Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, February 12, 1864, Image 1

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    11 WIT I SM
iifiWK msmi
At ttAO per Tear, alwayi In Advance.
m.ur liurnin? Ik VridaV AflernOOB.
i uc3
Abuaii am Lincoln
Wirwi of IiCff'tiru. Xmdtv
next. Ote or two ciut' tT atar i,nroo
ielt eipire with Court Week. Renew, if
jeu think best. Fair notice.
'Mt. Heckendorn vie in
No. 13
Hospital, Vs., the first of January, and
did not say, in hie last epistle, when "Cas
tle Thunder" ie eipeeted to be opened.
We bope be will get good "typee" of all
the Rebe end Uoion men he sees.
Raturn of the Veteran! of the 51st.
On Wednesday morning laet, the regu
lated men of the 51t I'.V. who original
ly eulisted from thie vieiuity, reached our
town. The Town Couucil having been
notified t,f their coming, made an appro
priation to defray tha ext.cuse incurred in
giving them a suitable reception ; and to
carry out their designs, C. W. Schaffie
and James Murty were appointed to have
breakfast prepared, deciding in favor
of tie Kivicre House, alter calling upon
the differeut landlords, as tbe place best
adapted for the repast. Messrs. A. M.
Lawshe and C. C Shorkley wore appoin
ted marshals for the occasion
.i i-er . 1 t.
At day-break, tlieaiueremcnurcuoe... A(Juiij9tra,ionr Tb( l0 m meQ jn
were set in motion and steam whistles j AllegheBT w00 ,oled fur Woudw.rd, sup
prung, which woke np all the inhabitants . pofl bU Qne ptMirtui ,be 9,m9 cU
within ear-shot, many of whom, not hav- mhQ j.- u00 ,0(cg for w00jwlr1 in
ing been previously informed of the cause p.j. . 6U.)purt but one p tper!
ox an ine uid, ruaueu uui u men uuurw
in purely niorniug attire, eagerly iu,4ui-
i . i- i i ..c i,.,....,..,
ring whereabouts the hre was. At t
o'clock, a proctfsion of citizens proceeded
to tbe depot, to escort the " boys" to towu.
There the pnce!iu was rc-fortued, being
increased and honored by the brave vete
rans, and, headed by the Lewisburg Baud,
returned, moving under w aving flags and
between crowded pavements up to Cham
berlin's corner and back to the Uiviere
House. Here they were welcomed by a
seat speech by C. C. Shorklry, after which
they stacked arms and reported at the
breakfast table, where they appeared to
anjoy themselves very well, together with
the new recruits of their corps.
The veterans are well clad, look hardy
and feel first-rate. The following are the
names of the re-eu listed men as near aa
eould be ascertained without the rolls :
Taro. S. Chkist, Surgeon, 9th A. C.
Compify E, " SUtiucr Ouardt."
tiso. Hassenpi.io, Captain.
W'ni. K. Foster, Lieutenant
Martin L. ir'ch'oeh, "
Tbos. D. Heed, Sergeant
O. C. (Jute'.ius, "
V. R. Frv, "
Jas. L. HeeboM, "
Jno. W. Weii uian, "
lvi II. Animon, Corporal
E G. Maire,
Frank S. Schaflle, Musician.
Jobn Rhobach Jos. Wolfin-rfT
J. W. Kheckler John F. Rule
Adam Glate Iwe Gr. M'Ghee
Samuel M'Gregor Isaac I)oll.y
Martin G. Heed
Jleuiy I, rox
John Leonard
Andrew West
Georire Diehl
John II. Zortman
letrick Becktnan
Geo. W. Carey
Frederick Irwin
Henry J. Lingaman
Frederick Smith
William Lepley
F. S. Mauck
James Cornelius
C. Edelman
1. Struble
Barton Kennedy
Jacob ililler
Thos. H. CUpham
Geo. M. Auraad
David H. Beers
Jacob Frederick
Company II, " Lin Rifle."
J. Merbill Linn, Captain.
W. F. Campbell, Lieutenant
George Breon, Sergeant
Harrison Hatise, "
David C. Brewer,
Hugh M Clure,
, Jacob H. Santo,
Daniel Wetzel, Corporal
Alfred Durst, "
Jacob Moore, Musician
Abram Thillipa John Erdlcy
Jobn Corle Jacob Phelgar
Jobn Fike R- Baker
Peter 8inith John 11. Smith
Andrew Henry David Bobst
Wm. A. Miller Thoa. P. Marr
Daniel Boon Wm. J. Latimer
John Hertx
CbmQy A, " Watts Guardt."
Gio.fT Carman, Captain.
J. F. Beale, Lieutenant
F. B, Sterner, Sergeant
Lem. CrosBgrove, "
W. D. Ritter, Musician
M. S. Adams, "
J. Shingle John K. nuber
John Widel Theo. Moser
Iiewis Ailtey Thos. F. Pieree
Josiah Henry Fred. Shweep
David S. lleiehloy John Sutton
N. M. Hann Jacob Troxel
Robert Werti Francis Troxel
W. F. Dean Henry Vogel
Jacob Hawk
The following are the names of men
recently recruited here for the 9th A.
