I ttlTf Sill AN llfll mxsm TTST "THE UXIOX," established in 1SI4 Whale Nu 2,646. BY 0. ' WOKDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS. LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA. TUESDAY, DEC. 8, 1863. "CnROXirLEr establNbpd h lS43TnioleXfL, 1.W5. 41 .l.s prr Tear, always In Advance. m piciMH.rt sKMi-k.tku JaesJaV M'tminS & Fri'laV AflemOOB. - - km: riiKMi rxr. AHItAIIAM IjINCOLN - ----- ' W.C,.urt iu Snvder county. Monday. 14 h Dte.inst. Iu Union ouuty, .Ut IDSt. t-More taluable Real Estate f.r sale Bmooe our Nc Advertisement to-day. The Belli property, iu Limestone, mutt g nowtteod to it, ye who went bar- gt;cs Z .. -.. Mmet yesterday, Q-l,""li.-". - . . 1 friend, of the Administration bops o j , nnee to business. Tl c j Presi'ient'e Messge be looked for th much interest by people of serious " and we shall issue it as oun as ,leW', r"'" ... - , tar- very Urge cnncoure or people attended the bunal of Jjbn V. Deibert at th? White Deer German ehurcb yard, F.tnHsy last. We undr.tsod an older Irother of this brae murdered man, (eo listed from Minnie) was killed io battle 10 East Tennessee. or mnre sons jar .Wis who bite two or ,otj.ct to perf-rm m-.u-.y j, desire to "tlect"' one to be exempt from drift, must d.i so before the 2th of this month, (it can ot be d"ne after that a a t I . date) and send to the I'roanst warsnai as llarrisbore. frr thw dis'rie. Another msn in Cincinnati bss been sent meed to setere punishment for lie Covernment end a rich, detrtodtoe me ic.uUcU, banker in Washington f ,r bolding illegal corresv"1"1"01'' w sveor... miuistrition djes nat s'op the war to hunt ulat irs. as the Cops wsnt tbem to up pec auM be a fo-!th as :o be killing . .. . k. 'i. liiirnino while your bouse is burning that bedbaj d wo ou. isej o f- - r each thin-, as feat andasj.ra, tbey can. . ;. : -tr:;-"i... - 1 . .1 1 ass 1 . 1 rill f fit.-tn t It trtr l oe Htm;. n. .u " Land Ssles at Dtc. Court. Ibe lacl rpeaks well for our gneril thrift. Mr. Marshall assumed tbe duties of Commissioner, soma weeks since. List week, Mr Wck l entered upon bis office as Kegistcr A Resordcr. Tbe retiring rCicer. Mr. Merrill, desires a speedy set tlrmrnt of tae dues be n.i)?bt hate requir- j i& ss f.-t as Ibe work was djue now, honor bright 1 pay up. j Strings of Lies. j We cor.y the five following gross per- j oos of truth ont of a single Copper- j Lead psper, rhih is full of like attempts ti make the people dicootentea, aou -o m,chines. Io its place the writer iubsti prottke bate and distrust ia tbe Gatern- tate(j , rmt thresher sod cleaner, rnan njent : ofactured by W. L. Royer & Kro., Pbila- ''W'hajri Cnrtin wis firt elected Goter- j delphia, which he thinks superior io every BPr.hewss in straightened circumstances re,pect J, e0i,s eBJlf ukei i;ie rooIDf scsrrciy able to psy bis honest debts; but need4 bo. f(jr tnd t botM sfter leirp in rffi.-a for tnd cletn np ,he grliD u the of m thonged dol'srs a ye.r making twelve j j i. - . .l thousand, wi'h his expenses yet to come bushels per day. Io a short lime, tbe cot be,,ai(tohsvethreehundredthou- horses will cease Io worry oo tbe tread sand dollars deposited io a I'hiladclphia ! miu. a addition to bis threshing ma taok. Qies'ion, where did he get it?" , ebioei tbe wri,er'g tretd powor propea -It ii s-i.W that master Hub Lincoln, ; g0 m Mift ntttTt , eireol,t MWj corD. son of the President, is aery wea.thy, he d bating made about S-00,0O0 as a Govern-i ' " 6 . k srnwinir rnochiocrv named can be bongbt for about tnot contractor. He must Do growing ' 6 op in the faith of his father a good loy-' ?4U0, (the price of some larger threshers.) alist." Altogether, the writer mikes out a strong "Valcatiox The Revenue Board of case for tbe tread power oter the leter- Petmsylvania filed the tain, of taxable i pnwir aDd jf be could run a piloting property io the State at $.r.96,80tl.W0 j ,,,.,,; ,od tbrh 0Bt tbe Kebels, with Vennstlvinia's share of tbe .National debt ..;.i.u "MIAMErlL UOAST. I riecicu vju. Turin,' Mr. Stanton replied, 'for 1 sent Lltn 15.000 more totes tbio be bad tnsjor i';.' This was tauntingly, aloud, and io the presence of a crowd." "Mr. Lincoln won't take bis pay in bis two mooey. Perhaps Dr. Ayer don't take bis owo pills." Can anvthinff be tnore wicked than - j a telling sucn monstrous -- . r e. honest oeopie, woo 100a . i. as a friend . . jd, and expect him to tell then 1 , ' ' . . ,,, . .... ,. .these Cops woot enlist they denounce 7 "Is said" is a wilfol liar, out ... . ' tba truth and ont, generally, and in tbis ease surely Pennsylvania's share of tha National debt is cot a third of the sum named. See. Stanton said no such thing, fir -it never was done, and if it were be wonld not boast of it at least to a crowd. Aod the President take greenback just as cheer fully as tbe people do, notwithstanding tbe efforta of the country'a enemies to depreci ate it in value, to tha sorrow and loaa of tbe soldier and bis family and of all tie an l.s people. -Where will such liars die when ' .l .. c-..v:.