tribute of Respect.
At wietting cf Company D, 150ifa P.
V., Camp near Culpepper, Va . Feuruarv
1504, tbe lollow.ng resolution, were Qbaa-,
imonalv adnntad - 1
imou.7 aaopteu ,
tt r? r . 'Cni "a Captain,
.. i i. : l . ! resigned hi. commie- '
-. , auu ucca uju 'raoiy uiscnargea Irom
wvsce. oa account of ....
, iiiii ueca uon-raoiv aisenar.erl Ir.w
rstaraed home,
rftr'ijVb,,t i0 Dco,, ,fc!
evrt and ,h Irt -09 f ,M m1' '
twin na ,5,,,,,, efficers one who
was ready 0(t -.ii,,, , , .. ,1'
whether i camp ot Z .h c.U 3' '
Resolved, That wa ut" .
Caat.io. Wa. V n
ibeere and he.rtfit th.k, 'VorTi, tT '
tts while wi'h ns- th.r - i .
.v J. 7 d . ' a! T8 -? b
'"ends - and trn.t th.i k- ,7 8
' J tl til nnma irk 1."
a l " y biiii nse
u.. e.fie io eooptrate with m
a. is
--ing tun Kcbeilim
K'-'ivrd, That
U"brd IQ th.
these rMo''.?ions b.
I.-I..U C
ny cur
In Advance.
Hairhbnrg Correspondence
Fkidat, Feb. K.
The 40 b P. V. Col. Selfiidge (late
Col Koipe returned to-day from Tennes
see, SIS nftheai having re-enlisted. They
ere formally welcomed by P. Fruer
Sroitb, H. R , Chester county. Tbe Col
replied, ixhortirg the Legislstore to "or
gsnii, cr we will thick you ire not hon
est. If yu hid been united it tbe Knrtb,
tbe wir would bare been ended ere this."
Ttio P.esiment m one of those forces
which defeated Stone will Jscksnu at
Filing WVers, and tin done and seen
giod servtee in many field, since.
A gentleman from Indiana county saye !
Pr. t. Clair' eominatioo is acceded to .
by cur psr'y in Arms'r.Mig. TUe Crpt
have not yet derided whit to do about it '
whether to lei it go by default ; to ran
. .. e i
lnd g-t whiprel ; or to tiire some weiK
Kepublicio to run
tesS.turJiy list, we r-da from Har
riVurg to Trerorton Junction with tbe
("rnf any from Sbitnnkio, (origipaliy
cvuimabded ly Siruse, and now by Cald
well.) wliii-h Las cnr.firred such honor
opfn O d Nurthnnibrrlnnd. Tbey were
eigaged io the dtfeit of Stonewall Jack
son at Fallicg Waters, and on o'brr barl
f .uht fi-!Js, U-t io Kast Tennessee. Of
tbe 43 orinioal members, 40 bare re
eniisird. They ire hirdy aud we!!dref
e.i, and. jit pai g fiom losg ard bud
mi.i:ary iu!e, rather r'agii io tbeir speech,
bjt nell-mea'iiog at heart, atd occasional
ly inJu'giiig in oryii.al sitgs replete wiih
humor atid detetniined, self sacrificicg
piiriotitio. Tbe Captain nid, "We are
g io lick, after a li'tle fan at home, to
see thi thing tbroaeb some i f us will gt
up tie ipe-u', of coare but it's all right."
Aud such teen 5 to be tbe settled feeling
of lbs thousands of war-w ro cit'Z-ns, who
are re enlisting to wire out tbe K -bellion.
Very many uf tbem di out Ion war, nor
lo fiht but :bey comprehend what H.r
ry White eills "tbe greaust struggle in !
bi-If-rv,"' and are wiiiiog to bear their
part in it co tbe right eido. Who will aid
Cipp;riiad3 and IgnDrince.
If, "Where icorioce is blis, 'tis folly
t be wise," the Cjusman School Riport
of Pennejirinia piiots out iin; peculiarly
bappy peaces. Io A. D. 1853, there still
remained ttcr'y tic. districts where they ,
refused to provide for tbe education of
every child by uuiform taxation io other
words, tbey are returned as "oon accepting
school districts." Nine of these are
scattered here and there io different coun
ties, where, probably, there ere accidental
circumstances, more (ban rooted hostility,
that keep down common schools. But
there are three couotie wherein tbe oppo
sition seems to be somewhat ceoeril.
We will give their names, and the totes ,
at the last election. !
Tn .'Aum. ara titur nnn-aeeantints
j - - "r
d. t- . i i r- ai
latriets West Lrunswick, Lpper Ma-,
- , , . j !
hantongo, North (Iod ), and ft est Pent.
North appears not to be ao electim die-1
trict. Tbe three other voted as follows:
For Woodward, 639
Curttn, 193
443 mai fur Wood
ward a fair share of Lis 2011 msj. ia
fifiy nine district !
In X'jrthunberhnd county are re-ecu
non-accepting Jackson, Jordan, Came,
rnn, Washington, Lpper,Lower, and Little
Mifainoy whic1! together Toted tbas:
Far Woodward, 716
Cuxtio, 392
324 msj for Woodward
aboat half bis msj. of 70S Tote in
ticenry fiee district ! !
