tram tbe Bruit 0.'W ) Eiaoaitor, See. II. The Americas War. Allowing the present tqnalirj of tbt Sold, what bat been tbe efleeta of tba war oo bath North and Sooth, at 4 what it the present posilioa of the two parties 7 Tba want of fanda by tba Sooth ia now beginning to ba felt with terriblt eeveritj. Taking the aeeooola of Soatbero writers in tba Southern Freta and we Sod that artielea of prime oeettti tj, especially all kindt of provisiont, are bringing fabulous prieea. That tba prioei hare tinea from twenty to forty and even a hundred timet what tbey were before (he Rebellion broke out Thia proves two things. First, that tba 8onibern money baa wonderfully depreciated in value, and at the tame time the tearcity of provisions bat really become alarming. The fact that forced loan and forced aeixuret of provisioni are now the only means left by which tba South can raise, elotbe, feed and equip ita armiea, ahow to what ttraita they are already reduced, This state of things can net very long eontinoe. Tba people of the Sooth are, doubtless, willinf to endure all thai lumtnity it capable of enduring to accom pluh a cbsrisbed otject. But than are limits to the powers of eodortnee. Tbey may be brave and patriotic tbey do and dare and suffer, but all this will not avail without money and wiihoot food. Their commerce entirely cut off by the blockade of every Southern port, tbeir principal cities belt agured, tbeir mesne of supply from the States west of tba Mississippi cut off by the opening of that river lo tba North immediately after the capture of Yicksburg and Port Hudson, their power of resistaoce bat been proportionally weakened. Add to tbia that they ean bo longer draw provisieoa from the fertile valleys of East Tennessee, and we need not wonder that Southern writers describe, in grspbie style, the suffering and the difficulties the Southern people have to endure. Moreover, it must be apparent that these difficulties must become greater and greater everyday the war is protracted. 'Without money, without trade or com merce, without provisiooa at starvation trrices. and without the means of borrow ing a tingle dollar, with an immense invading army on all tides, living oa the very substance required for tbeir own people and their own immense armies, the prospect must, indeed, be a dark and gloomy one to the Southern mind. They may tee tome glimmerings of hope to booy them up, but we can aee none. Now, turn to the condition of the North, and what a eontrast presents itself. Tbey erjoy so immense oommeroe with the rest of tbe world a commerce toaree ly disturbed by the gigantie war ia which tbey are engaged. Provisions are abun dant end .cheap, the great West pouring ita agricultural wealth into the lap of the East; not a hostile foot on ita free toil; nonet more abundant than it bat been for years prosperity through every in dustrial tDd mercantile department un exampled in their history he war spirit erowioe more and more fife the people more nnited, the war ia aearcly felt, or aeeminelv only felt in increased prosperity. Wbv. tbe loncer the war eontinoea, the t.iter it seems to be for tbe North. The Federal Government experiences no diffi culty in raising millions upon millions of money in a siogle day, and hence the Nor thern army ean be abundaatly recruited, tupplied with food, clothing, and all the munitiooa of wtr. We say when all these things are considered when the condition of the South is contrasted with thatcf the North we can arrive at butane eoneluaion, and that is, the South mutt ultimately succumb. They may accomplish wondera bnt they can not achieve impossibilities. If both partiet are left to fight tbeir own battles without foreign interference, the Eoath can have oo hope of auocett, ao matter how heroically tbey may fight or bow much tbey may endure. Progressive Democrats. We find in a Western newspaper the followiog "platform," said to have been adopted by Democrat! of Ohio and else where tince tbe eleotions. Thete resolu ' ions show a considerable power of adapta tion to circumstaDeos : Wareaa.dimocrtsv flurisbes best wea it is sueeessful ; and wareas, it is a tender flower and don't bear the cbillin frosts ov adversity much; and wareas, the people have shode by tbe pekoolyer stille of thsir votin that tbey don't like Vallandigbom ser bis preneeples ; and wareaa the people is ov moat yose to ns than Vallendiggom j therefor, be it EaoltxJ, Vallandigbom never Was a represeotstiv ov tbe dimoeratie ijee. i. That we do not endors hie vewi or approve hit acts, and never did. 'i. Tbat ooist old A. Linkin, by arras tin of bim, and thereby forein ov ns in to eommittin politiikle aoosido by nomin tin nv bim, wut guilty of a beenos ein. 4. Tbat we aint ea mash construed about oar habia eorpuses ei we was afore tbt eleenbin. 