UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBUEG CHRONICLE DEC. 18, 1803. Hubert Kami! (u:nmii lll Una travel. Small, tba negro who brought the tenner Planter out of Charleston harbor two year aince, baa sioee that aebieve Bieat been in the service of tbe Govern uaeut. : He wik oo botrd the ill fated Keokuk at pilot a hen the was cut k in tbe " first attack ujktb Sumter by Ilupont, and baa ainea penetrated nearly every inlet and creek along the entire coast, and been under ira for days and aometinies weeks at a lime. After serving on inaoy vessel, . be again find liimso'f in tbe same ateam- er ha brought out of Charleston harbor. A raoent letter says : "A few days since, Col. F.lwoll required the services of this vesfel where eie would be liable to come under the fire of P.ebel guns. Tbe captain, a bfawoy white" bail or, refused to go. Tbe uiouiuut tbe fact became known, M. Kiwell issued tbe following order, whicb, for simple justice to a brave aud loyal negro, ifEeiaily ac knowlcdged, ha seldom been equalled in j this or any other department, it is nn- Beccssary to say thai liot'crt amall tooK eonmand ef the vessel and faithfully discharged tbe doty required of him. " "Office of the CUof Q nrterniaster, 1 Fobt Royal, S.C , Sov. UO, 1803. j Cpt. A. P. Duntm, Chief Assistant Sir You will please place Robert Small in command of tbd Uuited States transport Planter, as Captain. Ho brought ; bar oat of Charleston harbor more than a . year ago, runoing uoJir the guns of Puintcr, Moultrie, aud the ether defences of that atrooiibold. He is an excellent pilot, of undoubted bravery, and in every respect worthy of the position. This is due him as a proper recognition of bis . heroism and services. Tbe present Cap tain is a coward, though a white man. Dismiss him, therefore, and give tbe Steamer to tiiis brave black Salon. "Koffeetfu'lj, juar obedient servant, "J. J. El.WtLI, "Cliof Qiartcrmaster's lA-p'i South. " It may interest some to kaow that tbe above order was immediately approved by Gen. Gilmore. FAVOlUTl-: aiA SONG. Kif jr fhr innS wh-r to w.l1.'rn"- jrrowrin. The rv-4 BTjftn liU- rulfJ r the wnhJh stud the wit? Hbftf KeUur, ia b-auly h.-r bounty tl.iig, 0 the fruit t tlie l-old aifl Urn hrxv- ? .Ti the wnrM of rVturattuit, th luutl of th frr, Tw tha proud lot of all nm wb lot Liberty. Cdow je th land that Intolermnrti nUnt-.., With lf hanfuhstt rrthMt. rwliirfn lhir fin, Who ouflit asd who gained, tljo't. tyrants uuruiUl, Th fnr-U-m of c-nM-u ot a-d u. r i Tiirthw land ofthv I'll rliOf. th' li -ni- "f the Trtt lit th laM glad ajrluu of Jrd Liberty. Know ft tbe land wht-i-f the Mim nnj nap". WnnTrOwrHMl on i-f hinn.infjpi navore prrinm fl WhuM livan. fortune, fuue. and wfcot tleeU deck tltr fmiTia Of rfajnw whPT In tr.11.nj.T1 ttiwVr ninvrlf "Tin :b land nf or ftrtia, .h lioaivaof tri- fix. Ti tile laat hpv oi mil tiiou wiio low Libert. Kn"ff ff the land -rlier- Htr ondwtjntJ, Nv'rr pbrtufc frotn tb- ruu iu tba yrnir of him hieht ? Vtbota frei man iha tu.tl it ibwj baFla(tvd. Tli ri.inK of tti'tii-lit and uflia-dt? Tin "ur t wit natiw'M-ntintrT. tha- ltr (f fh fr. 'Tw Ua birth placa of great mti aaJ w-t l.ilwrt. Know jf tha lard w l.-r Wa-tiort'ii5 flourished? Wht-rv tit, an t biir by merit tb-T mho r Where pftttiott, tntniaD land brm are UL ariobed, 4od Ual-uti an4 worth tit- to an ? Ti tbe land of our Dnvt t land ni the free, Tin tbe glorjr ot all m.-o wtt(.. i-tf Lirrtv. A Yankee Taunsbip and Church. A correspondent of a Koston piper says of Etbt Clarcmnnt, TtaDkliu county, Massachusetts : "It is without a merchant, manufacturer, Uwjrr, mtchinic, or betel- keeper, and can well be called, 'Aeadiao V a I 1 l . , t p fn,..-Bn ' Iand, home of tie hat p J. r or fourteen ; jeara, the rattor, ( Aaron Foster, CuDare-! J ) r v ' ft eatioaaliot.) Lss bueu iilerjt ifi-d with all tie ' j lotereau, eoDteDieu aoa sati.-nia wiid me ana salary paid Liui at tbe comruence loeot of bis miuihlrj there. Daring bis aatorsge, but tbree childreo Lutwueu thu agea of one year and tweotv have died, and thera hag cot been a single casd of niarktd immortality or uiifconduet amorig tbe jouog. Tbe parioh ia uiot singularly frea from tbe vice of druuktDesa. Tbe pastor, in a reocot address to the cliurcb, took oceasiou to eaj, tba), ahhougli Lis ncara and irratiea Lnnu over the road with i r o- r a most tantalizing, tempting aspect, yet, I la bit knowledge, not one bad been takes. The pastoral reminiscencea of Mr. Foster j era very interesting delegate to the J world'a pcaee aoDvcDtion, a few years ainoc ; settled for some years in South Carolina; coming io contact with many political atara, Benton, Clay, Duff, Green, I etc. ha has a rich fund of information, j Jobs C. Calhoun was a neighbor fur a long time, and oa one occasion, after a conversation prolonged till midnight, at Shit rennaBt nf thin man of the world, the . . . . , . , f i mtarview was eloped with prayer. Io fifteen years, Mr. Foster has been absent front eharch but one Sabbath on account of illness. Tbe claim of the United Stales Christian Cfmrniasion was presented to his cburcb on abbatb, Nov. 1st, and a eontribntioa of over tix'u ihAlurt in eifh ... .d .d