Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, November 03, 1863, Image 2

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Slow toward the westera sky
Sink th golden October no :
Longer grow the deepening shadows,
And the day is nearly done.
Rosy gleams the quiet river
'Neath the crimson-tinted sky ;
White-winged vessels, wind-forsaken,
On the waveleaa waten lie.
Glow the autumn-tinted valleys,
Oc the hills soft ihadowt rest,
Growing warmer, purple glowing,
Af the ana ainki toward the west.
Slanting sunlight through the cedars,
Scarlet maples all Arlow. .
Long rays streaming throngs the forest,
Uieam Uie dead leaves lying low.
Golden sunlight on the cornfields,
Glittering ripples on the stream,
And the still pools in the meadow
Catch the soft October gleam.
Warmer grow the purple mountains,
Lower sinks the glowing son,
Soon will fade the streaming sunlight
See, the day is nearly done !
Honey Beet.
It. B. Olott, Union Co., Pa., in Nov.
Jio. of the American Agriculturist, makes
the following statement : " Some time in
July last, having a queen be at my dis
posal, and not wishing to destroy her, I
put her to the entrance of a late second
swarm, ia which she entered. Wishing
(Sept 1) to use this colony to raise Italian
queens, I removed the queen, and, in
returning the combs, to my astonishment
I found another queen. This puzzled me
considerably, as I never noticed or heard
of such a thing before. I returned the
queen I had removed, and then took out
the combs, leaving the two queens and part
of the bees in the hive. I watched them
several hours to ace whether the queens
would quarrel if they should meet. The
bees kept a constant running about the
hive, and the queena came in contact
several times, but apparently did not no-
tioe each other, with the exception that
at one time one took hold of the other's
wing and held her for a second or so, but
soon passed on. I then transferred the
queens with part of the bees to an obser
ving hive containing one comb, in order
to notice their actions. When not moles
tod, the queens moved about the comb
ppareutly unconcerned. I kept them so
for 48 hours, then returned one to the
hive, and gave them an empty comb to
ascertain if these queens were both fertile.
Tbi comb was soon supplied with eggs.
I then removed this queen and introduced
the other, but egg laying continued as be
fore. I then returned the other queen to
the hive. I hare examined the colony
frequently since, and always found the
queens among the bees, but never on the
same comb. Whether one of these queens
was that whieh I had introduced in Jnly,
I ean not say, but it appears likely. This
verifies the old saying that there are ex
ceptions to all rules. - Has a similar ease
been noticed before ? I shall endeavor if
possible to winter this swarm, to ascertain
if these queens will remain together a
whole season."
Mr. Olott, in answer to questions in the
Sept Agriculturist, page 209, concerning
the quality of the honey gathered by
Italian Bees, writes to the following pur
port II has kept them two seasons, and
considers them 50 per cent more prolific
than the common sort. The honey this
season he thinks superior, which he says
is due to the fact that in his neighbor
hood there was a great surplus of cherries,
from which, as they decayed, the common
bees gathered considerable stores, while
the Italians were busy with red clover.
They also worked among it while the oth
ers were among the buckwheat blossoms,
lie says the Italian will gather almost as
much from the eeeond crop of red elover,
ss is usually seenred from buckwheat
We should like to hear further evidence,
particularly with regard to their ability to
draw honey from red cloTer a point not
yet admitted.
TiaYs CHAiiots Fourteen eat of lbs
nineteen Representative ia Caogrss ehe
sea last Fall in Ohio, an Copperheads.
Ttoelm of loses war left high and dry
on lb shoal by the vol of their retpee
tiv districts on tb 13th alt They will
Mvsrtaelees vote for a Copperhead Speak
er, and do their ataoet to imped nod
embarras tb proeeeatioa of tb War for
the Usiea. Had tb eleetioa for Coagreas
hem bald ia lb North tbi year, tb
ferked teagaed Copperheads weald have
bad 40 men les tbsa they bow save.
A rtaia Deo tor Wright." a proad,
aeagaty set on of obitslrj ia Norfolk, Ye.,
bad tie aristoeraii blood so ineeased at
teeisg soss Uaioa colored soldiers oa tbe
street, tbst be shot dead their sonatsad-
er. Great effort were mad to save lb
scoundrel from tb gallows, bat bs bss
died lb felon e death. A aether ot tbe
am sort of F. F., named Sotheroa, ia
Mart lead, killed a Uaioa taaa for enlist
ing colored men, sad mast stretsb hemp
if b aaa be otaght. Tbi despotic spirit
most be tampered with a ssor.
Wdwrd' friends foagbt tb 1st
belt! tqetrely ia oppositioa to arbitrary
arrests, aad Gea. H'CIellaa deeUred that
be regarded the Judge'a eleetioa as called
for by tb .etcreelc of the Nation." Oa
12th of 8eptamher, 1881, H'CIellaa wros
Gea, Bank to one tbe Maryland Legis
lator, aad was positive ia bie direeiioa
that "lM sboald escape !" What an
inveterate inker H Little Mia" has cot t
, . . . a
e er was a eisastetoe I
Iowa give a Usioa asajorily of shoot
za.vuu. ia laportasee aad worth of
ihn asajority will hotter appreeiaied
when it is reaMaa bared thai Iowa laa nam
a eiate only seventeen year, that the baa
a pepelatioa act to exceed 800,000, aad
ba already rat 40,000 aca T the laid
ng1 fwaM traitor.
