Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, January 01, 1864, Image 1

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I Ill Ml
At tl.HO per 1'etir, always In Advance.
Tar Morning & Friday After-.,
i""" .........
j I VPflT, V
- jgy" 'Tl FIFTY TF.AR3 incr" Andrew
Kennedy, (Junior) lumbered up from tbc
then large town of Northumberland to
rising Youngmanstown (Mifflinburg.) with
a small assortment of printing material,
for the recently orptiuzoJ county ot
award and army diseases were suffered,
aoldiera were drafted, tax were heavy,
and the Government was injured by hon
est but sadly mistaken men. "The I'mon"
of that day was but half the sisc of the
- fall "Star & Chronicle," had news a week.
or so old, and was "afforded" at Two
J)ollars per year!
- The history of the fifty years since i
then, would be a most fruitful topic for !
the pen but we forbear. Three fourths j
of our readers were born since that day. j
Mr. Kennedy, the first printer, still sur-j
vives, in a hearty good old boyhood, and j
Is diligently kwpiii the papers aud doin; ,
the figuring of the Commissioners of;
I'nion county.
May the Editor of fifty years from to
day hail a prosperous Country, iu the en
joyment of peace, and find many present
readers, patrons of the DaH.T "I'liion,"
"Star," or "Chroniclo" of the city of
Lewisburg !
A Fair Example.
In May, 1861, the Hoard of Aldermen
of the city of Brooklyn were a tie, io
-r n.l W-..J -ns.n.t
eonsequenee . v,w.. . .-.-u.-v ,
one of their number, being to tbe Army. :
V""' "
right, of tbe mj .nty and the pa.notism ,
of tbe ebseot member, enough Kpubli-1
earn abstained from voting to give to the t
Democrats the offijes, on organisation. j
Now let us tee if the Democrats of
the Peno'a Senate will do the tame fair
thing. M.j. White, while in tbe Army,
Wt taken prisoner. No one doubts that !
the Senate is fairly Republican. Shall
they not have the organix.tiou, honorably,
and without strife T j
TTar- i '
iS.Siii.day, Jan. SJ, Rcv..,H.Minck
will preach a sermon in reference to the ;
20th nutiiversary of the fnrmation of tbc ,
lwisburglJaptistihurehand thcr.thof
hi. pasfwal laW. bore The Lew.,-
burg Presbyterian congregation have re-
cently paid off the debts ot the same, and
made a handsome donation to their pastor,
Iter. Dr. Dickson The Evanhcal
Association have held intercst.ng ;
ings and we understand are to receive :
Members formally ou Sabbath next j
m. p.t f I. T '
VOWIiw vatatosuooi tne .a.e Tn-
merit of the I'oivensitj at Lowislmr, just
a a- 'y
issued, snows an incrcao, o. ,r.
last year. The Female Department shares
iu the prosperity. J
1'rof Francis . TusU a, in order to
. . , .
obtain the latest discoveries in the sci-
hi attended a course of lectures
nce, nas biiciiuiu
tinder Prof. Agsxsis. the greatest Natu-,
ralist of our day, and has returned to his
T . ' j
post a r6- j
Caution. The Governor, as Cotnman-
der-in-Chief of the State, has issued Gen-,
eral Orders prohibiting persons from rc-
cruiting in 1'enn a without authority from
the War Department also against citi-!
xens enlisting without tbe State aud
calls upon district attorneys, magistrates, !
Jccto.rret and prosecute violaxions of'
.t - a i
this official notice.
ay-Pruited lista of persons enrolled as i
ti.V.U I- drafts!, are now ut ran for
lamination in our county.
' I
BSA.Tbe 200 men remaining of tbe 53d
P. V. reached Harriiburg Wednesday,
er well received, aod departed to their
several home to recruit for tbe next term
f service for which they bare volunteered.
Union, at its first site for public business. ! ,ii,,per3, 557 l.dkts, CO sling-, 153 sheets, ! d mch g;ng etstwsrd along the i "bioti completely on.cur.rj ne irora view,
He there famed (Jan. 1814) the fir.t 3-0 pillow cases, 1U4 towels, 35 quilt., j M h5, bd Ch,reB,n R. R. At Inks sd ed them th trouble ot giving us
newspaper in this county, and called it j 22 comfort. 44 r.,h.o.s. P'"' , news tf h ; reefption W. got to this eamp, about
T..IV Then, as now, a tin,, J, defeat f the Copperheads in Ohio and , TJJ
r ...th.ii. a now. aeains in i , r..:.,. K n.n.re onrn ' IVmi.c liirm nr.i that was iuae.au """ '& --, d -
Means should be taken in every district j MtIDg tarkcy during tba Holidays!!!
tt secure to Unioi oouoty its credit of j Accordingly, most of them have suepen
recruiu sack of whom will reduce the 1 ded for , week tbe ,.free pres,e8-. whio,
9tut' had been "destroyed" for the two year
aa.The Lioerprjd Po ays that the pa8t by tbe "despots" aforesaid, and for a
British Minister at Washington, Lord j whole ea'en-night have ued tbe "free
Lyons, gives it a his opinion, in a gpeech" which has been utterly annihila-
JUK.I,L T ..J T 11 .L ... Tt- 1 . . ... . . ...
