Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, December 11, 1863, Image 2

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Decisive Argument.
Vy one lit'cisive argument
0 ilfs ptiti d hia Iiv-ly Kate's conwnt
To Ex tlie wed'iiiitr d::y
"Why in mk-U haste, dear tS ilea, to wed t
1 fliall not change liiy niinJ," she said;
"liut tin ii," nays he, "I MAY."
aW"'Niw is the time" cay the Cops, in
view of Uui in victories, "to CPtrjpnniise,
and give the UebcU" all they want. Yes,
when the scoundrels are nearly punished,
e should get on our knees, brg their
pardon, and yield up to them! When
Jc1ton had whipprd the Uritirh at Now
Orleans he fluu'd have thrown down his
arms, and. let tho Iiritish have their own
way ! When a Qiao commences an unj'ist
lawsuit agsinst you, tod it is decided iii
your faor,jou should be "oiagnaaimoa","
pay the cos's, ai d let him lava the verv
point in dispute! When Oornwallts was
captured, cur fathers ought forthwith to
hate "exhibited a brotherly spirit," and
gone to tuulher liritjin and "restored the
Union as it was." O yes ' if these Cop
perhead traitors can't triumph by force,
they would wheedle us iutn giving up all
we have giutd in this tjrribie struggle,
to the very enemy that would destroy all
liberty if they could again get their iron
gripe upon us by the silly simplicity of
oar govcrcniect. But, no! Slavery has
waged cruel, wicked, barbarous war ; and
Slavery must die therefor: it must not be
allowed to live and gather streugth for
another onslaught up in everything pre
cious and dear to mankind.
' Among the resolutions adopted at the
great Union meeting in Little llotk, Ar
kansas, on the iil.it, was the following :
' ''Resolved, That, as Arkansas citins,
who have friends, brothers and sins in the
Southern wuiy, we implore them to cease
from a struggle so fruitless, so wicked,
and so ruiuous, and return to their alle
giance to the Government. And while
we do so, we respectfully and earnestly
call upon the Goveruoieut to add to the
forces of the Union, such overwhelming
cumbers, that the Itcbeilion may soon be
crushed, and the terrible tr.gsdy ended
at once. And we piooiise and pledge our
support to the AdaiioUtratiun, in ail its
efforts to (fleet this end."
CaTA colored firm in Newark, X. J.,
Laving suffered pecuniary embarrassments,
recently closed business, and tue senior
member gave the following "nstis" to the
public :
''De dissolution of co pirsnips heretofo
resisting twin me and Moses Jones, in de
barber perfusion, am hcrctofj resolved.
Pussons who ose must pay the iutciber.
Dem what the furut ose must call on Jones,
as de furm is iueolved.
'Lioeo Jonssos."
Tiarriu' the spelliijg, we d.iu't ace but
Ligou h rjuite as sharp a financier (aid
more honest) than some white folks in
imilar emergencies.
The Contraband's Prophecy.
' A correspondent informs us that there
it an old female contraband following the
army of the Potomac, who baa the reputa
tion of being bilf cn.zed. She repeats the
following doggerel verse :
In sixty-one. the war bnn j
In sixty-two, it was half thrnajh ;
In sixty-three, the meters were free ;
- In silly-four, ihe war will be o'er."
"It it is nitre than' probable that the
daikcj's predie'icn will prove correct.
Good for Butler. It is reported
that Geo. Butler, in tskiog his first mim
ing walk at Firtrtfs M.iuroe, was aston
ished at seeing a Kelcl i fficer liieun-lv
looking cot at a parade of our troop. On
skins; who ho was, and b' ing told it was
Gen. Fiuhugh Lee, he inimrdiati-ly or
dered him to I e taken into custody, and
conveyed to (he fastnesses of Fort Lafay
ette. The General vi ry properly consid
ered that the et.j lynieut of euoh privileges
by a Rebel, whilo our poor ftiu'ing ill
ccra and soldiers in Cot f.-derate hands aro
being starved to death, was a scandal to
OBr country and is cause.
. Several old women in breeches, railing
themselves the "National Conservative
Constitutional Ei'cutire Committee," re
cently "convened" iu Cincinnati, and af
ter talkiog about the weather, aud praising
etch other as the only salvation of the
country, nominated Gen. Ii. M'C'rllan for
President and then anj-iurncd to nom
inate his Vice some future day. M'Clcl
lin was oLce a citizen ut the United
States, but bow resides in the "Jarseys,"
where be "writ" an electioneering letter for
the late Judge Woodward.
Cold Comfort. A Copperhead paper
trie to draw consolation from the fact
that "Lazarus survived after the dogs bad
licked' him." Yes, but they were not
"Lincoln's dogs" you Lazarcnes will
want to "go up" rather than lo "licked"
bj the soldiers every year.
Ax Unfortunate Man. An Ohio
wiper p tblisbes the fallowing item : "A
deaf man, aamed Taff, was run down by a
passenger train and killtJ,ov Wednesday
morning. lie was injured ia a similar
vey about a year ago."
A colored man called "Nick Biddle,"
attached to be Wahinton Artillerists,
of Potuville, Pa., was the first man woun
ded in passing through Baltimore, 19th
April, 1861. 11a i now picking np a
living by selling his own photographs.
A pipe-smoking employee ia the store
of the Pennsylvania Oil Company, Mil
waukee, recently exploded a cask of ben
aiaa, aod the explosion and the fire that
coaaad caused a loss of $ 10,000.
The way the farmers of Ohio and oth
er States are bringing in wood &e. o the
soldiers' families, is a eaution to Vallan
digftaas. - -
A Western editor says the prejudices
against color. ar very natural, jet the
prettiest girl he ever knew was Olive
Brown. "'
Gen. Burks has declared in lavor of the
re aomiuaiion 1'iesiJtnt Lincolu.
Disorders of the Liver
are cured by
the great Strensthcninz Tonic.
Thee Bitters have arrforaiN man rarest
Uiive and do give more Satisfac tion!
Hare tmrr respectable People to vouch far them.'
Thai, any other article in the market.
