1 UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE DEC. 8. 1803. . t ti i 1 of deop pea of A CARELESS WORD. A word U ringing in n.y bruin : It was not meant to pive me paio, It had no tone to bid it utay When other things haJ passed away, It had no meaning more thau all Which in an idle hour full ; It wa, when first the sound I heard, A lightly uttered, careless word. That word O ! it doth haunt me now, In scenes of joy, in scenes of woe ; y night, by day, in son or shade, With the half smile that gently laycd Keproachfully, and gave the sound Eternal powur throngh life to wound J There Is no voice, I ever heard, So deeply fixed, as that one word. It was the first, the only one (Jf tlx we. which lina for ever cone Breathed in their love, which had forme llehuke of harshness at my glee ; And if those lips were here to say, "Beloved, let it pans away," Ah ! then perchance but I hare heard The last dear tone, the careless word ! Oh ! ye who, meeting, sitrfc to Ttnrt, Whose words are treasures to some heart, IVal gently, ere the dark days come, When earth is hut for one a home ; Lest, musing o'er the pact, like me, They feel their hearts wrung bitterly ; And heeding not what else they heard, lhrell weeping on a careless word. Bow we are to be United. A Union Meeting was held at Little Rock, Arkansas, on the S 1st nit , whereat a Mr. Fiohback, who had opposed Secess ion in the Arkansas Convention of 1801, and been driven from the Slate therefor, made one of the speeches, tie said : "A native of Virginia and an old resi dent of this State, I have been oae of yon. The sims direction bas been givon to my prejudice. I was taught to believe, and uid believe, tbat everything manufactured in New England was made to cheat with; that tbe religioo of the people was hypee risy ; tbat their touch was contamination. Fellow-citizens, I baye lately seen New Koglind and its people. I have been welcomed at the bonsea of the rich an exile, without a decent coat to my back, or money in my pocket I bave always met tbe Southern hospitality at the houses of their middle classes ; and, my fellow citixans, in one sense of the word they bate no poor. I bave walked with awe and a condemning conscience through tbe ! scbool-bouses found at every corner of a cross-road. I saw her barren bills cover ed with plenty ; I saw ber atardy sons every one of tnetn an eduoated man assies to shoulder their muskets and plaee themselves in tbe ranks of tbe defenders of their country : and I beard tbetn make excuses for the South, much in the spirit i tbat a kind elder brother would for his wild younger brother ; aud I diaoovered, as jou have, that they are not cowards. And, fellow-eitise.nl, New Kugland ii a representative of the North." Mr. Fiohback proceeded to assure his hearers tbat these Northorn people bad determined that tbe Union must be resto red ; and tbat they had better make np their minds that it teoulj be, and act ac cordingly, lie thought be was aiding the Union esute by thns speaking, and we think so too, though Vallandigham, Sey mour, and Brooks seem to thiok otherwise. What a Word day Do. The ehsplain of a Wostern regiment relates, that while Ticking a family in Illinois, the mother, an elderly lady, told bin the following circumstance. Many yean before, her son, of about four years old, was one day playing in tbe road, when he fell and hurt himself slightly, and com oenced crying very loudly. Just then, a tall yoncg man eame around the corner, driving a yoke of oxen, and pickiog up the boy, he said, "You'll never make a soldier, my little man, if yoa cry for a tumble." Tbe child instantly brightened I op, and from that tiaie seemed to strive to be more manly. "There," said tbe mother, "is the same boy," pointing to a fine lookiog cavalry Captain in the yard. "And that tall young man, who spoke to him, is now Commander-io-Cbief of tbe army and navy, (Abraham Lincoln, Pres ident Of tbe United Slates.)" Be.To coctrist the way tbe Rebels treat ear soldiers in their bands, with tbe treat ment their men bave in ours, is enough to make one's blood boil. It seems that at Cbickamaoga, our men fonoi the beads cf their brothers who fell in tbe recent battle there, cat from their bodies and pot np on stakes 1 8avagee and British ever so insulted and abused their prison ert a the Rebels do. The Jersey prison ship and the Black hole of Calcutta were o worse than the Libby prisons. These ate ''the Chivalry," with whom we must "compromise," and invite them to rale ctor i in a "Union as It was !" Amcsi.no RsrLT Tbe little aister of a friend of oars asked tbe meaning of the word LipeJ, and was told it signified hav ing two legs. "A quadruped