C. by Lieut. Beale, and taken to Harria
bnrg Wednesday night :
Absalom Baldwin Georire Dnll
John Reese
Jere. Lndwig
Richard Lewis
l m. Search
John Balliet
John "fV'inegarcIen
w C. Critea
Alfred Koons
Oliver Summers
rranr lientlev
Wm. Crutg
James Barnhart
M m. D. Bower
John Betxer
James Putican
-Io oor piD-r of 5th ioit.. was a
' t ...... r.t ,.r ...... li.vi-.- n..r,
) - .. ... .w ........ . , .. v. . .....
! county, end of the quota from tbe whole;
i number coder the S00 000 call onlr, to,
bieb is to be added the quote for the
r tr 11 ai m i . . s
WV"V Mil IT 6 Dittffl NflDl. 10.
adds juat twi thrd, to the nuoias there
gieu. two thirds ot VaZ is I'JS wdici
gives 320 for Union eounty. Two-thirds
of 48 is 32 which gives 80 for Lewisbur,
io. Lewisburg, according to her enroll
ment, is called upon for a fourth of tbe
whole amount.
VCarrigau, who so at used tbe Uoion
officers at tbe Lewisburg Woodward meet
in(f, but htd nothing against tbe Rebels,
was oeoe Register of Wills in Philadel
phia, where be was a drfa utter to the tune
of $6,440. II is sureties have a ea. si. ant
sgaiust bim a writ which empowers the
Sheriff, if the cab is not to be bad, to
stow the eloquent but oorrupt Carrigan
away bodily. "Serves bim right."
A Singular Thing A paper before
us claims to be "ibe only Democratic
paper io Allegheny eountj." One in
Philadelphia claims to be "the only Detn
ocratio organ" there. Ie not this a
triumphant proof, that in those large
counties the great mass of the reading
nuil LutitirMM men are friendlv to tha
1 -
.... -
tbe o uUO Woodward men in Nuribuea-
Leriaud eouuty support one paper and tbe
2.G0O Curtiu men support loar paieri.
It is tliu., bit over tbe land; (he mutt
intelligent, living, thriticg people sustain
the Aduiiuieinliou, while Copperbeadism
thrives on iguorauc aud in duik corners
We tee it ststed that there are now
leu than fijty yipert living io Rebeldom.
Hairisburg Correspondence.
Monday, t'eti. 8.
To-day tho 45ih P. V., Col. Curtio
' (with whom is Dr. Jae P. Gregg) came
unonC.Ditol llill. stacked arms in front,
of the Arsenal, thus parting with tried I
friends of upwards of 2 Tears. .and were I
diiuiisbed to their sceeral homes Center,
Tioga, aud Lancaster counties, prioeipally.
Jjefore dismissal, ihey drilled to the lap
of liie drum performing 30 or 40 suc
cessive evuluiioua without a word of cooj
maud, all elook-like, simply as timed by
tbe Adjutant. They numbered 4-0 men
a very large number of veteraus,
apparently all Hardy, end leady fur
another term of eereios if needs be.
Their Surgeon is Dr. Tbeo. S. Cbiitt, to j
whose fatherly otre and strict disciplmc ;
many ef tut-in aciibcd niuoh of their1
beal.b, (firub.bly not without reason, lor
e. , r . e i -
from what it was when tbey came out of
tbe din and smoke aod waste of Eist
Tttincsiee. Iudeed, the disguise was so
complete that Duo. Christ met bis own
men now aud then on the street! here
and hardly knew them especially, we
suppose, those who bad kept tiff tha tiek
Some of tbt 45th bad beard oo newt
for weskt ar months, aod when they beard
of tha detention of bntintst beesusa tha
Cops wanted to take advantage of tha
absenoe of Maj. White, some of them
"cussed" a little, and taid tbey aonld
"orgauiie" tba Senate with good
stomaoh if it wat thought best.
The house passed ibe bill altering the
time of citation in Bra.ly Twp, Union
eounty, but tbe Cope will not allow it to
put the Senate in lime to be a law, even
if tbe polity ofc having elettiont in tbe
tame county on different days were
deemed wise.
Tbe Methodist obarehts btve been
enjoying interesting evening meetings for
s time also the Wioebrennariana and
Freewill Raptists, tbe last of whom bap
tized 17 converts, laet evening, in tbt
pool of tbe Baptist bouse.
The Sheriff fast ordered the liquor
bouses lo tell nothing that intoxicates,
and the order bat done tome good,
although thert it plenty of drinking,
robbing, gambling, etill to be found
in tbe eity.
Tuesday, Feb. 9.
Tbe 51st P. V. reached Harritburg
lstt eveoing, and one baualioo of it (the
five Norristown Companies have gone on
home. Our three Union eounty compan
ies, with one from Center aod ene from
EmIom remain lo go np to-morrow. Tbe
Regiment returned, I wet told, numbered
nesrly 370 men, only a few (decliuiog to
re-en list) remainiog behind. Tbe Union
county men I met looked very strong and
a tnougmiul, laimiut man in that poaitiou R ., , . , tin i i
a ' r eoiiuue itself tu local vtllt, ana to tmn
can be very useful lo the b s ia mure nteeukry State le.jUlanoa, at hat no parti
ways than one,) and tbey seemed giateful tin. character."
for it. Tbe fiag of the 45:b (formerly Mr. Lsmberton (Cop.) objected
Col. Welcli'r) bas half a donu fiilds refused tod this perfectly reasonable
embiazuned on its stripes, and is in toler- j effur was lost by tbe usual straight party
able good repair, but tbe loose end it ; fote. Well, "it's none of our funeral."
mostly frayed out, by balls sod by storms. jBe Election will come, end those Sena
Tbey were fitted with new clothing, aud j tors are only waiting the money, lime,
rented some days at Cincinnati so that I ,0i pujeooe of the people, and driving
tbeir appearance was materially altered j n, i their own political eoffint.
