ii mm f WHIM hi m TtY 0. N- WORDKN AND at lAO per Tear, alwaya In Advance rrsuonra sri-rtiir Tuesltj Morning k Friday Afternoon. rot rBDiaexT. Abraham Lincoln arTbe Farm of the lata Ji's Keefer, of White Deer Tp, will bo ctposed to sale oa Saturday, 21st inst. aaTllectiooa to-day in New York nod two or three ether States. Uiuos I "lat tba Jlact ataa atiaat Ami aaaS-a I af iiuil aa Tar mutmmml f atatnry. ' USS-Th. Foiled. Erie Railway last week opened to Emporium (or Ship- pen) in Cameron county. The officers a..au aetafiii it avail inrin mr waweii io 1 St. Mary's, in Elk eounty, qnite soon : tbet will leave 27 miles to reach the ter mination of the road this way from Erie. mg-Tne Mifflioburg Telrgriph calls for Literary Society for the comiog winter eeason....Urgea the preient as the time for planting shads trees. Serg. James Cleaver, is promoted to he 2d Lieat. in 6ih Penna. Reserves Gen. Cameron is nominated for Vice President on the name ticket with Father Abraham. (caTbe Copperhead pipers 'are con trasting present prices with whit they were before their brethren Vgin the Rebellion. All right, only tbey try to make their readers believe Liocoto is the rebel and not Jeff. Davit. Tbey koow that if the 3onthern leaders bad submitted to the election, a Nirtherners nlwiys have, there wonld have been no war aod M iocreaie in prices, lint they eoenur nged the South to a wanton, wicked con test, and tbe aoooer the evil doers are put down the better fur all concerned. Vote of Pennsylvania. KPb. ta. '5G Fre.4FUl.i30,474. Buch'n 230,772 'CO Curtin Lincoln '02 Cochran '53 Curtin Agocw 62.315- Foster 230,257 270.US0. Fusion 2l6 512 209 496 Wood. 254.171 ' 67,lb7. Lowrie 254.SS9 Wtofe Too. K-pub mj. D.B mmj. 1856 461,246 O SS I860, Gov. 492,606 32.033 0 Pres. 476,023 63,537 0 1862 434,197 0 3.7G5 1863.Gov. 623.CC7 15,322 0 Judge 522,083 These figures show that oa tbe smaller wotee of 1856 aod 1862, the Democracy carried a trifling mtj-irity while oo the larger votes of 1SC0 aod 18C3, tbe Repub lican Unionists bare a large majority. The vote of tbis year is by 30,000 the lareest ever east. Conld the Soldiers have voted, tbey wonld bsve added 50,000 to Curtin'a majority, making it evsa larger , than Lincoln's.' ( "Eternal vigilance is tbe price of Lib- . m tl i a t . , rty." Tha friend, of good government. aust tee to toe isuot oox, as ejsiemano- -II J - T 1 ...... .ha. r-.ma : aou re6a..j .uC, . or other branches of business. atjrWe notice among the Premiums awarded by tbe Northumberland County Agricultural Society, the following to cit hern ef Union eoaoty : Slifer, Wills, Shrioer A Co., barves- tsr end mower $4.00 8eme firm, for a clover bailer 1.00 L. P. Teed, fanning mill 1.00 W.S. brewer & Co. band com cutter (Carkhuffand Paioe'i) 50 Brown & Ray, washing mschine, diploma. Trotting horses, $10 nnd $15. With such trifling rewerde for the most useful, and tha largest for horse-rseiog, it is no wonder that tbe editor of the American AjriculluritL ia the Not. Dumber, has a ' pictorial caricature of Fairs, representing three or four old persons examining large vegetables, and Iboassnds shouting aver a race of oxen nnd horses 1 Look oct roa Fiasa. Now tba time has arrived for tba ass of stoves nnd grates, too much care aaa aot bo taken to fward against fire. Year ntoro pipea should bo earefally examined, aad, where aeoessary, repaired ; while particular care should bo taksa that there ia no wood work ia contact with tbem. Defective flues should also bo examined aad pat ia order, aad care taken that tbe cinders aad ashes are deposited ia each a way as lo prevent the possibility of accident from this sWTae Suabury American etatea that Capt. J. P. 8. Gobin, with 55 of his 'Saabary Guards," an borne ea a furlough, nfter twa yeara' service ia the 8outb, looking veil aad hearty. Tbey have re eelisted ia tha "vsteraa corps, for the war." Tbe ssme paper aaya the 49th and 53d r. v. asva also re-enlisted, lbs Isst; comprises the remains of Captains Church aaa rates Companies, from Uaioa county, j aA Copperhead exchange ssys, aaaiaae aava gone Democratic" At the last State Election in Connecticut, ia tbe 8prlng, the Bep ablieaa Governor had 9.000 msi.. aed this fall's towa elections we gained ea that. There wen oaly Coanty EWioae ia In- diaoa : the returns indicete large Union ! s-as, ana a Uaioa hi II lbs Slate, .