C :
J ' '
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Holidays Banks close on
Be Tear's Dav-Wh Jalj-TaaaliaeMrltavae
Union County Offlclal Record.
rMlnl Jadgt-un S. Wooee, LnWon PoatOtVe
dniri.oi.redo, Imn W.tmmm.umimkmit we
ae Jena- luu, awwaahaig
Storey L.f Ararra atasesav c
Meg tt atec Oaoaaa Msaatu, a we
Dutritt dfferare lum Haras Co do
TVnnrcr )iq a. Mian. 4c So
OMumar-ripntl Bouma.tllllaVaf( to
So Jim M. Vutn, Wiatokl So
a Houat In, Laareltoa dc
OmiMiiicirimrt Aoeata Kaauuai.Uvlooauf da
do Oaaaol Wa. Joaaa, So to
4 Pmmttn WaaatOmnm, da e
eMeel JaeemeUrajdeet Jon A. Own So
SfcruiaMi iffrwwtl- aoMcw.BowlwBa So
Cmmm tiim Sraiva, Lewisbarg So
Autdrr Dma buim, do So
to Bchthikb Taoanow. MiSUaWs to
So J. P. Iioma, Sliftx So
Ammmraum War Taa-C.a SaaneaevMlttisawef to
CeUeater to Tao. Canaca, LeureMoa oo
Post-Offices in Union connty.
Ali im (lo Brad, towaaklB) O Stroweeaar, P N
Siifir (tloioaumc. Brat; To) - DstU Arbooklo "
tfhOt Dtrr JhU (Ulsouxra, WU).Tr) Ch'o M Kiof "
A'rw rWuM .... J K Corrar "
Wt tfUM(KollT) ... JokaDotooawa "
IntMurw (OoootfSlot) - Ooo W tnrmt "
ButoUt JM- UoiHojMk
fM WO (ronMrnflls) Moitia Rody "
MiJUntmrm ... Mux M Stou "
UortUUm .... Holoa C Ho;m "
lMmUm (oH oat Baltloo Tp) Mark Halfpraay a
Whit Kprimf . (I Inwaloaotp) - 1 8 Baodrnbo.a "
.... UvtlBiith
ITmd (Dry Volloo.OaloaTp) - Smad A Waller '
Regular Cnion connty Courts open
Tbii Moaaaj la robraar Ma-b,r Dot.aib'r
mm nm
N. R. Zimmerman's 1
Attoracyat Law,
uwisnie. mas c, ri.
OmCE (oa Market 8t) formerly occupied
by Wa. Cameron, Jr.
Colleetioot aad other professional botineas
aromotlv sttended to. Claims for Pensions,
Bounties and arrears of pay due from Gov't,
made eel aad collected Jane l. isos
Best Work for Canvassing Agests
Harper's Pictorial History.
or THE
commenced the itsue.in Numbers.of a
Tbe work hat beta for many months ia course
of preparation, by s writer every way qualified
for the task.
The tsTnoaecTiaweoniaias a elear aceooat
of the formation ef the Confederacy of the
States : Ihe formation and adoption of tbe l.oa
stituttoa of the Untied Siatex, and the esiab-
luhneni of the National Government ; tne
origin, development, aad progress of the doe-
trine of Aellineauoa aad secession, ana urc
various phases which tbey assumed, until
the final culmination in tne urtai lutxuum
The HisToat comprises aa account, drawn
from ihe most authentic sources, of ihe Events
of ihe War; iatnrnes of the Hoothera leaders
al home aad abroad ; ihe gradotl defection of
one tectioai Ihe great Uprising of the feopie
lor the maintenance ol tne national uue ana
Existence; the rapid creation of aa immense
Arm, aad Navy t Battles by lana ana oca.
The lumstTMii comprise Portraits of
those who have horse a prom i Bent pan in tne
atrnaYlei Maes of different localities j Plaas
of leading actions Viewa of scenes of inter
est, and of the most important Balnea, t nese
Illauratiaas are taoailv from araviage takea
ea the spot, by artists drpaied foe that purpose.
lo accompany every oivimob m aw atmj
aad Mavv.
Every facility at the command or tae rob
liahera baa bcea enolnved ia ihe preparation
andesecetioa of ihia work: sad they eoaS-
deatlv believe that it will form tbe most irast-
wonhy aad valuable history whieh eaa be
Made and Terms of MMesOsa.
The work will he itsaed ia Nambers, eoa
sitting of 34 pages of Ihe size of Warper's
Weekig." printed from elear type, upon tne
paper, aad win prooaoiy oe completed ia
about Tweatv Numbers.
The Nambera will be issued at intervals,
if imasible. of a boat three or foor weeks.
The Price of each Number, which eoatains
matter equivalent to aa ordinary valeme.will
be Tweaty-ive Centa.
Tbe lllastratioas ia each Number are alone
ararth the Price ashed. Men oat of employ.
aZRS. can lad ao other work so sare of
read? sale ae good pruita. For fanner par-
ucumrs, apply to ia rablisbera.
Fraaklia Square, New York
BINDERY on 3d street, a few doors
ortk of Moraas, LMWUBOMO. f
UT A MT'tJ for J set ices aad
iJUrl.ll IV O CotMaltVja.for sals
j r Briaviad ic cvsc.at tha tltrenknOetew
"lie aaa(bnn 3tao."
St. Solfmar dbitvt ml $nangthfu
fSirh t retries jcten EonnrrjUg U fetal
Wet prad)t Icrasigtlirii, suih ift ie grcftt
bratfitc 3rihiiigierldtc am tittwn ntrtlii
(tarrieriiTtj grtradtwirb.
Ctrfi3rihiaa rrinat bit aflgrmtmra Vadirligtnt
nnb augrrtoa hit trfcnbrrtn 9truijrtittn btt Soun
tkt in Stittrl ytnnftlMnftri, wcrin jit jtrfullrt.
