1 jumi BY 0. ' WORDEN AND J. R. CORNELIUS, LEWISBURG, UNION CO., PA., FRIDAY, DEC. 4, 1863. CHRONICLE," established io 1843 a.1 l-0 per Tear, always In Advance Ill Will SIM IffllM CIMIC A vw a w v . w a) - tW A1 Vas) yW TOtole No, 1,024. TaesJay Morning k Friday JUternoos. ran rBKMnr.vr. Abraham I IXCOLV -There .re 150.000 men, no. iuth.j Ary, --u 7 T : , ',. Far ton. a. is tue neoeuiou, n u'j " . . . i k. part of wisaoaa ana rue ccuuumj .k m.n'. nlmee. be .arplied : indeed, it i. ..r. r,l.n tn secure what we g mg UUil .a w ' . . . . innuu For ,.V' .h. Weaideot asks for more ' . ao mm iTninn :. . 5iQ OllO ITnion BBtO. Ur OiaWM w6i -. - - I lnr M1U II W w'ivwl k i. ... 250 enouab to ebare i. say e oonty'. .h 91 eomDamra. These men go at - - " t DM to fill P ie'y16 regiment. moco batur for the man, and for the aertice, than to waste months in forming new or- m k ...I.M.iocr. reduce KTJfa that n.mber. (See the Uor- or'. Proelamatioo, responsive to tbe PrMideot'a.) Shall Union county nonor 1 ' .... . thi. la e.U without a draft! tinn ta be decided within tbi. moutn. 8ome State, will wcape a draft by folun- tacrs. Th Presidenfi Hymn. Bev- Dr. Mobleoberg, auibor of tbe mnch loved hymn, "I would not live Iway," ba by request eimpossd a poett- eal narephraae of the fre.iaeni s in.u.r Proclamation, which bas neen extensively eireuiateu, wuu m-Y'" Wheihtr it will meet the So tka same. " . , k 1 - ..ermine N.t.on.l Anthem only c.n "'" Ve copy it for more general eon..der.tion. ki: ..... :.. n.n.nl .aoniiau ... .r tivi TiAt.i. all 1 1 rturu. 0n tv.nk. .11 r. r".w : rl thk' " ,h u AllaluiM ot fld. i'l Wul "'"' Irt th. Et Ih. W-. N"r I" ,l,, Cm, anaaui. n4 TitW. oo. Thukarl'ioC S" Oit. tbuik y sw1-" . th Lotd Alr.:iM ot frvwloB :th joyful onrd- Fr th. .uo.hio. i ri.fJI. nch:in ia Oar arm ia ai;riad. atth Imnw CT.: for tb. rrtb iH Bla4tl niWa -Ith. Vm Un Skia. Iaai.( Tifor.lL.WiaJ. bMwj With. Olt. tbuk., ate. Jar tka Matiaa'. i4t Utt. rn'ritntT rpr. Vim. tb. ai.aj ba .i " b" w Wttb aa braaaam. tkr 0l rb. Bat Ukutf .rM ar Jaatita tar alU Oit. tbuk., au. Ta tba raalaKoftba An.lt. th. loam aaS tha Ho", Wbaar tba aii.MM4 fJti tha flock, ud tba .... . v.n .....i n.ro..o, . rk.nt Ilia Ntii. m iia cb. ri. Oa Ha Otaaa doajala. -" Oira Chaaka. ale Of ! i raek. ra arrawa. babaM T.ar rtrba. tha. Ilia .kU ll. aS r Haaatar ebiklraa of Ubar. traa lord, ot ta ajll. ia tha tn BMW w (rtaiaa ao biaam joar ta Hit tbaaka, lc Braaa an af aar rwa. IJfcrwS a'oar oau. To yaar I ait r H-yal. Jhoab of H'.n. lav tba Srrl and Star, a.a (tb "'tnrr bright, EaCacUB. HU .lorr Ba erowatth ta 6 '- Git. tbaalu, fjc ,b.rd.r,.T..korb'nlylfr"n'en of t.be Commonweaith i.o,.joJh.T..op.rt: to ena.t .a the service of the Lniied ,dibrToatb.r..b.iio States under the Proclamation aforesaid, War (ball T throasfc " Oalr vslliaa roar atad. aolar ba roara. aad Sr Tea t AU that kaaar ud eyaipatby'r P ft eao baHcw. Cla. tbaaka, ate. Tba daM of Maaatoh tbara, . worablrlnt taroari awiaaa Htaanti ailBila withjabilaBt tomf, Tba .alar at Katioa. baerbni( la para. Aad oar aaplra mil kaaa tb..lwt or bit can. wir. thaak etc. o,r rant traorwon. r.m.at-T a mor.; ra.ea.Lard! Kisbtaoa. . of Tbr liftw.lBialora, Aad tb.Ba.aer of Vaioa. tutored bj rbr bud, fctb.BBBBarofrrBrfom.-Br.in.th.iBwL j oZZ.. I cruuing aoa mus'eriDg Dmce), iu tueir Harder of Joha P. Deibert. : respective cities, town .od counties. They Od Monday last, Scott Cling.a wrote , will receive the following sums .s allow from Catlett Station, Va. Twe of our ance, pay, premium and bounty, vii : Be. went to eo.e wood, to eut pole, for j T erv recruit who wl- a sbaotj; Boyer was carrying out the . aalu al... I kr.. Mnn.M emerriiiafl Ml . r"i ..... aed Deibert to swddealy tbat he could not - Sie the cud be bad with bim ; they shot ' ii- iken-.K th. hr.t .ith hi. own cun. i :a nj a tre. and the eursed . . k- j r rnoiDV ; one month pay in advance, and in addi cntlaw. .eft bim dead. Co. L 14.J r. ., , joB , boBB aod fttmium lmonntiog to u speedily aroased, but all tbey could , $302. .i . l .t .1. .;. 1... ..k 1 ' ... ....k.. :r ... v. amu Was toe cwaa ut int. ta iumvu vw- loved eomrade. which tbey forwarded to Alexandria, and sent borne. Deibert was . ged Wldier,o.t 25 year, of age-., j W-l: Wklla Hear Tn.. in tbis naiiava iron it una a v-. . - Jehw Schock s, in Kelly Tp ) ' TT . . WrtTLiSBCBO mwi -R.U. irwiosna j Jacob Gordo are home on furloughs Cant Harry Foster k promoted to be . Major of 148 P. V. Lieut. D. A. Irwin . ia Provo.t Marshal at Williamsport, Md. ! -,.., j tj 1. 