-- .w -j mm Ui.LC U'k. .Ill .L T- ... . -j wu, toese cat:ors inus sect to mis ' 1 l those who look t them for news f i a J. R. CORNELIUS, NORTHUMBERLAND eooo.y, after ii me Doasia oi in uppostuon leauera vu not lew thin 1200, nod probably 1800, i. . .... .... i j t -no i .u . k. only 708 mei., nr 68 lea tbn n given by . V . . .. .i. ..ii what some of them eontemptuously call ...... . l rr in -in. ...... po.p..cu, favor of the Uoveromeos. one critic countiee generally Increased their majority, there it u decreised. Thii shows whit niiy be dooe by determined effort. Tbs Coion pipers of that eoaoty iro ably conducted, and the borougba are I mmll nrii.i1 knl nan nf the tnwnshina i 1 loo .cg.,ied by as, while the nn.... th.:. :. ,neeM1. Thtn i. j . f j .baudonment of an organic. tioo for yeir or two, whieh gives the opposing party great advantages. The following was the vote of the Upper Eod : Ccans. Wooeu Lewis Turoutville lleliware M'Ewentville Turbut Milton Cnillisqusqan 74 CO 180 41 120 263 103 841 191 53 276 33 182 120 169 1036 195 mij. for Woodward in the 7 districts. WHOLE COUNTT. Upper Eod Poiot Northumberland Sonbury Upper Augnstn Lower Aogusta Rush Sbamokin Coal Mr. Carmel Twp Mr. Carmel Br. V. rbe Cameron Washington Jackson Jordan Upper Mohanoy Little Mohanoy Lower Mohanoy 841 1036 93 84 108 127 207 120 94 106 f 332 96 ISO 156 804 S05 153 43 92 78 1 84 108 9 C7 10 165 52 100 38 124 87 139 24 83 222 85 2G18 335G MAJORITIES. Governor Woodward over Cortia Jodjte Lnwrie over Agnew Senate Montgomery over Willitte Aasemblv Pardy over Beisel 703 775 793 -jo Sheriff Weaver over Rotbermel Protbon'y Reiminsuyder over Wolfe 641 Treasurer Awl over Kobrabaeh 788 Commissioner Gaas ever Yeacer 736 " '"I Auditor Little over Reed 805 Rebel Terms of Peace. The Richmond Enquirer of Oct ICtb, ; la an editorial upon "1'eaee," aaye : " Save on our own terms, we ctn sceept j no peace whatever, nnd mast fight till i doomsday rather than yield na iota of them : and enr terms are Recognition bv the enemy of the in dependence of tbe Confederate States. "Withdrawal of Yankee foreee from rT foo of Confederate ground, inelnd ioe Kentucky and MiseoorL lWilMf,;., of y.Lke, Wf fr0B M,rvl.D(,. .,;! ,bll gula ,h.ii A..a. m . ... i . a ,ree vote, wneioer sue snail remain in tbe old Union, or ask admission into the Confederacy. 'Consent oa the part of tbe Federal Goveroment to give up to tbe Confedera cy ita proportion of the Navy ss it stood st tbe time of secession, or psy for the ssme. "Yielding up nil pretensions on tbe part of the Federal Government to that part of tbe old Territories which lies west of ths Confederate States. "Aa equitable settlement, on the basis of our sbsolute independence end eqosl rights, of all accounts of tbe public debts snd public lends, and of tbe ndvaatsges accruing from foreign treaties. "Ibese provisions, we apprehend, eons, prise the mioinnm of what we most re- 1"ir '7 our urms. 'i bet ia to asy, tbe North mast yield all : we, nothing: Tba whole pretension of tbst country to prevent by force the sepa rates of ths 8tates mast be abaadoaed, ahich will be equivalent to aa avowal that oar enemiee were wrong treat tha first ; aad, of course, aa tbey weged a oauseless aad wicked war apoa as, they ought, in strict justice, to be required, aeeordiag to asage ia each cases, to reim burse to as the whole of our expenses aad losses ia tba course of that war. Wheth er tbis Isst proviso ie Is be insisted apoa or aot, certain wa are that wa caa aot bsve any peace at all until we sbsll ha ia a position, not only lo demand aad exact, but alto to enforce nnd collect, tba tress ares for our own reimbursement oat af Ibe weilthy eities ia tba enemy's country. Ia other words, aniens