Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 17, 1863, Image 1

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"THE UXIO.V established in 1814YImU No, j,s43.
"CHKOXICLE," ftabllshcd Id 1843 Whole Ne, l.Oil.
At ftl-W V Tear, alwaya In Advance.
Try Mornins & Friday Afternoon.
ik niLsinrvT,
A mi a ii a si Lincoln
rjtf-Tbe examination of our defied men DiUf snbacu, of tbe Lock flaven Demo
it going on quietlj but thoroughly. Tbe cruL 1 paper,5tb Nov., be commen
fjllnwing is the order : j ces ao article wi:h tbe annexed prophecy :
ru. T; i. 1 -rI Froidrnt Tar fa a re.
Ytiiaw4. Wh-
-Uaifrt-.r Miff :nlrf.NTew Ber'.iaa.
Tbura.lay. ivta
"0. a mle vwr. i
it than the Man in tbe Moon b.. Kie?rt
f r pureWprufe.i.i,G.l adfice.and nifkine
t. i t ..
vpoo tbe tears or ignorance 01 ro. o, is
.beer sw.naung. ... tne ea.eneu pros-
ecntioo ot such importers sbouid be Uine
ir 1, , 1 , j -r.. J
cnce'uaiiy. lie auers . warn every uraneu
turn on this point.
Inmrovements in Lewisburr.
Amn. .be d,o , a war wn.cn aosoro,
the cb,tf tttMiguTi i ot our p.tr1JUe people,
a cre.wj iu.iceiu ...miw..o - c.-j
groatB ol pnpa!atnn. is common wun
most town, in the Loyal plates, there is
tier, a need of mare daeiling bouse, lo
(apply tbe call..
In cor annual round of observation, we !
, .
and dwelling of X. R. Z mmerman, on
Market Sq'iire improvements on the
premises of Messrs. Green, ISacber,
6ibasbe!, .nd Grier, on Lower Market
Ft., snl the new dwelling of Charles
R.Und on I'ppcr Market St. Of A.
Kennedy on N Third n. Ou S. I h St.,
the elegant choo'.houfe is otupiefed rd
Occupied, and on . 4:b toe Ki'chn
cf Tbos. L-wis, and ibo re-unde'.cd dwell
ios ti S.ml Morrow ai d Hnry A. Weid-
rnsiul. On S. 5:h tbe dwelling of
J.me. M. wo-ery. Uo Ot. Louis aud
C b St , a frame dwelling of J. I . . ; i ot.
On 8th St., tbe dwelling of John Lilley
' Oa S. 5th St. is a .hop where Carkhuff
&, Paine eau't make their Cutter, fast
tooogh la supply the demand.
Tbe Female Institute and College '
edifice, tave been abiogled, tbe former
fell .nd gravel preparation on tha roofs '
not keeping out lb. water. 1
Tbe new Company having re .oldered
their eas pipe.! at great expense, th. town
' 6 r r 7 6 '
1, .gain et-joying gas itgbt e nope more
.- t , ,i.,l ... i j;.r.r...
Batift.ctoriiy than undtr fjrmtr uispensa-
' i
Oiir Steam Saw Mill, Planing Mills,
and Agricultural Works, seem to be en
larging Ibeir operation., and have plenty
of work. !
frum,. ami Lr.i.bure. torotiinout me ciate are ihbiuk ueari , e . the eratoblers, aul tne uovernnieuin , , , . r . . . ,u. jnr.5ri.miM
iK-.f'y Warni3.- Drafted men are .g.in d a. a precursor of political vie 0, j.; kno. tb.t the Pwid.'.U.I bnPfc wt I. m day. ...
J ' , . - , j i i"uroF"i ,uo :! of thine-a bes-an to flish upon bin. Th sblit.e tin rairi itrtw
giu eib..rted not to be cheated, hj .bar- tor, and .N.uub.l a.t.U , and fc , . be ,jtked b chl0ge of ' U,"f'e'" ., , P.ln. .ti.nn
, c j i l Dr D 'in ta noniinale General MCe an . . . 3 ' ... . i and be asked if we "wern t the blue Del- .
Pr.froS,JcreoaBtw.rel.h.re.h HaenbI.,leetioucoiiocumbcne,.ndtbe,ljaacnce..nb.f..1I.e(lyiDkeegr A,(no0 h ti .
1.11 lc. tnfetmed men that , w can get ... oor . ,QtMe on ,he rigb, jde. j , jQ IG WS
them exempted. Tb. Olei.l L?H onl, we d be 60t buj caudle, iu.adv.oce ! . ""7: r. ',, n...:n i aim e. at lt. the. .inkiu. bi.
ba. power to dJ it, and Uick, Jci, rranii Mr. Lueo:n can re-ilot bim.eif, aud be : , r , ... T . , . , . .- . -i t. . i 1 Geu Banla' ex neditien landed .1 th.
:.). nn m r in An ith -Ml d.i ir lt.in. MB.,i,,i.!l. th. P'rLe.d JaJcee .u New York recently beela into bis borse'. .idea, be went ""V li-.j u " '
Lm. XV.m uiii'invi r., wsw - - - - m , - . ... ' mnuin DI mi Ik III iiranuF. lllUBUIIIID.
Iletrrfnnsylranla in East Tennessee! ",ioTfr ; .. . fc . cu,. An obnoxious p.rtix.n .med
, t "Tba federalist opposed tbe War of , Ji Cuon, was put up for Judge by bee -Although
disfranchised, tbe Penn'. .ol- jgjo Their opposition wa. fonoded op- tnour'. "frieod.." Now tbi. M'Cunn was
oVrs under Gen. Burnside, it Knoxville, , on a legitimate question of policy, in ' discharged from the Army, aod a very
Tenn., last month expressed their choice which the existence of our free institution, i . . , . . . clM.a in
for Governor, as follows :
Cartia. Waodarara.