1 ' Rob. F. Labman has eeeeped from Rebel-. on, and U bow ia our line, at Newbera, ! leaving bis property and family io North Carolina.. ....Tka County Teachers' Iasti- tat begin. Wedneaday, 28th Dee Thanksgiving was not eery generally ob served in MiQinburg. WOOLIS Clotbiso, especially under lain, ar the beet for the health of all, young and old, laborer or person, of ease,1 especially in the changeable climate of the United State.. So say medical and aani- eery authorities, individually and officially, t a regard to tbem would av thooa-; f UofliveaaadmuehsulTeringaodeosl. of sick Bess. v rfT4."8 Ui0n ,0Mi'r' I kiHaw at Chattanooga, is CapL Cbablu S. DavIb, of Selinegrove. Thus doe tb ! beat blood ef Pennsylvania water every j bettl field of this contest for free iiutita-' tisas. ataTJobn S. Wilson aod Clarence Q. Friak take the place of P. D. Thomas in the.! oi ot vt liiisBB t nca s, Uii.. Doat ana r . , , , . ... i ,ua r aoa swwiog lumoer on ; .weei, yBMMr i a. 1 awarTh. .nnJ r,,r,t. nf K.w Vnrb re. joice over the action of c. Godfrey Gao- tber forMiyor-.il Independent Demo- .... ..;...,.,;. nf tha w www - Tammany and MnB.it F.ro.ndo Wood - r. j j .v. r' wm"J' uu " ' " , iwu' i ' v - 1 ' ... , n i-a Democrat. 1 he Who a V010 WiS ia.OUU i ' ' 'or Blunt. Rop ; 22.500 for Bole, regular T)m ; 29 000 for Guuiber. lad. ' ag-Tbat rasalar nedieine, the old . i rf,m,' Cermm Jjitlert." is adver- j tised on our last page. It is a standard m.;B lik Old Handed imooe amnnn medif ines.like C - -"S t d - - , ; .acred songs. Tbe new Proprietors devote .r themselves to toe one business, ana seem . . c i. kl- v..:. ; to conaoci ii upon urm, oubuciuib bmu. The name, of those recimmeodiog the article, are proof of its efficiency in ?ery t n am eases. Som:"f 7n7 missed a rich ,t IoJ dent H.ll, Saturday and Mocd eD1Dgs ust. Hon. Amoi My- t e (era. Congressman from the Clarion dis - ,rict difc0saed tbe issues of the day, and .11 who attended would be glad to bear c from bim sgain under more favorable au spices. A ladv from Le.isbur,. in Ch.rW ton when the war began ha. returned here, and report the destitution and pov erty there as beyond tbe conception of our 0T1i peope bo reaiiie sa little of tbe norrors 01 wai ajyCucgress meets oo Monday next. i " w tbaa&Dl ec0BJ'r 01 lM ! stind. the best cb.oce for Speaker, and , Eiwi of p, for clerk. We shall be reconciled to each elections, i.For attractive Farms for sale, and property for rent, see Real Estate head. PenosylvaDia, SS : In tbe nam. and by ; tbe auiburiiy of tbe CommuDwelib oT Peons) Irani., Andre-G.Curtio.Gov- ernor of tbe said Cmmooweaith. A Proclamation Where.., th. President of "the United i States, by Proclamation, bearing date on I the 17th day of Oet , inst., ba. called fir' THRKE HUNDRED THOUSAND i--Tn..ou . . 1 : ) ' I r c u , tv recruiv tug rrituvuiB 11 Sute? wived tliU now in tbe field from tbe respect null wlierrn. VI iului uisuvh isuti.cv .uia ... j ,i ouoll 0f iba Slate of feoosvlva- -' i . J Dia uod-r s.'d eall is declared to be THIKTV-KltJHT THOCflAN'D TWO j Hl'NPKEI) AND SIXTf EIGHT ! M EN, (38,268 ;) And whereas, tbe Pres. ident,in hi. said Proclamation, requests tba Governors of Ibe respective States to assist in raising the force thus reqiired : Now, therefore, I, Andrew G. Cnrtin, Governor of tbe Commonwealth of Peun- svivaoia, do earnestly eall ou tbe good ..-v s. tbat tbe req-iired quota may be made up before tbe Fifth day of .Tannery next, ' on wbico day me rresiaeui announces tbat a draft will commence for any dtfi- eieney that may tben eiist in the eame. i The freemen of Pennsylvania, enlisting .J ,. .k:. ..II -III k. .a.Kad rec. e mettt. from tbi State. All Who Are Will- ; ,Dg to enlist, are requested to present I themselves at once, for that purpose, to the Lnited states frovost M.r.bal. re- . wr Dtftmeot of Ja09 25, 183, 1 .