We defy any one to contradict ibU assertion,
nitd will iny $IOOO
to any one that ill produce a Certificate, pub
lished by us, that is not 6tsciat.
will cut;? rveitT case of
Chronic or Xfrvour-1 ilMlity, Eiscasc3
of the Kidrnye, r.ti.l IH-oti es aris
ing fi'om 'Iijcinl. ro'i Stomach.
Ohsrrre the full ir.nri fyn-p! k rmillluj
frum JitorJtn oftfn: litjrt'tr,ecrjaiuz
Constipation. tiiwMft! itl.n, rulnf.8 t t.i uh to Hid heml,
aci-litv ot the Rtutuarh, n;iu-i. tienrtburu, diust
lur icmkI. tiilui.' or wciifbt in th nlmuiieb, uttur
erurlMtions, siuktui; or Saturn m the pit
of tin- Mttmst'h. itniutng ot tlie bead,
tiurrird and Uithcult braathintl,
Hutlcriun Mt tliv LfarUcbokltig
or MilTi'mting Mnstioii9
tirn in Wing po-turo. dim
bw f riikii. dots vr w-b bpfors
tW nibt,r-Trand dull jainin thaburfd,
oVflri'-n'-y of wrKpiratiLD. yi'llowarM of the
ektn andevt. pio in tlm nidf.bacfc.'beiit.linibli,
1 .soddt-n au.'liaool hMt.burniDK ia tb Sh.cnn
f taut ituainiug.4 ot i-ril, and grtAt deprojou at ipiriU-
That IhlM lit not Alcoholic,
and can't make Drunkards,
BUT Id tub
From tftt Pastor oj the Uiptist church, Pfmherbm, JV. ,
JurtHcrif ,J the AortA Oturch, i'HUaii'a.
I hv known llooflsnd'H l3rmKo
i iter bTorably fir a namivr of yvmr. I hmvm dH
tU-m in my own uunity, and bT- r-vn no pitd with
tlifjr ei'cl UtAt i 9i ms indur-rd to lrir.otetjiJ thm to
niny otltf rn, und know tnat Utr iia? op.rat d tn a
atrikibifl. Imnrbciai tuannr. 1 tnke grrat plrtur tn
tutu iu ..li.-iy prormiminjr thin fuct. and a(l.nar K
' trulls of thoM. urtli. ta-d with tit diatvi for whirh
tlwy aro rrua)inrnll. U. tbrms hittarn, knowing from
iXiri-ncv Uiatiny reon)inn4ti-in will br. suftairifd. J
d.s L.ii mr cherfuiiy av. liouflnd Hi turn U intended
to beneirit the altlicteU and ia not a rum driok.
awuxc truly, LEVI G. BECK.
From Jt. Dr. Jlmtem, Mitor tht JSmcyd'&dia of
Htli-jiou KuowUiiye.
Although not d.po-d to furor tir rerrommfnd Patent
Miie.nj in (T'-Or ritl, tltn.uch tit). trust of their inreti
enu and -lltit'ti. I yri know f itn niitftcttnt raMu a by
a mu may not testify to the bencrit be believes; himaelf
to nave rervi fed Irum tvy umplf rtreparattoo, in the
h'f that Iimay tliucntribute to the benefit of others.
i tio this the more) rendily in ri jtard to '4t!outlandti
German ilittern," f-rei'irvd by lr. ('. M. J .trktvnn.nl this
city, bcraupei 1 M pn jtidifeJ afraint th-m for yearn,
under the imprpteion tii.t they were chiefly an almhoHc
uniture. I nut indebted tmytriend HobTt Shoemaker,
Kq., fr the retmiw! of thio preju iire by mpr teta,
and lr m.-oiirac-nint tn trv them, when autf-ring front
(treat and lODg etatinued dt-t tlity. The dm of throe bot
tle of there Hitter., at th heinnfnc of the r.rtsfwnt
year, wax followed by evident relief, and restoration to a
decree off bodily and mental Tisor whieh I had not felt
in aix month before, aud bad aimoatdeppAired of rcga
ninit. 1 thercfote thtnk God and my friend for directing
tu to tbo uae of tb-itt
J. A fcWTOS BUOWX, Pblladtlphia.
Frnm Vie Vatttr of ti rminitcn Btptist church.
Pr. C. M. .fark n Pnr Sir: IVrMiual experience ena
blea me to pmJ" tiat L regard theij-rtnaii Uiitatrs prepared
by you a a ciot eicelleut uiedirine. In caa of a
BsTere mid ami funeral debility, I bave b-eu greatly
ti-ti- flel by the um- oi the btttern, and doubt not til at
they w ill produce ttiniiJar eUTtrt on oth r.
Yours truly, AilKtN It AN DOLL 1L
From Vjl Pufmf TTrtlding 3f. E. church, FhHada,
!r. Jatckaon Dt-ar Hir: Having oed your Herman
ltitlere in tuy tavmily fre-juentJy, 1 am prepared to pay
that it baa tweu ot cn-iit MT.tcw. I bliefe thatiu moat
ca a of general debility of the ay-t ui. it iti the anient
and Biont fahiable reuitdT of which I bare any knowl
edge, loutb rwpecUuliy, J. Ji.IL'tiMit.
From the former Patter of Vdt fYhtntim (A.) and
Mutttvmn (44.) Hap i't c u cUfS.
Ir C. M Jackn TVar Sir: I feet ita ileaurethaa,
of my own atr-'-inl. to bear testimony tn the eieelleneeof
the 4rerman hiltera. ome yeara atnre, I win it rouffi
attiit-u-u ilii liypepvia, 1 ae1tb-in with rwy bcneH -ial
retul:. 1 tav often rervtnmued them tn person
t'tileebled by that ftruientiug dioeae-aid liatve beard
frntn them the ni"at flstterintrteatim-'nial" a tint rrat
H.lot. In caaea of general debility, I beitev It ia
tonic that can nut be surpassed. JoUM M. LYONS.
From Rev. Dr. Winter, Pa$tnr cf Fx borough Rjptist
Dr. JMkson Hear Sir: I fee. it dd to yonraxeellet t
preparation. UooHand'a tteroin Hi s la-lrt uiy uU-
niou tu the dexervnd FeputrU -i: H ,:uh fbtuit-J. 1 j
bare fcir yeara. at liueH, lrtt tt.-til .ed v.i't falrudi(
ordcr in uiy head and n-M Kle..t 1 wan avlviMei.