45'hP.V. a IS 16
4th 2t4 0
.'.Oth 100 4
51st ol'G SO
100th U 3
1392 53
In five Reg's, a nj. of 1339 for Cortio.
Oo. Dem. out of 20 voters !
aagrW'hii. tbe Army Election Return,
show over cine out of ten ta tbe Army
are "Abolitionists," fighting the Southern '
Democrat, who trot od the Rebellion, the
. ,. , r i , its opposition to tbe war for th. sur press
torptrbead journals are fuiI of pleas .cd : , ... ., . , , . , , ... ,
1 r ion ot the s ave-holder rpbelhnn Lead.
"""' " .i..iUuir .uouiu
still farther enlist, and leave .11 the Cops
at borne to get the office, and du-fraucbiia
the Soldier,! W. insist that the Admin-
istration'. .upporter. have no, more than !
their full share io the racks, and ousbt
---- . o
'-J -
ajiarv auj uijiG vaocp. a. luaj lait to lueir
lot by draft Another reason w
ocrats should go as well as Bepub
is, that when once into the eon test,
. L . . i t r . i . i
.na. u.va u-ore tirs.us tn.u o.inu par.y f
stubbornnesa almost invariably become
friend, of the Government and tbe ne.r-.
re ar. .Am. Ia ik.f it. k.a... . ..
tb. proapect. of peace by' putting down
those wba broke tb. peace and eontioae
th.ir lawlcs, violence. i
. i
r-..i . . .
a a, LOA aBCClucntM I
Ha Ik. awarl- f a . fl
ll .a.. avff T f M : ... Lt?
Tp, wu left alone.wbeo iu clotbet eaugbt ta
Ti ava t ia awa a lama lha .hi il u aa a.
- r i v-iis. iHiin ana
screamed, when a passing neighbor went
to it. assistance, but it was .0 b.dly burnt
nw.r th. iMiaati h.la ..l r. ,k..
. Hvwkw, vaiw aaawa, auaa, ,
although able to ull bow tba accident j ,i
L.ppened, it died in 30 hour, afterward, in
Parson, with burning clothes sbouid not
run aod fan tbe flame, but rather lie down
and roll over on the bar. ajor, a woolen
carpet, or the ground, if tbey can not get
water bandy.
un .Saturday week, near tb. Depot
ia Northumberland borough, a fir. burned I
two bouse and number of stables. It i
m not a very great loss, as tba Eunbnry
gmcs were prompt in rendcriog help, !
obe or two families lost their goods, j
The two Sorts of Democracy agree
on one Point
rorrcROCAD vis.
Th Copperhead D-tocriU have few
t r.
roire able or observing leader, tban Mr.
We obaervetbat our Democratic friends
Comm.i.der-in-Cbief of our immense r-
die, be can, thrjugh th. iufl jenee of ail
ibe ofEtt.ro, every ou-of whom is depend-
h,B irrirTr1
Kleci.Tal votes of at least Ojio, Unaware,
Marjl.n. est V ,r?.,.u, rntoeltv leu-;
neee, Misoun, vauuruia, ijwa, winne-
. ...1 . .,,! in .r.it tha aiv 1 it bam
- ' "
States will of course go for an Abolition.
it, in jreference to a Loion Democrat or
anybody else tL.t proposea to preserve tbe
! " 'ni . v" J. I
ll-f,,(v.r.r p.n ii.it
Liemocrsrv can not dtoend udoo anv one
of the.e againt the corrupnog power of
the iajmeose tu iii of money collected from
tbe people, which Abe can and will devote
,0 re eleciing himself. All this will be
un,V' I-rwideaiial io.erference saves
u; and we do not tLat this country,
in view of the proceedings of tbe people,
both as to public and private aff.irs, is
very much eutiileJ to such favor."
?j tar.M g3a. nut taeu Katsae,
.'i.cuigao, .lew ion, i ennsyivaoia, 1001-
au Oregon and Illinois, and perhaps a
t - . 1- ii
.e- ne. rree ctstes, are q u.e as reiiawa
i r Lincoln as me oiner state, named.
ad ' Jersey" alone can't save yo !
Of tbe Union or War Democracy, Mr.
i ot-S'iMAM, oi tbe runsury U t-lte, bu t
ouz ranked amsno tbe first, tod snrnjrts I
Lincoln for reflection.
" ' '
f.y the following
article, from his paper of the ssme wtek,
it will be seen tb.t be practically arrives
at the same conclusion a Br. Dieffenbacb i
Br. Youngmaa (ays :
Youngmaa (ays : I
"The extiostiou of tba o-alIed
mocr.tie party, b.s been made a fixed
j bis ereat
vent ts
attrikntahl. I
more to tba eoudact of the leader, of that
PrtT. to tbe enort. ol its opponents.
1: df ""?, be Irded a. a ease of
suicide. But Ibis I not an exceptional
.. . - ... . i
cae in the history of this country. To
die D(l, bn the ioevitaible fate of all par
.- k- l i. - - a . i. . i '
tie. which have opposed the governmental .
. ... . .. tr , - 6 ;
"The Tories of the Revolution were the
anariiiii. rtt f li a. Vi nSnlrt ff-nr "l.awal rt Mnas
Government. They opposed tbe Revolu-1
' ' j. 'i. jj
an a riartr. and hiva ainna heen reirarJt.(l
tiuo. Dd. io eoneq leoce, oeeame eztiact
was not mvolved, .s it was in the Kevolu-1
tioo. and ia now iu tbe rre.ent simple.
yet the opposition of Federalists to tbe j
aar of 161- was enough to conniso their ,
! party to aeetruenon, and it accordingly
I went out of existence.
