1 i . t i ; I i, lit Lire's. ixroKGReiTi. " ' : r . , v,BT LIEUT. toBF.tT PH ELI'S. v ,. . .- - ,: I Of tb jxxsm, N.l'.Willia, of tha Home Journal, sayg, "The degree to which the melodies are perfected, and the beauty of metaphor and rytbm, are more like the finished work of a classic poet than the inspiration of an impulsive soldier. It is an exquisite gem, and, though we have never before heard of the author, we are rery sure he is not ouly a soldier, bat tho truest of poets." Green prows the laurel on the bank, Park waveB the pine upon the hill, Graen hangs the lichen, cold and dank, "Dark springs the hearts-ease by the rill, Age.-mo8cs clamber ever blight, Paja it the water-lily's bloom : Thug Life still courts the shades of night, .And ttenuiy hovers o'er the tomb. To? al through life, incongruous hue, jfc)ii4rbjeot wears 'mra childhood down, The. 0vao.sce.Dtr Leaven's blue, -w-we-wH-eotluritig sober brown; Ctar brightest dreams too quickly die, And griefs are green that should be old, And Joys that sparkle to the eye jAre like a tale that's quickly told. And, yet 'ti; but the golden mean . That checks our lives' unsteady flow, God's eointfrblnnoe thrown between, To poi. the scalo 'twixt joy and woe. And better so, for were the bowl Too. freoly to the parched lip gircn, Too'much of grief would crush the soul, Too much of joy would wean from heav'n. " . Prentice on a Secesh Editor. Our neighbor, Bub M'Kce, the very smart Eiitor of the Courier, as soon as be" learned rbe remit of tL Kentucky cleotioo a Monday, started off upon a fishing excursion. ' Wbeo the twelve difeiplt were in great trouble and per plexity as to what tbry should or eould do next, Simon Poier, with Lis usual facility of resource, said, go a fish iog," and Bob said so too. He was so appalled by tba popular vole, that be a' ones boauded from poll lop.ill. pind-ng that. in peliiical coufl.oi L was out of hi lenient, be went t.i see whether be 'CPuIJn't haul a few pike, bass, and ea'fi5b oat of theirs. Kealigiog tbat ba eould no longer eheat the people, he lowered bis pre tensions materially and undertook to re trieve bis esteem by fooling the poor sim ple fiih.s. Unable to load vuteu by the nose, be tbuht be would try to pull fikea by the lip. His present employ ment is decidedly the less scaly of the two, and we tope be will bare few bills and raouDtaios to scale, and a good many Babes. It is highly probable tbat bis fiany tie time will swallow bis bait mors readily than bis Traders have swallowed bis s'.ate mout. We protest against bis using nets; let him take bis fi-het as bis South ern friends lock their forts, arsenals, - tiiiota," hoi revenue etttters by booking 'thorn. We command him to the fishing rod, and we c ruoieuJ the rod to bim, fur e know of no editor tbat mors deserves il or deserves mora of it. In ease he drops a lice to a fine pike j ut to tell him be would like to sea bim to dinner, be ' nay, if bis liquors ars giod, drop, us a line of like import. If at any time the ques tion sball bo whether he shall pull a big fyh ou, or the big fih shall poll bim in, both parlies will please remember tbat we area siriet mutraliiy man. If be sball get into the river and be devoured by tbe inhabitants of tbe fiid, we hope be will ' agree wilb them better than be has ever greed with any patriotic party. We pre sume, however, there is no dargnr-of bir drowning, else there is no truth io old ad age. If bo des not rapent of his siu mid the saltn and quiet foenn of Nature, . tba woret we can have the bsarl to with is tbat the aaosq iitoes, ticks, sand fl.es, and gross dogs may bite, aud fishes not. Atd please remember, dear Hob, io all your fishing experiences, that tbe devil is tbe ebief of fi.hermen, and that yon are bis Bob. Jiurnal. "Chip op tbs Old Block." A son Of the U. S. Senator, Ben Wado, of Ohio, nineteen years old, is in the Army of the Potomac, and was recently scut as bearer of dispatches to Gen. Buford. He rode all night, and in the morning a squad of Moseby cavalry came upon his track, and six of them with fresh Lorrcs pursued him. Ooe of them having the fleetest horse outstripped the rest in the chase .nnder the ambition of haviug the glory of -is capture. , Arriving within striking distance, he halted young Wade, but not being honored in the challenge, the rebel -fired five or six times at him, when getting 'ear enough, young Wade whirled about, hot the rebel through the head, leaped from his own jaded burse, mounted that of tbe fallen, foe, and rode on in triumph with his dispatches.' .. 