Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 29, 1863, Image 1

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1 f
i F'
41 .1.5 per Tear, aluayi In Adsanc".
rursJjj Mnrnias & Friday Afternoon.
" " ton rcwjrtxr,
Abraham Lincoln
End Of 1861
Some one lea the losses of the LuiiO
I . A. f.l'A.
Jl alT,P, iil" L ,50,000 eoitiBg of tbe 2J, 3.1 and S-h Virginia ; C.n toy mao .ay that the follo-io
4 t0,,l 0f 90.00J, diblci or 1-wt for nmnoted iDfaatry, 14th TetiBy!nia1 ! estracts from reeot naoiber. of the " e-
tb time. AUj 43 Urge gum tad 9,00'J I) .tson's battalion of catalry nd Eiag'j ingroe Tiaie'' (M;ailed Democratic
(mall arms. ' batterr. 'paper do not " affji J aid aa J eomfort ta
. The Rebeli lost 25 Jar enr. 45,000 At Salem, three depots were destroyed, tnemy ?
mall irma, d probably 3Uf,000 men in CnDtaitiog two thousand barrel of fi ur, ; MThlJ jf a nic!rT ar, afld we wnald 4
ki!ld, wooded, pruonera, deaertera, akul- en tDOOn(j tasbaU of wheat, one bond- rise every D-ui(x:ral to liu-ow djicn kt armt
kera.ie.4i .' red tbootanJ tuheU of f belled corn, fifty " " ""
The Uaioofl' h ee exeded oer
ntaoy tbaasaoda of rqaare mile, and tbe
Rebel, nowhere. Our currency has im
proved, and theira t daiiy worae. V.'e
mra gaioinj abroad they are losir.g. In
abort. i their Secreury of the Treasury
aaya, nnleaa tome great change occur tbe
Whole Bcbel usurpation "must auccumb
nd Ibea Peaca will aomo to .11 K,d
people, North and South.
Ws. Belmont, Fillmore, M'Cl.l-
Ian Weed &., are represented, in Iom-
ocritio Jotj.salo, as reeommeoding-no
a. ... t LI- L L...
" o. .a.
deluded tbe land io blood but a "way to
.ettlehculitie," There are 34 i-em, in
tbe creed. We give two a "apeciaen
bricks :"
"5. The National Government to as
sume a portion of tbe CoLfcdcrale d-bt,
Dot exceeding io amount one hundred
Billion of dollars."
"21. Tbe renewal of the Missouri
ComproiiUc in the two territories, Nebras
ka and Washington, north of oG 30'."
Slavery ia to be restored West ir-
. , , 1 . .
gioia wiped ont siaveioro" o iraei iu
their .laves all over the Free States tbe
Kebels to keep all they have stolen, and
no colored soldiers to be allowed in
abort, tl Rebel are U ta? a almost ail
hcy ask for !1 '
An old receipt for eooliog kares, very
ensibly begioa, "Firt, catch your bare." ;
Theaa rceonstructiouut have not bet-un '
ta Ull ns how to eommenc tte first one
..... . .
of their 31 relorms tor ueoeis to arms
def? all talk except far aUoIute Disunioo.
. .
Grant on Slavery.
Senator Wil.oo read a letter from Gen.
r.rani before a aaeeiiac io fhii.delpbia, ;
v B . -
ltw.ek. That treat soldier says :
"I have neverbeen an anti-slavery man,
v S....1-f I ... I
mad up my mind, when this war opened,
tbat the North and tbe South could only !
. J J- ia'd'" " 7
live together io peace a one nation, and ;
thev cu!d onlt be one naiton by being a
free nation. Slavery, wbien em.titotej
the eorn.r-.tone of tbe so-called Uonfe Jer.
... V..lw. Attla an.l it BUI tak
- ... .
more men to hold tbe blacs race as slave
than it would to pat down tbe rebellion ;
. . , ..it
ana, muen as I acsire io ee .c.oc, .a .
uua; aw. .., . -f f " ' J I
til tbi question of slavery t lorever
So it goes every good, earnest General
tarn Abolitionist but t'other don
?i.The business men of Danville sgra ;
.. - . it. . j j. t
to .nut up tneir toree, i.euoe.uay e.o- ,
r-ings, so tbat .11 coneemed may have th. j
. t0 ,tt.nd relicion meetio" '
aithout loss of eustom or disappointing ;
0T who niieht calL Coumry person j
Uka notice. Th arrangement might be
carried out in all our town or village. .
67--W mis the patriotic and enti-
in.n.al ong of Zimmerman'. Am.tear ,
rtivr. I,- k.. ww,..-J kT. :
II arranged and tast, Tailor Shop ec-
end door below, with a fraah uPpIj of j
u.aaAaVi'ai rtrAm 1
eatoaable good.
pflMAM .Ki. ... Ka ia fifnr. 1
ft VIIWH w.w aoa-aaw atrw ajv - w.w. . w.
nata aa ta 1m bv death, frienda ia tha
Mmy, at tbe poiOU indicated oy ina AO.-
tertiaement in another column, may be I
assured tbat they can rely upon the ;
nomiaea therein made. i
. . - . a a L.
.Coogre adjourned oyer the IIoI-
malrtts an .h.n.. in In. Mraff
ltJ... M.Vl.a mm .h,... n k. Tl.. f f
- 6 . . .. ... .
Law. It eems to b. thought it will
, , ,
remain a it is, so that tho. hereafter j
drawn may Hand on the am footing as I
those who have alraadv faced the music !
j .
I to
Tt.. T-.;.hr.r. Vnr, I .a aim
a ..-.B to
T an. . .
& CtOUZDtOQ. Frank Le nf
i.fre.wenouw among late arrival here.