- .nt :.: . t . i 9 i3i, it recruumg veieraa Buiuuieets, : one month's pay in advance, and a bounty , and premium amounting to f!02. To all i other recruits, not veterans, accepted and 1 "lit81 " required in existing orders, j adv turiucr lui'-rriuawuu uconcu cau ui i obtoed from the Provost Marshal, of the j respective uistriets. In msking tbi. appeal to the good aod i.l freemen of Peaoavlv.ni.. I feel en- ' ... - .. i ' ,i of the term of enlistment of the men now o the field, renders it necessary to replen- jih Mr reginiel)t. l, mtinUin ,be gor. which tbeir valor and eonduet have reflected on tbe Commonwealth, aad let our people snow, oy taeir promptness and ". e not abated in courage, or love of country, of in lh- deterBliBli,011 tUt tbe unbojy R.bellion.alredT stunn.d and .tarzerinz. aball be utterly crushed and extinguished. Given uoder my band and the 3 rest Seal of tbe State, at Harrisborg, tbis 23 day of October, ia Ibe year of our Lord IS Co, and of tbe Commonwealth tbe eigbty-eigbth. By tbe Governor : A. G. CURTIN. Eli Slifeb, Sea'y of Commonwealth. The Rebel horseman, Geo. Morgan, dag hi. way out of tbe ColomborPrioo, d ia reported 10 have reaobed Toronto. c eonsole with Vallandigham, and! ...k.1.1 . - f1 into neoeiaoiD oy running ; Canada, a. two who escaped with him ; were captured near Louisville. A Btltigh PP'r "J" tigbt ofthe ten Member, of tb. Rebel Ceogres. reeenlly elected in North Carolina, are in (evor of rturniog tbeir allegiance to tbe Union, "od th,t tMieTt' ote ere 0,,IJ lor moss eigut suea sua agaiasi sue per aonal friend, of tbe Jeff Davis dynasty. Ciscisbati, Dee. I. Th. Noble Mon ty conspirators, wb bave been on trial in . sn kj . aiatric. vura i. iv. t i" . i ,reM0, to4 pij ,gu0ii (D United . Slates, have been found guilt J brok.Di) t0 tb.ir 0 bl.stedldet.ee. of .he popol.r .ympa.by. rj!t,ri.l C.r.ponl.n rf th. Sur ChroDlcIr Get.jsburg Battles and Burial Field. j Befor9 becoming of ip, I went oo ' . . .....vl.-.. xi . v - , roof, irom nirniuurK u j.-uuu . ' h fiettv.bunr Tbi. little town . . . t .l. . r-i in then emy notsa ior us v.- ie.?e. an'J as me rcoiucuc? . 6 ' ..... c. --J .11 T eomare.k.jreiI nf It sin jt oiet ind tho plHteness of foreigo cibtcus, biii. . v . ... . ! ir r,.in in rtifr (resident who took .ome P.in. to gr.tify a j reoaM, of . inger lad oo hi. Un. jor ney. Littl. did it seem probable ID.l I i miuru m uu vvb w w -j should esr iit it again or that so se - ' qneetered a ipoi woom wcomi io mir . ., or one or tbe greatest, mosi memor.uie i ., l.. . j r, . :, " - ,.. And n.xs to tM D.tt.e, ,ue i.a.c tioo of the National Cemetery l. a matter to be remembered long cy inose cbaneed to witness it. " Tbe U,tle roani 'P ?ch. Ck. ! ' ,D,e;,91 A. '- tl,''M ! v--e. --- - - - . .In nnt r.m Rewnnlda. with a amail : ""l" " s 'lh anll . . 1. , "J . rV 1 "-"e-"' J, . - . J . k. m.. ..in..... F.ir.a. K f ou Hugo, .ujc.w. ing back from Yotk, and ooming in from -iu.k.l ikua RnnM. .nil Wean1 : ";" V" u " "1 ' . " T and Zook, and oar Tucker, Weidensaul, Guteliua, aad scor. of tbe Bucktails, and other Pennsylvanian. fell, dead or woun ded. Hancock took command, and How- ! . . .. ... L.. ,k. our forces fell back witbio the A- Here, all night, thsy fortified the two line., the . ... i 1 eoemy confident ol an easy victory in ine i corning. Mead, with other Union eorps : d . the - fc of j defence were extended back about three j '"" wr ,l "".' ,u "" at the two south point, of the A- lnB Rebel lines, outside, were about twelve mil , ,ome.in)e8 hidden by wood , 1 ,,1 ... 01 ti Thursday, and Fnd.y, 2d and 3d July, the UebeU IDlde TerT tS"t 10 brelk ,Dt0 oar I'oe', 'Uekio8 la,3it ,er' PB'Bt ia frtf0, 'od 00 ,he left od the bnt generally with little success, suffenog a repul.e at last. Tbe fioal, desper.te ch.rge, on Frid.y afternoon, wa. at Little . . . . R0Uhd TP' D"r lhe "tfeme Balh P0il ' 00 ur left' Wbere lbey BMae tbeir Ca0" . . . . . . . , I unit anrl .frer it h.ll Hnne .11 the ezeeu. ' ' 1 : 1. 1 I ..;..t.J . u .: - k.. Dilated their best "ou Fl",u":. UCJ f" forces upon tbe exposed spot, with tb f j w x fury of madness, sod frightful jella. But oar ,rrni were i0 di6poted tbat tkey .wept fa h h ,d,Meil,4 iDf.nUT, ilh 6 ,k .l w k .iry gr.pesnot, n toe ikeo- e' te, liter.lly, like-grass before tbe acytbe : another column advanced and went down in like manner: hundred, of 1 1 . . L detd, ,nd thousands of dying and terrified, ' f f d hen ,ik ' 6 .. .. c.j j . ,k. ' "'""" i.-.