Union County star and Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1859-1864, October 16, 1863, Image 2

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    ; (
Columbia, tliou jrem of the nation!
Thy glorious place is the Tan ;
IV Iran, then, in ail thy rclitions
To the proat cause of Frceilnni and Man;
Yf true to the heroes that j crich
In tru-iplini; thy banner of star,
And d 'ily the memory cuorish
Of all thy brave soldiers and tars.
The poet is pad, and feels wjU-inn,
His brave lmy has fallen in light,
Hut deeply will fame on her column
The ii:ime of the young hero write.
lie fell in fierec strife with Secession,
lie died as the iLmitlei-s should die ;
We are punished for awful tranegrehsiou,
forgetting our l ather on hijh.
The blood of the valiant has watered
The Uritrht, sunny land of the South,
Let the:rfiry of lost ones and slaughtered
lie sung by the Mack camion's mouth.
The phojiis of our fathers are rif inir,
And "call to their children, 'fight on !"
Thru forward,-all danger despising,
Where jruus flash and aabresarc drawn.
Rich Scene on a Railroad Train.
An affair worlhy of notice occurred on
the train lietwceu Baltimore and Eluiira.
A number of soldiers were on board.
Two of thum wore blouses of a different
color from those worn by tli rest. An
old Copperhead noticed this, and suppos
ed them to be ".Southern brethren." He
approached, and entered into a conversa
tion something like the following:
Copperhead "You, gentlemen, do not
belong to this party of soldiers V
Soldiers "Xo, Kir."
Copperhead "Do you belong to the
Southern Confederacy ?"
Soldiers "Yes, sir."
Copperhead "Have you any money?"
Soldiers "No, sir."
Copperhead "Have you no Confeder
ate money
Soldicr.j "Xo, sir ; we lost everything
when captured by 'he Yankees."
Copperhead (Giving each of them a
f oe ddlar hill) "It's a pity that gentle
men engaged in a pood cause should be
rohlipd of rvervthinc " Aflcr ihis ivnrr.
, J - , ,, , I
fus act on the part or the oM man, he !
I l .sfl i e. . .1 r 1 1 I
aske'l, " hat Mate in the l ouleiieracy uo !
you belong to-?"
Soldiers" T tlic St'ite of M line .'"
Copperhead "simmered dow-n," and left
the train before it had fairly stopped at
Hanover Junction. Elmira I'rett.
KAST TtSNESSEE. A dispatch has
l i eu received from Gen. Roteorans, dated
(th inst., giving an account of the
Hebel cttjick on Chattanooga, rportcd
with such a flourish by the Rebels. It j
appears that the Rebels made a shameful
waste of powder, standing off at such a
long distance that it was difficult to tell
whether they were firing a salute or mak
ing a belligerent attnei on the stronghold.
Not a mjin was injured,. and all kept at
tlicir work without the least interruption.
There is no official confirmation of the
Rebel statement that two of our bridges
over the Tennesseee had been carried
nay by a rise in the river. Telegraph
communication between Nashville and
Stevenson has been restored-
In further support of the general beliel I
that the Rebels are strenuously engaged
- . I , . l-.l i
iii uie vimi-atui to tiu.-u uiu .-innj ui ira i
Cumberland, a dispatch from Vieksburg ;
nt...... il.,t I,-. .T,.l,.wi;. m. I ho Xd.h
nit., at Canton, Mississippi, with 1 .1,000
Iroiip, his fiui'jMisotl design being to pre
eiit reinforcriiients reaching Kosecrans.
Johnston says Roseerans must be crushed
mere victories will be useless.
lrrn.-lf posterity condemns me, it will
be because I did not hang John C. Cal
houn as a traitor. They may condemn
me. more for this than any other act of my ;
ffi iii, ulr iTia-. rliiiat mif itiil'L-olv
como when I shall be blamed for having
made t-nj
mail v."
ile t -o Tew arrests, rather than too
Warhikoton, Oct. 12. Frivate lct
(ors have Imcn received hy pentlomcn in
ji.:. .:.- 4..rt... .......... . : i
hub I""11 UICU 1,1 ',ail,
hml, the tenor ol which is. that all able-.
i .-I - 1,1... j- c i
bod.ed male sles are disn.i.icar.,.,.. from ,
t hat SUte. The lieirroes are "Oil" into !
i ii.li, .. uu. tun innies aie riu into (
l:iltinnre, w nere tucy are enrolled as i
rvueral soldiers, on an averatre ol sixty
tier uav. One pentletnan writes that '
Maryland will be a free ftate in a buudred
I5fT A IIot'SE
Vie would advise all
persons who have secured permanent em
ployment. anywhere, and arc opiosed to
"moving around,' to buy a house and lot i
if tbey have o already dune so. There j 'kiliiy lhe mmni f ,he Pub
arc many in-tancc8 in which property can j lisliers has been employed in the preparation
he pnrchrisod an time, and when
ftccurcdy you lutve a home.
. t dnlns orar erllar 4rrt
And ateofiaour Unl-r lean pat nut our flm,
An i tatnw.uo liuorr, frunt and o,
W hire ptac ud tHwilavlltjr niiM reigD."
Mr. Tiu.on Irnnht us, Ixst weclc, a
h m stalL, imasurin 1 IWt in length, j
Me wimJtT what "Jtff." and the little!
.Ii lls will t:iy about tliiH luxiiriaut
irrowth of hernp. ( Ine rUik would be suf
ficient to disease of the carcase of sonic of
the "lesser lights." 1'utttr Cu.J'a., Jour
nal. '
Hie Utioa Ohservcr sava that Jahex
fl.-iliock.or Western, Oneida county, N.
Y., irrai.ilf:itli..r of Major t.eneral flal'leck,
died tut the 17th ult., at the extraordinary
:-'e of one hundred and thre years.
The rtehel government talks of pnyin?-
tin- r.ldjcr liU-rally after the war. Its 7-MioraliU,-
reminds tia of the poor fellow's amy-. . ... m - e.
will -1 have nothing; I owe everybody ; BSSSSBlSSiS
the rest 1 give to the iou." " j By C. J. mHt.