Geo. Sborkley was appointed, by Barn-
e.ue, Acting assistant inspector Ueneral,
2d Dir , 9 lb A. a
ChnatmaaEntrUinmentbronghtoverf49 to ragged ebildren-and grateful news to ; Choctaw country, have renounced Suv.ry ; tttanei ,0 bome ' bea w 0f .Iwar. lert on ba.J.
for tb Soldier.' aid...The Ladie of Mil- ,,x . n ,0 etrn thtt thB del,er4 - . "d he F.ebelhon tcgether. . eonrse discered ,b lbe re9ntiBi met9 Admifllstrator'S Notice. j zCuLWTK Y PRODI CE uken in Er-
tan have bad ,ery great .oecesa in their ' .,- b. .m.!i" int,0j ;., ! I'hilad., Deo. 24. The sale, of 5 20s those of mum other person. Tbe joy of "T"HEKEAS- L1"'" of -i"i"r'i'' 'o ehanre for Goods a, nsnal.
x.ensiv. prepvatlon. for tb. same ,ef. rri h.?, ! I , -""--'H,'? 3'2;5'000- It will findiog the son alive more than repaid the .he eMaie cf SAMLEL VE.MiLE .VB. Ca.ii paid for al! kind, of Grain.
j.Y.1... r r lo s B th. price Of th. POUOO. Lot th. price CO . fMt nr. Fifleon Mi on for the week. ..!..: a:.. . l , I deceased, la'e of Lewis townkh.p. I nion t lxnwuu m
S9-Lieat. B. M. Orwig of Battery E. : ,neD' t6lt e vender of "tangle foot" i 6 wer. sent after lb. colored men, but tbe
lt Pa. Art, i in Union eouoty, receiving i "'''key. rat-aoaked lager, and all other On tL. 4 h .f Feb. next., book will b. boond4 V19 ' J mJ impaled on bay
waruitafor the abev. Compa.y, rThom- "aou. called Inxuries, be at one. ! apened at th. Franklin House in Jertey j D,irthe oldJer bnng'ng bom. th.
r t . ........ ' r ... ...... . hiinada nn tan of fhair t.hr.n !.f At arms I
a G. Orwig, Capuin,) now sutionod at ,
TOBACCOSIST. Mr. Hammond onena
thi, week Wholesale and Retail she. iu '
tha fL-ai d r be ! tK '
iora owu,.
uo nrsi ooor ociow th. Chronic e and - in.
Tsletriph office t splendid assortment '
oi Cigars, 4:., on New Year day.
-Sw-Frida, evening, Jan. l 1854. a1 i ,c"JL bom l at' Co reCeBt1' Chriatian. Grain di. ia
t mon mwits will ba held in th. R,. . .-. rr.. .recently, having passed her
house. ,3d aJJres.es ia k,h.: -f . ''fl?: " I"1?," W ! All President Jeffers..'. grandson, are year. gh. bad but on. child,
V.ft). , ... 77"ulr" cieraja.ii ia imu. oi L. Rebels. All bis wraaddauhters ( aiti bat had 13 grndchildren, 51 ol
wee.vi. 4JJt..-a. ;ia iuiaad,) aia Ui ti. Uawn. atJ 13 oi u fiita 6at.M.ua.
A Brilliant Winter Raid.
. ... ..
f.DBAT, V .eibeot.a C . W t .re ,
Pi'o. 21, lu3, via berer'y, Pee. -j )
Jo ..,'. 6. ZViVr, (rYrW it 7..V.-
j I have the honor to report that I tut
. y: t Tenure Railroad, at
' 1 . .:.a,i
pa.em, on me w .,
nr pm-mi
. . . . . of . tw9 i1j00!11d1
btrrelt of meat, several oords of leather.
. , . ,, .....
one thou.and Mck of ealt, th.ry-ooe
box cioibiLg, tueiitj balci of cotton, r..iW u vn tU-ijud, and we hope Dne ' ,
large .mono, of barney .hoe and ..Jd.e., ' 1 KeUllioa. e.lher b, .o't., or ward, of en
equ.pa.enu, tools, oil, tar and various T'h;.., .ll!lr.i,ri.1h11r.a ouraiemcat, or by approval, or by team-
Ah it..rpB and nna LttDrnd Wi??nS.
wm . lod
. .
; turntabia acd three cars were burned, and
,b. track torn o? and rail, heated and de-
gtrojej a much a possible. In six boar
five bridge, and aeteral culvert, were
J 1 " .1.-.
" ;
A large qnaotity of bridge timber and
repairing materials w.re als3 destroyed.
JI? march was retarded occasionally by
the tempeat in the mjuLtaios and the icy
reads. 1 waa cl'.igeJ t) eim my cam-
. . . -! .'.I. .
mand aod crag my aru.iery w.iu r ij'es
across Crop's Creek tcven times iutaeutj-
four hour.
n.. .... ..mm T f.vnn.l !t imn!(
eon.rn.nd, under Ge-neralf lrly, Jones,
FiiiSuih Lse. Imbjdeu, Jackson, Echols
mn.i l'l.ti.ftn 'arrant.,.' In a linA f.XtFnd
- -- i c-
i"g from Taunton to Newport, npia all
'he available roais, to prevent my return.
I captured a despatch from Jones to Erly,
g''ng me bis pusiiLn and that of Jackson
at Cliftuu Forge. I marched frum toe ,
front of Janes to that of Jackson, at
night. His cutpos's were pressed in at a
gll"P b Virginia, and the two :
bridge aeros-s Jackson's river were saved,
.1. 1,,, .ink f. , .ra l,.,t krH r.iln.l ria.a t
h hough faata bad been piled read to
6" '" r-" J .
DiTe- cjIub-oe, about rour n.ies
, Joog, higteuei acrosa, reirJitss of tbe
eoemj, until ail but toy ambaiaucet, a
. 0Ee . . . . ,
. .... . .
mra a diiuue cuuii wbb uiud w icin
, . ,". : .... ;.i Mt '
, n-hp" .tl0.in nnj fil,m. . k
. . . '
diikacss and i
men JJft' 03 lue
difficulties toe last regiment was detained
men w.re lost, and bv the
apon the opposite side until morning,
when ir was ascertained tbat the enemy
Memei determined to maintain his posi-
lh e,,ffj whjcb orerooke(1 the
klUD U LT UU C),U9 WUItU WVUlU .e. saaw .
bridge. I caused the bridges, which were
lon.nd high, to be destroyed, and tt.
: i .
enemy imoieuiaieiji tuaugtu uu j.osi.i,.u
.U .US UiUt IUU ic.l ui " " ui,uuiLU. .
In the meantime the forces of th eae-!
