i HI from Harpar'i Wecalj. KOTO COTTON. Klo Cotton looks from Lit window 4 ' Toward the westering sun, fe And lie marks with an anguished horror That his race is almost run. II is form is tliin and shrunken, His cheek is pale and wan, And the lines of eare on his furrowed brow Aro dread to look upon. But yesterday a monarch In the flush of his pomp and pride, And not content with his own broad lands lie would rule the world beaidu. lie bnilt him a mighty palace, With gold from beyond the ses, And he laid with care the corner-stone, And he called it Slavery. . lie summoned an army'with banners . To keep Lin foes at bar, And, gazing with pride on his palace walls, He said, "They shall stand for aye !" But the palace walls are shrunken, And partly overthrown, And the storms of war, in their violence, Have loosi'iied the corner-stone. Now frmiiie stalks through thepalace halls With her gstitit and pallid train ; You can hear the cries of famished men, As they cry fjr bread in vaiu. The King can see from his palace walls A laud by his pride betrayed Thousands of mothers and wives bereft, Thousands of graves new-made. And he Feetns to sec in the lowering sky The chape of a flaming sword, ' Whereon he reads with a sinking heart The anger of the Lord. God speed the time when the guilty King Shall be hurled from his biuod-sUiued throne ; And the palace of wrong shall crumble to dust, With its boasted corner-stone ! A temple of Freedom shall rise instead On the desecrated site, And within its shelter alike shall stand The black man aud the whits. Artetuus Ward, iu a recent letter, thus gives his idea of re-organ'Zation : "I never attempted to re-organizs my wife bat once. I shall never attempt it gain. I'd bio to publie dinner, and Ltd allowed myself to bs betrayed into drirkio' several people's healths; and j wishiu to mike eui as robust as possible, i I continued drinking their healths until my own became all cicd. (Jonsrketis was, 1 presented myself at Betsy's bedside late at cite, with considerable lipkcr concealed about my person. 1 had somehow got pcrseschun ol a boetwb'p on my sj home, and rcmeniberiu' some cracky ob servabliuns of Mrs. Ward's in the moruiu' I suapt tbe whip putty lively, and in a cry loud voice I said, 'Betsy, you need fe-orjaniiation ! I nave enma Butsy,' I conti&ueJ ci.ckin' tbe whip over the bed 1 -dTh h r.-.b.V, M Lii ! a bocswbip over me aef'ril eonseckootive timet; aud when I woe op 1 feuud ie had. I battit drunk much cf aoythiu' since; and if ever I hava anothtr re-nr-ganizin' j ib on band, I stall let it cut." Two Kisus of Reactionaries. We , find a paragraph in our Westero txehaogos : relating a cifcuoistance said to bare occur red io a town iu Wisconsin : 'A JiJimon r ricat named Nicholas pro- feased a great puwer of duing niiraculou ' things and ctrpouLding wonderful uicdi cioes. Lie made a nerve aud tone all. bealinz flvc, aud thought be wi.uld ex-1 Tjcriment a little with it. He firt cut oil T bia dog's tail and applied some of tbe : talva to tbe the stump. A sew tail grew out immediately. 11a then applied tome i to tbe piece of tail which he cut off, and a new dog grew out. 11a did nut know j which do? waa which." I , . The two experiments of Ibis Slormon , , . . qunk are of c icd ib Ibnce which tbe two rival powers in tbe oppoaition party desire to make with alavery. Tbe Sey hintip mpn vnn M lilift to arnlw A littU of .... . , , I tbeir aalve, with the intention to make tbt i atamp of slavery grow on to tbe body of the Uuioo from which it has been severed. TLe Yailandiham men want to apply Ibeir salva to tbe severed stump of slavery, and tell ns tbey ean Bike a new Union grow cut at tbe end of it. But Doetor Linco'n tlries sway these pretentious quacka, tod tells lietn tbat tbe acTersd and rotting stump must perish. Of Interest to Soldiers. B in enacted Sir, That articlci of elothing, b'ing maoufsctured cf wool, eoltoo. cr linen, and comprised in a pack ge not axoteJ.tig two psuodi ii weitbt, addressed to any noD-eomaiiaioned officer er private serviag io lbs armiei of tbe Uoi- j ted States, tniy bo tranttuttted in tbe mails ef tbe United Slate at the rata of eight eoU, to be in all caaea prepaid, for every four ounces, or any fraction thereof, eub " to inch regulation aa lb I'oitoia&'ler General may prescribe. Approved Jan. '22, 1864. Post Orncs Depaktmknt, Jin. 25, 1851. Tbe furrgoiog law ii pabliabed for tbe information of tbe puUie, and t apeeially for tbe guidance of poatmasteri, and i thought to be eo fall and plain tbat oe one can mifrtak it meaning. Foatmaatere will, however, bear in mind Ibat package of clothing entitled to pan in tbe nail, four ouncet for eijht cents, BOit be maoufaetured from tcoul, cotton, or fi'wfli, and not eicttding rico p'mmh io weight, must be addressed to a non-con-missioned officer cr private serf iog in tbe armies of the United States. Consequent