thi. is the .m.llest eburch I ia FrackllB county! I. IlOt tbi. Ooble generosity, when ono take, into consider ation tbat it was all 'dug out of tbe ground by hard later 7' " Eddy waa ap for eiliibition one after noon, and was being eateebited before bis admiring friends. ."Who was put in tac fiery romace: j asked bis father. "Shadrack, Menbeei, and Abedsrgo," waa tbe answer, after 'nic assistance. "Who pat them ia 1" . Eddy's face brightened this lime, and with all the boldness ( one who was sure that ha was right, cried nut, "Little Johnny Greeu 1" Tbe meanest thing ia Rubeldnm is tbe strippinp from tha Union soldiers, living and dead, their blus uuifirms, and then potting it on themselves, so that Ihry nay be Ma, io the disguise of our men, to uip,-;;o, plunder ami tUal, aud then charge it npon the I'liitin men ! Tba guerillas prsoliea this tritk pretty often, near Washington. Dr. E. II. James has v sueeij8rully trrated eaaea of cholera, Letuorrbage, ex baustion, Ac, by employir.g tourbiqucts to intercept tbe blond in the ex'remities. It ia aaid to be better than withdrawing tie blood by lancet or o'ttrwifc. DYSPEPSIA AND " '" niSEASIiS RESULTING FROM Disorders of the' Liver AXD DIGESTIVE . ORGANS, are cured by HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, He great Strengthening Tonic. Tkcst Mttcn awe mart rarest Have anil Jo give more Satisfaction ! Have more mpietublt reopk lo touch fur them! Than any other article in tbe market. W deff anr one to eontradiel Ihl aaaarlSon, and will pay IOOO lo any one that will produce a Certificate, pub lished by us, that is not inuia-E. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CUKE EVERY CASK OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases aris ing from disordered Stomach. Oltcrve tlit following Symptoms resulting from dtsurtftr of the Digestive organ; Con tt pat ton. Inward pl-a, fulne of l.tood to tba tread, ici'lity of tha xtomarh, nora. heartburn, di-prunt lor food, fu In or weight in tha tottiarh, aoar vrurutiumt, itinkiot; or tluttfring at the (lit jf the stoiuarb, swimming of th hvmi, tiurri'-d nj difflrutt breatiuut flutt-riv it thr Beart,tnokiiig or uffcatittg (4oikh whfTi In a, lying vturr, dim--an of tkm.'dnta or wba hrfortr th at(cbl,l var and dull pahi m thr brad, drt)i-i-iir; of prai rior. yfHownt of tha fcin and ?. parr ft tTij (ndt.baok,rhe8t.linib, 4r , nddf i-tbaif haat. burninn in the tith.coo ffUat uuBtniuga ui aud grtl dorvuiaii ol imU- (PftS That (his is not Alcoholic, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, and can't make Drunkards, BUT IS TUB BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. From th Pastor tht Itx?tift church, Pmhertnn A". Jortntily ff thf orth-church, VWa. 1 have known llnofland'aOaraan Bitttr favorahlj for a uoaibr of rare. I hava nml tbtu In my n tamily. and have tvn m ptviajd with tbvir vifcrU that I waa induced to mH-mrnrnd tliam to njattt- other. anl kontr that thy bat-e uperaud in Htrikinici b0'fi -ial mantter. 1 taka jtrvat yimrarv in tnu -uttli. lv firnrlNimiiiar thif fact, and ealifnic tha attotiD at th'tsfi, attli'-lrd with the disaaara lor which to)' ari p-etruinicudaMl, tt Uwk BttUm, kuowiu trom fTrtfn(y that my rreommudittion will b URUiitml. 1 1niln uiorf ch-f rfaily a lloflnnd'a Mitt-ro i intrudfd to bvorhi the afflicted, and ia lib l ram dnok. Your truly, LEVI U. BECK. From Kct. Dr. BrmriL. Lditnr f tht ncyd"ptdi oj A)thtut!i not dipQMd to ftvor or rarornmaml Patent MeJic.n? in ?io-ral, through ilitru-tt rf their inrlt uts and fft'-v ta. I Tt ko of no uth-itut ffaanu why a man may nt tv-tify to the tf m fit b UdieTf- himvlf to haTi rfrrirrl from atiy Mratl yi iar)ttin. in the bOj-n that, h" may tbioontrihut tothn bDrflt nf othrra. I do this tha mora rmlily in rritard u "Mouttaod's 4i-ruiao Ifittrn-t' pr?iarfd hy Or. C. M. Jarkvn,of tbia ritv, lcraur I wan prrjudiced ajraiiift tht-m for yiara. nn.iT tb itnprwMaion tbat thrf wuirv chiefly an alcoholic unit tire I am iti'ieht-d txiuy tru'iid ltib-rt Mioeniaker. t.i-, f'-r tbt removal ot tliia vrejuJir by prnfwr tcxta. aod for ennuraifiuiit to try them, wtivn MUlIuriuK from tKmt u,u.. r,,n,lnUt,d d.bi,ity. Th. nf thr f"'- ' ,tl' ""'"J ,,h' '"T" yrar, wmt- fi.llowpd by eaidvnt ralif,aiirl rtoratiun to a drtf b"iiiy ud menui ?iKor which i bad not ft.it in an ipuntni' before, anl had alnioatdvppairrd of rrgai- Dine. 1 tlfn-Tur thankbud suu my (Ntmafor dlrectine nw 10 the use of t!i-m J. .NtWTON 11U0WX, PhiUdelphi. Frtm iht Fiistor nf th Grm&nVrn ttptitt rhnrrjt. Vt. C. M jMrkm-n Dear Pir: IVmtoal vperit-Dei raa M m to My Uil I rrcard tliUt,rinB HitUiri, ,r-,nrHI by y,iu ui ui,t -jir-liviil mnltrtn,'. In rari, nf K-t-r roiil aul i:ivrni drlitHtr, I data been greatly I--IJ, fitrU by Ilia um r,f thv bnrt an,l aubt nut that tuwy wilt r,Klii aiurilar 0l m olbern. Vour.Uuly, KaNDOLFO. Vi the Paxtor of IMding M. R. eanrdh, Dulmdtu tr. J.rkeno liar ttr: ItaviuR unad your lln-tnxti ltitim iu my family frequently, I am ,rH,anl to aay tliwl it baa IwBof eratwrvioa. I bli,-r tlmt in most t raw of fT'-nrral debility of tha ayrt'tn, it la tha aalrat " vaiuabi. n-nly or.bicb 1 Dan any knwl- edge. Youra nsfpoctfully, ..U.TUKNEJt. from Vie fkrrmrr Pnrttw of tltr njnmhut (AT. .) and JfcJrafOBM Hip ii cJurthes. New l:orHRlt,!.T. Vt. C. M JarhHOD Dear Pir: I fuel ita pleasure thua, of niy own aerrd, to bear teatimony to the excellenoaof the tf'Trmnn ililtera. S,me yeaia ainea, heiuic much attlieted with Uyfia-paia, 1 used tbeui with aery brnefiV-ial reaulla. 