Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 17, 1863, Image 3

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Tbera'a little mischief maker
That it stealing half our Mix,
Sketching pictures, in a dreara-land,
Which are never eoen in this ;
Plashing from our lips the pleasure
Of tli present while we i;:h
You rosy know this mischief maker,
For his nauio is ''lty-aud-by."
lie is sitting by our hearth-stones,
' With lii sly, bewitching glanro,
Whispering of the coming morrow,
As the ftoeial hours advance.
Xoitering 'mid our calm reflections,
Hiding forms of beauty nigh,
He's a smooth, deceitful fellow,
This enchanter, "iJy-aud-by."
Yon may know him by his mincing,
ly his careless, sportive air,
By his sly, obtrusive presence,
That is straying everywhere;
Hy the trophies which he gathers,
Whero his cheated victim lio,
For a bold, determined fellow,
Is the conijucrer, 'J5y-and-by."
When the calls of duty haunt un,
And the prescut seems to be
All the time that ever mortals
Fnateh from long eternity,
Then a fairy band seems painting
Pictures on a distaut sky,
For a cunning little artist
Is the fairy "Hy-and-by."
"By-and-by" the wind is singing,
'Hy-and-by" the heart replies,
J?ut the phantom just before ns,
E'er we jrrasp it, ever flies.
List not to the idle charmer,
Scoru the very Etccius lie,
Only in-the fancy liveth
This deceiver, "Hy-and-by."
Three Wise Paragraphs.
Boys, take Heed ! In a short time
past, a number of young men in vari
ous parts of the country, Lave been
arrested for high crimes. It has turn
ed out, in every instance, lessons of
ruffianism were taken when they were
permitted to be on the streets, in the
evenings, among bad associates. The
rum shops, the hotels and the gamb
ling rooms of a town, are the schools
of hell. It is the frequenting of such
places and indulging in idleuess with
out any honest olject in pursuit to
absorb one's time and mind, that make
murderers, swindlers, or highwaymen
of thousands, who, if properly train
ed, would be good and useful iucm- j
bcra of society. How is it in our j
community ? rarents I can you ten
how and where your boys ppend their
evenings ? Are they at home, impro
ving their minds, and conducting
themselves in such a manner that you
foel assured will never dishonor their
families. iniure society, and ruin them
selves by indulgence in crimes? or
are they roaming the streets, lounging
in stores, shops, taverns, or worse
places, and. fitting themselves for the
nrhouse, penitentiary and the gal
st These arc solemn questions,
that should Btartlc every parent.
Tondcr them, carefully and prayerful
ly. Think of the duty you owe your
children, to God who gave them, and
to society which is to suffer by your
negligeuce or be blessed by your
watchful care and thoughtful training.
A fearful responsibility rests upon
on. and vou should be able to dis
charge vour duty to those under your
care, so that they may not become ob
jects ol dread ana loaining in com
nrtraiiies when you arc no more.
Idle Girls. The number of idle,
useless girls, in all our large cities,
4 . - n'l 1
Bccms to be increasing, i ncy lounge
or sleep through the mornings, parade
the Btrccts during the afternoon, and
assemble in frivolous companies of
their own and the other sex to pass
away their evenings. What a store
of nuhiippincss for themselves and
others, are they laying np for the com
ing time, when real duties and high
responsibilities shall be thoroughly
assumed! They arc skilled in no
domestic duty nay, they despise
them; have no habits of industry, nor
taste for the useful. What will they
le as wives and mothers ? Alas for
the husbands and children, and alas
for themselves 1 W ho can wonder, if
domestic unhappincss or domestic ru
in follow ? It is one of the world's
oldest maxims, that idleness is the
xiursing mother of all evil and wretch
edness. IJow sadly strange is it that
eo many parents mothers, especially
forget this, aud bring up their
daughters in dainty idleuess 1 They
arc but sowing the wind to reap the
Whirlwind. j
Give Ilm a Trade. If education
is the great buckler aud shield of lib
erty, well developed industry is equal
ly the buckler and shield of individu
al independence. As an unfailing
resource through life, give your son,
equally with an education, a good,
honest trade. Better any trade than
none, though there is ample room for
the adaptation of every inclination in
thi3 respect. Learned professions
and speculative employments may fail
a man ; but an houcst handicraft
trade, seldom or never if its possess
or chooses to exercise it. Let him
feel, too, that productive handicralts
are honorable and noble. The men
of trades the real creators of what
ever is most essential to the necessi
ties and welfare of mankind above
all others, in whatever repute they
lave been held by their most fastidi
ous fellows, must work at the ore of
liuman progress, or all is lost. But
few brown handed trade workers
think of this, or appreciate the real
power and position they compass.
Give your son a trade, no matter
what fortune he may have or seem
likely to inherit. Give him a trade :
be can always battle with temporal
want with this, and can always be in
dependent. Tha North A ericas state that in the
contested L-eisIative districts ol Scm
Jersey, the Uaiouu'j hid a majority of
tug j"ibt TOl.
CO it
9 1 ?-
I July.
3 4
17 IS
5! 7 a
1! 12l
l'i'l i,U II;.
iiiji ha u,i
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2ft 2b 27
K 3b 21 30 311
I 1 3 4
S 6
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10 11 12l
17 i!il
llo 11
12 13
16117 It
2 24 26 !
1 S 3 4 5
8 e'ifi h!ij.
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15 IfillTllKjltt -JO
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IS loll
22 23.24;
April '
1 SJ
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2 3
9 10
12ll31415 16
12I2I22 2X.