va caa destroy and scatter their armies aad break ap their governmeat, are caa have no peace, aad if we can do that, thai wa caa, and oogbt, aot oaly to extort from tbem ear own fall terms, nnd ample ackaewledgemeat of their wrong, bat also a handsome iadeas' nity for the trowbis and expeaaa caused to us by tbeir crime. In the face of each Rebel deelaratioas, the bastard "Democrats" trt to make honest people believe the 8oath want peace, and tbe Administration want war. Tba real Union people af tba fjoatk want peaee, bat they waat it oaly by tha pan- senmeoi at tae Ken Is m srms aad tha complete restoratioa of tha former rightful nnd supreme aatharity af tha Federal Government.,, OHIO givca 61,702,eficMl, far Brewgb Aa tha tlaaia SnMun bITI mAA 25,000 and more to it. Vallaadigham ia 'thus sosdimsal L. tha tribMal la .hUk be StHiealed ThPannlit ntinrtbrnai.h , r o "D ixsa ballot-box. LEWISBUR6, MP p on'S LftSt VAl IlTe. i - - Under so erf oneons ides that be im the hero of certain victories won in Western Virginia by subordinate officers, Gen. M C ellae succeeded Gen. Scott in eom- ' "and of the U. 8. Army, with the beit , wUbeg d h eonfideoe. of .11 loyal people. But, after dsllyiog for months, with inperior forces, before the wooden guns at Minuses, he wu ordersd by the Preiideot, peremptorily, to aaote pon the enemy, which ho did bat "too late." At Tot k to en, he entrenched and entrenehed, bnt struck j Magruder bad fled. In 'too late" hit Peninsular i "'P' (- f'' 'oe lo0 J he ni6nt 'ken Richmond more tbs 0Me 'J "l " At i "'k!- UV" P0,ae, braves too long sod too far forward, aod was "too late" in reinforcing tbem. When they marked with dead and wounded ev ery foot of their retreat before overwhelm ing numbers, be insulted tbam as seting dishonorably "too late" ts save bis own reputation. Altho' be promised to re examine tbe matter, be seems to bsve found no time to do justice to that noble band and their friends : It will be "too lets" when be does. He end bis Fiti John Porter wore "toe late" in reinforeing Gen. Pope, whereby we lost Roll Run tbe second time. lis was "too lste" to save Harper's Ferrv last year. When tbe Peoctylvania Militia bad beaded Lee'e advance into tbis State, and when Burn- side aod llooksr bad won bin tbs best field be bad ever fought Aotietam he was "too late" io pursuing tbe advantagea, and Lee escaped. Exhibiting tbe same alow aod over-cautions indecision s for wards, be let slip tbs golden opportunity, and the Rebel army has since been able to msinisin a poettiou on toe soma siae oi tbe Rappahaonock. Proverbislly kind aod indulgent, ths Preiident wss loth to dismiss Gen. MClel - Ian, but be did at last for ever, we trost, ' as a leader. Among tbe last to lose eoa- ! fidence, utterly, in M'Clellan, was Gov. Curtin. For bis firm nnd substantial 1 friendship, M'Ciellan wu grateful, and ; " i " Jart ,r,kB' sboodintly shows: ; Gen. M'Clellan') Emdomesjaemt J.I. .M- -- .1.- : i . I io. Cur tin. Headquarters Army of tbe Potomac,'! SiiARPsucao, Sept. 27, IS 02. f GovtRMoa: 1 beg to avail myself of tbs almost firat momaot ef leisure I have bad since tbe recent battlea, to tender to yon my thanks for yottr arise andenenjrtic actio im calling out the militia of Penn sy'raasa for its defence, when tbrestened by n numerous snd victorious army of tbe eoemy. Jr ortuustely, circumitioees rsn-1 dered it impowible for the enemy to sot j foot npon tbe soil of Pennsylvania, but your action sens none the leu mighty. In j iuq invrai m I tr" ' rwuwru mw wj unnj I'J the name of my army and for mytetf, I ayaiA tender to you our acknoicledjementt -J , uour ru,,ri,,ic court. Tha manner in which ths people of Penosjlvanis respon ded to your call and basteoed to the de-1 fence of their frontier, no doubt txercited great influence upon the enemy. I am very rept'iy and sincerely yours, GEO. H. M'CLELLAN, Msj w General, U. 8. A. Hie Exoelleney A. G. Curtis, Governor of Pennsylvania. Toia wss truthful, unstudied Isngusge, Ibsl might corns from any greatly benefit, ted men. Time