UNION COUNTY STAR & LEWISBURG CURONICLE-DEC. 4, 1863. ! t The Consecration at Gettysburg, BY CHARLES HKNftY BROCK. Feaee ! to-day a Nation's Gut Mclhrwi into Sabbath ijuiet Villajre hum and city riot. On tlie mountains, wan November l .i . 'bis her sad ami golden euiLer Oi'trie glory wo remember: L'te the grand, tmbnried glory, H i-rocs of our J-ummer story, Writ and left n valleys pory ! Now a Na'.inii's hearts are dosting Ou the tak- an J ryes are noting All htrr banners half-mast floating! Loo;! funereil line? are roeeting, And fuuered drums are beating, Where the i'oeuiau locked their greeting. And the Nation' mourners Bean her, liaising now the starry banner, O'er her grand funereal manor 1 O'er the manor, where th' invader, Far iu reeking furrows, laid her Children, who so well obeyed her. Scattered mourners dry your weeping, For a Nation' UiJtirt is keeping Vigil, where your loves are sleeping. Sage and Poet ! spare your praises, On each mound a loftier lay U Wafted by the traiupLd daises : For their choral hymu hath waited 'Till tlw; soil, by Freedom fated, Uy her blood was couseerated ! Shout, O ! shout the graven that stain ye, I Shrine your country s dear arcaoa (.ettvsburg and Pennsylvania ! Philadelphia, Nov. P., 103. Profitable Investments. The Philadelphia Xorth American gires tome excellent advice to those who wish to invest. Though money has been tem porarily scare, capital continues abundant; and the recent tumble in the stock mark et Las brought capitalists to a realixiog tense of the unreliable character of many of the securities dealt in. It is greatly to the credit of the Government, that its loans, of all the securities daily dealt in oo the market, have maintained their in tegrity of price almost butler than anything else. And (what is not the least gratify ing fact, in connection with the daily Urge subscriptions to this popular loan,) scarce ly any of it is returned to the market for sale. It is taken for investment, and is held with unfaltering eoiifiience in its reliability. And why should it cot be? It is seen that the Government, after two years of the most gigantic war that the world has ever kuown, experiences no difficulty in commanding the necessary means to prosecute it, or in paying regular ly the interest in gold as it falls due. If this ean be done while the war is being Waged, who can anticipate any difficulty in readily accomplishing it when the war shall be ended ? What better investment then, for capital, than the "Five Twenty" Government loan 1 But if any doubt, let tini refer to the slatiatics furnished by the een?us tabl"s of the various cations of the world. For instance, Great Britain, France and the Netherlands will undoubt edly be conceded to represent the highest prosperity that has been attained by any of the European natinua. And jet no nations have been called upon to endure fier.'ir or more prolonged wars, domestic or foreigo,than tbey. The effect has been, vtquestionably, to incur an enormous na tional indebtedness ; but neither their wars nor tbeir indebtedness have bad tbe effect to destroy their elasticity, nor to check the progress of their general pros perity. Those nations, while undergoing tbe trials of war, were oppressed by tbe evils of an immense exodus of their peo ple, caused by the density of their pnpo lation, the impossibility to provide occu pation for them, the low price of labor, and the acarcity of territory. Con; pared with our country, they poiecssed slight room for future development ; tbey were settled in every part, and uo vast territory lay invitingly open to encourage enterprise and settlement. Their great problem has ever been what to do with their surplus population, which, in its turn, has sought new fields for adventure and self support in countries like our own, where an illim itable territory waits to be developed, and where incalculable resources invite indus try and energy. The encouragement, to be derived from these facts and compari sons of circumstances, is very great, and, to tbe mind of any dispassionate reasoner, is eonolusive that tbe course of this great country is onward and upward, and that its audit will live unimpaired to tbe end If the United States tecurily be not good, no v.curity within our Government ean be good. If that fall, all paper money u corthlctt. SaLTIKO bttr. Tbe following is said to be superior article for curing beef for winter use : First, rub salt into it and let it remain v., taontv-fnor hours to draw off tbe MnnJ : then take it np, let it drain and Dack a desired, having ready a pickle prepared as follows: For every one hun dred lbs. of beef, use seven lbs. salt, one nee saltpetre, one ounce Cayenne pepper, one quart molasses, and eight gallons watery put these all togetner, noil ana skim and let it cool : then pour it on your beef. It is supposed this amount of water will make brine enough to cover tbe beef. Coal rceeutly tick a tumble in the market, and seme of the speculators are badly bit. J be lact of the unusual amount of coal mined this year, brands the biah prioes a speculation. (By the way, if the Rebels bad got into tbe Peon's eoal field!', and burned coal, flooded mines. and destroyed railroads and ctnals as tbey intended, we should have bad leal high prices in gord earnest ) .