Trtit $1,00 Ui Dbr, stnnserau; brjabtt, ebrr
is bra rrjta 4 Ecta. $1,25 ftxnn bfjablt in
bra rrra 8 Stcnttta lt 3abrt, nnb flO
t9fnn fjjdfttt.
ix 7?tfaiinrmatiiiiwn lefrb btrtdtnrt tin
Caaart eon 12 Stribtn vrreitr fiir bat 3abr $6.
jtiirtrt tfaBntmaa)snitit in lrtbaltnig.
rtlHE oo(eri;ned,haiog loaned hisfnrni
I tare, fit la res and oiensili lo Mr. H. U
VTMaiob lor the period of one year, and is
about to remove temporarily from lwisburg,
take Ihis method of returning hit thaoks to
the people of Lewitbnrf and vicinity for their
nniform kindnett and ihe liberal tupport tbey
have given him daring his residence among
Lewitborg, April SO, 163
FTtHE undersigned, having obtained Ihe nte
I of the fornitare, fiitnres aad atensiis of
Mr. Ricatac M. Ccorsa, will eoatinoe the
Bakerr, Uonfeetionery and Nntinn basineis,
at the old Hand, on Market itreet, for the pe
riod of one year. He hope by strict attention
to batmen to merit the patronage heretofore
extended lo this establishment.
Lewitborg, April 30, 1863
SnnlT and Tobacco Manufacturer,
10 ft 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
(ForaMrly ii Chaabirs atnot, Mow Tort,)
TTTOULD ca'l tbe attentioa of Dealers to
f f to the articles of his msnnfaciare,vis
bows surp.
Manhor, DoaiiKmi,
f tao Saaain. faro Vlrrlala,
Coarao Kaapoa, NacbitocbM,
Amirtcaa Ooathmaa, Copoaaagea.
isuow ssrrr.
aoslek. IIod-t IVw Seoteh.
lligh Teaat Sooteh, M Itoa., Oow Seeteh,
Irion uisn loon or iiaaajiooi, rrcon sooien.
ttfjttentimt it mUM to lac Urgr neoVttoa ta arVpf
nmt-VMt toMotao aiMf finwiM joooccos, axuc ana M
saoRiac mi cut chewisc. saoiraa
Loag, P. A. L-, or aloia, S. Jo,
No. I, Covoa4l.k. or Sweat, Ppooltb,
Mo. X Sooot seaatot Oroaooa. CaaaHor.
Mo. 1 At ait, XiaFottCaTeniliab, tarkbh.
N. B. A cirrul ir of prices will be sen ton
application. March 18, '63yl
Tbe undersigned have as
sociated ihemsel ves into copart
nership for the purpose of carry
ing on the Lumbering, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
ci6barg Steam planing itlills,
where they intend to keep a stock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, joists, Stoddiny,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shatters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, &. Planing, Slitting, Scroll saw
ing, etc., done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both In trice
aad workmanship.
J. u. uit.rrcnur.nrss,
UwUbarg Planing Mill, April 1, lWi
TB. CHRIST. Esq., has removed bis nr.
i. 6ce to ihe building of Jonathaa Spyker,
North of ihe Court House, and immediately
opposite the Buffalo House, where be will at
tend lo all manner of business at his office
with dispatch and promptness in bis line or
business. (Speaks both English and German.)
April I, lees. i- d. innisi.
j.LMarth. LSherklrv. CCJbcrkley. r.Beaver
rrocctmoM to asaast, mass a oo )
Lew iHbars;, Pa.
WS baa eoBiUatlj on hand and lor aala,
JtaHKr. Atoaw aa Wr HarvrMm: Grain and Orna
- ' -. u J A Ml Ptr ftom Sh'Utrt: On. Two
and rnir Harm JVrf. al Koll Wr.; CW
HuUm. fM (ltrn, nrtlhtrt, ivmi, "',"-""
fnmu for HMldxnn. Iron tnax. Bailing: MM OraHao.,
e.Ac.,aod bold oor!lo lad, t all tiaio. to ao au.
kinboov rooaaar BrnisBtw with too utronotrorrrrtnoo,
aad dimatck. Work or Manafactnree Innrlablr
warraalod as rccommaaded. Ora fwaoettally
aoiteiud aatpronptljr '- 'r to. Jaaa 1. ltoS
aoa thi srssay cmts oe
Oaaots, CoWr, Joai, rroao. llomnnt, BnmckiUi,
yWaoioaia, Dttmf . aruiaa from (JMrf,
hoixal Omtumptmm, and for IA rata aad lf at all
A tiofi.NHB Maine the hoaltas aroperttraof tho Haliaai,
IIS Balaaane uorniai ta eauroi, a Toaoraoio proaao.
with tho larianratioi aualltlo, of a Cordial, arodoetna a
oouMaatioa aa woll adapted to tbe purpooe Intended,
that there are bat few eaee ef dlseaeo which will not at
aa early period, sweasib to It healing aad Ufof iflng
tor baa tbe treatamt of pwlaHinary dlaeaasa ea.
eaaied the greater aorttoa of tb. atteattoa of tbe eetea
tlfie of tho aiedieal world, hat none aeqnlr-d more eml
neees la ki, treatawut of three dteea, than the eele
brated Praeataa Dr. ttnofland, the originator of tbe Sal
aaaiie Cordial. Hie Hfe war. derated to the arodoetroa of
rraMdk that woald etand norlvaled. flow well he has
eauaeodid. the Aaerieaa people are able to judge: aad
wa peeiUvelT aaeert. that ao preparation that baea eeae
bona placed before taera, bar eonferred tbeaaaw araoaat
af heaeata oa ranVrlag baaait. or bare elicited aa
aaaar auaiaieadaHaa, froai all elaaaea of eerlei. aa tk
reaaedieeof HooSand, preaand nj Dr C. M. Jaetaoa a
Co., of rbileerlpkla.
