Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 10, 1863, Image 1

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    in ill! n 11 11 it isiidig miii
At tlAO per Tear, always la Advance.
Tuesday Morn ins; k Friday Afternoon.
Abraham Lincoln
Truthful Tribute.
Daniel S. I'h'kisson, the " Democrat
ic war-horse of New York," wbnse mem
ory reaches back to tbe War of 1S12, in
a recent epeecb laid tbat I'rrtiUnt JiWi
sow anl hit Almimutralinn, mu'le nine
fnistahrt tchere I'rcti'lent Limrtii make
erne. None are perfeot, either io judg
meat nr di.Doeilioo. but we believe
Liocolo bus shown s much good sense
ad prmcticl sagacity, in bin unexpected cess, nnd "tho more they have the
and nocl dilemmas, as toy man ever ex- more tliey want."
bibited. Traitors were PrePred tod plot- These evils can not he cured l.y
ling against bira.one.ery b.oi ; but be Ecos..Mr.or CSTlitr. austisente
. 6 6 .. ,,. . I )V THE I'WT (IF CONSUMERS. IS THE
ha enutrived to thwart them, to raise men , . lf r ..
. , chihk cemeoy. Manv of these spec
and money in a.ton.ahiog number. j wiatnra will break down, and their
amounts, to orgaoixe campaigns, aod bas f;imiiie3 i,, bcars, and few
nude very Urge conquests. We can see j wjH mourn for the men who suffer
come of bit difficulties, but doubtless tbcre g w hat they needlessly iullictcd on Olh
re thousands of trials aod perplexities j crs.
bid io kia own heart, known only to the Tafco printing paper, for example,
rreat Searcher, whose aid be invoked Our great Southern market for paper
when leaviuc tbe "home" to which be baa
Dot returned in almost three years of
vrophtug cares and agonising anxieties,
lie baa erred in aome things, as all must
bocot.fiJe at all in others, but bis errors
re not such as to condemn bim to barsh ,
censure. Often be bad to "choose be-
Iweeo evils;' aod what wonder tbat tbere 1
re alwaya carpers, faull-fiudrrs, as well :
as real sufferers wboe lot is bsrd ? Tbe ;
best of men are evilly entreated, and who .
tries hardest to be rieht is often most i
faulted. Into large armies drift Ibe worst
and mtst troublesome of men ; great con
Iracta stimulate lbs worst propensities;
and do human foresight or elcill can al
ways detect tbe guilty, or tell who sre tbe '
tnosl to be coufiied in among a multitude
of competitors for office or supplies.
If Abraham Liueoln is not wholly mis
understood, be is most eminent for his '
knowledge of human nature, and jigging
where and when to strike a blow or make
move. Ibis txill oi personality uu,
heretofore, made bim successful, and we
Iiau aanaiss luiaP ItlfWi tKmH.vtl RaOlA thllxk
he doe. out do tbi. or tbat soon enough,
""r J -
... ,
While others sbiok bim too quick io Ibe
, .u.o u.u. i .
r: probably be moves about j
ime, wbea the whole Idd is j
Mae saatier: probably be moves shout
tbe right lime, wbea the whole idd is j
lakea into eoaaideratioa.
The recent Elections have been virtu- i
.11, contested opoa tbe President's Ad-
.- , u...... ..;nn. ....... m.
tt,o.sr.t,OD, (whatever miowaam ma,
lave beea employed,) and the saeees. of
cvery Union ticket is resJIy an endorse- j
toent of tbe Administration. And, as to j
tbe Biidt of tbe War of 1812, it was :
deemed impolitio to remove Pres. Midi-1
eon even for a superior man (DeWitt :
' ... . i
Ulinlun.) so now, even if a better were to
he found, i; would he unwise to hazard a
Invaluable Auxiliaries.
It has been remarked, that, in this
content for the life of the Nation,
nearlv if not nnite all of the religious
papers in the Free States have stood j
up Tor tho Administration, in onicr
words, they have sustained the Gov
ernment, as represented by its consti
tuted authorities. The same may be
said of the literary, agricultural, pro
fessional, mechanical, commercial and
miscellaneous journals in general.
They take this course, not as "politi
cians." in the ordinary, partizan use
of that word, but as a personal and
common duty to a good government,
and for the highest interests of man
kind. They regard our lieaven-be-
fctowed institutions as only a terror
to evil doers, but a praise to them
that do well." In this, these journals
truly represent the views of the great
mass ot tne.r rcaoers. aUly reuv
ine tenuuicuis w luijiuuj fwiv.
pcncrally, and of all those not partic
ularly interested in partizan warfare,
ilanr of this class, heretofore, have
not even voted, but have given np,
wholly, into the hands of mere sclO-h .