The late Whig party were the orpo-!
oents of the war .gainst Mexico. Yet,
no'aubstaddioa the wicked aod ofamous ,
otiect nf that war, fas has been developed I
by ulterior events.) the bare fact of their!
hostility to tbe governing authorities while
struggling with an enemy, was
ruin tne party, ibe btcs eouid not
survive that false step, nd speedily died
out as a political organization.
"Tbe fourth example is shown in tbe j
ds,,n cf ,be mocratie party, caused by
ers ot this party precipitated tbe country
into this terrible civil war. Democratic
(socaliedj Senators, .Members oi Congress,
d Cabinet officer, rebelled against tha ,
" ,'or 1
p p ?- ? , p r. P011""1 r-
gaoiaaiiDD, susiaioeu mem in it, opposiog
me consutuiea autnonties engaged io war,
f committing th. at -hieh
ensured their dc.tb, made some signs of j
life, so tb. virtually defunct Democracy I
mil fleet v.ar attemnt tn .l..t a Pra.i. .
auu toe result na. oeeo seen ibis year at thru mn.t tr. th.rr.a.t .am. n..t V.. rt-sibHEU. ino t,opperneai piper ia i i t.i,burr.i4th in.t.ari s Tra,6t01Wt S. soa
by Dem- tbe polls, where the most withering rebuke i . . . , , , , I Beaver eounty having publishel tbe petty , of .-bii .d in.'. ePVRmt.
. r "... . . o but honest nonnto wnn t he lev. them, anil . r . . r ' , i. u... t. j mr .i.ivkvk r.d .hnnt so ira.
,'" tU fMUa "ithev'lllose .11 their aeamn. b. sunk a!. JZ.V? f . -Ai
uupciuuiuus uiiLiciacs. j j r- j ; -eet taiu iituj iao uicuva ui ms viu- L and m -ry a. uana, agca iv jtmrv. luerm tumr ;
lOOSO ui. th. r.lt trv;-. - ! "ar.erinitifnt.nn&rf ennran- Sn th- rmbb i him h.nM tn ; U'k-.- eT. at 10 A. M
.Regiment of Soldier, -ho b.vo voted .
e"Tple of ,bfl. Whi6 !B 1852 when they j
",ea, 10 re""'e lne'r P"J J "nn,0if
a military man for tbe Presidency, aod
. .it- .:i.j l:., . ;
siguaiaj i.iicai. uut aj ...ui j ic.cuca
that th dAaVth fsf lh f.l.Alw altvlorl
otter re Ibe si?us wiil rei
gly tbe lesson, of history and, before
tts Delt Presidential election, will so '
Pll0 themselve. as to avoid th. stiirma of
a t
S'if.li ?,a rlnltiorMb
1864." B"Mura j
In giving publicity to the above divers
nd yet harmonious view, of tba two
wing, of tba old Democracy, wa do not
assent to all their statements as facta, but
only quote them to .how tb.t tbey sub-
euoti.IIy agree na to wbo will be next
President We wbo are sometimes styled
"Abolitionists," are bappy for one to
gree in judgment with oor aforetime an-
mocr.cv i. at b.nd. It may give uemocrat. prooioiy it is a misprint, one '---"- " Bi.-th.epy. tt.oem-ni.the.T'a-ii
.L k . i.- -.jj-.j.- . aunouucea Oimseiin "li act KePttb lean. t on muca:r aatta-.rrai.
other kick before civine np tbe ebost : beioe intended instead of niae. altho' not ; j . . . nepuuueau, .
t those nf ita member, who ar. wise, will , ' I " D0W W,l b0- nrt, ad -t- j Ik, o ..nt ..h.M .
" ------- - i 1 uuB afvta ui aajai u u aw luia iuu wit. 1. . . ( . t .1 - BAn -at. .r arwi avMiaaaa r
... . . .1 J - I II JT. J ( J II II Pit I II . npwn rtninini Wt Tlnlfin anal a.- r - -e
Ugonists. And if Ibe result be a foregone '
conclusion, it would be wise and bentfi-!
ould be wise a&d bentfi-! loe
j cent .coutse for individual and for the
country to have I res. I.idooId t re elec-
tioo (like those of Washington, Jefferson,
Madison tod Monro) wiiboat any crious,
; organued opposition. Ao honest man if
tbere ne one living, via a "ir. ..
the fair and jut tbiog all around, and tbe
War would be sooner an! better determin
ed if there be no bitter party strife until
, it be done and well dmel bet toe ueo-
trd to u.jure the public cred.l by .
decision .gaioet "gre-nbacki," which
J,;.:... ... ,mntl n.smlpd hva Wmhrr
.nbUua.,.Bdeb.;eo.xb.nkcur,reo -
i ' ,
. . ...
1 '""i h-j-jf. w-5 .
G,.fA V .,n1.r.t l.nvrtf. anJ Thnmnann
fv - , , r
, lt I'imbarg, last aetk, gave somekiud
' of . Tvred.gc, g,unip pi.eecb .gainst the
....., ,,. ,ir ,.,,: ont mBD
i the cu.tr, from the Rebel, and traitor.,
. Tbe JuJgfS (SlroDg KeeJJ
dissented, in t written. powerful argument,
, Dj Judge Strong. As Judge Cadwalla-
der (Uuion Democr.tJ
S'titrt District Court,
of th. United
bad previously
H-'Ciareri it to be a eonati:
this vam attempt ol a condemned wre
Court to interfere, will be fruitle", for
the Nation is superior to the State by the
' Constitution, and naturally. Copperheads !