1 bare otlen reramiluended them to pereona enfeeltled by that tormenting dideaie. and have beard from them tbr ni'iat flattering U'-timoiiial a t ita great raliee. In caaaa of general debility, 1 leliee it ia tonie that can not be aurpaaeed. JOUN H. LVONtf. fVoat Jfea. Dr. trtalfr, foilnr of KoAanig Riptut It. Jaekaon Dear Sir : I feel It dne to yonreieelirnt preparation, HnotlandV teerman bitura, ta add my leati mntif to the deeerved repulatb-n it baa abtalt.ed- I nave mr mi baee lor yeara, at timoa. been tronbled with great die order in mv bead and naraona avatem. 1 waa adviaed, by a friend, to try a bottla of your (ear man Kittara, I did , ao, and have xperi,'no ereni ana unexprrtra reuei; i niy health ha bean materially nasatib-d. 1 oottndentiy 1 r,'romBien.l tbe nrtirla whare 1 meat with esaea ainiilar to niy own, and hare been aaaurad by luan of their g,wd eltecla. llaaprctlully youra. lauaas nmtu. From AVr. J. S ITrrmm, oj thr German Srformed cAmrch, AuCUiaon, Utrkx county. Dr. C. M. Jacon Keapeeb d ?lr: I hare been troub led with livapepfia nearly twenty year, and neaer LZrT"! "' Z&'S'AXS. alter ha. ink- taken .as kottle. lieepectfully youra, J.8. UERMAN. pn ices. Bottle. Dos. Large size (lioldin nearly tloulile duuiitity) $1.00 5.00 Small size . 75 4.00 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the signature "C. M. JACK SON" is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should yerar nearest drnstst not have the article, do not be put otThy any of the inioii raiinj preparations that may be offered ia its place. but send to us. and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal OJire and Manufactory, '. .to. G.t I, .IRCn .STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JONES & EVANS, Succetson to C. M. Jarkm & Cn., Proprietors. For le hy BENNKTT BRlTS, I.ewibnrw. an,1 t-j rJr!:it! and Dealer in ererv town in the t'niied Stales lyDec.t'Ca NOTICE TS hereby given to all perwat IravinK Deeds, Morizaees.' Keleasea ir oitn-r Papers ia the Register aud Recorder's office, on paid for. mat said papenpiay e na oj pmjiiik w air reaiaVaee, e Wot Market street, aad that all such papers remaiaing onpaid for, bv Feb. I, 1864, the aiaouats doe oa them will be sued for aceordmg to law in so h ease made and provided. tiLU. WCKtill'l Lewisbarg, Dec. I, IMI3 PHILIP GOODMAN, MiT, Clothing Manufacturer, AND DEALBK lit GENTS' FUHNISHINQ GOODS, kc Opposite Ilctzil's Hotel, lwlibarg l;nlon Co., Pa. K' EE PS couaUotly oa hand a large stock of CLOTnS, CASS1MERES, SATTIXETS, VESTIXGS, &c, Garneat Cut bv a skilful Cotter. Men and Soya' Clothing made to order.. 1022 SPECIAL NOTICE. - THE Books of EVANS COOPER are in my hands for collection. All persons desirinc to settle their accounts, will find the Books at mv Office. C. D BREWER, Lewisburg, July 13. Attorney at law ntf5t ast).0i!5. 1863-4. . Just received the latest atyles of Fashions for the Fall of 18G3, aud Winter of 1864, and will continue to CUT AND MAKE l:P cloihinc in the most satis factory maoner shop on north 1 bird 81. jwn. a. aiiL.x.cn Lewisburp, Au. 21, l63 Dally Horning News. OAM'L 8MFER ha commrneed fornishmg O the IlarrlKburs Trlrarrapb fnornrng,at one cmi per copy the very latest irw.s at cheapest rates June i WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. THE nndrrsisned, havm; removed her Watch and Jewelry etiahlisbineni lo tiriswell's New Uuildins, Market til., between Front and Second, she is prepared to Repair Watches, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, &c, in the most approved and satisfactory manner. She keeps on hand an assortment of choice JKWELKV, for Ladiesand (ientlemen, which she offers at prices to suit the tunes. AIM. CLOCKS and WATCHES. All woik and wares warranted as represen ted. MARIA S. ZUBER. Lewiibarg, Ha; M, The Proprietors of the GI11AHD HOUS E', PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully call the atlenlion of Business .Men ani the I ravelinir community to the superior accommodations and comfort offered n their establishment. 3m 1011 KANAOA, FOWLER 4 CO Notice to Drafted Men and Soldiers. J)APKKs to procure Exemptions from the Draft, and applications for bounty, back pay, and pensions, can be procured by calling: on JAMES F. & JOHN B. LINN, Lv? iabarg THE UN IV liltS AL AJO Wringer can be durable without Coe i Wheels. The I'niver.aal W'rinser took the first Premium (ailver medal and diploma) at lite New York Fatr.lftG J. It was prononneed SI'HKItlOK TO ALL OTHER in the World's Fair at London, 1892, and has always taken the first Premium in every Slate and Uounly Fair when in fair competition with other machines. It is the Original and only Genuine and Reliable Wringer before the People. It surpasses all others in Strength of Frame, Capacity of Pressnre, Power of Action. Vjecaalleaee the Warli we arty all Cwtapetllfea! It saves