Ia Wyoming count; are floe ooo-arcept-!
tng rails, lontbannock 1 wp., W ash-
ington, Uverneld, and Lemon which
For Woodward, 470
Cut tin 254
m.i. for Wood-'
wird bat Woodward bad only 39 msj.
in the eiyhtee. district of tbe whole
county 1
D0B.iewp. dls!i. gMe Woodw,rd 1825 !
Msj for Woodward, 9S3
Over two to one for Woodward in these i
15 nen-aeceptinc school districts of the
State, while ibe whole State cave Curtio
over 15,003 msjonty !
- " 1
Wiik.,.Btrre Tim pi, $U
bodl. fur Drin,ins. Daner. for trhieb !
. . ' ,, - , , . . ,
' r '
that nri.t.rs raise the Drice of oaner. and
r- j t .
other work?
wTTh. Williamiport Gazette ha.
tdvanced it. ..bscription price to T
n n j
Dollars per year in advance.
There a recently killed, on tbe Xee-
hamiof Creek, id Unci eooi'j, ft., ao !
!'er' f " I
piece of etghteea mchee. These animals (
exceedinsi t rare ia .ettled eounUe.
1'ke Bucks.
James K. ibe degenerate .on of the Bo-
.nc. u. b
h Hahkt I ly. tiled a vseabood exile
fmn. bis borne aad country, iw Can .ds, !
where he was a companion ii Vellafllig-: D
haui aad other Iratluf.
AVe re told New Hsriio his mid
up her quit under both cilis, ind other ' no bsbiutioa tciihout still or curtsy
dutriets re ooviuf to tbit end. Orhers , or's ehi J
seem dipned to s'ltsd tbe drift. It bis i L'tile did the Cosreutioo tbit nomin
beec iti'ed tbit it is likely tereifer the ' d Atrih.m Lincoln fcr rresidont, know
drtft will be rcf.eited in eieb dutrict nn- "bit they were doing. Lsttie did ibe
til it his faruUhed its full quote. We see booesr, fsllerly, pitriotie niio, who ited
no Uw for ''.iloitioe f 50 per eeut." for fc' simplicity on the p:e;f.;r it Ppring-
exempts: tbe ills ire naeded.
fThe Ceu ral Hetinsyltania Cocfer
ence of tbe Kanglcal Associnion meets
in lwisburg, 1 buradsy, tbr 31 of Mircb,
liOI. About 50 preachers are uuliy ia
attendance, and e hope any fiad pleaa.nt
homes for tbe time. There sjiil be preach
ing, eveuii g.
JCorr.pc-aJ-rx- of tk Stmr 1 Chmlrl. 1
Camp, Hid P. V., F.b. 8, l6i.
There i a tcrwj dote s me of our
meiubers, and e wiah to know wbethrr
we co col bate redrew ! r I', ritaout
refor.ing to the hw lo gft it. It is tnii:
six ot our tuuiler bare never recnJ
auy bounty from ibe county. Four jI
uoteered fr m Hartley tttwnabip and two
from New Ksr.io. Proap'j it is tbly
from urieL't that it is so. Oue of the
boys wrote to a fiieLd io New Herl D
about Lis. Tbe reply waa that "it wcuid
r.q jirt an rfi rt on bis part to get it, but
I; S. would coiled it ur bim for jire
dullurt." There is now eiue on this tifiy
dollars, iotire.t fiom the time tbey prom
; iaed it to them, to tbe present time, erer
seventeen tnooits. I thick tbey are
entitled to tbe principal and inter t wub
oji a re fir the cD.leeiinn being withheld 1
I b pe for tbe boLcr of O d I nioo, lbi
bounty will be paid without any ado about
it. 1 bv try Lve requested me to makt:
this query to jou, biptg that yuu wou;d
gite it a piace in rur cu.uiiii s.
List nitt I t') e came bark from a
tramp d wo to tbe lljpidio, to see what
our Ltihbors ou the ojposite side were
doii.g. We weie of tltop'.nico slat they
were lcieitig there wi:Vout CoLsultiog us
upi'n the S'jt j c". At eleven o' click, P.
M , of Ft i Jay iat, we were rdt red to be
re.jy to ui.icb at three ia tbe mi'rnmg.
We roused up, packed our koiptasks,
then lay down, and were no', waked up
again uotil dylitt. We bid baid.y
time to swallow a btstily made cop of
e. See until we were ordered to fail in.
Marched to lir II J. Q ., lira for the .
hapidan at Racoon For J. We halted in
a woods about a mile from tbe river, and
camped fur tbe niut id mil abcut three 1
luCbtt deep. A tew bastiiy collected pine
boughs, tormei a coueb, and tbe fkiroiish
intr nf rit !;! tr,.thr wirh the r.ntf prtiiir
run was the iuii.ty inviting us to repose.
SanJ.j, ae ejuid hear tbe distant cauouo
to our ribt. At dark, when we wer. i
preparing io spent another night, we were
irJerel lo fall in. Tbr iUh tbe toughest
, mui, we made our way back te our old
, qiarters. When about two miles oa our
toad ta.k a rocket was sent op from the
signal station on Fcny ni'-uotain. Tie
faiot-hearted thought the Keb were after
oa, and we would have to aboat face and
meet them. We leached camp without
any loss to tor Regiment. Yours,
Scorr Clingas, Co. E, 142 P.V. j
Abraham Lincoln. 1
Mrs. Harriet Betcber Stowe is writing
. .l. n-.,: n
l (tntf Ol iniciei ui me enrwun ifiw-
. . , . ,
man it- Rector on "Men of Our limes i
,n ,he of hlt p,per of Ji0 7 ibe I
speaks as follows of President Lincoln : !