- A great Western Sanitary Fair opens t Cincinnati, 21st Dee , end oooticoea jntil New Yeir's. Gen. Eoeecraat is PrciiJenl of tie ConiBiittee. DYSPEPSIA AND DISEASES RESULTING FROM Disorders of the Liver AXD DIGESTIVE ORGANS, are cured by HOOFLAND'S' GERMAN BITTERS, the great Strengthening Tonic. These Bitten bare prrrorari aaora Cans ! Have and do give more Satisfaction Hare mure rctpcctable People to touch for them. Than any oiher article in the market. Wa defy any ona to contradict thia assertion, and will pay SIOOO to any one that will produce a Certificate, pub lished by us, that is not esni-ias. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERT CASE OF Chronic or Xervous Debility. Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases aris ing from disordered Stomach. Observe the following Symptoms resulting from disorders of the Digestive organs Coa'tlpfttkm, Inward frl., fntntHt of blood to th famul. Kiauy oi tn utoniaw-b, Dausra, heartburn, di,--. fur frvMf, fulnrM or weight in the ftotniirh, ur e)rurtation, ninltin or fluttering at the pit cf thr L'n.ach, wimmiug of the head, fanrritd anil difficult breathing, ttutierjnc at tbe heart, ehnking or cuffocatiug .teiiMlion when in a lying (torture, dim Bnw of virion, dot or wt-hs twfor thf siehLf veraod dull pain In thahfad, dffiii,c of perspiration. yellowm of tho akin and yi. pln in the aid, back. chert, limb, Ac., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, eoo- tant imaginings of evil, and groat depression of spirit. That thin Is not Alcoholic, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, and can't make Drunkards, BCT IS TUB BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. From tht Pastor of the Htpt4 rhnrch, mVrtVn, JV J- formerly f titr .WIA church, i"Aiiuti"a. I hart known Heartland's German Bitters favorably for a number nf years. 1 bar utd tbein iu my u family, au-1 hare boen no pleaded with tb:ir effects that I watt induced to rernin)nd thm to mnT others, and know (bat they have operated in tUMkiuifly b-n-ti-tal manner. J take great pl-aure iu tiiui puhiicly proclaiming thin trt. and rallinif the avttenUou ot tllOfa, attih ted with the diseies tr which the; are recuuimeuded, to the bilUra, knowing from exirienet' that my recommwudi.tin will be su tamed 1 ao mis mora cues. rlully as Hoflaod s Uitt-rs is intended 10 ueoeni iam suntcteu snii is not a rum driok. Vuurs Uu.y, UU O. BECK. From Eew. Dr. Iirsm Editor f the Eneydupcdi AlthonLh not dip to fivor or rerommend Patent M-dtc:iie in fn-rail. through uintntt nf their ingreii cnts and eiterts, I yet kn-m of no stitticii-iit reajton why a man may nut testify to the beuclit he believes himself to have received trvax tuy siinple prei-untlion, in tbe hope that he may Uiiu contribute to the benefit of others. 1 do this the more rwad.ly in regard to 'llooi1aud' German Bitter," prepared by Ir. C. M. Jackson, of thb city, bccanie 1 wm prejudiced againrt them for years, nnd-r the im predion that they were chietly an aloolmlic mixture. I ain indebU'd tomy friend Robert Shoemaker, KiKj-, for the removal ff this prejudie by proper testa, and for encouragement to try i hem, when suitcrinK from great and Ions continued debility. The use of three bot tle of these llittem. at the beginning of the present year, wan followed by evident relief, and -restoration to a risfrreof bodily aud mental vior which I bad not felt in six mnnthp hetorc.and had aliuoetdfcpain-d of regat ninc. J therefore think God and my friend for directing me to the use of thcrn. J. iNtWTON BROWN, PbiladelphU. From tht Fistor nf th farmanttnen Riptht church. Dr. C. N. Jarkam Dear Mr: Personal experience ena bles me to iwy that 1 regard the German Bitters prepared by you as a tnt emrelietit medicine. In cass t a severe cold and gt-ueral dfbility, 1 have been greatly benefited by tlte uce of tbe bitters, and doubt Dot that tbejwiil produce similar ttf-rts on others. Yours truly, WARKfcN RANDOLPH. Frm A. Pastor of tl'dding M. E- church, Pkilada. ' Dr. Jacks-m Dear Fir: Having ned your ijerman ltitter1n my family frequently, I am prepared to say that it ba been of great iwr vice. 1 believe that in moat cases of general debility of the system, it in the saieet and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowl edge. YuUrebecUul.y, J. U. TUK.NhK. From the former Pastor of the OJvmtru (X J.) and Muaiown j.j iipm cturcnu. New RocnLLC.y.T. Dr. C. M Jackson Dear Sir: I ft-el ita pleasure thus. of my own accord, to bear tentimony to the excelleneeof the (aertntiB ititters. Mime years sinre, betnjt much attllrteil with ltyppepaia, 1 used them with Very heUffi. ial results. 