Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 26, 1864, Image 1

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"THE I'NIO.V established" ia 1S11 Whule No- 2,633.
"CHRONICLE," established in 18-13 Who! Nn., i,032.
At ii..0 per Year, ansa) In Advance.
rlllllMIKU NKWI-WKFkll
liievhy M.irninir, k FrMay Afiernons.
ing will te held iu Itidi pnd-iit Hil, on
Thursday Evening. J-iti 10 consider
the Volunteer and It nm'y q i'stinu.
K3TCoai out Id Independent Halt this
(Tuesday) evening, mil hear lbs mao
from Yicksburg, Mississippi. And bring
long few neighbors. When in good
trim 19 a large audience makes most
meo he is a very entertaining speaker,
lie will be in ?Iilton oo Wednesday, and
Mane; Thursday.
I "In Union it Strtnytk." Jiel S. Hei- j were left comparatively defenceless lo Ml bere end elsewhere, iu our existing em-
. i ai. -. b n ... ...... tn ..ii..t. n. . ' harr aa.mcnt. In lav saida all nartivan feel-
I ley, of Chester couuty, has bought out j prey ln rnor. our ny wm , u-.i.u.. .... ... ..... ... p.....-
Hirrisburg Correspondence.
Friday, Jan. 22.
Last evening, aoout IW persons as.em- sou conaunu..... .u i,-..- u. . w ,, ,, f... :,. : ,ffnr. , .Pnnrt the. common causa which
bled in the N. S. Presbyterian bouse to j l.nville--tbe Democrat, conducted since j nfR(..r4t ,,dlplfl.(,( c-om n. oneci and 1 involve, the welfare of os all.
bear a sound, eotertaiuing leoture, before I 1840 by CtlARfBS Cook, snd the Ameri. tmotn , ,)ef,.nd ,ne Qnvernment eaitnt Gentlemen of the Senate and Hon of
the Young Mu' Christian Association, can issued for several years by Dr. Bmiw- j any foe, became deserters, difi-d Heaven Representatives, I pray you, in God's
from I'rof Wilson of Carlisle eulject, ! EB. Io this long career of frieud Cook, ! in shsmeless petjury, and with fratricidal : namo, let us, in thi era in the history of
. . .. s,;.ine. Th. h- h.a won a biirh rank ss SO able, eour- I "" urew ineir sworas against me eoun '"""' r !- v
our h.,,s pu., -- o , of ,hpir. ilin.p d mhrn ,.,,.,
,,. .n.lienee was do compliuisot to tenus journalist. Ir. ISrower also has . '
meagre auaieuco w uw . had thus completed its preparations, wan-
the mind or the morals of llsrrisburg, j shown himielf moat vigorous sonbe for miAui m ouf
where vile snd worthless exhibitions are ! toe r gni. uom genuemeu, w u.T, u.y
' so greatly patrooimd.
Uotb Houses have adjiuroed over until
! Mnmlii-the inineritv in the Senate
refusing to do anything because they e&o
SSrTbo Union papers in Sunbnry nut elect a new Speaker. The payment
condemn in fitting ami just terms, tbo J of Feb. interest is coming on, and if the
injury on the Copperhead sheet there by a Demoeraoy choose to add a Million to onr
few thoughtless barum snarum York State ' State Debt, they have the chance.
9ud ample room for their skill and experi
ence as champions for the right, and tbo
conoord io the support of all mea-iir s fjr
the preservation of this great Republic.
Never was war i causeless. The North
had sought not sectional triumph, in vailed
onion of the two j.mrnals we doubt not j gbts, inflated no wrongs npnn the
.mum. k .iiiie'i id pre.erve inn n'Uiii:D,
not 10 destroy it, anil even when rebellion
presented the sword as the arbiter, we
will be found advantageous for the party
aud foT the pockets of ell eonoerned.
pKi.NiriCAKT Keijikb. The last term
of tbo Nurtbuinberlaod county court was
An Acrostic.
Bo.tir. you'r. rijfht tli.o go abratl
I. an vzv old anil nflm raw! ;
Tn )r... thin maxim tnt great,
Tr, "BitU-r ini- of If." .Iraurbt,
Karh. imfiiir. tlTiuk, t,jf tL. .ay,
ic.p'at th. iMnm ton.. dar,
H hn fnH wiil flotl tn vnur iurtf.s
In.t..il lit itiin anil languid
Natur. batU altb a litti. aiU.
kj cti-d what diMM!.. bath mail..
Ob ! ItLb taR warotDR una and alt,
Find b"alth atnl viur .Vr jrou fall,
lu kKunk;.fini ui Hin.i-f Iron,'
K.nnwtMd a waa lird Broli;
On t);i. all i-.'l!e tan rely :
Ni' it rou wih it nfcai.: apply.
T'i all il..-rtall DlugillhU, kc Aft.