'When Ex-Gov. Packer visited the polls at Williamsport, to Vote, be teld up his ticket, exclaiming, ''Here's artkket which ii copper all over !" Immediately behind Packer came a jolly Hibernian, also in tie act of voting, who cried out, "Be jabers here's a ballot to kill your snake !" The honest Irishman U the better man nd the purer patriot of tbe two. arris. bury Tckyruph. " " " - On the 4th inst Alexander P. Winner, or v. UUamsport, was drowned. Suffering from a severe attack of typhoid fever, during a period -of mental derangement, h e sea pad from the boose Bnobscrved aad went into the canal below th Rail road Hndjre, where he was drown 1. n wafouud in about half an hour, but life was extinct. ' Mr. W'iuncrwaainthe29th r of hi ape. . . Ona driller wi! lerp a fimiiy psor ' latest asl)ioc3. 1863-4: Just received the latest styles of Fashions fur the ' Fall of 18C3, and " Winter of 1864, and will continue, lr CUT AND MAKE UP clothing in the most satis factory manner shop on North Third St. JOHN B. MILLER Lewisborg. Aug. 21, 1863 The Proprietors of the O I RARE) HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA. Ffapeetful'y call ihe attention of Business Men and the Traveling community to the superior accommodations and comfort offered in their establishment. 3ml01 1 KAN AGA, FOWLER & CO The World Cballeaged t KAY, STRAW & FODDER CUTTER (Patented March 31, 1803.) Received tbe 1st Premium at Penn. State Fair, Norristown, Oct. 1863. MESsfcs. Carkjicff & Paine, OF Lewisborg, Union Co.; Penn'a would respectfully solicit the attention of all who have stock to feed, and Manufacturers and Salomen ol Agricultural Implements, to ineir Improvement in Straw Cutter: Its price trit.gs it wuhm the reach of all who may have use for a Fodder Cutter. It cuts Hay. Straw, Cornstalks Paper or Cloth, as smoothly as a razor can be made to cot a heard, and that too without regard to the length "f time ihe machine may have been in use. The machine is worked by a lever, and ran be made to cut rapidly. The length of the cut can be reculated by use of a thumb srrew. The position of the knife to the cut ting bar can at any moment be changed to hnng and keep their edses together as per fectly when old as when first manufactured. The annexed Certificates, and the names a'taehed. will show the es'imation in which thi Cutter is helj, at home : Tli. Mlowiog letter refer to the 8rtt Cotter and mid by i. end m n; ba am depended enliml; upon tu merit tor iucccm. ' MriCT, June 10 1SK3. Mi. CAnvnrrr A Paike. Gentlemen I reeeired your M Cutter by Exprrea, end delivered It to tbe veraon for whom I orden-d it. It e (oodanUnhelioo. I rat-ited the non-y for It, and enclone. nMordtng to your riU.t, by ayree. Keeprctfully youre, J. CODER. Mnsu CiRiarw a Pim The oniterrfimed, bnvlna eren nerd im Imgrovrmrnt in Fodder On ttare, patent ri Much 81 t. lkti. ebeertullr trelify, that, u banif nerbin. e l,ee nr efn lu equol. IU einipliraty, duraMliiy. price and tbeaee and accuracy with which the kQite can no anjuiea to ine cwuhj ur m rhu ot cnt regulated, an polnu wbieb reouoiBMrnd it to all- CHIOS OOtCTT. liavld Sfhrack Adam Sheefcler Uicbael Byler Juha Edelmaa fleonre hoyer Sama-I H.OrwIg Hrltrn Mareb R it. rhaioberUn John Philnp. Vi tu. c. Ki-j.r Jamea W. SimontoSl Tnonaa Taylor B. T. Pontius A. M- Law.be O. It. r SlurelT John Locke Lf i Knot Hi. L. Kitter nokTDCMBaUaNP COCSTT. E 8. Guttvkooat Jt F.Unffy Ovorit' M'lwaall W C. Ueuderehot Jatnre Breiinao Alriandrr BlarUa rht.ip BUtnracK C 8 WeUel STMB OOCWTT. Cb'e E. Hummel Andrew Young Aaron Bergrtrewr Slintnur county Thowa. Strawbriigo. Mifflin county J T. Stoneroad R. Woodward nuncanaon Iran Works. We would also refer to Messrs L L Barrett of Lock Haven, Pa., and Furst at Bradley of Chicago, Iwho have purchased our Machines. N. B. Persons wishing to purchase, will call on us. or on T. G. EVANS, at bis gro cery Store in Lewisburg. where a sample machine may at all limes be seen. Manufacturer", or Salesman wishing to engage in the business, will consult us in reference to Licenses, or Uountv ana tjtaie iiollls. R. CARKHtPF, L. S PAINE. CAKU. The onrterisnei1, having pur eha-ed the Rishl of CARKHLFF A PAINE'S CUTTER for Northumberland and Lycoming cunties. we will be glad to supply orders for ihe same. w s bkeot &k D W B AKR Lewisburj. Ang- 57, 180: Nolit-e to Drafted Men and Soldiers, PAPERS to procure Exemptions from Ihe Draft, and applications for bounty, back pay,and penions,ean he proenred by calling on JAMES F. 4 JOHN B. LINN, Lcwtybnrg THE UNIVERSAL 5 "VTO Wringer can be durable without Cog- Wheels. Tbe Universal Wringer took ihe first Premium (-ilver medafsnd diploma) at the N-wi rk r air.iss:. it was pronounced SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS in the World's Pate at London, 1S6', and has always taken the first Premium in every State and U'-onty fair when in lair competition with other machines. It is the Original and nly Genuine and Reliable Wringer before the People. It surpasses all others in Strength of Frame, Capacity of Pressure, Power