Ttte Cardial ledeeigwai tiraeleieofdl'Baloiaaoregea
oral aad aaere ratal tbaa aa, other to wblrh tbe people
af tkle aoantrr are aabjeet tkoea eprlaetag frora a
ellgkt aold that oajlnoat aatborttr. Dr. Belt, aaea:
I will aoc aav that Oolda are to oar lakabttaata what
Ska Plaawe aad Tellow F-rer are ta tkoea of otker eeee
triaa; bat I eao aver eaaadeatly that the, aebe, la die.
eoee of greabar oomplteHj aad atortaiitr thaa tbaaa latter
Bead what the eaaiaeat Olaae Meaafertarer. JOHR at
Da. C. M. Jicmaoa gnerted Prieod : Bartag Sir a
long ttaae been aeqaalated with tke etrtnep of thr BAIV
St 3 10 COKDI tin Caearha, Colde. laSaamiatJan af tke
Laaga, r I thwe freelj bear teattaaanr ta It, aateae.
for aeasrat rear. I kaee aaea, baea wltheat It ra my
anil,. It la alao gtma aaa pleaanra to elate that I kaee
aead It with retire eaeeeae la tke eaataaeat of Bowel
Ceaiplafats. Tar Meed tralr. JOHN M. WHITALL.
Sink Me.n, 1SSI. Baeart.akm4tb, Pbilad'a.
CaT Tli.ee letltlaM are tor sale b, all reaaeetabl
Piaarlela and daaieee la edtrla.a la tbe Uaited Statea,
Caaadaa, SrlrahTraelaera, aad Weet Iadie. at 7S aaata
per boUle. Beaareead get the genalne, althlk. atgaa.
Sara of C SJ. Jarfceoa ea tbe wrapper af each bottle : all
atbera are eoaatertXt. Frlaeieel Otka aad Maaaawitn
rjr, 4IS Arab atraet, Philadelphia, Pa.
Old Foit-Offica staad.
A LARGE supply of BooksUtiowrj,
XL Perfamery, Jewelry, Toys, CoBfeeitoa-
enes. Teas, epioes. Frail, Nats, Basktea,
Pictures, aad a variety of NICK NACK8 tor
sate caeap ay
13) H W CROTZER, Lewisbarg
TOHIt A. MERTZ. Eto. has removed his
J OfBec oa Market 8u two doors west of
the Lewisbnrg Bank, where he will attend to
all manner of hasiness in his line with
prompiaesa. Speaks both English and Her
man. J. A. MERTZ
Lvwisbora, April 1, 1 861 f
dsa paj BBBamavm
(i,4TB a. nurse )
Lewlsbars PUning Mill,
iitees eoastaatlv oa head and
taaalaciare to order FlttwrlBltT. SlttlBg,
Doors, Saah, Shatters. fttUada,
MoaldlafS of ail patteras,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in Building.
Orders respectfully sol ic ted and promptly
Blled. All work warranted to give satisfaction
r r A n ovionBiv lf nt f.amhae of all
oeienpnoas ea hand for sale.
Factory mt Siwtk Second itrctt,Lewiiburg,Fm
April 32, 18S9.
THE subscriber keeps constantly oa band
s large assortment of the very best Shn
mokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
stove purposes.whieh he will sell at tbe very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, Btackimilkt' Coal, Platter and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold hy any min. Having good
weigh-sealet, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaal's hotel.
Lewisbnrg, May J7,'6.
For the Harvest of 1863!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now In the Market !
Lewfsbar;, Pa.
jDfbfric Braprr & jHnoer.
fpHE unprecedented success of the " Back
X eye" is the strongest pro-.f of Its superior
excellency. The BUCKEYE has caused a
complete Revolution in the Maaafactnre ol
its reputation it so well established that it Is
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
tages. We Willi however, eall the attention
of the farmers to a few of its merits.
Pawls and Springs, hy which the machiue
may be throws out of gear, or be backed
without vibrating the knives the Sieel Cutter
Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
8teel Face or Cutting Edge the Double
Hinged Joint, by which the Cotter Bar may
be Folded the long Crank Shaft the Steel
Spring aad Wheel, by which the Cotter Bar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cm as
low to the ground as may be desired the
Steel Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no 8ide Draft) no weight on Ihe horses
necks bscks as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each,
will cut an acre of grass an hour with ease.
The machine is famished with two Cutter
Bars one for culling grass, and the other for
cutting grain (each expressly adapted to the
nte intended).
No effort wilt be wantiog to maintain the
Buckeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being the
Best Hachino la tits World !
The subscribers return their sincere
thanks to their friends for the generous sap
port the have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted lo them for their warm greet
ings and kind offices in recommending it to
their friends and neighbors.
For Certificaies, dec, see Circulars, which
msv be had of any of their Agents.
Thev also manufacture Meyer's Pat
ent Piston Grata Drill, which it
acknowledged lo be the BEST SEED SOW
ER IN USE, and the only one which
Also, the Kerstoae Clover Ilaller,
which cleant thoroughly, without in the least
injuring Ihe seed. Will clean more in the
same time than any other machine in use.
They also msnafactore and keep on band
for sale Barfing' Tread Power and Tkrehers
Telegraph Fodder Cutler (two sizes) Cooking
Vote, among which it the celebrated Con
tinental ; Parlor and Office Stove, and all
kind of Catt and Wrought Iron and Beau
Central Foundry, Ltwuburg, Pa.
Marrb SI. ISM.
THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
having this day taken possession of Ihe
Philadelphia 4 Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH O. POTTS, General Manager there
of, to whom all Officers and Employees will
report for insn actions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn a Railroad Co.,
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 186.
General Order, No. 1.
Ta fate Effect on and after Jan. 30, 1862.