.cheerful. (I was torrv to bear, for Ibe
first use, ibai II. G. Denver wee lake"
prisoner, soma weeks siuce.) They
i amnned. for ft days, io Cineioneti, to
, , , -
reoroit, and bid been refitted and
clothed, throughout.
Ooeof ourOlWs
I told me ihtt "the boys," while
m Hits.
IV ...., Ik1 lummti fa raw Itiiiffft1
, JWwm", " -i
j very day tbey re-enliatea, tney naa, as
i .. . i
rations, one fur vj vwrm y r...,
dJilion to what some of them "foraged"
way from tbe mules. Coming over the
mountains, homeward, they wore eat eaeh
a pair f shoes. Iudeed, tbey looked
worse than the Rebel, er the Arabs, and
wbvo they bad donned tbeir new oatfi'.s
one Surgeon declared he hardly knew
some ef tbe very men he bad scolded, and
doeiored, sod physioked. They are in
good spirits, and we hope may ,have a
happy visit homo, and exert good
iuflueoca there.
Tbe 93d P. V., shiofly from Labanon
eounty, oame in la-day, to tbe number of
about 400, having re-enlisted. Tbey are
frem tbe Army of tbe Potomae, and not
having retemly had as much powder, ball,
mud and short rations, at the Ar.ny of
tbe Cumberland, they were not re-olott sd,
and looked somewhat more rusty than eur
Western msn. Tbeir flig ie iuaoribed
with the namea of many honored battle,
News from Indiana eouaty place Dr.
Thomas St. Clair on tbe Administration
tioket for Senator. He is a self made,
earnest, outspoken man, and seems Io
have the coutiianco of the psople. Those
who want bim to sueoeed Harry White,
, nJ who kuow of any voters in Arnibiroug
I or lodiaoa counties, should urge them to
rally lor St. Clair, and ensure his election
by a sweeping, telling majority. Tbe
Cop. leaders are puttiog their beads
together to see what it best U do about
it. A short time siooe, when tbey
believed White had not resigned, and
that tbe Rebels would not permit bis
resignation to be forwarded, they deman
ded a new election, and reproached our
party fur not having one. Now, tbey
declare tbe resignation (which is uudoubt-
edly gcouioe) "forgery," end tbe
'" "illegal, aituougn in every
P'e'' i conformity to law. Tbas
do ,heJ "k t0 le,1 nd delttd
Thursday, Feb. 11.
Ia the Senate, Ibis morning, with tbe
hope if some progress io the neeesaary
business of Ibe body, Ibe following fair
proposition was offered by Mr. Turrell
(ttep ) :
"Whereas, in the present equslly
divided condition of ibis body, it seems
impossible to elect a new 8pekfr, or to
take action upon striul party questions,
"Resolved, that until the return of tbe
;' '' oen.ior ,n .no nrm.-roug ,
c.ection lor oeuaior in toe
. I
,UU lUUl.lia WiaIIU, IUO UPUIIB Will
Col. Richard Coulter, with bit old
Westmoreland Utb P. V., having re
enlisted, came into tbe City to day. They
number about 230, and are hardy-
looking Regiment of brevet, who have
ttood many bard thookt. Tbeir Colonel,
I believe ia a son of tbe late Judge
Mr. Orwig (from Ind. Gen. Com.) baa
reported in House, (aod Air. Johnson bat
offered ia Senate) Ibe bill proposing
Amendment! lo the Constitution.
Mr. Kelly, of Washington eounty,
to-day raised quite a sensation by propos
ing that only loyal men theuld be paid
damaget for Rebel raids. He it taid to
be but 23 yean of agt, aod having
served at Piltaburg Landing and else
where, on hard-fought fields, ie ttrnest in
tbe work. He is Uoion hub, formerly
a Demoerat ; bia tpetth waa etrong, and
was ably supported by Priet of Delaware.
Tbe Democrats took it at a hit at them,
and Sharps of Franklin and Pnrdy ef
Northumberland defended their loyalty.
The question wat ptttpontd for one day.
Mr. Ktlly tayt be bad no party feeling in
offering tha resolution ; that tha Demoerate
appropriated it all to themselves, wat Iheir
own tpeeulation. It it "bomb-tbtll in
Ibe camp, which made tbe inaket squirm."
Witeoosin bss done nobly for the wsr.