of Action. We ehsileare tt WarU-we efy all (etlltoa Ii saves Time, Labor, Clothes and Money! It win wear tor lears wnnont hepair! No Servant can Break it in Using! A child eight years old can Operate it! No caution or skill is-required in Us use! It save its cost in eloihiag every sii months! U?"Eery Wringer with Cog-Wheels is warranted in every particular. CANVASSERS WANTED! To men who have had etperience as can vassers, or auy Who su!d like io ana-are in Ihe sale o.f this traly valuable invention, liberal inducements will be i ffrred and good territory eiven themphevpayinr nothing for the Patent R'Cbt) in which they shall have ihe eicluive sale. E lii.irs desiring a Wringer caa pay in ifrnrmr. . t 1 " U C. BTIOMTXTNO, (Wrtl A..!.' 11 .ncwinC sur, EruaUway, New York UNION COUNTY STAR V AdMtaUtraior's KUce. VTOTICE is htreby given, that letters i or Administration-upon (he Estate of ELIZABETH C. WILSON, of Brady, Union county, deeeased.'have been granted to the undersigned, ny tne negisier oi union county, in due form of law. Therefore, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate navment; and those having any just claims are also requested to present them legally aotnenticatea tor settlement io 8. T. M'CORMICK, Adm'r. Williamsporl, Aug 27, 1863 pd NOTICE. N A88E38MENT made by the Board of i Directors of the LYCOMINO MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY is now in the bands of the undersigned for collection. The By-Laws of the Company require the same to be paid within thirty days alter this date. All concerned will please take notice. SOLOMON RITTE11, Agent Lewisborg, June S7, 1863 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE Books of EVANS l COOPER are in my hands for collection. All persons desiring to settle their accounts, will find the Books at my Office. C. D- BREWER, Lewisburg, July 13. Attorney at Law LETTER "A" antilt) Arming lladjinc, With all tho new improvements Uemmer, Braider, Feller, Tucker, Corder, Gathcrqr, &c. is the cheap est, and best, and most beautiful of all machines for Family sewing and licrht manufacturing: purposes. It makes the interlocked stitch (which is alike on both sides,) and has groat capacity for sewing ALL KINDS OF CLOTH, and with ALL KINDS OF THREAD. Even Leather, as well as the finest Muslin, may be sewn to perfection on this machine. It will use 200 spool cotton as well as No. 30 linen thread. What it can do can only be known by seeing the machine tostcd. THE FOLDING-TOP CASE is among the most valuable of all the new improvements. It may be opened out as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work, and when the machine is not in use it may be folded into a box, which protects the working pajts of the machine. There is no other machine to equal the Letter A in SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY, RAPIDITY, and CERTAINTY of correct action at all rates of speed The Family Sewing Machine is fast becoming as popular for family use as Singer & Oo.'a Manufacturing Ma chines are for manufacturing purpo ses. ... The Branch Offices are well snpplied with silk, twist, threr.d, needles, oil, &c. of the very best quality. Send for a pamphlet and a copy of " Singer & Co.'s Gazette." I. M. SINGER & CO., 458 Broad way ,Ncw York Philadelphia Office, 810 Chesnut street. Miss M. S. ZDBER, Agent in Lewisburg. 6ml001 Attention to Orders ! rpHE undersigned having received an hoo X orable discharge from the military service of the U. 8. based opon Surgeon's certificate of disability, has returned home to attend to business at theULU rusi ur r lUE STAND, where he will be glad to see his old friends and customers t he has just issued the follo wing Order : No. 1. That all true, loyal citizens, who have unsettled accounts for Posiage,Snbscrip lions or Book accounts.will report themselves at his Head Quarters for settlement, as be is determined to publish a roll of delinquents and muster them out ot tne service. H W CROTZER, Captain commanding REMOVAL. THG subscriber respectfully informs her friends and patrons tbat she has moved to R M Cooper's late stand, corner of Third and Market St, where she will keep on hand a (nod assortment of LA DIES TRIMMING, RIBBONS and NOTIONS of all kinds also Gallaher'a celebrated SOAP. ; Motto "Small lrofilt and Quick Snla." n. M'Mahon. BAKERY. I WOULD respectfully announce that ha ing taken Mr. Uooper'a establishment 1 sball keep on hand Freah Bread, Cakes, also Bran, Wheat and Indian and Kye when ordered. ICECREAM and Confectionery in every variety. il. l. H HaHOA Levlabnrt, May it, lmu T. M. RITNER, rpAItOR over Caldwell's Dm? Store, L opposiia tne reirgrapn and Chronicle offices. Market Bsaars, Uwhkanrura. Where he is prepared lo Cot and Make wp all kinds of work in tbe TAILORING line on short notice