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22 231,24124 2 27 2S
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Holidays Banks close on
Kew Tear's Dy iih July ThaolKgiTinj Clirllmij
Union County Official Record.
rmHeiU Judge SaTl 8- Woom, Lrwistmra Pott Off) 0
AxtodaU Judge Johh W. Smonreff, Mffllobnrg do
do Joua Waixs, Lewisburg do
XArt" LAFlTrm AutRNKT do
rrvUirmotary Jmrm W. BamM
Beg 4 Rrc. GmolMauil,
Ihttrict Atlttmry A L pit CP IlATCI
TV.ojurrr J'Mm A. MutTi,
OaMMutwmer .Irar M. Waltck, WlnSld
do Robkkt Rup, Lftorltnn
do S..Mt-EL M AKsn U.I.NPW CvlnmUo
Cbmmiut0er'Ct'lc- Andrew KetMEOT,Lewltbttrf do
do rnrf M m. Jose. " do do
do fnnttrt Wihuh t OotxlUTft, do do
AcheU Superintendent Jons A. Owe do
Mercantile Appraiser Vx. Roeboto, Hew Bulla do
Surrey CuXHD HKCKLKK, Forest Hill do
Cimner Kluha Straok, Lewifrborf do
Auditor DtvtEl. 8H4FEER, do do
do BKTRiEoTHoMPflO!r,Miflllobarg do
do J. P. lUOEKBOca, SUfer do
JnavSni irar JU C D SoRmnuMlfllobarff do
iMleotar do Tao. CauRca, ireltot do
rost-Ofiices in Union county.
.Mrtro io Brlj town.hlp) - D Strob"TRr, P M
.Yir-i;Dinntown. BraJvTp) Dnvid Arhucklo "
While llerr MJU illtjIiUiwa, Wh.D.Tp) Ch' M Klnr
J K Corrrj
Mrrf Milton (BlljTp) -
Joho nteitmiia "
Uro w Forrect "
Lemit'urff (ttouoty Seat)
llnrialoe J' X.
iMuii lri llaurk
U rea flut (FsrmenTtlle) Murtlo udy "
M HirU'Urg ... Hare M StW -
ItartleUm .... Hflrii C Ho;H "
ierurtlt-n (wRtend nrtleyTp) Mark Halfpenny "
White Spring (LimealoOf Tp) - i 8 Rauiiibu"h
.V Berlin .... K-1wJ Smith "
KSnjUU-iDTf Valley, CnionTp) - 8ul A Waiter "
Regular Union conntyConrts open
Third Moodaj la February May Sapteaib'r Daoemb'r
2 C
N. R. Zhuierman's ?
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE (on Market 8t) formerly occupied
by Win Cameron, Jr.
Cullections and other professional business
promptly attended to. Claims fur Pensions,
Homines and arrears of pay dae from (iov'l,
made out and collected June I, mod
Best Woek fob Caxtassiso Agents
Harper's Pictorial History.
J.VL commenced the issue, in Numbers.of a
The work has been for many months in course
of preparation, by 4 writer every way qualified
for the task.
The IxTsonccrto contains a clear account
of the formation of the Confederacy of the
Slates : the formation and adoption of ihe Con
stitution of the United Stales and the estab
lishment of the National Government ; the
origin, development, and progress of the doc
trines of Nullification and Secession, and the
various phases which they assumed, until
the final culmination in the Great Kebellion.
The HisToav comprises an account, drawn
from the most authentic sources, of Ihe Events
of the War; intrigues of the Southern leaders
at home and abroad ; the gradual defection of
one section ; ihe great Uprising of the People
for the maintenance of ihe National Life and
Exisience; the rapid creation of an immense
Army and Navy ( Battles by Land and 8ea.
The IiirsTnaTioss comprise Portraits of
those who hsve borne a prominent part in the
struggle; Maps of different localities; Plans
of leading actions ; Views of scenes of inter
est, and of the most important Battles. These
Illustrations are mostly from drawings taken
on the spot, by artists drpuied for that purpose,
to accompany every division of our Army
and Navy.
Every facility at the command of the Pub
lishers has been employed in the preparation
and execution of this work: and they confi
dently believe that it will form the most trust
worthy and valuable history which can be
Mode sad Terms r rahlifatlea.
The work will be issued in Numbers, eon
sisting of 14 pages of the size of "Harper' 1
Weekly" printed from clear type, upon fine
paper! and will probably be completed in
about Twenty Numbers.
The Numbers will be issued at intervals,
if posible, of about three or four weeks.
The Price of each Number, which contains
maiter equivalent to an ordinary volume, will
be Twenty-five Cents.
The Illustrations in each Number are alone
worth ihe price asked. Men out of employ
meni.especially SICK OK DISABLED SOL
DIERS, can find ao other work so sore of
ready sale and good profits. For further, par
ticulars, apply to the Publishers.
Franklin Sqnare, New Yotk
By C J. ST AH I.
THNDERY on 3d street, few doon
' ortk af Markat, LMWlSBUJia, f
X)T A "TT7" O for Judticeg and
j Li ULl Vi IV O Constable., foe male
j r fdami It, cider, at tbe Chronicle OSce
'Tie 2uqncbana 3itunB."
St. Self-tar (f biter unb Jicrauflcbrr.
8SJiro it fmiJburg jrt tornitrftag in krut
fdjrr poc fcnaatyatbcit, nab i Me viftt
bratfd 3ritun tl$t am JSJrpttantd aiirtiiu) sen
wrtocura grtradtBtri.
lirftijrinina bit'aat bit anatmtuun Stachridjlrri
n tutprrtrm bit kefoncrrt n 9Jtijftittn btr tfinin
liri im IVitltl f tanfultaiiitn, Worm fit jirfulirt.