1 have often rerommeiided them to perrons enfeebled by that tormenting dineaoe. and have beard Irom Inem the mofli nattering leiimouiais Mioiif great value. In cases of general debility, 1 believe it is a tonic that can not be surpassed. JoUN M. LYONri. From It re. Dr. Winter, fritter cf Mtxborough Iiaptist Dr. Jackson Dear Sir: I feel it doe to your excellent preparation, Hontlnnd'n German Hitters, te add my testi mony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for vears, at times, been troubled with great dis order in my head and nervous yt-m. 1 was advised. by a friend, to try a bottle ofyonr uernian miters, i did so, and have experienced great and unrxpected relief; my haUh has been materially benefited. 1 confidently recommend the article where 1 meet with eas-a nimilar to my own, and have ben assured bjmauvof thttir good afleeu. Hwpectfully yours. From Rev. J. 8. Herman, of the Ormttn Reformed church, Kuutim, Hrrkt a-unty. Dr. C. M. Jackson Reopecwd Mr: 1 have been troub led with IKsi epoia nearly twenty years, and never nsed any medicine that did me as much good as Uouf land a Bitur. 1 am very much improved in health, after having taken five bottle. fccspocUoiiy yours, j.B.uu.a&a. PHICES. Bottla. i Doi. Large size (holding nearly double quantity) fl-00 5.00 Small size 75 4.00 BEWARE OF V0UX1ERFEITS! See that the signature "C.M.JACK SON" is ou the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should roar nearest droe'ist not hive the article, do nut be pat off by any of ihe intoxi raiine preparations that may be offered in its place, but &ud to as and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Ojjire and Manufactory, Jo. GSI, .IRCil STREET, PHILADELPHIA. JONES & EVANS. Sucauon to C. M. Jaclton A Co., Proprietors. Foraale be BKNXETT BRO'S. I-ewisbarp , an.t by DrncnM- and Dealer in ery town in ibe LniicJ Slatca lyUcc.1'63 WOTiCE. A N A86ESSMEXT made bv the Board of f Direcinrs of the l.YCOMI.NO MUTlAL INSCRA.NCE COMPAiVV is now in the hands of the undersigned 'or collection. The By-Laws of the Company require the same to be paid within thirty days alier this date. All concerned will please take notice. SOLOMON RITTER, Agent Levisbnrg. June -7, 18G3 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE Books of EVANS & COOPER are in my hands for collection. All persons desiring to settle their aceonnK, will find the Books at my Ollice. C. I) BREWER, Lewisbnrg, July 13. Attorney at Law latest Jasljions. 18C3-4. Just received the latest styles of Fashions for the Fall of 1863, and Winter of 1SC4, and will continue tr. CUT AND MAKE Ul clolhiiig in the most satis factory manner shop on North Third St. JOHN B. MILLER Lewisborg, Ang. 21, 1H83 Daily morning News. OA MX SLIFER has commenced furnishing O ihe HarrlMbursr Telesrrapn morniogs,atune cent per copy the very latest IVews; at cheapest rales June 24 WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sc. 3: THE undersigned, having removed her Watch and Jewelry eiiablishmenl to Criswell's New Building, Markel St.. between Front and Second, she is prepared to Repair Watches, Jewelrj, Musical Instruments, &c, in the most approved and satisfactory manner She keeps tin hand an assortment of choice JEWELRY', for Ladies and (ienllemen, which she offers at prires tn suit the times. Alto CLOCKS and WATCHES. All work and wares warranted as represen ted. MAK1A S. ZLBER. Levlnhlirg, May SA, 18C2. The Proprietors of the GIRARD HOUSE', PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully call the attention of Business Men and the 1 raveline community to the superior accommodations and comfort offered n Iheir establishment. 3m 1011 KANAUA, FOWLER & CO Notice to Draped Men and Soldiers. jAri.n.-i to procure exemptions I mm tne Draft, and applications for bounty, back py,and pensions, ean be procured by railing on JAMES t . & JOHN 13. l.IJV.X, Lpaivburg THE UNIVERSAL A"0 Wringer can be durable without Cog Wheels. The Universal Wringer took Ihe first Premium (silver medal and diploma) at the NewVork Fair,l8M. It was pronounced SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS in the World's Fair at London. IS62, and has always taken the first Premium in every State and County Fair when in fair competition with other machines. It is the Original and only Genuine and Reliable Wringer before the People. It surpasses all others in Strength of Frame, Capacity of Trcorc, Tower of Action. We fliallenee the World-we drij nil Competition! It saves Time, Labor, Clothes and Money! It will wear for Years without Kepair! No 8crvaut can Break it in L'sing! A child eight years old can Operate it! No caution or skill is required in its use! . It save its cost in clothing every six months! Le"Every Wringer wiih Cog-Wheels is warranted in every particular. CANVASSERS WANTED! To men who hawe had experience as can vassers, or any who would like to engage in the sale of this truly valuable inveniion, liberal inducements will be offered and good territory given them (they paying nothing for Ihe Patent Right) in which they shall have the exclusive sale. Editors desiring a ringer can pay in advertising. K.C. BROWNING, General Agent, 1005m6 345 Broadway, New York Attention to Orders ! fPHE undersigned having received an hon l orable discharge from ihe military service of the U. 8. based upon Surgeon's certificate of disability, has returned home to anend to business at IheOLU POST OFFICE