J conecntrafn, upon m. at Callag-
ban over every available road bat one,
whieh was deemed impracticable, but by
Licb I crossed over the top of the Alle-
8el i which was cut off and I sent orders to the c- Ts , UUD0 " ,0DB- CM Pe,cei " ,J " " .r': '."",: P,r" - ,7-1 - ViTio,- .u:r .er. m
wmcn wascuteu.aoa i sent oraers to me ?,a Jn) ln i.bliade!pbia, pr05ented bun 0f siTiD, Bp the Union and Mcrifiiini the J 1 ? . 2 Piocm. ackn,.wl- .-. ,., m.ianB. tlH, j,,.
i. .rn. ... ...... ..j i , i . - w t?. ul 0',u0 "r ,BB e-.iia u. Hcnu.tui iuc ...1 in he th. lnsl anil on f Una nrnc.... .11 ....... ... , .. . r I .... .. , .
... ., . ." , , , , . , , , integrity and honor of tha Government. : the I'nited Staies.wiU have bodies embalmed i;.'ii uafeo.n.rT n,,
1 1 rr.A armi. llie river or ovrr the moun- lr.-a LuiiJ.n". comr.letel v cashed and e ' . . . ' aait ar ail tl. k.ai. nita.'ii-m '. Vf.
tl ... , . . , fr1,i ..a .nit m.i ,i,r .n.i.nnt i Let ns now hear no more from tha Cop- wn'n 3,Mre"- i aa!. u. Wwemdoru
; tains. Tbey swan, the river and joined lurnisbed and Wirmed turougUout. 1- Principal Office and Wrrrocms No. 43, tb. faiiai.4 .et.ra.
. . . . . .....uan'trr.
ghenies with my command, with the .
ieeptioa of four caissons, which were ;
destroyed in order to increase the team of
. .
. . . meD irQWns , 0n9 offiMSP
: " '
and fnnr men mrnnndd. and f.inp rfTi.'pra
. . ... m, . . J I
w- c,p,nred -boB. two bondre(, prij. !
oners, but bav. retained but four officer
and eiffht man. on tMAnnt nf tha:r in..
O 9 " w-- "
bilitv to walk. We took also about one!
uunurea cue, u..y norses. .
My borse bav lubiisted entirely upon t
j.L. i:
a very poor oountry, and the ofBeer. and ;
men have. offered cold, hunger and fatigue I
J J j cr.. a. i -7
. B c
:.L L.Ll. a? 1 mw . a
t who fcnjaiaau.o luruiuae. Jij commaoa
bw mirehed eV)aM fM i
three hundred and fifty-fir. mile since tbe
, . . '
oth instant,
w Ayerill, Hrig. Gen.
VlXC0JIK NlW3. It wiU bs weleom.
manr a heartsick wife elorion new. :
. . . ...
maov .ad and outraged pareo's lovful 1
" !iHl
op up o? ! until it is beyond the reach I
!! Raiaa tha nrirt nf arinwalr .;!.' '
......w .w. f - - B'H nuvaiaiiw
0 d .liar "brandy toddie" to two :
dollar and tbe community will be bene- j
fi,ted. Ia lha Blme of ,h. .affjriD, !
vivea and children of Harrisbarg, we urge, '
w raiac tbe prices 1Ttle. f
. lewl'rebyterian bona, of worship I
,0 . La,,,0,,1Is' Ceotr asuuty, will be !
itilettetiitf- .1804, ac- j
c"0'D,e, w,ta pr"eted religiou meet-
Tha new I',b.t.,;. I,
Tl M.ih.1;.,. ; n.ilr
enjoying an extensive revival, and alao at
lfioom.burg Th. Uaptist. ia Briar Creek,
...- :.: ;u. i.
- loliowio P '. -.-J a"". "
the day in wb.eh we live :
.-Tre.aon asainil .he U.S. shall eon.Hlonly
. . . , I. MD Ir. JKl i
m lerym: war a, ., ....... ..... .......
,"r ""m 'B " "'.
" c' rPus h1' "'lb" !u,p..
uMchh Wen m fa,r o. hi. Jt.i....u.r
invasion !ne i.ualic afe!r mar rrnaire it.
Tbatopeoly nrgmut.ny and desertian
in tbe fce of the fe !
. AccrJinj to the law r( inis
f ,,reTe C an.
the laa
rf ibis S'atr, .
lilf ft"d
; c . ....
-stance '-- orr.u'ng toe
.National Law. by tbe dictcma of State
hi i, .a. : A r.r.iri?r ermrt has r.r jn3Uu.!ed
j .Thw lre OTe fooliA enonsh ,ay raore
t0 ihmw iwiv thnr lives fur nmhing or in an
yr; irfear-aefe.u No man
S " " .
there is m l a sensible man in ihe country
, war ., ,,,. .,nd."
, Talk of "heaven" and "patriotism" atd
-democracy" in cjnoeeiion with sentiment.
... . . it 1 T.' ...
use the atove, ssoild mil a ju i"s or an
Arnold biusb, bat tbey are ojuitnoa wiih
: a certain clas of politicians. Such edi-
i,.. r,Ai;..r;A., nMkin P..n T.cknti'a
iiDlif would have c.uted their writer to
be slruoa up without Juiija or Jury.
. .
aVjy-K.ligioo generally (but net DM
sarilr suffers dario-aar. Tbe South do
o -
feel tbe evil, most lamentably, io almost
I... I 1-1 L..:.i..
, , . . .. , ,
Li ijal 5utt suffer Utile except from the
conaor'uus atiujyance of those who tliiuk
more of Politic than of Chruiianity from i
the absence and death of active members
trw ift; and oioa tima an undue
rendering unt j CtJ-ar" niire than "uato
f i
Where nuilel iu their views, tbe
clurehes North enj .y much prosperily- '
J J 3
while eliurcbtd divided as to tbe practical
du'y of the day, and cbnrche. So.th ,o
open KebeLioo. are dwindling, or beeoaa-
. 'at
The numerous revivals at ' ,
lie . ortn are ereouragtng. i ne National
ocucTUicui o 'cieucs pecaDiaruy seem uut
. . . , , ;
tl) feel tbe ,hienc. tf K,bl support.
yj. s, .... Metb( y
church recem, ,ook up th8lr Missionary
. .llec'ion for 10J. which footed od Tea i
Thousand dollars. !