; , bj ,, j ia ,be AutU0jn 0f
vour divs. Sneak 13 Tour boles, and
! k.TIMi each other: your biases will not
" I
das,roI tte ljuioI1
Agiiew soon takes
Liwrie's place, .nd, with Strong acd !
! Ueed, that Court will be purged of its,
semi trcajonabls itfl aeoce. If Woodward 1
couu take a bint, be too would resign.
. - i T . ... . 1 i
la P" Oiate tonveuuoo,
ii,- ,1 - . i
recently Deu in estmoreiana v. , i , a
. ' '
memoer enJ Jea '", 10 PPnM ,ae
"P""'10" re.olutions for .ust.ining ;
,be Sltte nl l!ioo,rGovernmenU in i
tneir enorts to restore peace ny suppressing ;
th. n.rv.f k.;nnn. r.t U.K. lin. V.. hi.
especial benefit, tha body then adopted tbe
1 I
ii'i ti f v L l . l. ..Mn.i
unci., a c . . abTfi ,'iuiiu, .ai raiiiiira j " p, " j -- - jaanl I
delerate of this Convention, has declared ia j Department, and told hi story, th. eir- i
our hearing bis belief that the Gospel has no : eumtnees of bi. parentsge, bi. aspira- j Gov. and Gen. Sprsgu. bsi at last m.r
baim for oor beloved, bleeding couniry. aod : tioo. ,nd ,,6,, M , toldier, and Seer.- ried a d.u.hter of S.C. Chase a fact
;.::.p.:rdsr .. o.c 5.bi.k h.. rirH for
Resolred that we recommend oar brotberto a 1 "hould have tbe appointment And he month., enough to disgust anybody but a
. .. ... . ! 1 I : I ' . I M , k V : - T.a.:.a. T:a
Better reading ol ms i er s Message, ana ,
, .,. c
to brnaler views of pulpit ministration.
CuDTeDtioD meeta at ujumsport, 61. !
Tr n',us:r WnuKM'Cln'. letter
. . . . . . . . I
At aiaril a.ininn i m
; . , ... . . ;
mbi .wit annrke. n.ma aBa.a triairl Vaa .
us as j Ji it j. auviUM gajiuo wa aaa ava a aat v v w j
. , - ,, . , .
To defe 31 Ca0. thl Jeft-b.ndad
compliment of M'Cleilan was widely i
spread among tba voters but in vain i
f r 1 . - . L - j j j:. .
.u e.ece., . ... y.ogc a. ;
oa.M ftf lha Kmnira Pilt anft M 1 . a Iin I
6 .... - , .
I'P' F'" -F-
"""'F "
Tk.'r..i,a.;a ... .'i
,, t f .. i
tha l rnn hi n and fuss thev ran aheat the I
S300 which most poor men can raise for j
r 1
exemption u uraitea. ow waico ana see, ;
if next Congress remove the J300 clause,
if the same Cops don't bawl themselves
hoarse bv denonncini? it a 'a law eivin-!
boarso by denouncing it a. "a law giving I n 0" written somo ot me most ouioos
rich men. chance to get .ubStitute.Iwbich:r,ic.le io 4,h,t Oopparhnad .beet, the
t r t . ii Lewisburg Argus, comes out in a card in
poor men can t dc Do what yon will, : Ue CbroSic!e,tating that h. doe. not
' rich
you can t satisfy tbe everlasting lault- j
n The New York Bori a Corper
-i b- article ..ying th.
iemocracy must turn aumerse. in tavor ot i
the War, or they are done for. That is,
bnond to n nn.r. an.ho.
T .
Aotc fi Vcio are over, let the
OcDOsition show from 1$G1 to 1?G3 -
mst a lair representative of rreaident
Lincoln's Administration. Until theo.w.
. ,, ... u n i r . j . t. I
shall tbink Col.Tate made mistake when
$5 Reward. Next January it will be
Half a Century since Andrew Kennedy
.t..t.J .t Mifflinhm. Tn. lT,u ik.
aMlKM, aa. auiu.,wwi..g, au. b.llVK a u . au
first newsper printed in Union county, !
then inst ore.nixed. W. will give 5 for 1
a perfeet eopy of that No. 1, aod n less
um for the use of one, or one near it '
atsTCoI. J. Wil. Shafer, Freeport, III,
has resigned his office as County Clerk.and
retoros to service under Gen. B-F.Bniler.
Freeport give 150 and Stephenson eouDty
550 maj. for the Union tiokeL
IbfWi see it stated that tbe Peon's
Reserve Corps, and eome other Regiments
of Ibis State, bava moellv re-enlint.d fne
W r, but first eome ham. tnd recruit-
a.aaaaAaw.a.fl I " ...a HVIL'lwa IU MNWII .BIW i v . I 1 -ll 1 1
A Jubilant Tennesseean.
Jimn VT. Bard, of the 100th Penn.
. R-g-, ""w under Gen. Burnsidc. io Eist
i v ii ii rrut-rj unit air uo iuiiv-
' letter written to ft frieod Dear B&ltioiore,
' leiipr wnufu u incun uci
, mJ pabli,hed jo th( Amerion.
j When w- ww- g aarriitowi g.ing
, Greenville, a countryman
from bark aome twenty mile along the
uoba came riding into town. A be did
not know we were there, be looked at the
I .pp.ng itirouga in. town, wae.og nia na.
and shouting away, "Glory to (.od.the, ae
eome at lasi !" It was not I002 before he
. . .. ., ., . ,.,.. 1
! , .,... if Ba
, , j e
! With Lim. ''be KDOW d lb. Aid Woman '
He said she bad been
j would go eraiy.'