--, appointed invaders, withdrew and on me immortal -ia oi juij toeir eu.uerea columns were in full retreat to Virginia. Hooker ft5ri, outeeneralled Lee all tbe , ' , . , . mmJ Kr ". - forced march of our armv to flank Lee'. ia laaivu ui out auij u uaua ucc a long column at Gettysburg, wa. a great gurDriae to Lee. The Rebel leader, proh. Mj krj. better, but tbe masses thooght they had only tbe Militia, and probably Gen. M'Clellan to vanquish. But, as the battle raged, they soon discovered they bad tbe grand old Army of tbe Potomac to j ueai who, auu tueir coouueuoe irg.u 10 cbilL In tbeir last, ferocious assault, it is aBB 0f tbe jjebel chieftain, fairly ' "creamed, "Damn you, laokee. ! sc-owf joa run V and turned iadly away to teek .afety in rapid flight Prof. Coppce, a West Pointer, io lee- tar, before tbe University of Philadelphia, described tbi. battle as one of tbe beat . . . .,. . l?tCmtl f f".r ""l" "T ,l?,e7 1 .kill. He seemed to think each eide wa. well managed, and made co great mistake. There u nr.flinehinir braverv and aour buiuh. vuiv sua , , . , , Rejoolds just far enough on to ecure (at so great a sacrifice) an impregnable posi tion for those in bis rear, all of whom eime just apoa the right point in just the right time, and of whom all bat a single regiment were engaged to His protecting hand is tbe result attributable. Had not that prond host of Lee been thus driven back bad the Army of the Potomae been destroyed ia all human probability, tb. Rebels would have swept on to Harrisborg, Lancaster, Reading, Philadelphia, and perhaps New York, while Baltimore and Washington would have fallen before tbem. Onr militia would have bent to tbe wave like ball rushe in tbe swelling stream. Tbe rich valleys of Pennsylvania would bave been cobbed of bones aod everything most iMdiy needed our mine would bave bees .. . . . . . . . .topped our citie rav.ged and th War prolonged for years, or we bave been sob- j baxa. aa .ha.K. aad tba Bu.ar. iatthB locg. - ,j - . ...k i rbilly Bighta, vltboat Ara. lisht, al.r, or a .haao. for jugated to a poiitioal slavery each siMiibi x.. o...Bcion.roinani to koo. r, i,uu,4 free neonle ever endnred. Prof. Jacob compare tbe G.ttysborg eontest with tbat of Waterloo, and give us th advantage a. regard tb bar vic tory, although tho immediate, decisive effect, i not rqaaL At Waterloo, the A Hie. had 72,000 met aad 1S6 cannon; tbey lost 20,000 men. The French bad nnn ... .. . .k i... '.k,. ' - , j 40,000 meo...nd with the vanished . I I .... 1 Nspolton power as a gtindiog, ievasta-1 ting Warrior. Al Ueltysourg, toe colon- ; to "i''S i ' a n aa j , .90,000 men, and 200 conoo, tod lost ... , , r. , , , . . . . I0'000 -. tao-g their expe- I anion, retreated iq dismay, rtneir leeaer . . . . .... vi..j . , , , homes hera thev are honrlv and hardlv ........j j v , b j not . x-ult .jj .0;ntf 0f ,j,e ie eo The Cemetery Hill proper fc J U left ,o ,e,l of the ..rife. ceP, . s,rip of cot,on tzi woolen ciolhg .Dd ; u:n pntri Dpmanti nt mpipr w r i i nrifiicr 1 ieMber b0Det 0f cattle and horses, aad . 8 f et(ien tod iron tencs. of which ' t -ltberad handful a. I atood on one . . . . . . .. t . , ,p0l. i0e aeaa 01 nom nosts were ouri. ,d M ,hey felIi ,od lfce grlTei cf , Blrked. Some bodies have , . been taken home, but many ar. indistin - ; gabhable, and will .a remain until the : ' resurreetioo. ; The National C.MITEaT ; is on e r, UUm, uu,, wu i i ek.:. v tv .k. ! ' ' "lue mel"J lWD,cn J'nv u pnrchastd by PeLD.yUao.an. ler in. pnr- .... . 1 - ... oi l0 , Dtl, ejrcie, tue ooaies ot an , kBown rjoion M!dier9 tro being carefully I i . Wlin i,ene "lw .. uelat each io rows, corresponamg wnn tne State, they were from, and tbe unknown in the outer row. on each aide. Room i laid out according to the nnnber euppos - ed to be from each State. Already, nearly 1200 have been deposited there 153 , from Xeir yorfc, 139 tam Mas.achusetts, 1 100 from peB05.f,ni. 43 ff0- Micbi- 31 ftoa loii g. mJ 582 . j h b d m,;n. ,ha snot where c Q c b m brst buried : all these insonption. ! are hereafter to becatLd in marble. One ! k4 .f.(o fha TaTi-ir.! "Miii ".ill wa know , of blm u b.t be , , br.ve .oldier from pttriotie gti of M.ss.chusett.. . Otber. had Lame, office, company, regi- I ment, State, date uf death, ia. is. Of all j before me, I knew but two-P.cken. of . Jontro.e, and Guteliu. of Mi2iobarg. j R,cbeit fljwcrs were scattered upon .cere. ! 