17 a friend, U try a b .tin- iaum: ; i- i.rrt, I did
ao, aod bawe espri-need gikiat J airi y-relief;
my htrMttL ba been mateni'i twtitf.i'l. j ui-ii ;:f
rrcomni.T ' t-l.e artirtt n.rif ! n ilh ee-i - r .tuit r
to niv ow. eri I l"w fr. n-finil hy uaiy of tt.ir ,
good effactA, Ke.-j-ttctlui ;y your-:
From ET. J. X. Jfsrmtm, f tht Orrman Reamud cAnrcA,
hulit"uxt licrkt txmtUjf.
Dr. C- M. Jark9nltepeeted Hr : 1 bawe bees tronb
led with lvatep.ta nearly twenty yeara. and never
utu-d any medicine that did me aa much good aa Hoof
land s Hitter. I am very much iuiprovwd ia health,
after barinc taken hTe bolt lea.
itMovcUu.ij ioura, J.& UEBMAX.
Bottle. Jjtt
Large size (holding nearly
double quantity) $1.00 o.OO
Small size- 75 1.00
Pee tliat the st:natnre "CM. JACK
SOX" is on tbe WUAITEB of each
shonld vonr nearest druggist not have the
anicle, do not be pot otfby any of ihe intoxi-1
eating preparations that may be ottered in
its place, but send to as, and we will forward,
securely packed; by espress.
rrindpal CJjioe and Al'jnufactory,
Ao. c:ti, .incii STREET,
Stuxeuori to C. M. JacJcmn & Co.,
For ale bv BENNETT BRO'S, Lewisburg,
and by Drnigists and Dealers in every town
in the Lniteil Slatei lyDec.1'63
AN ASSESSMENT made bv the Board of
Directors of the LYCOMING MUTUAL
hands of the undersigned "or collection. The
By-Laws of the Company require the same to
be paid within thirty days atier this date. All
concerned will please take notice.
Lewisburg, June 87, 1813
THE Books of EVANS & COOPER are in
my hands for collection. All persons
desiring to settle their accounts will find the
Books at my Office. C. D BREWER,
Lewisburg, July 13. Attorney at Law
atf5t anions.
Just received the latest
styles of Fashions ftr the
Fall of 1SC3, and
Winter of 18G4,
and will continue tc CCT
AND MAKE CP clothing in the most satis
factory manner shop on North Third St.
Lewisburg. Aug. 21, ts3
Daily Morning News.
SAMX 8MFER has commrnneil furnishing
he Marrlftbiirg Tolcprraph
morniaeR.at one cent per copy the very latest
News, at cheapest rates June 24
TUB nndersipned, hav removed
her Watch and Jewelry eatahlishinent
to CriswelTs New ttuildins. Market St.,
beiween Frunt and Second, she is prepared lo
Repair Watches. Jewelry, Musical
Instruments, tc,
in the most approved and aatinfaciory manner.
She keeps on hand an aRsorimenl of choice
JEWELKV, fur Ladies and Uentiemen, which
she otVrrs at price tn suit the limes. Altu
All work and wares warranted a represen
ted. MAUI A S. ZUbtU.
Lewiaturp, May 26, 1962.
The Proprietors of the
a I IlAltI 1IOUS E
Kespectfully call ihe atiention of Ilnsiness
Veu and the Traveling community to the
.-uperior accommodation and comfort offered
in their e'siablihme nt.
Notice to Draftfil Men and Soldiers.
PAPERS lo prornr? KxfmHons frnm th
lrafl. ami applrraiinns lor bnunly. I)ack
pa f, a nd pcn'ions, can he prAr.nrfii bvrallin"
on JAMES e. A Jdh.X II. I.INN.
VTO Wringer caa be durable without Cos-
Vheei. The Universal Wrinr look
the first Premium (nlver medal and diploma)
ak tbe KewVork Kair.lhOi. It was pronuunced
in Ihe World's Fair at London. 162, and has
always taken the first Premium in every State
and County Fair when in fair competition
with other machines. It is the Original and
onlyOenume and KeliaMe Wringer before ihe
People. It surpasses all others in
Strength of Frame,
Capacity of Pressure,
Tower of Action.
Werhallrnce the WarM mt drfy all (omprlltlnn!
It saves Time, Labor, Clothes and Money!
It will wear for Years without Repair!
No Servant can Break it in I'sins!
A child eight years old can Operate it!
No caution or skill is required in its uc!
It save its cost in clothins every si j months!
E5Every Wringer with Cog-Wheels is
warranted in every particular.
To men who have had experience as can
vassers, or any who would like to engage in
the sale of ihis truly valuable invention, liberal
inducements will be offered and good termor)
Siven them (they paying nothing for the Patent
Right) in which they shall have the exclusive
sale. Editors desiring a Wringer can pay in
K.C. BROWNING, General Agent,
100501 6 345 Broadway, New York
Attention to Orders !
rpHE undersigned having received an hon-
J orahle discharge from ihe military service I
ot the I f . nased upon unrgeon s certificate
of ill abilnv, has returned home to attend to
busings at theOLU POsTOFFICE STAND,
where he will be glad to see his old friends
and customers i he has just issued the follo
wing Order :
No. I. That alt true, loval citizen, who
have onsetlled accounts for I'ostage.Snbscrip
lions or Book accounts,will report themselves
at his Head Quarters for seitle:nent, as he is
determined tu publish a roll of delinquents
and master them onl of the service.
Captain commanding
THE snbscriber respectfully inform, her
friends and patrons that she has moved
to R M Cooper's late stand, comer of Third
and Market Sis, where she will keep on hand
a good assortment of LADIES" TKIMMING,
RIBBONS and NOTIONS of all kinds' also
virfllaher's celebrated SOAP. Motto
"Small I'irofiU and Quick Sofa."
n. ni'Jlalion.