- : . I V n9 uu.....g luaiusMigsi 01 tba sort are worse tbao plump asaertioae and manly attack. By just such dirty, irrespontible little imputation, th Rebel j Government - Doe" a parting gift, for and Copperhead hope yet to triumph. If ! tDe present, from eae long lime a moving put to the proof of ooe of their libel, the ! 'P""' Washington. . editors would confess tba lie, a did that J A Dirrtaaacr Tha Union Soldier one in Beater eaunty who accused Gov. J ,0te to finish ap tbe War; the Rebel 8ol Cnrtia of drunkenness. Shame shame ! , .Un -f vnr,L fi.Mi;B ..a t e 3-The 148th Reg. P. V. chiefly from Centre county started with 968 toes. ; 273 were added by tbe draft ; they ow number 978. Killed and lost in -ion, 58 ; desarted, 16; died of woand. ! disease87. emWe learn tbat Lieut. John Weiden- ! nl of the 52J p. V., writes tbat he od oilers 1... i-.'j I -- iB-roiinei .or soreo years. 1 i are srvu before Charlesloo. I tba o-rana Acaievemenu. i ! Lookout Mountain and Missionary' ; Ridge are two very high mountains, one ! s F tod lh, otber 8 w froai chettto- j ooga, while Cbickemsgua ii still further! South. The Rebels bad possession of wbich moM hl .om. . mtD(JeJ., Cb..nonga-if 0Br men h.d j allowed then. Bulb then nigh poio's W9re t9f.iied by tb Uoioo forces. On 0Qe , report says, "fVea. Huokcr vo fijhtiny nintt. the dim!." Both positions h.j t0 b takan by the Unionists before l they eould rout tba Rebels from Chicks- mague, Roestille, and the other points . ... ..i II . ! . tbey neio. nui it was none, .no nragg . , lores seems nu near fauou. i . i i. bieb ruoontnin tops was carried, oo the 0 b ulu, in a mauner thus narrated in ao offitisl report : j "The storming of tbe ridge by our : troops, was one of tbe srestest curacies id military history. Jo uiso wt o uiso who climbs tbe assent by soy of the roads tbat winds along its fri'it, ess be!iee that 18.UO0 men : were roived upon its broken and crumb ling far, nolrss it wss bis fortune to wit . nrss tbe deed. I; seems as awful as a vis- ible interposition of God. Neither Gen i erale Grant nor Thomas intended it. Their orders were to earry tbe rifle pits . b Qf off ,heir oeeupants. But when tbis was ae : compIi,he(Ji the an.ccoontable spirit of the troops bore them boldly up the impnetica - hie steeps, oter the bristhog r ile pile on (da Mroal mnA rKa t k tt of lunnnn .n 'art 1 1 i .--"- "-j ' rtery gully. Tbe order to storm appears art by ; Generals Sheridan and W ood, because the meo were oot to be held oacc. Hopeless ncuij.. .p.icu u o..u. it-nisn. the rauirhl tha insniration , of (je jbo tbe0Metef to undertake impossibilities. ' I Qf ,notber or(jcr 0f ,uece ;a the (V-Uowinc, as found ia tbe Hem York Tri- buoe . I . ..j bi.e t0 reeor4 ntTi0til0, aSitsnila ik.l AisaHaw..J J ..... ik. a ! , ..... u....g .u. , ,hooMDd ritber t(lke b. ,b, hf44 Two hundred mules, p.eked near Ueo . tod ci, blm br0,b , en , I90k" br"ke. ?Me' "Blboweddowoanddeeradedbtthisinfermal unou-it seross tne new, low.M woere a Georgia reciment was stationed, lbiok - ing it was cavalry, or something else, the reg.ment broke io confusion and ran, lea- .in. nn. .h..,nn i'.ci fl. f ,k ting one thousand tnfield rifiVe of the best description behind them, wbich Ilook er has to show in proof of tbe incident." The Tread Power, best. The Chambersburg Repository notre with satisfaction tbe great advantages gained, by thoughtful farmers, io various agricultural implements, wbich sate both in time and in physical toil. It objects to the cost, tbe cumbersomenegs, and the general trouble of rigging aud getting io going order tbe larger lerer threshing Hard to suit. If tbe President gives a true Democrat ao office, tbe Copperheads ssy be is a "greenbaok" bib, "bought np." If be does not appoint any aueh, they denonnea him aa unfair, and as par tial to the Abolitionists. If there are not enough men to protect etery point on the thousands of miles of ,,r tb p,,iMwt denounced for hia r. .IT, .! n. It b . .. 11. fn. . nl . n ..... vent msn going to swell tha armies. Tba Cope object to oar soldiers toting, beeaose tba; vote to pat down tbe Rebels by arms. Tbey aay nothing against tha Rebel soldiers votiog, and in soma cues tha Rebel soldiers vote to submit to the rightful authorities of Uncle 8am. Ia abort, these Cop. grumbler object to everything that ia done by our Gotern meat, aad demand tbat it perform iapoa- . . .1 u- .1.. 