0f nnmarked irrave.. and some fond ones ! c I weePiD hera Md there' Tha remini0 : bodie9 of known Uaionbts.not removed hy - ! i . k. .l J i menus, are u vs men up auu loierrea . . .... .. 1 l l.ui- ... Mn i . . uaic. uiuuauii uibii ui 17 1 o atva iucio i ei i here now.) and a Monument to be raised at Ibe South aide, overlooking all tbe field. ! Soie of the Re ' .od . u M I i . Rebels' grave, are also marked left as the are brave mew, I . . . . . - . , 0r tbem, Out in tbe worst ol causes, ; M min. before death confessed with bitter ! una. But to tbi. beautiful Mating place , nf nearlv three thousand salf a.erinaiaa' I Am.ricsos-mostly .on. of tbe sires of ineludine also many true adonted ' '''u"'g ""J true aaoptea . t . .. .. cuiaeos am oa ever appueaoie inoee o- qaoted line, of tbe English poet : "!Iot alar, tha brara, who n.k to raa) Bj all th.ir ccaatr wi.b.. b)a.t : vV or. epriog aitb deaf t.cn e-Id, Katara Io dock thair halloaad rauuld, tut Itiert .h&il drM . .aartrr Jd Ttiaa r'aaej. fet bav. trvx trod. mBt fairr band, thrir koall 1. roof . By turn, ionci Uimr dirr. i aag ; Tber. UoBor roma.. . piljrum grmy. To btriM tba tarf that wrapa their d.r, A.i frl-.m .ball avbiie r;.a:r To da.ll a e.pi.( heraiit there. The view from Cemetery Hill is most charmine takine in. on three sides. wide ' .cope of country, diversified by villsge, ' ,, Jf , 11 ! eolleg. and farm building., orchard, and , tT.ai a. a. a -I in tkal dfiaat. eliaSatiaia a. . a. a tmtth wi in lBe dira diiWBee rilicg , j tbe dignity of mountains. Bat I can not linger. A thousand interesting incident. of tb. place and ocoesiou might be added, had I the time er 70a the room. Tb. ""6" ' .... ' ; point, we comprehend more as time pass- 1 es, aoa it will oe toe nre-side taic 01 inou- 1 sand, npoi thousands for years to come. It is said tbat the Aebals wondered at tbe stupid stolidity of tho people of Cum berland Valley ia not resisting their mlrehi M(j were eantinoally apprehensive - k j.. ..1 ..: ti aaalaavabaB axf fl .4 Sat a K va fear. aaaa. a aa..a...i . 1 v ...... gating piten. llOHa Jl-K.B laUgnt IO 1812. and ia Mexieo: and ia 1863. not. I tiag oa bis Sunday elotbes, he entered tbe Union racks, at Gettysburg, and received . a : J a. t J . mrca ainniiiaerADifl wonnni. i oa ma b i .k.. A.B.n.w I it.r w t A. .... .... a...., w.u .u. out, aod aroj ia arm tbey went to tb mee-, ting of tb Ohio delegation, in the Pre- byteriaa house, where tbe people ware addressed bv the Lieut. Gat. elect of Ohio, (a brother of Geo. Robert Anderson.) Ji.nt Wads was the only womaa killed in town. Bhe was baking for our troop when a ball entered and killed her instant ly. A Rebel officer fell near tb house, for whom hi friend procured a rich eoffin but they fled, and tbis good girl had hi coffin for her burial. Tbe peopl of Gettysburg appear to hav don their beet to entertain th an- :' wonted tnrOOg Ot visitor. It was a grand ! I , aail.r Coaipany or CoapaBka nmarraal ! (arpeaallv tnm BaaoBr Jaartioa to 0.it.,bant) do-, tarra ao aoamnUBMau. aad aiUT.bo aa. haade-l. : I of aiilen, fro. .11 aaru of l ean a aad other states, aa- aoold b.tu Te.tora Lht. root, af aia, " .a aoui pen. wa frauaa, Uat tbey or adviM oUwra era bard a ar eatUa did aot ball, their looks. Thar. Btsaud ta a. Boa.aia. 1 . Tar. niiu. i ay.BK. TUllcn aouid resalaU thair oaa tiau. but . aTsryihiBf 'a. ia craad aaaiaaioB. WilhaiaOTMa 1 t"uu,T' ,VIU' T : .IT..r. aabarribar,: I hsa. .a iaaa anpply at j d w" -rW I to... thVcar. at Hurabarc about id.i"hZ Jd did i undersigned, by the Register of Union county, ; JSJHiZ-, ' - - i -T two-torev.doo:e Brick M lasioa.iaJ. aat raaab ettybarf aatU aaar aooa. Taanaay araa-1 ia due form of law. Taf refore, all persons . anaerib.ra. Sr aree-..a -ob-. HsaMdiataly. j with an Out Kitchen, and Bara oa the praau iai,aaxtoa. to raturn with tbaSrakbat aooftcar Mli.x I ;.j.i,..J ...- Mtte a ra ran nested to nuke i Aadp. I. MtJir.. Ctiatoa. v.'Cs.,. Y. . . . u.ti air. Lawi.bar. laaeeed Var. by dayitfht af rrktsy. Tba. haadrad. ! bv tboajaadj of ... aad nan .pent part af ana day . .Mao of tws aidhiihoat lathi. Sr., or refrrab-: BMata, Uka as saaay aaaata ia ajoaraey af ao ar ; aali., or ratharSul Atarery aoiat.hua It wu darl Botat .UU. tt waa dark. a iraac oi pmporxau opera trd : it. or .1 aeraoaj la tba bardaa hoi I waa ia aaid they vera roased, asd I kaerr that aiy BMBay was aoatbt kr by oaa of the. it. If tha owaara of the asilw.T. uiaraaea. laf Oattyabarff deaara ta axaka at a popu..T raMirk let taaal art sad St a. eood ran, raa .ralaaiatirallr. aaeara eBw aWB.BBBe. Ba. BBBSa aBBBT IHB.B1. BOOr- iKwabis. gsia ciy, ouiy .buuCuu Uy ,u.u.Cu,u.t . 