5. Tbat the war for tbe Union must go on, ontil its encmis is eoobjugatid, and ins banner uv buty and glery wavee over very stait and tbe dimoeratie eommitaa ov tbe varius ataita bs requested to pro coor a eonuhent camber av baneare and apint sob eoinmittis to wave ea. G. Tbat we air in favor wv enbjoeg. then, eminsipashen, laxaahen, eoyoerip then, exterminasbeo, nigger ealbmeata.' and ef there is any thin else the people dV a.rj.lot em write (postpade) and we'll paea tbe necessary, rssolushen. Gen. Beoj. F. Butler was oerneetly proposed for President, by the Bloomaborg lieatocrat, but at tba Gen. ehowed he was in earnest ia fighting the Rebels, the ' " u dror.poj tod that paper now I ;! li.o. r'lM. "STAR ft CHRONICLE" CALENDAR n OO . Jalj.l ti t eio lain 11 11 is t ISliS aglu I Pen. lag. 1 1 14 111 St 4 T W it 11 13 11 10 ia it n In If. 171S Isiss 11 isImi Wjii ar. Ml S ST io IS 14 JO 111 l 17 a S 10 I 17 2)114 nils HIS 301 in n Mitt SOI . Afrit si' trim le it J. S 6 ll a 111S 120 14 It al ale 11112123 Mwtviao IS 114 15 It IT joliilmln,! XI IST!SS!IS0'31 M e leva. i s t 10 4 t t II 11 IS; IS It 10 12I13I It SO 1I17 10 17 Htt.n I Jaae i si 10 It 17 SS4 SO.SlI Holidays Banks close on Rev Wi Daj (tk lilj Ttiantaitrlin fflirWiti Union Oonnty Offlclal Record. Fnttat Jmif tuti S. Woosa, Mam FoMOtSM JtmtiaH JuJft lmmW.eimmitm,UUUmbttg 4 4o ion Wujm, LhWwii a ShtriftAttnm tunn a to jVnUrmiiiry Jama W. 8me A to JTef 4Jtec.-4aoaaMcauu, 6m a IKitrict AOwntryAm lima 4m to ftwimir Jb a. Mam, mm to M. Vum. Wlalrii to to RonUT Rttft, LabtvIUMI to do 8acLMuaui.NwColanMa So CpmniiMiiwi'cric Airow KauaDf,iiitaat4) do OmnH--'n. Jamn, do d do rnnitn WoaMatOowcnraa, da da Schmcl SmpcrimUmdemA loax A.Owkm da MereautiU Apmraitrr Wa. Roaaono, Now narlla da Jai'utjwr Ooiiam tatrtira. tonat Hill da CWif Ifinat truva, Laaiabara da JwrfAor Dum Sum, do da BaiTufka TaoMMOff. M itllaaarf da J. P. Uwaaasca. tltfar da Anutar Slam Hrfta O.H.taama,MlBTIabaT( da CmlltHmr da Taa. Cacaca, Laatcllaa da Post-Offices in Union county. Jtrra la Bradr towniblr) D gtroWn-kr, T M Stifrr (Loiontuwa. Brady Tp) Dtd arkorkla H'kiU lr Mill iUiaktoaa, WVD.Tp) Ck M Kiof w (bbnaMa .... J K Oomy Wim- Jto(KiJlrTp) ... Joka Datwaaaa Immburo (CooatT Sal) Ooo W PonMt HmfaUx Jt Jfoarfi - hmrt llaaek fhrit HO (rataMfattllo) - Martia Rodr Miffimburf-. ... Mara M SIMa UartlrUm .... B.lna C Uajra Lnunlt-m (WMt n4 lUrtl.y Tp) Mara Halftnaaw WkjUKpriM) (lilawtaai Tp) J S OaBdabaa .V- Hrrtat .... lUvdSailth aaUd-tDTTValhf.lIaioalv) hal A Wallor Regular Union county Courts open Third Moadai la fabraary May Sp VmmmVt IK GOING Q THE EFHINQ ARRIVAL 07 AT N. R. Zimmerman's ? C. D. BREWER, Attoraay at Law, uwnaiaa, cmo ca, pa. OFriCE (oa Market 8t.) formerly occupied Wm. Cameron, Jr. Collections and other professional business Erornptly attended to. Claims for Pensions, oaniiss and arrears of pay due from Gov't, made oat and collected (juae i, isoa But Wobk fob Cahtassiho Agists Harper'a Plctrlal Blatarr. OF THE GREAT REBELLION IK TBt VX1TKD .8TATBS. MESSRS. HARPER & BROTHERS have commenced the issue, in Numbers, of a The work has been for many months ia coarse of preparation, by a wriwr every way qualified for the taik. The I sTaoBcerion contains a eltar account of the formation of the Confederacy of the States : tbe formation and adoption of the Con stitution of the United States, and the estab lishment of the National Government ; the oriein. development, and progress of the doc trines of Nullification and Secession, and tbe various phases which they assumed, until the final culmination in the Great Rebellion. The HiaToat comprises an account, drawn from the most authentic sonrces, of the Events r iha War: intrizoes of the fcoothern leaders at home and abroad ; the gradual defcotioa of oat section ; the great Uprising or the reopie for the maintenance of the National Life aod Existence; the rapid creation ol an immense Armv and Nary s Baltlet ny iana ana oeo. The Ilhjstbitioiis comprise Portraits of those who have borne a prominent pan in tne struggle; Maps of different localities; Plana of leadine actions i Views of aeenea of inter est, and of the most important Battles. These Illuairatioos are mostly from drawings taken on the spot, by artiste deputed for that purpose, to accompany every division of oar Army aad Navy. Every facility at the eommaad of the Pub lishers has beta employed ia the preparation and rzeeatioa of this work ; and they confi dently believe that it will form the most trust worthy and valuable history which eta be prepared of THE GREAT STRUGGLE FOR THE AMERICAN U3IUIV. Made aad Terasa ef ruhlletf tea. The work will be lasaed ia Numbers, con listing of St pages of the aise of Hot per' i Weekly," printed from clear type, upon fine paper, and will prooaoiy ne completed in abnnt Twenty Numbers. The Nambert will be itsaed at intervals. if possible, of about three or four weeks. The Price of each Number, which contains matter equivalent loan ordinary velnme, will be Twenty-five Cents. Tbe Illustrations in each Number are alone worth the price asked. Men oat of employ ment, especially SICK OR DISABLED SOL. DIERS, caa find ao other work eo sure of ready sale and good profits. For farther par tiealara, apply to tbe Pablishers. HARPER aV BROTHERS, Fraaklia 8qnare, New York Br S. J1. ST AH la THNDERY on 3d street, a few doora -anhar UmttM, LKWBaCM. r BLANKS S. Joatieeo and Cnaatahlwa. for sate or i.