Kliticians, tbeir voice in directing j
tate and National auairs, so mat
th'ey are now bitterly assailed for tho
exercise or tbat natural ana consti
tutional right!
The National Benevolent Societies
arc also proving themselves important
auxiliaries of the Government. Not
Strictly religious, yet they are compo
Fed of like houest,unsclfish materials.
The Masonic, the Odd Fellows, and
the Sons of Temperance organiza
tions, take open, decided ground for
sustaining the Government.
In these two classes of self-sacriG-cing,
sincere, intelligent, nnd unam
bitious upholders, we believe our
11 . i- r , ...
triumr.h.even while manv rentable, i
well meaning citizens, are led astray ,
by falsehoods, prejudice, and acciden- j
Ul circumstances, into practical hos-
tilitj to their best earthly friend.
BsirTbs Union eoaaty drafud men re
port at Lewisbarg as follows :
MAtr, lZth STsv. BraSy. Balf.lo..
Su.id.y. IMS Rut Bull.w, Sm -Ttn HsrtlrT
ttomlmj, ISlk-S.llj. Uwia, UuU.Ua.
tmrtUj. l;ib Lrabr(.
.wit.y. lsth Lusw4nM.MifltBbetjrew Bartiau
VSandsj, ista CaiM, Waiu Im.
Every man to bring along his two notices.
A ,eU' ffon tht Csptaia of Comp. j from Joba Leiser... Tbe political Turbut
i , U21 P. V , io our next. 1 TiU0 "riot" case iu again frasttsted.
The Crime of Speculation.
The "Harrislmnr, Telegraph" lias
porno just and forcilIe comments up
on the
conduct of tueu of great
wholesalers, in the chief
cities, who combine to liny op most
articles of rime necessity, and then
demand exorbitant price for the
same from retailers. " The War" is
not the cause of much of our ad van-
' ced rates ; it is merely an exci se or
' pketexce for it. on the part of cxtor-
tioners, most of them Kebel synipa
i thizcrs at heart. The real cause is
the (rrcedy, ungodly desire for paiu
, Ijicrla animates too many men, whose
hearts seem to crow harder bv sue-
beinir all cut off, and fewer book?
' printed than before, paper should
naturally be cheaper rather than
dearer. But Mteeulators raised it, in
some cases, to double former prices.
Our paper for thctTAU t ClIIi'iNiCLE
rose Trout fi per week, to clli or
112, but is now down to Here
has liecn a loss on paiier, to us, of
Sl'iti, which we have borne ourselves, '
' entirely, without any increae in the !
price of our paper, or reduction of
its quality : whether we can endure
i to bear all the los9 auother year, is
I There have been corresponding
advances in most kinds of goods, and
: in some wages, but not m all. 1 er
! sons living on stated salaries, or with
fi xed incomes, and most sorts of work
men and workwomen, have not yet
IHPrO.JA.1 tlir.ll. hlMtil .r ll Vol ill! ktlt
I even while its expenses have in -
creased. Thev deserve to be aided.
.... ...
anit their circumstances taken into
! consideration by all good citizens who
tau easu iinir iui.
i can easo their lot.
I While Farmers, Manufacturers and ! ,
" line J- armers, .Manuiaciurers ana
i pro nil nr crnnoraiip hir siiivADrofi
-w t . ii . , l 1
. i : " i 1
' A" 1.1
lltU Mftt J La a IUU laAlA A Ctltlitl . V'H I
1 aml VpeharTc. -nti nrJKkilled I
pyrncn, and Mechanics and unskilled
laborers in general, (altho' specially '
subject to the grievance of Ihe high ,
Laborers in eeneral. faltho' 6necially
subject to the grievance
rales for necessaries) have not thus
increased their means.
Many need to learn to do without
luxuries and superfluities, and the
.musthave3T,of Ii
nQl ec,ltiaL Sta4yng ccono-
mj jn fooJ anJ drc waslilg nolu.
jng jn Uicless or injurious habits,
forethotirlit. and mutual forbearance,
should enable us to brave through,
until Hebels and Forestalled both
. .i r. ..I...II ...
' uuuii.-ai.iu iuvs-fiwu K-j m
thousands they have distressed, har
assed and ruined.
Voluntary Offerings.
The women of the Aid Society would
tbsok Ibe friends of the wounded and sick
soldiers, for tbe contributions to iheir
fund, remaining unpaid, promised at tbe
receat celebration.
How cheering is sympathy in a good
work, and tbe evidence of it, in a geuer-
! oas gift ! Wbea car own hearts are
throbbing with interest fur our suffering
soldiers, and oar willing bsnds are work
ing for tbem, bow delightful to feel that
other hearts beat responsive to oar own,
and that Ibose wbo can not sew or prepare
delicacies for the sick, are yet williog aod
bsppy to contribute of tbeir mooey is tbis
good cause 1 The voluntary offering is
twice blessed "blesses bim tbat gives aad
him tbat takes." Tbis is tbe way to
contribalo ftom , fo hemrt M(1
Lord lovetb a cheerful giver."