baa fonr legs," eootinoed ber brother. "And now," asked be, "what would yon call anything with Are legs 7" In a moment aha re plied, "I should t ay it was a lijted and a half" Tba Opposition in Congress are sailed together by the uoiqne'and "bandy" nana of Democratic Constitutional Conserva tive Uniooiits" the meaning of which is, thoaa whs believe that Slavery should be so restored as to be omnipotent over Free dom, "at it was," The soman raee ia divided into two elasees those who eo ahead and do mine, aad tb we who sit still and itquire, bt wasn't it dene the other wav t" wa,l A piece of Mahomet's shirt wis burnt at tbe la'e fire at Cooitaotinople. Tbe ii' is in gta.1 Jiauna about it. t&'The following lines, full mi J delicate feeling, are from tl lion. Mrs. Norton : CALL AT nr. b. wam' Wholesale anil Retail GROCERY & PROVISION STORE for Cheap Goods! Ilia Stock is complete, consisting in part of Sugars, Coffees, Teas Spices, Coal Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass and Q,uccnswarc, Hardware, Lamps, &c.&c. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cash paid for Call and examine yourselves. SUFFERERS J1 ROM THE PAXGS or NEURALGIA and CATARRH, 1 fAY be speedily and permanently cured Wolcott's Instant Palo Annihilator. The method of using this medicine is novel but effective. It is not taken into the stom ach nor applied externally as a liniment, bot in ail cases, the Ixquid u to be muffed up the noitriU. Price Twenty-Five Cent per bottle. C. M. KINO, White Deer Mills. General Agent for Union county, to whom all orders must be addressed. For sale by BENNETT BR08-, sole Agents for Lewisburg, and by Storekeepers general ly. Nov. 23, 186311 FURNITURE! Broke Out in a New Place! BUREAUS, from 110 to SIS. FIXE DRESSING BUREAUS, from 'JO to SW. SECRETARIES, DESKS, &c. Ac. different pritvs. BEDSTEADS, from $3 to $(: different pattern and latest ftylo. TABLES, Extnton, 11 fntan4 apwardn.Ontr. Vlcr, Kmi.Carrl, limine (two BtMf), Rmkfirt, nilt of an kind of WtMt tlfi-1ml. hut Walnut Mahcny nd &om wood alvay on band tor ihm trade. STANDS, Tf-poy, What Not, Sewing, 4c Jke, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns, CHAIRS, CphM'tnrd, Larpe Arm, Sewinjr. Parlor Chair always on baud; alfto.Oane &-at, Larff KorkT and Nun, WindMr Ohairn, lure and amall korkeri, Table and Children's) Chair, ! on bund. TOWEL-RACKS.DOUGII TRAYS, BOOK and SHOW CASES, Ac. Furniture of my own manufacture, insured one year. P- 8. I intend, in a short time, as soon as I can eel up a fine Hearse.) In attend to the UNDERTAKING BI,'StNE.S8I will keep some twenty-five or more different sized Cof fins, finished, and always ready on short no tice, and will sell twenty per cent, cheaper than hat ever been done in Lewisburg. Call and see bf Tore purchasing elsewhere. REPAIRING done immediately, . CHAS. 8. BELL, Chamber lin't Black Lewi-burr, Feb. 'J4, IDA, We would inform the pnblie that we have for sale, in our newly established Nurseries, Dear the Lewisburg 8iation, a larger assort ment than last year of tralt aai Omaai ratal Trees, Rarata, In our old Norseries in Adams county, we k,f. Ihe lartresl stock nf trees nnA tarffcfl ! ..-.A f... Fall nf INR3 ind flu-mi nf'M U'a therefore can furnish Trees by large qnanti ties to Dealers Ac. at very low prices. The attention of buyers and dealers is res pectfully solicited to an examination of our slock. We also desire a di-zen good AGENTS to sell for the cominc Hpring. 8HE1.LER A HUMMER ORUAHEMTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD &PFJl0T,1136,Ri(JgeArenne, PHILADELPHIA, PA. OFPER for tale upon the Most Favorable Terms. SEW and BEAUTIFUL Designs in ptreai variriy 01 iron Kailine; for Ceme trries, Rrsidencrs c. of Casi aad Wrought ro Iron, and Galvanized Iroa and Brass Tabing, I IT1"1 Vfrandas, Balconies. 8tairs, Connwrs, ! f ono,ains. Oaiea, Uolnmn,. Hitrhint Pon, L aK "' Tables, Flower Ktanrl: eoia.ynairs,siatoary. Animals and all other iron wore 01 a Decorative character Drsigna forwarded for , applvme; for same will please state the kind jot work needed 6ia99S Butter and Eggs. my stock, and satisfy 1034 "Xtf fufqncfaanna 3citnnt)." St. Sfclfmar (Sbitor un6 .vrriiiteiic&cr. SDtrb ju Vftri.'bura jrttn Xonnnfi.tg in fccttf- ffflcr Srradit brraufgtKficn, nnb tfi tit grfftt ttutfett 3f imnfl torttif am Scjibrand) nirtlid) ton arrijturfl atrrurftitirt. It'fff Jcftutii) brin.it tit ulljjfmtiitfn 91.id)riditfn ttnb aupcrccm tic brfcntrrrn "Jiruifcitrn Irr ffcun titf tm ?Iittr yrnnWi-anicn, trerin jit jirfulirt. fxtH i,(H) tat 3at)T, trtnn?orau tcjaMt, ebrr in btn rrftcn 4 cctrn. $l,2j rcnit bcjaMt in ten rrftcn 8 aicnatca tti 3abrri, nnb $1,50 tttnn fritcr. 