Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 27, 1863, Image 2

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Ry J. . ttlMw, la itlaaUt MMthly.
Vp froo. the meadows ricli with corn,
Clew in the eoul September morn.
The clustered spires of Frederick stand
Green-walled by the hills of Maryland.
'Bonad about them, orchard iweep,
Apple and peach-tree fruited deep,
Fair at a garden of the Lord
To the eyes of the famished Rebel horde.
On that pleasant morn of the early fall,
Lee marched over the mountain wall
Over the mountains winding down,
Bone and foot into FreJcrick town.
Forty flags with their silver stars,
Forty flags with tbeir crimson bars,
Flapped in the morning wiud : the son
Of noon looked down, and saw not one.
Up rose dame Barbara Frietcbie then,
Bowed with her four-score years aud ten;
Bravest of all in Frederick, town,
She took np the flag the men hauled down;
Jo her attic window the staff she set,
To show that oue heart was loyal yet.
Up the street came the Rebel tread,
Stonewall Jackson riding ahead ;
Under his slouched hat, left and right.
He glanced the old flag met his sight
"Haltr the dust-brown ranks stood fast,
"Fir r out blazed the rifle-blast.
It shivered the window, pane and sanh,
It rent the banner with seam and gash.
Quick, as it fell from the broken staff,
Dame Barbara snatched the silken scarf;
She leaned far out on the window-sill,
And shook it forth with a royal will !
"Shoot, if you niurt, this old gray head,
But spare your country's flag she said.
A shade of sadness, a blush of shame,
Over the face of the leader came;
The noble nature within him stirred
To life at that woman's deed and word :
"Who touches a bair of your gray head,
Pies like a dog ! March on !" he said.
All day long through Frederick street
Sounded the tread of marching feet;
All day long that free flag tossed
Orer the head of the Rebel host.
Ever its torn folds rose and fell
On the loyal winds that loved it well ;
And through the hill gaps' sunset light
Shone over it with a warm good-night.
Barbara Frietchie's work is o'er,
And the Rebel rides on his raids no more.
Honor to her ! and let a tear
Fall for her saie on Stonewall's bier.
Orer Barbara Frietchie's grave,
Flag of Freedom and Uuion, wave !
Peace and order and beauty draw
'Round tby symbol of light and law ;
And even the stars above look down
Oo thy star below in Frederick town 1
Hi bad bim Tbsbb. A good story is
teld f a certain railroad gsntleman, who
is equally renowntd for bi ability lo make
and take joke. An employee, who i at
home is Avon, came, on Saturday night,
to ask for a pass to visit bis family.
"Are yon in the employ of the Compa
ny V asked our officer.
'Yon receive your pay regularly ?"
"Well Now, suppose yon were work
ing for farmer, instead of a railroad ;
would yon eipeet yonr employer to hitch
sp .bit learn, every Saturday night, and
carry you home J"
This seemed a poser, hut it wasn't.
No," said the van, promptly, "I
wouldn't eipeet that ; bu, if the farmer
had hit team bitehed np, and was going
my way, I should eall bim mean euas if
he wouldn't let me ride."
Mr. Employee came out, three minute
afterwards, with pass good for three
Common Schools.
It will be seen by reference to the gen
eral appropriation bill of April 14, 1663,
that the $816,825, appropriated for the
support of common schools, is to be divi
ded among the several districts of the
State, in proportion to the number of child
ren attending kWi therein. Former ap
propriations were divided in proportion to
the number of taxable residing in the
townships or districts, and we see by the
annual reports for 1861 and 1862, the sum
per .taxable was forty cents. By the plan
of division for this year, the districts that
have sent the most scholars to the public
schools, and sent them the most regularly,
will receive the most money. We call
attention to this now, in order that the
eitiien generally may understand the
matter, and when the State appropriation
is received they may know why the amount
differi from the sums formerly appropriated.-
"A Whole Naoer." On a recent oc
casion, an Irishman stood listening to
Fred. Douglas, who was expatiating upon
Government and Freedom ; and as the
orator earae to a period of the highest
poetical height, the Irishman said :
-'Bcdad, he spakes well for a nager."
"Don't yon know," said one, "that he
isn't a negro t he is only a half negro."
"Only a half nager, is he T Well, if a
half nager can talk in that style, I'm think
ing a whole nager might bate the Proph
et Jeremiah."
Fkettt Good. A private letter from
Alabama says their preacher is involved ia
a bad fix. Whether be is a wsg, or eery
oareless, or it was a "forteitoe eeaeateoa
tioa of cueamslaoote," we eaa'l say, but
it ia esrUia that Jaff.aDaeis lsst Fast
Day lbs cveaeber shocked the sensibilities
of bio guilty hearer by giving out those
suggestive lines of Dr. Watts, eommeneing
ar wa warMhoi yat alia
A4dw yat. KCBKLI
5 ' n wurm, ita mmU
TkM w ara out af wi.'
BADon't be too hard on Vallandigham.
The Rebel prisoners at Camp Chase, in
Ohio, held an election on the 13th. They
voted thus: Vallandigham, 1081; Brongh,
2 - w you swo Vat ia endorsed by the
K), aaybuw I
sl s
1 IT
:i l
1 I S 4 6 6
0110 111 12 13
1&I16 17!l8,ljt
Ei SI ZtZ20 27
i i i i
4 1
11 M 13
J ! !