JJrrii $1,00 ba 3abr, cnaorau tcjabll, sbtr
in ben trjh-a 4 JSodjrn. $1,25 tttnn nciabtt in
bra erftta 8 gtvaotm fees bit, wit l,iO
itctaa yaitT.
Mt tfranhnaiiintqnt tflrfc tmAnrt tin
Siguartton 12 ."Kcibrn 4rritr fur bas 3abt $&.
! Mliritrt Skfanntmaftungrn in a-fibaituifj.
THE nnjertignrd, having loanrd hisfnrni
tare.fizmres and utensils to Mr. H. L.
M'Mio for ihe period of one year, and is
about to remove temporarily from leisbarg,
takes this method of returning his thanks 10
the people of Lewisborg and vicinity for their
uniform kindness and Ihe liberal support they
have given him during his residence among
LewUbarg, April 20, 1863
rTlHC nndcrsigned, having oktsined Ihe use
I of the furniture, fiztores and utensils of
Mr. Ricatna M. Cooria, will continue the
Bakery, Confectionery and Action business,
at the old stand, on Market street, fur the pe
riod of one year. He hopes by ntnct attention
to business lo merit the patronage heretofore
extended to this establishment.
Lewlsburg, April SO, 1863
Snuff and Tobacco Manufactnrer,
16 18 CHAMBEB8 ST.,
(ToTrly 4i Ubttntxra 9lnH, Piw fork,)
"TTOIJLD ca'l the aitentiun of Dealers lo
f f to the articles of hismanfaciure,Tii i
Fun Rpr. Iare Tinrfnfs,
CoafM tUpp. Msehitorhi,
iaericuin QBtlniati, Gopcoliatvtu
ituow rrr.
Hijh TMft Irotrh. Frwh tlnnr ! 9eAteh.
ItiPb llign Tom tor LBOdyfuoi, nv-n ivoich.
tAflntitm i$ tatt4 in the larp rdtvUmx in prirrg mf
rime-tut Lffwina awn smoking iotmcem, mvuc rnu
Jvwnd of Superior timatttm.
No. 1,
Mor i Aland,
t!i cur cHi:rmcb
I A. L . or plain,
Ca"ntl.h. or trvt,
0wtt rtrriltfJ ')roorX
Tin foil Cmreodietb,
8. JTO,
IS. B. A circular of prices will be sen ton
application. March I . "6:ly 1
Tbe undersigned have as
sociated themselves into copart
nership for the purpose of carry
ing on the Lumberine, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Ccmiobnrg Steam pinning illills,
where they intend to keep slnck of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Hiding. Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Hash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, Ac, done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
tawlanara Hanlne Mllla, Irrtl 1, lseo.
TB. CHRIST, Esq., has removed his Of
j, fice to the building of Jonathan Spyker.
North of the Court House, and immediately
opposite Ihe Buffalo House, where he will at
tend lo all manner of business at his office
with dispaich and promptness in his line of
business. (Speaks both English and German.)
April I, 1S6J. L. B. CHRIST.
J.8.1larsk. t.aerfcley. fjjaorklri. r. Braver
LeivlNbarfr, Pa.
Wl bsvo eonatantlr 00 hand and Mr aala,
Reaper. Mt mud flurer Ifnrrettere; terain and Ornn
rdn; Maud and Htrte turner M Snellen; One. Two
and Four Mora, Tread, Hweep and Roll Vnwm : Oorw
llntlere. Feed fnttere, THreehere, Hem, .Stnr". Hells. Irem
frtmu or ttnildtnae. Iron fence: Kmhnfft. Mill Gearingt,
e. ac.and hoM oorwl'" rad at all tlnn to no all
aisna or Vol's far Hrn wlthlhe lotina
and dlratrh. Work or Manofaetorea invariably
warranlrd as recommaaded. Onk n nwpwtlully
ol idled and.romptlr a"-- ted to. Junrl. ISM)
ini-umnnut, Ihsnstd nf Vr llwt$ mritiwg from (Wrf,
Jnripirnt amtunpt'"-. t4 or tht rrJuf mn'd ( at ait
pfKMtdf) curtq J'atfnU in mirmnvrd &tg of the latter
1 H K Halnamic OortUl ff enttrrlf m VtMuhW prodao
tion.rombinlnir (tap bpallnn prnprtii of the Halmm,
with the tnTiiprrt,n qualtftt-n of aConttal, ftrrsrluninr m
ootnbinatrna Ht well stiaptd to the purpna intended,
that them are bat fw mm of JIwbm which will not. at
an early period, succumb to lis iit-altDg tutd l.lc ciTins
fnr ntten ha the treatment of pulmonary rHeate ee.
enpter the irreater portion of the at ten Una of tit rten-tltn-
of the medical world, hut none acquired more eminent-
in bin treatment of theee diaeaeea, than the cele
brated I'rnMtlan lr. Ilnodand. the orlicinator of the Hal
famlr Cordlftl. Hie life wan devoted to the prodaotlotinf
remedies that would stand unrivaled. I!nw wet) he ha
Qcreeded. the Atneriran people are able to Jttdif: and
we pnwttively aaeert. that no preparation that hare ever
been placed before them, baveonnferred ther-ame amount
of b4-6ti! on nrTrinir faomanity, or bare elicited an
manv eommrndatinn from all clatweaof eorleiy. a the
remediep of llnofland, prepared bj l)r. C. H. Jackaoa 4
O., of Phlladolphia.