3iir Sfrfattntmatfiunttrtt rcirb brrrrhrtrt tin Squarr con 11 Sftihcn irruifT fur tut Jjr jili. flutjcrt $cf.inntma4un;rn in 2;rcbultni. CARD. THE undersigned, having loaned his furni ture, fixtures and utensils to Mr. H. I M'Mtaoit for the period nf one year, and is about to remove temporarily from Lewisburg, takes this method of returning his thanks lo the people of Lewisburg and vicinity for their uniform kindness and the liberal support they have gives him during his residence among tnem. KIIJH AnD M. CfJUi'EK. Lewitburg, April 20, 1863 NOTICE. THE undersigned, having obtained the use of the furniture, fiilures and utensils of Mr. RicHtaa M. Cunpca, will continue the Bakery, Confectionery and .Notion business, at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe riod of one year. He hopes by strict attention to business to merit the patronage heretofore extended lo this establishment. H I.. M'MAHOX Lewisburg, April 20, 1863 CO-PARTNERSHIP. The nmlersisned have as sociated themselves into copart nership for the purpose of carry ing on the Lumberin;, Planinz, and Carpentering business in all iheir various branches, at the Ccroisbnrg Steam planing fttills, where they intend to keep a stork of Pine Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shatters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. Planing, Slitting. Scroll Saw ing, &C, done at short notice and all work warranted to give satisfaction, both in pice and workmanship. J. D. DIEFFENDERFER, MARTIN PREtSBACH, HIR M DREIsBACH Imrl.fcnrK Planing Mill.. Avril 1. !. GREAT Discovery! Kunkel's Biller Wine of Iron, For the cire of wrak stomachs, general debi lity, indigestion, diseases of nervous system, constipation, acidity of the stomach, and for all cases requiring a tonic Thl Wine ifirlaf th Ttirt frrw.Mi antf vfHHvnt nit of iron we pnmhsii, Citmt1 f Mnirnctte Hxidf. rom bincd with tU raoft witiftio ot i-(ttiiv tMrw, illfw I'eravi.in Hrk. Tha (1( t, in dimo rcn of rl liltitv lo nf kppuu, fttiil svnral prontrMttfva, nf n ffirint nit nf iron, ejpmriinpJ wtth our valnable nervp torire, to mot hnpr. It KiurnirntP the ifwtite, faiiwth pttlwt, l)fn otl 4T)Urulsar flnltbtnta, romovfll th plnr of de Wltiy, mnd Bond inor In the ftHintrnaDce. to yon wnt wvinthinf to utrrngtheB 700? IHi yni wnt ft n'0 1 an-vtiter Po ytto want to frvl W11 ? li you want to jr,ft rid of nerroufnew? IN you want tirat 7 ? ho ynu want tn elf.-p wslf Do yoa want hrttk and vfirnrntjti fTInc t ( If Tnri do, try MAKf! RITTKR ftlE Op IH0 ! Thin trnly )uabl tonlr ha nt?n m thomnghlT tr tl by all elptif theenmtnonity that U Unw dr'-m-?d iniippnftihlv a a tonic m-Hrint. It rmt bat ilttle, pnriflofl th blond, and fri to the stomach, rnn vaten rb nytitfin, ant pmtongi life. 1 howodIj uk a trial of thin vainabl tnnle. v ATVA,rvfr.R-wainf.nntrfvIta! A Kr Kel'b Rittek Wm Iitos fie thti only vure and ncttial trm-iy in the known world for Ivtwpia and Dt-bllity, and a thenar a nam her of imitation! offered to the pahlic, we woald raation the roaimnnity to pareha n'm bat the emtio artiela, manufaetared by 8. A. KUNKKL, and hi- stamp on th top off tberoik nf eery bottle. The very fart that other are attrmptinir to Im itate thfa valuable remedy, proves its worth, and peaks volnraen in ita fa tot. The Bittke Wist or Tao hi pnt ap In 7S eent and f I bottle, ami Mir bvall iwpee table droKKfet thmutth ont the enunrry. Be partlntar that every bottle beari the foe nmue of tbe proprtv tora nignatnre. General Depot, 1 18, Market 4t. Harristnrg, Pa For nale tn Lewtuhorf hy C.W. SClIAFfLR, J. BASER A Co., and alt respectable dealer tbroaghoat the eoantry Not. 17 mf J.S.Mtnk. K.Skorhlrr, CXJIiorkltj. P.BeaTft J. S. MARSH & GO, fSCOCMSOES TO OIDDO, XAUH , 00.) LEWISBURG FOUNDRY AGRICULTURAL WORKS ' LewlMbarr, Pa. TTTS ban eoaitaatly sb hnd and for !, " WHOLKJALg OR RET All, jrtB?r, Jftwcr f Hnrrr NnrmUrt: Grain anrf Gnut Srrirrt; Hand and flm ftnorr Dim Shrllm; Oh!W and Frmr Hm Trtid. Smp and Holt Itimrt : CUner HnUrr$. ft lUm, Ihiltrv Tom. Bam, UrUt. Irm Frvnuar IhiiMtnot, Iron ttam. Raiting. Mill Oaring, Ac. e., mkI hold oarmtvii fdy M oil tim, to DO all kind, or KoCRoftv RrKi!Bftii with th. utmtvrrjetnM od rtinU'h Work or Mannlicmr.i invariabtv warranted as rvconuBoaded Order retertfull j olieiud oadBrOBpU, ' Wd lo. Jbbo 1. ISoS C. D. BREWER, Altoraeyat Law, uwwrscBfi. moi ra, pi. OFFICE (on Market 8t ) formerly ocenpied bv Wm. Cameron, Jr. Collections and other professional bnsinets promptly attended to. Claims fcr Pensions, Bounties and arrears of pay doe from Oov't, made oot and collected June 1, 1863 "RT "rTtrOr Jus,ice nd Jj .LJn..l IVaJ Constables, for le or iriotaJ tc cider, at