Time, Labor, Clothes and Money! It will wear for Years without Repair! No Servant can Break it in t'ing! A child eight years old can Operate it! No caution or skill is required in its use! It save its cost in clothing every six months! ttTEvery Wringer wiih Cog-Wheels is warranted in every particular. CANVASSERS WANTED! To men who have had experience as can vassers, or any who would like to engage in the sale of this truly valuable inrention.liberal inducements will be offered and good territory given them (they paying nothing for the Patent Right) in which they shall have the exclusive sale. Editors desiring a Wringer can pay in advertising. R. C. BROWNING, General Agent, 10(i5mR 315 Broadway, New York REMOVAL. THE subscriber respectfully inform, her friends and patrons that she haa moved to R M Cooper's late stand, corner of Third and Market Sis, where she will keep on hand a e-od assortment of LADIES' TRIMMING, RIBBONS and NOTIONS of all kinds also Uallaher'. celebrated SOAP. Motto "Small llroft and Quick SoUm." H. M'Mahon. OAKERY, T WOULD respectfully annodnce that has. ing taken Mr. Cooper's establishment I shall keep on band Freah Bread, Cakes, also Bran, Wheat and Indian and Rye when ordered. ICECREAM and Confectionery in every variety. H. L. M'MAHON Lewiubwnt. May 11, 18GS Tbe Dimes Saving Institution of La wisburg 18 ready to receive any araoani oa Depoaila from TetfcCents and upwards, roar per cent, per annum Interest will be paid on all tpecial deposites of Two Dollars and upwards if deposited two months and longer.' Office ia James Geddes' brick block. Market St H. P. SHEI.I.Ef, Treasurer Lewishorg, Oct. 10, I860 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, i For sale by MOWHr, aaajasBWjaCBak ESTFirst of the Season! NEW GOODS! FROM PI1ILAD. AND N.Y. NEW GOOD3 NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For the Fall and Winter, For the Fall and Winter. For the Fall and Winter. For the Fall aud Wiater. Call and See. Call and See. Call and Seb. Call and See. Jno.H Goodman,Market St.,Lcwisbnrg Jno. H.Goodman, Market St.,Lewisbnr Jno.H.Goodman,Market St., Lewislmrg Jno. II.Goodman, Market St.,Lewisbarg E7AII kinds of Grain bought for Cash 50 2 BBLS. Mackerel, Noa. 1 and 2, half ana whole barreU, for ante he jno. it. uootmax. COD FISH Tor sale by JNO. IT. OOODMAH. w HITE and Blue Plaster for sale JNO. II. GOODMAN. SALT, in barrels and sacks for sale by JNU.H.UKiDMN. OO finn BUS. of Oats wanted, eW.WV lbrwhah thehiaheiit naM Inraah.nv JSOL II.UiajIUIA.V The World Challenged ( HAY, STRAW & FODDER CUTTER (Patented Marrh .1, 1MB.) Rec'i tat iVrairaai V'a. ttult fair, JWrittnainv&nt. 1SSS mho iVaauawi-al Unn Umnt) fmir, Oct. 1863, aiwi Premium at MrUinnarrlanrf Omnlf fbir, Oct. 1803 Messrs. Carkhukf & Paixe, (F Lewisbarc, Union Co., Penn'a would I I respectfully solicit the attention of all who have stock to feed, and Manufacturers and Salesmen ol Agricultural Implements, to their Imprmment in straw CuMrr. Its price brings it witnin tne reach of all ho may have use for a Fodder Colter. It cuts Hay, Straw, Cornstalks, Paper or Cloth, as smoothly as a razor can be mailt? In cut beard, and that loo without regard to tbe length of lime the machine may have been in se. Tbe machine is worked by a lever, and can be made to cat rapidly. The length of the cut can be regulated by use of a thumb screw. The position ot tne anile to the cut ling bar ran at any moment be changed to bring and keep their edzes together as per fectly when old as wheu first manulaciured. The annexed Certificates, and the names attached, will show the es'iraalioa in which llus Cutter is held at home : fThe fallowing; letter refer, to the Sr,t Cutter rnaife ana enln he ne. and ea aar ba seen ancaM awtirely po.iunrtt.a.eea.J Maaaaa. rAmtmrr Ptl ISentleinen I renewed your feed Cnttar hj Klreaa,and rtvliaered It to tne wMnn tnr whom I frrdered It. It amea rnndanttefaetian. I raeelnd Iba nMWey lor It, and enel, aesonling lo your requeat, by aspreaa. Kaapecuuu; jour.. MewMa rAaanrr t rtws.Tha nnderaianail. harlna aeen naed T"r Imrrnaemenl in rMr fin Mara, patent ed Marrn Slat, l3, cbaerfolly teatity, that, aa a hand machine, wa haee neaer aaen Ha enal. Ita almplieily. dnrnMllty, prier a ret the aw aod neanrney with whkh the knife ran be n,ljuted tn the enttinf har and lanirth ol eat recalated, nra pninU whieb recommead It to all. Tlaald grhraek Adam Ftrerktar Michael Baler Jokn Bdrlnwa George Rnyer amnel II rwij a.rfftira Marrh a. H.rbaaiharltB John Phillipa Va. C- Kerer Jamea M. Mow ray Jacob Gundy Janiea W. Pimentoa Thumna Taylor II. T l-nntiu. A. M. Itwahe O. II. f Shirely John lavika Levi Konka Wra. I. Ritler leaaa Reer Tltnmaa I'enny a menace land -tt. It g OuilTnnt K T. Ouffy Oaorge M Dowel t W Henderahot Jamea Brennan Alexander Martin fhllip titeinruek " S WeUal STDtm orWTT. Ch'a K llnnntel Andrew Tonng Aaron Rergatraaaar Montonr eounty Thowiaa PtrawhrHra Mifflin munty J. I- Stoneroad K. Woodward llnneannon Iron norka ' We would also refer to Messrs I. L. Barrett of Lock Haven, ra.. aad rorst k Bradley of Chicago, 111, who have purchased our Machines. N. B. Persons wishing to purchase, will call on us, or on