o!tU Tnip e", a eX' V
. V 1 -7 V' WmS the ;
" . . oaceuiiy .
propose an armistice. i
" IPJuMr. Randolph's Aeademy and the Having thus had a we:k of enjoyment,
ratSlic Schools of our Borough, re-open we trust they will commcnoe a New Year
Monday next th University Schools on ia better bumor towards their Govern-
Tueaday. j meet, and thus help wipe out tbe plague
awjrWe leara that Mr. Ileckendorn ha : spot of the nation now in eruption in the
been heard from, at Ricbmoad, and tbat : form of insurrection causeless, hopeless. '
Jill.4 ?uW,f " be,kt"d " -- has
pMple .. hi case can expect to be. uke ,, , gUft ,he
an,,,08 P'd over our Mail Book j huff and Paine t 11 md Power Straw and
thi week, we msy have made some error ' FMr Culler. They have now a eon
is names or figures, but will rectify en ia- j tract with Messrs. James Waiaur & Co.,
formation. I of jl9ek HtTen Pr fur tbeir nuonr,ctor8
aanjTEdward Patterson, of Easton, Co. j by the thonsand. Citixin of Penn'a
V snd Wm. Doubly, of Sugar Vallev. '
Co. H, 51t Fa. Vols., sre Ibe killed of,
ai regiment during the ticge of Koox - : to them for these handy oJ popular j H contra, neiween t net r appear
tile, and of Co. A and B 2 wounded. ifpleuieats. j so.ee and ours just then, for you ean have
uonirtuutions tor .
The Lidies Idlers Aid Society of
! Lewisburg, oreanire.1 July 17th, 13G-,
bas continued io successful operation, ind
now gives
the iiunlio tuil list ot
articles fur warded t'i the Christian Com-
, ,;) May 14, Wi, whon they
j re,,0.ed toco operate with tbeUS Sauitary
j oa,m,ion. The report is fully glreo
j nnli Vce jHt( 18C3 .
y- .bjr,a.nO wrapprs,150 pen ralr.s,2i
i sago, o Doners
starch, 8i lbs sesp, VI lbs crackers,
buvhels and 85 bag of dried fruit, 87
cans of fruits, 23 cms of currant j --1 1 y , 10
cans of apple butter, 33 bottles uf wine,
11 buttles of catsnp, 18 papers of pins, 4
; bottles blackberry eurdial, 8 of ratberry
vinegar, 6 eider vinegar, 1 paper of tea, G
. tvant tbread, 1 Mure box of bags of salt,
261 haversacks, bO knapsacks.
Innumerable bundle of lint also,
tracts and pamphlets.
The Treasury has had by subscriptions,
donations, proceeds of pub'ie festivals,
Ac., SG52.80, (219 of which were the
proceeds of the Children's Aid Society, at
their Festival last Christmas Eve.)
The Society tender their thanks to the
children, and to the public generally.
J. M. It., lice. Sec.
IThe Luge boxes of good things
eatable and wearable going daily by re
pres to Army buys, prove that the f .Iks
.1 hnm. .re hv no means foreetful of
' r .
them individually, while the large dona-1
lions above indicated a mere specimen
of what is going on.ll over the loyal
?l.t .hn.. hn. thv are ihnu .ht of
' o
coil.cli,fl, Tbogo thus ,urcU,i, Uw0Tfdt
rcBlember heir f(.lfl., wh(J be i
no friends able or willing to send to tbein
tfce ... .
fae jjvi(lcd.. j
... ..r
Military Items. j
From Cincinnati snine one eods us a
package containing inree documents. ,
1st. The promotion of Captain John
A. Morris to bo Chief Q iart. rmis'ir of
the Army of the Ohio, in the Bold, (by
orJer of Ueo. HurosiJe.)
2d. Gen. NuroMde' farewell dJress
t0 hi gallant army, dated Kooxviile,
Uth oo luruiD 0TM bu coninjJ,od
3 , ' Aq addre of Gn ,5r,? tn kis
Muwioaarj" Ide,
io . Mjg lh ,Mhe
Yunieei be bj their bid fililh ..im.
opn(j ll)lie m4iulc0Mlce of
thnuian(j!i f rr;30ner!1" ,a "consume the
,ub,UD0().. wbich tbc UcbeIa ldly ncC(J.
Ho pathetically adds :
Thif, .,0B!d te known to our offices
lnd , j-hc should know, tbat if
t raw nvisrinora trtnaMk mint aiirntVA ihnir
" T.'" "- V" J"' V j
zruri it ent mem win ue lorruti m laiiiruiMi ;
in Northern dungeons uuiii tie cose of
pujccted to the taunts and bar- i
Wity of , mf rHUtt flM,. If iltAr Hert, I
,d liwe. mu,t be lust the al.ernat.vo of ,
fu.noraOtr iaiti in Ihe field of battle, nobly 1
pi.,- r ,u 1 a- j i:n t. !
fighting for the causs of J-rnJom, will be
J bra.., patriot.. Southern
... ' - , . . fcb
seek to fire up the energies of hi. men, ;
wn9 wer9 8Wfpt away subsequently from '
Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, j
It js thy wbo refuse exchange thy who j
taunt and starve prisoners in dungeons
while ooe third of tbeir prisoners are so
wc treated in the North that they do not
waot Io return until the war is ended.