The New Vork World declares that if IVISlffi
t!ic ' I 'etuocrats ut ."Uiue had concealed '
their rial teuumeiits. as those of New T)T K ATTT" vJ for Justice and
v,i - tev,,,,. to d.i. Ui.-? tnif:
i tted :heir -ctrt.
$ ooi 3-ia. it
C5 ,
.3 !
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ITolidays Cank3 close on
New Year 'a Day lib July Tbankiigivlflg Chrtrtmmg
Union County Official Record.
Presulrt Ju-Ik Sm'l S. Woom, LewbtowB roetOffice
AuvciuU Jud-jt Jiihji W. SlNnroiH. MiffliDbarg do
do Joum Walls, Lewubunc do
Khrrif- LaFatetti Auhuoht do do
Pmhimahiri Ju W. Sambo do do
Jieg d Rf. ucirge MemifLL, do do
District AVmmfTi Alfred Uatbs do do
Trtaturcr JuMJI A. MerTZ, do do
GmmtsMur Pr,urRicK BAirliitR.MilfliDbarr do
do J:sss M. Walter, Wionwld do
do Kdiikrt Kiel., I.AumltnD do
Oioimiwtvrt'rri.. Asi-RE Ke.SElI,LewlHurf! do
do Ctuntfl H i. JnRr.i. do do
d'l Vr-.nUrt WkiRDEKACoRfiEUUS, do do
frhool SuiXTinlndtntloHX A Ow va do
Mercantile Aypraitrr-Wn. Roshono, Nnw Berlin do
Snrvtyr Conrad SHECRLER, Forest Uill do -
Cfrtnrr Kusoa lirRAUW, lwlsburg do
Awiitrfr IiAMKi SH.frER, do do
do Hlrti'Ier THKr.w. Mifilluburg do
do J. P. 11 .jenbl'i.ji, Slilr do
AstntirStuvc ir 7'jj C II SllRiER,MilllinborK do
ColU&tr do Tiio. Oiurui, LRureitDU do
Post-Offices in Union county.
AWrti -(in Bra.ly towoi'hip) D Strohwker, P M
,i,-,,ri:uinntuwo. Kre.lyTp) - DitTld Arl.uhlo '
K nit' tw Stiirt-nlUiatom, Wh.D.TpJ Ch i. M Kin "
hluiia .... J K O.rrry w
nv.J V.'fo K!IyTu - John ll.teuea 71
Isuinhiro t onntv Sfiit) - - lieo W F-rn-ft "
I llitir,il"r X l!'M,it ... Iii llmirk "
I ti'rrH Hiil -t Fuuemille) - - Merlin Kndy "
,im.. o ... Mure M Stem
I trtltUnt .... Helen C lieyee
Ixur.Uim twrt e nd Hartley Tp) Mark Halfpenny
n-ue xnnig i.inraumT) - J rtaud-nhuh
.V'-.... EJ.dSmilh
ifi,y,.wiry Vaiiey.PuionTp) Sami A Waiter
Ropular Union county Courts open
Third MooJay in February May Sertemb'r Ited-ioVr
VT T 7iuitEl)irlv,ii! ?;
io lVa J1 JIJIKiUJIAa j
, , I
Attorney at Uw,
uw isnrBfi, run t r.
vFFICE (on Mark
U by Win Came
FFICE (on Market Si.) formerly occupied j
bv m tameron, Jr.
I , ' .11 .. I . 1 nrnr.,nn, htlcinPSX
lui.ci iinun aim uiiici ,,,n.a-,,.,,
prnlnpy aurnded to. IJlaims tcr Tensions,
timiiiiieit and arrrars of pay due from Cov'l,
n,i oUretri June 1. 1863
WorktskC fok Caxvassisg AliEXTS
Harper's Pit lorlal IliNtory.
. . i C 1
The work has been for many months in course
of preParaiu.D,by a wraer every way qualified
for the lask.
The IsTnonnrTioconlains a clear account
"f lhe "f Ihe Confederacy ol the
.' .r ,t. it...i ... ..4 ih. eoib.
i,h,neni f ihe Xational (Jovernment; the
orisin, develupmenl, and progress of ihe doc
Innes of NulliOca ion and Secession, and Ihe
various phases which they assumed, until
the final culmination in the Ureal Rebellion.
The HimiiRf comprises an account, drawn
" " ,ZV::,. I
"om tne most amnei.uc .source, .i
of ihe War iiitriciies of the Woainern leaders i
fr. ad ; the gradual detection of
. r .l,- l.,.n.
one tecIllin. ,he great Lpnsing of the teople
for t,e maint uance of ihe National Life and
p.l,,,,,.,. ,he rami! cieation of an immense I
fciisience . me rap a cie uion oi m h or
Army and .Navy; Battles by l.anU ana oea.
The iLtt sTaaTini comprise Portraits of i
me iLlisTiiATii.so . ,u .
those who have borne a prominent pan in tne
Army and .Navy ; Battles by l.ana ana oea.
airurole: Mans of different localities ; Plans
of leading aciions ; Views of scenes of inter
est, and of the mol important Rattles. These
IlluMrations are mostly from drawings taken
on ihe spot, by arnsts deputed for that purpose.
" accompany every division of our Army
and eicuii-iD of ibis worn; ana iney conn
dfinlv believe thai it will form Ihe mosllrusi.
worthy an.) atur.ble hitorv which ran he
prepared of Tli E GREAT KTRL'UULE FOR
Mixle u4 Jttm of rabllralloK.
The work will be issued in Numbers, eon
sitting of Ml pages of the size of "Harper's
Wetkti, pruned from clear type, upon fine
Paper, and Will Probably be Completed in
about Twenty Numbers.
The Numbers will be issned at intervals.
if pnRAihlc, of about three or four weeks.
The Price of each Number, which contains
manor equivalent lo an ordinary volume, will
be Twenty-rive Cents.
The Illustrations in each Number are alone
woith ihe price asked. Men out of employ
mom. especially SICK OR DISABLED SOI.
DIER ..- can find no other work so sure nf
r.i'iv sale and good profits. For farther par
ticulars, applr lo the Publishers.