7 -J Rebels d. Our thank to Galoaha A. Grow for several weighty aad ao doubt profound - uMtn vote to Hop it. C. B. Smith, of Northumberland, la ap pointed Notary Public, ia plaee of 8. J. Packer, promoted. ..CapL Gobia aad Com- K aiSTlS K SZ ! daya' furiougb...Joaeph Bird, of Shame- k,n h" boogbt tbe Island farm between Saabarj.for $18,650. ri 1 -t.L .! jnrnKiae ana iiooKer aava reuewea as West tha lama the lost ia the East j firit THE KEHRL FLAG. Wbeti Trmn. tea PlutoBtao niftht, t'nfarlwi hit atnWrd t (ha air, be U k tcea-at a batftll. 1i.ht, Ami art th tar rallsnl A orinwood tbt 5-ha mtng 1-4 itH it funrai data. Tha aroif f lt-mrl t Pmn l.aeitVra rw-nerv-fail jrlanrNs, tlting from lthuri!' lwa : 9h" iCrifHHl it wiitb th stuilt blood trf wtt Moo atnra tha fl-.. Ani fa-l- it gtthar in it ft jht r.rtHtj tT"tn hM -tru.l alibi. Tri-n fnHd a exmpirv. from it ea, Frvh frnn it hanqoflt of tb jrf a. And ca- tba Ik1 trt fa hmu& To Badla ami appal tha laaJ. Yw "f 'h waapi irti'wiiii bmnt! hv 4-tBa nan ) tr mitnv ;itn, Io iitfl ttarn nma - Ull tbj J-mul. Ao I rt nn ttiscur of Uaan. Prrnh, thos thri-s act-iiraa.1 hat ! Whn rbwl rnhorta fly before ua, Wttb Frxvd'MD toil t-ntb our fst. An4 Frt-J-ot ban ear utrraming o'ar Vt Tha 1W irK nf Tvantl 3.Mr. Deuoruiandie sends us from , Wilmington, (Del.,) a aumber ef the . Dla c irt Inquirer the widest eiroulated I paper io tbat State which supported Xa- thantel B. Smithers for Congrese. The following Ivlitorial, io tbat paper of 17th Oct., shows bow tbe Rebellion is acoosa- Ki;.k;.. tk. .nf.ll nf .n tk.t ... , , . . .... ' .., (,.-... oo - becominir eberihhed een io a Slave Sute : H -iK.iiiTiiivuiM men re- name of 'Tl ha. h..n bnt a t.w short tears aiaae ' the best and wisest of our Statesmen i pelled, with indignant scoro, tbe . k tbem accept tbe oame, and glory ia it ; j aud the masses, imbued io a great meaa- 1 ore with the beaten-born spirit of progress lnd lote of humanity, sing with j yous ! L. ft. a lha earl a. a is)in 6;'""'""" u ':"ul'" " j spint of the sainted martyr io the sacred cause of freedom John Hrowo. We I ibauk God that force of eireumstaaeae has : opeoed the ejea olourseltes aod oibars.ana cmpeuea us io piac uursci.c. o r fr..Jin. .n.l knm.nit. .nrl Ikil wa Ml honestly lay claim to tbe most glorious I title with which ao Amsricsu can be ea- I dfowed an Abolitiosist. Wa baae, in i common with almost all others, the preju- dices against tbe negro which bate been j iosiiiled ioto os by circumstaoees aod . , ' " ' . , loinl.ous curse of Slatert. than .creel. 1 - . fp,j.k, .....-j.-j l.-j n, lK.f k ' . :.,;.. " 7 ' ,'n "J1" ' ' bumsnity, hia God and bis eountry, sup- ,. th. :.,:,,... ,hi. ni.holir.l H. . - " ' ft - " -- ---- bellion in toeir efforts for tbe perpetuation i of oppression. . j ... " . l,. And of this class are the supporters of BiliauvaiausBua aaa vwiV ood ward io I'enosylvauia, (and tbe coo temptible Brown io Delaware, but who, ' we are glad to say, has not long disgraced , our soil with his presence.) Wa are an ' Abolitionist because we love our Uoioo, 1 aod hate, with a bitter iotenaity of hatred, tbe onlv Dower Ibat bas evsr struok a i blow against its nresertation Slatert. We bate slavery, beeauee it is opposed to tbe spirit of our ige, which is FUlkE- DOM." A Key to a Person's Name. Let the person whose name yon wish to koow, inform you io which A 1) D II P of the upright columos the C C K I Q first letter of his nsme is H F F J R coDtained. If it be found G G G K S in but ooe column, it is tbe I J L I. T top letter ; if it occurs in K K M M U more tbao ooe column, it M N X N V is found by idling tbe al- O O O O W j phabeiical number of tbe Q K T A A lop letters of these columns, 8 8 V Z Y ! and tha sum will be the U V V Z I number of tbe letter V W W sought. By taking ooe Y Z letter at a time in thin way, tbe whole name can be ascertained. For example, take tbe word Jane. J is found in the two columns commencing wiib B and II : which are tbe 2J and 8th letters down the alphabet; their sum is 10, and tha 10th letter down tbe alphabet is J, th letter sought. Tbe next letter A appears in but one eolumo, where it stands at the top. N is seen in tbe eolamns heeded with B, D and H ; these are tbe 2d, 4th and 8th letters of the alphabet; which added give the 14th or N; and eo oa. Tbe use of tbis table will excite no little curiosity among those unacquainted with tbe foregoing explanation. American Ag riculturist. David Bay and Jacob J arret, residing near Selinegrove, were drowned ia tbe river oppoeiteSunbury, Friday week. They were taking over a flat loaded