T. G. EVANS, at his gro cery Store in Lewisbnrg. where a sample machine may al all times oe seen. Manufacturers, or Salesman wishing to engage in the business, will consult us m reference to Licenses, or uooniy ana oiie Risbts. K. CARKHUKF, L.S. P ALMS- CARD. The undersigned, having pur chased the Right of CARKHUFF dc PAIN E'8 CUTTER for Northumberland and Lycoming eoonties, we will be glad to supply orders lor the same. WS BREWER D W BARK Lewishorg, Aug. 2T, 1863 Peace Peace ! iRAR frienda. and kind patrooa, from ooontry and town Weaw Sew l.nasa Par yon nit, ainee prleea ara dawn, Then giva your attention, and part of your car a, And aaa oar ury uooua nna ouier dm wm. WVa Beregea and Challlea. and 8a tin Bnehenea, And Cbamhrnya and Uinghanu, nod line Wool DeLatlaa W.'m Rnntina Vnhaira. and Printa for VOV all Sunk aa ara(W'a and Caehreo'a juit (ire m a OalL We're Maaltwe and atieetlnga-troni m to rwrivg eauta We'ea gloekinge tor Indlea and Half Hoee S.r genu; We've Clatha nt all priera, Cr dualara and enata. We're ready-made Clothing as cheap aa O. Stokes. We're Cane Hoops and Corarta, and Crinoline Skrrtj, And Den tai and cheekingaror drawera and ahirla. We're Shirt Pronto aad Collars fc'r ami tor boys, Wa'ra FJbakara tor Indies, hut don't daal ia toys. We're Otl-Clotbea sad CarpeU Is anrar your Boor, We're Sbn.tr. tor your winlnwa and Knga tor your eoor, We're Buekela and Baaket and Rnhben or tine. We're Bwawn gad Mm-tor Psoases or Cnwc. We're Brnebea and Kettlea, all kind, of Qnaaiwnt So eall and alanine, are buying elaewbere: Youll and a on Market atrott, ceotar of toww At Sit KLLKK'b Old Stand S f.A ABK BROWS. LewiatHirg, April a, tana. BUFFALO HOUSE LBW1SBURG, VNION. CO, PA. LEWIS CEIBEL,Prprletr. THIS new Hotel ia situated opposite the Court House,in the most fashionable and beautiful part of the town, and for style and convenience can not be surpassed in Central Pennsylvania. Those visiting the University, or attending Court, will find it the most convenient and central public house charges will.be the mosl reasonable and neither lime or expense will be spared to Deslow every comfort opoa those who may call. Persons ia the County will be charged 25 eta per meat. Lewisbnrg, April 1, 1863 ' A $35 Iron City College Scholarship TOR sale at the Star Caw-- Jji -Sewibburf " : T. 6. EVANS, FAMILY GROCERY and ; Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4lh LEWtSOURCa Call and Satisfy Yourseltks. OUR 8T0CK it large and well selected embracing everything wanally kept in a first-class GROCERY 8TOHE including an assortment of QUEENS-WARE, IIARD-WARE, CEDAR and WILLOW-WARE I take this opporiouiiy to return my thanks to tbe public for a liberal patrooage.and hope by studying the wants of my friends and en deavoring to supply them to merit tneir patronage in ihe future. T. G. EVANS. Lewiabarg, March 2, na. a. a. anrrsKDiaraB Hew Farnltnre MOTH, scaurs Ea.abllftbmfiit rPHE subscribers have opened a Furniture X establishment, on Market St. Lewishurg, (opposite Cbamberlin s buildings) where they manufacture to order and keep oa hand all varieties of CABINET WAKE usually kept in such establishments Buieaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Bofas, Hlands, Wbal Nots cc of all patterns and prices. Vr Kartiarso in tbe best and most exped itious manner. UNDERTAKING iaall Us branches attended' to a I very low rales. Ready-made Coffins always on band. J K DIEFFENDERFEK & CO Lewisbarg, April 16, IHb3 James F. Linn. J. Merrill Una. J. F. & J. M. LINN, At loratCTS at latlW. LEWIBBLRti, 674 Union County, Penn'a. J. MKIkiLL U Coniaararsr. for tho auto of lows with power to take Depoaition,aek now ledge Deedsetr ataalaa Hoasc la lewtabars;. Legal Auctioneer! F.A.DoiselsOfver having been appointed sole Auctioneer lor Lewisbt.rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in bis line in town and country. Commission sales. In April nest, I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at staled timet, ofall kinds nf Goods at A ac tion- Any onewishingtodisposeof any arti rle can deposit it with me and I will sell it at the best advantage I can and charge a per cenlage for the same Feb. 2, 1859 F A UONEHOWKK ALEXANDRE ORGANS, Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Merchan- ilise.and all kindsof .Vlnsilcal lonlral ineiata, at the lowest possible prices. TIIK florae Waters' Modem Im proved Orrretrung erTilHOX 1'KAHE PIAXOS x justly pronounced by tb Ptv J Mic Mast! u rtr gup. nor lOrttmBif otl. Thv re Ityiit ol th het mml Boat tbornucblv twrnaoiwd ustrrial. Uund any duuf. Th toa U trry Jep. rnaod. full nd taWllow; th toarh Itivtie. Knfh i'innft warriill hr ttirtM yf.rs. Priens trom to $Ti. cWcftid-haai rianoa at $ rsat bari;siorieg trom JUi to luu. Horace Water Melodeonn, Konrvontl CajwM, Tanoei th tiwl TvBpralit, will. tn Fast-tit. ihvifjrtj iweU ana feoio M'i- No. I. 4 rarUve, aemll i-;n, from C to C, $ IS Mo. 3.-5 r t K. No. 4 s PUoafltTi. M r io r, loo No. 0 M rtnf, J No. A. ft two top and two tn of rd, lirO No. J . a aad two hak nf kars, .... 