Abbabam Lincoln is, io the strictest
nse, a man of the tcorima clatsei. All !
ts advantage and abilities, are those of , b en tbe day when every man
a man of the working elases; all bis die- eemsd ready to stone bim, and jet, with
advantage and disabilities, are those of a ' simple, wiry, steady perseverance, be has
man of the working classes ; and bi posi-; held on, eooseioos of'honest intentions,
tion, now, at tbe head of one of tbe mot od looking to God for help. AH tbe
powerful nations cf the earib, i a ign to ; setioo has felt, in the increasing olemni
a'l who live by labur that their day is ' J f bi proclamation and papers, bow
eomiog. Lincoln was boro to tbe iaberi- ! deep en education wa being wrought ia
tanee of bard work, aa truly as th poorest j hi rniad by bi timple faith in God, the
laborer' son that digs in our fields. At ! Ruler of nations, and hi bumble williog
seveo vearaofaffe. he was set to work. xe I he wful lesson of Hi
in hand, to clear op a farm in a Western
forest. Until he wss seventeen, bis life
was tbtt of a simple farm laborer, with
only sueb intervals of schooling as farm
- - - C '
laborers get. Probably th. school instruc
tion of bi whole life would not amount to
. , ,
more thao one year. At nineteen, be
. . . . . . , ,. ,
made a trip to .Nev Oneins, a a bired
. . K. . ,
band 00 a fiat boat, and on bi return be .
p!U ,he tot h tMa R4 tuilt I
muiM cuiiiuocu icu mvivw ui i-uu wnu m i-u
fence of bit own baDdiwor.. Tbe next :
jear be bired himself, for twelve doll art a
month, to build Hit boat and to take her 1
to New Orle.n. ; and an, one -bo knows i
what tbe life of a MiitissirDt boatain i
, , . ' . . . . !
was, in those day., mast know that it in- ,
tolved every kind of labor.
Io 1832, in the Black Hiwk Indian
war. the bard boatman volunteered to
fj2ht for bi eountrv. waa nnanimouslf !
elected a eaptain, and sereed with honor
- , i- . . .
for a eason in frontier mihtary life. Af ,
,er ,bi. "hlte ierioe! postmaster, be j
began bi. law .tudie., borrowing the 1
!t.ua . .1. J.J
bo"k te to P00' bT.
. .
j ing by tbe light of the evening fire. He
' artjired a name, in the country abeat, a.
j ." '-"" od --!
wa one that people looked to for eounsel
r" OB" peFiD u i c"'"""
nd ,0 "ho mtn r""
j dy lo depute almost any enterprise whieh
nM(Jflj ,kili j ..,,.. The anrvevor of
Sangamon eot j, being driven .it. .ork,
6 " .
e"ne t0 ,0 uks ,he "" of tn
off from hi. band. True, he had never
. Iniliail inrt.iin t K n I shaft r, f that T
, , . . , , , .
jj, accepted tbe "job," p roc a red a ebatn,
J ... .
,r"" on "reeyirg, and dui the ror.
wt see in this a parable of the
wider ilJeiiic wuiwu, .u latter jcbm, lie 1
; tas OBdertakeo tn eursey and Dt lor hu-
' field, a'kitij ;be prayers of hie townsmen,
aud receiving tbeir pledge to remember
him, foresee how aa fully he wis to need
those irayers, the paayera of all this m
ti m, and tbe prayers uf all tbe working,
. suffering eommon ptnple throughout tbe
j world '. God'e hand wis upon him with
. a visible protection, siviag first from tbe
' danger of aesassinatioo at H!nm jre, and
; britging him safely to our National Capi
' tol. Thus tie world has sees end won
dered at tbe greatest sign and marvel of
lie day, to wit : a plain, workitg man, cf
the people, with no more culture, instruc
tion or education than any tuoh working
man wtiy obtain for liu.se. f, call-.-d on to
cndjct the passige of a great people
through a crisis involving tbe dasiiui-s cf
tbe world. Ibe eyta of pr.nces, Ojblcs,
ariaiuerals, duks, earls, sclolars, states
men, warriors, all turned oa Ibe plain
backaoid-uiio, with bis simple sense, IU
iuiperturao.s simplicity, bis determined
eelf-relianre, his impracticable and incor
rupitle honesty, as be sat amid tbe war
of cot&icucg enemies, with uupretendiug
sieaJiDt.-s, striving to guide tie Litionai
slip through a channel at whoee perils tbe
world's onlest statesmen stood sghu'.
Tbe brilliant courts of Europe leveled
their opera glasses at the phenomeo-o.
Fair ladies saw that Le bad humy bands
and disdained white glove. Lappr di
plomatists were shocked at Lis system of
etiquette, lut old statesmen, who knew
tbe terrors of that passage, were wiser
tLao c.urt ladies cr diLdy diplomatists,
who watched him with a fearful curiosity,
aiiLply asking, " HVV that awkward old
baekwoodsuiaa rsailf eet that sa p
J C r
tbrcagh ? If be does, it will le fur
us to look about us."