and reasonable terms. Repairing done neatly. Work warranted satisfactory. uooairy rroanes taken in payment (993 The DlmM Saving Initltutlon f Le Wisbnrr TS ready o receive any amount on Deposite X from Tea Cents and upwards. Four per cent, per anuam interest will ke paid oa ail tpeeial depotitas of Two Dollars and onwards if deposited two months and longer. Office ie James Geddes' brick block. Market 8t H. P. SMELLEff, Treasurer Lewisbnrg, Oct. 10, I860 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Tor sal by .. MOWRY, & $35 Iron City Of Jege Scholarshia FOR sale at the ar 4 Cl"'": n.5 'rfwutirj & LEWtSBUR& CHRONICLE---OCT. 23, 18G3. SAPONIFIE R, i ' OR i . ' :l Concentrated Lye, THE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. THE nnblie are CAUTIONED against the M'URIOVS ARTICLES OF LYE for making rtoap Ac now offered for sale. The only GENUINE and Patented Lye is that made by the enn'a Salt Manufacturing Company, their trade-mark for it being Saponifier, or Concentrated Lye." The arrest soceess of this article baa led unprincipled parties to endeavor to imitate il in violation of the Company's Patenls. All Manufacturers, Buyers or Sellers of these spurious Lyes, are hereby notified that the Company have employed as their Attor neys, Geo.nardinfj, Esq., or Philad., and Win. Bakcwcll, Esq., of Pittsburg, and that all Manufacturers, Users or Sellers of Lye In violation of the rights of Ihe Com pany, will be rrosecutea at once. Tne SArUOirie.it, or syuncemraiea .ye for sale by all Druggists, Grocers, and country Stores. TAKE NOTICE! The United Stales Circuit Court. Western District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May Term in IBM, in suit 01 Te rennsyivania san Manufacturing Company, vs. Tho.O.Cbase, decreed to the Company, on Nov. IS, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right granted by a patent owned by them for the S.romriia. Patent dated Oct. 31, 1856. Peipetual injunction awarded THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMFY. OFFICES t 127 Walnut St. Philadelphia. PittSt.andDuquesneWay,Pitteburg. ifui!i4insiuc Ek-First of the Season! NEW GOODS! FROM PniLAD. AND N.7. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS For tho Spring and Summer. For the Spring and Summer. For the Spring aud Summer. For the Spring and Suinuior. Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Call and See. Jno.H Goodman, Market St.,Lewisburg Jno. II.Goodman, Market St., Lewisbnrg Jno.H.Goodnian, Market St., Lewisburg Jno. II.Goodman, Market St., Lewisburg C7AII kinds of Grain bought for Cash. P.fi BBLS. Mackerel, Nos. 1 and 2, bait ant wbnU barrn, for aala by JNO. II. ooonsiA. c OD FISII for sale by - JS9. II. ttlKJUMAIw. 7HITB and Blue Plaster for sale JNO. H. OOODMaM. SALT, in barrels and sacks for Halo bj JNO. H-OOOIiMAN. 20.000 BUS. of Oats wanted, tor which the blchert paid Inra.h, bj 7 jau 11. uuuvsa.1. Peace Peace ! DF.AR friend, and kind patron, from country and town We'Td Nrw Ho4 lot yon (int- price are down, Then (rive your atuotKm, and ptn or your cure, And tut our vtj uootu k)na uiar na wire. wv Rsnatrii m.nd CfafelUf. and Satin Dnrhrn, And Chamhrayri and OtnshaaM. and nor Wool PeLalnaa We've PopUna anal .won aims mma miu mr yoa an Such as Spragut)' and Cocbteu'a juat give ni a call. Wa're Mnnlina and SWtinr from Tin U rmrxxt eenta We'T BiorkinRt for tadlea and Half Uoae fur (tent; We've Clntb at all prW . tor duln and coat. We're ready-made UotntDf aaefaeap a O. titokra. Wre Cane Ilvwpe and Coiwla, and Crin line Hklrt. And Dtnim and Cheek ingn for drawer aod ihirt, W e'ft !hirt Front and Collars for m-n and for boya We've shakera for ladieat but don't deal in toy- Wmwm iMUT1nthrfl and C.mtm (a enver Vfinr floor Wa'w Shad fnr your window and Ru f-r your door, WVve Bucket and bekrt and Eubbere of tine. We've 8 ogam and Cotfee for Piodccs or Cms. Weve Brahes and Kettle, all kind of Qaeeiuwat So call aod examine, ere baying elsewhere; You'll find o on Market trect, entr of tB At SIIRLLKR'S Old SHand B. P. A IE 9B0WJ. LewisburKt Atll 8, lb62. BENEDICT ALBERT, PLOCK Maker and Repairer, J k riOm AX 9 W1TTHM FOR MIE. tWNtw Shop on Sooth Fifth 8t.J Lwisborg, April 23, 16 J (000i) KftDS Urm knolls. NKWGOODft new ooodsi HKWOOODSt NMweooDsi ro Mi Atri wrxrswi fOK FALL JXD WIXTEBI TOR FALL ASD WtSTMRt rOR FALL AAD WUiTERI CALL ASD r.KI x CALL ASD Srtt CALL ASD SEMI CALL ASD KXI KKEMER, WCT.TltX 4 00 MRKMKR, ATCLVRR at CO KRRMKR, ATCLVRR CO XRKMKR, trCLUBK at CO Uwlxbnrc, llov. MS BUFFALO HOUSE LEWISBURG. UKIOS CO, PA. LEWIS GEIBEL, Proprietor, THIS new Hotel is sitnatea opposite tne ron Hnnse.in the most fashionable and beautiful part of the town, and for alyle and rn..;inri can not ba surpassed in Central P.nnnvlunia. Th viaitina- the Universitv, or attending Court, will find it the most convenient and central public house charges will be the most reasonable ana neimcr uuicvi icuac will be spared to bestow every comion upon those who may call. Persons in the County will be charged eta per meat, lewisburg, April 1, 1861 WATCHES, JEWELRY, ko. n,, THE undersigned, having removed JpZaher Watch and Jewelry establishment enaffio Cnswell s New Uuilding, Market at. between Front and Becond.sne is prepared Repair Witches, Jewelrj, Mosiea Instruments, tic, in the most approved and satisfactory manner. 