i t shun
12 1114116 1117 1
1 il i2 23 14 2t
26 272H2 30 31
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I I t I 7 I
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1 17 1S1i20 21 21
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1.1 U 14 16117 IS 19
: 21 22 23,24 25 2
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IIS IV 20 2122 23 24
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10 11 13-13 14 15 1
17 18 li?0 2! 22 23
24:25 2 27 2 30
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21 22 21 24 25 2 27
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15 lst7 ISjl 202l
22 2324 2512,4' 28
M! Ill
I 1 S 4
( 7 8 'lO 11112
13 14 15 1 17 tSlla
SO 21 22 23 24 ii2
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Holidays Banks close on
Saw Yaax'a Day 41b July TkaakiglTios Chrtftmsi
Union Oonnty Official Recorl
PmUnt Jd0tSiu1 8. Wo. Uwlatnwa FaatOah
AtciaU Jndya Jons W. graMayaa. MiSHabarg
da Jobs Vuu, Lawtabarg
tktriff LarAvsm iwan 4 So
PnlkameaarytiMtn W. Suras - aa So
Rtg al itec. Quan Sbhh, as 4
Dutriet AUarncfkirm IUn f
Tnmturtr Jtn A. Msars, a So
Oommuttmer Psasnuci Boumm.MiaiDbf do
do jdm s. aHTBJ, aiiHw ao
4a RnbMT Rno. Lkort. Itoa do
Ommunmm'crk tmn Kmiiui,Lwlsbuglo
do waaa!i w M. joaaa, ao ao
do PmUrrt 'ana k OoaRBUCS. da do
deaaol Superimtrmdent JnHX A. Ovna 4
Jferoaalib Appraiter. Kusrom. Nw Barlia do
Surveyor Coeab Sucuo, ronat UU1 do
Cmrwmtr ElOTA Stuob. Lewitburs da
Judder Damn, turn, do So
la BenTniu TaoMfwm. Muninoorg do
to i. P. HAonwca, Slihr do
AmtmrSam WarlUo-C.il Sasim,lliailart do
CWiMtor do Tbo. Cioui, Loonlloa do
Post-Offices in Union county.
Jlibm (lo Brady towoahlp) - D Stntbtrkar, T M
ShfT ftomnlowo. HradyTpl - WfM inanw
While Iter Milt (Uiinloaja, Wk.D.Tp) Ch'a M Kiog
.Vrw Oilwatu .... J K Corny
WM MtUo (Kallt To) - John Dataaaaa
Is wuaarii ( ' toaaty Seat) -OaoWrorrMt
Bufutoe A k-mdl
rhrH UiO (nBamUlo)
M-fKxnbitrf -
HartUVm ...
LnwlVm fwaat fna RartlayTp)
wku Spring (I Imaaroaa Tp)
,Va Brrlxn ...
WtaftVlrf (Dry Valley, Cnloo Tp)
Lari Hawk
Martlo Rudy
Mars H Stars
Ualra C liayaa
Mark llallpeoay
J S Kaadrabai-h
Kdad tmlth
Regular Union county Courts open
Third Monday la robraary May Sapient1 Dostaib'r
BHD 31
N. R. Zimmer3ian's ?
Attorney at Law,
LEWISBCR6, rsion m, r.
OFFICE (on Market St.) formerly occupied
by Wm Cameron, Jr.
Collections and other professional hosiness
promptly attended to. Claims for Pensions,
Bounties and arrears of pay due from Uuv i,
made oat and collected June 1, 1863
Wobkt seB fob Casvassisg Acests
Harper's Pictorial History.
commenced the issue, in Numbers, of a
The work has been for many months in conrse
of preparation, by a wriwr every way qualified
fur Ihe task.
The IsTaonrjcTiow contains a clear aeeonnt
of ihe formsiinn of Ihe Confederacy of Ihe
Stales ; Ihe furmation and adoption of the Con
stitution of the United Siate, and the estab
lishment of the National Government; the
origin, development, and progress of ihe doe
trine of Nullification and Secession, and the
various phases which they assumed, until
the final culmination in the Great Rebellion.
The Histobv comprise an account, draws
from the most anthentic sources, of the Events
of the War j intrigues of the Hooihern leader
at home and abroad ; the gradual defection of
one section ; the great Uprising of the People
for the maintenance of the National Life and
Existence; the rapid ereatioo of an immense
Army and Navy ; Battle by Land and 8ea.
The IiLcsxaaTiaa comprise Portrait of
those who hive borne a prominent part in the
itruggle t Maps of different localities ; Plan
of leading actions i View of scenes of inter
et, and of the most important Battles. These
Illustrations are mostly from drawing Ukea
on the spot, by artists deputed for that purpose,
lb accompany every division of our Army
and Navy.
Every facility at the command of the Pub
lishers has been employed ia the preparation
and execution of this work ; and they confi
dently believe that it will form the most trust
worthy and valuable history which can be
Heie aae Terms mt Mllraltea.
The work will be issued in Numbers, con
sisting of 34 page of the size of -Harper'
Weekly," printed from clear type, opus fine
paper, and will probably be completed ia
aboat Twenty Numbers.
The Number will be issued at intervals,
if possible, of about three or four weeks.
The Price of each Number, which contains
matter equivalent loan ordinary volume, will
be Twenty-five Ueat.
The Illustrations in each Number are alone
worth the price asked. Mea out of employ,
mam. especially SICK OR DISABLED SOU
VIERS. can find no other work so sore of
ready sale and good proStt. For farther par
ticular, apply K lb Pablishers.
Fraaklin Square, New Turk
Br C. J. STAHIa.
T)INDERT on 3d street, a few doora
'I Mksf mUlkM, LMWTSSVM. fn
tot Ar"irofor ,,ic
12 liilil CrmsttW.,for sale
I w irioiod k c ier, at tbo Cbroukle OCce
"2it 45nhnn 3tit8.
Jt. Sclfmar Sottor unb tcrauscbrr.
EJirt u tmtstiMrf irhn tcaatrftad m trut
f4cr pro hcraardtfltbre, nob $ tit jtti
kntfttt 3tmmld)( am PMa4 ngrslio) sen
arribur grbnuftwtrs.