Franklin Square, New Yolk
n iitx Li rvr t
'nustablrs, lor sale
,i ?.-uilU naer,l iht Chronicle OTice
'Tie 2uqutlianna 3fn"
, St. Solfurar (iiim unb cram5gcbcr. ,
, Sirb jnfiruiburii jrttn Xenntrtlua n ttut
fdirr Zmitt btiau!$t$tbtn, n it tit gtiftt
tcuifJic jcitunii tccldtc am SBrjibrarn niiitlia) ten
farri?bur jirbru-ftvirb.
Xirft 3citunj brin.it tif nif mtint n 9Iaridittn
nnt aujicrtfm bit Mcitccrcn Jfciii.iftitfn trr Ucun
ticS im Wind ycnitfslvanicii, tccrin jit jitfulirt
yrti 1,1 Hi ta Jalr, ttoinucrau btsabtt, cttr
in ten ttftcn 4 S3c. 1.'5 wtnn bcjaMt in
btn trfun 8 Si'cnatcit U insi, nnb $1,50
ttcim fri'tcr.
rtiir S'ff.inntntiicbuniirn tuirb bcrtdnirt ; tin
Sqii.ut uen 11 Stciticn iHr?irr fiir t.ii jabr 5i.
Mur;iic i!if,i:ininnicl'Ui!rttn in i-trtal imp.
FI1HE undersiRoed, having loaned hisfurni-
ture, fixtures and utensils lo Mr. H-I-SI'Mihm
fur ihe period of ene year, and is
aboul lo remove lemporarily from l.eirishur?,
taken this method of reiurnin; his thanks to
the people of l.ewisburj and vicinily for iheir
uniform kindness and ihe liberal support lliey
have given him during his residence among
ihem. lilGIIAIil) H. COOPER.
Lewisburg, April 20, IXC3
i.f Ih
nndersijned, having ohiained Ihe nse
he furniture, fixtures and utensils of
Mr. Rim ard M. Cuurka, will coniinue the
Bakery, Confectionery and .Notion business,
al ihe old stand, on Market strerl, for the pe
riod of one year. He hopes by strict aitrntion
to business to merit ihe palronage heretofore
extended to this establishment.
H 1.. M'MAHO.V,
Lewisburg, April 20, I8fi3
Snuff am! Tobacco Manufaclarcr,
16 & 18 CHAMBERS ST.,
(Formerly 42 Chamber!! street, New Vnrk,)
Wort.U caU Ihe ailention of Dealers to
lo the articles of his manufacture, viz t
Maeahoy, Ix-niiirrne,
Floe Rappee, 1'ure Virginia,
Cvar.-e iteppee, AiarhilocheR,
Auinrican UentlcmRn, Cvefnbagen.
Styitrh. IloneT Dew Seoteh,
lhh Toajit Seoteh, Fre-h llony llew Seotrb,
Iri-h Itih rator Lumlyfont, Fn-fh S.ilrh.
tT& Atlntiim ii wV'rt ln4hr iurm reiiucti'm in priret nf
Ftnr-t'Ht Ihruino afl .Vi.Atfj iutatcciNi, which wtU be
f'nU " a A'ueriwr cw.iiy.
(iwoKisa. pie riir cio:r i.'ii. rwokivo
liDir, P. A. L., or plain, 8. Jnuo,
No. I, ('av.odih. tir Sweet, Spanleli,
N. 'Z. Sweet Se,-nled OrnntiCO. Cenaater.
No. l 3nnl, Tin Fjil Carendieu, iQrki.h.
K. U. A circular of prices will be sen ton
application. March 16, '6:tyl)
The undersisnctl have as-
::" 4sor.iRlei1 themselves into r.onarl-
&f7?iSn7r3nership for ihe purpose of carry-
" i n g uu the Lumbering, I'lanin?,
andCarpenlering buainess in all their various
branches, al ihe
CcnitGbnrg Gtcam planing Rills,
where they intend lo keep a slock of Tine
Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, ih, Ma
ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring tshel
vms, Hiding, Mhingles, Lath. Joists, Studding,
Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frame,
Honrs, rjhutters, Ulinds, Sash, Mouldings,
Brackets, Ac. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw
ing, Ac.., done at shorl notice and all work
warranted to give satisfaction, both in rice
and workmanship.
lewlehnrt Planing Mill, April I, 1W
T B CHRIS P. Esii..ha removed his Of-
I tire to the building of Jonathan Spyker.
.North of ihe Court House, and immediately
opposite the Buffalo House, where he will at-
tend to all manner of business at his olfice
with dispatch and promptness in his line of
business. (Speaks both English and Herman.)
April I, IBB2. L. B. CHRIST.
J. 8. Marsh. FShorklry, r.r.Shnrklry. P. Beaver
lA.ciYltiirr, Pa.
WE he co neural It on hutid nn fr !,
Hnpr, Mwr and (1nvr 1nrvst' rt; ,'rain ail flAtu
Swl'r.-; Hand ttvtt Inrt' I'owr Omt Sffli'rs; 7n Tw
ai Fnur ltTt Trfatl, Swsp and iVoH lowers; 1rrT
Hnll-TK, td rtr, Thwhtrt, Jltiwa, . W. Irrm
Fr.mtn fur tttrt.hngt, inm h-ncfji. Raiting. MtU Urarinff$
c. c.,rt'l hnh onnwUen r'iJy t 11 time to w all
iiirnii nt KnririiiT lti iE.- wit h lU ntmoct .rr'ctn
i .i. .t. nr..L MiTinfirtnrot Invsriahlv
a)liciMl andpromptly ar" ' led to. Junel. 18M)
Oni-jht, CoUIt, t'rm-a, frnup, Ifourmw, Jtr.mrhiti,
Jnrumoni't, tlrflf;" the. It, arising frtt
Jwipimt Omtumptitm, and fur the rtlirf and ft at aU
potittrlt) cure of ilitttnU tn advanced ttaj of the loiter
1M1K imlfMimlr CwilUl ntirt'ly ft Vtci-UW frndar
tion.mmbinini; tr hfulirtc pmprrtirn r.t thr lUlnatn,
Uh the invifComtiiiR qualitifit of Cor.liI, produrinz
enoibiotition no wll a'UUJ to tb0puroe int9iiletl,
thftt therr arf bat fw cw 01 aifram wriicd will noi, ac
u Mrlflwicil.iQaoiiibtoltilwiliBginfl liiTiiig
tr .,.,, hmt the treatment of polmnnary fH"aftt fc.