Lioeein is a strong mio, bat his strength
is cf a peculiar kind; it is cot aggressive
so much as passive, and among passive
things it i like the strength, not so much
of a stone buttress, as of a wire cable. It
is strength ewtyiog to evry influence,
J'eldiog te side and on that to popo-
'r need, yet tenaciously and iofirxibiy ;
legal to eirry out ite great end; and
probably by so other kind cf m.ig'h
could our national ship have been drawn
safely thus far during tbe tossing and
tempests which bsset her way. Surroun
ded by ail sort nf eetfiictiog claims, by
traitors, by half-hearted, timid men,
by Border State men and Free State men,
: by Radical Abolitionists and Conserve-
lives, be has listened to ell, weighed tbe
words of ail, waited, observed, y ielded now
! here and now there, and in the main kent
ioflexible, honest purpose, atd drawn
. . , , , ,
tbe national thip through.
r 6
Io timee cf our frouole, Abrsharo Lib-
coin ba9 bad his turn of being the best
aeosea man ot our natioo. ut Hoses
leading bis Israel through the wilderness,
; Prof idoc.
Latest News
An expedition from Charleston baa
. 1 1... 1. :ii. : n. 1. 1
t. caeti is. in r .oritid, auu
pu? hea on towards la! aha?ee.
v . "
uen. Sliertnau is pu-iiiitifr Last from
t- 1 1 . . .
icksburg no one knows to what
A fleet is going down the
ji ississippi pernaps lor jiouie, per-
Laps for Galveston.
A blockade runner pa??ed oar
eD,Ps n-o C Larleiton, but was over-
H,""u u" "rK" I
ine Lnion aotbonties seem to
j.,.. n() , , . R , , . .
Tne liickmontl Enquirer sty there i
great probability that all the newstiBcrs
ln ,De "oofedersey, except the few doing
i" 7 .J- 10
lnd OJtaaA RepvJUtca it tbe 1st
iD.f ci, , doiefui .ccount of affairs in
that region, and .ay. that the Commissarr
of Subsi.tance has les. than one month'.
provisions on band.
Tbe St. Louii Republican ot tbe 9th
ays : "Gen. Grant n not going to trouble
himself mash concerning these movements
of politician. It ie net te hi taste. Hi.
intentioo is to eloee the war a. soon as
possibleand be wiole le be foot-loose, not
hampered by poliiieal entanelementa. lie
ask. ao other doty new. Ida ie aot, and
it aa.. L. - J J . at . a WTa - i
ill aot te candidate lor tbe PretideDct
at tbe forthcoming election, and politician,
ay mm meir sail, accoraiogiy. ' ;
Tbe CoDDerhead Anti.Draft ;
New 1 ork City was a eostly affair. More
tbaa a hundred were killed, jme bun-
drede woonded and maimed. mA eSJj
ci.imaau for damage will .t o? aey.,,1
.. ,,; , . . . "4 "'i
" ue-
rroa Ib AlianUc UaethTy SVr fabriury.
j i cum. tatia w-atm
5t nn fifth 5orth I viii won oia is th wtrlf
tut toiry. Ijt trmlmm. lut honor, It lifc f
Tb f(itrt sfrei b!;n-i ia b i f'irr t4 ifit
Oue blew os hi hrvtartail will Mtti lb fiht!
Flrut f't'il'.n the h!rwli;btoiri) f ie1,
JI wJ aUi;ft baa with caDDo btig, pcu fmll
M uiit. trooprr, Mbd fjlow joar -aa to it lir,
A lh huu4 trmetM the wolf t.4 tb bes(l tb Lu!
It!', trampttv your anfjioc, till wlacfftfil
Bft. Jrwtuat. till tb rtofn T tt f1bt Lnmritd hikt! j
Y-t, Tt,ere Lfa rgut it tapw4 vm the trrrwll,
TLe-ir DvDje-a mr be tracxl u lite bloJ-pn&ki4 roll!
Trurt not tb imlm brraJd lht iBt4 jvut hKld i
Trd boner tWVjr bum tm acabt oft th tmtil
H?r avotct-evjo t-Lcn b!f with t b'an vf fd
Tb hJat-drop ef cr lento lur liberty ibedl
Thboar v t baj, a& tbr moraattt drf nljh!
The 4f-ur of trr-Moti rrow aim In tb fc!
fhtn f rth from tb bUlr-ciou4, licbt A the eaorn,
Cvl bach tb brifbtboTu wbtn tb Ntia vaj bent
Tb riwr of pmg through our ily hkU ru,
A tlae s'.n-T ot tTrtncy tacit in tf. sub:
5a)ite, aitt ti pr&ui mf 10 drxrn froo hjf tbroa
Ui aK-wir onrv Lrf.k-o. tbe worid i nur own!
Svci.t Like Home A N York
nB who fc-J Dct tfta eat of the e'ny
1uT .fckr. filBlH ivif ia
the rar air of
the oouGtr. lit wu only re44eitate4 by
pUtt.Lg a dead bh to bla Bo, when be
a.r.ili rpviCfafi. rIfii m iriiT I 1.1. onnn
it txa!! liko haa.e!