STAND, where he will be glad to see his old friends and customers : he has just issued the follo wing Order: No. 1. That all true, loval citizens, who have unsetlledaccounts for Postage, Subscrip tions or Book accounts.will report themselves at his Head Unaners tor settlement, as he is determined to publish a roll of delinquents and muster Uiem out ot the service. H W CROTZER, Captain commanding ttE&ISVAL. rPHE subscriber respectfully informs her X friends and patrons that she has moved In KM Cooper's late standcorner of Third and Market 8t, where she will keep on hand a good assortment of LADIES' TRIMMING, RIBBONS and NOTIONS of all kinds also Gallaher's celebrated SOAP. Motto "Small Profilt and Quick Safe." n. M'Malwa. BAKERY. T WOULD respectfully announce that hav ing taken Mr. Cooper's establishment I shall keep on hand Frefth Bread, Cakes, also Bran, Wheat and Indian and Rye when ordered. ICE CREAM and Confectionery in ev erv variety. H. L. M'MAHON Lewiaburg-, Maj It, IMS The Dimes Saving Institution of Le wisborg 18 ready ta receive any amount oa Deposite from Tea-Cents and upwards. Four per cent, per annum Interest will be paid on all unttial deposilas of Two Dollars and upwards if deposited two monthj and longer. Office ie James Geddes' brick block. Market St H. P. 8HELLEB, Treasurer Lewisburg, Oct 10, 1860 pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, For sale by MO WRY, e ggrFirst of the Season! NEW GOODS! FROM PMLAD. AND N.Y. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For the Fall and Winter, For the Fall and Winter, For the Fall and Winter, For the Fall and Winter, Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Jdo. H Goodman, Market St.,Lewis1mrg Jno.H.Goodman, Market St., Lewisborg Jno.lI.(ioo(Iman,Market St.,Lewishnrg Jno. II.Goodman, Market St., Lewisburg CP A II kinds of Grain bought for Cash. r( BBLS. Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2, "U half and whole Urn:,, Sir nal h. JNO. II. GOODMAN. COD FISH for sale by JNO. It. GOODMAN. WIIITE and Blue Plaster for sale J.NO. n. QOOPMAN. SALT, in barrels and eacks for pale by JNO. II. GOODMAN. 90 000 BUS- of U UUU fbrwhlch th.M ' J Oats wanted. Mff!lMt paM Incmh, by sti it. maionAA The vTorld Cballens;ed t HAY, STRAW & FODDER CUTTER (fatrnted March 31, 1S03.) Rec'dlst Prtmium I'll. Slate Fair, Xnrriitomn,&pL 18C3 ojo iVeau'MM mi Union Omntp RiiT, Oct. IS -3, and lrrmium-9l Xorthumbertand CVrnny fair, Oct. 1963 Messrs. Cakkuckf & Paine, OF Lewisborg, Union Co., Penn'a would respectfully solicit the attention of all who have slock to feed, and Manufacturers and Salesmen of Agricultural Implements, to their Improvement in Straw Cutlrn. Its price brings it within the reach of all who may have use for a Fodder Culler. It cuis Hay, Straw, Cornstalks, Paper or Cloth, at smoothly as a razor can be made to cat a beard, and that too without regard to the length of time the machine may have been in use. The machine is worked by a lever, and can be made to eat rapidly. The length of the cut can be regulated by use of a thumb screw. The position of the knife to the cot ting bar can at any moment be changed to bring and keep their edges together as per fectly when old as when first manufactured. The annexed Certificates, and the names attached, will ah' w the estimation tn which this Caller is held al home rTh Mlnwlaa fctt ff ao the Srat Cotter aaada and ikiM by on. aA wy ba aawo Uepeadl enurclj upon lu mrit tor au-caM.) r Mitwr Jbm 111 ISfH i, ..... r.RrRrra k Ptl't fleotlenvo I rpcaifrJ roar rl Tattrr b Bir,""". an lliemt It to tha pma t.r whom I orawd It. it g nwl aatl.faclioo. I rrci-iTaJ th money lor it, and dH.. areorriiog to your rauoeat, by expnu. KesUullj yoor. MrMnu CAatHTTT 1 PMS-a. Tha tinderinawd, haylnx arMi ued your Imprfiy.m.nt in rn-i,ier ,oiter, patent rd Marrh lt. lf. eheerrolly tenli'y, that, a a hand marhine, wa haye neyr aeen IU equal. IU eimplirlly. durai'ility. prim and the oane and accuracy with whieh the knife can ba aJjurtrd to the cuttinit bar and- leniilh ofoutreiutated,arepointwhlrt raooninrad it to all. Pavtd ftehraek Adam Shaehter Mirhael V'ler J,bn Kdelnaa Georffe Boyer Samuel 11. Or wlf Urltva Marali K. II. haniherUa J,,hn Philllpa W ai.C Rnyer jHmen M. Mnwray Jamea W. liimcntOB Throaa Taylor B. T. Pontius A M. Ijiha O. II. F Shiyaly John ljorkm lvl Rooke Vm. h. Rittat Tseae Erer Jacob uuady Thoaiaa Penny a,imTBCMBSllaKi corsry. B- 8. Ouilykunat It T- Oofy Oeorae MHowall W. O. Ilenderetiot Jamea Brennan Alexander MartiD Philip Steinrncn C S Wetael sttbtb corsry. Cb'a B. nummrl Andrew Toon( Aaron ltr.tr.Mr Montour county TheroM 8trawbrlda. Mittliu county J.T. Stonero.d R. Woodward- Duwaonon Iron Worka ( We would also refer to Messrs L L. Barrett of Lock Haven, Pa., and Furst & Bradley of Chicago, 111, who have purchased our Machines. N. B. Persons wishinr to purchase, will call on us, or an T. U. EVANS, at bis gro cery Store in Lewisburg, where a sample machine may at all times be seen. Manufacturers, or Salesman wishing to engage in the business, will consult us in reference to Licenses, or County and Slate Rights. R.CARKHUFF, L. 