enpiei 'h. ,re.ter p..ruon of th. .uejUo, M,r tb,Mi.n.
tilir of the mxliral aorl.1. hut none aoired more emi-
n,nrejnhi, tre.,m.nt of theee dieaee..thn the eele-
brated Prnin nr ii,riand, the ori(inatr of the Bat-
amir Crdial. llililewadeoteil totheprtnlurtlonnr
lhit woud ,nd uuriv,. ,,.. wM b, h
,0eree.led. the Ameriean people are able to ju.tie: and
we pontively ..rt that no preparation, that ha ever
beenpl.eed before them, heconf.rre.l thesam. amount
f teB,ntt ,aurinr hnmanity.nr hae elieiied no
,ucw,lMj. the Am.riran people are able to ju.tie: and
nr mmendt.onj from , cl of Mirieiy. a the
remrdioi of Ht11nd, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackaon A
Co , of rtitivif-ipiii.
The Cordial imWifined fur aelanofdleaae)imoreffen
en I and oiore fatal than any other to whit h the people
of thin country are pabjwt th'te Fprinrin? from m
pMffht eoM " That eminent anthorlty. Ir. Rrll,paT:
M I will not uav that OM art to our inhabitant what
the I'laKue and Yellow Fm are tn thone of ottv-r coun
trieii ; hut I ckd arer confidently that they uher in dia
eaaeof greatweooipllcity and mortality than theae latter
Read what the eminent OU Munnfartnrer. JO?i M.
Da. C. N. JKor Reaper ted Friend : II h vine rWra
lonfc tira- been affjnalated with the Tirtned of thy ftAle
SAM1C CORDIAL in toiifha, Cotda. Inflammation nf the
Ludics Ac. 1 thup freely bar tefttiroony to itc efficacy,
for MTeral yeara I have never been without it in my
family. It If a1o give me plfaffure toatate that I have
ued it with entire ne.na in the treatment nf Rowel
Omplainta. Thv frieod truly, JOHN M. WIIITALi.
Fifth Mo. 1T,1H.S8. Kace at. above 4tb, Phi lad a.
Tbeaa medfelaea are fnr rate hv mil respectable
DruKsrlat and dealerp in medicine in the United ltatea.
Canadaa. Brlti-b I'ro.inoea. and Weat lndie. at ;5renta
ture of C. M. JaekannoD the wrntipor of each bottle: all
other areeounterfeit. Priori pal Offlea and ManuCacto-
ry, 411 Arch etreet. Philadelphia, Pa.
Old Post-Office Stand.
A LARGE supply of Bnokstationery,
J Perfnmery, Jewelry, Toys, Confection
eries, Teas, Spices, Fruit, Nats, Basktes,
Pictures, and a variety of NICK NACKS for
sale cheap by
763 . H W CROTZER, Lewisburg
JOHN A. MERTZ, Esq, has removed bis '
Office on Market St. two doors west of
Ihe Lewisburg Bank, where he will attend to ;
all manner or business in his line with
promptness. Speaks hoih English and Ger-
Lewiibur-, Arr,l 1, isrj )
man. t rit-r"j
QLara L. rai.n asp tn.j
Lewisburg PUning Mill,
Majerp constantly oa hand and
tuaiiulaciure to order I'loorluaT, Sldlag,
Ur,Sih, Shutter. Illlnds,
ItloaldinKH of all patterns,
and all other descriptions of Wood Work used
in Building.
Orders respectfully solicted and promptly
filled. All work warranted to give satisfaction
t"?"An extensive lot of Lumber of all
descriptions on hand for sale.
t'urliiry on ArA Second ttreet,Lewiburg,l'a
April 22, 1 859.
C'O.4 L TO L CO t L.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand
a lar?e assortment of the very best Sha
mkinand Wilkes-Barre COAL, for limeand
stove purposes, which he will sell at the very
lowest prices for Cash.
Also, Blacksmith" Coal, Plaster and Salt.
Wish it distinctly understood, lhat f will not
be undersold hy any man Having good
weigh-scales, full weight will be given.
Coal Yard near Weidensaul's hotel.
Lewisburg;, May S7,'5.
For the Harvest of 1S63!
The most approved Agricultural Imple
ments now in the Market I
jmrKAtiTitKii nr
ClirCD UfallC CUOIfc'CD 0. PO
OLirtn, II AI.Ldi OlinillR.fi Or bUi,
Lewisburg, Fu.
pufkfijc licajjfr elloturr.
f MHC unprecedented success of the lluck
L eye'" is the strongest pro.f of us superior
excellency. The BUCKEYE has caused a
complete lievolulion in the Manufacture ol
KEAI'ISG ASP MOW1SG Machines, and
its reputation is so well established that il is
scarcely necessary lo particularize its advan
tages. We will, however, call the attention
of Ihe farmers lo a few of Us merits.
Pawls and Springs, by which the machine
may be thrown out of gear, or be backed
without vibrating the knives the Steel Cutter
Bar the Wrought Iron liuard, with Hardened
Steel Face or Cutting Edge the Double-
Hinged Joint, by which ihe Cutler Bar mav
be Folded the long Crank halt ihe Steel
Spring and Wheel, by which the Cutler liar
may be raised and lowered so as to cut as
low to the ground as may be desired the
Steel Pitman and Brass Box its Light Draft
(no Side Drad) no weighl on Ihe horses"
necks backs as easily as a cart all of
which form a combination of advantages
which no other machine possesses.
Ko Gearing on the Driving Wheels.
A leain of horses weighing 9o0 lbs. each,
will cut an acie of grass an hour wiih ease.
The machine is furnished with two Culler
Bars one for culling grass, and the other for
cutting grain (.each expressly adapted to Ihe
use intended).
No effort will, be wanting to maintain the
Buckeye in theenviable position il now occu
pies, lhat of being the
Best machine in the World !
The subscribers return Iheir sincere
thanks to Iheir friends for Ihe generous sup
port Ihe? have received in introducing the
celebrated Buckeye Keaper and Mower into
Central and Northern Pennsylvania, and are
much indebted lo them lor their warm greet
ings and kind offices in recommending il lo
Iheir friends and neighbors.