, Tk. er.aleen Bkla-lalAm. from
Warren to Erie, will be nmler the tinpenn-
tendrnce 01 jtir.a i.c tt i, wnu.c uut wm
be Superintendent of Ihe Western Division.
Hit Offiee will be at Erie. Employees on Ihis
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
Antim nf the hneinesa nf the road, lo him.
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Eastern Division, from
a-1 Wkuken, r.ll he tinrier the SOD-
ouuuai j w ...
erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent ot tne ivesirrn
Division. Employees on this Division will be
onder his ehsrge, and will make all commn
nteations respecting their doiies or the bost
aess of the road, lo him, except as otherwise
provided ia this Order.
IIL The AccasratS of freight sad Pas
senger Business will, oo the Western Dtvis.
ion, be ia the immediate charge of JOHN C
BOGOS, whose title will be Assistant Andtt
or. His Offiee will be al Erie. On the Eastern
n : .1 :! k - iMeli,M rharff. nf
tftvtsiea iney win iu o
THOMAS M. DAVI8, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Offiee will mi" m
iamsport. He will elto have charge of the
distribution of Passeager Tickets over both
All eommoniestions respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees on either
Division, will be made to the Assistant Audi
lor thereof, and respecting supplies of Tickets
to Toasts M. Dtvis.
JOS. D. POTT8, General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,)
Lessee Pbilad. ex Erie R. R. C
General Maaager's Offiee, I
Williamsport, Jsn. B. 18M. '
oa Market SqaerefLewisbBrg. cti
A good supply of Chairs, Tables,
Bareaarts, Rtantta, dre,oa head or made
ardetw DAVID PINTER. (B8.
"TJIVERT Evening during the seaaoa. Par
X!i ties tupplied on short notice.
Fire-Twenty U. & Lobji !
mHE LEWISBURG BANK, of Lewisbnrg,
I Union CoM is Agent for tbe tale ef the
Oniled Slates Bit per CeaU Pivc-Tweaty
Years Loan.
Amounts eaa be had to suit the mesas ot
different individuals. The lateresl oa this
Loan is payable and will be paidia Uold. 99s
Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at 12.
Best quality home-made Kid and
Morocco Boots at 1 2.
A largo assortment of Balmoral
Boots and Gaiters
at equally low prices.
Opposite the Bank, Lewisbnrg.
Geatlemen'a Fnrnlsblns; Store,
t Market St., jut alone tha Bank,
The snbseriber has removed into the sew
fitted and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.where he has just received a large sod
well telected flock of
Cloths,' Casimeres, Silks, Shirts, Drawers, tVe.
I also CUT AN D MAKE TO ORDER ia the
best style and most reasoaable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing the best
workmen, I ean confidently invite both Old
ana Hew Cuttomert do n I forget tbe Bign
The Red Door !
May 3, 1881 J H BEALE
AT ao Election held by the Stockholders
of the Lewisbnrg Cemetery, the under
signed wss elected Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grare-disgmg, dee., must be paid to
him. Persons interested will please note the
Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to make immediate pay
Lewiabarg, Jan. M, lKKrn
Ottcl tV
A "t-W
rHEKE we will find a large assortment
latest styles
sneh as French and English all wool Cloth,
from $2.50 np to $10.00. Knotty Boys' Cas
timere.anrl Silk Mixed Castimeres.Satinetts,
die. Clothing; of all descriptions ; Men's
snd Boys' Wesr Wbole Suits for fjlS oO
that is.eloih coat, satin vest, eassimere pants.
Summer Snug for $5.80. Also, a large as
sortment of Hats, Caps, dee, such as M'CleU
an, uaribaldt. Opera, high and low crowned
Hats. Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts,
Suspenders, Umbrellas. Neck Ties, ic.
lo save from SS lo 60 per cent, and gel the
Latest Styles.
Also, floods Cut and made to order, and in
the latest style. Always from fire to ten
hands at work.
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s 8tore,
Msrket street. Levisbnr.
March 11, '63 N. R. ZIMMERMAN.
eiHap of Union (Countti.
M OUSTED on rollers.varnished.engraved
and lithographed in Pbilad. in the best
style of the art 30 by 40 inches in size on
a scale of li inches to the mile. This Map
wat carefully surveyed in I RS6, snd is reas
onably correct. Each Township ia colored,
and there are theTown Plots and No.s of Lots I
in Lewtsburg, Mifflinburg, New Berlin, Har
lleton, and New Colombia. Mountains and
Streams are traced the Public Roads, with
the distance in perches between roads which
intersect also Names of Farm-Owners gen
erally. Church and School Hnnses, Mills, dec.
The Court House, two of the Lewisbnrg Uni
versity Buildings, the LewUburg Boat Yard,
the Union Furnace at Winfield, and Union
Seminary at New Berlin are represented in a
separate engrariug each.
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
hare one of these Maps for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price was $3,50,
now reduced to $2 only. fTTor sale at
tbe Star o Ckroniele Office, and by
Da. S. L. BECK, Lewisbnrg
Last and Best News !
TTTE have jutl received from Philadelphia
Y and New York, a very large and well
telected stock of
which we oder at very reduced prices. We
have paid particular attention in the selection
of ihis slock of Goods a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will find il their advantage
lo give ns a eall as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring towns for competition. We
here also replenished our stock of Groce
ries, Hardware, Qaeensva-ai-,cte.
Hette Marth Lime, Calcined Flatter,
and Hydraulic Cement,
always kepi on hand.
change for Goods as nsnaL
N. B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisbnrg, April 33, 186S
Sa eerie at aaS Stoasaehie areyatatiea of 1ROS ,ari
netofoiraea aadearaaa by ootabeatioB in k;4raea.
aaacOoried be the hteheat Sl.rfw.-1 .M,hnr4lk.. both ia
Buroee aaa Ua Hailed states, aad eneoneet sa Uetr
Tae ezaerieaoa at thoaeaade Sally arorae that aa are-
paratloaof iron eaa ae enaapared with lu laipurttleiet
Mood. t. tea of eital a ray. Sale seat athenriaa
mi, eoBifiieiKiaa, laaieau lu ar raeeitr ta aiaeastav
aaaaarrafcle eaaa.
