T,rsrvr ivn T It l.0 Pr Year- nlwaysi TKaf,y Morning & FiiJay Aeraooi. FUB rilKMIlKNT, LINCOLN , --r - Abu A ii am End of another Volume. AYith to-day's paper eloes a yesr the 16th of the Senior work herc,aiiU Jtti 01 the Company's. Those who have paid up until this time, will please renin again .1...,. ,.r.,i..T. and we will do the best we can for the.n : those who find their l-aiier "stopped" may take it as a hint that 11 .. ., we ' want wmic more ol uieir : We now have to pay M 1 per weoK ci nnrd:iv for paper only. Lac" Kaeh fwholeishe. t costs us a cent, cash, before ' it is prii.tvd-say 55 et- a year f.r every jubscriber. Add to this our rent.1uel,n.k VMr of ttcri:il.wei p.id worVin. n,a.id UVINa,nd it will be seen that the profits on each of onr papers must be small. Most other papers have inrrensed their priee or reduced their sire, to correspond with the V. rhoose to trv the '-STAR i CUROSICI." at old rates a limi "c '- I rr .ilW .1K. difference in the expenses nf livin-' and printing, we copy our Home Market prices, from the lirl ana Hit i.tai is is im;3 if l 35 I 45 50 I no 14 25 10 20 5 11 6 8 Wheat Cvro liuller I.ard - 1'ork !.:. f..mirlv from E" to - i ii ; 1d i,. ! The i tier loiuuif ii.'n v . merchants charge about double what they did for all we want to eat or wear. In IS IS, our paper was 81.50 to $2.50 per year credit. Now it is from S1.00 to f 1.50 cash. Thiw, while all our outlays have been enhanced in price, we have reduced the price of our product ice OI our jiiiiuui.1. It may be asked, How enn you live at : that rate? We answer 15y imlustry, economy, making a f."i"d paper, p.-ttiuj; ing a p-d paper, p.ttiiiK ... :.. .1... A rni the beat patron in tl.e country, ana Tnts IIS III ""im'J, . .. u . . o.i....,:i.,.ftl,.tii.,it..r " Tn view of the hi.-h prices, howeverwe , arc admonushed to be far more strict and , exact in our terms and .settlements. The distractions of the War have often hindo- j red our proper attention to oumiicss, .or , which we offer that palliation. j W. made no rffur.s, last season, to en- I our list with paper"so awful high,'': there was no object in it but on counting p find our iasue j. considerably larger ; Mial . eet Z w. a"k continuance and ; i o our patronage, and will tr, to merit it! 1 Oo looking over onr mail list, we find ! wo have inadvertently continued a few, paper, over-time lt.ey musi p., uV , w f!l.0U Tiii or $3 ahead to make ' better pay or d ahead . onr paper, anu i better pay 52 or mends for tbe past. antAiina inr ine Daai. . ppoKPvrrus. Itisnotneerssarytnget j - h.n. ill send tbel nrmun luiiu ouw ww - - " . . IV a an nllriP . an hva tbe caper O Vaj uuva 4 no Premmm.. l'ostage is cheap and xnoney plenty pay your roswgo .u u... , n.-t ! ..11 The law is, wnen .oy.u.og , tbe rost umce shuwmm, m cu.u u.vU , . . .h.ll be raid ,hmbk by the i . v r : . t i T: - . r, . j i . Thm ii jnnn oamu bpuu trim i srjTjviwvi " i Jones a letter rated at 6 cents, but pays 3 pnl, it l i ..t kept lack like an unpaid : but L Jone, at the end has the ! jsiier, bos i , 6 cents to B.y. And so of all pscKages through the mail. Th.. extra charge of. of 3S per eeot. we .uppose i. to msk. people Uoio one m wLjeh u more careful to know that the, p., enough ; . and to compensate for extra troubles and : t risk. Letter, are 3 cU. per balf ounce J "The Catalogue of the Peon'a Agri 6 et. per ounce and so on, each fraction cultural College, for 1863, show. 8 in the ever J ox. or 1 oi. counting 3 cts. This ; Graduating Class, (among them A. W. applies to all mailable matter, sealed or lirown, of Union county,) and 134 others unsealed, except newspapers, which rate in Eve division.. There are 8 Teacher, at 2 cts. for each four ounces, and books : and 5 Superintendents. Tbe next session .nJ namnbleU which rate at 4 cts. each ! opens Wednesday, 24th Feb. (For fur- four ounces. When we consider how cheap ; and expeditious the Post Office service is, ! there should be no attempt to evade or to I binder its requirements, but to give tbem full play and foroe This season is appropriate to remind al! J Af ik.HMHUt!nni Roma are forwarding1 ; tj..:J- " ... i..-;..: u.m .11 uwisii iiichuu. .