8ne keeps oa hand aa assortment of choice JEWELRY, for Ladies and Gentlemen, which abt offers at prices lo sail the times. Also. CLOCKS and WATCHES. All work and wares warranted as represen ted. MARIA S. ZUBtR. LUfcnr, Maj M, 1881 Daily Horning News. SAM'L SUPER has commenced furnishing ihe llarrlsbarg Telegraph morningsatone frnf per copy the very latest Neva, at cheapest rates J ant 24 T.6.EVAWS, FAMILY OROCERTf r. . . . AND . t - i Provision Store, on Market street, between 3d and 4th, LEWisaimo. Call and Satisft Yourselves. OUR STOCK is large and well selected embracing everything usually kept in first-class GROCEKV STORE including an assortment of QUEENS-WARE, HARD-WARE, CEIUK and WlUiUW-WAKL. I take this onoortunitv to return my thanks tn the nnhlic fur a liberal patronage.and hope by studying ihe wants of my friends and en H.9nrin in annnlv them to merit iheir patronage in the future. l.t.(.v. LewisDurg, Harcn -4, w. 1. s. Durrnuwarna Hew Furniture Establlshm!!.. rpHE subscribers have opened a Furniture X establishment, on Market St. Lewisburg, (opposite Chamberlin s Duiltiingsj wnere mev manufacture 10 order and keep on hand all varieties of CABJSET WARE usually kept in such establishments Bureaus, Bedsteads. Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Stands, What-Nots ate. of ali patterns and prices. CsKtraiBiSB in me oest anu most exped itions manner. UNDE R.TA Kl N Q in" orancnes attended Io at very low rales. Ready-made Coffins always on hand. J K UIErrEnucitrriB a. m Lewisburg. April 18, IM3 James F. Linn. J. merrlll Linn. J. F. & J. M. LINN, Attorney at Lw, LEWISBLKU, 674 Union County, Penn'a. . VKCniLl IViM CoBKissioma for tha State nf Iowa wltb power to take DrpMltion,arknowlfiffe Dmlae Auction asa rosaailsslon Boasc la Lewisburg. gjpp2g3$ Legal Auctioneer! r.t.DonrhOWfr having been appointed sole Auctioneer (or Lewisbr.rg, is prepared to attend to all calls in his line in town and country. commission saies. In Arril next. I intend to open on Marke street a Room for the reception, and the sale at stated times, of all kinds of Goods at Auc- ion. Any one wishing to dtsposeot any am le can deposit it with me and I will sell it at the best advantage 1 can and charge a per centage for the same Feb. 2, ISM r A TOCHUWLK ALEXANDRE ORGANS, Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Merchan- Jise.and all kindsof Muitlcal latitru- Dientil, at ihe lowest possible prices. a2Siaaaasai TUB Horara Wateri" SloJern In roTa 0mtrung IROX FRAME PIANOS rjantly pronoaoced by the PrM bbJ Murfc Mft-wrv to b uprior lDlromoU. Tby mrm built of th bswt nd moot tborUthlyawiHnHimt-rilf nd will Hand J.-. oi.Afa That IniM ar tleHtB. rORIlil. full nd mttliov; tn tnun imkki. mtr rmw a.-i thrw fari. Pr v froa ronu-iiu(i Piuof at si-nat bargainti priCTi from $'2A to $W. Horace Waters' MelodconM, Rom-wood Cane, Tnnrd tlia Kiial Tmrwramrnt, th Paha! Diklra ana tolo !. ith 1. 14 orU.0, acroll lr(a, Iroai OtoC, io. t " " c to r. no. a. a No. 4 a No. .- .No. . T to r, W to F, rtoK. Piano Stria, two topa and two rta or r,-u. No. 7 m and twrv btv.kn of kv, ... - 2t'0 DfUfti Or Mlodtrm, two bnk of kfVM. pedal ih. four and ix -tot. Ko.8.- Thru Miodvoo rmiftin In ton m long time. Each Melodeoa warranted for thr yearn. The Alexandre Organ Is a rvd .nwtratnMita corrwprtndinK In power aVnd oom pau to tba ordinary 16 feet pipe Organ. In roMwood caaea, ft atcpa. f 13 2"S 13 fttpa. with percnilont 1J stops, with prreuwion, and Msprert1ona 3?t A liberal diwount to Clericvinen. Churrhe. PabVath Scbooln. LodkfK. eminarias and TcaachcriL. The Trade uppiied on the mopt lrral tvrtnii. jiurtAvt. w a i raits, fleeni, 4H1 Browlway.New York- T17E DAY SCHOOL BELL. A New Sinein Book for day schools. called ihe Day School Bell, is now ready. It contain abnnt 'iUehnice 8onKft( Knunla,Catc hee,luetta. Trioa. Quartetta and Chora, many of Ibrm written ripreMly for thi" work.bvitle3'ipagvaof ibr Klt-mrnta of Muic. The Eleaenta are aneaay and proicrt-Mlve, that ordinary teachers will Hod themaelve entirely suo cMfal in instruriinr even young erholars toainiroor lvrtly and srienti Orally, while th tunea and word em brace sorb a variety of lively, attractive and oal stir ting music and sentiment, that no trouble will beexpe riencrd in imlueiutt