. . ' . "
l enllltm Home Llniraeut.
int Borri.Es a r fiftv cents,
the core of lameness, scratches
oind iiU, spraioi. bruises, splints, cuts,
rod;, slipping Slide, over-heaiioc, sore
t'lrvUt. nailiin the foot, etc. It is warranted
cheaper and bel'.er than any inher article
ever i.rT'Ted to me public- Tnouanls nf
animals have beeo cured of the cone and
rver-nrat.n; by this Liniment; and hon
tire l trat weie crippled aiid iame bat'e beea
re-iored to their ft rmT via"r. Ii is ued t y
a!! tae first horsemen throo'hoot th wiates. ;
Orde-i are cons'antiy received from ihe
Kaeni Stables of Enz'and for fresh supplies
!( im ,uva ua'. e ar.icie. Over s Srto ittti.
m 11 u. it hare bfii rtreivd. Jientrmbrr 50
cer.is laid out 10 lime may save ihe life of
your horse. H..14 br ail iruj?ists. OtSce
i56 t" r- and' S:reeu New Voik.
List of Vendues I
JjTrtio: br tills at this fficria lbs Chrenirl.
F'h- w-Keal EMite. sHrrn t:e!eiyer. Hanlnoi
u.M. 1M.au.. Pmum. ft' I.- a 1 .
art t rersaas Prrm).K.terliaai.4frS. .t)w
Uarrk t rermaal Prstnj. Daniel ll.kel. BatTslne
St -rr a s-Prraa! I'ro?rrtJ. J.Cilrr.tr.E.Butraloe
Mares PfroaaI Pri-ert j. Uai It Ltlrr. kellj.
Mirrh 9-Per. Frua. of Jama G. Brti.a. fj.t Be IT.
MarrU I0-Per .asl PrasrrtT. n atter. Botfaloe
Mart!: IJ-Per-oaatPr per j.B.arlffaaoa.E Balalae
Marrh i;-Prroaal Prasen).T.H lrnellavBalJaltt
Marrk IC-rVr-Mal Preaert. Jke Hist, RaflalM
Harrk II Herviaal Pneeny.t B. Healer, Bafflloe
Mir, fa 19-fcj Err. . ir. tax r. Bertla.
Jtareti l-Prrsaaal PmtierijvJ. PHeexjr. LBatTsrae ;
Marrk tl Pcrsaaal rrsaeny, . B. treat, nlalue
VENDL'I ratoraateattl-StasAnr.ssW'oetea. 1
CorrttJtii Weekly
Wheat, 1.40 Eg?s 25
Bye 1,20 Taiiow 10
Corn, old 1,00 Lard, fresh 12
Oats, pr 32 lb, 80 Clover seed 8,00
Flaxseed 2.25 Wool 70
Dried Apples 61b Potatoes 50
FirkinButtcr is Shoulder 6
Fresh Butter... SO Ribs & Sides 6
Riga 4.5, snd6 Him 11
Barley 90 to 51.00 Country Soap 4 i 6
l0 .
I'ork trade 8,00
1ST of tctlerw remaining in the Post '
Oifice at LKW'IsBLRU, Pa, np
15, IS64:
Ab-nfItT Lewis
BrtvQ v' 1- Mary
bi: knaw-Ui
iovr Mr Jtih
Cai. r $iepvix
Crcmlf; Hvutarn
C';f r. Joo L.
Krti Mr. iabw
rc Mr ImssC
f-rrii A tono t.
Kiber Ktiubrtb 3.
Foiu Mr 1-miO.W.
f r Mr r.ifc.
tWjri. Mr irainti
tiit--B Mr L 'i
UiDtT Mr 9atDBcl
UTotsfv-h Mrfrlvr
ltQ.ai'cil Mrii A
Htsxavaoosi S A
lf-a-nbr) ltar
iitl MiieMtrr
H rrmaa Mm atattms. K.
Ht ,tjf.J Mr JTia r
Hy-T Mr irrw
lir-k man Mr "nliiua ft
K;m-n wViHira
Ln.t-rt Chrie.
L-w.t Mr iWvu
L ut?
Lurav Mis HaVDDkh
M-rb. Mix K!;4J-iJl
Mrr-huer KrJobu L t
MH'wt nry
Miltr Mr inr
M qoo Mr ?rJa
MtUrr tr I-ia-Tf
r Mr Ttvatt
.'cbt Mr Man. J
Prtr Ml klr
PiCt MrCcnrts4
PifXT M)t LtZXv
Wrtl. Mi itrwth
Umawy Mr Lpt-rt
K-rictl Mr Mrj
K tt-r Mr oh
KiU Mr fh
K-bltaj-b Mr C P
kLHtri Vn H iititva
?h-.cb Mr I
rtBiih Mr !i
Hr-hfer V. tt iiaa H.
t9nu Mr J-"Tb
tinToVr Wtttwa B
TrL Mr lue
Trworr Mr
Tir J
M i tr Mr Mry lam
VTT4harT Mr ije-oi-sf
wVKitr Mr Imsc
Wiser Mr two
V lotiiisc Mr John
Witnw U U
Wolf Mr Marr Ana
Uoif Mr OWlivi.
ToJwvr a0ual
Persons calling for the above Letters
piease say they are advmed."
$75 TO $159 PER MONTH.
J CHINE COHP.A.W want an -Agent in
ea.-h county, to solicit orders for their new
Vis .Machine, with gaoge, screw driver and
enra uee.llea. We wi t pay a liberal salary
and espense. or give large commission. For
particulars, terms. 4c,ene!ose a stamp, and
ai lress T. S. ?A(i E. Toledo. O, i
nlietS Gent Aj.nt for the Caitnt Statf.
The Citliene of KELLY TOWNSHIP.