Xirft3rirung (ringt etc aDarmrincii SadjritrR
une aufrrMm tic rcfonttrcn tutfcitcn tn Coun
ties im IVittcl ycnnfslMinim, worin jit jirfulirt.
fxtit $1,00 fea 3a(r, lwnn orau tcjablt, ctrr
in hen crjtra 4 SBwttn. $1,25 wenn brjabtt in
sen crficR 8 3Rnatr he 3abrto, n f 1,50
Kcnn fpatrr.
giir Sttdanrmariundnt k(rb hmdtnrt ; rfn
Square een 12 Jtriben Srnier fur tt 3dyC $6.
Jtiirjere efunnmiacbuRaen in Ukr&almtS.
XHE UBdrriroed, having loaned hisfornl
tore, finures and utensils lo Mr. H. L.
mom for ibe period of one year, and is
about to remove temporarily from Lewisbnr?,
lake this nethod or returning nis thank to
the people of Lewisborf and vicinity for their
uniform kindness and the liberal support they
have given him diirins; his residence among
Lewisberg, April 30, 1863
rTlHE undersigned, having obtained ihe use
I of the furniture, Snores and otensil of
Mr. Ricaiaa M. Coorta, will continue the
Bakery, Uonfeetionery and Notion business,
at the old stand, on Market street, for the pe
riod or one year. He hopes by strict atiennon
to business to merit the patronage heretofore
extended to this establishment.
Lewlsborg, April 30, 1863
Snuff and ToUeco Manafactnrer,
16 fc 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
(Foraiarly 42 Chajabsra atraet, Kaw Tnrk,)
"TTTOULD call the attention of Dealers to
J j to the articles of his manafaciure,viz
sows ssrrr.
HVahoy, Paailsroa,
iriae Rappa. fan Virginia,
Cuaraa Kappaa, NaebiUiebaa,
Amarlcao Oaatlenao, Copealtagea.
ieuow trr.
lootfh. Iloaay Drw Seolrh.
Uif Toaat Seotl-h, fraab llooy Vmw Sroteb,
jnaa uitfa roaator bandyroot, rnin beoien.
tfmAUmUn it called In Uu larot rtduriim in orient of
riaa-iia utrmtna am .twwim iooaooaa, wnUA IH oa
jomm q a oapenar ymaitiw.
sue. mi cut cHiaiaa,
Long, P. A. L., or plain.
No. I, Canadian, or Svtat,
No. 2, Barert Snaoted Orooaoo.
6. Jaco,
Can tar.
SioalAlmid, Tia foil Caraadlah,
N. B. A circular of price will be sen ton
application. March 16, 63yl
Tbe undersigned bare as-
soclaied themselves into copart
nership for Ihe purpose of carry
ing on the Lumbering, Planing,
and Carpentering business in all their various
branches, at the
Cfmisburo, Steam Planing ftlille.
where they intend to keep a slock of Pine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel
ving, Siding, Shingles, Lain, Joists, 8iodding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames,
Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, etc. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw-
ng, oxc. done at short notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both ia I rice
and workmanship.
j. u. uicrr t.n nr.nr tri,
Lawtabart Waning Mills, April 1, ISM.
LB. CHRIST, Esq.,hv removed his Of
s fice lo ihe building of Jonathan Spyker,
North of the Court House, and immediately
npposit the Buffalo House, where he will at
tend to all manner of business at hi office
with dispsich and promptness in his line of
business. (Speaks both English and German.)
April 1, 1862. L. B. CHRIST.
J.S.nk, B.Shrklry. CCSborkltr. IMeaver
(avensaou to anaas, luaaa a Co.)
Lewis-bare;, Pa.
WB bar eoaataatly oa ban and lor aala,
Keeper, Mower mni Clmrr flarwrten; Grain an Oran
Seeder, ; Hand and lorle Power 0m Shellrrt; One. Twa
and Foot Anrte Treaei. Sweep and Hell Pnwen ; (toner
Ihdlert, Hei Ctltrrt, Tkrethesrt. iW Stnret. Relit, rem
Frmtu far BaUdtrngt, Iran tram. Railing: MM GtaHngt,
Aa. Ac, and hold ouraal'i-a rrady at all lima to 0 u.
Bisnsor Vouaoav Bcmwsaa with tha otmoateorraetnaaa
au diapaleh Work or Maanfaetarea Invariably
warranted aa recommend ad. Ordera reapertfully
aoiieiaad aadprnmptly al" led to. Junet. !Sr4)
Omoht, Crids, JrtJitwrnM, frtmp. Uoartmtt, Urtmch.HU,
JmsMmonia Damte ttf the &rwU. truing from OMdf
fnriputU Omtumrtvrn. mi fw IV retiffand (1 mt tUi
potnbU) cut of UtemU m dettneed ttagtM fiht latter
T'lK BatMfBre Cordial w ntirviy ft v4jCabl prod
tloa,ombiniii)E the hrtlioft proprtvn of the Bilbao,
with th ioiporUo(r, qualittn of a Cordial. prodtKlnira
eomblastiOB. o well adftpud to tha parpojM lotodd,
that thrr arc but fw emu of diaesM which will aot, at
aa rlj period, taoeuab lo Itt healing ud We-ftiTias
for ait hu tha treatment of polmonary dlprmnee tu
enpied lha greater portioa of tbe attentioo of the icfeo
tiHe of tb neiirml world, but none arquirrd Bore
wdc ta hip treataeat of theas diwiea. thaa the cele
brated PrafHtua Dr. Ilooftand, theortirtnatorof tbe Bal
araie Cordial. Hi lifwa deotrd to the produetionof
renedt1 that would Und an rivaled. How well he baa
smeoitedVd, tha a erieaa people are able to Judge : and
we poeltiTelv aiwert, that ao preparatinae that have ever
beta planed before them, faa conferred the name amnnat
of bene flU oa anffriic baaianitv.or hare el kited ao
way oofKOdattone froea all elaaM of erarlel. aa tbe
maedrA of Ilooaaad, prepare! by U. C M. Jackaoa A
Co., of Philadelphia.