Up to Ibe first dsy of Novsmber last, the
had plaeed in tbe field 34 regiments of
infantry 3 regiments ef eavalry, 12 bat
teriet of light artillery, 2 batieriet of
heavy artillery, and 1 company ef tharp
shooters. Of Ibis number, nearly half
have been lost to the eerviee by death,
discharge aod desertion. Indiana bas
just tent 5,000 recruits lo tbe front
Bishop Ames, who ie re-organiiinj the
Methodist eburebet at tbe Suotb, bat
gone from Nashville lo Cbsltsoooga.
The Waa Department authorises legal
liaptist preaeben to oeenpj deserted
uwo.py c:.s
ennren wnerevtr ,
Besting nooses or toeir onurou wnercvsr ,
Uej find tUn io Sececttioodsm. j
iT.QAflf PTaTT
MClvVMb nVM V wf 3
l . - i.v.iv a lk. .
' . . M .
(Mi tA frtn(1.,,. f,.. n s-r.
urdav auoroini General Hurler's fore'is.
under comioaud of Hrtsadier Oenerai
Wistar, marohed from Yorktowa by the
way of New Kent Court House. Tor
cavalry arrived at 2 o'clock yesterday
morning at Bottom's Bridge, across tbe
Cliiokahoiuioy, ten miles from Richmond,
and endeavoring by a surprise to liberate
oor prisoners Iherr.
The cavalry reaebel the bridge at the
time appointed, niarehing forty-seven
miles in sixteen and a half hoy re. A
force of infaotry followed in their rear, l r
tbe purpose of supporting them. It wit
expected to surprise the enemy at Bo
tout's Bridge, who had for some time ea y
a small picket there. The surprise failee
because, ss tbe Riobnioad Ezaminer of
to day says, "a Yankee deserter gave in
formation ia Richmond of Ibe intended
movement." Tbe enemy bad felled s
large amount of timber, so st to bluek up
and obstruct the fords, and make it impos
sible for our cavalry to pass.
After remaining at the bridge frem two
o'clork nutil twelve, General Wistar join
ed them with bis infaotry, and the whole
o! j-ot of tba surprise baiiuubeea defeated,
General Wistar returned to Williamsburg.
Oo bis march back to New Kent Court
House, his rear wat attaektd by tbe enemy,
bnl tbey were repulsed without loss to ui.
A niareb by our infantry, three regiments
of whom were oolored, of more than eighty
miles, wat made io fifty-six hours. The
eavalry marched over one huadred miles
in fifty hours. This shows that it is pos
sible to make a eaupaign iu Virgiuia in
Tbe Montgomery (Ala.) Daily Mail
has Ibe following sigoifL-aot announce
ment : K-itnore of an evacuation of Rich
mond are gaining credit. There is a
movement oo foot which will oreate more
consternation at Richmond, than anything
tbat bas occurred during the war.
List of Vendues
AdTsAiMd bj bills at tbij ofile or in tb M Chrottiel.'
rrb.li-Rral Estate of am. Marr Huhtra,lewlsli'x
Feb. 2v-Keal ku!c, sheai hBiceimytT, Haiiirloa
March l-Pcrwmsi rroperly.r.Ui-rskaa Jert.H.Urer
lisrca t Pernoaal Property, UMairl Klshcl.Uultaloe
Hurra s-rrrsaaal Properly, J. By irr.Sr, CBa'atoe
March l-troel Property, Waits Lcirr. kclly.
March 10-rers-inal Properly, tire, nailer, Bulfaloe
M trrh 1'i-PrnonatProperij.W.s.etrkani.C Ball lloe
March 13 Personal PrapeMy,T.ll.i'racllus,Biiiialoe
Marefe la-PeRwaal Property. John tlhr. huilaloe
March i;-PtTMiaal Property ol U.Hooilrr. BulTiilur
M.irrl! -Personal Property J. PHct;iir, K.Huffiloe
March i-i-Pcrsaaal Praprrty, M. M. Cera, Bullaloe
VBNOUB NOTKS rr Ml. at th. la Star A Cbrontel.offle.
ILtxsifibtUQ fUavfctt.
Corrected Weekly
IVhA.ft 1 A S 25
i 20 Tallow 10
WIU W'a Mtoavsa ea wom j
Oats, pr 32 lb, 80
,i i q i..i
uiuci o.u o,
Wool TO
Flaxseed 2.25
Dried Apples 61b
Firkiuliutter IS
Potatoes 50
Shoulder I
Fresh Butter... 30 Ribs & Sides
IkSfin T 'a III - II HUImii a
Hags 4, o, and D Mam..
Mtoll.OO Country Soap 4 & 6
.. , . 1 u ll
la SHIdLtown. Oranz. Co.. N .Y.. ra tbe Sh insl.. by
Pr ThociM W.Lhilirk. TIHISISSO ottH In. f!.t.
l.t IVno'. Arttlt.ry. .nil Minn MAKY K SI HP. i W ay
bill Srwl.iny, Mililtu.n. Oiipt.o. h.. adopt dve 7
a unibl. ror.Bioi. lur apDiliutf bi. 30 iltT rirlouc ,
and fnr tba kiul remrmbraor. of tba printers, bj tiuu
Long may they Sipp the d.wa
Ot Hymen, .weatct elor.r.
And lira, and lova aod thriva,
MWhoo Ifcia erual aar ia oser."