A l.aiKTnfiil.
exhausted every effort consistent with the
i existence of our (iovernmr-nt tn avert the
I lilnnda ni.m. rf l a 1 .et tliV.A .an..
marked bv a bold ruose I'D the Cart of!.. .: ..j..... '
. ldiers. It U giving that paper an undue Tbi. afternoon, 1 dropped in to tee the j JoR,)AS Th, of the eounlJ of di,mMI)llprB,,Ilt or !n,f rDf eio.
advantage ; the injury was not great, but ; D.uphin County Court. Ibey have a , g3()u y oQOO-but ths Copperhead ; war, was met by g.nerons efforts to avert
it givea it a chance to appeal fur more splendid House, well arranged, and presi- j ConimiMjouer. dr.w .bout 4 Cop. Jurors ' the storm nf death which threstened to
putrODagc, and to itrengthdB prejudices, j ded over by Judge (Pearson) universal- j o . Union. Now when we see that there I nnt ,n l"dera ' ,n9 rnbellinn
t-The official qnou Of -he Dreft upon ! " "d " " .re f,ur good Union paper, supported in , P-'- oT v r ,V, rl7of th, Li8t f V8ndueS
Unio, conn,, is gU. ., 12-over 50 ; Tbere " lh' cuun' l" C"P ' U b Uksn -oS." l Government ever devis A""rti w" " " -""
lu. than our rough estimate. W. know rwl o( r..!-.y conductor named , fo grMlleJ bat the 2600 ara quit8 M , hj , aj., fnnagg,.
that many are re-enliating, and if eaeb j for e0i0,"'lB8 ,rom 169 'e,,n8 , likely " be iotelligeot, competent men, as j Three ve.n nf bloody, wasting war, and :
Irb.i-llrul KsUleof II. Mnplrr. Srt . bile Oeer.
Town. hin and Horouh will offer a little ' la"ruu vouif..ujr. jn In this nufair preponderance tne norna sacrinee oi a q-ianer ui win- reti.lJ-lirai i.uuot r. nary houcbius. trwnax
... . . oharaeter bad many and luflaentia , f !, ,ur. i, ... i. n lives attest the deaperattnn of their
4euntv. and lake some pains to procure i ' . of Cop. Jurymen, tuere is very uaiuraiiy
' ' r I I. A L. 1 .. ...,1 ;..!., i;. I r . .... . nurn-s. tn overthrow our liberties. Mourn-
fcl,.tepr. our n.triorte httie eountv will : ,,,lu" "uu l '"u",'""'"","6 much unworthy material. And acoord- ; -r-
scape the draft entirely.
The Eye and the Ear.
DR. S. H. KN'HiHT.of l.ewiabar.. havin
hail twenty-fivr years' prartici-, ihVrs
his services iu ihoe who are a'H'c.rt wuh
diseased Kves or !-ars. The fotluu-iti is one
of a number ol Tesmuonials :
My 1.1. had eat.rai-t of nnth : . blind nf t ...
and DH.rly n.f tl,r nth- r. I I1..1 i.liy.fci.u. .ttn.ling
biin tn no .flWt. Itr linLL-L cii'l, rt'..h bt. eta, an-l
rrl him vithuulaii .jrail-.o. I l!ld a j.i .0 a bo
ar altlii b-d t gl him a call. SAML'KL Wotl.
Il.rli.t 11. Jan 7. I-U 1 1"-'-
A Lid) lrresiiBtftal nested.
V'lS'l IM!r.r in th aimr
demrn. lu currei.nd .ilh ai.ia itit-lhgi-nt youutf
lady 1m islru. lu Ule tAJua an-l ni"S at h-.rt.
audita, 1.IKI r iiKi. V it it VT,
U). K, 11:21b M V V
l. l.j I.iaud, 3. C.
government l"nlertakr(
Dealer In all kls.s sf Metallic Bartol Una, ft
y:ixc COFFINS.
Tfll.l. aiiend promptly to the tmssyata.
V lieu of Uodies.or rvt.lg hi fv rasa 1 to
respectior deceased Soldiers.
. H. LEW I. of
ew York, (more recentlv from tfee Armv of
the Potomac.) for Embalming of thepead by
lr. lluma.' "American Pioces," eklowl'
eJied 10 be the best and only true process iw
the United S'ates,witl have bodies embalmed
when desired.
Principal Oliire and Warerooms So. 49.
Church St.. Nashville, Tean.
es,a,e are requested ,o make immc.,,,, pay- i - w' lnZZ
mPiil. ami thos hv'n nisi rN.in. aoaitit i . ' J ... . . .
Estate of William Cutter, dee'd. j
Lettera of Administration on the estate i
ol William Cutler, late ol lirady l iwiuhip :
deceased, have been granted to the snh-cril ei j
bv the hVgister of Union comity in due form I
of law. Ihrrefore all persons indebted to said ,
and sorrow sprcsd over the entire
I.. ..., 1 d U'll.. ..I rn.ai.rl. !........ . . . lui;
... w. v.wa...6, .v.-..., . ngIy( judg0 Jgr(lJ excuKt a nuiiiDer ol , Dt. nd def(l nd d.iot,jorj ,r8 th6
of Jlontrose but in vain : deteotives bad ; im.. h.e.n. the. enuld not under- ! . :t.i i.: k. th. h.nd
jarCspt. John A.Morris gives notice ,r,cked him, on three several days, return- ! , , v ' ,-h.Ild in.in,.,.d that there ' Our nennle have been snrelv tried by
to-day that be is authorited to recruit for ; ing onl, lmo tbirds or a half of the money ; . . imnrorement in the mo,e vf . disasters, but in the midst of the deepest
hsrrn j Prrwaal rmperl) at U. Hnnilrr.Biitr.lue
V EN UU R M (TtS for Ml at th. Star A Chronic!." i.fH..
CcrrecleH Weekly
Wheat. 1,45 Eeea I 20 I
Kve 1,20 Tallow 10
the aaine may pre-enl ihein da'yauilienucaied
for seitiement, to the subscriber.
loa-: JOH. MCKK. Administrator.
For the Veteran Volnnteer Corps.
THE undesigned having fieen
leiailcd for the purp se of Ht-
rraitmg fur the eieran Volunteer
Corps. Those who have served for
nine ur more consecutive months.wtil
obiain a llouut) ol' -l Uull
art! Soldiers who have been bon
uraiily discharged on account of phy
sical disability, bul are n t nntliied
for field seivice.wiil be accepted and receive
the same Hnunty. Those who have not been
ar.l (Tenn ) S(evensJn and Hrn'jfeport. (Ala,)
(jj-t'ommunicaiions promptly answered.