By rq j-st, the American Bible Society
ve donated a hundred th..u,aod volume,
to North Carolina, and Cf-y thousand for
JUhwcst T'CeiDtJ for O't 39 5-9
15.'. tanin is ia .isw xora cny
. I . - - . 1- t. - .
for medical askance. Thu Visit I I
- medical asis'ane Thi visit i I
- '
" " " '
a--l" ,.ar,.k. I1...;.. ltnw a tin
w ..vu.u.v. .
oa paid yon a hundred call tbe pant
year on me is. 01 Jan., '?'
Da9"Fanr colored men of Milton have j
ukii.j.i.i.;. e .l. t
" " " T !
locetvcu 9ov, uuuukj.
r-U'e understand th. Draft in tbi. !
Congressiacal district realized about 500
Til ( tl !
t&Ahe9 for ic? riTcmenti -BIT ilfi :
I t.a n L-i.t l Oin rv II1T- tha Irunil nf Kl.hnn J 1 1 I 11V I , K . l',Jnini 1 tr.r mt- -...nf lh I Io .4 Kir 1 WTjta IV rf Z .TTm TBV I r. BT1 ) in waa TT,aKTW nT I rti ft
O j
brut"-, limbs, and even life.
waaap :
l-aria?-? I. Ja TjfTiZ
BaUllVpaail awaa va Irw u
Gen. Butler bas undertaken tb. ex-!
: '
1 . t - I : . mn. '
coaoge 01 prisoner uavtnj aeui od
Rebei, f,- ,aeir brethren to "redeem" if j
they choose.
Tbe steamer George Cromwell has been
played actio
a,. .v. ij:- T.':.-. .t.
-'-"ro - -UB -"; ' o f
l 1 O l i -
a National Bat, of Five Million Dol-
1a. k.. ;ner riAii s-a .t.rrr .n V.. YnV
iuib aa- J WD a ayivVlat av av aa avM ivw -. v ,
The enli.tment. in New York city now
average G0l per week.
.,' , ,, . . ... . . , ... !
bole Regiment of the Army of tb. .
Fninmaa m rm ro.r. 1 1 ail i n tr
chore tor auMcnptione ta toe jeraey
Shore, l'ineereek L State Line IUilroad.
Peter Cooper and wife have just bad
their golden wadding fl. i. on. of the
wealthiest and moat philanthropic men of
New York eity.
Car. c ; ... t.,.. .r ,h. Plnnm-
fiald Aetdemv. and Gen. Heorf Fetter,
..-..4 ; v. Vnrt k.r; . j of th deatb of hi ton, a member of the tr work oot Lnmber from tbe Kavsiea tract ,
H zed io New York, having been found B weD ' N.ber h , .bout 1 mile from Lew.sburjf. Most liberal j
filled with contraband goods for th. South , r'in. Lm- ski .?. S P'd-C..h every month.
Th.rt....n..v. ..m. i. nna i porpos. of bringing bom. tb. remains, , X, ...,, , .1-.k A
-"-r' - ...
Worthy of Thought.
(lav. DBAVi.lfcE, of Kentucky, whose
eiectioo some
of the to-called Democrat
! . . , . , ... ... ...
..-....... ,
, ,cnt L" ,Dut:aI "e""ee -cg"'atore
Af k! 3.i,. -r, l vara n! 1 ff. aa nflt
,6" " We -nd Pwm,w -""
H ot male tbe Union aeoond to
B. .... .... :f j..,u f
I Slavery, bat aert that if the death cf
Marery u ntecwary to tbe preeemtlOB 01
the Union, it matt die. lie a!o dee!afe
J ??..!.,..
uta ucicxuiiuaiiuu iv aufil. iitnuiui
, , , . . . a-
unco. n a aauinuirauoD in in "'
pot down treaann. There ia one propasi-
t;io in bis mf.-age nhich is original, and
which we admire greatly. Here it i:
"I farther recommeor, that the laws be
, eo ameat'ed as to give to any loyal man
who uff.r io p.rirj or property from
invgino or raid, a rii?ht aBiinsl anv or
1 I t . 4" . i. . . ,,U
fpauintr kn Tu!t!ir.t and t voQb at moatbf
q be of tqeh r4lJa. ,ti8liine
M dis!oJ,i a crjininil ,jnjp,lbie.
i. .1.-1 ...... in T-. nnV Th.rA rAmnn4
' MJ remai. kara. ' It"!
right that those whise avowed tyicpatbie
ea.oortge 4Bi iofit. invasions and raids, j
ahillllil tlft III ail A DSftT IBS CXDenSfiS lur
... . ... . . ;
i 108 '
! W
103 entertain in?ct of ibtir friend
a commend ibis j ist aal politic .
. reoonsmenaatiou to tne aueouon 01 our
own State legislature. Ins'ea J of the
State" paying the dimaga done ty he
l.kl..M. -n.ttr. ..ir-.. t nf I'.nnatl.ini .
"" "'-"""'- 1
: an aot ba pad g:visj thca who
. anasred toe ngat to pr-iceei agnnsi any
one who can be rroveu tj have enconraized
! PheU by word or doed. There is
i not a cmniy in the State where such
men eould not be fjUOi to proceed
: . . . .. ... ::f,a ,h. in,:n.
,6 . ' ' . ... ..I
, :A. ihom ri T.r if i nere ni!?ac L.e
some fat picking of tbe kind found to
Lebanon eftnty; and a th tuggastion
, n ,, , ,. ..
claimed a Democrat, they can not
consistently take exception, to it. "It is
time that disloyal and criminal sympathies
i . .
euou.u cease iu rcu)). wo..
Kentucky, tut. t law of this kind wouM
...... l
b.8 " hQ"J'8 P ,he eeis-
ti.-n Ftunm fZ.urirr
Bight before all tbe World.
Mr. Lioeoln'a Proclamation of Amnesty
rill satisfy the world that he prosecutes
tbe war apon no vind
iodicliv principles, but
emipir io bww toe jk
a. T
Jnion and preserve the
Government. His offer of free and full
doD t( th(j Kgbe, fwilh fc I
nf , f. nf lk. t,.i ' i nn Mn,i:nB
... ....... '
. ? . "o'""-i
. ... .r . i. . . l.. i .i i .