1 iVofStJd. .Sm'S i tbeir blood on tbete field, for a nation's . Th .,:. f h0.in. the . ... b.oner.every. her. io .igbt, and , the hospitality of the people, were til evi- : j... t ,h. .,,..,.. .,. Th. veteran editor, Mr. Harper, invited me to - . a O 1 i nil Douse. oer. were sec. oewiro, um Ctmeroo, the Iulin Minister, and other ! f';- Hu text neighbor Mr. Will, SlSX , tre8ideB, Lieoln welcoming in the e.ger ! eoeet.. Hi. Belt neighbor. Mr. m I Ii I erowd at the door on oe streat, Got.r nor Lantn bowiDf tntm oat at a door ... . ! . w.... f" i tience and labor of love, whiob I watched j - . . , . , Jb i , he thr.n outside, before "Old Abe" had j Q F - 1 ditoontinued tbe shake of the band and the cordial word but be also gave out at last, and subsided to a needed respite for dinner. And so, farewell, Getty.barg ! W. , , , , ' T.otfll! NArTfl ! sUUVWWW mfm W WW mS Brass's Defeat I13 i Is most complete, and tbe Rebels arc ! despondinff sadly over it. - If they i can EOt hoi J Lookout Moantain.what can they hold V Bragjj'a shattered , force has retreated to Dalton, and ! perhaps further down; whether Grant j can pursue at once, is unknown. Con- V "arirg anu valor performed Ly onr troops, their loss is small : the enemv !oe DroLablv 10,000 prisoners and deserters. " LOXGSTREET, being cut off from rejoining Bragg, has left Knoxville to finif f A hr TTl . r Vi I n iirh k.M.vk i ; Lynchburg. Lurnside and Sherman from Knoxville, and Foster from the Cumberland Gap, may damage Long street on his retreat. i vira 1 : t j u .'".ki uiuiitunuj: iu iciusiiu thwarting sereral nice-laid schemes of the French and Rebels. GRX. MEADE, Tuesday and VTed - nesday, returned, without opposition, to his post on the Rapidan, with all h . . r . . . is wounded, trains, ammunition, Ac. II. U.J i. : 1 fiharpncounters. But at Mine Run or Kivcr, he found Lee so advantage- j uc iau unitu tuc ciicujv, iu. several . ..... ' 1 ..... .k. k kAnnk. J uusij puav m m inv"Buk ik uut i .. . . T'l. :. .1. nrnAont tn attapk. Thi-i rliAT.nnint3 t. - - -a-a,-u ! ine tgh hopes of oar people, bat we think Meade judges well: we can yet wait, we had better sacrifice time or ; money than blood, and it it) impolitic just now to give the BebeLj the better chance in a great battle. The Latent from aUaoxvllle t ! i GEN. BCRNS1DE ATTACKED! Telegraphic reports from Knorville state j mat on rjaiara.y ust, uen. ataraside was at- lackea oy . rioieni iieaaacne.lrom which he w.. nowrrer. .preaii. relieved By us.Df naLCBTTSISSTABT r.I.B A5.1IHll.T0.. hlCh never fails to cure Headache, Toothache, ta- tarrb.Ac C. M. KDiti, General Agent, White Deer Mills. Sold by BENNETT BKO'S, I.ea-uburg.and Stnrekeepers xenera'Iy. (See advt elsewhere.) Corrected H"ee Wheat, 1,50 Ezgs f 20 . 10 . 11 ..6,75 70 . 50 6 6 ...13 Rye 1,15 Tallow orn, old 1.00 Lard Sf13' pr, 32 ft' 7A eed" Flaxseed 2,00 Wool Dried A ,M p)Utoe9 . . . j? IS fchooMer Fresh Butter... 25 Rib. i Side, Rags 4, 5, aod 6 Ham Barley 90 to ? 1.00 Country Soap 46 ItHARRtGD bt ...t. tt. a. ri.k.14 io.t nr.NRT rftitips Luui.uu&utcttaJ.oaLASD, By a... j. r. Fortor.Tth nit. ROBERT DATKaVA!! Ud si,., m. a. poktcr, or Mil tea. j Br tha mbhi. uih alt, WILLIAM BELL and Mtai at art H cup.LL.fW!moB. aaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTaBBBBBBa TJffli 1 Oa th 15th of 5otw ruber, B bit ?M year, at WaJTv tna Jun-tkm. GBOHGI M. ZtSLLKRj. of Co.G. lift P. V. It w but a tVva.'wtbat winr thi bra jouag nan I wmnt tcrth ta luttie. tnr him rnnnfrv and ItM lava. I I tb tk mrt.i vi.ab f atanKnni a-rfc k-i.hl nrvaarkaM-tat ! t7;-,-iB;T, S.no.r . r-d-.tnin, aoar. bat tba ebar-h ba. loat a (OS. Ktw.r bmt niVr-ciitoat.B.biB.iTroa.ioeBr. NOTICE. TS hereby given to al! persons leaving Deeds, 1 Mortgagts. Releases or other Papers i a tht Re,,,lerlDi BecorJer-s offire. unpaid for. thal pt?t ms t, had by ,ppi,irjg my residence, on yTest Market street, an! that all such papes remaining anpaid for, by Feb. 1, 18M, the' amounts due on them will be sued for ageordiog to law tn soch case , made and provided. GEO. HEKBLLL. Lewisburf. Dec 1, !663 I7STR4T. Near the first of 3 2j November lat, a diover.who! aaid be was from New York Staie.