Sir Vt' R CoRSlties ia authoriid t. reftr U m. He
la g.Dtl.nia. rf itit--srity, and will p-rTi.ra. all that aw
lu.h.rUlHfiiiliiaa. l.M.KK JOU.IW.'S,
a.isnid liilltafy xioivrmel
VI.I. persons having claims against lb
University at Lewtsbarg. will please)
j present ifiera Itr seiiletneot, to tiie under.
siened ; and loose inieoieii, are requesiva u
make seniement. IVOIhce Fnck's Bloels,
. Third SL three doors from Market.
J. A. KELLY. Agent.
the iitn Army C.rps, and has detailed he bad received be is convicted, and; . A ' b,rd bit at the Com- i f'0001 Dve "ood unfl!,,'nD? j Corn, old 1,00 Lard, fresh 12
Lieut. Beale to operate in Union county. ' himself aud family are in sorrow and dis-; ' . J . fr injnBn : devotion to the great eause of our common (Jat. pr 30 lt, 75 Clover seed 7. 00
The enlistment of the three eomD.niv, 1 ,ce Nol C0Dlflnl i(h a fair salary, i ffi,-9,0tnelr, 'T'' Um ' P -n i eou,"ry- lMia p0n ,ba ?UimM lnl 2 Wo(l
. it. r.i , n . - fir,ce- -01 C0D,"nl " "'r "'"rj' deot Judge of their own party. Men will nmpn of tn9 riht, they have proved I)ri..d a PPi. fi lb Potatoes . 50
n the 5!.t Regiment w.ll go a great w.y mnd unM Df decent livelihood, be must I io mmtte of iV.he .tern duty, and j lr 8hlZ Z ."...fi
toward rel.evng our town 0 the draft, but : Beed, ..fliuri.h, and live "fast" .nd the j kiDJ bnt ., ehou,d . u ,t the worlb, of .heirrich inheritance of fr.ed.m. Fresh KuMcr... 25 Ribs 4 Sides 6
wi not en.ir.l, clear ns. ouldn t it be end js eb.o,a and wo and want. .ntntgt nd of dec0 Their fileli-y ha, been well reward j Htfft 4, 5, ,nd 6 ,Ual
well to move in the matter before our j Several Commonwealth eases were dis- j In God s own gnod time, He has asserted . gire7 DO to Sl.OO Country Soap 4 A G
olunleers are all credited tn other dis- j p06ed 0f ;n , hour the defense in one
tricts in consequence of high bounties? . cue ver, sensibly ssying tbey would not
& Dll 01 UOngreSSIOnai nisiury. nis avenging power ; inn 11 mi. war i ,)(..
Senator Powell, of Keutucky, flared op persisted io by the leaders of the rebellion
No matter h iw many enlist, if they are ; ,rgUe , hopeless case the provoealion in
noi creunea io our aistnct, we win be another sajiog tbey would not
ttOUe tbe better OB. j -nnviatinn inid in theaa aeceral aueeesfliva 1
cases sgreeiug they would not contest, j Senate committees
trade .00
ion in tbe other day because tb. Copperhead : " " evident then sl.verv and 1 W AR,
..,: . 1. 4 trcsson, the fountain and stresm of disetrd b fc
ask a mmor.tyln tbe Senate was not consulted ' eolBn.0n r.o-PHEaSS' 5
:eseive ! with reference to tbe formation of the ! e "" k. nt i-.i-M.rg.
R.t. O. r. U-lnlnz-r, ARfni-
untold and lli.-a LotldA
Spiker Graham, -d Pa. Cav.,
During tbe debate,
In this great etriiile for our honored
1 " "1 1 ... 1 .11 ... 1 ' . 1 : . 1 1 1 : . II l.. I. . a nn imllliir.
having re-enlisted wih most of his Com- 1 Fr"l r6u ':n "9 ler ' ,De U0'D8 " 01 nary ""B " , "!. ""7"" ,'
p.ny,gi. on furlough at Lewi.burg. He '. - "eded no word,. Consequently, a course pursued when PoweU'e DemWr..i, , fiJZUSltSTS.
bs been in service 'J years, receully iu numBer 01 cf conciuueu
friends were in tbe maj irity, was given ;
' -1- . L n,.mAil . n ,1 nunstfln, ff met
Mr. IlALB. May 1 be allowed a word, . J. . .H. . hpr heih-r tn
- i Biri m ucuiauis tu w w a. w -
the Commissary department. j Jt there were "plenty left of tbe same
We hear of numerous other citizens on ' ,ort-"
their way homeward, preparatory to the j Tbere WM ' 0on,P"' of CooTei P"''
final march upon the skeleton of Rebel- 1 ,rMeM ,or " "ss,ul- ,Da ot""J tntxt
i : . 1 -I ...
iu cuuipieAiuu iuu vuin.ior. jum r ww iubi utuu. a uivo uccu ucio iui utmuj t . . t rru ......