The Cordial ledetyiied fur a elaai of dleeai-ea aiore gtm
cral aad autre fetal thaa anyotber to which tha people
f thia enantry are aabjeet thorn uprltirlag frota a
Mlijbt eold " That eaniaaat antborit. Dr. BelLaaen:
I will aot aar that Coldo are to oar lababltante what
the tMejrw and Teltow Peror are m tboae of other eoaa
trtea ; but 1 eaa aver mnMeotly that thj aaher la db
aaMOCMalaveomplleltj aad awrtalit thaa tbaae latter
Baad what Ute awlaeat Olaa MaanfjHarer, Jmilf M.
WHITALIe, aaye of tha BALAAM 10 CORDIAL.
Dm.0. M. Jiif Beivpssrted frtead: Haelaff fern
Inn a tlae beea acqaalated with the vlrtaeeof thy BAL
SAMIC CORDIAL la Concha, CoVda. InflaHatioa of the
Langa, to, I thaa freely bar tertimon to Ita efllcacy.
For eavcral yea re I bare aevar beea wit boat n la niy
finally. It la a)o given pleaaara to atate that I have
aaed It with entire eaomaa la tbe treatment of Bowel
Coaaplalata. Thy frtead truly, elHN M. WHITALU
fifth Mo. 17, IV. Baoa at above 4th. Pbilad'a.
aW Tbeae BMadiHaee are fcr aale hf all vpeHable
trraggfeta aad daalero la edt4ne la the Vailed 9tetn,
Caaadaa. Brltteb Proiirjea, and Went ladiee. at 7$ coat
par bottle. Beeuroaad ct tbe geaalaa,wltbtbe algwa
tar nfC.ll. Jackana oa tha wrapper of each bnttle ; all
thero am eoaaterrVIL Prfarlpal Ofloa um4 Manafaetn
ry, 411 Arab atraet. Phnadelphla, Pa.
Old Fost-Offlce Stud.
A LARGE supply of Bnoks,SUttonery,
Ul Perfuraery, Jewelry, Toys, Coafeetioa
erie. Tea. Spices, Fruit, Nut. Batktea,
Pictures, aad a variety of NICK HACKS for
sale cheap by
T63) H W CROTZER. Lewisburg
JOHN A. HERTZ, Esq., ha removed hi
Office on Market 8t. two door west of
Ihe Lewisburg Bank, where be will attend to
all manner of business in bis line with
pro rapines. Speaks both English snd Ger
man. J.A.MERTZ
Lewisburg, April 1, 186J (
(L4TB , eaaasa aaa ce.)
Lewisbnrg PUntog Will,
keep constantly en hand and
aaaaaiaviare iu oruer warapra(a bbibidbj,
wevwra. Mass, SkMlcrn. Hiiatis,
Slcaaldlnn of all eaiterns.
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in nodding.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to cive satisfaction
"An extensive lot of Lumber of all
Factory oil tinrtk Second Urut.LeteUbwgJ'n
April 32, lSfit.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
n large assortment of the very best Sha
mokin and Wilkes-Barre COAL, for lime and
siove purposes, which he will sell at ibe very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, BlacktmUW Coal, Platter and Salt.
Wish It distinctly understood, that I will not
be undersold by any man. Having good
weign-sealrs, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaal's hotel.
Lewisburg. Msy 7,'59.
For the Harvest of 1863!
Toe most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in the Market I
okirtrii iinkiii aiinnitn Ob uui.
LewlsbartT, Pa.
rPHE unprecedented success of the " Buck-1
J. eye is the strongest proof of its superior
excellency, lie buuhexe has caused a
complete Revolution in the Manufacture 01
ils repolatioa is so well established that ills
scarcely necessary to particularize its advan
tages, we will, huwever, eall the attention
of the farmers to a few of its merits.
Pawl and Spring, by which Ihe machine
may be thrown out of gear, or be backed
without vibrating ihe knivea ihe Steel Cutler
Bar the Wrought Iron Guard, with Hardened
Sieel Face or Cutting Edge the Double-
Hinged Joint, by which the Cutler Bar may
be Folded the long Crank Shaft the Sieel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Cutter Bar
may be raised and lowered so as lo cot as
low lo Ihe ground as may be deired the
Steel Pitman and Bras Box its Liehi Draft
no side urall) no weight on Ihe horses'
necks backs as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
No Gearing on tbe Driving Wheels
A team of horses weighing 900 lbs. each.
will cot an aete of grass an hour with ease.
The machine is furnished with two Cutler
Bars one for cutting grass, and Ihe other fur
culling grain (each expressly adapted lo Ihe
use intended).
No effort will be wanting to maintain the
Bockeye in the enviable position it now occu
pies, that of being the
Best Dachlne In tbe World !
the subscribers return their sincere
thanks to iheir friends for Ihe generous sop-
port l hey have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Reaper and Mower into
ueniral and northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted In ihem for Iheir warm greet.
incs and bind offices in recommending II to
Iheir mends and neighbors.
For Certificates, ate., see Circulars, which
may be had of any of their Agents.
They also manufacture "layer's Pat
ent Plftton Grain Drill, which is
acknowledged to be the BEST SEED SOW
ER IN USB, and the only one which
Also, the Keystone Clover If tiller,
hich cleans thoroughly, without in Ihe least
injuring the seed. Will clean more in the
same time than any other machine in use.
Tbev also mannfaeiure and keep on hand
for sale Dnrling't Tread Pnwer and Thrahert
Telegraph Fodder Cutter (two tizrt) f Conking
Motet, among wmcn is me ceienraiea " con
tinental Parlor and Omee Slovet, and all
kindt of Catt and Wrought Iron and Bran
... . .... inn ri.iimvnn t tt I
Hor. DLir r.R. iii.io.sn m.i d i uo. i
Central Foundry, Lewuburg, Pa.