" ' f
"l" The Proclamation will leave no i
doubt npo. th. mind of an, one a. to who ;
tilitie. Mr. Lincoln does, now as be bas
perheads about Sir. Lincoln's aot oflvrinz :
. .
terms tJ the Kebels. lie has gone beyond .
b.t ,imr,l. aui wonld bavii rennirod nf
k., ,i,. j ,
what ..mple uut, wouid have equired of
nim in inis matter; ior it migai properly
; have been demanded of tbe Kebeis that
, ,
,L.. .k.l I l. J .L.:. . .i.i '
iucj auouiia I. uowu men iiuii utiare
any terms wonld be cooaidered, but the ,
1'resident great anxiety for peace has
.n.-titnrt him .S n,rlrw,ir th... tin.i.l.M.
v.w..Vw .uw v ju-.v. - i
tioni, and make advance to our "errin :
brethren." and invito them to return u
... ... .
fhtir da'ies aa l?Ood eitlESDa of OUT !fri-
0QS ReDnblic. M. t na mi. ;
rer of Ue come, from . stock which
. . . . ....
. . . .. . . .
bad connection witn a tect tbat bas been
ditlinruiahed iu tbia and other landa for
its tSurts io behalf of uuifertat peace :
I r
1,00 of " t tnoh aa tbat
now maintained by oar government a
war for eelf-pretervation, and for all that i
. j a.- a. . ,a J.nVI .l...a.l . . . -. a . :
4 ,
. t ..... - - ...
li e&aetllUl la ClTlilXttlOB AuU act! 10 lli
Mr. Furgusoa, of ibis county, hearing
which were obUined and brought at aa j
expense of about $250, and buried. A I
- h, .;.. . .i... ..j .i.
.' w..a . v svui as w aa wut W Wllf
.iuuur Ado.
A eomnan of eolored Pnlnn .nM;, i .
in .outh IVolitu, .era r.tt.cked
by a cavalry troop, bat the latter were
defeated, (aeon of John C. Calhoaa being
t;,, v A
- '
r .
The Methodist Episcopal Ca. Almanac'
or lotrt gives w luuowtog .taUaUC lor
the tfirt largest Stale :
Ministers. Members.
New York 1,075 IC0,3a0
Ohio 697 132,000
Pennsylvania b'Jl 103,413
Carlisa, Pa.,
hundred lh
, a daughter,
tha laurt.ii
j Dr. Tobias' Veniiian Liniment
; T!as riven universal satisfaction dur.nc the
; ionr.een years it bss heen intrnrioeer: in:.' me
Vmtfd saM,, After be.ng tned by mil
4l h fc,,,, proc,,imH ,hf pailI de5fl.yrr ,.f j
, lh. Pain , te wb.re lhs ,,n. J
... I
R1, ,pp.eJ. u 0,.j as directed it can
' n, u, never basf.i!ed i. a .iag!e in.t6.ee.
f or eonshi and inS ien.. ii can't be
: beat. One i cent bottle will care all ilie
.... n ,., ,,. rBr, ,
a h.iv rwi.i Itaftinv ric'nl n rtrrv fa
, ,rrW.B,: .nrn .,,,Js
Cu;a. meti at.nea. Ac. It ia Denecilr iuno-
i-.nl t., nl(. int.rnxllr. inrt ran Le fftvtn Ifl
ihe oMfst person or younee.t ch.ld. I rice
tB(i so ccn:, . biile. Office. 5t r-nlandl
'...., .e Vori. S.ld b, .: Droits.
CurrttUil Wteklg
Wheat, 1,45 Ees
Rye 1.25 Tallow
Corn, old 1 0 Laid, freta....
'Ut, pr S2 Iti, 75 Clover seed...
Flaxseed 2 X") Wool
Dried Apple 61b Potatoes ,
Firkinliutter li Shoulder
Kreb Butter... 25 KibaiSidt
Uafs 4, 5, and G Ham
t 20
.. 11
. b
Baney lit) to Sl,0t) Country oap 4 i ti
Pork tradeT.W
,., f.?JlREn ochree
an v.: mart c tAki.w. both of atj.
j-J ti-iath .t,
. --: .-.a. r.f-.u a a , f .
. oD ik m in . At a mrht-r " r'm. ,ni v.rr
.:i:!.-nan...iu '
I "
CBAI.ED Pr.-.rosX's will be
J onti!
J Satar'ar. th An. 64.
, No. 5, in L&si BjiIa. V towif:p, near Jacob
. l'JMfa
! seen lne Office rf7hn. Mem, Esn. To
t-e awaruea loiawiowesi orer. Dvoner
! '. r.' W- ; s
CHlRin TAtUiB, atd lean,
ttfiUU IM.t, 10 fears
BOMfNYt llOWls.; irars.
alo' WiLsUN lUIMt.a .exra Maa.
THO is branded io ihe forehead with the
iniuais i hi (late) Master's name,!
in.1 TPir'ni ib iran PiMlar mfar intir.
or tortow a-l t twsia-. .ru.S..jli.
1 b Lb Um be ua u.
V.!1 .
I 1.
' at T'a. nVlrw-k- at wha-h tima thaara atill IVa avMrwaa Aaa.
liwraad by Uk tbu atuaHD'tbaa atvl ttira. I
aet ia ta vtHiait axt ar Utm apat (4 Lka frjalXawra4
a-awaai in LoaUiaana.
Cioversamrnt rnelerlakor,
Dealer la all s,lat af Meullle BsrUI rase, and
(TILL auead promptly to the transporta-
t:on of Bodies, or giving lnlcrai.uun
secured the serv.ces of Dr. t. H. LEWIS, of:
.ew York, (more recently from the Armv of
rkmk s. Vachr-iii. T.n.
" artrace, sneioy vuie.na unooga anaioecn-
(Tf ,JeBf0. Bnt. ..
q-i ommunicauons prompuy answered.
Mr Wm R.COI..ML.CS in aail.rid terrtr te m.. Tf. '
fc- a .atl.oiaa ut lu-nu, aaJ irf
TB ' l! bU
aao. un.or aruaaia. ASUirw JuU.
' -,mJ mu.;....r
. ..... , . -.. a- . f '
. .nr. arrnccrioer w. i uner. .( ruo.ic wa.e. ,
X on Friday. January 1, 1S61, at B.ehl'a ,
""' Buffiioe townakip, l .io. Co., ;
ia, aou.