-a- turned out of his drove a Heifer (about two yean old) which, he said, had followed bim for several days. The heifer is a brindle arith white scots on the head, poor In fleh. and probably raised among the hills. I have talcea up saia newer, anu five notice 10 ine owner to prove property and pay charge, or the will be sold according to law. JOHV KI INfS River Road, Kelly Tp, Dec 1, 1863 Admlalstrator'a Kotlcc. N TOTICE is hereby given, tbat Letters . J A w . k... n.ial fka I immediate payment ( aad those having any iast claims are also requested to present them , .,.,.,;,,-, for ettlaiit to HCBLEY ADBRIGHTj Adm'r. Iwitbnrg, Drt. 1st. IIM- FOR SjLE. A YOKE of 6rt rate, heavy, well-brokea J worlciasOXE. mtinv c D a va-AT 1 at rsFTt vZV I Not 7 FRANCIS 'VVItSON. Wholesale GROCERY & PROVISION STORE for Cheap Goods ! Ili. Stock la cvniplete, coneisilBg In part cf Sugars, CoiTccs, Tea, Spices, Coal Oil Tobacco, Cigars, ,FIoiir, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders. Cheese, Fruit, Glass and QuccnsYvare, Hard war e, Lam ps,&c.&c Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Cash "paid for Butter and Egs Call and examine my stock, and sat- 1ST eriaCtterl remamioe ia tbe Po.-l ( Ott.ce at LkKw.jsiiLHti, tr1, up to . 30. 163 r i Bakr 5mol R- ST.it rT"f Jf KvtvilM V! Mir.cr t'hilljjM If Gsrfs Utvrtin O P lHartia RC Mdort rrae?ii ( Mail DO 1C VlaBo rrmorHw J.m UiM 1 I'-teraoo K ix r&bCbart Kutb Cathtvnnt U1m RittMe-B iUiit c t Kr.k L D Kao-iesboal. Xtel S rrkebfU ADrTW MlM torkr Jofcn trohtrte-r Wi::ia H atift John Stfta tiabrial IWlv-W org- A rV:ii--T Wil'.iaJa fwJe-r T. B. Ja-lb arx Ar-1 a Ta -r J A 3 jsph j JXI " I S.SSj j 8 w Coouar K M : n.rkitd : Co. par albarti in r a.la-. Jawb I A V Fi' t4--T. d Oaa frao. Samiatl t 1 frank M GitaarJMrb J"- "J hmk ' H.afia J Col ZZftZj1 K"', tT- KrT .ljal S 2 ' k. uT ' L!,ek Waria La.iUJ a r A B 'trail. : u uM MirOBer MM m A. ELTON & Co., Commission Merchants, aad ealen la Leather, Sumac, Siieep and Calf Skin, X. 434 Xorth Third itrttt, Philadelphia. T EATHER. Sumac aad Skins, bcngrit, or lj sold oa Commissioa. Advance, rnsde on C bsinmenis. Nov. 2.. 63m ESTRAYS. 1AME to the premises of the j subscriber, in Lewis townjh.p, i nion Co., .boot two momhs agu ! h.t. SHF.FPB Bnolt anii a W.,h,r The owner is requested to prove propery. pay charges and take them away or they will be disposed cf accordms 10 law. Nov.l6.163pd JACOB 3KIUELMYEK. PHILIP GOODMAN, ACT, Clothing Manufacturer, AND CEALKR I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, fcc, Opposite Hetzel's Hotel, Levrlfibarfl;, 1'nlon Co., Pa. KEEPS constantly oa hand a large stock of CLOTHS, CASS1MERES, SATTINETS, VESTING ic. Garments Cot by a skilful Cutter. Men and Boys' Clothing made to order, to:: fyHE subscriber has opened a J. Family Grocery Store ... . n . , . , , u Mrs. Gner s Building. East end of Market street. Sooth side,where he has a good stock of TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, SI GARS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Batter. Eg$s. kc. &c. cheap for cash by JOfEPH ECKBERT, Ag.ot Lewisbnrg-, Nov. 9, t863 Auditor's Notice. IN tbe Orphans' Court fur the cennty of Union Estate of Willi. T.t, late bf Hartley township in said county, dee'd. The Auditor appointed by the Court tn make distribution of the balance in the bands of Samuel C. Tate and Robert Poster. Adminis trators of the estate of said decedentwill meet ail parties interested for the purpose of bis appointment on Friday, the 11. h day of Dec ember. 1863, at 1 o'clock, p M, at bis Office in Lswisburg. JOHN B. LINN, Auditor THE RURAL AMERICAN. Tht Put Itjt far Fwmrri mmd Fruit Grmmtrt Wight L"-iiSsrt rr m :tm jtr mtf rmmxjf uttomnom j JWAN Ron It eon t i ANT iO.iH cfab aeois 10 circn'atc the ral Amtr-fai, Ltiea, .Y. Vo'ome com me dc er iAnaarr 1st. 164. Paper ? Tttexzi and fruit grower-, paper in ensfe.ce. ,. on.y j 1 a yea and every subscriber receives two free to clnb nbscr:bers id December. This of th. r ftK.pa vises kaowa ai.k a.ire. i of alt BtaaoB.. ar Oaa BoHar'. artb of aaair. mt Ptolia. strawberty riaala-tha Ur t aad aval are- . dacti.. i. tba world, -any of .b .