F"L nous Cop. editors,
having studied tbe Constitutions aud
B .
LtW9 "d the r,08 order9 of ,he See"
'""J of Wr. GeDerl io Chief 1r008t
m, ri 1 - .1 Tl . 1 .
1'iarsuai ucuurai, auia aciuiv t luiva.
Marshals, and having also diligently
perused all the Proclamations, Messages,
and dry jokea of President Lineoln, bare
happily agreed in the opinion that nothing
contained in the arbitrary decree of those
"blood tbirstv tvranta" forbade their
ted by tbe "l.incoiD dynasty" lor to long a
ie-ye., and have lived daintily, and
drnk ha in sPiU of lh0
Abolitionists which have so long "trodden
. , , . , , - . ,
n it thA last anark uf Ihmr lihertma 1 "
(except Union. North'd aod Lve . which
are told; aod all other States may apply I
A Union Ooanty Hiii's Part in ike
Chattanooga Campaign,
CAMr wear Chati'a, Dee. 4.
I will give you record of what passed
, under my immediate notice.
Uu the tn pep-., nnero-an a upcn
' (as we ere here celled, of four divisions,
; left IJig 151ac!k river for Vicksburg, thonca
j on transpirts to Memphis, nd by railway
' to Corioih, where we were fitted oat for a
j ong coipafgn.
Oot. 17th, we started from there on our
cheering, and it inspired the troops with
new hope and courage on the mareb to
fight the more honorable, traitort under
Hragg at Chattanooga.
Oq the 2 1st, our advance, under Ojter-
haus, was attacked at Cherokee by large
body of cavalry under Wheeler and Lee,
laying io ambush, killing and wounding
35 uf our men. They were repulsed after
an hour's sharp fighting, but we bad no
cavalry with us worth speaking cf to par
sue them, to we eamped there till the 26th
until oar trains all came op. The Rebela
still hovering around.
On the morning of tbe 20th, we tgaio
pushed on and fought them all day, dri
ving them about 10 miles. Aa soon as
driven from one position, they retreated to
another, generally making a stand at
creek or in gaps of bills and mountains.
; V "e morning or me zitn mey m.ae .
. ' na oespcraie st.no on ..... ..car
I i. :l I L.I
". ""- ' "-.
division was sent around to ent off their 1
retreat, and hearing of this ibey concluded;
' . I A a . I TI'a aoaaikl I t m
o'lrr " "
. u .. ia i u it j .
iowa aoou. i. o cioca, .no iouuu Mu..0 -
number of wounded Rebels, among whom
who die(1 0f his wonnd tn, following
morning. The people spoke of bin at
being a very valuable officer.
Tuscumbia is (or was) a beautiful towo,
sUlu,eJ ,, , raie frnra b, Tennessee
inJ jt js giJ conlilin(!(i a0ont three
thousand, inhabitants before tbe war, but
all the male inhabitants capable of bear
ing arms aro scrviug J- fLrsoo tbe First.
It is one of the hottest Rebel bole I ever '
saw, and I did uot see aa able bodied man I
in tho place. The women and children'
all remained. Col. Coleman was -ppoiot
ed Provost Marshal, and our regiment!
Provost Guards. Soon the women began
, , , i
coming in for a guard to protect them and
their property, the appliesnts being mostly !
yeung iaaice,tniiiKing pcrnap meir Domes
would be au inducement, and would more
readily insure tbem success io getting a
protector. At any rate,tbey were success
ful, nd as fast ss applied for, a Yankee
was furnished who they immediately
marched off to duty. I was very forta-
n,tfl in retting with a verv fine, intelli.
- e s
gent family, who treated me verj well.
but who were Rebels of bitterest kind.
,nd CD Mid they woud ra,her jeff. D.
ig moM -e ,be Confedersoy , Fr,oe.
. .. . . x
than to have a reunion with the North. I
set that down as a ht.le tuperfluou. gas
not worth minding, as we have heard that
d o from thf
, . T .... , ... . . .
few years, and 1 ibmk if Ibey are sept on
corn bread, pork and water, a year or two
longer, it will effect a different feeling
among tbem. From them I learned tbe
force against us was from 3,000 to 4,000.
Iu retreating, Gen. Roddy bad called at
their bonse, sod while there told them
that early that morning Generals Wheeler,
Lee, himself, and several colonels, were
holding a counsel, when a shell lit among
them, but did not explode. I did Dot
wish the gentlemen any harm, but would
have had no objections bad tha shell
We left early next morning, and march,
ed about 30 miles to Eastport, which you
will find situated in tbe northwest oorner
of Alabama, where we were ferried serosa
by steamboats and barges.