wore on a few months. That si me Governor wu ap for re-election, nt the request of tbe "people of Pennsylvan ia" who bad been most active and uncon ditional ia tbsir efforts to subdue "tha enemy." Ha was opposed by a nun who bid ssid at the outset "let South Carolinn go in peace if ebe go st all," and who had pettifogged excuses for tbe Rebels asy, who hsd informed Judge Cunningham less thaa a year ago, that be wes in favor of giving ap the Nation's Cspital and all wa had gained, by "withdrawing our Armies the north side of Mason and Dixea'a line and treating for peaee" with Ibe Rebels. Every Rebel aad Rebel sympathiser in tha State waa ia favor of Woodward, and opposed to Gov. Curtin, notoriously. Gov. Curtin was supported by ths great mass of tbe soldiers, aad by tba moat earnest War mea of all former parties. What wonder, then, if, with M'Clellan'g letter ia tba public mind, it wu believed aad elsimsd tbat that General wu friend ly to that Governor who had most helped hia ia his greatest need t This view wu confirmed by the letter of M'Clellan to tha Democratic Mass Meeting at Lewisbarg, 1st OeL, wherein he ssyi not a word about Woodward, or Democracy, or tba Election, bat writes what Pres. Lincoln or nay other mea af hia party might write. That letter wu dated 23d Sept. some time after it wu kaewa of all that ha had beea named as frieadly to Gov. Cartia'a sleet ion bat ha does aot take tba t rouble to deay that repert,aor express ana friead ly word for Woodward er hie party. Thie much ia of unalterable public record. It is alleged that, all thie lima, Ibe hounds of the Copperhead party were parsaiag him, aad urging him to aid tbem. lie steadily refused, until be wu confi dentially shewa "the riocasa," footiag ap a large majority for Woodward, wbo.he was assured, would f csDouBrEDLr" be UNION CO., PA., TUESDAY, NOV. 3, 1863. mmtm mm tha wu all ia favor ef the Democracy, and with Vallandighans for ' Governor in Ohio nnd Seymonr in New York, sos7 sras his chant to ride oa the top of tbe wave that should land him in tbe harbor of tbe Prssideney I Elated by these prospects, aod again yielding to that evil fatality which makes him nlwiys "out of due lime," he nulhorited tbe fol lowing letter to bo published, broad-east, tbe day before the day of our State Elec tion n: H'Clellani Repadlate Cmrtim, and tndoraes lTowdtfaU'eL Orange, N.J., Monday, Oet.12,'63. lion. Cbarlea J. Riddle Dear air : My attention has beea called to an article io the Philadelphia Press, asserting that I bad written to tbe mantgra of tbe Demo cratic meeting at Allmtown, disipproviog the olgocts of the meeting, aod that, it 1 voted or sp-iks, it wonld be in favor of Uov. uortia. I am iniormea tnat stmi- l.r assertions have been made throughout tbe State. It has been my earnest en- aeavor, oereioioro, to aroia participation ia partg politic!, and am detsruiued to adhere u ibis course ; bat it ie obvious that I can not longer maintain silence un der such misrepresentations. I therefore request yoa to deny that I have written any snob latter, or entertained any su3b views, as those attributed to me ia the Philadelphia Press. I desire to state eleirly aod distinctly, tbit. btvinc some few date ago bad a full cooveraation with Judge W dw irl, 1 jUJ tkat our vtesrs agne, and I rtyarj hit elec tion at Uuvtrwvr of l'emtylmtnia called ' h t-feresfs of the A'atio. I nn- rer""a "Z " " I a ft ti a aiwniaitnhnn Al thai V mt aartrh all tbe meaos at the command of tha loyal States, until tbe military power of the Rebellion is destroyed. I understand him to be of (be opinion, that, while war is waged with all possible decision snd ener gy, the poiiey dirssting it sbonld bs in coosooace with tbs principles of humanity j M(, .j..,, working no injary to pri- V1te rigble and properly not demanded by military necessity snd recognized by mill sry bw amsng eivilixsd nstioos; snd 1 fi"1!J. 1 "derstsnd him to sgrse with ms is the opinion that Tbe sole grest ukjeols of Ibis war are restoration of the unity of the aatioa, the preservation