all btfrlnneTa to ko on with seal in aniuiriDg eklll in onroftbemoat health -aivin.heauty-im- nrovioK. nai'pineiea-yieiainK ana orat r-prouucinjr xrri- aeaof:hool lite. In simplicity of it elemrnta, in variety and adaptation of marie, and in excellence aod nomher of its aouy, oripinal, selected and adapted. It claims by lirp Wricvian roaipeumia, will dw lOUDq O W the bertt ever i"iaed for Seminarien, Ara(tcmis and Pub lic Schools. A few sample rar-of the Rlementa, Tanee, and onkakar given in a circular; send and Kt one. It is compiled y iiukaub w aibi.s, autbor of u?abhtb 8chMl Bells," Nos. 1 and i, which have had the nor mons sale of 700.000 copies. Prices paper cover. SO omou. f la per 1W; bonnd, eenta, per luO; cloth bo and. emlMMftf-d, in it. u eenta, w per ino. 2& copies furnished at the 1H price. MailM fre at the retail price HUKAUti WATERS, fubhsher, 4bl Broadway. New York ibr SiU fry LIPPIXCOTT CO , FhUadeiphia. The Horace Waters Pianos &MeIodenns and .UKlANDItE ORGANS, and T. Gilbert Co ' cele brated Aohan Fiance, are the Dseet instrument for parlors and churches now In nee. A lanre assortment can be seen at Ihe new warerooma, Ko. 481 Broadway. between Grand and Broome streets, which will be sold at extremely low prices, llanos and Melodeons from sundry makers, new and second-hand. Beeond-hand Pianoc and Melodeons at (-real bargains; prices from i& in flOO. (heet Music, Moste-Booka. and all kinds ef Music Merchandise, at war prieee. Opinions of tSt Vex. The Horace Waters Pianoa are koown an amoef the Tory best, we areenanled to speak or these instrument with snmedettreenf confidence, from personal knowledge of their cxeeUenl lone and duraoie quality." Aew ier Sabbath School Bell No. 2. H0.OOO eoplee issued. It la aa entire new work of nearly 100 pages. Many of the tanee and hymns were written expressly Ibr this volume. It will soon be as popular as UspiKcesnr(Rell No. 1,) which has ran ap to the enormous number ef W!0,ouO espies outstripping any Eitndav School Book of its sine issued In this country. Also, both volumes are bound In one to accommoilate schools wishing tbem in that stain. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 16 cents, $t per 100. Bound, 2 cents, $lv per lUO. Cloth bound, embossed, gilt, rents, $."2 Kr liM). Bell No. 1, paper covers, l i cents, $19 per 100. uad.20 arnU, $18 per 10D. Cloth boand, embossed, gilt, 25 cents, f JO per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound to gether, 40 cents, - per 100. 25 copies fnrninhed at the loo prim. Cloth bound. embossed, gilt, 60 cent, $40 per 100. Mailed postasje free at tbe retail price. ' HORACE WATEK8, Pablisher. May l'6-V-18mrq 4M Broadway, New York. Central Foundry and Machine Shop Bllfer, Walls, Ihriaer r. Manufacturers of Bullock's Iron Mower and Reaper, Darling's Endless Chain Horse Power Willson's Telegraph Fodder Cot ter, KicneV Iron PIows,Witherow's Self-Shai-pening Plow, and Michigan Doable Plow. Also, Stovts and Castings of every descrip ion. All kinds of Agricaltoral Implements kept oa hand for sale. Jobbing work in Wroaght and Cast Iron and Brass done lo order. Country produce taken in exchange. One. of Biith Mark at. mlskirg, Pa- U L awtaV Atrar.D satis ORWIG & HAYES, Attorneys at Law. OFriCE cn Snnth eiecond near Market April i,'6i Lemlabur;, Ia. UXIOX KOOT AND SHOE mil STILL AHEAU : fJome one: come an and examine for yourselves the larces aud cheapest stock of Home made Boo' and Shoes in Union county ! tVJusl received a FKESH M.PPLV e City made work at unusually low prices 'Quick Sales and Smull Profits" is the order of the day al fWC IRES', Opposite the Bank, Lewisburg The Family Always Pmg Store Ready ! If you want pure Drugs, go lo SCtiAF r LE 8 Drug & Chemical fciuponum, where is aept a iari.e and general assortment always. Tut any article usually kept in a lirsi Class call at the FAMILY DRUG STORE OF C. W. SCII AFFLE, Lewisburg - rnnyl a DAVID GINTER & SON HAVE removed their Chair and Ca binet Ware-room to the larger and more commodious rooms, late the resid ence of Wm. Frtck, on the Career ef Third and Market St. Irwfener-, where thev have on hand the LARfiE&T and BEST ASStJHTME.NT of Work ever offered tothe puhlic in this vicinity.comprising Dress Huraaoa and ranrr l aMj.tania ni in lat.c lfle. tWmj. Ilairyat t.bairti. Tanrat Cbair. Korkinc Chair.. KUx-rea. Hat Krka.Tni Karka. Jrnny l.lna and i.ftt a BlPteai. Vmtir Lounw. rncy Tahiaa.ae. alao a fftaeral aiwortatrnt .r t Jf V,v h a .iw. on band uarroom and omoa Lbatm Wkolrpalaor Katail. We also attend to the VX D E KT A K IN( hn.toM in all 1 hrn-n. ftlnv proTid.! with Kanry HKAK-Ks.nJ Flks ralral Mrlalllr Kuttal laae and for KINS of our own ntanularlurn al Witys on lian w! ir rraiiy at any timo. witlun an bonra noti, to wait noon any and all who may favor