Any one wbo desires information as to
the Society with which we co-operate, the
U. 8. Sanitary Commission, can obtain
documents of the Associate manager, Mrs.
U. S. Dickson. Tbe Commission, like ell
earthly things, must have its imperfce-
lions, but to oar mind it comes near a re
alisation of perfeoi good will to man, and
is conducted, in all its affairs, with most
remarkable wisdom and economy.
Well Wisher.
Gov. Cortia has appointed James L.
Retnolds, Esq., of Lancaster, Quarter
master, ia place of Gee. Reaben C. Hale,
dee'd. Like Mr. Hale, Mr. Reynolds is
a Union Democrat, who has dooe good
s-rvice to tbe csuse. Ha is a brother of
Ibe gallant Gen. Joha F. Reyoolds, who,
" 'J'0. first day of tbat
onM, WM rviee in
,etmnoi lh- 6taad npoa which ear other
"""P mea ana woe the victory
straggle in wbieb he and many others
bed tbeir Ufa blood.
SBL.AI the Court ia Sunbury last week,
Jadge Jordan gave lbs Qraod Jury ery
sharp bints aboat tbe sbsbbiness of the
Court lloase, bal tbey "ooald n't see it"
...A trial for mardsr ia Ibe eutera part
of the eoaaty, resolted in tbe acquittal of
tbe Deft.. .Mary Leiser obtained a divorce
Military Execution.
Tbe fallowing confession of dying
I mtn. reveals tbe inside of Copperheadism
; beyond dispute. Read it, honest Demo-
crate ! and ask yourselves who are ibe
more guilty, the infamous politicians, who
instigated tbat soldier to desert and to
murder the officer who sought Io arrest
Lim, or tbe soldier himself J
Reaben Stout, a deserter from the 00 'b
Indiana Volunteers, was shot at Jobaaou's
Island, on Friday lait. Bofore tbe exe
cution, be detailed tbe circumstances un
der which be was induced to leave bis
regimeot, aod the crime be waa tempted
to commit. lie waa at borne, on sick
leave, it seems. Haters, io bis eon fens
ion, "After I had been there about two
weeks, I was advised by persona not to go
back to tbe army. They said this was
only an 'abolition war,' and advised uie to
stay at borne and tboy would protect me,
I ataa induced to iro to a nieetinc of the
so called 'Kuigbtn of tbe Goiden Circle
and was mads a member of tbat orgaoiza-
tion. The obligations of tbe order, bound
us to do all we could against tbe war to
resist a drift, if one should be made, and
likewise to resist snd oppose all eonfi-ci-
tion or emancipation measures, io every
! possible wy. We were sworn to stand
j bv ech other in all measures of resistance,
We were pledged to do all we could to pre-
! "nr. another man or dollar going trom tbe
Slate fur tbe further prosecution of tbe
Views of Gen. Sickles.
In a recent speech st New York, tbe
brave Gen. Sickles (formerly a radical
L'emocrat) said of I'res. Ltncolo, "be
whom tbe burden bas most bent, bas
never faltered in beart or purpose. Grap
pling with questions more difficult and
delicate than ever before tried, be bas so
borue himself tbat every loyal beart
acknowledges tbe candor, ability and Uct
wbicb signalise our first Magistrate.
"Tbe surest wsy to pesos is to fortify
the Government with publio opinion.
: " " " rr
1 oeot ot Peicet he who by delay or act
ThA mnrat fn. r.f ih. Irmr ikj. r.l Annil.
' binders tbe re-inforeetneots. Ky all
. means, let tbcre be volunteers.
grand opriping or toe nortn, nx mat
wbicb followed Sampler, would carry dis-
.. c .. . - . a
mav io toe ooutnern uaoines ana camp.
"Tbis war will annihilate an, leader.
. . ... .a.
or P" or ""'on. bl ID onr
r " "
est of
LWJ - Ib fo,ure e,r, ' B""1 b 'he
respectable preferment, 1 ho
did be stand io the great war for tbe Un
ion?' lf io tbal atruggle be baa beea
false, bis doom will be tbat of the Tories
of the Revolution of the Bluelighl F d
eralists it tbe Vallaodighams of 1S63."