with eoal, aod when about half way over, the flat commenced sinking, and soon went to lb botlem ; tbe water being perhaps 12 feet deep. Tbey called for help, bat sunk before any assistance could be given. The bodiea have been recovered, ibe river wa swollen and rough, aad tbe men were advised not to cross at the lime. Oae of tbem leases a wife aod five children. The large Woolea Factory, of Cadwala- der, Welsh & Co., of Mill Hall, wa burned to the groend with all it content, Friday morning. Tbe book aleaa were avad. How it caught fire we are aot ioformed. Tbe building is laid to have been insured, the content! aot. The Sheriff of Snyder eounty advertiie twentv-six tract of laod (including, w believe, the homestead of Gov. 8imoa Snyder) the property of Henry W. Snyder for Bale. Mitchell Ilaona, of Clinton nonary, while eat gunning, ibot himself aeeidea tally, as ia supposed, the fatal ball passing through hia head from hi ebia upward. A youos; woman ia Delaware eoaaly last moot, received $800 from a maa for a breach of marriage contract. Abraham Undegnff is President nf the National Baak, Vy illiamsport Pa. Latest News teifOongre orninited yesierdtt. Iu tLe Hou-e. Clf (L'oiou) bad 'iO nj r .11 fr.r ;.Wop e. i i . o w i .,.J ,V. c.ri Ssalordsy la.t, KebelS 0fM "'P1' dan abate Kareioa hord. (ien. Weide i sent out sttns light batteries, wbieb are ) supposo'l to hats ebeokd the adfaoee, as j: . l i ... A, .... . - HATFANOOOA, I'CC 1 fv-rjioiuj, q iiet alung our ecttre li u S- Oar casusl- ties io the Iste battles were 4.500. We i oaptured 6 MO RubeU, and 40 suus. i t'ons now organizing in a!l pans ot the conn ,. ' , ... r(i,. : irv. w.il, in a very short period, absorb the ! 1 he Robol attack oo Kuasille, -9th bine.; 8al ti ,alal nl!rd fri,m Ir0 ul., el them a tb u.uJ men. They to uflren Bullions weekly, freqoently exceed i were habdsumel tcpuisod. Buruside j me three uilhoas daily; and as a is well ' . . . l.... Li. AA . B i ...i,i ' " ' At Walk-re tord, oo Cliuea Titer, a 1aj., lit CBioa) aj J ins oaian. h.d ao -juuicr, wbeu Ike Rebel lost . 0 wian sLd 4 nuns, aud were defeated. X I It ' I . t t ' .. I . 1 . CiMUKaLANU Gat, 4--G?- Fostsr has dtuaa ike eaemy frjta Clinch riter. aod is io Durauit. Tbe pretious aatioaa. haweter. ie Looasireet time to hi( : "h h th,04Mt. : c" . . , . i (! nn nttDDfliov iwtf si LBiFioiuD. r- "7. . . : . ,f L. . . . K . ....kintf h. MlfV AtOl 'seme of his that reaobio the city, and I beco.ing more d.-agin, " " . , . A Wnpny gnerfulal baa ma . MplUMd , Norlb c,r, iia. ! . K.bels "' ' ""ee leaaeri i . blockade into V ilmicgtoo, tight of I9th. j rjenrw Iraob wkila at work ia tba ' LlBjbl)r; Colliery, near Shauukiu, was i ' ..... , smothered by a fall of dirt upon him. . u g5 f tnd ,mM , wife Z A Children's Fair, 10 aid sick and i wounded soldiers, wiil be held io fnor- j luauioeriana iowu uau, auu iou IL...k.. j " Mahloa Metzgsr, of Delaware Tp , bad one of his arms badly injured by a thresh ioc Mscbiae. CaTbe l.'nion County Teachers' Institute meets at Mifflinburg, Monday, 2th Dec. to continue four days. Lewisburg Union League. I The Annus! Meeting -.11 be held Muoday eyeo.na. Mib Dec, at Independent Hall. As ,he Election of Ollicers takes place aod other i ,,nPr,an! bu""" U ,0 be ! ,teDdanae of ibe members is requested, : i wrm ui uun p. j ..... w " " - ' , 1 "- . aiuss a'rsijvr .''leciims.a uerratter jB BapUM w 4 siDbiah p M Dr. Tobias' Veniliao Liniment Has given universal satisfactioa donag tbe fourteen years it baa been introduced into tbe I'ailrd Stales. Afirr being tried by millions. it has been proclaimed ihe pain destroyer of ihe world. Pain can not be where this lini- ' m,nI ' PP'"d If osed as directed it can "ot bas failed in a single instance. . For "'d", eoushs and ii.fluen2a.il can't be beat. One SA cent bottle will cure all the i above, besides being ntsful ia every family ! for sud Ien accidents, snch as burns, scalds, ! cuis, insert shoes, Ac It is perfectly inno cent 10 take internally, and caa be given to ibe oldest person or yountest child. Price S5 and 50 cents a bottle. Olfire. 86 Corilandt Street, 'ew Vork. Sold by al! Druggists. Corrected Weekly Wheat, 1,50 f 20 10 11 ,00 70 50 ...6 6 .11 Rye. 1,15 Tallow Lorn, old 1.00 Lard, fresh Oats, pr 32 !b, To Clover seed.. Flaxseed. 2,00 Wool 5 lb Potatoes IS Shoulder 25 Ribs & Sides Dried Apples I Firkio Butter ! Fresh Butter.. Rags.... Barley 4. 5, and 6 Ham. 90 tol. 00 Country Soap 4 A 6 MARRIED, Bt K.t S VT .ltrt,tl i.t. JOH.V W. B4LLIRTT I sua .MMSi;kIKtrr,.U o(L.. ,bur( Ay R. A. R tlottonsteia. 