8. PAINE. CARD. The undersigned, having pur chased the Right of CARKHl'FF A PAINE'S CUTTER for Northumberland and Lycoming counties, we will be glad to supply orders lor the same. W 8 BREWER D W BARR Lewisborg. Aug. 7, 1863 Peace Peace ! DEARrrlenda,and kind patroca, Irom country and town We've Sew OSOwS for yon all, alnre price are down, Then (rlre your attention, and pari oi your ean, And aee ou bry Uooda ami aiher taw wan. WVe Bereiea and Chained, end Satin Doctienea, A ad Chaaabraye and liinatuuaa. and Sua Wool DeUlaaa e-a Poplina and Mohaira, aad rrmie tor you aii Such as Spragua'a aad Coeheoo'a juat (Ira oa a call. We've Munlloi and gheetlnira-from Tt to rwlivi easts We're Slorkinaa for ladlee ana nan none inr ute, We've Clothe at all prior, for daetera and eaata. We've ready -made Clothing aa cheap aa O . gtofces. We've Can Uoopa and Corarta, and Crinoline Skirts, Ana) Denim aad Cheek m for drawen and ahirta. We're ehirt FronU and Collar for men and for boys, We're Shaken lor ladies, but don't deal tn toya. n-'.. ntulAtaea end Carneta ta cover TOOT floor. We're Sbadea for your wludowa and Rug for your door! We've Rocket and naaaete ana Huooera oi aino. We're Smjan and Coffee for Pausvus or Cams. We've Brurbe and Kattlea, all kind ofQoeenswea So call aad examine, ere buylne elaewhera: You'll find ua on Market avreat, center of town At ?HKU.KR-9 Old Ptand- B. f. t ill BROWS, Lewiaburs, AprU S, MX BUFFALO HOUSE LEWISBURG, VMON CO, PA. IaEvrtS CEIBEE., Proprietor. rpHIS new Hotel is situated opposite tht X Court House.in the most fashionable and beautiful part of the town, and for style and convenience can not be surpassed in Central Pennsylvania. Those visiting the University, or attending Coort. will find it the most convenient and central publir houss charges will be the most reasonable and neither lime or ex pense will be spared so bestow every comfort npoa those wbo may call. Persons in the County win ne charged zs eta per meal.. Lewisburg, April 1, 1863 A $35 Iron City Ccilege Scholarship FOR sale at the Slur 4 CAy-"" ttfte 'wiiburg T. 6. EVANS, FAMILY OHOCEKY - ASD Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4th, LEWISBURG Call and Satisfy Yourselves. r.UR STOCK is larse and well selected J embracing everything usually kept in a first-class OKtJUERY STORE including an assortment of QUEENS-WARE, IIAED-WARE, CEDAK and WILLOW-WAKE. I take this opportuuily to return my lhanlcs to the public for a liberal patronage.and hope by studying; ihe wants of my friends and en deavoring to supply (hem to merit their patronage in Ihe future. T. O. EVAJif. Lewiaburv, Uarch 2, ta. 1. s. aiirrt-iDura dasuu. aciiaacs Jew Furniture Cit abllMtamcBt. rPHE subscribers have opened a Furniture X establishment, on Markel St. Lewi.sliur, (opposite Chamberlin's buildings) where they manufacture to order and keep on hand all varieties of CABJSET WARE usually kept in such establishments Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Stands, Wbat-Nots etc. of ali patterns and prices. nTRrriiBiis in the best and most exped itions manner. UNDERTAKING in all its branches attended to at very low rates. Ready-made Coffins always on hand. J K DIKFFRNtlERFER & CO Lewisburg, April 16, lt3 James F. Linn. J. Denill Linn. T F. & J. M. IIXN, J s titorncjs at Law, LEWISbtKO, 674 Union County, Penn'a. J. NMtRILl UU CowMiasioant for the Mate of Iowa with power to tak Depoeitwn,acknow ledge Deed, at Anttma ant CobisiIssIob none la Lewlokirg. Legal Auctioneer! F.l.DoitChonr having been appointed sole Auctioneer for Lewtsbr.rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line iu town and country. Commission sales. In April next, I intend to open on MarWe street a Room for the reception, and the sale at stated times, of all kinds of (foods at Auc tion. Any one wishing to disposeof any arti cle can deposit it with me and I will sell it at the best advantage I can and charge a per centage for the aame Feb. 2, IRS9 F A DOXEHOW'ER ALEXANDRE ORGANS, Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Merchan- Jise.and all kinds of Mimical Inajfru Dieilti, at the lowest possible prices. TUB Horace Water' atoilera Im proved OrerKtrung iTrTlIROX FRAME FIASOS ire justly proiHuiieMl by tbe PrrManJ Mowie Msuten to b auprior iDatrumruU. Tlivy ar built of th bmt and motit thoroughly waMotMl mavtmalai, Biid wtll ttand any dtmat. TU too Is very lp, ffoso4t full and mllow; th tourb lautte. Karb riutio warrantxi lor tbrsw years. Frier) fron U t $700. tfrai-haod Piaooa at great bargaina pricva from $26 to $100. Horace ITateri' Melodeonn, Rnivfwoo1 rjiM, Tuned the fcqu. TfUperamtut, with tn ratatut invidsd ywaii and bolo btov. No. 1. 1 octave, acroll If, iYdb CtoC, f4A No. 2. I'-" otpr, eo No. a. & - y to r, 76 Sa. 4 i - Piano Stylo, Ft K, 1(tO No. b 44 to f, 1-5 No. 6. S two Atop and two cetnof reds. lf0 No. 7. 4D(j two batik of ky!, - 200 No. 8.-4 octav Urptan Mflodeoaa, two banks of kys, jvsmIhI haa, four and six atopa, $J&0, ?