of tbe consti tution, and tbe supremacy of tbe lews of ths country. Believing tbst our opinions entirely sgres upon these pointe, trnuld, trere it ia my potcer, gict to Jutje Wood ward my toia mud my vote. 1 em very reepeerffally, your, GEO. H. M'CLELLA.N. - Too laic," again ! Rat it was thought to be n famous gsme. It waa telegraph ed, nnd printed, nnd scattered everywhere it could bo got before tbe people. Row- dice were dressed in bine clothes (to coun forfeit Soldiers) and ran shout shouting for "M'Clellan end Woodward V while real soldiers, of Allegheny and Pbiladel- Pol mrasswij, swij, iij aojiinm M'Clellsn for ever, aad worked the harder for Curtin, who they Kitlf to bo aa true as tbey BELIEVED Woodwsrd to be false to the Government in its lime of trial Now, M'Clellan bad beea aa truly claimed for Curtio, oa the 23d Sept., as he wis oo lbs 12tb Oak But, nt lbs first named date, M'Clellaa says (aad hie Lew. isburg letter proves) tbat he desirsd to steer clear of "party polities," aad restsd satisfied under ths imputation of friendli ness to Curtio, (who ha doubtless Ibsa supposed would bs sleeted) even while writing a pretty little letter (o keep ia naity with tha Woodwardites 1 Seduced from tbat path by tbe urns Coppsrhead falsehoods Ihst misled mother Eve, be finds, as ha reflects apoa the Chair whieh be sought, and from whieh he eioka oat of sight in the ssme boat with Woodward aad Vallandigham, that he wu bedly de ceived, aod would give anything if he had not written hia "Lett Card" but it is too late ! That "full eonversstion, a few days ago," is too much like Jadge Kane's "nesr neighbor's" assursoee tbsl "Polk is a better Tariff man then Clay." Such sudden eoaversioos are not trustwor thy, aad the mass of the peopls havs learn ed to despisa both their makers aad en dorsers. . tbi irricT. Tbe following, from a lata Baltimore American, a leading sooservative journal, always partial lo Gen.M'ClelUn.shows the Mtimate the Unionists of the South place oa hia for endorsing Woodwird : "Qeo. M'Clellaa hu 'spoke ia puhlio at last, aad the time aad occasion of giving utterance to his sentiments hu swept from his sids all those truly loyal men who hsd adhered to hia through good end bad re port. Bern ia Maryland, bis friends were numbered by thouaaads - they refused to believe Iha aecaeatioos against bis loyalty tbey contended that he would in due strne clew bis eeeatcheoa of all impute Hone of lack af earnestness ia Ibe prose cution of the war aad Iha maintenance of the Union ; but this letter ia opposition to tbe alectioa of Gov. Curtin, and ia favor af tbe defeated Semi Rebel Caadidate, hu dashed their hopea, aad made them ready te believe snythiag and everything that has been charged against bias. Next to Vallaadigham, there ia aa man ia tha country whoea loyalty bad beea more strongly impeached thaa J adga Weed ward, wheae eleetiea aa Goveraor of Penasylva aia Gea. M'Clellaa regarded u called for by the iatareata of the aatioa.' " laVDr. 8. 8. Camming, a praniaeat ettiaea at. Lewistowa, wu aomdeatauy killed last weak, from iajaries received by a atoviag train while ataadiag ea tha rail way track. Latest Ne?7s The Rebels are "disgusted" about IUC .IVi lUtl U ll.llll.. a ug uivii- i mood Euquirer says of Pennsylvania, The Democratic party ia that State wis i never proof aeainst bribery, for it never had ; the khadowof priacipie.' True enough but rather ungrateful, j for their Copperhead brethren did all they reasonably could to win. Gen. looker, at a ferry on the Ten nessee near Chattanooga, received a severe assault from tbe Rebels, whom he repulsed, and drove away. This result, with other actions ia the same region, are deemed highly favorable to the L oion cause. 