I "saving thirteen jars of apple butter, .ver
m- .... 8Unlin,.r.for ,be Yankees to est."
j When our boy. , old bi. ...
ould be
, , ,jh ,he wnrks ,n(j lhat
i our destination, be wanted to borrow a
gun and g .long, saying tbe greybaeks'
i time wa. over now and bi. ta .ome, .nd
I be was "arter revenge like a four-year
old." That i..b. universal cry in, hi.
1 . .....
I . ...
oounrry, ana not a man eome. to rm me
army that doe. not talk of "resenge."
i If a brigade of these men go through this
country, every traitor'. boue will be sure
to get a fire brand
Tbe msjnrity of them,
so far. have bad their houses burned and
' theui-telves bunted like wild beasts, and
will never be sati.-Cod until they nuisb tbe
work of driving tbnir persecutors from
their sight.
A Tolerant Government
John Conlm, sob of a psor Irisbnsn,
I . 1 " . . J . J . . . L :
n j j.i oeru appo.oieu . a -.uei.u.p
ct- i.-. i.i... i l - v.. i
nest oius. it dm uimura
, . ... .,
Ior 10 " PP""'-
icquired a ery fair education at our free
school in this town; he mad several
ea iru to .eeure tne appointment, ana an-
K.loJ a iinl.r f,.r lh inrniiu nf
earaiog a alaim lo it.
fie went bravely
l. L. I I ..1..
. , .
and when at
inroaga acw.r..
Waahinslna ataiBt dilMtlt In tha War
received ii, aaving oeeu appoiniea irom
.i. j- . . r. n- i.
Ooe of the dt-tricts of Georgia. W e ask t
the liopted eitiiDtt who ara too prooe to t
U. I"'"'"?f. "" '
K'veromeor, ii tnera is any oioer nnoer
. i 1 V : 1 J 1 1 ! 1 t 1
, . rr t
t furnir f-. Ktttlm.1 t X .rasAal, fl.,-nt.1
v wwaaaa ...- . a ws au u j iihiuiwi
Died a H kro or '76 ! How fast
drop aw.y tbe few living men who eom-
, . . ...... .
posed the American armies in tbe War of
ik. p ,,; T p..,i rr. .
the Kevolunonl Kecently, in Wards-I
borough, Vermont, at tbe good old aee of I
104 years, Robert Babcuck closed bi.
eifth!y p'igrin),g9. n.
was one of a
r,in1r1 lapaai nf inriw man aikitaan kla,..V
r J " )
nflder ,h. . Ctf, 0D fc
" .
nigbt of the 10th July, 1 ( i ., surprised I
.ni ctptnreJi on tb, island died Rhode
Island, tbe British General Sir William
t Tk. f ii.i .1....
, , ,. . .... ,, i
and dMlirate nndertakincr. irave us an ofEear !
of equal rank to excbaDg. with Gen.
a T .L k- L:. 1...
"."7 , z. ... Z
J. C. Bueber, Eq , wbo was .opposed
to bo written ome of tbe most odious
nor t,et djd wr;,e f0, Mid psper. Its
owo friends .re ashamed of the vile sheet.
1 be time win eome,(marx tne prediction,;
when many
ha took snch Torv raners
no too a .ucu iory papers
" of f0' I
ever countenanced or supported them. i
"S"' v7' i
was a lie, and tbey let him off, a. h did
not originate the tory, but accepted it '
from some of the party leaders, who made)
PopU WU.e that the Go-, j
non. Wm. D. Relief, cf Phil.d .
deserve, thanka for hi. . lik,, in '
a .
" .'- V.tal)iV9 III VCUalll UI IDO L, UIUU
work by sprskiog io Delaware.
"LincoU't Doa$."Tbi was the eotn-
mon title given to tbe aoldiers wbo defend
onr country, by the Copperhead, in New
ork, before tbe tleotion. It will not be
wonderful, if, in the long year, to eome,
those "dog." kept the Msoaks" pretty
close to their boles I
avThe next Congressmen appear to
be divided thus :
Administration 06
Opposition $9
Border 8tato Independents 13
The Kensington Bank, Philadelphia.
,an- UUJS.
T 11. - rw a ' - I
Das declared a semi-annual dividend or 10 ;
per cent. The dividends ef all the Phil-
adelphia banks show a large increase oyer I
previous year. . '
Wa gather them ia tfa anllev frultg,
Tmm tha 'hrott. the vfaa, tha tra.
With ttktr nuast a4 rUaa aac parpto aoiU
To fixrUa Mir trnamry ;
And aarh has a jn'rT ttwara atorad.
All btneaih lu painted riod.
To rher oor ftaU at tba anrhl hrmrd,
Vrtva v lara mr eaxsa hftlod.
Wa r,th-r them Id the food: Mora-
But not with air' gHt
For tbu pnl Ail Father. a wlort,
Hntfa but givaa it U tratt.
, .l, R.btl. mine
lo bufn ta9
Tw. U. S Senator
MISSOLKI LegiUture could not eUct
! Senators at ii. last ..ioc. Meeting lU.
. . , d p , u
1 ,0 '0DB - U.oderson both, friends of
tbe Administration, Brown being what is y"oiu paving net nerrtnernor Jioiuer.j
ii i . t . . .. . . ,., . dependent on hrs labor for support;
ailed ".red hot Abolit;enist ! ' J,n The fh,r f moiberie-s children
The Missouri State Ticket is close, but ! usd -r 13 years of age dependent on k.s
it i. thought th. Soldiers will .lect th..''foruPPp"; , . , ,.