BfAs spproximating their population,
we give tbe majority, and wbole vote for j
Governor, in snch neighboring Boroughs as :
we have returns for :
msj. oat of CIO votes
I Danville 135 do 17
Sunbnry US do 3S4
Milton 143 d 383
Williamspnrt 143 do 1269
Montnnrsville 90 do 181
SAlinsgrove 87 do 281
j Bloomsburg 87 do 479
I Mt. Carmel 77 do 79
j Bellefonte 77 do S92
I Wilkes liarrs CI do 799
Lewistnwa 43 do 550
Kingston 40 do 124
Mill Hall 33 do 97
Berwick 32 do 152
Milcsburg 30 do 110
Jersey Shore S'i do 276
Hartleton 11 do 65
New Berlin 10 da 131
Turbutville 7 do 113
M'Eweosville 3 do 79
Tackaaooock 2 da 1G0
Sersnton 233 do 161
Pittstoa 121 do 742
Lock Haven 37 do 661
Northumberland 19 do 235
Mifflinburg 3 do 205
ilogbesvilla 1 do 101
EttTThe recent Fairs of Ibe North West
at Chicago, got op for tbe benefit of Ibe
Soldiers, have been immensely attended, I
have been very profitable for tbe end de
signed, and have greatly stimulated the
benevolence and tbe patriotism of the
country. The Farmers send in their best
by the wagon and ear loads; the most
eminent ladies 000k aod serve it op ; and
the prices paid per meal are clear gain.
Tbe Fair lasted several days, if not until
tbepreseot time, and marks an era ia our
history fall of tbe most sacred and loneh
ing recollections of tbe people's virtue.
BfjCvSome of tbe papers last week star
ted a report of tbe death of Gov. Corlio,
then aboat helping tbe New Yorkers to
win their Union viotory. He had re
ception in tbe City the night of tbe Elec
tion, but bas sioce returned to Harrisburg,
rather improved in health by tho variation
of life caused by diverting his mind from
militsry affairs, and mingling with the
civilians at their country homes. Having
again turned particular attention to tbe
details of State duties, we trust he may be
spared to witness peaceful times again.
sa.At Berwiek, 5th iast.,W.Wickhsm
Case, lata of the University at Lswisbarg,
waa ordained to the Gospel ministry: He
serves the Berwick and Brier Creek Bap-
list cb arches as Paator. j
Tbe Smallpox is i omeehal troublesome I
io Lock H even. 1
The President's Views.
la reply to resolutions of tbe Wirt New
Jersey Baptist Association, free. Lincoln
directs Seo. 8ewarl to write
"You may be well assured tbat, so far
s it belongs to bits, do vigor and no per
severance shall be wanting to suppress tbe
existing insurrection, and to preserve and
maintain the Union of lb States and tbe
integrity of tbe oountrv. You may farther
rest astured that tbe 1'resident is looking
for a restoration of peace on no other
basis than tbat of the oneondiiional acqui
escence, by the pople of all tbe States, iff
tbe constitutional authority of tbe Federal
"The 1'residcnt is moreover especially
sensible of tbe wisdom of your counsels in
recommending tbe cultivation, by tbe gov
ernment and people of the United States
of spirit of meekness, humiliation, and
dependence on Almighty God, a; an iudis
penssble condition of obtaining tbat divine
aid and favor without which all butnin
I wisdom and all human nowsr.tho direced
to tbe wisest and most benevolent end..are
unavailing. In a time of danger like tbi,
a Stale, especially Kepublio, as you
justly imply, ought to repress snd expel sll
personal ambitions, j'-elnusies, ana apn-
ties, snd become one united, harmooious,
loyal aod devotional people."
Who is he? Oo tbe fisld of Gettys
burg, after tbe battles, tbe dead body of
a Loion soldier was found, holding in
bis clasped bands an ambrotype of tbree
children, a girl and two boys, aged appa
rently about nine, seven and five years.
In the pioture, the youngest child, a boy,
is seated io a high chair, between bis eld
er brother and his sister, while tbe dresses
of tbe two latter are made of tbe same
material. Tbe soldier was boned on tbe
field where be fell, and bis crave is mark
ed, bat bis name could not be ascertained.
The picture is now in possession of Dr.
Bouras, 1104 Spring Garden street,
Philadelphia, who can be called upon or
addressed in reference to it.
Pbotogrsphs of the children, published
sod sdvertised, tbe profits to go to tbe
hospitals, would probably result io finding
those doubtless bereaved of a fond paeat.
Bs,The night before Election, See.
Seward spoke at bis home in Auburn, N.
Y., and prophesied victory oa tbe mor
row. He aaid tbal, in tbe nature of
things, there could be no pesee uotil
Abraham Lincoln, or bia constitutionally
eboaea euoeessor, was President of Ibe
I as err a t-. . .a.ni
ol Uoited States; tbat Slavery was
i to perish with tbe war it had created;
tbat tbe doors were always open Io tbe
prodinl OMt but do iofitatioos leot
after them, though tbey woold be wel
comed as brothers wben, repentant, tbey
returned to their father's boose.