-j . .. ....... :J r : sue sua duiuicib u ihiii ... v brave boys seldom if ever have any spare , ... ( change, and to be shut off from anything waiting for them, for want of a little poet or express money, is too aggravating. " sjrCharle.M,Gregor(diseharged,)and:0f Wm. 8earlei, Charles M'Faddio, and be Frank Sshaffle (on furlough,) are home in 1 be time for tbe Holidays Wa understand Lieut. B. C. Amnion also is boias and reports that the 53d P. V. (in which are Cpt's Church and Tate) have re-enlisted, and will come borne to taeroit. Large number! of Soldiers are daily MCsinff Northward ty.an.nd lha Holidava. -r , r ,". . fmT-rne time for hearing applications ! for exemption from the draft, on account j of alienage, non-residence, etc., has been extended to the 5tb of Jannary. nrrit- luy Telegraph, 23rf linf. i sxMore Real Estate, for Sale or Rent, is advertised in to-day's paper. JfcTbe Publie Schools of Lewisburg so cptn ca M;niay, lib January next. j j vn vn -V '"' T rrvnVTITT TTTC Advance. i Cihisty Coi'BT I he ci case on trial replied iu a verJiot or 8!i3.fi0 for Flffs. Aug. S. Sassatuan or New Berlin, and John Wilson (let) or ll.rtlelou, were . tn i.r(!iice at the Bar. Tk.u l.aaiardv ciej w ore aeiermiuiu . .L i ....,..,. .oaiiiHi the man to ' M5tg anj prjviaa for the niaintaiuaoee fT IDS USUI! ru'v- . ,he child, Qoe or one Qf tw0 Th. e countTi ,nl2 lwo M. LV, of fnyder, were re,urBeu by Justices for obtaining money, . . . . r. .m ilnhnl aoldiers. ty ialse pretences, mm inn of 1'roS. Ally, oy ie i lrt . N01. ,-ros. wad entered iu their nOBrt . Nol. fllVor,hey paying the os'i, and having "settled" with their uupes by reiunoiuj- - . , - the money they bud g"t out of them. Lawyer Miller arrived on Tuesday, but the Law Court was "too far gone" to be resuscitated, and "gave out" Tuesday afternoon, leaving the Associate to finish up some miscellaneous business on Wed- mr,,UIrtV.ttm.r.li b,w,ir,,utth--r..rriipiioi..',.iii"Aa,nin,tmi,..n, ,,,,,:. i ,irn..i o.-n h-r..fi-t i w.ro-a - . , ......jr.! K.iTir.. f..r ii rensoiii.iiT. but i dc-i'l belw U ra-nM 1k U-H jruu that will, jour oitry Ih.jr ca bnu tbe Uur4 aud. ausuia your BQa.Oue of the Honorable peculiarities of our day, is the dulness of lcal busi S nets, shown in the fact that there are but few trials in must Civil courts, and Criini- Dal cae al0 Have Dccn less man iur- merlv. The absenje in our armus of the i roiiiib, excitable, stirring population, too apt to be txcrssively cmitcutious, in cities ! and towns, aeeounts lor the decrease ot , ; crime, as the coiubativcness of all such characters is diverted into a more legiti ' mate channel. The diminution of civil business is not to easily accounted fur, except upon me neuei mat iiiiaauu i uiiiti -i ! r.L .t".! i. .L!.l. . - , there is enough fighting elsewhere, and are ; ra.uer .ucueu -, ; nai uisputea aro mi hat disputes are more casi.y aojusteu than in "dull times." hatcver tbe - " j ( cause, there is cerlaiuly a dearth of law-! yer's fees, and we see the Bar of arrcn : Co"unty have petitioned tbe Court to 1 deputize two of their members to do all tbe i business, and to dismiss tne remainder to ' f Iuw Bom8 uWe 0CCOp,tj0O for , 1"eI'hl, nTLl. Chainberahurir ReDOsitory st4(ti( M Harry White has con- , Oo a. Senator. If so, and the Rebels , persist in refusing bis exchange, a special ; election will send in his place .ome other Uoion mia frol the Indiana and Ara)st disirict, by 2,000 or 3,000 . . be be,d jQ day, after the resignation is received by , B - , . uuv... p... edmDet bi vaoatioa his seat in the ! ' , . ,. ..!. ,main r n a infiian v pat m iri'mmi nt 11 Fayette district can send him to Congress in place of Mr. Dawsoo. j teerTbe recklessness of the South in mMen profM their de8peratioIli (hdr dihoneTor both. The Georgia ; aniilalnn liatt lieat annrnnriaiori Thiftann : " .. " T"' I" iUiuiou isuuars ior r purpuses. iuo I 'nnfpilpi-flivs debt pnnal ta that nl tbe : . 