ly, a paskage addressed to a eommiuiontd tffioer, or eompoted of other materials tbao aa above epeeiBd, suoh aa boots, ahoee, &o., if sent by mail, mud be prepaid dt stamps at letter rates, via ; three sent si for eyery half ounce or fraction tbereof. t SI. I'laie, Postmaster Oeieral. Lewis Jamisoo.of Williamaport,arrealed on a charge of defrauding the Govesattneat ; . i i . t -1 . in a mraoer coniraot, aaa Dsen ezamioed nd honorably dieebared. honorably dtrebarg Ii lUlel dollax ii votlk fiya (. CALL AT T. G. EVANS' Wholesale and Retail GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, fot Cheap Goods I His Stock is complete, consisting in part of Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Coal Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass and Queens ware, Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Butter and Eggs. Call and examine yourselves. FURNITURE! Broke Out in a New Place ! b u u i: a u s, from i 10 to f '.S. FINE DRESSING BUREAUS, gECGETARI Rs " DESKS, &C. &C d:vreni .rir-. from $-'0 to J Go. BEPnTEAPS, from (3 to $65 different pxttrns and Utct(tjles. TABLES, Extension, 11 frft anJ upwr Id.Omtre. Pir. En-j.Carrl, 1iniiiK rtn eiiffi't, Hrwfc tHnt. m(l of nj kind cf wood ilt'irrvl. but Wlnut, MhienT aod hcw wood ftlwiiy on timxnl fur tbe trad. STANDS, Tenor, W hat X ft, S-wing, c ic, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest pattern?, CHAIRS, UphoTftrTv-!, T,itc Arm. ?twin( Parlor rhalni always oo tui 4: n;?n.i;n;jii (vil t.an; ICocKt and Nurse, and CtiiMrt uV chairs, aiwayd on band. ' TOWEl.UACKS.POUGIITRAYS, BOOK and SHOW CASES, &c. Furniture of my oirn mnuvfticture, iiuureJ one yar. P- S. I intend, in a short time, as soon as I can set up a fine Hearse.) to attend to the U.NDEUTAKINU Ul SlXEsS I will keep some twenty. live or more dilfrrent sized Cof- I fius, finished, and always ready on short no- tiee, and wid seil twenty per cent, cheaper man nas ever D- en none in i.ewisoure. wi and see bff'.re purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING done i.nmediately, CHAS. S. ERI.I., Chamberliu'l Blotk Lwiliur;. Trb. 24, ISM. TO THE PUBLIC. SOME person, whose interest it wonld pro bably be if I were to leave Lewisburf, has circulated ihe report that I had sold out my Gallery, and left town. So far from this being the case, I have just made a very im portant improvement in my Skylight, and am now taking belter Pictures than ever, at my uml p!-e. ovr S-iUi red' Shut Store, a fcw doom weft uf Hptzxrit R"ire H"ow. whrft 1 nm at all tiiDfR rt-pnrrd to wait "a nil itiT oM frlcn.lii and anroutntr of nfwoDa. In CaKD I'llt Ti Ml tl A I'll S I ithai Voire tlie ! er.untry tn prrlti-. not belter, but u go-jd. us I can run i-i mr -u-tmrr. S. B. When I do tell out anil I will l. t mj ' fn.n.i. know. k. L. UilnKl. nr0nr, . v,v , . CT, xtIWOI ibtiOl AAU JNLU o! "TTE have just received from Philadelphia aD(1 Sew York( a ery large and well selected stock of WIETHE GOODS, which we ofler at very reduced prices. We have paid particular aiteniion in ihe selection of this slock of Goods a very larce asort- ment of DRY GOODS of every desrrip- tion. Purchasers will find it their advantage j to give ns a call as in prices we defy any 01 ; onr neighboring towns for coinpetition. We j have also replenished our slock of (roce j rle. Hardware. OsieealKtware.&c. ! SALT, FISH, COAL, PLASTEU, Ac. White Mirth Lime, Calcined Plaster, and Hydraulic Cement, always kept on hand. tVCOUXrilY PRODUCE taken in Ex- change for Goods as usual. ti.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. JNO WALLS & CO Lewisburjr, IVe. 1863 We would inform the public that we have for sale, in onr newly established Nurseries, ni-ar the l.ewishnr? Station, a larpee assort. i ment than last year of Trm "'"fatal Trees, Santas, I1 In our old Nurseries in Adams eounlv, we have the lareest slock of trees and largest sired for Fall of 163 and Spnni of '64. We therefore can furnish Trees by large quanii- ties to Dealers 4e. at err low oricea. I The attention of buyers and dealers is res. 1 ir..':- j . . ' 'i"ir ' an examination of onr j stoelr. We alto desire a drirn food AGENTS I 1,1 aetl fur lht. rnmtna ULU.u a HUMMER to -S W llf) 2 H fcs? CJ - O H fc" 23 UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE. my stock, and satisfy 1014 CARD. TI1HE undernrgned, having loaned hisfnrni . I lure, fixtures and utensils lo Mr. H. L. M'MtHun lor the period of one year, anil is abom to remove temporarily trom Lewisburg, takes this method of returning his thanks to the ienp!e of Lewisburg and vicinity for their unilor.ii kindness and the liberal support they have given him during his residence among them. IilOH A Kl) M. COOPEK. Lewisburg, April 20, 1863 NOTICE. rjlIIB undersigned, having oVatned the use I i f the furniture, fixtures ai d utensils of Mr. Richard M. I'onrm, mill ron'inue the Bakery, Confectionery