March 31. 163.
THE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on with the Philadelphia A
Erie Railroad Company, they have appointed
JOSEPH D. POTTS, General Manager there
of, to whom all Officers and Employees will
report for insttuctions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co., )
Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 186. J
' General Order, Wo. 1.
To lake Effect on and after Jan. 30, 1862.
I. The Western ItlTlnlon, from
Warren lo Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of tbe Western Division.
Hi Office will be at Erie. Employees on thi
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting their
duties or the business of the road, lo him,
except as otherwise provided in this Order.
II. The Fasfera Division, from
Sunbury to Wbeibsm. will be under the sup
erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent of the Eastern
Division. Employees on'lhi Division will be
under his charge.' and will make alt commu
nications respecting their duties or Ihe busi
ness of the road, to him, eicept as otherwUe
provided ia this Order.
III. The Accounts of Freight and Pas
senger Businesa will, on the Western Divis
ion, he in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOGG8, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. Hi Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose title will be As
sistant Auditor. His Office will be in Will,
iamsport. He will alio have charge of tbe
distribution of Passeoger Tickets over both
All communications respecting Freight snd
Psssenger accounts by Employees oa either
Division, will be msde to the Assistant Audi
tor thereof, snd respecting supplie of Ticket
to Taosu M.Dsvt.
JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager.
Pennsylvania Railroad Company,')
Lessee Philad. et Erie R.R. I
General Manager's Office, I
Williamsporl, Jan. 30, 1869. '
53 on Market Sqaare, Lewisburg. O
A coon supply of Chairs, Tables,
Baraaat, Rtaaels, c-,oa hand or mad
wdera DAVID filNTER. f8M
TIVERT Evening during the season. Fnr
Xli lies supplied on short notice.
Five-Twenty U. 8. Lota I
rriHF. LEWISBURG BANK, of Lewisburg,
I Union Cu i Agent for the sale of the
United States 8ix per Cent rive-Twenty
Year' Loan.
Amounts esn be had to suit the means of
different individuals. The Interest on this
Loan is payable and will be paid is Gold. 9M
Atjoiis sqriRES'.
Yioo qaalities Ladies Gaiters at t2.
Beat quality home-made Kid and
Morocco Hoots at 9Z,
A large assortment of Balmoral
Boots and trailers
at equally low prices.
Opposite the Bank, Leirfebarg.
Gentlemen's Farnlsblna- Store,
f Market St.,jatt above the Bank,
Tbe subscriber has removed into the new
fluid and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.wbere be has jast received a large and
ell selected slock or
Cloths, Casiraeres, Milks. Shirts, Drawers, aVe.
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing tbe best
workmen, I can eonfirentlv invite boih Old
and Arte Cuttomert do n't forget the Sign
The Red Door !
May J, 181 J H BEALE
AT an Election held by the Stockholder
of Ihe Lewisburg Cemetery.tbe under
signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grave-digging, &c most be paid lo
him. Person interested will please note tbe
Those now indebted lo the Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to make immediate pay.
meni. huuujiu.i KU JEK.
Lewta barg, Jan. 30, Uttai
wand r-
ERE we will find a laree assortmeni
lest styles
such as French and English all wool l.'loih,
from a.50 np to 90.00. Knotty Boys' Cas
simere.anrlSilk Mixd Cassimeres.Saiinetls,
&c Clothing of all descriplions ; Men's
and Boys' Wear Whole Suits for U60
that is, cloth coal, salin vest, cassimere pants.
Summer Snits for S.S0. Also, a lane as
sortment of Hats, Caps, Ac, such as M'Clel-
' . n..:k.ij: t 1-1 .
umiuauii. uprra, nign ana low crowned
Hais. Hose. Handkerchiefs. Collars. Shin
Suspenders, Cmbrellas. Neck Ties, dtc
to save from SS to 60 per cent, and get the
Also, Goods Cnt and made lo order, and in
the latest style. Always from five to ten
bands at work.
Call opposite John Wslls & Co. Store.
.narxei street, i.ewisourg.
cf Men Onnto.
MOUNTED on rollers.vaniished.engraved
and lilhogratihed in Phi lad. in the besl
style of the art 30 by 40 inches in sije on
a scale of U inches to ihe mile. This Map
was carefully surveyed in 1856. and is rest.
onably corrret. Each Townshin is colored.
and there are the Town Plot and Noj of Lota
in i,ewisDorg, .niirHinburg, New Berlin. Har-
tleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and
otreams are traced the Public Roads, with
Ihe distance in perches between roads which
intersect also Names of Farm-O vners pen.
erally. Church and School Houses, Mills, Ac.
I he Court House, two of Ihe Lewisburg Uni
versity Buildings, the Lewisburg Boat Vard,
Ihe Union Fnrnare at Winfield. and Union
Seminary at New Berlin are represented in a
separate engraving each.
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for
reference and information.
The original subscription price was $3,S0,
now reduced to 2 only. riTor sale at
the Star 4r Chronicle Office, and by
Da. 8. L. BECK, Lewisburg
Last and Best News !
Vf JE have jnst received from Philadelphia
V V and New York, a very large and well
selected slock of
which we ofler at very reduced prices. We
have paid particular attention in ihe selection
of this stork of Goods a very large assort
ment of DRY GOODS of every descrip
tion. Purchasers will find it iheir advantage
to give us a call as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring towns for competition. We
have also replenished our stock of GrOCe
rles, Hardware, queens ware, dtc.
White JIarth Lime, Calcined Platter,
and Hydraulic Cement,
alwav kept on hand.
change for Goods a usual.
N."B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grata.