Iaawaloa la all aaaladlaa hi ah irk It has baea tried
aaa aro-ed abeelately aaratlre la each af laa Wtoej
las eoajpteinta, via:
in IMiilitn. Vrniu A eaefMat.. " " -
Oaaaliea, foeerSo-Lemrr,. rneiffiml raueovieB,
rr.aiet raerealaeir, twel ATtea-a. Kieeieam aetieei,
erattra, flamu, Lmr (nmntainH, (Hreaag Uradacna,
. .i i.inaa. una anaiamarre, rraiaeieea cae aes arc.
Pat aa la Beat Sat autal aoaeaeaaUiaiae Malik.
srleetteeataaorkaxt lar Bale k, eTenrlte aad Jealeee.
7ii I ' " a reoaiat srlea.
ei KwnjHvm, ereenoaia aa aaareaeea to
a. B. LOCKS 4 Oa , Oeaeral teaata.
IjtU SSCaa.a er.N.T.
Sold in Letcittiurg hy
He. 4 Cs C W kfcaSlc r rsMatU
A Joint Resolution proposing certain
Amendments to the Constitution. ,
BE it resolved hy the Senate Sat! tJune of
Represeatauvea of the Cotantaa wealth
of Penaaylvaoia ta Ueaerai Aeacatbiy atet.
Thai the (allowing amendments be proposed
lo Ihe Constitution ol tbe Commonwealth, ia
accordance with the provisions of the tenth
article thereof. -
There shall be aa addittoaal seetioa to the
Ihe third article of the Constitution, lu be dea
ignaied as section four, aa follows!
-Sicnoa 4. Whenever any of the qualified
electors of this Commnawealth shall be is
any actual military service, under a requisi
tion from the President of the United Biaies,
or by the authority of this Commonweslth,
sneh electors may eiereise Ihe nghl of suf
frage in all eleciiona by the citiaeas, aadar
such regulations as are or shall be prescribed
by law, as fully and effectually as if they wer
present al their usual places of eleetioa.
There shall be two additional sections
Ihe eleventh article of the Constitution, to b.
designated aa sections eight and sine, as
8sctio ft. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature containing morethau one sot jeet,
which shall be clearly expressed in Ihe title,
cicepl appropriation bill.
Ssctiub 9. No bill shall be psssed hy the
Legislature granting any powers ur privileges
ia any case where the authority to grant such
powers or privileges has been or may here
after be conferred upon the Conns ol Ibis
Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA.
Speaker of the House af Repre entatives
- Speaker of the Senate
Office of Ihe Secretary of the Common- )
wealih, Harrisburg, July I, 1863. )
I do hereby certify that ihe foregoing
J ls Vand annexed is a full, true and eorrert
vs- copy of the original Joint Resolution of
Ihe Geaeral Assembly, entitled -A joint ites
olutton proposing certain Amendments lo the
Constitution," as the same remains oa file ia
this office.
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the teal of tbe Secreta
lary's office to be affixed, the day and rear
above wittten. EI.I SLIFER.
Secretary of the Commonwealth
for tb fadv.iira. nod eifratul ram ! A lMli
truing from IMFLKITY Of TIIM BUOI,l
THTP DiatiHtM hti wrought tha aWMt BtMatowearot
in AmtfttrrnXs MHl of
tv-rofuln Cnrrooa TorBaUMD,
CtMa. diMWt, KryfiptjU. Btvila.
P.inprv tm tb foe, For fcyr. Uewsi.
Old, stubborn tlecr, Kbeniauitk diwnUf.
Tettrr aVlfejciioD, ColieOeM,
Pfpspvtim. Jm0ss4tc 9alt Kb am,
jrl-Tcuril diwmMa, 6ntrnl dt-blMty,
Liwrr Conplsint, LoM of Annft.t.
IeO tpirits Ftiul tnmab.
FatWCoevpln!Dt--nf)mll ritwmvbTiJBC thntrwisiB
la aa UDpitr aViaU of Um itlood.
Tbnhoi portrait of Dnwid MTrvarr of !fpif
Tp,wbo,sj thm 3 lt day of AuniMiUrk-s, Bndaftdav.t
brfurt; Juatire GorlrT thai ht a tiettte-d for tbtpcor te
Cascxb bj thrawph-aiftiaasof Bedford eotity.and bv Tt.
Miwton of th fticlctir OHeue, Cincinnati, fur a prritaat
of rlr t-iaht month. ssotwitbataaiin whir fa ba ,
svue. mmt a prttrm of his l ft hsk vers tatirrlif emun
way H bad ffiven on all hft. htm b besrrj of tb
MHlbod rVarr-ber." and wa toducwd to trv It. Postr bet-tlseari-d
biai, aad (altbonrb aadty Jisftpurd i thrr fe
an qaritio bat thi i valuable asdirta avrd bt tit.
Tb fall particular of tbi iaaarkabl raj mky bMa
ia Circular t b bad of any of tb ArfBt.
We alao rvfpr to a ea of Nanrr Urvak na-f. f Eldrto),
AraiftroosT Co- la .rwrd of aortuafttvr being ttnabl
t Kt oat of brd for tbrt yar.
To lb ran of a la.. in AnTHt,CIartl?klCawbo
Wa aim afflict! with rVrofula la it wort tWrai.
To tha eajte of UtTir Utiil. rvitlinc In Carrolltnwa.