-i mr- Ic.nta lisaVA lallpn. 1 herfl III POftrda
, older ones bad sad and ibonghtful express- ! years : and I tbink it is within a erJ I hospital that baa not been visited by oar
. ions some full of thought, and pride, and abort period that ever I or anybody with ! jtlDj offices to the sick and wounded, tbere
resolve and the young presented some' whom I ever acted was consulted in regard j is not a department io which brave meo
; . ,t l . .. . t....... f,.. .,! .l. t .: . f .u. J. I rlo nnt answer with cride to the name of
Duatiuicua 6ici;.m, .u.h., . uu ,f 111. tUIUl.tlUU V iu, iuuiwi ....... a . .. .
tarJust now, we see the Tory pipers
are trying every dirty, sneaking, eoo'empt
ible wsy they can think of, to prejudice
and iuflime the penple against the Taxa
tion made necessary to put down the
Slaveholders' Rebellion. We bave oo file
sir? I do not know what the question is ; r(,pe jnTas,n, or to fight the battles of the
but, I tbink, if there be a member here j Uuion whenever and wherever her people
who has a right to speak of the experience j were demanded. Upon every field made
aud it was a study to note tbe d.fferenees of being in a minority on this floor, I am ! btstono aod saered Dy tne vaior ni rur
(luaari.!. hat ,.n T h... been her for man. " J
rriHE subscriber wishes to settle his old
X Uooks from 161 to Jan. I, I S6. and de
sires bis friends to call wiihin 30 days, or
the accounts will be in the 'eiquire's hands.
Call at his Siore, opposiie Walls A Cos.
Jan. 21, "6t N. R. ZIMMERMAN.
A DESIRABLE Building Lot, situat'd in
a pleasant part of l.ewisburj. Terras
to suit tne purchaser. For further informa
tion inquire of 10a3 C. D- BREWER.
.... . a i t- . nor noli atate. ana wDiiB oiniiT. .uuuie.,
sparaiiDO eves ana iigui-utanca, laugoins: remcmoer on one oc.a.iuo i luiua, ir, . - - - - . . , , ,
. , , , - U u -, . .. ,- . , ; loyal hearta will turn with feelings of na
f.a. homa of the naler nortions exbib-1 vou will remember the same a list ofi , .. .. i .t
for our next psper, tbe views oo thst sub-; ie(J their whUe pi,eruitt m0st unmistaka- eommittees was reported bere, gotnp I do colnm(,n d-liverance of Penosylvsnia and
jcot of a Northumberland county soldier, b)j Tfae uri,burg darkies are bonora-' not know bow, and I was omitted altogeth- j the Union will stand recorded in the nn-
a descendant of one of tbe Revolutionary; . ret...nl.d in lh. Ba,lv.furm.d Union ' r from .nv eommittee. and so was mv 1 eurnassed elory of that bloody field.
II.rnA. of W.ominir who has f.iu?ht and
! armies.
luffared'for bis country. Will you heed Jan. 23.
What he says? The ievere and widely-extended anow
t&Oae of thesoldiers tells of a sudden ! and wind etorw of tbe last of Deo. and
discovery of tbe "politic.' of a family in first of Jan., will long be memorable in
Dixie: Our regiment, (he says,) was io j our annals. Tbe storm extended from the
Northern Mississippi, and, halting near a j Great Lakes through Kentucky and Ten
Cue mansion, tbe boys were making for j neasee to the Gulf. How many persona
the chicken quarter, when the lady of tbe and animals were frozen, is yet unknown.
Louse appealed to the Colonel fur proteo- j A llaciue writer says tbe thermometer was
32 to 46 below xero.
Senator Lowry, of Erie, started home
excellent friend oo my left, Mr. Sumner
and eo was tbe distinguished gentleman
For Union Co. Companies
rriHE Secretary of War has authorized
Major General Bornside to recruit the
old -Ninth Army Corps to 50,000 men, for spe
cial service. Union county has three Compa
nies in the 51st Penn'a, in this Corps, and
I .a "h.rdl. renew m. nloo .that kt,oula ? ,M n" ' nertniee c.m-
, . , Z t ' panics, who, to the nonor et ineir county,
during tbe term of office an which I am have renlsleii and rehrve herself from ihe
Li.niria, Nov. S. 1863.
'PHE Dimes Paving Institution of Lewisburg
i I has this dav dec:ared a Dividend to the)
in service will receive a Ilounty of 30 j stallholders of FOUR per cent on the capital
Ifullartt.and all will be paid Li ttollai sluc, ald m payable cn demand.
as soon as sworn in. y p SHELLER, Traaa.
As the draft will certainlvtake place if the :
quota of earh district is not lilted in proper
lime, and as ihe .$-100 eommuta:ion clause of
the enrollment act will prot.ab!y be repealed
by Congre'S, persons liable to be drafted
should enlist and obiam the bounty, and not
wan to be dralted without it.
Call ai residence of the subscriber, oc
S.'Uih Filih street, Lewisbur?.
JOHN" A. MALS, Capt.Co. B,5;b Reg. Pa.
Reserve Corps.
Estate of Lewis D. Yarger, dee'd.
of administration on the estate of Lewis
D. Varter, decea-ed. late nf Hartletun Boro'.
having been granied to the suhscrmer by the
Register of Union cooniy in due form of law.
all persons indebted to said otate are hereby
notified to make immediate payment, and all
having any insi claims against Ihe same may
present them dulv authenticated for settlement
to JOHN VARtiER, Admin'r
SOME person, whose interest it would pro
bably be if I were to leave Lewisbur;,
has circulated Ihe report that I had sold out
my Uallery, aud left town. 0 far from this
being the case. 1 have just made a very im
portant improvement in my Skylight, aud am
now taking better Piciores than ever, at my
uau.I planp. or.r Squires' ?-h . Store. . few door .t
i.f IteUW'a R.ir. Ilvu. bere I ui at all lim.s
prp.rl tn wait on all m old frn-nda and mar .amh.r
Ol or. tmt. la CAIIO F1H T'. KAP1IS 1 i hiiirllir. th.
enaniry to prm-a not bvltar, but u guod, a. 1 ea.
i" .-.-u.aa.ra.