7 " , , "d tU 8 .'V""' i Thc "J P"P- ' f " 8 P" i cetJt crcu,torg to receive new bonds at 0 , ... ..... , i ther information, address Dr. E. Pogb, President, Agricultural . Collage, Centre Co., Pa.) B,The Soldiers' Fair in Boston is ' stated to bavo realized One Hundred Thousand Dollars : tl... n: ; .: ,. . ,, .1 If relief could reach .L ii .... ,oem, ooi a mso iu ii our uuion army or ' ' .. . V. nifT annuia auncr ior auvLiiiiixr reaii i needed that could be given tbem - j j o We see it stated that another Na tional Cemetery is proposed at Chattanooga, j here the Union soldiers who died (here. disesse, or were killed in battle, shall buried, and marked as far as they can identified. VarDr. James D. Strawbridge is ap pointed Examining Surgeon for volunteer recruits, Philadelphia. -David Ruin, a Lewisburg graduate of 1601, i admitted to tbe Bar of Chester county. Ex-Congressman Sheffield, of Rhode I,aod, ha. received Ten Thousand dollars of New York city, as some compensation for injuries received from a defective 'tetX ,a lh,t ci,J whica WM 8"rded ,nd int0 b'cl 08 feU- 1 v t . , i : . l . - atoseDU Vironse uutqu iuiu uuuse in ",, r r. . . . i Wolf township, Lycoming county, and Ibei next morning, before day, it caught fire, ; and burned down with nearly all bis , household goods. i two small hill were ignored ana ; country .ua preserving iu . ...j.. ;,,.. trial. ! is by the power of ihe sword, we are for lbttt 8e,"L :" . the nnst vigorous prosecution of the war leading Democrats ot Uui.n . , Uwg Bh De LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PI, FRIDAY, r.nnerfissional Declaration. f . m... 17 (I.. .....linn of ' I UUM9ISA K, X'cu. A. v- - - I liltEEN L'LAY Smith f Union, Ky.) the ; Uoud considered the fotlowiug compre hensive expression of views : Resolved, Thai as our eouutry aud the very existence of the best govcrnmrut ever iustituteJ by mu, is imperiled by the most causeless and wicked Rebellion that the world has seen, and believing, as we do, that the only hope of saving the euforcel and obeyed, in all parts of ths Uuited States, aud to that end we oppuse any armistice, or intervention, or media tion, or proposition for pcaoe from any quarter, so ion;; a.i there shall be found a' Kebel in arms against the Government ; .n.l mn iffnnrfi nil nurtv names, liues. and " " " r - . j if6UB(1 auj rcCogniia but two parties iu this war patriots aud traitors. Adopted, as follows : Yet ISrooinall, Hale, Kelley, M'AUster, Mortbead, A.Myers, h. M)crs, U'Neii. Scufi-td, Stevens, Thayer, Tracy. Williams (U) of l'a., aud 79 others M iu ail. Nays Ancona, CufiVotb, Dawsoo, Den ison, MlLLElt, Randall, Stiles, Strouse, (S) ot l a., auJ oo otnor vops m iu This majority of ".il in the pop'f , branch, simply rcnects, and i conclusive of the people's will. l'hi'.ip Juhusoii, (Cop., P.,) moved that the President should "acquiesce" in the Anti-Draft stump speech of our late Judge Lowrie and the extinguished Judge Woodward, or "appeal to the U. S. Su premo Court." But the House "couldu't see" bow asinglo Stato ean "oonslitution ii. j.ctl.ie to tlio whole Union, nd bo i they t,blci Thilip's tig "idee" by a 2 to 1 vote. Having thus declared, Congress would act wisely in laying upon the table all further abstract resolutions about tbe war, aud proceeding to carry eut their resolu- . . . . . .. f tiou. Dlauv ot toe "resolves liropuaeu t b, the Opposition are mere clap-trap for en.ct -nuucomoe aBU uto ""'B"-! bv gonie ca,ca or tries, to prouuee wwar i bj 80ine catch or iTiel) t0 proaBce coq.us- iftn and in the hnrrv of votintt to place ion, .mi in .uo nun, . .o..u6 . friends friends of the Administration in a false position. "digger on me Drain:- in tue iiouse, .ust., . . Miller, of Pa., moved to instruct the ('resident to "exchange white men fori white men.rro.II other qaestioos, . , .. , , . ' mclud.ng that relating to negro prisoner., , to be disposed of hereafter." buroe of m mei a Bubsti a-an, substitute, otioroo- "the measure, taken by the Ad.,. .ration fur the exchange of prisoner, now held by the enemy tn the Southern-pns- cos, and recommending the same course to be pursued for a fair on.ljust exchnme 0f nU our p.MUr now held by the Rebels. The House preferred tbe substitute, and 63 .g . willing to leave tbe brave black men . nf hnm l.a aaved a white shite cit-i i wuw v " w man's service to De ensiaveu, anu tueir '" officers to be bung or imprisoned, when be Knows tnai ine uovcrnuitius mh long ago offered to exchange "man for i man aim ine Lseoeis ; uiu am eis . . T.i i , r l i , . i, , q ttomi0 bcint .a a.. made, must be kept. Kicts or poor, ! Wm. Miller's