the Chronicle OUace PALMER, ROSS Jk, CO., (lits a. lsb a, cm.) Lewisburg Planing Mill, ep constantly on band and bauuiactyrr 10 order FlMrlBK, Siding, near, saan, skiiiier. tf uua. Mouldings of all patterns, and all inner descriptions of Wood Work used in Building. Orders respectfully solicted and promptly filled. All work warranted to eive satisfaction If An ezirnsire lot of Lumber of all descriptions on band for sale. Factory oil A'nrMi Second streel,Ltteuburg,Pa April 22, I8f9. COAL COAL COAL. THE snbsrriber keeps constantly on hand a laree assortment of the very best Sha muk in and Wilkes- Barre COAL, for lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cah. Also, Blacksmiths' Coal, Planter and Salt. Wish it distinctly nnderstood, that I will not be undersold bv anv man. Having cood weis;h-sealrs, full weisht will he given. Coal Yard near Wrirfensaul's hotel. fiEORGE H0I.8TEIX. Lewibnrg;, May 27,'St. BUC!.YE ALL RIGHT For the Ilarvcst or 1803! The most approred Agrlcnllnral Imple ments now in the Market ! jmiFtiTrnin ri SLIFFR, WALLS, SHillNER&CO., Lew iNhurs;, Pa. Jnrhcijc licaprr JHamrr. ri'HE unprecedented success of the " Buclc X eye" is the strnnsest pro-f of its superior excellenry. The BCCKEVE has caused a complete Revolution in the Manufacture ot REAV1XU ASL MHWIXG Machines, and ils reputation is so well established that it is : scarcely necessary to particularize its advan- j taes. We will, however, call the attention i of the farmers 10 a few of its merits. The TWO DKIVI.U WHEELS the Pawls and Springs, by which the machine may be thrown out of gear, or be backed without vibratin; the knives the Sieel Cutter Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened Steel Face or Cutting Erie the Double Hinged Joint, by which the Conor Bar may be Folded the long Crank Shaft ihe Steel Spring and Wheel, by which the Cutler Bar may be raised and lowered so as to cut as low to the ground as mar be deired the Steel Fitman and Brass Box its Light Draft (no Hide Draft) no weight on the horses' necks backs as easily as a cart all of which form a combination of advantajes which no other machine possesses. No Gearing on the Driving Wheels. A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each, will cut an acre of grass an hour with ease. The machine is furnished wiih two Cutter Bars one for culling grass, and the other for culling eratn (each expressly adapted to the use intended). No ellort will be wanting to maintain the j Bnckeye in the enviable position it now occu pies, that of being the Best machine in the World ! The subscribers return ttveir sincere thanks to their friends for the generous sup port ihey have received in introducing the celebrated Buckeye Reaper an I Mower into Ceniral and Northern Pennsylvania, and are much indebted tn them lor their warm greet ings and kind offices in recommending it tn their friends and neighbors. For Certificates, &c, see Circulars, which mav be had of any of their Agents. Thev also mannfaciiire Jlrjor'H Pal ent Pinion r;raln Prill. wh:ch is arknnwle.lgd to be the BEST M-'.EI) SOW ER I.N L'sE, and the only one which SOWS OATS PERFECTLY! Also, the Krjulonr C lover duller, which cleans thoroushty. without in Ihe least injuring the seed. Will clean more in the same time than any other machine in use. They also manufacture and keep on hand for sale Drrrlin't Trrad I'nwr and Thrrrh'r ; T'lrirraph Fodder Cutlrr (two tiz's) : Conkinx Nfi.tr, among which is Ihe celebrated " Con tinental ;" I'artiir and Office. Store: and all khidi of Cast and U'rwgnr frn and Kraft Work. Sl.IFER.WAI.LS.SHKI.NER A Co. Central Foundry, lwi.-btr. "a. Mrrn31,lf.2. " ' GEKEnAL 0RCER. rjlHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company j having this day taken possession ol the , Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, un.ler the con- tlinons agreed on wiih the rhilatleiphia Brie Railroad ;ompanv, they have appointed j JUSKPH I). PO ITU, tSeneral Manaser there of, to whom all Olficers and Employees will report for insttuctmns. J. EDO AR THOMSON, President Penn'a Railroad Company. Office of Ihe Penn'a Railroad Co., ) Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1H62. $ General Order, Flo. 1. To tal;e Efirt on ami after ,ltn. S0.13C2. I. The Wentem niillon, from Warren to Ere. will be under ihe Superin tendence of JMi:.-i I.EM'H, whose title will be Superintendent ol the Western Division. Hts OITiee will be t Erie. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will make all communications respecting their dtiiies or the business of the road, lo him, except as otherwise provided in this Order. II. The i:atern Dlflnlon, from Sunbnry to Wheiham. will be nmler the sup erintendence of SAMI EI. A. BLACK, whose title will be Sunenntendent of the Eastern Division. Employees on this Division will be under bis charge,' and will make a1! commu nications respectins their duties or the bus ness of the road, to him, except as otnerw provided in this Order. III. The Irrnnnti nfFreisht and Pas. sender Business will, on the Western Divis-1 ion, he in the immediate chare of JOHN C, i BOOOS, whose title Will be Assistant AUdll- or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern i tti.i.im thev will he in immediate charge of I ttitliMI sa M Tl Tts2 bIf. tut !! ha It. inU.MAO TO. 1.V " WI1WJBC w.1.1 .rs sistant Auditor. His Office will be in Wil!- iamsport. He will also nave cnarje oi tne distribution of Passenger Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees on either Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi tor thereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets to Taoata M. Divis. JOS. D. P0TT8. General Manager. uenerai ma 'ompany, . MM. i Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Lessee Phtlad. et Ene General Manager's Office, Williamsport, Jan. 30, 18fiX FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, H S on Market Square, Lewieburg. S3 A good supply of Chair, Tablea, Rareaas, Stand), Ac, on hand or made srdetw DAVID GINTER. 2B1 ICE CREAM INVERT Evening during the season. Par j lies supplied on short notice. June I MRS. DENORMANDIE. Five-Twenty U. 8. Loan ! THE LEWIsBL'RG BANK, of Lewisburg, Union Co is Agnnt for the sale of the Imiterf Slates Six per Cent. Five-Twentv I Years' Loan. Amounts can be had to snit Ihe means of different individuals. The Interest on Ihts JtSSSl Loan is payable and will be paid in Gold. 992 1 HH lew X- X NEW GOODS! CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TOWN. At JOU3I SQl'IRES'. Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at 82. Best quality home-made Kid and Morocco Isoots at 52. A larire assortment of Balmoral Boots and Gaitera at equally low prices. Opposite the Hank, Lewfsliurg. JOHN H. BE ALE, MERCHANT TAILOR AM1 Crollrmrn's ritrnlihlnnr Store, sll Jlftriet St.,jnsl nlmve the Hank, jjjL I.EWISBLRO, PA. I'he sithsc.riber has removed into the new J fitted and commodious Moreroorn of Thomas Reber.where he has jttst received a large and well selected stock of MESS CLOTHING, Cloths, Casimeres. Silks, Hhtrts, flrawers, AVc, I also Ct.T A.N I) MAKE Tit ORDER in the best style and most reasonable terms. Being a practical Tailor, and employing the ben workmen, I can continently invite boih Old and Air Cttftomrrn do n'i forget the figu The Kcd Door ! May 2, lxfil J H BEAI.E CEHETER7 NOTICE. a i an Election held By lri. stockholders XI. ot Ihe I. ewtshurg Cemetery, the under signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys ; for lots, grave-digging, Ac. must be paid to ' "ul1- luiciciliru Will piL'ASC UOIC 111C chrT' . ,, , u r. . Thost HOW IfiiifhlPfi tn lliA Pomslsnt A i-iilm'u aic irtuctcii ui mHKr imirptiiM' pay ment. MOLOMOX KITTEK. as "J! "nd r.. WHERE wewill find a larye assortment latest styles FALL AND WINTER GOODS! such as French and English atl wool rinih, from $3.50 up to $10.00. Knoiiy Bnvs as simerp.an.l Silk Mixed Cassimere4.Sa!inptts, Ac. C tof flint? f all .'cIplons ; Men's and Boys' Wear Whole Knits fur Jjiitiio thai is.r.lofhri.at. saiin vest, caimTr pants. Hummf r Hmic ftir $5 Ao. Also, a larr?e as sortment nf Hats. Tap,, Ac, snrh as M'Clel !an, UarihaUi. Opera, hich and low crowned Hais, II. isp, Ilar.dlferchipfs, f'nliars Shina, upenders, rrnhrellas. Neck Ties, Ac. WOW IS THE TIME ! to save from 25 to 60 per cenr., and gel the Latest Sivlfs. Also. (;(nds Cut and ma.Ie lo ordr, and in the latest siyle. Always from five to ten hands at work. i all onpoMte John Walls & Co,s Store, Marker street, Lewishnr. Dec. 1Sfi3 X. Tr. ZIMMERM AN fihp of Ilnfaa (Connti?. MOINTED on rollers.vamihed.encraved and iithosraphed in Fhilad. in the best style of the art :j by 40 mrhes in size on a scale of 1J inches to the imle. This Map was carefully snrtreved in IH58, and is reas onably correct. Each Township is colored, and there are rheTown Plots and No. of Lots in Lewis bur?', Mif)tinhnr, New Berlin. Har tleton, and .ew ColnmSia. M.nntams and Streams are traced the J'uhtic Roads, with the distance in perches between roads which intersect also Names of Farm-Owners rn- fTllIv. Chnreh and Srhnnl H..ncc M.llc i .... . i j'.ii vj . ie j i s me ijrwonuru ni- ( versiiv rJ.ni.!inj;s. the Lewihur Boat Y ard, the Knion Furnare at Winfieid. and Tnion Seminary at "ew Berlin are repre.entej in a separate enjravins earh. Every Farmer and person of hnsiness