Rev. J. Anderson Kelly, Agent for
the University, bas removed to Lewisbnrg
and opened an office io Frick's Block, on
N. 3 J St., three doors from Market,
v, 1 '1"vVJ'Zj .... .1-.
iwii . Biahcu is veea init
the burglars wbo broke open Judge Jor
dan's safe, bad taken four Northern Cen
tral Railway Company Bonds of $500
each, belonging to Mrs. Wilson. We are
pleased to learn from Judge Jordan, tbat
be bas since found them among other pa
pers. Tbe robbers bad taken off the
wrapper, wbieb tbey left lying 00 tbe
fljor, but, as it appears, stuck the bonds
in smong some other papers io tbe safe.
iSunbury American.
Tbe deprivations and horrid sufferings
of our prisoners in Ibe bands of Ibe Reb
els, at Richmond, are becoming sbockiog
to tbe seDoibilities of tbe world, aod are in
special contrast with our kindness to tbeir
prisoners. Uf over 100 recently returned
to Annapolis, 6 or 7 die daily from tbe
effects of previous starvatioa aad ill treat
ment. Oa Friday last, a mob of coal miners
in tbe Msuch Chunk region killed several
men, jand are said to be combined to
resist tbe draft. Military have been sent
to Ibe aid of Ibe eivil foree. These mobs
have beea so frequent, aod tbe danger
and interruption to business so great, as
to csuse most of the rise ia Ibe price of
coal tbis year.
John R- Forrest, for robbing the mails
at l'ernoe, Mercer county, Pa., a few
weeks ago, was tried at tbe October term
of the United States Diotrict Court at
Pittsburg, was found guilty, aad sentenced
to ten years' imprisonment in the Western
Penitentiary of Pennsylvania.
Sinte tbe Election, we see that Ysllsn
digham denies having written tbe letter to
Col. lashsll, of Alabama, wishing tbe
Rebels success in tbeir holy cause.
Shouldn't wonder if Val. yet claimed to
o an -original war man,
Judge M'Calmont was defeated for
Assembly in Venango county by 250 ma
jority. A deserved rebuke to a man wbo
after-eoming back from tho army, gives
bis support to tbe op posers boib of the
uovernment and tbat Army,
John Hall, Detroit, waa so overcome
by toe nows of the defeat of Vsllandig-
nam, that, late on Tuesday night, be
went te the dock and drowned himself.
He had previously aaid he would do so if
ailaadtgbam was not elected. . Poor fool!
The two leading Copperhead papers in
New York the Argut and the Worll
have united their fortunes. The reedio?.
reflecting people, de hot sustain, sheets of
tbal character.
Tate, of the Columbia Democrat, io
order to inform those of his pstrona who
can not read bow tho election went, put in
the rooster on his bsek. .
Tbe last Copperhead name for oar
President, is, "the BeLshsmr of America."
dUUDWfllj aCaw. w WW M
Dates from LbatleOOOga to rriday last,
Affairs in Et lennesMe were satiafaet v
ry. James Ueary, a Mississippi urifaaier
General, bas been captured by ibe Union
ists in one of several minor engagements
in which oar forces have generally the
Fort Sumter is Oars again!
Phils". Ang. 7- Tbe U. S. Steamsr
Saloon, from Charleston, reports as the
result of onr recent caoooading, that oo the
3d insf., Fort Sumter, demolished, waa
taken possession of by tbe lllib Peon's
Keg. Thus, after 2 years' possession,
tbe Rebellion is struck where it commen
ces firing npon the Old Flag. Tbis puts
us much nearer Charleston.
Haryland Election of CresswelL
Returns from the Kastern Shore giva
Mr. Cre?!we!l, the Unconditional Union
ctudidate for Congress, 1,0(JU majirity.
He receives majorities in Cecil, Worces
ter, Carolioe, l'albot, Somerset, Q'teen
Ann and Dorchester counties. Cribfield,
only carries one county (Kent,) by 3C2
i 0D17 f
J " '
Ibis result is considered a
great and unexpected triumph for Eman
cipation in Maryland, giving as fur
Congressmen (tbe fifth net known.)
From Newbern, North Carolina.
The li'tltiyh H'anJarJ appeals to tbe
Conservatives to rally at tbe Polls agaiost
tbe bestructionis's on election day. It
sdda tbere is to chance for peaoe counsel
notil tbe original Secessionists are burled
from power. In alluding to Ibe recent
defeat of lbs Democracy to
of lbs Democracy to Unio aod
1 Pennsylvania, the Standard says tbe last
' rsy of hope for the south from tbe North
bas departed. Tbe North is banded
against tbe South, by immense majorities, j
Tbe war will go on aod be prosecuted by
tbe Federal Government as a matter of
business. Lincoln will be re-elected, and
tbe protpeot of pesos will be more distant
than ever. Tbe Southern people stand
alone with the world against them, and
tbey had better make peaoe with Provi
dence or tbe North very soon.