I'moc Co.hereby give nonce that they will pay
Tito Hundred Dollar Bounty!
to every recruit who will accredit himself to
that Township until ihe qiota is fil'ed. This,
with the Government Booniv. will malte '
U'jtiO for Veterans and .tOO for New Recruits. I
Apply to Lieut. I F BE.AI.E, Recruiting'
Agent. Lewisborg, or JAMES LAWSOX, 1
E'q. Kelly township I
fet 9, 164
THE underlined offers his services as '
Tendue Crier o those who may'
STir Vm&Xo."
Wh,,ePeefTp. Feb HI.
i rr rnrtAV i
A GENERAL meeting of the member of
the Union Countr Agricultural Society i
III UfZ HriU l lIlfT 'IT.CC UI f A .vJCrH. law .
i k . tj it.w a r rK
nl be held at the office of J A Mem. is
raary. between the hoars of 1 aad 4 o'clock,
V M, for tbe purpose of eleelmr rthcfH tut
ine ensuiog vear. J a juttiit, oecy
Feb 1. IKS4
T 03T Between ihe residees of Pamoel
I j and John A. Mm, on Market or Fifth
,rr" BREA! Pl" .T" V'XwTn- '
tar. liKeness of Cat. John A. Maos. The
1 finder will please inquire at this occe t
"THE UNION." eiUbiiriel ia 1U WMe 2,656.
CIIEON'ICLE," f stibliMiel ia 1? 13 Win's ., J, 035.
$la.i ssv.
T'HE undersigned wi!i open a select frhool. ;
id the Bov" irao)!nar S.-h ol R.m, !
X .rth Ward. Lewibur(. atniut ihe r-t or
secend week in April. Term, one qoailer;,
TuilK'i. u.
Inlv a limited namber of sutilble graces '
will be admitted.
Those who desire to attend ai please
inform me as toou as convenient.
Feb. I. Hit. J. A.O'.VESS. 1
At Hunnna'i Tobacco Shop.
'Tfrlfi noders?n.d ha r.pened a TolsaC
1 foaud C'ltinr Miop in ihe roc an
receniiv occupied tr .N. K. Z mmerraan, ia
Beater's buiidiDi Maket St. ' od'UZ the
Te e-rai h and -i.hron.cIt" ofTi. es) ware ne
isrea'vlo wail tin a:l van may wish lu
snotie or chew.
Cijars of the best qoa!ily. and tbe best
brands u( Chewing Tobacco alar'.B hmd.
Lewisborj, Jan. 13, lefd. m3rd
Lruixaa. Ja T..
a.! I whom it miy concorn : The
nniT-ixn-J. r anJ as-SBVrs sr -Bfsr t
Ij. lth K.t I. V M. ul.1 tsu tlist s Ml srutl
fat , Bm-r f tn einiac J luR.4 tb S - n; -' of
li3 aca anllt pvdaili a. fcftfj-u. It- as lt.i.-a
f --vt eu-.-. b with o:b-T w i-
ti-l n4 cr-i-r- d tr the n-.-f.r oifio-r t U. cbsr(
t c: r-r-o iru. u: ofm; f- ts -.b k.
j tjJrLt.1,t.ul Vlr-snutar o. .r rc- ;
l tura m svrlu..
i .... Mnr. Mn.eietir MWVltlU tA t rr Wtr aV
nw tv-;t.e disw hrcr-l. b tcrmr4 ttb Cr u c-f
t.. ciia Mm an'l to lb. K-lta-olsl 4 ivsrae kll
cut., c Mti iXf. bcaa. Uatia.ts. bac.rwa ! .b.lefi-
10( to ttla (OOfOT lht b.4 inr b:..--! IJ tl- Ct.aTf-.
nd a'.o artieii- tuat LsJ e.- I a -&r-.a u. h m. atd,
as we iii hu ilu! bmls se.1 Ui;li?uliy.
Ac? rrpoet i. riTTalsts Stat tr. to e.ats . ita
t;ilutw.uil lii-r, .l.trau.l-1 triatea-i a. fru4
tr.. '.fi-Dl . a t-l. to be welra.. aaa !B!ii-j-d.
d:n.lar.ts lajar fats caaractrr U al aai.J.
rH AS C SiluRlsLEV, Cast. Una. O-ia Jan. A Ju!; 'tl
9 V EATas. Lrttt- "
s VI iiRSV. 1st Tft- " "
S G BaNXkir, S-r " " "
I ii. K.'a-Vs, 4. M, J'tli Reft, 4ta Bri.at f V. at.
Estate cf Lewis D. Yarger, dee'd.
of adminisirauon on ine estate 01 l.ew-s
l. Varjer. deceased. ia:e of Kartieton B-to.
havini'been sraoied o tbe subscriber ly th
nrj'sier ri -vnu . -i- . .
a'.i persons indebted lo sai l estate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and aJ
basing any just claims aja nst the same may j
present ibe in dole ao'hentcated far seitletnaat '
t.itiv V l D.!L- D I A . -
It) aun.s i.inuLn..iuiuiu i
Estate of William Cutter, dee'd.
VllWINIsTRATOK sNOl it t. nereas.
Letter of AJaiinistraimn on ihe estate
of Wiilian Cutter, late ol Uiaty lownsnip
decessefl. have been pramed to ihe snbscnbei
by ihe K-siter tf I'mnn county in ilue for as
or law. therefore all per-ons indebted to said
estate are requested M mae lmmediaie pay
ment, and those bavins jast claim atamst
the same may present ihem do!y authenticated
for settlement, to the subscriber.
lOJi JOHN MEEK, Ajmicistra-er.
i rTIWO TERMS of Nineteen Weein.com.
j J mencin; Maica 7rh an i SarTtsiasa 5ib.