Nov. 2d, we again started and passed
through Florence to Rogersville, then
north to Pulaski, Teno., thence east to
Fayetteville, theoee south east to Bridge
port having marohed sixteen days (io
succession) averaging " 15 miles a day,
without resting, aud tbat oo three quarter j
rations. Pretty good marching, was itj
Uot? The country through which we
p.S8ed was mostly rich limestone soil, and
Jrj productive. It reminded me more of
old Union county than any part ef tbe
South J bave yet seen, aod we did not
wonder why Bragg did not wish to give
np this part of Tennessee. Reeling one
day at Bridgeport, we set out again, cross
ed the pontoon there, snd on tbe morning
of tbe 20tb, got our first view of the fa
mous Lookout Mountain. We marohed
along its base for two miles, within range
of their picket, yet tbey did not fire a
shot at us. We tbongbt it strange, as
along tbe Mississippi it waa "bang" away
whenever a ehance offered. We passed
"fighting Joe Hooker'a" headquarters
about noon, but I was sorry not to get a
glimpse of tbe hero. His corps wers
BlT'g review, IDd I aaturs you there
UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, JAN. 1, 1854'
' '"P
sacb marching. Tby were camped oodcr
11. rt-hl kaiirrioa. hut almost in safetv.
.. ,h,. aonld n, denreae tbeir Lin to do
them injury. We marched to wit bio
mile of Chattanooga, and camped that
nigbt. Rained very bard til night. Ear
ly nest morning, we started and crossed
the pontoon to the north aide. This pon
toon is in good range of the batteries on
Lookoat, but the anoraiog was rainy, and
a dense cloud bong over the mountain,
about 330 miles. We were somewhat
tired and woro" down, but I never saw an
army in better spirits than was ours. We
expected tome raat after getting here, but
that evening we got otders to have three
days' rations in our haversacks, a hundred
rounds of ammunition to each man, and
take 008 blanket. Whan we get ausb or
ders, we know there is pretty big work
ahead, so we eonsoled ourselves that there
was a big job to do, end the sooner it was
done the sooner we would get rest Tbat
afternoon, from a high peak, I bad my
first and good view of Chattanooga and its
surroundings, and although you have or
will have many and better than I ean give,
yet I will give you a slight description at
1 taw it.
Lookout Moontaio i au elevation of
about 2400 feet extending in a northwest
direction terminating abruptly just below'
Chattanooga. Mission or Missionary ridge
ia a low range of mountains extending
ttom ,he TeDDessee river six mile above
n totmlof ft emicir,ie, ,b.
,fflWn etf tbe WMr9 0u tbi. ridge the
ll..l. f.,;li.J ,j . 1J. f .
'""i "
, i0rronn(t.d the town. It then
looked g( jf w w 6f
i Camp rumor was that Bbermao'e corps
, was to takatbe left win and turn tbe
right flink of tb Rebel.
P..I. .... , knonta nil'
lVarltr next morning, our bngtd ot
inf.ntry, of five regiments, marched ..me
I Ul Ulil. Ulllt. 1UVI. UCIG, MUU
00 Little Cbicksmaug crock, a half mile
j above wbere itemptiea into tbe Tennessoe.
I This creek is on tbe north lid of the
! Tennessee river, while Cbickamauga river
1 is 00 tbe south side, and emptiee into the
Tenoessee aboat two miles below the
mouth of tbe ereek. AU the oaramea ia
j Ihe brigade were then called on to report
. ,
vea, and aa aoou a a aufiiciant
number bad reported they were put ia
charge of tbe 125 pontoon lying in tbe
The pontoons were hauled up
from below, secretly from the Rebel, but
they must have fonnd it out by aome
mean, aa all that afternoon tbeir picket
along tbe river would about def antly at u.
to come on with tbe pontoons they were
ready for ot. These pootoons are about
25 feet long, sis wide, and capable of ear
rying 24 or 30 men. Four oartmeo were
put into each boat, and were ordered to
muffle tbe oars. We ajere ordered to make
eoffee aod get all the rest we eould, st we
were to cross tbe river io these boat at
8 o'clock io tbe morning, of Monday 23d.
We knew tbi to be a basardjo underta
king, and tbe rumor was that tbe Rebels
ii J L . t t . . , !
bad artillery planted above tbe banks, and i
or. .narina- ...ia.t ani.h a ... tin. !
-v.. 6--. -e- ,
men that bare gone through Dooelson,
Sbilob, Corinth, Arkansas Post, Vicks
burg, ia., were not tha men to flinch at
auoh an undertaking, aad wa eonsoled
ourselves with the remark that if it was to
be done w were the ones that eould do it,
and if you never saw a set of determined
men, you might have seen n brigade of
them that night. Oar artillery (about 60
piece) was plsnted on the banks of tbe
river, three miles below, and were to cov-1
. . !
er our crossing, me mgnt was dear and j
moonlight, and the booming of eannon i
from Lookout told na that Hooker was
stirring them up below. We were sitting
around our eamp-fires, supping our soffee
snd speeulating aa to our basardous under
taking, when an orderly came around,
about 7 o'clock, telling na to ge asleep,
tbat the project had been postponed till
to-morrow night : so we felt more sore of
having one more day to live.