The Cordial In dwijrned fr a claw of dlea-ea nor ffeav
era) and more fatal than any other to which the people
of the country are hjpot thoa prinirinr from a
ulicht enld That eminent authority. Dr. Bell, aaye:
1 will not aar that Colda are to our Inhabitant what
th Plague and Tel tow fever era to thoae of other eonn
triee ; bat I can aver confidently that they aher In dte
eaae of creater complicity and mortality than theae latter
Eead what the eminent fl!aa Manafaetarer. JOHH M.
Im. C M . Jkcvtnn p.eepted friend : Having for a
Ion time been acquainted with the virtue) of thy BAW
P A M 1C H)R DIAL in Cooirha, Told. Inflammation of the
l.ii nf. Ac, I thua freely near testimony to ftaellirac.
For aevcral yearn I have never bsn-n without It in my
family. It i alo five me planre to titat that I have
need it with entire in the treatment of Rowel
Complaint. Th frtrnd trutv. JHI M. HITAI.U
fifth Mo. 17, iM&it. Race at above 4th, Philad'a.
VaT'Tbeae mediclnea are for aale bv all reapeetabla
Druceta and 'teaier In mediefnee in the United Stmtea.
Can aula. Britfta Prov1nea. and Weet Indie, at Tfr cents
per bottle. Beware and ret tbe cenulne, with the tdiena
tureof C. M. Jaekaoaon the wripnerof each bottle: all
other- are eoiintrrfHt. PrinHpal OSco and UanaCacadV
ry. 41 Arch afreet, PhlladelpfaiPn.
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LARGE snpplyof Bnoks,Stationery,
Perfumery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection
eries, Teas, Spices, Fruit, Nuts, Basktes,
Pictures, and a variety of NICK NACK8 for
sale cheap by
763 H W CROTZGR, Lewisborg
JOHN A. MERTZ, Esq, has removed his
Office oa Market 8t. two doors west of
the Lewisboric Bank, where he will attend to
all Banner of business in bis line with
promptness. Speaks both English and Ger
man. J. A. MERTZ
Lewisborg, April t, 1893 '
(lst. . rst-a. a..
Lewisborg Pinning Mill,
Ikeea constantly oa hand and
saanulaciare to order llaorlair, StiUBX,
Uteri, Saab, Shutter. BUaei,
Meuldtntrs of all patterns,
and all oiher descriptions of Wood Work used
in Building.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
nlled. All work warranted to givesatislaction
EVA a eitensive lot of Lumber of all
descriptions on hand for sale.
Factory or finrlk Second ttrttt,LewUtntTg,Pm
April S2, 1869.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of the very best Sha
mokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes, which he will sell at the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also. BlaekamaW Coal, Pltater aid SaI.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man. Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisborg, May J7,'5.'
For the Harvest of 1863!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in the Alarket I
a m r im beb bt
LewlHbura-, Pa.
pnrhc i)c Hcaprr fihmt.
fPHE unprecedented success of the " Bock
J eye" is ihe strongest pro-f of Us soprnur
excellency. 1 tie BULSbIC has caused a
complete Revolution in the Manufacture ot
HEA1-1SU AXD MOW ISC, Machines, and
its reputation is so well established that it is
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
tages, we win, nuwever.call the attention
of the farmers to a few of its merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which the machine
may be thrown out or grar, or be backed
wiihout vibrating the knives the Hieel Cutter
Bar Ihe Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
Hteel Face or Cnlting E.te the Double-
Hinged Joint, by which the Cnlier Bar may
be Folded the long Crank f haft the Sieel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Cutler Bar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cnt as
low to Ihe ground as may be deired the
Kteel Piiman and Brass Bui its Light Draft
(no Bide Draft) no weight on the horses
necks backs as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each,
will cut an acre of grass an hour with ease.
The machine is furnished with two Cutler
Bars one for cutting grass, and the other for
cutting grain (each expressly adapted lo tbe
use intended).
No eOort will be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in theenviable position it now occu
pies, that of being the
Best Hachlne la the World !
The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to their friends for the generous sup
port I her have received in introducing trie
celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
mneh indebted to them for iheir warm greet
ings and kind offices in recommending it to
their friend" and neighbor.
For Uertincates, Ac, see Circulars, which
mar be had of any of their Agents.
Thev also manufacture Meiers Pat
ent PlMton Grain Drill, which is
acknowledged to be the UtSl SEED bOW
ER IN USE, and the only one which
Also, the Keystone Clover Htrt ler,
hich cleans Itiorouzhlv. without in the leant
injuring Ihe seed. Will clean more in the
same time than any olher machine in use.
They also mannfaciure and keep on hand
for sale Coring's Tread Power and Thrt'hrri
Teleoraph Fodder Vulter (two vzet) i t onktng i
Sforea, among which is the celebrated " Con
tinental i" Parlor and Office Stove, and all
kinds of Cant and Wrought Iron and Brann
Work, slit i;k.w a i.i.s.mi kii uk a i;o.
Central Foundrg, Lewittwg, Pa.
Mart 31. lr.
THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia & Erie" Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with Ihe Philadelphia A
Erie Railroad Company, I hey have appointed
JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager there
of, to whom all Officers "and Employees will
report for instructions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn a Railroad Co.
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1863.
General Order, No. 1.
To take Efi-ct on and after Jan. 30,1862.