and Notion businrss, at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe riod of one year. He hopes hy strict attention to business to merit the patronage heretofore extended to Ibis establishment. H I.. M'MAIION. Lewisburg, April 20, 1H63 CO-PARTNERSHIP. The untlersined have as- i.'W' j socated themselves into copart tifi uf iSnership for the purpose of carry BLlta on the Luinberins, Planinz, andCarpentering business in all theirvarious branches, at the ccoi5bnrg Guam planing illills, where they intend to keep a sti ck of Pine Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Floonne hel vin, 8idine. Shineles, Lath. Joists. SniddinL', Fencing. Pickets U"or and Windo Frames, ( Doors, shutters, illinds, Sash, Mouldings.) Brackets, die. Planins, Slitting. Scroll Saw ins, &c, done at short notice and all work warranted tn ive satisfaction, both in rice and workmanship. J. 1. DIEFFEMERFER, M RTI.N URKTSBACH, HIRAM DKKlaHACH tAtwI.hort Planing Mills. Airil 1, IS. GREAT Dt.(ovry Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron; For the cure -f weak stnmarhs, jeneral dehi liiy, in.iiiresiion, diseases uf atvous syim, constipation, acidity i f the stomach, and fur all cases requiring a tonic. Tim Wiiii inclti'lrn th rast acrat ni tffirint (wit of iron wm po-ofim, ritrat r-f Mairnfti (rxid. etna-hin-d with the tnot eturnvtic of .frUM' tni. Vll-r IVrurina lirk. Thu ptfwt, in ninny ca-e of de-Mlity, lout of )iptit, and ernral prcnttat ion, ef an eitint-nt alt i.-f iruo. coinliiunl with our vluMi wrr tot.ic, tnot happy. It aiitrmiti th appttif", riwth pu.fe. tak tf mtiTular rtiibinui, iv cavk th pa lor of de bili'y. aud civ a rJond iir t ih" nuntnanc. Do yu want u.nj-tlitn to otrfOglben juul Io you want a C'Wj a,ptUe 1 ! ynu wunt to ff I t !-) you want to grt mi of orT0afOeBB? I'o yoa want nt-ry f I)o yno want to l-p w-)f Do you want a hriA un l vi:rnmnft ffn'Infff If you do, try kl NKRL'S BITTER WINK OP W ! Thin truly raluahlf tonir liao hen m thormmhiy tin ted b ail Hanmuf thMiinu.untiv tliat it i n.w dini fd inaiapnaMhl4 an a tonic ini-di -ine. It ootn ut littlw, jturifl- th bloo-i, and it to r,! toch, rcno TaLVff the ftynte-m. and prolongs lite. I now ooly k m trial of this Ta;ul'l Wnie. COrxrEft FI.fT.--ilva.n ot eonntrfeits! A Ko? Kn. It itt ik Wine -r Ih!i i- ihnnly furnd e-fffrtwa! rtem Jv in the knowo world for Ity-ppnia and Ii-ldlity, and af thr; ar a oamr ot hn tations nfffrrd lo the puhlie. w would caution th emm unity io urrbaMi nnrif hnt the e.-uuin article, mamii' tured .y 8. A. KtiNKKl.. and hit- tmi on the t-p of the enrk of erery bottle. Th f ery fact that others are alt- mi. tin to im ItatMtbU valuable remedy, provvfl its worth, ani peakf Toltine in ita fror. The Bittke Wish nr Trow i ra P n e,n f"l f 1 bntttv, and aold bv all respectable dro.-ct'tn through out tharaiutitry. b particular that every botU boar the facsimtl of the proprit-torii oignnlurH, General Depot, 1 18, Market 3t. Harrisfurg, Pa j..ieln UwUburebvCW-SCUAFFLE. J.BAKER 4ritlia,iirep!tablai!mleriiUiroughontth(oDtri j,OT irf,mj8 - J.S. Marsh. E.Shorkley, crhoimey. P.Beaver J. S. MAFiSll & CO, (UCBViES TO OlXt)tS, MAKSH CO.) LEWISBUlta FOUNDItY AGRICULTURAL WORKS Lewfsburg, Pa. WE hue cooaUntljr on hsnti ntid for ali, WirtI,K.ALK OR RKTAT1, KapcT. JVoirvr and Flnvr UarrrtU-rt: drain and Grass Srsfcr ; Hnnd ad llnrt Fiiwr ( Sh'Urr; One, Twm ond Four flurar Trrttd, Swrp and Jioll t0T; VUtver HttUrrs. F"d t1rs, Thrrsters, l'fes, .'irj. , row Frimtx far Huihimps, iron r'rnets. Railing. Mttf Gnirinfff Ac. A..atxi hold oniwlTAR rdr at ait ttmat to no MX iii'K tr forRirBT Rl'siwksh with th utntojitrrrtni(( nd rlUrtttrta Work or Mannfactnres tnTariab'y warranted as recommended. -OrHrri'fwtfnHy olicitNl aodpromptly t to. June 1. lotjO C. D. BREWER, Attorney at Lair, LKisiirr.o, C!t:o to., p. OFFICE (on Market St.) formerly occupied by V"m Cameron, Jr. Collections and other professional business promptly attended lo. Claims for Pensions, Bounties and arrears of pay due from Gov't, made ont aDd collected Juoe 1, 1863 SUFFERERS iROM THE FAXGS or NEURALGIA and CATARRH, MAY be speedily and permanently cured b y the use of Wolcott's Instant Pain Annihilator. The method of using this medicine is noyel but effective. It is not taken into the stom ach nor applied ex ernally as a liniment, but in all cases, the liouid u to be nmjftd up the Price Twenty-Five Cents per botile. C. M. KINIi, White Deer Mills. General Aeem for Cnion county, lo whom all orders mtisr he addressed. Forsale by BENNETT BIJ0S.,sole At;ents for Lewisbnr?, and hy S'orekeepers general ly. N... , ISOStfJ II TM.N POORS Hrstyierian. Meihndist ana lintaeran, at yOK REST'S, j DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS the rital prinriple of the Pine Tre obtained by a peculiar process in tbe liutii.aiion if tne Tar by which us highest medicinal properties