3d inn., Ll.ot. IIENRT BY KHr, 117th P. V.,a4 Miss nAt al'tkLICe.ef j linMrnve. I By Rev. m fc,rbr. 1st hut. ALRF.RT eHAVTUR, : of Uiltoa. tad Mim MARY SHI.,-1. Lkrster wont,. la Snahnrv. SOth att, of eoasnsspti, a. JORPas; Krs'KRKELLKR, ated lb in:, la Wllllu'S,.n.M inst.R.. THl.WAPD.OOrWALT. tit tk. SrB4 U.K. Ch.rrb, B4H 33 .ears. He c.obt eM rMBlt.Be In roM.BK.BtB. Bbtle ,'upenab-B4lD; Lb. .reetloB ot a bnBM ot orh.e lhr his cbBrrh. LOST Oa the 3d irist., between CniTwHt. At. no. .a Mark ,trrt(Ti roarth ir-.!,. . Id . II K All ItBKsS, tnamrd w.lb black v.t. Tlw tuivt illbcon.MBMUd bj Ira.uia it at th oftee. Lewisburg Bridje Company. NOTICE i hereby given to the Stockhol ders of theLewisbarg Bridge Company, that aa Election will be held at the Office rf the President, oa ktpojtav, the 4tb day of Jan uary, loot, lor ihrurpoae of elecuog one President, six MaaKaers, Treasurer, and a Clerk, to conduct she fepneeras ef said Com pany for one yea. WILLIAJt CAMBBON, President, Lewisburg, re. 7, l863pB TO TBE FITBLIC SOME person, whose interest it would pro bably be if I were to leale Lewisburg, has cirenlatsd the report thaf I had sold out my Gallery, and left town go far from this being the ease. 1 bate jairt made a very im portent improvement )a my Skylight, and am aow taking better fViures than ever, at my aaaal bIbbs, tw BalssVlbM Stan, a few dam Mt of H.ta.l's Imm Moas7wbm I ass at aU Ubm Wml to watt oa all a. olArrieads bb any aaaihBr '" la-CAED ruuroauiarHS I eaalr.a tha snaBtry la pmaask. Bet bttur.ut aa aooa, as I eaa H. B. WkM) 1 a. Mil uiUM I ill ut frkMkis ka. K. L. HOWBT. TO THE PUBLIC. Cars VrrBX.CK. STo. 19. isaa I THIS day bought or Lewis Miller, (of Un ion township,) two black Mules, which I hare loaned to him during my pleasure. luaswa WILLIAM HA KM AN. . NOTICE ! fTrO Tax Collectors of Caioa County i Ton I will atlead and get the Exonerations on your Duplicates made by the Commissioners, as it is the only time ia tha year Ibat exone rations are made; and you are also requested lo settle np your Duplicates. Dec 7,'6J J. A. .MERTZ.Treas'r. U. S. 5-20?a. i me scrreiary ine irvHiurj Ba nut yei gvro antiee ol tnf lO'en'ioD io j . vith4ntr ihm popular Loan from sale at pr. ' and. until ten u' nulice is eiven. Ibe uo - ! dersiened. as General Subscription Agent ; Wl Cul00e to sopply lb. public j Th. hnl, ,ra(,iiiii of the loan aathorized j, f-irP Hundred Millions of Dollars. Nearly ' Four Hundred Millions hae already been subscribed for and nail! into the Treasury, ! mostly within the la-st seven month. The , tTgf f,om abfl)ad ,nd rapidiy ioereasm; home deman 1. for ase as the bans , for circulation by National Banktnr Asso:a- U.... ik.i ih. srl.r, f K, Trn h , ample and nnfailinz resonices. in the duties ' j j .k. on imp.is and internal rernues, and in the ,ae pl ,h, inteisi-beariaf leeal tender ... . .L . t reaury notes, u is almost a certainty iom be will net 6od it necessary, for a long tim . ' 'P 'k m"ket for any other lorg : i,r nrrminni l.nanc. Ihtw intrs.t and fiflQCl P.1 of whicVre payab,.;; coW" ' 1 Prudraca and self-interest most force th , minds of those cooiempUiiug the formation ; " -National banking Assoeiauons, as well as ,ihm,..i.ofall-lt,.aw,diero.eyo ' hands, to tha prompt conclusion that they ..nM u.m w. t.m .tj.nk n m ihi - i- ..-.-s - m.1ut nnnnl.r I n.n II will ...nn k. h.vnlld j most popular Loan. It will soon be beyond he.r reach, a.d ad-auce to a h.adsome pre- tnium, as was the result with the -Seven , ., hl ,. UMi whM va, j, lold M(lcoa,d . I V.L "J " 1 7- " no , be ,0beribed for at par. tV It is a si a per cent. Loan, the interest and principal payable ia com. (ibas yielding oter nine per cent, prr annum at the present rate of premium on coin.) The Uorernmeat requires all duties on im ports to be paid iu com ; these duties have for a long time past amounted b over a quarter of million of dollars daily, asnm nearly three times greater than that required in lbs payment of the interest on all the 5-tu's and other permanent Loans. So that it is hoped that the surplus coin, in tbe Treasury, at no distant day, will esable the United States to resame specie payments upon all liabilities. The Loan is called M from tbe fact, that. whilst the bonds may rua for 30 years, yet tbe Uovernmrnt has a riehl 10 pay them off , . . ... " in gold, at par.at aay time alter yeara. Tbe luterest is paid balf-year.y, viz: on ihe hrst davs of Nveaiber aad May. Subscribers caa have Coupon Bonds, which are payable to bearer, and are SO, Slut), $SO0, aod $1000; or Registered Bonds. of same denominations, and ia addition. $S,uu0 aod $10,000. For Banking purpose, and for investments of Trust-monies, the Registered Bonds are preferable. 