For Certificates. 4tc, see Circulars, which
may be had of anv of Iheir Agents.
Thev also manufacture Itlejcr'i Pat
ent rixtnii Grain Drill, which is
acknowledged lo be the BEST SEED SOW
ER IN USB, and the only one which
Also, the KejNtonc Clover lluller,
which cleans thorouchly, without in the feast
injuring the seed. Will clean more in the
same tune than any other machine in use.
They also manufacture and keep on hand
for sale Darling's Tread Pfitcee and Thresher ;
Telegraph Fodder Cutler (tivo tizer) ; Conking
'Horn, among which is ihe celebrated "Con
tinental ;" I'arlur anil Office Slant, ami all
kind of Citut anr! Wrought Iron and Itrass
Ccutrut Foundry, Lewisburg, I'a.
March .11, lsr.2.
rpHE Pennsylvania Railroad Company
having this day taken possession of the
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, under the con
ditions agreed on wiih the Philadelphia &
Eric Railroad Company, ihey have appointed
JOSEPH D. POTTS. General Manager there
of, to whom all Officers and Employees will
report for insttuctions.
President Penn'a Railroad Company.
Office of the Penn'a Railroad Co., )
Philadelphia, Jan. ill), 1862. $
General Order, Uo. 1.
To tale Effect on and after Jan. SO, 18C2.
I. The Western IMvImIoii, from
Warren lo Erie, will be under the Superin
tendence of JAMES LEWIS, whose title will
be Superintendent of the Western Division.
His Ofliee will be at Erie. Employees on Ihis
Division will be under his charge, and will
make all communications respecting Iheir j
duties or Ihe business of the road, to hint, ,
except as otherwise provided in ihis Order. I
II. The Kaxtern Olt IkSoii, from
Sunburv to Whelham. will be under the sup- j
erintendence of SAMUEL A. BLACK, whose
title will be Superintendent, of ihe Eastern
Division. Employees on ihis Division will be
under his charge." and will make all commit
nicaiions respecting their duties or the busi
ness of ihe road, lo him, except as otherwise
provided in this Order.
III. The Account!! orFreight and Pas
senger Business will, on Ihe Western Divis.
ion, be in the immediate charge of JOHN C.
BOGGS, whose title will be Assistant Audit
or. His Office will be at Erie. On the Eastern
Division they will be in immediate charge of
THOMAS M. DAVIS, whose Idle will be As
sistant Auditor. His Odice will be in Will
iamsport. He will also have charge of the
distribution of Passenger Ticket over both
All communications respecting Freight and
Passenger accounts by Employees oa either
Division, will be made lo ihe Assistant Audi
tor ihereof.and respecting supplies of Tickets
to TaoHAS M. Davis.
JOS. 1). P0TT8. General Manager.
i ma
Pennsylvania Railroad C ompany,
Lessee Philad. A Erie K. K.
General Manager's Office,
Wtlliamsport, Jan. 30, 1862.
0 on Market Square, Lewisburg. 3
A good supply of Chair', Table,
Bureau, Stand, Ac, on hand or mad
srdew DAVID GINTER. (826
T7IVERT Evening during the season,
J J lies supplied on short notice.
Five-Twenty U. S. Loan !
Union Co, is Agent for the tale of Ihe
United. Slates Six per Cent. Five-Twenty
Years' Loan.
Amounts can be ha I to suit the means of
different individuals. The Inierest on this
Loan is payable and will be paid in Gold. !)U
iwasw - Xa3
At jonx sqriRES'.
Fine qualities Ladies Gaiters at ?2,
Best quality home-made Kid and
Morocco Hoots at
A lanro assortment of Dalmoral
lSoots uud Gaiters
at equally low prices,
Opposite the Bank, Lewisburg.
C.entlemeii'M riirnlxhlns; Store,
vlJ Alarka St., just above the Bank,
The subscriber has removed into the new
filled and commodious Storeroom of Thomas
Reber.whrre he has just received a large and
well selected slock of
Cloths, Casimeres, Silks, Shirts, Drawers, Ac.
I also CUT AN D MAKE TO ORDER in the
best style and most reasonable terms. Being
a practical Tailor, and employing the besl
workmen, I can conrid?uily invite both Old
and Arte Cwtlouirrt do n't forget the Sigu
The Red Door!
May 2, 1HM
AT an Election held by the Storkholders
of ihe Lewisbur" Cemeterv.ihe under
signed was elected Treasurer, and all moneys
for lots, grave-diggmg, Ac, must be paid lo
him. Persons interested will please note the
Those now indebted lo ihe Cemetery Asso
ciation are requested to make immediate pay
Lt-wiiibiirR-, Jan. 20, IFrcniA
"Cv.' If
1 ""B r
HERE we will fiml a large assortment
latest styles
such as French and English ail wool Cloth,
from $2.50 np $i(i.m. Knoiiy Bovs' Cas
simere.anl Silk Mixed Cassimeres. Satinetls,
Ac. C lotlllna; of all descripnons ; Men's
and Boys' Wear Whole Suns lor ijso
lhat is. cloih coal, satid vest, cassimere pants.
Summer Sinn f,.rS50. Also, a large as
sonment of Hats, Caps, Ac, such as M'Clet
!an. Garibaldi. Opera, high and low crowned
Hals, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Collars. Shins,
Suspenders, L'mbrellas. Neck Ties. Vc.
to save from 25 lo 50 per cent,, and gel the
Latest Styles.
Also, (ioods Cut and made to order, and in
the latest style. Always from five to ten !
hands at work.
Call opposite John Walls & Co.'s Store.
Market street. Lewishnrg.
March II, '63 N. R. ZIMMERMAN.
illiip of Union Conutij.
"1 t OL'NTED on rollers,varnished,engraved
and lithographed in Philad. in the besl i
style of the an 30 by 4U inches in sige on j
a scale of lj inches to the mle. This Map
was carefully surveyed in 1H58, and is reas-)
onably correct. Each Township is colored, i
and lhere are theTown Plots and No.s of Lots
in Lewisburg. Mifflinbtirg, New Berlin, Har-!
tleton, and New Columbia. Mountains and :
Streams are Iraced the Public Roa.ls, with j
the distance in perches between roads which t
intersect also Names of Farm-Owners gen-;
erally. Church and School Houses. Mills. &c.