M. B. Wb.a I da 8.11 ml and laa... I will t-t ray
a i.us iodw, a .mm k i
4 TTORNEY AT LAW. OiBce near the
X. Court Hooe, in ihe room lately occu
pied hy L. B. Christ. Esq.
"ara pay and boanta, and pensions proenred for aoIJ-
tion, as she was "a good Union woman,
and they all stood np for the Govern
ment!" Just tbeo oue of the children to see a dying daughter, and was io a rail-
cried out, "Oh, mother, that horrid Yan- way traiu which was standing etiil, being ! of ,be commj,tee on Private Land Claims,
xee.e got dtn. iuvis (.a f.g rootter; and is blocked by the snow, near l'aincsviile, O. r.nBhter.l where I served witbont reujoD.
m. k,r.t a arilar I mart 1 1 OIVA fHW thniM J j. V A ... .I I lrs T thrir Ittifavl rttnnaWntsfiw- - stleu. .gMHhlin. .k.t
who now Standi at the bead of tbe TSS. ,., .B(, ..... lfl ,ka nmsecution , ,.,. .nd neishborhood for the nurnose of !'l"'ui' n'?!'?" T. ?? '"blr w "
. r- r- - - - - - - r- r -- ..v. ..ua. -i.nurg. an. a, 04.i
ury ot toe United states. ewere omit- j 0f tt wir, and in aiding tbo rvational j taking advantage ni tne mgn nouDties onerea
ted altogether, and on instituting soma Government in every effort to seeare early ? - This should be stopped, and
6 ... , . L.nr.n county volunteers sernred for her own
little inquiry of the Democratic oligarchy j end complete success over our malignant . (.(,ropanjes . and ltcanoniy be done by town
that ruled the Senate as to why it was '0M- . . ships and borough, offering snch additional
.... For the preservation of onr national; bounties as will make it an object to enlist in
aone, we were poiueiy iniormeu inai we , M th-- sbonld be gubordinated. ' our own Companies. It is belter to pay One
uiu nut ueiuug iu uo.i
ganixation, and therefore
off the eommittee
finally my health got
this same psrty did put me at tbe tail end
JX the matter of ihe account of K. R. Zim
merman, Administrator de bonis Don of
ohn Rishel, deceased, the subscriber was
appointed auditor, by the Orphans' Court of
i nmn county, tn make distribution o, th
iuj rn oi- ; jt jg tne gM, highest, noblest duty ol the ; nunnreo iiinn.u iin...ii "t J1'"" oaiance in hands of said adminisirator. to
we had been left i ci,iz.Di, j, bis protection in person, ! commutation. Union and East Bufialoe town-, lhos, le-ally entitled thereto; and lor said
-i. n..u .. r r i, . seitin? ihe example. Lei there be , n.ir-...i. -.n .11 i...
entirely. But, sir, property, and all civil and religious pr.vi- n ffor n , ownshjp , fi, I Lewisbiirr. on Kridav. ihe S9th dav
an. nnlitioallv. that i leges, aud for Its perpetuity 10 iorm ana lhe lhrt.. vfleran Companies Capts. Linn's, , 0f Januarv. A. D. l6t. at one ..Vlnck P. M
going to wriog his neck '." Tbere was no
further doubt about tbe "loyalty" at that
household !
It is Done .'
The Loan of the Secretary of the Treas
ury nndcr President Lincoln for five
One eould not sen a rod on account of the
drifting snow. While thus standing, a
single ear, with two locomotives, came
thundering along at tbe rate of a mile a
minute, and dabbed wiib all its force into
tbe rear of tbe standing train, demolishing
etranoe or rcproasb.
i-n- ...
Ilunlred Million Dollar,- all taken, ! 80me ""D6 D1 wounutng w
aod Ten Millions over! Aud it is already , P"eDge"- Mr. Lowry was driven
quoted at Hire per cent, premium. Thus ' tbroD6h dom b wh,ch be M 8,"iD8'
d tb. .nn..i ,A n.,ri...; ,i.. j and the first be knew be was in a enow-
Free States sustain the National Govern.
meat, against the base efforts of tbe Cop.
perhead leaders to prejudice the people
against tbe Loan. The Old World will
look with amazement opon this etupei
bank, without s scratch upon bis person :
Augustus Fisher of Milton caught s
Salmon with a book and line lately in the
Canal near Wateontown, which weighed s
fraetion over nine pounds.
Gov. Cnrtin's Inaugural Address.
Fellow-citizen of the Senat and lljme of
JCcpretentativm :
Called by tbe partiality of my fellow-
citizens to tbe office of Governor of Penn
cower, be owes all bis efforts, bis lnfiu- ; Hassenplue's and Carman's (the Walls
ence bis means, and bis life. To oom- tiuards"), and Union county will be saved
V .. .11 t. .. ' Trim , itrarr
.... .nh ir.fta.in would vm dui to. ."- -....
civs it renewed existence, and enable it
Lewisburg .Jan. 26 1 WM. JON ES.Aud.
Cash paid for Bark.