I WOULD respectfully announce that na
ing taken Mr. Cooper's establishment I
shall keep on hand Fresh Bread, Cakes,
also Bran, Wheat and Indian and Rvewhrn
ordered. ICE CREAM and Con 'ectionery
in every variety. H. L. M'MAHON
Lwwtabwrg, May 11, 1843
The Dimes Saving Institution ef Le
. wisburg
TS ready to receive any amount on Deposile
J from Tea-Cents and upwards. Four per
cent, per annum Interest will be paid on all
rpteial deposites of Two Dollars and upward
if deposited two mom hi and longer. Office
in James Ueddes' brick block. Market St
H. P. SHELLED, Treasurer
lewisburg, Oct. 10, 160
For sale by MOW BY,
ayFi-Tst of the Season!
For the Fall and Winter.
For the Fall and Winter.
For the Fall and Winter.
For the Fall and Winter.
Call and See.
Call and Pee.
Call and See.
Call and See.
Jno.ll Goodman, Market St.,Lewishurg
Jno.II.(iOodnian,Market St., Lewisburg
Jno.II.noodnian, Market St., Lewisburg
Jno.II.Gooilman, Market St.,Lewisburg
tVAl) kinds of Grain bought for Cash.
liHLS. Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2,
vV jn half aDii whole barrel, for Mile hr
COD FISH for sale by
jno. n. ooonMsx.
7IIITE and Dlue PlaptcTfor Talc
SALT, in barrels and parks for sale
tir jyo. n.aiiuMAN.
90 HOD of 0a,s wanted,
JJJyjJ for which thehlhi pall tncah.by
' J0. H.liOODM A.Ii.
Tbe World CUallcnued I
(Patentw Marrli 41. 103.)
KfilH Prrmnin JV .Vufe Ttir, X rriitomi,Srji. H63
rt. Prrmivm at Vtiim fnunh fnr, Oct. lsW,
and iVnil at Sin-Vtumbcrhmt Cautitf fair, Oct. 18M
Messrs. Carkuitf & Paine,
F Lewisburg, Union Co., Penn'a would
respectfully solicit Ihe attention of all
who have stock tn feed, and Manufacturers
and Salesmen ol Agricultural Implements, to
their lmprnrrmrnt in Straw Cuttm.
Its price brings it within ihe reach of all
who may have use for a Fodder Culler. It
cms Hay, Straw, Cornstalks, Paper or Cloth,
as smoothly as a razor can be niade lo cut a
beard, and that loo without regard to the
length of time the machine roavhave been in
use. The machine is worked bv a lever, and
can tie made to cat rapidly. The length of
the cut can be regulated by use. of a thumb
screw. The position of the knife to the cut
ting bar can at any moment be changed to
bring and keep their edges together as per
fectly when old as when first manufactured.
The annexed Certificates, and the names
attached, will show tbe estimation in which
this Cniter is held at home:
(The following- I'ttrr r-fn to th Hrt Cotter m!I
and f'U hy u. and an ln 1n wen uV'enJ,'d entirt-ljr
upon tu m-rlU lor mccvw.J
VfllS. fnitsnrrr Pre. flentlenvn I receil
your rVeil I'utler hf Kxpnn, aiil ii.Jtrerel It to the
rwrion f"r whom I orlels-d It. It R" eatMartinn.
I iwrivinl the money for It, and ii'le. areii-dma" to
juor rrquaat, hj .xiinsa. Kcp-ctf ul! jry ou r.
Mrwtaa CAnrr Paisv Th. iinderalraed, ha tint
tfen u--l T'ir Improfement in FM't-r Cutters. ratent
rd March al.t. lsw. ehwrfuItT t,tify, ttil, a a hand
marhioe, he nerr en Ita fUat. Iu nimvlieity,
dural-llMr. Tiv and Itie aye and areurary with whirh
tlir knife ean he a.lju-tl tn the rutting har and Irnith
of cut Rgulated, are pointa whirh reoommrnd It to all.
L9iua vui
rsid SVhraflc
Mirhael K'ler
John Kdelman
tiewrc- ICoyrr
fainuvl tl. Orwig
Griirif" Marsh
It. ll.l hamberlln
.l,n Chitltpi
m.C P.i.er
Jauiea M. Mowray
Adam Stickler
Jsmea Vf. SimfOton
Thovaa Tarlor
B T. i.ntiu.
A M l.aw.he
O. II. P Shinty
John lirko
Ha. I.. Kitter
laar Krer
Jnrob Oundy
Thnmaa Penny
E 8 Oudrknnut B F. llufTy
Ororire M Dowrll W. C. Henderahnt
JafOK llrennan Alexander Martin
Philip fteinrnck P a Watiel
asnta conrnr.
Ch'a 1! Hommel Andrew Toong
Aaron Berifatreaer
Mnntour rr.unty Thnieaa Strawfcrldfa.
.Mifflin rountyJ. T Mrine-nad
K. Woodward Duncannon Iron Worka
We would also reler to Messrs I. L.
Barrett of Lock Haven, Pa., and Kurst &
Bradley of Chicago, Hi., who have puichased
our Machines.
N. 15. Persons wishing to purchase, will
call on us, or on T. G. EVANS, at his gro
cery Store in Lewisburg, wheie a sample
machine may at all limes be seen.
Manufacturers, or Salesman wishing to
engage in ihe business, will consult us in
reference lo Licenses, or County and State
CARi. The undersigned, having pur
chased ihe Right of UAKKHLTF& I'AINE'S
CUTTER f6r Northumberland and Lycoming
counties, we will be glad to supply orders
lor ihe same. WS BREWER
Lewisburg, Ang. 27, 186J
Peace Peace !
DE tR frienda. and kind patrona,from ooontry and town
Wc'fr Mrw (ienwS (or yon a: I, nince pricen are down.
Than kit. your attention, and part ol your care,
Aud an. our l)tj tiooda and other aoa war.
We're Bareea and rhallies, aod Satin Durheaea,
And ChamSraya and liimrhamt. ami Ane Wool PaLalDM
Wr y. pnnltna and Mohaira. ad Printa for yon all
goch aa ijpragiie'a and Vsctarou'a Just gin tu a call.
Wr'r. Mualtna and Sheettnra from Tfw to Twrtvs cents
WVia Storking, lor laiifcw and Half Hot. tot (rata;
W.'ve Clot ha at all pricea. for dustora and eontu,
Wa'v. nadv-maile Clothing aa cheap aa U. otokrs.