The Court House, two of the Lewisburg I'ni-'
versily Buildings, the Lewisburg Boat Yard,!
Ihe Union Furnace at Winfield, and Union i
Seminary at New Berlin are represented in a I
separate engraving each. !
Every Farmer and person of business sh'd
have one of these Maps for ornament or for i
reference and information. j
The original subscription price was .$.1,50, :
now reduced to $J onlv. I fFor sale at I
ihe Hilar 4r Chronicle Olfice, and by
Da. S. L. BECK, Lewisburg
Last tiiid Best News !
"ITJE have just received from Philadelphia
W and New York, a very large and well
selected stock of
which we offer al very reduced prices. We
have paid particular attention in the selection
of this slock of (ioods a very large assort-
ment of DRY GOODS f every descrip-.
lion. Purchasers will liiol il their advantage I
to give us a call as in prices we defy any of
our neighboring towns for competition. VVe
have also replenished our stock of f.roce
riCM, Hards are,Jjiieengfvare,&c.
TIAiVe Marsh Lime, Calcined Plaster,
and Hydraulic Cement,
always kept on hand.
change for Goods as usual.
N.B. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain.
Lewisburg, April 83, 18B2 $
An Rnerlent m.A S... .-!.!- I. n S' I
Bedafoiyrn-n anil earnon l.y combnution In hTdroven.
Mnetloned by the hiicbrat Medical Authorities, both in
Ruropa.nd tlva United EUtea, and praaeribad ia their
The eiperleaea orthonaanrl. dally nroraa that o pra
f"""" f 'ron ran be compared with it. Impurities ol
the blood, depression or vital enarrr, pale and otherwise
ti-klj ronplexionR, indicate its nectawitjr in Rlnjoatavary
oonceiTahle eRsa.
Innoiioua In all maladies in which It has been tried
It bas proved absolutely curativa in each of tba follow
Inf enmplaiata. via:
In Voiiv, 'mmt Afedvmt, Tmaeiatirm. Dytprprim,
Chultpatum, tiiarrhaajis!inlerf. incipient tliuvMii,.,
SWuona Tuhe.reuiofit, Anil h'hevm. MUmenttruatitm,
H 'ltl'i. rlarasac, Lirrr Omplaints, t"tronic Hmdmehes,
JUieumatum, Inlermittent town, ttmpla on taa Ucc, afe.
Put np in neat flat metal boxes eontlrlniog SUpilla,
arts, iu cents par boa ; for sale by dTi(iiu and danlers.
Will be sent free to any address on rereipt of tha prica.
All lattera, orders, eteshonld be aojnrcssed to
B. B. LOCKS a Co , tlenerRl Azents.
JlSil aiCRDARM., Ji. I.
S'Jd in Lewisburg hy
t Co c VV Scfeaflle t S CaUscll
, I A Joint Resolution propositi"; curlaiu
Amendment tu the Constitution
BC il resolved by ihe Senate and Honse of
Representatives 'ol the Commonwealth
ol PenukVlvania is Oeneral Assembly met.
Thai the lullowiiig amendments be proposed
lo Ihe Constitution ol Ihe Commonwealth, in
u,il. IK nm imviiii. ul the. leilth i
article ihereof.
There shall be an additional section to me
Ka?.:'!.':.- -r,rlir.w "
"-Srctio" 4. Whenever any of .he qualified
eleclors of Ihis Commonwealth shall be in
any actual military service, under a reqn.si-
Hon from the Pres.deni of the United States,
h ,h. .mhnrm of this Commonwealth.
the eleventh article of ihe Constitution, to b.
designated as sections eight and nine, at
SicTins . No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature containing more than one subject,
which shall be clearly expressed in the title,
except appropriation bills
isstTiux t. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature granting any powers or privileges
in any case where ihe autnoriiy lo grant such
powers or privileges has been or may here
after be coiilerred upon Ihe Courts ol ihis
Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA.
Speaker ol Ihe House of Representatives
Hpeaker of the Senate
Office of ihe Secretary of the Common- )
lih, Hairisburg, July 1, 1813. j
I rl hereby cerlifv thai ihe foregoing
- l J-and annexed is a lull, true and correct
-s copy of the original Joint Resolution of
the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Res
olution proposing certain Amendments lo the
Constiuiiion," as the same remains on file in
this office.
In Te.iimony Whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, and caused the seal of ihe Secrela
tary's office lo be affixed, ihe dav and rear
above wrillen. El. I SLIKER.
Secretary of the Common wealth
T IXDSEY'-S Improved
Li ciirooo t:ARf,nt:R,.Q)
fax th vpriHlv.niiliral tJ effect ent tit AI.MiwaVaW
riMD.! from IMH I.1TY (tf TDK BL)NjI!
HP II 18 roslirlnp hu wrought ihe oioat mtraculoa'cur-M
in left rte umi ut
rt.ta.Dff.Uf tia-P.
l'mtpi th tur.
Old. nturitK-rn L trrrit,
Tfiltr dtifD,
l'ppi. Jnatlic.
iVltrrunail ii"'aMMttt
tit-r Cf-mplsint.
Titar Snirit.
Kryfifwlma, boil,
hore Lm. Senld lltii,
!b'llliaitrl &iOTlttt
HU Ithnutn.
tinrrl rtrbililT,
JRpw nf Appetite
Kin) t-toinan-h.
Vftitklr Com plaint mnA U ltiwaa lif lug thelxorlgin
In vn impitrtt lie of thf KlAod.
Tht bov m portrait nf .itl M'Crvarr of NapM
Twp.wtjo, od the ;ilt tiny of Aii)(ust,lv, matJ-fafl.iaT it
brurt? J ant iff Uorlrv that b hk trrmtrd tor the ror"
C.ickR hy thr1 phmcinc nf benlford ecu ntr. and by Ir.