arc retained. Ii is the medicine thai cures when all others faiL Ha ym a fMivhf llowe y.u Sort Throat f Haw you nuy vt tt preiuonuory mplomt of ibat wt ftl Jit Bj"'if tton 9 Thos who nbouN wtrntd by thet symjAnms fn rl.y tbink tint.il or tb-iu nulil it i two ha rwm tt.t- im t, perhn mora than uf oilier, an-!ew thm . prt-Tfti-nfv Dd Utility ol i.rMa which -we-, to Ui gruTe st Irant vn ttxlti of death Tiet;m. Whatr-ititf"W It tuunlly brgius with short, flry eonn. whlrh twii bpcnineft hbitiil, but f-r noma Hui oothmtf i f x-pt k frothv mucus. Thm hrtb!iiK omt-wht d. Jtcwi and upop miiiht exrr.w much hurruti. A u of tMjtantt und opprvitvm at lUv cbeft (.fun teit. A tli dt-tfiKf adaic-a, pattcttt brrom-d thin in fl"tb, U alilirtil with loiwiif areti, rt laiiiicr. io,h.ljiir, and d'jfrti-D -f nLiirit; may cwitiiiU" thi tat Pr m coBid-rM IfDth of imi: and if ift. redit affc fd by ii(;btejipiir or Utigue. If tbt octur, t cNui(b bciiui met trt uhirwiif, aid i atlfndt-d with axpMTlprtioii, wbieh t muit coi'W"' nJ trrv ,n tb" Bi'trniut!- It if som:iiiu"(i rtrcaktd wi'h blKi Ai UiitKt-, aiRht-MWpaU u-ually iu and 10 om ea fR a prolUMi bltrdiii of thn luua may aluo cceor. Tain lu ittuv part ot (h chvst i biU and olt-n a ditil cutty of lyi.tg Uon on? or Um othr fi-t witiiont bis of c iiibiiiK or of fuUn. or ulocatitn. VhP ul bctui'- full. lird, aud tr,'ar fit, tl liftrtic flu-li tiycm tbfCbwkJ, aud lh dira (uoimJy la faat bas Uning To it cIom;. Voo now ak, h thtrt n enrtt Conrumptum has Urn and cm U cund hy thf o of BiyfAKCUIiDlAUrvrn in appAiviitly b;i raw. This aawrtion I uike with tbe ability to piHint th moct coinpitf vlMnor or tbe truth. tce wil i not ad mit of my civinc tb- contrnt if the many th HI an of ti'Ptimnmal to itt vahi, whi.h 1 have b'-'-n id i rnwmn fmm mDand wunninof anqijerti'uablti wo. and repufati.-n. I have had anumtwr or thfiw wrutt et prints In eirrulsr f rm wbih I will arnd yu fi-eeon itpvlicatiuu. W hlbTyou now dtermin- to try tl e mt-dicititf or not. wu-l f.r tht -irculr. Afti-r -m of ntudy aodPTirnnt, 1 olTrthiM mrdirtn. rwlw-vfinr tt to be the b-i-t rein dy f r all ptim-nary and brvn-M'd dwar. If you mn not hr hf nfiied j y tbe uf of tb TK Ci K DIAL. I baliefypu are bey ond all earthly aid. Tt if (hi-re tre hftter rnrMle areiiW. I erueitly adv:i thir ue. Tiie N r-tn-'ii-it. th h!t rare. re needed by ihuae afiin t-tt with tbi di!eMt. iktiiw I beUeva ttiii to be tl.e )-t, 1 fk you to try it. Isny. not only ol the pottle, but phyfrt:tn of exery iirhool and prartice are d.n;y ackin n . What i the priQiipieor c.ium f jrur urot'a in the treattnntof Jt!wnnn f'Ufymj-ti-n t My auw r 'hi?: 'Ill- ifrtynritti j! the dleftiYe ornaii" the strength tittup ol the di-btlitated !"t-ID tlie ;un irf(t-w and -Ttc'tmut of th" hlood. m'u't expel from the nvti'i lh corruption whirb ftrndul breeda. While tiiif iarlleetd by the powerful alU-raiire jrhmu-rns from diasa to henltb) propertie ol the Tar t'oi Ibtl, it henlin ard renovating principle in alfowtinj upon the irrititt-d Mtrlurf of Hie lunn an.) thrt. pen-tr;'.tii.? r-h di mwiI inirt. n-!titir tiain. tihtlull ilitlKmatl:tU and f reKiorintr a ht !cl ftil t !i'ine. 1. t tl. two lntd rv.w.-r, the hlirtj; ami tl: JTn-n -rhninrf. ei.ntmue tt m -t fo conjunction with N?ar'a er9titt ret-upi rtis ten-dcTi'-y. and the pnti-nt i card. if he hae not too long de laved a rewrl t the mears of 'ur. The PI.NKTVKK T Alt C'HEDIAI. will enre Crafh, F-re Throat and Krst, Bronrh ti". A-thtna. nup. Ilmipini; Coiitfh, I'i!lheria. and U nI"o an axeMllect remedy for dieeara of the ktdny. and female complaints. BEWARE OF COVXTEUFE1TS. The seuuine has the name of ihe Proprie tor and a pineln-e blown in the bottle. All others are spurious inflations. Pmrr Filty Cent and One Dollar per Bottle . Prepared onlbv tbe Proprietor, Pr . Q C WISH ART. p. 1 0, Nrnh Seem St. Philadelphia, Pa For Sale bv all DrnzeisH 1027 I I'iKMI.K, ROSS & CO., j (latk l. palmek mi CO.) I LewLsbars Planins Mill, j keep constantly on han1 and i uiaiiuiacture to nriler I'loorlni, Mill 115, Uoi .Sn;i, Mhnitt rs. i;ii)!s, I .lIOIlIUillKM 'f ail patterns. and all nihi r Jeicriptiiins of WooJ Work used - .....,. Orders respectfully solicte.l an.) promptly nued, , Ail work warranted to tivt taiisfacltnn j "An extensive lot of Lumber of al! . descriptions n hand for sale Fticturu 011 zWi Second ntrret, Lewittturg.ra April 22. 18:.U. tn. coil oi subscriber keeps constantly on hand a larse as-nrtment i f the very best Sha mokin and Wilkes-Mnrre COAL. f-r limeand slove purposes, which he will sell at !he very lowest prices for ('ash. Also. Hheknmitlis' dial. Planter and Salt. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not he undersold hy any man Having good weih-cales. full weieht will he siven. Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel. '.ROUGE 110I.STEIN. Lewisbnr;, May 27,'5s). GSIJERAL ORDER. THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company havms this day taken possession of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed I JOSEPH II. POTTS, General Manager there of, lo whom all Officers and Employees wiil report for iusttuctions. I. EDGAR THOMSON, President Penn'a Railroad Company. Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co., ) Philadelphia, Jan 30, 1?62. J General Order, lTo. 1. To take Elji'it on and after Jm. SO, 1SC2. I. The Western Plllslan, from Warren to Kne, will be under the Superin tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will be Superintendent of the Western Division. His Oil'.ce will be al Erie. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will maKe all communications respectin? their duiies or the bus.ness of the road, to him, eacept as otherwise provided in this Order. II. The l:atrru IMtlMlon, Irom Snnburv to W heiham. will be un ier the sup erintendence of ANIL" r I. A. BLACK, whose title will be Superintendent of the Eastern Division ,.. on this Division will be EmpU.ees on tln-s l uision win De under his charge, and will make all commit : : -....d.. rm ,kair,t,1ll0. nrtbp bllSt. . " , J'J .o"hi.n.eIcent as otoerwiae i11" " " i proviuen in tins outer. III. The Account! of Freight and Pas senger Business will, on the Western Divis ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C. BlKiGS, whose title will be Assistant Audit or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern Division they will be in immediate charee ot j TltnIS VI DVIS whose lllle will he As- 1 HUM As M. UA l. wnose II e wii; a sistant Auditor. His OSice will be in W i. - I distribution of Passenger Tickets over boih ! lrtlll",''ii. lie am !- straw. - Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees on either Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi tor thereof, and respecting supplies of Tickets to Tboji M. Davis. JOS. O. PO TTS. General Manages! i.enerni .via Company,") eRR- . ISM. J Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Lessee Phiiad. & Erie General Manager's Office, Williamsporl, Jan. 30, 1863. HFUHMITUaE WAREHOUSE, J iJ on Market Square, f.ewisburp. . tij A good supply of f'lia!rN, Tablet, Hurrauti, Manila. Ae.,ou hand or made rdew DAVID (SISTER. fS2nl KILK FOR THE niLLIOIJ! THE undersigned iniends supplying the citizens of I.ewibtire with Pure Milk, commencing about the ISih insi. Persons wishing to be supplied, will please send in their names to him. at the Lewisburg Bridge. The Milk wiil be delivered (daily eicept Sun days) morning or evening, as preferred hy a majority of customers. tt.VM'L SLIFER. Lewisburg, April 10, 1863 TJT XTTO or 'u"'icM nr U Uii)i 1VO fnathls.for Kle or p.-ioteJ U cider, at the Chronicle) CHioe jsaiavc NEW GOODS! CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TOWN. At JOIIX squnEs'. Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at Best quality homemade Kid and Morocco Boots at $2. 12. A larjrc assortment of Balmoral Boots and Gaiters at equally low pricci. Opposite the Bank, Lewiskrg. JOHN H. EEALE, MERCHANT TAILOlt AND GetHlenien'ii I'urnlalilns Store, vM Murket St ,jnt above thr. Bank, LEWISBL'RO, PA. J"be snbscribrr ha removed into the nw fitttd and eomino.tious huriTo.tn of Thomas Iteiier.where he has jasl received a large and well selected itock id' MEN'S CLOTHING, Cloths, Casime rrs. SiIWs, Shirts. Drawers,e. I a'so CUT AXII M AKE TO ORDER in the irni 3iic iu"ii i - - J . . . . L . pracucal Tailor, and empioyinR me uri workmen, I can confidently invite both Old and yea Cuslinant do li t forcet Ihe oign The Red Dor ! 'fay 2, ISRl J H BE ALE CEKETERY NOTICE. AT an Election held by the Stockholders of ihe Lewi.bur Cemetery.the under- : Mailed n at, elected Treasurer, and all moneys j for lots, grave-dizain?, Ac. mnst be paid la ' him. rcrsoos inureiled will please note the chan;. j Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso ' ciaiion are requested to make Immediate pay- ment. MDI.OMON' KIT'l'ER. I Iwipt'ursr. Jan. CC. UC-'mt for frmn . - O.T.... i '.tail s i 3 w i. r. il HEKF. we wilt Cud a lar-e assorimenl latest styles FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ch a Trench anH Enalish all wool I'loih, Irom -jiS.SO up to ijiltl.titl. Knoily Boys' Cav simere.aii t Silk Mn ;J (Jasiwerea. Saiinelts Ac. C !oJfiintr"C all dscripiion : Men' and Boy)," Wear Whole Suits for $15. K) that is. clo'h coat, salm vest, cassimere pants. Summer Suit for "jtn 50. Also, a lar?e a sortineni of Hat, t'aps. A c, snrh as M'Clel Ian, (; irihal.ti. Opera, hieh and low crowned : Su 1 d Ha s. Hoe, iiaii'lkerchieis, foliar. Shina. T, rrnhrIlas. Neck Ties. &c. NOV 13 THE TIME to sive from 25 to SO per cent., and gel the ,an si 8ivle. Also. Goods nt and made to or-ler. and in the laiest style. Always from five to ten hands at work. Cull opposite John Walls A Co.'s Store. Maikei