.-a 1-1 - -rt w-aj-r-r
SUJLi:'A '
ordeTbVche' n.n the'
I F 1
jr.., '
6""u ,reuerj. i
ja-.il o .a u t person porrnasipj to ice 1
I amount of ten dollars, or upwards, will be I
, . ? j ' ' T! i
eniiiled to a eredit of aiaty days by girm
t r.i. ,
a I J u 'it- witii utriuiru acvuini. i
E want to ernplor IMMEDIATELY
Wood Choppers and Hewers,
T. s. saJ, , work on the premise,!
CheMer. Dec 18, 1S63 pd3t
j county, have been granted to ihe subscrit-rr, i
br the Reeiier of aa.d county, in dot form
all riorciin .n.toKio.l lr eairi p.rat a ra ra.iita.
,.... . .J :;:r: ""....Yl.
authenticated for settlement, to
Lewi. Twp, Dee. 19, 1463
rv Td bp. f.ir Txrmtrt md Trail l)vuw.si T?JU
ltviiart Prtmxumfar aaijr rascaly jyAaankWr
WANT 10.VIIO club acents lo circulate the
Rural Amerieaa, L'nca, N. Y. Volame
Mil commences January 1st, lfil. Paper
free to dob sabsenber ia December. Th.a i
is decidedlv the best and cheapest farmer's ,
and trait grower's paper in existence, ai only f
$1 a yvar, and every subscriber receive, two j
af lira UJCST Caarn VINES kactrm t nW. ara ma J
at al! .isnae. ar Oa. bulUr a vurefc af BaaapU'. tafal ;
M.ksmlMi' Plaau U. lar. and taort ar ,
a-Al.a ia tha .arid, nur at a I. KM ar. ari . j
a !
larr. aa tvaaV ajp: 4-IS.ai7 fmnr wha. liaiili 1
., : , wiv. rh. mm In. an Juavl atie and Ian.
lM. aaapla aaai ait ma u ail arplat. vttk .
rt..a Poj l rttr ta. y-rr-1
f Tajaatji wbaenferal I ka aa laa. naJ ar i
tfa..h.4cM iraa.aa. all fl .a. ar. as a. I fa 1. 1
AiiraMi 4iUiii,Ci.Bic,viiJ..3,S. '
gae to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. of; VVINTPR fiOC
said day. Dec25 EDWARD MELKSE. 1 t 1 " 4r' V , 1 .
fi f i which we ofler at verr rrdnee! prices, tt e
- " 'aJ:ave paid ran.co'ara'nentirn m 'he se:ec:.. n
IUU AlCIl WiiniCll ! f this nock of Ooodv arerv larpe atf-r;-
HaiRONICLE.w estillW'-l ia 1343 TTlnte Ko.,
T3 ih vita! principle rf the We Tr.- .
1 b .ai.ie 1 jy p'co'iar proeei ta ihe
di.ttta.io-. .f the Tar tj .h.ch i; h sht.t
,:T . mrdiCiitAl pr. p-ri.' j are reuicel I: .i ;:.e
. a.ea.c.aa laatcu.-ea U Ut.M f.
Hjt- r c.7 7ir f r
. "
Ift,-) tyatBia
t.Mt-.Mtni- yui '
ihw. ho rUn. u- ..rrd ? tiM nmiiri
' r"
"'- "' - -
' k4!
in. .i i a . . i:usia.
WtXttkM baaMttaavi. bAC ft-T maa Kiijm tmiiM aJ r:
i jr. pt f "((jr a, jrvi. 1 1 trU(ifcf w KDr bU d-
;. nJ a:oia i tl r-irrr-) sa acb '.arrvd. A
.c4 ..rj ri:ii t:
r, tt.
c -vtu -t- .'i x it- a,- ia-, m.J it rr
ri:l' r t Li .-a. h "-ti aj r t et. 1 r-
f. --r .re It :s c " -r-w iiraifcej wi'f 1 l-J At
t t: - .f . u jLl-- - ij n-i jq Kbsi io occti oa-
ft !.- : L.aV-i' .1 IL 1IU1 EIF 0 "WiP.
h:o :n f- u.- (art -1 .xi t f.'-t u -J '.'t b e i:?
rmty OT u;-ofl oi- T th- hr wVJ"- ri'.bt.t !
i of C.u.lJ m ! lu..Br or pjtf- "al.'-n.
lr, j-a'w t--- m- full, LM. anj fit3u'. th ir--:::
tilth tl L- CtrCaVi, Ii ail liUXV IEa.aJJ t takL ktv
twlilD L(j llA CaiM.
b t "t a k iJkTi Vji'-.5 to ;ar-yh-iqrtI.NH!
T:. ..tikii i m.t. i.a n- .Mitt. r-"
'1 T-i'c. !.. ;i ri n, -o-ra i r.T pn au anu
!n fr ic u.5 n4 w xai-D af ua. ur-ii- n.r.. wtrtb
aj.1 rr;.uUb o. J ta.. bt IDaiUi cf Ibc rrwo
prlaUMl la CirruUrf.ro wnirb I sill j'.a
trrrt. .fMiraiKD. lao'th.riruB (i.terrn;al.-. tr
V - w .Lr-t. . r o-'t. 1.0.1 f r If;. rr .r. ATr yr.r.
i r.uj. .ilp-r.o.oi. 1 .;rtM.m-iir,n..
j-a If tr'-u ail rift ( f t-r.'T-i j w aa r tl
I iff -RIilAL. I -...re t: n r Vy-tii mi; earth: 4
Ttt if tf.rav "f. V-t;r ""-t ac. 1 trni:ly
liimr ti. Ta -- r-w lit- th lie-k .-mrr. r- b1h
I It ttion aSi-ta-4 i:b lu: L i
1 te- im U.t? t-ral. I ua iU Uj tT? it.
Man, tv-t t!r J th y i, lcl jrhrM'-IK ef tttt
chooj ao'l ararti-w- ar J; y a-a-.o dm. rVsat w tSa
jnayila or ctMw i aur fu-or- m U. t raaimal of
i'.'M.jaVi'-)! t ;-. '. f Mr aBr i t :
Til mr i : ti.- .:;-;. crjrn :K atrzth-
t't(7 lt tir i-L T:ai t.'-lS' .ia--. atVJ -fl-
T. -5l 'f tua bjf--J. daj't At. I' -Ui L&O a U aj lit
r-.rr l o aE!"h t- ..ila Ur..-i. tw t; S it:Vf1aei
1 19 ;owrfu .r:iw! (tLrtaT a ; fr-'Oi 'iiaje to
, tTIth- .rtpri'-ii 'f ti Tr O riti. :u h-aiioi a 1
rwxTtic fiWif.1 is 1m artis? opoo tl irr,ttr4
avar:arw c' ti tvi Uir-aX. j-r ntrittur ra& a -
i f.art. lvIiw.P. ta.ta. ub;ui-:.r ioffan.'vt.'-n, anl
r-lnrir a haatthful ltlev?. IX tii Iwl H poajr.