' Concluded ia our next
aapW now get our lateat new by tbe
Ilarruburg Morning Telegraph, which
commence the next year with new type
and other improvement, but i compelled
by the enhaneed price of paper snd labor
to increase the ratee about 33 per eent
By mail, it will be $5 per year, or $1.50
for the Legislative session. The Weekly
Telegnpb, 1.50 for on eopy, or ten to
one P. O. for $10. Being tbe only true
Union paper at the 8tate Capitol, it
deeerves a good support. Address Gio.
Biro.nis, Harrisburg, Pa.
In Lewisborg, the Telegraph will here
after be furnished by Mr. Sursa at 2 et
per single eopy, 10 cent per week, 40
easts per . month. As there ie now no
prevision for a Ltgslative Record, the
Tdtgraph may prove the best medium for
Legislative proceedings.
aVCpi. lsaao K. Casey ia appointed
A. A. G. to Geo. Casey, in charge of Ihe
Colored Burtau, al Washington. i
! T jj & Afif Ttf ?
! Lewisbuf;, in W. Virginians t.k.O
bv tbe Union troops, 13ih ult., under
Gen. Seammon, who holds tbe place.
The Rebel officer, Eobols, retired without
6ring a shot.
Gov. Cartin bss returned to tlarrisburg.
Oea. Giflmore's shells io Charleston are
doing more damage than at first, but enr
fleet accomplishes but Hide aa yet,
althonga there is dally firing and moving.
"The Dictator," tbe largest ironclad
vessel in the worlif. was
aunobed, in New iork, on Saturday last.
BLOOMSBURQ. Pa.. Dee. SO Caleb
Carton one of tbe oldest
st and wealthiest
reaident of this place, waa found dead en
the railroad ffaeb this morning. He is
supposed to have beeo killed hj a teal
train last nigbt.
. - . t r, , . .
Lucmda J ane Parmenter, of Mtro'rote,
Pa , came to her death by violence inflic-
tea oy ner nusoana, Jutepn t srmenter,
botb being in elate of iDtoxicatiofr.
BjavThe Rebel now propose to drive
into their ranks tbe men mho btr beeo
absolved from doty by paying high prices
for substitutes, and openly eonfest that
their three year' men ean not be dis
charged at tbe end of their term I Tbeir
leading papers urge for tbe repudiation of
all tbeir debt the eery debt tbat the
Northern Copperhead want our boueat
people to assume and pay 1
. After Tuesday next, the General
Government will pay only $100 bounty
to volunteer.
&ro(0totrs mavktt.
Wheat, 1,45 Eggs
Rye 1,25 Tallow
Corn, old 1.00 Lard, fresh.,
fiats, pr 32 lb, 75 Clover seed.,
Flaxseed 2,00 Wool
Dried Apples 6 lb Potatoes
I 20
. 10
... 11
.. 60
' E:.w:-M;.-.
' .
15 choulder
25 Ribs & Side
! Kresh Butter.
Rags 4, 5, and 6 Ham
Barley 90 to S 1,00 Country Soap 4 4 6 j
Pork trade., 00
"F Dnl Eton, th ult. JONATHAN RAKDEB3 ,
n, tiRNRtiffTA walthh, nui or fjimton. !
Rr K R rink. 2Uh alt. SOIl'KI. BKNXAOa aad
CAHOLIXI HOPLKR, hothofCbllliu..iu.T(i. j
bt n.T it " anal., zT nil. in n.w trm. . pc ai, !
MorKK aa MiM MAIZtt P, WIIJON.or U-wfbarir. f
In F.tfla Cmk, Mich, lotk alt. la bar 4Mb
,2500x Wanted.
AflT person or persons harfnt; the above
amount to Invest carl'do so upon a first
class jndgment, and a'first meffg3getjby ap
ply iD( iui mediately 10 1
Dec: 31, I "S3,
Tax Payers Take Notice.
rPHJ? annual list of Unittd Stales taxes is
I rcs, sUvtr plate and all unpaid monthjy lists
are now due, and payable as follows
JCNIAT (JOl.NTT wtl! tw att-aJ-d IB by John
M'Luu-hltB. 4putv. at M;ffJintnn. oa Moad.j the Uth
da. of Jannarr, 1S64; at M'AIII.I-r.lll-oa th. 12th anil
lutb, KlenSaJd Uth, Mriien 16th H'OtiAiwJ.till. lfetb,
Kant at-rfbra 2"tb aa .1, F.,r"ll ia.
SNVPIiR OWNTV Henry tniltb vill attend at th.
WaahinRton Htaw, Mlddlebnr-. oa th 11th of Janoa
TJ ; ScllnAttrevo,'!.! tba Union lloo. an tb. VMt. Kre
bur-. at P. MujcrV hotel, oa iba lttb, at Beaver Spring
Ulli and 15th.