Lewisburg, April 13, 186J
varleat aad Stomach l anaatatloa oflROW aarl
otoK.pr-a aad aarbaa by aoaabaatioa la hydrncaa.
aactloaad by tha klfkaat MtdleaJ Aalboritlra, both la
aae lha Gaiiaal Stotaa, aad anecrikae ia theU
Tha aspartaaes of tboaaaa. Sally amvas thataaat.
araHaaorlroaaaaaaaoairaraealtklt. IarparlUasM
tn blao. Oaraaaana af TitaJ aatrty, aal aa othcrwia
afckly eoaialaiiaaa, iadieate lis amaalty la alawatrrarj
aoaoal,abla eaaa.
laaoiloaa ia all saalaStaa la whleh K ha tan trM
It ha am abaalatalf awraUv ta aaoh of tha Mlsw
a enaiplalBta. vis:
In Debiltt,, Ktrwmt J fteHant, laKMUa, Oirapeaata,
OaMfmaoVia, tnarrkam. IjMiltr,. iKiyvW OauniAa,
frrffutaut Taharemloalm. AmII
njilta. rhlarant, Urr Chmplatnlt, Chronic Headache,
Kkenmmtttmi, hUtrmMenl Ftnert. PtmplM an Uf rnca, rfc.
fataa la aaat Sat metal boxasaoataiaiac SOallla.
arte. M oaata aar bni ; for aala by dracflata aa oaalara.
iii ! soarws oa rantat at tha pnea.
,wurn. vr.,pnoaia oa aaaraaaaa as
. aKSa0s.,aaraJsats.
IJ Csiua8T,M.T,
Sold in Lrtritbura Ijf
fx a Ce C W Sckatic F t CaMwell
A Joint Resolution proposing certain
Amendment to the Constitution.
BE it resolved by the Senate aad Hoe of
Representative of the Common wvalih
ol Pennsylvania ia Ueoeral Asaerably met.
That the following amendment be proposed
to lb Consiiiatioa ol Ihe Cominooareaiib, in
accordance with tbe provision of the tenth
article thereof.
There shall be aa additional section lo the
the third article of tbe Cunsliiuiion, to be des
ignated as section fur, as follows I .
"Sictid 4. W hrnever any of ihe analiRed
electors of this Commonwealth shall be ia
any actual military service, under a requisi
tion from the Presidept of the United Siaies,
or bv the auiboniv of this Commonwealth,
such electors may esereise the right ol sui
fraae in all elections by the cmzeu
such regulations as are or shall be prese
by law.as fully snd eUeeiually a u loey
present at their osual place of elecimn
There shall be two additional sections
(he eleventh article of ihe Contitoiion, to b
designated a sections eight and nine, at
Sierioa- ft. No bill shall be parsed by Ihe
Legislature containing more lhan oue sorted.
which shall be clearly eipressea in me utie,
except appropriation bills-
Ssktios 8. Io Dill snail De passeu u me
Leiislaiure (ranting any powers ur privileges
in snyease where ibe authority lo grant such
powers or privileges hs been or my hre.
after be conferred epos the Conns of ibis
Coromonweallh. JOHN CESSNA,
Speaker of the House of Repte emanves
Speaker of tbe Seuaie
Office of the Secretary of the Common-
wealth, Harnsborg, Jnlr 1, 1863. (
- I do hereby certify that the foregoing
l is and annexed is a lull, true and corrert
copy ol tne original joint Resolution oi
Ihe General Assembly, emitted "A Joint Res
olution proposing certain Amendments lo the
Constitution," ii ihe same remains oa file in
Ibis office.
In Testimony Whereof I have bereonto set
my hand, and caused the seal of Ihe Srcrela-
tary's office to be atSxed, the day and year
above written. El.l SLIFER.
Secretary of ihe Commonwealth
LIXDSEY'S Improved
Wot tfa -pedT,r4.dirt tvaJ efTe-rtaul rare of ALLditwwM
arbing trm IMl'tKllY vlf 1UK BLoolH
FPHIS mfxiido hu wroagbl ibm mott miraraloaeraff
A ia 4-)MrUe cam wl
('OlnVIMOtlJI 4iaVfV.
Fimplvfion tbf furr.
Old, tobror Llccra,
Tritr iTrtioDfi,
I ppni, Tu die.
l err una I Ji".".
!aiwr Com pi tot,
Lo Si.iritn.
Kr'i,alaa. H-.i!,
e-.re. Khi, PrH H;..d,
HhrutJitir diMnla
9ll Khtam.
r-nerl dfli!irr.
Lam of Apptilt
Foul tt'Otft-h.
PDUCooilattvt ndftll dt
bavinft thttlrorijlB
lu tvsi impur ctot of the HIaM
Tba abora ia a anrtrall or tla.ld VTmrt e.t V.
Twp,wb.oa tba alat da, of Ani(iut.lS6S. aiad..aJla,it
iur. ja-iir. i,oriy uial a. Irv.tnl for lb. rart,
Ctscsa by tbraapbraieiaD. of bdfra cunty. aad by lr.
K.atoa of tb. Krlwtc Collar.. Ciartafiati. fur a p ritd
of aaarly ihjtit atoath. aotaithrtaBOina wbirh Sta Itp,
note, and a nrtm , ku U1 entel wmrt tntirrl taun
awaa I II bad sirao a all hnp.. a baa ha hrmrd ut ib.
"Hlitod HnarrUar." and a iadawd lo lr it. Vnar aot
Ilea tarra him. and ?a!tboah udly diiScurrdi thr i.
aoqotioa Sal tbta ta.alpablc BKdicia saard bia lit.
Tha full rarttralara of tbi. rcaiarkabU raa aiay baaara
ta a Cirrolar to ba baj of any of ih. Acats.
W a aiao rrfar to a caar of Naary Blaka.v.af Rldrrtoa.