-''J ic r-lrr,nt tbe (a.riiiK.t.0W UNION COUNTY STAR "Sic Sadanrlaaaa 3etaa." . Soli atar Sbtror anb $xraaer6et Ob Ideiwtarg jrn Dennrrjug ia beat ftrr eprad traactm, tuft if. Mr griftr weurfd 3Hru weld aw. rjtttand) nstMid) en fcanrfbaTit erbredjwirt. irfc3rtnwg krinat bis albjmrtiira 9tad)r(d)tc na eugrrttn bit trfmsrrra Xraigfritni tti Csiw titi in Wind yrmfplvaaun, noria ft jinulfrt. fwt $1,0U sal 3abr, wMnasraal btjablt, ten in tat rrM 4 SBtdjra, $1,25 mi ktyibU in km rrjtca 8 gttwtfra kc 3-brt, 1,50 wean fputrx. giir SMaiithRddmrtent wfrk trrrdjner t tin Caaair e 12 Striera trnirr fur ba 3ayT $& JLkqtit 9cfRBtaiaa)URgm in SSnkalmif. CARD. fTIBE anderetgned, having loaned bisfurnl I tare, fixtures and atensils to Mr. H. L. aTMiaaa for the period of one year, and is about to remove temporarily from Lewisburg, takes this method of returning bis thanks to the people of Lewisburg and vicinity for their uniform kindness and the liberal support Ihey have givea him during his residence among these. RICHARD M. COOPER. Lewisburg, April SO, 1863 KOTICE. r lHB undersigned, having obtained the use I of the furniture, fixtures and utensils of Mr. Riceian M. Cooraa, will continue the Bakery, Confectionery and Notion business, at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe riod or one year. He hopes by strict attention lo business lo merit the patronage heretofore extended to wis establishment. H. U M'MAHON. Lewisburg, April 30, 1863 ESTABLISHED. 1700 PETER LORILLARD, Snnff aod Tobacco Manufacturer, IS k IS CHAMBERS ST., (Vrawrly 42 CaaiatMri itnal, Naa VorkJ WOULD call the attention of Dealers to to the articles of his manufacturers t aaawji mn. ttaeabay, Daaiiiim, t la. Rapaaa. ran Vlnrlnta, Coana RaapM, HaehitoebM, arkaaiatlmaa, Oaeaaagaav ielww sxtrr. HoaT IVw Seofctl. lUgh Taaat BVeteb, rmh HoB.y Daw Bflatra, mn tllfa loamor ummmjwm. rraaa acoica. W9-Attention it mtOmi tn On largt ndarCoa in aravt of Fim-Cmt CVwiaa aad Hmmiimt IWaasai. adjisa aail M yaad V a daaariar VaaWf . Toatore. evotraa, siaa cvt cr rwma. taoama Lodx, P. a. L.. or alala, t. Jam, Fla. I, Cavaadf'h. r Sweat, taaBlah, Ifa. 1, twirl aoeatad Ornaaaaj tJaaaator, Nea.lASavie, Tie foU Caraadiaa, Tarkkih. Oraaalatod. N. B. A circular of prices will be tea too application. (March 16, 63yl) CO-PABTNEESHIP. The nndersicned hare as sociated themselves into eopart aershin for the purpose of carry ing oa tne Lumbering, rianing, and Carpentering baainest in all their various branches, at the Ceniabnra 0team planing fililla. where they intend lo keen n slock of Pine Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, 8iding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, fce. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Haw ing, etc done at short notice and all work arranted to give satisfaction, both In I rice and workmanship. j. u. UlErrcnuEKrEH, MARTIN DRBTSBAOH, HIRAM DREI8BAVH Uwbbarg Plaaraa Mllla, A aril 1, Itst. REMOVAL. Tl, CHRIST, Esq., has removed his Of-i- flee to the bailding of Jonathan Spyker, North of the Court Honse, and immediately opposite the Buffalo House, where he will at tend to all manner of business at his office with dispatch and promptness ia his line or business. (Speaks both English and German.) April 1, 186S. I- B. CHRIST. J.a.aUuth. .Sherklry. CJMerfcley. f. nearer I. S. MARSH a CO, (siraosaaoBs re emaae, oiaaa a ea.) LEWISBURG FOUNDRY AGRICULTU A L WORKS Lcwlabara;, Pa. TtTB have taaataatly oa haad aad r "' WHOLI9ALB OS RITA ft, JTMBMr, aW nil rimer Hawlm: Oram and Oraai avaVni; Jtaadaad Ifcra- Ptmtr Ora 8Mlm; Ow.TVa aiK Aw Hnnt Trtnt, amtrp aad KM Pimm; Clwr HnUtrt, tnti (Um, Thmhrn, PUmu . Brill, trm Frmujnr Btrilihngt. from Hmcn. o . Aill OmtTinf, Ae. Ac.and hold oanol?a Trn4j at all tlam to ao all aiaatop VboaDar Buaisaaa with th. ataioaterrtapfl and ahausa. Work ar Maaafaetaraa Inrariably warraatad aa racomaicadad. Ont-r napmtfalrr ollciua aadprswatly at'- lad la. JaeaLlseo DR. HOOFLAND"8 BALSAMIC CORDIAL, von rni spssst ems or CbaaAt, CMt, Hytanua, 'mm. Btmmm, IfrtmcitU, n amimim, Pam mf Hit BmmrU, mrinng from OM, Mdpient Cbnmmptvm, aad fir (Ac rdvfmnd (if ml att ftmnblr) ammfiUnU ta mdvamxd miaga a the latter dumn. TIIK BalaiaiH) Cordial Is a VaUM arodae tloa,0OBlhlalna th. h-alloa prop-rtl'-n of thr Balaam, with the lartcorattna qualltf of aCordial, prodaftlnaa anaiMaatioa aa writ adapted to the parpoaaa Intended, that are bat trw emrmm of dleeaaa which will aot, at aa early period, eaeeaab to IU healing aad IMa-giriag aroperuea , For aaea boa tba treatnent of patmoaary dtaraami -e. oapied the araater portion of the ettaattoa of the adea ttSr of tba aiedieal world, bat aone arqair-d acre enjl aeaea In ale traatatent of there dleeaaea, tbaa the eele brated t'l iipnian Dr. Hoofland, the originator of the Bat aajale Oordlal. ttlr llfewaaderoted to the prodaotloaof reamlleatbatwaald ataad anrlralod. How well be baa aaeeeaded, tba Aeierieaa people are aMe to jadae: aad wa BOftrMrel j aanrt, that ao preparatloaa that bare erer baea plaead belt) re then. baveotmH'md tbeaaaje anoaat af aaaceta aa aaaVrlaa baaaaltr. ar bare eltetted ao waar ooaiaeadatloBa fraaj all elaaaea of eoetrtr. aa the reaMdiea of HooSand, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jaeaaoa A Oo-. of Philadelphia. Taa Oordlal tedeoleaad Ibr aeteaaof dluBMeaawrerea oral aad aiara Sttal tbaa any other to which tba paopla