I. The Tv'eMern Division, from
Warren to Erie, will be under ihe Huperin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His OITiee will be at Erie. Employees on this
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or the business of the road, lo him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Eastern Dltlxlon, from
Sunhnry to Whetham, will be under the sup
erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent of the Eastern
Division. Employees on ihis Division will be
under his charge,' and will make all eominu.
nications respecting their duties or the busi
ness of the road, to him, except as otherwiie
provided in this Order.
III. The Accounts of Freight and Pas
senger Business will, on the Western fii
ion, be in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOGG3, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will he in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will be in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
tor ihereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
lo Taoaas M. Davis.
JOS. D. P0TT8, General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railrosd Company,")
Lessee Pbilad. ft Erie R. K. L
General Manager's Office. X
Williamsnort. Jan. 30, 1863. '
a on Market Square, Lewisborg. of
A good supply of Chairs, Tables,
I, Manas. e., on nana or made
EVERT Evening during the season. Par
lies sapplied on abort noiire.
Five-Twenty TJ. & Loan 1
Union Co., is Agent for Ihe sale of the
United Stales Six per Ceau Five-Twenty
Tears' Loan.
Amounts can be had to suit the means of
different individuals. The Interest on this
Loan is pajable and will be paidia Gvld. 99
Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at 1 2.
Best quality home-made Kid and
Morocco Uoots at 12.
A large assortment of Balmoral
liooU and Gaiters
at equally low prices.
Opposite the Bank, Lewkbnrg.
Gentlemen' 1'nrnlnfalnrr store,
slj Market St.,jitnt almve tht Hank,
Tbe subscriber has removed into the new
fllttd and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.where he has just received a large and
welt selected stock of
Cloths, Casimeres. Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ac.
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing the besi
workmen, 1 can cunhcently invite noin via
and Arte Customers do n't forget the Sign
The Red Door!
May 2, 1X61 J H BEALE
AT an Election held by the Stockholders
of Ihe Lewisbnrz Cemeterv.ihe under
signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys 1
for lots, grave-dixging. Sec, mnsl be paid to
him. Persons interested will please note Ihe
Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to make Immediate pay
Ltwiabarg, Jan. 2S, lG2mS
WHERE we will Hod a large assortmem
latest styles
such as Trench and English all wool Cloih,
from S.50 np to $10.00. Knoity Boys' Cas
simere. and Silk Mned Cassimeres,8atinetta,
e. tlolhlna; or all descriptions ; Men's
and Boy' Wear W hole Sum for $150
lhal is.eloih coal, satin vest, eassimere pants.
Summer 8nit for 5.50. Also, a larrre as
sortment of Hat's, Caps, Ac, sorb a. M'Clel.
!an. Garibaldi. Opera, high and low crowned
Hats. Hose, Handkerchiefs. Collars, Shins,
Huspenders, Umbrellas. Neck Ties. Ac
to save from as to 60 per cent, and get ihe
Latest Style.
Also. Uonds Cnt and made to order, and in
. V. - I . , J ,
me mica, sijic. Always irom nve lo ten
hands at work.
Call opposite John Walls A Co.'s 8tore,
Market street. Lewisburg.
March II, '6S N. R. ZIMMERMAN.
eiHtisP 0f Union (Conntp.
MOUNTED on rollrrs,varnishrd,engraved
and lithographed in Philad. in the best
style of the art 30 by 40 inches in sue on
a scale of l inches lo the mile. This Map
was carefully surveyed in 1856, and is reas
onably correct. Each Township is colored,
and there are the Town Plots and Noj of Lois
in Lewisburg, Mifflinburg, New Berlin, Har
lleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and
Stream are traced the Public Roads, with
the distance in perches between roads which
intersect also Names of Farm-Owners gen
erally. Church and School Houses, Mills, Ac.
The Court House, two of the Lewisburg Uni
versity Buildings, the Lewisburg Boat Yard,
the Union Furnace at Wjnfield, and I'nion
Seminary at New Berlin are represented in a
separate engraving each.
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price was -1:3,5.0,
now reduced to $2 only. CVTor sale at
ihe Star y Chronicle Ollice, and by
Ha. 8. L. BECK. Lewisburg
Last and Best News !
V17E have just received from Philadelphia
Y and New York, a very large and well
selected slock of
which we offer at very reduced prices. We
have paid particular attention in the selection
of this stock of Goods a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will find it their advantage
lo give us a call as in prices we defy any of
onr neighboring towns for competition. We
have also replenished our stock of Grace
riei, llardMare,Queeaaware,&.c.
White Mxnh Lime, Calcined Platter,
and ITiiiraulic Cement,
always kept on hand.
change for Goods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisburg, April S3, 186S
An aperiBt and gtomaeliig artaatlo ofHtOH yart
thst of o,r--o and carbon tj rombuatioa in bjdmiron.
nnrtionad b.T tha hinhoat Hadioal Aathotiti-a. both In
Mron. and lb t niitd sutca, and praacribad la thair
prartieo. w
Iho expnioiMa ortbonranda dallr prove that nopra.
iJ'V, ,ro a b MBaarwl with It. Inpnrittni ot
tne blood, deprMtion of Tttal rnrrity, pala ad otbarvtoa
klT ooiapleiioma, Indicate iu nrceaaitTia alawatatan
eoncvi.abla caaa.
Innoiiona in all Baladioa la which It haa bean triad
tha, proTed abaol ulcly curaUra in aaoh of tha follow
ini eonplalnta. via :
a f u - ja.- n - . .
' Vmaw, aaiwiww, Mrysprmnm.
umeyahem, mrl,l)(nkt(, iatwral Omsumptiim,
fiervfulou, Tuberculorie, Sou Rhesm. Mitnunetruatiaml
WAiA-j, nianris. lArer Cnmstaintu rSraaae Headaches.