STATE vt EN'Tof the Lew iNburo; Bunk
as required by Ihe second section of the
Act ef General Assembly of this Common
wealth, approved the 13th Oct. A.D. 1SS7.
.Specie In Rank and Spscw CeruSmtea $ l.ns IS
Da. I. liana 13.SU7 SO
Jick and Nates ofotber B'nka and Or'ab'ks .'l.i l s
Depa.it !a U. S. Mint
Unitt-d State S.3U Honda
Hannayltania pea east. War Lou
Bills dueouatad
rtrevUtlon y
Dim other Banket
Dim rommonae)ltll
Dim DepOaUtora
lO'l.UOO H
6;).IM0 141
3n.lotl 00
2,3, 1' '4
411,311) 17
194.S13 00
10.717 34
103.347 112
'tl ' i
Person all)- appeared before., me, Andrew
Kennedy, H. P., David Reber. Cashier of the
above named Bank, who being duly sworn
according to law says the above is correct to
the best of bis knowledge. Feb. 3, 1864.
-Manufacturer of A. 8. Brown's Celebrated
yiTOULD call Ihe attention of every
V V citizen lo his machine, being the
Only perfect Washing Machine yet
brought before the public.
Its durability, simplicity, ease of working.
saving of clothes, and quickness of washing
recommend it io everyone; and it is war
ranted to excel all other machines.
Also, Sole Agent, for Lewisburg, Milton,
and Northumberland, for R. C. Browning s
Universal Clothes Wringer,
with patent Cog Wheel Regulator, which is
Ihe best, most durable, and only reliable
ringer yet introduced.
Lewisburg, Feb 12, '64.
$20a B0UNTV.
The Citizens of KELLY TOWNSHIP,
Union Ce.hereby give notice Ihntthfy will pay
Two Hundred Dollars Bounty t
to every recruit who will accredit himself lo
that Township until the quota is filled. This,
with the (iovernment Bounty, will make
$600 for Veterans and ig.ViOfor New Recruits.
Apply to Lieut. J T BEALE, Recruiting
Agent, Lewisburg. or JAMES LAWtJON,
Esq. Kelly township
Feb , 1864
THE undersigned offers bis services ss
Vendue Crier, to those who may
Btt, ihem in(J oltnVr ,4r, , ,. of
lha.r mi,.,.,, nrnnriR tinrrt.
,,, p,imBa;e. OPORGE MOTE.
White Peer Tp, Feb It, 'et
FEB. 12, 1861
I 08T Between the res dVnee of Samnel
j and li'hn A. Mai, o i Market or fifth
stret. a i;lEAT Pl.N, c niriairn a mioiat
iur- liken -s of Capt. Join A. Maos.I"he
fiat'er win p.ta a n.q'i.re at his olfice H
IROM B.ontl in li)r)!H Kit., or Boat-Tim-
hers, delivered through tne siiiiimer, to
Win. Moure, on the bank ul the river at llie
in.iuih of Uotialne Creek. Timbers to be
mrte If'i Umg and four inches thiok. Per
sons wishm? to lorni-h timbers can get
patterns at Dyeis' va;iin shop, Lewisburg.
Price of limbers 65 els., detivred ai aboee
Feb 4, !8Ct W W FKIt'K & CO.
"OTICE is hereby firua that a meetin;
' siockholders and an election of offi
cers of the Lrwi-bors Ic Millliiiburg l'urn-
pike Company, will be held at the house of
tiiflriin Uiehl in bast rJolfaloe lewnnn p, on
Monday the 71b. day of March, l6t. at 10
o'clock A M. O F MILLCK, President .
J F LI.NX. Treas'r At Clerk Feb S 61
JOTICE is hereby eiven to the Stockhol
ders oi tne rjciieionte, Aap n.ourg v
Younginaiistown Turnpike Rat Cu, that an
Election will be held a: the House of Henry
B MusMnr in ihe town of Aaronsbuig oo
Tuesday ihe eighth day of March next, lo
e led 'live Directors to manase the concerns
of the Co. for the ensmn; year.
Spnnj Mills, Feb :. 1864
vexdue ciiyi:k.
rtHE Subscriber is prepared to attend to
I all calls in ( ryluc SalCa, on reason-
auie Terms, aud wanauis saii.-laciion. Kes-
idence three miles nonh of Bnllaloe X Roads
near Union Church.
Estate of Frederick Dershim, tloc'd.
ifllEKEAS, Letters I esumcniary opon
V the estate of Frederick Dershain.dec'd.
have been grained to the subscribers, in due
form of law, notice is hereby given H all per
sons knowing themselves to be indebted to
said estate, to make immediate payment;
and those having claims ajainst the saoai,
will present them duly authenticated for set
tlement, to PETER tiUVEK. of Kelly town
ship, where all papers and acconnis ure lett.
PETER GI'VEK, ) Admistrators of F
NANCY UF.RSHAM. J Ueraham, dee'd.
Feb S. lHfit
A GENERAL meeting of the members of
the Union County Agricultural Society
wm be held at the cflice of J A Menz. in
Lewisburg, on Tuesday tbe loih dav of Feb
ruary, between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock,
P M, for the purpose of electinj officers foi
ihe enu.:'2 vear. 1 A MEIiTZ, Sec'y
Feb 1. 13l4
$150 Eounty from Lewisburg Boro' !!