We'e Cane noopa and Coraefa. and Orinnlln. Skirt,
And Uenima and Cheeking for drawera and ahlrta.
Wa'v. "hirt Fronts and Collar for men and for boys,
W.'ya Shaken for ladies, bat don't deal In toya.
a?--., noj-lothr. and Caroeta to cover yowr floor.
W'ye Mliadi for ynnr window, and Hok frr your door,
Wi-'y. Uueketa and HaaEela and Kunoars oi line,
We'ye Sugaraand Collra for Faontcs or Omsk.
W.'.e Frnnhea and Kettles all Wnda of Qaeaoswaa
So call and examine, are buying alaew here;
You'll Dud n on Market elreet, center of town
AtXtliat.KR'aOldt'tand-' B. F. ABKBKOW.
LawiFburg, April 8, lofri. .
MOW IS GEIBEL, Proprietor,
rpHIS new Holel is situated opposite tht
J Court House,in the most fashionable and
beautiful part of me town, ana lor style anu
convenience can nol be surpassed in Central
Those visiting the University, or attending
Court, will find it the most convenient and
I ntral riitl.lii tinnsjhare will he lh
most reasonable Ad neither lime or expense
will be spared to bestow every comfort upon
those who may call. Persons in the County
will be charged 25 era per meal.
Lewisburg, April I, 1863
A $35 Iron City CcJlege Scholarship
JOR sale at Ihe Star 4 Chr- nji-5,
, 'wubur
Provision Store,
on Market street, between 3d aod 4lb,
Call asd Satisfy Yourselves.
OUR STOCK is large and well selected
embracing everyihine usually kept in a
first-class (JltOCERY STORE lucludiug an
assortment of
I take this opportunity lo return my thanks
lo the public for a liberal patronage.and hope
by studying ihe wants of my friends and en
deavoring to supply them to merit their
patrnnase in the future. T. O. EVANS.
Lewisbur, March 2, 'oS.
l. s. oiirriwrartll plain acinuck-
Xevr rurnllure EalabllMlinaent.
rnilE subscribers have opened a -Furniture
1 establishment, on Market Si. Lewisburg,
(opposite Chamberlin's buildings) where they
manufacture to order and keep on hand all
varieties of CABISET WARE usually kept
in such establishments Uuieans, Bedsteads,
Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Stands, What-Nols Ac.
of all patterns and prices.
r7Rrit! in the best and most exped
itious manner.
UNDERTAKING in all its branches
attended to at very low rales. Ready-made
Colfins alwavs on hand.
Lewisburg, April IS, in:i
James F. Linn. J. Herrill Linn.
f F. & J. M. LINN,
cj ( Attorneys) at Law,
57 Union County, Penn'a.
J. MKRRIIL Uf Pomnanowri for the State of Iowa
with powr to take Iepoaltlon,arknowli-dir Deta.c
Aarlloa and (Vtaaals'loa flouae la Unlsbarg.
B Legal Anctinneer!
r.i.Donfhowrr havinebeen appointed
sole Auctioneerlor Lewisbi.rc, ispreparedto
attend to all calls in his line in luwn and
Commission Sales.
In April neit. I intend toopen on Marke
ttreel a Room for the reception, and the sale
at staled tunes, of ail kinds of Cioo-ls at Auc
tion. Any one wishingiodisposeof any arti
cle ran deposit it with me and I will sell it at
the best advantage 1 can and charge a per
centime for the same
Sheet Music, Muic Books, Music Merchan
dise.and all kindsof Mutalral IllMfril-
ments), at the lowest pussible prices.
g.. TUB llorac Water.' Modern Im-
TfXlrroyed Orirplriinir
r joKtljr prnourird by A I'rtfuinJ MnMf M.-t-ri
tr bo faprior luotrtimrotii. They are buiil of tb
nl mont thorough !y raHnw wlrria.tit.iut! tliind
an ciimtfp, Th tone ia TTf rtrfp, roanJ, full mud
in nt low, h touch rUnHte. Kch HUno warrsr id lor
IhTw yarn, t'ricr-i from $lb to $;0. !Wonii-htid
Ttauioo at grrat barpuna prftrr (roni $25 to $ 100.
Horace YFaferV Mclorfcons,
Rnm w ,Md On-fi, Tuiifd tin Kquail T-nipt-ranieDt. with
tit Kntrnl iHf idd Pwtl ana Ouio f t.
N.. 1. 4 M-UTtt. acrull l-sx. frvnCtoC, $4&
" " C to V. IVI
rur, :t
Flaao Sljlo, KtoF, 1(MI
- p to F, 1.5
M two utopa and two tetaof reis. 150
two bavnXa of fcTi, .... 200
O'-taTt Urgin Mutt 'onu, two bank of
No. 3 1
No. 4.
No. (I
No. . S
So. 7. i
No. . 6
)t.-yt. j.lnl nat four aud six. .,
f JT6 aud $UoO.
Tti?fie Mfiolocait rrinain tone a, loog tiua. acli
Uelodt-on aarratiU-d i r thrt e yeurs.
The Aleaiilre Organ
Is a reed in rrimnt, (rrcpoti'linK In power and com
paw to the ordinary 1 frt pipe Organ.
In rotewoud carVt, 5 st-pi, f IfiO
9 15
13 utopn, wth pfrrupfim. Sin
13 t4.ps. wab pwrtuajMD, and "exprvMlo.t, X-'i
A ltberdl discount to rifrcympn. Churrhtf. S'.Kh
6chno;. Id.'etn. ennnnrifii and Trarbt-rti. Tbp Trade
uppliedon tlie ior hlMfml fcTitifi.
4. HmmlwiT, Nrw York.
A New Sinffine Book for day schools.
called the Day School Cell, is now ready. It
m nt a inn ntxut 2r9rhoir(Soni!i,Konnl,Oatrb'!i,l'iirtt').