Mheumstunt, tntarm ittetd Aaara, fimptes em tne bee, del
Pot np in neat (at natal baxae eaaSaiaiag SO pi I U,
"t'.pr bo ! ' 1 by drairtlau and daalara.
a li i " l" Wee aa raoaipt at tha nrtoa.
AU latlara, ordara, tr., nhoiild be addraaaad to
, . .L0vKBAO.,Craarai Aranta.
I,M1 20CsiaalltM.T.
Sold in Levulurrj ly
ii. A Ce C W ScaaCc I B Calaaell
. JZierir.aJ1vrp'
A Joint Resolution proposing certaia
Amendment to the Constitution.
BE it resolved by Ihe benaie aad Hoe of
Representatives of the Coal ssoa weal lb
of Pennaylvania General Assembly met,
That the following amendments be proposed .
lo the Constitution o( ihe Cominonweaun, in
accordance with tbe proviaioua ol tbe tenth
an cle thereof.
There shall be an additional section to the
the third article of ihe CunMitutinn. lo be des
ignated as section four, as follows;
-Wti Tiot 4. V henever any of the qualified
electors of this Commonwealth shall be in
any actual military service, under a requisi- j
lion from the President of the United Males, '
or by Ihe authority of Ihis Commonwealth, J
such electors may eiercise the right of suf-
frase in all elections by Ihe cililens onrter
such regulation, a. are or shall be preScr,hed
by law, as fully and eH'ectually ax il ihey were
present at ihnr usual places of election.
There shall be two ad liiional sections
the eleventh article of ihe Constitution, to b.
designatrd as sections ei.ht and nine, a
(iiaioi n. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature containing more than one soi jeci,
which shall be clearly expreased in ibe uile,
except appropriation bills.
rJicTius: 11. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature granting any powers or privileges
in anycase where ihe autheniy to grant such
I powers or privileges has been or may here
. after be conlerred upoo Ihe Coons ol this
Commonwealih. JtJH- Cfc.,
Speaker of Ihe House of Repre en aiives
speaker of the Senate
Office of the S-errtary of Ihe Common-
wealth. Harrisburg, July 1, 18b3.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing
is ynd annexed is a fullttrue and correct
sts-fc copy of the original Joint Resolution T
Ihe Oeneral Assembly, entitled "A Joint Res
olution proposing certain Amendments lo ihe
Constitution," as the same remains on file in
this ollice.
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of the ferreta
tsry's ottire to be alliied, the day and vear
above written. El.l f-LIKKR.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
LIXDSEY'S Improred
rHLoou sriRCiitR,:
for the fvrrmlj. radical anil fletaal ran f A U.dlww
rising horn IMFLKMY U TUK HUXtVl
TniS Detlfcin bu wrougltttJj tnostt aairaeuloafearMi
In dewtscrate caaea of
CntaneftU Ait.
Fi in pies on Ilia farts.
Old. -tub born I leer,
Tfticr attct4oB,
Vy apfps-ia. J au atdica,
!.1r C'lBiDlaiDl,
Low Spirits
Caaerovf formation.
)Cr.ipla, Uiln
tsor lye. Sealit Ilawl,
Khnmatir iltaoravra,
!lt Kb-nin.
nnral drMHty,
Ixmw ftf Appetite,
J'ool Stomsfh,-
Kemaie-Cewpiaint itndsill di-i
iu aa impan itart of th Blvl.
bariua UuiirorislD
Tha abeiT t ior!nit of IawM M'Civar? f Xfifa
Twp,whn,on the :;tnt la of Aucun.lHAM, mif!-aiB ,t
bffure Juftir tiorly that b u trwatesj tor th eur
Caucus Yr? thrrr phTMnanaof IVJforri manty.and b r.
Nfwtnn of Ihe lie tee tic Co He. CiafittRat.. fcr a priixt
Of nerlv eitht month. twiihrtabiiinf wbirh hi up,
tin! m ptrtvm mf ler eAej tvwre mlrrey MtV
trttty ll had frito op all boe. hen be hearu of tbe
Biood rMMrrher" and was imJas-erJ to trw it. Fonr bot
tle eared btm. and talthoaeh aadly dififTjred' there t
no qnvftion bt tbbi tnralaialtle Mwdirin aavd hi lib.
The full pnrtiralnr of thin remarkable raise maj tewn
In a Ciirular to be femd of mnj of th ktmnttu
W alM rvtar to a caar of Nmitry Itleaknev.of EltiVrtom.
Armati-onr Ca.. i' a., en red of koruuatttir being unable
to yet out nf bed for three year.
To the eeae of a lade in AnonTil!e.fTearnVIdCo bo
wt alK flavrted with jperolula in if worm hrm.
To the eaae of 6erw M1mI, raiding In Carrol! tewn.
that it eat hi. enfira no-e off, and hi csm wu worse, if
lo--ibie, than M Crear. '.
enrorj by the um of the "Blxd .earfhsST" may alm be
found in rirewtar tr r nti of inr of rhe Aicent.
t.r). H. KK.SFK. fpoprlrlor, rtltburr. Pa.
-La bora tor tr the mmiutaeture and ale. near the
Tenn' I ail road Depot, HnllidnT-hnrc. Pa. 1W C.