of thle eoaatry ora eahjeet lanea aprlnalng from a " atkxht anld." That eminent authority. Dr. Hell, aayr: I will aot aay that Colda are to oar lahahltanta what tba Plaeae aad Tallow Fever are to thoae of other eoaa trlaa ; bat t eaa avar eoatdeatly that they aeber la die aaaaof graatat owpllHty aad arortallty than tbaa, latter Bead what the eairoeat Olaaa Mannfaetsrer. JOH!t SL WHITALUaayaof tba BALSA U 10 CORDIAL. Ha. O. St. Jarsao Iteaareted Frlead : Having r a Irag tlvje beea arojaalated with tbe rlrtoee of thy BAL SAM1C CORDIAL la Oaagba, Colda, lataaiaatloa of tba Laaga, Ae I tbaa freely bear teatiaaony to Ita enloaer. For eertrej yeara t hare aarar beea althoat It la aiy family. It la alee glrea aee pleaaare to auta that I bare aaad ft with enUre aaeofea Im the treatment of Bowel Coaiplaiata. Tbr frlead traly, JOHN M. WtllTALL. ViftkMo.IT,lSM. Saoe et abora 1th, Fhilaa'a. MW Tli eaa awdfrlaea ara tbr eel. hy all reapoetabla Drwrrwta aad dealera la BMdlrlnee ia tbe Caired Statra, Oaaadaa, BritJrh Prarleeea, and Weat Indie, at 76 eenta per boule. Be rare aad r-t lb. reealne, with the etjnia tara of C H. Jarhaoa aa tbe wrapper of eeeh bottle : all ether, are eoaaterfelt. Prlarlpal Ofttea aad MaaatMto. ry, 41t Arab Mreat, Pbnadelpbia, Pa. VARIETY STORE AT THB Old Port-Offlce Stand. A LARGE supply of BookstatioBery, Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection eries, Teas, Spices, Frail, Nuts, Basktea, Pictures, aad a variety of NICK NACK8 for aale cheap by 763) H W CROTZER, Lewisburg REMOVAL. JOHN A. MERTZ, Esq, has removed hie Office oa Market 8t. two doors west of the Lewisburg Bank, where he will aliead to all manner of bosiness in his lirfte with prnmpiacst. 8peaks both English and Ger maa. J. A. MERTZ I.ewitnr, April 1, 1IVW ' JJJ" ' & LEWISBURG CHRONICLE-NOV. 24. 1863. PALMER, BOSS at CO., (un a. r.inea aia ea.) Lewisbirg Pining Mill, keep constantly oa hand and maauiaciure lo order Fldterlag, Riding-, ueert, sank, Shattorn. Kiuada, Haaldlnara of all patterns. aad all other descriptions of Wood Work used ia Baildiar. Orders respectfully solicted and promptly tiled. All work warranted to give satisfaction EAa extensive lot of Laatibcr of all descriptions on hand for sale. Factory o Hortk Second ttrett.Lemubmrg,Pa April S3, 185S. COAL COAL COAL. THE subscriber keeps constantly on band a large assortment of the very best Sha mokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and stove purposes, which he will sell at the very lowest prices for Cash. Also, BlaektmaW Coal, Pkntcr auf Salt. Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not be undersold by any man. Having good weigh-seales, full weight will be givea. Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel. GEORGE H0L8TEIN. Lewisburg, May 37,'Sa. BUCKEYE ALL RIGHT For the Harvest of 1863! Tbe most approved Agricultural Imple ments bow In the Market I BUimrTl RKB Bf SLIFER, WALLS. SHRINER & CO., lecvrlalsairtj, Ptu )iifl.fDf Wtaptt & fibrnt. fPHE anprecedeated sueeess of the " Buek X ere" is the strongest pro.f of lis superiur excellency. The BUCKEYE has cansed a complete Revolution in the Manufacture 01 REAPING AND MOWJNO Machines, and its reputation is to well established that it is scarcely necessary to particularize its ad ran lages. We will, however, call the attention of the farmers to a few of its merits. The TWO DRIVING V HEELS the Pawls and Springs, by which the machine may be thrown out or gear, or be backed without vibrating the knives the Steel Cutler Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened Steel Face or Catting Edge the Double- Hinged Joint, by which the Cotter Bar may be Folded the long Crank Shaft the Steel 8pring and Wheel, by which the Cutler Bar may be raised and lowered so as lo cut as low to the ground as may be desired the Hteel Pitmaa and Brass Boi its Light Draft (ao Side Draft) no weight oa the horses' necks backs as easily as a cart all of hich form a combination of advantages which no other machine possesses. No Gearing on the Driving Whee A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each. will cut ao aete of grass an hour with ease. The machine is furnished with two Cutler Bars one for cutting grass, and the other for cutting grain (each expressly adapted lo the use intended). No effort wilt be wanting to maintain 'the Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu pies, that of being the Best BachlBt la th World I The subscribers return their sincere thanks to their friends for the generous sup port they hare received in introducing the celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are much indebted lo them for Iheir warm greet tnes and kind offices ia recommending; it to their friend and neighbora. For Certificates, Ac, see Circulars, which may be had of any of their Agents. They also mannracture meyer'a l" tal ent Pinion Grata Drill, which it acknowledged to be the BEST SEED SOW ER IN USE, and the only one which SO WS OA TS rERFECTL Tl Also, the Ket atone Clover Holler, which cleans thoroughly, without ia the least injuring the .seed. Will clean more in the same time than any other machine in use. j Thev also manufacture and keen on hand for sale Darling' t Tread