sh'il have one of these Maps for ornament or for reference and information. The ordinal snbscription priee was 3.oit. now reduced to onlv. t"5" For sale at the Slur Jr Chronicle Office, and bv J. S. I,. REI'K, i.ewisbnrs 1 H An aperient and PtomarMc prepatafinn nf IRON pari fied rf oxrrrn nt rarhno h (mmbuntioti In hrdropen, vnnrrmned hr the highest Medical Author? lien, both in Eumpe and the United 9Uts, sod prescribed in their j prn.i hiutijreuriie in emch of tbe follow , ku, jir,enn,. Emanation, Dywa, ronttiv,,ti.rh.xrrhmiliynlrry.lncifinIOmniviflvm, r,imiri. .s wntm. Mummtmation, El' "Jr5: "r1""''- "t"''', r on Ut far. fe. Pnt a. In IHt fl.t m.t.1 tsnsnllcoilt.infn. Mini!!,. prtre so eent per box : Sr wile by druvtcl.t. .n.1 .teAleni. W ill hp,nt free to any .tl.lres. ar rereipt nf tb. uric. All letUtn,ordrs.tr..hntild h. .drevtMsi to B. B. LOCKK k Co., tienrrml Annte. ljU 20CUA8I.,M.T. Sold in Lewisburg by krr fa C W Srhaffle f S. Caldwell ESTABLISHED, 17GO. PETER LORILLARD, Snnff ami Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 ts 18 CHAMBERS ST., rrtrm.rlj 42 Ch.mbm utrwt, S.w Tork.) WOirLD ca'l the attention of Dealers to lo the articles of his manufacture,viz z BBUWX SVCFF. Mirsboy, Dcmiitroe, Hoc Rappee, fur Vlrrlnta, Coum KsppM, KuhiUsrhn, americo Oeatleman, Copnnbafen. TEL10W SMtF. Bcotrh. H0By IVw Seoteh, Uigh Tnrt Krotch, fresb Hon., Dew gentrh. Irii-h IliKh Toutor Laodylbot, rrnb Son ph. mtTAUtnlian U talltd lo U hro rodwium in prwa of " tonomgond Smutting lUaaw, ami (, Jinati of a AKfenur totality. niBtrttt. wtarsa. mil cut mmiira. Lnntt, P. . L, or plain, Mn. 1, Cv.ndinh. or Swopt, Ho. a, Pwiwt Seroted nmnoeo. .Sl3iinl, IiBfoUCy.Bdiib, tir.nui.ua. . mrnirsu 0. JlvfO, fp.nlj,, CnttT, Tur.ub. N. B. A circular of prices will be sen ton application. March l,'6:iyl r.lnrti,.. h Pi wlii niUM : ti ' , rrtinnf lr,.nrnhrmj..nM.ithtt. Iropurti-ot ' commencing about the loih mst. Persons J , aiiieuiiuu, . e the Mom. rierrmaion of Im -nrnrr. psie.n.1 nthrrwii wishtnj to be supplied, will please send in " "i 'iif A laree assortntrtl of Sni;i"r.rlMion,si,,a'ct,,,,'MU,iBlJ,,,0,t"r31 i the,r names to him, at the l.ewlsbur; Bridce. & ,V- S Violins, (Suitars. Ac. ef a'l - Innniinn, in .'ii m.i,.n.. i. .suit i,.. The Milk will be delivered rdaily eiceot Sun- i -r -Z. , kinds also Violin. Ou-'ar. j A Joint Resolution prorwsing certain Amendment to the Constitution. B it resolved by the Senate aad Hoose of Representatives of the Coinm.iaweallh ol Pennsylvania ta l.eneral Assem&ly Diet, That Ihe following amendments be proposed to Ihe Constitution ol Ihe Cnminonweauh. tn accordance with the provisions of the temh article inerenf. There shall be an additional section to the the ...,rd article t,f. he (nmu.ion.,u be des- ignated as section f. tir, as follows : S"Sr.rT,s 4. henever any ol .he ,,al,fied electors of this tVmmon.e.l.h shall be in I any actual military service, under a requtsi I ttou from the President nf the Limed Stales. or bv Ihe authority of this Commonwealth such electors mav iv exercs; the ruht of suf- ttons by the c,t,.n., under i as are or shall be prescribed fraee in all elect bv law.as lullr and ellVctually a n they wer' present ai their UMial places of election. There shall be tw. ad lnional sections the eleventh article of the IVntnnnon, in S designated aa sections eight and nine, as follows Hurnos 8. Tin bill shall be pa-sed bv iVe Legislature con'aintng more than ne sol jert, which sli.ill be clearly cxpres-cl lu I lie ntle, except appropriation lulls. su n.is 9. Nil bill sliall be passed by 'he I.eeisiature grautui!; anv powers or priviie in any case where the authority to sfat.t such p..ets ur pnvtlt'g'-s has b'tn or nt-iy here after be c.nN-rreJ upon ihe Courts o this Commonwealth. JOHN CKSsNA, Speaker ol the House i t Repre en a'ives JDIIN P. PbN.NCV, Speaker ci Ihe isnate Office of the Si-cre'ary of the Common- a!ih. Hnrrtsboru', July 1, ItW. j PE.NNsVI.VANIA. fS: I do hereby certify that the foregoing ; ls jand annexed is a lull, 'rue and ccrrect C;ipr of ihe (triginal Joint Kesolu'ii iif ; the Central At'etr.b'v. emitted 'A Joint Res- i olti:ton propos.ng certain Amendments tn the ' Con-iMiitioR,' as the same remains on tile in this olfice. In I estimonv hreni I have hereunto sei i mv h;ini, aI, Cad the seal r.f ihe s-cr ta- ! t-try's otti-e to be aliixed, the dnv and year ' above wntten. El.l LUTR. fecretarr cf ihe Ct.oim. nealth . I I IXiOSEY'S Impruved I . ' For the jnril.rtJirsi: urit . ffv.-t mm I r-itrv ? A I t !im! ' n-ii. fr in IMI'l PI I V ut Hit. Ill,iili HIH mlKinc hv wrought tLe mot miraculuurrnre Cutanvfut Jiwn-., 1'! ut ( lvt on ihr tn-, ft id. flu..! rn tttvr, Tfi4T tr.