W. Srhatfie, tLewi.rmrr: MTreiht4 lUnek, RnlTaloV X
Komlw: Kutlw A Himm-Ireteh. Farmer-TiMe : rnmminfii
A Wttmer. Ilartleton: D II. Htv , Mlfflintrz : L.
euiT.m, Winfield; ebltwile W a nailer, belincKrove;
ICH..fCU...CE !
rPHE nndersisned are putting np an ICE
L Itttt'&K lar;e enough to supply all our
people with Ice during ihe whole year. Ice
can be delivered in lown, d.iily, al a cheaper
rite than private Ice Houses can be filled.
W Call on either of us on North 4sh St. or
ct the Ice House below the River Bridge.
SHANK. a.Mi.sTaliT
Lawiahora-. 'it.29. 1S0
IT L. MOVVRY has removed his Pliolo
j, prapli I'.afabllHliuieBt n the
Nr Buililmg on Market street, recently oc
cupied by Dr. Burlan. OPPOSITE THE
BA.NK, where he has fined npone of the
Finest Galleries in the Country !
Having superior facilities and a Ion; ex
perience, he is satisfied that his work csnnot !
be beaten, tall and lest his workmanship.
Lewisburjt, Aug. 15, '62.
THE undersigned intends supplying ihe
citizens of I.ewisbur? with Pure Milk,
commencing about the 15ih inst. Persons
wishing lo be supplied, will please send in
their names to him, at the Lewisburg Bridie.
The Milk will be delivered (daily except Hun
days) morning or evening, as preferred by a
majority of customers. ctAM'L SLIFEK.
I.ewisbnrtf, April 10. 186:1
Science still oa the Advance !
SUHGEON and Mechani
cal Dentist. Ollice in the
Dr. Brugger'a new buildine. Market street,
fweslprn pnlranre. nn stairs T.F YVlsrtrkrc
Ur.Bl'RLA.N is nowconstruciine the !Non-1
sectional Block work, baked on Platina base, -wh.ch
for cleanliness, beauty and strength j tjn Ccqijiu ?tqf& titDsiqro t.V
has no equal also teeth mounted on the var- 8 H
ions Bases in nse and ha.ino had In.. AN ISBSPKXltKXT FAMILY JOl jr.v.ll
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
rtiiiiiinr wiin ciciy uriiai uiicnt Ol nis prolCS-
sion, be feels safe in warranting entire saiis
faction in all his operations, which shall be ;
carefully and skilfully performed. j
Please call and examine specimens. The
superior qualities of the Non-sectional work I
will be evident 10 all who will trive it aa im- j
partial examination. Dr. Burlan is Ihe only ;
person who constructs this excellent work in !
ill is arciioa 01 country.
I v tnarres snail enrresponr wttn the
times. Lewisburc, Sept. t, ' 3t
35 Reward
TV 7 ILL be paid by the School Board of East
s Boflaloe township 10 any person who
will infurm upon any one committing depre
dations or defacing in any way any cf the
School Houses of said District, during the
present year. By order of ihe Board 1
W. L LLNN, Bcc'y
Provision Store!
rpHB subscriber has just openel a Fan,,'
I Grocery and Proviioa Htorr, ta n.J
baugh's baildinc (tale Kreamer's Tiaas
West end of Market Square,
where he ha Jn received a well mIkm
avsertment of fresh
such as CottVe, Tea, Chocolate, Hu.sr. j; r
Midasse. Fih, bait, fcpiees.Vinerar, kjiMll'
Broom, Brushe,Tal, Bkclrei,boBp Bun.,
Cheese, r.e. Freri, Fruit Cans, Gran.
Lemons, Crackers, Cioihes Pins,
flour alA Fl'eJ, iOTV, Cattle P(lW.,Vr
i D , , . ., '
, W ! A"- WJ"f2wJ',r-
oil re rt.u-n. t ji nogn, i noarco, -icri
and erfrvthnt? in the Urocrry jti
of which lie i iTf-rs at the lovel pricts
Uaah or Country Trnffuce.
Lewisbure. May 7. Ifc61
rjHE undersigned has opened a Kew
in Ihe rooms recently occupied by W. M. E"j,
near tbe ol'l Hayea aland. Marker sirert.l.e.
isl'urg, h-re be is always rrepared ,
furnisn the public with the beal of
C olla r, Tea. Sugar. Spleen. uls '
( iinli-M, I'riiltn, I'ikb, I luur '
K A cd, lirene, A.C., At.,
together with all other articles noaly kept
in such an establishment al 'he lowest prices
'Jail and give him a trial.
Drake's Plantation Buiers fur sale.
TTEST BRANCH Insurance Company.
W or Lo k Ilai eo, pa.
Insures Property in both Town and Co.
try on as reasonable Terms as any u,tr
good C mpany.
1 he I ir;e increase of Premium N,:s makes
il a reliable Company to tnore in.
Arnonnt or Fremlui icteiMe lfarrr.Sn.lM4.M
J.tt'.Cuaraas, Sec ti.CJI.au,, frt,
LARISO.s' PR0. A-rnt,
Dec 16. 1861 Ij-wirj
Watches, Jewelry and Silrer Ware.
No. 653 Maiket Ml PHILADELPHIA
fssi ffa, THE onrffrsisnesi wnoli
taST "r ,'ul mvne yonr at-
aisrnlii.li to his wll elnd
ioi.s ol r ii. el -Id nrt Silver WATCHES.
I Fine (JolJ JEW ELRY, of every variety
j siylrs comprising all of Ihe newest god roost
j hemttiftti destgns
,Mo, MII.1U SIM1.K WAKE, rip,! t"
C in and tne hest make of .Wrrr fnni
Ware Each article is warranted lo be a.