UNION OoUMTT-Jeaw Iteaw, dnpuly. will attend
at llartietin on Uw l lab of Jaauarv. at atisii-'bar. oa
the lilb, at Ne. llerlia.ia Uie lib, at L.i.lar oa
tbe 14ih and lnth, al Mew Columbia oa tho J4lb, at
Unlnntii.n on the 10th. '
NOHTHUtlllkKLAND C0C9TT B Sorer, depot?,
will alteail at bia offieoln Saaburv, oa tbo IStb and Wtb.
at Hea.er'. Hotel, in Sbainokln,n the 'iutb. oa tbo
ii'Jd and zad at J M. HufT. In tbe brtrou-h of Milton.
OAUPH1N COUNTY AHeadaneo will bo (ir-n hi
pereoa, or be dVpaty, at tbo A.eeeeor'k OSlte. Middle.
town, on tne lltn. ot lluinnMltlo.n, at A.uoi.' Hotel,
, the utb.at im.i-.io.avn th. iath,t Berr5burc
,h " Milltmra oa the jnth at Jlalifa. oa
the Sl.t, at Daupbiaoa tneBorMnrortho Zld. Atten-
danea will be given oa aav day at asj olBee, ha Barria
bonr. for Daapbia eonntv.
SPECIAL NOTICE. To all who ne-lect
to pay at tbe time and places specified, 10
per centum, most be added and paid. All
axes maat.be paid in Government funds or Us
Collector 14th District, Penna.
THE subscriber will offer, at Public Sale,
on Fridau. Janunrtt 1. lftfiA. a, Riehra
Hotel, in East Buffaloe township, L'nion Co.,
" sboui
r rt. ttra a a-t san cttPTin
uuu ixsuxu jr our.r,r, WJ
larze number of which are in JOlL.
I good order for butchering, and the real aie
good rreders.
TERM:. Any person porehasing to the
amount of ten dollars, or upwards, will be
entitled to a credit of sixty days by giving
his note with approved security.
Sale to commence at to o'clock A.M. of
said day. DecSS EDWARD M'ELREE.
SEALDD Propossls from regular physicians
will be received at the office of the Town
Clerk, for Medical attendance and furnishing
necessary medicine for all the paapers belon
ging to ihe borough of Lewisburg.who reside
therein, for one year from the 1st uf January,
1864. Said attendance &e. tn be awarded to
the lowest bidder. Proposals to be opened
on Monday evening, Jan. 4, 1854. By order
of the Town Council :
WM. JONE8, Clerk
The Paupers are to be all at one place.
SEALED Proposals will be' received until
Saturday. 9th Jan. 1804, at Schoolhouse
No. 5, io East Buffaloe township, near Jacob
Goody's, to build Two neiv School
Houses. Specifications and Plans can be
seen al the Office of John A. Mertx, Esq. To
be awarded to the lowest bidder. By order
of the President r W. L LINN, See'y
Dec 36, 1863 . . pd
ALL persons Indebted lo Jno. Houghton,
dee'd, agent of Mary Houghton, either
by Note or Book Acc't, are requested to call
and make payment immediately as I wish lo
alose up the Books.
The stock of Boots and Shoes oa hand will
be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. Uailsooa and
Konli Market SnnrXewi.burg,rrCl, '.
'THE UNION' established in JH4-Wiwlfl 1W. M9.
'CHRONICLE," establi.s?rl ia 1S1J Whole N, I.0-B.
t?Onl Tie
D lYfl 'R'STffi) VT H A' t'i.
J Uil dtXIJj, UJJ i)liJ3ilj
and all the Piiurr rea'v for ui-e
and a UWEwLIXU ailjfntto Store.
FivMMMofi cf ravern.Ut .f April neit of
Store aud Dthne. on two days' notice.
Iikmton, hrmriy T. CainrCo. IV Iwr. 11. lHt3
virtue of an order of Orphans' Court of
';mo" eonlT P"e1 1- sale on the
rnfyt ,,M, et 10 o'clock. A JH, thai valuable
T "W, aintw in BraJjr t.wojt):p. I n.on
! "un,T- " "N.'L
RES of first-rate
I The 'mprore.Trrtts sr- iro-d pr
j two-itorsv Brick Hoati mi food tank Jtii
j Barn and all airreapf Umbuilf inss. There
j opon the premised a ynons bearing Orcb-
ard ol wcll-s:ec(e'KruH Trees.
I Tb, ahnr( jed premiss are sitnated
; j a wy pifaent neisbburboud, convenient
to market,churches,srknol.ac. leTmea$y.
SrateUtrat' of Jou Wiuoj, ImumI
Dee. Si. t63 pd
3 w
ILL, be onvred en the premies. on
est Market l Lew.sborj. a, 1 P M of
ThurtAry. Jan y 21161,
the new Dodblr'RrirV Mouse now
rccupia 3 ine -i,qioi noiri oj
Cromfey, (which may ee had as one, or in
two parrs, mwwefmg el! fur" two families.)
and a FRAME STABLE on oneart of the
Lot. Terms to snit the purchasers.