I ForCata'otae anti Circular aj?res
! JOEL PAKKER. kati Frvfeuor.
' Cambridge. Mas... Jan. to, I'M
TOKE of flrt ra e. heavy, we!I-broks
working OXE.
liUUiJuJudJ Uj3i.4lil alw
aai Peaier la
, Leather, Sumae, Sheep and Calf Skins,
Au. 434 orth Third itrett.
EATHER, Sumac and ?-.ma, bonziat, cr
sold on ComaissioD. Advance made
I iu Cousi;niteo!5. Sow. . 63m3
S2500 WantcJ.
vv- . w k .k... '
IN i pfrsoti or persons navinc ine anoTe
saaanna n Ini-a.l in annnnM aa a-t
im.j aaa w aspaa saa ai a
e ass taiisment, ana a oral mortzage. bv ap-
piyini immediateiv to " J ' ;
J. F. & JOHN B. LIS.X.
D'C. 3!, I3
ONE Hundred VcoJ Choppers wanted so
cut wood at Beaver Furnace, for which
gnd prices wi'l be paid in Cs. months.
I Cash paid for Bark.
T WIH tn purchase a large qoaatity ef
' I RUt K Olh HiKK. delivered at
i my Tannerv Yard in Lewisourg. for wiich I
win pay me n'gnesi price in casn.
May 14. 13 E. J. HTLL.
i 1V1EN VYAriTED. i
so on oo men wanted
A Si
Carpenters, EoatbailJers and Laborer?,
rpOWHUM eon'ant empl.-vmentand r.sod 1
X waes will be given. ' CASH PAID 1
I.ewisburg, Pa. lieceniber 14. IS
talOUli . WaUiaaaa. a .
THE subscriber wou'd respectfully inform '
his rid customers and the public gene
rally that he i I have constantly on band
au 1 for sale a foil supply of bis superior
hrdraotic cement. Fames at a distance on '
the line -f Canal or Railroad can have their
orders lii led at ibnrt notice.
a ll.... PI1BFBT VllrTIVP
sTsfivwtwmn i nTPWVT'Ttmji
' 1 1
Bellelonte, Pa. ,
We do certify that we have sed the above
cement ia ibe erection ol the Bellefunie waier
work, and take pleasure in recommending
it tn all persons tn need of a giwl article.
Jan22ai6 WlLkW. & TATE
aai-naar-w- aa nnirilT
rr ET OVe n'ear the
frJh-- rona U!t" otcu-
ter.ee t-ir Swl r.at ai.li-: al. !
.ul.ut.ft. ajp.ra PparW lor -. Hat- arjft.
rt"'"u J" .
mux? .Hhnhr whes to Mitle hu old
I Books from 1861 to Jan. 1. 1S64. ad
de.ires his tnends to call wnkiB 30 day, or
' the arconats will be ia ihe Vsquire'a hands.
Call at his store oppoa.ie Walls A C'a.
Jan St. 8t .N. K. ilWMr.KW ..
AM'FA'-Tl'RER of laprnved Per-1
CUSSlOB 3IattCa.;9, Lawisnurf , F .
Mammoth Drugstore
KmiHf. fir S.CkLiwiu,
MOr rer-ei'-i' v inf. rm tbt pablie ka
th-v hare a-suued ci'Dtrnt -I iheabw
es:a;ii-hent. and jut rre'd a rrea sape!
f I'russ, rneaurais, Pair.n, Whit Lasa,
Varnbev. Parr. G a. (.Val Oil, Masaie
(l.i, Pur fpices, UyeMuSs, Ac.
Toilet Artie!1', a fine esirtniieti-.
Csfia al Uftir uil. br tb ben!- tjt n Ut J .
o.5: :oap.r: lor vi.inz, auATt
LO, rlUUB LlTOairw. tut teftiftl OIatJaT.
Pocket Coot. Pnrsc-3. Port Folfof.
C"Cib-. H'Q-itrS. r-rtr K rMW-r f AaWwTwaae
rwJ hn;.ib oimai.-ai.ttaU, SbboBwr, CaWWi lapn laTJl
Lamps! aLau.pi'.l Cokl Oil, t&4
Liqni-i Hf-riiiet. Cox'd Spmrkllif
fit. ;A,tTasie. tSkoO. f -Ci. aV.L.-kaVX !-.
te. A raw a. t't o'K-r pr-jw-rw.ri.iT'-w f -r t Unrj
V.'inea unJ Li(uur3 tiprcisly" fo
W-dT-,bsi t-urTM'. 1 b.:a? s f' anu startssf a)
."o-l .jua.::v, aoaid .fit Lo eail I t rm araaMaSssa
We are eiliDr. at veiy low rateja.
falUa, Lall c.i.oB. asj t-1 Sitio. Jan.
fiar Tiur-turer, r-vrup?. OiDtmcntaV
a-.S 'u-t Pi ra.evr:?l oarauooa, ara Baa.lavaaw
rvi t-5 eir-in r.-'-s t are drug, and aia.am.taa a
fat ol sl.-:
I"?Tbe ini-r ce.-nter r.f ihe firm haviaoj
a:iend-J ine C. .i:e ci Pnaraiacy. aad bad a
n'-itier 0: tears" espenet.ee in the Uraj asw
Precr:pi'i;n b . -:re. both :a the eouetry aat
i hi a 'e phia. fiels coopeient to compoaaw
ar.s jirescrirtK u mat iLe 1 hysicians or publi)
mar lavir inrai & 1 h.
v e iuv.ie a call. .eei;nr conS'lent that w
can s'ipp'y ibe wau;s of a I. "n terms tohei"
San Tic 1 ion. S. G. UENNETT.