Arm.tronjf Co , Paeuradof rvortLaaflr bciug aaabl
to art out of but fhr Ihre. yaara.
To tharaaaaf a lady la Ananallla.C1aarflldOob
wa altm aMirtrd ltb fVrafula ia it. worn form.
T tha eaa nf Qmrrt Mi-w.1, ridinc in Carrolttowa,
Caaibria Co.. Pa., abo vua badly atbirud wilb Taacrr
that It at hia .ntira nr g, aad hia aaac vaa woraa, if
poa.ibl. thaa MTr.ar,'a.
rh rarlH-u lara of t hear rsaea ayi-ry ana of which waa
enrrd by th. nacnf tbcBlnod Sarrhar" bit alao ba
found in a Circalar tn b. b.d ..fan. of lb. SriHita.
4.KIK H. h KIM It. Proprietor. I'ltt.har-, Pa.
SWLah"rtor for tb RtanufM-tur.an'1 aala. li'.r lha
Tcna'a I allroait IVpoC lfolliday.borir. Pa. Void by C.
W. 8chafll.. Lcwi.hur: M'Crckhl a II. nek. nuffalor
Koarla: Kodv A Hinim.lr.irb. r;irm.r..ill. ; Camming
A Wttm.r. Ilartlaton: D. II. Kiwll. Mirttinrnr, ; L. 8.
gtamm, Wlaftald; thioOJa a Waaaellr, slinerof e;
iCE...iri;...CE !
rpHE undersigned are putting np an ICE
X IIOI SC large enoo.h lo supply all our
people with Ice during the whole year. Ice
can be delivered in town, daily, at a cheapet
rale lhan private Ice Houses ran be filled.
r8"Ca!l on either of us on N'irth 'h St. or
ct the Ice House below ibe River Bridge.
H A.WK!il:Srt
Lawlabare, Jc.20, 160
I1 L. MOWRY has removed his PhOIO
li, arrapli KHtaltllkhoient 10 ibe
Kew Boildma on Market street, recently or
copied by Dr. Burlan. OPPOSITE THE
BANK, where he has fitted op one of the
Finest Galleries in the Country !
Having superior facilities and a long ex
perience, he is satisfied that his work cannot
be beaten. Call and test his workmanship.
Lewisburg, Aug. 15, '63.
THE undersigned intends supplying the
citizens of Lewisburg with Pore Milk,
commencing about the 15tb inst. Persons
wishing to be supplied, will please send in
their name lo him, at the Lewisburg Bhdee.
The Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun
days) morning or evening, as preferred by a
majority of customers. SAM'L SLIFER.
Lewisburg, April 10, 1863
Science still on the Advance !
SURGEON and Mechani
cal Dentist. Office iu the
Dr. Brugger's new building. Market street,
(western entrance, up stairs) LEWISBURG.
Dr.BURLAN is sowemstructing the Non
cectional Block work, baked oa Platina base,
which for cleanliness, beauty and strength
has no equal also teeth mounted on the var
ious Bases in nse and having had a long
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every department of his profes
sion, he feels safe in warranting entire satis
faction in all his operations, which shall be
carefully and skilfully performed.
Please eall and examine specimens. Tie
superior qualities of Ihe Non-seclionni work
will be evident to sll who will give it sn im
partial examination. Dr. Burlan is the only
person who constructs this excellent work in
this section of country.
EaCharges shall correspond with the
time. Lewisburg, Sept. 3. 38t
$5 Reward
TTTILL he paid by tbe School Board of East
Y BurTaloe township to any person who
will inform upon any one committing depre
dations or defacing ia sny way any of the
School Houses of said District, daring the
present year. By order of ihe Board :
W. 1. LINN, Pec'y
r-4., " ran!?
Provision Store
nnE sabscriber has jnsl opened y,
baogh' building (late Kreaaser s Tins.
West ei;d of Mai ket Fijnaip, V '
wnere os has jon received a WeU it; -
asserimein of fresh ' v .
nnnaam.j. ...
i.Kitt kbtkv ra ti oinittai.. e
vii vwbiiiLU n it li rfliiui ri-
such aa Coffee, Tea, Chocolate. - U
Molasses ph. a Sp.ces,Y,.triRl .m
Brooms. Rrushe. I nk. H...I o '"'"( f
-heee. tgi. Fru.i. Frutt Caas, ljr
l.fnilh( l'peatra..., . . am. ' '
' - u(.riB.auiu . .
-aavaa vinbSTIS. IvIUinM riaa
;"r!F,0Br "d rred.ror-, tattle TJ '
escr.hed I WtKX WA RE. W,n,ln. Sha.les, M.iJt'
e, wen- t,"'re oHn. Nut hoDrT, Tobae eo, t:,.,1
ana everything rl, ,n Ihe Grocery lirf-T .
of which he oflVrs at ih. ' . " ' '
Cash or Conniry Preset. '
Lewisburg. May 7. I S6 1 . 1
rjHE undersigned ha opened a S,m
In the rooms recently ocenpied by W. J( p.,.
urar ine on nayes liana. Market iraFt 1
isfrurg. whre be is always rrepareiTi
m .u wa, vi
M . .- rm- n
Candies), Fruits, I'inii
X I- eed, Cheese
together with all other arnc
llC.Vj n,-ii. , .
lall .no n.m n.r", "
...-k ..i.i:.i . .. . l . p: ffj
Ilrake's Plsniaitnn Bmers for aV
WEST BRANCH Insurance Company ?
" Lock Haven, Vm.'
Insures Property in both Town and lw
try on as reasonable Terms as any ou,e,?
good C impany.
The large increase of Premium Notes makes
it a reliable Company lo insure in.
Imoanl af rrrmlaai nam In rarrr.fc; imua S
J.WXaaaa. ec U.C.H..,. rr f
Dee !. 1881 I.e-.-W-
Watches, Jewelry anJ Sihn Ware,
No. 6S2 Market St. rilll.AbELPHl.K
.'Jfir, TKE underMEned w3'i
j&S&JxaZ.nv'c,SaUy '" rr at.