streei, Lewisbnrg. D.c. ist;.l N. 1J. ZIMMERMAN ilfl? of Mzm Conalp. MOL'.NTKD on rollers.varnihe !,enraved and liihorai hed in Phiiad. in ihe best .siy..e of Ihe an ;() by 40 inches in size on a scale of Ij inches to ihe mile. This Map was careful y sarvevd in Isl.'ifi, and is reas onably cornet. K.ich Township is colored, and mere are ihe'1'..wn Ploisand o.s ol Lots in l.ewisnure, Mitllinl-jrs, Xew IW-rlin. Har tleion, and .e Columbia. Mountains and breams are traced ihe Public Roads, with the distance in perches between roads which intersect aNo Names of Farm-Owners gen erally. Church and School HoiisesMiils. A-c. The Court House, two "f ihe i,e isbur I'ni- verstly Bmldinss. ihe Lewisbur; B.at Y ard, I the IJiuon Furnace at Winfield, and Union i Seminary at iew Eerlin are repreented in a separate engraving each. Every Fanner mid person of bnsiness sh'd have one of these Maps for ornaiueut or for reference and information. The original subscription price was $3.50, now reduced to $2 onlv. I"e"For sale at Ihe iSar 4 Vhrunittr Oilir-e, and by Da. . L. BECK, Lewisborg fc..",ve!1s'J''.i. An aperient and Ftomarhfe prratatibn crT!:ONpori .! ",,c" nu --arBua l.T eombaation in byilruiraii. I BP,l0BM b. ,h,hi(tht Miicai Auih.ritr.b,ii in 1 a.urnt anJ tba Lniud blatea, and ynacribed U tbair "''e-rieeeoftB0Bd,a,lTrIM ,v.. ..i in.nraD Maiit'irtd silhlt. Irrtpunlipsol oouoMTaMt naie. I I nnoxio,!, in all m I adieu in whirh It haa Wn tried t hn nrrMl mhI..t.i. i v. ... ti lug c mpliitntP, Tin: 1 In llrMitv. ,Vrtsf Aetiim. Tmnevttir,. rhtMntn'n. .Wrfo.w Tuhemimit, .tit Kieum. .Vumrvtimatiim, f '"roi. irr (KtiiBln'ura. Chronic Uri4advl, Khnwtim.hurmitt.ntlr,. Pimple, mV,t Ahce, e. pu, dp , m M .MmMnln, r .... rs-ni-pr mj( ; mr Fle OjT UrtlttCltl IU) lelfr. m iw vnt rrw to mry idtirrHin on rrwitjt of the prie. All Jtkr-,orilTi. -tc.,hotild t Kidrr-MKl to It. B. LiX;KK k Co . Ornertl Aevntf. IjMl 2'i CidaK Jal 2i. T. Sold in Letc.'sburg hy Iter k to C W Hrhnie -F Caldwell ESTABLISHED, 17GO. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufactarer, 16 k 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formarly 42 Chambera atraet, ,.w Trk,) TTTOULD ca'l the ailennoo of Dealers to t f to ihe articles of his mamilaciure.viz t BttOH.X SMFP. MaesW, Ifcaiisroa, fine Rapnaa. jiar, Vlirlnl. Coarse Itanpaa. Saehilorbea, Americaa O.ntteman, Copeabafaa, tcllow sNirr. BwIrK Uoaey Dew Snoteh, High Tnaat Switrli. rei-h llen-j D. Smteb, Iri'h Hih loastor t.Ontltfu.t, rreah Jrotrh. "'""'"" " """ ' lernr ntil tn prim nf S'.unJ nj a iorior (ugUy. tnBtffo. aUf SISO. IIM t:iT iiais. l-nng. P. A. it . wr llaia, Ko. I, Cat endi.li. or Sa-t. win B. Jas. aaiM, I'snaaUa, Taraiab. , Mwl .scute.! llralHiaa. 8itt I mxi. sia run UftT.nm.n, .N". B. rirrolar of prices will h sea ton appUation. March 19, '63yi j As- VPS For the Harvest of 1864! TLirty-Foar distinct Patents! rilHE anparalled sur-.ce of the Buckeye I is the sir.m?-sl proof its superior mer its. nd its reputation is n well established that sioce its Introduction the niannfacturer have been entirely unable to supply the demand. We will ea!l attention to a few of in points of excellence and the farmer to give it a persoual examination. Tie Two Biiving-Wiiecls, tc. The TWO DRIVING WHEELS the Pawls and Kpnngs, by which the machine may be thrown out of sear, or he hacked wiihoet vihraiinz the knives the S'eel Cutler Bar (he Wrousht Iron Uuird, with Hardened fteI Fac or Cutting Ef; ihe Double Hintred Joint, hy which the diner liar may be Folded Ihe lonsj Crank ''haft the S'eel Sprin and Wheel, by which Hie Cutter Bar . -r-- t - . I . i . .1 l,iuiaril : n M in mtt . may uc r.r ..... ... -. ... .... low lo the rroand as may be deird the Hteel Pitman and Bra Bos' its Lcht Draft (no Side Ilrafl) no weiiit on the htires nt-ck-s backs as easily as a cart sll if which form a combination of advautases which no oiher machine possesses. No Rearing oq the Driving Wheels. A team of hordes weiehin? 800 lbs. each. will cot an arte of erass an hour with ease. The machine is furnished wiih two Cutter Bar one firrcuttmi cras, and th other for cattinj pram (each eipresiy adapted to the use intended). No ejlori will he wanting to maintain the Buckeye in theenviiMe position it now occu pies, that of beios the Best naehina In the World! Dnrinz last harvest hundreds of Farmers, in conseq.ienre of rnr inahihiv to mpply ihe demand were unable 'o Diain the liuck-ye, an I were forced to purchase an infenor machine. The continued scarcity of laborers and the new calls from the (jovernment for troops, will take many more laborers from the country, and the farmer will haye to rely entirely opou nnchineiy in gathering his hay anf sram crcps. Farmers who wonM amid disappointment , in procuring a liuckeje can send ia their j orders now. j We are now prepare I to fi!l crJers for the , coining Harvest. A Wr", t-LIFEil WAM.S. SHHINERA CO. Matiufariurers ol Key'one Clover liul.rrs, Ac, l.ewisbur", Union t."