Power ami Threihrr 1 1 Telrgrapk Fodder Culler (two tizer) t Conkins Sores, among which is the celebrated " Con- linen tal j" Parlor and Office fUoeem, and all kinds of CaM and Wrmght Iron and Brast Worlt. MrkK,Ve,l.l.S.SHKIt.lt0. Central Foundry, Lewitburg, Pa. Marat l, IMS. GENERAL ORDER. THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company having this day taken possession of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad Company, Ihey have appointed JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager there of, to whom all Officers and Employees will report for instt actions. J. EOOAR THOMSON. President Perm's Railroad Company. Office of the Pcnn'a Railroad Co Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1862. j General Order, No. 1. To take Effect on and after Jan. 30, 18G2. f. Tbe Western Itlvlalen, from Warren lo Erie, will be under the Pnperin tendrnce of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will be Superintendent of the Western Division. His Office will be at Erie. Employees on this Division will be under his charge, and will make all communications respecting their duties or the business of the road, to him, except as otherwise provided ia this Order. II. The Eastern Dlvlalon. from Banbury to Whethsm. will be under the sup erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK. whoe title will be Superintendent of the Eastern Division. Employees on this Division will be under his charge,' aad will make all commu nications respecting Iheir duties or the busi ness of the road, to him. except as otherwise provided in this Order. III. Tbe Accannte of Freight and Pas senger Business will, on the Western Divis ion, he la the immediate charge of JOHN C. BOGG8. whose title will be Assistant Audit nr. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern Division they will be in immediate charge of THOMAS M. DAVIS, wnose line win oe as sistant Anditor. His Office will be in Will iamsporL He will also have charge of the distribution of Passenger Tickets over both Divisions. All communications respecting Freight and Passenger accounts by Employees oa either Division, will be made to the Assistant Andi tor thereof, snd respecting supplies of Tickets lo TeowAa M. Dana. J08. D. POTT8, General Manage. Pennsylvania Railroad Company,") Lessee Philad. at Erie R. R- L General Manager's Office, k Williamsport, Jan. SO, IMt. ? FURNITURE WAREHOUSE,?? S on Market Sqoare, Lewisburg. 3 A good aupply of Cfialra, Table, BaireaiaM, 8tnntw, Ae-oa baud or made wdetw DAVID GINTBR. (836 ICE CREAM TTtTERY Eveaiag daring tbe season. Par. EJ t't supplied en short nonet, "Tone 1 MRS. DENORM DENORMAIfDTB. FTre-Twent V. 8. Loaa ! mm, LEWISBURG BANK, of LewUburg, I Union Co is Agent for the sale of the United Stalea Six per Cent. Five-Twenty Teart' Loan. Amounts can be bad to suit tbe meant of different individuals. The Interest n this Lan Is payable ami will be peidia fMI. 993 BaW NEW GOODS! CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TOWN. Atjou.f sqriRES'. Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at 12. Beat quality home-made Kid and Morocco Boots at 12. A large assortment of Balmoral Boots and Gaiters at equally low prices. Opposite the Bank, Lewiskrg. JOHN H. BEALE, MERCHANT TAILOR AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, 1 Market St.,JuH above th Bank, LEWISBURG, PA. I he subscriber has removed into the new fluid and coramudiuus Storeroom of Thomas Reber.where he has just received a large and well selected stock of MEN'S CLOTHING, Cloths, Casimeres, Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ac. I also CUT AND MAKE TO ORDER in the best style and most reasonable terms. Being a practical Tailor, and employing the bei workmen, I ean confidently invite both Old and Neve Ctulomert do n't forget the Sign The Red Door! May t, 18M J H BEALE CEMETERY NOTICE. AT an Election held by the Stockholders of the Learisborz Cemetery, the under signed was elected Treasurer, aad all moneys for lots, grare-distging, Ac, must be paid 10 him. Persons interested will please note the change. Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso ciation are requested to make immediate pay, menu SOLOMON BITTER. LawiabarK, Jan. 26, lS6ttn "TTTHERE we will find a Urge assortment f f latest styles SPRIN8 AND SUMMER GOODS! such as French and English all wool Cloth, from 2.50 np lo !IO.OO. Knotty Boys' Cas simere. and Silk Mixed Cassimeres.Satinetts, Ac Clothing; of ail descriptions ; Men's and Boys' Wear Whole Suits for $150 lhal is, cloth coat, satin vest, eassimere pants. Summer Sons for t.S.50. Also, a large as sortment or Hats. Caps, 4c, such as M'CleU Ian, Garibaldi. Opera, high and low crowned Hats. Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shins, cuapenarrs, umorrllas, ivcch Ties. Ac NOW IS THE TINE ! lo save from as to SO per cent, and eel the Latest Styles. Also. Goods Cat and made lo order, and in the latest style. Always from five to ten hands at work. Call opposite John Walls A Co.a am. Market street. Lewisburg. March 11, '6J N. K. ZIMMERMAN. fiap of Hum OnntD. MOUNTED oa rollers.vanmhed, engraved and lithographed in Philad. in the best style of the art 30 by 40 inches in size on a scale of If inches to the nvle. This Map was carefully surveyed in 1856, and is reas onably correct. Each Townshin is colored. and there are the Town Plots and No.s of Lots in Lewisburg, Mifflinburg, New Berlin, Har tlelon, and New Columbia. Mountains and Streams are traced the Public Roads, with the distance in perches between roads which intersect also Names of Farm-Owners gen erally. Church and School Honses, Mills, Ac. Tbe Court House, two of the Lewisburg Uni versity Buildings, the Lewisburg Boat Yard, the Union Furnace at Winfield, and Union Seminary at New Berlin are represented in a separate engraving each. Every Farmer and person of business sh'd have one of these Maps for ornament or for reference and information. The original subscription price was $3,50, now reduced to $3 only. fiTFor sale at the Star d) Chronicle Office, and by Da. S. L. BECK, Lewisburg' Last and Best News ! "ITTE hsve just received from Philadelphia V V and New York, a very large and well selected stock of SUMMER GOODS, which we ofler at very reduced prices. We have paid particular attention in the selection of this stock of Goods a very large assort ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip tion. Purchasers will find it their advantage to give us a call as in prices we defy any of our neighboring towns for competition. We bare also replenished our stock of Groce ries, Ilardware,Qaeenaanre,dtc. SALT, FISH, COAL. FLASTER, Ac. FSife Ihrth Lime, Calcined Hatter, and ITydraulic Cement, always kept on hsnd. UT COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in Ex change for Goods as usual. N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain. JNO WALL8 at CO Lewisburg, April S3, 186S at . saarlaat aad gtaaiaekieprraatatkiaariBONaarl Bad erosrraa aad rarboa ty eoakastioa ia bjdrama, naetlaaad br lha highest Medical Aathoritira, both ia Earoaa aod tba Daitad atalaa, aod praarriaad ia their araetlee. TbeaarKBeaoftlMwMBdaaailypnvaa thataeare. '""'"eeabe amaaared with H. laiearitieaet t Mood, dearaaaloa errltal eaerey, pale aad otbarwiae rrfSlTooaipl.iteaa, ladleata Ua artaaalUia alanativira ODBaarrabla eaaa. Inaniisaa ia all aiatkdlea la whk-k It has bam tried It baa prnred abaalatalj earative n each af tba follow lniormplalate.Tta: oiliS?'''tr Jnaacfafira. Dftprmrtm, mlm THmrtulmH,, felt AArea. AVratrRtrraiaiaa, f'"r'"- L"r OaaaJaiart, Anaaie &mmmm, Mtnmatum, MarwaaVM fmmn, Aapla aa Ua Saa.dc. Pat p la aaat Sat aMtal, atallh, P Mr o; tor aale ay draayirta aad aaalerZ an " ta aay aadnet aa laaatat af the ariaa. AU lettara,erdm..takonld be addraawd to ... ., IOCKI a Co., tnml Ataata. atCsuaarM.T. Sold in Lrwubura by v fe C W SrhaOe f S nigwtll A Joint Resolution prouosing certain Amendments to the Constitotion. BE it resolved by the Senate aad House of Keprrseotauvee of the Comaton wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That the following amendments be prurxiae. la the Constitution of the Commonweanb, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. There shall be an additional section lo the the third article of the Cuaalitutmn, lo be des- . ignaied as section four, as follows : SscTiua 4. W hrneverany of the qoalifird elector of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military service, under a requisi- tioa from the President of tbe United Stales, ' or by the authority of this Commonwealth, J r .if- socu circiura iimt c.n . ui Ui fraee in all electrons by the citizens, onrier '"22 such regulations as are or shall be prrse by fully and effectually as it they wer' present al their usual piaces ol election. There shall be two adJiiional sections the eleventh article of the Constitution, to b. designated aa sections eight and nine, as follows StcTios 8. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature containing more ibau one sol ject, which shall be clearly fipres-rd in the title, except appropriation bills. MacTios !. No bill shall be passed by the Legislature granting any powers or privileges in any case where the authority to grant such powers or privileges has been or may here after be conferred upon the Coons of this Commonwealth. JOH.N CESSNA, Speaker of the House of Repre emaiivea .iijm.1i r. rr t-r. Speaker of the Senate Office of the Secretary of the Common wealth, Harrisburg, July I, 1863. PENNSYLVANIA, Bos s I do hereby certify that the foregoing La Sand annexed ia a full, true and eurrect v-v. copy of the original Joint Resolution of the benrral Assembly, entitled "A Joint Res olution proposing cerlaio Amendments In the Coosiiiutiun, as the same remains on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the Secreta tary's office lo be affixed, the day and year above written. El.I fLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth T LNDSEY'S Improved - A STANDARD MEDICINE Wot tba afirMlT, radical and pffrf fuel rara af A Ll.iaeaets aruioa (run isruni or ins blvuIM rjPHTB aiedtrlna baa wrought tba awwt aiiraealaaaaaraa A a deapcrata eaaaa of aerofula Caaaaroas ftoraiatiaBa, CaUneoaa diaraaaa. Pi at pi., aa tb. fara, IHd, atubbnra IJIeara. Crj.irlaa, Boils, Sr. Kyrm, tcald llaad, Rhauaiatir diaordara, Cuatt..a.aa, T.ttvr aSMUoaa, riT.p-P-ia, Jaoadica, M.rrurlal dfaeaaaa, Ll.r Complaint, Low Spirit, talt Hh.nm. G.ncral arblllty, LoMitf apfrntita, Fnal StoBara. FWiW CoaiplaiBtr and all di ha, inx UMlroriftia ia aa laiparo aiaia ai ua aifwta. Tbe above ia a portrait of Da, hi M'Crvarv of apto Twp.who.oa tb.SHt dav of, mad..aftilaTit brfure Ja.