na witb a call. , r : . l . . I 1. - . l ti OdVlii; none U"l nit ur-i .ui.iiitu.mr WAKRANT all rnrnitnra nmnnfaetord by ttf,snd ffi dafv oomiH-tition oithr in nriee or atvle. ' Manufactory on y. t Strrrt, where Cabinet and House Turning. Scroll and iUp gawinc dona on abort nntiev and rraaonahla tarma- A good assortment of LUMBER alwars on band 6r Newel fftata, Banni.tera and Hand Hailing. rtTRr-rAiai-io of all kinds done as usual. N.B. Any work not on hand will be made aa aoon aa poaniblo. Thankful for pat favors, we still expect a continuance of thr aama. Eoots and Shoes. fl The subscriber has just received .a-wgt his Store (next door to ihe Post wW ntfire)a full supply of Hoo In & Shoe of ever; style and variety suitable to the season. The stncli lias been selected with particular care, an.l will be afTinled at tKRT Ri.ntt KD riiit rM ron readt cash. His old friends and customers and the public generally are inviied to call and examine his stock and judee foi themselves. lsMAN UFACTI KINU and REPAIRING as hereto fore will be attended to with promptness and at reasonable rates. job nnrsnT5, Act. Uwbfcnrt . Ort. IS, 10. fl P.SHIVFIY. -j1.! M .1.1 (t, u. y.' ,a " -' t"- jaaaatra'rcr w Uaruess, Jirid le, Saddles common and the ew patent Q0T.SE TO L F. A RH, war ran ted to hurt aohoree Drulrr Is Btl'FALO UOHF.S, BL.kKTS,6LEII.H BKLLB Fancy Saddlery, Harness Hardware. rPIIE pulipcrilir, harincr carried on L hnniness fir several yars, aod gained a reputation for making as good Harness Ac at any establishment in this region and the Union .'ountv Agricultural Society havlnc awarded IHHKtl flit Mil MS tr articles of his workmanship would eipres hi jrralitude frr favorn of tbe trading pullir alralv rvM"siT". and ask their conti nued patronage at bis NfcW STAND. The Leather ned by me is of the very best, tanned In the old way. and will last fnr years. 1 employ the best Workmen nwrKee mv own business and am found iu my Shop at all xuitable hour. My Good and Work are warranted, atvl if not a. represented may be retorurd nr exchanged, (.'all and Sre tue. and if 1 do not give you the worth of your mout-j 1 will not again aak lor jour patronage. REPAIRING promptly attended to. a .-CHEAT frrCASU or HEADY FAT In swat kiwla of tnntry ProJur.. he alburn. April 1, ISM. O. P. SIltTELT. KIVIEItE HOUSE" Le.vlsbnrs;, Pa. R. G. HETZEL, Pao'a. THE undersigned returns bis sincere thanks for the patronage extended towards bim by the citizens of Union and the adjoining counties, he would most respectfully solicit a continuationOJ the same. R. O. HETZEL Lewisburg, March 13, 18C3 m3 CARPETS large and choice ari ety, from at cts. upwards, for sale by April 10, '61 BKOVVX & BRO. FRICK, BILLHEYER & CO. Ars manufacturing and have constantly on hand a large qoan-1 iiiy ot icet ratings and 3 and 4 feel Lath at the following prices: Paling headed in a new style, from 4S to $10 per M Lath 3 and 4 feet long.jl to f 1.62J pr M. Shingles at $5 to $7 per thousand. Palings and Lath made to order, any length parties may desire Lawiabw stran Sawmill, Dm. 24, 1SS0 KOTICEGentlemen ! IITIZEN8 of Lewisburg and vicinity are J respectfully informed that the subscriber nas bought out the interest of E. L. Hiru in Ihe business of Sharing and Hair Cutting, and eoatiaaaa tha nam. at lb. old and baannrat of widow Ammona' Mark, twlwrr. C.Pvnnv'.antl J. Unne htna' wlhm bv atriet atlpnttoa to bnainaaa ha bopM to irtv aatialactton to all who may faf or bim witb Ihail patroB m at all timaa aaeopt ftundaja. To all who tarry bora till tnelr brantu grow lon . To (et a pleaaant ahave, food aa barber .rev sars Jnat rail on Diura at hi Saloon, buay morn. avaoraooa, Towola clou, raaors sharp and ariaaora keaa. April 8, 1861 A. W. DILLIN, Trof. Barb. FIRE INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF" NOTRH AMEK1CA Philadelphia. (Inoorporalrtl, 1794) Capital ...... 500,000.00 Assets, Jan. 1861, - 1254,719.81 ARTHUR . COFFIN, President CHARLES TLATT, Secretary LtvBoildings annually or perpetna My, Mer chandize, Gram, Faraitnre, &r, insured, al currant rates of Premium, JOHN B. LINN. 9Mm3 Agent for Union county. Pa. CARTES DE VISITB at Mowry's Gallery Photograph Albums at Mowry's Gallery Photographs largesize at Mowry's Gallery Photographs in Oil at Mowry's Galltry Ivorylypes al Mowry's Gallery , HalUityprs at Mowry's Gallety Amhroivprs, and All kimU n' type at Mowry's Gallrrv MOWRV'S GM.I.KRV. in Matkct ircel, opposite the Bauk Lewisburg '938 JS'. wy t- l(aiVf5-vawi, Q juai openeo. oppociie ine Kivitta : Uou-e, u the Kora lately occupied bj A. Singer. A FULL and complete ittortntnt it FALL eV WINTER CLOTH. NG.'ncb aa Overcoats, Dress Coals. B. nesa CoaU. and Coats of every style aai pat, tern ; aad 1'amaloor.s and Testa to sail Ala. a large variety of Under Clothing, Met