1 Waiches and Jewelry csrefa 'y re
paired and saiislacuon gnaranienl.
( fttrrrnrr to Stuuffer 4 Hurl's.')
February 27. 1863.
riHc. uhfcri!ers havefor sale
(in lots to ami
I arse stock ol
PISH BO AH VS Panel Stufi
Plank. Ac. Also .VOOO PJAa. s.ULj,
26 inch Sawed Sh-ngles soperior qoiUij.
Also Square Timber for ttoildmgs :
Which are offered low for cash, at our M.'
on South Branch of Ihe White Deer Cre.li i
Hartley township or delivered oa the Fmo
Val.'ev Narrows road al Ihe end of ur K-aJ.
l"e"A Diploma tor a superior samp t ot
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shm;.
les.were awarded as at the last I'nion rn.li
Fair. JOHN M CALL A SfA'si
lv'l oret Hill P O. I'nion Co, Ps
New Mand-.-lVew Goods!
um-FJI L.Ua bavin-taken tbe
sJ rooms nnder the 1 eleiraph and Chronicle
olnces.refiited them, and filled in an emnsir
variety of
Huts, Cups, Gentlemen's Clut'iilsq.ir.
Also a lars- and splendid stwk ol '.0TH9
' ''A??! M LR ES, Ac, which he will mtuke up la
flrrfff.a.- hi? still cnnitnnrs the Tailrnn: Btii-
Hei r.rrr.rJ ,.a ......... il
rnirusiru u nis care.to the satisfaction ol me
N. B. Cn"in and Repainn-done to
order. Lewishurr. .'pril 10.IA6I
" MArM JL rs n a...,n.:
!07 Chestnut' St. rtiladrlpiiit.
t.wl(iintCar.l. ff h rwe-t .trV. Tiniiinr
Rii.in OanlN, arcraaW snt pnntr.1 at th- vhortt
llotirw. A rrry foil a.anrin-nt of UNI Stanaa.r.
alwa, han.i. Initial, in Vlor,ani eim ,ri. if
Kmbfa.inc. arliatirallT -x-nitrd. Abt a'Tla of Pijwf
and Korrlnpa niaUr to rruar Jan. 'It. lsai
'VllE subscrir con-j
I-l-ry KusineN aiv''
the Old iand on n'hfcUT-l
Third street, near Market, and respectfu l
solicits the patronage o( bis friem'.s aH t
public eenerally. CHARLES F. HKSS.
Lewisburj, May 2, ISSO
VCl'RIors and enter'ainne 'ittie Bofk
(all about Matrimony, Vonrv, and nh
er uiaiirrs,) for the smusemrnt of e very fcn'y
(ano the ycoog foiks, also,) i d Iota winter
rvenmc., rainy rftys, eic. f rica. 5 cents.
Wholesale, n Cenis. tai by mail for seven
3 renlstamps. Fur sale si 'he "Moray fkrvnt
icU" office. W orrtX COK LLll 8,
rubli.hcrs. Li.lar(,ra
Attention, musicians.
A laree assor
V) Violins, Guitars, A
kinds also Violin
assortment ol
Ac- "f ail
n. liuitsr.
and Banjo sirinjs, Bridges, Pees.Ae.an.1 1
best Violio Rosin call al Ihe Post Offi.-e ami
examine. 'J W FORK EST
Wall joajp into tha Wagoa, and all tatc a riJa
I LARGE, handsome
1 1, and very eoraforta
ble WAUOl has been.
fined up for Ihe especial accommodaiica e
ric-?lic and olher similar excursions. Term
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOl'SEU
Lewisburc. June 3, 18S9.
j Frlars,ai Uwlsbnrs.laiaa ctastj. rns"
rfSJf.y l.S0p.rTar. to a en n awi"-""
at the .ami. rata Sir ak.nror-hortar prk-d lblT3
cut will pay for funr moaiba. "6 ct. hr is m w- rt
for aifht mouths 2 dot for Rtitcoa
yrara. So for fonr copiaa ona yrar. 1 10 for tea
year. Ac. Slnrlc No.'a S na. !'..! Yj w ll"J
raociaad in fold, fnetnf atampa. ar bank ao-. ulu
valor her. Mml kluilc of l'rodara rrrai.ru 'n ''',,j
Atar-Wbrn lh tiair ripiraofor hicbar"r-''",,w
(nnlraa a have a ranninx arcoantl H w tiTtt-rtn-
A .rt...M.V, h..rfM.M.I n.kll.h-.l. al atf 1 F
. - ... 1 . woa
11b attar tnarroaa.
Half a aooara 2 " Zse.
( Bnth. Sdol. par roar.
. i. hl Two)ai
ISO. 4.00. SIW. Strrraaa".
aizra. . aa Bay b aarrad aaon. A aaoarr l l-'JJ ,
amallaat ,(. or IS of nasi lararr. Aitiart-w'aic
ianoraliilfic. illrvaJ.erawlDdlma trwdcacr "
Comironicaliona daairad oa SnpirK at "'"'.
axl o ba Iha wnlar. oral aaw aao
Tha WANrrlVTKI.lfKAPH i loratrd to iw
af th. .War d I Aromirle.h, which wr often ' '"I"
Nrw, in adranra of thv'rwilad. Waila. ..,.,
Conrcb-d -Its th. ic ar. awt.rta.' '
kind, of JOB rRJWTIKO. -hi.h
Kilwa aad d-rab-b aod -a r"f 'rj ,,.
l .-u.l lrt.-aj.nla U- " T.;.wa a
Wor nra """" ' ',.. i
Ja L