I 5tb here there are two members of the
Charcoal or Radical oandidatei. One flmily of the pet.cn drafted, already ia the
regiment voted actually "under fir." of military service of the United 5'iie.
tbe enemy and they voted unanimously
ou ,Q9 sije 0f lnt t,raut Abe Linaolu"
'BA", Bold SCHEME, ro.L.D.-Tb.
Canadian Government save tbe 1 resident
Lanmlian Government gave
. , Cl0,di (eile .,,,
bips, release tbe Kebel prisoner on lit!
I-und ia Lk. lirie, bombard liuffilo
eiiy, and "wake th. snakes" generally
n t '. ii .: . V . . l
Tha friendly caution was in time to check
the gang, who bad 600 mu.-ket. secreted,
.nd Hie danger is .verted. Probably Mr.
Yaliaodignara was privy to it, as be feci
''powerful bid" over bi extinguishment.
5:noi he mirlc4 th Murainc .4rr,
2trr aiao D4 fiend huh f0'a mi fiT.
rri. xt L i t . i.i"
Tbe Mobile Rjuur ssys : "Tn. Degro
is Bo longer ao otj-ct of sma.l talk in tne
South. The people of the South have a
. I... tm lliaM nit V. . i . In tltA
. i nt.Ht uiouiiL i ao aurinrfiua ia eoior
. , - - - -
when a man i. wiihni to fizht for but
; lomt wd BMt -
j " CipyxrhtaJ. MlnHrtl" This Demo-
c".ie u. aiu-i. ! ..c.., ,u.
IC "ore Wl mo uaia '"'"' "
. 1 . 1. 1 W J 1 . . J mw. Ji Jn.'t
; . .... J: . ;. j,.,.i
.DOW IBU T auaim ...a a. u.w. m
, . . . j 5i.ri . .
' .
reaaiitaosaiw ioliii w imiuu in-
Ja tbe lis counties inTdod bj tbe KcV
eh i. Penn Woodward ba. 127 Urn
tnajoritw than Slenker had last fall
- -
Col. Wm. H. Irwin, 49tb P. V., ba
been compel!4 by ill health to resign bit
Cr-The White Deer District Institute will
RrThe White Deer Dtstrict Institute will
, , . . , .
meet at the New Columbia fechoolhouse. Sat -
urday, No v. J I. All Teachers are to attend
In ion Prayer Meellnsa hereafter
IS IDt OaptlSI DilBM, 11 S g C, 91DUIID r .11
Correct nctxli I
1 40 Ee I 20
1,00 Tallow 10
1,00 Lird 10
Corn, old
Oats 70 Clover seed 6,i)0
'Flaxseed 2,00 Wool 70
Dried Arples 4 lb Potatoes 50
' . ? -"FP1
FirkioButter IS Shoulder 6
Fresh Butter... 5 Ribs & Side. 6
Rag, 4,5,.nd6 Ham 13
Barley 90 to SI. 00 Country Soap 4 k 6 ;
.... , .7 !.,,' k , . v-.
Bi Her Wm Poruls. Sd m't, at Jli-bael Bafhoeai,
JOHN H. wiu.iams, or rio.nat run. o, and Mm
mart gillahs. fona-rif of inloo Co. l'.
nt s.ni wiii.. th g-T.Tn e-. .-.iiui-Bif ana
Utsa SAltAil J. MVIDIN. holh rf Miltoa.
BTthjf.m.M inLWV Btlvb&ot l.inuraaed Mi
LOlijA Oaviii-HJN ol Miltta.
Ha Kmw J P llitdanaa. Sth ht.l nttDKRirK AOSIT of
.artaBd mim mart srm.-thh.xu. it-t.w.r.ip.
By lt 8 twi.. th Inst. VAt.F.XTixe RraL,ui
(,,,.. - steans. Ba!ti. Tk.
A O FH.a. f.b inrt, JHS I. WAI.1.KB aad ;
AKKT A. CLAKKK. both or Miaawlua i-. ; :
n reAT IU scoter j !
I -,- ,. . ,r. , , j
' Knnkel S lillter .Vine 01 IfOD,
For the cure of weak stomachs, eeneral debi-
'J a' ,
all cases requiring a tonic.
Thi Wina iBflar- th mM nirrtwmhTa and aflelaat
Mil of frf wa aanaiajaa. C:trat Mawcau- t'xi-. woa-
1...,., - .. U.ar sat. taaanar MaM tM ifah l
I apaf-II. ana pW'rai provi,. ... .w r,n sr
:ui, niareth pal Ml
'M tb peunr of 4a
eatuntoaiio. ,
tirKfthaai JOu!
Im y -mi ..ot to rt rid of
1K, ou waot mt'j r ,
lK ott waot to alp w4t i
Do joa want a t rial .od mrnanot fctliot
If jo o. try SlkEi-S E1TUB VIM OP 1501 !
Thi. tra y T.j.hir tank baa hara a tber.ai'hly S-a
ted h a.l claai-M ot Ui.cuaamaaita that It 1. av d. vm.