Drawers, Shim. Ac. Alao, a fine assnrimtat of Boys' Clothing of the latest atjlea. Alan, Ha TS and CA PS eqoal to any offered in tba country. In fact. I have everything aeeeuaa in tne shape of (.lothisg, which I offer at a very small advanre lor eah. fHILir UUODMA.X. At fa7" A 11 kinds of Country Product takaa a exchange for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct IJ.J Variety and News Depot. TWE subscriber keeps coninnil. fr at the HOST OFFICE (below the Iirie re House) a wrll-aeleeied stock of Family Groceries, Confectionary s.4. Jruits. rancy o- TTpTfT tious, Perfumery K Soaps, Wall Paper; and Oil Shades, TraveiintT Bags Blank, School and Uymn Books,4o, Paper and 9Is;azlne oa haai or to order, from Boston. New York er fhila, delpbia such as the Tribnne.Times, Rrralj, Ledger, Weekly, Clipper. Police Gaaeite, Mrr eurf.Waverly, Literary Companion. Narpar'i and Leslie's Illustrated Weeklys-Godrsaal Harper's Magaimes, Yankee Motions aat Kie Kacs, Ac Ae- an or which ist mlb mtir rra iut Lewisburg GEO. W. FORREST WH. F. GRASSLER, Walrh maker, Jeweler tt Gllfer, Opp.llc Hctzera HMrl, Market St. LewMafi,rt. Having opened a tShop n p, Gnudman'a Clothing Store, n , prepared tu all binds of wora i in bis line. Ha ring worked i ' ........ .11 a.;. . l. . preparea io repair natenet. Clocks or Jewelry, and lo do Engraving, Fis ting, Gilding or Galvanizing in the best sirle of the an. All work warranted to give eitirs satisfaction, and done at the very lowest eath ' prices. Also Aecordeua and Melndevat repaired in the best manner. Call io before yon go elsewhere, see fot yourel( and save your money Oct. 5, l31 MEAT AND UNION I J A COB G. BROWN, having assis ted in feeding the hungry of La. aburg and vicinity, for nearly three year past, with the besl of Beef, Pork, Veal, fcc, would return his grateful thanks to his am. ruus customers for their patronage aid aa nounres that he intends lo continue lb. bail ness as heretofore in the Meat Market Hons between KcnaftV's and Baker A Co.'s Dra Stores, Market Square. Mnnsmss Wednesdays afjd 8atardari CASH is the svstem. PoMie pairoaage rs speetfullr solicited, and satisfaction insarrl March 15, 61. I. S. STERN ER. Ag't. J. M. IVSOVEOY Fashionable Boot and Shoe maker, &"CA Fifth St., LeiciAurg, TE EPS constantly on hand, and mannfa f lures to order, all denptions of I BES33. i Being an eiperienced Shoemakrr, and ious to merit a share of Ihe public patrosart; he will warrant all work which may pus through his hands. Particular attention will be given to Ladiis Work. His Prices are as low as those of anyotbe) dealerin the vicinity. He solicits a fair tra confident that he can satisfy every percca. Lewisburg, Aug. 31, 1860.y ' WINFIELD FACTORY! A'ear Uarlleten, Union Ct., Fa. THE subscriber, thank.i. for past patronage, would inform bis friends and the paMicia gene ral, that he continues to maaufae. tnre all kinds of Wooleai Good, such as Cloths, Custmeres. Tweeua, Sattinetts. Jeaaa, Blankets and Flannels ; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of tss best kind in nse, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sale in sarinf that his work shall not be surpassed by :. any establisHment in the country. Agoodwip . ply of the above goods kept constantly oa haid for sale or to exchange for wool, at yriris that can not fail to please. WOOL will W -Carded in the best manner and on theshcrtnl -notice. Terms for carding, ash on tse . livery ot tne roils. MARKHALFPCN.il. : Winfield Mills, March 30, 1857. ; American life Insuranre 4 Trast Ci ; (Capital Slock $5o,0 COM PANY'8 Buildings.Walnut street, ' I corner of Fourth Philadelphia. t CiLives insured at the osnal MBtualrs or at Joint Stuck rates about 20 per cent. or at Total Abstinence rates the lowest is -rld. A. WHILLDIN, Preside"1 Joaa C. 8iws. Sec. 747 GEO. F. MILLER, Agent, Lewisbaa PEIPHER'S LINE TAND FROM PHILADELPHIi REBICTIM Or FUl.IT. lit Claaa 4t aamta pae 10 aoaida. id do SO d. da Sd do S3 o. d. 4tk d. ST d. d Spaei.1 23 do de Whaat, Kj. and Cora, la aawta par bukaV Philad. Depot with Frttd, Ward d Frted, 811 Market Thankful for the liberal patronage gi'rt we hope by strict attention to bosisr merit a continuance of the ame. . THOS rEIFHt For further information apply to . n iy79S C R M'GINLY, Agent. LfJ DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOM4EOPATUIC PllfSlf1-1?! 0 FFICE in his new Brick Bl!. l" atrert.aontb side, between 4i aau (up stairs.) Lewisbnrg li, - JOHN li. T.TNT' ATTOKKEV AT 14H. - LEWISUIKK TW- aim foWKbslanrr .f bvrds br th f"fdm,' t NOIS and t ALIr'OKN I A-a.tb. . i Oalbv and U. D,po.itioo "',"",.;., , K' S all km ol Iba al.. fimXr: ai.d !'' " .',nWnt " liI.irnl or rn.1 l an' 1"' :. I-1 rrn nlrd in mtitr ol ! ta" " " - M,.o.': i Jl and Luiacian, al .v.. 6 2LJLC jc2 ! V i - r 7 if . - 4 I