Ntrton of tli Kclftir Colle.'r, Cine innati. fr a pvriod
of DarW ritihr monlh. DntwubftaixlitJit wlitvh hu tip,
4ie, and a portum nf hs Uft rhrrJi me entirrly eaUn
atnay J lit had ritcu up all h'lpf, hen he h-arl ot thr
"lilooj Sari'her."anfl was irnjui-vt tf tr it. four hot
tlraeurvd btm, ami (although Jly iifltfarl there
iii ijufption hut tbii inaluai)If nuiliciiitf rmwi d hif lite.
The full partK-ulsr of t hi remarltnt.le rae may bcaetB
io a Circula.r tu t-r had of any of the Ac-ntii.
W altxt rrfVr t a ne f Nnnry Blakne-y.of Eldrrton.
Arntroni; Co I'a . rurfd of Resort la after being unable
to jrvt out of tel fur thr- yt-nr-R.
Tu the raft of a lalv In AnoonTHTp.CIemrflfldCosbo
wa alun afllirltl with .-rofula in ttjt w..rt form.
To th caiap cf Oniric MpIktI, r"Hioir n I'arrolltowai.
Camhria Co., Pa , who wan " hailly nfl'i',trl with 'anr
that it tat hin enfirt- eff, and hi caae wan wow, if
prpilit, than MVrrarv.
f be rart.-illari ot thee ra ip-pterT one of whieh wan
cured hy the uiwof tli "B'ro.1 Jarrhtrw may lo b
found in n Cirrnttr h-1 "f nm of rhe Aife ntn.
K. II. lifllsr K. Pmprlriur. rilubHre, P.
9)I.aoorMt(ir for th- iiianiit-turfa(l -tale, n-mf tli
r nna t ailrd Ie.t. Hllidavturr. I'a. f.drt by C.
W. ;i.-hMti.e. I.ews.,.irc: Wrn.-ht i Haufk, Buffalo .
Hondo; KudT A li'mmflri-ifh. r'armrill ; rumminrf
A W.lm.r. lUrrt.-l.m; I 11 lli--ll. Miffiitihnrc . 1-
ttamm, H'iufield; thindte A Wat;eoller, elinnjcroTr;
ICE... fC'C... ICE !
THF. undersigned are putting np an ICE
IIOI SI. Iar:e enough to supply all our
people with Ice during Ihe whole year. Ice
can be delivered in town, daily, at a cheaper
rate than private Ice Houses can be filled.
riCall on either of us on North 4th St. or
ct the Ice House below the River Bridge.
II A. WHlliKSSst'I.,
Lewlabur. ?tn.-n. 1SK0
If L. MOW RY has removed his PhotO
j. itrapli tXahlimliment ' ihe
New Building on Market street, reeenllv or
enpied by Dr. Borlan. OPPOSITE THE
B ANK, where he has lined up one of ihe
Finest Galleries in the Country !
Having superior facilities and a long ex
perience, he is satisfied that his work cannot
be beaten. Call and tesi his workmanship.
Lewisburg, Aug. 15, '62.
rflHE undersigned intends supplying the
citizens of Lewisburg with Pure Milk,
commencing about Ihe lAth inst. Persons
wishing lo be supplied, will please send in
their names lo him, a! ihe Lewisburg Bridge.
The Milk will be delivered (daily except Sun
days) morning or evening, as preferred by a
majority of customers. SAM'L SLIFER.
Lewisburg, April in, ISM
Science still on the Advance !
SURGEON and Merhani-..
cal Uentlat. Ollice in the
Dr. Brugger's new building. Market siree;,
(western entrance, np stairs) LEVMSBUKG.
lie RCKI.AN is now constructing Ihe Non-
sectional Block work, baked on Platina base,
which for cleanliness, beauty and strength
has no equal also teeth mourned on the var
ious Bases in nse and having had a long j
and extensive practice, and being perfectly
familiar with every depanmem oi nis proies-
superior qualities of ihe Non-sectional work
will be evident 10 all who will give it an im-'.
partial examination. Dr. Bnrlan is Ihe only
person who constrnct this excellent work in
this section of country. -
r-au , , .. .
All uaiA;e sunn cut I cspom wiiii iiiat ;
times. Lewisburg, Sept. J, ' S3 1 j
$5 Reward
"ITILL be paid by the School Board of East
V BulTaloe township to any person a ho
will inform upon any one committing depre
dations or defacing in any wav any of ihe
School Houses of said District, during ihe
present year. Bv order of ihe Hoard :
W. I. I.IN.N, ttVc'y
such electors may exercise ine rieni i u.- ; f mT ang I ffd OHI, laille FtMiht
frase in all elections by the. citizens, urnler i ... , . J""1".
such regulal.ons as are or shall be prescribed ; V .JiS'J'atn' '".,
bv law.as fully and effectually as if they were siov, Pol.sh. Nuts Snufn rb.ceu, figa,
presen at thcr usual plac,, of elecimn. ",," ,S' '','he froc" '""-.0
F There shall be two additional sections h":h..he " ,h 1"C, f-
" fX:f1J -as,
Sion, ne lecia sait e. " at thr .a, rnte R r a kiossror.riorler p.r a '""V
faction in all his operations, which shall be i etswiil p.. ,r ur months, Tact. k.r.n .iV
W . .. -t.:ir..o.. -r. 1 - ! or.Wht nnnlh. rfol roe rixteea Biokths. 3 !! 1
careiuity anu i..u,.y ,.c,.o..e... , ,,T M,$l0 utm.'
PUii m II and examine specimens. The i " vr s! . ... .. v. ..i ir'l
Provision Store
fl'HE subscriber lias just cpertea pa ,
1 Oroceijf and Previo Store, m HmJ
baugh's bnilding (talc K reamer's Tiashrp)
Wtt end of Market Square
vh" h .b" m
j w "
j u. h Codec, Tea, Chocola.e. Sugar, It
! Molasse, F.vh, 9a t, Sp.eeS.V.neSar, Ra,.
I Br.he. I ub, Bucl,ei.,A,,.B
J-b-oe. Lg . I ru. Fru, I t..,, Or.
I Lemons, Crackers, tlolhes Pias.
Cash or CutiDlry Prod u re.