1 have been ordered ov uen. nurnsiae to
.,n to nlunire us into another causeless , .,,. ,:ik..m 1 K" K ", delivered at
-r- r o - : "
Id the destraction of the mi1iiry pow-
T WISH o purrhae a lare qtiantitr f
rmy Corps and will be eiad to co-ope- my Tannery Yard in Lewisburg. for which
rale wuh borough and township committees
to relieve themselves, and for lhe good uf the
dous proof of tbe power and the confidence j P""""0"-
of our Government. Hon. Eli Slifer. Secretary of tbe Com-
bnt he feels bruised from bead to foot, and j eylvania for another term, 1 appear before
says bis eyes seemed to flash fire for a dsy. I ou -'I J "n9W 'he prescribed ob-
J J J I : . : ,A ...-..,.. ,k. Pnn.lllnlifln nf ik.
ft av.a n a nt hnrpnp . n .1 a... anit ' '
... ' ! Uuited States aod tbe
was occasioned by want ol proper ears and
;r nf the rebellion is alone the hope of service.
peace ; for while armed rebels march over U. S. Bounty, $302 10T new ReCrHlU.
the soil of any State, no real freedom can U. S. Bounty, $402 for Veterans,
prevail, aud no governmental authority, 1 in addition, of course, to all local bounties
consistent with tbe genius of our free that may be appropriated by county r dis.
' instiiutions, can properly operate. j "' . . ,
The people of every btate are entiiied cnm f ir JVnn,a Resim.nts in the 9lb Corps
nndtr the Constitution to the protection of jn ,he ,j,Irict of Union county, who will lur
the Government, and to give that protcc- ' uih all desired information upon ihe matter.
tion fully aud fairly, rebellion must be JOHN A. MORRIS, ("apt. and A.Q. M.,
disarmed and trodden in the dust. Ky ,
will pay lhe hhest price io cash.
May U, 18B3 E. J. HI I.L.
Doctor S. II. KNIGHT
nA3 located himself in LEWISBURG,
where he will attend to the practice ot
Market St. nearly opposite A aimoas' blooH
11 UTHfii. L uio. Co., 5ow. 44, ISeSV
Iw Sir : Vy lir and sti.tsacb waa a. badly di 1.11S
that all h. aw. Ufiia ai- up, lloalr. and all ; bwS
1 cimtinU'l to tak.ynur twliein. aud it l4 aa,aw4
I i'.. ara w.ll. 1 know . .unbvr 1. a.y BtMsbburbowS
tliat hal lun,; aod hr cunlilainta, that wralv4 by
y.ur mdimfi. A. Uf. h...t. I would Mj.aw.M www
arr atrlk-Tl with dia v H.a. to. . call, and a... ttSs
auJuicutJ. Toura truly. Julli OvODLANDAH.
nTtTos. Vnio. Co . Sot. , 1SSS.
Pear Sir : I waa arci -t-d with Slum.alvwi kar ...
b.r f veara. and waa cur 1 by your aaMaaav 1 wa
..t ahl lu lea.e my brd wb-D I OBmenrwd tMkingfim
aalu..l.t- miicina. and I ba.1 b-n att.ndml by tww
other l hj,idana. Vuur. truly, JWUfU MILLIS.
f.tnui.ro., Itnie. C, 5o 17. ISftS.
br. ?. It. Knight: l)nr ir I waa aOictaS wibk
Jth.umatim; I could pot wala oa. a tap, and l.ohasti
of yf.ur Taluabl. mlH-iu. eurml ana i. a abort lltwa. X
B.lTiM-allwhoar.altlHT4 with tbia dlavaaa to apply la
you and gat curwi. Toura truly, i. BKOtSSV
IIltTUT. C.lon CoSo. lf,lSnS.
tor ?. Tf . Koljtit : la-ar Sir 1 awd yn tbia abatw
tnantfo ordr tn b.n.f.t aulf.rtiv. bumanlty. Jly wis.
lay a Inn. tin. with ewtranptio.. and bar liSb wr Iwaaw.
ary waa cir-w up br all. 1 waa adywrS t. try cbwr .4
Inn... doctorn. 1 co.tinu. with your trawtuwHal: ywww
iniiHne rnrrd b-r; ah. la aww wall. I woaUl adabaa all
who ar atVicUd with lanft .nd ha dkaaaao to a. bo yww,
or nd Utr ,ua, gvt your OMdHina, and w 11 aaal
money, (lu-tl tuars rrap y, J011M SAXXaV
3IammotIi Dru": store
aucceseori oT f S.C.tLbwru,
MOST respectfully inform the public thaS
they have assumed control of the abevw
establishment, and just ree'd a fresh supply
of Druss, Chemicals, Paints White Lead.
Varnishes, Putty, Glass, Coal Oil. Mashlae)
Oil, Pure Spices, Dyestuffs, 4c.
Toilet Articles, a fine ssortmeni
Rstrarte of Harrison's, llaul'a. Hawl.y'a.Glaa.'a. Baaia'a
and olh.r manularturvra'. Also . Saw 1 TTai.. g
Coliwuaa and 11 air Oil. by tbo bottl. or qaaauty.
Soans! Soaps! for Wajliinr, Shaf
ing, removing tirraaa, ani for Dtal ..rpoaaa.
rocket Books, Purses. Port Follow.
fn.k. U. a...- v ?: a.. . a .
' ' !"-". a. i u-ti' . luassT-a anivrs, ! tmUWm OT MM
4utl Knitlui. muiufswlan, itMtionmty, obotOw Cssvrt n4
Lamps! Lamps!! Coal Oil. and
Liquid Rennet. Cox's parklin
Uttnr formsakiotftivlKi giiriisf
VaDiliBVaOrtne. Intttii, PfAob. Almond. utmaraT.fr Us
Wines and Liquors exvreaslr fop
M.(HrinI porpoiwrs. Phvnicinns and psuirato dWriasr
JT od .jtimJiiT, would (U veil to call tofon f rrlmiaa
tslse where.
these meat,, tod these alone.
Bav't of Ka-trruiUiiff SerTice, 9th Corps, Ut of Pcna'a.