Lewissurp. Oct 33. W. A. BENNETT
A Firsl Ciiis i'ur.sr' Xiaxiat fr Ftnn'm,
l6i THE FEMiTA 1864
SlfflTia TO
: P, pi, ffiib.
aniTB. i rseusai it
52 rcorih Siita St. Fnlladerphla.
Tbe s.i:nViinie c moeacea wuk Jaajfew
Having obtained tbe servres ct eonaeat
aad practical A;r:ca :nis. Hi riicultorista,
Sicci Breeders and Bre Keeper, we coalw
dentlf tier ihe Curreiit Vuiuane as rae ef
the t.ts: ever issued, :ororiina;iiy,practiC4
thought and relable infnrmaitoo.
Geo. V. Carpenter, Kenszey & Co's
Wholesale Drug and Chemical
5 a. 737, Haratt atreet, nilaeVtakla.
THE subscribers keep constancy ba4
a iarre stock of HKi lis. MEOICINEd,
C ii n V ICA LS. PH ARM ACE I TIC AL preps,
rations in 1 every c'.ber ariele which apperw
Ui.-is io the business, etabracins ih eaoat
eircnsne rarieiy ; a.so, PAl.STS, OILS J4
OLA".' c f every description.
! Ail arnc.es purcba e.i from s. caw be)
I r. ' i r .1 na a . . I. . r.f ih mn.r crf.nnF MM.L
ny andai as lew prices as they can be had.
We can offer $nci inducements as will make
it the interest oi purchasers lo lay ia tkeiB
j surplies from ns and tive as tbeir fotar
i paironaee, and invite all who Tiitt the city.
AU orar auures-ej to as by mail ef
otherwise wn'l meet with nromnt atteetiow.
So 1033 737 Market Street. Philad.
For lie Trait, Flswer aa luekca I
j 1S.1 THE IMS
I W. a P. BRI5CKLOE, Priutiia,
Office : 23 North Sixth St, Phflad'v
twin. bi intriu itinu
TT. rt.,a... Hsvitaw nt
, , 7
" 5 "b,e
ii ii r in wrr r iiai it a n mnrw aT'iasmsaTiaBBrwBi
CoxvcaicaTiom Emfracief the view
of tbe best writers on Horticulture, Arbors.
culture, and Karat Atiairs.
EuiToaiaia Giving the Editor's views oa)
the impuriant Horucnltural improvemeeta.
trtcaars aim Vrsaiis Niw Fbcits JilW
PLasTs Duxistic Fsastca IaTaia
sisci Foauss Caaaasraiouca Heaata
crtTcaaL X.Ticta.
Wiih each Department haadacmely tllae.
These reneral features will be rvtaiaed.
and the publisher pledges himseif that
Ubor or eipease abatl be spared to reader
tn .occeeding issues of the Magazine every
wly wonhv of the favor with which hi
preTioas erfnrts hare been amply rewarded.
a rM.
fancy riRS-FA?.CY FURS!
Jaha Falreinv
tULj Mala aWa,
Xnaertar. aTa.efaataiaw
at aaU Unix m
All kind cf
ittbr Ladies' ni
i .t:t I.
rca wears
I wi.h U. relar. th.aals te ssj MrmJ. at rato-
aa4 th BrraBB.I'ft-a to. at. SrT xstir aary '
lac last Sr. ;cas a4
.oalil ..s to ih.ai ft! at I B". tar. U atara. ai I
a wa
t , ,;i ,h j.a.,.,! a aUs ai qoai.u - rcr
rtii-aiCh'u' ')1
ev itaawt i.m"1111 Bf Tmrw tr9m '"v1
. . . . SJ.nnfrtimil BlaT W
.a.'kl B. aa , .r mj taSMl a. rMISs
asueb lu 1-a..r wt ot I ar. I t la. Mta. Karl.
LaJ ' ai ti a rail bSn rart aaia. iTaWSB
-'" o. joHNV AREIRA,
5ralOI4 'o 718, Areh Street, Philadelphia,
The Eye and the Ear.
DR. S. H. KNIGHT, of Lewisbarg. haviag
bad twenty fire years' practice, offera
his sernees lo th.e who are afjieted wnkj
diseased Eyes or Ears. The following is eae
of a number of Teaumoaiala i
Mraea aad eatarat aT bath : waa Ml f aaa
awl Mail; ami t aUvr. I aa-t ab.anM altnatiaei
him sa a. .SWt. Ie Ktii-tjt .4.rta. kia aasa. aw
f umI hba aiaaal SI SHrBtloa. 1 analS alflana "as
ar. arSirftaS to aa aiai a mi
Rartlrtm. Jars I. IIO--
, SaHCaJ. Wotr.
I10l"M a beary bnss KET. wait !
1 owaercan base bvealiiagat Ibia eaVea,
proving, and pavirg for ibis advt 10M1
I ri..i..a In. a.U at ikil IftaLat