., Pa. Cian rutins; r.tUMlltment. 1)OOMS in Fuick's llu.ck. Market Si., rear of Bov er's Jeweiry r.op. Having serve.. a re'iiar apprentice-hip in one of ihe best shops in Phiiad., I hope lo rendrr satifa ti n. Bl RNKUt and oth'r Fixnres always c,o hand i r furnished ai short to n-e. O B. EVA.N8 Uwi.t nrt, ?-pt. 14. 1 I LND.SKVN ImpnveJ 1j iv in.oiii) m: For th V 't -rtli -n! ttr- ) ariitiNx frm l.V.'Llil'IY r tke I'iHh I: pillf mt'ir-inhMrnuht the moil miraruloufcnri x in 'ir-i t-rate ut PfTtTll rita:iriu. tiT'i'(iT Pii"p!-i-n ft--!., Oid. ctnbbiirn I lrrr, T-trT rVrt:i'ii". ITsp-p-i, J4itadi?e, Mfrrurml .tie':t'r l.ivr Oomfiaint, Capprf-o. formation. f.r-ir-ia, ?l)t Khrutn, 4nr, !. M!ifyf Iiw . f n f.-ffte f--a S!oBiri:. Lnw rilt yomalfCowrainr oMal? mra(ijaTing tbeirorffln loipure u.ie ci trt- iiw.i. tri f -.e . 1 ' . tN is r V Twp,wbo,on the .".fat Ufcy of Au:uit.lb.c, miirl1..ia it before Jttftire tiorlew That He a tre--tri Inrih.e., CtacLR ly tlirt-e ph?i- cinof Utlior(ici.uDt.MMi hy ir. Newton of the Kelstr-tio College. in.'innati. fi.r tt p rird I of erl eiyht Biouifas. Dtithttat:UtDg which An hp, j no., and a p irtia his trt chnk were tir,ly tibn j utM lie bad (riteiai up all hope, ben he heart, of it I Ui,.od Senrrher." di1 im!uifi to try it. Four bot- j tleaenred bin, and (although eadly di-btcarei then . i no qu-tioD tt thia invaluable m di'-in T d bit life. Tbe full parricular of iht remarkable raie my beseeii ' Id a 1'irrular to be bal of ny nf the Aireots. IUm1io rffertna cipt) Nuner Bleaknfy.of RMerfon, ArmftroBgCo., (' .cured of tBcriLaatVr beiag unabU to pet ont of bed for three year. To the rate of a ladr io A nr.oDTiMe,CIrarfliIiCo-ho w )o afllirted with ft-rotuU in itn wort forin. To th raw of lioTift Mciwl, rt-?hhntf io i:rnHtowii, Carorria Co.. fa., thaii - hadiy tiirU-d wiih Taacer tbat it cat hi orir nrfi off, and bis caw waa worse, if poIMe. than MX'rvart'a. The (.'arth'utaraof theite rMw--eTerT one of whieh wat cored hy tlie uae of the Ion searcher' "h ArntV0 J Pittsburg, Pa. "I W-Iabnicry for the mennft trjr- and nale. unr tha art sal., uar in l(,r,, ";,,JV r?; . T J . y X- W. aVhffle. LewiaboFif : 'll'Miflit i TTanrlE. Unffaloe X RoJ. Rudy A Himmelreirh. Kanner-Tille; CninBiioza a ttitmrr. rtartlalnn: D II RUsrll. M JDiutturfr ; I.. 8. cumin, miuc.ui; fctuiKll a Viallar,8bnsKro?r; J9U A Salic fur Pi.-. I HAVE on hand for sale, ai 25 cents per pol, a CERTAIN CI" RE for that distres sing disease. It is an old preparation, long tested, which I never knew to tail, and I can give names of persons enret! to those asking it. CHARLES MAta River Road, Lewisbnrg, Sept. 3 For sale also at Goodman's Siore Science still on the Advance ! 4 5 OTTRnrnM and Utrharn O cat Oentiftv. Oifice in theitfK Dr. Bruggei's new building, M.ir.et sireei. (western entrance, up stairs) LE WIftBL'RO. Dr.BTRLAN is nowci nirucimg the Ni.n seetional Block work, baked on Planna base. which for cleanliness, beauty and strength i nas no equal also teeih mounted on Ihe var ious Bases in nse and having had a long and extensive practice, and being perfectly familiar wiih every department of his proles, sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis faction in all his operations, which shall be carefully and skilfully performed. Please rail and examine specimens. The saperinr qualities of the Non-seciional work will be evident 10 all who will give it an im partial examination. Dr Burlan ia the only person who constructs this excellent woik 10 ibis section of country. 1 ""Charges shall eorresponr th times. Lewisburg, Sept. J, 33 1 trir I f Tr 4 fJCl ilJEW GROCERY 210 Provision Store; rpHB tabscribfr has jost epBM , f I Grocery and Provm.n Biore, i k" Laugh Boilnin; .iaie Krramera Ti,,1(,' Wet eud of ilaj kct .ytji;are ' where ha ha jut received a aerinieut of Iresh ' GROCERIES AND fMVISIOViK, e..r.eriij tf.l sarh as CVffee, Ta, Ctreel Mulaue. Iih, baX ipice. Brnmu, Brushes, Tubs, Buck i;dee-.e. r.Rss. rior, nun 'a'0tn Lemons, Crcker, Clothes Hm,, S1 Flour ni Fred, Torn, Cai;, j-j f QfEE.NsiWARE. Wm'!nw n y 'J Mcve Poll h. Nuts Ht1Bff,T1!J,e..'.t,, ' ihit.g Ie in tl.e Uu rrr, and eveitihir - f L fc ,.flirm th I. i ;asn uf r;0UDlrv Produce. U, H. H ... ... .. ... ..- .M.r5l jrtt,. (r (MIA'S R0LAT Lewisburar. May 7. IS Watches, Jewelry ad Si.'.-r rJr, No. C22 Market 8t. r,IiI!,.Al v.j.ml4 , THE cnder.ivr.A - BiaiJX5:fnih.n 10 hts eit Mock ot frV.e i(ild snrf Silver WATfnc. II Fine (iold JEWELRY, of ever varni.T-ll Ml styles Ciinipri-ing all of the 1 1 Br beautiful d"'gni. 1 1 Ml Coin and the best make of irrr fimJ nure r.acn article i warranltd to bt rrnrnpntffl. If-waiciifj ant Jewelry care'aHv J f V. pinrca ana saiisiaction pnaranteeri. JACKB HARI.ET. ( VuerMjrr to Stuuffrr 4 Huin .1 FpKrnarv 97 lC5 '71 FAMILY OSCGEEVT r'HE 'jndersignej has opened a New FAMILY CBOfERI STOKE 1 th' rooms recently occupied by W. M. Vf fear the old H.iyes sund. Market MreM.l isr.urj. hr- he i always rreparei 4 furnish the public with the best of ; CoflVr. Ten. S-tiar. Spirri. XMi CiititficH, I'ruiot, I'iiali. flour j &. I'--d. . It-r, t., 4.c, together with all o'her articles BaualV ttp in snch an esihlihment ai the towen pticai 'Ja'l and (ire him a trial. Drake's Plantation boters fr r a Jan.30.