Fresh regiments have arrived here. to
take the piacs of tbe veterans who base
gone elsewhere. Tbe Rebel iron clad
which is being eonstructed on tbe Neuse
nvV, is reported nearly ready for a raid
io ibia direction. Tbe war debt of North
Carolina is beiog rspidly extinguished by
the proceeds received Irons blockade run
nera. A boy named Lehman, 17 years of ags,
employed ia carrying the mail between
j ha Wilhenssport P. O. aed the Railroad
depot, bas beea delected in parluiuiog
Mrs. Warbler, wbo advertised in Maine
for a husband, bas received over seventy
applications, and still warbles for more.
Tbe Emaacipatioa majirity in Balti
more city u a little over 10,000 votes.
In 23 counties ia Illinois, tho Union
tickets gain 15,079 votes.
Iao Citv CoLiset, Pittsbcbo, Pa.
There is no Institution .of learning in the
country, at present, attracting so great an
amount of attention as this. Siadsnts are
flocking to it from all parts of the cooniry,
on account of tbe reputation it has among
business men for making thorough, practical
and reliable accountants.
Its graduates lake precedence over those of
sll other Commercial Schools; a Diploma
from this College being a certain passport to
suecesa io business life.
The Faculty ia composed of skillful and
experienced man, wbo stand at tbe head of
their profession, and who are well kaown to
be eminently filled for the position tbey occu
py. Every young man in the country should
try to avail himself of tbe advantage afforded
by a course of study ia this College. Circu
lars of the College, containing full informa
tion, can be had on addressing the Principals,
Messrs. JENKINS St SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa.
CorrttteJ Weekly
icat. 1.35 E?s S 15
Rye 1,00 Tallow 10
Corn, old..
.. 95 Lard 10
70 Clover seed 6,50
2,00 Wool CO
41b Potatoes 40
13 Shoulder 6
25 Ribs i Sides 6
Dried Apples
Fresh Batter..
Rags 1, 5, and 6 Ham 13
Barley 90 to $1,00 Country Soap 4 & 6
In Sanbory, 5th hut, EVAS, mm of John Kay snd
Starr 8. dental a?t i raara, Thia Is tba Knd
child of Ga. Cl.Bvat, vho has SaUaa a rieciai to Siptba
ria a-ithia a asoath.
1ST of Letters! remaining ia tbe PuM
Office at LtWISULKU, l't, up to
.Nov. Tlh, 163
Artlnan t
Krura Sarah stlasS
Kill. Charts
K-tu Klia.b.th
hrt William D
H.U. Rnaia Mrs
Karon W atC
Kuhaaa J.a
HiicU wuiiam P Cap!
L'Uatna Ida MiM
CharlM llai) B
kttlrr Marr A MlaS
Snatar RVbl B
rm a Hartmaa
ilMr baaial
llaana nanaah W Miss
Hull Joha
Huu-hia. Was
Haas. Bb1 L
Haraaa Joel
KiaSrr Sarah Mias
LiriDsatoa BVlilb atiss
i . ar
Lamlson C
Moarvr Harre?
SliliOT Susan Hiss
SI a; SO
M'hrid. J M
Kacl. Suam Wlu
( Ualu. J MiasS
l'u-r. Mary Blua
Phillips Jafvb
Fanal Juha
RuaraB liporxa
kibm D.i4
ki.r Liaaja Mlas
SlfHr aaiart
Smith Phillip.
lafSst startaa Jaaw lira
T.jkK i A
Ghaat Mary Misa
tiaal Pua'l S
Waira Vaa
Wolf. Marr Miss
Wrkrht La Mrs
WasaiaftM Sarah BtrS
Laaaia SaaaatlBW S4
Cloars Joba
Persoas ealline for the above Letters will
please say they are "advertised
eao w oULur.ru
PROF. T. J. C(X)K, of Isew Xork city, au
thor of ia aathem Thanksgiving. Tbe
Olive Branch. The Oriental Glee A Anthem
Book. The L'aioa. just published, and ether
popular mnsical worka. will rive a Concert
at Lvwisburg m ladrptadeal Hall. I aursoay
evening, the Uth Nov. Tickets, IS cut
"THE UNION." established In lSHWMe Ne, 1,641.
CnROXICLE,- established In 1S43 TOdeNa, 1,021.
persons bavin claims aratnat ine
, rmvrrsily at Lea-ibur wtil ptae
j present ihem lur aritlement, tu the under-
sienea ; ana muse inaeuteti, are requr.icu w
make etirmrnl. I tTOrTire Frck' liluck.