color or nj other man's .. r . . . i - ri. color, all woo ugm ior me v.u .aB, shall have the protection of tb.t Cag- American, Irishman, or German, black or . ... ij wuite, ,uuo6 But this was not all. . The same day, Mr. Harding offered a proviso that "no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be used for the raising, arming, equipping and paying of negro wldieri." There voted Infttvor of lliii provitofLneoot Cot froth, Dawson, Denison, Johnson, Lszear, MILLER, Randall, Stiles, St rouse (10,) of Pa., and 31 others 41 in all. AnainU liailey, Uroomall, Hale, Kel ley, Morehead, A.Myers, L.Myers, O'Neil, Schofield, Stevens, Thayer, Tracy, Will- iauis (13) of Pa., and 92 others 105 in all. So Miller, and 9 others, from Peon's, want all colored troops withdrawn, and thus to compel white men to take their plaoes, or yield all that wa bare gained . . a and submit to Disunion and endless bor- , ... i . c i at der wars. We are barpy to find Mr. wars. We are harpy to Bailey (Ind. Dem.) votes with the majori ty in this case a majority of 64 for using the strong arm of enfranchised men to strike down the guilty elavelords who by rebellion bave deluged the land in blood. This is tbe way "our Congressman helps "support the Government!" That "nigger on bis brain" gives no room for patriotic devotion to country, but inspires him with a desire to prevent four millions of colored people from fighting on tbe right side thus virtually coercing tbem to fight on tbe wrong side, or else compelling the white, to bear all the burdens of the contest for tbs preservation of common blessing.' csj.Buckalew, Miller, and others, elec ted to the National Congress through ths carelessness of the Union people in 1862, vote, every time, as Jeff. Davis and his friends would bars them. ' We deem it - . , unnecessary to follow tbem any further, ' . . . 0ar r"der J" contented that T Wllc7. je'uitical, sneaking, mdireet way, in thick these men ean injure tbs ttovernaieoi, tbey will; out en open, manlv blow at the Rebels, tbev will not - aid. Ana id all mis, toey uu.or.ous.j, misrepresent Pennsylvania end the I cople of tbetr Districts. Union Pyramid 1863. Iowa 32,000 Ohio 102,000 Maine 1S.O00 Kansas 15.000 Illinois Nevada Vermont Indiana Missouri Michigan llelawaro Maryland New York Kentueky Colorado Wisconsin Nebraska Miuuusotu California Connecticut Columbia lis. West Virginia Massachusetts Khode Island New Hauipshiro oi",IJH0 5,000 20,000 15.000 1,000 10,000 8,000 20,000 30,000 51,000 5,000 20,000 5,000 12,000 lH.OoO 3,000 8,000 10,000 42,000 5,000 1,000 15,000 l'KN N Y L V A X I .V Constitutional Majority 400,000 C"Perheal Pyramid 1803. Auti Draft Riot in New York, and New Jer te y fiedrTbe Frecdmco of South Carolina are availing themselves of the opportunity of buying from the Government, in tracts ot twenty acres eacu, lands abandoned oy the Rebels. With many difficulties and obstacles to contend against, the poor fel - B .r lows have shown the right disposition, and those who purchased last year have doue ,. .l " . i i j I well. One of them reports that he cleared . - ,.,,, , .. .. ti. i...j.... ' v-ov itoui his cuthuu crop, a us wyutuvj ; f Entnci tioo ig , bind toetl,er in , fimiiei M producers and prospective i om F3nr Million. o( poopie, ho . ... , . ,. ,:,, , were hUhert0 mtU of Half M,1Uon w00 MmnA in a. .a and i.llanaaa nn thn nnnbiil ., , t, i - toil of others. Hereafter, let every man etrn bis own living then the aggregate , of buman happiness and national prosper- :.: v .j a J ' Tb. pirate, of the Chesapeake were rescued from the British officers by a gang om ' J 8 8 w - 1 Tel"e,i ooutuw.ru, w.a p.urcu ..Uu. .u i a . I J J U joion owners oy neocis uisguiseu as passengers. It thus seems that Rebel villaius ar. scattering themselves wherev er they can do any mischief howovcr vile and unmanly. Mexico continues harrasscd by divis- pons. ihe trench are maUng some mc, bat have lost Pdebla, while tbe The frenoa I ... .. : . L J I .Y . , ,, ,.'.; Gen. Comnnfort, their I . . . " ........ . . . ablest leader, wa. waylaid and killed with nearly hi. whole guard. (Behold, in Mexico, the fruit, of a nation, divided among themselves, an easy prey 19 a for eign monarch.) The Executor, of the late Judge Mor rison in Juniata county, found 8270 in gold, and 200 in silver, in old rags in the loft of bis store room, 10 eent pieces, and lot. of copper, distributed miscellaneously. Honesdale, Pa., bas recently lost, by death, two good citixens Col. Richard L. Seely, President of their Bank from its origin ; and Dr. Ralph L. Briggs, Post master. A correspondent of the Boston Travel er with Gen. Meade's army, says that the North Carolina prisoner, captured dnriog tbe late advance, aotualiy danced far joy and kissed their captors. Sunday morning, during the freshet in Tusoarora creek, the boom belonging to Stronse & Flickineer, at the mouth of tho creek, broke, running about ten thous and railroad ties into the Junia'.a. Mr.M'Lmghlin, of Cherry Tree,Indiana Co., Pa., recently shot a bear that weighed three hundred and four pounds ; it yielded seventeen dollars' worth of oil. Tha Paris (Illinois) Valley Blade comes out for Pres. Linooln for President at the election in 1864. Ihe Blade sup ported Douglas in 1860. An exchange calls men who stand around church doors to wateh young ladies, as the congregation is going out, ths 'tPevil's Pickets." Wm. M. Beetem, cashier of Carlisle Deposit Bank, has contributed ooo hun dred cord, of wood for the relief of tbe poor of Carlisle. Harrisbnrg pspers snnonnoe ths mar riage of two old Baches A. J. Heir, Esq , and Msj. John Brady. Cornelius Vaoderbelt and wife recently celebrated their Golden Wedding tbe fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Five girls dressed in male attire arrived at Louisville lha other day in party of three hundred Rebel prisoners. Trains now "pass through between New York and Washington without changing ears or being stopped in Philadelphia. Wa read that n Williamsporter is im prisoned at Washington on oharge of defrauding tha Government. Tba eosl miners at Broad Tp., Han tiogdon county, hays resumed work. i DEC. 25, 1863. Latest News G n A,eriu ijuj,,,, cavalry) recently trnt(;( , Salem, on the Railway between S. V. Virginia and Tennessee, destroying it for fifteen milrs, and thereby damaging that communication between Lee aud Longstreet. The Rebels at Staunton, Va., also feel alaruitd lor their safety. In bis official report, dated 2lst inst., Gen. A. rays : "My command has marched, climbed, slid, and viain 355 miles, since the 8 th inst." Letters captured from a Rebel vessel, show some of their iuside troubles. J. N Maffit. a ahioeaDtain, said not one vessel bad gut through the Wilmington blockade- to a niontn. Our arms eontinne prosperous in Ar kansas and the Cherokee eouutry. Io Arkansas the Uuion eauso is advan cing. The Rebels attacked Fort Oibsoe, and were repulsed. Recruits are joining our armies, and uon combatants take the oath of allegiauce. Gen. Michael Corearao, born in Ireland, iu 1827, but for fourteen years b illy an American, died at Fairfax 0. II., Va., 22J Dec, from injuries received by a fall from a horse. His loss is sincerely lamented, fur be was fighting the Rebels iu uo hr.ifway manner. Hccuan the bruiser, whs went over to England for a fist maleh, received a good whipping from another brute biped named King. Ci'Probably no remedy for the core of coughs and couldi, has become so popular in so short a lime, as Dr. Wiahari's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. Physicians of Try school have long been convinced that the pine tree contained great healing properties jet nearly all were opposed to the use of common tar, being aware thai it also con- . Vr- Wishart, of Philadelphia, claims to hare I overcome by a peculiar process in the distil- 1 f ,he. ' uf "h,'chi' 'f'ine ' preil ; and if we are to jurfse trom me ma- ; lir usil(nnnials thai are constantly brought ; to our notice or its benehctai meets, ii rnusi certainly be considered a great medical dis- eovery. unio. isee advertisement .id aoemer coi- r5Nxt session of BoffaloeTp. Teachers' Institute ai Farmersville, Saturday. SGih itiaL ! I UIOD 1 raj er 5Ieetlns hereafter i ln --r j, 4 0.c Sabbath P M t5"The ITnion County Teacher? Institute meels a, Mifflillbnrg, Monday, 28ih Dec-io continue four days riMiehtirfY C&arf&tt xttCllUU73 XaMH. CorrteUd WVeltj, Wheat, 1,45 Eggs.. Rye 1,00 Tallow ,d , Q0 L, fregb 0 10 11 . t Oats, pr 32 lb, 75 Clover seed 7,00 Flaxseed 2,00 Wool 70 Dried Apples C lb Potatoes 60 FirkinButter 13 Shoulder 6 Fresh liutter... 