JOHN OTT, Belinsgrort.
Bee. 24, 18 pd
Timber Landj for Sale,
XT 40 to AO acres, on tbe road in West I
Buffaloe I'm, L'nion Co. Pa, bounded by :
anus oi i' rosrer. Jacoo Rime, in onriner, i
; Widow Masee. and oih-rj. It' is
: mmllr Covered with W hite Pine at? 3 I
; nak. and some Chestnut. If not
sold privaielr by Saturday, 16 Hn,
' ,1,6t-IO br offered at Puolic Sale, upon the
ground, at 10, A M, when ihe frms will be
.-i t I,. ,',r i v..-0...
a ', mane annwn oj i.-i izsu n.iLr i..l
Kelly Tp. Dec. 19. 1S63
iFor iltnt,
feTwo Store Rooms, 2 by 33 feet, and
one litrgt Room on second storey, in the rear
ci Krnnrr, Long 4 Co Store, on Third Su
Apply t"7 K BEAVER
To Buslnesa nen.
Caaaibarlla's Bi.t. rararr sib aad slarkat Sis4
UtwlSBiktt, Pit.
rPHCHE Rooms ere better situated, more
1 I thorooehly Dnished and furnished'.conve-
j nient oestra0e frttJ respecu frill
anv others in trie Dlace.
One is especially adapted for the sal of.
Dry Uooila, or rneial Merchandize. !
the other for the Grocery or Hardware I
bniness, or both combined. i
TBe town has a population of 3000 persons
and is surrounded oy a rich and very extensive
agricultural and manufacturing country.
At present, there is no Hardware Store in
the place, or county, thonsh greatly needed.
terms reasonable. Apply tn K.HChamber-
' lin.
Farms for Sale.
THE tabseriber offers for sale at Private
alt Ttvo Farms situated ntar tht
boron gh of Harileton.
One ia Hartley iown-hip, containing aboat
I.IO Acres, aHjnimng land? of Jacob Fees,
Jacob Smith and others, with a good Hons,
Uarn, and other buildings thereon.
The other in Lewis township, containing
about 130 Acres,.with new Brick Hobs.
Bank Barn and other Outbuildings, arljuirrtng
land of Win Holr.ao, Win Wolf and others.
For further information, icnuire of tbc
subscriber, residinz in Hartley township, or
ortMwctt, HACrr Esq. in Harileton borough.
Oct 14 K. V. 0. LINCOLN
fats! fots! Comnfots!
at private, sale,
IFesf End of Levitburg.
THE subscriber oilers for sale a limited
nember of BllLDINO LOTS situate
on Market and Eighth streets, Lewisborg if
applied lor nelore the
First of May next,
when this offer will be withdrawn. These
Lots have a frontage of fifty-live feet and the
usual depth of those in the borough.
A further description of this
property is deemed unnecessary all parties
interested can
examin far themiefeei.
Preference will be given to persona inten
ding to make
Immediate Improvement.
Alleys and streets, if necessary to aceosmo
date purchasers, will be opened
Without expense to tbe County.
For price, terms, and other particulars,
apply to R. H. Caawataiiat, on the premises.
WM. H. CIIAMBEKLI.V for self,
1023 and Att'y and Guardian for Heirs
ExecntorV Sale
THE snbseriber, Executor of Hugh Bellas,
dee'd, offers at Private Sale a GOOD
FARM situated oa Penes creek In Limestone
township, Union countv Dan'l Rakerd lives
on ihe premises. The Improvements eat.
are a good two-storey Frame Hons aodjLjj).
a good Barn.
He also offers the CT7
SAW MILL oo satdVKl
premises, and a traci of 'v
flM a E R Lanoeaear by. 2-s
If said property be not sold by Ihe first of
March next, it will then be offered at Public
Sale. Address
Buealor of Hcoa Bauas. aat4
De . ssuabury. Pa
I-iOR SALE. That new, well-boilt.
two-storey, donhle Brick Mansion. MtLi
with an Out Kitchen, and Barn oa the prtaai.
ses at the west end of Market St., Lcwiahar,
between 7th and 8th Sts. There is a Wtll aa
tbe Lot, and all kinds of good Truii Trtee
throwing. Lot 74 ftet front.
I Homo and Lrt to gas. f
1 rpfiR rbscriber nffers. r rvave bnr
i h'P- Va"" conn,y-,hre' qi r a m,i
frm the I; a ion furnace.t.o the road t'ad.a,
, to 8elingrore, tjrinie(r lants cf Aaron T,
i Ilinkit ii and Uavirt Bet,los. Tbe loteaaielaw
I II i Acres. The ImnrnvrqieDK art new JaaV
iwo-iorev rrae ne9e. won ni mtaa
cbea, and fmxt neveMeirmt water. Aimur
a tond Swble. and abeol eae handrcd Apptr
f an1 feaeb I rtes.
ZZ Tint it a desirable hon ie, sellable for f
For forther purffeolsr ctton or aWftaw
the subscriber ar the WinfieM V O.Uote
Co.. Pa. AM lE-lr A. W Atrl EKSt t. U.