-T5 and $-WO. Thrne Mflodron rfinafn In tuna a. lone Una. acb SlelodMoa warranted for three years. The Alexandre Organ It a reed InatruneBt. roirrrftnd.ne; in power and eow pans to .ne orainary if left pipe urgan. Ia rosewood ca, 6 stops, lflo 13 ZS 1 3 stops, with percusMon, 310 13 .top, with percuisioo, and "exprenslon, 376 A liberal discount to rieravmen. Churrbes. ffsbfath School, Lodsea, eVBiinaries and Teachers. The Trade upplwd on uie moft hbeml term. MUKAUE WATERS, Affent, 481 Broadway, New York. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL. A New 8in?in Book r day schools. called the Day School Bell, is now ready, it en tain a boot 'iWchoice ttonifn, KounJn,Catchen,uettii, Trios. Quartette and Choruses, many of them written i exprlj for thin work.beehles3'.. paf?eof the Klernmu of Music. The Klemeot are soasy and profresaive, ! that ordinary teachfrn will ttnd themselvea entirt-l nur : cesfful in imtructintr even young scholars to sine :or- I reetly and seientibcally, while the tunes and word em- j hraee nuch a variety of IWely, attrarttve and muI utir- I nnpt in u site anl sentimeuts, that do trouble will beexpe lieneed in imlnriiifc all beirinners to jrr on with seal in act)Uiriuf; skill in oDoftheuMstbaalth stvlnit.taaauty-lm-provinjr. bHppineM-yieldintr and orrierprtlucitit: exerri- 1 sesof school life. In Himplicttyof iu elements, in variety and adaptation of mUMt and in excellence and number of its sonfts, orijciaal, selected and ndaptad, it etaims by nwD v excel ati ouif-u wr. i. win ue round to be the bept ever isitued for emlnarimi, Andtrmiesi and pub lie iMioo. A few sample pajresof the Hlemnts. Tunes. and ttonfts are (tienin a circular; send and ret one. It is compiled by HOMAGE n atkhs, author of "Sabbath School BUs." Noa. 1 and It, which have had the enor mous sale of "00,000 copies. Prices paper cover, 30 eents. $15 per 100; boond, .TO cents, $ per li); cloth bound, embossed, ttiit. u cent. f.w per 100. 'id copies furnished at the 1H) price. MaiN-d free at the retail erica unoirc uiTPUai is.i: uvriwanuu a no, 1 UUIntr, S1 Broadway, New fork For Salt by LirPIXZOTT t CO , liladetphia. The Horace Waters Pianos SMelodeons and A LEI A SURE 0RfiA!, and T. Gilbert k Co cele- braifd a4-lian Pianos, are the finest instruments for parlors and churches now In use. A large assortment can ba seen at the new warerooma. Mo. 4HI Broadway, between tirand aud Broome streets, which will be sold at extremely low prices. Pianos and Melodeons from sundry makers, new and second hand. Second-hand Pianos and Melodeonsat (treat bargains; prices from $li to f 100. J-heet .Music, Musac-Books, and ail kinds of Haste Merchandise, at war prices. OpimumM of tht frtn. 44 The lloraee VTsters Pianoa are known as amone the very best We are enabled to speak of these instrnmenu with some decree of confldeoce, fnun personal know led ire of their excellent ton and durable quality ."Ana Fork KWOJmgVMmm Sabbath School Bell No. 2. 0,000 copies Issued. Itisan entire new work of nearlr 300 pages. Many of the tunes and hymns were written exoresslT Ibr this volume. twill soca be asnonalair aa Ita predecessor (Hell no. i,; wbicb bas run up to the enormous number ! .u,uw eopiea outst ripping any Sunday School Book of ita site issued in this countrv. Also, both volumes are bound in ona to accommodate schools wlfthinit then in that form. Prices of Bell No. paper covers, loeata, 12 per 100. Bound. 25 eentv $18 per 100. Cloth bound, embossed, (tilt, 3o ents, per nw. veil ao. i, paper eoTers, ia cents, $10 per loo. Boand. 20 cents, $1S per 100. Cloth bound, embossed. fHH, 2& eents, SiO per luO. Bells Nos, 1 and 3 bound to- ether. 40 cents. $ J0 per 100. 2b copies furnished at tba 100 prion. Cloth bound. embossed, (rtlt, 60 cents, SWper AUU. maiiea poeiajr irrm a. .ne reuu price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, Mar 1, 62 lSmeq 481 Broadway, New York. Central Foundry and Machine Shop liter, Walls, Mrlatr Ca. Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron HMMowrr and Reaper, Darling's cnaiess t nam Horse rower Willson's Telegraph Podder Cot ter. Riches' Iron Plows,Withrrow's Self-Shar pening Plow, and Michigan Doable Plow. Also, Stoves aud Castings of every descrip ion. All kinds of Agricultural Implements kept on hand for sale. Jobbing work ia Wrought aad Cast Iron ana Brass done to oraer. Country produce taken ia exchange. C.avitwaiSaeaet- airr.snr. Pa. i obwib. ittin aarss ORWIG & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. OFTIC'E oa South Seaond near Market (April l,6i Lewliiburs, Pa. UNION BOOT AND SUOE mil Sb QTILL AHEAD! Come one! come all O and examine for yourselves the larges -..A ekanaa nf IIamm n. T. X and Shoes in I'mon cuuniy ! tVJasi received a FRESH SLPPLY c City made work at unusually low prices "Quick Halc3 nnd Small Profits" is the order of the day at 8tl IRES', Opposite the Bank, Lewisburg The Family Always Drug Store Read y ! If you want pure Drugs, go to SCHAFFLE'8 Drug A Chemical Emporium, where is kept a large and general assortment always. For any article usually kept in a first class call at the FAMILY DRUG STORE OF C. V. SC HAFFLE, Lewisburg .... Pennsvra DWID GI1.TER & SON HAVE removed iheir hair and Ca blact Ware-room 10 the larger and mure commodiuos rooms, late the resid ence of Win. Fnck, oa the twrarraf Tklrt aaS Market Maa. lewlabara. where ihev have on hand ihe LARGEST and BEST ASSORTMENT of Work ever offered loihe public in this vicinity.compri&ing Drets ttnreaae and Fanre Weah'tanda af tba latpit et.l Solaa. llairaral Cbalr,Caneae,t Chain. Uockioa Cbatra, 6wr".. i.c.., iiiwi naraa. jnaj l-tnd and CoU 'aae Bedatead. Fanrv yneea. Vaaev Tablea. Am.