1 bese 3-30 1 caa not be taxed bv maiea, eitipi. low.s or eoumiea. and ihe Govern- meal ux on then i ouly oe-Dd--hlf per i tim , efciur-, to .it : haMi avartfura to CeOU, OQ tbe aXmoaat Of iDCwmet hea thrwU 1 liarUa? loWBabiy. Jo aUaraaunl sva ncome of the holder exceeds aix hundred!"--; lZ.uZZT-7ZZZi dollars nr ananas. All other investments sorh aa iaeoases fro at mortgages, railroad stock and bands, etc, mast pay from three to ire per cent, oa the income. Baak and Bankers throughout the country will coouaac to dispose of tbe Bonds ; and all orders br maiL or otherwise. Dromntlv 1 attended to. The inconvenience af a few days' delay ia 1 .. . L n . , , , .1. 1 . . . ' 7 . ; demaod being so great ; bat, as interest com - ! meoces from the day of suhwriptioo. no loss is occasioned, and every effort is being made to dimmish delay. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AUE.NT. 114 So' oh Third Street. Philadelphia Philadelphia, November 25. 1863. BEST AND LAST NEWS! "I I E have just received from Philadelphia and New York, a very large aud well selected stock of WINTER GOODS, which we ofler at very reduced prices. We hare paid particular attention in ihe selection of thi slock of Good' a very laree assort ment of DRY GOODS of every desrri p- lion. Purchasers will find it their advantage to rive us a call as in prices we defy any ni i nr neighboring towns for competition. We j granted to the un 'ersigneJ, all persons indeb hart al-o replenished rnr stock of (.rOCt?- ted thereto are requested to make immediate rlea, Hard War, 0,ueeaware,&e. utTT iricir rri t r PLASTER, c. WAiVe MirA Lime, Calcined TXatler, and Hydraulic L'tment always kept oa hand. rtT COVSTRY PRnniCE taken in Ex change for Goods as usual. N. B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grata. JNO WALL8 A CO Lewisburg, Dee. 1863 Anditor'i notice. IN the Orphans Court for the eounty ef Union Estate of Wiiuit Tats, late , II . rt I , . . , r, ..., J. 1 . .-'. r " . ' I be Auditor appointed by the Court to make 1 distribution of the balance in ihe hands of Samuel C. Tate and Robert Foster. Adminis trators of the estate of said decedenuwill meet all parties interesied for the purpose nf his appointment oa Friday, the I lib. day of Dee ember. li63, at I o'clock. P M, ai his Office n Lewisburg. JOHN B. UN N, Auditor GOOD HEW GOODS! Xiw goodsi FEW GOODSI StEWeOODS! XEwaooDsi rom mi wtxteiu fOR 'ALl ASD WtXTKMI FOB rJll A.fD W1STEBI TOM fALL ASD WIXTERI CALL AXD SEEI CALL AM) Sltl CALL ASD SEE I CALL ASD fttl KXEHER, IOTO 4 CO ' XREKKR, LOSO at CO BUMMER, LOSO at CO KtSMXR, LOSO at CO TUwlsbari, Hot. lsss Let ra all take a Ride ! TTOKSE5 ASH BLUUI6S IU to, Jl responsible persons, al reasonable rates. Constables oa alley between South i Third and South Fourth streets. half a square below Hess' Livery my residence on same lot, fronting on South Third street. CHARLES 8. YODER Lewisburg, 8ept 1 1. 186J C0RKECTI0N. I HEREBY ware all persons not to pur chase or accept a note given by we du ring May, 183. payable to Levi Rank (and endorsed by Georte Dieffenderfer) as I will not pay the said note. How. , LEONARD CHAPMAN ; 3iamtuoth Drug store J -1 rQST respre!f?j!:y irr.rm the poMio thut ; II ihv bjfe auuif'J CT.lroi t the abov hv biif aviuieJ ettr.iroi of the above i ebiat!ibrreni. ard just rte'd a freh Mupp v : t.f l)rus, t-hfrni-a s. Tunis. Wbi'e Lsd. v w.. P .t.v f;.x.. f:,.l O.L Machine Oil, I'ure ?.c"t, byetuff. As. j ' t To'le t Arti'.lr?. a fine ftSrOrtmPrit Ktrtruf Mi-.rv. nor..Hl..ii ' Soaps ! nuiis for Val)in?, haT- InK, ntmcf OrM, sua fur DBtsI f urc. I'ockot Bots, Turves. Tort Folios, OnmlM. brabr,. P-k.t Knv. S.i -r, ef AmortiM q4 antiisli uiittUtflar, aLAttotMry, cboies Cusrs m4 t ToUmxu. i Lamps Lamps!: Coal Oil, and; I jiwa. L:qn l KcniiOt, Cox s Spanlir,?; I 1 o:t:ti. m . u j UiniTmsu .' . i HV ... a tV, iTirtsjy for , ,,:t. .ua.a . .... : miu.-, krvi,.t y.'e art' cellinr. J.t vcrv loir rates. - -. , x i i inr i inrinr?. r- ri:r5. u nu:ipr.n. ,)-1-inrm s'i.ioj iirmmi Hll l4Ut fUnil'VUI'l vr-MflU'.K U BU,V1 sua ..tn.r rnns-ut!:.! r-auwj m nv i VT''" "4" "--M 1 r?"Tbe janirr member of the firm has! rl b, ,r-..T. fr.M i,.,.! uiu.nn.ias, attended tbe College of Pharmacy, aod had a number of ytaia' eipenei.ee ia ibe Drug and Prescription busiuess, both in tba country aod Pbilade.phia. feels cotnpeiroi to compound any prescription ibat tbe hhysicians orpuboC may faror tbem wun. VV e mine a call, feeling confident that we can supply the wants of a. I. on terms io ihe.r sat ..taction. 