I Ihe hem: to c a4 th trc nUtainj-, fnntioa t. a- ta
i nnjan'-ts-.B with Ntcr cvortnot r-tyiTt.ti -'
4rttc, aad tb altat it w4. it b ha a&i txt K ag
laW-Ttr-l a raraVTt to tiae BMaCA CU1.
T!.r I'lMC TREE T S CORDIAL will etrrt Coacb.
j S-jfw lLrtt aaJ P.v-a-i. b,rorh.UA. A5t!.isa. Cro.
liri-ir t-'i;h. Inr-tUarria. aal in aa alut
! "a"ljrfc'.'ti-"w.afco.espiaui
Tlte j;eaaioe has the name vf ihe Propria-
, tor od a pioeiree blown in the fcctUt.. Ait
i otheri are anurioua imilalmaa.
others are spurious imitations.
I Paica Fifty (Ten's, and One Dollar per
I Bottle. Prepared only bv the Proprietor.
Ur. i.. y. J. W ISM AK I .
Nj. 10, Nonh Seconi u PhilaUeli'hia. Pa
For Sale by all Drorz.su 1027yl
F AM Y FIRS- F A i . C Y Tl) n S I
John Faireira,
Ie,irt,-i-. M.Ba.-.rtuier
ai a4 iOLwr iu
iV-v.-r- AilRinosr.r
All kinos r.f
krfiiS? Jt FANCY Vl'M
F-l -jf for LaJies an'i
2,.' llmJreii a wear.
. I, hi,.., rK.I .I...:.... .1 .. n ... ....
nmU Q, COK M , v.
banr .Jt.r. r t,; -a.-m...j.
Kh b.
rtk.aajcr ma atue, buci . -i : t.
ji'H F REIR t.
Tfo 719, Arch Street, PaiJa.lrlph a
(.a liftin
l)OOM3 in Fair-. Cltcfc, Varket Sr, rear
Il ef Dower s Jewelry Sr.op.
... . . . . . . 1
rne or ine iseir !.st in a t.. i hr.-? t.
renlr sat'.facacn.
, B. RN ,:r and ot!
Olhf r Filtare5 aiwaTS on
nana or iururnea at
.u.., ,,-,
snort no 'i.e.
tewitSerr. 5pt. 14. l-'3 .
Tip.iT I VTA T IPT VriT'oi
1:1- Vl ll 1 H IV V'
II..1I .1.111 ll.l. I .11,11.1...
"TT "T! ha7a i ,0 reraiwe.i frra Phi'ahia
' ----- - r
no ' .
Bwlrrii ! rvr.lt nf
and Sew York, , very large and well
p.h,rr ... n.i ,. ih.ir .!.,,..
to e:ve n a call as in price? we d"y any oi
our eeiyhborinj towns for competition. We
bar also replenished oar stork of ;rewc
U!., ,f , , ,
hIit!e 3T" ' ,1"!?" ' naiter
aai irai: 1 eaioir,
Lfwishnre. Uec I3
ffftn rfTTC TJTTOT r '
u "flu"' I
Q -fbiOT T"
i IM
baa circulated the rtpon thai I had sold oat i-tar bor.-.n;h. I nion ronnty, having breaj
my Uallery, and leu town. So tar from this ' gramJ to ihe aa'rr;:;ned, all persons iadrb
beinE the case, I have jnat made a very iin-! inl tnereio are requested lo make insaiediat
porunl improveruenl in my .S.y;.j;h!,aa.i am j parmrai. and liio.e bamn claims ordemaawa
Bow taking belter Picarea than ever, at mr , aaiusl iliewau e will presni them for aeiua
K!n. .m f.,.a Sl. St... a WILsO.V. Eim.i.
.r u.,b, . a u n. li... . h. m I am ai a. I Lii . .
imMd as vut nn.it m. 1 fn-n 1 ssl s BUS
(ae-iaa. loCIKO rlli'P'UKArH l..ll.o.U.
ra.ain a. -ut tauat, ki a. t as l ea
ta a. .-a.ra.
ti.f, kZ 1
eat as! I t-t my
K. i. Mn8T.
Let la all tMke a RUe I
J X responsible person, at reasonable
ra.ea. r?!iables oa allev between Soaih
Third and South Fourth aireeta. half a square
. .ia... .
rronlin on Si'Uan I nirn sireet.
l-.starg, Seru 11, leC3
ta-.Mtd io 1U Wkol N,
LewisbiTg Brldse Cjinpauy.
VTiTim i. h-reVj ? jtn the SiocVhol'
i itrt cf theLewntare Bfid eConfesBy,
tav an E'reticn I1 te held at tke Ofice
the P.-fM-ienu eo Mic.'..v, ke4'Ji dav of Jaa
on rr. ibCl. fur me purp t of eleenaj
P.'i.en!, p.i Miuagrrs, Tffarer. nd a)
:rr.'. u c.cd:"t the cuncers of Stui Caac
tuay f.r "ne rear.
l.ea-isturj. Drc. 7, HtiSf-d
A Mie far Pile-.
H WE n ban.) f -r a', at ti ent pi
I P--'t a C ER TA 1 CL RE for that distraa'
y.i.S twat. II a en ciu prparauo, lusaj
I'-tt j, bitn I oerer 4r.e fail, and I J
., fcf rr0a core . .hoaa aku
R:t?r Road, I-inrrp Sept S
Fur -Ji't so &t tfssdzti Sior
bavin; eta: ma agaiaat (kar
A rniver:., i.e-ub.r,. n
ill plexaa
pre.iit i9--n rrr i'.i'em3t, to via maocr
- J ; and t3;ie tn-!e!)i-d, are requested la
miix- ;'!-iiiiU iyOffi-e rnck a ltlMB
Tnir 1 St. liree di.ors fmm Market.