GEN. BURNSlOB hasauth- ,r'
t.nty to recruit Ihe 9ih -.!-f-n
Army Corps to 60.000 f if ina " ill
anoiher espedition, which, it is uuori.uuu.
will be by sea. Here will be a glorious
opportunity lor those who love adventure to
W araiily their desire and serve iheir country
ai Ibe same tune I ne Companies ot trap's.
'um' Havsenpla? and Carmaa will be bere
hitu will Kb orr.trilfil fi.r .nliiin. iimlpr
r : .. .
i experienced otiicers and in tcteran Cumpa-
! mm.
A committee of citizens of Ihe Brrough of
Lewisburs, has authorized me to offer
8150 liOUNTYI
to those wh will credit themselves to Ibis
Boroush. So th)) Bounties will be $100 l
9 Bounty and l-"0 Local Bounty making
$-.50 FOR VETERAN:" !
$30U L S Uouuty and 150 Local Bouity,
An additunal draft of iUO.OoO A'i Ace.i
ordtrcd, and the quota nf euch Tmenship and
Hiir mh mint lie raiud orrnrrfinzlu. and the
only honorable way of avmdin' the Ju l
now wnh ihe premium offered to ruunj mm,
is to CO .V TO THE SERVICE.' tThe
lonrrslorary Is) breaking ctovn.
and llc War lll houii lie over!
1 have hern detailed by lien. Burnsideasa
Heeruitiw; Vjfifr fir the 94 Armt Corps at
Lcwuburtr, and have opened an otlice in the
rear ol Esq. Menz' office, cn Market St near
the Bank, where I will be glad to give any
information desired.
Meat. J. RE ALR,
Recrnitinj Othcer lor the Hth Army Corps.
Lewisburg, Feb S, I8bl
Ninth Army Corps.
AUTHORITY having been given to the
undersigned to recruit Ihe Ninth Army
Coips to fifty thousand men for special ser
vice, to be hereafter designated by the W ar
Department, he earnestly appeals lo the
nr P.nncvlnjni, .-, in fillinir
np the following veteran regiments oi this
Corps, belonging to their State :
The 45tb, 4Sin, 50lh, Slst and 100th, also
Durcll's Battery.
He calls upon all having ths good of the
country and the triumph of bur arms at
heart, lo ue every effort to help on Ibis work
by voting large bounties from the respective
towns and counties, by procuring recruits,
assisting recruiting officers and by such
other means as an ardent patriotism may
suggest. In no place can volunteers be so
useful to Ihe cause and so soon become good
sold.ers as in the ranks of veteran organiza
tions under experienced officers. The under
signed has every hope that the loyal people
of Pennsylvania will send those regiments
back lo the field with full ranks lo bear a
proud part in ihe closing scenes of this
glorious war.
Captain John A. Morris, A Q M, is appoint
ed Chief of the Recruiting Service of ihe
Ninth Army Corps for Pennsylvania, wi;h
headquarters al Harrisbnrg. All communi
cations relative to that service will be ad
dressed lo him. Recruiting stations have
been established in thr various sections of
the State. Recruits will be received by any
of the recruiting officers of the Ninth Array
Corps, or by any Provost Marshal.
1033w3 A. E. BI RXSIDE,
Maj Gen U S Vols
Adjourned Audit
I TN the orphans Court lor tne connty ot
I union estate oi svilliiw isTa, late
ot Hartley township in said eounty, dee'd.
The Auditor appointed by the Court In make
distribution of the balance in ihe hands of
Samuel C.Tate and Robert Foster, Adminis
trators ol the estate of said decedenl,will meet
all parties interested for the purpose of his
appointment on Friday, the I2ih day of Feb
ruary. 1864, at 10 o'clock. A M, at his Office
in Lewiaburg. JOHN B. 1.1 W. Auditor
LSI" received I..OO Yard Weal Pa
triae DeLaiaes), " Ends trom one
t.. ten yards, lot sale at from 10 ecu's per
1 ,3'd.r.v KUfiMEK, LOINU IU
I aaa. is, ltst. . '
'THE UNION," KtiMisLed in 1814WIwle Kau
'CHRONICLE," esiablished io 1843Wiole No, 1,051.
IfriF.I. he ottered at 1'inlie s.ile.at the
M Public H qie . f Win Wo.fe, iu the
Borough of HAKn.EToN, oa
Saturday, FIj. HO, lCi.
at I o'clock. P M,
1000 Arret,
or the sane Tract in FI 11 Y ACEE OT.S.
to suit purchasers.
The Trioi is 'hree miles west of Hartletcn.
near Ihe Turnpike, a j"ining lands of D.
Hayes' heirs ti the north, Harman rn
the east, and S Hartman aud (i hiieckner oo
Ihe soulh, Al,
10C0 Acre
on the same day. adjoining the above Tract,
whereon are erected a
and SHINGLE MILL, cross-cut and circular
Possession given nn Ihe day of Sale, and
Terms made known by
Hartleton, Feb. I. ISCI.
House and Lot for Sale.
r The House and Lot on Fifth Si. half
JtiaJ.a square from Market, owned by Mrs'
Na.icy Wallace, and now oernpied by Mr.