5 Ribs & Sides 6 Rags 4,5, and 6 Ham 11 Karley 90 to 1,00 Country Soap 4 & 6 pork trade 8.00 BrRT. O. O RakMtraw, 211 luM.. CfIAttf.ES L. t NICHOLSON, of JliM SALL1K A. . . I ' , I.' .. . I' t'r. p. h, k.,. osniri sto.s. i7th intt.,JAMES lkplky and i Mi" MAKV 'OX, butaof llrtiun. H R. A I. Iln. Uth int. IU.I AM TFA'iitK j plan ol said town, -o. 73 ana in nne aad mim alu'k i. roWLitit. both of Kijti.uTf. Pa. ,eer Twp, Union Co, Pa, at Public Oulcryon wisbbss aaaai aasaaaM awaaaaa aaaaM jjy lne first fay 0f january neIU There J3ff0f are on the premises a House and Stable with In LMri.Hint,2M ln.t,.d about Taam, 8LSAS , a Well of excellent water and other ennven d.sulitr of iuil and Etixats-th skwman. I ienees. Sale to commence at 1 o'c'ik P M of Ia Vott?ut. jii-h.. utb itt.. in bit Ttn " l.IAM. win of Chrla K. and Mary A. ANTK5, formerly ! ' x" r- PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will offer, at Public Sale, on Friday. January 1. 186jraf Biehl's Hotel, in East Buffaloe lownskip, Union Co., 000 HEAD OF SUEEP, a larse number of which are in a I sna kniAr.Ar.in0 and lh rsvt aia rood feeders. V TERMS Apy person purchasing to the amount of tea dollars, or u (wards, will be entitled to a credit of sixty days by giving his note with approved security. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Dec25 EDWARD M'ELKEE. NOTICE ALL persons indebted to Jno. Houghton, dee'd, agent of Mary Houghton, either by lVote or Book Acc't, are requested to call and make payment immedialely as I wish to close up the Books. MARY HOUGHTON. The stock of Boots and Shoes on hand will be sold CHEAP FOB CASH. Call soon and get BARGAINS. North Market Square,Lewisbnrg.Decl, '6S. PUBLIC LETTING. SEALED Proposals from regular physicians will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk, for Medical attendance and furnishing necessary medicine for all the paupers belon ging to the borough of Lewisburg.who reside ik..n f..r nne vear from the 1st of January, 1864. Said attendance &c. to be awarded to the lowest bidder. Proposals to be opened on Monday evening. Jan. , ino. bj m of the Town Council : 01 WM. JONES, Clerk The Paupers are to be all al one place. MEN WANTED. SO OR GO MEN WANTED AS Carpenters, Boatuuilders and Lahorers, rrtO WHOM constant employment and good I wages will be given. CASH PAID EVERY WEEK. ' FR1CK, BILLMEYER & CO. Lewisburg, Pa., December 14. 1863 A. ELTON & Co., aaa Sealers la Leather, Sumac, Sheep and Calf Skins, JVb. 434 North Third trttt, r" r, bonchter' LEATHER. Sumac and "'"Va,,?, .M4 on Com-- AeSm i ou UousigBinents. i Philadelphia. "TUL' U.NIO.V." estaWIstoa in 1811 Whole No.. 2,lUa "CHRONICLE" established la 1S43 TTkole Ka., 1,027. Heal Estate. BJ1 2l3B!f n TAVERN SI A.NU a STOKE RD")M an. I ail the fininre rrailv fur use- ,..! a l)WEi.l.Ifi aJuctnl lo 81ore. Pose'sion of Tavern, 1M of April neit of i Store and Dwlline. on t" Nys notice. , ...... .ni.f,.if. tL. fc.-. . 1 HI-'. u 1 ' t 'n l. r.. ouici .v. Onkmlon, tlrJy fu, tuina Co. I'm, Vm. il, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By vntue of an order o Orphans' Court of f dioii county will lie eapnsed to sale on the premisei. on SATURDAY the lS;h of Jana ta .... . . sKl nary. l"Oi, at in o cioca, n m, .. -. i FARM, sitnate in Braly townsaip. i-nina ; county, conta mins ACRES of nrt-rate and in a good stale of enltiva- l.imi'ioiie Laa lion. The Iniprove'iients are a rood two-storey Brirk House anu gooa nantj-L Barn and all oreary Ombuiliins. There is upon the premo-e a youn; bearing Orch ard of well-selected Fruit Tree. The above desrribed premises are sttoated in a vt-rv pleasaut neighli. rh"od. ci.nvenient tu marrl,churches,scboo!s.tc. Temsasy. S. T. M'CORMICK. AimiuUtiator o J jlf Woj.jS, ic-;d Dee. 2i, pd rum.ic sai.k. WILL be offered on the premises, on ijWest Market St. Lewisburg. ai 1 P M of Thuruliitj, J'ifi'if 21, lt4, the new Double Hritk House bow ircupied a the "Liiion Hoiel" by Levi Crumley, (which may be had as one, or in lwo parts. answerin wel! for lwo families.) and a FRAME STABLE on one pan of th Lot. Terms to sou the purchasers. JOHN OfT, SehDSgrove. Dec. at. 163 pd Timber Lnd for Sale, SAY IO lo SO acres, on the road in West Ball'aloe Twp, 1'iiioD Co, l'a, bounded by lands ol Jos Foster. Jacob Klu.e.Ch Shnner, Widow Magee. and others. It is mostly covered with While Pine. Dale, and some Chestnut. Ii" not sold orivatclv by Saturday, lb Jan. IS6L to be offered at Public saie. upou ine ground, at 10, A M, when the terms will be made known by DANIEL KAUFMAN Ketly Tp, De. 19. 