1 he Rebels find ! Chattanooga to be a Fredericksburg;, and frantically declare they must get it and recover Kentucky and Tenncs- 1 tee, or the next Summer's campaign will be their ruin. TJ.AV. Beecher is winning U8 many f nja ; Pni.nj Gov. Curtin has spoken to the peo- Ele of New York State at Owego, llmira, and Horse Heads, and was to speak at Rochester and Buffalo. Important Facts. Ia I860, the bslsnee of trade was sgaiost as some 1 30,000,000; ia 1861, aa equilibrium was attained ; ia 1862, our sx ports exceeded our imports $20,000, 000, sad during the last trade jeer the balanee ia oar favor baa beea swelled to near 830,000,000, one half of the credit being in specie. This shows a larger degree of commer cial prosperity than was enjoyed, by this country even wbea the sottoa trade was in tbe most flourishing condition- So soother delusion, that ia respect to tbe ioditpeosibleaese of cot ton as a modi am of exchange, ie dissolved. Some of the Copperhead editors are dreadfully stfl sted with " ncgrj oa the brain" sines tbs election. Brettoa, of the Carlisle Volunteer, wanted te write, u Nero fiddled while Rome wu naming," sa l got it "Xyro fiddled," &i Poor fellows I how their dreams by day as well as by night, must be disturbed by the gealle mea of " African descent." A Washington dispatch says that the receipts of money psid by drafted men now amount to $9,000,000, which, it is sx pee lad, will be inereeieed by one or two millions mere. Tbe whole of thie earn, it ia said, ie to be appropriated to recruiting under the recent proclamation of the Pres ideat. Ths Cloeinnsti CommsrtSl ssvs that ; ths venerable Catholie Arebbisbop Pur- ! aal, Meompaaiad by Bishop Rosecrans, appeared at tbe polls ia that city at the late alsstioa, for lbs first time ia tweaty- five years, aad voted tbe Uaioa ttokeL List fall, Stonewall Jackson made his men sheer for Ibe election of Governor Seymour of New fork. They don't cheer over Ibe sleotioa af Cortia at Brough. Rev. B. Rausmsa preached his farewell sermon lo the Germaa Reformed aongre gttioa of Cbamberaburg, oa Sunday week. Ue hu accepted a call froa Reading, Pa. Ia California, at ths Judicial election, lately bald, thirteen Union District Judges wsrs elected, and one "independent Dem ocrat." Oat of 26.000 votes of Ohio Soldiers, 25,000 arc for Broagh. No doubt, "tsa to one af tbe soldiers are democrats." On Saturday lait. at Harris bur, Rev.D. M. Barber had his pocket picked of $150. DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN HORSE LINIMENT. IS PINT BOTTLES AT FIFTY CENTS, cares lsmenesa, cats, galls, colic, Ac Read the following t Bosrww. Julv 7th. 1863. Da. Testis! We hare used for the past rear your Horse Liniment for lameness, kicks, bruises, colic aad cuts, aad ia every instance found it tbe best article I ever tried ia thia cirens company. Please send aix dosen, as it ia the oaly liniment we aaa aow. We bare 108 horses, some very valuable, and do not want lo leave lows without it. HYATT FROST, Manager Yaa Ambarg A Co's Mcnngerie. Sold by all druggists. Office 66, Cortland Bt New York. arottftura jaarint. Corrected Weekly Wheat, 1,35 Eggs . f 15 Rye 1,00 Tallow ......... 10 Cora, old..... 95 Lexd.. 10 Oats... 70 Clover eeed.....6,50 Flaxaeed...... 2,00 Wool. . 60 Dried Applea 41b Potatoes. 40 FirkiaRutter IS Shoulder............6 Fresh Butter... 25 Bibs A Sides 6 Rsgs 4, 5, aad 6 Ham 13 Rsrley 90 to $1,00 Country Soap 4 46 BEAT NOTICK: VrOTICE is hereby given, tbst the BOOKS l of JACOB a. BROWN are ia my hands ior collection, led all parsons knowing them selves indebted oa the gae will call aad settle their aecoaau oi or' before the Slat Sot. insu, as as longer indulgence caa be given. Nov. . 1863 J. A. MERTZ VAITMT. THE nnderaigaeibas beea appointed Aat iiar bv ibe Ornhas' Conn of Union county to distribute the balanee ia ue hands of James Marshall, Administrator of Hasav WttM.late of White Dear Tp, Uaioa Co. Pa. deed, and will meet the panics later Med ia aaid estate al hia otter im lewisbarg oa Sav vaasv the 8th day f Decern beA D 1863. al t o'clock, r U. wa.iu.inn.swi-. JOHN HAVYN, w. a-iMi;rairriiREI of Improved Fe)t jX caaalom fAailcmea, Lewtabarg. Pa "THE UNION," established in I8U--W.0U KfuLUL aiKONICLE," established io l,W. NOTICE. VLL prnons having; claims araiatt the University at Lrwisbarg. will please sicned j a4 ibxae