Trios. urlit and Choruwa, nianv of them written
rxprfitsjy fur thi wurk, tH-niien patt-ia ,f thr Klment
dt Jlun. iim f.itupiitri ar n.mty anu proert!it,
thtrdinary tttat-bvrwill Hod tbfmttlTf!DttrIyjue
cestui ia illtuf-ting fffn youti (hilarn to indoor
ivrtlv at iii Bcifotitifuliy. while th tuned and wordi -m
brae uch a variety of livvly, attrnrtiTp and oul utir
ririfc muir and m ntlntcnt". thnt n trouMt will Nr expe-ri'-orfnl
in in iu'-tut: all b-ctnnra to go on with seal in
aruirinprikill inon otlh'uof'th'ltb i;iTiri2,Wauty im
proving. BrsppitH-itFt-yiMiiiiiiK tni orifr-pr(liie,nr exerri
vo of 5rhril lift. In Aiinpiirity of iti" pieman ttt, in variety
adaptati:n of muri and in pxrellenf, aud n a in her '
of its fon.'., original, rtflt-cted anl adnpted. it rl.iiro I f i
morn m exrvi an cnnpi-un r. i. -rm nr round f Tu
the hent ovr i-eu d ftr .vro'narie, Arademieri and fub
lie Pi-booln. A fewsnTnttlepatTenoftn- Kleirent. Tune.4.
and ShD5t ii re given in a eirralnr: send and jnt one. It
in rrmpiled hy M'MtACK W ATKKl, anthur oi "Hahhath
Srhcol Bella," No. 1 and li, which have nail tbe enop
tnou. t"Ie of ThO,j0 roiiiefi. I'ricea paner n-Ter. '
ceuts. (16 per U0; bounl, 30 iwnta, per IPO; clotb
nounJ, emiMsi. eiu. w een. f.m ptr im). 25 copies
lurniBbedfttthe l'Mprie. Mailed free at the retail prkw
4R1 Rrondwav. ew York
Frrr Sale by LIFPZXCQTT A CO , FhiiaUtlphui.
The Horace Waters Pianos SMelodenns
and ALFlm.K 0K(.t4, and T. Gilbert A Cv.Veele.
brated Julian rmniks. are the foest inntrnment fir
parrore and ehnrrltee now in nee. A lanre axortraent
ran hewen t the new wareroome. No. 41 Broadway,
between lirnnd and Broome streets, whirh will be aM
at extremely low prices. Pianos and Melod. ons from
snndry makers, new and second hand. Second-hand
I'ianns and .Vlelodeonsat tcreat bantaira; prices from ib
to $100. .heet Music, Muic-ltooka. anil all kindl of
Music Merchandise, at war pricea.
OpinioHM qf the Frets.
"The lloraee Water I'ianos are known as mmotijr the
Tery best. W are enabled I" speak of these iunrumen ta
with soma decree ef eonttdence. from personal knowreitro
of their excellent tout and datable tiuality." Ae ivrk
Sabbath School Bell Wo. 2.
Sl),nnocopieai8aued. Itiiaaentire newworkof nearly
COO pageit. Many of the tune and hymn, were written
eanraiwlv for thia volune. It will aooa be aa noaular aa
I'a pn-deceaor (ftell o. 1.) which haa ran up to the
eoormoua nunber of S2H.H00 eopiea ontstrippinir any
"C"l v "P"'
anday prnooj hook oi iu aiae issued tu una eouotry.
Alan, both Tolumea ar. bound tn one to arcommoilnte
aehool wishing then to rbat form. Price of bell No.
2. naber eorers. 15 eente, 12 per 100. Hound, 25 cent.
$18 per 11)0. Clntb bound, embotMed. gilt. So eenta, $'i2
per toil. Bell iso. l, paper envera, ri eenta, $10 per loo.
Bound, 20 cents, iU per lVi. Cloth bound, embossed,
gilt. 25 eenta. $20 per 100. Bella Noe. 1 aud nonad to
gether. 40 cents, $.10 pee 100. 2a eophw furniehed at th.
100 prtca. Clotb bound.embnaeed, gilt, SO oenta, fiopar
100. Matted poetace free at the retail price.
May 2,'2 Wmcq 4X1 Broadway, New York.
Central Foundry and Machine Shop
Mirer, Walls, Skrlaer A 0.
Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron
Mower and Reaper, Darling's
Endless Chain Horse Power
Willson's Telesraph Fodder Cut
ter, Riches Iron Plows,Witherows Self-Shai-penina
Plow, and Mic.hiean Double Plow. .
Also, Stoves and Castings of every descrip
AH kinds of Agricultural Implements kept
on hand for aale.
Jobbing work in Wrought aod Cast Iron
and Brass done to order.
Country produce taken ia exchanre.
one, af With a ataeiwtat- s-wiin,! Pa.
saw's, . wnwio. aLintv ittn
Attorneys at Law.
OFFICE r fotiih Peeond near Market
April 1.-61 Lewisburg, Pa.
STILL AHEAD : -Come one! come all
and examine for vrorselves the larcr
and ehrapesf stork f Home Blade Boo'
and Hhoes m ITnion coonty !
rJost received a FKEfH 8I.PPI.Y
City made work at nnnsoallv low prices
"Quick Hales and Small IVoGta''
is the order of ihe day at Sql 1K1
Opposite ihe Bank, Lewisbr
The Family
Prog SUre
Ready !
If yon want pnre Draf t, fn to SCHAFFI.E'S
lime A Chemical Emporium, where is kept
a large aud eenrial assorlinrnt always.
For any article usually kept in a not class
Mil. 3 Will
call at ihe
Lewisburg .... Fennsyl'a
HAVE removed iheir Chair and Ca
binet Ware-room to the larger
and more commodious rooms, late the resid
ence of Wm. Frick, on the
Corner of Tlilr. ana1 MarkrtMta, Lewlsharw,
where thev have on hand ihe LAR'tEST and
BEST ASOKT.Vl EN T of Work ever offered
tothe public in thisvicinity,coniprtsing Dres
Biiraaua and Faner Wah,tanla of ttia Utl at, lea,
8,ifas Matrrt Cbaira. Ciniwal Cbaira, KMklnf Chra.
KtaTra. II Nt Hhcl.ii.T-WMl Kacka. Jooy Llud and i.'ol-'aas-
Bliitrt. Vanr. Ii.ncra. hw, Tahl.a.ar. a!an
a uraernl aawrlnw-nt ft t'OMMOS MO A AT alwaya ,a
baod llarroom aod Olfli-. Cbaira Whnp-aal. or ktatl.