200 No. 8. ortaTa Ort;aw Me-nd-on. two hank of keyn, pMdni baaa. four and fix atupa, $M( frftanddVUMi. Th(n MloiJfH.nM r4min In tune n Ions tim. Eayb Melodaon warranted for thr years. Tbe Alexandre Organ In a r iaatraoiant, mipon(11nK In power aad eom paM to tlte ordinary It IWt pipe Organ. In rowood caea. i ttnpa, tlfii) w - Hi. Id " 'J1U. l!t PtofM, with pprntawion, am 13 atopa, witb percuMion, and Mczp iviviron.M 3Ti A liberal dirtut tn CIvrirTiofn. Cburehea. Sahhath SrhooU, UhJvm, riTi.nKrive find Tcacbrr. Tba Trade pplid on tha Bor.1 li nil t-rnia. HUKAUt WATCR8, Apenl, 411 Broadway, New York. THE DAY SCHOOL BKLL. A New Sinffinr Bonk for day ?chook. called ;be Day School Bell, is now ready. It foatainxatroat dtKlfcbotn-f-nnca, Kouniie..ratrlie8,la-ttji, i rtoa. 4uarittia and tehoruarts. atot of thrtn written expremly frtr lb in work, beidac 'SI paifes of tbe Klenienu of Muin. Tha aCiemenU aie ao'euty and prosreruive. tbat ordinary tear be r will And theBre!Tcentjilvae. eeaaful in tuctrurtinf vn younft tv-holarp to aioft sot rvfuy ana artenuncaiiy, wniie tne tnoets and wordvi tn braee tub variety of lively, attractive and pou! utir- ntr, muiie andaentlmentii, that no trouble will beexae. , rianced in tnioriaa all rta-aianerii to n on with seal in 1 aeq ui ring aa ill iaooeoftheaoatbanltb-tvintt.bfwuty-iB-1 proving, nappineMt-yieiaintf ana onier-prt-auetnf-exerrt- : f of tvbool life. Intimiliityof iUelttnwntit.tnvarrety 1 and adaptation of mui-ir., and In exrellenm and number I Ita aonea, oneinal, iMleetad and adapted. It r I aims bv neb toaxnrl all eomiatitors. It will ba Ihnnd tn be i tha beet aver toned lor afemiaarie. AearleBiei and lnb lic fchool. A few aample patrea of the Klenfentx, Tanet, and don? T fti1" in rircular; aend and ret one. It I enmnuen ay hukaus v a i rr..-, author of Sabhath 8r bMl Bella," Noa. I aad which hava had the enor- I boup sale of 7"J,(A)0 copiea. Pricai nanaf mr. on I v9entfi,$16 pel 1WI boand, 30 cent. $2 ptr O0; eloth boand, mboeeevj. (ill, v etmia, fto pr 100. S6 copies furnuibedat the l-0 price. Mailed fn-e at the retail priot i HORACE WATERS, Pub.ihrr, Ml BMadwa. Hmm Vaaolv Fbr SaU by LZTPiytOTT at CO, ftdfhm. The Horace Waters Pianos &MeIodeons I and ALKIA1DKK OMUM, and T. Oilbert A Co cele- 1 brnted Aoliaii rianoa, nra im anaat inatrnntenta for narlora and chnrchea now In vae. A lanre aaewrtment nan be aeen at the new warerooBR, No. 481 Broadway. Deiweeu unuig uu BnaBa eavjevafa, wnicn Will OV noM nt extremely low prfrre. Pianoa and Metodeon from undry makera, new and aeeond-baod. 8eeond-hand Pi not. and Heiodeonantrrent bnnaiM; nrhwa IVomSiA to $100. Fbeet Muuiey Muirio Books, and fcinda of 31 anic Mercbandiae, at war prioaa. OfinitmM of the Vest. "The Tloraee Water rianoa are known m amowfr the very neat. We nreenanted feoapank of theae iuatrnmenta with aonedefcreeof rontVIvjnce, from peraonal knowledge of tb-ir eKoallent too and dnrable quaiity.' 2Vta lork Sabbath School Bell Wo. 2. S0,nri0eopleaia8ned. It lean antire new work of nearly 200 page. Many ef tba tanea and hymaa wen written expreealy for thid rolune. It will toon be aapopnlar aa Ita predeeeaaor Hell No. 1.) wbieta baa ran ap to tba normoua number nf ei0,0U0 eopiaa outstripping nny Sunday Sebool Book or its rise iaaoed in thla enuntry. Alio, both volnsMa nra boaad in on lo areomaodala eboola wf.hing then ia tbat form. Prleea of Bell No. 2. paper eorera. b eenta, ai'i per 1W. Bonnd, IS eesta, $18 per 1U0. Cloth boand, emboaeed, gilt, 3i eenta, I'-U per 100. Bell 9o. t, paper eorrra, 13 cents. $10 per lite. Bound. 30 eenta, $18 per 100. Clotb bonnd. emboeiwd, gilt. JS eenta, t'2n par ion. Bella Noa. 1 and 1 bonnd to gether. 40 eenta, $JU par 100. J eopiaa fnraiahed at tba lOOpriee. Clotb bound,enrioaaed, gilt, Stcnta,$40ner 10U. Mailed poataga frea at the retail prfeo. HOKAUE WAIEKS, fDblisber, May X'tl 18meq 41 Broadway, New lork. Central Fonndry and Machine Shop Sllter, Walla, Rariatv ra. Mannfactorers of Bnlloek's Iron Mower and Reaper, Darliai's Gaalleaa Cbaia Horse Power Willsoa's Teleirrapb rodder Col ter, Kiches' Iron Plows, Witherow's Self-Sbai' jteniog Plow, and Miehi'ao Double Plow. Also, Stoves and Casting! of every deacrip ion. All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept on nana lor sate. Jobbing .work in Wroufkl aad Cast Iron and brass done to order. Country prodnea taken in ezehanre. ' Ooe. oTgiitb a Maebwt Hi- VywMttfn.ra. us 1 u. oawin. Airain utrts ORWIO & HAYES, Atlorneyt at Law. OF-ICE en Smith Second near Market April i.-ei Lwl.barE, Pa. laetlea sad ram UNION CUUT AND SHOE STII.L AHEAD! Cume oat! come all and eaamioe for veureetres ike lartes aad cbeapeTl sineb of lleane Macle Boo aad Hhoes in I own county ; l-yjost received a FRESH 8i:PPI.Y r City Ulttde work al nnusaally low prices "Quick Sales and Small rroraa" is the order of the day at 8QI IRES', DppoMte ihe Bank, Lrwiaburt The Family Always Prsg Stwe Ready ! iryon want pare ltrur. tu SCHAFrLE'H Uruj; Sl Chemical Euiporintn, where is kept a large and general assortment always, for any article usually kept ia a arM class iDMSSD'il'i call at the - FAMILY PRUG STORE OF C. W. SCIIAFFL.E. Lewisbttr; .... i'ennsyl'a DWID GIMTER ft son HAVE removed their Chair ana Ca binet Ware-room to the larger and more commodious rooms, late the resid ence of Wm. Prick, on the Caraerof Thlr aad Market Sts. Uwtabar, here ihev have oo ban it the LARtiEST and BEST AS.iOKTMEXT of Work ever offered tolhe public in tbtsvicinity,comprisint; Dre?s Bnreana and faney Va.bataniia nf tba lateat atvlea, fV.faa. Uairaeat Chaire. Oaneeest Chaira. KorkingCbaira, Etagrea. iiai naraa. r.tw.1 Haeka, Jenny l,ind and Cot. nge Bedateada. Panev Lonnrra r"Hne. Tahlea. 