iadeb.d. are reqeeH to make seitte-neoL feUffica- Wen Win. L-eivrrsity Buildiof . No. I J. A. KELLY. A real, n,...nl K I... , it,. nM4r. Wanted! SEVERAL MEM who esn handle tha Pick aod otoovel io advantage, will Cad Immediate employment in discing a Draia oa the Farm of the aah seribrr, opposiie Leibar. Oct IX w3 JOS. M. KE9BIT kTSmSS U. CiERUART. DESTIST, OmOhas ramoved lo itoaih 3d stmi.fnar ! doora from taw Town Cloik, LEW. I roRr-RQ pa. F0UIID I THE nadersigaed has in posseesioa TiU lera Dollars, aad a Boiile tiled with Whiskey, which together was fused by her boy in New Berlia, several dave ago. Tbe owaer can have his munrv Ae. bv sailing oa LYDIA STAHLXECKEM. New Berlia. Pa, Oct. 7, 1S6S t la all take) m Bid t s & te T TORSES AND I 1 responsible BLUGIE3 TO LET, lo persoas. at reasonable . , rrstimMm rm m mm ImIbmb Snalk I Third and Sooth Fourth streets, half a sqoara below Hess' Liverr my residence on same lot. fronting on South Third slrret. CH ARLES 8. YODEK Lewisbarg. Sept. II, 1863 Take Notice. "IT 7E hereby wira all perseae not to par. chase or accept a Joial Note, givca dunog May, IMS, payable to the order of Levi Ranch ior the sum of Sixty Dollars aa we will not pay the said Note. LEONARD CHAPMAN, CEO. DIKPFENDERFER. FURNITURE! Broke Oat in a New Place! BUREAUS, knlltulll. FINE DRESSING BUREAUS, SECRETARIES, DESKS, Ac. dto. 4lmfTttt paTitjswaV BEDSTEADS. tnm tS ts S3 (JS OSwaat yattara aad lata Mylas. TABLES, SiUntf-o, 1 1 4 tu-l. Oatta. PWr, IW. Cmrt, lliotog 'twa attrm Bmaftftwt. mmim of mmy ktal af wan amiat. kat Walaat. Mabagaay aaa hwa wawl always oa aaad far tba traaa. STANDS, Tasaw, Waal-!lat, Bawmg, la. aa, SOFAS, LOUNGES, latest patterns. CHAIRS, Cpllvtrd Lrc Aram. Semia. Pmrkar CViin ) , a Haas; ata,t-etw ommt, nr manor bm aairam, WtaWmor Chair. Urarw mad awBal. Itokmra, Tbea aisvet Ctaidrwej'e Cbaur. alwawa fcaxkdL. T0WEL-5ACKS.D0UGU TRAYS, ! BOOK and SHOW CASES, Ac Furniture of my oiem manufacture, intured one year. P 9. I intend, in a abort time, as soon si I can eel up a fine Hearse.) to attend lo the LjDERTAKI.VtS BUSINESS I will heap some twenty-five or more different aired Cof fins, finished, aad always ready on short no nce, and will sell twenty per eeaL ebaapar tban hu ever been done in Lewisburg. Call and ee before purchasing elsewhere. KEPAIRI.NO done immediately. CHAS. S- BELL, Chambeiin't Black. Lawwbarf , Vow. 14. IMU. The Secretary of the Treasury has authorixsd mo to continue my Agency for a period. brief Aad until farther notice, I ibill eoaUaae receive Ssbsaripuoai to the 5-20 LOAfl AT PAR, At my OSoe, and ni the different Snb-Agae- eies ntroognooi tne Lyai wiaww. JAY COOKE. Subeeriptloa Ageat, 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia New Tin Shop. -TTTEISEH A 8MITH will opea a acwTia f g snop, oa tne wo oi Bepicmoar, insa, in the boroueh of MIFFLINBDR O. ia Ibe former Storehouse of J A J.Yoaag,6rsi door aoove uecaaru a neiai, ursi aiiw. 1....J W UmmA all kia. af TIV WARE, Sell-Sealing aod other rrnit Cans. 8tov Pipe and Spoutiitgs.Ac REPAIRING done at abort aouee. Charges moderate. Tha public are iaviud to ceil and cramlae ear ge!,. 8.J. WEISER. pdlm J.K.PM11H 5,000 wanted! NY person having from Oae lo rive f Tboasaad Dollars, caa have the same aaiely invested ia Jodameats apoa valnable real estate in this eoeaiy.unoa aeplteatioa v j. r. sa juuis o. u.xn. Lewisbarg. Jnly IC, laca Caah aaid tor Bark. IWT"H) to purchase a largo gnaality of BtOCm OAK BAKK., delivered at my Tannery Yard in Lewiasmrg. tot which I will pay tbe highest noes ia cash. May It, IMS B. I. BCXL. i ra. . Estate of Michael KBgelaua, lac'sL ; t DMIMSTBATOB'S SOTICt ; i- of aimtaitraiKa on tfca estate af ttmhl - liill"in"..wwi " " miwm 1 1 been eramed lo tbe sebacriker toy me , enier of I aion Ceeaty ia da. form of Jaw. P"" "debiej lo said estate are hanb j aorried to make immediate peysacM, and ait oaring may juh ciiim imh mm mmmW rresent inem dolt aatlteaiieated for senli la JACOB ENGCUsAM. Admit'! White Deer, Oct. 1, 163 4 . Caa nttlai; EatatsMliliawtH. ROOMS