We also attend to the IWDEKTAKIN',
bmtnM in all it hran'-baa. rVlnefmTirf.fi with Vanrr
1H,AK-Ksnj Ktsk'a Palrnt MrUlllc llurl.l taxes,
an.1 Cier INS of'iur own tnanulactur. alwar, on hand,
w. ar. read at aa-r Urn, witbia an bAar'a nntir., to
wait uiho all, aod ail wbo ma ftvor oa with a call.
Havin; none but ihe best workmen, weS
WAKKANT all t'nrnitrir. mannfartutvd bj aa, and fi
daf, euojp titiuti ciltiarin pnef or atjit;. 4xJ
Minufitetory on N. tt S'rert,
where Cabinet and iiouse Turning. Scroll and
Kip Rawing d(-n. on ab'irt Botio, and maannabla tarsia.
A good assortment of I.I'MBER alwavs on
hand for Nrwct Post, rUnnintor and Hand Railin.
t VRtPiiai.o of all kinds done as nsoal.
N.B. Any work not on hand will be made
aa aoon aa ponsiM.
Thankful for paM favors, we still eipect a
eoDtinuauca of the aanvi.
Boots and Shoes. (
The snbseribeT has jost received :
at his Store (nett door to the Post
Ifc. iri.e)a lull supplvof lion! &.
Shoes of every style and varieiy suitable to
the season. The stock has been selected with I
particular care, and will be atflirdcd at
EKI HUlltES I'lllt'H FOR RIA0 f l.
His old friends and customers and ibe public
cenerally are inviird to call and examine his
stork and jn lee foi themselves. IT'MAN
I FAtTI KIMi and REPAIKIXO as hereto
fore will he atiended to with promptness and
al reasonable rates.
Lawlaharr. 0t lS.lsm.
SPM&L. o.p.shively,
' SOT -rJB-
Mirltt Squrrtn -t
Mniiarrlurtp of
i& JJarnes, JJriJ
romnionand the
f W Mtnl U(MaF f ALL RK, warranted to h urt do hcree
IValrr la
Fancy Sad Jlery, Harney Hard ware9&e.
rrHE pnJrribcr, havinir rarried on
J. buinetw t r iVTeral earf.anl trained a rutatibo
i r maitrtx WK n.i if me p. ftp nV ftMlA'bmr,t It! '
tliis Tff i-D au.1 tlie 1'r.i Jtirnt Ancuttural ttneiete !
havlficawanlej 7A'.A VRt MlV V f,r .rt:.leof hi- '
workman-tlm wounj rxireee bte arratiintle ftr favor of I
the tratlins (ul-lie airt-a'lv r-reieii. mud ul Lheir ronti
nued patr'-i.-are t hi- NkW 2TA.ti.
The Leatbrr ne-fl I r me i of tht ery beet, tanned In
the oM t.f, nitd will lat w r rrm. ! in;.ov th- het
H orkiueo Trra mj buinee -aud am f uod ia
niv Phe-p at alt mitahle hour. )l Oo-wf- n.l V.,r are
w.arrauted. aDl it ax't a rvpivavnted amy e reKurtMfs or
xrhriT' d. 4kll and aee tu. ani if I d oet tfive ou
the wottb of yvmr utoov I will m., attain aefc lor your
UKl'AIRIXO jtromjitN attended to.
.C!IKA- forTASIl or KBAUT P.sT in nwt kinds
Of I ontitrj l'rlnre.
Uaiart Afril I. last. O. P. SII1VEI.T.
Lcwlsbttr);, Pa.
H. . HETZEL, P.o'n.
THEnndersined retnrns his sincere thanks
for the patronage eitended towards him
by the citizens of I'nion and the adjoining
counties, he would most respectfully solicit a
continuation of the same.
Lewisbnrg, March 13, 1S6S m3
CAIlI'KTS-a large and choice vari
ety. Irom 31 cts. upwards, for sale by
April 1ft, -61 BROWN & BRO.
JlW(mmm Are manufac'"''ing and have
)HJconstantlv on hand a large qnan
(Sf!ftSslilly f f' Pal.ngs and 3 and 4
Stmt Vmilleet I.ath at ihe lollowmg prices:
Palinca headed in a new style, from S8
to $10 per M
Lath 3 and 4 feet long, $ I to f 1.6a) pr M.
8lilngle at 5 to $7 per thousand.
Palings and I.ath made to order, any length
parties may desire
LawiabnrK Jteao Sawmill, Ta. 18. t60
NOTICE GentlenoB !
CITIZENS of Lewisbnrg and vicinity are
resnectfullv informed lhat ihe subsrnher
tias nought out the interest of E. I,. Hi was in
the business of Shaving and Hair Cutting. ni
continue, the sam. at lb. atanil baarn.nt of mtdnm
AntmoDa' bloea. betwevn C.Pennv'aand J. Ilnnebton'a
wb.ra bj Krict attention to biulnm b. bopea la gin
aatitfartlnn to all who inaTfavnr him with thvil patron
a 1 mil tiuaa .sent Sunday.
To all who tarry her. till their beards grow long
To ret a alaaaant aha.., r-d aj barber rw ra.e
Jaatcall oa 1ilum at his Saloon, buaymorn.cveornaen,
Towel, claan, rasora aharp and aciaaorr keen.
April a.lSBl A.W. DILLIN,rraf.Brw.
AMERICA Philadelphia.
(Incorporated, KM.)
Capital ..... $500,000.00
Assets, Jan. 1S61, - 1254,719.81
IT'lluildings annually or perpetually. Mer
chandize, Grain, Farniture, insured, at
currant rales of Premium,
934m3 ' Agent for Union county. Pa.