John Kurd is offered for sale. Terms to suit
the purchaser. Inquire of A. H DILL
Lewisburg. Feb 5. IH94
rrtHE srbscriber offers for sale Ihe follnw
J in; valuable Town Property, situated in
ine IloroDgh of Lewisburg, as follows :
tine large double two-stoiey liame House
and Lot, suitable for two families, on St.
John's street, one square nonh of Market u,
and two very desirable Building Lots, 52 by
157 feet, adjoining.
Three do , same size.cn St. Mary's street.
Also, one large double two-storey frame
House and Lot, suitable for tvro.fainilies, on
Fourth sireei. North of Market.
If not soiu at privaie sile. the above
property will be ctfered at rcbl.c sa'e.on the
15. h of February neat. Terms easy, to suit
purchasers. a
That desirable Residence and Business
S'and on Market street, between Third and
Fourth streets, now occupied by the subscri
ber, is also offered.
Fur farther particulars aoo'y lo
A DESIRABLE Building Lot, situated in
pleasant pan of Lewisburg. Terms
to suit the purchaser. For further informa
tion inquire of I '- C. D. BREWER.
and all Ihe 'fixtures ready for use
ari'l a UVEi.l.I(; a ij .rem u. Su re.
Posrssmn of Tavern, 1st of April next of
Store and IXrelline. nn iw days' notice:
I HO. ARBI CKLE. 8 iter P.O.
tTaioatoa-n, Hrady Tp. t'aioa Co. P. Uvo. VI. 13'.
House and Lot for fftle '.
rrHE suber-ber offers, ai private sale, his
X House and Lot, Mtujte in l oion town
ship. L'nion county, three quarters of a mile
Iruin the Lnioo rurnHCe.oo the road Irad.n
In elini;rt.ye, adjoinir lands of Airon V
Buskirk and llavid Hetylon. 1 he lotcootains
I7i Acres. The Improvements are new
iwo-sloiey Frame Hoo-e, wiib Out Kii Jl&
chen, and eood never-failing Waier. Also.
a good Stable, and about one hundred Apple
aTSjanq reacn i rees.
i. This Is a desirable home, suitable for a
For further psrtirnlars rs'l on or ad'tress
the subscriber at Ihe Winrjeli! P O . Union
Co.. Pa. SA ML'EL A . W A L 1 E HS, P. M
Dec 7. '6S if
Executor' Sale
rpiIE subscriber, Execntor of Hnjh Bellas.
a nee t. otters at I'nvate naie a liuou
FARM situated on Penes creek In Limesioas
township. Union county Dan'l Rakerri lives
on the premises. The Improvements A
are a good two-storey Frame House andjal.
a good Barn.
He a!so offers the ff,7n1L
SAW MILL on said "ST,V3
nremises. and a tract of ""VW
If said property be not sold by the first ef
March next, it will then be offered at-Pablie
Sale. Address
Eiaculoror Itcaa HttxjkS. dee'd.
Dec. S, I SB unbury. Pa
17IOR 8.4 LC A good new Frame aav
; Houe,and lull Corner Lot. Terms ixi
lo suit. Apply lo
EiTTwo Store Rooms, 21 by 33 feet, aad
one large Room on second storey, in the rear
of Kremer, Long dr. Co's Store, on Third Sb
Apply to P. BEAVKK
To Dusluean Men.
(haatbcrlla'a Blerk. earner Sih ant Market SO-
iaWlsUlINi, PA.
rPHEE Rooms are better sitnated, more
X thoroughly finished and furnished,conve
nient, and desirable io every respect, than
any others in the place.
One is especially adapted for the sale of
Dry Goods, or geneial Merchandize.
The other for the Grocery or Hardware
business, or both combined.
The town has a population of 3000 persons
and is surrounded by a rich and very extensive
agricultural and manufacturing country.
At present, there is no Hardware Store ia
the place, or county, though greatly needed.
Terms reasonable. Apply to R H Chamber
At Hamman's Tobacco Shop.
THE undersigned bas opened a Tobac
co and Cigar Abop in the rooms
recently occupied by N. It. Zimmerman, in
Beaver's building Market St. (adjoining the
Telegraph and -Chronicle" offices) where be
is ready to wait on all who may wish to
smoke or chew.
Cigars of tbe best quality, and the best
brands of Chewing Tobacco always on hand.
Lewisbnrg, Jan. IS, 1863. mtpd
YOKE of llr.t raie. bevy, wtikbrokea
wording OX KX.
.uv 7 , . FrtANCI WILSON.
fur the fruit, flewer aad Ulcha gaitia
THC rate
O.Tlce : 23 North Sixth St. PhllU'a,
TEHM-1 " A YKAll.
t. a a- th.i cwstssts aaa
Hiwts Flower tJarden and P'tJaMfW
(ironnd; Froit tiar.len ; efible Uiati(
Window tiardeniux.
CojeicfTioss Emlraiajt the viewc
of the besl writers on Horticulture, Aifcafa.
culture, and Mural Affairs.
Ei.iTnai.LB Giving the Editor's viwws WB)
ihe imp. riant Horticultural improverwalsv
Stairs isd yraaiss-r-Naw Fboits "issr
PLasya Dutic lis Foasusa Isrraaaav
h)ci Fuaaies Coaaaesua asses HoBTt
CL-iTt'iL Nevicaa.