4 ipau-iuul.aa as a st-oie amUrisk It cou bat I:-.M.
aarifiaM th. hlood. and pritf ton ta tha .lomarh. wa.
vata th. yMein. o4 proaoass OJ.. 1 aoa oalj aafc a
trial cd tbta" ai oaKIa toaia.
tvrl'e;raaewarfeaaatart.it! A. Itva-
XIX 1 Bmsa n'iaxr laoa ia tlx oalj iwi. aad nnaal
iiMy ia tba kaa.a world tor B,.if a aod D,blhty.
aad a. tba-ra ara a Hatn 1 imltatiooi oB.rd t. ta.
paone, wa aoada aum id. C . T
7 .f tu s..ia. ""T. L Zrt i
huttia. Ta. .ar. .art that Mheia ara atMaihtia.
iuu thi. .aloabl. raawdj, anna its wartabWad inaaa
valaaM. ia its lavor. A,
Tha anna Wis o I so. la ant as la TS t aa SI
hottlM. aad aold hi all raptUM. dr.cti.Ia Viroatk
oul tb. ma. try. B. parth-lar that ey kota. haara
G.., DepoI,uaM..rkei .Harrisburr.Pa
a ca,aad all rawjuiukla .ailata UusBlKat tn. eoaau
. n-e
UaWmiV ottaMalMriailoraiTaaaaat. ,
Estate of Ulchael Enslman, dee'd
DM I ISTK ATOR'jJ NoTH. E. I.ewer.
of a-lmtnutranon an the estate of Wich'l
Kii(TUnaa. de-fa-'l, late cf Whi'f t'r Tp.
bavin? beei rau'? c- the abrriber bv the
K't''er of I d ii'. ri tf r'n due fnrm of law.
.11 person' io'eti ! - JtJ etate are hrrety
aoiitieJ 10 make intaei!. e pvtent, and all
bivtn' any j it r.i int the m wpj
prcent ihem iiu' j'bfntie;ed for senlem.ui
lo JC'! K.M.HLMAN.A jminr
White Deer, O ::. I. Mi pd
Ciaa rutin; Eitlabllitliiueat.
T)OOM in Fairx'a B:ock. Maikei S:, rear
of Bower's Jewelnr Shop.
Having served rrular apprenticeship in !
, one of the best shops in Pnil.d I bope to
' render ati'faeiinn.
' B' RNERS and other Fixmres always oa
hia 1 or furnished at abort noti-e.
Hjtica ti the Drafted.
NDKR the prensinns of fne Act of
Cooeress for enrolling and callmt oat
the national forces, the foilocng pertona
are exempt :
1st I ne only son liable to m li'arv dotv cl
-.Jnw deper.den, o. hi. lab , tot a.ppon
id The only sc 01 aged or infirm parent or
parent 1eoen''ent on his labor ft r snnoori :
j 3d The only brother rf children ant is
1 All per-ons entitled to the .hove eiemp-
,ions c" h,Te ,h"r PP,r midt oat '
! iU''rro A"uratJ ,l U'
Co . Pa.
I ,,- nnn
oaiJAnEWTAL laon works.
00D & FEaOT.ll-jC.KluJfl AVeDQe,
fTTZR for ?a'e upon the Most Favnrable
Terms, NEW and BEAlTIFl L Designs
in great variety cf Iron Kaihnss for Ceaie-
leries, Residences Ac of Cast and Wronght
Iron, and Galvanized Iron and Bras Tubing,
' Iron Verandas, Balconies, Stairs. Coasters,
Fountain, Gates, Columns, Hitching Posts,
i Lamp Mands, Vacs, Tabies, Flower suads.
Wofas. Chairs. &iatnarr. Animals and all other
lrt, Worl of a D(eo;aUTe cnaracIer.
; Dei;ns forwarded for selection. Persons
. applnr.j for same wi.l please s'aie the kind
nf ' i . r IT r. . . H . ,1
M't would inform th. nnblie ibat we bare
for sale, in our newly established Nurseries,
! "V'T 1"'5a! "f:laoa ' "rser Mtort'
ment tban last year oi
, ' kw x.
L rK " raaaealal Trees. Sire, ic
In onr old Nurseries in Adams cooaiv. we
hare the lareest stock of trees and :.rrt
,.tu ,w. . v. . r. ... "w
therefore can furnish Trees by large qaanu-
pectfully roitcued '. . an examination ef car
stock. We also desire . A, z'n good AGENTS
ID ICII 1UI IUB tb'l'lE -ll!"5-
3Tcw Tin Shop.
"tTTEISEK A SMITH will open a new Tin
Shop, ra the i of September, Ut2.
' e borough of
M I F F L I N B U K G.
in the former Storehouse of J A J.Yonne.first
door above Urciiarrt s Hotel. 11" bi All.s. and
tntend to keep cn hand a'l kio.is of TH
WHE,9e!f-Kea'ing and other Fra-t Cans.
, ,c . ifiioiiivi.
Stove f ipe and !spouun.s. Ac. REPAIRING
done at short notice. Charges moderate. Tk
pabr,0 ar invited to sail and examine oar
stock. 8. J. WE1SER,
pdlm J. R. SMITH
35,000 wanted!
Y person having from On ts Five
Thousand Dollars, can have the same
safely invested in Judgments upon vx'uable
real estate in this roanty, noo. apphratiea ta
J. F. A JOil.N B. Ll..".
Lewishcrj. Jaly IS. I63
Casb paid for Bark.
T WISH to purchase a large quantity efj
1 ROrH Otk BtRk, delivered at
my Tannery Yard io Lewisbnrg. for which I
will pay the highest price in cash.
May 1. 1863 E. J. HULL.
jT Joan Falrelra,
TtAr.rnTtET,vi.w !
Sua, goal, avla.
Iorpertar. Msatifectarar
ana vamler m
i v n rrpa
I ."V . a V. 1 a a. a..
43 Sf., I..
chilaren i wear, i
I aiah to otara at thak t ftraia f ralisi
aad th. ranmiBdiar cj.U, ft" tknr ty UUral
atrna- -xt-c lM u dormc the laM lw .!. aaa
woald ny to th.m that I m-w h. la Kof . M my
laiportataoa aad aaafara. a w """TT
av.1 .( all Mm. dillrmt I'txii 1 ajaaOiWof rA.S.T
n K f t kavlH aad t'tildo.tiiat ani ha aandaita
Uu Fall and Wiaiar aM.