- "j-- Uraa a. baaa- Wr penoa ba rantta SI will rearm tba paaar raa a Jaaaary BeiU aod tara ... 3SSHS;VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTT. kkiut DOLLARS ia BrrBlnaw Btrnerralob i A salve lor I'M. THAVE h.nd for aa'e. a. ss cent, per HAVE o hand for '. a'. SS cents per I ... .rrcriivii-iir.ifi,ii,. 'J.. " . r. " ".. ...A i.. i : 1 : i iiJir.it . .a an viu , ......... , mi, i lesied. which I sever knew to tal. and I raa ! give names cf persons.core; tn .hose a'hicg U ULSKLbS MAIS River Road. Lewubarg. ee pv. 3 Fur Al also at Groduian's b.cr CALL AT j EVANS' and Retail 5 Real Estato. rLTMrs-Hopp will offer ai sale a small Lot oo S'.-Ltcs . betwera .1. aad 61a, at 1PM of Satordav. lZih Dee. FOR SALE The residence ef ike late Mra. MARIA M. GRAHAM. iilAaltd oa South Fteal s.rcei, Lewisturg. nearly eaposne Iodpti ent Hall. For bttaa, ap7 Dec. 1 s A-H-DIIX AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers his Taloabhr Btopwr. ly. situate at Elimsport. Lye. t's., toe pabiic road leading from Lewiaborg Se Jersey tfhore .ad Wiiliamsport, six aiilaw from Dew an atatioa, containing a boat Stf, acres of good limestone land, in a high svaao of cultivation, producing 30 ba- of wheal pa. acre, with splendid and eonveaient boildmiw thereon. Also. 100 choice apple traea, beasdes a large quaaury of peaches, pears, ptasaa, gooseberr es, die Ac Price and terms reasonable. Apply te-We JOHN DEROHAM. Elin..pert, Nrrv. S3, lSJw3pd Farm for Sale. THE scoth-west quarter cf section 17, town 7. norrh range 8, ear M the 4tbj pnacipal meridian. Tbe said rarm lis ( abuat two miles aortk of tho city of I reeport, la siepaensoa Co IlliROia, has about Forty Acras under ca!iivaiiun,wuat I.i g Hjuse and other Outbuildings; ia waterad by one of the mnM beautiful Spnngs ia tb couaty, and the balance of the tract is covered by a thrifty growth of timber. Every acre of the farm is snsceptibre of cultivation, and when suitably improved would mane one of the moat inviting reat. dences IB Illinois. F r pamcn'art enquire cf Francis Wilson, cf Lewisbnrg. Pa.; Sam'l B. Harris, of Free, port, I.L, or the sutscr.be r, at Savanna. 111. E. CHAMBERLIN. Nor. SO. 18S3 hi H. BOW EN. HOUSE & WAGON MAKER'S SHOP 1"UR RENT from 1st April aeiLdtaaSa Tbe propery is at tbe corner Bear JbaaL lhe Fair Ground Tollhouse, one mile frona Lewisbnrg. There is a Paint room attached to ibe shop where Wagons and Baggies hav been made. Over an acre of ground is a tarhed'iothe Hoose.and comprises a Garden, and Fmit Trees. (The Blacksmith .hop attached is rented.) FRANCIS WILSON. Buflaloe Twp.Nov. 17, 1363 .4 dj oar wed ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans Loart of Union county, will be sold at Pnblia sale, on the premises, Tbareday, I tils Dec. 1863, at t P M, the fo.iowing described K-ai tstate : No. !, all that certain tract of land, situate in White Deer township, I sioo conaty. bounded by lands of Jacob Stab!, Paul Dies fenderfer."Samuel Gemberling, Joseph Kline. Widow Rubins, aad others, containing 100 Acres more or less, having tbereoa erected two Dwelling Houses, Barn, aad other eat. building, with tbe appurtenances. No 3, all that certain lot of ground sitaaaa in ibe town of New Columbia, nam be red aft the tnwn-p!an of said town No X. adjoining Lot No I on the south. Water street ea the west, and the Susquehanna river oa the east, cntainicgone fourth cf aa acre more or less, with the appurtenances. Terms and conditions made kaowa at sale by THOMAS ARBUCsvLE. Administrator of D.vta Si irtta. dee'd Farms for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale al Private. Sale Two Farttia situated sear tb borough of Hartletoa. One ia Hartley iown.ip, containing aboot lAO Arrca, adjoining Lands of Jacob Pees. Jacob e'mub and others, with a good Hoes. Barn, and other baildiogs ih.raoa. The other in Lewis township, eoataiaiag Ar ja-i-'T Br,e,,o MtjKS '"J of " Hoffaian. Wu Wolf aad other a. C others. ror lunnrr iDionaaiipa. .0bscnber, residing ia Bar fw u., r.. u fr""1 E5' ' 2 Oct 14 R. V, rcB a . 1 r TL . . . .n v.lli JaA beiwsea 7th and 8ih Su. There is a Wall aa ,n t. aad a l kiarts or gooa rntit rw growiag. Lot 7 leet front. June 2 REl'BEN SNYDER. FOR RENT. TVTlkWTOBEY Bric'd HKl'SE and I l.wt rn .riuxBai'w ilArchM, el. II. P- 'Hi