-tm dnrlav tbat be traalrd lor tbe ram. Cscca by thm ph niriaa, of bvdlurd eounty. aad br lr. N.wtoo of thr KtlerticColletre. I'iBrinnati. for a prriod of nrarlr right BMMilba. aotwltb.taa.liaa wbirb tu lap. aoe, ami m portion nf his Uft cft-afc wn away I He bad riven op all hop., a baa h. hrardoftbe Ulood s.arrbar." aod waa indavd to try it. Wont hot tlaarnml bim. aod (althou-h aadly diiSsurnl Where is ao question but tbia inTaluabl. n dirina aavrd Me life. Tbe full partirular. of thi.. remarkable rear aia beaaaa ia a Circalar to be had of aa, of the Areata. We alaa rrfer lo a eaae ol Nanea ttlaaknev.of Cldertoa. Armilronr To, Pa..rnrad of ."cnort-u after beiaf enable to Ket oat of brd for thr.e year. . To tba rat, of a lady ia COwho waa alao afflicted with Scrofula in ita worat fnrai. To the eaaa of G.oree tlei.!. r-.tdine In Carrolltown. Cambria Oo Pa., who waa ao baitly affiicted with Caneer tbat it eat hia .nrir. noae off, aad bij eaaa waa woree, if aoaiiible, tbaa MCr.ary'a. The partieularr of tbeaetmaaa everroneof whirh waa eared by tbe na. of th. "Rlood rVarrhar" may alaa be found mat irrnl.r to n. had nfanr of the Agenta. CEO. R. KIIISKK. Proprlrlor, Pltiburr, Pi. WVLaKrrmt.ry for ibr manufartur. an.l aale. the P.nn'a Pail road Dafiot, llnlli,l.viiburr. Pa. lold by C. W. Schafll., L.wi.l.urr: MTr.iiht A Itaurh, Rnffaloe X Koade: Rudr A Hlmmelreirh. rarmerll. : Cumminr A Witm-r, I'lartleton: I. II. Kiwll. Mifflinhure: L. S. gtamia. WiDtald; fhinjle A Wagenaeller, Selinngrore; y via ICE...C-G...CE ! THE undersigned are putting up an ICE HOrSE large enough to snpply all our people wfh Ice during the whole year. Ice can be delivered in tnsvn, daily, at a cheaper rate than private Ice Houses can be filled. IT'Call on either of us on North 4th St. or ct the Ice House below the River Bruise H. A. WKlnKNStrt, (RANK. ANOsTAUT Lewlahare, !fov., I'M REMOVAL ! 11 L. MO WRY has removed his Pholtv J. graph i:iabIlNbment to the New Buildinw on Market street, rrcentlv oc cupied by Dr. Burlan, OPPOSITE THE BANK, where he has fitted up one of the Finest Galleries in tbe Country ! Having superior facilities and a long ex perience, he is satisfied that his work cannol be beaten. Call and test his workmanship. Lewisburg, Aug. 15, '62. BILK FOa THE EIILLION! THE undersigned intends supplying the citizens of Lewiaburg wiihaPure Milk, commencing about the loth inM. Persons wishing lo be supplied, will please send io their names to him, at the Lewisburg Bridge. Tbe Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun days) morning or evening, as preferred by a majority of customers. 8AM L SLIFER. Lewisburg. April 10, 1863 Science still on the Advance ! SURGEON and Mechani cal Dentin'. Office in tbe Dr. Brugger's new building, Market street, (western entrance, up stairs) LEWISBURG. Dr.BURLAN is now constructing tbe Non sectional Block work, baked on Platina base, which for cleanliness, beauty and strength has no equal also teeth mounted on the var ious Bases in use and having had a long and extensive practice, and being perfectly familiar with every department of his profes sion, be feels safe ia warranting entire satis, faction in all his operations, which ahall be carefully and skilfully performed. Please call and examine specimens. The superior qualities of Ihe Kon-seclional work will be evident io all who will give it aa im partial examination. Dr. Burlan ia the only person who eonstruets ibia excellent work ia this seetion of country. uriharge shall eorrespont with the timet. Lcwisonrg, Sept. fl, ' Ml vV'aiiiJ -Ji. $5 Reward W7IU p,id hf ,he ScB0l Board ef East V Buffaloe township lo any person who will inform upon any one committing depre dations or defacing in any way any of the School Houses of stid District, during the present year. By order of the Board - W.r.I.LN.N,BDeD8C1IRACK'Pr"t NEW GROCERY AND Provision Store; rpnE subscriber has Jest rpenro t y 1 Grocery aad Provision etore, i, a . ' bangh a building (late Kreaaaer's Tia, West end of Market ?qnare wnrrr oa naa jaai received a well selatio asscrtmenl of fresh GROCERIES AND PROVISION such as Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Surar. , S ? Molasses Fish, Sa!i, Ppiers.Vinc-ar, Ra,,,!! i Brooms, Brushes,Tabs, Bnrk'Hjoip Bur Chrese. Kens. Fruit, Fruit Cans, llrDZ ' t Lemons. Cracker. f:iofha Pin. 7 Finn nJ r,l I-.- VI- Tl . ll i niui ami j rcu, I BIB, IIUIC XOW&j f ' tJI'EEXsWARE, W.arfw Shades. M.v.. oii -ii, ,i in , .--anil, i ooarcu, t-irrt anu everytning eie ra ihe Urorery line, of which he ofors ar tne lowest prices i, Ca&h or Country Prmloce. TfFA'S EOLAXD. Lewisburg. May 7. 