-.! a general aamrtmrnt of roMUoy WOKK alwara aa hand Ilarrooa and OnVe Cbalra Wkoleaale or Kelall. We also attend to tbe UKUERTAKI!VR biiRinea. in all it branehra. Heine pmrtd-d witb Kaaev IIKAK-KSand FkkN Patent Mrtalllr Burial Caae, andCtVFISofAurnwn manataeturealwavann h.nA we are ready at any time, within aa bnar'a aotire, to ' . uwna u. .uu en .do mar raror na Wltn a call. Having none bnt the bet workmen, wefSf WARRANT all Fnmitnre maDafaetnred by aa, and K deljeompetltaun either ia price urity la. aXi Manufactory on N. lit Street, where Cabinet and HooseTurning.Scroll and Rip Sawing dene on ahert notice and reaeonable Urm. A good assortment of LUMBER alwavs on hand thr Newel Pout. BaanUter aad Band Kaillna;. rrRiratntwa of all kinds done as osnal. N.B. Any work not oo hand will be made sa mob aa noaaibia. Thankful for pat favors, we still eipect a eontianaaca of tbe eame. Boots and Shoes. tfl The subscriber has jdst received " IT "at his Store (nest door to the Post SW Office) a full supply of Boo la & fenoe of every style and variety suitable to the season. The stock has been selected with particular care, and will be afforded at ET RKIHTEB PRICES rOR READT CASH. His old friends and enstonwrs and the nnblie generally are invited to call and eiamin. his stock and jndge foi themselves. tTsrMAN IFACTLKING and REPAIRING as beeto fore will be attended to with promptness and at reasonable rates. , .v J0i ttr.BTOV, Act. Le.i.bure, Oet IS, ISra). O.P.SHIVELY, Markri .bfawi uflerlrt Hater 4 H'ne's Drug tSavt-e, L-iW aSfc-Jr - a. a- w art aa aeMwIaWWITr VI i) IJarneg?. Krid le.-t. r-addles, common and the aewpateat BOI!SEt OLt AIW,.rrnleJ to hart no bone Dralrr la BrFFALO BORES, BLANKET, 8UJGD BELLS, Fancy Saddlery, Harness IIardware,ic. rpilE subscriber, liavin? carried on X buf.it.eas for afvrat vrara. and vatitaid & iwnntatiAaa i this r K.'H so'l th I oioo bounty A,:HciiltQral Society L I - r r. a njr--ts.r.i,hnifnt in j e.e...K awaKini iftnr.e 'n .nr.i,)Hf arilCIPS or blst workmanvlitp woo Id nprvMi hi gratlCudo Ibr favom rf tb traJmc publir airaly rv-rvte-l. aad ask their conti nacti patfinatre at hw NfcVT STAND. Thr latb-r oat-rf by mm la of tb vrrv twtrt. UntW m lh old way, and will la, frr years. I employ the Ivm WoramvB ovvrsr my owa bui-ipraa- and ata found lo my thop at all miituhJe hour. My .' aol Wcrk arw warranleti, aDtl if not mm ipn?atnkd bit ba wtornvd or Mr-hangrd. Call and m in, and If I do Dot siv ynu the worth of your money 1 will not again ask for jour . patronage. REPAIRING promptly attended to. rwC!lP for CASH or READY PAT In Boat kind of tiuntrr Produce. Lewiabn're. April t, 1C,I. O. P. 81IIVELT. RIVIERE HOUSE LevTlftbare-, Pa. R. G. HETZEL, Pno'a. THEnndersitrned returns his sincere thanks for the patronage extended towards him by the citizens of Union and tbe adjoining connties, he woold most respectfully solicit a continuation of the same. R. O. HETZEL Lswisbnrw, March 13, lfi m3 CARPETS- large and choice vari ety, from 31 els. upwards, for sale by pru tu, mi BKOWN 4 BRO. FRICK, BUJJHEYER k 00. Are manufacturing and have constantly on hand a large quan tity of 4 feet Palings and 3 and 4 leet Lath at the following prices: Paling headed in a new sivle. from is to $10 per M E,atb 3 and 4 feet long, Jtl to Sl.es) pr M. Shingles at $5 to $7 per thousand. Palings and Lath made to order, an. u..,k parties may desire uwlatmrt Straw Sawmill, bee. 36, 1SS0 NOTICE Gentlemen ! CITIZENS of Lewisbnrg and vicinity are respectfully informed ihat the subscriber has bought out the interest of E. L. Hiaaa in the business of Shaving and Hair Cutting, and continue tbe aame at the eld atond haaement of widow BBI mora, oeiweew C.Pen.v'aand J. H..ril..', where bv atrtel attention to buineae mm knu. t .... aatirnietkin to all who ma; laror hua with thru patron age at all tlmaa amcant Snndava. ' Toail who tarry here till thvlr bearda graw long To vet a pleaaant ahave, eood aa barber ever Kav uet can on Lru.ua at ni ealnaw. bnay inrn muuiasoa. " . r.u, mm enarp ana eeieeora Keen. April S, 1S61 A. W. DIUJN, Pnt lira. FIRE INSURANCE. "INSURANCE COMPANY Of NOTRH X AMERICA Philadelphia. (tncorporatrd, ITU) Capital 8500,000.00 Assets, Jan. 1S6I, - 1254.719.81 ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President CHARLES PLATT. Secretary Cw"Buildings annually or nerDetnallv. Mer chandize, Grain, Furniture, tfcc insured, at currant rates of Premium. JOHN B. LINN. 934on3 Agent for Union eooniy. Pa. CARTES DE VISITE at Mowry's Gallery Photograph Albums at Mowry's Gallery Photographs large size at Mowry's Gallery Photographs in Oil at Mowry's Gallery Ivorytvprs at Mowry's Gallery Hallotypes at Mowry's Gallery Ambrotypes, and