4e nlao n geaeral aaeortinent nf COM Him WOKK aiwnra en band Barroons nnd t Jilem Chairs Wboleewie ar kelail. We also attend to the UNDERTAKING bnalneaein all ita hranebea. Bingpmreledwifh faarr IIKAK-r.s.oj rub'a Patent Metal IK Bwrlnl lea' and COKyiNS uf our own roanBlacturealwavaon hand. we are ready at any time, witbin ua bonr'a not lee, to watt uien any and all who nay faror na wltb call. Havinrj none but the best workmen. werT WAKRA.NT all rnrnltnre aianuraetnred be na.aod kin defy eompeutiun eitbar in priee or otyio. tu Manufactory on N. lac SrrW. where Cabinet ami HouseTurniDg.Srrt.il and Rip Pawing done on rhort notice and reaer-oabte teraaa. A on. aosortmriil of LUMBER alwav nn hand for Newel Poata, Banniatera and Hand Railing. rKspaiaias ofall kinds done as Dtual. N.B. Aav work not on hand will be made as aoon aa poeailife. Thankful fur pat favors, we still expect a eontinuanee of tbe aame. Boots and Shoes. The subscriber has itist received at his Store (nexi door tn the Post ttilire) a full sonnl. ,.f a. Sboett of every style and variety suitable 10 the season. The stock has been selected with particular care, and will be alforded at r.ti RKiirrta rRiir rnn nKnv run His old friends and r.osiomers and the nnhlie generally are invi'eri to cail and eiamtne hi stork and judge foi themselves. raTMAN UFACTI'l.'I.Mi and RKI'AIKI.Mi as hereto fore will be attended to with promptness aud at reasonable rales. joa orsitTo. set. Lewlaburg, Oct 1S,1S. O.P.SHIVELY, ' . 1 .m.! L , dmrto (.iler at H.e'j f-r vrn .v.re. Tl - Uanutarturee of TS.V II.. mess, Jnd lea, .Saddles, com mon and the new patent flllllME I'OLl I m. warranted to hurt no borer Vralrr In Jh) pf)0 oik'r jijiiips 91O Hi'n.p Jnyijej, at ll.tui BiWBt, BUklTN SLIII.H BULS, Fancy Saddlery, Harness IIardware,&c. r'IIE sal)?cribcr, havin? carried on 1 bu.ineea for m-reral reara. and eatn.il a ....... lor Baking aa goial llarneea e. aa any e.tahliahmeut ia thia r. s.n au.l tl.e l awn .'..ootv Aa'ricullural .Society baring aw.rde.l tllHr.K 'eA Vf .V.s f r artn le. of hi. worknauahii would ext.raea hi. motal. i--. . tbe tradiug pul.Hr atr.-a.tr reeei.e.1. and aaa their conti- ueu patronage al DM Aha ,aTA3i D. Tbe Leather naed t.r nie ia of the Km, - he old way, nnd will la. I f..r reara. I empl..y tlie beet Aorknten oreraee uV Oan I.U.irieea anrf an K,n..l ln my Shop at all .uitaWe nonra. l r tiiaal. and Work are warranted, and if not a retreaentd mar he retnrnrd or exchanged, tall and w mr. and if I iln an, .M the worth of your njoory I will not again aek for your patronage. RErAIRIXG tiromptly attended to. -CIIKAI' forCAl.ll or HEADY PAY in Boat kinda of Country Pr.-lnee. LewifSurg. April 1, 1S.I1. o. P. SII1YELT. IIOUSE laeMlsbur,;, Pa. R. O. HETZEL, P'u rpHEundersianed returns his sincere thanks X for the patronaee extended towards him by Ihe citizens of Union and (he adjoining counties, he would mosi respectfully solicit a continuation of ihe same. . . , R. G. HETZEL Lewisbnrg, March 13, 1802 m3 CARPKTS-a lar-eand choice vari ety, trom at els. upwards, for sale by April ie, '61 BROWN BRO. .iFor Sa!t. FRICS, BILLMEYER St CO. Are manufacturing- and have constantly 00 band a large quan tity of 4 feet Pal.njs and 3 and 4 feet Lath at the following prices: Pallnarn headed in a new style, from $9 to $10 per M ' Lath 3 and 4 feet Ion j, $1 to $ 1.62) pr M. Shingles at $5 to $7 per thousand. Palings and Lath made to order, any length parties nay desire awiabnrg f teaa gawmill. Pea. M. JSAO KOTICEGentlemen ! C1T1ZEN8 of Lewisbarg and vicinity are respectfully informed that ihe subscriber has bought out Ihe interest of E. L. Hints in Ihe business of Staving and Hair Cutting, nci continue, the aame at tbe old etaad bnaeoient of widow AtnuMHje blork, between C.rVnnr'aand J. Houghton' where by atriet attention to buaineaa ho bopea to gi.a aatianu'troa to all who may faror htm with the it pntrao age nt all timaa aaeept aundaya. r To sit who tarry here till their besrda grow long J, To get a plaaaant .have, good aa barber arer gavo. Juat can on tttun at biettaioou. huay atorn, eve araOOW, avwaiaeiann, maura auarp aaa acuuiora aeaa. April, 1861 A. W. DILLIN.rrof. BarK FIRE INSURANCE. TNSURANCB COMPANY OF NOTRH X AM EKICA Philadelphia. (Inoarporatrd, KIM.) Capital ..... 500,000.00 Assets, Jan. 1S61, - - 1254.7J9.8l ARTHUR H. COFFIN, President CHARLES PLATT, Secretary urnuildiags annually or perpetually. Mer chandize, Grain, Furniture, 4ttv, insured, al currant rates of Premium, JOHN B. LINN. 9Mm3 Agent for Union county, Pa. CARTES DE VISITE at Mowry's fiallery Photograph Albums at Mowry's liallery Photographs large sue at Mowry's Gallery Photographs in Oil at Mowry's Gallery Ivorytypes at Mowry's Gallery Halloiyprs at Mowry's Gallery Ambrotypes, and All kinds n' type at Mowry's Ga'lery MOW RV'rt GALLERY, in Market aireef, ofpoail the Bank Lewuburj . 