Cambria Co fa., who wa badly aflltt-td with Canopr
that it at hi frtlir mamm otf, and bia eaa wa worse, if
poaalM, tbaa H'Crvar'.
f h part ir alar of th Trw on of whirb wa
eared by th aint of tb -'Blond lHrrher" my alao b
foaod In a Clrralnr to be hd of an of fh Acvnt.
H. fcKVsKK. Proprtrfor, PillMtmrr. Pa.
JLrKrtor,v for tb manufarturv and aJe. irtr tb
Pfaa'a Kailmad IV pot. Il'.ilidavborr. Pa. hold hy O.
W. grhaffle. Lewiithiinr; M'Crviitht at Ha writ, Bafmlo X
Road; KudyA Himmrlrpfr-b. Farmsrili ; CnmmiakT
H ilavr. Ilartletnti; D. H.Riwll, Minlinbitrn ; V. .
SUmm, Wiafeld; bbiadle k WaHtvasellu.teUaagTO;
ICE...fCC..CE !
THE undersigned are polling np aa ICE
HOt'SE lame eaough lo supply all our
people wiih Ice during Ihe whole year. Ice
can be delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
rate than private Ice Houses can be filled.
fw Call on either of ns on North 4th St. or
et the Ice House below the River Bride.
Lewinhonr, 29, 11 tRANK. SMiSTADT
1J L. MOWRY has removed his PholO
j. ftrapb Establishment to tbe
New Building on Market street, recently oc
cupied by Dr. Burlan. OPPOSITE THE
BAIN K, where he has fitted npone of the
Finest Galleries in tbe Coontty !
Having superior facilities and a long ex
perience, he is satisfied that his work cannot
be beaten. Call and lest his workmanship.
Lewisbnrg, Aug. is, 63.
THE ondersisned intends supplying the
citizens of Lewisbnrg with Pure Milk,
commencing about the ISth tnsu Persons
wishing lo be supplied, will please send in
their names to hira.at the Lewisbnrg Bridge.
Tbe Milk will be delivered (dailr except Sun
days) morning or evening, as preferred br a
majority of customers. 8AM L. oLtrt-K.
Lewtsburg. April 10, iura
Science still on the Advance !
SURGEON and Mechani
cal Dentist. Office in the
Dr. Brngger'a new building.. Market street,
f western entrance, np stairs) LEWISBURG.
Dr.BL'RLAN is now constructing Ibe Non-'.
sectional Block work, baked oa Plalina base.
which for cleanliness, beauty aad strength
has bo equal also teeth mounted on the var- I
ions Bases in use and having bad a long
and extensive practice, aad being perfectly ;
familiar with every department of hia profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be I
carefully aad skilfully performed. j
Please eall and examine specimens. The ,
superior qualities of the Non-sectional work j
will he evident to all who will give it en im
partial examination. Dr. Burlan ia Ihe only
person wno constructs tats excellent wore in
this section of country .
EfCbarges shsll correspond with tae
times. Lewisbarg, Sept. 2. ')Si
35 Reward
WILL he paid by the School Board ef East
Buflaloe township to any person who
will inform npon any one committing depre
dations or defacing in any way any of the
School Bosses of said District, during ihe
present year. Bv ordrr i f the Board t
W. I. J.I.V.-V, See y
Provision Store!
1 tiroeery sad Provsaiea BHore, ia twte '
basgh's building (Isle Krcsaser'a Tiaahip)
West end of Market Square,
where he baa just received a well selsetej
aasertmenl ef fresh
such aa Cottee, Tea, Chocolate, So jar, Rw.
Molasses Fish, Salt, Spicea,Tiataf,RaMl?
Brooms, Brushes, Tabs, Backeu.Soap.Battar
Cheese, Evja. Frail, Fruit Cans, Oriarr.'
Lemons, Crackers, Clothes Pint,
Flour aod Feed, Ctn, Cattle Tonin
Qt EE.NSWARE. Wiadow Bbades, Matckt,
Stove Polish, Nols BDrr,Tobeceo,Cigsri-!
and everything else the Grocery line ,1) i
of which he oflrrs al the lowest prieea (os
Cash or Country Prduee.
. , CHA'S E0LAXD. '
Lewisborr. May 7. I8
tTmr tl P aaJ b... J - arr
r 'it u -atiuci 3if,aax;u nta vevTa1cJ at Ji f; w
in the rooms recently occupied by W. M. ETfla,
near the old Hayes stand. Market street, Leaw
isl.urg. ahere be is always prepared taj
furnish the public with Ihe best of
Cttflee, Tea, as;ar, Uplews, 5at.
CstDttlea, Frttlla, Flah, Flosu
& t eed, caeca, Jte. kKtu,
together with all other articles o.aally kepf
in such an eeiabliabment at theluwest yricaa
'Jail and give him a trial.
Drake's Plamaiioa Bitters for sale.
Jan 30.'6i N T1IA. MITCHELIAgt
T.T7EST BRANCH losnranee Companv.
V of Levck Haven, Psw
Insures Property ia both Town aad Coos
try oa as reasonable Terms as any ether
good O -mpaay.
The large increase of Premium Holes mites
it a reliable Company to iatare ia.
aaeeaat af rrrtBlam Sates new la taree, S3M.SSS.SS
JVV.Cairaaa, Sec G.C.Haavsr.Pres
LARISO.l PRO-i. Arrnt,
Dee IS. 18SI 1-ywi.anrg
Watches, Jewelry am Silver Ware.
No. 653 Market St. PHILADELPHIA
ea. n inr. undersigned woaieT
,repecifully invite yoar u-
sl'enllon to ais well sclarted
siocs ol r ine Uuld and Silver WATCHES.
Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every variety of
styles comprising all of the newetl aad aosl
beautiful dwnA.
Alao.KOi.IU SILVER WARE, etjual ta
Coin and Ihe best make of Sitrer Pitted
Ware Each article ia avav rustical lo be as
(7" Watches aad Sewelry carefully to.
paired and satisfaction gaaranteed.
(Suereaacr fa Stavffrr a) Hat In)
February S7. 1863.
fTIHE subocriben have for sale
j fjn tots to suit purchasers '
a large nar.lt of
FINE BOARDS Panel Stufll
Plank, eke. Alsa .VOOO Flt. JIJILi
86 inch Sawed Shrngles superior qualilj.
Also fiiare Timber for Buildings :
Which are offered low fur cash, at our Mi 's
on South Branch of the White Deer Crerk is
Hartley township or delivered oa ihe Brash
Vallev Marrows road at the end of vnr Road.
LrA Diploma for a tuperior sample et
Planks, and a Premium for Bails and Shin;
les,were awarded as at the last Uaioa CoAg,
iy- 'oreal Hill P O, Co ion Co, Pa
New btand New Goods!
JOSEPH L.HAWN kiting taken tie
J room, nnder ihe Trlerraph and Chronicle
ofEces,refitted them, and filled in an eitensive
variety o(
Date, Cop; Gentlemen' $ Clolh'nj, ttr.
AtcA a larv a n nl.. .1 ; r I ' 1 nTUI
CASSI M ER E8, etc, which he will make up f
order, is he still continue, the Tailoring Busi
ness. H e t neen.M - - II .k
-. f v u ,,r ciCLUir an -' " -
entrusted lo his care, to the satisfaction of the
N. B. Cnttine and Rrmin.. Anna to
order. f Lewi bur. A or, I in taat
..,, MASON oV CO. t-a-rcues
J SOT CheMnol St. Pkiladrtpkia.
e.WldtBrCard.etheaee.trt,lea. VMtiaa aad
Buname Karat, eo(ra.rd aad prialed et tke eaerleet
aotioe. A MTV fall aeeortKeat ot t'lB Stetleairv
alwejr.aa band, luitiale ta O.4or,aod nrri earMvet
Baiboaeina, arttatirall, eaeeated. ay elyle af raaar
and Kavejoaee aiade lo order Jaaa 20, 1S6S
IIIE siJiscriLer eon-
A. tin ues to carry on the j
Livery Banlness ail
the Old Btand on rknthl
Third street, near Market, and respecifull
solicits tbe patronage of his friends snd I .a
public generally. CHAKLES r. Htw.
Lewisbarg. May It, 1850
ACl'RIOL'S and eniertainng 'ittle Book
(all abont Matrimoay, Money, and sib
er mailers,) for the smnsemenlejf every body
(ano the yenng folks, also,) on long winter
evenings, rainy days, etc. Price. SO cents.
Wholesale. 15 Cents. Bent by mail for seven
3 cent stamps. For sale atthe-.ara) fTtroa,
icfc" office. WORDE.V COH.NELlVS.
rablLbtre, teai.larf.ra
nrfeei? AttonUon, Ilaslciaia!
A l,re essorimesl of
rfjvXVV TieJina, Goitars, e of sll
T3iyfcV kinds also Yiolin. Guitar,
and Banjo Strings, Briages, Pegs, Ae. snd the
best Viol ib Rosin call al Ihe Post Office sad
examine. O W FORREST
is-PIC-N IC.-w
- W,TI jama lata tha Wagon, aad all take a rlet
LARGE, handsome
and verv comforts
1 rnrftx.
ble WAGOX hashers.
fitted np for the especial accommodation e
Pic-Nie and other similar excursion. Term
moderate. Apply to JOU. M. HOISEJ
Lewisbarg. Jane 3, 1859.
ttnioii Conrty Sfrr&klrlsNrg C,hi1s
baaed rrUaia, al Uwataara-laiaa raasi). rraa-B
TKSMS ii SO aer Tear, re aa e.ia is ".'
atheeaaaenle.raloeWar.berterrted. J".
neaill aa, " mr Boaika. llrtrfci l awiV
torelabl BMalhe.liM fcr iteea aioathe.3 ' "
eeara. tt tor fcor ropire one J.r. tlu aw ra nf' ' .
eeer. to. Sieele No. e t ete. raerete tr aiail tfJ-J
reeeteed ta r.U. ae.te eteaiaa. at beak
ealae here. Meet eiede el rrodaee reeriree rV .
M-Vtaea rheUawexrireforhieharr'",,'"
laal.ee aero a raaaia aeeaaal) U ai ""'r'' '
a-aare ase week, St ale awk after taerrtlea. 3 del
. MM, i dot. ee Jr. Half, eaeere-
0.1. t eel. T.,..r-le. 4 ).. '"Mft
ae rm eae-ajarlh el a ealaaa. It dot. rrry':..,m
ieee. ae. m, mmj ae eereed aa..a. A I"!TJL B ef
nmmlHM t ae. ee It o. "!' ""iV
CoromanicarioDa doetred ea trpleeot rra-'".
and aeeneeeok-4 k, the writer', real ltt7,.ea
Vke SIA.i-.ltTICTSLItl.BAI'H " n.oal
af the JOar . fSra.e-t-.br whirb """''" rl "
N.w. ia adreae, ef Ike Phitod. Halle. , a.,wel
C.oaert-d wtrt. th. new "t ""',irif"i.d.
klade of JOB FB1RTIKO, '""l.'Jrnl .
tO- oV.,.rl. ed - 1, .T.
.t'..oal trn.a.a!. to k. V'?',,.o
mZj: . Work .k.a .fc-llrered- All ''''M-e rr,
l'S-s" "" m53 . wt"is-