163 i?or Xttnt, ClTORE-Room and Dwelling on Market Su now occupied ty N H Zimmerman. Also two Store Rooms, 22 by 3 feet, and one large Room on second storey, in the rear of Kremer, Long t Co's Slore, on Third Su Apply to P.BEAVER To lluainess Men. TT'0 STORE ROOMS FOR RENT, I haiabarlla s Blnrk . rnrnrr .Mh and MarktX SW UiWIDKlllli, PA. rPHESE Rooms are belter situated, more I thoroushlv finished and furoished.conve- nient, and desirable in every respect, than anv others in the place. One is especially adapted for the sale cf Drv (ioods. or genetal Merchandize. The other for the Grocery or Hardware business, or boih combined. The town has a population of 3(100 parsons aad is surrounded by a rich and vervexiensiv agricultural and manufacturing country. At present, there is no Hardware Store io ihe place, or eonnty, though greatly needed. Terms reasonable. Apply to R H. Chamber lin. CHAMBERLIN BROS TUBLIC SALE. THE Trustees of the Bnffaloe Circuit of tbe Evangelical Association offer for sale a certain House and pari of two Lots lying in i Ihe village of .New Columbia, (marked nn the said cay. when terms will be made Known. JOHN' RANCK.one nf the Trustees. New Colombia, Dec. 8, 1863. pd lots! Jots! Coinnfots! at private sale, CH A1H BERLIN'S ADDITION, H'fjf End of JjftrMurg. r THE subscriber offers for sale a limited number of BI ILD1NU I.o; s situate ! on Market and Eighth streets, Lewisburg applied for before ihe Firttt of NaT next, ; when ,nis offer W1n be withdrawn. These Lois have a Irontage of fifty-five feet and the usual depth of those in the borongb. A further description ol this VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE properly is deemed unnecessary all parties interested can examine for themtelvet. Preference will be given to persons inten ding to make Immediate Improvement. . Alleys and streets, if necessary to accommo date purchasers, will be opened Without expense to the County. For price, terms, and other particulars, apply to R. H. CH.warai.tf. on the premises. WM. H. CHAMBERLIN, for self, 1025 and Atl'y and Guardian for Heirs Executors Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. rp.jg gn!)scribr. Executor of ITnsh Be pffen prlTate Bae a Gr Mas. GOOD FARM situated nn Penes creek In Limestone township. Union county Dan'l Rakerd lives on the premises, ine improvements are a good two-storey Frame House an a good Barn. He also offers the SAW MILL on said premises, and a tract of TIMBER Land near by. If said property be not sold by the first of March next, il will Ihen be ottereo at rumu. Sale. Addres.tHARLEgprEASANT3 Biaeator of Hran frnua. d Dee. 3. 1363 snnbury. Pa F0R SALE The residence of ihe late airs, jiaria M. GRAHAM, situated on Sooth Ffont etreii. Lewisbnrg. nearly opposite Independ ent Hall. Tor terms, apply to Dec. I A. H. DILL FOR RENT. TWO-STOREY Brick HOUSE and- 1 LOT o Korih Feurh !ref. El Ma.ek I Vi. H. P. cHELLLK. s2& Housa and Lot far Sal rpiIK subscriber i-Ct-rs, at privat aaja. ate I iluue and Lot, Mtuaie in I im hlp. Cnion county, three qnarirn f bO from the Lnioo Foroaee.oa law n4 Wiaj to rie!inftn.vr, arf.namj laaa of Alvoo T. H ,xUiraoiJ lavd UriyU-aw Tae htlsnasaiaa It j Acres. Tha Improve-mm" are ap two-slorrv rrame m ar. wn " . and rood nerer-fititS Water. Arvav j sui,. ana abuitt oat kantUed A.dIs T. jrvan't ream i reri. Zti Tbi a a Jesirable home.sailab.e BVa tea-nster. For furthev particular ealtea or arMVMS the subscriber at ihe Winn f O.Uoia Co.. Pa. t-AMLEL A. WALTEB. P. M. Urc 7, '63 If Farms for Sale. rpHE subscriber offers fur sale at PrivaW ae 'I'via Farms .tut4 Beat la !' bi.ronph of Uanletoo. One in Hartli-y township, eontaininf IMN 150 ACT", adjoining lands ot Jacob Fa4 Jacob Smith and others, with a gaod How. Barn, anJ other buildings Ihcreoo. The uther in