All kinds o' types . at Mowry's Gallery muwky s GALLERY, in Market Mreet, i off osite the Rank Lewisburg ' 938 Administrator'. Rotlce. "l THERE AS, Lrirer bf Adminiatnuj.. the estate of ABKAIiAM BLYLrJ1 deeeaeiL tat of LisneaSon lea.... county, have beea granted to ike obcr,,J j by thr Register of srd enamy, ID aat I ill D.rUtM i IlHehle fl elle ... . l . .7 r. ed to make paymenl.and those having cUtiaa, r uivai twit authenticated for aeillement, to ' VALENTINE WALTER,? AdBlk. DANIEL BLYLER.i, Juaior, Oct. 8, IBM f4 Variety and News Depot, rpHE sabseriber keeps constantly far ui, 1 at the VOST OFFICE (below l-ea,,? House) a well -.circled stock of Family Groceries, Confectioaarj a Fruits. Fancy No- U.l tiotis, J erfnmery & soaps, H all Taper and Oil Shades, Traveling Bagtv, III...!, u. 1 i i wt iT . . jiiauK.ociiooi ana uymn eooti, Paper aasl Maraalarswa, lat or to otder, from Huston, Nc Y'.rk or fkilZ delphia aoch aa ihe Triboae.Tinea HmiT Ledger. Weekly. Clipper, Police Gazriie Maw citry.Waverly, Literary Companion. Hsrpar's and Leslie's Illustraied Weeklys. Godey'iiu Harper's Magazines, Yankee A'orioas aa lVic Macs, Ac. ke. ALL Of WHICI III SOlS'CBEiP rei mjm Lewiabnre GEO. W. FOKKC3T WM. F. GRASSLER, " Watcbuaker, Jew eler a CIMer ppvltc BctMl'. Hotel. Market St. Uaubsrt, fa. nanny opened , 8hop i p Goodman's C'loihine 8k,,, k" ' 41 in his line. H, . wvi.re is lar;e cities all bis time, ha i prepared to renair Hairk- Clocks or Jewelry, and to do En(ravin. Fla. ting. Gilding or Galvanizing in the ben itrl, of Ihe art. Alt work warranted to give eaiir satisfaction, and dune at ibe very lowest eath prices. Also Accordeone aod Mtludran repaired in the best manner. Call in before yon go el.ewkert, tea fof yourself and save your money. Oct. S. !Sil MEAT AND UNION! JACOB G. BROWN, having ais ted in feeding the hungry of Lew. laburg and vicinity, for nearly three taaa paat, wun ine Desi ot Beef, Pork, Teal, &c, would return his grateful thanks to his nam rous customers fcr thnr patronage aad aa nounres ihal he intends to continue Ihe bnvt ness as lierrioforr in the Meat Market Hia between Srhaffle's and Baker 4 Co.'s I) r Stores. Market Square. Moasi.aoa VN'edneadavs ad 8aisrdays ! CASH is the system. Public fatronage re I spreifully solicited, and stifa-ton m,ara March id, 61. i..tiu.i.,j,. J. f... BOWERY Fashionable Boot and Shoe Bala, South Fifth St., LrwiiLvrg, TE EPS constantly on hand, and miooia IV tores to order, all descriptions of Being d e xpene nctd ?hi'fmai.fr, aarf ass ions to merit a .bare of ihe public rairoaatti he Will warrant all Wtrk which DlT MaW inrooen nis oanas. Particular attention will be given to Ladies Work. His Prices are as low as those nf any otfrav dealer in ihe vicinity. He solicit a tair mat, confident that he eaa satisfv every person. Lewiburg, Aug. 31, 1860,y WINFIELD FACTORY! Aear llarllelOB, I'niois Pa. THE subscriber, thankfil for past patronage, woold inform his friends and ihe public in gene ral, that be continnea tn nin.rii. ture all kinds of Woolen Goods, such as Cloths, Cassimeres. Tweetia, Satliaetts. Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carper and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of tba best kind in use, and bavin; employed lis best of workmen, he feels sale in sarsg that bis work shall not be surpassed r any esiatlu-htnenua the country. A goedtap ply of the above goods kept constantly on hua for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Terms for carding, eah on the de livery of ihe rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. W infield Mills, March 30, 1857. American Life insurance & Trust Co, (Capital Stock $5110,000) COMPANY'S Buildinga,lalnuistreet,8 1 corner of Fourth Philadelphia. . 1ST" Lives insured at the osnal .Mnwalrataw or at Joint Stock rates about 3i per cent, lass or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest ia ine orld. A. VVHILLU1, fresident Joan C. 8tw. See. ' ""'-' . 747 GEO. F. MILLER. Ageai.leJtatr.l PEIPHER'S LINE ri AND FROM PHtLADELPW L Biprcnev p riiicn. let Ctaa. 4S oeaU par let pewaJa. 2d do 40 do do Sd do SS do do 4 th d. 37 do do reial Tl do do W beat. By and Cora, 12 oaata par haaaal. Philad. Depot with Freed, Ward Freed, 811 Market 8t Thankful for the liberal aatroaaze gives st we hope by strict attenlioa to busiaess merit a continuance or the same. THO'S PE1PHE For farther information apply to iy795 C R M'GINLY, Agent, Lewiig DR. iTIrUGGER, H03KEOPATIIIC PIIYS1C' FFICIJ in his new Brick Bl.ck. Maran sirret,sooin siae, oeiween ' . : , laca ' up.taire.j uvisuurf I8S JOHN B. UNS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEWISBIRG. tys,,. SI. Cssssiruloaer of .Veas fcr the '"""Ir-e X0I8 and CiUIOSM A anthoriard I take Uepoeitkma and ABVlaritete ". eekaew either of the. bove Melee, and alee to tea 1 . w pa led(eeeeot or proof al ear Deed ar other '?' "7 rerofded to either aT .aid SU- Sla ynhoaiat HI. Til. DVVTtO IiaU)it,, and Lutheran, at FOR"-!T "SsT2. G&mjhas removed to South 3d Hreet. doors from ihe Town Clait, " IMRIiRG PA JOHN HAWN, M ANITA' Tl'RER of Improve iCaMlonMatchc,Lwu a -j blJLa.