J. A. KELLY. AfaaC
Livurcit, Nov. 5, 18C3.
J nai v.,i dit Jre a red 3 Lhv.Amd te tk
? clitiu'. 'ri of r(iI"R pe r cnt oa tbe capita!
s; . pa. J ia payable 00 demand.
n r SHCLVtit, in
vroa Vtajfaea, STov. fa. llaSL
ITHI .'ay WrlK cf Lean Mirier, (of Lay
i..i t .wohip.) iso biaCk Valea, waacgt
Ui I .uned to bi'u .inrioi mv plexor.
HAS !a,c2:ed brrrf in LSWIsBCR(7f
where he v.. I a::rc'i tu it yracttca
iu- i . c i n
!araci S, cearlT orpo't? AmmoBbloaaS
lVr Sir : Vf L-r M-a. k aaa -t afcwaaaf4
th.r 't h" -u D : ac a p. Irt'-r fr4 aft ) aa$
I ti-tt.o J tc tb "tr &!- t it -d mm. wm
1 d as a.L t a n-jaat-e-r a aa
trji Li :trt.at ''Tii. that ttnwivl ay
J -ar C-;-ir:ia. lv s.wt. I Maa4 adiaaft
ar ar vU a.li. 4ittjL W kit- too a l. iW aava Ilftf
aU n-tticv. Iiai tralj, JvHN UujOLAaiIlL.
H'aX.rT'.rTi'a Co . TIJT. JB, W3JL
lVir fir : I y uti ai;Maatia fct aaaaa
V r r f r-. idI ur J !? r aar4iaMa. 1 aa
a-t a1 t my tI ba 2 cr aaaad takiMf yar
TiiaW- m.iMr:a-f t4 I art W- mtt4-al by aaa
Kri'ttM&jL Surauaj. JoiiKfU Mil l.Kt
f.aixtirr, rKa Ca. 5o tT, IMS,
Dr. 3- IT- Knu-hl: H r Str 1 aa a"iM4 aikkr
R')eruni?im : i tr aaJk oaa rtca. aai two laaHiaaf
ul cfyfjr ralii&l-U- tar.:-iD rarr-l a 1st bort umm. E
.!ti atl vhuar: i.rvrl a.Ut th a l aal aa
friTiw atl atKari t.rKl .U.thi
jca ci i.t cureat. i tru-j.
I. anot.i.
n ar-iTT, rroa l, !f -a l, !.
Pr 8. IT. Krt.-ht: IXr lS!r 1 -rd ifcaa ataSJ
ua a icar v.m with a nfe at aw
; arV a,. ar byali. I a-iaal ta try aahatr aaaaV
fcr.D-. . r .cKr. I fOQtisa ana voar irwiara.; ywaa
avli-ift rurd kvr: h ia aow waiL 1 woaadTlaa ail
a ar attaeta-4 with la al li; aiiawa-w to go ta ya.
ar iwn4 jt mo, j-4 rv aM"raa. aa aa Hit aa4
r&oorj. lcarMiy, JaO liAUk
3Iammotli Drug store
' ,.ct u r ?.Ciiiwm.
! "t TOT respect.'aliT inform tb pnbn thai
-M ,h'T adorned cootrol cf the twv
I esiab!i-n jiect. and jast rre'd a fresh sepply
,.( lira??, fhemreais. Pamu, Whir Lead,
ru"7. " - l U, ia.a
O.i, Pure fpicea. Dyes:tif, Ac.
i lciiet Article?, a tine assortment
; aai u.ir -.i. bj u. bet.. . yjwtj.
Soaps! s'oaps! for Wahinc,SbT-
l, retuof .t- Or-aa-, aad las' ltt: atTaL
IV.ket Bo.k, rur?e.. Fort FoI!o,
vt-., fc.a.-k-P---t asniwr, or H wirtaan
Coal Oil, anil
Lio, zl 1 Rennet. Cos's fparklinjr
CUl.TH.f mksn4.-:ir?..t.rt. r'.am.f Estraaaa.
Vsuu.a.or.i.., t 24a. FrarK liatai Xulai.y.itary
ac Baa. otr j ,..rti. I..r cu. i
Vines ar.J Li.jaors csprciily for
H'4ir:a&! aarrs.... lt...,ru, ao4 ama, dWiyiaa
w hi , J. . .. , woa.4 no tcu 10 ea.1 ecJLas I
V."t nrf e.MIlri'. nt tpn Jntr n.
o . . t . - . .
Or.r Tiacturc?. vrui. Ointment.
,lI,rr fl.;a-.BUc.. vr-narauoaie ara aaaaafiwtw-
r.rv... uoo aru, aad an aairaa.ua
CjThe janicr member ef the flraa kavinf
.ik i i uiian,, m w a
njmler o. rears eiaerieara i. in. lrm a.-i
.,.. I . K . ' ..... -, T, . a ...
t - rescr.puon bas.oesi.brihiatheeoanirvaaa
-. .
1 Jhaif '. a' ICC!5 compeiem 10 compoaaa
We mviie a call, feelinr eonauemi that ww
con scpp.v tac waais of i.l. oa icrw. in ibwiar
saiisfaction. si. G. BtNNBTT.
Lewisoare, Oct. 3d. W.A.BE5NETT
CALL J.D St ft
AXrjfMit, mxu at fa
KHtniK, i.t ar cry
LKtMJLK, LuXe at C
IV.liVar;. Hot. 13
-, . , r rr : 1 1 : TTrit... J I a
-slal8 oi Mia.iiiu rviisoa, Been.
I .Avri ..f
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T. H. WILSON, Execator.
I.ewi.rinr:. Nov. tl. 1.JL
nATINt; made application for
Llene to rry f (nda.l,
the sobcr.ber ia prepared to a. lend io aa.o,
iu that Lne. Terma B.eriie.
Bufclo Twp. Oru 6, lo 3 (a
Casi paid for Baik.
rWIH to pnrrha a la'ia qoaaiirr .f"
UUlk Oik It 4 It la. dr:,rred ai
si Taiinrrt Vard in Lew:tu,T. for aBich I
aii n: itr h-;at,t f::ce .J ci-h.
Ji. li. :mi . j. HIL1-
- 1 Lx.uA miauri4:. rr.ii.n.rT. fh Cicala aaat
Lacips ! L&Ljpa
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