-ri.,.r., lrurial 4t7 I.i-r C'mtlaiut, Lo !i.irit. K-v-t;.-;., :fifiiiiiMi;i- Cuatlt. CrM, S tit Kliiim. I i f f iiit. Fftnalfloini 1 stint wthIhII .ti-.-af.lii,)u4 tliv-jroriiD in an impure fU.t of th (itof. The TiOTf is a iviitm.it t I'aii'l !' ( Twt.wh.on thr :ot tn r A-icn t!:,- : t i f..:. Jlt-t'.'x IrtTii-V f!..il k V.:i. . ri-i-s-iif ;;ti ii 1 - .urt... NWtftB Of lb Kflertir I'lIiv-Js. , II:'"11 r t J . t-T m TV. ' T -1 I ol neurit ifclit moutl . rn-t v. n t.:-i..Tiiii u t--h M find a p-rrtiutt t.f Al. hft hrwlc una y,t,'t, .. n aw,tti He i11Mi titfii u(. h h-n hi ti- Jtr-i the "t;rVM e-irrl,f.r.'"fr.1 m frt.h: -.-H t" f. it. h-ir b' tlf ruri him. an I ; aSthoiik r fwitl v -u - !.;trfj 1 1 . rv it anqtif'ion hut Thit tTunhiit' tii.li-in- l 1 i- li. The full particular c-t"r.i.- Fv-dih ; K :.!.! m- uaj 1., n j H'f Im rt-Irr t.i a c.-.' ! .N -tn- ::.-akn-y.rtf Ki'Isrr n. Arm-trcrir Co.. I'a .ri--. - f .-t r, ri L.istC r beiu utial.te I t ft ut nf fwl for tlr"r mri. Ti th m"- t t la.lv in u-iV. nrf. I 1 t.ihn : wa-i a!o htMii t. -l w itli S-fu,i in :f.w.-.Ft rnn. T" the re i f ii. .-rf M t-.-l. r--i I z in ('rr. Pvrn. fMriliriaifv. I'a . win. a- ha-1, y r;: :-r-i with "aiicvr ! that it ent hi vnfire ntr t ft, tu l hi- ;!! w.Tss-, if poil'lr. thnn V''rirv'. ! The rtirularh tt Thne eT-rT one of wMrh wip , riirej Ky the ii-- T ;h !'! . -. 1 "t-itrd'-r mil be luand in 'ifirl" r f h I .f itit r rt. ;.?. ; M-O. h. kf bHI. rmnririor. Plflhnrr. Tn. T.1.'"'r:iti.ry ti-r ;h. ti;:-. it. i nie n-nr l! , P-'Dn'a I'aitnil t'er-t. IIo'ii't-sT-1 nr- rM hr ' W '. ii.-hati:.-. ,pwil...ir:: M r.-.-J.t A ti:..i lt. ln : Kurlr Hi rlll-Jefir-!;. V . n; I) It 1. rni Ttm, Wirtf.fM ; hiti tie X ai .14 lCE...fc : ..!CE ! T" r. nnilersttrnert arp p ') 1 1 1 n no an icr. HOI SV. Iatt?e enough to supply all our people with Ice during Ihe whole year. Ice can be delivered tn town, datlv, at a cr.ep.pcr rate than private Ice Houses ran be filled. fsM'all on either of ns on N-trth 4th St. or ct the Ice House below ihe River Undue. II s WKIOKN.-u t WUVnrir. N"T.-.tl. 1S. KNK aNHSTADT REMOVAL ! MOffRy has removed his IMiOtO- E.'" craph tNtalilixliiurnt to the New Hu 1 1.1 in s on Mailvet street, recently oc cupied bv Dr. Iturlan. OPi'llMTP. THE BANK, where he has titled up one of the Finsst Galleries in the Country ! Havin; superior facilities and a lonR ex perience, he is satisfied that his wcik cannot be beaten. Call and test his workmanship. Lewisburg, Aug. 15, '62. HIUI F0H TEE IIILLIOS! r"MlE unt!ersined intends stipplyins; the J citizens ot l.ev wisbttrj with Pure Milk, ilavs) morning or evening, as preferred by a majority of customers. SAM'L SLIf'ER. Lewisburg, April 10, 1SB:1 Science still on the Advance ! OUBGEOX and Meehani- O cal Dentlttl, Omce tu the Dr. Brugger s new building. Market street, I (western entrance, up stairs) LEW ISBLKG. , Dr.BURLAN is now constructing the N'on- secttnnal Block work, baked on Plalina base. tons Bases in nse and havinc had a Inn n nse and bavin? had a lnn and extensive practice, and being perfectly familiar with every department ol his protes - sion, he feels safe in warranting entire sans- faction in ail his operations, which shall he carefully and skilfully performed. rirase call and examine specimens. Thit superior qualities of the Non-sectional work Will he .vi.l.nt in all II . . - - ...., w.,., Wiu rivviiin I in- partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only : person who constructs this excellent work in this seeijon of country. ryebarges shall correspom with the limes. Lewisburg, Sept. S. ' 15t S5 Reward WILL be paid by the School Board of East VUi(as.r uiii w taiiy pcon W flO will inform upon any one committing drnr- Aatitmm .lV-: ' . r oi-inrmz in nrtv www anr oi irm School Mouses of Slid litrnrr. Hunnv ihf . - - present year. By order of the Board s D WID M'llk Vf'K. Pr.s'i Cit'-L ln w, 1. I.I.N X.Uer'y ULVJ GROCERY AND Provision Store! ''HE subscriber has just i sened a Fa . 1 (i'ocery and Provtion Store. i r,j ' ' baugn's LuiMine (late K reamer's 1, West end of Market Square, where he has just received a w-ll . a-'sertnient of fresh " GROCERIES AND PRO VISION ' I . a ... , ',"UI1J, ' 'r 'h","" "'rr. R Jf ; ! h. ia t, Sptee. u.rgar, R,;., ' f Ilri'Otns, Hru.she-,Tub. Uuck..s.i,i,r. p.. t'hee. Ens. Krutl, Krnit Cans. tin.. J.emons, Crackers, Clothes Pm YfouT alA Yet A, 0rD, tattle PllV,, (1, KESV A R E. Window Shades M ' u 1!" ' y',,,n- T. baceo, j " nr 'r"r'r U"K o t nu n ne i n. rs n Casii or ("(.UDtrs J't lie lowest pr.em . Ml. - I.cw:sr-t:rz. Mav 7. s KOLAXD. Waliiies, Jewciry ami Si!vr Ware H .No. 122 Market St. PHILADELPWa, ' ? s e'-ftmr. ItiE undersizr.ed j - -- revpectlui idj.irQ eiri,.n It. V invtte y. r ,u t his wll .... I: rii.e 1i..i. !,.! Silver V. A 'ft ut. i S. I i sr. ej.rv. wery . jr etc ... - ' J -' c. n ; litin ' U.t th til a, I of the nrteeit aiutt i ai. .i-'M.ib srr.vER m are J Cntn an I the best make of A,, i H ire Each article is varr-mlti rrr- sent'd. I IV" Watches and Jew. Vv r ,.