Dee 7. "63 !f
IIOR KENT from l.r A-pnt aexif
.The property is at the corner near.aWrit
the Fair lironnd Tolthonse. oae mile Irua
Lewnbtir-. There i a Pamr retuw attacked
to the shop where Wagnas and ttufgies nave)
been made. Over an acre of (roaaaV ia aa.
lacbrd iuthe Hau'e, ant comprise a Gardesy
and Frnit Trees. (Tbe Blackswinb the
aitachcf a rented ) FRANCIS WILSON.
Buffaloe Tirp.Nov. 17.
Farm for Sale.
rlHB soath-west qnarter ef seeti lf
I town 7. north rante . eaif of raw Ma
' principal meridian. Tbe said Faro
ab(JBt w0 mJte9 rf of
FreeDort, in Steslienson Co.. ininela
, h sbon. Portv Acres winter eoltivaiiiia.wliw
Log House and oiher Oirbirrldinf s; t
bv t ne of the mt beautiful
Sprints ia lke
cnuniv.and the batanceef the tract itaovaraw
by a thrifty g-owtb of timber.
Every acre of the farm n ar?epribf
cnltivation, and when suitably improved)
would make one cf tbe most iar:V; rU
denees in Illmm.
Fit paricu;!arsenfjuire of r'rancia Wilaeav
of Lewtstnrf. Pa.; iim'i B. Harris, of Freer
port. III., or the sorbscriben. at Savanna. lit.
Nov. SO. 18C3 L. H. BOW EN.
The rpsMenee of ihe late Mr. WART.,
iXM- GRAHAM, ailnated oa Soeth Ptunt
i reel, Lewutbnre-, oearly opposita tedraeady
ent Hall. for terms, apply to
Dec. 1 A. ft. DIM
LOT ra North Fourth street. JbX
March I a. '. H. f. HELLER.
iPRLXO SESSION comtaDCe Muvut,
Jan. 4, 196.
A private Keon of ttie "faniTine of tht
pur,..) wHI bmiaXurbw tjla th
ur ifuw-rdtna svl it la ntnmimmndvA ibmt MM it fifisrtsj W
jtMM-rTra for futttrw tmnm n.
Tcitio per Sciio, iMloAng eoaiisgfrnft
,,f -"A K iRs!inf , ntiag. UaRnar.
Arithmetic, Geog, Urao. and C. S.
Hisiorv. tS.OSf
d'd above t M
IV.N'o dedactiont inrrl for pRoraaiadl
eiraoeaa, j. uavnra, eria
University at Lewisburg.
SCHOOLS re-opea oa TL'ESDAT. as
Jan. !.
The AcaDE-vf w!H be as heretofore aadar
the eharee of Mr. I. C. WTNN. A. M.
Tbe Ft us IvrrrrcTt will be under raw
charge of ihe eiptrieored aad aeaoaapltskwal
Principal, Miss L. W. RL'NliELL.
For further information, apply m
J. R. LOOMIS. President
Admlnltttrator's Notice.
OTR'E is hereby given, that Letters
of Administration opon the Estate of
JUM.a. Itur-p, late of Lewisborg. Caioa
eonnty, deceased, have been granted to the
undersigned, by the Register of Union eoaaty.
in due form of law. Therefore, all persona
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment; and those bating aey
just claims are also requested tt present lbas
legally authenticated for settlement to
Lrwisburg, Dea. 1st, 1863.
A YOKE of first ra-e, heavy, well-brokta)
working OX EX.
I L. MO WRY has removed his Phfv
j. graph llstabllshmemt i iba
.New Building on Market streei. recently oc
cnpied bv Dr. Burlan. OPPOSITE THB
BA.K, where he has tilted atone of Ibe
Finest Galleries la the Country I
Having superior facilities and a lea; ta
perience, he is satisfied that bis work canno
be beaten. Call and test his workmanship.
Lewisourg, Aug. 15, '62,
Estate of Jacob Grove, dee'd.
VrOTICE is hereby given, that Letters ef
l Administration upon the Estate of
JACOB GROVE, late of Kelly towoahip.
l'nion Co., deceased, have been graae4. tw
ine undersigned, by the Register of L'aiaa
county. Iu due form of law t therefore all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having just claims agsiaat
Ihe same are also requested to present taena
properly authenticated fcr settlement la
Kelpy Tp, Dec 7, 1863 pi
Carpenters, Boatbuilders and Laborer?,
rTlO WHOM constant employment and gomt
I wage will be given. CASH PAID
I.ewisbnrr, Pa., December 14, 1663
A. ELTON & Co.,
aa Seauen la
Leather, Sumac, Sheep and Calf Skins,
.Ve. 431 AbrfA Third Hreti,
LEATHER. Sumac and gkias, bought, er
sold on Comonisaioo. Advances sat
vo Coimgnnienta. Nov. !, 6JniSl
Warrantee Deeds, lor sal at this oifcca
al 6 ct teea