9.8 eOf Administrator's Rotfc. a w-ru blttvAS, i.ell-r ui Ad Ihe entaar nf AbBtHAw t-i.T bi-vl.; deceased, late ol. Lmeaiiiie lowaakin r " t p.n.r. haee V.een araalert in ,k. , " " " ' 7 - - - o ' " 'er li.ktfi, be ihe' Rei-hiler of said cuat. u . mil aeeiaaa iailahtre to SKIil eai... ?' ed lo make payment. and iboae baria.?!! "aftk, a;Misi the same will present authenticated for settlement, in "rra a. VAi.ETI.E vv A ivr aTR, l Ae)mi. DANIEt. BLYLER.I. Sw.. Oetn. IH63 pd Variety and News rnHE subsartber keeps consianil. f,f 1 al the ptlST OrriCE (belBwib,!; f . House) a wrll-aeiecied slock of , ... Family Groceries, Confection.. Fruits. Fancy No- . JfipSih tioiis, Ffrfnmory & 9tX-i2 ' Soape, Wall VuvcrSS&AjA j and Oil badr.-, TraTeiinjf Rti Blank, Schewjl and Hymn Coolii Paten and llarailuea- a. k. 1 " r K order, treat Boston. New Vert orN delpkia surh as the Tribnne.Tiuies, HeJ Ledger. Weekly. Clipper. Police GazenejJ cury.waverly. Literary Companion, BIr, - and Leslie's lllusirated vTeeblya,.wl,,,.5 f f Harper's Magazines. Yankee A'oiki as a, f Nic Kacs, Ac mc, ALL Of WHItB All SOI fRKIP tea Lewisbora; 6E0. W.rORIilsT fT VB. F. GRASSLER, TTatebBMalaer, Jeweler A. 4.114., vwpwem awn a uvrvaaractsl.lUaw)ar( .fa. Havia; Wl f lothin. rtreaared t.. .it i.. . . " . V . I'.' "'-wa 1 r . X in the beu ... of the an. All work warranted 10 jirr en'e, aatisfactioa, and dune ai the very ioveueL prepared lo repair WrrbJ. ? I Clocks or Jewelry, and to do Enjraeu.e fv '.' tins. Uildioe or lialvanizinv in ike k... .. . " - prices. Also Accordeons and MelUtau repaired in the best manner. rf Call io before you eo elsewhere, sea tm V yourself ai;l sae your nionry.Cci.S, 1MI i ), MEAT AND UNION! TACOB" n. BROWN, havine ais ft ted in feeding-ihe honerroM . isbnrv anil vieinni, f. .e a-.T ; j 9 --"J ui,an teas c past, with tbe best of . 7 Beef, Fork, Veal, fee, would return his grafefnl thanks to his asm ' 4 rous eostomrrs for their patronage and n -t bounces mat be intends In continue the ka ness as heretofi.re in the Meal Market Hon, " J between Schafile's and Baker St Co.'s Ilrej ., Stores, Markn Sqsarr. Monmsas Wrdne5davs and alalura'aet f'.ASII is Ihe system. Public patronage n spertfully Sflirtted, and satisfaction iniami March 15. 'tl. I. . fTCH.CK. Aft. J. M. BOWERY Fashionable Boot and Shoe Qaktr, South Fifth St., L-trithurg, KEEPS constantly on hand, and uiinnis lures in orrlrr, all descriptions of Being an rinrrtenced Shormaker. anrl aia ious tn merit a share uf the public patronara, he will warrant all work which may pa) through his hands. Particular attention will be tivea 10 Ladiei Work. His Prices are as low as those of any otawa f dealer in ihe vtciniiy. He solicits a lair iria( f cooailrni thai he caa satisfy every pgrVca. l.ewisuurg, Aug. 31, lobo.j - WINFIELD FACTORY! iVenr llarllelatl, Union Co., Pa. THE subscriber, thankfil for past patronage, wnuld infarn his friends and the public in grua, ral. thai be continnfni an fnanu!.r ttire all kinds of Wtrtrleta .4Kdu. sarhu -Cloths, Cassimerrs. I'weeu, Sainneiis. Jnit, Blankets and flannels: also. Carnei an Slocking Yarns. His machinery beine of nr kind in use, and havine emoioverl i best of workmen, he feels sate in sanir that his work shall not be sarDased t" any rsiahlishmentin ihe country. AgoorJsas- piyoi ineaoovegnmls kept constantly og kaad for sale or to exchange for wool, ar pnea lhat can not fail to please. WOOL will b Carded in Ihe best manneraad oa ihe shortssl notice. Terms for carr!in. cash a the de livery of t he rolls. MARK HALPPK5T. Winfield Mills, March 3, 18AJ. Ameriean life Insoranee & Trust f, (Capi'al Stock 100,00fr) COMPANY'S Buildings, Walaot streii.9 I corner of Fourth Pkiladehlif. t7Lives insared al tbe usual .Mutual raiei or at Joint Stuck rates a bom to per cent- )a or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest in tat -wrld. A. W H ILLDIX, President Joan C. Si sis. See. 747 CEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisbnrg PEIPHER'S LINE'' TO AND FROM PH1LADELPW BEKCTMS r FKII61T. let Claa Id do as auau par Mp peaada. . do do do S3 da 6a 37 do do 22 wa do Sd do 4th Jo SpeeieJ Vi beat, Ky aad Cera, 13 anata par baabat Phi I ad. Pepot with Freer, HW d ieeo, 01 1 Market W. Thankful for ihe liberal patronage gives al we hope by strict attention to business merit a continnancc of the same. THO'8 PEIPHER For farther information apply io iy795 U R M'GIS LY, Agent, Lewis"1. DR.. I. BRUGGER, nonu:oPATUic physic-' OFFICE in kis new Bnrk Bkek. street, sooth side, between th i Z , a , luU ' eup atair...i awisourr """ JOHN B. LINN. ATTOR1H.V T 1.4 tv, t flaWltl Mi Alea rawmlvilonrr r ttreas far tb. "'T"'' NOia and CALIKIA-auib.nd te Tdiu Ontba, and Uke Oepoaitioaa nad AUdaelta ". -l. Af , K. ,i.m alatea. and aian to take the a a. kelgeraent or proof of any Oeed aa other In'traaieef reonrded in ertoee of aaid slaa. yfthndirt HV YMN BOOKS Prusbyierun, yo R KELT'S. nd Lutheran, at II. GERIIT. PZffZ has removed to Snuth M gw. w. from the Towa Clo:k. !" IARITRG PA 70HN H AWN, r T ene.tT.Vf1 M ANITA' Tl HLtt ot nn " - cunnloa Malcbct, 41 5 ft- ft I 1 I