ia raicc'a Block. Market ta, samr of Bower's Jewelry Slop. Having served a regalar spares riaeahfp im one of iha beat shops ia PhiiasV, 1 bee ts render satisfaction. Bt'RNERS aad other rtitnree alwaye ea head ur faratahed at short notieau a B.ETAJCS) ! tOTrbhatw, S. 14. IMS HoUco to the DraftesL ! TTNDER the proviaioas ot lb Ae ef ' J Congress for enroling aad calling ami i the aatiaoal furces, ike fuilaaiag pi reams j are Aempis I 1st The oaly aoa liable to military duty of I a widow drpamleDt oa bis labor lor mssmii XX Tbe oaly soa of agedorialrm eareaias' parents dependent oa hia labor for aappast 3d Tbe aaly brother ef children we IO vests old (hsring aeiher rsther nor Motbevj depeadeoi oa his labor for aapport ; 4th The father of motherless ekildraei under IS years of age depeadcal oa hea labor of sopport; Sth Where there are two mem bats an Sao family of the person drafted, already ia ana military service of tbe Caited States. All peroes entitled io the above eawasaa lions, can have Hieir papers made esn a ana office of C. D. BREWER, Attorney at Law. Lewisbarg. Lawn Co . ra. O&STAHZNTAL IROa WOOD t rR0T.1136,1IUplTMtt. PHILADELPHIA, TA. OrPER for ssla npon the Moat ra lira saw Terms. Sew aad BEAUTIFUL Beaiama I ia great variety ef Iran Railings lu Caasm. ii-ne$. Rrtidencts dec of Cau aaa WramgM Iron, and Oalvanized Ire aad Brass " Iron Verandas. Balconies. Stairs, Caa Foooiaina, Uaira. Colamaa, Hikehing To Lamp Staade, Vases. Tables, r lower I i Paras. Chairs. Sistoary. Aaimais nnd nil OOM Iroa W ork of a Decorative character. Designs forwarded for selection. Fsriean i epp lying for same will please aate the kiu4 of work needed amrsw Ws would inform the public that we aava for sale, ia our newly established N arsons near the Lewisbarg station, a larger man meat thaa last year of Frail aa arnameaial Traaa, Sanaa. As, fu our eld Nurseries in Adams canary, ww bare the lareest stock of trees aad largest sued for Fall of 163 aad Spnag of '84. Wo therefore caa furnish Trees by large qaaanV ties to Dealers Ac. at very low prices. The atteatioa of borers aad dealers is rea peetfully solicited to aa eiamiaatioa of ay slock. We also desire a doxea good AGESTS la sell for the coming Spriag. 8HELLER A HCMME. FANCY FLfLS-FAfiCYFUnSI Joha FaJntra. aaae Bwshwka An kinds of FAXCY FURS for Ladjea' audi Children'! I wtak S Mara mj Sbaaka Sa my wtaaSS af Vwhm aaa tba nnaaadiog wuitlw, Sw Ihmtr aq HSaial aatinaaca rauaitra t wa Sanaa tba la hw iiaia, aad aoald ar a Um Hat I aaw kaa la Mala, al my wast tnyartanoa aad BaaaiaRaia. a my Mlnlll will ai.nt af all thm dilmst kiae aad aaaltuaa at FAUST Full, lot LaltM aad CkiMiaa. that will Sa wan awshag tkfll aaa Si.w,Mi Bway taa Kraet Iwacnar af all my Vaiaaam Wavaaa, aa4 aaia tbam HaaafmanS aswiS mf awa lain ll sloa. aaakM wa M oSW my anwaaa aad tha yaaiMO maeh haaaaaaMr at af fan fer taa msaay. Ladial alaaat Ha m a mil lifcia i i hsUaa rsaSSO JOHN FABEIBA, SmlOH So 718, Arch Street, nilaaVlpaJa LEWIS8URQ ACADEUY TBE PALL SESSION eommeaees Man, e)epLU,18a3 Jo coanaae as tae HoUdaya. I HepLU,18a3Jo coanaae I A private Report of the staadiag wf vaaU alH aaaaaflar k ytai ae gaaraiaa aal a la miaaillii tbat ayan llIIW SO prawnal ae ratara aiaipaliaaa Tctrtaa per Session, inolndiag eontiaawat eipeasest PRIM ARY (Reading, Writing. Deiaer. Arithmetic Ceoc, Oram, aad V. 8. Hialnrv.1 ADVANCED ENGLISH, all aot iaala ded aborel LAMGl'ACES, C7"Xo dedoetioas aieept for pratrawiadl aiekaes. J. RANDOLPH. Sept. IS. IS DR. J03IAH SMITH, AVISO located ia Lewisburg. solicits n share of Use pablia patroaaaa. atost- leace and Oflea on Market St. nearly epps- site the Riviere Heose. Mateh Ik ilea. University at Lewisbarg. SCHOOLS ra-cpa oa THCRSDAY. tetk Sept. The Acaaeav win be aa heretofore aadev the charge of Mr. L C WTNN. A. M. tv. ... t-.....a will he aadeV bo aharge of the ezpenaaeed aed neeomplishad Principal, Miss t vf.i.'n- Tot fanner infsnaaooa. apv J. R. LOOMUX freeideal I I l l Si EL TBI icw rntBBT, samw Ste, Swath ska rmnuBMtrwtA. tayartar, Wawwliamaan