19 rtHE undersigned haa opened a IVew FAMILY GROCERY STORE in the rooms recently occupied by W.M. near the old Huyrs aland. Market Mrr.i.l., isborg. where he is always prepared it furnish the public wuh Uie best of C offee, Tea. Saisrar. Splree. Xoft. Candiesi, i raiit, t"ih, l'war ti. i'eetl. he-eae, A,c jtc., rogriber with all oiher aniclrs ooallr kenl io soch an esiablihmem at the luwcst tries 'Jail and give him a trial. Drake's Plantation Bmers for sa'e. Jan 3063. N ATI! AN MITCH ELL,Ag! ATTEST BRANCH Insnranre Coropaov. W of Lock Hat ea, Pav Insures Properly in both Town and Coon try rn ae reasonable Terms as any eihtr good C iiiipany. 1 be large increase of Premium Notes main it a reliable Company to injure in. lateaal ar Presalnai .filet aaw la fhrcr. tJMl.tfJt.M J.WX'aarwAa, Sec (iX'.Hnni. frrs LARISO.S PKOSH. Arnt, Dec IS. 1861 lwi,burs Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware. N0.6S4 Market St. PHILADELPHIA TK E onderstgned woaM resneelfilllr invite voar nt. S eniii n lo his wll select.! aioca ol t iua tiold and Silver WATCHE'. Fine Gold JEW El.RV, of every variety af styles comfriing ail of the newest aad most bftnttifnl drnifftu Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal to Com and the best make of Sitrrr Haiti Ware. Each aructe is warrmttd lo be as rrpmentrd. Ce" Watches and Jewelry csrrfo.'V rr paired audsaiisfaction gnarantceii. JACOB HAKI.EY. (.Vurreaacr lo Staulfer ifurir February 27, lfi3. LUMUEiU LUMBKIl!! mite t i - , r a inn suuvcriorrs nave tor saie awpavaaa (in lots to uitpurcbaer"! earn. a arre stock of C- PINE BOARDS Panel StnP Plank. Ac. Also S.OOO PISt. k.tim. 26 inch Sawed Shingles superior qiu'.nj. Also Siuare Timber for Buildings: Which are offered low for cash, aiour Mi l on Sooth llraoeh of the W hite Deer Creek Hartley township or delivered oa the Brush Valley Narrows road at the end of oor R ad. CtA Diploma for a annvrior enmnle nt Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shing- les,were awarded ns at the last I'mon CxAt, t? . ... n . . . " ly-wv poresl Hill P O. I nion ( r, Pa New Stand New Good-' TOSEftl L. IIAWX bavins taken the J rooms under the Telesrarh and Chr ntcle ofnces,refitted them.and filled in aa extensive variety of Ilatt, Cap, Genth men's Cltlh'rtSr. Also a larere and splendid stock of CLOTHS CASMERES,otc, which he will mnkr up to he still continoes the Tailorms Busi ness. He is prepared lo execute all work entrusted to his care, to the satisfaction of the customer. N. B. Cutting and Repairing., dote to order. l.ewisbnrg, pril 10,1861 xsw.mmo- MASON St. CO. s-a-rcuw INCRAVEI S and STATION FRS, A 90T Chestnut St. Philadelphia. " e-WeddfexCerd.Mthen-weetlee. Virtue end fapla, and printed at tb. ahnrteat notice. A very full aaanrtmeat of F1NB 8taooa.rr alwaya oa hand. Initial, ia l lor, aod ever. ,ri.!et Katboanina. artistically nftaled. Any ,1.1. ef Paaer aad Karelopea Blade ta order Jano2u. lab THE subscriber eon- JL tinues to carry on the Livery IIUMlneas at the Old Stand on Sn;h Third street, near Market, and respecfu!e solicits the patronage of his friends an.l I public generally. ' CHARLES F.HESS. Lewisburg, May 22, lgAO HTSEB0L0OT! ACl'RIOL'8 and entenaincg little Bock (all about Matrimony, Money, and oth er mailers.) for the amusement of evrrrbrdy (ano tbe ycung folks, also,) oa long winter evenings rainy days, etc Prira. SO cents. Wholesale, I. Cents. Sent by mail for sr rea 3 ceal stamps. For sale attne""r Ctnm idc" office. WOKDEN A COK.XELIlS. Uaiurs.' fAf Attention, Hus.c.aia 4VjSf A Ur ,r,,B,I', C''taJv ) v'iolins. (iaitars. C, of a.I rsaV kinds also Violin. Goitsr, and Bonjo firings. Bridges, Pegs, die. and tie best Violin Rosin call al the Post Office sail examine. O W FORREST is-PIC-N I C -Wall jam Into tbe Wagoa, and all tai a rIJa t LARGE, handsome 1 and very enmforta ( ble WAt.O has been. 6tted np for the especial accvmrnodaiM't Pic-Kic and other similar excursions. Terta moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOl'ftb. Lewisburg. June 3, 1859. tjilloo Coijiiijj giqf&y.ate&nlrcf CSjW ijv iSDepivrDgxT rAMtir jomxti issaea rriaajrs, u Uwtoharr.ralea eeaal). rrssa riJfJf Slje par year, re aa para ia tm'-Kl at the eaaaa rate aw ahaerer,horter aericd. nJ7 eta will any for fcnr BHintbs, IS eta far aix ai..'1"!, for ehrbt aioatha, Sdel for aisteea month,. 3 ' " " yeara, fa for foar ropiea aae year, tl Sir lee el" "7. year, a a. tinvle No. a S eta. raia.etf by :L reoerrad ia gold, na-tare ataaapa, or bank neka a 'v valne here. Stout kinda of I' radar iweat.eo ia pa- . aT-W bea tbe Uaae expiree for w hiek a Ml"' '" (aalMW wa ha, a raeaiaa aeeoaatl it ia Mlfl'bO. AavaanauanTS baadaoaiety pablbb.J. at l'zJ2l aoaaro aaa week. ZS ate eark after taarrllen. 3 f aioalba, t dol. per year. Half a annate '" ' Zmo, dol.tdoL Twoaqanrea 1 Vrnt , not aver eaa fcartb of a eel awn. la del. per yrar rf airea. Ae. aa awy be aereed epna. A aauare -" analleat type, or It of ant lererr. Ailri-rll""'"",. taaaaealiainc. ewiadiiny tandenry not Cotaaiaiticationa aeah-ed ea topi, ot ta.rai '' and eeeewinanird b. Ihewriter'a real " ,--oa Tba WAONKTieTICI.riinAI'H la toreted aftae tear af (Arwna-e-.tiv wktrk w.on.a laerrliwr" ll.wa ia adeaae. of the Pkilaa. Maile. a,ra- Coaaertrd with Ihe otllr. are "r saateyaiw , kinda of JOB PBIHTIKO. .kirk n,U b"" aeatneaa and iteepei. and ea renew...-.- JB ,0..n.l d..rtiarai.aia to hr rai.1 M , a. ,1a. w.a . A.. ih.nd. A" ' f"r. . ornrKca ilaiktf4"'."T,!"',.':.T'rri.iit. .itN"V jQwj jaa L lre it