Jhd. &. Ivt4wtf
can we
w 11: 1
fancy fuhs-FAN c Y F3J RS ! I ilw nt"
John Faireira,
Now see where is the credit of the ' moowealth, and lion. Wm. M. Meredith,
Rebels. While trreenbacks are tbe best ' Attorney General, tendered their resigns
. . . 1 . : . 1 1 - ,
lions 10 oov. iurun, last ween, io relieve
bim of all embarrassment in the seleotion
of paper money, tbe Rebel offioial currency
is ccmiog down below tbe value of tbe old
Cootioeotal currency. Tba Rebel money
is u bad and as baseless as tberr cause.
of a cabinet for bis new administration.
Gov. Curtin promptly declined seoeptiog
them. We bave heretofore spoken of
their eminent fitness, slike in point of
character aod ability, for their responsible
duties; and tbe loyal men of the State
Constitution of the j h,f0 nd"'' u",00 prnf!Perlty
., and to discharge ! PciM- A in ,he P""r 1 WU ,n tbe
loofided to me with I lurei io ''fl obedience to tbe oath I
State of Pennsylvania,
the responsible trust con
(ni;, I bave taken. sDare no means, withhold no
When first summoned before you, three P"er Bi(,b- cn strengthen the Govern
years ago, to assume the sacred duties of I aoat ' thisconflmt. To the measures of
the Exeeutive office, tbe long gathering j "o citizens chosen to administer the Na
cloudsof oivil war were about to break I """d Government adopted to promote onr
upon our devoted country. For years j 8"t C1UM. " g'e m3 cora,, ,PPr-
tresson bsd been estnerins in mieht bad BO earnest oo-oper.uuu.
Black Republican War.
Public prints and public speakers per
sist in calling this a ''Republican War" I "U be glad to learn that tbey srs to
some et thorn atandinz aloof with th;. ! remain, it is no disparagement to (Jot.
arms folded, declaring that it ia a war in Unrtio ' t0"' fjr ,b" ni?n meore
Which they bave no interest or concern f ,UCCef"' tu'ned' he. " B0?a ?"
nd eonscquently the, ,iU take no pari1 ,b' .'Tn' r f
1 ' 1 0 B0 Pwt j efforts, and unfaltering fidelity of Lit Sli-
,Dif- Ifer and Wm. M. Meredith. Chamber-
v. ell, if this is a Republican War, then lra Repotitory.
nia is a JJemoeratic fiebellion. When
Ihe Rebellion was inaugurated, tbere were
sixteen Democratic Governors, sod fifteen
Republican Governors, (two neutrals.)
Twelve of tbe sixteen Democrstio Gover
nors went into the Rebellion np to their
shoulders, sod three of the remaining four
manifested strong hypocritical symptoms,
hile srery Governor who did not call
timself a Democrat stood for tbe Union at
'i uizards. Besides, a sympathizer or
polngist for tbe Rebellion can not now be
found who does not call himself s Demo
and act with that psrty. Thus we
willing to let tbs mstter bsisnee.
Tbe County Superintendent of Common
Schools of this county, Mr. Jscob Ulp, in
his Report shows tbs number of male
tesebere to be 110; number of female
teaehers, 40. Number of male scholars,
3,661 ; number of female sebolara, 2,234.
Out of tbs wbole number of towosbine.
seven cf tbem refuse to accept the system
of Common Schools. They are, Cameron,
Jackson, Jordan, Upper Mabanoy, Lower
Mabaooy, Little Mabanoy and Washing
ton. SIdtonian.
These Utter ssti-Free Schoolers are
"Democratic" districts, in some of which
the oitizens sign petitions sgainst tbs sys-
i tern with sn A, nnt being educated sum
I ciently to write their own name.
been appropriating to its fiendish lust more
and more bountifully of tbe nation's hon
ors bad grown steadily' bolder in its
assumption of power notil it had won tbe
tolerance, if not tba sanction or a formi
dable element of popular strength even in
the confessed loysl States. Tbe election
of a President in 1800, in strict conformi
ty with tbo Constitution snd tbe laws,
tbongb not tbe eaase, was deemed the fit
occasion for an organized attempt to over
throw the wbole fabris of our free institu
tions, and plunge a nation of thirty mill
ions of people into hopeless snsrehy. Tbe
grave offence obsrged sgainst tbe Presi
dent sleet seems alone to consist in bis
avowed fi e it y to tbe 3overnment,and bis
determined purpose to fofill bis solemn
eovensnt to maintain inviolate tba Union
of the States. When ioangursted, he
found Ststes in open Rebellion, disclaim
ing allegiance to tbe Government, fraudu
lent appropriating its properly sna inso
lently eontemning its suthority.
1 reason was struggling lor aopremaey
in every' department of administrative
power. Is tbe Cabinet it feloniously dls
rfn.l na nit. apaan.la aara .nkkad tn
enable the armies of crime to drench j "r.sl-f P"r snd
eonuoent in frstsrnsl bloud-oar coasts j ". n o.ernm.n, 8t and Ns
Hon, and 1 appeal to my fellow citizens,
It is the
cause of constitutional liberty and law.
Powers which are essential to our com
mon safety sbonld now be wisely and fear
lessly administered, and that Executive
would be faithless, and held guilty before
tbe world, who should fail to wield tbe
might of lbs Government for its own
preeervation. Tbe details of my views oo
the measures wbioh I reoommend are con
tained in my reoent annual message, and
need not here be repeated.
I beg lo retnrn to tbe generous people
of my native State my hearty thanks for
their unfaltering support snd continued
confidence. They have sustained me amid
many trying hours of official embarrass
ment. Among all these people to none
am I mora indebted than to tbe soldiers of
Pennsylvania, and I here pledge to those
brave men my untiring exertions in their
behslf, sod my most anxious efforts for
their futurs welfare, and 1 commend bere,
ss I have frequently done before, those
Hiffhe'm fipotta, John B Smith.