Lewis township. oalaiaxc sboui VIO Acre, with new Briek Howaa. Bank B irn and rther Oiiboilrfioga. adajaiaa lar. J of Wm Huffman. Win W-lf ana mam. For further informatioa, ifcquira f lks subscritr, residing io Hartley tuwaship. of Maaicaa dssrr Ksa in Hartletua buroak, Oct. U H. V. a HMCOLW Farm for Sale. rrHE south-west quarter of seerioa IT, I town V7. north range 8. east of Ihe 4ia princ pal nesidin. The said Faxua lia abjut t jto miles north of tbe Mj of FreepniN in Stephenson Co., Hllnolt, has about Forty Acres under coltivMum,aritk L"g House and oilier Outbuildings; is waarr4 by ine of the mst beautiful Springs ia tho ci.uniy, and the balance of the tract i. evr4 by a tbrit'iy growth of limber. Every acre of the farm is saseeptible of cultivation, and whes sowably Hnpovt4 would make one of tbe aaosl inviting teaia dences in Illinois. For parucularsenijuire of Francis Wilsow, cf Lewisburg. Pa.;ham'l nt Uarria, of Tra. port. III- or ihe sabscribers. at Savanna, TIL a B. CHAMBERLUt, Nov. SO, 1S63 L. H. BOW EN. HOUSE & WAGON MAKER'S SHOP 1OR RENT from 1st April neiLJ-av The property is at the corner near,,iJ the Fair Oroond Tollhouse, one mile fiuas Lewisburg. There is a Patat room aiiaca4 to the shop where Wagons and Baggies aavw been made. Over an acre of groani i. aa lached'tothe House, and comprises a Uaresw, and Froit Trees. (The Blacksmith snap attached is rented ) FRANCIS WILSOH. Buffaloe Twp.Nov. 17, J863 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. IOR SALE. That new, well-built. faafc two-storey, double Brick Mansion. ijif with an Onl Kitchen, and Barn so the preesis ses at the west end of Market 8l. Lewisawlaj, bey een 7th and nth a;s. 1 here i a WaU ; the Lot. and all kinds of good Frail Tree! grnwm;. Lot 7 leel trout. June il- REI BEK SNTDEB. LEVVJSBUJ.8 ACADEMY rpiIE FALL SESSION commences Moaaiv, I Sepi.23, IS63,to eontinne to tbe Holidays. A private Report of the standing of lha pupil aid hr.for b plsr4 ia th. haad. of .art aarvai or gu.rdisa it urtfCmmDld that suck rapatuW prrrrvta ior miure ct nij xz.f jx- Ti'iriox per Session, including contingent expenses: PRIMARY Reading, Writing, Deflasr. Ariihmnic, Ueog Isram. and U. 8. History. 5.0J ADVANCED ENGLISH, all not inelu dd above (.80 LANGUAGES. 760 teTNo deductions except for proirawuxi sickness. J. RANDOLPH, Sept. IS, 1C rrlaatpU Estate of Jacob Grove, dee'd. "yoriCE is hereby given, that Letters of l Administration npoa the Estate ef JACOB tiKOVE. laie of Kelly township. Union Co., deceased, have been granted lo the undersigned, by ihe Register of Union county. in due form of law; therefore all per sons knowing themselves indebted lo said estate are requested to make immediate pay. j ,he same are also requested to present meat properi, authenticated fcr settlement ta ment, and loose having just claims agaiast ABRAM GROVE, Admin r KelSj- Tp, Dee. 7, 1863 pi AdmlDlftlratar'g Xollce. X' TOTICE is hereby given, thai Letter of Administration upon the Estate of JOHN HOl'P. late of Lewisburg, Laioa county, deceased, have been granted lo the undersigned, by the Register of Union county, in due form of taw. therefore, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those having any jusi claims are also requested lo present tbem legally authenticated for settlement lo HUBLEY ADBRIGHT. Adm'r. Lewisburg, Dec. 1st, 186S. rPIIE subscriber has opened a J- Family Grocery Store in Mrs. Crier's Building. East end of Market street, Sooth side.where he has a good stock of TEA S, COFFEE, SPICES, SUGARS, MOLASSES, dV. TOBACCO AND C I O A R 8, Batter, Eggs, &c. etc. Which are offered CHEAP FOR CASH bjt JOSEPH ECK BEST. Agent Lewisburg, Nov. 9. 1863 FOR SALE. a YOKE of first rate, heavy, well-broken, A. working UK. Nov S7 FRANCIS W1LSOX. University at Lewisburg. SCHOOLS re open on THURSDAY, 4 Sepu The Arinsxv will be as heralofor aader the charge of Mr. L C. WTNN, A. M. The Finis IssTiTtrva will be ander ! charge of the experienced and aeeoatplisfcrdj Principal. Miss L. W. RUN PELL. . For further informatioa. apply to J. R. LOOMIS. President DR. JOSIAH SMITH, nAVINU loeated in iwisourg. o.i- m share of the pnbiie patrnnage. Resr deuce and Office on Msjkst St., .ear; oppa. ,leu ' .it i u its the R.viere House- .