" i". i -, ? rn'ii n lo hiwell srwt.j
t.r ( Silver WATI'm-i
j Fine Gold JHWEI.RY, of ,yrry van,,,?
styles comprising all of the newetl aai nios,
: beautiful ee.ignt
j A.s..,S(Ji.ll ell.YER WARE. rm,i
! C uiu anil u,e l eit make of NWr !
rre Lam article is warranted to be ai
Is" Watches and Jewelry carefully r.
paired aud satisfaction Kdaramrerf.
y -arr',Kr lu -Maujrr 4 Haium)
Febraary 27, 13.
T'HE sohvcribers havefi.r sale
1 (in
Ints 10 uilpurchaerVaT"i-.aa..
a Urse slock of
Plank. Ac. Also 5.0O0 Pis. u.uLo.
lti inch Sawed Shingles soperior qualitr.
Also Square Timber for Bniidinss:
Which are o tie red low fr cash, an.ur M. s
on 8ouih Branch of ihe While Deer Creek :
Hartley township or delivered on the Bm
Valley Narrows road at the end of ..or S tl.
1-wA Diploma for a superior samr.e ei
Planks, and a Premium for Rail and S.rn..
les,were awarded as at the last Union fo..
ly Poresi Hill P O, Union to, Pa
New btand ICew Goods!
JOSEPH I. HAX bavins taken tie
J rooms under the Tr.eiraph and Chn.nr'r
orlires.refitted ihem.aod filled ia aa eilensiri
variety o(
Hate, Caps, Gentlemen't ChthirAr.
Also a larse and splendid slock of CLOTHS
CASSIMERES. Ac. which he will -te noa
order, as he still continues the Tailorin Fai
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted to his eare.to the satisfaction of he
N B. Cutting and Repairing drnt u
order. I.cwishrrg. f prtl 10, if!l
'' M A enm r
. . . . i w i at
07 fhestnnl Ml. Philadelphia.
t.!nrCr.. of th. n.at I.Im. T,tin and
' ' arts. r;r.-d and t.rintrd at tb. abortnt
a a WM.
non. A Terr fjll ..rta.ni f KINK r'Utioa.r
al.ay. oa b md. Initial la Color, and a-r nrWh '
Kiobos.itiir. artwtira ri.utcd. Any ayi of Par
and Eniop.a nau to nt.r Jan 20, ISoO
TUIE subsc rilicr coa-
jl ttnues to carry on the
Hvrry Ruilii at
Ihe U.d .and on Si u h
Third street, near Market, and re.pecifull
solicits the patronage ol his frien.!s and t .
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May 22, I80O
A CURIOUS and entrrtainng 'ittle Book
(all about .Matrimony, Monry, and ota
er mailers.) for Iheamut-ement of eyeryli!y
(ano rlie ycoSg fo'ks, also,) on li-n? winter
evening... rainv days, etc. Price. SO cents.
Wholesale. l"i Cents. 8cm iv mail for serea
3 rent stamps. For sale atihe-.V'er 4 f arow
icW off.ee. WORSEN & COKM-LlUS,
Publiaban. Laniabnft.fS
Attention, musicians!
v-Jim A laree asonmenl oi
r a. e
ra a
r Violias. Uoilars. etc rf all
kinds also Violin, Uoitar,
and Pjiijo fitrins, Bridges. Pegs.otc. and th
best Vtolio Rosin call al ihe Post Office and
examine. i WKEST
lr P I C - N I C .
"Wall jorap lata tha Wagon, and all UW arid
LARGE, handsome i
l and verv eotnl'orta ,
ble WtGOX has been.
fitted up for the especial accommodation
Pic-N ic and oiher similar excursions. Terra
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOl'SEl
Lewisburg. June 3, 1RS9.
bases' Frtdar. at lewlshnrz, laloa csasl). real a
T r..s aar yanr. to rr ia ",TrT''5
at tb aan rata for abnaroT.norlr a-rlod. ' fc ,
eu will for foar aionib. TJrt. ior m ai. all
fcrrifhl nn.nlha. sdol fcr .ilwa aajatba. !"
yanra. i for frar ror.. a. J.ar. flu sir ten co r"T
.nr. Aa. Smyl. No- a rta. Pniaarata by wil (fV"
rarid ia f.''d. r'r. ataain. or bank nob a .
vain h.ra. Mo.t kind of Prod no. imrm la r.- .
Ih tim.ir'i''rhicharaicrt","a
(nnloaa w. ba a raaaias accoaaO it ia W'"1
AbTKansEacsTa hadrBrty ynbli.boJ. at
aqnara ana wk. Si ats acb a nor laauooa. 5 . ,
atoath.. Adol. par yr. Half a annar- rta. !
dot. 3 Jot. TwoaqaarMlJo.4wl.MH). 1'rtl,'"l1l.,
aot oarr oa-nartb of aaaluaia, ledol. par yonr.
aitr. Aa. a. ar b arraad apoa. A maar. w .
aaiallaal rrn. or IS ol najllararr. ''"''" ,"ifud.
Aomnra tain.lllal.orwinn.a 'ur-' ' .
CommaaicatioDS om
aad aco,i.oii b? tb
Tha WAHNKTU" TntKliRAl H la iorai - ",,
nflha War r ra le.b' " wonr
K.wa In 1'fmM.M IB nn . !,,,
r ..j tb. .!. ar amrl. aatmairo
kind of JOB f BINTINO. li'b ""'
aataa. and d..ptch at-i n r- - . p
ia m ... ... t..-H
in - J. 1. 1 k wh-n o ilrd. Al.
jir 1 r oa wkw."" . ..i
'It Jb v iist