Lewisburg. May 7. I6I
Taruly grcceoyV
rjMIE undersigned has opened a New
in Ihe rooms recently occupied by W. M. EIIli,
near the old Hayes stand. Market slreel.Lrw.
ishurg. where he is always prepartd to
furnish ihe public with Ihe best of
Collt-e. Tea. Susrar. Spire, Katt,
Candies, JFrulls, riob, ft'lur
& Feed. heeae, .e.. c,
tngeiher with all other articles aanally kept
in such an establishment al ihe lowest priest
'Jail and give him a trial.
Drake's Plantation Buiers for sale.
Jan 30,'6:j. PATH AN MITCH ELL, Aft
V17EST BRANCH Insurance CompiT.
V of Lotk llat en, rat.
Insures Properly in both Town and Coun
try on as reasonable Terms as any etktr
good C mpany.
1 he large increase of Premium Notes make
it a reliable Company lo insure in.
aastinl orrmaluai Males awwlnlaKe,tSseM.W
J.W.L'atara, Sec -G.C.Harvrv, Prci
Dee IS. lfll) Lewjaborg
Watt-lies, Jewelry and Silver Ware.
No. 624 Market St. PHILADELPHIA
THE undersigneal would
A-vL. respectfullv invne your a
VrT "' lo his well seltelerl
siock ol Finv tiold and Silver WATCHES.
Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every variety at
styles comprising ail of thenrnwafaad most
beautiful Heign$.
Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, rquml 'lm
C.,in and Ihe besl make of iirrer Plated.
Ware Each article is warrnnted to U u
IV Watches and Jewelry carefully r
paired and satisfaction guaranteed.
(Suceejaer to Stauffer 4 Har lev.')
Febroarr 27. Iri63.
IHE snbsrribers have for sale
(tn lots in suit purchasers')
a large stock of
PISt: BOARDS rne Stuff J
Plank. Ac. Also S.OOO PIAlv RAILS.
26 inch Sawed Shingles superior quality.
Also Square Timber for Buildings:
Which are otfered low for cash, al our Mi'fs
on .South Branch of ihe White Deer Creek in
Hartley township or delivered on ibe Brush
Valley Narrows road at the end of war Road.
nA Diploma for a superior sample ot
Planks, and a Premium for Rails and Shiag.
Ies,were awarded us at the last I'nion Co.Ag.
tyvt .resl Hill P O, Cninn Co, Pa
Hew Stand---New Goods!
JOSEPH L. HA w X having taken the
J rooms under the Telegraph ami Chronicle
offices, refitted them, and filled in an extensive,
variety of
7tfs, Cup, Gentlemen's Clothing, ifr.
Also a large and splendid stock of CLOTHS
CASSIMERES. 4c, which he will maJreuafe
order, as he still continues the Tailoring Basl.
ness. He is prepared to execute all work
entrusted lo his care.io the satisfaction of the
N. B. Cutting and Repairing, door to
order. Lewisburg. f pril 10, l6l
w.ao MACQM a ort ii.iri.TM
fOT rhfMnul aSi. rhitedrlphim.
li.wMioimi aw- or the newen utile. T.jrtt.nr an
R n i nee Carla, rrtfraved and pnated at the ahorleal
notir. A verv full aM.rtar.ent f r'INK ltatM.aerr
alwyon har.l. lmttala in Color, and every watietyef
KinttVsins. artistically eieeuteti. Any nfyle nf Payer
anj Knvarlone made to onler Joae UtJ, IStO
rPHE subsirilier eon-
L tinnes to carry on the
I.lvcrj- BiiMlneaisi at
ihe Old Siaml on s. n h
Third street, near Market, and respeelfulls
solicits the paironage ot his friends and t
public generally. CHARLES F. HESS.
Lewisburg, May !2, I SMI
ACt TiIDl S and eniertainng 'illle Book
(all abonl Matrimony, Money, and ma
er mailers,) for ihe amusement of every bfif
(ano the yi nng folks, also,) on long winter
evening-, rainy days, etc Priet. 10 cent.
Wholesale,!. Cents. Sent by mail for serve
3 cent stamps. For sale at Ihe "Sfirrt Cirvm
ice" olfice. WORDEN CORAM it
Pnblishrrr. Iraisbnrff a
Attention, musicians
ieL A laree assortment of
VJv Violins, Guitars. e of a.l
R-tV , .1.., 'tnllD. taDiiar.
and Banio Strings-, Bridges. Pegs, e. and th
iwr p I C-N IC.-wt
uWan jnmp late the Wagon, and nil take a rid
i LARGE, handsome
and very comforta
ble WtGOX has been,
fined np for ihe especial accommodation
Pic-Nic and other similar excursions. Trra
moderate. Apply to JOS. M. HOUSEL.
Lewisburg, Jnne 3, 1S59.
rjriier, Coqoiij Jllr & F.clrU5qlrg Clri:'
bsnrd Frldajs, at UwhUjarg.lalsa mail, W
TEK MS-V, SO par year, n si ri is aaa.nn-"
received in told, po-tam stsmpa, or bank R' H
Rlne h-re. Mna kinds ot rrodoee treeivab IB P.T 1t,
' (UDi, . b.e a runm aceonati n is stoi i-kv.
AovcRtn.tnrsTs handsomely pakikhrj. at "J
j r;, ...Vl'lSrct.; !
months, a dol. per year. Half a aqnare -ci ,
ai-IA h.B th (Ihm. i.,im fcir ahfeR aster o
dol.adol. Twoaouares l.at'.4.lK.sW. crro.--
not over one-ronrtb of a column, 10 do!, per ..a ,4
sizes. e. as may be atreed npon. A square '-'", ,
smalla.! tvpe, or IS ol neat tarter. AdrrtlenR"
dcmoraliiioR, illeaal. or swindling lnuocv Rot"
Cnmmnnicitions desired oa topic. ot '"' d.
an,l MeosApaoied bv Ihe writer's real "' ,. v
Th. tA.:MmOTal.tiKAI'H i. lee.''" '
Of th. .NTur l,-.ron..'.bv hKh .."' merrtllal"
News In advance of the I'hllsd lisn. R
i ri in ft t ..,
Conoert.a aiih the otne are ample ; """ .,.
. kinds of JOB FrTlr.Tlli:5.ht.b.ill
, ne.ln.s. and .! spat, h and e """'a. iooef j
i jzzx-JrtrtZ
I .IV 7