8. G. BE. ETT. Lewisiurg, Oct 30. W. A. B L.N.N ETT Estate of Jacob Terger, Notice of Partition of Estate ef Jacob Yerger, late of the Boreegh eD Hl1' of Hartlehm, dee d. Vtc.l ' 7 ! .J! ""17... '' ' t. orpem.' uot h.ta l.. 1. , a sount; ui t.K... a. -Mh 4.ro(3.pt. .!r i, isv u i k. HKW.W1III4 Krih ta.i it, .miaJ ,w.am u. a a.jof Juij.a. i,ik. m-s. bKi .1.1 ..a mumi k. I .oi.p-.t, .1 t-rt i b . r. niu.Mln'urfKub,IM ,j,. .r im km ik, uvnun u.mi um. T..t sj iibj. n rt.i Ji. i.i.. t. ..t : Job. kl., rMHl.. 1. L.W. tw...bis. la M14 ; CUtttrtta, 1C lIIUIl. . I b Blavil U.opt, rvdiim la in ia Ml borstuc ol Uvtl.to.: ul Ka.,(w ... . twn&tuf 1 mm uro;Q, ,l. t..oj . nun ui a..i H....1 uu t i bi iukuii ud tb. ku i m ' : .btfc to -u : kis aMii.r J.o. Asa. I SMMU4 MlltH ID jtllib.lM. O-.U. CO. MlCMrbjnufml ..tb W.luju. feukt-r ud r Mr... XtddLbU'r. boj Ol MVJ JL. KlKkfenl. I xtfeni. ui Jan. A.n. .u Jun. as. l-rKT, iwivd Jim SubomI. i.I mu4 tK v.-h f li .r- k uup-lo4 ff.io. s.mp1. who .r. bulb sl.ora ZSJZttEjZZiZZXl ZXZX?Jrt."'t2ZZ: yaxa of mod bwao (uarUuta. Aa4 fartbar a a eBn.BUlMlB.MWIIW., IbilH.. 1 of .. uiu i.t oi ..d ! I'ZZ l .ui "craM r . n tm u n-wu hum tMUBatkin wU: a li MaaMBsa im tattuip, Lai. rtHeutr. ta rrsii knltoibiBif iajiao: baern DavlrW ba.f prt of a trawn of t.ufea-r :auJ atraaata iUvi towsjuhije. titH,si csaoty. vxntJueiiB Mi 1 j -aigbt ay-M aiora r Wat. swtnf iaaJa of AotLoa tdttr, slokai Mil IsAW kaiab. Jib taaM. arxl burfawo MowaaV a.. ; Hd ..ao tract of laasi iiariiaw to.il hnuvlMr. Jamb II tl In ah ajBd tr.a fnh.w sv. - .a is. ItlK IBioa faaakt. DCitig improTi iaitvi. tAt:aiu ! - N.rfTCR I !iYbT rWea to tbe hir snii ll mrm. ! MUU..M UIIM1IU Ol U .T"r.M,ld J M 1 TfVT, tSSSSB Xr ssvt at tha aaMie hua- nf Wjj WolfU.tD uba tKervah o HarttD. fx,at atW-aawj. at to r'orkt A. M. ttMT.iri Ofica, Lawiabarg. Lrt- :4 1' I 1. V. ALBHItsHT, SartC. Estate of William Wilson, dee'd. IETTrSs Teianientary on tbe Estate of . WILLIAM WILfON. late of Lew- i-burg boroosh. I'nion county, bavins been ! payment, and 'hose having claims or demands i aeaint the sai..e will present them for settle- ueuL ANN WILSON, Elecutrix. 1". H. WILSON, Executor. Lew-sburf. Nov. 23, 1S63. Doctor S. H. KNIGHT II AS located himself in LEWISBIHO. here he wiU attend to the practice of, medicine. Market St. nearly opposite Ammons'block TESTIKOTVIAT-S. TTSTirro., Tni'-'B Co. Xer.?4, TW3. TV.r Sir : My 1'-t .nd t' h m m 4Im.w4 th.t .11 vbo peon rse rave n. up. Doef-r, .n-1 all ; bat I catloa4 to Tn.jrie. ur$ it eanl bja. aai Inn am well. I a nawh-r in my ..nhbTtH! tb bl Iut anr. ..t r ' ' wr'.tB'..-. Lh.t ..reran! by ynnr mMH-.o- A h' :- -w -.t. i w ju Wn-e.U wbo are .rlli-trd wi:h .1-.ee t,--. .nil. mil ... lib and money. Ioartra . J m go.m AbkB. Htr-'t--' ' a. rr l'-e-T. w of .Mrs. 1 rur-4 ! -' jt l m ami aMe to w r:r b-,' w-a r -n-i.t-. t.s-nt iMr .rr'X- AaLiir I .e-aatansy rrlabf n 1 1 fiaVt Tr. P. R. Knktot: tT Hir I VM mtllirtd witk t RSemmatira ; I eoal 4 not on ip. aavt two Not t Ira of otjr vaJnatsla mita rnr-J ma ta s hort ttm. I aslwtiaa nil who are liEsftvd with thi disraV-' to t-p't to jo u:4 fet curjd. Voon truly, !. B Hoist T! ARTtET. rtliO Corrw. t. TtT. 9. H. Knlrfit : Irr 8i-p I iBil oo ti tm it 2'tr1 "'' !! ""T metit In frrrkVr to barnerflt mrVrti hamatiit-. M- wifc I... 1A.. hmeaith rrtanw. n:irr sanrl ha It nf I.- er? ra n-n ap brail. I airiMd to try other a,. kin-. -rJ-rton. Iroolino witb Tour treatment: yoar B4ie4ne enrl Iw: ebe Ir sow .ell. I wnaid Bilee all ho are sfflt-ti-d .itb locc .0 1 Hr.r it- tr F tn torn. at eenj fur va, gel .oar vjediriDB, .n't Me HS aad asoatj. iK'ij tours rB?'y, JJll.N dALKR. Issne List for Dec. 21. 1 Ttanl Rengler vs JAW Anderson 9 J A J Yonng zs Jos M Thomas a Mi Kleckner vs Menges A Penny wi no 4 Geddes Marsh A Co vs Wro Moore 6 Two of Limestone vs Georee Slear 6 Snrder A Grnbb vs J A C Kleckner Ae 7 to 13 otber parties vs same It Jno H Goodman vs Wm Young 16 Danl Ranrler vs Jere Anderson IS M'CurdyTaie vs Wm Brobst 17 D B Kerst Henry Hunsecker li r H Hhrmer for Vance vs Wm Rule - for Youns vs same! K f tl Geo Zellers n JohB Bfr T R.ber S3 Pavid T Davis vs Geddes Marsh A Co 24 Chs Brnndace vs Jac and Aaroa Klose Si Charlotte Long vs Jere Kleckner et al NOTICE. I LL persons having claims acainst the I'niversity at Lewisburg. will please present them for settlement, to the under sienrd; and those indebted, are requested to make settlement. nTOtnVe Friek's Block, N. Third St. three doors l.om Market. J. A. KELLY, Agent. Seal Estate I , Eoum and Lot for Sal ! fpHH snVeriNT oftW. at prirat sals, his) t 41 . ?nip. I'niow roantj. tbrte qvarters of a Bilw ! from the I in rraKe, ibe read lead...; in elin'trr. T. a. Btn Jnfs f Anraa V. j Buslrirk and l'id aWjlon. The lot rotai i J Acre. Tbe ImprormeiM are av . i.