N. Third St. tbree (loots trom Mark'U
J. A. KELLY. Agent.
VfOTrCE i hen-bv riven, that the BOOKS
x of J Af'OB . BUUVVN are in my hamis
furci'ller.imn.and all persons kanwinc uiem
selrea indebied on the same will call ami
settle iheir ar.coonts va or before the 21st
Iter. msL, as na longer indulgence can be
IS.ir. . I8S3
J. A. MERT7.
THE andmirne4 has been appointed Aud
itor bv the O phan' Court pf l'mn
cuontv to ifi -tribute the balance in the hands
of James Mar-hsll. Administrator i f Hun
WiLaa.late uf White UeerTp, Cnion Co. Pa
dee'd, and will meet the parties interested in
said estaie ai his office' in lwiburg on St
rsD.v the Sih day of IWember. A 1 l63, at
1 o clock. P M. WM. JO.VES, Auditor
MANl'RA'.TtRER of Improved Per
casslon Malchea, Lewisburg, Pa
Let I s all take a Ride I
responsible persons, at reaonab!e
raies. ir Siabus on alley between Bonih
Third and Sr uth Fuarth streets, half a square
below Hes' Livery my residence on aame
loi, fronting on South Third street.
I.ewisbarg. Sept. II, 1S63
Broke Oat in a New Place!
froa SIO to SIS.
n-orn S3 to Sal (a aiSmat stsrs saw latast stv-
Ziwtufea, IIMisI nwrJ. Oatra. PWr. Xmd. ears,
lining two tiM.), Vnmktmu mmdm mt My kirn of
uul Mind, bat W.iaat. Buttmr H hamm
vov4 aivays m Sm4 tor ia. bate.
TPOT, What-.-Hat, S.winc As. as,
SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns,
Vjfbo&ptfnA, Latrg Arm. itwimg, Parlor Gbfttrw 'vr
OS hud; vlsars.ia 44stU. Ljatsp kockxT avi artk,
Wittdswr Ckairsv tarr ajjati hmII stocster. Tali
aWs4 CsAAidlVB'e Chaurm. Biwskve om bavjad.
num.' .,i nnw n kpj n
FurnUureomyoicn manvacturt, inimeJ
oae gear.
P- 8. I intend, in a short time, as soon as
I can eet up a fine Hears.) to attend 10 the
j C.MJEKTAKINU Bl'SI.NESSr-I will ke.p
some twenty-live or more different sized Col
fins, finished, and alwava rvady on short Ba
ilee, and will aell twenty per rent, cheaper
than has ever been done in Lewisbarg. Call
and see before purchasing elsewhere.
REPAIRING done immediately.
CHAS. 8- BELL, Ckambtlin't Bloc.
Lrabburc, .U St, 1SS3.
The Secretary of the Treasury
bas au'.berixsd me
to continue my Agency for a
And nntil furthar cotice. I shall anatlnue te
receive Snbssriptioaa to the
At my Office, snd at the different Sab-Agea
cica throughout the Loyal 8taua.
Subscription Agent,
114 South Third Street, Philadelphia
rpHE FALL SESSION commences Mossn,
eief t.?8,1863,to eonuooe to the Holidays.
A private Report of the standing of the
pupil will b.rafW b. plaiwd i. tba had af a-h aaraat
or (uardiaa aaa U iwaanaM laai saea nparia urn
pranTTrS Kir rular. eompanaoB.
TcirioB per Session, including eosiingsnl
PRIMARY Reading, Writing, Deflaer.
Arithmetic, Geog, Dram, and L". S.
Historv. 3X
ded above 9 M
rs-.o deductions except for protracted
aickness. slJi.rn
frpt, is. 1KO
mvivr. inraiaa in Lewisbnrc. soliritsa
r I share of the public patronage. Keal
dtuTe and Oifiee on Market 8l, nearly oppo-
tite ihe Riviere House.
Laaiabara, starea a,
QCUOOL8 re-open oa THCR8DAY, tub
Tbe Acasawv will Va aa heretofore under
the charge of Mr. L C. WYNN, A. M.
The Fsaais Ixstttttb will be ander the
charge of the experienced and accomplished
Principal. Miaa U W. RL' .SPELL.
For further information, app'v t
J. R. LOOMia, Preaidest. '
Estate of Klchael Easelman, wee's;
of adiaiatratMB oa the esiata ot Miaa't
Enrslmsn. deeeaeS. law of While Deer Tp.
bavins; been granted to the sabaeribcr by the
Kcgisier of Lbmio cuentjria due forsa of law.
a. I persons indebted te said estate are bant
aottfied to make immediate payaMail, sad all
having any jast claims axajejst Use aame may
preeul them dolv aoibeaiicaicd fuS scilWaa.al
White Deer, Oct. I, IS63 a4
(.as ntllns; rslabllsbtacat.
1) OO V io Faica's Block. Market St, rear
) of Bower's Jewelry 8aop.
llaviae; served a regular apprenticeship la
one of trie best shops in PhilaJ-, I hope to
reader sattsfactioa.