JT?imt u.m x.mattm uM a oa
aaio- w to off.r my ni.toawn aad th. .attli a
Barb haoder mrt of f ala Sr tt wiar awiaoy.
Lad: plwe gi.. aa a
; reaMBiaar tb aawi, aaahar aad rtrart.
SmlOU No 71S, Arch Street, Philadelphia
has rnod to Soith 3d ttreei.foar
diMsr. from ike Towa Clottk, Lt W.
lawrBO PA
Wairajitee Seeds, for aaia at this oifioe
VLI. persons kavi.s; elaims afaraM th
Tniversiry si Lewtthart. will )
present tkeiw for aettlrami. tm tbe aaxiev.
nened ; ani usom iadebied. are reqaestem tu
malre enleme&L IVOiBee Priek'a Blawi,
. Third it Ihre doors from Market.
i. A. KELLY. Aewb
"OTICE is hereby pres. that Ike BOOKS
of J ACOB G.BROW.I are ia say huds
foreoUeetion.andall persons ksuwinf tkesv.
selires iadebied ca lb. same wtU fall aad
settle their aeeoaais oa ar before the 91t
ov. id.l, as no lunger iadalgeaaa caa ba
Nov. S, !8i!3 J.A.XHT1
Broke Oct in i New Place!
(rota S'.S to SIS.
Ir-Jaa U SJl
ollbrattt pncaV
troai S3 U &i-(Silkiat aaruraa aa4 Maa atyiam,
Extaniiaa. 11 St mrl Carraa, rar, K4. Cm 4
ihalDC aaro TiiMk tmlW. auaW at aaj Sia4 f
wvt atani hat WaJaat. Hahofaay aa4 Sua
woua aiaajs a kaa4 tor tba lsaaa
Toy, Wbat Sot. aWwiaa. .a. tm,
SOFAS, LOUXGES.iateit pattern,
Upbolfftarvai. Larr im, aWwiof, ratrhw Ctaaiva atwaff
on ktava-1: nlWKOan- Batnt, Lara ttartur najal Nm
Wiatoaw-r Chain. tir a4 all Ibotknm, TaiUa)
aa Caatlra'a Chaiftw aa a ha a A
liOOK. ana SUUW UA&A.S.atO.
Furniture oaujr oicn uanxfacturt, anaarao)
out gear.
P- 9. I intead, in a short tinsc. a. soon ca)
I can eet up a fine Hearse.) lo attend ta tkm
tome tweaty-five or more different .ined Cat
6ns, 6nished. and always ready oa abaft aja
lice, and will sell twenty per eras, ik.apan
tbaa kas ever been done ia Lewis barg. CaA
and see before parehasiag eUewkara.
REPAIRING done intmedtatelv.
CHAS. f. BELUCa.rw' SI)
Lariabarc fate, tt, ISSS.
THE andersigae 4 has beew appelated AnoV
itor by the Orphans' Coart of Caioa
coanry to distribute the balance ia tbe haaow
of James Mar-hall, AdmiaiMrator of Hawaw
Wixsa.late of White Deer Tp, Uaioa Ca. Pa.
dee'd, aad will meet tbe parties iatemsrd in
said estate at his office ia Lewisbarc on Saw
rmii the Sib day of December. A D IMS, at
1 o'clock. P M. WM. JONES. Auditor
Let Te all take a Kid
Jl responsioie persons, at reasoaablw
rates. tarstables oa alley batweea Eoatai
Third and South Foorth streets. half a sxiaarw
below Hess' Livery my resideaee oa aaase
lot, fronung oa Sooth Third street.
Lewisburg. Sept II, 163
The Secretary of the Treaary
has authorixsd at
to continne mj Agency fo a brief
And aatil farther notice, I shall aeadanw ta
receive SEbaaripuea. la tha
At my Office, and at th different aa-Jaaa
cits throughout the Loyal la lea.
abscriptioa Agea
11 South Third Street. Philadelphia
FllHE F ALL SESSION eamaieaeeo Mavaav.
BepfJ3,l63,to coatiaae to the Holidaya.
A private Report of the mediae; af taw
paail will haraaAaT ka ylata. ta ta haadaaf aark tmtmt
ee caardtaa aad it imaaiMki taat aaab layam ha
pnni lor latan aaaiyanaaa.
TriTtaa per Session, iaeladiag eeatiagaal
PRIMARY Readiaf, Writia;. Deear,
Arithmetic, Geog, Gram, aad l.
ADVANCED ENGLISH, all not iaeln-
ded above! "TT
ryNo deditcuoes exeept for proiraataal
w w a arwvl D 19
tft. IS, 1IB
ur u w ... . . .
AVING located ia Lewisbarc. aoitcil a
share of the p.blie Batreaaaw. laat-
H share of the paW
, 0(fi,. .",,..
dence ..d Office oa Market St, nearly otpe
t tte the Riviere House.
Lararatxirx. Mijrh a. tSSS.
University at Lewisburg.
SCHOOLS re-open oa THURSDAY, silta
The AeaaawT will be a. karat of or e.t
th. charge of Mr. L C. WYNN. A. M.
The Faw aaa I-sTtrwra will aw iiw ibi
chare of ta. experienced im ku
Pnae.paL Mm L. W. RUN DELL.
For funhsr informatioa. apply
J. aV. uiuaia,
-w f ANI'PACTURE f toprvd Jwr-.
JX.cuaalosi Malckce. Uwwb.ra.