-sic.rer Frame House. wi:k " Kit fc-J chn, and food never-fi'm( Water. Alsat vand Peach 1 rees. This is adesirabJe hotBf.siiitafcle fof leanoster. For further particulars rail or addreae) the sobsenbrr at ih Wmfield P. O., UaioS) to- Pa. SAMLEL A. WALTERS, P. M. Dee 7, '63 tf Eiecutor)' ala rp iiiimni r bp it rPTlTtl Spartllr.Ur ALUnDLCntMl, CO I Alt T'HE sntseriber, Eifcntoref Hash Bella. 1 FARM ituit4 on Pents errelt r Liasesaoa to'nsh:p. Laios) coonty Paul Kafeerd ba ca the prm:ie$X The Imrroren-ieaM ask are a d two storai Ftaoc Uoasa end STfaA good Barn j He ,'s.rs the I TT SAW MJLL said a '-'n an . . . - . . . . . f a. Ml -w-.Wsa r i ifl M.s iana near I If said proprrrr be not sold by ttsr af ' March neu u riil then be oaVred tlNa) Sat. Auiltti CBARI.R3 PI.EASATT8. y luciufsl rjunsafl Dee. S, (363 Buobary. Pa i r?"Mrs.Hopp will efTer at sale a small La, i n Si Louis St. beiveea &th and 6ia.au IfV cf Saturday. 12lh Dec. FOR SALE mThe residence of ihe late Mrs. MAKLV M. CRAHAM, situated oa Moath PlarsS ..trei. Lewisburg, nearly opposite ladepeoeV For terms, apply to A. H. DILI. AT P BIT ATE SALE. 1 rriHE subscriber oHen hia valuable prawaas 1 I . ,..... Fi,mn 1 J. ty. situate at fclimsport. Lye. uev, aa iUe public road leadmt from Lewisburg a j d Wiiliamspon. aix asilaa i J "i.TVS from Dewart station, cooiainmg aboal S acres of good limestone land, id a high slab of coluvat.ro, producing 30 ba. of wheal pee acre, w.ih splendid and convenient buildiagoi thereon. Also. 1U0 choice apple uses, baeiawe) a large quantity of peaches, pears, plaava. SOOSebeiT CS. Ac. dtC , Price and terms reasonsbir. Apply JOHN DERjIUAM. I ar-tj f 1 17 ill III 1UI aSUftC. J. town XT, aorth ranee 8. east of Ibe sUa) principal meridian, ike sa:d ram baa ftbvUt tWO QlilSS lOFth Of the CitT Ot rreeport, in Steplteiuoji Co, IlUMia, h" b,0, Ff,n Aer" d ltitaiia,-i.la L8 HoO and Other Oa.btliMjngS; IS Wtteni by cut of the most beautiful Spriags is tB c'y'ni4 mrM.ioccui iuUKl HrTWl tr a thnftT rrovcti ox timber. Farrr acrsi nf fh farm ia axjant;tta. ' eUl'!. oabea 5011-bif liproV4 would is sake one of the me! inritiBg rMa sjfnces IB litlBclS. a? i r tr TvT panicularenqsiire of Frsncu WUe. CI Lit lOOr, I'l.; MIB 1 O. H AfriS. Of Wtt , pon-,u- r ,he "Ssssa Nor. 10. 1S63 L. H. BOW ex. HOUSE & WAGON MAKER'S SHC? OR KENT from It April aeiLd The property is at tbe Corner nearjVJ tne Fair tiround Tollhouse, one mile froaa Lewisburg. There i a Paint room attachea to the shop where Wagons aod Buggies aava been made. Over aa acre of ground ia as tarbeitothe Hoose.and eompmea a Gardea, and Fruit Trees. (The Blacksmith ahoy aiiached is rented ) t RAM IS W ILSON. Butialoe Twp.Nor. 17, 1863 Attjaaraed OrkPnANS' COURT SALE. I)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans Coart Xt of I n Inion county, will be sold at Pnbliw sale, on the premies, Thuraalay, ITIBi DeC. lt3, at 1 P M, the following describadl Keal bstate : . ''' tuaieenain tractor iaad,sttaai I ln trniie irri iu.Diip, t aioa aoeaiT, hounded by lands of Jacob Suhl, Paul Dielf. iroarricr. otrnuci vriairriiiig, jutrpej fAilvta, Widow Robins, and others, containing 100) Acres more or less, having thereon creeled two Dweliin; Houses, Barn, and other sea. buildings, with tbe appurtenances. No 2, all tbat certain lot of ground sitsale in the town of -New Columbia, numbered l r ...A . .- . , - " 1""" . " ' " ' .Zl Lot No I on the south. Water street aa lha .,. ,u w.,,.k, .u cooiainrng one fourth of an acre more or leaa wan the appurtenances. I Terms and Condi,.... h,vi , ., 1. 1 nHUvasasat Administrator of Datiw Smriti, dMt1 Farms for Sale. rTHE subscriber r3trs for sale al Private X 8it Two Farmi situated aear awe i i. h f H : OVOBgn Ol nameiOO. ( One in Hartley jwnbip, containing abova) . nH ad.oininr laada of Jacob PseSL, WO ACra,adJOIBlBg laaas Jawoai raaB, Jacob Smith and others, with a good Holwa, Barn, and other buildings theraoa. The other in Lewis township, eonuiaia; about I.IO Acree, with aew Brick Hons. Bank Barn and other Ootboildings, adjalaiaf land of Wm Hoffman. Wm Wolf aad etbafabi For further iaforaaiioa, iaqaira af tea subscriber, rrsidint ia Hartley tawaskip. aa of Samcsi H.crr Esq. ia Hartleloa boroagk. Oct.lt Jt. V. B. LINCOLN VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. IOR SALE. That aew. well-built. fmm two-storey. double Brick " ; larT with an Out Kitchen, and Bara aa the preat, ses at the west end of Market Su Lewisbaa between 7th and Stb Sts. There is a Wall aa the Lot, and all kiads of good Fruit Traaa growinr. Lot 74 feet front. June t REIBEX RffTPlB. ' FOR REHT. TWOPTOREY Brick HOCSE ify LOT on North Fourth sires. I I March in. '. H. P. HtLLE. FOR SAIX VYOKE ef firt rate, heavy, welVbrckea Nov:7rl"B80Xr"ANCiswiLsox.