Pholocraph Albums at Mnwry's Gallery
Photosraphs large size at Mowry's Gallery
Photowraphs in Oil
Ambrotypes, and
All kinds o" types
at Mowry's Gallery
at Mowry's Galleiv
mi ..lowry m'ipry j
in !tiarkrt irrcl.
opposite the Bank Ltwisbuig 938 J
Admiolstiatot's Notice. "
'UFlfKAS lnera r f .,1m..:
' . "'""raiio. I ;
the csute of AtlAHAM ;i.Vi.rS '
I.I. alt I. lin.hlnll. L. . - . v
eounlv. have been granted to ihe sui t,,,'
by ihe Kewinwr of said coaaiy, , '
all persons indebted to said estate ar- r,,,
ed lo make payment, and those having n,'
against the same will present them r '
authenticated for settlement, tn " '
Oel.H, 1H63 pd
Variety and News Dcp
fl'HE subscriber keeps conslanilv f,r ,
I at the POST OFFIC E (below tht J., '
Huose) a wellielrcied stock of
Family Groceries, Coiifectionar;
Fruits, Fancy No- Jk-i?i-f?i
tionst, I'erfiiiniTV & FQ-kciA.
Sotips, Wall l'apcra5SJai ;
and Oil Shades. Truveiiri"; JJaz.,
Blank, School and Hymn UooLai;!
I'apera and Magazines on t)a)'
or f order, Irom Boston, New erk or Ph.
delphia such as ihe Trit)une,Tmies. H,rl
i.ei!ger. v t'Siy.l iipper, ronce oazn-, x,r
cnrv.Waverly, Literary f'onipanion, Hrr-i
and Leslie's lllnstraied Weekly. (i'Hiey'saM
Harper's Marazines, Vankee Motion tj
IV ic .ac, Ac Ac.
all ar vmra u;t mild car.ip vm tut
LewisWorg CEO. W. FOkKEsT
Waif hniaker, Jen rlcr A. Wilder
Oram lie rtzci'S Hwlel, Mart el St. It a l ,re- ' : '
navin; opened a ttbun iB P. I
Goodman's Cl thin htre ,i
prepared luail kinds t.f orj p
in bis line. lUv.nt wi r,;c j f J
large cuies all his tin... h. ,
prepared to repair Watrtie, ??
Clocks or Jewelry, and to do Enjrarmj 1 b
tine. Uildine or (ialvanizme in the bes: y,.t
of the an. AH work warranted to ivr engirt ' ?-
satisfaction, and done at the verv lowest rii
prices. Also Accordeons and ilekdnni r
repaired in the best manner. $
Call in before you go elsewhere, see ff 1
yoursell and ae your money fVt. 5. !s51
.-- !
'OB G. BROWMiavin2 1,1 f&&
in in ireninv nt nsnnrv nt 1
is burg ana ticmiiv, lor nearly ti.nc ju
past, with the best of
Beef Fork, Teal, &c,
wonld return bis grateful thanks to his nam.
roos castomers fi r iheir j aironage acd
nnnnces that he infends to continue the bor
ness as heretofore in the Meat Market Hd
between Schatlie and Baker Sc Co.'s lin.j
tft'-res. Market Square.
M ...... . , ..ln.,,1.v. and Aainrrlara
;.ASH is the system. Pnblie pairona-e r, t
spectfully solicited, and sti"-fa-''' n morJ
March 15. '61. I. fTERXER. Ai t.
J. M. rviOWERY I
Fashionable Boot and Shoe Haket,
S"uth Fifth St., I.tciJ,rg,
KEEPS constantly on hand, and nun alia,
tures to order, all rtescripiicns of , f
Being an eiperienced h'
hr.emakrr. ar;d ans.
e public pamuaget J i
ioas 10 merit a share i t the ;
he will warrant all wia which
throueh his hands.
Particular attention will be siven to l.adiet
His Prices are as low as ihose iTanr oriel
dealer in ihe vicinity. He sulic I? a ;a.r ir.si,
contident that he can san.fv eveiy t ti-Q.
Lewisburg, Aus;. 31, ISHO.y
Near Uarllelon,
THE subscriber, thankful i
for pat Patronaee. would iniern
bis tnends and the public in pe ne- i
ral. that he continue., to man:i:"ar-
ture all kind ol oolcn t.oods. suon a
Cloths, Cassimeres.Tweeus.tiattineiis, Je.it . i
Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet a-1 :
Stoekin. Yarns. His machinery bein of :k J
best kind in nse, and having employed :-
best of workmen, he feels sate in sane
that his work shall not be sarpa-e..' bf
any establishment in the country. A j.-'.f'i.-
ply of the above eootls kept eonstam r .-n haul t
for sale or to eirhanp for wool, at prices f
that can not fail to please. I n !. ,;i b I
Carded in the best mannerand on ihe shi r:e f
notice. Terms for carrfms;, cah on me it- 1
livery of ihe rolls. MARK H A! rTE.VNV.
Winfield Mills, March 3D, 18.-)7.
Anerican Life Insurance & Trust Co, f
(Capi-al Stock t.".iiii,iHin)
OMPANY'S Buildinss.Walnut s;reet,9 B
cot ner of Fourth Phifcflphia.
ITti ves insured at the usual Mutual rates f
or at Joint Stuck rates ai'.-ui 20 per cent, less
or at Total Abstinence rates the I,. west in ihe
-nrW. A. M JUil.DIN, President
Joust C. Sim. See.
747 UEO.F. MILLER, igent.Lewisbor.
BintrTia- or fsii.it.
2d d
t.t do
ih do
45 rant, per luO ponnda,
40 do do
33 do do
27 do do
2-i do do
H beat, Ry. and Cora, la oacta per boatet
Fhilad. Depot with
Freed, Ward Freed, 811 Market ft.
Thankful for the liberal patronage r.i M
we hope by strict attention to business a
merit a continuance of the same.
For farther information apply to
1J795 C R M'GLNLY, Agent, Lewis!'"1!
OFFICE in his new Brick Bbfk.
street. sooth aide, beiween 4ih asil
(upstairs.) Lewisburr lni
JOHN li. I.INs
LEWIMU bti. rE - J
AlrBiajrslonerf Deewa -r the tn'- ' , .
NOIS and CALltOKMA autberiard to a
iatli, and tab. Iepoiuon. and ArSd.,11" rt,ew
altlrar f tb. ahi Stale., asd ale. to ta- ! f M
Hslgenirnt.r proolot an, Deel or otber in-traa-msirded
In .Itbw of aald Stat. !
' ".. .v..!!l
YMN BOOkLS Presbyterian, y."
nd Lutheran, at
has removed lo N.uih l
doors (Tom Ihe Town t!o.- '
M'1 AXl'FA Tl'RER of '"rt.'K