-63. N ATH A.N MITCH E1.L,A, S W1 EST BRANCH Insurance r-,p, of l.orii Hurra, r. Insures Propeny in t. ih T-.mn anrt Cnun try rn is reasuuab,e Terms a Ly tiei 5. cd C mpany. 1 fce larse increas- of rrerrintr N.j!s make it a reliable Company to insure (n. Amount r Prrnt.nai Mi te-. r, in fcrrr. i.sO.0W. J.IV.C4iins,Jf( t;.'.'.fi'.-.T. Pr'i t.M.fyO.V Pilots. A -at, DeslS. JP5I l.ewi.bor, LLM Mill'.'. flHE subscribers faaveforsaie p J (m lots 10 sun purchasers; vim: injAkijsvzjx "flK'rr Piank. &r. A n 5.0H i'ii- A.i:Ll li'i inch S'.i.hs.es nj,frn-r qnalitf. a Ico Mm r- T.ry.Kr ... t'i. .Idm.a . .w . van 1 r ...1 l,..!,. . W Which ar" .iJierfM low f . r rah. a mr lli.li f on South Branch of tne Wh't Deer t'ret ;a S . 1 HsrtiVy tfu n.h'p nr iteverpif en trt E-aj'a L VaMer Aarnw n ad at ihe eml ii" ur itowt tiTA Ihpivnx f.r sprrior saiLPtit 1 P!ank. n.f a i'rtn:iiiin far Kails an : -c;- Jt 'fv.were awarded ns ?t ihe lt T'uirr To A SI i r"a,r- JtHN M'Cil.L A M"i. ;J oresl P O. Inii.n Co. Pi i riev Man!---r:e'.v Coeds'. OSEI'II L.IiAV."N I.dvinirfaien'it rooms under the I'riecra. h and Chn.ie:e I oirires.erriiied tbm.and riliea in an cxtea;ivf variety of j Hits, Ge7itlrmeu't Cli 'liig,Sr. j Also a lars a splendid stork of t.'l TKJ I CAS.I;RKS,Ac, which he will mitjvatl j order, a he Mil! c niinnes the Tailorii Fs ness. He is prep.irej lo eieru'e aii ;"t entrusie.l ,, hiscare.lo the satislaction of ki customer. X. B. Cutting and Repainnp. dual order. Lewishur?, . p.-i! 10,1861 sow.,,, MASOfsJ 5u CO. s..miis P-MiRAVLl j and STAT10XFFS. IJ SOT Che-tnut Sr. Vhl.iSelphia. V a..WV4tin( arilr 1 the n-.f.t tT Vs. r;.f:jr anS Uu.invM Caru.. er.y;r)t,4 ami printe r f ttf .hortrmt noli.. A r rill a.rtmt'nt tf lis; t.r,nrr alw.on haoit. I tottaia in :nlor. im ri-r .ar'afyar Emto-io.r. arlj.tially exut.J. Art 1. Viym ai4 KnTflnf. mad. tior.lr Jim. "20. rPlIE sahstrilier enn L linues to carry on the i.i cry icusineHM i r y. iwaj the Old tsiand on yi.nihlvTaiiiiiiiiB " Third street, near Martet, and respecifuik" solicits the pairooaee ot his friends an t t public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, .May 33, IH'iO HYHEWOLOGY! ACl'RIOl'S and enteriainng lillle Boel (all aboui Matrimony. Money, and eta er matters,) for ihe amusement of every bedy, (ano the y. rng folks, also.) on long wnnr evening-, rainy days, etc. Price, 21) cests. V holesaie, 15 Cents. Sent by mail lor sere 3 cent stamps. For sale at the-'.Vwr frois i"ce" ofiice. WORDENA CORNElh5, Put.ii.h.rs, tral.tan.Pl Atfertinn. WnstrlflM.' J Urse asjortmeni ??raVv'. - Violins. Ouitars. Ac. rf sll j rr.J'-rr' h;nl vntia lunar. and Banjo Strings, Brinies. Pees, Ac. acdth best Violin Rosin call at the Pont Office and examine. i W FORREST s-sr'p I C - IM 1 Q-a " Wall jump tnto tb Wagon, and all take m hJ LARGE, handsome i S and very comforta , ble W.iGO." has been. fined up for the especial accommodat'cn Pic-N ic and oiher similar excursions. Tena moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOl'SEU Lewisburg. June 3, 1859. " ri)iOi) Com,'"; ?;r & Icd'liqlrg b.r;:& jy ixiryrit. r t j mil r joins i tssori y rlss at Uatsbarg, lalaa foitat). Tf RMSH Se prr jni, tu st uro im rTj-a- at the sam. r.l. lar a lt.D,(iTDr.lirter parted. Tfc?J ? ata atli par ,r f. ut v.t n.hs, 7a ru trr is at' rra 1 Inrrirbt mt-atlia, fur Kilter Ittofll,..; l S ' Jra. $6 f-r lutir r.fen ont year, itv lor on ttfi,ria fear. e. Stn.l. No.'a i els. Pa atent atai. Is-r, l,ni in atd. o.!a. alMDpa. or fcai.h it:' I yaiti. b.rr. Mrwl MrU ot fredur. rri" in r1". t a.iak-a IS. ,. .M.h . T..E.T a."" lal( va tt... a tuaait f arrauat. tt i. M mm Aarrl'iaiMEasa taua-aa.!. publish"!- al .M aqanr. week. li cla aarh altrr laat-roi a. .1 amnths. ft 4trl. p.r year. Half a eqnar. ss " d I, 3.1.1. Tao.qoam 1 .Ml. 4 1,0 8 00. X'" u '.,f a. t wr oaa foarlh cl a rohima, IPao! r"' - ... attra. Ae. aa mry M araMl upr.n A ejar. aatall.Kt tvpe, er 16 ol arstlarcrr. l,"'r'"";,,i armora'iiii'.illwl.orri,ii. t-B.h-nrr al rla umnaicltions ltisl tn n-piraai .- ..a. -..mraMprf hr Ikewtter'a "al ,k'. ,V WAiiSKTiPTKi.H'aarH t- itt .,",ua Mar d-(eoi.a..t. wl.irti c.o iafrl tatr-' aal ar-opiraniprf hr tl- Th. nf Ih N- in atlraaee ef the l hlla "ana. rea.rt-rt a t.h tb. 1 -a are ample . . SIMs ol JCB PB'KTIKO. ar.tn aa.l ,s.p.t. rrmm-nn! "ja a.ra.nal arfaela.B.a " "" ' rJ,.a .-r . ren n.er-t. ' 'ZL J7t-f )aa Lit W ef Ja J Be ( r foi OH 'I DC tb ' m if. I tr 4 'it! tt D b tt t P r f EX all