W ith each Department handsomely illttf
These ireneral feat ires will Yt reuiaec
and the publisher pledges hi.naeif lhai o
labor or expense shall be sparej to read
the succeeding isne of the Maeavta everf
way worthy of Ibe favor w ilia which hie
previous efforts have been amply rewarded.
Cash paid for Bark.
JWlfH io purchase a lars quaatilT af
ROlk Oik IttRk, deliverea aj
my Tannery Yard io Lewisburg. for which I
will par ihe hiehest price in cash.
May 11. IHH3 E. J. HCLt.
so on go mf: wanted
Carpesers,Eoatbail(lers ad Lauoreri,
so W HOM constant employment and fo4
wa;es will be given. VAIU rASW
Lewisburg, Pa, Dacember 14, I88t
THE subscribe,- would respectfully inform
h s eld cuslnners and the public geavv
rally t!al he will have constantly oa hand
and for sale a lull supply of his superior
hydraulic cement. Parlies at a distance wtj
the hoe -f Canal or Railroad can bave IMir
orders (tiled at short notice.
Aidreas K03EKT VAI.Bf.TIXE,
Bellefonte, Pa.
We do certify that we have used the above;
cement in the erection of the Bell efonle water
works, and lake pleasure in recommending
it to " "'sonsin need of a eoH article.
A. ELTON & Co.,
and Dtaiera la
Leather, Sumac, Sheep and Calf Skiu,
Xt. 4S4 YorfA riri tlrttt,
JEATHErt. Sumac and Skins, bought, er
j sold oa Commission. Advances mad?
on (Jousignineuts. Nov. t5, 63mS
For the Veteran Volunteer Corpr.
THE undersigned having been)
i derailed lor Ibe purpose of Re
y.''eruiting for tbe Veteran Volunteer
Corps. Those who have served fi.r
nine or more consecutive momhs.will
II obtain a Ilouuty of 4tW Doll
III ttMff .1.1 ar. k . U I I
orably discharged oo account of phy.
steal disability, but are not unfitted
for field se.vice.will be accepted and receive
the same Bounty. Those who have anthewa
in service will receive a ItwalBly oC S99
Dollars). and all will be paid 1& Dollar
as soon as swum in.
As ihe draft will certainly take place if tha
qtiota of each district is not filled in proper
time, and as the $:!C0 commutation clause of
the enrollment act will probably be repealed
by Congress, persons liable to be diaftea)
should enlist and obtain the bountyf and aol
wait to be drafted without it.
Call at residence of the subscriber, on.
Snnih Fn'ih street, Lewisbnrg.
JOHN A. MAI'S, Capt. Co. B, 5th Reg. Pa.
Reserve Corps.
S2e300 Wanted.
VN'Y person or persons having the above
amount to Invest can do so upon a first
eiass judgment, and a first mongage,,by ap
piyiu iinmeuiaiety io
J. F. & JOH2Y B. LINN. .
Dee. 31, ISR3
ONE Hundred Wood Choppers wauled to
col wood at Beaver Furnace, for which
good prices will be paid in Case, monthly.
jan.a. b. ttti.Mia nAtitK A CO
John Falrelrt,
Tt abch xntxrr.baiyw
tih,Saal aula,
InpHar. Maaaractacssf
af, aad Daaletka
All tinda of
for Ladies' nnd
CLilJren'a Tear
I wlh lo raiura mj thaaka to my Met tt Vnim
and tha aarrouodiag coontap. frr their aery baa sal
patronaea .ateDiteii to m. aartnc the l.at Sw yt. a4
.'0'1 aay to Ihrm that I now hav. ia atora. af aay
impoetalten ami manafaftnr. a very extaaalva aaanrS
rnot af all lha li(T.rent amda am qua;itw af FAXCT
Ft KS. for l-adlaa an.l LhilJrea, that aul ha wan toting
the rail and W inter naa.au.
Seine tba dtracl Imycrtar of alt a raisfenaa tariyi,
aad haftnic taeta .Vlaauraetawa) nawlar aty awa aaaaret.
ion enaMt ai. to offer B,ru.lra.cia aad th a Mia
much baDdwmar aet of Sara S r lb aaaa aaoaay.
Ladiw! pi ai a, a aail aeSra aarehaaUnf. PlaaaB)
renaratbar th aaain. aambar an.1 afreet.
SmlOU No 71. Arch Street, Philadelphia!
Estate of William Cutter, dee'd.
A Letters of AJuunislraiion oa tbe estate)
of William Cotter, late of Brady lowasbip
deceased, have beeo granted to the subscriber
by the Register of Union eounty in duo foraa
of law, therefore all persons indebted to said
estate are requested u make immediate pay
meut, and those having jusi claims agaiaet
ihe same may present :hem duty authenticated
for settlement, to the subscriber.
1033 JOHN MEEK. Administrator.
IIVVO TERM'S of Nineteen Weeks. eos.
tneocirtg Maaee Vih aad jtirraainsn Uu
For CaiaUitu." and Circular address . i
CaaortUge, Mas,, J. iw, law -