Hrndq Wm Brown.
White Deer lis Finney. JoelRanek, Fred
erick bersham.
X'u li'rlin Wm Ros.hon(f.
LimesUm' Christopher Seebold, Jr, Amos
Bei.ler. Michael H Miller.
1,'iuiibttrg fi. IV'. Peter N fiinter. Reuben
Snider, James Hayes, Jacob Hummel.
j.W Buffuliie Jaoob Frederick.
Union .Voah Sieller.
Lrwitburg S. IV. Thomas M. Nesbit, Geo.
W Hafer.
M'eor Buff.ilne Levi Shoemaker, Henry
Noll, Isaac Kaufman.
A'ev Daniel .V'll.
f.ewn Valentine Ruhl-
ittjiinburg Frederick Gntetius.
Limnlme Emanuel Walter, Jas 8 Roud
enbush, John Kinkerl, Martin Rohrabach,
John Seebold.
W iile Deer Elias Noll, Jaeob D. Ranck,
Hartley Daniel Wagin.r, Joshua Knarr
Henry Whitmer.
Alio Berlin Joseph Erdly, Abraham
Black, Simon Wolfe, John D. Hpiltler, Chas
1). Koush, Abraham Schoch, Charles Waller,
Daniel Horlacher.
Brady Thomas Fisher, Samuel 8 Oakes,
John hremer.
W'eaf 8iiffalneAex Benfer. Philip Sipley,
John Waton, Jr, John C. Watson.
UnffaJiie Valentine Kilter, Jeass Lore,
Daniel Kisbel.
M;JflinhurgStccb Gutelius.
Lruiburg S W Samuel Bouse, John
. . n , . Kelly, James Mowry, S D Bates. A
dependent npon tbem, to the fostering I w.!t.
care or tba State.
I can not elosa this sddress without so
earnest prsyer to tba Most lligb that He
will preserve, protect snd guard our belov-
Lrmitbttrg N Y Isaac S. Sterner.
A'rfy John Riser. Thomas Clingan.
E-ut Buff, ilit Fiedrick Hippie. Abraham
Fredrick. tJeorge Rankle. Isaac High.
Union Philip Young, John Kunkle, Chas
Oldu Wm Hannan. Samuel Rilter.
I.cui Henry Rule, A bin R. Mench.
bib, South aide,
Importer. Manufacturer
ox, and Urader m
All kind? of
'!.;!. Iw. ww.
I with tn return my think, to my frtt-ndi f rnln
and the urr.oniinc count is, for their ry lilvritl
tnns.)C vjita'iid.-d to De durinat tba l5t fr-w vrars.antl
wuDid j to thrm iliat I now bT in stort?, ot mr own
irop iftaticii and irtHUutsvcturt, a nry fXUtnuiv- nsi-anrt
in-nt ut all the diil-rvtit kiat.ii and qua!iti-eof M.Vcr
Ft .''. f.r l. ii nniirhildreu, thai will bt? worntiurinj
th- lJiil and v. inir mina.
ItfitifrihM tlirrvt lit)frt?r of all my Fur frfm Kurop,
and havinn; thm Mnnufartumt under my own up-r
itun vnaolHi me to otI-r myciiftniavra and the public a
Biurh hxnilomer .t of Fur fr th came OH-noy.
Lsviitv! plaJNr itife me a rail bvf .re purchsuinj;. PlesM
re ia em Us r tiie name, auiuocr ant airer..
6mlOU No 718, Arch Street, Philadelphia
"alTE have just received from Philadelphia
and New York, a very large aud well
selected slock of
which we offer at very reduced prices. V e
have paid particular attention in ihe selection
of this stock of Goods a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will 6ud it their advantage
to give us a call as in prices we defy any ol
our neighboring towns for competition. We
have also replenished our stock of tiroce-
ries, Hardware, ueenare,kc.
IMim JlVsA Lime, Calcined Plaster,
and Hydraulic Ctmeitt,
always kepi oo hand.
change for Goods as usual.
Pf.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisburg. Dee. 163
Warrantee Seeds, fur sais at this cibce
at 5 cts each
Onr Tinctures, Svrups, Ointments',
and nthr Pharmae.vtie.1 preparation, ar. ...fiMtw
rwl l.y rur-riTMi. fri.m pu, Jrua, ui ara wamataS as
b. ot officiD.) litre it tli.
rVThe junior member of the firm having
attended the College of Pharmacy, and had
number of years' espenence in tbe Drug sad
Prescription business, both in the country and
Philade.phia, feels competent to compound
any prescription that tbe Physicians or public)
mar favor them with.
We ionic a call, feeling confident that wa
can supply the wants of all. on terms lo theis
satisfaciion. 8. G. BENNETT,
Lewisburg, Oct 30. W. A. BENNETT
rom faii jsd wrxresr
W REM EM, 19X0 m CO
Lewtolmrt. Sot. 1SS .
Administrator's dotice,
ATTHEKEAS, Letters of Administration as
the estate of SAMUEL SWENGLE.
deceased, late of Lewis township, L'diosi
county, have been granted to the subscriber.
by the Register of said county, in due form :
all persons indebted to said estate are reques-
ed to make payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to
Lewis Twp. Dec. 19, 1863
Let I s all lake st Bide t
responsible persons, at reasonable
rates. rystables o slley between Soaib
Third and South Fourth streets. half s squarw
below Hess' Lively mv residence on sm
lot, fronting oa SooihTbird 'r-
Lewisburg, Sept. 11, 1863