B' RER4 and othr rixtom always est
band or furaisked at short asotica.
Ll.arc. FvpS 1"
Notice to the Drafted.
TENDER ibe provisions of the Aat
J Cencress for enrolling and calliag o
ih national forces, the fuilcwtag proi
are eimpi t
Ut Toe on'y soa liaVe to military daty
a wiJdw dependent on his labr for seppor
U The tnly sonof aged or inarm parent'
parents dependent a h.s latr for sappon
3d Tne only brother of children aot :
years old (having nei her Father aor atvUtei
dependent on his labor for support;
4th The father of motherless ehi!dr
ander 12 years of age depeadent en I
labor for support;
Sih Where there art two members of I
famny of the persoa drafted, already la v
military service of the Called Slates.
All peroas entitled to tka above exeat
tions, can hare iheir papers made oat ai t
orftce rl C. I). BREWER, Attorney at La
l.ewisburj, Loion Co, Pa.
WOOD PER0T,1136,Ridge Areni
OFFER for sate opon the Most Favoral
Terms. SK W and BEALTIFCL Uesig
ia (real variety of Iron Railings for Cam
teries. Residences Ac. of Cast aad Wroag.
Iron, and Galvanized Iroa aad Brass Tabia
Iron Verandas, Balconies. Htairs. Coaster
Fonntains, Gates, Columns, Hitching Poss
Lamp (Hands, Vases. Tables, Flower ettaea.
Pafas. Chairs. Siatnary, Aaimaia aad all vibe
Iron Work of a Ulcerative character.
Designs forwarded for selection. PerswBS
applvinr for same will please state Use kias)
of work needed 6mS
fr if, ,0 our aewlv esublisbed Nnrseriea.
near the Lewisbnrg f'auoa, a larger assort
ment than lat year of
Frail aa Oraiasealal Trees, Sanaa, As.
Ia our old -Nurerist ia Adims cosary, we
have the largest stock of trees aad largest
sized for Fall of 163 and pnng of '64. We
therefore can furnish Trees by large quanta,
ties 10 Dealers Ac at very low prices.
The attention of buyers aad dealers ia res
pectfully solicited to an ri ami nation of sat
stock. We also desire a dozen good AGISTS
to sell for ihe commg Spring.
New Tin Shop.
WEISER A SMITH will open a new Tut
Shop, on the Xd of September, lssa,
in the borough of
in the former Siorebnote of J & J Young, first
door above Dtckard's Hotel, I'P STAIUS. aad
Intend in kep on hand all kinds of TIM
WARE, Self-Sealing and other Fruit Caaa.
Stove Pipe and Spoounes.&e. REPAIRING
done at short notice. Charges moderate. The
public are invued to sail and examine oas
stock. S. J.WEISER.
pdlm J. K. SMITH
5,000 wanted!
N'Y person having from One to Five
Thousand Dollars, can have Ibe sans
saiely iavested in Jadgmeats upon valnabla
real estate in this ceamy, opoa applicative ta
J. F. A JOitN B. LLN.1. .
Lewisbarg, July IS, 1863
Cash paid for Bark.
JWISHi to purchase a laree quantity of
ROCK OAK HARK, dvlivared at
my Tannery Yard in Lewisbnrg, for which I
will pay the highest price ia cask.
may it, INS3
John Falrelrn,
Sia, Seats atia,
loiartar. WaBBBaSBBraS
at aad Aaaaa SB
All kinds of
jfor Ladies' and
i- uuareus wtuvr.
r 1h to rrtura sit tbasks ta bit nVaSs af fk-a
bbS tka aarroaadiBg aaaBlna. Sr tb.it nry Uaanl
Batroeac. ratrBiSml to m. durtas th. lal Av faasa, aa4
'ald hi s tssi that I ao har. ks aaara. at my aaa
lapMUtK. aad flMBBtVtar.. a irj .Kianar. aavra.
m'Bt of all th. dinr.Bt kiad. aad aaliuai at TtKCT
ri KX ba.liat aad Ckildraa, thai will ka easSBs)
th. Vail aad iatr apafoaa.
SViar tba dnart iBiaortrr af all my Sara ss Snaraaa,
aad ba.ia( ihaBi MaaclaetaraS aadar my mb saanS
Boa. .aakiat aw la aSr mf rsavawrs aad tk. pakka
Bark uakiaar am af Fur. ft-r tb. aa bbb
LadM.: laaa fiNMtall Win. parch
rBBMBibaf Iba asTna, awBhar aad srat .
RmlOH Ho Arch Street, Philadelpala
has ramoved to mia Sd ar'-J,"
Ooora rrous ia Towa Cltssk. LEW.
Warrantee Deeds, h sis at this o6e
SO J taaj m PJlf9
5 a. So