( i patrtd and satisfaction e;.rat.' t. "r I'htti "' It as ''u.Vy Tf J U ' Ii HARI.ET. j (ru-r,..rr to .suoj.r 4 Hun-. ) Febrtiarv 27. s.,n 5' FAFaftfLV CnCGESY! rjliU ynder- se.! a.., opened a New P'AsriLY nKorxur sroi:r in the rn..irs recently oerun e.lt near h old ll.tvi-s tan-J. MarLe ' 'irjr. here he is alwavs Tr"4-.iei let Itui.i -h the rul'.ic wt!h ihe h,- (olii r. Ira. Mie:ir. spltr. u; :ii..ii . i riiiu. l inl,. nour ' w i Vi-rt. t-.i-v sr , A.C.. 'njetner w.th all other ante'es ii-na; s kt in stirh an eMabl.:e.,i at the lowest rt.cej "all nn-t give him a tr.t.!. frike' P!a.'-4ii"n Itit'e's Vr nle. Jan ::u.-.t VI HA.N Mi I C il rJLL,.A(t U'EM' liiU.( ll li.o.ranee Company. of Lot k llutrn. I'a. Insnres Propen, in b' ih Town an:! Omi- try rn is rea..narjie terms as r, g'M.,. IJ ui pan v. 'I lei iri'e increase of Premium V t it a reliable I'mnpaov to itiMir ;f. et e m.tni or fremtom t t. m-w In r-rrr. ,,-,t. f.tlfl , J U .l'Hiisis, Mt-i- t;.:.H tu v. i. l"rs LAUIsO.s H.ii -.m i.i'.Mui;;:: I. !. IS .. Ml, ixwuw.ww f'-; 1 iRVe't.r -a.e ;uri lid; .1 la' t -Panel stni'SrVik-i l'!rtti. A s A's.i s in.,r Timber lor Mini ! t -.-s : W im-Ii : i.ii.-red h.w i. r rah. a'.nr V. : "M is. n't, Ur-it'.-a i.;" it.- h... li...r t ..-. n n h n r .:',vered on the F'u-tl r. a ! at 'he end of ,.ttr R '.. a Tor a superior xjpr f : Vni'v-i .,, E", A 1 ! link-, a;, a 1'n rr. ie,rre awar Je 4 us Fair. j,f tin for kai s am) t,.4. t trie ia-t I n , n ('. ..Ag. rrtNr H' I" I lil. n I n, I'a New Mard-Ktw Goods: TUSLHI LIIAWN haiuUn ihe r.-..'o- iit.'Vr th l e-rr-u h a; - I 'i.. r-.e'e .Wees. rt fined ih'-m.and an .x r.-;vd var'-tv ot ILits, i'i'', fir?.'l,mrn'f Chr .... a i.irje a- : s,.;,.n.tt. si,,c ,., ' II:K'I:h.p. which he :, I I i d'Hs "'.rer.as he suli continues- tne Tat or. ni bi't- ness. e is jif pare,! to execute all -x t en rtts'ed I.. Ii!s care.u, the satist'acii. it f '.he customer. U. Ct'ttin; a"d Re Keratrmy s d..re to order. I.tvri-bi 1 pnl Hi, MASON fj. Co. I ,.(.i:.Vi:l an I STATIOXFRS. 1 i !7 I'ne Ill lit ..I tn rhi!rly.h,a. t. Visttrnc ni nt.i .t th- sti..rtwt r.lj., rrtfr: w 1 - I. n t USE j-t.ton.- t'T, ami er-rs ,n-;.f I. Ai.v -lylr i ! i .,-rr Jon.- 2n. (a..B t. Ktl.f -li... ri-i fcori THE suSci 1 t;ri'ie. c riTii-r con- carry on the ; l.Hfry lltisin' the !.! .",and on ri nth" Third str-.-!. near Marlvft. and rrHwc:r'ii lirits "Tronas't'l bis frien 's ar l t pubi c. enerallv. ' CHARLES F. H t-s-Lewislmr?, Vav 22, ISf.it hypieholooy: 4 rr j. (all RHU S and enlertairn; lin e Be. k ill about Matrimony. Money, ar.! oth er itibtters,) fur the an. um tin t.i ol r -erv I .'y (ant The yt ont; fo'ks, a's-. on lev? winttr evetiinr?.. ramv tiav-. eic. I'nco, -Jti cents. Wholesale, fenis. it' r-r m.iil tt-r serea 3 eent stamps. F. ' a 'e a: the Mt .V i h'nn icollue. WOUUl.N .v Cl'KM LU S, l-. t .t-. li.tri.ra and Banjo ts'rinjs. Bridges. Pegs,ss;e.ir I -h best Violin Rosin call at ihe Post llt'-ce and rxatnine. 'JV FlhhrT tw-PIC-NICW "Well jump into tho n, and all Uk a riJo LARGE, handsome i and verv coinfirta, ble HtGOf has been . fitted np lor the esprcial accominotiaifn Pic-Nie and other similar excursions. Term moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HDlEl Lewisburg. June 3. 18P9. I - AX ixfuPEXPEsr fa v'l t ji.if.v ii hsur r'ritU)s,al lBlskrs.la:B Hnij. rVss ' , ... , ..i-" . at th-...... r.t .raioi.rnr.i-.ii,r r-o et. will p.y t..r f.nr nemhTfi ct rrr s n. ,i.l. 1 ""'"l'. ' " -' ' .... jm.i.. s.nti. ..... i-..,.t. 1 . r . '""-I1 i. ti.i. t-t-t.air". r i ct ";w . f.lnr h-ri. l .' tt IB.U rl I'ro.lnr. rr.t". " 1 " . k-. h. ... . . , . r (nnl.M h.- a rinitit.c irn-upt ir : 1 1 I ft APriRTi-rvf sts n.n.i nir'v pnt..i.r..i. iti.r. nnr wr. k, 2.. ct. ... p atrrr it s"I l-sx ....nth., a rtt.1. prr jror. II .If a our. -dol.a.lrl. Twl.rr-1 :..4 s " t'r' .H oyer OBr frurth nf a mt.iain. Ill ! r-r " isi... Ae. a. idl V arrl up-n. A ....." n..!.... , ... 1 H ... f . , t..rr0..1 litre' irr.nra!lirr.'lllrcal.rwirrtlrnv t.tl.l"" u.l rl.Tt Corner. nnicaticna .t'ii.l f t. t ' - ' . 'VmVT tlV.'.n". ,,rt,ii.rti MT th Star if f f. r-m, . . -i ' ' n " n-ivsm.- ft ti r.-fltl.-e-t. .t - " t r ,n-i w r.,i.str ainill At JLD f P I l' . . . ' .T) mi .ii..t h ifi n ' !": . Hrtt" i.l t r ' hi-. I. K W-.rK h- I . ..j,,- r ... ft- - .IS- i . - e n Wf neioianc . I Up